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synced 2025-02-16 15:50:45 +00:00
Autogen Class List
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# BakedLight
####**Inherits:** [Spatial](class_spatial)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ Base class of anything 2D.
* **BLEND_MODE_ADD** = **1** - Additive blending mode.
* **BLEND_MODE_SUB** = **2** - Substractive blending mode.
* **BLEND_MODE_MUL** = **3** - Multiplicative blending mode.
* **NOTIFICATION_DRAW** = **30** - CanvasItem is requested to draw.
* **NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY_CHANGED** = **31** - Canvas item visibility has changed.
* **NOTIFICATION_ENTER_CANVAS** = **32** - Canvas item has entered the canvas.
@ -29,13 +29,14 @@
* **BG_PARAM_CUBEMAP** = **2**
* **BG_PARAM_ENERGY** = **3**
* **BG_PARAM_MAX** = **5**
* **FX_GLOW** = **0**
* **FX_DOF_BLUR** = **1**
* **FX_HDR** = **2**
* **FX_FOG** = **3**
* **FX_BCS** = **4**
* **FX_GAMMA** = **5**
* **FX_MAX** = **6**
* **FX_FXAA** = **0**
* **FX_GLOW** = **1**
* **FX_DOF_BLUR** = **2**
* **FX_HDR** = **3**
* **FX_FOG** = **4**
* **FX_BCS** = **5**
* **FX_GAMMA** = **6**
* **FX_MAX** = **7**
* **FX_PARAM_GLOW_BLOOM** = **1**
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Base node for geometry based visual instances.
* **FLAG_BILLBOARD_FIX_Y** = **2**
* **FLAG_DEPH_SCALE** = **5**
* **FLAG_MAX** = **7**
* **FLAG_MAX** = **8**
### Description
Base node for geometry based visual instances. Shares some common functionality like visibility and custom materials.
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
* void **[set_lossy_storage_quality](#set_lossy_storage_quality)** **(** [float](class_float) quality **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_lossy_storage_quality](#get_lossy_storage_quality)** **(** **)** const
* void **[fix_alpha_edges](#fix_alpha_edges)** **(** **)**
* void **[premultiply_alpha](#premultiply_alpha)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_size_override](#set_size_override)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) size **)**
### Numeric Constants
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ IP Protocol support functions.
* [int](class_int) **[get_resolve_item_status](#get_resolve_item_status)** **(** [int](class_int) id **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_resolve_item_address](#get_resolve_item_address)** **(** [int](class_int) id **)** const
* void **[erase_resolve_item](#erase_resolve_item)** **(** [int](class_int) id **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[get_local_addresses](#get_local_addresses)** **(** **)** const
### Numeric Constants
@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
| | | | | | |
| --- | ------- | --- | ------- | --- | ------- |
| **@** | [@GDScript](class_@gdscript) | | [InputEventKey](class_inputeventkey) | | [RigidBody](class_rigidbody) |
| | [@Global Scope](class_@global scope) | | [InputEventMouseButton](class_inputeventmousebutton) | | [RigidBody2D](class_rigidbody2d) |
| **A** | [AABB](class_aabb) | | [InputEventMouseMotion](class_inputeventmousemotion) | | [Room](class_room) |
| | [AcceptDialog](class_acceptdialog) | | [InputEventScreenDrag](class_inputeventscreendrag) | | [RoomBounds](class_roombounds) |
| | [AnimatedSprite](class_animatedsprite) | | [InputEventScreenTouch](class_inputeventscreentouch) | **S** | [Sample](class_sample) |
| | [Animation](class_animation) | | [InputMap](class_inputmap) | | [SampleLibrary](class_samplelibrary) |
| | [AnimationPlayer](class_animationplayer) | | [IntArray](class_intarray) | | [SamplePlayer](class_sampleplayer) |
| | [AnimationTreePlayer](class_animationtreeplayer) | | [InterpolatedCamera](class_interpolatedcamera) | | [SamplePlayer2D](class_sampleplayer2d) |
| | [Area](class_area) | **J** | [Joint2D](class_joint2d) | | [SceneIO](class_sceneio) |
| | [Area2D](class_area2d) | **K** | [KinematicBody2D](class_kinematicbody2d) | | [SceneInteractiveLoader](class_sceneinteractiveloader) |
| | [Array](class_array) | **L** | [Label](class_label) | | [SceneMainLoop](class_scenemainloop) |
| | [AtlasTexture](class_atlastexture) | | [LargeTexture](class_largetexture) | | [ScenePreloader](class_scenepreloader) |
| | [AudioServer](class_audioserver) | | [Light](class_light) | | [Script](class_script) |
| | [AudioServerSW](class_audioserversw) | | [LineEdit](class_lineedit) | | [ScrollBar](class_scrollbar) |
| | [AudioStream](class_audiostream) | | [LineShape2D](class_lineshape2d) | | [ScrollContainer](class_scrollcontainer) |
| | [AudioStreamGibberish](class_audiostreamgibberish) | **M** | [MainLoop](class_mainloop) | | [SegmentShape2D](class_segmentshape2d) |
| | [AudioStreamMPC](class_audiostreammpc) | | [MarginContainer](class_margincontainer) | | [Semaphore](class_semaphore) |
| | [AudioStreamOGGVorbis](class_audiostreamoggvorbis) | | [Marshalls](class_marshalls) | | [Separator](class_separator) |
| | [AudioStreamResampled](class_audiostreamresampled) | | [Material](class_material) | | [Shader](class_shader) |
| | [AudioStreamSpeex](class_audiostreamspeex) | | [Matrix3](class_matrix3) | | [ShaderMaterial](class_shadermaterial) |
| **B** | [BaseButton](class_basebutton) | | [Matrix32](class_matrix32) | | [Shape](class_shape) |
| **@** | [@GDScript](class_@gdscript) | | [InputEventJoyMotion](class_inputeventjoymotion) | | [RichTextLabel](class_richtextlabel) |
| | [@Global Scope](class_@global scope) | | [InputEventKey](class_inputeventkey) | | [RigidBody](class_rigidbody) |
| **A** | [AABB](class_aabb) | | [InputEventMouseButton](class_inputeventmousebutton) | | [RigidBody2D](class_rigidbody2d) |
| | [AcceptDialog](class_acceptdialog) | | [InputEventMouseMotion](class_inputeventmousemotion) | | [Room](class_room) |
| | [AnimatedSprite](class_animatedsprite) | | [InputEventScreenDrag](class_inputeventscreendrag) | | [RoomBounds](class_roombounds) |
| | [Animation](class_animation) | | [InputEventScreenTouch](class_inputeventscreentouch) | **S** | [Sample](class_sample) |
| | [AnimationPlayer](class_animationplayer) | | [InputMap](class_inputmap) | | [SampleLibrary](class_samplelibrary) |
| | [AnimationTreePlayer](class_animationtreeplayer) | | [IntArray](class_intarray) | | [SamplePlayer](class_sampleplayer) |
| | [Area](class_area) | | [InterpolatedCamera](class_interpolatedcamera) | | [SamplePlayer2D](class_sampleplayer2d) |
| | [Area2D](class_area2d) | **J** | [Joint2D](class_joint2d) | | [SceneIO](class_sceneio) |
| | [Array](class_array) | **K** | [KinematicBody2D](class_kinematicbody2d) | | [SceneInteractiveLoader](class_sceneinteractiveloader) |
| | [AtlasTexture](class_atlastexture) | **L** | [Label](class_label) | | [SceneMainLoop](class_scenemainloop) |
| | [AudioServer](class_audioserver) | | [LargeTexture](class_largetexture) | | [ScenePreloader](class_scenepreloader) |
| | [AudioServerSW](class_audioserversw) | | [Light](class_light) | | [Script](class_script) |
| | [AudioStream](class_audiostream) | | [LineEdit](class_lineedit) | | [ScrollBar](class_scrollbar) |
| | [AudioStreamGibberish](class_audiostreamgibberish) | | [LineShape2D](class_lineshape2d) | | [ScrollContainer](class_scrollcontainer) |
| | [AudioStreamMPC](class_audiostreammpc) | **M** | [MainLoop](class_mainloop) | | [SegmentShape2D](class_segmentshape2d) |
| | [AudioStreamOGGVorbis](class_audiostreamoggvorbis) | | [MarginContainer](class_margincontainer) | | [Semaphore](class_semaphore) |
| | [AudioStreamResampled](class_audiostreamresampled) | | [Marshalls](class_marshalls) | | [Separator](class_separator) |
| | [AudioStreamSpeex](class_audiostreamspeex) | | [Material](class_material) | | [Shader](class_shader) |
| **B** | [BakedLight](class_bakedlight) | | [Matrix3](class_matrix3) | | [ShaderMaterial](class_shadermaterial) |
| | [BaseButton](class_basebutton) | | [Matrix32](class_matrix32) | | [Shape](class_shape) |
| | [BitMap](class_bitmap) | | [MenuButton](class_menubutton) | | [Shape2D](class_shape2d) |
| | [BoneAttachment](class_boneattachment) | | [Mesh](class_mesh) | | [Skeleton](class_skeleton) |
| | [BoxContainer](class_boxcontainer) | | [MeshDataTool](class_meshdatatool) | | [Slider](class_slider) |
@ -106,4 +107,3 @@
| | [InputEvent](class_inputevent) | | [ResourceLoader](class_resourceloader) | **f** | [float](class_float) |
| | [InputEventAction](class_inputeventaction) | | [ResourcePreloader](class_resourcepreloader) | **i** | [int](class_int) |
| | [InputEventJoyButton](class_inputeventjoybutton) | | [ResourceSaver](class_resourcesaver) |
| | [InputEventJoyMotion](class_inputeventjoymotion) | | [RichTextLabel](class_richtextlabel) |
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Main loop is the abstract main loop base class.
### Description
Main loop is the abstract main loop base class. All other main loop classes are derived from it. Upon application start, a [MainLoop](class_mainloop) has to be provided to OS, else the application will exit. This happens automatically (and a [SceneMainLoop](class_scenemainloop) is created), unless a main [Script](class_script) is supplied, which may or not create and return a [MainLoop](class_mainloop).
@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ Abstract base [Resource](class_resource) for coloring and shading geometry.
* **BLEND_MODE_MIX** = **0** - Use the regular alpha blending equation (source and dest colors are faded) (default).
* **BLEND_MODE_ADD** = **1** - Use additive blending equation, often used for particle effects such as fire or light decals.
* **BLEND_MODE_SUB** = **2** - Use substractive blending equation, often used for some smoke effects or types of glass.
* **BLEND_MODE_MUL** = **3**
### Description
Material is a base [Resource](class_resource) used for coloring and shading geometry. All materials inherit from it and almost all [VisualInstance](class_visualinstance) derived nodes carry a Material. A few flags and parameters are shared between all material types and are configured here.
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ Node that instances meshes into a [Scenario].
### Member Functions
* void **[set_mesh](#set_mesh)** **(** [Mesh](class_mesh) mesh **)**
* [Mesh](class_mesh) **[get_mesh](#get_mesh)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_skeleton_path](#set_skeleton_path)** **(** [NodePath](class_nodepath) skeleton_path **)**
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **[get_skeleton_path](#get_skeleton_path)** **(** **)**
* [AABB](class_aabb) **[get_aabb](#get_aabb)** **(** **)** const
* void **[create_trimesh_collision](#create_trimesh_collision)** **(** **)**
* void **[create_convex_collision](#create_convex_collision)** **(** **)**
@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ Base node for 2D system.
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_rot](#get_rot)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_scale](#get_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[rotate](#rotate)** **(** [float](class_float) degrees **)**
* void **[move_local_x](#move_local_x)** **(** [float](class_float) delta, [bool](class_bool) scaled=false **)**
* void **[move_local_y](#move_local_y)** **(** [float](class_float) delta, [bool](class_bool) scaled=false **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_global_pos](#get_global_pos)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_transform](#set_transform)** **(** [Matrix32](class_matrix32) xform **)**
* void **[set_global_transform](#set_global_transform)** **(** [Matrix32](class_matrix32) xform **)**
@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ Operating System functions.
* [String](class_string) **[get_unique_ID](#get_unique_ID)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_frames_per_second](#get_frames_per_second)** **(** **)** const
* void **[print_all_textures_by_size](#print_all_textures_by_size)** **(** **)**
* [int](class_int) **[native_video_play](#native_video_play)** **(** [String](class_string) arg0 **)**
* void **[print_resources_by_type](#print_resources_by_type)** **(** [StringArray](class_stringarray) arg0 **)**
* [int](class_int) **[native_video_play](#native_video_play)** **(** [String](class_string) arg0, [float](class_float) arg1 **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[native_video_is_playing](#native_video_is_playing)** **(** **)**
* void **[native_video_stop](#native_video_stop)** **(** **)**
* void **[native_video_pause](#native_video_pause)** **(** **)**
@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ Physics 2D Server.
* [int](class_int) **[body_get_object_instance_ID](#body_get_object_instance_ID)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body **)** const
* void **[body_set_continuous_collision_detection_mode](#body_set_continuous_collision_detection_mode)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[body_get_continuous_collision_detection_mode](#body_get_continuous_collision_detection_mode)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body **)** const
* void **[body_set_layer_mask](#body_set_layer_mask)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) mask **)**
* [int](class_int) **[body_get_layer_mask](#body_get_layer_mask)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) arg1 **)** const
* void **[body_set_user_mask](#body_set_user_mask)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) mask **)**
* [int](class_int) **[body_get_user_mask](#body_get_user_mask)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) arg1 **)** const
* void **[body_set_param](#body_set_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[body_get_param](#body_get_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[body_set_state](#body_set_state)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) state, var value **)**
@ -4,3 +4,9 @@
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_layer_mask](#set_layer_mask)** **(** [int](class_int) mask **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_layer_mask](#get_layer_mask)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
* void **[body_get_state](#body_get_state)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) state **)** const
* void **[body_apply_impulse](#body_apply_impulse)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [Vector3](class_vector3) pos, [Vector3](class_vector3) impulse **)**
* void **[body_set_axis_velocity](#body_set_axis_velocity)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [Vector3](class_vector3) axis_velocity **)**
* void **[body_set_axis_lock](#body_set_axis_lock)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) axis **)**
* void **[body_get_axis_lock](#body_get_axis_lock)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) arg1 **)**
* void **[body_add_collision_exception](#body_add_collision_exception)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [RID](class_rid) excepted_body **)**
* void **[body_remove_collision_exception](#body_remove_collision_exception)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [RID](class_rid) excepted_body **)**
* void **[body_set_max_contacts_reported](#body_set_max_contacts_reported)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) amount **)**
@ -20,5 +20,7 @@
* void **[remove_exception_rid](#remove_exception_rid)** **(** [RID](class_rid) rid **)**
* void **[remove_exception](#remove_exception)** **(** [Object](class_object) node **)**
* void **[clear_exceptions](#clear_exceptions)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_layer_mask](#set_layer_mask)** **(** [int](class_int) mask **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_layer_mask](#get_layer_mask)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
@ -9,6 +9,14 @@ Resource Saving Interface.
* [int](class_int) **[save](#save)** **(** [String](class_string) path, [Resource](class_resource) resource, [int](class_int) arg2=0 **)**
* [StringArray](class_stringarray) **[get_recognized_extensions](#get_recognized_extensions)** **(** [Object](class_object) type **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **FLAG_CHANGE_PATH** = **4**
* **FLAG_SAVE_BIG_ENDIAN** = **16**
* **FLAG_COMPRESS** = **32**
### Description
Resource Saving Interface. This interface is used for saving resources to disk.
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ Label that displays rich text.
* [int](class_int) **[get_tab_size](#get_tab_size)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_selection_enabled](#set_selection_enabled)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_selection_enabled](#is_selection_enabled)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[parse_bbcode](#parse_bbcode)** **(** [String](class_string) bbcode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[append_bbcode](#append_bbcode)** **(** [String](class_string) bbcode **)**
### Signals
* **meta_clicked** **(** [Nil](class_nil) meta **)**
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_active](#is_active)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_can_sleep](#set_can_sleep)** **(** [bool](class_bool) able_to_sleep **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_able_to_sleep](#is_able_to_sleep)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_axis_lock](#set_axis_lock)** **(** [int](class_int) axis_lock **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_axis_lock](#get_axis_lock)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **body_enter** **(** [Object](class_object) body **)**
@ -15,12 +15,11 @@ Helper tool to create geometry.
* void **[add_uv2](#add_uv2)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) uv2 **)**
* void **[add_bones](#add_bones)** **(** [IntArray](class_intarray) bones **)**
* void **[add_weights](#add_weights)** **(** [RealArray](class_realarray) weights **)**
* void **[add_smooth_group](#add_smooth_group)** **(** [bool](class_bool) smooth **)**
* void **[set_material](#set_material)** **(** [Material](class_material) material **)**
* void **[index](#index)** **(** **)**
* void **[deindex](#deindex)** **(** **)**
* void **[generate_flat_normals](#generate_flat_normals)** **(** **)**
* void **[generate_smooth_normals](#generate_smooth_normals)** **(** **)**
* void **[generate_tangents](#generate_tangents)** **(** **)**
* void **[generate_normals](#generate_normals)** **(** **)**
* [Mesh](class_mesh) **[commit](#commit)** **(** [Mesh](class_mesh) existing=Object() **)**
* void **[clear](#clear)** **(** **)**
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Multiline text editing control.
* [int](class_int) **[get_selection_to_line](#get_selection_to_line)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_selection_to_column](#get_selection_to_column)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_selection_text](#get_selection_text)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_word_under_cursor](#get_word_under_cursor)** **(** **)** const
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **[search](#search)** **(** [String](class_string) flags, [int](class_int) from_line, [int](class_int) from_column, [int](class_int) to_line **)** const
* void **[undo](#undo)** **(** **)**
* void **[redo](#redo)** **(** **)**
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ Node for 2D Tile-Based games.
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_center_x](#get_center_x)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_center_y](#set_center_y)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_center_y](#get_center_y)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_collision_layer_mask](#set_collision_layer_mask)** **(** [int](class_int) mask **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_collision_layer_mask](#get_collision_layer_mask)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_cell](#set_cell)** **(** [int](class_int) x, [int](class_int) y, [int](class_int) tile, [bool](class_bool) flip_x=false, [bool](class_bool) flip_y=false **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_cell](#get_cell)** **(** [int](class_int) x, [int](class_int) y **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_cell_x_flipped](#is_cell_x_flipped)** **(** [int](class_int) x, [int](class_int) y **)** const
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ Creates a sub-view into the screen.
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_set_as_render_target](#is_set_as_render_target)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_render_target_vflip](#set_render_target_vflip)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_render_target_vflip](#get_render_target_vflip)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_render_target_filter](#set_render_target_filter)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_render_target_filter](#get_render_target_filter)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_render_target_update_mode](#set_render_target_update_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_render_target_update_mode](#get_render_target_update_mode)** **(** **)** const
* [RenderTargetTexture](class_rendertargettexture) **[get_render_target_texture](#get_render_target_texture)** **(** **)** const
Reference in New Issue
Block a user