A secondary bootloader that is capable of loading the upstream Linux kernel for Android and iOS-based devices.</br></br>
The purpose behind it is to provide a small shim for avoiding vendor bootloader quirks.</br>
> (ex.: some newer Exynos phones leave decon framebuffer refreshing disabled right before jumping to kernel, which makes initial debugging efforts when bringing up the platform to upstream linux hard)</br>
The currently supported architectures are ARMV7 and AARCH64.</br>
## Preparation
1. Install a toolchain that matches your target architecture (ex. AArch64 cross-toolchain):
sudo apt install aarch64-linux-gnu
2. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ivoszbg/uniLoader
3. Navigate to the project directory:
cd uniLoader
4. Place your kernel and device tree blobs under the `blob/` directory.