/* * (C) Copyright 2002 * Daniel Engström, Omicron Ceti AB, daniel@omicron.se. * * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this * project. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <common.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/i8259.h> #include <asm/ibmpc.h> struct idt_entry { u16 base_low; u16 selector; u8 res; u8 access; u16 base_high; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct idt_entry idt[256]; #define MAX_IRQ 16 typedef struct irq_handler { struct irq_handler *next; interrupt_handler_t* isr_func; void *isr_data; } irq_handler_t; #define IRQ_DISABLED 1 typedef struct { irq_handler_t *handler; unsigned long status; } irq_desc_t; static irq_desc_t irq_table[MAX_IRQ]; asm ("irq_return:\n" " addl $4, %esp\n" " popa\n" " iret\n"); asm ("exp_return:\n" " addl $12, %esp\n" " pop %esp\n" " popa\n" " iret\n"); char exception_stack[4096]; #define DECLARE_INTERRUPT(x) \ asm(".globl irq_"#x"\n" \ "irq_"#x":\n" \ "pusha \n" \ "pushl $"#x"\n" \ "pushl $irq_return\n" \ "jmp do_irq\n"); \ void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) irq_##x(void) #define DECLARE_EXCEPTION(x, f) \ asm(".globl exp_"#x"\n" \ "exp_"#x":\n" \ "pusha \n" \ "movl %esp, %ebx\n" \ "movl $exception_stack, %eax\n" \ "movl %eax, %esp \n" \ "pushl %ebx\n" \ "movl 32(%esp), %ebx\n" \ "xorl %edx, %edx\n" \ "movw 36(%esp), %dx\n" \ "pushl %edx\n" \ "pushl %ebx\n" \ "pushl $"#x"\n" \ "pushl $exp_return\n" \ "jmp "#f"\n"); \ void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) exp_##x(void) DECLARE_EXCEPTION(0, divide_exception_entry); /* Divide exception */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(1, debug_exception_entry); /* Debug exception */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(2, nmi_entry); /* NMI */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(3, unknown_exception_entry); /* Breakpoint/Coprocessor Error */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(4, unknown_exception_entry); /* Overflow */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(5, unknown_exception_entry); /* Bounds */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(6, invalid_instruction_entry); /* Invalid instruction */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(7, unknown_exception_entry); /* Device not present */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(8, double_fault_entry); /* Double fault */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(9, unknown_exception_entry); /* Co-processor segment overrun */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(10, invalid_tss_exception_entry);/* Invalid TSS */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(11, seg_fault_entry); /* Segment not present */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(12, stack_fault_entry); /* Stack overflow */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(13, gpf_entry); /* GPF */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(14, page_fault_entry); /* PF */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(15, unknown_exception_entry); /* Reserved */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(16, fp_exception_entry); /* Floating point */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(17, alignment_check_entry); /* alignment check */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(18, machine_check_entry); /* machine check */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(19, unknown_exception_entry); /* Reserved */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(20, unknown_exception_entry); /* Reserved */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(21, unknown_exception_entry); /* Reserved */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(22, unknown_exception_entry); /* Reserved */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(23, unknown_exception_entry); /* Reserved */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(24, unknown_exception_entry); /* Reserved */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(25, unknown_exception_entry); /* Reserved */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(26, unknown_exception_entry); /* Reserved */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(27, unknown_exception_entry); /* Reserved */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(28, unknown_exception_entry); /* Reserved */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(29, unknown_exception_entry); /* Reserved */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(30, unknown_exception_entry); /* Reserved */ DECLARE_EXCEPTION(31, unknown_exception_entry); /* Reserved */ DECLARE_INTERRUPT(0); DECLARE_INTERRUPT(1); DECLARE_INTERRUPT(3); DECLARE_INTERRUPT(4); DECLARE_INTERRUPT(5); DECLARE_INTERRUPT(6); DECLARE_INTERRUPT(7); DECLARE_INTERRUPT(8); DECLARE_INTERRUPT(9); DECLARE_INTERRUPT(10); DECLARE_INTERRUPT(11); DECLARE_INTERRUPT(12); DECLARE_INTERRUPT(13); DECLARE_INTERRUPT(14); DECLARE_INTERRUPT(15); void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) default_isr(void); asm ("default_isr: iret\n"); void disable_irq(int irq) { if (irq >= MAX_IRQ) { return; } irq_table[irq].status |= IRQ_DISABLED; } void enable_irq(int irq) { if (irq >= MAX_IRQ) { return; } irq_table[irq].status &= ~IRQ_DISABLED; } /* masks one specific IRQ in the PIC */ static void unmask_irq(int irq) { int imr_port; if (irq >= MAX_IRQ) { return; } if (irq > 7) { imr_port = SLAVE_PIC + IMR; } else { imr_port = MASTER_PIC + IMR; } outb(inb(imr_port)&~(1<<(irq&7)), imr_port); } /* unmasks one specific IRQ in the PIC */ static void mask_irq(int irq) { int imr_port; if (irq >= MAX_IRQ) { return; } if (irq > 7) { imr_port = SLAVE_PIC + IMR; } else { imr_port = MASTER_PIC + IMR; } outb(inb(imr_port)|(1<<(irq&7)), imr_port); } /* issue a Specific End Of Interrupt instruciton */ static void specific_eoi(int irq) { /* If it is on the slave PIC this have to be performed on * both the master and the slave PICs */ if (irq > 7) { outb(OCW2_SEOI|(irq&7), SLAVE_PIC + OCW2); irq = SEOI_IR2; /* also do IR2 on master */ } outb(OCW2_SEOI|irq, MASTER_PIC + OCW2); } void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) do_irq(int irq) { mask_irq(irq); if (irq_table[irq].status & IRQ_DISABLED) { unmask_irq(irq); specific_eoi(irq); return; } if (NULL != irq_table[irq].handler) { irq_handler_t *handler; for (handler = irq_table[irq].handler; NULL!= handler; handler = handler->next) { handler->isr_func(handler->isr_data); } } else { if ((irq & 7) != 7) { printf("Spurious irq %d\n", irq); } } unmask_irq(irq); specific_eoi(irq); } void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) unknown_exception_entry(int cause, int ip, int seg) { printf("Unknown Exception %d at %04x:%08x\n", cause, seg, ip); } void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) divide_exception_entry(int cause, int ip, int seg) { printf("Divide Error (Division by zero) at %04x:%08x\n", seg, ip); while(1); } void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) debug_exception_entry(int cause, int ip, int seg) { printf("Debug Interrupt (Single step) at %04x:%08x\n", seg, ip); } void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) nmi_entry(int cause, int ip, int seg) { printf("NMI Interrupt at %04x:%08x\n", seg, ip); } void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) invalid_instruction_entry(int cause, int ip, int seg) { printf("Invalid Instruction at %04x:%08x\n", seg, ip); while(1); } void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) double_fault_entry(int cause, int ip, int seg) { printf("Double fault at %04x:%08x\n", seg, ip); while(1); } void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) invalid_tss_exception_entry(int cause, int ip, int seg) { printf("Invalid TSS at %04x:%08x\n", seg, ip); } void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) seg_fault_entry(int cause, int ip, int seg) { printf("Segmentation fault at %04x:%08x\n", seg, ip); while(1); } void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) stack_fault_entry(int cause, int ip, int seg) { printf("Stack fault at %04x:%08x\n", seg, ip); while(1); } void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) gpf_entry(int cause, int ip, int seg) { printf("General protection fault at %04x:%08x\n", seg, ip); } void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) page_fault_entry(int cause, int ip, int seg) { printf("Page fault at %04x:%08x\n", seg, ip); while(1); } void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) fp_exception_entry(int cause, int ip, int seg) { printf("Floating point exception at %04x:%08x\n", seg, ip); } void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) alignment_check_entry(int cause, int ip, int seg) { printf("Alignment check at %04x:%08x\n", seg, ip); } void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) machine_check_entry(int cause, int ip, int seg) { printf("Machine check exception at %04x:%08x\n", seg, ip); } void irq_install_handler(int ino, interrupt_handler_t *func, void *pdata) { int status; if (ino>MAX_IRQ) { return; } if (NULL != irq_table[ino].handler) { return; } status = disable_interrupts(); irq_table[ino].handler = malloc(sizeof(irq_handler_t)); if (NULL == irq_table[ino].handler) { return; } memset(irq_table[ino].handler, 0, sizeof(irq_handler_t)); irq_table[ino].handler->isr_func = func; irq_table[ino].handler->isr_data = pdata; if (status) { enable_interrupts(); } unmask_irq(ino); return; } void irq_free_handler(int ino) { int status; if (ino>MAX_IRQ) { return; } status = disable_interrupts(); mask_irq(ino); if (NULL == irq_table[ino].handler) { return; } free(irq_table[ino].handler); irq_table[ino].handler=NULL; if (status) { enable_interrupts(); } return; } asm ("idt_ptr:\n" ".word 0x800\n" /* size of the table 8*256 bytes */ ".long idt\n" /* offset */ ".word 0x18\n");/* data segment */ static void set_vector(int intnum, void *routine) { idt[intnum].base_high = (u16)((u32)(routine)>>16); idt[intnum].base_low = (u16)((u32)(routine)&0xffff); } int interrupt_init(void) { int i; /* Just in case... */ disable_interrupts(); /* Initialize the IDT and stuff */ memset(irq_table, 0, sizeof(irq_table)); /* Setup the IDT */ for (i=0;i<256;i++) { idt[i].access = 0x8e; idt[i].res = 0; idt[i].selector = 0x10; set_vector(i, default_isr); } asm ("cs lidt idt_ptr\n"); /* Setup exceptions */ set_vector(0x00, exp_0); set_vector(0x01, exp_1); set_vector(0x02, exp_2); set_vector(0x03, exp_3); set_vector(0x04, exp_4); set_vector(0x05, exp_5); set_vector(0x06, exp_6); set_vector(0x07, exp_7); set_vector(0x08, exp_8); set_vector(0x09, exp_9); set_vector(0x0a, exp_10); set_vector(0x0b, exp_11); set_vector(0x0c, exp_12); set_vector(0x0d, exp_13); set_vector(0x0e, exp_14); set_vector(0x0f, exp_15); set_vector(0x10, exp_16); set_vector(0x11, exp_17); set_vector(0x12, exp_18); set_vector(0x13, exp_19); set_vector(0x14, exp_20); set_vector(0x15, exp_21); set_vector(0x16, exp_22); set_vector(0x17, exp_23); set_vector(0x18, exp_24); set_vector(0x19, exp_25); set_vector(0x1a, exp_26); set_vector(0x1b, exp_27); set_vector(0x1c, exp_28); set_vector(0x1d, exp_29); set_vector(0x1e, exp_30); set_vector(0x1f, exp_31); /* Setup interrupts */ set_vector(0x20, irq_0); set_vector(0x21, irq_1); set_vector(0x23, irq_3); set_vector(0x24, irq_4); set_vector(0x25, irq_5); set_vector(0x26, irq_6); set_vector(0x27, irq_7); set_vector(0x28, irq_8); set_vector(0x29, irq_9); set_vector(0x2a, irq_10); set_vector(0x2b, irq_11); set_vector(0x2c, irq_12); set_vector(0x2d, irq_13); set_vector(0x2e, irq_14); set_vector(0x2f, irq_15); /* vectors 0x30-0x3f are reserved for irq 16-31 */ /* Mask all interrupts */ outb(0xff, MASTER_PIC + IMR); outb(0xff, SLAVE_PIC + IMR); /* Master PIC */ outb(ICW1_SEL|ICW1_EICW4, MASTER_PIC + ICW1); outb(0x20, MASTER_PIC + ICW2); /* Place master PIC interrupts at INT20 */ outb(IR2, MASTER_PIC + ICW3); /* ICW3, One slevc PIC is present */ outb(ICW4_PM, MASTER_PIC + ICW4); for (i=0;i<8;i++) { outb(OCW2_SEOI|i, MASTER_PIC + OCW2); } /* Slave PIC */ outb(ICW1_SEL|ICW1_EICW4, SLAVE_PIC + ICW1); outb(0x28, SLAVE_PIC + ICW2); /* Place slave PIC interrupts at INT28 */ outb(0x02, SLAVE_PIC + ICW3); /* Slave ID */ outb(ICW4_PM, SLAVE_PIC + ICW4); for (i=0;i<8;i++) { outb(OCW2_SEOI|i, SLAVE_PIC + OCW2); } /* enable cascade interrerupt */ outb(0xfb, MASTER_PIC + IMR); outb(0xff, SLAVE_PIC + IMR); /* It is now safe to enable interrupts */ enable_interrupts(); return 0; } void enable_interrupts(void) { asm("sti\n"); } int disable_interrupts(void) { long flags; asm volatile ("pushfl ; popl %0 ; cli\n" : "=g" (flags) : ); return (flags&0x200); /* IE flags is bit 9 */ } #ifdef CFG_RESET_GENERIC void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) generate_gpf(void); asm(".globl generate_gpf\n" "generate_gpf:\n" "ljmp $0x70, $0x47114711\n"); /* segment 0x70 is an arbitrary segment which does not * exist */ void reset_cpu(ulong addr) { set_vector(13, generate_gpf); /* general protection fault handler */ set_vector(8, generate_gpf); /* double fault handler */ generate_gpf(); /* start the show */ } #endif