index 71eae5e7ef..c82e3365d7 100644
@@ -2,6 +2,14 @@
 Changes for U-Boot 1.1.3:
+* Patch by Richard Klingler, 03 Apr 2005:
+  Add call to eth_halt() in net/net.c when called functions fail
+  after eth_init() has been called.
+* Patch by Sam Song, 3 April 2005:
+  - Update README.Netconsole
+  - Update README
 * Prepare for SoC rework of ARM code:
   - rename memsetup into lowlevel_init (function name and source files)
diff --git a/README b/README
index 6cc7405512..3311b80329 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -627,6 +627,7 @@ The following options need to be configured:
 		CFG_CMD_SAVES	* save S record dump
 		CFG_CMD_SCSI	* SCSI Support
 		CFG_CMD_SDRAM	* print SDRAM configuration information
+				  (requires CFG_CMD_I2C)
 		CFG_CMD_SETGETDCR Support for DCR Register access (4xx only)
 		CFG_CMD_SPI	* SPI serial bus support
 		CFG_CMD_USB	* USB support
diff --git a/doc/README.NetConsole b/doc/README.NetConsole
index 3a572931c5..cc35a0a8ff 100644
--- a/doc/README.NetConsole
+++ b/doc/README.NetConsole
@@ -12,11 +12,20 @@ omitted, the value of 6666 is used. If the env var doesn't exist, the
 broadcast address and port 6666 are used. If it is set to an IP
 address of 0 (or then no messages are sent to the network.
+For example, if your server IP is, you could use:
+	=> setenv nc 'setenv stdout nc;setenv stdin nc'
+	=> setenv ncip
+	=> saveenv
+	=> run nc
 On the host side, please use this script to access the console:
 #! /bin/bash
+[ $# = 1 ] || { echo "Usage: $0 target_ip" >&2 ; exit 1 ; }
 stty -icanon -echo intr ^T
@@ -25,6 +34,10 @@ nc -u ${TARGET_IP} 6666
 stty icanon echo intr ^C
+The script expects exactly one argument, which is interpreted as  the
+target IP address (or host name, assuming DNS is working). The script
+can be interrupted by pressing ^T (CTRL-T).
 It turns out that 'netcat' cannot be used to listen to broadcast
 packets. We developed our own tool 'ncb' (see tools directory) that
 listens to broadcast packets on a given port and dumps them to the
@@ -33,13 +46,25 @@ standard output. use it as follows:
 #! /bin/bash
+[ $# = 1 ] || { echo "Usage: $0 target_ip" >&2 ; exit 1 ; }
 stty icanon echo intr ^T
 ./ncb &
-nc -u mpc5200 6666
+nc -u ${TARGET_IP} 6666
 stty icanon echo intr ^C
 kill 0
+Again, this script takes exactly one argument, which is interpreted
+as the target IP address (or host name, assuming DNS is working). The
+script can be interrupted by pressing ^T (CTRL-T).
+The 'ncb' tool can be found in the tools directory; it will not be
+built by default so you will ither have to adjust the Makefile or
+build it manually.
 For Linux, the network-based console needs special configuration.
 Minimally, the host IP address needs to be specified. This can be
 done either via the kernel command line, or by passing parameters
diff --git a/net/net.c b/net/net.c
index 00aa661502..7c3744dcef 100644
--- a/net/net.c
+++ b/net/net.c
@@ -303,8 +303,10 @@ NetLoop(proto_t protocol)
-	if (eth_init(bd) < 0)
+	if (eth_init(bd) < 0) {
+		eth_halt();
+	}
@@ -383,6 +385,7 @@ restart:
 	switch (net_check_prereq (protocol)) {
 	case 1:
 		/* network not configured */
+		eth_halt();
 		return (-1);