index e5b77f825c..1d34dfffb0 100644
@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
 Changes since U-Boot 1.1.1:
+* Update for AT91RM9200DK and CMC_PU2 boards:
+  - Enable booting directly from flash
+  - fix CMC_PU2 flash driver
+* Fix mkimage usage message
 * Map SRAM on NC650 board
 * Work around for Ethernet problems on Xaeniax board
diff --git a/board/at91rm9200dk/Makefile b/board/at91rm9200dk/Makefile
index 4d3227876b..f94bd990da 100644
--- a/board/at91rm9200dk/Makefile
+++ b/board/at91rm9200dk/Makefile
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ include $(TOPDIR)/config.mk
 LIB	= lib$(BOARD).a
 OBJS	:= at91rm9200dk.o at45.o dm9161.o flash.o
+SOBJS	:= memsetup.o
 $(LIB):	$(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
 	$(AR) crv $@ $(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
diff --git a/board/at91rm9200dk/config.mk b/board/at91rm9200dk/config.mk
index 27cb3b123d..9ce161e55f 100644
--- a/board/at91rm9200dk/config.mk
+++ b/board/at91rm9200dk/config.mk
@@ -1 +1 @@
-TEXT_BASE = 0x21f80000
+TEXT_BASE = 0x21f00000
diff --git a/board/at91rm9200dk/memsetup.S b/board/at91rm9200dk/memsetup.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8a19c5131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/at91rm9200dk/memsetup.S
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+ * Memory Setup stuff - taken from blob memsetup.S
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 2000 2001 Erik Mouw (J.A.K.Mouw@its.tudelft.nl) and
+ *		       Jan-Derk Bakker (J.D.Bakker@its.tudelft.nl)
+ *
+ * Modified for the at91rm9200dk board by
+ * (C) Copyright 2004
+ * Gary Jennejohn, DENX Software Engineering, <garyj@denx.de>
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <version.h>
+ * some parameters for the board
+ *
+ * This is based on rm9200dk.cfg for the BDI2000 from ABATRON which in
+ * turn is based on the boot.bin code from ATMEL
+ *
+ */
+/* flash */
+#define MC_PUIA 0xFFFFFF10
+#define MC_PUIA_VAL 0x00000000
+#define MC_PUP 0xFFFFFF50
+#define MC_PUP_VAL 0x00000000
+#define MC_PUER 0xFFFFFF54
+#define MC_PUER_VAL 0x00000000
+#define MC_ASR 0xFFFFFF04
+#define MC_ASR_VAL 0x00000000
+#define MC_AASR 0xFFFFFF08
+#define MC_AASR_VAL 0x00000000
+#define EBI_CFGR 0xFFFFFF64
+#define EBI_CFGR_VAL 0x00000000
+#define SMC2_CSR 0xFFFFFF70
+#define SMC2_CSR_VAL 0x00003284 /* 16bit, 2 TDF, 4 WS */
+/* clocks */
+#define PLLAR 0xFFFFFC28
+#define PLLAR_VAL 0x20263E04 /* 179.712000 MHz for PCK */
+#define PLLBR 0xFFFFFC2C
+#define PLLBR_VAL 0x10483E0E /* 48.054857 MHz (divider by 2 for USB) */
+#define MCKR 0xFFFFFC30
+#define MCKR_VAL 0x00000202 /* PCK/3 = MCK Master Clock = 59.904000MHz from PLLA */
+/* sdram */
+#define PIOC_ASR 0xFFFFF870
+#define PIOC_ASR_VAL 0xFFFF0000 /* Configure PIOC as peripheral (D16/D31) */
+#define PIOC_BSR 0xFFFFF804
+#define PIOC_BSR_VAL 0x00000000
+#define PIOC_PDR 0xFFFFF804
+#define PIOC_PDR_VAL 0xFFFF0000
+#define EBI_CSA 0xFFFFFF60
+#define EBI_CSA_VAL 0x00000002 /* CS1=SDRAM */
+#define SDRC_CR 0xFFFFFF98
+#define SDRC_CR_VAL 0x2188c155 /* set up the SDRAM */
+#define SDRAM 0x20000000 /* address of the SDRAM */
+#define SDRAM1 0x20000080 /* address of the SDRAM */
+#define SDRAM_VAL 0x00000000 /* value written to SDRAM */
+#define SDRC_MR 0xFFFFFF90
+#define SDRC_MR_VAL 0x00000002 /* Precharge All */
+#define SDRC_MR_VAL1 0x00000004 /* refresh */
+#define SDRC_MR_VAL2 0x00000003 /* Load Mode Register */
+#define SDRC_MR_VAL3 0x00000000 /* Normal Mode */
+#define SDRC_TR 0xFFFFFF94
+#define SDRC_TR_VAL 0x000002E0 /* Write refresh rate */
+	.word	TEXT_BASE
+.globl lowlevelinit
+	/* memory control configuration */
+	/* this isn't very elegant, but	 what the heck */
+	ldr	r0, =SMRDATA
+	ldr	r1, _TEXT_BASE
+	sub	r0, r0, r1
+	add	r2, r0, #80
+	/* the address */
+	ldr	r1, [r0], #4
+	/* the value */
+	ldr	r3, [r0], #4
+	str	r3, [r1]
+	cmp	r2, r0
+	bne	0b
+	/* delay - this is all done by guess */
+	ldr	r0, =0x00010000
+	subs	r0, r0, #1
+	bhi	1b
+	ldr	r0, =SMRDATA1
+	ldr	r1, _TEXT_BASE
+	sub	r0, r0, r1
+	add	r2, r0, #176
+	/* the address */
+	ldr	r1, [r0], #4
+	/* the value */
+	ldr	r3, [r0], #4
+	str	r3, [r1]
+	cmp	r2, r0
+	bne	2b
+	/* everything is fine now */
+	mov	pc, lr
+	.ltorg
+	.word MC_PUIA
+	.word MC_PUIA_VAL
+	.word MC_PUP
+	.word MC_PUP_VAL
+	.word MC_PUER
+	.word MC_PUER_VAL
+	.word MC_ASR
+	.word MC_ASR_VAL
+	.word MC_AASR
+	.word MC_AASR_VAL
+	.word EBI_CFGR
+	.word EBI_CFGR_VAL
+	.word SMC2_CSR
+	.word SMC2_CSR_VAL
+	.word PLLAR
+	.word PLLAR_VAL
+	.word PLLBR
+	.word PLLBR_VAL
+	.word MCKR
+	.word MCKR_VAL
+	/* SMRDATA is 80 bytes long */
+	/* here there's a delay of 100 */
+	.word PIOC_ASR
+	.word PIOC_ASR_VAL
+	.word PIOC_BSR
+	.word PIOC_BSR_VAL
+	.word PIOC_PDR
+	.word PIOC_PDR_VAL
+	.word EBI_CSA
+	.word EBI_CSA_VAL
+	.word SDRC_CR
+	.word SDRC_CR_VAL
+	.word SDRC_MR
+	.word SDRC_MR_VAL
+	.word SDRAM
+	.word SDRAM_VAL
+	.word SDRC_MR
+	.word SDRC_MR_VAL1
+	.word SDRAM
+	.word SDRAM_VAL
+	.word SDRAM
+	.word SDRAM_VAL
+	.word SDRAM
+	.word SDRAM_VAL
+	.word SDRAM
+	.word SDRAM_VAL
+	.word SDRAM
+	.word SDRAM_VAL
+	.word SDRAM
+	.word SDRAM_VAL
+	.word SDRAM
+	.word SDRAM_VAL
+	.word SDRAM
+	.word SDRAM_VAL
+	.word SDRC_MR
+	.word SDRC_MR_VAL2
+	.word SDRAM1
+	.word SDRAM_VAL
+	.word SDRC_TR
+	.word SDRC_TR_VAL
+	.word SDRAM
+	.word SDRAM_VAL
+	.word SDRC_MR
+	.word SDRC_MR_VAL3
+	.word SDRAM
+	.word SDRAM_VAL
+	/* SMRDATA1 is 176 bytes long */
diff --git a/board/cmc_pu2/Makefile b/board/cmc_pu2/Makefile
index f94bd990da..a939bbb782 100644
--- a/board/cmc_pu2/Makefile
+++ b/board/cmc_pu2/Makefile
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ include $(TOPDIR)/config.mk
 LIB	= lib$(BOARD).a
-OBJS	:= at91rm9200dk.o at45.o dm9161.o flash.o
+OBJS	:= cmc_pu2.o at45.o dm9161.o flash.o
 SOBJS	:= memsetup.o
 $(LIB):	$(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
diff --git a/board/cmc_pu2/at91rm9200dk.c b/board/cmc_pu2/at91rm9200dk.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 606ea48816..0000000000
--- a/board/cmc_pu2/at91rm9200dk.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
- * (C) Copyright 2002
- * Sysgo Real-Time Solutions, GmbH <www.elinos.com>
- * Marius Groeger <mgroeger@sysgo.de>
- *
- * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
- * project.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include <common.h>
-#include <asm/arch/AT91RM9200.h>
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- * Miscelaneous platform dependent initialisations
- */
-int board_init (void)
-	/* Enable Ctrlc */
-	console_init_f ();
-	/* Correct IRDA resistor problem */
-	/* Set PA23_TXD in Output */
-	/* memory and cpu-speed are setup before relocation */
-	/* so we do _nothing_ here */
-	/* arch number of AT91RM9200DK-Board */
-	gd->bd->bi_arch_number = 251;
-	/* adress of boot parameters */
-	gd->bd->bi_boot_params = PHYS_SDRAM + 0x100;
-	return 0;
-int dram_init (void)
-	gd->bd->bi_dram[0].start = PHYS_SDRAM;
-	gd->bd->bi_dram[0].size = PHYS_SDRAM_SIZE;
-	return 0;
- * Disk On Chip (NAND) Millenium initialization.
- * The NAND lives in the CS2* space
- */
-extern ulong nand_probe (ulong physadr);
-#define AT91_SMARTMEDIA_BASE 0x40000000	/* physical address to access memory on NCS3 */
-void nand_init (void)
-	/* Setup Smart Media, fitst enable the address range of CS3 */
-	*AT91C_EBI_CSA |= AT91C_EBI_CS3A_SMC_SmartMedia;
-	/* set the bus interface characteristics based on
-	   tDS Data Set up Time 30 - ns
-	   tDH Data Hold Time 20 - ns
-	   tALS ALE Set up Time 20 - ns
-	   16ns at 60 MHz ~= 3  */
-/*memory mapping structures */
-#define SM_ID_RWH	(5 << 28)
-#define SM_RWH		(1 << 28)
-#define SM_RWS		(0 << 24)
-#define SM_TDF		(1 << 8)
-#define SM_NWS		(3)
-	/* enable the SMOE line PC0=SMCE, A21=CLE, A22=ALE */
-	/* Configure PC2 as input (signal READY of the SmartMedia) */
-	*AT91C_PIOC_PER = AT91C_PC2_BFAVD;	/* enable direct output enable */
-	*AT91C_PIOC_ODR = AT91C_PC2_BFAVD;	/* disable output */
-	/* Configure PB1 as input (signal Card Detect of the SmartMedia) */
-	*AT91C_PIOB_PER = AT91C_PIO_PB1;	/* enable direct output enable */
-	*AT91C_PIOB_ODR = AT91C_PIO_PB1;	/* disable output */
-	/* PIOB and PIOC clock enabling */
-	*AT91C_PMC_PCER = 1 << AT91C_ID_PIOB;
-	*AT91C_PMC_PCER = 1 << AT91C_ID_PIOC;
-	if (*AT91C_PIOB_PDSR & AT91C_PIO_PB1)
-		printf ("  No SmartMedia card inserted\n");
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	printf ("  SmartMedia card inserted\n");
-	printf ("Probing at 0x%.8x\n", AT91_SMARTMEDIA_BASE);
-	printf ("%4lu MB\n", nand_probe(AT91_SMARTMEDIA_BASE) >> 20);
diff --git a/board/cmc_pu2/cmc_pu2.c b/board/cmc_pu2/cmc_pu2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f914d4252d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/cmc_pu2/cmc_pu2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Sysgo Real-Time Solutions, GmbH <www.elinos.com>
+ * Marius Groeger <mgroeger@sysgo.de>
+ *
+ * Modified for CMC_PU2 (removed Smart Media support) by Gary Jennejohn
+ * (2004) garyj@denx.de
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/mach-types.h>
+#include <asm/arch/AT91RM9200.h>
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Miscelaneous platform dependent initialisations
+ */
+int board_init (void)
+	/* Enable Ctrlc */
+	console_init_f ();
+	/* Correct IRDA resistor problem */
+	/* Set PA23_TXD in Output */
+	/* memory and cpu-speed are setup before relocation */
+	/* so we do _nothing_ here */
+	/* arch number of CMC_PU2-Board */
+	/* gd->bd->bi_arch_number = MACH_TYPE_CMC_PU2; */
+	gd->bd->bi_arch_number = 251;
+	/* adress of boot parameters */
+	gd->bd->bi_boot_params = PHYS_SDRAM + 0x100;
+	return 0;
+int dram_init (void)
+	gd->bd->bi_dram[0].start = PHYS_SDRAM;
+	gd->bd->bi_dram[0].size = PHYS_SDRAM_SIZE;
+	return 0;
diff --git a/board/cmc_pu2/config.mk b/board/cmc_pu2/config.mk
index 9ce161e55f..9fef73973c 100644
--- a/board/cmc_pu2/config.mk
+++ b/board/cmc_pu2/config.mk
@@ -1 +1 @@
-TEXT_BASE = 0x21f00000
+TEXT_BASE = 0x20f00000
diff --git a/board/cmc_pu2/flash.c b/board/cmc_pu2/flash.c
index 5220fcf5d9..9baa473bdf 100644
--- a/board/cmc_pu2/flash.c
+++ b/board/cmc_pu2/flash.c
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
- * (C) Copyright 2002
- * Lineo, Inc. <www.lineo.com>
- * Bernhard Kuhn <bkuhn@lineo.com>
+ * (C) Copyright 2003-2004
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de.
- * (C) Copyright 2002
- * Sysgo Real-Time Solutions, GmbH <www.elinos.com>
- * Alex Zuepke <azu@sysgo.de>
+ * (C) Copyright 2004
+ * Martin Krause, TQ-Systems GmbH, martin.krause@tqs.de
+ *
+ * Modified for the CMC PU2 by (C) Copyright 2004 Gary Jennejohn
+ * garyj@denx.de
  * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
  * project.
@@ -28,444 +29,339 @@
 #include <common.h>
-ulong myflush(void);
+flash_info_t	flash_info[CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS]; /* info for FLASH chips */
+ * CPU to flash interface is 32-bit, so make declaration accordingly
+ */
+typedef unsigned short FLASH_PORT_WIDTH;
+typedef volatile unsigned short FLASH_PORT_WIDTHV;
-/* Flash Organization Structure */
-typedef struct OrgDef
-	unsigned int sector_number;
-	unsigned int sector_size;
-} OrgDef;
-/* Flash Organizations */
-OrgDef OrgAT49BV16x4[] =
-	{  8,  8*1024 },	/*   8 *  8 kBytes sectors */
-	{  2, 32*1024 },	/*   2 * 32 kBytes sectors */
-	{ 30, 64*1024 },	/*  30 * 64 kBytes sectors */
-OrgDef OrgAT49BV16x4A[] =
-	{  8,  8*1024 },	/*   8 *  8 kBytes sectors */
-	{ 31, 64*1024 },	/*  31 * 64 kBytes sectors */
-OrgDef OrgAT49BV6416[] =
-	{   8,  8*1024 },	/*   8 *  8 kBytes sectors */
-	{ 127, 64*1024 },	/* 127 * 64 kBytes sectors */
-flash_info_t    flash_info[CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS];
-/* AT49BV1614A Codes */
-#define FLASH_CODE1		0xAA
-#define FLASH_CODE2		0x55
-#define ID_IN_CODE		0x90
-#define ID_OUT_CODE		0xF0
-#define CMD_READ_ARRAY		0x00F0
-#define CMD_UNLOCK1		0x00AA
-#define CMD_UNLOCK2		0x0055
-#define CMD_ERASE_SETUP		0x0080
-#define CMD_ERASE_CONFIRM	0x0030
-#define CMD_PROGRAM		0x00A0
-#define CMD_UNLOCK_BYPASS	0x0020
-#define CMD_SECTOR_UNLOCK	0x0070
-#define MEM_FLASH_ADDR1		(*(volatile u16 *)(CFG_FLASH_BASE + (0x00005555<<1)))
-#define MEM_FLASH_ADDR2		(*(volatile u16 *)(CFG_FLASH_BASE + (0x00002AAA<<1)))
-#define BIT_ERASE_DONE		0x0080
-#define BIT_RDY_MASK		0x0080
-#define BIT_PROGRAM_ERROR	0x0020
-#define BIT_TIMEOUT		0x80000000 /* our flag */
-#define READY 1
-#define ERR   2
-#define TMO   4
+#define FLASH_CYCLE1	0x0555
+#define FLASH_CYCLE2	0x02aa
+ * Functions
-void flash_identification (flash_info_t * info)
+static ulong flash_get_size(FPWV *addr, flash_info_t *info);
+static void flash_reset(flash_info_t *info);
+static int write_word_amd(flash_info_t *info, FPWV *dest, FPW data);
+static flash_info_t *flash_get_info(ulong base);
+ * flash_init()
+ *
+ * sets up flash_info and returns size of FLASH (bytes)
+ */
+unsigned long flash_init (void)
-	volatile u16 manuf_code, device_code, add_device_code;
+	unsigned long size = 0;
+	ulong flashbase = CFG_FLASH_BASE;
+	/* Init: no FLASHes known */
+	memset(&flash_info[0], 0, sizeof(flash_info_t));
-	manuf_code = *(volatile u16 *) CFG_FLASH_BASE;
-	device_code = *(volatile u16 *) (CFG_FLASH_BASE + 2);
-	add_device_code = *(volatile u16 *) (CFG_FLASH_BASE + (3 << 1));
+	flash_info[0].size =
+		flash_get_size((FPW *)flashbase, &flash_info[0]);
+	size = flash_info[0].size;
-	/* Vendor type */
-	info->flash_id = ATM_MANUFACT & FLASH_VENDMASK;
-	printf ("Atmel: ");
+	/* monitor protection ON by default */
+	flash_protect(FLAG_PROTECT_SET,
+		      CFG_MONITOR_BASE+monitor_flash_len-1,
+		      flash_get_info(CFG_MONITOR_BASE));
-	if ((device_code & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == (ATM_ID_BV1614 & FLASH_TYPEMASK)) {
+	/* ENV protection ON by default */
+	flash_protect(FLAG_PROTECT_SET,
+		      CFG_ENV_ADDR,
+		      flash_get_info(CFG_ENV_ADDR));
-		if ((add_device_code & FLASH_TYPEMASK) ==
-			info->flash_id |= ATM_ID_BV1614A & FLASH_TYPEMASK;
-			printf ("AT49BV1614A (16Mbit)\n");
-		} else {				/* AT49BV1614 Flash */
-			info->flash_id |= ATM_ID_BV1614 & FLASH_TYPEMASK;
-			printf ("AT49BV1614 (16Mbit)\n");
-		}
-	} else if ((device_code & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == (ATM_ID_BV6416 & FLASH_TYPEMASK)) {
-		info->flash_id |= ATM_ID_BV6416 & FLASH_TYPEMASK;
-		printf ("AT49BV6416 (64Mbit)\n");
-	}
-ushort flash_number_sector(OrgDef *pOrgDef, unsigned int nb_blocks)
-	int i, nb_sectors = 0;
-	for (i=0; i<nb_blocks; i++){
-		nb_sectors += pOrgDef[i].sector_number;
-	}
-	return nb_sectors;
-void flash_unlock_sector(flash_info_t * info, unsigned int sector)
-	volatile u16 *addr = (volatile u16 *) (info->start[sector]);
-ulong flash_init (void)
-	int i, j, k;
-	unsigned int flash_nb_blocks, sector;
-	unsigned int start_address;
-	OrgDef *pOrgDef;
-	ulong size = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS; i++) {
-		ulong flashbase = 0;
-		flash_identification (&flash_info[i]);
-		if ((flash_info[i].flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) ==
-			pOrgDef = OrgAT49BV16x4;
-			flash_nb_blocks = sizeof (OrgAT49BV16x4) / sizeof (OrgDef);
-		} else if ((flash_info[i].flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) ==
-			(ATM_ID_BV1614A & FLASH_TYPEMASK)){	/* AT49BV1614A Flash */
-			pOrgDef = OrgAT49BV16x4A;
-			flash_nb_blocks = sizeof (OrgAT49BV16x4A) / sizeof (OrgDef);
-		} else if ((flash_info[i].flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) ==
-			(ATM_ID_BV6416 & FLASH_TYPEMASK)){	/* AT49BV6416 Flash */
-			pOrgDef = OrgAT49BV6416;
-			flash_nb_blocks = sizeof (OrgAT49BV6416) / sizeof (OrgDef);
-		} else {
-			flash_nb_blocks = 0;
-			pOrgDef = OrgAT49BV16x4;
-		}
-		flash_info[i].sector_count = flash_number_sector(pOrgDef, flash_nb_blocks);
-		memset (flash_info[i].protect, 0, flash_info[i].sector_count);
-		if (i == 0)
-			flashbase = PHYS_FLASH_1;
-		else
-			panic ("configured too many flash banks!\n");
-		sector = 0;
-		start_address = flashbase;
-		flash_info[i].size = 0;
-		for (j = 0; j < flash_nb_blocks; j++) {
-			for (k = 0; k < pOrgDef[j].sector_number; k++) {
-				flash_info[i].start[sector++] = start_address;
-				start_address += pOrgDef[j].sector_size;
-				flash_info[i].size += pOrgDef[j].sector_size;
-			}
-		}
-		size += flash_info[i].size;
-		if ((flash_info[i].flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) ==
-			(ATM_ID_BV6416 & FLASH_TYPEMASK)){	/* AT49BV6416 Flash */
-			/* Unlock all sectors at reset */
-			for (j=0; j<flash_info[i].sector_count; j++){
-				flash_unlock_sector(&flash_info[i], j);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/* Protect binary boot image */
-	flash_protect (FLAG_PROTECT_SET,
-		       CFG_FLASH_BASE,
-		       CFG_FLASH_BASE + CFG_BOOT_SIZE - 1, &flash_info[0]);
-	/* Protect environment variables */
-	flash_protect (FLAG_PROTECT_SET,
-		       CFG_ENV_ADDR,
-		       CFG_ENV_ADDR + CFG_ENV_SIZE - 1, &flash_info[0]);
-	/* Protect U-Boot gzipped image */
-	flash_protect (FLAG_PROTECT_SET,
-		       CFG_U_BOOT_BASE,
-		       CFG_U_BOOT_BASE + CFG_U_BOOT_SIZE - 1, &flash_info[0]);
-	return size;
+	return size ? size : 1;
-void flash_print_info (flash_info_t * info)
+static void flash_reset(flash_info_t *info)
+	FPWV *base = (FPWV *)(info->start[0]);
+	/* Put FLASH back in read mode */
+	if ((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) == FLASH_MAN_INTEL)
+		*base = (FPW)0x00FF00FF;	/* Intel Read Mode */
+	else if ((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) == FLASH_MAN_AMD)
+		*base = (FPW)0x00F000F0;	/* AMD Read Mode */
+ */
+static flash_info_t *flash_get_info(ulong base)
+	int i;
+	flash_info_t * info;
+	info = NULL;
+	for (i = 0; i < CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS; i ++) {
+		info = & flash_info[i];
+		if (info->size && info->start[0] <= base &&
+		    base <= info->start[0] + info->size - 1)
+			break;
+	}
+	return i == CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS ? 0 : info;
+ */
+void flash_print_info (flash_info_t *info)
 	int i;
+	if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN) {
+		printf ("missing or unknown FLASH type\n");
+		return;
+	}
 	switch (info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) {
-		printf ("Atmel: ");
-		break;
-	default:
-		printf ("Unknown Vendor ");
-		break;
+	case FLASH_MAN_AMD:	printf ("AMD ");		break;
+	case FLASH_MAN_BM:	printf ("BRIGHT MICRO ");	break;
+	case FLASH_MAN_FUJ:	printf ("FUJITSU ");		break;
+	case FLASH_MAN_SST:	printf ("SST ");		break;
+	case FLASH_MAN_STM:	printf ("STM ");		break;
+	case FLASH_MAN_INTEL:	printf ("INTEL ");		break;
+	default:		printf ("Unknown Vendor ");	break;
 	switch (info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) {
-	case (ATM_ID_BV1614 & FLASH_TYPEMASK):
-		printf ("AT49BV1614 (16Mbit)\n");
-		break;
-		printf ("AT49BV1614A (16Mbit)\n");
-		break;
-	case (ATM_ID_BV6416 & FLASH_TYPEMASK):
-		printf ("AT49BV6416 (64Mbit)\n");
+	case FLASH_S29GL064M:
+		printf ("S29GL064M-R6 (64Mbit, uniform sector size)\n");
 		printf ("Unknown Chip Type\n");
-		goto Done;
 	printf ("  Size: %ld MB in %d Sectors\n",
-		info->size >> 20, info->sector_count);
+		info->size >> 20,
+		info->sector_count);
 	printf ("  Sector Start Addresses:");
-	for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++) {
+	for (i=0; i<info->sector_count; ++i) {
 		if ((i % 5) == 0) {
 			printf ("\n   ");
-		printf (" %08lX%s", info->start[i],
+		printf (" %08lX%s",
+			info->start[i],
 			info->protect[i] ? " (RO)" : "     ");
 	printf ("\n");
-Done:	;
+	return;
-int flash_erase (flash_info_t * info, int s_first, int s_last)
+ * The following code cannot be run from FLASH!
+ */
+ulong flash_get_size (FPWV *addr, flash_info_t *info)
-	ulong result;
-	int iflag, cflag, prot, sect;
-	int rc = ERR_OK;
-	int chip1;
+	int i;
+	ulong base = (ulong)addr;
-	/* first look for protection bits */
+	/* Write auto select command: read Manufacturer ID */
+	/* Write auto select command sequence and test FLASH answer */
+	addr[FLASH_CYCLE1] = (FPW)0x00AA00AA;	/* for AMD, Intel ignores this */
+	addr[FLASH_CYCLE2] = (FPW)0x00550055;	/* for AMD, Intel ignores this */
+	addr[FLASH_CYCLE1] = (FPW)0x00900090;	/* selects Intel or AMD */
-	if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN)
+	/* The manufacturer codes are only 1 byte, so just use 1 byte.
+	 * This works for any bus width and any FLASH device width.
+	 */
+	udelay(100);
+	switch (addr[0] & 0xff) {
-	if ((s_first < 0) || (s_first > s_last)) {
-		return ERR_INVAL;
+	case (uchar)AMD_MANUFACT:
+		printf ("Manufacturer: AMD (Spansion)\n");
+		info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_AMD;
+		break;
+	case (uchar)INTEL_MANUFACT:
+		printf ("Manufacturer: Intel (not supported yet)\n");
+		info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_INTEL;
+		break;
+	default:
+		info->flash_id = FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+		info->sector_count = 0;
+		info->size = 0;
+		break;
-	if ((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) !=
+	/* Check 16 bits or 32 bits of ID so work on 32 or 16 bit bus. */
+	if (info->flash_id != FLASH_UNKNOWN) switch ((FPW)addr[1]) {
+		printf ("Mirror Bit flash: addr[14] = %08X  addr[15] = %08X\n",
+			addr[14], addr[15]);
+		switch(addr[14] & 0xffff) {
+		case (AMD_ID_GL064M_2 & 0xffff):
+			if (addr[15] != (AMD_ID_GL064M_3 & 0xffff)) {
+				printf ("Chip: S29GLxxxM -> unknown\n");
+				info->flash_id = FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+				info->sector_count = 0;
+				info->size = 0;
+			} else {
+				printf ("Chip: S29GL064M-R6\n");
+				info->flash_id += FLASH_S29GL064M;
+				info->sector_count = 128;
+				info->size = 0x00800000;
+				for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++) {
+					info->start[i] = base;
+					base += 0x10000;
+				}
+			}
+			break;	/* => 16 MB	*/
+		default:
+			printf ("Chip: *** unknown ***\n");
+			info->flash_id = FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+			info->sector_count = 0;
+			info->size = 0;
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		info->flash_id = FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+		info->sector_count = 0;
+		info->size = 0;
+	}
+	/* Put FLASH back in read mode */
+	flash_reset(info);
+	return (info->size);
+ */
+int	flash_erase (flash_info_t *info, int s_first, int s_last)
+	FPWV *addr = (FPWV *)(info->start[0]);
+	int flag, prot, sect, l_sect;
+	ulong start, now, last;
+	printf ("flash_erase: first: %d last: %d\n", s_first, s_last);
+	if ((s_first < 0) || (s_first > s_last)) {
+		if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN) {
+			printf ("- missing\n");
+		} else {
+			printf ("- no sectors to erase\n");
+			}
+		return 1;
+			}
+	if ((info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN) ||
+	    (info->flash_id > FLASH_AMD_COMP)) {
+		printf ("Can't erase unknown flash type %08lx - aborted\n",
+			info->flash_id);
+		return 1;
 	prot = 0;
-	for (sect = s_first; sect <= s_last; ++sect) {
+	for (sect=s_first; sect<=s_last; ++sect) {
 		if (info->protect[sect]) {
-	if (prot)
-		return ERR_PROTECTED;
-	/*
-	 * Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout
-	 * here. Remember that our exception vectors are
-	 * at address 0 in the flash, and we don't want a
-	 * (ticker) exception to happen while the flash
-	 * chip is in programming mode.
-	 */
-	cflag = icache_status ();
-	icache_disable ();
-	iflag = disable_interrupts ();
+	if (prot) {
+		printf ("- Warning: %d protected sectors will not be erased!\n",
+			prot);
+	} else {
+		printf ("\n");
+	}
+	l_sect = -1;
+	/* Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout here */
+	flag = disable_interrupts();
+	addr[0x0555] = 0x00AA;
+	addr[0x02AA] = 0x0055;
+	addr[0x0555] = 0x0080;
+	addr[0x0555] = 0x00AA;
+	addr[0x02AA] = 0x0055;
 	/* Start erase on unprotected sectors */
-	for (sect = s_first; sect <= s_last && !ctrlc (); sect++) {
-		printf ("Erasing sector %2d ... ", sect);
-		/* arm simple, non interrupt dependent timer */
-		reset_timer_masked ();
+	for (sect = s_first; sect<=s_last; sect++) {
 		if (info->protect[sect] == 0) {	/* not protected */
-			volatile u16 *addr = (volatile u16 *) (info->start[sect]);
-			*addr = CMD_ERASE_CONFIRM;
-			/* wait until flash is ready */
-			chip1 = 0;
-			do {
-				result = *addr;
-				/* check timeout */
-				if (get_timer_masked () > CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT) {
-					chip1 = TMO;
-					break;
-				}
-				if (!chip1 && (result & 0xFFFF) & BIT_ERASE_DONE)
-					chip1 = READY;
-			} while (!chip1);
-			if (chip1 == ERR) {
-				rc = ERR_PROG_ERROR;
-				goto outahere;
-			}
-			if (chip1 == TMO) {
-				rc = ERR_TIMOUT;
-				goto outahere;
-			}
-			printf ("ok.\n");
-		} else {			/* it was protected */
-			printf ("protected!\n");
+			addr = (FPWV *)(info->start[sect]);
+			addr[0] = 0x0030;
+			l_sect = sect;
-	if (ctrlc ())
-		printf ("User Interrupt!\n");
+	/* re-enable interrupts if necessary */
+	if (flag)
+		enable_interrupts();
-	/* allow flash to settle - wait 10 ms */
-	udelay_masked (10000);
-	if (iflag)
-		enable_interrupts ();
-	if (cflag)
-		icache_enable ();
-	return rc;
- * Copy memory to flash
- */
-volatile static int write_word (flash_info_t * info, ulong dest,
-								ulong data)
-	volatile u16 *addr = (volatile u16 *) dest;
-	ulong result;
-	int rc = ERR_OK;
-	int cflag, iflag;
-	int chip1;
+	/* wait at least 80us - let's wait 1 ms */
+	udelay (1000);
-	 * Check if Flash is (sufficiently) erased
+	 * We wait for the last triggered sector
-	result = *addr;
-	if ((result & data) != data)
-		return ERR_NOT_ERASED;
+	if (l_sect < 0)
+		goto DONE;
-	/*
-	 * Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout
-	 * here. Remember that our exception vectors are
-	 * at address 0 in the flash, and we don't want a
-	 * (ticker) exception to happen while the flash
-	 * chip is in programming mode.
-	 */
-	cflag = icache_status ();
-	icache_disable ();
-	iflag = disable_interrupts ();
-	*addr = data;
-	/* arm simple, non interrupt dependent timer */
-	reset_timer_masked ();
-	/* wait until flash is ready */
-	chip1 = 0;
-	do {
-		result = *addr;
-		/* check timeout */
-		if (get_timer_masked () > CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT) {
-			chip1 = ERR | TMO;
-			break;
+	start = get_timer (0);
+	last  = start;
+	addr = (FPWV *)(info->start[l_sect]);
+	while ((addr[0] & 0x00000080) != 0x00000080) {
+		if ((now = get_timer(start)) > CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT) {
+			printf ("Timeout\n");
+			return 1;
+		}
+		/* show that we're waiting */
+		if ((now - last) > 1000) {	/* every second */
+			putc ('.');
+			last = now;
+		}
-		if (!chip1 && ((result & 0x80) == (data & 0x80)))
-			chip1 = READY;
-	} while (!chip1);
+	/* reset to read mode */
+	addr = (FPWV *)info->start[0];
+	addr[0] = 0x000000F0;	/* reset bank */
-	*addr = CMD_READ_ARRAY;
-	if (chip1 == ERR || *addr != data)
-	if (iflag)
-		enable_interrupts ();
-	if (cflag)
-		icache_enable ();
-	return rc;
+	printf (" done\n");
+	return 0;
- * Copy memory to flash.
+ * Copy memory to flash, returns:
+ * 0 - OK
+ * 1 - write timeout
+ * 2 - Flash not erased
-int write_buff (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong addr, ulong cnt)
+int write_buff (flash_info_t *info, uchar *src, ulong addr, ulong cnt)
 	ulong wp, data;
 	int rc;
@@ -483,8 +379,8 @@ int write_buff (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong addr, ulong cnt)
 	wp = addr;
 	while (cnt >= 2) {
-		data = *((volatile u16 *) src);
-		if ((rc = write_word (info, wp, data)) != 0) {
+		data = *((FPWV *)src);
+		if ((rc = write_word_amd(info, (FPW *)wp, data)) != 0) {
 			return (rc);
 		src += 2;
@@ -492,16 +388,68 @@ int write_buff (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong addr, ulong cnt)
 		cnt -= 2;
+	if (cnt == 0) {
+		return (0);
+	}
 	if (cnt == 1) {
-		data = (*((volatile u8 *) src)) | (*((volatile u8 *) (wp + 1)) <<
-										   8);
-		if ((rc = write_word (info, wp, data)) != 0) {
+		data = (*((volatile u8 *) src)) | (*((volatile u8 *) (wp + 1))
+				<< 8);
+		if ((rc = write_word_amd(info, (FPW *)wp, data)) != 0) {
 			return (rc);
 		src += 1;
 		wp += 1;
 		cnt -= 1;
-	};
+	}
 	return ERR_OK;
+ * Write a word to Flash for AMD FLASH
+ * A word is 16 or 32 bits, whichever the bus width of the flash bank
+ * (not an individual chip) is.
+ *
+ * returns:
+ * 0 - OK
+ * 1 - write timeout
+ * 2 - Flash not erased
+ */
+static int write_word_amd (flash_info_t *info, FPWV *dest, FPW data)
+	ulong start;
+	int flag;
+	FPWV *base;		/* first address in flash bank	*/
+	/* Check if Flash is (sufficiently) erased */
+	if ((*dest & data) != data) {
+		return (2);
+	}
+	base = (FPWV *)(info->start[0]);
+	/* Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout here */
+	flag = disable_interrupts();
+	base[FLASH_CYCLE1] = (FPW)0x00AA00AA;	/* unlock */
+	base[FLASH_CYCLE2] = (FPW)0x00550055;	/* unlock */
+	base[FLASH_CYCLE1] = (FPW)0x00A000A0;	/* selects program mode */
+	*dest = data;		/* start programming the data	*/
+	/* re-enable interrupts if necessary */
+	if (flag)
+		enable_interrupts();
+	start = get_timer (0);
+	/* data polling for D7 */
+	while ((*dest & (FPW)0x00000080) != (data & (FPW)0x00000080)) {
+		if (get_timer(start) > CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT) {
+			*dest = (FPW)0x000000F0;	/* reset bank */
+			return (1);
+		}
+	}
+	return (0);
diff --git a/board/cmc_pu2/memsetup.S b/board/cmc_pu2/memsetup.S
index 2d0e1d701d..b0c8d4c46c 100644
--- a/board/cmc_pu2/memsetup.S
+++ b/board/cmc_pu2/memsetup.S
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
  * Modified for the at91rm9200dk board by
  * (C) Copyright 2004
- * Gary Jennejohn, DENX Software Engineering, <gj@denx.de>
+ * Gary Jennejohn, DENX Software Engineering, <garyj@denx.de>
  * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
  * project.
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
  * some parameters for the board
  * This is based on rm9200dk.cfg for the BDI2000 from ABATRON which in
- * turn is based on the boot.bin code from ATMMEL
+ * turn is based on the boot.bin code from ATMEL
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 #define EBI_CFGR 0xFFFFFF64
 #define EBI_CFGR_VAL 0x00000000
 #define SMC2_CSR 0xFFFFFF70
-#define SMC2_CSR_VAL 0x00003284 /* 16bit, 2 TDF, 4 WS */
+#define SMC2_CSR_VAL 0x100032ad /* 16bit, 2 TDF, 4 WS */
 /* clocks */
 #define PLLAR 0xFFFFFC28
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 #define EBI_CSA 0xFFFFFF60
 #define EBI_CSA_VAL 0x00000002 /* CS1=SDRAM */
 #define SDRC_CR 0xFFFFFF98
-#define SDRC_CR_VAL 0x2188c155
+#define SDRC_CR_VAL 0x3399c1d4 /* set up the SDRAM */
 #define SDRAM 0x20000000 /* address of the SDRAM */
 #define SDRAM1 0x20000080 /* address of the SDRAM */
 #define SDRAM_VAL 0x00000000 /* value written to SDRAM */
@@ -86,15 +86,20 @@
 #define SDRC_TR_VAL 0x000002E0 /* Write refresh rate */
 	.word	TEXT_BASE
-.globl memsetup
+.globl lowlevelinit
 	/* memory control configuration */
 	/* this isn't very elegant, but	 what the heck */
 	ldr	r0, =SMRDATA
-	ldr	r1, _TEXT_BASE
+	ldr	r1, _MTEXT_BASE
 	sub	r0, r0, r1
 	add	r2, r0, #80
@@ -106,12 +111,12 @@ memsetup:
 	cmp	r2, r0
 	bne	0b
 	/* delay - this is all done by guess */
-	ldr	r0, =0x00001000
+	ldr	r0, =0x00010000
 	subs	r0, r0, #1
 	bhi	1b
 	ldr	r0, =SMRDATA1
-	ldr	r1, _TEXT_BASE
+	ldr	r1, _MTEXT_BASE
 	sub	r0, r0, r1
 	add	r2, r0, #176
diff --git a/common/cmd_bootm.c b/common/cmd_bootm.c
index 43ea5f19fe..356a2a4f9f 100644
--- a/common/cmd_bootm.c
+++ b/common/cmd_bootm.c
@@ -449,8 +449,8 @@ U_BOOT_CMD(
  	bootm,	CFG_MAXARGS,	1,	do_bootm,
  	"bootm   - boot application image from memory\n",
  	"[addr [arg ...]]\n    - boot application image stored in memory\n"
- 	"        passing arguments 'arg ...'; when booting a Linux kernel,\n"
- 	"        'arg' can be the address of an initrd image\n"
+ 	"\tpassing arguments 'arg ...'; when booting a Linux kernel,\n"
+ 	"\t'arg' can be the address of an initrd image\n"
@@ -574,11 +574,11 @@ do_bootm_linux (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag,
 		kbd->bi_intfreq /= 1000000L;
 		kbd->bi_busfreq /= 1000000L;
 #if defined(CONFIG_MPC8220)
-        kbd->bi_inpfreq /= 1000000L;
-        kbd->bi_pcifreq /= 1000000L;
-        kbd->bi_pevfreq /= 1000000L;
-        kbd->bi_flbfreq /= 1000000L;
-        kbd->bi_vcofreq /= 1000000L;
+	kbd->bi_inpfreq /= 1000000L;
+	kbd->bi_pcifreq /= 1000000L;
+	kbd->bi_pevfreq /= 1000000L;
+	kbd->bi_flbfreq /= 1000000L;
+	kbd->bi_vcofreq /= 1000000L;
 #if defined(CONFIG_8260) || defined(CONFIG_MPC8560)
 		kbd->bi_cpmfreq /= 1000000L;
diff --git a/common/soft_i2c.c b/common/soft_i2c.c
index 9a10b3126c..f7ca49840a 100644
--- a/common/soft_i2c.c
+++ b/common/soft_i2c.c
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
 #ifdef	CONFIG_MPC8260			/* only valid for MPC8260 */
 #include <ioports.h>
+#ifdef CONFIG_AT91RM9200DK		/* need this for the at91rm9200dk */
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/arch/hardware.h>
 #include <i2c.h>
 #if defined(CONFIG_SOFT_I2C)
diff --git a/cpu/at91rm9200/at91rm9200_ether.c b/cpu/at91rm9200/at91rm9200_ether.c
index 85afba7785..b6247c92e3 100644
--- a/cpu/at91rm9200/at91rm9200_ether.c
+++ b/cpu/at91rm9200/at91rm9200_ether.c
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ int eth_init (bd_t * bd)
 			  AT91C_PA10_ETX1 | AT91C_PA9_ETX0 | AT91C_PA8_ETXEN |
+#if defined(CONFIG_AT91C_USE_RMII) && !defined(CONFIG_CMC_PU2)
 	*AT91C_PIOB_PDR = AT91C_PB25_EF100 |
 			  AT91C_PB19_ERXCK | AT91C_PB18_ECOL | AT91C_PB17_ERXDV |
 			  AT91C_PB16_ERX3 | AT91C_PB15_ERX2 | AT91C_PB14_ETXER |
@@ -178,6 +179,7 @@ int eth_init (bd_t * bd)
 	*AT91C_PIOB_BSR = AT91C_PB25_EF100 | AT91C_PB19_ERXCK | AT91C_PB18_ECOL |
 			  AT91C_PB17_ERXDV | AT91C_PB16_ERX3 | AT91C_PB15_ERX2 |
 			  AT91C_PB14_ETXER | AT91C_PB13_ETX3 | AT91C_PB12_ETX2;
 	*AT91C_PMC_PCER = 1 << AT91C_ID_EMAC;	/* Peripheral Clock Enable Register */
diff --git a/cpu/at91rm9200/i2c.c b/cpu/at91rm9200/i2c.c
index 515792c7e8..c12d2dd1a6 100644
--- a/cpu/at91rm9200/i2c.c
+++ b/cpu/at91rm9200/i2c.c
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ static int debug = 0;
 static short at91_poll_status(AT91PS_TWI twi, unsigned long bit) {
 	int loop_cntr = 10000;
 	do {
-		udelay(100);
+		udelay(10);
 	} while (!(twi->TWI_SR & bit) && (--loop_cntr > 0));
 	return (loop_cntr > 0);
diff --git a/cpu/at91rm9200/serial.c b/cpu/at91rm9200/serial.c
index fb038510c4..a9693bf44e 100644
--- a/cpu/at91rm9200/serial.c
+++ b/cpu/at91rm9200/serial.c
@@ -55,17 +55,11 @@ void serial_setbrg (void)
 	if ((baudrate = gd->baudrate) <= 0)
 		baudrate = CONFIG_BAUDRATE;
-	if (baudrate == CONFIG_BAUDRATE) {
+	if (baudrate == 0 || baudrate == CONFIG_BAUDRATE)
 		us->US_BRGR = CFG_AT91C_BRGR_DIVISOR;	/* hardcode so no __divsi3 */
-	} else {
-#if 0
-		/* 33 -> 115200 */
-		us->US_BRGR = 33 * (115200/baudrate);
+	else
 		/* MASTER_CLOCK/(16 * baudrate) */
 		us->US_BRGR = (AT91C_MASTER_CLOCK >> 4)/baudrate;
-	}
 int serial_init (void)
diff --git a/cpu/at91rm9200/start.S b/cpu/at91rm9200/start.S
index d73af20dfb..4f1d9ae83e 100644
--- a/cpu/at91rm9200/start.S
+++ b/cpu/at91rm9200/start.S
@@ -112,9 +112,53 @@ reset:
 	mrs     r0,cpsr
 	bic     r0,r0,#0x1f
-	orr     r0,r0,#0x13
+	orr     r0,r0,#0xd3 /* was 13 */
 	msr     cpsr,r0
+/* code based on entry.S from ATMEL */
+#define AT91C_BASE_CKGR 0xFFFFFC20
+#define CKGR_MOR 0
+	/* Get the CKGR Base Address */
+	ldr     r1, =AT91C_BASE_CKGR
+/* Main oscillator Enable register	APMC_MOR : Enable main oscillator , OSCOUNT = 0xFF */
+	ldr 	r0, =0x0000FF01
+	str     r0, [r1, #CKGR_MOR]
+	/* Add loop to compensate Main Oscillator startup time */
+	ldr 	r0, =0x00000010
+	subs    r0, r0, #1
+	bhi     LoopOsc
+	/* scratch stack */
+	ldr 	r1, =0x00204000
+	/* Insure word alignment */
+	bic     r1, r1, #3
+	/* Init stack SYS	 */
+	mov     sp, r1
+	/*
+	 * This does a lot more than just set up the memory, which
+	 * is why it's called lowlevelinit
+	 */
+	bl	lowlevelinit /* in memsetup.S */
+	bl	icache_enable;
+	/*------------------------------------
+	  Read/modify/write CP15 control register
+	 -------------------------------------
+	  read cp15 control register (cp15 r1) in r0
+	  ------------------------------------*/
+	mrc     p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0
+	/* Reset bit :Little Endian end fast bus mode */
+	ldr     r3, =0xC0000080
+	/* Set bit :Asynchronous clock mode, Not Fast Bus */
+	ldr     r4, =0xC0000000
+	bic     r0, r0, r3
+	orr     r0, r0, r4
+	/* write r0 in cp15 control register (cp15 r1) */
+	mcr     p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0
 	 * relocate exeception table
@@ -135,6 +179,25 @@ copyex:
 	bl      cpu_init_crit
+relocate:				/* relocate U-Boot to RAM	    */
+	adr	r0, _start		/* r0 <- current position of code   */
+	ldr	r1, _TEXT_BASE		/* test if we run from flash or RAM */
+	cmp     r0, r1                  /* don't reloc during debug         */
+	beq     stack_setup
+	ldr	r2, _armboot_start
+	ldr	r3, _bss_start
+	sub	r2, r3, r2		/* r2 <- size of armboot            */
+	add	r2, r0, r2		/* r2 <- source end address         */
+	ldmia	r0!, {r3-r10}		/* copy from source address [r0]    */
+	stmia	r1!, {r3-r10}		/* copy to   target address [r1]    */
+	cmp	r0, r2			/* until source end addreee [r2]    */
+	ble	copy_loop
 	/* Set up the stack						    */
 	ldr	r0, _TEXT_BASE		/* upper 128 KiB: relocated uboot   */
@@ -168,7 +231,7 @@ _start_armboot: .word start_armboot
-	# actually do nothing for now!
+	/* do nothing for now */
 	mov	pc, lr
diff --git a/include/asm-arm/arch-at91rm9200/AT91RM9200.h b/include/asm-arm/arch-at91rm9200/AT91RM9200.h
index 869c4e20b4..07ae1123fe 100644
--- a/include/asm-arm/arch-at91rm9200/AT91RM9200.h
+++ b/include/asm-arm/arch-at91rm9200/AT91RM9200.h
@@ -92,9 +92,52 @@ typedef struct _AT91S_USART {
 	AT91_REG	 US_PTSR; 	/* PDC Transfer Status Register */
-/* ***************************************************************************** */
+/*          SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Clock Generator Controler      */
+typedef struct _AT91S_CKGR {
+	AT91_REG	 CKGR_MOR; 	/* Main Oscillator Register */
+	AT91_REG	 CKGR_MCFR; 	/* Main Clock  Frequency Register */
+	AT91_REG	 CKGR_PLLAR; 	/* PLL A Register */
+	AT91_REG	 CKGR_PLLBR; 	/* PLL B Register */
+/* -------- CKGR_MOR : (CKGR Offset: 0x0) Main Oscillator Register -------- */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_MOSCEN     ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) /* (CKGR) Main Oscillator Enable */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_OSCTEST    ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) /* (CKGR) Oscillator Test */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_OSCOUNT    ((unsigned int) 0xFF <<  8) /* (CKGR) Main Oscillator Start-up Time */
+/* -------- CKGR_MCFR : (CKGR Offset: 0x4) Main Clock Frequency Register -------- */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_MAINF      ((unsigned int) 0xFFFF <<  0) /* (CKGR) Main Clock Frequency */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_MAINRDY    ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) /* (CKGR) Main Clock Ready */
+/* -------- CKGR_PLLAR : (CKGR Offset: 0x8) PLL A Register -------- */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVA       ((unsigned int) 0xFF <<  0) /* (CKGR) Divider Selected */
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_DIVA_0                    ((unsigned int) 0x0) /* (CKGR) Divider output is 0 */
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_DIVA_BYPASS               ((unsigned int) 0x1) /* (CKGR) Divider is bypassed */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLACOUNT  ((unsigned int) 0x3F <<  8) /* (CKGR) PLL A Counter */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTA       ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) /* (CKGR) PLL A Output Frequency Range */
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_0                    ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 14) /* (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet */
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_1                    ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) /* (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet */
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_2                    ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 14) /* (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet */
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_3                    ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) /* (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_MULA       ((unsigned int) 0x7FF << 16) /* (CKGR) PLL A Multiplier */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_SRCA       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 29) /* (CKGR) PLL A Source */
+/* -------- CKGR_PLLBR : (CKGR Offset: 0xc) PLL B Register -------- */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVB       ((unsigned int) 0xFF <<  0) /* (CKGR) Divider Selected */
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_DIVB_0                    ((unsigned int) 0x0) /* (CKGR) Divider output is 0 */
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_DIVB_BYPASS               ((unsigned int) 0x1) /* (CKGR) Divider is bypassed */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLBCOUNT  ((unsigned int) 0x3F <<  8) /* (CKGR) PLL B Counter */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTB       ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) /* (CKGR) PLL B Output Frequency Range */
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_0                    ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 14) /* (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet */
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_1                    ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) /* (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet */
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_2                    ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 14) /* (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet */
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_3                    ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) /* (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_MULB       ((unsigned int) 0x7FF << 16) /* (CKGR) PLL B Multiplier */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_USB_96M    ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 28) /* (CKGR) Divider for USB Ports */
+#define AT91C_CKGR_USB_PLL    ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 29) /* (CKGR) PLL Use */
+/* ************************************************************************* */
 /*              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Parallel Input Output Controler */
-/* ***************************************************************************** */
+/* ************************************************************************* */
 typedef struct _AT91S_PIO {
 	AT91_REG	 PIO_PER; 	/* PIO Enable Register */
 	AT91_REG	 PIO_PDR; 	/* PIO Disable Register */
@@ -198,6 +241,23 @@ typedef struct _AT91S_SMC2 {
 	AT91_REG	 SMC2_CSR[8]; 	/* SMC2 Chip Select Register */
 } AT91S_SMC2, *AT91PS_SMC2;
+/* -------- SMC2_CSR : (SMC2 Offset: 0x0) SMC2 Chip Select Register --------  */
+#define AT91C_SMC2_NWS        ((unsigned int) 0x7F <<  0) /* (SMC2) Number of Wait States */
+#define AT91C_SMC2_WSEN       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  7) /* (SMC2) Wait State Enable */
+#define AT91C_SMC2_TDF        ((unsigned int) 0xF <<  8) /* (SMC2) Data Float Time */
+#define AT91C_SMC2_BAT        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) /* (SMC2) Byte Access Type */
+#define AT91C_SMC2_DBW        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) /* (SMC2) Data Bus Width */
+#define 	AT91C_SMC2_DBW_16                   ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) /* (SMC2) 16-bit. */
+#define 	AT91C_SMC2_DBW_8                    ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 13) /* (SMC2) 8-bit. */
+#define AT91C_SMC2_DRP        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) /* (SMC2) Data Read Protocol */
+#define AT91C_SMC2_ACSS       ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 16) /* (SMC2) Address to Chip Select Setup */
+#define 	AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_STANDARD             ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 16) /* (SMC2) Standard, asserted at the beginning of the access and deasserted at the end. */
+#define 	AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_1_CYCLE              ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) /* (SMC2) One cycle less at the beginning and the end of the access. */
+#define 	AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_2_CYCLES             ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 16) /* (SMC2) Two cycles less at the beginning and the end of the access. */
+#define 	AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_3_CYCLES             ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 16) /* (SMC2) Three cycles less at the beginning and the end of the access. */
+#define AT91C_SMC2_RWSETUP    ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 24) /* (SMC2) Read and Write Signal Setup Time */
+#define AT91C_SMC2_RWHOLD     ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 29) /* (SMC2) Read and Write Signal Hold Time */
 /* ***************************************************************************** */
 /*              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Power Management Controler		*/
 /* ******************************************************************************/
@@ -220,6 +280,58 @@ typedef struct _AT91S_PMC {
 } AT91S_PMC, *AT91PS_PMC;
+/*------- PMC_SCER : (PMC Offset: 0x0) System Clock Enable Register --------*/
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) /* (PMC) Processor Clock */
+#define AT91C_PMC_UDP         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) /* (PMC) USB Device Port Clock */
+#define AT91C_PMC_MCKUDP      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) /* (PMC) USB Device Port Master Clock Automatic Disable on Suspend */
+#define AT91C_PMC_UHP         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  4) /* (PMC) USB Host Port Clock */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK0        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) /* (PMC) Programmable Clock Output */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK1        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  9) /* (PMC) Programmable Clock Output */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK2        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) /* (PMC) Programmable Clock Output */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK3        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) /* (PMC) Programmable Clock Output */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK4        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) /* (PMC) Programmable Clock Output */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK5        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) /* (PMC) Programmable Clock Output */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK6        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) /* (PMC) Programmable Clock Output */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK7        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) /* (PMC) Programmable Clock Output */
+/*-------- PMC_SCDR : (PMC Offset: 0x4) System Clock Disable Register ------*/
+/*-------- PMC_SCSR : (PMC Offset: 0x8) System Clock Status Register -------*/
+/*-------- PMC_MCKR : (PMC Offset: 0x30) Master Clock Register --------*/
+#define AT91C_PMC_CSS         ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  0) /* (PMC) Programmable Clock Selection */
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_CSS_SLOW_CLK             ((unsigned int) 0x0) /* (PMC) Slow Clock is selected */
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_CSS_MAIN_CLK             ((unsigned int) 0x1) /* (PMC) Main Clock is selected */
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLA_CLK             ((unsigned int) 0x2) /* (PMC) Clock from PLL A is selected */
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLB_CLK             ((unsigned int) 0x3) /* (PMC) Clock from PLL B is selected */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PRES        ((unsigned int) 0x7 <<  2) /* (PMC) Programmable Clock Prescaler */
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK                  ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  2) /* (PMC) Selected clock */
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_2                ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) /* (PMC) Selected clock divided by 2 */
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_4                ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  2) /* (PMC) Selected clock divided by 4 */
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_8                ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  2) /* (PMC) Selected clock divided by 8 */
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_16               ((unsigned int) 0x4 <<  2) /* (PMC) Selected clock divided by 16 */
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_32               ((unsigned int) 0x5 <<  2) /* (PMC) Selected clock divided by 32 */
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_64               ((unsigned int) 0x6 <<  2) /* (PMC) Selected clock divided by 64 */
+#define AT91C_PMC_MDIV        ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  8) /* (PMC) Master Clock Division */
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_MDIV_1                    ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  8) /* (PMC) The master clock and the processor clock are the same */
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_MDIV_2                    ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) /* (PMC) The processor clock is twice as fast as the master clock */
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_MDIV_3                    ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  8) /* (PMC) The processor clock is three times faster than the master clock */
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_MDIV_4                    ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  8) /* (PMC) The processor clock is four times faster than the master clock */
+/*------ PMC_PCKR : (PMC Offset: 0x40) Programmable Clock Register --------*/
+/*------ PMC_IER : (PMC Offset: 0x60) PMC Interrupt Enable Register -------*/
+#define AT91C_PMC_MOSCS       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) /* (PMC) MOSC Status/Enable/Disable/Mask */
+#define AT91C_PMC_LOCKA       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) /* (PMC) PLL A Status/Enable/Disable/Mask */
+#define AT91C_PMC_LOCKB       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) /* (PMC) PLL B Status/Enable/Disable/Mask */
+#define AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  3) /* (PMC) MCK_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK0RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) /* (PMC) PCK0_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK1RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  9) /* (PMC) PCK1_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK2RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) /* (PMC) PCK2_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK3RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) /* (PMC) PCK3_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK4RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) /* (PMC) PCK4_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK5RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) /* (PMC) PCK5_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK6RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) /* (PMC) PCK6_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask */
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK7RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) /* (PMC) PCK7_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask */
+/*---- PMC_IDR : (PMC Offset: 0x64) PMC Interrupt Disable Register --------*/
+/*-------- PMC_SR : (PMC Offset: 0x68) PMC Status Register --------*/
+/*-------- PMC_IMR : (PMC Offset: 0x6c) PMC Interrupt Mask Register --------*/
 /* ***************************************************************************** */
 /*              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Ethernet MAC */
 /* ***************************************************************************** */
diff --git a/include/configs/NC650.h b/include/configs/NC650.h
index c62d879206..8966909598 100644
--- a/include/configs/NC650.h
+++ b/include/configs/NC650.h
@@ -347,8 +347,6 @@
  * 4096 Rows from SDRAM example configuration
  * 1000 factor s -> ms
diff --git a/include/configs/at91rm9200dk.h b/include/configs/at91rm9200dk.h
index fb8a6100b5..58e2045544 100644
--- a/include/configs/at91rm9200dk.h
+++ b/include/configs/at91rm9200dk.h
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@
+/* define this to include the functionality of boot.bin in u-boot */
  * Size of malloc() pool
@@ -58,8 +61,9 @@
  * Hardware drivers
-/* define one of these to choose the DBGU or USART1 as console */
+/* define one of these to choose the DBGU, USART0  or USART1 as console */
 #define CONFIG_DBGU
 #undef	CONFIG_HWFLOW			/* don't include RTS/CTS flow control support	*/
@@ -145,16 +149,27 @@
 #define CFG_ENV_SIZE			0x2000  /* 0x8000 */
 #define CFG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH		1
-#define CFG_ENV_ADDR			(PHYS_FLASH_1 + 0xe000)  /* 0x10000 */
+#define CFG_ENV_ADDR			(PHYS_FLASH_1 + 0x60000)  /* after u-boot.bin */
+#define CFG_ENV_SIZE			0x10000 /* sectors are 64K here */
+#define CFG_ENV_ADDR			(PHYS_FLASH_1 + 0xe000)  /* between boot.bin and u-boot.bin.gz */
 #define CFG_ENV_SIZE			0x2000  /* 0x8000 */
 #define CFG_LOAD_ADDR		0x21000000  /* default load address */
+#define CFG_BOOT_SIZE		0x00 /* 0 KBytes */
+#define CFG_U_BOOT_SIZE		0x60000 /* 384 KBytes */
 #define CFG_BOOT_SIZE		0x6000 /* 24 KBytes */
 #define CFG_U_BOOT_BASE		(PHYS_FLASH_1 + 0x10000)
 #define CFG_U_BOOT_SIZE		0x10000 /* 64 KBytes */
 #define CFG_BAUDRATE_TABLE	{115200 , 19200, 38400, 57600, 9600 }
diff --git a/include/configs/cmc_pu2.h b/include/configs/cmc_pu2.h
index a08b791c2e..e144a67c6c 100644
--- a/include/configs/cmc_pu2.h
+++ b/include/configs/cmc_pu2.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- * Rick Bronson <rick@efn.org>
+ * Gary Jennejohn <garyj@denx.de>
- * Configuation settings for the AT91RM9200DK board.
+ * Configuration settings for the CMC PU2 board.
  * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
  * project.
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
 /* ARM asynchronous clock */
 #define AT91C_MAIN_CLOCK	179712000	/* from 18.432 MHz crystal (18432000 / 4 * 39) */
 #define AT91C_MASTER_CLOCK	59904000	/* peripheral clock (AT91C_MASTER_CLOCK / 3) */
-/* #define AT91C_MASTER_CLOCK	44928000 */	/* peripheral clock (AT91C_MASTER_CLOCK / 4) */
 #define AT91_SLOW_CLOCK		32768	/* slow clock */
@@ -46,7 +45,12 @@
 /* define this to include the functionality of boot.bin in u-boot */
+/* just to make sure */
  * Size of malloc() pool
@@ -64,14 +68,14 @@
 /* define one of these to choose the DBGU, USART0  or USART1 as console */
-#define CONFIG_USART1
+#define CONFIG_USART0
 #undef	CONFIG_HWFLOW			/* don't include RTS/CTS flow control support	*/
 #undef	CONFIG_MODEM_SUPPORT		/* disable modem initialization stuff */
+#define CONFIG_HARD_I2C
 #define CFG_I2C_SPEED 0 /* not used */
@@ -114,38 +118,12 @@
 /* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any) */
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
-#define CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE	1	/* Max number of NAND devices		*/
-#define SECTORSIZE 512
-#define ADDR_COLUMN 1
-#define ADDR_PAGE 2
-#define NAND_ChipID_UNKNOWN	0x00
-#define NAND_MAX_FLOORS 1
-#define NAND_MAX_CHIPS 1
 #define AT91_SMART_MEDIA_ALE (1 << 22)	/* our ALE is AD22 */
 #define AT91_SMART_MEDIA_CLE (1 << 21)	/* our CLE is AD21 */
-#define NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand) do { *AT91C_PIOC_SODR = AT91C_PIO_PC0;} while(0)
-#define NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand) do { *AT91C_PIOC_CODR = AT91C_PIO_PC0;} while(0)
-#define NAND_WAIT_READY(nand) while (!(*AT91C_PIOC_PDSR & AT91C_PIO_PC2))
-#define WRITE_NAND_COMMAND(d, adr) do{ *(volatile __u8 *)((unsigned long)adr | AT91_SMART_MEDIA_CLE) = (__u8)(d); } while(0)
-#define WRITE_NAND_ADDRESS(d, adr) do{ *(volatile __u8 *)((unsigned long)adr | AT91_SMART_MEDIA_ALE) = (__u8)(d); } while(0)
-#define WRITE_NAND(d, adr) do{ *(volatile __u8 *)((unsigned long)adr) = (__u8)d; } while(0)
-#define READ_NAND(adr) ((volatile unsigned char)(*(volatile __u8 *)(unsigned long)adr))
-/* the following are NOP's in our implementation */
-#define NAND_CTL_CLRALE(nandptr)
-#define NAND_CTL_SETALE(nandptr)
-#define NAND_CTL_CLRCLE(nandptr)
-#define NAND_CTL_SETCLE(nandptr)
 #define PHYS_SDRAM 0x20000000
-#define PHYS_SDRAM_SIZE 0x2000000  /* 32 megs */
+#define PHYS_SDRAM_SIZE 0x1000000  /* 16 megs */
@@ -162,35 +140,26 @@
 #define CFG_DATAFLASH_LOGIC_ADDR_CS3	0xD0000000	/* Logical adress for CS3 */
 #define PHYS_FLASH_1			0x10000000
-#define PHYS_FLASH_SIZE			0x200000  /* 2 megs main flash */
+#define PHYS_FLASH_SIZE			0x800000  /* 8 megs main flash */
 #define CFG_MAX_FLASH_SECT		256
 #define CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT		(2*CFG_HZ) /* Timeout for Flash Erase */
 #define CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT		(2*CFG_HZ) /* Timeout for Flash Write */
-#define CFG_ENV_OFFSET			0x20000
-#define CFG_ENV_SIZE			0x2000  /* 0x8000 */
 #define CFG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH		1
-#define CFG_ENV_ADDR			(PHYS_FLASH_1 + 0xe000)  /* 0x10000 */
-#define CFG_ENV_SIZE			0x2000  /* 0x8000 */
+#define CFG_ENV_ADDR			(PHYS_FLASH_1 + 0x20000)  /* after u-boot.bin */
+#define CFG_ENV_SIZE			0x10000 /* sectors are 64K here */
 #define CFG_LOAD_ADDR		0x21000000  /* default load address */
-#define CFG_BOOT_SIZE		0x6000 /* 24 KBytes */
-#define CFG_U_BOOT_BASE		(PHYS_FLASH_1 + 0x10000)
-#define CFG_U_BOOT_SIZE		0x10000 /* 64 KBytes */
+#define CFG_BOOT_SIZE		0x00 /* 0 KBytes */
+#define CFG_U_BOOT_SIZE		0x20000 /* 128 KBytes */
 #define CFG_BAUDRATE_TABLE	{115200 , 19200, 38400, 57600, 9600 }
-#define CFG_PROMPT		"U-Boot> "	/* Monitor Command Prompt */
+#define CFG_PROMPT		"cmc> "	/* Monitor Command Prompt */
 #define CFG_CBSIZE		256		/* Console I/O Buffer Size */
 #define CFG_MAXARGS		16		/* max number of command args */
 #define CFG_PBSIZE		(CFG_CBSIZE+sizeof(CFG_PROMPT)+16) /* Print Buffer Size */
diff --git a/include/flash.h b/include/flash.h
index 0b28da7fac..a93c9b2250 100644
--- a/include/flash.h
+++ b/include/flash.h
@@ -194,6 +194,8 @@ extern void flash_read_factory_serial(flash_info_t * info, void * buffer, int of
 #define AMD_ID_LV128U_3 0x22002200	/* 3rd ID word for AM29LV128M  at 0x3c */
 #define AMD_ID_LV256U_2 0x22122212	/* 2nd ID word for AM29LV256M  at 0x38 */
 #define AMD_ID_LV256U_3 0x22012201	/* 3rd ID word for AM29LV256M  at 0x3c */
+#define AMD_ID_GL064M_2 0x22132213	/* 2nd ID word for S29GL064M-R6 */
+#define AMD_ID_GL064M_3 0x22012201	/* 3rd ID word for S29GL064M-R6 */
 #define AMD_ID_LV320B_2	0x221A221A	/* 2d ID word for AM29LV320MB at 0x38 */
 #define AMD_ID_LV320B_3 0x22002200	/* 3d ID word for AM29LV320MB at 0x3c */
@@ -374,6 +376,7 @@ extern void flash_read_factory_serial(flash_info_t * info, void * buffer, int of
 #define FLASH_FUJLV650	0x00D0		/* Fujitsu MBM 29LV650UE/651UE		*/
 #define FLASH_MT28S4M16LC 0x00E1	/* Micron MT28S4M16LC 			*/
+#define FLASH_S29GL064M 0x00F0		/* Spansion S29GL064M-R6		*/
 #define FLASH_UNKNOWN	0xFFFF		/* unknown flash type			*/
diff --git a/lib_ppc/board.c b/lib_ppc/board.c
index 10f70087a3..92ebbd9411 100644
--- a/lib_ppc/board.c
+++ b/lib_ppc/board.c
@@ -505,14 +505,14 @@ void board_init_f (ulong bootflag)
     /* store bootparam to sram (backward compatible), here? */
-        u32 *sram = (u32 *)CFG_SRAM_BASE;
-        *sram++ = gd->ram_size;
-        *sram++ = gd->bus_clk;
-        *sram++ = gd->inp_clk;
-        *sram++ = gd->cpu_clk;
-        *sram++ = gd->vco_clk;
-        *sram++ = gd->flb_clk;
-        *sram++ = 0xb8c3ba11;  /* boot signature */
+	u32 *sram = (u32 *)CFG_SRAM_BASE;
+	*sram++ = gd->ram_size;
+	*sram++ = gd->bus_clk;
+	*sram++ = gd->inp_clk;
+	*sram++ = gd->cpu_clk;
+	*sram++ = gd->vco_clk;
+	*sram++ = gd->flb_clk;
+	*sram++ = 0xb8c3ba11;  /* boot signature */
diff --git a/tools/mkimage.c b/tools/mkimage.c
index b6e030e28e..d35abc99e6 100644
--- a/tools/mkimage.c
+++ b/tools/mkimage.c
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ usage ()
 	fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s -l image\n"
 			 "          -l ==> list image header information\n"
-			 "       %s -A arch -O os -T type -C comp "
+			 "       %s [-x] -A arch -O os -T type -C comp "
 			 "-a addr -e ep -n name -d data_file[:data_file...] image\n",
 		cmdname, cmdname);
 	fprintf (stderr, "          -A ==> set architecture to 'arch'\n"