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diff --git a/board/qemu-mips/README b/board/qemu-mips/README
index 565241b587..9fd97e1249 100644
--- a/board/qemu-mips/README
+++ b/board/qemu-mips/README
@@ -13,3 +13,170 @@ Derived from au1x00 with a lot of things cut out.
 Supports emulated flash (patch Jean-Christophe PLAGNIOL-VILLARD) with
 recent qemu versions. When using emulated flash, launch with
 -pflash <filename> and erase mips_bios.bin.
+Notes for the Qemu MIPS port
+I) Example usage:
+# ln -s u-boot.bin mips_bios.bin
+start it:
+qemu-system-mips -L . /dev/null -nographic
+if you use a qemu version after commit 4224
+create image:
+# dd of=flash bs=1k count=4k if=/dev/zero
+# dd of=flash bs=1k conv=notrunc if=u-boot.bin
+start it:
+# qemu-system-mips -M mips -pflash flash -monitor null -nographic
+2) Download kernel + initrd
+On ftp://ftp.denx.de/pub/contrib/Jean-Christophe_Plagniol-Villard/qemu_mips/
+you can downland
+#config to build the kernel
+#patch to fix mips interrupt init on 2.6.24.y kernel
+4) Generate uImage
+# tools/mkimage -A mips -O linux -T kernel -C gzip -a 0x80010000 -e 0x80245650 -n "Linux 2.6.24.y" -d vmlinux.bin.gz uImage
+5) Copy uImage to Flash
+# dd if=uImage bs=1k conv=notrunc seek=224 of=flash
+6) Generate Ide Disk
+# dd of=ide bs=1k cout=100k if=/dev/zero
+# sfdisk -C 261 -d ide
+# partition table of ide
+unit: sectors
+     ide1 : start=       63, size=    32067, Id=83
+     ide2 : start=    32130, size=    32130, Id=83
+     ide3 : start=    64260, size=  4128705, Id=83
+     ide4 : start=        0, size=        0, Id= 0
+7) Copy to ide
+# dd if=uImage bs=512 conv=notrunc seek=63 of=ide
+8) Generate ext2 on part 2 on Copy uImage and initrd.gz
+# Attached as loop device ide offset = 32130 * 512
+# losetup -o 16450560 -f ide
+# Format as ext2 ( arg2 : nb blocks)
+# mke2fs /dev/loop0 16065
+# losetup -d /dev/loop0
+# Mount and copy uImage and initrd.gz to it
+# mount -o loop,offset=16450560 -t ext2 ide /mnt
+# mkdir /mnt/boot
+# cp {initrd.gz,uImage} /mnt/boot/
+# Umount it
+# umount /mnt
+9) Set Environment
+setenv rd_start 0x80800000
+setenv rd_size 2663940
+setenv kernel BFC38000
+setenv oad_addr 80500000
+setenv load_addr2 80F00000
+setenv kernel_flash BFC38000
+setenv load_addr_hello 80200000
+setenv bootargs 'root=/dev/ram0 init=/bin/sh'
+setenv load_rd_ext2 'ide res; ext2load ide 0:2 ${rd_start} /boot/initrd.gz'
+setenv load_rd_tftp 'tftp ${rd_start} /initrd.gz'
+setenv load_kernel_hda 'ide res; diskboot ${load_addr} 0:2'
+setenv load_kernel_ext2 'ide res; ext2load ide 0:2 ${load_addr} /boot/uImage'
+setenv load_kernel_tftp 'tftp ${load_addr} /qemu_mips/uImage'
+setenv boot_ext2_ext2 'run load_rd_ext2; run load_kernel_ext2; run addmisc; bootm ${load_addr}'
+setenv boot_ext2_flash 'run load_rd_ext2; run addmisc; bootm ${kernel_flash}'
+setenv boot_ext2_hda 'run load_rd_ext2; run load_kernel_hda; run addmisc; bootm ${load_addr}'
+setenv boot_ext2_tftp 'run load_rd_ext2; run load_kernel_tftp; run addmisc; bootm ${load_addr}'
+setenv boot_tftp_hda 'run load_rd_tftp; run load_kernel_hda; run addmisc; bootm ${load_addr}'
+setenv boot_tftp_ext2 'run load_rd_tftp; run load_kernel_ext2; run addmisc; bootm ${load_addr}'
+setenv boot_tftp_flash 'run load_rd_tftp; run addmisc; bootm ${kernel_flash}'
+setenv boot_tftp_tftp 'run load_rd_tftp; run load_kernel_tftp; run addmisc; bootm ${load_addr}'
+setenv load_hello_tftp 'tftp ${load_addr_hello} /examples/hello_world.bin'
+setenv go_tftp 'run load_hello_tftp; go ${load_addr_hello}'
+setenv addmisc 'setenv bootargs ${bootargs} console=ttyS0,${baudrate} rd_start=${rd_start} rd_size=${rd_size} ethaddr=${ethaddr}'
+setenv bootcmd 'run boot_tftp_flash'
+10) Now you can boot from flash, ide, ide+ext2 and tfp
+# qemu-system-mips -M mips -pflash flash -monitor null -nographic -net nic -net user -tftp `pwd` -hda ide
+II) How to debug U-Boot
+In order to debug U-Boot you need to start qemu with gdb server support (-s)
+and waiting the connection to start the CPU (-S)
+# qemu-system-mips -S -s -M mips -pflash flash -monitor null -nographic -net nic -net user -tftp `pwd` -hda ide
+in an other console you start gdb
+1) Debugging of U-Boot Before Relocation
+Before relocation, the addresses in the ELF file can be used without any problems
+by connecting to the gdb server localhost:1234
+# mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu-gdb u-boot
+GNU gdb 6.6
+Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
+welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
+Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
+There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
+This GDB was configured as "--host=i486-linux-gnu --target=mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu"...
+(gdb)  target remote localhost:1234
+Remote debugging using localhost:1234
+_start () at start.S:64
+64		RVECENT(reset,0)	/* U-boot entry point */
+Current language:  auto; currently asm
+(gdb)  b board.c:289
+Breakpoint 1 at 0xbfc00cc8: file board.c, line 289.
+(gdb) c
+Breakpoint 1, board_init_f (bootflag=<value optimized out>) at board.c:290
+290		relocate_code (addr_sp, id, addr);
+Current language:  auto; currently c
+(gdb) p/x addr
+$1 = 0x87fa0000
+2) Debugging of U-Boot After Relocation
+For debugging U-Boot after relocation we need to know the address to which
+U-Boot relocates itself to 0x87fa0000 by default.
+And replace the symbol table to this offset.
+(gdb) symbol-file
+Discard symbol table from `/private/u-boot-arm/u-boot'? (y or n) y
+Error in re-setting breakpoint 1:
+No symbol table is loaded.  Use the "file" command.
+No symbol file now.
+(gdb) add-symbol-file u-boot 0x87fa0000
+add symbol table from file "u-boot" at
+	.text_addr = 0x87fa0000
+(y or n) y
+Reading symbols from /private/u-boot-arm/u-boot...done.
+Breakpoint 1 at 0x87fa0cc8: file board.c, line 289.
+(gdb) c
+Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
+0xffffffff87fa0de4 in udelay (usec=<value optimized out>) at time.c:78
+78		while ((tmo - read_c0_count()) < 0x7fffffff)
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diff --git a/board/sandpoint/README b/board/sandpoint/README
index 9e48168a24..a2e0831f33 100644
--- a/board/sandpoint/README
+++ b/board/sandpoint/README
@@ -13,3 +13,401 @@ seem to maintain it any more. I can be reached by mail as
 Thomas Koeller
+The port was tested on a Sandpoint 8240 X3 board, with U-Boot
+installed in the flash memory of the CPU card. Please use the
+following DIP switch settings:
+SW1.1: on	SW1.2: on	SW1.3: on	SW1.4: on
+SW1.5: on	SW1.6: on	SW1.7: on	SW1.8: on
+SW2.1: on	SW2.2: on	SW2.3: on	SW2.4: on
+SW2.5: on	SW2.6: on	SW2.7: on	SW2.8: on
+CPU Card:
+SW2.1: OFF	SW2.2: OFF	SW2.3: on	SW2.4: on
+SW2.5: OFF	SW2.6: OFF	SW2.7: OFF	SW2.8: OFF
+SW3.1: OFF	SW3.2: on	SW3.3: OFF	SW3.4: OFF
+SW3.5: on	SW3.6: OFF	SW3.7: OFF	SW3.8: on
+The followind detailed description of installation and initial steps
+with U-Boot and QNX was provided by Jim Sandoz <sandoz@lucent.com>:
+Directions for installing U-Boot on Sandpoint+Unity8240
+using the Abatron BDI2000 BDM/JTAG debugger ...
+Background and Reference info:
+Connection Diagram:
+					    ===========
+ ===                     =====             |-----      |
+|   | <---------------> |     |            |     |     |
+|PC |       rs232       | BDI |=============[]   |     |
+|   |                   |2000 |  BDM probe |     |     |
+|   | <---------------> |     |            |-----      |
+ ===       ethernet      =====             |           |
+					   |           |
+					    ===========
+					 Sandpoint X3 with
+					  Unity 8240 proc
+PART 1)
+  DIP Switch Settings:
+Sandpoint X3 8240 processor board DIP switch settings, with
+U-Boot to be installed in the flash memory of the CPU card:
+Motorola Sandpoint X3 Motherboard:
+SW1.1: on	SW1.2: on	SW1.3: on	SW1.4: on
+SW1.5: on	SW1.6: on	SW1.7: on	SW1.8: on
+SW2.1: on	SW2.2: on	SW2.3: on	SW2.4: on
+SW2.5: on	SW2.6: on	SW2.7: on	SW2.8: on
+Motorola Unity 8240 CPU Card:
+SW2.1: OFF	SW2.2: OFF	SW2.3: on	SW2.4: on
+SW2.5: OFF	SW2.6: OFF	SW2.7: OFF	SW2.8: OFF
+SW3.1: OFF	SW3.2: on	SW3.3: OFF	SW3.4: OFF
+SW3.5: on	SW3.6: OFF	SW3.7: OFF	SW3.8: on
+PART 2)
+  Connect the BDI2000 Cable to the Sandpoint/Unity 8240:
+BDM Pin 1 on the Unity 8240 processor board is towards the
+PCI PMC connectors, or away from the socketed SDRAM, i.e.:
+  ====================
+  | ---------------- |
+  | |    SDRAM     | |
+  | |              | |
+  | ---------------- |
+  | |~|              |
+  | |B|       ++++++ |
+  | |D|       + uP + |
+  | |M|       +8240+ |
+  |  ~ 1      ++++++ |
+  |                  |
+  |                  |
+  |                  |
+  | PMC conn ======  |
+  |   =====  ======  |
+  |                  |
+  ====================
+PART 3)
+  Setting up the BDI2000, and preparing for TCP/IP network comms:
+Connect the BDI2000 to the PC using the supplied serial cable.
+Download the BDI2000 software and install it using setup.exe.
+[Note: of course you  can  also  use  the  Linux  command  line  tool
+"bdisetup"  to  configure  your BDI2000 - the sources are included on
+the floppy disk that comes with your BDI2000. Just in case you  don't
+have any Windows PC's - like me :-)   -- wd ]
+Power up the BDI2000; then follow directions to assign the IP
+address and related network information.  Note that U-Boot
+will be loaded to the Sandpoint via tftp.  You need to either
+use the Abatron-provided tftp application or provide a tftp
+server (e.g. Linux/Solaris/*BSD) somewhere on your network.
+Once the IP address etc are assigned via the RS232 port,
+further communication with the BDI2000 will happen via the
+ethernet connection.
+PART 4)
+  Making a TCP/IP network connection to the Abatron BDI2000:
+Telnet to the Abatron BDI2000.  Assuming that all of the
+networking info was loaded via RS232 correctly, you will see
+the following (scrolling):
+- TARGET: waiting for target Vcc
+- TARGET: waiting for target Vcc
+PART 5)
+  Power up the target Sandpoint:
+If the BDM connections are correct, the following will now appear:
+- TARGET: waiting for target Vcc
+- TARGET: waiting for target Vcc
+- TARGET: processing power-up delay
+- TARGET: processing user reset request
+- BDI asserts HRESET
+- Reset JTAG controller passed
+- Bypass check: 0x55 => 0xAA
+- Bypass check: 0x55 => 0xAA
+- JTAG exists check passed
+- Target PVR is 0x00810101
+- COP status is 0x01
+- Check running state passed
+- BDI scans COP freeze command
+- BDI removes HRESET
+- COP status is 0x05
+- Check stopped state passed
+- Check LSRL length passed
+- BDI sets breakpoint at 0xFFF00100
+- BDI resumes program execution
+- Waiting for target stop passed
+- TARGET: Target PVR is 0x00810101
+- TARGET: reseting target passed
+- TARGET: processing target startup ....
+- TARGET: processing target startup passed
+PART 6)
+  Erase the current contents of the flash memory:
+BDI>era 0xFFF00000
+    Erasing flash at 0xfff00000
+    Erasing flash passed
+BDI>era 0xFFF04000
+    Erasing flash at 0xfff04000
+    Erasing flash passed
+BDI>era 0xFFF06000
+    Erasing flash at 0xfff06000
+    Erasing flash passed
+BDI>era 0xFFF08000
+    Erasing flash at 0xfff08000
+    Erasing flash passed
+BDI>era 0xFFF10000
+    Erasing flash at 0xfff10000
+    Erasing flash passed
+BDI>era 0xFFF20000
+    Erasing flash at 0xfff20000
+    Erasing flash passed
+PART 7)
+  Program the flash memory with the U-Boot image:
+BDI>prog 0xFFF00000 u-boot.bin bin
+    Programming u-boot.bin , please wait ....
+    Programming flash passed
+PART 8)
+  Connect PC to Sandpoint:
+Using a crossover serial cable, attach the PC serial port to the
+Sandpoint's COM1.  Set communications parameters to 8N1 / 9600 baud.
+PART 9)
+  Reset the Unity and begin U-Boot execution:
+- TARGET: processing user reset request
+- TARGET: Target PVR is 0x00810101
+- TARGET: reseting target passed
+- TARGET: processing target init list ....
+- TARGET: processing target init list passed
+Now see output from U-Boot running, sent via serial port:
+U-Boot 1.1.4 (Jan 23 2002 - 18:29:19)
+CPU:   MPC8240 Revision 1.1 at 264 MHz: 16 kB I-Cache 16 kB D-Cache
+Board: Sandpoint 8240 Unity
+DRAM:  64 MB
+PCI:    scanning bus0 ...
+  bus dev fn venID devID class  rev MBAR0    MBAR1    IPIN ILINE
+  00  00  00 1057  0003  060000 13  00000008 00000000 01   00
+  00  0b  00 10ad  0565  060100 10  00000000 00000000 00   00
+  00  0f  00 8086  1229  020000 08  80000000 80000001 01   00
+In:    serial
+Out:   serial
+Err:   serial
+PART 10)
+  Set and save any required environmental variables, examples of some:
+=> setenv ethaddr 00:03:47:97:D0:79
+=> setenv bootfile your_qnx_image_here
+=> setenv hostname sandpointX
+=> setenv netmask
+=> setenv ipaddr
+=> setenv serverip
+=> setenv gatewayip=
+=> saveenv
+Saving Environment to Flash...
+Un-Protected 1 sectors
+Erasing Flash...
+ done
+Erased 1 sectors
+Writing to Flash... done
+Protected 1 sectors
+**** Example environment: ****
+=> printenv
+load=tftp 100000 u-boot.bin
+update=protect off all;era FFF00000 FFF3FFFF;cp.b 100000 FFF00000 ${filesize};saveenv
+Environment size: 332/8188 bytes
+here's some text useful stuff for cut-n-paste:
+setenv hostname sandpoint1
+setenv netmask
+setenv ipaddr
+setenv serverip
+setenv gatewayip
+PART 11)
+  Test U-Boot by tftp'ing new U-Boot, overwriting current:
+=> protect off all
+Un-Protect Flash Bank # 1
+=> tftp 100000 u-boot.bin
+eth: Intel i82559 PCI EtherExpressPro @0x80000000(bus=0, device=15, func=0)
+ARP broadcast 1
+TFTP from server; our IP address is; sending through
+ gateway
+Filename 'u-boot.bin'.
+Load address: 0x100000
+Loading: #########################
+Bytes transferred = 127628 (1f28c hex)
+=> era all
+Erase Flash Bank # 1
+ done
+Erase Flash Bank # 2 - missing
+=> cp.b 0x100000 FFF00000 1f28c
+Copy to Flash... done
+=> saveenv
+Saving Environment to Flash...
+Un-Protected 1 sectors
+Erasing Flash...
+ done
+Erased 1 sectors
+Writing to Flash... done
+Protected 1 sectors
+=> reset
+You can put these commands into some environment variables;
+=> setenv load tftp 100000 u-boot.bin
+=> setenv update protect off all\;era FFF00000 FFF3FFFF\;cp.b 100000 FFF00000 \${filesize}\;saveenv
+=> saveenv
+Then you just have to type "run load" then "run update"
+=> run load
+eth: Intel i82559 PCI EtherExpressPro @0x80000000(bus=0, device=15, func=0)
+ARP broadcast 1
+TFTP from server; our IP address is; sending through
+ gateway
+Filename 'u-boot.bin'.
+Load address: 0x100000
+Loading: #########################
+Bytes transferred = 127748 (1f304 hex)
+=> run update
+Un-Protect Flash Bank # 1
+Un-Protect Flash Bank # 2
+Erase Flash from 0xfff00000 to 0xfff3ffff
+ done
+Erased 7 sectors
+Copy to Flash... done
+Saving Environment to Flash...
+Un-Protected 1 sectors
+Erasing Flash...
+ done
+Erased 1 sectors
+Writing to Flash... done
+Protected 1 sectors
+PART 12)
+  Load OS image (ELF format) via U-Boot using tftp
+=> tftp 800000 sandpoint-simple.elf
+eth: Intel i82559 PCI EtherExpressPro @0x80000000(bus=0, device=15, func=0)
+ARP broadcast 1
+TFTP from server; our IP address is; sending through
+ gateway
+Filename 'sandpoint-simple.elf'.
+Load address: 0x800000
+Loading: #################################################################
+	 #################################################################
+	 #################################################################
+	 ########################
+Bytes transferred = 1120284 (11181c hex)
+PART 13)
+  Begin OS image execution: (note that unless you have the
+serial parameters of your OS image set to 9600 (i.e. same as
+the U-Boot binary) you will get garbage here until you change
+the serial communications speed.
+=> bootelf 800000
+Loading  @ 0x001f0100 (1120028 bytes)
+## Starting application at 0x001f1d28 ...
+Replace init_hwinfo() with a board specific version
+Loading QNX6....
+Header size=0x0000009c, Total Size=0x000005c0, #Cpu=1, Type=1
+<...loader and kernel messages snipped...>
+Welcome to Neutrino on the Sandpoint
+other information:
+CVS Retrieval Notes:
+U-Boot's SourceForge CVS repository can be checked out
+through anonymous (pserver) CVS with the following
+instruction set. The module you wish to check out must
+be specified as the modulename. When prompted for a
+password for anonymous, simply press the Enter key.
+cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.u-boot.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/u-boot login
+cvs -z6 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.u-boot.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/u-boot co -P u-boot
diff --git a/doc/README.sbc8349 b/board/sbc8349/README
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diff --git a/doc/README.OXC b/doc/README.OXC
deleted file mode 100644
index c5db5f8859..0000000000
--- a/doc/README.OXC
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-This document contains different information about the port
-of U-Boot for the OXC board designed by Lucent Technologies,
-1. Showing activity
-U-Boot for the OXC board can show its current status using
-the Active LED. This feature is configured by the following
-  When this option is on, the Active LED is blinking fast
-when U-Boot runs in the idle loop (i.e. waits for user
-commands from serial console) and blinking slow when it
-downloads an image over network. When U-Boot loads an image
-over serial line the Active LED does not blink and its state
-is random (i.e. either constant on or constant off).
-  When this option is on, U-Boot switches the Active LED
-off before booting an image and switches it on if booting
-failed due to some reasons.
diff --git a/doc/README.Sandpoint8240 b/doc/README.Sandpoint8240
deleted file mode 100644
index fa846dc33e..0000000000
--- a/doc/README.Sandpoint8240
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-The port was tested on a Sandpoint 8240 X3 board, with U-Boot
-installed in the flash memory of the CPU card. Please use the
-following DIP switch settings:
-SW1.1: on	SW1.2: on	SW1.3: on	SW1.4: on
-SW1.5: on	SW1.6: on	SW1.7: on	SW1.8: on
-SW2.1: on	SW2.2: on	SW2.3: on	SW2.4: on
-SW2.5: on	SW2.6: on	SW2.7: on	SW2.8: on
-CPU Card:
-SW2.1: OFF	SW2.2: OFF	SW2.3: on	SW2.4: on
-SW2.5: OFF	SW2.6: OFF	SW2.7: OFF	SW2.8: OFF
-SW3.1: OFF	SW3.2: on	SW3.3: OFF	SW3.4: OFF
-SW3.5: on	SW3.6: OFF	SW3.7: OFF	SW3.8: on
-The followind detailed description of installation and initial steps
-with U-Boot and QNX was provided by Jim Sandoz <sandoz@lucent.com>:
-Directions for installing U-Boot on Sandpoint+Unity8240
-using the Abatron BDI2000 BDM/JTAG debugger ...
-Background and Reference info:
-Connection Diagram:
-					    ===========
- ===                     =====             |-----      |
-|   | <---------------> |     |            |     |     |
-|PC |       rs232       | BDI |=============[]   |     |
-|   |                   |2000 |  BDM probe |     |     |
-|   | <---------------> |     |            |-----      |
- ===       ethernet      =====             |           |
-					   |           |
-					    ===========
-					 Sandpoint X3 with
-					  Unity 8240 proc
-PART 1)
-  DIP Switch Settings:
-Sandpoint X3 8240 processor board DIP switch settings, with
-U-Boot to be installed in the flash memory of the CPU card:
-Motorola Sandpoint X3 Motherboard:
-SW1.1: on	SW1.2: on	SW1.3: on	SW1.4: on
-SW1.5: on	SW1.6: on	SW1.7: on	SW1.8: on
-SW2.1: on	SW2.2: on	SW2.3: on	SW2.4: on
-SW2.5: on	SW2.6: on	SW2.7: on	SW2.8: on
-Motorola Unity 8240 CPU Card:
-SW2.1: OFF	SW2.2: OFF	SW2.3: on	SW2.4: on
-SW2.5: OFF	SW2.6: OFF	SW2.7: OFF	SW2.8: OFF
-SW3.1: OFF	SW3.2: on	SW3.3: OFF	SW3.4: OFF
-SW3.5: on	SW3.6: OFF	SW3.7: OFF	SW3.8: on
-PART 2)
-  Connect the BDI2000 Cable to the Sandpoint/Unity 8240:
-BDM Pin 1 on the Unity 8240 processor board is towards the
-PCI PMC connectors, or away from the socketed SDRAM, i.e.:
-  ====================
-  | ---------------- |
-  | |    SDRAM     | |
-  | |              | |
-  | ---------------- |
-  | |~|              |
-  | |B|       ++++++ |
-  | |D|       + uP + |
-  | |M|       +8240+ |
-  |  ~ 1      ++++++ |
-  |                  |
-  |                  |
-  |                  |
-  | PMC conn ======  |
-  |   =====  ======  |
-  |                  |
-  ====================
-PART 3)
-  Setting up the BDI2000, and preparing for TCP/IP network comms:
-Connect the BDI2000 to the PC using the supplied serial cable.
-Download the BDI2000 software and install it using setup.exe.
-[Note: of course you  can  also  use  the  Linux  command  line  tool
-"bdisetup"  to  configure  your BDI2000 - the sources are included on
-the floppy disk that comes with your BDI2000. Just in case you  don't
-have any Windows PC's - like me :-)   -- wd ]
-Power up the BDI2000; then follow directions to assign the IP
-address and related network information.  Note that U-Boot
-will be loaded to the Sandpoint via tftp.  You need to either
-use the Abatron-provided tftp application or provide a tftp
-server (e.g. Linux/Solaris/*BSD) somewhere on your network.
-Once the IP address etc are assigned via the RS232 port,
-further communication with the BDI2000 will happen via the
-ethernet connection.
-PART 4)
-  Making a TCP/IP network connection to the Abatron BDI2000:
-Telnet to the Abatron BDI2000.  Assuming that all of the
-networking info was loaded via RS232 correctly, you will see
-the following (scrolling):
-- TARGET: waiting for target Vcc
-- TARGET: waiting for target Vcc
-PART 5)
-  Power up the target Sandpoint:
-If the BDM connections are correct, the following will now appear:
-- TARGET: waiting for target Vcc
-- TARGET: waiting for target Vcc
-- TARGET: processing power-up delay
-- TARGET: processing user reset request
-- BDI asserts HRESET
-- Reset JTAG controller passed
-- Bypass check: 0x55 => 0xAA
-- Bypass check: 0x55 => 0xAA
-- JTAG exists check passed
-- Target PVR is 0x00810101
-- COP status is 0x01
-- Check running state passed
-- BDI scans COP freeze command
-- BDI removes HRESET
-- COP status is 0x05
-- Check stopped state passed
-- Check LSRL length passed
-- BDI sets breakpoint at 0xFFF00100
-- BDI resumes program execution
-- Waiting for target stop passed
-- TARGET: Target PVR is 0x00810101
-- TARGET: reseting target passed
-- TARGET: processing target startup ....
-- TARGET: processing target startup passed
-PART 6)
-  Erase the current contents of the flash memory:
-BDI>era 0xFFF00000
-    Erasing flash at 0xfff00000
-    Erasing flash passed
-BDI>era 0xFFF04000
-    Erasing flash at 0xfff04000
-    Erasing flash passed
-BDI>era 0xFFF06000
-    Erasing flash at 0xfff06000
-    Erasing flash passed
-BDI>era 0xFFF08000
-    Erasing flash at 0xfff08000
-    Erasing flash passed
-BDI>era 0xFFF10000
-    Erasing flash at 0xfff10000
-    Erasing flash passed
-BDI>era 0xFFF20000
-    Erasing flash at 0xfff20000
-    Erasing flash passed
-PART 7)
-  Program the flash memory with the U-Boot image:
-BDI>prog 0xFFF00000 u-boot.bin bin
-    Programming u-boot.bin , please wait ....
-    Programming flash passed
-PART 8)
-  Connect PC to Sandpoint:
-Using a crossover serial cable, attach the PC serial port to the
-Sandpoint's COM1.  Set communications parameters to 8N1 / 9600 baud.
-PART 9)
-  Reset the Unity and begin U-Boot execution:
-- TARGET: processing user reset request
-- TARGET: Target PVR is 0x00810101
-- TARGET: reseting target passed
-- TARGET: processing target init list ....
-- TARGET: processing target init list passed
-Now see output from U-Boot running, sent via serial port:
-U-Boot 1.1.4 (Jan 23 2002 - 18:29:19)
-CPU:   MPC8240 Revision 1.1 at 264 MHz: 16 kB I-Cache 16 kB D-Cache
-Board: Sandpoint 8240 Unity
-DRAM:  64 MB
-PCI:    scanning bus0 ...
-  bus dev fn venID devID class  rev MBAR0    MBAR1    IPIN ILINE
-  00  00  00 1057  0003  060000 13  00000008 00000000 01   00
-  00  0b  00 10ad  0565  060100 10  00000000 00000000 00   00
-  00  0f  00 8086  1229  020000 08  80000000 80000001 01   00
-In:    serial
-Out:   serial
-Err:   serial
-PART 10)
-  Set and save any required environmental variables, examples of some:
-=> setenv ethaddr 00:03:47:97:D0:79
-=> setenv bootfile your_qnx_image_here
-=> setenv hostname sandpointX
-=> setenv netmask
-=> setenv ipaddr
-=> setenv serverip
-=> setenv gatewayip=
-=> saveenv
-Saving Environment to Flash...
-Un-Protected 1 sectors
-Erasing Flash...
- done
-Erased 1 sectors
-Writing to Flash... done
-Protected 1 sectors
-**** Example environment: ****
-=> printenv
-load=tftp 100000 u-boot.bin
-update=protect off all;era FFF00000 FFF3FFFF;cp.b 100000 FFF00000 ${filesize};saveenv
-Environment size: 332/8188 bytes
-here's some text useful stuff for cut-n-paste:
-setenv hostname sandpoint1
-setenv netmask
-setenv ipaddr
-setenv serverip
-setenv gatewayip
-PART 11)
-  Test U-Boot by tftp'ing new U-Boot, overwriting current:
-=> protect off all
-Un-Protect Flash Bank # 1
-=> tftp 100000 u-boot.bin
-eth: Intel i82559 PCI EtherExpressPro @0x80000000(bus=0, device=15, func=0)
-ARP broadcast 1
-TFTP from server; our IP address is; sending through
- gateway
-Filename 'u-boot.bin'.
-Load address: 0x100000
-Loading: #########################
-Bytes transferred = 127628 (1f28c hex)
-=> era all
-Erase Flash Bank # 1
- done
-Erase Flash Bank # 2 - missing
-=> cp.b 0x100000 FFF00000 1f28c
-Copy to Flash... done
-=> saveenv
-Saving Environment to Flash...
-Un-Protected 1 sectors
-Erasing Flash...
- done
-Erased 1 sectors
-Writing to Flash... done
-Protected 1 sectors
-=> reset
-You can put these commands into some environment variables;
-=> setenv load tftp 100000 u-boot.bin
-=> setenv update protect off all\;era FFF00000 FFF3FFFF\;cp.b 100000 FFF00000 \${filesize}\;saveenv
-=> saveenv
-Then you just have to type "run load" then "run update"
-=> run load
-eth: Intel i82559 PCI EtherExpressPro @0x80000000(bus=0, device=15, func=0)
-ARP broadcast 1
-TFTP from server; our IP address is; sending through
- gateway
-Filename 'u-boot.bin'.
-Load address: 0x100000
-Loading: #########################
-Bytes transferred = 127748 (1f304 hex)
-=> run update
-Un-Protect Flash Bank # 1
-Un-Protect Flash Bank # 2
-Erase Flash from 0xfff00000 to 0xfff3ffff
- done
-Erased 7 sectors
-Copy to Flash... done
-Saving Environment to Flash...
-Un-Protected 1 sectors
-Erasing Flash...
- done
-Erased 1 sectors
-Writing to Flash... done
-Protected 1 sectors
-PART 12)
-  Load OS image (ELF format) via U-Boot using tftp
-=> tftp 800000 sandpoint-simple.elf
-eth: Intel i82559 PCI EtherExpressPro @0x80000000(bus=0, device=15, func=0)
-ARP broadcast 1
-TFTP from server; our IP address is; sending through
- gateway
-Filename 'sandpoint-simple.elf'.
-Load address: 0x800000
-Loading: #################################################################
-	 #################################################################
-	 #################################################################
-	 ########################
-Bytes transferred = 1120284 (11181c hex)
-PART 13)
-  Begin OS image execution: (note that unless you have the
-serial parameters of your OS image set to 9600 (i.e. same as
-the U-Boot binary) you will get garbage here until you change
-the serial communications speed.
-=> bootelf 800000
-Loading  @ 0x001f0100 (1120028 bytes)
-## Starting application at 0x001f1d28 ...
-Replace init_hwinfo() with a board specific version
-Loading QNX6....
-Header size=0x0000009c, Total Size=0x000005c0, #Cpu=1, Type=1
-<...loader and kernel messages snipped...>
-Welcome to Neutrino on the Sandpoint
-other information:
-CVS Retrieval Notes:
-U-Boot's SourceForge CVS repository can be checked out
-through anonymous (pserver) CVS with the following
-instruction set. The module you wish to check out must
-be specified as the modulename. When prompted for a
-password for anonymous, simply press the Enter key.
-cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.u-boot.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/u-boot login
-cvs -z6 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.u-boot.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/u-boot co -P u-boot
diff --git a/doc/README.amigaone b/doc/README.amigaone
deleted file mode 100644
index 9975977917..0000000000
--- a/doc/README.amigaone
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-AmigaOne U-Boot and the SciTech emulator
-The directory board/MAI/bios_emulator contains the source code
-of the SciTech x86 emulator. This emulator is normally available
-under a BSD license. However, SciTech kindly gave us permission
-to use their emulator in PPCBoot for the AmigaOne. It's available
-in this form only under GPL.
-Thanks to Kendall Bennett and the rest of the team at SciTech.
-See http://www.scitechsoft.com for their web site
-The GPL license can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
diff --git a/doc/README.p4080ds b/doc/README.p4080ds
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ed59a8cff..0000000000
--- a/doc/README.p4080ds
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-The P4080DS is a Freescale reference board that hosts the eight-core P4080 SOC.
-SerDes hwconfig configuration
-The P4080 RCW includes three sets of bits the specify which SerDes lanes
-should be powered down: SRDS_LPD_B1 (for bank one), SRDS_LPD_B2 (for bank two),
-and SRDS_LPD_B3 (for bank three).  Each of these contains four bits, one for
-each lane in the bank.  SerDes Erratum SERDES8 requires that SRDS_LPD_B2 and
-SRDS_LPD_B3 be set to 0b1111.  This forces banks two and three to be powered
-down at reset.
-To re-enable these banks in U-Boot, two hwconfig are available:
-"fsl_srds_lpd_b2" and "fsl_srds_lpd_b3".  The value passed via fsl_srds_lpd_b2
-is written into SRDS_LPD_B2, and the value passed via fsl_srds_lpd_b3 is into
-SRDS_LPD_B3.  Each bit represents one of each bank, and a value of '1'
-indicates that the lane should be powered down.
-For example, to indicate that both SerDes banks 2 and 3 are powered down, add
-the following to hwconfig:
-	serdes:fsl_srds_lpd_b2=0xf,fsl_srds_lpd_b3=0xf
-The "0xf" is a mask that corresponds to the 4 lanes A-D. The most significant
-bit corresponds to lane A.  To indicate that just lane A of bank 3 is to be
-powered down, use:
-	serdes:fsl_srds_lpd_b3=8
-These options should be specified only if U-Boot does not automatically power
-on the correct lanes.
diff --git a/doc/README.qemu_mips b/doc/README.qemu_mips
deleted file mode 100644
index e6a3855738..0000000000
--- a/doc/README.qemu_mips
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-Notes for the Qemu MIPS port
-I) Example usage:
-# ln -s u-boot.bin mips_bios.bin
-start it:
-qemu-system-mips -L . /dev/null -nographic
-if you use a qemu version after commit 4224
-create image:
-# dd of=flash bs=1k count=4k if=/dev/zero
-# dd of=flash bs=1k conv=notrunc if=u-boot.bin
-start it:
-# qemu-system-mips -M mips -pflash flash -monitor null -nographic
-2) Download kernel + initrd
-On ftp://ftp.denx.de/pub/contrib/Jean-Christophe_Plagniol-Villard/qemu_mips/
-you can downland
-#config to build the kernel
-#patch to fix mips interrupt init on 2.6.24.y kernel
-4) Generate uImage
-# tools/mkimage -A mips -O linux -T kernel -C gzip -a 0x80010000 -e 0x80245650 -n "Linux 2.6.24.y" -d vmlinux.bin.gz uImage
-5) Copy uImage to Flash
-# dd if=uImage bs=1k conv=notrunc seek=224 of=flash
-6) Generate Ide Disk
-# dd of=ide bs=1k cout=100k if=/dev/zero
-# sfdisk -C 261 -d ide
-# partition table of ide
-unit: sectors
-     ide1 : start=       63, size=    32067, Id=83
-     ide2 : start=    32130, size=    32130, Id=83
-     ide3 : start=    64260, size=  4128705, Id=83
-     ide4 : start=        0, size=        0, Id= 0
-7) Copy to ide
-# dd if=uImage bs=512 conv=notrunc seek=63 of=ide
-8) Generate ext2 on part 2 on Copy uImage and initrd.gz
-# Attached as loop device ide offset = 32130 * 512
-# losetup -o 16450560 -f ide
-# Format as ext2 ( arg2 : nb blocks)
-# mke2fs /dev/loop0 16065
-# losetup -d /dev/loop0
-# Mount and copy uImage and initrd.gz to it
-# mount -o loop,offset=16450560 -t ext2 ide /mnt
-# mkdir /mnt/boot
-# cp {initrd.gz,uImage} /mnt/boot/
-# Umount it
-# umount /mnt
-9) Set Environment
-setenv rd_start 0x80800000
-setenv rd_size 2663940
-setenv kernel BFC38000
-setenv oad_addr 80500000
-setenv load_addr2 80F00000
-setenv kernel_flash BFC38000
-setenv load_addr_hello 80200000
-setenv bootargs 'root=/dev/ram0 init=/bin/sh'
-setenv load_rd_ext2 'ide res; ext2load ide 0:2 ${rd_start} /boot/initrd.gz'
-setenv load_rd_tftp 'tftp ${rd_start} /initrd.gz'
-setenv load_kernel_hda 'ide res; diskboot ${load_addr} 0:2'
-setenv load_kernel_ext2 'ide res; ext2load ide 0:2 ${load_addr} /boot/uImage'
-setenv load_kernel_tftp 'tftp ${load_addr} /qemu_mips/uImage'
-setenv boot_ext2_ext2 'run load_rd_ext2; run load_kernel_ext2; run addmisc; bootm ${load_addr}'
-setenv boot_ext2_flash 'run load_rd_ext2; run addmisc; bootm ${kernel_flash}'
-setenv boot_ext2_hda 'run load_rd_ext2; run load_kernel_hda; run addmisc; bootm ${load_addr}'
-setenv boot_ext2_tftp 'run load_rd_ext2; run load_kernel_tftp; run addmisc; bootm ${load_addr}'
-setenv boot_tftp_hda 'run load_rd_tftp; run load_kernel_hda; run addmisc; bootm ${load_addr}'
-setenv boot_tftp_ext2 'run load_rd_tftp; run load_kernel_ext2; run addmisc; bootm ${load_addr}'
-setenv boot_tftp_flash 'run load_rd_tftp; run addmisc; bootm ${kernel_flash}'
-setenv boot_tftp_tftp 'run load_rd_tftp; run load_kernel_tftp; run addmisc; bootm ${load_addr}'
-setenv load_hello_tftp 'tftp ${load_addr_hello} /examples/hello_world.bin'
-setenv go_tftp 'run load_hello_tftp; go ${load_addr_hello}'
-setenv addmisc 'setenv bootargs ${bootargs} console=ttyS0,${baudrate} rd_start=${rd_start} rd_size=${rd_size} ethaddr=${ethaddr}'
-setenv bootcmd 'run boot_tftp_flash'
-10) Now you can boot from flash, ide, ide+ext2 and tfp
-# qemu-system-mips -M mips -pflash flash -monitor null -nographic -net nic -net user -tftp `pwd` -hda ide
-II) How to debug U-Boot
-In order to debug U-Boot you need to start qemu with gdb server support (-s)
-and waiting the connection to start the CPU (-S)
-# qemu-system-mips -S -s -M mips -pflash flash -monitor null -nographic -net nic -net user -tftp `pwd` -hda ide
-in an other console you start gdb
-1) Debugging of U-Boot Before Relocation
-Before relocation, the addresses in the ELF file can be used without any problems
-by connecting to the gdb server localhost:1234
-# mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu-gdb u-boot
-GNU gdb 6.6
-Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
-welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
-Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
-There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
-This GDB was configured as "--host=i486-linux-gnu --target=mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu"...
-(gdb)  target remote localhost:1234
-Remote debugging using localhost:1234
-_start () at start.S:64
-64		RVECENT(reset,0)	/* U-boot entry point */
-Current language:  auto; currently asm
-(gdb)  b board.c:289
-Breakpoint 1 at 0xbfc00cc8: file board.c, line 289.
-(gdb) c
-Breakpoint 1, board_init_f (bootflag=<value optimized out>) at board.c:290
-290		relocate_code (addr_sp, id, addr);
-Current language:  auto; currently c
-(gdb) p/x addr
-$1 = 0x87fa0000
-2) Debugging of U-Boot After Relocation
-For debugging U-Boot after relocation we need to know the address to which
-U-Boot relocates itself to 0x87fa0000 by default.
-And replace the symbol table to this offset.
-(gdb) symbol-file
-Discard symbol table from `/private/u-boot-arm/u-boot'? (y or n) y
-Error in re-setting breakpoint 1:
-No symbol table is loaded.  Use the "file" command.
-No symbol file now.
-(gdb) add-symbol-file u-boot 0x87fa0000
-add symbol table from file "u-boot" at
-	.text_addr = 0x87fa0000
-(y or n) y
-Reading symbols from /private/u-boot-arm/u-boot...done.
-Breakpoint 1 at 0x87fa0cc8: file board.c, line 289.
-(gdb) c
-Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
-0xffffffff87fa0de4 in udelay (usec=<value optimized out>) at time.c:78
-78		while ((tmo - read_c0_count()) < 0x7fffffff)