Drop the FSF's postal address from the source code files that typically contain mostly the license text. Of the 628 removed instances, 578 are outdated. The patch has been created with the following command without manual edits: git grep -l "675 Mass Ave\|59 Temple Place\|51 Franklin St" -- \ drivers/media/ include/media|while read i; do i=$i perl -e ' open(F,"< $ENV{i}"); $a=join("", <F>); $a =~ s/[ \t]*\*\n.*You should.*\n.*along with.*\n.*(\n.*USA.*$)?\n//m && $a =~ s/(^.*)Or, (point your browser to) /$1To obtain the license, $2\n$1/m; close(F); open(F, "> $ENV{i}"); print F $a; close(F);'; done Signed-off-by: Sakari Ailus <sakari.ailus@linux.intel.com>
165 lines
6.5 KiB
165 lines
6.5 KiB
* zr36057.h - zr36057 register offsets
* Copyright (C) 1998 Dave Perks <dperks@ibm.net>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef _ZR36057_H_
#define _ZR36057_H_
/* Zoran ZR36057 registers */
#define ZR36057_VFEHCR 0x000 /* Video Front End, Horizontal Configuration Register */
#define ZR36057_VFEHCR_HSPol (1<<30)
#define ZR36057_VFEHCR_HStart 10
#define ZR36057_VFEHCR_HEnd 0
#define ZR36057_VFEHCR_Hmask 0x3ff
#define ZR36057_VFEVCR 0x004 /* Video Front End, Vertical Configuration Register */
#define ZR36057_VFEVCR_VSPol (1<<30)
#define ZR36057_VFEVCR_VStart 10
#define ZR36057_VFEVCR_VEnd 0
#define ZR36057_VFEVCR_Vmask 0x3ff
#define ZR36057_VFESPFR 0x008 /* Video Front End, Scaler and Pixel Format Register */
#define ZR36057_VFESPFR_ExtFl (1<<26)
#define ZR36057_VFESPFR_TopField (1<<25)
#define ZR36057_VFESPFR_VCLKPol (1<<24)
#define ZR36057_VFESPFR_HFilter 21
#define ZR36057_VFESPFR_HorDcm 14
#define ZR36057_VFESPFR_VerDcm 8
#define ZR36057_VFESPFR_DispMode 6
#define ZR36057_VFESPFR_YUV422 (0<<3)
#define ZR36057_VFESPFR_RGB888 (1<<3)
#define ZR36057_VFESPFR_RGB565 (2<<3)
#define ZR36057_VFESPFR_RGB555 (3<<3)
#define ZR36057_VFESPFR_ErrDif (1<<2)
#define ZR36057_VFESPFR_Pack24 (1<<1)
#define ZR36057_VFESPFR_LittleEndian (1<<0)
#define ZR36057_VDTR 0x00c /* Video Display "Top" Register */
#define ZR36057_VDBR 0x010 /* Video Display "Bottom" Register */
#define ZR36057_VSSFGR 0x014 /* Video Stride, Status, and Frame Grab Register */
#define ZR36057_VSSFGR_DispStride 16
#define ZR36057_VSSFGR_VidOvf (1<<8)
#define ZR36057_VSSFGR_SnapShot (1<<1)
#define ZR36057_VSSFGR_FrameGrab (1<<0)
#define ZR36057_VDCR 0x018 /* Video Display Configuration Register */
#define ZR36057_VDCR_VidEn (1<<31)
#define ZR36057_VDCR_MinPix 24
#define ZR36057_VDCR_Triton (1<<24)
#define ZR36057_VDCR_VidWinHt 12
#define ZR36057_VDCR_VidWinWid 0
#define ZR36057_MMTR 0x01c /* Masking Map "Top" Register */
#define ZR36057_MMBR 0x020 /* Masking Map "Bottom" Register */
#define ZR36057_OCR 0x024 /* Overlay Control Register */
#define ZR36057_OCR_OvlEnable (1 << 15)
#define ZR36057_OCR_MaskStride 0
#define ZR36057_SPGPPCR 0x028 /* System, PCI, and General Purpose Pins Control Register */
#define ZR36057_SPGPPCR_SoftReset (1<<24)
#define ZR36057_GPPGCR1 0x02c /* General Purpose Pins and GuestBus Control Register (1) */
#define ZR36057_MCSAR 0x030 /* MPEG Code Source Address Register */
#define ZR36057_MCTCR 0x034 /* MPEG Code Transfer Control Register */
#define ZR36057_MCTCR_CodTime (1 << 30)
#define ZR36057_MCTCR_CEmpty (1 << 29)
#define ZR36057_MCTCR_CFlush (1 << 28)
#define ZR36057_MCTCR_CodGuestID 20
#define ZR36057_MCTCR_CodGuestReg 16
#define ZR36057_MCMPR 0x038 /* MPEG Code Memory Pointer Register */
#define ZR36057_ISR 0x03c /* Interrupt Status Register */
#define ZR36057_ISR_GIRQ1 (1<<30)
#define ZR36057_ISR_GIRQ0 (1<<29)
#define ZR36057_ISR_CodRepIRQ (1<<28)
#define ZR36057_ISR_JPEGRepIRQ (1<<27)
#define ZR36057_ICR 0x040 /* Interrupt Control Register */
#define ZR36057_ICR_GIRQ1 (1<<30)
#define ZR36057_ICR_GIRQ0 (1<<29)
#define ZR36057_ICR_CodRepIRQ (1<<28)
#define ZR36057_ICR_JPEGRepIRQ (1<<27)
#define ZR36057_ICR_IntPinEn (1<<24)
#define ZR36057_I2CBR 0x044 /* I2C Bus Register */
#define ZR36057_I2CBR_SDA (1<<1)
#define ZR36057_I2CBR_SCL (1<<0)
#define ZR36057_JMC 0x100 /* JPEG Mode and Control */
#define ZR36057_JMC_JPG (1 << 31)
#define ZR36057_JMC_JPGExpMode (0 << 29)
#define ZR36057_JMC_JPGCmpMode (1 << 29)
#define ZR36057_JMC_MJPGExpMode (2 << 29)
#define ZR36057_JMC_MJPGCmpMode (3 << 29)
#define ZR36057_JMC_RTBUSY_FB (1 << 6)
#define ZR36057_JMC_Go_en (1 << 5)
#define ZR36057_JMC_SyncMstr (1 << 4)
#define ZR36057_JMC_Fld_per_buff (1 << 3)
#define ZR36057_JMC_VFIFO_FB (1 << 2)
#define ZR36057_JMC_CFIFO_FB (1 << 1)
#define ZR36057_JMC_Stll_LitEndian (1 << 0)
#define ZR36057_JPC 0x104 /* JPEG Process Control */
#define ZR36057_JPC_P_Reset (1 << 7)
#define ZR36057_JPC_CodTrnsEn (1 << 5)
#define ZR36057_JPC_Active (1 << 0)
#define ZR36057_VSP 0x108 /* Vertical Sync Parameters */
#define ZR36057_VSP_VsyncSize 16
#define ZR36057_VSP_FrmTot 0
#define ZR36057_HSP 0x10c /* Horizontal Sync Parameters */
#define ZR36057_HSP_HsyncStart 16
#define ZR36057_HSP_LineTot 0
#define ZR36057_FHAP 0x110 /* Field Horizontal Active Portion */
#define ZR36057_FHAP_NAX 16
#define ZR36057_FHAP_PAX 0
#define ZR36057_FVAP 0x114 /* Field Vertical Active Portion */
#define ZR36057_FVAP_NAY 16
#define ZR36057_FVAP_PAY 0
#define ZR36057_FPP 0x118 /* Field Process Parameters */
#define ZR36057_FPP_Odd_Even (1 << 0)
#define ZR36057_JCBA 0x11c /* JPEG Code Base Address */
#define ZR36057_JCFT 0x120 /* JPEG Code FIFO Threshold */
#define ZR36057_JCGI 0x124 /* JPEG Codec Guest ID */
#define ZR36057_JCGI_JPEGuestID 4
#define ZR36057_JCGI_JPEGuestReg 0
#define ZR36057_GCR2 0x12c /* GuestBus Control Register (2) */
#define ZR36057_POR 0x200 /* Post Office Register */
#define ZR36057_POR_POPen (1<<25)
#define ZR36057_POR_POTime (1<<24)
#define ZR36057_POR_PODir (1<<23)
#define ZR36057_STR 0x300 /* "Still" Transfer Register */