* Texas Instruments - drv260x Haptics driver family

Required properties:
	- compatible - One of:
		"ti,drv2604" - DRV2604
		"ti,drv2605" - DRV2605
		"ti,drv2605l" - DRV2605L
	- reg -  I2C slave address
	- vbat-supply - Required supply regulator
	- mode - Power up mode of the chip (defined in include/dt-bindings/input/ti-drv260x.h)
		DRV260X_LRA_MODE - Linear Resonance Actuator mode (Piezoelectric)
		DRV260X_LRA_NO_CAL_MODE - This is a LRA Mode but there is no calibration
				sequence during init.  And the device is configured for real
				time playback mode (RTP mode).
		DRV260X_ERM_MODE - Eccentric Rotating Mass mode (Rotary vibrator)
	- library-sel - These are ROM based waveforms pre-programmed into the IC.
				This should be set to set the library to use at power up.
				(defined in include/dt-bindings/input/ti-drv260x.h)
		DRV260X_LIB_EMPTY - Do not use a pre-programmed library
		DRV260X_ERM_LIB_A - Pre-programmed Library
		DRV260X_ERM_LIB_B - Pre-programmed Library
		DRV260X_ERM_LIB_C - Pre-programmed Library
		DRV260X_ERM_LIB_D - Pre-programmed Library
		DRV260X_ERM_LIB_E - Pre-programmed Library
		DRV260X_ERM_LIB_F - Pre-programmed Library
		DRV260X_LIB_LRA - Pre-programmed LRA Library

Optional properties:
	- enable-gpio - gpio pin to enable/disable the device.
	- vib-rated-mv - The rated voltage of the actuator in millivolts.
			  If this is not set then the value will be defaulted to
			  3.2 v.
	- vib-overdrive-mv - The overdrive voltage of the actuator in millivolts.
			  If this is not set then the value will be defaulted to
			  3.2 v.

haptics: haptics@5a {
	compatible = "ti,drv2605l";
	reg = <0x5a>;
	vbat-supply = <&vbat>;
	enable-gpio = <&gpio1 28 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
	mode = <DRV260X_LRA_MODE>;
	library-sel = <DRV260X_LIB_LRA>;
	vib-rated-mv = <3200>;
	vib-overdriver-mv = <3200>;

For more product information please see the link below: