samples: pktgen: add helper functions for IP(v4/v6) CIDR parsing
This commit adds CIDR parsing and IP validate helper function to parse single IP or range of IP with CIDR. (e.g. Validating the address should be preceded prior to the parsing. Helpers will be used in prior to set target address in samples/pktgen. Signed-off-by: Daniel T. Lee <> Acked-by: Jesper Dangaard Brouer <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -168,6 +168,137 @@ function get_node_cpus()
echo $node_cpu_list
# Check $1 is in between $2, $3 ($2 <= $1 <= $3)
function in_between() { [[ ($1 -ge $2) && ($1 -le $3) ]] ; }
# Extend shrunken IPv6 address.
# fe80::42:bcff:fe84:e10a => fe80:0:0:0:42:bcff:fe84:e10a
function extend_addr6()
local addr=$1
local sep=: sep2=::
local sep_cnt=$(tr -cd $sep <<< $1 | wc -c)
local shrink
# separator count should be (2 <= $sep_cnt <= 7)
if ! (in_between $sep_cnt 2 7); then
err 5 "Invalid IP6 address: $1"
# if shrink '::' occurs multiple, it's malformed.
shrink=( $(egrep -o "$sep{2,}" <<< $addr) )
if [[ ${#shrink[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then
if [[ ${#shrink[@]} -gt 1 || ( ${shrink[0]} != $sep2 ) ]]; then
err 5 "Invalid IP6 address: $1"
# add 0 at begin & end, and extend addr by adding :0
[[ ${addr:0:1} == $sep ]] && addr=0${addr}
[[ ${addr: -1} == $sep ]] && addr=${addr}0
echo "${addr/$sep2/$(printf ':0%.s' $(seq $[8-sep_cnt])):}"
# Given a single IP(v4/v6) address, whether it is valid.
function validate_addr()
# check function is called with (funcname)6
[[ ${FUNCNAME[1]: -1} == 6 ]] && local IP6=6
local bitlen=$[ IP6 ? 128 : 32 ]
local len=$[ IP6 ? 8 : 4 ]
local max=$[ 2**(len*2)-1 ]
local net prefix
local addr sep
IFS='/' read net prefix <<< $1
[[ $IP6 ]] && net=$(extend_addr6 $net)
# if prefix exists, check (0 <= $prefix <= $bitlen)
if [[ -n $prefix ]]; then
if ! (in_between $prefix 0 $bitlen); then
err 5 "Invalid prefix: /$prefix"
# set separator for each IP(v4/v6)
[[ $IP6 ]] && sep=: || sep=.
IFS=$sep read -a addr <<< $net
# array length
if [[ ${#addr[@]} != $len ]]; then
err 5 "Invalid IP$IP6 address: $1"
# check each digit (0 <= $digit <= $max)
for digit in "${addr[@]}"; do
[[ $IP6 ]] && digit=$[ 16#$digit ]
if ! (in_between $digit 0 $max); then
err 5 "Invalid IP$IP6 address: $1"
return 0
function validate_addr6() { validate_addr $@ ; }
# Given a single IP(v4/v6) or CIDR, return minimum and maximum IP addr.
function parse_addr()
# check function is called with (funcname)6
[[ ${FUNCNAME[1]: -1} == 6 ]] && local IP6=6
local net prefix
local min_ip max_ip
IFS='/' read net prefix <<< $1
[[ $IP6 ]] && net=$(extend_addr6 $net)
if [[ -z $prefix ]]; then
# defining array for converting Decimal 2 Binary
# 00000000 00000001 00000010 00000011 00000100 ...
local d2b='{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}'
[[ $IP6 ]] && d2b+=$d2b
eval local D2B=($d2b)
local bitlen=$[ IP6 ? 128 : 32 ]
local remain=$[ bitlen-prefix ]
local octet=$[ IP6 ? 16 : 8 ]
local min_mask max_mask
local min max
local ip_bit
local ip sep
# set separator for each IP(v4/v6)
[[ $IP6 ]] && sep=: || sep=.
IFS=$sep read -ra ip <<< $net
min_mask="$(printf '1%.s' $(seq $prefix))$(printf '0%.s' $(seq $remain))"
max_mask="$(printf '0%.s' $(seq $prefix))$(printf '1%.s' $(seq $remain))"
# calculate min/max ip with &,| operator
for i in "${!ip[@]}"; do
digit=$[ IP6 ? 16#${ip[$i]} : ${ip[$i]} ]
idx=$[ octet*i ]
min[$i]=$[ 2#$ip_bit & 2#${min_mask:$idx:$octet} ]
max[$i]=$[ 2#$ip_bit | 2#${max_mask:$idx:$octet} ]
[[ $IP6 ]] && { min[$i]=$(printf '%X' ${min[$i]});
max[$i]=$(printf '%X' ${max[$i]}); }
min_ip=$(IFS=$sep; echo "${min[*]}")
max_ip=$(IFS=$sep; echo "${max[*]}")
echo $min_ip $max_ip
function parse_addr6() { parse_addr $@ ; }
# Given a single or range of port(s), return minimum and maximum port number.
function parse_ports()
@ -190,9 +321,9 @@ function validate_ports()
local min_port=$1
local max_port=$2
# 0 < port < 65536
if [[ $min_port -gt 0 && $min_port -lt 65536 ]]; then
if [[ $max_port -gt 0 && $max_port -lt 65536 ]]; then
# 1 <= port <= 65535
if (in_between $min_port 1 65535); then
if (in_between $max_port 1 65535); then
if [[ $min_port -le $max_port ]]; then
return 0
Reference in New Issue
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