diff --git a/tools/bpf/bpftool/Makefile b/tools/bpf/bpftool/Makefile
index 04d733e98bff..4a95c017ad4c 100644
--- a/tools/bpf/bpftool/Makefile
+++ b/tools/bpf/bpftool/Makefile
@@ -93,9 +93,11 @@ INSTALL ?= install
 RM ?= rm -f
 FEATURE_USER = .bpftool
-FEATURE_TESTS = libbfd disassembler-four-args disassembler-init-styled libcap \
+FEATURE_TESTS = libbfd libbfd-liberty libbfd-liberty-z \
+	disassembler-four-args disassembler-init-styled libcap \
-FEATURE_DISPLAY = libbfd libcap clang-bpf-co-re
+FEATURE_DISPLAY = libbfd libbfd-liberty libbfd-liberty-z \
+	libcap clang-bpf-co-re
 check_feat := 1
 NON_CHECK_FEAT_TARGETS := clean uninstall doc doc-clean doc-install doc-uninstall
diff --git a/tools/build/feature/Makefile b/tools/build/feature/Makefile
index c3059739318a..04b07ff88234 100644
--- a/tools/build/feature/Makefile
+++ b/tools/build/feature/Makefile
@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ all: $(FILES)
 __BUILD = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MD -Wall -Werror -o $@ $(patsubst %.bin,%.c,$(@F)) $(LDFLAGS)
   BUILD = $(__BUILD) > $(@:.bin=.make.output) 2>&1
+  BUILD_BFD = $(BUILD) -DPACKAGE='"perf"' -lbfd -ldl
+  BUILD_ALL = $(BUILD) -fstack-protector-all -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -ldw -lelf -lnuma -lelf -lslang $(FLAGS_PERL_EMBED) $(FLAGS_PYTHON_EMBED) -DPACKAGE='"perf"' -lbfd -ldl -lz -llzma -lzstd -lcap
 __BUILDXX = $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -MD -Wall -Werror -o $@ $(patsubst %.bin,%.cpp,$(@F)) $(LDFLAGS)
   BUILDXX = $(__BUILDXX) > $(@:.bin=.make.output) 2>&1
@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ __BUILDXX = $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -MD -Wall -Werror -o $@ $(patsubst %.bin,%.cpp,$(
-	$(BUILD) -fstack-protector-all -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -ldw -lelf -lnuma -lelf -lslang $(FLAGS_PERL_EMBED) $(FLAGS_PYTHON_EMBED) -DPACKAGE='"perf"' -lbfd -ldl -lz -llzma -lzstd -lcap
+	$(BUILD_ALL) || $(BUILD_ALL) -lopcodes -liberty
@@ -241,16 +243,18 @@ $(OUTPUT)test-libpython.bin:
-	$(BUILD) -DPACKAGE='"perf"' -lbfd -ldl
-	$(BUILD) -DPACKAGE='"perf"' -lbfd -ldl
+	$(BUILD_BFD) || $(BUILD_BFD) -liberty || $(BUILD_BFD) -liberty -lz
-	$(BUILD) -DPACKAGE='"perf"' -lbfd -lopcodes
+	$(BUILD_BFD) -lopcodes || $(BUILD_BFD) -lopcodes -liberty || \
+	$(BUILD_BFD) -lopcodes -liberty -lz
-	$(BUILD) -DPACKAGE='"perf"' -lbfd -lopcodes
+	$(BUILD_BFD) -lopcodes || $(BUILD_BFD) -lopcodes -liberty || \
+	$(BUILD_BFD) -lopcodes -liberty -lz
diff --git a/tools/build/feature/test-libcrypto.c b/tools/build/feature/test-libcrypto.c
index 31afff093d0b..bc34a5bbb504 100644
--- a/tools/build/feature/test-libcrypto.c
+++ b/tools/build/feature/test-libcrypto.c
@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
 #include <openssl/sha.h>
 #include <openssl/md5.h>
- * The MD5_* API have been deprecated since OpenSSL 3.0, which causes the
- * feature test to fail silently. This is a workaround.
- */
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
 int main(void)
-	MD5_CTX context;
+	EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx;
 	unsigned char md[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH + SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
 	unsigned char dat[] = "12345";
+	unsigned int digest_len;
-	MD5_Init(&context);
-	MD5_Update(&context, &dat[0], sizeof(dat));
-	MD5_Final(&md[0], &context);
+	mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
+	if (!mdctx)
+		return 0;
+	EVP_DigestInit_ex(mdctx, EVP_md5(), NULL);
+	EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, &dat[0], sizeof(dat));
+	EVP_DigestFinal_ex(mdctx, &md[0], &digest_len);
+	EVP_MD_CTX_free(mdctx);
 	SHA1(&dat[0], sizeof(dat), &md[0]);
diff --git a/tools/include/uapi/linux/perf_event.h b/tools/include/uapi/linux/perf_event.h
index 4653834f078f..e2b77fbca91e 100644
--- a/tools/include/uapi/linux/perf_event.h
+++ b/tools/include/uapi/linux/perf_event.h
@@ -1310,7 +1310,7 @@ union perf_mem_data_src {
 #define PERF_MEM_SNOOPX_FWD	0x01 /* forward */
-/* 1 free */
+#define PERF_MEM_SNOOPX_PEER	0x02 /* xfer from peer */
 /* locked instruction */
diff --git a/tools/perf/Documentation/guest-files.txt b/tools/perf/Documentation/guest-files.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8cc0b092f996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/Documentation/guest-files.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+	Guest OS /proc/kallsyms file copy. perf reads it to get guest
+	kernel symbols. Users copy it out from guest OS.
+	Guest OS /proc/modules file copy. perf reads it to get guest
+	kernel module information. Users copy it out from guest OS.
+	Guest OS kernel vmlinux.
+	Indicate that guest code can be found in the hypervisor process,
+	which is a common case for KVM test programs.
diff --git a/tools/perf/Documentation/guestmount.txt b/tools/perf/Documentation/guestmount.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6edf12363add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/Documentation/guestmount.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+	Guest OS root file system mount directory. Users mount guest OS
+	root directories under <path> by a specific filesystem access method,
+	typically, sshfs.
+	For example, start 2 guest OS, one's pid is 8888 and the other's is 9999:
+	$ mkdir \~/guestmount
+	$ cd \~/guestmount
+	$ sshfs -o allow_other,direct_io -p 5551 localhost:/ 8888/
+	$ sshfs -o allow_other,direct_io -p 5552 localhost:/ 9999/
+	$ perf {GMEXAMPLECMD} --guestmount=~/guestmount {GMEXAMPLESUBCMD}
diff --git a/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-c2c.txt b/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-c2c.txt
index 6f69173731aa..f1f7ae6b08d1 100644
--- a/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-c2c.txt
+++ b/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-c2c.txt
@@ -109,7 +109,9 @@ REPORT OPTIONS
-	Switch to HITM type (rmt, lcl) to display and sort on. Total HITMs as default.
+	Switch to HITM type (rmt, lcl) or peer snooping type (peer) to display
+	and sort on. Total HITMs (tot) as default, except Arm64 uses peer mode
+	as default.
 	Show callgraph with stitched LBRs, which may have more complete
@@ -174,12 +176,18 @@ For each cacheline in the 1) list we display following data:
   - cacheline address (hex number)
-  Rmt/Lcl Hitm
+  Rmt/Lcl Hitm (Display with HITM types)
   - cacheline percentage of all Remote/Local HITM accesses
-  LLC Load Hitm - Total, LclHitm, RmtHitm
+  Peer Snoop (Display with peer type)
+  - cacheline percentage of all peer accesses
+  LLC Load Hitm - Total, LclHitm, RmtHitm (For display with HITM types)
   - count of Total/Local/Remote load HITMs
+  Load Peer - Total, Local, Remote (For display with peer type)
+  - count of Total/Local/Remote load from peer cache or DRAM
   Total records
   - sum of all cachelines accesses
@@ -201,16 +209,21 @@ For each cacheline in the 1) list we display following data:
   - count of LLC load accesses, includes LLC hits and LLC HITMs
   RMT Load Hit - RmtHit, RmtHitm
-  - count of remote load accesses, includes remote hits and remote HITMs
+  - count of remote load accesses, includes remote hits and remote HITMs;
+    on Arm neoverse cores, RmtHit is used to account remote accesses,
+    includes remote DRAM or any upward cache level in remote node
   Load Dram - Lcl, Rmt
   - count of local and remote DRAM accesses
 For each offset in the 2) list we display following data:
-  HITM - Rmt, Lcl
+  HITM - Rmt, Lcl (Display with HITM types)
   - % of Remote/Local HITM accesses for given offset within cacheline
+  Peer Snoop - Rmt, Lcl (Display with peer type)
+  - % of Remote/Local peer accesses for given offset within cacheline
   Store Refs - L1 Hit, L1 Miss, N/A
   - % of store accesses that hit L1, missed L1 and N/A (no available) memory
     level for given offset within cacheline
@@ -227,9 +240,12 @@ For each offset in the 2) list we display following data:
   Code address
   - code address responsible for the accesses
-  cycles - rmt hitm, lcl hitm, load
+  cycles - rmt hitm, lcl hitm, load (Display with HITM types)
     - sum of cycles for given accesses - Remote/Local HITM and generic load
+  cycles - rmt peer, lcl peer, load (Display with peer type)
+    - sum of cycles for given accesses - Remote/Local peer load and generic load
   cpu cnt
     - number of cpus that participated on the access
@@ -251,7 +267,8 @@ The 'Node' field displays nodes that accesses given cacheline
 offset. Its output comes in 3 flavors:
   - node IDs separated by ','
   - node IDs with stats for each ID, in following format:
-      Node{cpus %hitms %stores}
+      Node{cpus %hitms %stores} (Display with HITM types)
+      Node{cpus %peers %stores} (Display with peer type)
   - node IDs with list of affected CPUs in following format:
       Node{cpu list}
diff --git a/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-inject.txt b/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-inject.txt
index 646aa31586ed..ffc293fdf61d 100644
--- a/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-inject.txt
+++ b/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-inject.txt
@@ -102,6 +102,10 @@ include::itrace.txt[]
 	should be used, and also --buildid-all and --switch-events may be
 linkperf:perf-record[1], linkperf:perf-report[1], linkperf:perf-archive[1],
diff --git a/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-kvm.txt b/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-kvm.txt
index 83c742adf86e..2ad3f5d9f72b 100644
--- a/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-kvm.txt
+++ b/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-kvm.txt
@@ -77,26 +77,11 @@ OPTIONS
         Collect host side performance profile.
         Collect guest side performance profile.
-	Guest os root file system mount directory. Users mounts guest os
-        root directories under <path> by a specific filesystem access method,
-	typically, sshfs. For example, start 2 guest os. The one's pid is 8888
-	and the other's is 9999.
-        #mkdir ~/guestmount; cd ~/guestmount
-        #sshfs -o allow_other,direct_io -p 5551 localhost:/ 8888/
-        #sshfs -o allow_other,direct_io -p 5552 localhost:/ 9999/
-        #perf kvm --host --guest --guestmount=~/guestmount top
-        Guest os /proc/kallsyms file copy. 'perf' kvm' reads it to get guest
-	kernel symbols. Users copy it out from guest os.
-	Guest os /proc/modules file copy. 'perf' kvm' reads it to get guest
-	kernel module information. Users copy it out from guest os.
-	Guest os kernel vmlinux.
-	Indicate that guest code can be found in the hypervisor process,
-	which is a common case for KVM test programs.
+:GMEXAMPLECMD: kvm --host --guest
 	Be more verbose (show counter open errors, etc).
diff --git a/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-script.txt b/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-script.txt
index c09cc44e50ee..68e37de5fae4 100644
--- a/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-script.txt
+++ b/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-script.txt
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ OPTIONS
 	Instruction Trace decoding.
 	The machine_pid and vcpu fields are derived from data resulting from using
-	perf insert to insert a perf.data file recorded inside a virtual machine into
+	perf inject to insert a perf.data file recorded inside a virtual machine into
 	a perf.data file recorded on the host at the same time.
 	Finally, a user may not set fields to none for all event types.
@@ -507,9 +507,9 @@ include::itrace.txt[]
 	The known limitations include exception handing such as
 	setjmp/longjmp will have calls/returns not match.
-	Indicate that guest code can be found in the hypervisor process,
-	which is a common case for KVM test programs.
diff --git a/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-stat.txt b/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-stat.txt
index d8a33f4a47c5..d7ff1867feda 100644
--- a/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-stat.txt
+++ b/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-stat.txt
@@ -570,6 +570,27 @@ Additional metrics may be printed with all earlier fields being empty.
+With -j, perf stat is able to print out a JSON format output
+that can be used for parsing.
+- timestamp : optional usec time stamp in fractions of second (with -I)
+- optional aggregate options:
+		- core : core identifier (with --per-core)
+		- die : die identifier (with --per-die)
+		- socket : socket identifier (with --per-socket)
+		- node : node identifier (with --per-node)
+		- thread : thread identifier (with --per-thread)
+- counter-value : counter value
+- unit : unit of the counter value or empty
+- event : event name
+- variance : optional variance if multiple values are collected (with -r)
+- runtime : run time of counter
+- metric-value : optional metric value
+- metric-unit : optional unit of metric
 linkperf:perf-top[1], linkperf:perf-list[1]
diff --git a/tools/perf/Makefile.config b/tools/perf/Makefile.config
index 23648ea54e8d..0661a1cf9855 100644
--- a/tools/perf/Makefile.config
+++ b/tools/perf/Makefile.config
@@ -297,9 +297,6 @@ FEATURE_CHECK_LDFLAGS-libpython := $(PYTHON_EMBED_LDOPTS)
-FEATURE_CHECK_LDFLAGS-disassembler-four-args = -lbfd -lopcodes -ldl
-FEATURE_CHECK_LDFLAGS-disassembler-init-styled = -lbfd -lopcodes -ldl
 CORE_CFLAGS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer
 CORE_CFLAGS += -ggdb3
 CORE_CFLAGS += -funwind-tables
@@ -329,8 +326,8 @@ ifneq ($(TCMALLOC),)
 ifeq ($(FEATURES_DUMP),)
-# We will display at the end of this Makefile.config, using $(call feature_display_entries)
-# As we may retry some feature detection here, see the disassembler-four-args case, for instance
+# We will display at the end of this Makefile.config, using $(call feature_display_entries),
+# as we may retry some feature detection here.
 include $(srctree)/tools/build/Makefile.feature
@@ -924,13 +921,9 @@ ifndef NO_LIBBFD
     ifeq ($(feature-libbfd-liberty), 1)
       EXTLIBS += -lbfd -lopcodes -liberty
-      FEATURE_CHECK_LDFLAGS-disassembler-four-args += -liberty -ldl
-      FEATURE_CHECK_LDFLAGS-disassembler-init-styled += -liberty -ldl
       ifeq ($(feature-libbfd-liberty-z), 1)
         EXTLIBS += -lbfd -lopcodes -liberty -lz
-        FEATURE_CHECK_LDFLAGS-disassembler-four-args += -liberty -lz -ldl
-        FEATURE_CHECK_LDFLAGS-disassembler-init-styled += -liberty -lz -ldl
     $(call feature_check,disassembler-four-args)
@@ -1356,7 +1349,7 @@ endif
 # re-generate FEATURE-DUMP as we may have called feature_check, found out
 # extra libraries to add to LDFLAGS of some other test and then redo those
-# tests, see the block about libbfd, disassembler-four-args, for instance.
+# tests.
 $(shell rm -f $(FEATURE_DUMP_FILENAME))
 $(foreach feat,$(FEATURE_TESTS),$(shell echo "$(call feature_assign,$(feat))" >> $(FEATURE_DUMP_FILENAME)))
diff --git a/tools/perf/Makefile.perf b/tools/perf/Makefile.perf
index 5053b563bf9c..e5921b347153 100644
--- a/tools/perf/Makefile.perf
+++ b/tools/perf/Makefile.perf
@@ -1005,7 +1005,8 @@ install-tests: all install-gtk
 		$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(perfexec_instdir_SQ)/tests/shell'; \
 		$(INSTALL) tests/shell/*.sh '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(perfexec_instdir_SQ)/tests/shell'; \
 		$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(perfexec_instdir_SQ)/tests/shell/lib'; \
-		$(INSTALL) tests/shell/lib/*.sh '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(perfexec_instdir_SQ)/tests/shell/lib'
+		$(INSTALL) tests/shell/lib/*.sh '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(perfexec_instdir_SQ)/tests/shell/lib'; \
+		$(INSTALL) tests/shell/lib/*.py '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(perfexec_instdir_SQ)/tests/shell/lib'
 install-bin: install-tools install-tests install-traceevent-plugins
diff --git a/tools/perf/arch/arm/util/cs-etm.c b/tools/perf/arch/arm/util/cs-etm.c
index 1b54638d53b0..a346d5f3dafa 100644
--- a/tools/perf/arch/arm/util/cs-etm.c
+++ b/tools/perf/arch/arm/util/cs-etm.c
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ static int cs_etm_recording_options(struct auxtrace_record *itr,
 	if (opts->full_auxtrace) {
 		struct evsel *tracking_evsel;
-		err = parse_events(evlist, "dummy:u", NULL);
+		err = parse_event(evlist, "dummy:u");
 		if (err)
 			goto out;
diff --git a/tools/perf/arch/arm64/util/arm-spe.c b/tools/perf/arch/arm64/util/arm-spe.c
index 6f4db2ac5420..d4c234076541 100644
--- a/tools/perf/arch/arm64/util/arm-spe.c
+++ b/tools/perf/arch/arm64/util/arm-spe.c
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ static int arm_spe_recording_options(struct auxtrace_record *itr,
 		evsel__set_sample_bit(arm_spe_evsel, PHYS_ADDR);
 	/* Add dummy event to keep tracking */
-	err = parse_events(evlist, "dummy:u", NULL);
+	err = parse_event(evlist, "dummy:u");
 	if (err)
 		return err;
diff --git a/tools/perf/arch/arm64/util/pmu.c b/tools/perf/arch/arm64/util/pmu.c
index 79124bba713e..f849b1e88d43 100644
--- a/tools/perf/arch/arm64/util/pmu.c
+++ b/tools/perf/arch/arm64/util/pmu.c
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 #include "../../../util/cpumap.h"
 #include "../../../util/pmu.h"
-const struct pmu_events_map *pmu_events_map__find(void)
+const struct pmu_events_table *pmu_events_table__find(void)
 	struct perf_pmu *pmu = NULL;
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ const struct pmu_events_map *pmu_events_map__find(void)
 		if (pmu->cpus->nr != cpu__max_cpu().cpu)
 			return NULL;
-		return perf_pmu__find_map(pmu);
+		return perf_pmu__find_table(pmu);
 	return NULL;
diff --git a/tools/perf/arch/x86/tests/intel-cqm.c b/tools/perf/arch/x86/tests/intel-cqm.c
index cb5b2c6c3b3b..360a082fc928 100644
--- a/tools/perf/arch/x86/tests/intel-cqm.c
+++ b/tools/perf/arch/x86/tests/intel-cqm.c
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ int test__intel_cqm_count_nmi_context(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused, in
 		return TEST_FAIL;
-	ret = parse_events(evlist, "intel_cqm/llc_occupancy/", NULL);
+	ret = parse_event(evlist, "intel_cqm/llc_occupancy/");
 	if (ret) {
 		pr_debug("parse_events failed, is \"intel_cqm/llc_occupancy/\" available?\n");
 		err = TEST_SKIP;
diff --git a/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/intel-bts.c b/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/intel-bts.c
index bcccfbade5c6..439c2956f3e7 100644
--- a/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/intel-bts.c
+++ b/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/intel-bts.c
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ static int intel_bts_recording_options(struct auxtrace_record *itr,
 		struct evsel *tracking_evsel;
 		int err;
-		err = parse_events(evlist, "dummy:u", NULL);
+		err = parse_event(evlist, "dummy:u");
 		if (err)
 			return err;
diff --git a/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/intel-pt.c b/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/intel-pt.c
index 06c2cdfd8f2f..13933020a79e 100644
--- a/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/intel-pt.c
+++ b/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/intel-pt.c
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ static int intel_pt_track_switches(struct evlist *evlist)
 	if (!evlist__can_select_event(evlist, sched_switch))
 		return -EPERM;
-	err = parse_events(evlist, sched_switch, NULL);
+	err = parse_event(evlist, sched_switch);
 	if (err) {
 		pr_debug2("%s: failed to parse %s, error %d\n",
 			  __func__, sched_switch, err);
diff --git a/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/iostat.c b/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/iostat.c
index 792cd75ade33..404de795ec0b 100644
--- a/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/iostat.c
+++ b/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/iostat.c
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ static int iostat_event_group(struct evlist *evl,
 		sprintf(iostat_cmd, iostat_cmd_template,
 			list->rps[idx]->pmu_idx, list->rps[idx]->pmu_idx,
 			list->rps[idx]->pmu_idx, list->rps[idx]->pmu_idx);
-		ret = parse_events(evl, iostat_cmd, NULL);
+		ret = parse_event(evl, iostat_cmd);
 		if (ret)
 			goto err;
diff --git a/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/topdown.c b/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/topdown.c
index 67c524324125..54810f9acd6f 100644
--- a/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/topdown.c
+++ b/tools/perf/arch/x86/util/topdown.c
@@ -122,5 +122,5 @@ int topdown_parse_events(struct evlist *evlist)
 			topdown_events = TOPDOWN_L1_EVENTS;
-	return parse_events(evlist, topdown_events, NULL);
+	return parse_event(evlist, topdown_events);
diff --git a/tools/perf/builtin-c2c.c b/tools/perf/builtin-c2c.c
index 4898ee57d156..653e13b5037e 100644
--- a/tools/perf/builtin-c2c.c
+++ b/tools/perf/builtin-c2c.c
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ struct c2c_hists {
 struct compute_stats {
 	struct stats		 lcl_hitm;
 	struct stats		 rmt_hitm;
+	struct stats		 lcl_peer;
+	struct stats		 rmt_peer;
 	struct stats		 load;
@@ -113,16 +115,18 @@ struct perf_c2c {
 enum {
 static const char *display_str[DISPLAY_MAX] = {
-	[DISPLAY_LCL] = "Local",
-	[DISPLAY_RMT] = "Remote",
-	[DISPLAY_TOT] = "Total",
+	[DISPLAY_RMT_HITM] = "Remote HITMs",
+	[DISPLAY_SNP_PEER] = "Peer Snoop",
 static const struct option c2c_options[] = {
@@ -154,6 +158,8 @@ static void *c2c_he_zalloc(size_t size)
+	init_stats(&c2c_he->cstats.lcl_peer);
+	init_stats(&c2c_he->cstats.rmt_peer);
 	return &c2c_he->he;
@@ -253,6 +259,10 @@ static void compute_stats(struct c2c_hist_entry *c2c_he,
 		update_stats(&cstats->rmt_hitm, weight);
 	else if (stats->lcl_hitm)
 		update_stats(&cstats->lcl_hitm, weight);
+	else if (stats->rmt_peer)
+		update_stats(&cstats->rmt_peer, weight);
+	else if (stats->lcl_peer)
+		update_stats(&cstats->lcl_peer, weight);
 	else if (stats->load)
 		update_stats(&cstats->load, weight);
@@ -650,6 +660,9 @@ __f ## _cmp(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt __maybe_unused,			\
@@ -787,7 +800,7 @@ percent_color(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt, struct perf_hpp *hpp,
 	return hpp_color_scnprintf(hpp, "%*.2f%%", width - 1, per);
-static double percent_hitm(struct c2c_hist_entry *c2c_he)
+static double percent_costly_snoop(struct c2c_hist_entry *c2c_he)
 	struct c2c_hists *hists;
 	struct c2c_stats *stats;
@@ -800,17 +813,22 @@ static double percent_hitm(struct c2c_hist_entry *c2c_he)
 	total = &hists->stats;
 	switch (c2c.display) {
 		st  = stats->rmt_hitm;
 		tot = total->rmt_hitm;
 		st  = stats->lcl_hitm;
 		tot = total->lcl_hitm;
 		st  = stats->tot_hitm;
 		tot = total->tot_hitm;
+		break;
+		st  = stats->tot_peer;
+		tot = total->tot_peer;
+		break;
@@ -827,8 +845,8 @@ static double percent_hitm(struct c2c_hist_entry *c2c_he)
 static int
-percent_hitm_entry(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt, struct perf_hpp *hpp,
-		   struct hist_entry *he)
+percent_costly_snoop_entry(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt, struct perf_hpp *hpp,
+			   struct hist_entry *he)
 	struct c2c_hist_entry *c2c_he;
 	int width = c2c_width(fmt, hpp, he->hists);
@@ -836,20 +854,20 @@ percent_hitm_entry(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt, struct perf_hpp *hpp,
 	double per;
 	c2c_he = container_of(he, struct c2c_hist_entry, he);
-	per = percent_hitm(c2c_he);
+	per = percent_costly_snoop(c2c_he);
 	return scnprintf(hpp->buf, hpp->size, "%*s", width, PERC_STR(buf, per));
 static int
-percent_hitm_color(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt, struct perf_hpp *hpp,
-		   struct hist_entry *he)
+percent_costly_snoop_color(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt, struct perf_hpp *hpp,
+			   struct hist_entry *he)
-	return percent_color(fmt, hpp, he, percent_hitm);
+	return percent_color(fmt, hpp, he, percent_costly_snoop);
 static int64_t
-percent_hitm_cmp(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt __maybe_unused,
-		 struct hist_entry *left, struct hist_entry *right)
+percent_costly_snoop_cmp(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt __maybe_unused,
+			 struct hist_entry *left, struct hist_entry *right)
 	struct c2c_hist_entry *c2c_left;
 	struct c2c_hist_entry *c2c_right;
@@ -859,8 +877,8 @@ percent_hitm_cmp(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt __maybe_unused,
 	c2c_left  = container_of(left, struct c2c_hist_entry, he);
 	c2c_right = container_of(right, struct c2c_hist_entry, he);
-	per_left  = percent_hitm(c2c_left);
-	per_right = percent_hitm(c2c_right);
+	per_left  = percent_costly_snoop(c2c_left);
+	per_right = percent_costly_snoop(c2c_right);
 	return per_left - per_right;
@@ -899,6 +917,8 @@ static double percent_ ## __f(struct c2c_hist_entry *c2c_he)			\
@@ -965,6 +985,68 @@ percent_lcl_hitm_cmp(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt __maybe_unused,
 	return per_left - per_right;
+static int
+percent_lcl_peer_entry(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt, struct perf_hpp *hpp,
+		       struct hist_entry *he)
+	int width = c2c_width(fmt, hpp, he->hists);
+	double per = PERCENT(he, lcl_peer);
+	char buf[10];
+	return scnprintf(hpp->buf, hpp->size, "%*s", width, PERC_STR(buf, per));
+static int
+percent_lcl_peer_color(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt, struct perf_hpp *hpp,
+		       struct hist_entry *he)
+	return percent_color(fmt, hpp, he, percent_lcl_peer);
+static int64_t
+percent_lcl_peer_cmp(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt __maybe_unused,
+		     struct hist_entry *left, struct hist_entry *right)
+	double per_left;
+	double per_right;
+	per_left  = PERCENT(left, lcl_peer);
+	per_right = PERCENT(right, lcl_peer);
+	return per_left - per_right;
+static int
+percent_rmt_peer_entry(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt, struct perf_hpp *hpp,
+		       struct hist_entry *he)
+	int width = c2c_width(fmt, hpp, he->hists);
+	double per = PERCENT(he, rmt_peer);
+	char buf[10];
+	return scnprintf(hpp->buf, hpp->size, "%*s", width, PERC_STR(buf, per));
+static int
+percent_rmt_peer_color(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt, struct perf_hpp *hpp,
+		       struct hist_entry *he)
+	return percent_color(fmt, hpp, he, percent_rmt_peer);
+static int64_t
+percent_rmt_peer_cmp(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt __maybe_unused,
+		     struct hist_entry *left, struct hist_entry *right)
+	double per_left;
+	double per_right;
+	per_left  = PERCENT(left, rmt_peer);
+	per_right = PERCENT(right, rmt_peer);
+	return per_left - per_right;
 static int
 percent_stores_l1hit_entry(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt, struct perf_hpp *hpp,
 			   struct hist_entry *he)
@@ -1142,18 +1224,22 @@ node_entry(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt __maybe_unused, struct perf_hpp *hpp,
 			advance_hpp(hpp, ret);
 			switch (c2c.display) {
-			case DISPLAY_RMT:
 				ret = display_metrics(hpp, stats->rmt_hitm,
-			case DISPLAY_LCL:
 				ret = display_metrics(hpp, stats->lcl_hitm,
-			case DISPLAY_TOT:
 				ret = display_metrics(hpp, stats->tot_hitm,
+				ret = display_metrics(hpp, stats->tot_peer,
+						      c2c_he->stats.tot_peer);
+				break;
@@ -1213,6 +1299,8 @@ __func(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt, struct perf_hpp *hpp, struct hist_entry *he)	\
 MEAN_ENTRY(mean_rmt_entry,  rmt_hitm);
 MEAN_ENTRY(mean_lcl_entry,  lcl_hitm);
 MEAN_ENTRY(mean_load_entry, load);
+MEAN_ENTRY(mean_rmt_peer_entry, rmt_peer);
+MEAN_ENTRY(mean_lcl_peer_entry, lcl_peer);
 static int
 cpucnt_entry(struct perf_hpp_fmt *fmt, struct perf_hpp *hpp,
@@ -1360,6 +1448,30 @@ static struct c2c_dimension dim_rmt_hitm = {
 	.width		= 7,
+static struct c2c_dimension dim_tot_peer = {
+	.header		= HEADER_SPAN("------- Load Peer -------", "Total", 2),
+	.name		= "tot_peer",
+	.cmp		= tot_peer_cmp,
+	.entry		= tot_peer_entry,
+	.width		= 7,
+static struct c2c_dimension dim_lcl_peer = {
+	.header		= HEADER_SPAN_LOW("Local"),
+	.name		= "lcl_peer",
+	.cmp		= lcl_peer_cmp,
+	.entry		= lcl_peer_entry,
+	.width		= 7,
+static struct c2c_dimension dim_rmt_peer = {
+	.header		= HEADER_SPAN_LOW("Remote"),
+	.name		= "rmt_peer",
+	.cmp		= rmt_peer_cmp,
+	.entry		= rmt_peer_entry,
+	.width		= 7,
 static struct c2c_dimension dim_cl_rmt_hitm = {
 	.header		= HEADER_SPAN("----- HITM -----", "Rmt", 1),
 	.name		= "cl_rmt_hitm",
@@ -1376,6 +1488,22 @@ static struct c2c_dimension dim_cl_lcl_hitm = {
 	.width		= 7,
+static struct c2c_dimension dim_cl_rmt_peer = {
+	.header		= HEADER_SPAN("----- Peer -----", "Rmt", 1),
+	.name		= "cl_rmt_peer",
+	.cmp		= rmt_peer_cmp,
+	.entry		= rmt_peer_entry,
+	.width		= 7,
+static struct c2c_dimension dim_cl_lcl_peer = {
+	.header		= HEADER_SPAN_LOW("Lcl"),
+	.name		= "cl_lcl_peer",
+	.cmp		= lcl_peer_cmp,
+	.entry		= lcl_peer_entry,
+	.width		= 7,
 static struct c2c_dimension dim_tot_stores = {
 	.header		= HEADER_BOTH("Total", "Stores"),
 	.name		= "tot_stores",
@@ -1488,17 +1616,18 @@ static struct c2c_dimension dim_tot_loads = {
 	.width		= 7,
-static struct c2c_header percent_hitm_header[] = {
-	[DISPLAY_LCL] = HEADER_BOTH("Lcl", "Hitm"),
-	[DISPLAY_RMT] = HEADER_BOTH("Rmt", "Hitm"),
-	[DISPLAY_TOT] = HEADER_BOTH("Tot", "Hitm"),
+static struct c2c_header percent_costly_snoop_header[] = {
+	[DISPLAY_SNP_PEER] = HEADER_BOTH("Peer", "Snoop"),
-static struct c2c_dimension dim_percent_hitm = {
-	.name		= "percent_hitm",
-	.cmp		= percent_hitm_cmp,
-	.entry		= percent_hitm_entry,
-	.color		= percent_hitm_color,
+static struct c2c_dimension dim_percent_costly_snoop = {
+	.name		= "percent_costly_snoop",
+	.cmp		= percent_costly_snoop_cmp,
+	.entry		= percent_costly_snoop_entry,
+	.color		= percent_costly_snoop_color,
 	.width		= 7,
@@ -1520,6 +1649,24 @@ static struct c2c_dimension dim_percent_lcl_hitm = {
 	.width		= 7,
+static struct c2c_dimension dim_percent_rmt_peer = {
+	.header		= HEADER_SPAN("-- Peer Snoop --", "Rmt", 1),
+	.name		= "percent_rmt_peer",
+	.cmp		= percent_rmt_peer_cmp,
+	.entry		= percent_rmt_peer_entry,
+	.color		= percent_rmt_peer_color,
+	.width		= 7,
+static struct c2c_dimension dim_percent_lcl_peer = {
+	.header		= HEADER_SPAN_LOW("Lcl"),
+	.name		= "percent_lcl_peer",
+	.cmp		= percent_lcl_peer_cmp,
+	.entry		= percent_lcl_peer_entry,
+	.color		= percent_lcl_peer_color,
+	.width		= 7,
 static struct c2c_dimension dim_percent_stores_l1hit = {
 	.header		= HEADER_SPAN("------- Store Refs ------", "L1 Hit", 2),
 	.name		= "percent_stores_l1hit",
@@ -1588,12 +1735,6 @@ static struct c2c_dimension dim_dso = {
 	.se		= &sort_dso,
-static struct c2c_header header_node[3] = {
-	HEADER_LOW("Node"),
-	HEADER_LOW("Node{cpus %hitms %stores}"),
-	HEADER_LOW("Node{cpu list}"),
 static struct c2c_dimension dim_node = {
 	.name		= "node",
 	.cmp		= empty_cmp,
@@ -1625,6 +1766,22 @@ static struct c2c_dimension dim_mean_load = {
 	.width		= 8,
+static struct c2c_dimension dim_mean_rmt_peer = {
+	.header		= HEADER_SPAN("---------- cycles ----------", "rmt peer", 2),
+	.name		= "mean_rmt_peer",
+	.cmp		= empty_cmp,
+	.entry		= mean_rmt_peer_entry,
+	.width		= 8,
+static struct c2c_dimension dim_mean_lcl_peer = {
+	.header		= HEADER_SPAN_LOW("lcl peer"),
+	.name		= "mean_lcl_peer",
+	.cmp		= empty_cmp,
+	.entry		= mean_lcl_peer_entry,
+	.width		= 8,
 static struct c2c_dimension dim_cpucnt = {
 	.header		= HEADER_BOTH("cpu", "cnt"),
 	.name		= "cpucnt",
@@ -1672,8 +1829,13 @@ static struct c2c_dimension *dimensions[] = {
+	&dim_tot_peer,
+	&dim_lcl_peer,
+	&dim_rmt_peer,
+	&dim_cl_lcl_peer,
+	&dim_cl_rmt_peer,
@@ -1688,9 +1850,11 @@ static struct c2c_dimension *dimensions[] = {
-	&dim_percent_hitm,
+	&dim_percent_costly_snoop,
+	&dim_percent_rmt_peer,
+	&dim_percent_lcl_peer,
@@ -1703,6 +1867,8 @@ static struct c2c_dimension *dimensions[] = {
+	&dim_mean_rmt_peer,
+	&dim_mean_lcl_peer,
@@ -1941,18 +2107,22 @@ static bool he__display(struct hist_entry *he, struct c2c_stats *stats)
 	c2c_he = container_of(he, struct c2c_hist_entry, he);
 	switch (c2c.display) {
 		he->filtered = filter_display(c2c_he->stats.lcl_hitm,
 		he->filtered = filter_display(c2c_he->stats.rmt_hitm,
 		he->filtered = filter_display(c2c_he->stats.tot_hitm,
+		he->filtered = filter_display(c2c_he->stats.tot_peer,
+					      stats->tot_peer);
+		break;
@@ -1972,15 +2142,17 @@ static inline bool is_valid_hist_entry(struct hist_entry *he)
 		return true;
 	switch (c2c.display) {
 		has_record = !!c2c_he->stats.lcl_hitm;
 		has_record = !!c2c_he->stats.rmt_hitm;
 		has_record = !!c2c_he->stats.tot_hitm;
+		has_record = !!c2c_he->stats.tot_peer;
@@ -2069,9 +2241,33 @@ static int resort_cl_cb(struct hist_entry *he, void *arg __maybe_unused)
 	return 0;
+static struct c2c_header header_node_0 = HEADER_LOW("Node");
+static struct c2c_header header_node_1_hitms_stores =
+		HEADER_LOW("Node{cpus %hitms %stores}");
+static struct c2c_header header_node_1_peers_stores =
+		HEADER_LOW("Node{cpus %peers %stores}");
+static struct c2c_header header_node_2 = HEADER_LOW("Node{cpu list}");
 static void setup_nodes_header(void)
-	dim_node.header = header_node[c2c.node_info];
+	switch (c2c.node_info) {
+	case 0:
+		dim_node.header = header_node_0;
+		break;
+	case 1:
+		if (c2c.display == DISPLAY_SNP_PEER)
+			dim_node.header = header_node_1_peers_stores;
+		else
+			dim_node.header = header_node_1_hitms_stores;
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		dim_node.header = header_node_2;
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	return;
 static int setup_nodes(struct perf_session *session)
@@ -2136,13 +2332,14 @@ static int setup_nodes(struct perf_session *session)
 #define HAS_HITMS(__h) ((__h)->stats.lcl_hitm || (__h)->stats.rmt_hitm)
+#define HAS_PEER(__h) ((__h)->stats.lcl_peer || (__h)->stats.rmt_peer)
 static int resort_shared_cl_cb(struct hist_entry *he, void *arg __maybe_unused)
 	struct c2c_hist_entry *c2c_he;
 	c2c_he = container_of(he, struct c2c_hist_entry, he);
-	if (HAS_HITMS(c2c_he)) {
+	if (HAS_HITMS(c2c_he) || HAS_PEER(c2c_he)) {
 		c2c_add_stats(&c2c.shared_clines_stats, &c2c_he->stats);
@@ -2202,6 +2399,8 @@ static void print_c2c__display_stats(FILE *out)
 	fprintf(out, "  Load LLC Misses                   : %10d\n", llc_misses);
 	fprintf(out, "  Load access blocked by data       : %10d\n", stats->blk_data);
 	fprintf(out, "  Load access blocked by address    : %10d\n", stats->blk_addr);
+	fprintf(out, "  Load HIT Local Peer               : %10d\n", stats->lcl_peer);
+	fprintf(out, "  Load HIT Remote Peer              : %10d\n", stats->rmt_peer);
 	fprintf(out, "  LLC Misses to Local DRAM          : %10.1f%%\n", ((double)stats->lcl_dram/(double)llc_misses) * 100.);
 	fprintf(out, "  LLC Misses to Remote DRAM         : %10.1f%%\n", ((double)stats->rmt_dram/(double)llc_misses) * 100.);
 	fprintf(out, "  LLC Misses to Remote cache (HIT)  : %10.1f%%\n", ((double)stats->rmt_hit /(double)llc_misses) * 100.);
@@ -2230,6 +2429,7 @@ static void print_shared_cacheline_info(FILE *out)
 	fprintf(out, "  L1D hits on shared lines          : %10d\n", stats->ld_l1hit);
 	fprintf(out, "  L2D hits on shared lines          : %10d\n", stats->ld_l2hit);
 	fprintf(out, "  LLC hits on shared lines          : %10d\n", stats->ld_llchit + stats->lcl_hitm);
+	fprintf(out, "  Load hits on peer cache or nodes  : %10d\n", stats->lcl_peer + stats->rmt_peer);
 	fprintf(out, "  Locked Access on shared lines     : %10d\n", stats->locks);
 	fprintf(out, "  Blocked Access on shared lines    : %10d\n", stats->blk_data + stats->blk_addr);
 	fprintf(out, "  Store HITs on shared lines        : %10d\n", stats->store);
@@ -2272,13 +2472,22 @@ static void print_pareto(FILE *out)
 	int ret;
 	const char *cl_output;
-	cl_output = "cl_num,"
-		    "cl_rmt_hitm,"
-		    "cl_lcl_hitm,"
-		    "cl_stores_l1hit,"
-		    "cl_stores_l1miss,"
-		    "cl_stores_na,"
-		    "dcacheline";
+	if (c2c.display != DISPLAY_SNP_PEER)
+		cl_output = "cl_num,"
+			    "cl_rmt_hitm,"
+			    "cl_lcl_hitm,"
+			    "cl_stores_l1hit,"
+			    "cl_stores_l1miss,"
+			    "cl_stores_na,"
+			    "dcacheline";
+	else
+		cl_output = "cl_num,"
+			    "cl_rmt_peer,"
+			    "cl_lcl_peer,"
+			    "cl_stores_l1hit,"
+			    "cl_stores_l1miss,"
+			    "cl_stores_na,"
+			    "dcacheline";
 	ret = hpp_list__parse(&hpp_list, cl_output, NULL);
@@ -2314,7 +2523,7 @@ static void print_c2c_info(FILE *out, struct perf_session *session)
 		fprintf(out, "%-36s: %s\n", first ? "  Events" : "", evsel__name(evsel));
 		first = false;
-	fprintf(out, "  Cachelines sort on                : %s HITMs\n",
+	fprintf(out, "  Cachelines sort on                : %s\n",
 	fprintf(out, "  Cacheline data grouping           : %s\n", c2c.cl_sort);
@@ -2471,7 +2680,7 @@ static int perf_c2c_browser__title(struct hist_browser *browser,
 	scnprintf(bf, size,
 		  "Shared Data Cache Line Table     "
-		  "(%lu entries, sorted on %s HITMs)",
+		  "(%lu entries, sorted on %s)",
 	return 0;
@@ -2585,7 +2794,7 @@ static int ui_quirks(void)
 		nodestr = "CL";
-	dim_percent_hitm.header = percent_hitm_header[c2c.display];
+	dim_percent_costly_snoop.header = percent_costly_snoop_header[c2c.display];
 	/* Fix the zero line for dcacheline column. */
 	buf = fill_line("Cacheline", dim_dcacheline.width +
@@ -2669,14 +2878,16 @@ static int setup_callchain(struct evlist *evlist)
 static int setup_display(const char *str)
-	const char *display = str ?: "tot";
+	const char *display = str;
 	if (!strcmp(display, "tot"))
-		c2c.display = DISPLAY_TOT;
+		c2c.display = DISPLAY_TOT_HITM;
 	else if (!strcmp(display, "rmt"))
-		c2c.display = DISPLAY_RMT;
+		c2c.display = DISPLAY_RMT_HITM;
 	else if (!strcmp(display, "lcl"))
-		c2c.display = DISPLAY_LCL;
+		c2c.display = DISPLAY_LCL_HITM;
+	else if (!strcmp(display, "peer"))
+		c2c.display = DISPLAY_SNP_PEER;
 	else {
 		pr_err("failed: unknown display type: %s\n", str);
 		return -1;
@@ -2723,10 +2934,12 @@ static int build_cl_output(char *cl_sort, bool no_source)
 	if (asprintf(&c2c.cl_output,
-		"%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
+		"%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
 		c2c.use_stdio ? "cl_num_empty," : "",
-		"percent_rmt_hitm,"
-		"percent_lcl_hitm,"
+		c2c.display == DISPLAY_SNP_PEER ? "percent_rmt_peer,"
+						  "percent_lcl_peer," :
+						  "percent_rmt_hitm,"
+						  "percent_lcl_hitm,",
@@ -2734,8 +2947,10 @@ static int build_cl_output(char *cl_sort, bool no_source)
 		add_pid   ? "pid," : "",
 		add_tid   ? "tid," : "",
 		add_iaddr ? "iaddr," : "",
-		"mean_rmt,"
-		"mean_lcl,"
+		c2c.display == DISPLAY_SNP_PEER ? "mean_rmt_peer,"
+						  "mean_lcl_peer," :
+						  "mean_rmt,"
+						  "mean_lcl,",
@@ -2756,6 +2971,7 @@ err:
 static int setup_coalesce(const char *coalesce, bool no_source)
 	const char *c = coalesce ?: coalesce_default;
+	const char *sort_str = NULL;
 	if (asprintf(&c2c.cl_sort, "offset,%s", c) < 0)
 		return -ENOMEM;
@@ -2763,12 +2979,16 @@ static int setup_coalesce(const char *coalesce, bool no_source)
 	if (build_cl_output(c2c.cl_sort, no_source))
 		return -1;
-	if (asprintf(&c2c.cl_resort, "offset,%s",
-		     c2c.display == DISPLAY_TOT ?
-		     "tot_hitm" :
-		     c2c.display == DISPLAY_RMT ?
-		     "rmt_hitm,lcl_hitm" :
-		     "lcl_hitm,rmt_hitm") < 0)
+	if (c2c.display == DISPLAY_TOT_HITM)
+		sort_str = "tot_hitm";
+	else if (c2c.display == DISPLAY_RMT_HITM)
+		sort_str = "rmt_hitm,lcl_hitm";
+	else if (c2c.display == DISPLAY_LCL_HITM)
+		sort_str = "lcl_hitm,rmt_hitm";
+	else if (c2c.display == DISPLAY_SNP_PEER)
+		sort_str = "tot_peer";
+	if (asprintf(&c2c.cl_resort, "offset,%s", sort_str) < 0)
 		return -ENOMEM;
 	pr_debug("coalesce sort   fields: %s\n", c2c.cl_sort);
@@ -2814,7 +3034,7 @@ static int perf_c2c__report(int argc, const char **argv)
 			     callchain_help, &parse_callchain_opt,
-	OPT_STRING('d', "display", &display, "Switch HITM output type", "lcl,rmt"),
+	OPT_STRING('d', "display", &display, "Switch HITM output type", "tot,lcl,rmt,peer"),
 	OPT_STRING('c', "coalesce", &coalesce, "coalesce fields",
 		   "coalesce fields: pid,tid,iaddr,dso"),
 	OPT_BOOLEAN('f', "force", &symbol_conf.force, "don't complain, do it"),
@@ -2848,22 +3068,6 @@ static int perf_c2c__report(int argc, const char **argv)
 	data.path  = input_name;
 	data.force = symbol_conf.force;
-	err = setup_display(display);
-	if (err)
-		goto out;
-	err = setup_coalesce(coalesce, no_source);
-	if (err) {
-		pr_debug("Failed to initialize hists\n");
-		goto out;
-	}
-	err = c2c_hists__init(&c2c.hists, "dcacheline", 2);
-	if (err) {
-		pr_debug("Failed to initialize hists\n");
-		goto out;
-	}
 	session = perf_session__new(&data, &c2c.tool);
 	if (IS_ERR(session)) {
 		err = PTR_ERR(session);
@@ -2871,12 +3075,40 @@ static int perf_c2c__report(int argc, const char **argv)
 		goto out;
+	/*
+	 * Use the 'tot' as default display type if user doesn't specify it;
+	 * since Arm64 platform doesn't support HITMs flag, use 'peer' as the
+	 * default display type.
+	 */
+	if (!display) {
+		if (!strcmp(perf_env__arch(&session->header.env), "arm64"))
+			display = "peer";
+		else
+			display = "tot";
+	}
+	err = setup_display(display);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_session;
+	err = setup_coalesce(coalesce, no_source);
+	if (err) {
+		pr_debug("Failed to initialize hists\n");
+		goto out_session;
+	}
+	err = c2c_hists__init(&c2c.hists, "dcacheline", 2);
+	if (err) {
+		pr_debug("Failed to initialize hists\n");
+		goto out_session;
+	}
 	session->itrace_synth_opts = &itrace_synth_opts;
 	err = setup_nodes(session);
 	if (err) {
 		pr_err("Failed setup nodes\n");
-		goto out;
+		goto out_session;
 	err = mem2node__init(&c2c.mem2node, &session->header.env);
@@ -2909,27 +3141,45 @@ static int perf_c2c__report(int argc, const char **argv)
 		goto out_mem2node;
-	output_str = "cl_idx,"
-		     "dcacheline,"
-		     "dcacheline_node,"
-		     "dcacheline_count,"
-		     "percent_hitm,"
-		     "tot_hitm,lcl_hitm,rmt_hitm,"
-		     "tot_recs,"
-		     "tot_loads,"
-		     "tot_stores,"
-		     "stores_l1hit,stores_l1miss,stores_na,"
-		     "ld_fbhit,ld_l1hit,ld_l2hit,"
-		     "ld_lclhit,lcl_hitm,"
-		     "ld_rmthit,rmt_hitm,"
-		     "dram_lcl,dram_rmt";
+	if (c2c.display != DISPLAY_SNP_PEER)
+		output_str = "cl_idx,"
+			     "dcacheline,"
+			     "dcacheline_node,"
+			     "dcacheline_count,"
+			     "percent_costly_snoop,"
+			     "tot_hitm,lcl_hitm,rmt_hitm,"
+			     "tot_recs,"
+			     "tot_loads,"
+			     "tot_stores,"
+			     "stores_l1hit,stores_l1miss,stores_na,"
+			     "ld_fbhit,ld_l1hit,ld_l2hit,"
+			     "ld_lclhit,lcl_hitm,"
+			     "ld_rmthit,rmt_hitm,"
+			     "dram_lcl,dram_rmt";
+	else
+		output_str = "cl_idx,"
+			     "dcacheline,"
+			     "dcacheline_node,"
+			     "dcacheline_count,"
+			     "percent_costly_snoop,"
+			     "tot_peer,lcl_peer,rmt_peer,"
+			     "tot_recs,"
+			     "tot_loads,"
+			     "tot_stores,"
+			     "stores_l1hit,stores_l1miss,stores_na,"
+			     "ld_fbhit,ld_l1hit,ld_l2hit,"
+			     "ld_lclhit,lcl_hitm,"
+			     "ld_rmthit,rmt_hitm,"
+			     "dram_lcl,dram_rmt";
-	if (c2c.display == DISPLAY_TOT)
+	if (c2c.display == DISPLAY_TOT_HITM)
 		sort_str = "tot_hitm";
-	else if (c2c.display == DISPLAY_RMT)
+	else if (c2c.display == DISPLAY_RMT_HITM)
 		sort_str = "rmt_hitm";
-	else if (c2c.display == DISPLAY_LCL)
+	else if (c2c.display == DISPLAY_LCL_HITM)
 		sort_str = "lcl_hitm";
+	else if (c2c.display == DISPLAY_SNP_PEER)
+		sort_str = "tot_peer";
 	c2c_hists__reinit(&c2c.hists, output_str, sort_str);
diff --git a/tools/perf/builtin-kvm.c b/tools/perf/builtin-kvm.c
index 3696ae97f149..7d9ec1bac1a2 100644
--- a/tools/perf/builtin-kvm.c
+++ b/tools/perf/builtin-kvm.c
@@ -1638,14 +1638,14 @@ int cmd_kvm(int argc, const char **argv)
 		return __cmd_record(file_name, argc, argv);
 	else if (strlen(argv[0]) > 2 && strstarts("report", argv[0]))
 		return __cmd_report(file_name, argc, argv);
-	else if (!strncmp(argv[0], "diff", 4))
+	else if (strlen(argv[0]) > 2 && strstarts("diff", argv[0]))
 		return cmd_diff(argc, argv);
-	else if (!strncmp(argv[0], "top", 3))
+	else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "top"))
 		return cmd_top(argc, argv);
-	else if (!strncmp(argv[0], "buildid-list", 12))
+	else if (strlen(argv[0]) > 2 && strstarts("buildid-list", argv[0]))
 		return __cmd_buildid_list(file_name, argc, argv);
-	else if (!strncmp(argv[0], "stat", 4))
+	else if (strlen(argv[0]) > 2 && strstarts("stat", argv[0]))
 		return kvm_cmd_stat(file_name, argc, argv);
diff --git a/tools/perf/builtin-record.c b/tools/perf/builtin-record.c
index cf5c5379ceaa..4713f0f3a6cf 100644
--- a/tools/perf/builtin-record.c
+++ b/tools/perf/builtin-record.c
@@ -3996,8 +3996,15 @@ int cmd_record(int argc, const char **argv)
 	err = -ENOMEM;
-	if (evlist__create_maps(rec->evlist, &rec->opts.target) < 0)
-		usage_with_options(record_usage, record_options);
+	if (evlist__create_maps(rec->evlist, &rec->opts.target) < 0) {
+		if (rec->opts.target.pid != NULL) {
+			pr_err("Couldn't create thread/CPU maps: %s\n",
+				errno == ENOENT ? "No such process" : str_error_r(errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)));
+			goto out;
+		}
+		else
+			usage_with_options(record_usage, record_options);
+	}
 	err = auxtrace_record__options(rec->itr, rec->evlist, &rec->opts);
 	if (err)
diff --git a/tools/perf/builtin-sched.c b/tools/perf/builtin-sched.c
index 646bd938927a..2f6cd1b8b662 100644
--- a/tools/perf/builtin-sched.c
+++ b/tools/perf/builtin-sched.c
@@ -3563,7 +3563,7 @@ int cmd_sched(int argc, const char **argv)
 	if (strlen(argv[0]) > 2 && strstarts("record", argv[0])) {
 		return __cmd_record(argc, argv);
-	} else if (!strncmp(argv[0], "lat", 3)) {
+	} else if (strlen(argv[0]) > 2 && strstarts("latency", argv[0])) {
 		sched.tp_handler = &lat_ops;
 		if (argc > 1) {
 			argc = parse_options(argc, argv, latency_options, latency_usage, 0);
diff --git a/tools/perf/builtin-script.c b/tools/perf/builtin-script.c
index ac19fee62d8e..13580a9c50b8 100644
--- a/tools/perf/builtin-script.c
+++ b/tools/perf/builtin-script.c
@@ -3861,7 +3861,7 @@ int cmd_script(int argc, const char **argv)
 			"Run xed disassembler on output", parse_xed),
 	OPT_CALLBACK_OPTARG(0, "call-trace", &itrace_synth_opts, NULL, NULL,
-			"Decode calls from from itrace", parse_call_trace),
+			"Decode calls from itrace", parse_call_trace),
 	OPT_CALLBACK_OPTARG(0, "call-ret-trace", &itrace_synth_opts, NULL, NULL,
 			"Decode calls and returns from itrace", parse_callret_trace),
 	OPT_STRING(0, "graph-function", &symbol_conf.graph_function, "symbol[,symbol...]",
diff --git a/tools/perf/builtin-stat.c b/tools/perf/builtin-stat.c
index b5ce07c5738a..7fb81a44672d 100644
--- a/tools/perf/builtin-stat.c
+++ b/tools/perf/builtin-stat.c
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@
 #include "util/bpf_counter.h"
 #include "util/iostat.h"
 #include "util/pmu-hybrid.h"
- #include "util/topdown.h"
 #include "asm/bug.h"
 #include <linux/time64.h>
@@ -1250,6 +1249,8 @@ static struct option stat_options[] = {
 		    "Merge identical named hybrid events"),
 	OPT_STRING('x', "field-separator", &stat_config.csv_sep, "separator",
 		   "print counts with custom separator"),
+	OPT_BOOLEAN('j', "json-output", &stat_config.json_output,
+		   "print counts in JSON format"),
 	OPT_CALLBACK('G', "cgroup", &evsel_list, "name",
 		     "monitor event in cgroup name only", parse_stat_cgroups),
 	OPT_STRING(0, "for-each-cgroup", &stat_config.cgroup_list, "name",
@@ -1436,6 +1437,7 @@ static aggr_cpu_id_get_t aggr_mode__get_aggr(enum aggr_mode aggr_mode)
 	case AGGR_UNSET:
+	case AGGR_MAX:
 		return NULL;
@@ -1460,6 +1462,7 @@ static aggr_get_id_t aggr_mode__get_id(enum aggr_mode aggr_mode)
 	case AGGR_UNSET:
+	case AGGR_MAX:
 		return NULL;
@@ -1610,6 +1613,7 @@ static aggr_cpu_id_get_t aggr_mode__get_aggr_file(enum aggr_mode aggr_mode)
 	case AGGR_UNSET:
+	case AGGR_MAX:
 		return NULL;
@@ -1630,6 +1634,7 @@ static aggr_get_id_t aggr_mode__get_id_file(enum aggr_mode aggr_mode)
 	case AGGR_UNSET:
+	case AGGR_MAX:
 		return NULL;
diff --git a/tools/perf/builtin-trace.c b/tools/perf/builtin-trace.c
index 1e1f10a1971d..0bd9d01c0df9 100644
--- a/tools/perf/builtin-trace.c
+++ b/tools/perf/builtin-trace.c
@@ -2749,7 +2749,7 @@ static size_t trace__fprintf_tp_fields(struct trace *trace, struct evsel *evsel,
 		 * Suppress this argument if its value is zero and
-		 * and we don't have a string associated in an
+		 * we don't have a string associated in an
 		 * strarray for it.
 		if (val == 0 &&
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/Build b/tools/perf/pmu-events/Build
index 28a9d01b08af..04ef95174660 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/Build
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/Build
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ JSON_TEST	=  $(shell [ -d $(JDIR_TEST) ] &&			\
 			find $(JDIR_TEST) -name '*.json')
 JEVENTS_PY	=  pmu-events/jevents.py
+ifeq ($(JEVENTS_ARCH),)
 # Locate/process JSON files in pmu-events/arch/
 # directory and create tables in pmu-events.c.
@@ -19,5 +23,5 @@ $(OUTPUT)pmu-events/pmu-events.c: pmu-events/empty-pmu-events.c
 $(OUTPUT)pmu-events/pmu-events.c: $(JSON) $(JSON_TEST) $(JEVENTS_PY)
 	$(call rule_mkdir)
-	$(Q)$(call echo-cmd,gen)$(PYTHON) $(JEVENTS_PY) $(SRCARCH) pmu-events/arch $@
+	$(Q)$(call echo-cmd,gen)$(PYTHON) $(JEVENTS_PY) $(JEVENTS_ARCH) pmu-events/arch $@
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/s390/cf_z16/pai.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/s390/cf_z16/pai.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cf8563d059b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/s390/cf_z16/pai.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1101 @@
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4096",
+		"EventName": "CRYPTO_ALL",
+		"BriefDescription": "CRYPTO ALL",
+		"PublicDescription": "Sums of all non zero cryptography counters"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4097",
+		"EventName": "KM_DEA",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM DEA",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-DEA function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4098",
+		"EventName": "KM_TDEA_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM TDEA 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-TDEA-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4099",
+		"EventName": "KM_TDEA_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM TDEA 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-TDEA-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4100",
+		"EventName": "KM_ENCRYPTED_DEA",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM ENCRYPTED DEA",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-Encrypted-DEA function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4101",
+		"EventName": "KM_ENCRYPTED_TDEA_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM ENCRYPTED TDEA 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-Encrypted-TDEA-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4102",
+		"EventName": "KM_ENCRYPTED_TDEA_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM ENCRYPTED TDEA 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-Encrypted-TDEA-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4103",
+		"EventName": "KM_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4104",
+		"EventName": "KM_AES_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM AES 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-AES-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4105",
+		"EventName": "KM_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4106",
+		"EventName": "KM_ENCRYPTED_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM ENCRYPTED AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-Encrypted-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4107",
+		"EventName": "KM_ENCRYPTED_AES_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM ENCRYPTED AES 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-Encrypted-AES-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4108",
+		"EventName": "KM_ENCRYPTED_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM ENCRYPTED AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-Encrypted-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4109",
+		"EventName": "KM_XTS_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM XTS AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-XTS-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4110",
+		"EventName": "KM_XTS_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM XTS AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-XTS-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4111",
+		"EventName": "KM_XTS_ENCRYPTED_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM XTS ENCRYPTED AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-XTS-Encrypted-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4112",
+		"EventName": "KM_XTS_ENCRYPTED_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KM XTS ENCRYPTED AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KM-XTS-Encrypted-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4113",
+		"EventName": "KMC_DEA",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMC DEA",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMC-DEA function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4114",
+		"EventName": "KMC_TDEA_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMC TDEA 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMC-TDEA-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4115",
+		"EventName": "KMC_TDEA_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMC TDEA 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMC-TDEA-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4116",
+		"EventName": "KMC_ENCRYPTED_DEA",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMC ENCRYPTED DEA",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMC-Encrypted-DEA function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4117",
+		"EventName": "KMC_ENCRYPTED_TDEA_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMC ENCRYPTED TDEA 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMC-Encrypted-TDEA-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4118",
+		"EventName": "KMC_ENCRYPTED_TDEA_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMC ENCRYPTED TDEA 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMC-Encrypted-TDEA-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4119",
+		"EventName": "KMC_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMC AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMC-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4120",
+		"EventName": "KMC_AES_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMC AES 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMC-AES-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4121",
+		"EventName": "KMC_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMC AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMC-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4122",
+		"EventName": "KMC_ENCRYPTED_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMC ENCRYPTED AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMC-Encrypted-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4123",
+		"EventName": "KMC_ENCRYPTED_AES_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMC ENCRYPTED AES 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMC-Encrypted-AES-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4124",
+		"EventName": "KMC_ENCRYPTED_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMC ENCRYPTED AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMC-Encrypted-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4125",
+		"EventName": "KMC_PRNG",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMC PRNG",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMC-PRNG function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4126",
+		"EventName": "KMA_GCM_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMA GCM AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMA-GCM-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4127",
+		"EventName": "KMA_GCM_AES_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMA GCM AES 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMA-GCM-AES-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4128",
+		"EventName": "KMA_GCM_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMA GCM AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMA-GCM-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4129",
+		"EventName": "KMA_GCM_ENCRYPTED_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMA GCM ENCRYPTED AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMA-GCM-Encrypted-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4130",
+		"EventName": "KMA_GCM_ENCRYPTED_AES_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMA GCM ENCRYPTED AES 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMA-GCM-Encrypted-AES-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4131",
+		"EventName": "KMA_GCM_ENCRYPTED_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMA GCM ENCRYPTED AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMA-GCM-Encrypted-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4132",
+		"EventName": "KMF_DEA",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMF DEA",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMF-DEA function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4133",
+		"EventName": "KMF_TDEA_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMF TDEA 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMF-TDEA-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4134",
+		"EventName": "KMF_TDEA_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMF TDEA 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMF-TDEA-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4135",
+		"EventName": "KMF_ENCRYPTED_DEA",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMF ENCRYPTED DEA",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMF-Encrypted-DEA function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4136",
+		"EventName": "KMF_ENCRYPTED_TDEA_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMF ENCRYPTED TDEA 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMF-Encrypted-TDEA-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4137",
+		"EventName": "KMF_ENCRYPTED_TDEA_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMF ENCRYPTED TDEA 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMF-Encrypted-TDEA-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4138",
+		"EventName": "KMF_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMF AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMF-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4139",
+		"EventName": "KMF_AES_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMF AES 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMF-AES-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4140",
+		"EventName": "KMF_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMF AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMF-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4141",
+		"EventName": "KMF_ENCRYPTED_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMF ENCRYPTED AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMF-Encrypted-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4142",
+		"EventName": "KMF_ENCRYPTED_AES_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMF ENCRYPTED AES 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMF-Encrypted-AES-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4143",
+		"EventName": "KMF_ENCRYPTED_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMF ENCRYPTED AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMF-Encrypted-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4144",
+		"EventName": "KMCTR_DEA",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMCTR DEA",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMCTR-DEA function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4145",
+		"EventName": "KMCTR_TDEA_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMCTR TDEA 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMCTR-TDEA-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4146",
+		"EventName": "KMCTR_TDEA_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMCTR TDEA 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMCTR-TDEA-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4147",
+		"EventName": "KMCTR_ENCRYPTED_DEA",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMCTR ENCRYPTED DEA",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMCTR-Encrypted-DEA function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4148",
+		"EventName": "KMCTR_ENCRYPTED_TDEA_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMCTR ENCRYPTED TDEA 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMCTR-Encrypted-TDEA-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4149",
+		"EventName": "KMCTR_ENCRYPTED_TDEA_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMCTR ENCRYPTED TDEA 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMCTR-Encrypted-TDEA-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4150",
+		"EventName": "KMCTR_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMCTR AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMCTR-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4151",
+		"EventName": "KMCTR_AES_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMCTR AES 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMCTR-AES-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4152",
+		"EventName": "KMCTR_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMCTR AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMCTR-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4153",
+		"EventName": "KMCTR_ENCRYPTED_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMCTR ENCRYPTED AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMCTR-Encrypted-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4154",
+		"EventName": "KMCTR_ENCRYPTED_AES_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMCTR ENCRYPTED AES 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMCTR-Encrypted-AES-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4155",
+		"EventName": "KMCTR_ENCRYPTED_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMCTR ENCRYPTED AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMCTR-Encrypted-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4156",
+		"EventName": "KMO_DEA",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMO DEA",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMO-DEA function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4157",
+		"EventName": "KMO_TDEA_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMO TDEA 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMO-TDEA-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4158",
+		"EventName": "KMO_TDEA_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMO TDEA 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMO-TDEA-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4159",
+		"EventName": "KMO_ENCRYPTED_DEA",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMO ENCRYPTED DEA",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMO-Encrypted-DEA function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4160",
+		"EventName": "KMO_ENCRYPTED_TDEA_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMO ENCRYPTED TDEA 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMO-Encrypted-TDEA-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4161",
+		"EventName": "KMO_ENCRYPTED_TDEA_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMO ENCRYPTED TDEA 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMO-Encrypted-TDEA-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4162",
+		"EventName": "KMO_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMO AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMO-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4163",
+		"EventName": "KMO_AES_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMO AES 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMO-AES-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4164",
+		"EventName": "KMO_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMO AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMO-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4165",
+		"EventName": "KMO_ENCRYPTED_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMO ENCRYPTED AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMO-Encrypted-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4166",
+		"EventName": "KMO_ENCRYPTED_AES_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMO ENCRYPTED AES 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMO-Encrypted-AES-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4167",
+		"EventName": "KMO_ENCRYPTED_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMO ENCRYPTED AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMO-Encrypted-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4168",
+		"EventName": "KIMD_SHA_1",
+		"BriefDescription": "KIMD SHA 1",
+		"PublicDescription": "KIMD-SHA-1 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4169",
+		"EventName": "KIMD_SHA_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KIMD SHA 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KIMD-SHA-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4170",
+		"EventName": "KIMD_SHA_512",
+		"BriefDescription": "KIMD SHA 512",
+		"PublicDescription": "KIMD-SHA-512 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4171",
+		"EventName": "KIMD_SHA3_224",
+		"BriefDescription": "KIMD SHA3 224",
+		"PublicDescription": "KIMD-SHA3-224 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4172",
+		"EventName": "KIMD_SHA3_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KIMD SHA3 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KIMD-SHA3-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4173",
+		"EventName": "KIMD_SHA3_384",
+		"BriefDescription": "KIMD SHA3 384",
+		"PublicDescription": "KIMD-SHA3-384 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4174",
+		"EventName": "KIMD_SHA3_512",
+		"BriefDescription": "KIMD SHA3 512",
+		"PublicDescription": "KIMD-SHA3-512 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4175",
+		"EventName": "KIMD_SHAKE_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KIMD SHAKE 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KIMD-SHAKE-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4176",
+		"EventName": "KIMD_SHAKE_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KIMD SHAKE 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KIMD-SHAKE-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4177",
+		"EventName": "KIMD_GHASH",
+		"BriefDescription": "KIMD GHASH",
+		"PublicDescription": "KIMD-GHASH function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4178",
+		"EventName": "KLMD_SHA_1",
+		"BriefDescription": "KLMD SHA 1",
+		"PublicDescription": "KLMD-SHA-1 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4179",
+		"EventName": "KLMD_SHA_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KLMD SHA 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KLMD-SHA-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4180",
+		"EventName": "KLMD_SHA_512",
+		"BriefDescription": "KLMD SHA 512",
+		"PublicDescription": "KLMD-SHA-512 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4181",
+		"EventName": "KLMD_SHA3_224",
+		"BriefDescription": "KLMD SHA3 224",
+		"PublicDescription": "KLMD-SHA3-224 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4182",
+		"EventName": "KLMD_SHA3_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KLMD SHA3 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KLMD-SHA3-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4183",
+		"EventName": "KLMD_SHA3_384",
+		"BriefDescription": "KLMD SHA3 384",
+		"PublicDescription": "KLMD-SHA3-384 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4184",
+		"EventName": "KLMD_SHA3_512",
+		"BriefDescription": "KLMD SHA3 512",
+		"PublicDescription": "KLMD-SHA3-512 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4185",
+		"EventName": "KLMD_SHAKE_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KLMD SHAKE 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KLMD-SHAKE-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4186",
+		"EventName": "KLMD_SHAKE_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KLMD SHAKE 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KLMD-SHAKE-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4187",
+		"EventName": "KMAC_DEA",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMAC DEA",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMAC-DEA function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4188",
+		"EventName": "KMAC_TDEA_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMAC TDEA 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMAC-TDEA-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4189",
+		"EventName": "KMAC_TDEA_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMAC TDEA 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMAC-TDEA-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4190",
+		"EventName": "KMAC_ENCRYPTED_DEA",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMAC ENCRYPTED DEA",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMAC-Encrypted-DEA function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4191",
+		"EventName": "KMAC_ENCRYPTED_TDEA_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMAC ENCRYPTED TDEA 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMAC-Encrypted-TDEA-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4192",
+		"EventName": "KMAC_ENCRYPTED_TDEA_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMAC ENCRYPTED TDEA 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMAC-Encrypted-TDEA-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4193",
+		"EventName": "KMAC_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMAC AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMAC-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4194",
+		"EventName": "KMAC_AES_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMAC AES 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMAC-AES-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4195",
+		"EventName": "KMAC_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMAC AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMAC-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4196",
+		"EventName": "KMAC_ENCRYPTED_AES_128",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMAC ENCRYPTED AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMAC-Encrypted-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4197",
+		"EventName": "KMAC_ENCRYPTED_AES_192",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMAC ENCRYPTED AES 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMAC-Encrypted-AES-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4198",
+		"EventName": "KMAC_ENCRYPTED_AES_256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KMAC ENCRYPTED AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KMAC-Encrypted-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4199",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-Last-Block-CMAC-Using-DEA function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4200",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCC COMPUTE LAST BLOCK CMAC USING TDEA 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-Last-Block-CMAC-Using-TDEA-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4201",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCC COMPUTE LAST BLOCK CMAC USING TDEA 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-Last-Block-CMAC-Using-TDEA-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4202",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-Last-Block-CMAC-Using-Encrypted-DEA function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4203",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-Last-Block-CMAC-Using-Encrypted-TDEA- 128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4204",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-Last-Block-CMAC-Using-Encrypted-TDEA- 192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4205",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCC COMPUTE LAST BLOCK CMAC USING AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-Last-Block-CMAC-Using-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4206",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCC COMPUTE LAST BLOCK CMAC USING AES 192",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-Last-Block-CMAC-Using-AES-192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4207",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCC COMPUTE LAST BLOCK CMAC USING AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-Last-Block-CMAC-Using-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4208",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-Last-Block-CMAC-Using-Encrypted-AES- 128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4209",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-Last-Block-CMAC-Using-Encrypted-AES- 192 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4210",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-Last-Block-CMAC-Using-Encrypted-AES- 256A function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4211",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCC COMPUTE XTS PARAMETER USING AES 128",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-XTS-Parameter-Using-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4212",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCC COMPUTE XTS PARAMETER USING AES 256",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-XTS-Parameter-Using-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4213",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-XTS-Parameter-Using-Encrypted-AES-128 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4214",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Compute-XTS-Parameter-Using-Encrypted-AES-256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4215",
+		"EventName": "PCC_SCALAR_MULTIPLY_P256",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCC SCALAR MULTIPLY P256",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Scalar-Multiply-P256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4216",
+		"EventName": "PCC_SCALAR_MULTIPLY_P384",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCC SCALAR MULTIPLY P384",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Scalar-Multiply-P384 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4217",
+		"EventName": "PCC_SCALAR_MULTIPLY_P521",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCC SCALAR MULTIPLY P521",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Scalar-Multiply-P521 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4218",
+		"EventName": "PCC_SCALAR_MULTIPLY_ED25519",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCC SCALAR MULTIPLY ED25519",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Scalar-Multiply-Ed25519 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4219",
+		"EventName": "PCC_SCALAR_MULTIPLY_ED448",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCC SCALAR MULTIPLY ED448",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Scalar-Multiply-Ed448 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4220",
+		"EventName": "PCC_SCALAR_MULTIPLY_X25519",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCC SCALAR MULTIPLY X25519",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Scalar-Multiply-X25519 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4221",
+		"EventName": "PCC_SCALAR_MULTIPLY_X448",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCC SCALAR MULTIPLY X448",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCC-Scalar-Multiply-X448 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4222",
+		"EventName": "PRNO_SHA_512_DRNG",
+		"BriefDescription": "PRNO SHA 512 DRNG",
+		"PublicDescription": "PRNO-SHA-512-DRNG function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4223",
+		"PublicDescription": "PRNO-TRNG-Query-Raw-to-Conditioned-Ratio function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4224",
+		"EventName": "PRNO_TRNG",
+		"BriefDescription": "PRNO TRNG",
+		"PublicDescription": "PRNO-TRNG function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4225",
+		"EventName": "KDSA_ECDSA_VERIFY_P256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KDSA ECDSA VERIFY P256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KDSA-ECDSA-Verify-P256 function ending with CC=0 or CC=2"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4226",
+		"EventName": "KDSA_ECDSA_VERIFY_P384",
+		"BriefDescription": "KDSA ECDSA VERIFY P384",
+		"PublicDescription": "KDSA-ECDSA-Verify-P384 function ending with CC=0 or CC=2"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4227",
+		"EventName": "KDSA_ECDSA_VERIFY_P521",
+		"BriefDescription": "KDSA ECDSA VERIFY P521",
+		"PublicDescription": "KDSA-ECDSA-Verify-P521 function ending with CC=0 or CC=2"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4228",
+		"EventName": "KDSA_ECDSA_SIGN_P256",
+		"BriefDescription": "KDSA ECDSA SIGN P256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KDSA-ECDSA-Sign-P256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4229",
+		"EventName": "KDSA_ECDSA_SIGN_P384",
+		"BriefDescription": "KDSA ECDSA SIGN P384",
+		"PublicDescription": "KDSA-ECDSA-Sign-P384 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4230",
+		"EventName": "KDSA_ECDSA_SIGN_P521",
+		"BriefDescription": "KDSA ECDSA SIGN P521",
+		"PublicDescription": "KDSA-ECDSA-Sign-P521 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4231",
+		"BriefDescription": "KDSA ENCRYPTED ECDSA SIGN P256",
+		"PublicDescription": "KDSA-Encrypted-ECDSA-Sign-P256 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4232",
+		"BriefDescription": "KDSA ENCRYPTED ECDSA SIGN P384",
+		"PublicDescription": "KDSA-Encrypted-ECDSA-Sign-P384 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4233",
+		"BriefDescription": "KDSA ENCRYPTED ECDSA SIGN P521",
+		"PublicDescription": "KDSA-Encrypted-ECDSA-Sign-P521 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4234",
+		"EventName": "KDSA_EDDSA_VERIFY_ED25519",
+		"BriefDescription": "KDSA EDDSA VERIFY ED25519",
+		"PublicDescription": "KDSA-EdDSA-Verify-Ed25519 function ending with CC=0 or CC=2"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4235",
+		"EventName": "KDSA_EDDSA_VERIFY_ED448",
+		"BriefDescription": "KDSA EDDSA VERIFY ED448",
+		"PublicDescription": "KDSA-EdDSA-Verify-Ed448 function ending with CC=0 or CC=2"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4236",
+		"EventName": "KDSA_EDDSA_SIGN_ED25519",
+		"BriefDescription": "KDSA EDDSA SIGN ED25519",
+		"PublicDescription": "KDSA-EdDSA-Sign-Ed25519 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4237",
+		"EventName": "KDSA_EDDSA_SIGN_ED448",
+		"BriefDescription": "KDSA EDDSA SIGN ED448",
+		"PublicDescription": "KDSA-EdDSA-Sign-Ed448 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4238",
+		"EventName": "KDSA_ENCRYPTED_EDDSA_SIGN_ED25519",
+		"BriefDescription": "KDSA ENCRYPTED EDDSA SIGN ED25519",
+		"PublicDescription": "KDSA-Encrypted-EdDSA-Sign-Ed25519 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4239",
+		"BriefDescription": "KDSA ENCRYPTED EDDSA SIGN ED448",
+		"PublicDescription": "KDSA-Encrypted-EdDSA-Sign-Ed448 function ending with CC=0"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4240",
+		"EventName": "PCKMO_ENCRYPT_DEA_KEY",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCKMO ENCRYPT DEA KEY",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCKMO-Encrypt-DEA-key function"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4241",
+		"EventName": "PCKMO_ENCRYPT_TDEA_128_KEY",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCKMO ENCRYPT TDEA 128 KEY",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCKMO-Encrypt-TDEA-128-key function"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4242",
+		"EventName": "PCKMO_ENCRYPT_TDEA_192_KEY",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCKMO ENCRYPT TDEA 192 KEY",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCKMO-Encrypt-TDEA-192-key function"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4243",
+		"EventName": "PCKMO_ENCRYPT_AES_128_KEY",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCKMO ENCRYPT AES 128 KEY",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCKMO-Encrypt-AES-128-key function"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4244",
+		"EventName": "PCKMO_ENCRYPT_AES_192_KEY",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCKMO ENCRYPT AES 192 KEY",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCKMO-Encrypt-AES-192-key function"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4245",
+		"EventName": "PCKMO_ENCRYPT_AES_256_KEY",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCKMO ENCRYPT AES 256 KEY",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCKMO-Encrypt-AES-256-key function"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4246",
+		"EventName": "PCKMO_ENCRYPT_ECC_P256_KEY",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCKMO ENCRYPT ECC P256 KEY",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCKMO-Encrypt-ECC-P256-key function"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4247",
+		"EventName": "PCKMO_ENCRYPT_ECC_P384_KEY",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCKMO ENCRYPT ECC P384 KEY",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCKMO-Encrypt-ECC-P384-key function"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4248",
+		"EventName": "PCKMO_ENCRYPT_ECC_P521_KEY",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCKMO ENCRYPT ECC P521 KEY",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCKMO-Encrypt-ECC-P521-key function"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4249",
+		"EventName": "PCKMO_ENCRYPT_ECC_ED25519_KEY",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCKMO ENCRYPT ECC ED25519 KEY",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCKMO-Encrypt-ECC-Ed25519-key function"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4250",
+		"EventName": "PCKMO_ENCRYPT_ECC_ED448_KEY",
+		"BriefDescription": "PCKMO ENCRYPT ECC ED448 KEY",
+		"PublicDescription": "PCKMO-Encrypt-ECC-Ed448-key function"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4251",
+		"EventName": "IBM_RESERVED_155",
+		"BriefDescription": "IBM RESERVED_155",
+		"PublicDescription": "Reserved for IBM use"
+	},
+	{
+		"Unit": "PAI-CRYPTO",
+		"EventCode": "4252",
+		"EventName": "IBM_RESERVED_156",
+		"BriefDescription": "IBM RESERVED_156",
+		"PublicDescription": "Reserved for IBM use"
+	}
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/test/test_soc/cpu/metrics.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/test/test_soc/cpu/metrics.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..42d9b5242fd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/test/test_soc/cpu/metrics.json
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+  {
+    "MetricExpr": "1 / IPC",
+    "MetricName": "CPI"
+  },
+  {
+    "MetricExpr": "inst_retired.any / cpu_clk_unhalted.thread",
+    "MetricName": "IPC",
+    "MetricGroup": "group1"
+  },
+  {
+    "MetricExpr": "idq_uops_not_delivered.core / (4 * (( ( cpu_clk_unhalted.thread / 2 ) * ( 1 + cpu_clk_unhalted.one_thread_active / cpu_clk_unhalted.ref_xclk ) )))",
+    "MetricName": "Frontend_Bound_SMT"
+  },
+  {
+    "MetricExpr": "l1d\\-loads\\-misses / inst_retired.any",
+    "MetricName": "dcache_miss_cpi"
+  },
+  {
+    "MetricExpr": "l1i\\-loads\\-misses / inst_retired.any",
+    "MetricName": "icache_miss_cycles"
+  },
+  {
+    "MetricExpr": "(dcache_miss_cpi + icache_miss_cycles)",
+    "MetricName": "cache_miss_cycles",
+    "MetricGroup": "group1"
+  },
+  {
+    "MetricExpr": "l2_rqsts.demand_data_rd_hit + l2_rqsts.pf_hit + l2_rqsts.rfo_hit",
+    "MetricName": "DCache_L2_All_Hits"
+  },
+  {
+    "MetricExpr": "max(l2_rqsts.all_demand_data_rd - l2_rqsts.demand_data_rd_hit, 0) + l2_rqsts.pf_miss + l2_rqsts.rfo_miss",
+    "MetricName": "DCache_L2_All_Miss"
+  },
+  {
+    "MetricExpr": "dcache_l2_all_hits + dcache_l2_all_miss",
+    "MetricName": "DCache_L2_All"
+  },
+  {
+    "MetricExpr": "d_ratio(dcache_l2_all_hits, dcache_l2_all)",
+    "MetricName": "DCache_L2_Hits"
+  },
+  {
+    "MetricExpr": "d_ratio(dcache_l2_all_miss, dcache_l2_all)",
+    "MetricName": "DCache_L2_Misses"
+  },
+  {
+    "MetricExpr": "ipc + M2",
+    "MetricName": "M1"
+  },
+  {
+    "MetricExpr": "ipc + M1",
+    "MetricName": "M2"
+  },
+  {
+    "MetricExpr": "1/M3",
+    "MetricName": "M3"
+  },
+  {
+    "MetricExpr": "64 * l1d.replacement / 1000000000 / duration_time",
+    "MetricName": "L1D_Cache_Fill_BW"
+  }
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellde/bdwde-metrics.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellde/bdwde-metrics.json
index 6789285555f0..b6fdf5ba2c9a 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellde/bdwde-metrics.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellde/bdwde-metrics.json
@@ -450,6 +450,12 @@
         "MetricGroup": "SoC",
         "MetricName": "Socket_CLKS"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Uncore frequency per die [GHZ]",
+        "MetricExpr": "cbox_0@event\\=0x0@ / #num_dies / duration_time / 1000000000",
+        "MetricGroup": "SoC",
+        "MetricName": "UNCORE_FREQ"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Instructions per Far Branch ( Far Branches apply upon transition from application to operating system, handling interrupts, exceptions) [lower number means higher occurrence rate]",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellde/uncore-cache.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellde/uncore-cache.json
index caadbca1b15b..c4d154944ab6 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellde/uncore-cache.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellde/uncore-cache.json
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x34",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.ANY",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter0[23:17]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times the LLC was accessed - this includes code, data, prefetches and hints coming from L2.  This has numerous filters available.  Note the non-standard filtering equation.  This event will count requests that lookup the cache multiple times with multiple increments.  One must ALWAYS set umask bit 0 and select a state or states to match.  Otherwise, the event will count nothing.   CBoGlCtrl[22:18] bits correspond to [FMESI] state.; Filters for any transaction originating from the IPQ or IRQ.  This does not include lookups originating from the ISMQ.",
         "UMask": "0x11",
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x34",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter0[23:17]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times the LLC was accessed - this includes code, data, prefetches and hints coming from L2.  This has numerous filters available.  Note the non-standard filtering equation.  This event will count requests that lookup the cache multiple times with multiple increments.  One must ALWAYS set umask bit 0 and select a state or states to match.  Otherwise, the event will count nothing.   CBoGlCtrl[22:18] bits correspond to [FMESI] state.; Read transactions",
         "UMask": "0x3",
@@ -59,7 +57,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x34",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.NID",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter0[23:17]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times the LLC was accessed - this includes code, data, prefetches and hints coming from L2.  This has numerous filters available.  Note the non-standard filtering equation.  This event will count requests that lookup the cache multiple times with multiple increments.  One must ALWAYS set umask bit 0 and select a state or states to match.  Otherwise, the event will count nothing.   CBoGlCtrl[22:18] bits correspond to [FMESI] state.; Qualify one of the other subevents by the Target NID.  The NID is programmed in Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.nid.   In conjunction with STATE = I, it is possible to monitor misses to specific NIDs in the system.",
         "UMask": "0x41",
@@ -70,7 +67,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x34",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.READ",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter0[22:18]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times the LLC was accessed - this includes code, data, prefetches and hints coming from L2.  This has numerous filters available.  Note the non-standard filtering equation.  This event will count requests that lookup the cache multiple times with multiple increments.  One must ALWAYS set umask bit 0 and select a state or states to match.  Otherwise, the event will count nothing.   CBoGlCtrl[22:18] bits correspond to [FMESI] state.; Read transactions",
         "UMask": "0x21",
@@ -81,7 +77,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x34",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE_SNOOP",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter0[23:17]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times the LLC was accessed - this includes code, data, prefetches and hints coming from L2.  This has numerous filters available.  Note the non-standard filtering equation.  This event will count requests that lookup the cache multiple times with multiple increments.  One must ALWAYS set umask bit 0 and select a state or states to match.  Otherwise, the event will count nothing.   CBoGlCtrl[22:18] bits correspond to [FMESI] state.; Filters for only snoop requests coming from the remote socket(s) through the IPQ.",
         "UMask": "0x9",
@@ -92,7 +87,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x34",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.WRITE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter0[23:17]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times the LLC was accessed - this includes code, data, prefetches and hints coming from L2.  This has numerous filters available.  Note the non-standard filtering equation.  This event will count requests that lookup the cache multiple times with multiple increments.  One must ALWAYS set umask bit 0 and select a state or states to match.  Otherwise, the event will count nothing.   CBoGlCtrl[22:18] bits correspond to [FMESI] state.; Writeback transactions from L2 to the LLC  This includes all write transactions -- both Cachable and UC.",
         "UMask": "0x5",
@@ -153,7 +147,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x37",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.NID",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[17:10]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of lines that were victimized on a fill.  This can be filtered by the state that the line was in.; Qualify one of the other subevents by the Target NID.  The NID is programmed in Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.nid.   In conjunction with STATE = I, it is possible to monitor misses to specific NIDs in the system.",
         "UMask": "0x40",
@@ -794,7 +787,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x28",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_RxR_IPQ_RETRY2.TARGET",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Number of times a snoop (probe) request had to retry.  Filters exist to cover some of the common cases retries.; Counts the number of times that a request from the IPQ was retried filtered by the Target NodeID as specified in the Cbox's Filter register.",
         "UMask": "0x40",
@@ -845,7 +837,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x32",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_RxR_IRQ_RETRY.NID",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Qualify one of the other subevents by a given RTID destination NID.  The NID is programmed in Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER1.nid.",
         "UMask": "0x40",
@@ -896,7 +887,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x29",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_RxR_IRQ_RETRY2.TARGET",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times that a request from the IPQ was retried filtered by the Target NodeID as specified in the Cbox's Filter register.",
         "UMask": "0x40",
@@ -937,7 +927,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x33",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_RxR_ISMQ_RETRY.NID",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Number of times a transaction flowing through the ISMQ had to retry.  Transaction pass through the ISMQ as responses for requests that already exist in the Cbo.  Some examples include: when data is returned or when snoop responses come back from the cores.; Qualify one of the other subevents by a given RTID destination NID.  The NID is programmed in Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER1.nid.",
         "UMask": "0x40",
@@ -968,7 +957,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x33",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_RxR_ISMQ_RETRY.WB_CREDITS",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Number of times a transaction flowing through the ISMQ had to retry.  Transaction pass through the ISMQ as responses for requests that already exist in the Cbo.  Some examples include: when data is returned or when snoop responses come back from the cores.; Qualify one of the other subevents by a given RTID destination NID.  The NID is programmed in Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER1.nid.",
         "UMask": "0x80",
@@ -999,7 +987,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x2A",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_RxR_ISMQ_RETRY2.TARGET",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times that a request from the ISMQ was retried filtered by the Target NodeID as specified in the Cbox's Filter register.",
         "UMask": "0x40",
@@ -1114,7 +1101,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.LOCAL_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; All transactions, satisifed by an opcode,  inserted into the TOR that are satisifed by locally HOMed memory.",
         "UMask": "0x21",
@@ -1135,7 +1121,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; Miss transactions, satisifed by an opcode, inserted into the TOR that are satisifed by locally HOMed memory.",
         "UMask": "0x23",
@@ -1146,7 +1131,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; Miss transactions inserted into the TOR that match an opcode.",
         "UMask": "0x3",
@@ -1167,7 +1151,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; Miss transactions, satisifed by an opcode,  inserted into the TOR that are satisifed by remote caches or remote memory.",
         "UMask": "0x83",
@@ -1178,7 +1161,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; All NID matched (matches an RTID destination) transactions inserted into the TOR.  The NID is programmed in Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.nid.  In conjunction with STATE = I, it is possible to monitor misses to specific NIDs in the system.",
         "UMask": "0x48",
@@ -1189,7 +1171,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_EVICTION",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; NID matched eviction transactions inserted into the TOR.",
         "UMask": "0x44",
@@ -1200,7 +1181,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_MISS_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; All NID matched miss requests that were inserted into the TOR.",
         "UMask": "0x4A",
@@ -1211,7 +1191,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20], CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; Miss transactions inserted into the TOR that match a NID and an opcode.",
         "UMask": "0x43",
@@ -1222,7 +1201,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20], CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; Transactions inserted into the TOR that match a NID and an opcode.",
         "UMask": "0x41",
@@ -1233,7 +1211,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_WB",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; NID matched write transactions inserted into the TOR.",
         "UMask": "0x50",
@@ -1244,7 +1221,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; Transactions inserted into the TOR that match an opcode (matched by Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc)",
         "UMask": "0x1",
@@ -1265,7 +1241,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.REMOTE_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; All transactions, satisifed by an opcode,  inserted into the TOR that are satisifed by remote caches or remote memory.",
         "UMask": "0x81",
@@ -1312,7 +1287,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Local Memory - Opcode Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of outstanding  transactions, satisifed by an opcode,  in the TOR that are satisifed by locally HOMed memory.",
         "UMask": "0x21",
@@ -1340,7 +1314,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Misses to Local Memory - Opcode Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of outstanding Miss transactions, satisifed by an opcode, in the TOR that are satisifed by locally HOMed memory.",
         "UMask": "0x23",
@@ -1350,7 +1323,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Miss Opcode Match",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); TOR entries for miss transactions that match an opcode. This generally means that the request was sent to memory or MMIO.",
         "UMask": "0x3",
@@ -1369,7 +1341,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Misses to Remote Memory - Opcode Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of outstanding Miss transactions, satisifed by an opcode, in the TOR that are satisifed by remote caches or remote memory.",
         "UMask": "0x83",
@@ -1379,7 +1350,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.NID_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of NID matched outstanding requests in the TOR.  The NID is programmed in Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.nid.In conjunction with STATE = I, it is possible to monitor misses to specific NIDs in the system.",
         "UMask": "0x48",
@@ -1389,7 +1359,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID Matched Evictions",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of outstanding NID matched eviction transactions in the TOR .",
         "UMask": "0x44",
@@ -1399,7 +1368,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.NID_MISS_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of outstanding Miss requests in the TOR that match a NID.",
         "UMask": "0x4A",
@@ -1409,7 +1377,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID and Opcode Matched Miss",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20], CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of outstanding Miss requests in the TOR that match a NID and an opcode.",
         "UMask": "0x43",
@@ -1419,7 +1386,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID and Opcode Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.NID_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20], CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); TOR entries that match a NID and an opcode.",
         "UMask": "0x41",
@@ -1429,7 +1395,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID Matched Writebacks",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.NID_WB",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); NID matched write transactions int the TOR.",
         "UMask": "0x50",
@@ -1439,7 +1404,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Opcode Match",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); TOR entries that match an opcode (matched by Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc).",
         "UMask": "0x1",
@@ -1458,7 +1422,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Remote Memory - Opcode Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of outstanding  transactions, satisifed by an opcode,  in the TOR that are satisifed by remote caches or remote memory.",
         "UMask": "0x81",
@@ -1610,66 +1573,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x8",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "QPI Address/Opcode Match; AD Opcodes",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_H_ADDR_OPC_MATCH.AD",
-        "Filter": "HA_OpcodeMatch[5:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "HA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "QPI Address/Opcode Match; Address",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_H_ADDR_OPC_MATCH.ADDR",
-        "Filter": "HA_AddrMatch0[31:6], HA_AddrMatch1[13:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "HA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "QPI Address/Opcode Match; AK Opcodes",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_H_ADDR_OPC_MATCH.AK",
-        "Filter": "HA_OpcodeMatch[5:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x10",
-        "Unit": "HA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "QPI Address/Opcode Match; BL Opcodes",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_H_ADDR_OPC_MATCH.BL",
-        "Filter": "HA_OpcodeMatch[5:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "HA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "QPI Address/Opcode Match; Address & Opcode Match",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_H_ADDR_OPC_MATCH.FILT",
-        "Filter": "HA_AddrMatch0[31:6], HA_AddrMatch1[13:0], HA_OpcodeMatch[5:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "HA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "QPI Address/Opcode Match; Opcode",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_H_ADDR_OPC_MATCH.OPC",
-        "Filter": "HA_OpcodeMatch[5:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "HA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "BT Cycles Not Empty",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellde/uncore-other.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellde/uncore-other.json
index 71bdf75d8016..fc7e0867fcc5 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellde/uncore-other.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellde/uncore-other.json
@@ -416,17 +416,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x10",
         "Unit": "IRP"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count; Select Source",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x16",
-        "Filter": "IRPFilter[4:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of Inbound transactions from the IRP to the Uncore.  This can be filtered based on request type in addition to the source queue.  Note the special filtering equation.  We do OR-reduction on the request type.  If the SOURCE bit is set, then we also do AND qualification based on the source portID.; Tracks only those requests that come from the port specified in the IRP_PmonFilter.OrderingQ register.  This register allows one to select one specific queue.  It is not possible to monitor multiple queues at a time.  If this bit is not set, then requests from all sources will be counted.",
-        "UMask": "0x40",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count; Other",
         "Counter": "0,1",
@@ -1117,7 +1106,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x41",
         "EventName": "UNC_U_FILTER_MATCH.ENABLE",
-        "Filter": "UBoxFilter[3:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Filter match per thread (w/ or w/o Filter Enable).  Specify the thread to filter on using NCUPMONCTRLGLCTR.ThreadID.",
         "UMask": "0x1",
@@ -1138,7 +1126,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x41",
         "EventName": "UNC_U_FILTER_MATCH.U2C_ENABLE",
-        "Filter": "UBoxFilter[3:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Filter match per thread (w/ or w/o Filter Enable).  Specify the thread to filter on using NCUPMONCTRLGLCTR.ThreadID.",
         "UMask": "0x4",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellx/bdx-metrics.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellx/bdx-metrics.json
index 720ee7c9332d..a3a15ee52841 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellx/bdx-metrics.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellx/bdx-metrics.json
@@ -444,6 +444,12 @@
         "MetricGroup": "SoC",
         "MetricName": "Socket_CLKS"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Uncore frequency per die [GHZ]",
+        "MetricExpr": "cbox_0@event\\=0x0@ / #num_dies / duration_time / 1000000000",
+        "MetricGroup": "SoC",
+        "MetricName": "UNCORE_FREQ"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Instructions per Far Branch ( Far Branches apply upon transition from application to operating system, handling interrupts, exceptions) [lower number means higher occurrence rate]",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellx/uncore-cache.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellx/uncore-cache.json
index 1b9c1570aa47..abee6f773c1f 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellx/uncore-cache.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/broadwellx/uncore-cache.json
@@ -845,6 +845,15 @@
         "UMask": "0x2",
         "Unit": "CBO"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Opcode Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CBO"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "PCIe writes (partial cache line). Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -855,16 +864,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe writes (partial cache line)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x180,filter_tid=0x3e",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "L2 demand and L2 prefetch code references to LLC. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -876,17 +875,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "L2 demand and L2 prefetch code references to LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x181",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (full cache line). Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -898,17 +886,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (full cache line)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x18c",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (partial cache line). Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -920,17 +897,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (partial cache line)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x18d",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "PCIe read current. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -942,17 +908,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe read current",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x19e",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "PCIe write references (full cache line). Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -964,17 +919,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe write references (full cache line)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x1c8,filter_tid=0x3e",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Evictions",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1035,17 +979,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC misses - Uncacheable reads (from cpu) ",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x187",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "MMIO reads. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1057,17 +990,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "MMIO reads",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x187,filter_nc=1",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "MMIO writes. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1079,17 +1001,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "MMIO writes",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x18f,filter_nc=1",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "LLC prefetch misses for RFO. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1101,17 +1012,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC prefetch misses for RFO",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x190",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "LLC prefetch misses for code reads. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1123,17 +1023,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC prefetch misses for code reads",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x191",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "LLC prefetch misses for data reads. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1145,17 +1034,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC prefetch misses for data reads",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x192",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "LLC misses for PCIe read current. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1167,17 +1045,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC misses for PCIe read current",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x19e",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "ItoM write misses (as part of fast string memcpy stores) + PCIe full line writes. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1189,17 +1056,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "ItoM write misses (as part of fast string memcpy stores) + PCIe full line writes",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x1c8",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "PCIe write misses (full cache line). Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1211,17 +1067,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe write misses (full cache line)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x1c8,filter_tid=0x3e",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; NID and Opcode Matched",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/cascadelakex/clx-metrics.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/cascadelakex/clx-metrics.json
index ba5863a80d43..46613504b816 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/cascadelakex/clx-metrics.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/cascadelakex/clx-metrics.json
@@ -715,6 +715,12 @@
         "MetricGroup": "SoC",
         "MetricName": "Socket_CLKS"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Uncore frequency per die [GHZ]",
+        "MetricExpr": "cha_0@event\\=0x0@ / #num_dies / duration_time / 1000000000",
+        "MetricGroup": "SoC",
+        "MetricName": "UNCORE_FREQ"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Instructions per Far Branch ( Far Branches apply upon transition from application to operating system, handling interrupts, exceptions) [lower number means higher occurrence rate]",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/cascadelakex/uncore-memory.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/cascadelakex/uncore-memory.json
index e82c6fa053a1..6facfb244cd3 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/cascadelakex/uncore-memory.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/cascadelakex/uncore-memory.json
@@ -1,4 +1,31 @@
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Page Activate commands sent due to a write request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_ACT_COUNT.WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "All DRAM Read CAS Commands issued (does not include underfills)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_REG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Underfill Read CAS Commands issued",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_UNDERFILL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "read requests to memory controller. Derived from unc_m_cas_count.rd",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -19,6 +46,15 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "iMC"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM CAS (Column Address Strobe) Commands.; DRAM WR_CAS (w/ and w/out auto-pre) in Write Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.WR_WMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "write requests to memory controller. Derived from unc_m_cas_count.wr",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -39,6 +75,15 @@
         "UMask": "0xC",
         "Unit": "iMC"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "All DRAM CAS Commands issued",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Memory controller clock ticks",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -85,86 +130,62 @@
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "Pre-charge for writes",
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Allocations",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_PRE_COUNT.WR",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "iMC"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write requests allocated in the PMM Write Pending Queue for Intel Optane DC persistent memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xE3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_RPQ_INSERTS",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_INSERTS",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "Write requests allocated in the PMM Write Pending Queue for Intel Optane DC persistent memory",
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Occupancy",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xE7",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_INSERTS",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_OCCUPANCY",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "Intel Optane DC persistent memory bandwidth read (MB/sec). Derived from unc_m_pmm_rpq_inserts",
+        "BriefDescription": "All hits to Near Memory(DRAM cache) in Memory Mode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xE3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_BANDWIDTH.READ",
+        "EventCode": "0xD3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_TAGCHK.HIT",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "6.103515625E-5MB/sec",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "Intel Optane DC persistent memory bandwidth read (MB/sec)",
+        "BriefDescription": "All Clean line misses to Near Memory(DRAM cache) in Memory Mode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xE3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_RPQ_INSERTS",
+        "EventCode": "0xD3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_TAGCHK.MISS_CLEAN",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "6.103515625E-5MB/sec",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "Intel Optane DC persistent memory bandwidth write (MB/sec). Derived from unc_m_pmm_wpq_inserts",
+        "BriefDescription": "All dirty line misses to Near Memory(DRAM cache) in Memory Mode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xE7",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_BANDWIDTH.WRITE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_TAGCHK.MISS_DIRTY",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "6.103515625E-5MB/sec",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "Intel Optane DC persistent memory bandwidth write (MB/sec)",
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Allocations",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xE7",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_INSERTS",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_INSERTS",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "6.103515625E-5MB/sec",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "Intel Optane DC persistent memory bandwidth total (MB/sec). Derived from unc_m_pmm_rpq_inserts",
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Occupancy",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xE3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_BANDWIDTH.TOTAL",
-        "MetricName": "UNC_M_PMM_BANDWIDTH.TOTAL",
+        "EventCode": "0x81",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_OCCUPANCY",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "6.103515625E-5MB/sec",
-        "Unit": "iMC"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Intel Optane DC persistent memory bandwidth total (MB/sec)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xE3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_RPQ_INSERTS",
-        "MetricName": "UNC_M_PMM_BANDWIDTH.TOTAL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "6.103515625E-5MB/sec",
         "Unit": "iMC"
@@ -189,65 +210,31 @@
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "Intel Optane DC persistent memory read latency (ns)",
+        "BriefDescription": "Write requests allocated in the PMM Write Pending Queue for Intel Optane DC persistent memory",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xE0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_RPQ_OCCUPANCY.ALL",
-        "MetricName": "UNC_M_PMM_READ_LATENCY",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_RPQ_INSERTS",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "6000000000ns",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Page Activate commands sent due to a write request",
+        "BriefDescription": "Intel Optane DC persistent memory bandwidth read (MB/sec). Derived from unc_m_pmm_rpq_inserts",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_ACT_COUNT.WR",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_BANDWIDTH.READ",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts DRAM Page Activate commands sent on this channel due to a write request to the iMC (Memory Controller).  Activate commands are issued to open up a page on the DRAM devices so that it can be read or written to with a CAS (Column Access Select) command.",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "ScaleUnit": "6.103515625E-5MB/sec",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "All DRAM CAS Commands issued",
+        "BriefDescription": "Intel Optane DC persistent memory bandwidth total (MB/sec). Derived from unc_m_pmm_rpq_inserts",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x4",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.ALL",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_BANDWIDTH.TOTAL",
+        "MetricName": "UNC_M_PMM_BANDWIDTH.TOTAL",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts all CAS (Column Address Select) commands issued to DRAM per memory channel.  CAS commands are issued to specify the address to read or write on DRAM, so this event increments for every read and write. This event counts whether AutoPrecharge (which closes the DRAM Page automatically after a read/write) is enabled or not.",
-        "UMask": "0xF",
-        "Unit": "iMC"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "All DRAM Read CAS Commands issued (does not include underfills)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x4",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_REG",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts CAS (Column Access Select) regular read commands issued to DRAM on a per channel basis.  CAS commands are issued to specify the address to read or write on DRAM, and this event increments for every regular read.  This event only counts regular reads and does not includes underfill reads due to partial write requests.  This event counts whether AutoPrecharge (which closes the DRAM Page automatically after a read/write)  is enabled or not.",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "iMC"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Underfill Read CAS Commands issued",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x4",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_UNDERFILL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts CAS (Column Access Select) underfill read commands issued to DRAM due to a partial write, on a per channel basis.  CAS commands are issued to specify the address to read or write on DRAM, and this command counts underfill reads.  Partial writes must be completed by first reading in the underfill from DRAM and then merging in the partial write data before writing the full line back to DRAM. This event will generally count about the same as the number of partial writes, but may be slightly less because of partials hitting in the WPQ (due to a previous write request).",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "iMC"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "DRAM CAS (Column Address Strobe) Commands.; DRAM WR_CAS (w/ and w/out auto-pre) in Write Major Mode",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x4",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.WR_WMM",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the total number or DRAM Write CAS commands issued on this channel while in Write-Major-Mode.",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "ScaleUnit": "6.103515625E-5MB/sec",
         "Unit": "iMC"
@@ -256,7 +243,6 @@
         "EventCode": "0xEA",
         "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD1.ALL",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "All commands for Intel Optane DC persistent memory",
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "iMC"
@@ -266,104 +252,4298 @@
         "EventCode": "0xEA",
         "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD1.RD",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "All Reads - RPQ or Ufill",
         "UMask": "0x2",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Underfill read commands for Intel Optane DC persistent memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xEA",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD1.UFILL_RD",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Underfill reads",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "iMC"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "Write commands for Intel Optane DC persistent memory",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0xEA",
         "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD1.WR",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Writes",
         "UMask": "0x4",
         "Unit": "iMC"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Underfill read commands for Intel Optane DC persistent memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD1.UFILL_RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write requests allocated in the PMM Write Pending Queue for Intel Optane DC persistent memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xE7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Intel Optane DC persistent memory bandwidth write (MB/sec). Derived from unc_m_pmm_wpq_inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xE7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_BANDWIDTH.WRITE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "ScaleUnit": "6.103515625E-5MB/sec",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Occupancy of all write requests for Intel Optane DC persistent memory",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0xE4",
         "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_OCCUPANCY.ALL",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Write Pending Queue Occupancy of all write requests for Intel Optane DC persistent memory",
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Allocations",
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Activate Count; Activate due to Read",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x10",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_INSERTS",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_ACT_COUNT.RD",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of read requests allocated into the Read Pending Queue (RPQ).  This queue is used to schedule reads out to the memory controller and to track the requests.  Requests allocate into the RPQ soon after they enter the memory controller, and need credits for an entry in this buffer before being sent from the CHA to the iMC.  The requests deallocate after the read CAS command has been issued to DRAM.  This event counts both Isochronous and non-Isochronous requests which were issued to the RPQ.",
-        "Unit": "iMC"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Occupancy",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x80",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_OCCUPANCY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries in the Read Pending Queue (RPQ) at each cycle.  This can then be used to calculate both the average occupancy of the queue (in conjunction with the number of cycles not empty) and the average latency in the queue (in conjunction with the number of allocations).  The RPQ is used to schedule reads out to the memory controller and to track the requests.  Requests allocate into the RPQ soon after they enter the memory controller, and need credits for an entry in this buffer before being sent from the CHA to the iMC. They deallocate from the RPQ after the CAS command has been issued to memory.",
-        "Unit": "iMC"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "All hits to Near Memory(DRAM cache) in Memory Mode",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xD3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_TAGCHK.HIT",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Tag Check; Hit",
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "All Clean line misses to Near Memory(DRAM cache) in Memory Mode",
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Activate Count; Activate due to Bypass",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xD3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_TAGCHK.MISS_CLEAN",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_ACT_COUNT.BYP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ACT command issued by 2 cycle bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_BYP_CMDS.ACT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CAS command issued by 2 cycle bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_BYP_CMDS.CAS",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Tag Check; Clean",
         "UMask": "0x2",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "All dirty line misses to Near Memory(DRAM cache) in Memory Mode",
+        "BriefDescription": "PRE command issued by 2 cycle bypass",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xD3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_TAGCHK.MISS_DIRTY",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_BYP_CMDS.PRE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Tag Check; Dirty",
         "UMask": "0x4",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Allocations",
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM CAS (Column Address Strobe) Commands.; DRAM WR_CAS (w/ and w/out auto-pre) in Read Major Mode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_INSERTS",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.WR_RMM",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of writes requests allocated into the Write Pending Queue (WPQ).  The WPQ is used to schedule writes out to the memory controller and to track the requests.  Requests allocate into the WPQ soon after they enter the memory controller, and need credits for an entry in this buffer before being sent from the CHA to the iMC (Memory Controller).  The write requests deallocate after being issued to DRAM.  Write requests themselves are able to complete (from the perspective of the rest of the system) as soon they have 'posted' to the iMC.",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Occupancy",
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM CAS (Column Address Strobe) Commands.; Read CAS issued in WMM",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x81",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_OCCUPANCY",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_WMM",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries in the Write Pending Queue (WPQ) at each cycle.  This can then be used to calculate both the average queue occupancy (in conjunction with the number of cycles not empty) and the average latency (in conjunction with the number of allocations).  The WPQ is used to schedule writes out to the memory controller and to track the requests.  Requests allocate into the WPQ soon after they enter the memory controller, and need credits for an entry in this buffer before being sent from the CHA to the iMC (memory controller).  They deallocate after being issued to DRAM.  Write requests themselves are able to complete (from the perspective of the rest of the system) as soon they have 'posted' to the iMC.  This is not to be confused with actually performing the write to DRAM.  Therefore, the average latency for this queue is actually not useful for deconstruction intermediate write latencies.  So, we provide filtering based on if the request has posted or not.  By using the 'not posted' filter, we can track how long writes spent in the iMC before completions were sent to the HA.  The 'posted' filter, on the other hand, provides information about how much queueing is actually happenning in the iMC for writes before they are actually issued to memory.  High average occupancies will generally coincide with high write major mode counts. Is there a filter of sorts???",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM CAS (Column Address Strobe) Commands.; Read CAS issued in RMM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_RMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM CAS (Column Address Strobe) Commands.; Read CAS issued in Read ISOCH Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM CAS (Column Address Strobe) Commands.; Read CAS issued in Write ISOCH Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.WR_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Precharge All Commands",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_DRAM_PRE_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ECC Correctable Errors",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_ECC_CORRECTABLE_ERRORS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in a Major Mode; Read Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_MAJOR_MODES.READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in a Major Mode; Write Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_MAJOR_MODES.WRITE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in a Major Mode; Partial Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_MAJOR_MODES.PARTIAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in a Major Mode; Isoch Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_MAJOR_MODES.ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Channel DLLOFF Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CHANNEL_DLLOFF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Critical Throttle Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_POWER_PCU_THROTTLING",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_PCU_THROTTLING",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Preemption Count; Read over Read Preemption",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PREEMPTION.RD_PREEMPT_RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Preemption Count; Read over Write Preemption",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PREEMPTION.RD_PREEMPT_WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Precharge commands.; Precharge due to timer expiration",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PRE_COUNT.PAGE_CLOSE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pre-charge for writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PRE_COUNT.WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Precharge commands.; Precharge due to bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PRE_COUNT.BYP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read CAS issued with LOW priority",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_PRIO.LOW",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read CAS issued with MEDIUM priority",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_PRIO.MED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read CAS issued with HIGH priority",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_PRIO.HIGH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read CAS issued with PANIC NON ISOCH priority (starved)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_PRIO.PANIC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Full Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses; Read Accepts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.RD_ACCEPTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses; Read Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.RD_REJECTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses; NM read completions",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.WR_ACCEPTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses; NM write completions",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.WR_REJECTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses; FM read completions",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.NM_RD_CMPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses; FM write completions",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.NM_WR_CMPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses; Write Accepts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.FM_RD_CMPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses; Write Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.FM_WR_CMPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Alloc",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.ALLOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Dealloc",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.DEALLOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Reject",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.REJ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.VLD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Near Mem Read Starved",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.NMRD_STARVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Near Mem Write Starved",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.NMWR_STARVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Far Mem Read Starved",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.FMRD_STARVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Far Mem Write Starved",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.FMWR_STARVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Cycles Not-Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Inserts; Reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_INSERTS.RDS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Inserts; Writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_INSERTS.WRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Inserts; Block region reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_INSERTS.BLOCK_RDS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Inserts; Block region writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_INSERTS.BLOCK_WRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Inserts; Dealloc all commands (for error flows)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_INSERTS.DEALLOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Inserts; Patrol inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_INSERTS.PATROL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Occupancy; Reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_OCCUPANCY.RDS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Occupancy; Writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_OCCUPANCY.WRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Occupancy; Block region reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_OCCUPANCY.BLOCK_RDS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Occupancy; Block region writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_OCCUPANCY.BLOCK_WRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Occupancy; Patrol",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_OCCUPANCY.PATROL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Scoreboard Requests Rejected; NM requests rejected due to set conflict",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_REJECT.NM_SET_CNFLT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Scoreboard Requests Rejected; FM requests rejected due to full address conflict",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_REJECT.FM_ADDR_CNFLT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Scoreboard Requests Rejected; Patrol requests rejected due to set conflict",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_REJECT.PATROL_SET_CNFLT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Near Mem Read - Set",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.NMRD_SET",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Far Mem Read - Set",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.FMRD_SET",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Near Mem Write - Set",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.NMWR_SET",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Far Mem Write - Set",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.FMWR_SET",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Near Mem Read - Clear",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.NMRD_CLR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Far Mem Read - Clear",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.FMRD_CLR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Near Mem Write - Clear",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.NMWR_CLR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Far Mem Write - Clear",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.FMWR_CLR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Near Mem Read",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.NMRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Far Mem Read",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.FMRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Near Mem Write",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.NMWR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Far Mem Write",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.FMWR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.NEW",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.NEW",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.RD_HIT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.RD_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.RD_MISS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.RD_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.DDR4_CMP",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.DDR4_CMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.OCC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.OCC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transition from WMM to RMM because of low threshold; Transition from WMM to RMM because of starve counter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WMM_TO_RMM.LOW_THRESH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transition from WMM to RMM because of low threshold",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WMM_TO_RMM.STARVE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transition from WMM to RMM because of low threshold",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WMM_TO_RMM.VMSE_RETRY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Full Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue CAM Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_READ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue CAM Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_WRITE_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Not getting the requested Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WRONG_MM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks in the Memory Controller using a dedicated 48-bit Fixed Counter",
+        "Counter": "FIXED",
+        "EventCode": "0xff",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CLOCKTICKS_F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_RPQ_OCCUPANCY.GNT_WAIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Read Queue Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_RPQ_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Read Queue Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_RPQ_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RPQ GNTs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD1.RPQ_GNTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Underfill GNTs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD1.WPQ_GNTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc GNTs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD1.MISC_GNT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Commands (error, flow ACKs)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD1.MISC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Opportunistic Reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD2.OPP_RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Expected No data packet (ERID matched NDP encoding)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD2.NODATA_EXP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Unexpected No data packet (ERID matched a Read, but data was a NDP)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD2.NODATA_UNEXP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Requests - Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD2.REQS_SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Requests - Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD2.REQS_SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM ECC Errors",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD2.PMM_ECC_ERROR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM ERID detectable parity error",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD2.PMM_ERID_ERROR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Major Mode; Cycles PMM is in Read Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_MAJMODE1.RD_CYC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Major Mode; Cycles PMM is in Partial Write Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_MAJMODE1.PARTIAL_WR_CYC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_MAJMODE1.PARTIAL_WR_ENTER",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_MAJMODE1.PARTIAL_WR_EXIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_MAJMODE2.DRAM_CYC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xED",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_MAJMODE2.DRAM_CYC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_MAJMODE2.DRAM_ENTER",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xED",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_MAJMODE2.DRAM_ENTER",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_MAJMODE2.PMM_ENTER",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xED",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_MAJMODE2.PMM_ENTER",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Write Queue Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xE6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Write Queue Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xE4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_OCCUPANCY.CAS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xE4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_OCCUPANCY.PWR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_PCOMMIT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xE8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_PCOMMIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_PCOMMIT_CYC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xE9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_PCOMMIT_CYC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Major Mode; Cycles PMM is in Write Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xEC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_MAJMODE1.WR_CYC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_MAJMODE2.PMM_CYC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xED",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_MAJMODE2.PMM_CYC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.PMM0_CMP",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.PMM0_CMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.PMM1_CMP",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.PMM1_CMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.PMM2_CMP",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.PMM2_CMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Inserts; Persistent Mem writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_INSERTS.PMM_WRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Occupancy; Persistent Mem writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_OCCUPANCY.PMM_WRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Occupancy; Persistent Mem reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_OCCUPANCY.PMM_RDS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Inserts; Persistent Mem reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_INSERTS.PMM_RDS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
         "Unit": "iMC"
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/cascadelakex/uncore-other.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/cascadelakex/uncore-other.json
index f301385845a4..a29bba230f49 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/cascadelakex/uncore-other.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/cascadelakex/uncore-other.json
@@ -1,9 +1,737 @@
-        "BriefDescription": "Uncore cache clock ticks",
+        "BriefDescription": "Traffic in which the M2M to iMC Bypass was not taken",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_BYPASS_M2M_Egress.NOT_TAKEN",
         "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles when direct to core mode (which bypasses the CHA) was disabled",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages sent direct to core (bypassing the CHA)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2CORE_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of reads in which direct to core transaction were overridden",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2CORE_TXN_OVERRIDE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookups (any state found)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookup (cacheline found in I state)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookup (cacheline found in S state)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookups (cacheline found in A state)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from/to Any state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from I to S",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.I2S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from I to A",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.I2A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from S to I",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.S2I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from S to A",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.S2A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from A to I",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.A2I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from A to S",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.A2S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Reads to iMC issued at Normal Priority (Non-Isochronous)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.NORMAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Reads to iMC issued",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Partial Non-Isochronous writes to the iMC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.PARTIAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Writes to iMC issued",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC; All, regardless of priority",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.NI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefecth requests that got turn into a demand request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inserts into the Memory Controller Prefetch Queue",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Queue Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Allocations; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_INSERTS.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_OCCUPANCY.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of reads in which direct to Intel UPI transactions were overridden",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles when direct to Intel UPI was disabled",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages sent direct to the Intel UPI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2UPI_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of reads that a message sent direct2 Intel UPI was overridden",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2UPI_TXN_OVERRIDE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Dirty line read hits(Regular and RFO) to Near Memory(DRAM cache) in Memory Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TAG_HIT.NM_RD_HIT_DIRTY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clean line underfill read hits to Near Memory(DRAM cache) in Memory Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TAG_HIT.NM_UFILL_HIT_CLEAN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Dirty line underfill read hits to Near Memory(DRAM cache) in Memory Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TAG_HIT.NM_UFILL_HIT_DIRTY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read requests to Intel Optane DC persistent memory issued to the iMC from M2M",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.TO_PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write requests to Intel Optane DC persistent memory issued to the iMC from M2M",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.TO_PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Multiple Core Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.CORE_GTONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x42",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Multiple Eviction",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EVICT_GTONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x82",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state lookups; Snoop Needed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_LOOKUP.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state lookups; Snoop Not Needed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_LOOKUP.NO_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state updates; Directory Updated memory write from the HA pipe",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_UPDATE.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state updates; Directory Updated memory write from TOR pipe",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_UPDATE.TOR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request from a remote socket which hit in the HitMe Cache to a line In the E state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_HIT.EX_RDS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE_SNOOP",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE_SNOOP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_M",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.M_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_E",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.E_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_S",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.S_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_F",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.F_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of times that an RFO hit in S state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.RFO_HIT_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "read requests from home agent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_REQUESTS.READS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "write requests from home agent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_REQUESTS.WRITES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0C",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "read requests from local home agent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_REQUESTS.READS_LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "write requests from local home agent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_REQUESTS.WRITES_LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local requests for exclusive ownership of a cache line  without receiving data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local requests for exclusive ownership of a cache line without receiving data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RspIFwd Snoop Responses Received",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPIFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RspSFwd Snoop Responses Received",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPSFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Rsp*Fwd*WB Snoop Responses Received",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSP_FWD_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPCNFLCTS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOP_RESP.RSPCNFLCT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.REM_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x30",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_FAST_ASSERTED.HORZ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_FAST_ASSERTED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; IRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy; IRQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OCCUPANCY.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_HIT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.PRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_MISS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.PRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Hits from Local IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Misses from Local IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; All from Local iA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Hits from Local iA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : All requests from iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
         "Unit": "CHA"
@@ -16,16 +744,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x21",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC misses - Uncacheable reads (from cpu) ",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40e33",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "MMIO reads. Derived from unc_cha_tor_inserts.ia_miss",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -36,16 +754,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x21",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "MMIO reads",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40040e33",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "MMIO writes. Derived from unc_cha_tor_inserts.ia_miss",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -56,16 +764,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x21",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "MMIO writes",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40041e33",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (full cache line). Derived from unc_cha_tor_inserts.ia_miss",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -77,17 +775,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x21",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (full cache line)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x41833",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (partial cache line). Derived from unc_cha_tor_inserts.ia_miss",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -100,36 +787,73 @@
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (partial cache line)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x41a33",
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; All from Local iA",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Hits from Local iA",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Misses from Local iA",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
         "UMask": "0x21",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "read requests from home agent",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x50",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_REQUESTS.READS",
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; BL NCS VN0 Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "read requests from local home agent",
+        "BriefDescription": "FaST wire asserted; Horizontal",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x50",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_REQUESTS.READS_LOCAL",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_FAST_ASSERTED.HORZ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Uncore cache clock ticks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Normal priority reads issued to the memory controller from the CHA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IMC_READS_COUNT.NORMAL",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "read requests from remote home agent",
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Full Line Writes Issued; Full Line Non-ISOCH",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IMC_WRITES_COUNT.FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read requests from a remote socket",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x50",
         "EventName": "UNC_CHA_REQUESTS.READS_REMOTE",
@@ -138,51 +862,612 @@
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "write requests from home agent",
+        "BriefDescription": "RspI Snoop Responses Received",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x50",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_REQUESTS.WRITES",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPI",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x0C",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "write requests from local home agent",
+        "BriefDescription": "Rsp*WB Snoop Responses Received",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x50",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_REQUESTS.WRITES_LOCAL",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSP_WBWB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RspCnflct* Snoop Responses Received",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPCNFLCTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop filter capacity evictions for M-state entries",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SF_EVICTION.M_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop filter capacity evictions for E-state entries",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SF_EVICTION.E_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop filter capacity evictions for S-state entries",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SF_EVICTION.S_STATE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "UMask": "0x04",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "write requests from remote home agent",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.REM_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x30",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in M state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in E state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in F State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_F",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "UMask": "0x08",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "UPI interconnect send bandwidth for payload. Derived from unc_upi_txl_flits.all_data",
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UPI_DATA_BANDWIDTH_TX",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_DRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "7.11E-06Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0xf",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "UPI interconnect send bandwidth for payload",
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRds issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_DATA",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_CRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "7.11E-06Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0xf",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_RFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefRFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_DRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_CRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_RFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefRFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_DRD",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_DRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_CRD",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_CRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_RFO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_RFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefRFO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefRFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_DRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_CRD",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_CRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_RFO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_RFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefRFO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefRFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks of the IIO Traffic Controller",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part0 by the CPU",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part1 by the CPU",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part2 by the CPU",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part3 by the CPU",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part0 by a different IIO unit",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part1 by a different IIO unit",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part2 by a different IIO unit",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part3 by a different IIO unit",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
         "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth writing at IIO, part 0",
@@ -248,18 +1533,47 @@
         "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth writing at IIO",
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
         "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "Filter": "ch_mask=0x1f",
-        "MetricName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_WRITE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
         "Unit": "IIO"
@@ -326,439 +1640,5310 @@
         "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO",
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part1 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part2 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part3 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part0 by the CPU",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part1 by the CPU",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part2 by the CPU",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part3 by the CPU",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part0 by a different IIO unit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part1 by a different IIO unit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part2 by a different IIO unit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part3 by a different IIO unit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
         "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "Filter": "ch_mask=0x1f",
-        "MetricName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_READ",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
         "UMask": "0x04",
         "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Multiple Core Requests",
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part1",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x33",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.CORE_GTONE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of transactions that trigger a configurable number of cross snoops.  Cores are snooped if the transaction looks up the cache and determines that it is necessary based on the operation type and what CoreValid bits are set.  For example, if 2 CV bits are set on a data read, the cores must have the data in S state so it is not necessary to snoop them.  However, if only 1 CV bit is set the core my have modified the data.  If the transaction was an RFO, it would need to invalidate the lines.  This event can be filtered based on who triggered the initial snoop(s).",
-        "UMask": "0x42",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Multiple Eviction",
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part2",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x33",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EVICT_GTONE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of transactions that trigger a configurable number of cross snoops.  Cores are snooped if the transaction looks up the cache and determines that it is necessary based on the operation type and what CoreValid bits are set.  For example, if 2 CV bits are set on a data read, the cores must have the data in S state so it is not necessary to snoop them.  However, if only 1 CV bit is set the core my have modified the data.  If the transaction was an RFO, it would need to invalidate the lines.  This event can be filtered based on who triggered the initial snoop(s).",
-        "UMask": "0x82",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state lookups; Snoop Not Needed",
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part1 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part1 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is  made by IIO Part1 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part1 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "FCMask": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "FCMask": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "FCMask": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "FCMask": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 0-3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "FCMask": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x0f",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 0-3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "FCMask": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0f",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Total IRP occupancy of inbound read and write requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_CACHE_TOTAL_OCCUPANCY.MEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RFO request issued by the IRP unit to the mesh with the intention of writing a partial cacheline",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.RFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIITOM request issued by the IRP unit to the mesh with the intention of writing a full cacheline",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.PCITOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound read requests received by the IRP and inserted into the FAF queue",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Occupancy of the IRP FAF queue",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound write (fast path) requests received by the IRP",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.WR_PREF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clocks of the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Response packets that go direct to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2C",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2U",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2K",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Intel UPI is in L1 power mode (shutdown)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_L1_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles the Rx of the Intel UPI is in L0p power mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL0P_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FLITs received which bypassed the Slot0 Receive Buffer",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x31",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BYPASSED.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FLITs received which bypassed the Slot0 Receive Buffer",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x31",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BYPASSED.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FLITs received which bypassed the Slot0 Receive Buffer",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x31",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BYPASSED.SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.NULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in which the Tx of the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) is in L0p power mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FLITs that bypassed the TxL Buffer",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BYPASSED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.NULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Protocol header and credit FLITs received from any slot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.NON_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x97",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Protocol header and credit FLITs transmitted across any slot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.NON_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x97",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Idle FLITs transmitted",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.IDLE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x47",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Null FLITs transmitted from any slot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x27",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Null FLITs received from any slot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x27",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid data FLITs received from any slot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0F",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI interconnect send bandwidth for payload. Derived from unc_upi_txl_flits.all_data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UPI_DATA_BANDWIDTH_TX",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "ScaleUnit": "7.11E-06Bytes",
+        "UMask": "0xf",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI interconnect send bandwidth for payload",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "ScaleUnit": "7.11E-06Bytes",
+        "UMask": "0xf",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Response packets that go direct to Intel UPI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2U",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetches generated by the flow control queue of the M3UPI unit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_UPI_PREFETCH_SPAWN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC Bypass; Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_BYPASS_M2M_Egress.TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles - at UCLK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On Dirty Line in I State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.DIRTY_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On Dirty Line in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.DIRTY_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On Dirty Line in L State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.DIRTY_P",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On Dirty Line in A State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.DIRTY_A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On NonDirty Line in I State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.CLEAN_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On NonDirty Line in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.CLEAN_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On NonDirty Line in L State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.CLEAN_P",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On NonDirty Line in A State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.CLEAN_A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On Dirty Line in I State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.DIRTY_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On Dirty Line in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.DIRTY_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On Dirty Line in L State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.DIRTY_P",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On Dirty Line in A State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.DIRTY_A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On NonDirty Line in I State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.CLEAN_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On NonDirty Line in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.CLEAN_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On NonDirty Line in L State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.CLEAN_P",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On NonDirty Line in A State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.CLEAN_A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC; Critical Priority",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC; All, regardless of priority",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.FROM_TRANSGRESS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC; Full Line Non-ISOCH",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC; ISOCH Full Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.FULL_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC; ISOCH Partial",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.PARTIAL_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC; All, regardless of priority",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Packet Header Matches; Mesh Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PKT_MATCH.MESH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Packet Header Matches; MC Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PKT_MATCH.MC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Cycles Full",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x53",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_LOOKUP.NO_SNP",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_CYCLES_FULL",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts transactions that looked into the multi-socket cacheline Directory state, and therefore did not send a snoop because the Directory indicated it was not needed",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "Unit": "M2M"
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state lookups; Snoop Needed",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x53",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_LOOKUP.SNP",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts  transactions that looked into the multi-socket cacheline Directory state, and sent one or more snoops, because the Directory indicated it was needed",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state updates; Directory Updated memory write from the HA pipe",
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Cycles Not Empty",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x54",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_UPDATE.HA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_CYCLES_NE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts only multi-socket cacheline Directory state updates memory writes issued from the HA pipe. This does not include memory write requests which are for I (Invalid) or E (Exclusive) cachelines.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "Unit": "M2M"
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state updates; Directory Updated memory write from TOR pipe",
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Occupancy",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x54",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_UPDATE.TOR",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_NO_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_NO_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_NO_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number AD Ingress Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TGR_AD_CREDITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number BL Ingress Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TGR_BL_CREDITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Full; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_CYCLES_FULL.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Full; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_CYCLES_FULL.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Full; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_CYCLES_FULL.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Not Empty; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_CYCLES_NE.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Not Empty; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_CYCLES_NE.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Not Empty; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_CYCLES_NE.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Inserts; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Inserts; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Inserts; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Occupancy; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Occupancy; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Occupancy; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Pending Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_NO_REG_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_NO_REG_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_NO_REG_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Full; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_CYCLES_FULL.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Full; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_CYCLES_FULL.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Full; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_CYCLES_FULL.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Not Empty; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_CYCLES_NE.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Not Empty; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_CYCLES_NE.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Not Empty; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_CYCLES_NE.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Inserts; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Inserts; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Inserts; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Occupancy; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Occupancy; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Occupancy; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts only multi-socket cacheline Directory state updates due to memory writes issued from the TOR pipe which are the result of remote transaction hitting the SF/LLC and returning data Core2Core. This does not include memory write requests which are for I (Invalid) or E (Exclusive) cachelines.",
         "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements; Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements; Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.RIGHT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.RIGHT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.RIGHT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use; Left",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.LEFT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use; Right",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.RIGHT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; Acknowledgements to Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Source Throttle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SRC_THRTL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; IFV - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IFV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Credits Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_CREDIT_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Credit Acquired",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_CREDITS_ACQUIRED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles with No AD Egress (to CMS) Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_NO_CREDIT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Stalled with No AD Egress (to CMS) Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_NO_CREDIT_STALLED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound Ring Transactions on AK; CRD Transactions to Cbo",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK.CRD_CBO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound Ring Transactions on AK; NDR Transactions",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK.NDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Credits Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CREDIT_OCCUPANCY.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Credits Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CREDIT_OCCUPANCY.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Credit Acquired; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Credit Acquired; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles with No AK Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_NO_CREDIT_CYCLES.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles with No AK Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_NO_CREDIT_CYCLES.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Stalled with No AK Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_NO_CREDIT_STALLED.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Stalled with No AK Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_NO_CREDIT_STALLED.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound DRS Ring Transactions to Cache; Data to Cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL.DRS_CACHE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound DRS Ring Transactions to Cache; Data to Core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL.DRS_CORE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Credits Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CREDIT_OCCUPANCY.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Credits Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CREDIT_OCCUPANCY.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Credit Acquired; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Credit Acquired; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Full; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_FULL.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Full; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_FULL.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Full; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_FULL.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_NE.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_NE.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_NE.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_INSERTS.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_INSERTS.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles with No BL Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_NO_CREDIT_CYCLES.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles with No BL Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_NO_CREDIT_CYCLES.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Stalled with No BL Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_NO_CREDIT_STALLED.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Stalled with No BL Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_NO_CREDIT_STALLED.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_OCCUPANCY.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_OCCUPANCY.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use; Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.DN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use; Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.UP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M2M_TxC_BL.DRS_UPI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_NoUnit_TxC_BL.DRS_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound DRS Ring Transactions to Cache; Data to QPI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL.DRS_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC Bypass; Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_BYPASS_M2M_INGRESS.TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC Bypass; Not Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_BYPASS_M2M_INGRESS.NOT_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Clockticks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_CMS_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FaST wire asserted; Vertical",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_FAST_ASSERTED.VERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
         "BriefDescription": "FaST wire asserted; Horizontal",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0xA5",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_FAST_ASSERTED.HORZ",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_FAST_ASSERTED.HORZ",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of cycles either the local or incoming distress signals are asserted.  Incoming distress includes up, dn and across.",
         "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "Unit": "M2M"
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request from a remote socket which hit in the HitMe Cache to a line In the E state",
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 0",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5F",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_HIT.EX_RDS",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN0",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts read requests from a remote socket which hit in the HitME cache (used to cache the multi-socket Directory state) to a line in the E(Exclusive) state.  This includes the following read opcodes (RdCode, RdData, RdDataMigratory, RdCur, RdInv*, Inv*)",
         "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "Unit": "M2M"
-        "BriefDescription": "Normal priority reads issued to the memory controller from the CHA",
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 1",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x59",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IMC_READS_COUNT.NORMAL",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN1",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a normal (Non-Isochronous) read is issued to any of the memory controller channels from the CHA.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Full Line Writes Issued; Full Line Non-ISOCH",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5B",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IMC_WRITES_COUNT.FULL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a normal (Non-Isochronous) full line write is issued from the CHA to the any of the memory controller channels.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in E state",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_E",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of lines that were victimized on a fill.  This can be filtered by the state that the line was in.",
         "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "Unit": "M2M"
-        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in F State",
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 2",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_F",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clean line read hits(Regular and RFO) to Near Memory(DRAM cache) in Memory Mode and regular reads to DRAM in 1LM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TAG_HIT.NM_RD_HIT_CLEAN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Read Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.RDCRD0",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of lines that were victimized on a fill.  This can be filtered by the state that the line was in.",
         "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "Unit": "M2M"
-        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in M state",
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Write Credit Request",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_M",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.WRCRD0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Write Compare Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.WRCMP0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Read Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.RDCRD1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x88",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Write Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.WRCRD1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x90",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Write Compare Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.WRCMP1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA0",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; Read Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.RDCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; Write Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.WRCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; Write Compare Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.WRCMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Read Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.RDCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Write Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.WRCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Write Compare Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.WRCMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Prefetch Read Cam Hit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.PREF_RD_CAM_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; Read Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.RDCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; Write Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.WRCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; Write Compare Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.WRCMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Sideband",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x6B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_SIDEBAND.RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Sideband",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x6B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_SIDEBAND.WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M-&gt;iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PMM_RPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M-&gt;iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PMM_RPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M-&gt;iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PMM_RPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M-&gt;iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PMM_WPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M-&gt;iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PMM_WPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M-&gt;iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PMM_WPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Bypass; Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_BYPASS_CHA_IMC.TAKEN",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of lines that were victimized on a fill.  This can be filtered by the state that the line was in.",
         "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in S State",
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Bypass; Intermediate bypass Taken",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_S",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Bypass; Not Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_BYPASS_CHA_IMC.NOT_TAKEN",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of lines that were victimized on a fill.  This can be filtered by the state that the line was in.",
         "UMask": "0x04",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Number of times that an RFO hit in S state.",
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Single External Snoops",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x39",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.RFO_HIT_S",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EXT_ONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Single Core Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.CORE_ONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x41",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Single Eviction",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EVICT_ONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x81",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Any Single Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.ANY_ONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Multiple External Snoops",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EXT_GTONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x22",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Any Cycle with Multiple Snoops",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.ANY_GTONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE2",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; External Snoop to Remote Node",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EXT_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Core Request to Remote Node",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.CORE_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Eviction to Remote Node",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EVICT_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x84",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Any Snoop to Remote Node",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.ANY_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE4",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counter 0 Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_COUNTER0_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Hits in HitMe Cache; Shared hit and op is RdInvOwn, RdInv, Inv*",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_HIT.SHARED_OWNREQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Hits in HitMe Cache; op is WbMtoE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_HIT.WBMTOE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a RFO (the Read for Ownership issued before a  write) request hit a cacheline in the S (Shared) state.",
         "UMask": "0x08",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Local requests for exclusive ownership of a cache line  without receiving data",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Hits in HitMe Cache; op is WbMtoI, WbPushMtoI, WbFlush, or WbMtoS",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_HIT.WBMTOI_OR_S",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the total number of requests coming from a unit on this socket for exclusive ownership of a cache line without receiving data (INVITOE) to the CHA.",
         "UMask": "0x10",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Local requests for exclusive ownership of a cache line without receiving data",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of times HitMe Cache is accessed; op is RdCode, RdData, RdDataMigratory, RdCur, RdInvOwn, RdInv, Inv*",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_LOOKUP.READ",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the total number of requests coming from a remote socket for exclusive ownership of a cache line without receiving data (INVITOE) to the CHA.",
-        "UMask": "0x20",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; IRQ",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x13",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.IRQ",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts number of allocations per cycle into the specified Ingress queue.",
         "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; PhyAddr Match",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of times HitMe Cache is accessed; op is WbMtoE, WbMtoI, WbPushMtoI, WbFlush, or WbMtoS",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x19",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_LOOKUP.WRITE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; PhyAddr Match",
-        "UMask": "0x80",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy; IRQ",
-        "EventCode": "0x11",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OCCUPANCY.IRQ",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts number of entries in the specified Ingress queue in each cycle.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Snoop filter capacity evictions for E-state entries.",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x3D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SF_EVICTION.E_STATE",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts snoop filter capacity evictions for entries tracking exclusive lines in the cores cache. Snoop filter capacity evictions occur when the snoop filter is full and evicts an existing entry to track a new entry. Does not count clean evictions such as when a cores cache replaces a tracked cacheline with a new cacheline.",
         "UMask": "0x02",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Snoop filter capacity evictions for M-state entries.",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Misses in HitMe Cache; SF/LLC HitS/F and op is RdInvOwn",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x3D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SF_EVICTION.M_STATE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts snoop filter capacity evictions for entries tracking modified lines in the cores cache. Snoop filter capacity evictions occur when the snoop filter is full and evicts an existing entry to track a new entry. Does not count clean evictions such as when a cores cache replaces a tracked cacheline with a new cacheline.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Snoop filter capacity evictions for S-state entries.",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Misses in HitMe Cache; No SF/LLC HitS/F and op is RdInvOwn",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x3D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SF_EVICTION.S_STATE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts snoop filter capacity evictions for entries tracking shared lines in the cores cache. Snoop filter capacity evictions occur when the snoop filter is full and evicts an existing entry to track a new entry. Does not count clean evictions such as when a cores cache replaces a tracked cacheline with a new cacheline.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "RspCnflct* Snoop Responses Received",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPCNFLCTS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a a transaction with the opcode type RspCnflct* Snoop Response was received. This is returned when a snoop finds an existing outstanding transaction in a remote caching agent. This triggers conflict resolution hardware. This covers both the opcode RspCnflct and RspCnflctWbI.",
         "UMask": "0x40",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "RspI Snoop Responses Received",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Misses in HitMe Cache; op is RdCode, RdData, RdDataMigratory, RdCur, RdInv, Inv*",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPI",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_MISS.READ_OR_INV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of Allocate/Update to HitMe Cache; op is RspIFwd or RspIFwdWb for a local request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a transaction with the opcode type RspI Snoop Response was received which indicates the remote cache does not have the data, or when the remote cache silently evicts data (such as when an RFO: the Read for Ownership issued before a write hits non-modified data).",
         "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "RspIFwd Snoop Responses Received",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of Allocate/Update to HitMe Cache; op is RspIFwd or RspIFwdWb for a remote request",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPIFWD",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of Allocate/Update to HitMe Cache; Update HitMe Cache to SHARed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_UPDATE.SHARED",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a a transaction with the opcode type RspIFwd Snoop Response was received which indicates a remote caching agent forwarded the data and the requesting agent is able to acquire the data in E (Exclusive) or M (modified) states.  This is commonly returned with RFO (the Read for Ownership issued before a write) transactions.  The snoop could have either been to a cacheline in the M,E,F (Modified, Exclusive or Forward)  states.",
         "UMask": "0x04",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "RspSFwd Snoop Responses Received",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of Allocate/Update to HitMe Cache; Update HitMe Cache on RdInvOwn even if not RspFwdI*",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPSFWD",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_UPDATE.RDINVOWN",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a a transaction with the opcode type RspSFwd Snoop Response was received which indicates a remote caching agent forwarded the data but held on to its current copy.  This is common for data and code reads that hit in a remote socket in E (Exclusive) or F (Forward) state.",
         "UMask": "0x08",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Rsp*Fwd*WB Snoop Responses Received",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of Allocate/Update to HitMe Cache; Deallocate HtiME$ on Reads without RspFwdI*",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSP_FWD_WB",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a transaction with the opcode type Rsp*Fwd*WB Snoop Response was received which indicates the data was written back to its home socket, and the cacheline was forwarded to the requestor socket.  This snoop response is only used in >= 4 socket systems.  It is used when a snoop HITM's in a remote caching agent and it directly forwards data to a requestor, and simultaneously returns data to its home socket to be written back to memory.",
-        "UMask": "0x20",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Rsp*WB Snoop Responses Received",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSP_WBWB",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a transaction with the opcode type Rsp*WB Snoop Response was received which indicates which indicates the data was written back to its home.  This is returned when a non-RFO request hits a cacheline in the Modified state. The Cache can either downgrade the cacheline to a S (Shared) or I (Invalid) state depending on how the system has been configured.  This response will also be sent when a cache requests E (Exclusive) ownership of a cache line without receiving data, because the cache must acquire ownership.",
         "UMask": "0x10",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRds issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "HA to iMC Reads Issued; ISOCH",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_CRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Writes Issued to the iMC by the HA; Partial Non-ISOCH",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Writes Issued to the iMC by the HA; ISOCH Full Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Writes Issued to the iMC by the HA; ISOCH Partial",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Writes Issued to the iMC by the HA; Full Line MIG",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IMC_WRITES_COUNT.FULL_MIG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Writes Issued to the iMC by the HA; Partial MIG",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of times IODC entry allocation is attempted; Number of IODC allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IODC_ALLOC.INVITOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of times IODC entry allocation is attempted; Number of IODC allocations dropped due to IODC Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IODC_ALLOC.IODCFULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of times IODC entry allocation is attempted; Number of IDOC allocation dropped due to OSB gate",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IODC_ALLOC.OSBGATED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts number of IODC deallocations; IODC deallocated due to WbMtoE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x63",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IODC_DEALLOC.WBMTOE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts number of IODC deallocations; IODC deallocated due to WbMtoI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x63",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IODC_DEALLOC.WBMTOI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts number of IODC deallocations; IODC deallocated due to WbPushMtoI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x63",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts number of IODC deallocations; IODC deallocated due to conflicting transaction",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x63",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IODC_DEALLOC.SNPOUT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts number of IODC deallocations; IODC deallocated due to any reason",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x63",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IODC_DEALLOC.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.WRITE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.WRITE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.ANY",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.ANY",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRds issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
         "UMask": "0x11",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.LOCAL",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_DRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.LOCAL",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "UMask": "0x91",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_ALL",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "UMask": "0x2f",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_ALL",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "Cbo Misc; Silent Snoop Eviction",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_RFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.RSPI_WAS_FSE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "Cbo Misc; Write Combining Aliasing",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_CRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.WC_ALIASING",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "Cbo Misc; CV0 Prefetch Victim",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_DRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.CV0_PREF_VIC",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "BriefDescription": "Cbo Misc; CV0 Prefetch Miss",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.CV0_PREF_MISS",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "BriefDescription": "OSB Snoop Broadcast",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_OSB",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty; MC0_SMI0",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC0_SMI0",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty; MC1_SMI1",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_RFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC1_SMI1",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty; EDC0_SMI2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.EDC0_SMI2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty; EDC1_SMI3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.EDC1_SMI3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty; EDC2_SMI4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.EDC2_SMI4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty; EDC3_SMI5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.EDC3_SMI5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "write requests from remote home agent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.ALL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOPS_SENT.",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent; Broadcast or directed Snoops sent for Local Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent; Broadcast or directed Snoops sent for Remote Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.BCST_LOCAL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOPS_SENT.BCST_LOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.BCST_REMOTE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOPS_SENT.BCST_REM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.DIRECT_LOCAL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOPS_SENT.DIRECT_LOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.DIRECT_REMOTE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOPS_SENT.DIRECT_REM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received : RspS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSP_WBWB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOP_RESP.RSP_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received; RspFwd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPIFWD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSPIFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPSFWD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSPSFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSP_WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSP_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSP_FWD_WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSP_FWD_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPCNFLCT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSPCNFLCT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPFWD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSPFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.EVICT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.EVICT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.HIT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.MISS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.EVICT",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.EVICT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.PRQ",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.HIT",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.MISS",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WbPushMtoI; Pushed to LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WB_PUSH_MTOI.LLC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WbPushMtoI; Pushed to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WB_PUSH_MTOI.MEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty; MC0_SMI0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC0_SMI0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty; MC1_SMI1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC1_SMI1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty; EDC0_SMI2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.EDC0_SMI2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty; EDC1_SMI3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.EDC1_SMI3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty; EDC2_SMI4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.EDC2_SMI4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty; EDC3_SMI5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.EDC3_SMI5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.LOC_IO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x34",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.LOC_IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
         "Unit": "CHA"
@@ -766,184 +6951,4290 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "Deprecated": "1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.REM_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CHAfilter1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.LOC_ALL",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
-        "UMask": "0x30",
+        "UMask": "0x37",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_CRD",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_CRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_CRD",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_DRD",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_DRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_DRD",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_RFO",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_RFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_RFO",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_CRD",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_CRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_CRD",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_DRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC : For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.     Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_RFO",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_RFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_RFO",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_CLOCKTICKS",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO",
         "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.LOC_IO",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "UMask": "0x34",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_FAST_ASSERTED.HORZ",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA",
         "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0xA5",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_FAST_ASSERTED",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.LOC_IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.LOC_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x37",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core PMA Events; C1  State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_PMA.C1_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core PMA Events; C1 Transition",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_PMA.C1_TRANSITION",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_FAST_ASSERTED.HORZ",
         "UMask": "0x02",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_E",
+        "BriefDescription": "Core PMA Events; C6 State",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.E_STATE",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_PMA.C6_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core PMA Events; C6 Transition",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_PMA.C6_TRANSITION",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core PMA Events; GV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_PMA.GV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_E",
         "UMask": "0x2",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_F",
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_CMS_CLOCKTICKS",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.F_STATE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_CLOCK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements; Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements; Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use; Left",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.LEFT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use; Right",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.RIGHT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; Acknowledgements to Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RING_SRC_THRTL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_RING_SRC_THRTL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; IRQ Rejected",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.IRQ_REJ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; IPQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.PRQ_REJ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; RRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.RRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; WBQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.WBQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.ANY_IPQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; Merging these two together to make room for ANY_REJECT_*0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.ANY_REJECT_IRQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Merging these two together to make room for ANY_REJECT_*0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_ISMQ1_REJECT.ANY_ISMQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_RETRY.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_ISMQ1_RETRY.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_RETRY.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy; IPQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OCCUPANCY.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy; RRQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OCCUPANCY.RRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy; WBQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OCCUPANCY.WBQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; Merging these two together to make room for ANY_REJECT_*0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.ANY_PRQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; LLC OR SF Way",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; Merging these two together to make room for ANY_REJECT_*0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.ANY_RRQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; Merging these two together to make room for ANY_REJECT_*0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.ANY_WBQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; Merging these two together to make room for ANY_REJECT_*0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; IFV - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IFV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.IV_AG1",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_F",
         "UMask": "0x8",
         "Unit": "CHA"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use; Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.UP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use; Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.DN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; External RspHitFSE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.EXT_RSP_HITFSE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Core RspHitFSE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.CORE_RSP_HITFSE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x41",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Evict RspHitFSE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x81",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Any RspHitFSE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.ANY_RSP_HITFSE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; External RspSFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.EXT_RSPS_FWDFE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x22",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Core RspSFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.CORE_RSPS_FWDFE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x42",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Evict RspSFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x82",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Any RspSFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.ANY_RSPS_FWDFE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE2",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; External RspIFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.EXT_RSPI_FWDFE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Core RspIFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.CORE_RSPI_FWDFE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Evict RspIFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x84",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Any RspIFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.ANY_RSPI_FWDFE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE4",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; External RspSFwdM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.EXT_RSPS_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x28",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Core RspSFwdM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.CORE_RSPS_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x48",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Evict RspSFwdM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.EVICT_RSPS_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x88",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Any RspSFwdM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.ANY_RSPS_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; External RspIFwdM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.EXT_RSPI_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x30",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Core RspIFwdM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.CORE_RSPI_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x50",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Evict RspIFwdM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.EVICT_RSPI_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x90",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.ANY_RSPI_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF0",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x18",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x28",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.RRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x50",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.RRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x60",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.WBQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x90",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.WBQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA0",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_HIT",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.PRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_MISS",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.PRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x18",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x28",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; All from Local IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x34",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; All from Local iA and IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.ALL_IO_IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x35",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Hits from Local",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.ALL_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x15",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Misses from Local",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.ALL_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x25",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; All from Local IO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x34",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Hits from Local IO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Misses from Local IO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Hits from Local",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.ALL_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x17",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Misses from Local",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.ALL_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x27",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; VNA Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; VN0 Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_UPI_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; AD REQ Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; AD RSP VN0 Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; BL RSP Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; BL DRS Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; BL NCB Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; BL NCS Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; AD VNA Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; BL VNA Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; AD REQ VN0 Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; AD RSP VN0 Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; BL RSP VN0 Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; BL DRS VN0 Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; BL NCB VN0 Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent; Broadcast snoop for Local Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.BCST_LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent; Broadcast snoops for Remote Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.BCST_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent; Directed snoops for Local Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent; Directed snoops for Remote Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; RspI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; RspS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; RspIFwd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; RspSFwd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; Rsp*WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSP_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; Rsp*FWD*WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSP_FWD_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; RspCnflct",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; RspFwd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Clockticks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CMS_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Data Read Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Write Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.WRITE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x05",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; External Snoop Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE_SNOOP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x09",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Any Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Local",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Remote",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x91",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_M",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "Deprecated": "1",
         "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.M_STATE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.M_STATE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_M",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_E",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.E_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
         "Unit": "CHA"
@@ -951,10 +11242,92 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "Deprecated": "1",
         "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.S_STATE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.S_STATE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_S",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_F",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.F_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Local - All Lines",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2F",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_ALL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; IRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; SF/LLC Evictions",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.EVICT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; IPQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Hit (Not a Miss)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
         "Unit": "CHA"
@@ -962,13 +11335,11411 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "Deprecated": "1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.REM_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CHAfilter1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.LOC_ALL",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
-        "UMask": "0x30",
+        "UMask": "0x37",
         "Unit": "CHA"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xFF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x18",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x28",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.RRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x50",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.RRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x60",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.WBQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x90",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.WBQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA0",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; IRQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; SF/LLC Evictions",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.EVICT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; PRQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; IPQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Hit (Not a Miss)",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Miss",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.ALL_FROM_LOC",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.LOC_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x37",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.ALL",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xFF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x18",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x28",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Source Throttle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SRC_THRTL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_RETRY.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FaST wire asserted; Vertical",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_FAST_ASSERTED.VERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Local - Lines in M State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Local - Lines in E State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x22",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Local - Lines in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Local - Lines in F State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x28",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Remote - Lines in M State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x81",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Remote - Lines in E State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x82",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Remote - Lines in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x84",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Remote - Lines in F State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x88",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Remote - All Lines",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8F",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; All from Local",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x37",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; RdCur misses from Local IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_MISS_RDCUR",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x43C33",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; RFO misses from Local IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_MISS_RFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; ItoM misses from Local IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_MISS_ITOM",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x49033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy;  ITOM Misses from Local IO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x49033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy;  RDCUR isses from Local IO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x43C33",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy;  RFO misses from Local IO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_MISS_RFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Memory Mode related events; Counts the number of times CHA saw NM Set conflict in IODC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x64",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Memory Mode related events; Counts the number of times CHA saw NM Set conflict in SF/LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x64",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Memory Mode related events; Counts the number of times CHA saw NM Set conflict in SF/LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x64",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Memory Mode related events; Counts the number of times CHA saw NM Set conflict in TOR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x64",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Memory mode related events; Counts the number of times CHA saw NM Set conflict in TOR and the transaction was rejected",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x64",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts; Port 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.PORT0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts; Port 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.PORT1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts; Port 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.PORT2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts; Port 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.PORT3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Num Link  Correctable Errors",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_LINK_NUM_CORR_ERR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Num Link Retries",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_LINK_NUM_RETRIES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number packets that passed the Mask/Match Filter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus; Non-PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.BUS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus; PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus; Non-PCIE bus and !(PCIE bus)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.BUS0_NOT_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus; Non-PCIE bus and PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.BUS0_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus; !(Non-PCIE bus) and PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.NOT_BUS0_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.NOT_BUS0_NOT_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus; Non-PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.BUS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus; PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus; Non-PCIE bus and !(PCIE bus)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.BUS0_NOT_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus; Non-PCIE bus and PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.BUS0_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus; !(Non-PCIE bus) and PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.NOT_BUS0_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus; !(Non-PCIE bus) and !(PCIE bus)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.NOT_BUS0_NOT_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_IIO_NOTHING",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_NOTHING",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMICCMP.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMICCMP.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMICCMP.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMICCMP.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_PAYLOAD_BYTES_IN.MSG.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_PAYLOAD_BYTES_IN.MSG.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_PAYLOAD_BYTES_IN.MSG.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_PAYLOAD_BYTES_IN.MSG.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Symbol Times on Link",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_SYMBOL_TIMES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMIC.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMIC.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMIC.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMIC.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMICCMP.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMICCMP.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMICCMP.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMICCMP.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MSG.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MSG.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MSG.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MSG.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; Vtd hit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.L4_PAGE_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; context cache miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.CTXT_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; L1 miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.L1_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; L2 miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.L2_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; L3 miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.L3_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; TLB miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.TLB_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; TLB is full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.TLB_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; TLB miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.TLB1_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_PAYLOAD_BYTES_IN.MSG.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_PAYLOAD_BYTES_IN.MSG.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMIC.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMIC.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MSG.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MSG.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card reading from DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card reading from DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card writing to DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card writing to DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card writing to DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card writing to DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card reading from DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card reading from DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Total Write Cache Occupancy; Any Source",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_CACHE_TOTAL_OCCUPANCY.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Total Write Cache Occupancy; Snoops",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_CACHE_TOTAL_OCCUPANCY.IV_Q",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRP Clocks",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Coherent Ops; PCIRdCur",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.PCIRDCUR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Coherent Ops; CRd",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Coherent Ops; DRd",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.DRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Coherent Ops; PCIDCAHin5t",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.PCIDCAHINT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Coherent Ops; WbMtoI",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.WBMTOI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Coherent Ops; CLFlush",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.CLFLUSH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FAF RF full",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FAF allocation -- sent to ADQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_TRANSACTIONS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "All Inserts Inbound (p2p + faf + cset)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_IRP_ALL.INBOUND_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "All Inserts Outbound (BL, AK, Snoops)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_IRP_ALL.OUTBOUND_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0; Fastpath Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.FAST_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0; Fastpath Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.FAST_REJ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0; Cache Inserts of Read Transactions as Secondary",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.2ND_RD_INSERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0; Cache Inserts of Write Transactions as Secondary",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.2ND_WR_INSERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0; Cache Inserts of Atomic Transactions as Secondary",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.2ND_ATOMIC_INSERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0; Fastpath Transfers From Primary to Secondary",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.FAST_XFER",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0; Prefetch Ack Hints From Primary to Secondary",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.PF_ACK_HINT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.UNKNOWN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1; Slow Transfer of I Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SLOW_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1; Slow Transfer of S Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SLOW_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1; Slow Transfer of E Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SLOW_E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1; Slow Transfer of M Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SLOW_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1; Lost Forward",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.LOST_FWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1; Received Invalid",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SEC_RCVD_INVLD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1; Received Valid",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SEC_RCVD_VLD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; P2P reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; P2P Writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; P2P Message",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; P2P completions",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.CMPL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; Match if remote only",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.REM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; match if remote and target matches",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; match if local only",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.LOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; match if local and target matches",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses; Miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses; Hit I",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.HIT_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses; Hit E or S",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.HIT_ES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses; Hit M",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.HIT_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses; SnpCode",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.SNPCODE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses; SnpData",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.SNPDATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses; SnpInv",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.SNPINV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count; Reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.READS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count; Writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.WRITES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count; Read Prefetches",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.RD_PREF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count; Atomic",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.ATOMIC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count; Other",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.OTHER",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No AD Egress Credit Stalls",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxR2_AD_STALL_CREDIT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_AK_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL DRS Egress Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_DRS_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL DRS Egress Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_DRS_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL DRS Egress Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_DRS_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCB Egress Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCB_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCB Egress Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCB_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCB Egress Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCB_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCS Egress Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCS_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCS Egress Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCS_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCS Egress Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCS_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No BL Egress Credit Stalls",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxR2_BL_STALL_CREDIT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound Read Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxS_DATA_INSERTS_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound Read Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxS_DATA_INSERTS_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound Request Queue Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxS_REQUEST_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that hit I line in the IIO cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_HIT_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x72",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that hit E or S line in the IIO cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_HIT_ES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x74",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that hit M line in the IIO cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_HIT_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x78",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that hit M, E, S or I line in the IIO",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7e",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that miss the IIO cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x71",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AD_VNA_LE2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AD_VNA_LE2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AK_VNA_LE3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AK_VNA_LE3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.BGF_CRD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.BGF_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.GV_BLOCK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.GV_BLOCK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_CRD_RETURN_BLOCKED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_CRD_RETURN_BLOCKED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AD_VNA_LE2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AD_VNA_LE2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AD_VNA_BTW_2_THRESH",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_BL_VNA_BTW_0_THRESH",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AK_VNA_LE3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AK_VNA_LE3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.BGF_CRD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.BGF_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.GV_BLOCK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.GV_BLOCK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles where phy is not in L0, L0c, L0p, L1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_PHY_INIT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "L1 Req Nack",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_POWER_L1_NACK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "L1 Req (same as L1 Ack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_POWER_L1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VNA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VNA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.ACK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.ACK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in L0. Receive side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL0_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Consumed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_CREDITS_CONSUMED_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Consumed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_CREDITS_CONSUMED_VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VNA Credit Consumed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_CREDITS_CONSUMED_VNA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; LLCRD Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.LLCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; LLCTRL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.LLCTRL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.PROTHDR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.PROT_HDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_HDR_MATCH.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_HDR_MATCH.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSP_DATA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_HDR_MATCH.RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_HDR_MATCH.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_HDR_MATCH.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_HDR_MATCH.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Occupancy - All Packets; Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_OCCUPANCY.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Occupancy - All Packets; Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_OCCUPANCY.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Occupancy - All Packets; Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_OCCUPANCY.SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S0_RXQ1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S0_RXQ1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S0_RXQ2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S0_RXQ2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S1_RXQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S1_RXQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S1_RXQ2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S1_RXQ2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S2_RXQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S2_RXQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S2_RXQ1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S2_RXQ1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.CFG_CTL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.CFG_CTL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ_BYPASS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ_BYPASS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ_CRED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ_CRED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.TXQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.TXQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RETRY",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RETRY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.DFX",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.DFX",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.SPARE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.SPARE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES_LL_ENTER",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES_LL_ENTER",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES_M3_EXIT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES_M3_EXIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in L0. Transmit side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; LLCRD Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.LLCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; LLCTRL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.LLCTRL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.PROTHDR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.PROT_HDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tx Flit Buffer Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tx Flit Buffer Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_VNA_CREDIT_RETURN_BLOCKED_VN01",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VNA Credits Pending Return - Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; Protocol Header",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.PROTHDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; Protocol Header",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.PROTHDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.LOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.REM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.DATA_HDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.NON_DATA_HDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.DUAL_SLOT_HDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.SGL_SLOT_HDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSP_NODATA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.RSP_NODATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSP_DATA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.RSP_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; Idle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.IDLE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x47",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Request Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0108",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x09",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Snoop Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0109",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Response - No Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0A",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Response - No Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x010A",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Response - Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSP_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0C",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Response - Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x010C",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Writeback",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0D",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Writeback",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x010D",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0E",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x010E",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Standard",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0F",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Standard",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x010F",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Request Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x108",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x09",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Snoop Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x109",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Response - No Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0A",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Response - No Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10A",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Response - Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSP_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0C",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Response - Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10C",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Writeback",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0D",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Writeback",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10D",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0E",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10E",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Standard",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0F",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Standard",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10F",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Response - Conflict",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01AA",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Response - Invalid",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x012A",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Flit Buffer Allocations; Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_INSERTS.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Flit Buffer Allocations; Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_INSERTS.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Flit Buffer Allocations; Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_INSERTS.SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Response - Conflict",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1AA",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Response - Invalid",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12A",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty; VNA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; Peer UPI0 on VN0",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN0_PEER_UPI0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; Peer UPI1 on VN0",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN0_PEER_UPI1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; Peer UPI0 on VN1",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN1_PEER_UPI0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; Peer UPI1 on VN1",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN1_PEER_UPI1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CBox AD Credits Empty; VNA Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CHA_AD_CREDITS_EMPTY.VNA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CBox AD Credits Empty; Writebacks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CHA_AD_CREDITS_EMPTY.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CBox AD Credits Empty; Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CHA_AD_CREDITS_EMPTY.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CBox AD Credits Empty; Snoops",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CHA_AD_CREDITS_EMPTY.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of uclks in domain",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "D2U Sent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_D2U_SENT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty; IIO0 and IIO1 share the same ring destination. (1 VN0 credit only)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.IIO0_IIO1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty; IIO2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.IIO2_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty; IIO3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.IIO3_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty; IIO4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.IIO4_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty; IIO5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.IIO5_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty; All IIO targets for NCS are in single mask. ORs them together",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty; Selected M2p BL NCS credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.NCS_SEL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received; AD - Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.AD_SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received; AD - Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.AD_SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received; AD - Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.AD_SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received; BL - Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.BL_SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received; AK - Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.AK_SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received; AK - Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.AK_SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD FlowQ Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_BYPASS.AD_SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD FlowQ Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_BYPASS.AD_SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD FlowQ Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_BYPASS.AD_SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD FlowQ Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_BYPASS.BL_EARLY_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  -  Credit Available; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_CRD_AVAIL.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  -  Credit Available; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_CRD_AVAIL.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  -  Credit Available; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_CRD_AVAIL.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  -  Credit Available; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_CRD_AVAIL.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  -  Credit Available; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_CRD_AVAIL.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  -  Credit Available; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_CRD_AVAIL.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - New Message; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - New Message; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - New Message; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - New Message; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - New Message; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - New Message; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Flow Q Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AK_FLQ_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Flow Q Occupancy",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AK_FLQ_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN0 NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN0 NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN1 NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN1 NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN0 NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN0 NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN1_NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN1_NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 NCB Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 NCS Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN1_NCS Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN1_NCB Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for BL  - New Message; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for BL  - New Message; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for BL  - New Message; VN0 NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for BL  - New Message; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for BL  - New Message; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for BL  - New Message; VN1 NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN0 NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN0 NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN1 NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN1 NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; CHA on VN0",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN0_CHA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; CHA on VN1",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN1_CHA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; Non Idle cycles on VN0",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN0_NON_IDLE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; Non Idle cycles on VN1",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN1_NON_IDLE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Arbitration; FlowQ Won",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP2_VN1.VN0_SNPFP_NONSNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Arbitration; FlowQ Won",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP2_VN1.VN1_SNPFP_NONSNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Arbitration; FlowQ SnpF Won",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP2_VN1.VN0_SNPFP_VN2SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Arbitration; FlowQ SnpF Won",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP2_VN1.VN1_SNPFP_VN0SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Clockticks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CMS_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements; Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements; Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use; Left",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.LEFT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use; Right",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.RIGHT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; Acknowledgements to Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Source Throttle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SRC_THRTL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous; Parallel Bias to VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.PAR_BIAS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous; Parallel Bias to VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.PAR_BIAS_VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous; No Progress on Pending AD VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.NO_PROG_AD_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous; No Progress on Pending AD VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.NO_PROG_AD_VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous; No Progress on Pending BL VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.NO_PROG_BL_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous; No Progress on Pending BL VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.NO_PROG_BL_VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous; AD, BL Parallel Win",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Queue Bypasses; AD to Slot 0 on Idle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_BYPASSED.AD_S0_IDLE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Queue Bypasses; AD to Slot 0 on BL Arb",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_BYPASSED.AD_S0_BL_ARB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Queue Bypasses; AD + BL to Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_BYPASSED.AD_S1_BL_SLOT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Queue Bypasses; AD + BL to Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_BYPASSED.AD_S2_BL_SLOT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message lost contest for flit; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message lost contest for flit; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message lost contest for flit; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message lost contest for flit; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message lost contest for flit; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message lost contest for flit; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message lost contest for flit; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message lost contest for flit; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message lost contest for flit; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message lost contest for flit; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message lost contest for flit; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message lost contest for flit; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message lost contest for flit; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message lost contest for flit; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Credit Events; Any In BGF FIFO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_MISC.ANY_BGF_FIFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Credit Events; Any in BGF Path",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_MISC.ANY_BGF_PATH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Credit Events; No D2K For Arb",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_MISC.NO_D2K_FOR_ARB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy; VNA In Use",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.VNA_IN_USE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy; Packets in BGF FIFO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.FLITS_IN_FIFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy; Packets in BGF Path",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.FLITS_IN_PATH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy; Transmit Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.TxQ_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy; D2K Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.D2K_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.P1P_TOTAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.P1P_FIFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Flit Not Sent; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_DATA_NOT_SENT.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Flit Not Sent; No BGF Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_DATA_NOT_SENT.NO_BGF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Flit Not Sent; No TxQ Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_DATA_NOT_SENT.NO_TXQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence; Wait on Pump 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P0_WAIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence; Wait on Pump 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1_WAIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1P_TO_LIMBO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1P_BUSY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1P_AT_LIMIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1P_HOLD_P0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1P_FIFO_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_MISC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_MISC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit; One Message",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SENT.1_MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit; Two Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SENT.2_MSGS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit; Three Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SENT.3_MSGS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit; One Message in non-VNA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SENT.1_MSG_VNX",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SLOT_BL.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit; Needs Data Flit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SLOT_BL.NEED_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit; Wait on Pump 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SLOT_BL.P0_WAIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit; Wait on Pump 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SLOT_BL.P1_WAIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit; Don't Need Pump 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SLOT_BL.P1_NOT_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit; Don't Need Pump 1 - Bubble",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit; Don't Need Pump 1 - Not Avail",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Acumullate",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.ACCUM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Accumulate Ready",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.ACCUM_READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Accumulate Wasted",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.ACCUM_WASTED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Run-Ahead - Blocked",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.AHEAD_BLOCKED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Run-Ahead - Message",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.AHEAD_MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Parallel Ok",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.PAR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Parallel Message",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.PAR_MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Parallel Flit Finished",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.PAR_FLIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 2; Rate-matching Stall",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR2.RMSTALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 2; Rate-matching Stall - No Message",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR2.RMSTALL_NOMSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; No BGF Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.NO_BGF_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; No TxQ Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.NO_TXQ_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; No BGF Credits + No Extra Message Slotted",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.NO_BGF_NO_MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; No TxQ Credits + No Extra Message Slotted",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.NO_TXQ_NO_MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; Sent - One Slot Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.ONE_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; Sent - Two Slots Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.TWO_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; Sent - Three Slots Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.THREE_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; Parallel Attempt",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.PARALLEL_ATTEMPT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; Parallel Success",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.PARALLEL_SUCCESS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; Parallel AD Lost",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.PARALLEL_AD_LOST",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; Parallel BL Lost",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.PARALLEL_BL_LOST",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; Can't Slot AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.CANT_SLOT_AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; Can't Slot BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.CANT_SLOT_BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "SMI3 Prefetch Messages; Arrived",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_SMI3_PFTCH.ARRIVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "SMI3 Prefetch Messages; Lost Arbitration",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_SMI3_PFTCH.ARB_LOST",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "SMI3 Prefetch Messages; Slotted",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_SMI3_PFTCH.SLOTTED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "SMI3 Prefetch Messages; Dropped - Old",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_SMI3_PFTCH.DROP_OLD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "SMI3 Prefetch Messages; Dropped - Wrap",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_SMI3_PFTCH.DROP_WRAP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits; Used",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.USED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits; Corrected",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.CORRECTED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits; Level < 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.LT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits; Level < 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.LT4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits; Level < 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.LT5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits; Any In Use",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.ANY_IN_USE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; IFV - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IFV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use; Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.UP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use; Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.DN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "D2C Sent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_D2C_SENT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FaST wire asserted; Vertical",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_FAST_ASSERTED.VERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FaST wire asserted; Horizontal",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_FAST_ASSERTED.HORZ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SENT.SLOTS_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SENT.SLOTS_2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SENT.SLOTS_3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty; VNA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Received; VLW",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_EVENT_MSG.VLW_RCVD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Received; MSI",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_EVENT_MSG.MSI_RCVD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Received; IPI",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_EVENT_MSG.IPI_RCVD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Received",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_EVENT_MSG.DOORBELL_RCVD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Received",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_EVENT_MSG.INT_PRIO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IDI Lock/SplitLock Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_LOCK_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles PHOLD Assert to Ack; Assert to ACK",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_PHOLD_CYCLES.ASSERT_TO_ACK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.RDRAND",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.RDRAND",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.RDSEED",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.RDSEED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.PFTCH_BUF_EMPTY",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.PFTCH_BUF_EMPTY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RACU Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_RACU_REQUESTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks in the UBOX using a dedicated 48-bit Fixed Counter",
+        "Counter": "FIXED",
+        "EventCode": "0xff",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.CORE_GTONE",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1155,17 +22926,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPCNFLCTS",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x5C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOP_RESP.RSPCNFLCT",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPCNFLCTS",
-        "UMask": "0x40",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPIFWD",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1198,1545 +22958,5 @@
         "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSP_FWD_WB",
         "UMask": "0x20",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks of the IIO Traffic Controller",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_CLOCKTICKS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts clockticks of the 1GHz traffic controller clock in the IIO unit.",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 0-3",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC2",
-        "FCMask": "0x4",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x0f",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 0-3",
-        "UMask": "0x03",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 0",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x4",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 0",
-        "UMask": "0x03",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 1",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x4",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 1",
-        "UMask": "0x03",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 2",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x4",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 2",
-        "UMask": "0x03",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 3",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x4",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 3",
-        "UMask": "0x03",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 0-3",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xD5",
-        "FCMask": "0x04",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 0-3",
-        "UMask": "0x0f",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 0",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xD5",
-        "FCMask": "0x04",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 0",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 1",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xD5",
-        "FCMask": "0x04",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 1",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 2",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xD5",
-        "FCMask": "0x04",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 2",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 3",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xD5",
-        "FCMask": "0x04",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 3",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part0",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for 4 bytes of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part1",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for 4 bytes of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part2",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for 4 bytes of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part3",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for 4 bytes of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part0 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0 by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part1 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1 by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part2 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2 by  a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part3 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3 by  a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part0",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts ever peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part1",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts ever peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part2",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts ever peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part3",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts ever peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part0 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit.  In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part1 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part2 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part3 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part0 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part1 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part1 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part2 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part2 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part3 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part3 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part0 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part1 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part2 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part3 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x2",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x4",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x8",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x2",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x4",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x8",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part0",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0. In the general case, part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part1",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part2",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part3",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part0 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0 by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part1 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1 by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part2 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2 by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part3 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3 by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part0",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part1",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part2",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part3",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part0 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part1 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part2 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part3 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part0 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is  made by IIO Part1 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part1 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part2 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part3 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part0 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part1 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part1 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part2 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part3 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction made by IIO Part0 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part1 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction made by IIO Part1 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction made by IIO Part2 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction made by IIO Part3 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part0 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part1 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part1 to the MMIO space of an IIO target.In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part2 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part3 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Total IRP occupancy of inbound read and write requests.",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0xF",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_CACHE_TOTAL_OCCUPANCY.MEM",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Total IRP occupancy of inbound read and write requests.  This is effectively the sum of read occupancy and write occupancy.",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIITOM request issued by the IRP unit to the mesh with the intention of writing a full cacheline.",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x10",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.PCITOM",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIITOM request issued by the IRP unit to the mesh with the intention of writing a full cacheline to coherent memory, without a RFO.  PCIITOM is a speculative Invalidate to Modified command that requests ownership of the cacheline and does not move data from the mesh to IRP cache.",
-        "UMask": "0x10",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "RFO request issued by the IRP unit to the mesh with the intention of writing a partial cacheline.",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x10",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.RFO",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "RFO request issued by the IRP unit to the mesh with the intention of writing a partial cacheline to coherent memory.  RFO is a Read For Ownership command that requests ownership of the cacheline and moves data from the mesh to IRP cache.",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Inbound read requests received by the IRP and inserted into the FAF queue.",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x18",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_INSERTS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Inbound read requests to coherent memory, received by the IRP and inserted into the Fire and Forget queue (FAF), a queue used for processing inbound reads in the IRP.",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Occupancy of the IRP FAF queue.",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x19",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_OCCUPANCY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Occupancy of the IRP Fire and Forget (FAF) queue, a queue used for processing inbound reads in the IRP.",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Inbound write (fast path) requests received by the IRP.",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x11",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.WR_PREF",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Inbound write (fast path) requests to coherent memory, received by the IRP resulting in write ownership requests issued by IRP to the mesh.",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Traffic in which the M2M to iMC Bypass was not taken",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x22",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_BYPASS_M2M_Egress.NOT_TAKEN",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts traffic in which the M2M (Mesh to Memory) to iMC (Memory Controller) bypass was not taken",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Cycles when direct to core mode (which bypasses the CHA) was disabled",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x24",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts cycles when direct to core mode (which bypasses the CHA) was disabled",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Messages sent direct to core (bypassing the CHA)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x23",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2CORE_TAKEN",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when messages were sent direct to core (bypassing the CHA)",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Number of reads in which direct to core transaction were overridden",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x25",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2CORE_TXN_OVERRIDE",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts reads in which direct to core transactions (which would have bypassed the CHA) were overridden",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Number of reads in which direct to Intel UPI transactions were overridden",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x28",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts reads in which direct to Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) transactions (which would have bypassed the CHA) were overridden",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Cycles when direct to Intel UPI was disabled",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x27",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts cycles when the ability to send messages direct to the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (bypassing the CHA) was disabled",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Messages sent direct to the Intel UPI",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x26",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2UPI_TAKEN",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when messages were sent direct to the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (bypassing the CHA)",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Number of reads that a message sent direct2 Intel UPI was overridden",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x29",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2UPI_TXN_OVERRIDE",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a read message that was sent direct to the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (bypassing the CHA) was overridden",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookups (any state found)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.ANY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) looks into the multi-socket cacheline Directory state, and found the cacheline marked in Any State (A, I, S or unused)",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookups (cacheline found in A state)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_A",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) looks into the multi-socket cacheline Directory state, and found the cacheline marked in the A (SnoopAll) state, indicating the cacheline is stored in another socket in any state, and we must snoop the other sockets to make sure we get the latest data.  The data may be stored in any state in the local socket.",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookup (cacheline found in I state)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_I",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) looks into the multi-socket cacheline Directory state , and found the cacheline marked in the I (Invalid) state indicating the cacheline is not stored in another socket, and so there is no need to snoop the other sockets for the latest data.  The data may be stored in any state in the local socket.",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookup (cacheline found in S state)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_S",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) looks into the multi-socket cacheline Directory state , and found the cacheline marked in the S (Shared) state indicating the cacheline is either stored in another socket in the S(hared) state , and so there is no need to snoop the other sockets for the latest data.  The data may be stored in any state in the local socket.",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from A to I",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2E",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.A2I",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) updates the multi-socket cacheline Directory state from from A (SnoopAll) to I (Invalid)",
-        "UMask": "0x20",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from A to S",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2E",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.A2S",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) updates the multi-socket cacheline Directory state from from A (SnoopAll) to S (Shared)",
-        "UMask": "0x40",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from/to Any state",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2E",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.ANY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) updates the multi-socket cacheline Directory to a new state",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from I to A",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2E",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.I2A",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) updates the multi-socket cacheline Directory state from from I (Invalid) to A (SnoopAll)",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from I to S",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2E",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.I2S",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) updates the multi-socket cacheline Directory state from from I (Invalid) to S (Shared)",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from S to A",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2E",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.S2A",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) updates the multi-socket cacheline Directory state from from S (Shared) to A (SnoopAll)",
-        "UMask": "0x10",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from S to I",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2E",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.S2I",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) updates the multi-socket cacheline Directory state from from S (Shared) to I (Invalid)",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Reads to iMC issued",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.ALL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) issues reads to the iMC (Memory Controller).",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Reads to iMC issued at Normal Priority (Non-Isochronous)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.NORMAL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) issues reads to the iMC (Memory Controller).  It only counts  normal priority non-isochronous reads.",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read requests to Intel Optane DC persistent memory issued to the iMC from M2M",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.TO_PMM",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC; All, regardless of priority.",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Writes to iMC issued",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x38",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.ALL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) issues writes to the iMC (Memory Controller).",
-        "UMask": "0x10",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC; All, regardless of priority.",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x38",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.NI",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC; All, regardless of priority.",
-        "UMask": "0x80",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Partial Non-Isochronous writes to the iMC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x38",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.PARTIAL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) issues partial writes to the iMC (Memory Controller).  It only counts normal priority non-isochronous writes.",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write requests to Intel Optane DC persistent memory issued to the iMC from M2M",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x38",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.TO_PMM",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC; All, regardless of priority.",
-        "UMask": "0x20",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Prefecth requests that got turn into a demand request",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x56",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) promotes a outstanding request in the prefetch queue due to a subsequent demand read request that entered the M2M with the same address.  Explanatory Side Note: The Prefecth queue is made of CAM (Content Addressable Memory)",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Inserts into the Memory Controller Prefetch Queue",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x57",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_INSERTS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) recieves a prefetch request and inserts it into its outstanding prefetch queue.  Explanatory Side Note: the prefect queue is made from CAM: Content Addressable Memory",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Queue Inserts",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_INSERTS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the a new entry is Received(RxC) and then added to the AD (Address Ring) Ingress Queue from the CMS (Common Mesh Stop).  This is generally used for reads, and",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_OCCUPANCY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Allocations",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_INSERTS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Allocations",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x6",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_OCCUPANCY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Dirty line read hits(Regular and RFO) to Near Memory(DRAM cache) in Memory Mode",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TAG_HIT.NM_RD_HIT_DIRTY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Tag Hit; Read Hit from NearMem, Dirty  Line",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Clean line underfill read hits to Near Memory(DRAM cache) in Memory Mode",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TAG_HIT.NM_UFILL_HIT_CLEAN",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Tag Hit; Underfill Rd Hit from NearMem, Clean Line",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Dirty line underfill read hits to Near Memory(DRAM cache) in Memory Mode",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TAG_HIT.NM_UFILL_HIT_DIRTY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Tag Hit; Underfill Rd Hit from NearMem, Dirty  Line",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Allocations",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x9",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_INSERTS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Allocations",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Occupancy",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xA",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_OCCUPANCY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Occupancy",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Allocations; All",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x15",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_INSERTS.ALL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Allocations; All",
-        "UMask": "0x03",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; All",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x16",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_OCCUPANCY.ALL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; All",
-        "UMask": "0x03",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Prefetches generated by the flow control queue of the M3UPI unit.",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2",
-        "EventCode": "0x29",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_UPI_PREFETCH_SPAWN",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Count cases where flow control queue that sits between the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) and the mesh spawns a prefetch to the iMC (Memory Controller)",
-        "Unit": "M3UPI"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Clocks of the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_CLOCKTICKS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts clockticks of the fixed frequency clock controlling the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI).  This clock runs at1/8th the 'GT/s' speed of the UPI link.  For example, a  9.6GT/s  link will have a fixed Frequency of 1.2 Ghz.",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Data Response packets that go direct to core",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x12",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2C",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts Data Response (DRS) packets that attempted to go direct to core bypassing the CHA.",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2U",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x12",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2K",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2U",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Data Response packets that go direct to Intel UPI",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x12",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2U",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts Data Response (DRS) packets that attempted to go direct to Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) bypassing the CHA .",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Intel UPI is in L1 power mode (shutdown)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x21",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_L1_POWER_CYCLES",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts cycles when the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) is in L1 power mode.  L1 is a mode that totally shuts down the UPI link.  Link power states are per link and per direction, so for example the Tx direction could be in one state while Rx was in another, this event only coutns when both links are shutdown.",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Cycles the Rx of the Intel UPI is in L0p power mode",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x25",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL0P_POWER_CYCLES",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts cycles when the the receive side (Rx) of the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect(UPI) is in L0p power mode. L0p is a mode where we disable 60% of the UPI lanes, decreasing our bandwidth in order to save power.",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "FLITs received which bypassed the Slot0 Receive Buffer",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x31",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BYPASSED.SLOT0",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts incoming FLITs (FLow control unITs) which bypassed the slot0 RxQ buffer (Receive Queue) and passed directly to the Egress.  This is a latency optimization, and should generally be the common case.  If this value is less than the number of FLITs transfered, it implies that there was queueing getting onto the ring, and thus the transactions saw higher latency.",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "FLITs received which bypassed the Slot0 Receive Buffer",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x31",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BYPASSED.SLOT1",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts incoming FLITs (FLow control unITs) which bypassed the slot1 RxQ buffer  (Receive Queue) and passed directly across the BGF and into the Egress.  This is a latency optimization, and should generally be the common case.  If this value is less than the number of FLITs transfered, it implies that there was queueing getting onto the ring, and thus the transactions saw higher latency.",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "FLITs received which bypassed the Slot0 Recieve Buffer",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x31",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BYPASSED.SLOT2",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts incoming FLITs (FLow control unITs) whcih bypassed the slot2 RxQ buffer (Receive Queue)  and passed directly to the Egress.  This is a latency optimization, and should generally be the common case.  If this value is less than the number of FLITs transfered, it implies that there was queueing getting onto the ring, and thus the transactions saw higher latency.",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Valid data FLITs received from any slot",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_DATA",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts valid data FLITs  (80 bit FLow control unITs: 64bits of data) received from any of the 3 Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) Receive Queue slots on this UPI unit.",
-        "UMask": "0x0F",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Null FLITs received from any slot",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts null FLITs (80 bit FLow control unITs) received from any of the 3 Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) Receive Queue slots on this UPI unit.",
-        "UMask": "0x27",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Protocol header and credit FLITs received from any slot",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.NON_DATA",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts protocol header and credit FLITs  (80 bit FLow control unITs) received from any of the 3 UPI slots on this UPI unit.",
-        "UMask": "0x97",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.NULL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
-        "UMask": "0x20",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in which the Tx of the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) is in L0p power mode",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x27",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts cycles when the transmit side (Tx) of the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect(UPI) is in L0p power mode. L0p is a mode where we disable 60% of the UPI lanes, decreasing our bandwidth in order to save power.",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "FLITs that bypassed the TxL Buffer",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x41",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BYPASSED",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts incoming FLITs (FLow control unITs) which bypassed the TxL(transmit) FLIT buffer and pass directly out the UPI Link. Generally, when data is transmitted across the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI), it will bypass the TxQ and pass directly to the link.  However, the TxQ will be used in L0p (Low Power) mode and (Link Layer Retry) LLR  mode, increasing latency to transfer out to the link.",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Null FLITs transmitted from any slot",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts null FLITs (80 bit FLow control unITs) transmitted via any of the 3 Intel Ulra Path Interconnect (UPI) slots on this UPI unit.",
-        "UMask": "0x27",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; Data",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.DATA",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Shows legal flit time (hides impact of L0p and L0c).; Count Data Flits (which consume all slots), but how much to count is based on Slot0-2 mask, so count can be 0-3 depending on which slots are enabled for counting..",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Idle FLITs transmitted",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.IDLE",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect(UPI) transmits an idle FLIT(80 bit FLow control unITs).  Every UPI cycle must be sending either data FLITs, protocol/credit FLITs or idle FLITs.",
-        "UMask": "0x47",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Protocol header and credit FLITs transmitted across any slot",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.NON_DATA",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts protocol header and credit FLITs (80 bit FLow control unITs) transmitted across any of the 3 UPI (Ultra Path Interconnect) slots on this UPI unit.",
-        "UMask": "0x97",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.NULL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
-        "UMask": "0x20",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/cascadelakex/uncore-power.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/cascadelakex/uncore-power.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..64301a600ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/cascadelakex/uncore-power.json
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "pclk Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_P_CORE_TRANSITION_CYCLES",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_CORE_TRANSITION_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Phase Shed 0 Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x75",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FIVR_PS_PS0_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Phase Shed 1 Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x76",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FIVR_PS_PS1_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Phase Shed 2 Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x77",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FIVR_PS_PS2_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Phase Shed 3 Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x78",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FIVR_PS_PS3_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Thermal Strongest Upper Limit Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Power Strongest Upper Limit Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_MAX_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IO P Limit Strongest Lower Limit Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x73",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_MIN_IO_P_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles spent changing Frequency",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x74",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_TRANS_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_P_MCP_PROCHOT_CYCLES",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_MCP_PROCHOT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Memory Phase Shedding Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Package C State Residency - C0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PKG_RESIDENCY_C0_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Package C State Residency - C2E",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PKG_RESIDENCY_C2E_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Package C State Residency - C3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PKG_RESIDENCY_C3_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Package C State Residency - C6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PKG_RESIDENCY_C6_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_P_PMAX_THROTTLED_CYCLES",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PMAX_THROTTLED_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of cores in C-State; C0 and C1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of cores in C-State; C3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of cores in C-State; C6 and C7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "External Prochot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PROCHOT_EXTERNAL_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Internal Prochot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PROCHOT_INTERNAL_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Total Core C State Transition Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x72",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_TOTAL_TRANSITION_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VR Hot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_VR_HOT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    }
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/haswellx/hsx-metrics.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/haswellx/hsx-metrics.json
index 5c9e008ca995..d31d76db9d84 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/haswellx/hsx-metrics.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/haswellx/hsx-metrics.json
@@ -74,12 +74,6 @@
         "MetricGroup": "Branches;Fed;FetchBW",
         "MetricName": "UpTB"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Per Instruction (per Logical Processor)",
-        "MetricExpr": "1 / (INST_RETIRED.ANY / CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD)",
-        "MetricGroup": "Pipeline;Mem",
-        "MetricName": "CPI"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "Per-Logical Processor actual clocks when the Logical Processor is active.",
         "MetricExpr": "CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD",
@@ -327,6 +321,12 @@
         "MetricGroup": "SoC",
         "MetricName": "Socket_CLKS"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Uncore frequency per die [GHZ]",
+        "MetricExpr": "cbox_0@event\\=0x0@ / #num_dies / duration_time / 1000000000",
+        "MetricGroup": "SoC",
+        "MetricName": "UNCORE_FREQ"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Instructions per Far Branch ( Far Branches apply upon transition from application to operating system, handling interrupts, exceptions) [lower number means higher occurrence rate]",
@@ -374,5 +374,404 @@
         "MetricExpr": "(cstate_pkg@c7\\-residency@ / msr@tsc@) * 100",
         "MetricGroup": "Power",
         "MetricName": "C7_Pkg_Residency"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CPU operating frequency (in GHz)",
+        "MetricExpr": "( CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  /  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.REF_TSC  *  #SYSTEM_TSC_FREQ ) / 1000000000",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "cpu_operating_frequency",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1GHz"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles per instruction retired; indicating how much time each executed instruction took; in units of cycles.",
+        "MetricExpr": " CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  /  INST_RETIRED.ANY ",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "cpi",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "The ratio of number of completed memory load instructions to the total number completed instructions",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "loads_per_instr",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "The ratio of number of completed memory store instructions to the total number completed instructions",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "stores_per_instr",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ratio of number of requests missing L1 data cache (includes data+rfo w/ prefetches) to the total number of completed instructions",
+        "MetricExpr": " L1D.REPLACEMENT  /  INST_RETIRED.ANY ",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "l1d_mpi_includes_data_plus_rfo_with_prefetches",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ratio of number of demand load requests hitting in L1 data cache to the total number of completed instructions",
+        "MetricExpr": " MEM_LOAD_UOPS_RETIRED.L1_HIT  /  INST_RETIRED.ANY ",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "l1d_demand_data_read_hits_per_instr",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ratio of number of code read requests missing in L1 instruction cache (includes prefetches) to the total number of completed instructions",
+        "MetricExpr": " L2_RQSTS.ALL_CODE_RD  /  INST_RETIRED.ANY ",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "l1_i_code_read_misses_with_prefetches_per_instr",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ratio of number of completed demand load requests hitting in L2 cache to the total number of completed instructions",
+        "MetricExpr": " MEM_LOAD_UOPS_RETIRED.L2_HIT  /  INST_RETIRED.ANY ",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "l2_demand_data_read_hits_per_instr",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ratio of number of requests missing L2 cache (includes code+data+rfo w/ prefetches) to the total number of completed instructions",
+        "MetricExpr": " L2_LINES_IN.ALL  /  INST_RETIRED.ANY ",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "l2_mpi_includes_code_plus_data_plus_rfo_with_prefetches",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ratio of number of completed data read request missing L2 cache to the total number of completed instructions",
+        "MetricExpr": " MEM_LOAD_UOPS_RETIRED.L2_MISS  /  INST_RETIRED.ANY ",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "l2_demand_data_read_mpi",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ratio of number of code read request missing L2 cache to the total number of completed instructions",
+        "MetricExpr": " L2_RQSTS.CODE_RD_MISS  /  INST_RETIRED.ANY ",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "l2_demand_code_mpi",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ratio of number of completed page walks (for all page sizes) caused by a code fetch to the total number of completed instructions. This implies it missed in the ITLB (Instruction TLB) and further levels of TLB.",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "itlb_mpi",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ratio of number of completed page walks (for 2 megabyte and 4 megabyte page sizes) caused by a code fetch to the total number of completed instructions. This implies it missed in the Instruction Translation Lookaside Buffer (ITLB) and further levels of TLB.",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "itlb_large_page_mpi",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ratio of number of completed page walks (for all page sizes) caused by demand data loads to the total number of completed instructions. This implies it missed in the DTLB and further levels of TLB.",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "dtlb_load_mpi",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ratio of number of completed page walks (for all page sizes) caused by demand data stores to the total number of completed instructions. This implies it missed in the DTLB and further levels of TLB.",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "dtlb_store_mpi",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Intel(R) Quick Path Interconnect (QPI) data transmit bandwidth (MB/sec)",
+        "MetricExpr": "( UNC_Q_TxL_FLITS_G0.DATA  * 8 / 1000000) / duration_time",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "qpi_data_transmit_bw_only_data",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1MB/s"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DDR memory read bandwidth (MB/sec)",
+        "MetricExpr": "( UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD  * 64 / 1000000) / duration_time",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "memory_bandwidth_read",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1MB/s"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DDR memory write bandwidth (MB/sec)",
+        "MetricExpr": "( UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.WR  * 64 / 1000000) / duration_time",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "memory_bandwidth_write",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1MB/s"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DDR memory bandwidth (MB/sec)",
+        "MetricExpr": "(( UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD  +  UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.WR ) * 64 / 1000000) / duration_time",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "memory_bandwidth_total",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1MB/s"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Bandwidth of IO reads that are initiated by end device controllers that are requesting memory from the CPU.",
+        "MetricExpr": "( cbox@UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE\\,filter_opc\\=0x19e@  * 64 / 1000000) / duration_time",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "io_bandwidth_read",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1MB/s"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Bandwidth of IO writes that are initiated by end device controllers that are writing memory to the CPU.",
+        "MetricExpr": "( cbox@UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE\\,filter_opc\\=0x1c8\\,filter_tid\\=0x3e@  * 64 / 1000000) / duration_time",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "io_bandwidth_write",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1MB/s"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Uops delivered from decoded instruction cache (decoded stream buffer or DSB) as a percent of total uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( IDQ.DSB_UOPS  /  UOPS_ISSUED.ANY )",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "percent_uops_delivered_frodecoded_icache_dsb",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Uops delivered from legacy decode pipeline (Micro-instruction Translation Engine or MITE) as a percent of total uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( IDQ.MITE_UOPS  /  UOPS_ISSUED.ANY )",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "percent_uops_delivered_frolegacy_decode_pipeline_mite",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Uops delivered from microcode sequencer (MS) as a percent of total uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( IDQ.MS_UOPS  /  UOPS_ISSUED.ANY )",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "percent_uops_delivered_fromicrocode_sequencer_ms",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Uops delivered from loop stream detector(LSD) as a percent of total uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( UOPS_ISSUED.ANY  -  IDQ.MITE_UOPS  -  IDQ.MS_UOPS  -  IDQ.DSB_UOPS ) /  UOPS_ISSUED.ANY ",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "percent_uops_delivered_froloop_streadetector_lsd",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ratio of number of data read requests missing last level core cache (includes demand w/ prefetches) to the total number of completed instructions",
+        "MetricExpr": "( cbox@UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE\\,filter_opc\\=0x182@  +  cbox@UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE\\,filter_opc\\=0x192@ ) /  INST_RETIRED.ANY ",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "llc_data_read_mpi_demand_plus_prefetch",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ratio of number of code read requests missing last level core cache (includes demand w/ prefetches) to the total number of completed instructions",
+        "MetricExpr": "( cbox@UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE\\,filter_opc\\=0x181@  +  cbox@UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE\\,filter_opc\\=0x191@ ) /  INST_RETIRED.ANY ",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "llc_code_read_mpi_demand_plus_prefetch",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1per_instr"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Memory read that miss the last level cache (LLC) addressed to local DRAM as a percentage of total memory read accesses, does not include LLC prefetches.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 *  cbox@UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE\\,filter_opc\\=0x182@  / ( cbox@UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE\\,filter_opc\\=0x182@  +  cbox@UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE\\,filter_opc\\=0x182@ )",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "numa_percent_reads_addressed_to_local_dram",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Memory reads that miss the last level cache (LLC) addressed to remote DRAM as a percentage of total memory read accesses, does not include LLC prefetches.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 *  cbox@UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE\\,filter_opc\\=0x182@  / ( cbox@UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE\\,filter_opc\\=0x182@  +  cbox@UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE\\,filter_opc\\=0x182@ )",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "numa_percent_reads_addressed_to_remote_dram",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This category represents fraction of slots where the processor's Frontend undersupplies its Backend. Frontend denotes the first part of the processor core responsible to fetch operations that are executed later on by the Backend part. Within the Frontend; a branch predictor predicts the next address to fetch; cache-lines are fetched from the memory subsystem; parsed into instructions; and lastly decoded into micro-operations (uops). Ideally the Frontend can issue Machine_Width uops every cycle to the Backend. Frontend Bound denotes unutilized issue-slots when there is no Backend stall; i.e. bubbles where Frontend delivered no uops while Backend could have accepted them. For example; stalls due to instruction-cache misses would be categorized under Frontend Bound.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * (  IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CORE  / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "TmaL1, PGO",
+        "MetricName": "tma_frontend_bound_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents fraction of slots the CPU was stalled due to Frontend latency issues.  For example; instruction-cache misses; iTLB misses or fetch stalls after a branch misprediction are categorized under Frontend Latency. In such cases; the Frontend eventually delivers no uops for some period.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( ( 4 ) * ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CYCLES_0_UOPS_DELIV.CORE  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "Frontend, TmaL2",
+        "MetricName": "tma_fetch_latency_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents fraction of cycles the CPU was stalled due to instruction cache misses.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * (  ICACHE.IFDATA_STALL  / (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "BigFoot, FetchLat, IcMiss",
+        "MetricName": "tma_icache_misses_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents fraction of cycles the CPU was stalled due to Instruction TLB (ITLB) misses.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( ( 14 *  ITLB_MISSES.STLB_HIT  +  ITLB_MISSES.WALK_DURATION  ) / (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "BigFoot, FetchLat, MemoryTLB",
+        "MetricName": "tma_itlb_misses_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents fraction of cycles the CPU was stalled due to Branch Resteers. Branch Resteers estimates the Frontend delay in fetching operations from corrected path; following all sorts of miss-predicted branches. For example; branchy code with lots of miss-predictions might get categorized under Branch Resteers. Note the value of this node may overlap with its siblings.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( ( 12 ) * (  BR_MISP_RETIRED.ALL_BRANCHES  +  MACHINE_CLEARS.COUNT  +  BACLEARS.ANY  ) / (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "FetchLat",
+        "MetricName": "tma_branch_resteers_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents fraction of cycles the CPU was stalled due to switches from DSB to MITE pipelines. The DSB (decoded i-cache) is a Uop Cache where the front-end directly delivers Uops (micro operations) avoiding heavy x86 decoding. The DSB pipeline has shorter latency and delivered higher bandwidth than the MITE (legacy instruction decode pipeline). Switching between the two pipelines can cause penalties hence this metric measures the exposed penalty.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * (  DSB2MITE_SWITCHES.PENALTY_CYCLES  / (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "DSBmiss, FetchLat",
+        "MetricName": "tma_dsb_switches_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents fraction of cycles CPU was stalled due to Length Changing Prefixes (LCPs). Using proper compiler flags or Intel Compiler by default will certainly avoid this. #Link: Optimization Guide about LCP BKMs.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * (  ILD_STALL.LCP  / (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "FetchLat",
+        "MetricName": "tma_lcp_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric estimates the fraction of cycles when the CPU was stalled due to switches of uop delivery to the Microcode Sequencer (MS). Commonly used instructions are optimized for delivery by the DSB (decoded i-cache) or MITE (legacy instruction decode) pipelines. Certain operations cannot be handled natively by the execution pipeline; and must be performed by microcode (small programs injected into the execution stream). Switching to the MS too often can negatively impact performance. The MS is designated to deliver long uop flows required by CISC instructions like CPUID; or uncommon conditions like Floating Point Assists when dealing with Denormals.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( ( 2 ) *  IDQ.MS_SWITCHES  / (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "FetchLat, MicroSeq",
+        "MetricName": "tma_ms_switches_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents fraction of slots the CPU was stalled due to Frontend bandwidth issues.  For example; inefficiencies at the instruction decoders; or restrictions for caching in the DSB (decoded uops cache) are categorized under Fetch Bandwidth. In such cases; the Frontend typically delivers suboptimal amount of uops to the Backend.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( (  IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CORE  / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) - ( ( 4 ) * ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CYCLES_0_UOPS_DELIV.CORE  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "FetchBW, Frontend, TmaL2",
+        "MetricName": "tma_fetch_bandwidth_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents Core fraction of cycles in which CPU was likely limited due to the MITE pipeline (the legacy decode pipeline). This pipeline is used for code that was not pre-cached in the DSB or LSD. For example; inefficiencies due to asymmetric decoders; use of long immediate or LCP can manifest as MITE fetch bandwidth bottleneck.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( (  IDQ.ALL_MITE_CYCLES_ANY_UOPS  -  IDQ.ALL_MITE_CYCLES_4_UOPS  ) / ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) / 2 )",
+        "MetricGroup": "DSBmiss, FetchBW",
+        "MetricName": "tma_mite_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents Core fraction of cycles in which CPU was likely limited due to DSB (decoded uop cache) fetch pipeline.  For example; inefficient utilization of the DSB cache structure or bank conflict when reading from it; are categorized here.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( (  IDQ.ALL_DSB_CYCLES_ANY_UOPS  -  IDQ.ALL_DSB_CYCLES_4_UOPS  ) / ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) / 2 )",
+        "MetricGroup": "DSB, FetchBW",
+        "MetricName": "tma_dsb_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This category represents fraction of slots wasted due to incorrect speculations. This include slots used to issue uops that do not eventually get retired and slots for which the issue-pipeline was blocked due to recovery from earlier incorrect speculation. For example; wasted work due to miss-predicted branches are categorized under Bad Speculation category. Incorrect data speculation followed by Memory Ordering Nukes is another example.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( (  UOPS_ISSUED.ANY  - (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) + ( 4 ) * ( (  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "TmaL1",
+        "MetricName": "tma_bad_speculation_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents fraction of slots the CPU has wasted due to Branch Misprediction.  These slots are either wasted by uops fetched from an incorrectly speculated program path; or stalls when the out-of-order part of the machine needs to recover its state from a speculative path.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( (  BR_MISP_RETIRED.ALL_BRANCHES  / (  BR_MISP_RETIRED.ALL_BRANCHES  +  MACHINE_CLEARS.COUNT  ) ) * ( (  UOPS_ISSUED.ANY  - (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) + ( 4 ) * ( (  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "BadSpec, BrMispredicts, TmaL2",
+        "MetricName": "tma_branch_mispredicts_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents fraction of slots the CPU has wasted due to Machine Clears.  These slots are either wasted by uops fetched prior to the clear; or stalls the out-of-order portion of the machine needs to recover its state after the clear. For example; this can happen due to memory ordering Nukes (e.g. Memory Disambiguation) or Self-Modifying-Code (SMC) nukes.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( ( (  UOPS_ISSUED.ANY  - (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) + ( 4 ) * ( (  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) - ( (  BR_MISP_RETIRED.ALL_BRANCHES  / (  BR_MISP_RETIRED.ALL_BRANCHES  +  MACHINE_CLEARS.COUNT  ) ) * ( (  UOPS_ISSUED.ANY  - (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) + ( 4 ) * ( (  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "BadSpec, MachineClears, TmaL2",
+        "MetricName": "tma_machine_clears_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This category represents fraction of slots where no uops are being delivered due to a lack of required resources for accepting new uops in the Backend. Backend is the portion of the processor core where the out-of-order scheduler dispatches ready uops into their respective execution units; and once completed these uops get retired according to program order. For example; stalls due to data-cache misses or stalls due to the divider unit being overloaded are both categorized under Backend Bound. Backend Bound is further divided into two main categories: Memory Bound and Core Bound.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( 1 - ( (  IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CORE  / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) + ( (  UOPS_ISSUED.ANY  - (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) + ( 4 ) * ( (  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) + ( (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "TmaL1",
+        "MetricName": "tma_backend_bound_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents fraction of slots the Memory subsystem within the Backend was a bottleneck.  Memory Bound estimates fraction of slots where pipeline is likely stalled due to demand load or store instructions. This accounts mainly for (1) non-completed in-flight memory demand loads which coincides with execution units starvation; in addition to (2) cases where stores could impose backpressure on the pipeline when many of them get buffered at the same time (less common out of the two).",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( ( ( ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_LDM_PENDING  ) ) +  RESOURCE_STALLS.SB  ) / ( ( ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  CYCLE_ACTIVITY.CYCLES_NO_EXECUTE  ) ) + (  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x1@  - (  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x3@  if ( (  INST_RETIRED.ANY  / (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) > 1.8 ) else  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x2@  ) ) / 2 - (  RS_EVENTS.EMPTY_CYCLES  if ( ( ( 4 ) * ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CYCLES_0_UOPS_DELIV.CORE  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) > 0.1 ) else 0 ) +  RESOURCE_STALLS.SB  ) if  #SMT_on  else ( ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  CYCLE_ACTIVITY.CYCLES_NO_EXECUTE  ) ) +  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x1@  - (  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x3@  if ( (  INST_RETIRED.ANY  / (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) > 1.8 ) else  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x2@  ) - (  RS_EVENTS.EMPTY_CYCLES  if ( ( ( 4 ) * ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CYCLES_0_UOPS_DELIV.CORE  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) > 0.1 ) else 0 ) +  RESOURCE_STALLS.SB  ) ) ) * ( 1 - ( (  IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CORE  / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) + ( (  UOPS_ISSUED.ANY  - (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) + ( 4 ) * ( (  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) + ( (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) ) ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "Backend, TmaL2",
+        "MetricName": "tma_memory_bound_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric estimates how often the CPU was stalled without loads missing the L1 data cache.  The L1 data cache typically has the shortest latency.  However; in certain cases like loads blocked on older stores; a load might suffer due to high latency even though it is being satisfied by the L1. Another example is loads who miss in the TLB. These cases are characterized by execution unit stalls; while some non-completed demand load lives in the machine without having that demand load missing the L1 cache.",
+        "MetricGroup": "CacheMisses, MemoryBound, TmaL3mem",
+        "MetricName": "tma_l1_bound_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric estimates how often the CPU was stalled due to L2 cache accesses by loads.  Avoiding cache misses (i.e. L1 misses/L2 hits) can improve the latency and increase performance.",
+        "MetricGroup": "CacheMisses, MemoryBound, TmaL3mem",
+        "MetricName": "tma_l2_bound_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric estimates how often the CPU was stalled due to loads accesses to L3 cache or contended with a sibling Core.  Avoiding cache misses (i.e. L2 misses/L3 hits) can improve the latency and increase performance.",
+        "MetricGroup": "CacheMisses, MemoryBound, TmaL3mem",
+        "MetricName": "tma_l3_bound_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric estimates how often the CPU was stalled on accesses to external memory (DRAM) by loads. Better caching can improve the latency and increase performance.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( min( ( ( 1 - (  MEM_LOAD_UOPS_RETIRED.L3_HIT  / (  MEM_LOAD_UOPS_RETIRED.L3_HIT  + ( 7 ) *  MEM_LOAD_UOPS_RETIRED.L3_MISS  ) ) ) *  CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_L2_PENDING  / (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) , ( 1 ) ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "MemoryBound, TmaL3mem",
+        "MetricName": "tma_drabound_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric estimates how often CPU was stalled  due to RFO store memory accesses; RFO store issue a read-for-ownership request before the write. Even though store accesses do not typically stall out-of-order CPUs; there are few cases where stores can lead to actual stalls. This metric will be flagged should RFO stores be a bottleneck.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * (  RESOURCE_STALLS.SB  / (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "MemoryBound, TmaL3mem",
+        "MetricName": "tma_store_bound_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents fraction of slots where Core non-memory issues were of a bottleneck.  Shortage in hardware compute resources; or dependencies in software's instructions are both categorized under Core Bound. Hence it may indicate the machine ran out of an out-of-order resource; certain execution units are overloaded or dependencies in program's data- or instruction-flow are limiting the performance (e.g. FP-chained long-latency arithmetic operations).",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( ( 1 - ( (  IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CORE  / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) + ( (  UOPS_ISSUED.ANY  - (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) + ( 4 ) * ( (  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) + ( (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) ) ) - ( ( ( ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_LDM_PENDING  ) ) +  RESOURCE_STALLS.SB  ) / ( ( ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  CYCLE_ACTIVITY.CYCLES_NO_EXECUTE  ) ) + (  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x1@  - (  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x3@  if ( (  INST_RETIRED.ANY  / (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) > 1.8 ) else  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x2@  ) ) / 2 - (  RS_EVENTS.EMPTY_CYCLES  if ( ( ( 4 ) * ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CYCLES_0_UOPS_DELIV.CORE  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) > 0.1 ) else 0 ) +  RESOURCE_STALLS.SB  ) if  #SMT_on  else ( ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  CYCLE_ACTIVITY.CYCLES_NO_EXECUTE  ) ) +  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x1@  - (  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x3@  if ( (  INST_RETIRED.ANY  / (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) > 1.8 ) else  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x2@  ) - (  RS_EVENTS.EMPTY_CYCLES  if ( ( ( 4 ) * ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CYCLES_0_UOPS_DELIV.CORE  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) > 0.1 ) else 0 ) +  RESOURCE_STALLS.SB  ) ) ) * ( 1 - ( (  IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CORE  / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) + ( (  UOPS_ISSUED.ANY  - (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) + ( 4 ) * ( (  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else  INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) + ( (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "Backend, TmaL2, Compute",
+        "MetricName": "tma_core_bound_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents fraction of cycles where the Divider unit was active. Divide and square root instructions are performed by the Divider unit and can take considerably longer latency than integer or Floating Point addition; subtraction; or multiplication.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( 10 *  ARITH.DIVIDER_UOPS  / ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "",
+        "MetricName": "tma_divider_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric estimates fraction of cycles the CPU performance was potentially limited due to Core computation issues (non divider-related).  Two distinct categories can be attributed into this metric: (1) heavy data-dependency among contiguous instructions would manifest in this metric - such cases are often referred to as low Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP). (2) Contention on some hardware execution unit other than Divider. For example; when there are too many multiply operations.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( ( ( ( ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  CYCLE_ACTIVITY.CYCLES_NO_EXECUTE  ) ) + (  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x1@  - (  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x3@  if ( (  INST_RETIRED.ANY  / (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) > 1.8 ) else  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x2@  ) ) / 2 - (  RS_EVENTS.EMPTY_CYCLES  if ( ( ( 4 ) * ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CYCLES_0_UOPS_DELIV.CORE  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) > 0.1 ) else 0 ) +  RESOURCE_STALLS.SB  ) if  #SMT_on  else ( ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  CYCLE_ACTIVITY.CYCLES_NO_EXECUTE  ) ) +  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x1@  - (  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x3@  if ( (  INST_RETIRED.ANY  / (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) > 1.8 ) else  cpu@UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE\\,cmask\\=0x2@  ) - (  RS_EVENTS.EMPTY_CYCLES  if ( ( ( 4 ) * ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CYCLES_0_UOPS_DELIV.CORE  ) ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) > 0.1 ) else 0 ) +  RESOURCE_STALLS.SB  ) ) -  RESOURCE_STALLS.SB  - ( min(  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ,  CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_LDM_PENDING  ) ) ) / (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "PortsUtil",
+        "MetricName": "tma_ports_utilization_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This category represents fraction of slots utilized by useful work i.e. issued uops that eventually get retired. Ideally; all pipeline slots would be attributed to the Retiring category.  Retiring of 100% would indicate the maximum Pipeline_Width throughput was achieved.  Maximizing Retiring typically increases the Instructions-per-cycle (see IPC metric). Note that a high Retiring value does not necessary mean there is no room for more performance.  For example; Heavy-operations or Microcode Assists are categorized under Retiring. They often indicate suboptimal performance and can often be optimized or avoided. ",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "TmaL1",
+        "MetricName": "tma_retiring_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents fraction of slots where the CPU was retiring light-weight operations -- instructions that require no more than one uop (micro-operation). This correlates with total number of instructions used by the program. A uops-per-instruction (see UPI metric) ratio of 1 or less should be expected for decently optimized software running on Intel Core/Xeon products. While this often indicates efficient X86 instructions were executed; high value does not necessarily mean better performance cannot be achieved.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( ( (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) - ( ( ( (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) /  UOPS_ISSUED.ANY  ) *  IDQ.MS_UOPS  / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "Retire, TmaL2",
+        "MetricName": "tma_light_operations_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents fraction of slots where the CPU was retiring heavy-weight operations -- instructions that require two or more uops or microcoded sequences. This highly-correlates with the uop length of these instructions/sequences.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( ( ( (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) /  UOPS_ISSUED.ANY  ) *  IDQ.MS_UOPS  / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "Retire, TmaL2",
+        "MetricName": "tma_heavy_operations_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This metric represents fraction of slots the CPU was retiring uops fetched by the Microcode Sequencer (MS) unit.  The MS is used for CISC instructions not supported by the default decoders (like repeat move strings; or CPUID); or by microcode assists used to address some operation modes (like in Floating Point assists). These cases can often be avoided.",
+        "MetricExpr": "100 * ( ( (  UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS  ) /  UOPS_ISSUED.ANY  ) *  IDQ.MS_UOPS  / ( ( 4 ) * ( (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY  / 2 ) if  #SMT_on  else (  CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD  ) ) ) )",
+        "MetricGroup": "MicroSeq",
+        "MetricName": "tma_microcode_sequencer_percent",
+        "ScaleUnit": "1%"
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/haswellx/uncore-cache.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/haswellx/uncore-cache.json
index 03598904d746..56047f9c6f20 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/haswellx/uncore-cache.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/haswellx/uncore-cache.json
@@ -963,6 +963,15 @@
         "UMask": "0x2",
         "Unit": "CBO"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Opcode Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CBO"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "PCIe writes (partial cache line). Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -973,16 +982,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe writes (partial cache line)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x180,filter_tid=0x3e",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "L2 demand and L2 prefetch code references to LLC. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -994,17 +993,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "L2 demand and L2 prefetch code references to LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x181",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (full cache line). Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1016,17 +1004,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (full cache line)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x18c",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (partial cache line). Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1038,17 +1015,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (partial cache line)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x18d",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "PCIe read current. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1060,17 +1026,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe read current",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x19e",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "PCIe write references (full cache line). Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1082,17 +1037,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe write references (full cache line)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x1c8,filter_tid=0x3e",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Evictions",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1121,21 +1065,19 @@
         "Unit": "CBO"
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC misses - demand and prefetch data reads - excludes LLC prefetches. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Miss Opcode Match",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "LLC_MISSES.DATA_READ",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x182",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC misses - demand and prefetch data reads - excludes LLC prefetches",
+        "BriefDescription": "LLC misses - demand and prefetch data reads - excludes LLC prefetches. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
+        "EventName": "LLC_MISSES.DATA_READ",
         "Filter": "filter_opc=0x182",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
@@ -1153,17 +1095,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC misses - Uncacheable reads (from cpu) ",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x187",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "MMIO reads. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1175,17 +1106,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "MMIO reads",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x187,filter_nc=1",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "MMIO writes. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1197,17 +1117,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "MMIO writes",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x18f,filter_nc=1",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "LLC prefetch misses for RFO. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1219,17 +1128,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC prefetch misses for RFO",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x190",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "LLC prefetch misses for code reads. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1241,17 +1139,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC prefetch misses for code reads",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x191",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "LLC prefetch misses for data reads. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1263,17 +1150,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC prefetch misses for data reads",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x192",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "LLC misses for PCIe read current. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1285,17 +1161,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC misses for PCIe read current",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x19e",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "ItoM write misses (as part of fast string memcpy stores) + PCIe full line writes. Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1307,17 +1172,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "ItoM write misses (as part of fast string memcpy stores) + PCIe full line writes",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x1c8",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "PCIe write misses (full cache line). Derived from unc_c_tor_inserts.miss_opcode",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1329,17 +1183,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe write misses (full cache line)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "filter_opc=0x1c8,filter_tid=0x3e",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "CBO"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; NID and Opcode Matched",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/icx-metrics.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/icx-metrics.json
index 0abdfe433a2c..e905458b34b8 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/icx-metrics.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/icx-metrics.json
@@ -486,6 +486,12 @@
         "MetricGroup": "SoC",
         "MetricName": "Socket_CLKS"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Uncore frequency per die [GHZ]",
+        "MetricExpr": "cha_0@event\\=0x0@ / #num_dies / duration_time / 1000000000",
+        "MetricGroup": "SoC",
+        "MetricName": "UNCORE_FREQ"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Instructions per Far Branch ( Far Branches apply upon transition from application to operating system, handling interrupts, exceptions) [lower number means higher occurrence rate]",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/uncore-memory.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/uncore-memory.json
index 5f0d2c462940..6872ae4b29d9 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/uncore-memory.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/uncore-memory.json
@@ -329,5 +329,1528 @@
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Data Buffer Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RDB_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses : Scoreboard Accesses Accepted",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.ACCEPTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x05",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses : Scoreboard Accesses Rejected",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.REJECTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0A",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "All DRAM read CAS commands issued (does not include underfills)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_REG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM underfill read CAS commands issued",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_UNDERFILL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Activate Count : Activate due to Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x01",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_ACT_COUNT.BYP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM RD_CAS and WR_CAS Commands. : DRAM RD_CAS commands w/auto-pre",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_PRE_REG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM RD_CAS and WR_CAS Commands",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_PRE_UNDERFILL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM RD_CAS and WR_CAS Commands. : DRAM WR_CAS commands w/ auto-pre",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.WR_PRE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank : DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.LOW_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank : DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.LOW_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank : DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.LOW_2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank : DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.LOW_3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_CYCLES_NE.PCH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_CYCLES_NE.PCH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses : Read Accepts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.RD_ACCEPTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses : Read Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.RD_REJECTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses : NM read completions",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.WR_ACCEPTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses : NM write completions",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.WR_REJECTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses : FM read completions",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.NM_RD_CMPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses : FM write completions",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.NM_WR_CMPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses : Write Accepts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.FM_RD_CMPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accesses : Write Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.FM_WR_CMPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Alloc",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.ALLOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Dealloc",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.DEALLOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Reject",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.VLD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_CANARY.NM_RD_STARVED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.NMRD_STARVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_CANARY.NM_WR_STARVED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.NMWR_STARVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_CANARY.FM_RD_STARVED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.FMRD_STARVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_CANARY.FM_WR_STARVED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.FMWR_STARVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_CANARY.FM_TGR_WR_STARVED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.FMTGRWR_STARVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Inserts : Reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_INSERTS.RDS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Inserts : Writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_INSERTS.WRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Inserts : Block region reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_INSERTS.BLOCK_RDS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Inserts : Block region writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_INSERTS.BLOCK_WRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Occupancy : Reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_OCCUPANCY.RDS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Occupancy : Block region reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_OCCUPANCY.BLOCK_RDS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Occupancy : Block region writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_OCCUPANCY.BLOCK_WRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Scoreboard Requests Rejected : NM requests rejected due to set conflict",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_REJECT.NM_SET_CNFLT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Scoreboard Requests Rejected : FM requests rejected due to full address conflict",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_REJECT.FM_ADDR_CNFLT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Scoreboard Requests Rejected : Patrol requests rejected due to set conflict",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_REJECT.PATROL_SET_CNFLT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Scoreboard Requests Rejected",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_REJECT.CANARY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.NM_RD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.NMRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.FM_RD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.FMRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.NM_WR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.NMWR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.FM_WR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.FMWR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.FM_TGR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.FMTGR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_STRV_DEALLOC.NM_RD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xde",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_DEALLOC.NMRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_STRV_DEALLOC.FM_RD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xde",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_DEALLOC.FMRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_STRV_DEALLOC.NM_WR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xde",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_DEALLOC.NMWR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_STRV_DEALLOC.FM_WR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xde",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_DEALLOC.FMWR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_STRV_DEALLOC.FM_TGR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xde",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_DEALLOC.FMTGR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.NM_RD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.NMRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.FM_RD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.FMRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.NM_WR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.NMWR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.FM_WR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.FMWR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.FM_TGR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.FMTGR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.NEW",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.NEW",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.RD_HIT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.RD_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.RD_MISS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.RD_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.DDR4_CMP",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.DDR4_CMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.OCC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.OCC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_CYCLES_NE.PCH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_CYCLES_NE.PCH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue CAM Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_READ_HIT.PCH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue CAM Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_READ_HIT.PCH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue CAM Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_WRITE_HIT.PCH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue CAM Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_WRITE_HIT.PCH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_PCLS.RD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PCLS.RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_PCLS.WR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PCLS.WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_PCLS.TOTAL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PCLS.TOTAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Prefetch Inserts : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_PREF_INSERTS.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Prefetch Occupancy : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_PREF_OCCUPANCY.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Scoreboard Requests Rejected",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_REJECT.DDR_EARLY_CMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Precharge All Commands",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_DRAM_PRE_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_PARITY_ERRORS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PARITY_ERRORS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Channel PPD Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x85",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CHANNEL_PPD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clock-Enabled Self-Refresh",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_SELF_REFRESH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Data Buffer Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RDB_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Data Buffer Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RDB_NOT_EMPTY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Data Buffer Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RDB_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Full Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_CYCLES_FULL_PCH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Full Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_CYCLES_FULL_PCH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Cycles Not-Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Full Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_CYCLES_FULL_PCH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Full Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_CYCLES_FULL_PCH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM RD_CAS and WR_CAS Commands. : DRAM WR_CAS commands w/o auto-pre",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.WR_NONPRE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Precharge commands. : Precharge due to page miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PRE_COUNT.PAGE_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0c",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M_SB_PREF_OCCUPANCY.PMM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xdb",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_PREF_OCCUPANCY.PMEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.NMRD_CMPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.NMWR_CMPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Commands : RPQ GNTs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xEA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD1.RPQ_GNTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Commands : Underfill GNTs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xEA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD1.WPQ_GNTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Commands : Misc GNTs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xEA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD1.MISC_GNT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Commands : Misc Commands (error, flow ACKs)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xEA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD1.MISC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Commands - Part 2 : Opportunistic Reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xEB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD2.OPP_RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Commands - Part 2 : Expected No data packet (ERID matched NDP encoding)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xEB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD2.NODATA_EXP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Commands - Part 2 : Unexpected No data packet (ERID matched a Read, but data was a NDP)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xEB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD2.NODATA_UNEXP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Commands - Part 2 : Read Requests - Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xEB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD2.REQS_SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Commands - Part 2 : Read Requests - Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xEB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD2.REQS_SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Commands - Part 2 : ECC Errors",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xEB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD2.PMM_ECC_ERROR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Commands - Part 2 : ERID detectable parity error",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xEB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD2.PMM_ERID_ERROR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Commands - Part 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xEB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_CMD2.PMM_ERID_STARVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Read Pending Queue Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_RPQ_OCCUPANCY.NO_GNT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Read Pending Queue Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_RPQ_OCCUPANCY.GNT_WAIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Write Pending Queue Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_OCCUPANCY.CAS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Write Pending Queue Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_OCCUPANCY.PWR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.FMRD_CMPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xd2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_ACCESSES.FMWR_CMPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Inserts : Persistent Mem reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_INSERTS.PMM_RDS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Inserts : Persistent Mem writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_INSERTS.PMM_WRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Occupancy : Persistent Mem reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_OCCUPANCY.PMM_RDS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Occupancy : Persistent Mem writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_OCCUPANCY.PMM_WRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.PMM0_CMP",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.PMM0_CMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.PMM1_CMP",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.PMM1_CMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.PMM2_CMP",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_TAGGED.PMM2_CMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Prefetch Inserts : DDR4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_PREF_INSERTS.DDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Prefetch Inserts : Persistent Mem",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_PREF_INSERTS.PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Prefetch Occupancy : DDR4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_PREF_OCCUPANCY.DDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Read Queue Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_RPQ_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Read Queue Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_RPQ_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Write Queue Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Write Queue Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_FLUSH",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_FLUSH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_FLUSH_CYC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PMM_WPQ_FLUSH_CYC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Prefetch Occupancy : Persistent Mem",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xdb",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_PREF_OCCUPANCY.PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for the Memory Controller",
+        "Counter": "4",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CLOCKTICKS_FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Valid",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.NM_RD_STARVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Near Mem Read Starved",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.NM_WR_STARVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Near Mem Write Starved",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.FM_RD_STARVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Far Mem Read Starved",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.FM_WR_STARVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Far Mem Write Starved",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_CANARY.FM_TGR_WR_STARVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Near Mem Read - Set",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.NM_RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Far Mem Read - Set",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.FM_RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Near Mem Write - Set",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.NM_WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Far Mem Write - Set",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.FM_WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Near Mem Read - Clear",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_ALLOC.FM_TGR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Near Mem Read - Set",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_DEALLOC.NM_RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Far Mem Read - Set",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_DEALLOC.FM_RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Near Mem Write - Set",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_DEALLOC.NM_WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Far Mem Write - Set",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_DEALLOC.FM_WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Near Mem Read - Clear",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xDE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_DEALLOC.FM_TGR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Near Mem Read",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.NM_RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Far Mem Read",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.FM_RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Near Mem Write",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.NM_WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Far Mem Write",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.FM_WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Near Mem Read - Clear",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_SB_STRV_OCC.FM_TGR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/uncore-other.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/uncore-other.json
index 71e052667e50..7783aa2ef5d1 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/uncore-other.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/uncore-other.json
@@ -402,545 +402,6 @@
         "UMaskExt": "0xCC43FE",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "CMS Clockticks",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0xc0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CMS_CLOCKTICKS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_CRD_PREF",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC88FFD01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC88FFD",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_DRD_PREF",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC897FD01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC897FD",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFO_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_RFO_PREF",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC887FD01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC887FD",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC88FFE01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC88FFE",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC897FE01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC897FE",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFO_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC887FE01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC887FE",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMs issued by IO Devices that Hit the LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_HIT_ITOM",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xCC43FD04",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xCC43FD",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMs issued by IO Devices",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_ITOM",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xCC43FF04",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xCC43FF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFO_Prefs issued by iA Cores",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_RFO_PREF",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC887FF01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC887FF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_RFO",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC807FF01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC807FF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xCCC7FF01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xCCC7FF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_DRD_PREF",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC897FF01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC897FF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRDs issued by iA Cores",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_CRD",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC80FFF01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC80FFF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : RFOs issued by iA Cores",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_RFO",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC807FF01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC807FF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_DRD",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC817FF01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC817FF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : CRDs issued by iA Cores",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_CRD",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC80FFF01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC80FFF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC816FE01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC816FE",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8177E01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC8177E",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC816FE01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC816FE",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8177E01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC8177E",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; DRd Pref misses from local IA",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC896FE01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC896FE",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; DRd Pref misses from local IA",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8977E01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC8977E",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC806FE01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC806FE",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8077E01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC8077E",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFO_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC886FE01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC886FE",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFO_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8877E01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC8877E",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CLFlushes issued by iA Cores",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_CLFLUSH",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8C7FF01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC8C7FF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : SpecItoMs issued by iA Cores",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_SPECITOM",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xCC57FF01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xCC57FF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMCacheNears, indicating a partial write request, from IO Devices",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xCD43FF04",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xCD43FF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMCacheNears, indicating a partial write request, from IO Devices that hit the LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xCD43FD04",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xCD43FD",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMCacheNears, indicating a partial write request, from IO Devices that missed the LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xCD43FE04",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xCD43FE",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_DRD_PMM",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8178A01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC8178A",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8168A01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC8168A",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8170A01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC8170A",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiLF misses from local IA",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xc867fe01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xc867fe",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiL misses from local IA",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xc86ffe01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xc86ffe",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8178A01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC8178A",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefData issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xCCD7FE01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xCCD7FE",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : PCIRdCurs issued by IO Devices that missed the LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8F3FE04",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC8F3FE",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : PCIRdCurs issued by IO Devices that missed the LLC",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xc8f3fe04",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xc8f3fe",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_DRD_DDR",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8178601",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC81786",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8168601",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC81686",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8170601",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC81706",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8178601",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC81786",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : PCIRdCurs issued by IO Devices that hit the LLC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8F3FD04",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC8F3FD",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : PCIRdCurs issued by IO Devices",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_PCIRDCUR",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8F3FF04",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC8F3FF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefData issued by iA Cores",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xCCD7FF01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xCCD7FF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : PCIRdCurs issued by IO Devices",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC8F3FF04",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC8F3FF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Data Read Request",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x34",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x1BC1FF",
-        "UMaskExt": "0x1BC1",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "Clockticks of the integrated IO (IIO) traffic controller",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1430,6 +891,114 @@
         "UMask": "0x04",
         "Unit": "IIO"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1 : Lost Forward",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.LOST_FWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIITOM request issued by the IRP unit to the mesh with the intention of writing a full cacheline",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.PCITOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Coherent Ops : WbMtoI",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.WBMTOI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory Lookups : Found in any state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory Lookups : Found in A state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory Lookups : Found in I state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory Lookups : Found in S state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory Updates : From/to any state. Note: event counts are incorrect in 2LM mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2e",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tag Hit : Clean NearMem Read Hit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TAG_HIT.NM_RD_HIT_CLEAN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tag Hit : Dirty NearMem Read Hit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TAG_HIT.NM_RD_HIT_DIRTY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks of the mesh to memory (M2M)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's MMIO space",
         "Counter": "2,3",
@@ -1922,6 +1491,623 @@
         "UMask": "0x80",
         "Unit": "IIO"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Total IRP occupancy of inbound read and write requests to coherent memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0f",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_CACHE_TOTAL_OCCUPANCY.MEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": All Inserts Inbound (p2p + faf + cset)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_IRP_ALL.INBOUND_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound write (fast path) requests received by the IRP",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.WR_PREF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received : All Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0F",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received : All Non Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.NON_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x97",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent : All Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0F",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent : All Non Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.NON_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x97",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Clockticks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xc0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CMS_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks of the IO coherency tracker (IRP)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x01",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FAF RF full",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound read requests received by the IRP and inserted into the FAF queue",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Occupancy of the IRP FAF queue",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FAF allocation -- sent to ADQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_TRANSACTIONS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Clockticks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xc0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_CMS_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks of the mesh to PCI (M2P)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x01",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Clockticks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xc0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_CMS_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks of the mesh to UPI (M3UPI)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x01",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of kfclks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x01",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in L1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_L1_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in L0p",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_CRD_PREF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC88FFD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC88FFD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_DRD_PREF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC897FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC897FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFO_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_RFO_PREF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC887FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC887FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC88FFE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC88FFE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC897FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC897FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFO_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC887FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC887FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMs issued by IO Devices that Hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_HIT_ITOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCC43FD04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCC43FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks in the UBOX using a dedicated 48-bit Fixed Counter",
+        "Counter": "FIXED",
+        "CounterType": "FIXED",
+        "EventCode": "0xff",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMs issued by IO Devices",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_ITOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCC43FF04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCC43FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFO_Prefs issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_RFO_PREF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC887FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC887FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_RFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC807FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC807FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCC7FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCC7FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_DRD_PREF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC897FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC897FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRDs issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC80FFF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC80FFF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : RFOs issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_RFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC807FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC807FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_DRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC817FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC817FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : CRDs issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC80FFF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC80FFF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent : Null FLITs transmitted to any slot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x27",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received : Null FLITs received from any slot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x27",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC816FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC816FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8177E01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8177E",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC816FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC816FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8177E01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8177E",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; DRd Pref misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC896FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC896FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; DRd Pref misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8977E01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8977E",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC806FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC806FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8077E01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8077E",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFO_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC886FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC886FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFO_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8877E01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8877E",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CLFlushes issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_CLFLUSH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8C7FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8C7FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : SpecItoMs issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_SPECITOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCC57FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCC57FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMCacheNears, indicating a partial write request, from IO Devices",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCD43FF04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCD43FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMCacheNears, indicating a partial write request, from IO Devices that hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCD43FD04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCD43FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMCacheNears, indicating a partial write request, from IO Devices that missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCD43FE04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCD43FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_DRD_PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8178A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8178A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8168A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8168A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8170A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8170A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiLF misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc867fe01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc867fe",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiL misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc86ffe01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86ffe",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8178A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8178A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for IIO clocktick",
         "CounterType": "FREERUN",
@@ -1929,6 +2115,157 @@
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "Unit": "IIO"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : PMM - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.TO_PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0720",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x07",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : PMM - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.TO_PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1C80",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1C",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefData issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCD7FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCD7FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : PCIRdCurs issued by IO Devices that missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8F3FE04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8F3FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : PCIRdCurs issued by IO Devices that missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc8f3fe04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc8f3fe",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_DRD_DDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8178601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC81786",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8168601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC81686",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8170601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC81706",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8178601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC81786",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : PCIRdCurs issued by IO Devices that hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8F3FD04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8F3FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : PCIRdCurs issued by IO Devices",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_PCIRDCUR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8F3FF04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8F3FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefData issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCD7FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCD7FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : PCIRdCurs issued by IO Devices",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8F3FF04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8F3FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Data Read Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1BC1FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1BC1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 0",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -2113,6 +2450,16 @@
         "UMask": "0x02",
         "Unit": "IIO"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that hit M line in the IIO cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_HIT_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x78",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 0-7",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -2136,367 +2483,6 @@
         "UMask": "0xff",
         "Unit": "IIO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1 : Lost Forward",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x1F",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.LOST_FWD",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x10",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIITOM request issued by the IRP unit to the mesh with the intention of writing a full cacheline",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x10",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.PCITOM",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x10",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Coherent Ops : WbMtoI",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x10",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.WBMTOI",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x40",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Total IRP occupancy of inbound read and write requests to coherent memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x0f",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_CACHE_TOTAL_OCCUPANCY.MEM",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": ": All Inserts Inbound (p2p + faf + cset)",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_IRP_ALL.INBOUND_INSERTS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Inbound write (fast path) requests received by the IRP",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x11",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.WR_PREF",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks of the IO coherency tracker (IRP)",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x01",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_CLOCKTICKS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "FAF RF full",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x17",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_FULL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Inbound read requests received by the IRP and inserted into the FAF queue",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x18",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_INSERTS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Occupancy of the IRP FAF queue",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x19",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_OCCUPANCY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "FAF allocation -- sent to ADQ",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x16",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_TRANSACTIONS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that hit M line in the IIO cache",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x12",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_HIT_M",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x78",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory Lookups : Found in any state",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x2D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.ANY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory Lookups : Found in A state",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x2D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_A",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory Lookups : Found in I state",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x2D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_I",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory Lookups : Found in S state",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x2D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_S",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Tag Hit : Clean NearMem Read Hit",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x2C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TAG_HIT.NM_RD_HIT_CLEAN",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Tag Hit : Dirty NearMem Read Hit",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x2C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TAG_HIT.NM_RD_HIT_DIRTY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks of the mesh to memory (M2M)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_CLOCKTICKS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "CMS Clockticks",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0xc0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_CMS_CLOCKTICKS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : PMM - All Channels",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.TO_PMM",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x0720",
-        "UMaskExt": "0x07",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : PMM - All Channels",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x38",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.TO_PMM",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x1C80",
-        "UMaskExt": "0x1C",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks of the mesh to PCI (M2P)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x01",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_CLOCKTICKS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "CMS Clockticks",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0xc0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_CMS_CLOCKTICKS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks of the mesh to UPI (M3UPI)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x01",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CLOCKTICKS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "Unit": "M3UPI"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks in the UBOX using a dedicated 48-bit Fixed Counter",
-        "Counter": "FIXED",
-        "CounterType": "FIXED",
-        "EventCode": "0xff",
-        "EventName": "UNC_U_CLOCKTICKS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "Unit": "UBOX"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received : All Data",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x03",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_DATA",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x0F",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received : All Non Data",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x03",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.NON_DATA",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x97",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent : All Data",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x02",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_DATA",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x0F",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent : All Non Data",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x02",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.NON_DATA",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x97",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Number of kfclks",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x01",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_CLOCKTICKS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in L1",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x21",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_L1_POWER_CYCLES",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in L0p",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x27",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent : Null FLITs transmitted to any slot",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x02",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x27",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received : Null FLITs received from any slot",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x03",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x27",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMCacheNears, indicating a partial write request, from IO Devices to locally HOMed memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMCacheNears, indicating a partial write request, from IO Devices : Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0xCD42FF04",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xCD42FF",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMCacheNears, indicating a partial write request, from IO Devices to remotely HOMed memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMCacheNears, indicating a partial write request, from IO Devices : Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0xCD437F04",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xCD437F",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMs issued by IO Devices to locally HOMed memory",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -2504,7 +2490,6 @@
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_ITOM_LOCAL",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMs issued by IO Devices : Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
         "UMask": "0xCC42FF04",
         "UMaskExt": "0xCC42FF",
         "Unit": "CHA"
@@ -2516,20 +2501,36057 @@
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMs issued by IO Devices : Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
         "UMask": "0xCC437F04",
         "UMaskExt": "0xCC437F",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory Updates : From/to any state. Note: event counts are incorrect in 2LM mode.",
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMCacheNears, indicating a partial write request, from IO Devices to locally HOMed memory",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x2e",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.ANY",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCD42FF04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCD42FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMCacheNears, indicating a partial write request, from IO Devices to remotely HOMed memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCD437F04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCD437F",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline directory state lookups : Snoop Not Needed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_LOOKUP.NO_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline directory state lookups : Snoop Needed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_LOOKUP.SNP",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory Updates : From/to any state. Note: event counts are incorrect in 2LM mode.",
         "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state updates; Directory Updated memory write from the HA pipe",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_UPDATE.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline directory state updates : Directory Updated memory write from TOR pipe",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_UPDATE.TOR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request from a remote socket which hit in the HitMe Cache to a line In the E state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_HIT.EX_RDS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized : Local - All Lines",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x200F",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized : Remote - All Lines",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x800F",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_PMM_MEMMODE_NM_SETCONFLICTS.TOR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x64",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_2LM_NM_SETCONFLICTS.TOR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_PMM_MEMMODE_NM_SETCONFLICTS.SF",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x64",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_2LM_NM_SETCONFLICTS.SF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_PMM_MEMMODE_NM_SETCONFLICTS.LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x64",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_2LM_NM_SETCONFLICTS.LLC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counter 0 Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_COUNTER0_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of times that an RFO hit in S state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.RFO_HIT_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local INVITOE requests (exclusive ownership of a cache line without receiving data) that miss the SF/LLC and remote INVITOE requests sent to the CHA's home agent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_REQUESTS.INVITOE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x30",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received : RspI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received : RspIFwd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPIFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received : RspS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received : RspSFwd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPSFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC001FFff",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC001FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LLCPREFCODE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xcccffd01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xcccffd",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LLCPREFDATA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xccd7fd01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xccd7fd",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : CRds issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC80FFD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC80FFD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_DRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC817FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC817FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCC7FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCC7FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_RFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC807FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC807FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCC7FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCC7FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by IO Devices that missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_MISS_RFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc803fe04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc803fe",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : RFOs issued by IO Devices that missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_MISS_RFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc803fe04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc803fe",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : ItoMs issued by IO Devices that missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xcc43fe04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xcc43fe",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses : Hit M",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.HIT_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RFO request issued by the IRP unit to the mesh with the intention of writing a partial cacheline",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.RFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of reads in which direct to Intel UPI transactions were overridden",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles when Direct2UPI was Disabled",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of reads that a message sent direct2 Intel UPI was overridden",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2UPI_TXN_OVERRIDE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : Non-Inclusive - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.NI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1E",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tag Hit : Clean NearMem Underfill Hit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TAG_HIT.NM_UFILL_HIT_CLEAN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tag Hit : Dirty NearMem Underfill Hit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TAG_HIT.NM_UFILL_HIT_DIRTY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tag Miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TAG_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC Bypass : Not Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_BYPASS_M2M_EGRESS.NOT_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles when direct to core mode, which bypasses the CHA, was disabled",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of reads in which direct to core transaction was overridden",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2CORE_TXN_OVERRIDE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : All, regardless of priority. - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0704",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x07",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : Normal Priority - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.NORMAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0701",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x07",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : All Writes - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1C10",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1C",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : Full Line Non-ISOCH - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1C01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1C",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : Partial Non-ISOCH - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.PARTIAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1C02",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1C",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x01",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x06",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x09",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Allocations : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_INSERTS.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_PMM_MEMMODE_NM_INVITOX.LOCAL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x65",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_2LM_NM_INVITOX.LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_PMM_MEMMODE_NM_INVITOX.REMOTE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x65",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_2LM_NM_INVITOX.REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_PMM_MEMMODE_NM_INVITOX.SETCONFLICT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x65",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_PMM_MEMMODE_NM_SETCONFLICTS2.MEMWR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_2LM_NM_SETCONFLICTS2.MEMWR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_PMM_MEMMODE_NM_SETCONFLICTS2.MEMWRNI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Bypass : Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_BYPASS_CHA_IMC.TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Bypass : Intermediate bypass Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Bypass : Not Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_BYPASS_CHA_IMC.NOT_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued : Single Snoop Target from Remote",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.REMOTE_ONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued : Single External Snoops",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EXT_ONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued : Single Core Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.CORE_ONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x41",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued : Single Eviction",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EVICT_ONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x81",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued : Any Single Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.ANY_ONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued : Multiple Snoop Targets from Remote",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.REMOTE_GTONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x22",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued : Multiple External Snoops",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EXT_GTONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x22",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued : Multiple Core Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.CORE_GTONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x42",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued : Multiple Eviction",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EVICT_GTONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x82",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued : Any Cycle with Multiple Snoops",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.ANY_GTONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF2",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Direct GO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIRECT_GO.HA_TOR_DEALLOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Direct GO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIRECT_GO.HA_SUPPRESS_NO_D2C",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Direct GO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIRECT_GO.HA_SUPPRESS_DRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Direct GO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIRECT_GO_OPC.EXTCMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Direct GO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIRECT_GO_OPC.PULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Direct GO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIRECT_GO_OPC.GO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Direct GO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIRECT_GO_OPC.GO_PULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Direct GO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIRECT_GO_OPC.FAST_GO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Direct GO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIRECT_GO_OPC.FAST_GO_PULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Direct GO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIRECT_GO_OPC.NOP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Direct GO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Hits in HitMe Cache : Remote socket ownership read requests that hit in S state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_HIT.SHARED_OWNREQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Hits in HitMe Cache : Remote socket WBMtoE requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_HIT.WBMTOE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Hits in HitMe Cache : Remote socket writeback to I or S requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_HIT.WBMTOI_OR_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of times HitMe Cache is accessed : Remote socket read requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_LOOKUP.READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of times HitMe Cache is accessed : Remote socket write (i.e. writeback) requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_LOOKUP.WRITE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Misses in HitMe Cache : Remote socket RdInvOwn requests to shared line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Misses in HitMe Cache : Remote socket RdInvOwn requests that are not to shared line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Misses in HitMe Cache : Remote socket read or invalidate requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_MISS.READ_OR_INV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of Allocate/Update to HitMe Cache : op is RspIFwd or RspIFwdWb for a local request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of Allocate/Update to HitMe Cache : op is RspIFwd or RspIFwdWb for a remote request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of Allocate/Update to HitMe Cache : Update HitMe Cache to SHARed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_UPDATE.SHARED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of Allocate/Update to HitMe Cache : Update HitMe Cache on RdInvOwn even if not RspFwdI*",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_UPDATE.RDINVOWN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of Allocate/Update to HitMe Cache : Deallocate HtiME$ on Reads without RspFwdI*",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "HA to iMC Reads Issued : ISOCH",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Full Line Writes Issued : Partial Non-ISOCH",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Full Line Writes Issued : ISOCH Full Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Full Line Writes Issued : ISOCH Partial",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized : Lines in M state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.M_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized : Lines in E state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.E_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized : Lines in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.S_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized : Local Only",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_ONLY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized : Remote Only",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_ONLY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized : Local - Lines in M State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2001",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized : Local - Lines in E State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2002",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized : Local - Lines in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2004",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized : Remote - Lines in M State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8001",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized : Remote - Lines in E State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8002",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized : Remote - Lines in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8004",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cbo Misc : Silent Snoop Eviction",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.RSPI_WAS_FSE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cbo Misc : Write Combining Aliasing",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.WC_ALIASING",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cbo Misc : CV0 Prefetch Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.CV0_PREF_VIC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cbo Misc : CV0 Prefetch Miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.CV0_PREF_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OSB Snoop Broadcast : Local InvItoE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_OSB.LOCAL_INVITOE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OSB Snoop Broadcast : Local Rd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_OSB.LOCAL_READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OSB Snoop Broadcast : Remote Rd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_OSB.REMOTE_READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OSB Snoop Broadcast : Remote Rd InvItoE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OSB Snoop Broadcast : RFO HitS Snoop Broadcast",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_OSB.RFO_HITS_SNP_BCAST",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OSB Snoop Broadcast : Off",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_OSB.OFF_PWRHEURISTIC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.PTL_INPIPE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.FSF_VICP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.ONE_FSF_VIC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.WAY_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.ONE_RSP_CON",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.IDX_INPIPE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x100",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x200",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x800",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x2000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.SF_WAYS_RES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x4000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.LLC_WAYS_RES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x8000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x10000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.TOPA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x20000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x40000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x80000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x100000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x200000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.HACREDIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x400000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.VN_AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x800000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.VN_AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1000000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.VN_BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x2000000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.VN_BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x4000000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.VN_BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x8000000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.VN_BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x10000000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty : MC0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty : MC1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty : MC2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty : MC3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty : MC4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty : MC5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty : MC6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty : MC7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty : MC8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty : MC9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty : MC10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty : MC11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty : MC12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty : MC13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations : IRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations : IRQ Rejected",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.IRQ_REJ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations : IPQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations : PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations : PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.PRQ_REJ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations : RRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.RRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations : WBQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.WBQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : LLC OR SF Way",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IPQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : LLC or SF Way",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects - Set 0 : AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects - Set 0 : AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects - Set 0 : BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects - Set 0 : BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects - Set 0 : BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects - Set 0 : BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects - Set 0 : Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects - Set 0 : Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries - Set 0 : AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries - Set 0 : AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries - Set 0 : BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries - Set 0 : BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries - Set 0 : BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries - Set 0 : BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries - Set 0 : Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries - Set 0 : Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects - Set 1 : ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects - Set 1 : HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries - Set 1 : ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_RETRY.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries - Set 1 : HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_RETRY.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy : IRQ",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OCCUPANCY.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy : IPQ",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OCCUPANCY.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy : RRQ",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OCCUPANCY.RRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy : WBQ",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OCCUPANCY.WBQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 0 : AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 0 : AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 0 : BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 0 : BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 0 : BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 0 : BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 0 : Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 0 : Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 1 : ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 1 : HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 1 : LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 1 : SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 1 : Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 1 : LLC OR SF Way",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 1 : Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries - Set 1 : PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 0 : Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : LLC OR SF Way",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRQ Requests (from CMS) Rejected - Set 1 : PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 0 : AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 0 : AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 0 : BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 0 : BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 0 : BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 0 : BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 0 : Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 0 : Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 1 : ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 1 : HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 1 : LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 1 : SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 1 : Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 1 : LLC OR SF Way",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 1 : Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries - Set 1 : PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 0 : AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 0 : AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 0 : BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 0 : BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 0 : BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 0 : BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 0 : Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 0 : Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 1 : ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 1 : HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 1 : LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 1 : SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 1 : Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 1 : LLC OR SF Way",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 1 : Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects - Set 1 : PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 0 : AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 0 : AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 0 : BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 0 : BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 0 : BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 0 : BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 0 : Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 0 : Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 1 : ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 1 : HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 1 : LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 1 : SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 1 : Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 1 : LLC OR SF Way",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 1 : Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects - Set 1 : PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent : Snoops sent for Local Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent : Snoops sent for Remote Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent : Broadcast snoops for Local Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.BCST_LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent : Broadcast snoops for Remote Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.BCST_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent : Directed snoops for Local Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent : Directed snoops for Remote Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received : Rsp*WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPWB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received : Rsp*Fwd*WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPFWDWB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received : RSPCNFLCT*",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPCNFLCT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received : RspFwd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local : RspI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local : RspS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local : RspIFwd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local : RspSFwd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local : Rsp*WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPWB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local : Rsp*FWD*WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local : RspCnflct",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local : RspFwd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Snoop Responses Received : MtoI RspIFwdM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Snoop Responses Received : MtoI RspIDataM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Snoop Responses Received : RspIFwdPtl Hit SF",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Snoop Responses Received : RspIFwdPtl Hit LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Snoop Responses Received : Pull Data Partial - Hit SF",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Snoop Responses Received : Pull Data Partial - Hit LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WbPushMtoI : Pushed to LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WB_PUSH_MTOI.LLC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WbPushMtoI : Pushed to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WB_PUSH_MTOI.MEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty : MC0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty : MC1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty : MC2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty : MC3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty : MC4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty : MC5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty : MC6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty : MC7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty : MC8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty : MC9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty : MC10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty : MC11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty : MC12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty : MC13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "XPT Prefetches : Sent (on 0?)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6f",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XPT_PREF.SENT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "XPT Prefetches : Dropped (on 0?) - No Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6f",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XPT_PREF.DROP0_NOCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "XPT Prefetches : Dropped (on 0?) - Conflict",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6f",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XPT_PREF.DROP0_CONFLICT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "XPT Prefetches : Sent (on 1?)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6f",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XPT_PREF.SENT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "XPT Prefetches : Dropped (on 1?) - No Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6f",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XPT_PREF.DROP1_NOCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "XPT Prefetches : Dropped (on 1?) - Conflict",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6f",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XPT_PREF.DROP1_CONFLICT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": IOTLB lookups first",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU0.FIRST_LOOKUPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": IOTLB lookups all",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU0.ALL_LOOKUPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": IOTLB Hits to a 4K Page",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU0.4K_HITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": IOTLB Hits to a 2M Page",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU0.2M_HITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": IOTLB Hits to a 1G Page",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU0.1G_HITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": IOTLB Fills (same as IOTLB miss)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU0.MISSES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Context cache lookups",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU0.CTXT_CACHE_LOOKUPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Context cache hits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU0.CTXT_CACHE_HITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": PageWalk cache lookup",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU1.PWT_CACHE_LOOKUPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": IOMMU memory access",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU1.NUM_MEM_ACCESSES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Cycles PWT full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU1.CYC_PWT_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Interrupt Entry cache lookup",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU3.INT_CACHE_LOOKUPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Interrupt Entry cache hit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU3.INT_CACHE_HITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus : Non-PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.BUS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus : PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus : Non-PCIE bus and !(PCIE bus)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.BUS0_NOT_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus : Non-PCIE bus and PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.BUS0_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus : !(Non-PCIE bus) and PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.NOT_BUS0_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus : !(Non-PCIE bus) and !(PCIE bus)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.NOT_BUS0_NOT_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus : Non-PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.BUS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus : PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus : Non-PCIE bus and !(PCIE bus)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.BUS0_NOT_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus : Non-PCIE bus and PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.BUS0_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus : !(Non-PCIE bus) and PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.NOT_BUS0_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus : !(Non-PCIE bus) and !(PCIE bus)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.NOT_BUS0_NOT_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number requests PCIe makes of the main die : Drop request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x85",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_NUM_REQ_OF_CPU.ALL.DROP",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART4",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART6",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x40",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART7",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x80",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Total Write Cache Occupancy : Any Source",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_CACHE_TOTAL_OCCUPANCY.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Total Write Cache Occupancy : Snoops",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_CACHE_TOTAL_OCCUPANCY.IV_Q",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Coherent Ops : CLFlush",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.CLFLUSH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": All Inserts Outbound (BL, AK, Snoops)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_IRP_ALL.OUTBOUND_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": All Inserts Outbound (BL, AK, Snoops)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_IRP_ALL.EVICTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Timeouts - Set 0 : Fastpath Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1e",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.FAST_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Timeouts - Set 0 : Fastpath Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.FAST_REJ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Timeouts - Set 0 : Cache Inserts of Read Transactions as Secondary",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1e",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.2ND_RD_INSERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Timeouts - Set 0 : Cache Inserts of Write Transactions as Secondary",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1e",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.2ND_WR_INSERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Timeouts - Set 0 : Cache Inserts of Atomic Transactions as Secondary",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.2ND_ATOMIC_INSERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Timeouts - Set 0 : Fastpath Transfers From Primary to Secondary",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.FAST_XFER",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Timeouts - Set 0 : Prefetch Ack Hints From Primary to Secondary",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.PF_ACK_HINT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Timeouts - Set 0 : Slow path fwpf didn't find prefetch",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.SLOWPATH_FWPF_NO_PRF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1 : Slow Transfer of I Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1f",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SLOW_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1 : Slow Transfer of S Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1f",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SLOW_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1 : Slow Transfer of E Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1f",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SLOW_E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1 : Slow Transfer of M Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1f",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SLOW_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1 : Received Invalid",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SEC_RCVD_INVLD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1 : Received Valid",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SEC_RCVD_VLD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions : P2P reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions : P2P Writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions : P2P Message",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions : P2P completions",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.CMPL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions : Match if remote only",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.REM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions : match if remote and target matches",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions : match if local only",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.LOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions : match if local and target matches",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses : Miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses : Hit I",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.HIT_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses : Hit E or S",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.HIT_ES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses : SnpCode",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.SNPCODE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses : SnpData",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.SNPDATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses : SnpInv",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.SNPINV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count : Writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.WRITES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count : Atomic",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.ATOMIC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count : Other",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.OTHER",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count : Select Source",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC Bypass : Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_BYPASS_M2M_EGRESS.TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC Bypass : Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_BYPASS_M2M_INGRESS.TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC Bypass : Not Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_BYPASS_M2M_INGRESS.NOT_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit : On Dirty Line in I State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.DIRTY_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit : On Dirty Line in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.DIRTY_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit : On Dirty Line in L State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.DIRTY_P",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit : On Dirty Line in A State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.DIRTY_A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit : On NonDirty Line in I State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.CLEAN_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit : On NonDirty Line in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.CLEAN_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit : On NonDirty Line in L State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.CLEAN_P",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit : On NonDirty Line in A State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.CLEAN_A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss : On Dirty Line in I State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.DIRTY_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss : On Dirty Line in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.DIRTY_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss : On Dirty Line in L State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.DIRTY_P",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss : On Dirty Line in A State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.DIRTY_A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss : On NonDirty Line in I State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.CLEAN_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss : On NonDirty Line in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.CLEAN_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss : On NonDirty Line in L State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.CLEAN_P",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss : On NonDirty Line in A State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.CLEAN_A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : Normal Priority - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.CH0_NORMAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0101",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : Critical Priority - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.CH0_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0102",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : All, regardless of priority. - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.CH0_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0104",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : From TGR - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.CH0_FROM_TGR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0140",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : Normal Priority - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.CH1_NORMAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0201",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : Critical Priority - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.CH1_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0202",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : All, regardless of priority. - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.CH1_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0204",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : From TGR - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.CH1_FROM_TGR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0240",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : From TGR - Ch2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.CH2_FROM_TGR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0440",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : Full Line Non-ISOCH - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH0_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0401",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : Partial Non-ISOCH - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH0_PARTIAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0402",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : ISOCH Full Line - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH0_FULL_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0404",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : ISOCH Partial - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH0_PARTIAL_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0408",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : All Writes - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH0_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0410",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : From TGR - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH0_FROM_TGR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x05",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : Non-Inclusive - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH0_NI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x06",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : Full Line Non-ISOCH - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH1_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0801",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : Partial Non-ISOCH - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH1_PARTIAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0802",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : ISOCH Full Line - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH1_FULL_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0804",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : ISOCH Partial - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH1_PARTIAL_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0808",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : All Writes - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH1_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0810",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : From TGR - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH1_FROM_TGR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x09",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : Non-Inclusive - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH1_NI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x0A",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Packet Header Matches : Mesh Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PKT_MATCH.MESH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Packet Header Matches : MC Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PKT_MATCH.MC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_NO_REG_CRD.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_NO_REG_CRD.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_NO_REG_CRD.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_NO_SPEC_CRD.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_NO_SPEC_CRD.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_NO_SPEC_CRD.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Full : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_FULL.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Full : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_FULL.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Full : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_FULL.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Inserts : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Inserts : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Inserts : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Not Empty : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_NE.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Not Empty : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_NE.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Not Empty : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_NE.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Occupancy : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Occupancy : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Occupancy : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound Ring Transactions on AK : NDR Transactions",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK.NDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound Ring Transactions on AK : CRD Transactions to Cbo",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK.CRD_CBO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Credit Acquired : Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Credit Acquired : Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full : Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full : Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.RDCRD0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.WRCRD0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.WRCMP0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.RDCRD1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x88",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.WRCRD1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x90",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.WRCMP1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA0",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty : Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty : Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.RDCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.WRCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.WRCMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations : Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations : Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.RDCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.WRCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.WRCMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.PREF_RD_CAM_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles with No AK Egress (to CMS) Credits : Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_NO_CREDIT_CYCLES.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles with No AK Egress (to CMS) Credits : Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_NO_CREDIT_CYCLES.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Stalled with No AK Egress (to CMS) Credits : Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_NO_CREDIT_STALLED.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Stalled with No AK Egress (to CMS) Credits : Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_NO_CREDIT_STALLED.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy : Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy : Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.RDCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.WRCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.WRCMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound DRS Ring Transactions to Cache : Data to Cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL.DRS_CACHE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound DRS Ring Transactions to Cache : Data to Core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL.DRS_CORE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound DRS Ring Transactions to Cache : Data to QPI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL.DRS_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Credit Acquired : Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Credit Acquired : Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Full : Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_FULL.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Full : Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_FULL.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Full : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_FULL.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Not Empty : Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_NE.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Not Empty : Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_NE.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Not Empty : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_NE.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Allocations : Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_INSERTS.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Allocations : Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_INSERTS.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles with No BL Egress (to CMS) Credits : Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_NO_CREDIT_CYCLES.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles with No BL Egress (to CMS) Credits : Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_NO_CREDIT_CYCLES.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Stalled with No BL Egress (to CMS) Credits : Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_NO_CREDIT_STALLED.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Stalled with No BL Egress (to CMS) Credits : Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_NO_CREDIT_STALLED.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WPQ Flush : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_FLUSH.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WPQ Flush : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_FLUSH.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WPQ Flush : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_FLUSH.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_NO_REG_CRD.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_NO_REG_CRD.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_NO_REG_CRD.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_NO_SPEC_CRD.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_NO_SPEC_CRD.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_NO_SPEC_CRD.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Full : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_FULL.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Full : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_FULL.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Full : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_FULL.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Full : Mirror",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_FULL.MIRR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Inserts : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Inserts : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Inserts : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Not Empty : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_NE.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Not Empty : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_NE.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Not Empty : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_NE.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Not Empty : Mirror",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_NE.MIRR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Non-Posted Inserts : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x63",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Non-Posted Inserts : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x63",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Non-Posted Inserts : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x63",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Non-Posted Occupancy : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Non-Posted Occupancy : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Non-Posted Occupancy : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Occupancy : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Occupancy : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Occupancy : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Occupancy : Mirror",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.MIRR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Posted Inserts : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_POSTED_INSERTS.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Posted Inserts : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_POSTED_INSERTS.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Posted Inserts : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_POSTED_INSERTS.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Posted Occupancy : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Posted Occupancy : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Posted Occupancy : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2PCIe IIO Credit Acquired : DRS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_IIO_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.DRS_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2PCIe IIO Credit Acquired : DRS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_IIO_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.DRS_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2PCIe IIO Credit Acquired : NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_IIO_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.NCB_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2PCIe IIO Credit Acquired : NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_IIO_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.NCB_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2PCIe IIO Credit Acquired : NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_IIO_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.NCS_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2PCIe IIO Credit Acquired : NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_IIO_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.NCS_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2PCIe IIO Failed to Acquire a Credit : DRS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_IIO_CREDITS_REJECT.DRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2PCIe IIO Failed to Acquire a Credit : NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_IIO_CREDITS_REJECT.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2PCIe IIO Failed to Acquire a Credit : NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_IIO_CREDITS_REJECT.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2PCIe IIO Credits in Use : DRS to CMS Port 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_IIO_CREDITS_USED.DRS_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2PCIe IIO Credits in Use : DRS to CMS Port 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_IIO_CREDITS_USED.DRS_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2PCIe IIO Credits in Use : NCB to CMS Port 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_IIO_CREDITS_USED.NCB_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2PCIe IIO Credits in Use : NCB to CMS Port 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_IIO_CREDITS_USED.NCB_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2PCIe IIO Credits in Use : NCS to CMS Port 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_IIO_CREDITS_USED.NCS_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2PCIe IIO Credits in Use : NCS to CMS Port 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_IIO_CREDITS_USED.NCS_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_CYCLES_NE.IIO_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_CYCLES_NE.IIO_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_CYCLES_NE.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_INSERTS.IIO_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_INSERTS.IIO_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_INSERTS.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_FULL.AD_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_FULL.AK_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_FULL.BL_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_FULL.AD_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_FULL.AK_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_FULL.BL_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_NE.AD_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_NE.AK_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_NE.BL_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_NE.AD_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_NE.AK_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_NE.BL_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Ingress",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_INSERTS.AD_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Ingress",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_INSERTS.BL_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Ingress",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_INSERTS.AK_CRD_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Ingress",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_INSERTS.AD_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Ingress",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_INSERTS.BL_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Ingress",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_INSERTS.AK_CRD_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CBox AD Credits Empty : VNA Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CHA_AD_CREDITS_EMPTY.VNA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CBox AD Credits Empty : Writebacks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CHA_AD_CREDITS_EMPTY.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CBox AD Credits Empty : Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CHA_AD_CREDITS_EMPTY.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CBox AD Credits Empty : Snoops",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CHA_AD_CREDITS_EMPTY.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty : IIO2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.IIO2_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty : IIO3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.IIO3_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty : IIO4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.IIO4_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty : IIO5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.IIO5_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty : All IIO targets for NCS are in single mask. ORs them together",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty : Selected M2p BL NCS credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.NCS_SEL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received : AD - Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.AD_SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received : AD - Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.AD_SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received : AD - Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.AD_SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received : BL - Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.BL_SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received : AK - Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.AK_SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received : AK - Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.AK_SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0 : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0 : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0 : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0 : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0 : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0 : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0 : NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1 : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1 : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1 : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1 : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1 : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1 : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1 : NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous : No Progress on Pending AD VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.NO_PROG_AD_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous : No Progress on Pending AD VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.NO_PROG_AD_VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous : No Progress on Pending BL VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.NO_PROG_BL_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous : No Progress on Pending BL VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.NO_PROG_BL_VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous : AD, BL Parallel Win VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous : AD, BL Parallel Win VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous : VN0, VN1 Parallel Win",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.VN01_PARALLEL_WIN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous : Max Parallel Win",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.ALL_PARALLEL_WIN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0 : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRD_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0 : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRD_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0 : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRD_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0 : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRD_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0 : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRD_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0 : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRD_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0 : NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRD_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1 : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRD_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1 : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRD_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1 : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRD_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1 : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRD_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1 : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRD_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1 : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRD_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1 : NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRD_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0 : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOREQ_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0 : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOREQ_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0 : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOREQ_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0 : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOREQ_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0 : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOREQ_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0 : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOREQ_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0 : NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOREQ_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1 : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOREQ_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1 : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOREQ_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1 : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOREQ_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1 : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOREQ_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1 : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOREQ_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1 : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOREQ_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1 : NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOREQ_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Queue Bypasses : AD to Slot 0 on Idle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_BYPASSED.AD_S0_IDLE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Queue Bypasses : AD to Slot 0 on BL Arb",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_BYPASSED.AD_S0_BL_ARB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Queue Bypasses : AD + BL to Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_BYPASSED.AD_S1_BL_SLOT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Queue Bypasses : AD + BL to Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_BYPASSED.AD_S2_BL_SLOT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Credit Events : Any In BGF FIFO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_MISC.ANY_BGF_FIFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Credit Events : Any in BGF Path",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_MISC.ANY_BGF_PATH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Credit Events : No D2K For Arb",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_MISC.VN0_NO_D2K_FOR_ARB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Credit Events",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_MISC.VN1_NO_D2K_FOR_ARB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Credit Events",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_MISC.LT1_FOR_D2K",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Credit Events",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_MISC.LT2_FOR_D2K",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy : VNA In Use",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.VNA_IN_USE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy : Packets in BGF FIFO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.FLITS_IN_FIFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy : Packets in BGF Path",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.FLITS_IN_PATH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy : Transmit Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.TxQ_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy : D2K Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.D2K_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.P1P_TOTAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.P1P_FIFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy : Credits Consumed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.CONSUMED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty : NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty : NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Flit Not Sent : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_DATA_FLITS_NOT_SENT.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Flit Not Sent : TSV High",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_DATA_FLITS_NOT_SENT.TSV_HI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Flit Not Sent : Cycle valid for Flit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Flit Not Sent : No BGF Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_DATA_FLITS_NOT_SENT.NO_BGF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Flit Not Sent : No TxQ Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_DATA_FLITS_NOT_SENT.NO_TXQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence : Wait on Pump 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P0_WAIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence : Wait on Pump 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1_WAIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1P_TO_LIMBO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1P_BUSY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1P_AT_LIMIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1P_HOLD_P0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1P_FIFO_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_MISC.S2REQ_RECEIVED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_MISC.S2REQ_RECEIVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_MISC.S2REQ_WITHDRAWN",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_MISC.S2REQ_IN_HOLDOFF",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_MISC.S2REQ_IN_HOLDOFF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_MISC.S2REQ_IN_SERVICE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_MISC.S2REQ_IN_SERVICE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SLOT_BL.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit : Needs Data Flit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SLOT_BL.NEED_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit : Wait on Pump 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SLOT_BL.P0_WAIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit : Wait on Pump 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SLOT_BL.P1_WAIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit : Don't Need Pump 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SLOT_BL.P1_NOT_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit : Don't Need Pump 1 - Bubble",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit : Don't Need Pump 1 - Not Avail",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1 : Acumullate",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.ACCUM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1 : Accumulate Ready",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.ACCUM_READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1 : Accumulate Wasted",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.ACCUM_WASTED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1 : Run-Ahead - Blocked",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.AHEAD_BLOCKED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1 : Run-Ahead - Message",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.AHEAD_MSG1_DURING",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.AHEAD_MSG2_AFTER",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.AHEAD_MSG2_SENT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.AHEAD_MSG1_AFTER",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 2 : Rate-matching Stall",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR2.RMSTALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 2 : Rate-matching Stall - No Message",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR2.RMSTALL_NOMSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 2 : Parallel Ok",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR2.PAR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 2 : Parallel Message",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR2.PAR_MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 2 : Parallel Flit Finished",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR2.PAR_FLIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit : One Message",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HDR_FLITS_SENT.1_MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit : Two Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HDR_FLITS_SENT.2_MSGS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit : Three Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HDR_FLITS_SENT.3_MSGS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit : One Message in non-VNA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HDR_FLITS_SENT.1_MSG_VNX",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit : One Slot Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HDR_FLITS_SENT.SLOTS_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit : Two Slots Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HDR_FLITS_SENT.SLOTS_2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit : All Slots Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HDR_FLITS_SENT.SLOTS_3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HDR_FLIT_NOT_SENT.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent : TSV High",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HDR_FLIT_NOT_SENT.TSV_HI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent : Cycle valid for Flit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent : No BGF Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HDR_FLIT_NOT_SENT.NO_BGF_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent : No TxQ Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HDR_FLIT_NOT_SENT.NO_TXQ_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent : No BGF Credits + No Extra Message Slotted",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HDR_FLIT_NOT_SENT.NO_BGF_NO_MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent : No TxQ Credits + No Extra Message Slotted",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HDR_FLIT_NOT_SENT.NO_TXQ_NO_MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held : VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held : VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held : Parallel Attempt",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.PARALLEL_ATTEMPT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held : Parallel Success",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.PARALLEL_SUCCESS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held : Can't Slot AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.CANT_SLOT_AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held : Can't Slot BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.CANT_SLOT_BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts : NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts : NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy : NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy : NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit : NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit : NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits : Corrected",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.CORRECTED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits : Level < 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.LT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits : Level < 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.LT4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits : Level < 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.LT5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits : Level < 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.LT10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits : Any In Use",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.ANY_IN_USE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.REQ_VN01_ALLOC_LT10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.REQ_VN01_ALLOC_LT10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.REQ_ADBL_ALLOC_L5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.REQ_ADBL_ALLOC_L5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.VN0_ONLY",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.VN0_ONLY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.VN1_ONLY",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.VN1_ONLY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.VN0_JUST_AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.VN0_JUST_AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.VN0_JUST_BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.VN0_JUST_BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.VN1_JUST_AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.VN1_JUST_AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.VN1_JUST_BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD_MISC.VN1_JUST_BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD : VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD : VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD : VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD : VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD : VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD : VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD : VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD : VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD FlowQ Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_BYPASS.AD_SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD FlowQ Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_BYPASS.AD_SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD FlowQ Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_BYPASS.AD_SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD FlowQ Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_BYPASS.BL_EARLY_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty : VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty : VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty : VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty : VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty : VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty : VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty : VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty : VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts : VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts : VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts : VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts : VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts : VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts : VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts : VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy : VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy : VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy : VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy : VN0 WB Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy : VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy : VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy : VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL : VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL : VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL : VN0 NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL : VN0 NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL : VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL : VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL : VN1 NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL : VN1 NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty : VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty : VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty : VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty : VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty : VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty : VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty : VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty : VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts : VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts : VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts : VN0 NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts : VN0 NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts : VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts : VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts : VN1_NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts : VN1_NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy : VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy : VN0 WB Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy : VN0 NCB Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy : VN0 NCS Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy : VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy : VN1 WB Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy : VN1_NCS Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy : VN1_NCB Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy : VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_WB_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy : VN0 WB Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy : VN0 NCB Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy : VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_WB_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy : VN1 WB Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy : VN1_NCS Messages",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty : VNA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty : VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty : VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty : VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty : VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty : VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty : VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty : VNA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty : VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty : VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty : VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty : VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty : VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty : VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits : REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits : SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits : RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits : RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits : WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits : NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_OCC_COMPARE.RT_GT_LOCALDEST_VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_OCC_COMPARE.RT_EQ_LOCALDEST_VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_OCC_COMPARE.RT_LT_LOCALDEST_VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_OCC_COMPARE.RT_GT_LOCALDEST_VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_OCC_COMPARE.RT_EQ_LOCALDEST_VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_OCC_COMPARE.RT_LT_LOCALDEST_VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x81",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x82",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x84",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x90",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA0",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC0",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.LOCALDEST_VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.LOCALDEST_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.ROUTETHRU_VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.ROUTETHRU_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.LOCAL_AND_RT_VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.LOCAL_AND_RT_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.WAITING4PULL_VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.WAITING4PULL_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.LOCALDEST_VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.LOCALDEST_VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.ROUTETHRU_VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.ROUTETHRU_VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.LOCAL_AND_RT_VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.LOCAL_AND_RT_VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.WAITING4PULL_VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_WB_PENDING.WAITING4PULL_VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_XPT_PFTCH.ARRIVED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_XPT_PFTCH.ARRIVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_XPT_PFTCH.BYPASS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_XPT_PFTCH.BYPASS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_XPT_PFTCH.ARB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_XPT_PFTCH.ARB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_XPT_PFTCH.LOST_ARB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_XPT_PFTCH.LOST_ARB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_XPT_PFTCH.FLITTED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_XPT_PFTCH.FLITTED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_XPT_PFTCH.LOST_OLD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_XPT_PFTCH.LOST_OLD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_XPT_PFTCH.LOST_QFULL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_XPT_PFTCH.LOST_QFULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Received : VLW",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_EVENT_MSG.VLW_RCVD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Received : MSI",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_EVENT_MSG.MSI_RCVD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Received : IPI",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_EVENT_MSG.IPI_RCVD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Received : Doorbell",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_EVENT_MSG.DOORBELL_RCVD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Received : Interrupt",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_EVENT_MSG.INT_PRIO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles PHOLD Assert to Ack : Assert to ACK",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_PHOLD_CYCLES.ASSERT_TO_ACK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.RDRAND",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.RDRAND",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.RDSEED",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.RDSEED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.PFTCH_BUF_EMPTY",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.PFTCH_BUF_EMPTY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Direct packet attempts : D2C",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2C",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Direct packet attempts : D2K",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2K",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AD_VNA_LE2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AD_VNA_LE2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AK_VNA_LE3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AK_VNA_LE3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.BGF_CRD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.BGF_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.GV_BLOCK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.GV_BLOCK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AD_VNA_LE2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AD_VNA_LE2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AD_VNA_BTW_2_THRESH",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_BL_VNA_BTW_0_THRESH",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AK_VNA_LE3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AK_VNA_LE3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.BGF_CRD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.BGF_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.GV_BLOCK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.GV_BLOCK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VNA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VNA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.ACK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.ACK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Request, Match Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x108",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x09",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Snoop, Match Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x109",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Response - No Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0A",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Response - No Data, Match Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10A",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Response - Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSP_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0C",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Response - Data, Match Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10C",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Writeback",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0D",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Writeback, Match Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10D",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Non-Coherent Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0E",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Non-Coherent Bypass, Match Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10E",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Non-Coherent Standard",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0F",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Non-Coherent Standard, Match Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10F",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Response - Conflict",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1AA",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port : Response - Invalid",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12A",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Flit Buffer Bypassed : Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x31",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BYPASSED.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Flit Buffer Bypassed : Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x31",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BYPASSED.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Flit Buffer Bypassed : Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x31",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BYPASSED.SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received : Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received : Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received : Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received : Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received : LLCRD Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.LLCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received : Slot NULL or LLCRD Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.NULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received : LLCTRL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.LLCTRL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received : Protocol Header",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.PROTHDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received : Null FLITs received from any slot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.IDLE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x47",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Flit Buffer Allocations : Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_INSERTS.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Flit Buffer Allocations : Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_INSERTS.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Flit Buffer Allocations : Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_INSERTS.SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Occupancy - All Packets : Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_OCCUPANCY.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Occupancy - All Packets : Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_OCCUPANCY.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Occupancy - All Packets : Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_OCCUPANCY.SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S0_RXQ1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S0_RXQ1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S0_RXQ2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S0_RXQ2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S1_RXQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S1_RXQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S1_RXQ2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S1_RXQ2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S2_RXQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S2_RXQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S2_RXQ1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S2_RXQ1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.CFG_CTL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.CFG_CTL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ_BYPASS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ_BYPASS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ_CRED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ_CRED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.TXQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.TXQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RETRY",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RETRY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.DFX",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.DFX",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.SPARE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.SPARE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Request, Match Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x108",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x09",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Snoop, Match Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x109",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Response - No Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0A",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Response - No Data, Match Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10A",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Response - Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSP_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0C",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Response - Data, Match Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10C",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Writeback",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0D",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Writeback, Match Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10D",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Non-Coherent Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0E",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Non-Coherent Bypass, Match Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10E",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Non-Coherent Standard",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0F",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Non-Coherent Standard, Match Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10F",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Response - Conflict",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1AA",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port : Response - Invalid",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12A",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent : Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent : Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent : Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent : Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent : LLCRD Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.LLCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent : Slot NULL or LLCRD Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.NULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent : LLCTRL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.LLCTRL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent : Protocol Header",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.PROTHDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent : Idle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.IDLE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x47",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : I State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : SnoopFilter - S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.SF_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : SnoopFilter - E State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.SF_E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : SnoopFilter - H State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.SF_H",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : E State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : M State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : F State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : RFO Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.RFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1BC8FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1BC8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : IRQ - iA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IRQ_IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : SF/LLC Evictions",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.EVICT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : PRQ - IOSF",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.PRQ_IOSF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : IPQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : IRQ - Non iA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IRQ_NON_IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : PRQ - Non IOSF",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.PRQ_NON_IOSF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.RRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WBQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.WBQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : All from Local IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.LOC_IO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC000FF04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC000FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : All from Local iA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.LOC_IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC000FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC000FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : All from Local iA and IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.LOC_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC000FF05",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC000FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : Just Hits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : Just Misses",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.DDR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.DDR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : MMCFG Access",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.MMCFG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : Just Local Targets",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.LOCAL_TGT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : Just Remote Targets",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.REMOTE_TGT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x100",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : Match the Opcode in b[29:19] of the extended umask field",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.MATCH_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x200",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : Match the PreMorphed Opcode in b[29:19] of the extended umask field",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x400",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : Just NearMem",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.NEARMEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x400000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : Just NotNearMem",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.NOT_NEARMEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x800000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : Just NonCoherent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.NONCOH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1000000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : Just ISOC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.ISOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x2000000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : IRQ - iA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IRQ_IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : SF/LLC Evictions",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.EVICT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : PRQ - IOSF",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : IPQ",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : IRQ - Non iA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IRQ_NON_IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : PRQ - Non IOSF",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : All from Local IO",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.LOC_IO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC000FF04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC000FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : All from Local iA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.LOC_IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC000FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC000FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : All from Local iA and IO",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.LOC_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC000FF05",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC000FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : Just Hits",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : Just Misses",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : MMCFG Access",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.MMCFG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : Just Local Targets",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.LOCAL_TGT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : Just Remote Targets",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x100",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : Match the Opcode in b[29:19] of the extended umask field",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.MATCH_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x200",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : Match the PreMorphed Opcode in b[29:19] of the extended umask field",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x400",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : Just NearMem",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.NEARMEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x400000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : Just NotNearMem",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x800000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : Just NonCoherent",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.NONCOH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1000000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : Just ISOC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.ISOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x2000000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reporting completion of Card read from Core DRAM",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reporting completion of Card read from Core DRAM",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Four byte data request of the CPU : Card writing to DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Four byte data request of the CPU : Card writing to DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Four byte data request of the CPU : Card reading from DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Four byte data request of the CPU : Card reading from DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : CmpD - device sending completion to CPU request",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.CMPD.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : CmpD - device sending completion to CPU request",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.CMPD.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU : Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card writing to DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card writing to DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card reading from DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card reading from DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : CmpD - device sending completion to CPU request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.CMPD.IOMMU0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x100",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU : CmpD - device sending completion to CPU request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.CMPD.IOMMU1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x200",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : Non-Inclusive Miss - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH0_NI_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : Non-Inclusive Miss - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH1_NI_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x0C",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Cycles Full : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_CYCLES_FULL.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Cycles Full : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_CYCLES_FULL.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Cycles Full : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_CYCLES_FULL.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Cycles Not Empty : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_CYCLES_NE.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Cycles Not Empty : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_CYCLES_NE.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Cycles Not Empty : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_CYCLES_NE.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Deallocs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Deallocs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Deallocs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Deallocs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Deallocs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Deallocs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Deallocs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Deallocs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Deallocs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Deallocs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Deallocs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Deallocs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped : XPT - Ch 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_DEMAND_DROPS.CH0_XPT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped : UPI - Ch 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_DEMAND_DROPS.CH0_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped : XPT - Ch 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_DEMAND_DROPS.CH1_XPT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped : UPI - Ch 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_DEMAND_DROPS.CH1_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped : XPT - Ch 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_DEMAND_DROPS.CH2_XPT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped : UPI - Ch 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_DEMAND_DROPS.CH2_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch0 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch0 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch0 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch0 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_DROP_REASONS_CH0.STOP_B2B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch0 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch0 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch0 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch0 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch0 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch0 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch0 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch1 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x71",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch1 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x71",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch1 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x71",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch1 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x71",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_DROP_REASONS_CH1.STOP_B2B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch1 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x71",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch1 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x71",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch1 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x71",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch1 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x71",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch1 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x71",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch1 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x71",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch1 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x71",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch2 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x72",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch2 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x72",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch2 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x72",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch2 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x72",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_DROP_REASONS_CH2.STOP_B2B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch2 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x72",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch2 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x72",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch2 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x72",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch2 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x72",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch2 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x72",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch2 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x72",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped Ch2 - Reasons",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x72",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Inserts : XPT - Ch 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_INSERTS.CH0_XPT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Inserts : UPI - Ch 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_INSERTS.CH0_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Inserts : XPT - Ch 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_INSERTS.CH1_XPT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Inserts : UPI - Ch 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_INSERTS.CH1_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Inserts : XPT - Ch 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_INSERTS.CH2_XPT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Inserts : UPI - Ch 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_INSERTS.CH2_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Occupancy : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_OCCUPANCY.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Occupancy : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_OCCUPANCY.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Occupancy : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_OCCUPANCY.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x76",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_RESP_MISS.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x76",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_RESP_MISS.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x76",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_RESP_MISS.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_RxC_DEALLOCS.SQUASHED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_RxC_DEALLOCS.1LM_POSTED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_RxC_DEALLOCS.1LM_POSTED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_RxC_DEALLOCS.CIS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_RxC_DEALLOCS.CIS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_NE.MIRR_NONTGR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WR_TRACKER_NE.MIRR_PWR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF0 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF0 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF1 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF1 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF2 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF2_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF2 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF2_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF3 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF3_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF3 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF3_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 1 : M2IOSF4 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_1.M2IOSF4_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 1 : M2IOSF4 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_1.M2IOSF4_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 1 : M2IOSF5 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_1.M2IOSF5_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 1 : M2IOSF5 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_1.M2IOSF5_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local P2P Dedicated Credits Returned - 0 : M2IOSF0 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_P2P_DED_RETURNED_0.MS2IOSF0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local P2P Dedicated Credits Returned - 0 : M2IOSF0 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_P2P_DED_RETURNED_0.MS2IOSF0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local P2P Dedicated Credits Returned - 0 : M2IOSF1 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_P2P_DED_RETURNED_0.MS2IOSF1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local P2P Dedicated Credits Returned - 0 : M2IOSF1 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_P2P_DED_RETURNED_0.MS2IOSF1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local P2P Dedicated Credits Returned - 0 : M2IOSF2 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_P2P_DED_RETURNED_0.MS2IOSF2_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local P2P Dedicated Credits Returned - 0 : M2IOSF2 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_P2P_DED_RETURNED_0.MS2IOSF2_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local P2P Dedicated Credits Returned - 0 : M2IOSF3 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_P2P_DED_RETURNED_0.MS2IOSF3_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local P2P Dedicated Credits Returned - 0 : M2IOSF3 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_P2P_DED_RETURNED_0.MS2IOSF3_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local P2P Dedicated Credits Returned - 1 : M2IOSF4 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_P2P_DED_RETURNED_1.MS2IOSF4_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local P2P Dedicated Credits Returned - 1 : M2IOSF4 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_P2P_DED_RETURNED_1.MS2IOSF4_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local P2P Dedicated Credits Returned - 1 : M2IOSF5 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_P2P_DED_RETURNED_1.MS2IOSF5_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local P2P Dedicated Credits Returned - 1 : M2IOSF5 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_P2P_DED_RETURNED_1.MS2IOSF5_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local P2P Shared Credits Returned : Agent0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_P2P_SHAR_RETURNED.AGENT_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local P2P Shared Credits Returned : Agent1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_P2P_SHAR_RETURNED.AGENT_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local P2P Shared Credits Returned : Agent2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_P2P_SHAR_RETURNED.AGENT_2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Returned to credit ring : Agent0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_RETURNED.AGENT_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Returned to credit ring : Agent1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_RETURNED.AGENT_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Returned to credit ring : Agent2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_RETURNED.AGENT_2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Returned to credit ring : Agent3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_RETURNED.AGENT_3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Returned to credit ring : Agent4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_RETURNED.AGENT_4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Returned to credit ring : Agent5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_RETURNED.AGENT_5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF0 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF0 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF1 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF1 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF2 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF2_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF2 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF2_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF3 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF3_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Taken - 0 : M2IOSF3 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.M2IOSF3_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Taken - 1 : M2IOSF4 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_1.M2IOSF4_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Taken - 1 : M2IOSF4 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_1.M2IOSF4_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Taken - 1 : M2IOSF5 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_1.M2IOSF5_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local Shared P2P Credit Taken - 1 : M2IOSF5 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_1.M2IOSF5_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Local Shared P2P Credit - 0 : M2IOSF0 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_0.M2IOSF0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Local Shared P2P Credit - 0 : M2IOSF0 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_0.M2IOSF0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Local Shared P2P Credit - 0 : M2IOSF1 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_0.M2IOSF1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Local Shared P2P Credit - 0 : M2IOSF1 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_0.M2IOSF1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Local Shared P2P Credit - 0 : M2IOSF2 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_0.M2IOSF2_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Local Shared P2P Credit - 0 : M2IOSF2 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_0.M2IOSF2_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Local Shared P2P Credit - 0 : M2IOSF3 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_0.M2IOSF3_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Local Shared P2P Credit - 0 : M2IOSF3 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_0.M2IOSF3_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Local Shared P2P Credit - 1 : M2IOSF4 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_1.M2IOSF4_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Local Shared P2P Credit - 1 : M2IOSF4 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_1.M2IOSF4_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Local Shared P2P Credit - 1 : M2IOSF5 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_1.M2IOSF5_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Local Shared P2P Credit - 1 : M2IOSF5 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_LOCAL_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_1.M2IOSF5_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Credit Occupancy : Local NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_P2P_CRD_OCCUPANCY.LOCAL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Credit Occupancy : Local NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_P2P_CRD_OCCUPANCY.LOCAL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Credit Occupancy : Remote NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_P2P_CRD_OCCUPANCY.REMOTE_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Credit Occupancy : Remote NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_P2P_CRD_OCCUPANCY.REMOTE_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Credit Occupancy : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_P2P_CRD_OCCUPANCY.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Dedicated Credits Received : Local NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_P2P_DED_RECEIVED.LOCAL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Dedicated Credits Received : Local NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_P2P_DED_RECEIVED.LOCAL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Dedicated Credits Received : Remote NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_P2P_DED_RECEIVED.REMOTE_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Dedicated Credits Received : Remote NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_P2P_DED_RECEIVED.REMOTE_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Dedicated Credits Received : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_P2P_DED_RECEIVED.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Shared Credits  Received : Local NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_P2P_SHAR_RECEIVED.LOCAL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Shared Credits  Received : Local NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_P2P_SHAR_RECEIVED.LOCAL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Shared Credits  Received : Remote NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_P2P_SHAR_RECEIVED.REMOTE_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Shared Credits  Received : Remote NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_P2P_SHAR_RECEIVED.REMOTE_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Shared Credits  Received : All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_P2P_SHAR_RECEIVED.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 0 : UPI0 - DRS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.UPI0_DRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 0 : UPI0 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.UPI0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 0 : UPI0 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.UPI0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 0 : UPI1 - DRS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.UPI1_DRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 0 : UPI1 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.UPI1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 0 : UPI1 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.UPI1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 1 : UPI2 - DRS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_1.UPI2_DRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 1 : UPI2 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_1.UPI2_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Dedicated P2P Credit Taken - 1 : UPI2 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_DED_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_1.UPI2_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote P2P Dedicated Credits Returned : UPI0 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_P2P_DED_RETURNED.UPI0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote P2P Dedicated Credits Returned : UPI0 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_P2P_DED_RETURNED.UPI0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote P2P Dedicated Credits Returned : UPI1 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_P2P_DED_RETURNED.UPI1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote P2P Dedicated Credits Returned : UPI1 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_P2P_DED_RETURNED.UPI1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote P2P Dedicated Credits Returned : UPI2 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_P2P_DED_RETURNED.UPI2_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote P2P Dedicated Credits Returned : UPI2 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_P2P_DED_RETURNED.UPI2_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote P2P Shared Credits Returned : Agent0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_P2P_SHAR_RETURNED.AGENT_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote P2P Shared Credits Returned : Agent1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_P2P_SHAR_RETURNED.AGENT_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote P2P Shared Credits Returned : Agent2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_P2P_SHAR_RETURNED.AGENT_2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Shared P2P Credit Returned to credit ring : Agent0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Shared P2P Credit Returned to credit ring : Agent1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Shared P2P Credit Returned to credit ring : Agent2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Shared P2P Credit Taken - 0 : UPI0 - DRS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.UPI0_DRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Shared P2P Credit Taken - 0 : UPI0 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.UPI0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Shared P2P Credit Taken - 0 : UPI0 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.UPI0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Shared P2P Credit Taken - 0 : UPI1 - DRS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.UPI1_DRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Shared P2P Credit Taken - 0 : UPI1 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.UPI1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Shared P2P Credit Taken - 0 : UPI1 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_0.UPI1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Shared P2P Credit Taken - 1 : UPI2 - DRS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_1.UPI2_DRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Shared P2P Credit Taken - 1 : UPI2 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_1.UPI2_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote Shared P2P Credit Taken - 1 : UPI2 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_TAKEN_1.UPI2_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Remote Shared P2P Credit - 0 : UPI0 - DRS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_0.UPI0_DRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Remote Shared P2P Credit - 0 : UPI0 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_0.UPI0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Remote Shared P2P Credit - 0 : UPI0 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_0.UPI0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Remote Shared P2P Credit - 0 : UPI1 - DRS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_0.UPI1_DRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Remote Shared P2P Credit - 0 : UPI1 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_0.UPI1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Remote Shared P2P Credit - 0 : UPI1 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_0.UPI1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Remote Shared P2P Credit - 1 : UPI2 - DRS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_1.UPI2_DRS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Remote Shared P2P Credit - 1 : UPI2 - NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_1.UPI2_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Waiting on Remote Shared P2P Credit - 1 : UPI2 - NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_REMOTE_SHAR_P2P_CRD_WAIT_1.UPI2_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_CYCLES_NE.CHA_IDI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_CYCLES_NE.CHA_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_CYCLES_NE.CHA_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_INSERTS.CHA_IDI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_INSERTS.CHA_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_INSERTS.CHA_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CREDITS.PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CREDITS.PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.RxC_CYCLES_NE_CBO_NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.RxC_CYCLES_NE_CBO_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.RxC_CYCLES_NE_CBO_NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.RxC_CYCLES_NE_CBO_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.RxC_CYCLES_NE_UPI_NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.RxC_CYCLES_NE_UPI_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.RxC_CYCLES_NE_UPI_NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.RxC_CYCLES_NE_UPI_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.TxC_CYCLES_CRD_OVF_CBO_NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.TxC_CYCLES_CRD_OVF_CBO_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.TxC_CYCLES_CRD_OVF_CBO_NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.TxC_CYCLES_CRD_OVF_CBO_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.TxC_CYCLES_CRD_OVF_UPI_NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.TxC_CYCLES_CRD_OVF_UPI_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.TxC_CYCLES_CRD_OVF_UPI_NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC1.TxC_CYCLES_CRD_OVF_UPI_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.RxC_CYCLES_FULL_BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.RxC_CYCLES_FULL_BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.RxC_CYCLES_EMPTY_BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.RxC_CYCLES_EMPTY_BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.TxC_CYCLES_CRD_OVF_VN0_NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.TxC_CYCLES_CRD_OVF_VN0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.TxC_CYCLES_CRD_OVF_VN0_NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.TxC_CYCLES_CRD_OVF_VN0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.TxC_CYCLES_EMPTY_BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.TxC_CYCLES_EMPTY_BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.TxC_CYCLES_EMPTY_AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.TxC_CYCLES_EMPTY_AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.TxC_CYCLES_EMPTY_AKC",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.TxC_CYCLES_EMPTY_AKC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.TxC_CYCLES_FULL_BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC2.TxC_CYCLES_FULL_BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC3.TxC_CYCLES_FULL_AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC3.TxC_CYCLES_FULL_AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC3.TxC_CYCLES_FULL_AKC",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_M2U_MISC3.TxC_CYCLES_FULL_AKC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x81",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x81",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x81",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x89",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x89",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x89",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x85",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x85",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x85",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : Vertical",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : Horizontal",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Local",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Remote",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Stalled - IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Stalled -  No Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements : Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements : Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AKC_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use : Left",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.LEFT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use : Right",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.RIGHT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Events (mostly from MS2IDI) : Number of cycles MBE is high for MS2IDI0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC_EXTERNAL.MBE_INST0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Events (mostly from MS2IDI) : Number of cycles MBE is high for MS2IDI1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC_EXTERNAL.MBE_INST1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AKC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : Acknowledgements to Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : IFV - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IFV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1_1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1_1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1_1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0_1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0_1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0_1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1_1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1_1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1_1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : IV - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.IV_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS_1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS_1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED1.TGC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use : Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.UP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use : Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.DN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x81",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x81",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x81",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x89",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x89",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x89",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x85",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x85",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x85",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : Vertical",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DISTRESS_ASSERTED.VERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : Horizontal",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DISTRESS_ASSERTED.HORZ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Local",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Remote",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Stalled - IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Stalled -  No Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements : Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements : Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.RIGHT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AKC_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AKC_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AKC_IN_USE.RIGHT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AKC_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.RIGHT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.RIGHT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use : Left",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.LEFT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use : Right",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.RIGHT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Events (mostly from MS2IDI) : Number of cycles MBE is high for MS2IDI0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_MISC_EXTERNAL.MBE_INST0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Events (mostly from MS2IDI) : Number of cycles MBE is high for MS2IDI1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_MISC_EXTERNAL.MBE_INST1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AKC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : Acknowledgements to Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AKC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : IFV - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IFV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1_1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1_1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1_1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0_1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0_1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0_1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1_1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1_1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1_1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : IV - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.IV_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS_1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS_1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED1.TGC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use : Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.UP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use : Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.DN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x81",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x81",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x81",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x89",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x89",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x89",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x85",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x85",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x85",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8e",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8e",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8e",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8e",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8e",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8e",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8e",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8e",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8f",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8f",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8f",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : Vertical",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xaf",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_DISTRESS_ASSERTED.VERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : Horizontal",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xaf",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_DISTRESS_ASSERTED.HORZ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Local",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xaf",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Remote",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xaf",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Stalled - IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xaf",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Stalled -  No Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xaf",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements : Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xba",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements : Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xba",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.RIGHT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xbb",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_AKC_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xbb",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_AKC_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xbb",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_AKC_IN_USE.RIGHT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xbb",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_AKC_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.RIGHT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.RIGHT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use : Left",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.LEFT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use : Right",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.RIGHT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Events (mostly from MS2IDI) : Number of cycles MBE is high for MS2IDI0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_MISC_EXTERNAL.MBE_INST0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Events (mostly from MS2IDI) : Number of cycles MBE is high for MS2IDI1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_MISC_EXTERNAL.MBE_INST1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xac",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xac",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xac",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xac",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xaa",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xaa",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xaa",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xaa",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xaa",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AKC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xad",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xad",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xad",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xad",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : Acknowledgements to Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xad",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xab",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xab",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xab",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xab",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xab",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AKC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_BYPASS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_BYPASS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_BYPASS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_BYPASS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_BYPASS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_BYPASS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_BYPASS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : IFV - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IFV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_INSERTS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_INSERTS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_INSERTS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_INSERTS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_INSERTS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_INSERTS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_INSERTS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1_1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1_1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1_1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0_1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0_1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0_1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1_1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1_1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xd7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1_1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_NACK.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xa5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : IV - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.IV_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9e",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_BYPASS_1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9e",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_BYPASS_1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_INSERTS1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_INSERTS1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_NACK0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_NACK0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_NACK0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_NACK1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_NACK1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_STARVED1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_STARVED1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxR_VERT_STARVED1.TGC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use : Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.UP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use : Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.DN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xb5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x81",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x81",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x81",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x89",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x89",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x89",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x85",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x85",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x85",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : Vertical",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : Horizontal",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Local",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Remote",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Stalled - IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : DPT Stalled -  No Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements : Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements : Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AKC_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use : Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use : Left",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.LEFT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use : Right",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.RIGHT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Events (mostly from MS2IDI) : Number of cycles MBE is high for MS2IDI0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MISC_EXTERNAL.MBE_INST0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Events (mostly from MS2IDI) : Number of cycles MBE is high for MS2IDI1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MISC_EXTERNAL.MBE_INST1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring. : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring. : Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AKC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring : Acknowledgements to Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring : Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : IFV - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IFV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xE0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL0_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1_1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1_1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1_1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0_1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0_1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0_1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1_1.TGR8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1_1.TGR9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits : For Transgress 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL1_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1_1.TGR10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AD - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : BL - Credited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AD - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AD_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : BL - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.BL_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Uncredited",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AKC_UNCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : AD - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AD_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation : BL - All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.BL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : IV - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.IV_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS_1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS_1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : IV - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED0.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED1.AKC_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED1.AKC_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation : AKC - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED1.TGC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AKC Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AKC_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use : Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.UP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use : Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.DN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical TGC Ring In Use : Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_TGC_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Source Throttle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xae",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SRC_THRTL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counting disabled",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_NOTHING",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PWT occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_PWT_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Symbol Times on Link",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_SYMBOL_TIMES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_AK_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL DRS Egress Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_DRS_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL DRS Egress Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x02",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_DRS_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL DRS Egress Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x08",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_DRS_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCB Egress Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x06",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCB_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCB Egress Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCB_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCB Egress Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x09",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCB_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCS Egress Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x07",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCS_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCS Egress Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCS_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCS Egress Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCS_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_I_TxR2_AD01_STALL_CREDIT_CYCLES",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxR2_AD01_STALL_CREDIT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No AD0 Egress Credits Stalls",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxR2_AD0_STALL_CREDIT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No AD1 Egress Credits Stalls",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxR2_AD1_STALL_CREDIT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No BL Egress Credit Stalls",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxR2_BL_STALL_CREDIT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound Read Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxS_DATA_INSERTS_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound Read Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxS_DATA_INSERTS_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound Request Queue Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxS_REQUEST_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2CORE_NOT_TAKEN_NOTFORKED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x64",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_MIRR_WRQ_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x65",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_MIRR_WRQ_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_CIS_DROPS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x73",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_CIS_DROPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_RxC_CYCLES_NE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x79",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_RxC_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_RxC_INSERTS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x78",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_RxC_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_RxC_OCCUPANCY",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x77",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_RxC_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Source Throttle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xae",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SRC_THRTL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x03",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AK_WR_CMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x08",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x07",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M2M_SCOREBOARD_AD_RETRY_ACCEPTS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M2M_SCOREBOARD_AD_RETRY_REJECTS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Retry - Mem Mirroring Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Retry - Mem Mirroring Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accepts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_SCOREBOARD_RD_ACCEPTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_SCOREBOARD_RD_REJECTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Accepts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x31",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_SCOREBOARD_WR_ACCEPTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Scoreboard Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_SCOREBOARD_WR_REJECTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number AD Ingress Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TGR_AD_CREDITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number BL Ingress Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TGR_BL_CREDITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Credit Acquired",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_CREDITS_ACQUIRED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Credits Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0e",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_CREDIT_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0c",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0b",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles with No AD Egress (to CMS) Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0f",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_NO_CREDIT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Stalled with No AD Egress (to CMS) Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_NO_CREDIT_STALLED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AKC Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AKC_CREDITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Source Throttle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xae",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RING_SRC_THRTL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxR_CRD_STARVED_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Clockticks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xc0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CMS_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "D2C Sent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_D2C_SENT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "D2U Sent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_D2U_SENT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Source Throttle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xae",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SRC_THRTL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xe4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Flow Q Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AK_FLQ_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Flow Q Occupancy",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AK_FLQ_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FlowQ Generated Prefetch",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_UPI_PREFETCH_SPAWN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IDI Lock/SplitLock Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_LOCK_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RACU Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_RACU_REQUESTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_CRD_RETURN_BLOCKED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_CRD_RETURN_BLOCKED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles where phy is not in L0, L0c, L0p, L1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_PHY_INIT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "L1 Req Nack",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_POWER_L1_NACK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "L1 Req (same as L1 Ack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_POWER_L1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in L0p",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL0P_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in L0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL0_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CRC Errors Detected",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_CRC_ERRORS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "LLR Requests Sent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x08",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_CRC_LLR_REQ_TRANSMIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Consumed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_CREDITS_CONSUMED_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Consumed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x3A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_CREDITS_CONSUMED_VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VNA Credit Consumed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_CREDITS_CONSUMED_VNA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES_LL_ENTER",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES_LL_ENTER",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES_M3_EXIT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES_M3_EXIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in L0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tx Flit Buffer Bypassed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BYPASSED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tx Flit Buffer Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tx Flit Buffer Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_VNA_CREDIT_RETURN_BLOCKED_VN01",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VNA Credits Pending Return - Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Any Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1FFFFF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1FFF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1bc1ff",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1bc1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Flush or Invalidate Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.FLUSH_INV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1A44FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1A44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.CODE_READ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.CODE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1bd0ff",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1bd0",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.LOC_HOM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0bdfff",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x0bdf",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.REM_HOM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x15dfff",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x15df",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Flush or Invalidate requests that come from a Remote socket",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1A04FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1A04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Data Read Requests that come from a Remote socket",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1A01FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1A01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : RFO Requests that come from a Remote socket",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.RFO_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1A08FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1A08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.CODE_READ_REMOTE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.CODE_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1a10ff",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1a10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Snoop Requests from a Remote Socket",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1C19FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1C19",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Flush or Invalidate Requests that come from the local socket (usually the core)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1844FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1844",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Data Read Request that come from the local socket (usually the core)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x19C1FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x19C1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : RFO Requests that come from the local socket (usually the core)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.RFO_LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x19C8FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x19C8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.CODE_READ_LOCAL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.CODE_LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x19d0ff",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x19d0",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.LLCPREF_LOCAL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.LLC_PF_LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x189dff",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x189d",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Opts issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_DRD_OPT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC827FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC827FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Opt_Prefs issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8A7FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8A7FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Opt issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_DRD_OPT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC827FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC827FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Opt_Prefs issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8A7FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8A7FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : CRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC88FFD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC88FFD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC897FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC897FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRd_Opts issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC827FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC827FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRd_Opt_Prefs issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8A7FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8A7FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : RFO_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC887FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC887FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : CRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC88FFE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC88FFE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC897FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC897FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRd_Opt issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC827FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC827FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRd_Opt_Prefs issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8A7FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8A7FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : RFO_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC887FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC887FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by IO Devices that hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_HIT_RFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC803FD04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC803FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : ItoMs issued by IO Devices that Hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_HIT_ITOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCC43FD04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCC43FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : RFOs issued by IO Devices that hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_HIT_RFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC803FD04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC803FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by IO Devices",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_RFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC803FF04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC803FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_DRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC817FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC817FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Opts issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_DRD_OPT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC827FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC827FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Opt_Prefs issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_DRD_OPT_PREF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8A7FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8A7FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; CRd Pref from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_CRD_PREF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC88FFF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC88FFF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : RFOs issued by IO Devices",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_RFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC803FF04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC803FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : ItoMs issued by IO Devices",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_ITOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCC43FF04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCC43FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : RFO_Prefs issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_RFO_PREF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC887FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC887FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCC7FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCC7FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRd_Opts issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_DRD_OPT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC827FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC827FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRd_Opt_Prefs issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8A7FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8A7FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; CRd Pref from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_CRD_PREF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC88FFF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC88FFF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_DRD_PREF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC897FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC897FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; DRd Pref misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC896FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC896FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; DRd Pref misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8977E01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8977E",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC806FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC806FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8077E01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8077E",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : RFO_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC886FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC886FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : RFO_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8877E01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8877E",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CLFlushOpts issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8D7FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8D7FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMs issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_ITOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCC47FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCC47FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WbMtoIs issued by IO Devices",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_WBMTOI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCC23FF04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCC23FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CLFlushes issued by IO Devices",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_CLFLUSH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8C3FF04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8C3FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WbMtoIs issued by an iA Cores. Modified Write Backs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_WBMTOI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xcc27ff01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xcc27ff",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8978A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8978A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8968A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8968A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8970A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8970A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiLF misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc8678a01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc8678a",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiLF misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc8668a01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc8668a",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiLF misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc8670a01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc8670a",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_WCILF_DDR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8678601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86786",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LOCAL_WCILF_DDR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8668601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86686",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiL misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc86f8a01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86f8a",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiL misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc86e8a01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86e8a",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiL misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc86f0a01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86f0a",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_WCIL_DDR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86F8601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86F86",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LOCAL_WCIL_DDR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86E8601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86E86",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8168A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8168A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8170A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8170A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8978A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8978A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8968A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8968A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8970A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8970A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; WCiLF misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc867fe01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc867fe",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; WCiLF misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc8678a01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc8678a",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; WCiLF misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc8668a01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc8668a",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; WCiLF misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc8670a01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc8670a",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; WCiL misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc86ffe01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86ffe",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; WCiL misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc86f8a01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86f8a",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; WCiL misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc86e8a01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86e8a",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; WCiL misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc86f0a01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86f0a",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "1",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "2",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "3",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "4",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "5",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "6",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "7",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "8",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "9",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "13",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "12",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "11",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "10",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "15",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "14",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Free running counter that increments for every 32 bytes of data sent from the IO agent to the SOC",
+        "Counter": "16",
+        "CounterType": "FREERUN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_WCIL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86FFE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86FFE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_CYCLES_NE.UPI_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_CYCLES_NE.UPI_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_INSERTS.UPI_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Queue Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_RxC_INSERTS.UPI_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CREDITS.PMM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CREDITS.PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_FULL.PMM_BLOCK_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_FULL.PMM_BLOCK_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_NE.PMM_DISTRESS_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress (to CMS) Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2P_TxC_CYCLES_NE.PMM_DISTRESS_0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : PMM Local",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : PMM Remote",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2PCIe"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : RFO Request Filter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.RFO_F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Transactions homed locally Filter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.LOCAL_F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x800",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Transactions homed remotely Filter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE_F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1000",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Remote snoop request Filter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE_SNOOP_F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x400",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : All Request Filter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.ANY_F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Data Read Request Filter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ_F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Write Request Filter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.OTHER_REQ_F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Flush or Invalidate Filter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.FLUSH_OR_INV_F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : CRd Request Filter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.CODE_READ_F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Local request Filter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Local LLC prefetch requests (from LLC) Filter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Remote non-snoop request Filter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x200",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : All Misses",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.MISS_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1fe001",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1fe0",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1fc1ff",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1fc1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Data Read Misses",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1bc101",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1bc1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ_LOCAL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x841ff",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x841",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.WRITES_AND_OTHER",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.WRITE_LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x842ff",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x842",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.RFO_LOCAL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.RFO_PREF_LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x888ff",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x888",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.WRITES_AND_OTHER",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.WRITE_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x17c2ff",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x17c2",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : All transactions from Remote Agents",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.ALL_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1e20ff",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1e20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : PMM Local",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : PMM Remote",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty : IIO0 and IIO1 share the same ring destination. (1 VN0 credit only)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.IIO1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty : IIO5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.UBOX_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M2M_DISTRESS_PMM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xF2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DISTRESS_PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M2M_DISTRESS_PMM_MEMMODE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xF1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DISTRESS_PMM_MEMMODE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : Critical Priority - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0702",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x07",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : From TGR - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.FROM_TGR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0740",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x07",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : ISOCH Full Line - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.FULL_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1C04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1C",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : ISOCH Partial - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.PARTIAL_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1C08",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1C",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : DDR - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.TO_DDR_AS_MEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1C20",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1C",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : DDR, acting as Cache - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.TO_DDR_AS_CACHE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1C40",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1C",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : From TGR - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.FROM_TGR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1D",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : Non-Inclusive Miss - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.NI_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1C",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Cycles Full : All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_CYCLES_FULL.ALLCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x07",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Cycles Not Empty : All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_CYCLES_NE.ALLCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x07",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped : XPT - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6f",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x15",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Prefetches Dropped : UPI - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6f",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2a",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Occupancy : All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_OCCUPANCY.ALLCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x07",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x76",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_RESP_MISS.ALLCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x07",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : PMM - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.CH0_TO_PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0120",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : DDR - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.CH0_TO_DDR_AS_MEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0108",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : DDR, acting as Cache - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.CH0_TO_DDR_AS_CACHE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0110",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : PMM - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.CH1_TO_PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0220",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : DDR - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.CH1_TO_DDR_AS_MEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0208",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : DDR, acting as Cache - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.CH1_TO_DDR_AS_CACHE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0210",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : DDR - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.TO_DDR_AS_MEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0708",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x07",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC : DDR, acting as Cache - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.TO_DDR_AS_CACHE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0710",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x07",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : PMM - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH0_TO_PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0480",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : DDR - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH0_TO_DDR_AS_MEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0420",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : DDR, acting as Cache - Ch0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH0_TO_DDR_AS_CACHE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0440",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : PMM - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH1_TO_PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0880",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : DDR - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH1_TO_DDR_AS_MEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0820",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC : DDR, acting as Cache - Ch1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.CH1_TO_DDR_AS_CACHE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0840",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - PMM : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_NO_REG_CRD_PMM.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - PMM : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_NO_REG_CRD_PMM.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - PMM : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_NO_REG_CRD_PMM.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - PMM : Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_NO_REG_CRD_PMM.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - PMM : Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_NO_REG_CRD_PMM.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - PMM : Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_NO_REG_CRD_PMM.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x7A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : PMM Local",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : PMM Remote",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Inserts : UPI - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6d",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_INSERTS.UPI_ALLCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2a",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Inserts : XPT - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x6D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_INSERTS.XPT_ALLCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x15",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": PWC Hit to a 4K page",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU1.PWC_4K_HITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": PWC Hit to a 2M page",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU1.PWC_2M_HITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": PWC Hit to a 1G page",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU1.PWC_1G_HITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": PWT Hit to a 256T page",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU1.PWC_512G_HITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": PageWalk cache fill",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU1.PWC_CACHE_FILLS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Global IOTLB invalidation cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU3.NUM_INVAL_GBL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Domain-selective IOTLB invalidation cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU3.NUM_INVAL_DOMAIN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Page-selective IOTLB invalidation cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_IOMMU3.NUM_INVAL_PAGE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Context cache global invalidation cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Domain-selective Context cache invalidation cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Device-selective Context cache invalidation cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Num requests sent by PCIe - by target : MsgB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_NUM_REQ_OF_CPU_BY_TGT.MSGB",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Num requests sent by PCIe - by target : Multi-cast",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_NUM_REQ_OF_CPU_BY_TGT.MCAST",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Num requests sent by PCIe - by target : Ubox",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_NUM_REQ_OF_CPU_BY_TGT.UBOX",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Num requests sent by PCIe - by target : Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_NUM_REQ_OF_CPU_BY_TGT.MEM",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Num requests sent by PCIe - by target : Remote P2P",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_NUM_REQ_OF_CPU_BY_TGT.REM_P2P",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Num requests sent by PCIe - by target : Local P2P",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_NUM_REQ_OF_CPU_BY_TGT.LOC_P2P",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Num requests sent by PCIe - by target : Confined P2P",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Num requests sent by PCIe - by target : Abort",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_NUM_REQ_OF_CPU_BY_TGT.ABORT",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ITC address map 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x8F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_NUM_TGT_MATCHED_REQ_OF_CPU",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Issuing to IOMMU",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Processing response from IOMMU",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Request Ownership",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Issuing final read or write of line",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Writing line",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": ": Passing data to be written",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Occupancy of outbound request queue : To device",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC5",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Request - cacheline complete : Request Ownership",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_REQ_FROM_PCIE_CL_CMPL.REQ_OWN",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Request - cacheline complete : Issuing final read or write of line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Request - cacheline complete : Writing line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_REQ_FROM_PCIE_CL_CMPL.WR",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Request - cacheline complete : Passing data to be written",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_REQ_FROM_PCIE_CL_CMPL.DATA",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Request complete : Issuing to IOMMU",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Request complete : Processing response from IOMMU",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Request complete : Request Ownership",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_REQ_FROM_PCIE_CMPL.REQ_OWN",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Request complete : Issuing final read or write of line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Request complete : Writing line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_REQ_FROM_PCIE_CMPL.WR",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Request complete : Passing data to be written",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_REQ_FROM_PCIE_CMPL.DATA",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Request - pass complete : Request Ownership",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Request - pass complete : Issuing final read or write of line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Request - pass complete : Writing line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_REQ_FROM_PCIE_PASS_CMPL.WR",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Request - pass complete : Passing data to be written",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Incoming arbitration requests : Issuing to IOMMU",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_INBOUND_ARB_REQ.IOMMU_REQ",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Incoming arbitration requests : Processing response from IOMMU",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_INBOUND_ARB_REQ.IOMMU_HIT",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Incoming arbitration requests : Request Ownership",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_INBOUND_ARB_REQ.REQ_OWN",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Incoming arbitration requests : Issuing final read or write of line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_INBOUND_ARB_REQ.FINAL_RD_WR",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Incoming arbitration requests : Writing line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_INBOUND_ARB_REQ.WR",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Incoming arbitration requests : Passing data to be written",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_INBOUND_ARB_REQ.DATA",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Incoming arbitration requests granted : Issuing to IOMMU",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_INBOUND_ARB_WON.IOMMU_REQ",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Incoming arbitration requests granted : Processing response from IOMMU",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_INBOUND_ARB_WON.IOMMU_HIT",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Incoming arbitration requests granted : Request Ownership",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_INBOUND_ARB_WON.REQ_OWN",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Incoming arbitration requests granted : Issuing final read or write of line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_INBOUND_ARB_WON.FINAL_RD_WR",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Incoming arbitration requests granted : Writing line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_INBOUND_ARB_WON.WR",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Incoming arbitration requests granted : Passing data to be written",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x87",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_INBOUND_ARB_WON.DATA",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound cacheline requests issued : 64B requests issued to device",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound TLP (transaction layer packet) requests issued : To device",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number requests sent to PCIe from main die : From IRP",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_NUM_REQ_FROM_CPU.IRP",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number requests sent to PCIe from main die : From ITC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_NUM_REQ_FROM_CPU.ITC",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number requests sent to PCIe from main die : Completion allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xc2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_NUM_REQ_FROM_CPU.PREALLOC",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLF issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_WCILF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC867FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC867FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLs issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_WCIL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86FFF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86FFF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WiLs issued by iA Cores that Missed LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_WIL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC87FDE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC87FDE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRd issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC80EFE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC80EFE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRd issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC80F7E01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC80F7E",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC88EFE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC88EFE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC88F7E01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC88F7E",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMCacheNears issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCD47FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCD47FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMs issued by iA Cores that Hit LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_ITOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCC47FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCC47FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : ItoMs issued by iA Cores that Missed LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_ITOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCC47FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCC47FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : UCRdFs issued by iA Cores that Missed LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_UCRDF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC877DE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC877DE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefCode issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCCFFF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCCFFF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Memory Mode related events : Counts the number of times CHA saw NM Set conflict in TOR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x64",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Memory Mode related events : Counts the number of times CHA saw NM Set conflict in SF/LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x64",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PMM Memory Mode related events : Counts the number of times CHA saw NM Set conflict in SF/LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x64",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefCode issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCCFFD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCCFFD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefData issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCD7FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCD7FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefCode issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCCFFE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCCFFE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : LLCPrefCode issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCCFFD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCCFFD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : LLCPrefData issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCD7FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCD7FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : LLCPrefCode issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCCFFE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCCFFE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : LLCPrefData issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCD7FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCD7FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_PMM_MEMMODE_NM_INVITOX.LOCAL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x65",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_PMM_MEMMODE_NM_INVITOX.REMOTE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x65",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x65",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_PMM_MEMMODE_NM_SETCONFLICTS2.IODC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_PMM_MEMMODE_NM_SETCONFLICTS2.MEMWR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x70",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS.SLOW_INSERT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x66",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS.SLOW_INSERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS.DDR4_FAST_INSERT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x66",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS.DDR4_FAST_INSERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS.THROTTLE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x66",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS.THROTTLE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS.REJ_IRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x66",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS.REJ_IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS.THROTTLE_PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x66",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS.THROTTLE_PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS.THROTTLE_IRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x66",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS.THROTTLE_IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS.SLOWTORQ_SKIP",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x66",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS.SLOWTORQ_SKIP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS_OCCUPANCY.DDR_SLOW_FIFO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x67",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_PMM_QOS_OCCUPANCY.DDR_FAST_FIFO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x67",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.IRQ_PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_PIPE_REJECT.PRQ_PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Pipe Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x400",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : PMM Access",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : PMM Access",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.PMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : PMM Local",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Distress signal asserted : PMM Remote",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xAF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLFs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM that missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8678A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8678A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLFs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM that missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8668A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8668A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLFs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM that missed the LLC - HOMed remote memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8670A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8670A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM that missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86F8A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86F8A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM that missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86E8A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86E8A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM that missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86F0A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86F0A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLFs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM that missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8678A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8678A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLFs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM that missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8668A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8668A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLFs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM that missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8670A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8670A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM that missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86F8A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86F8A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM that missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86E8A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86E8A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLs issued by iA Cores targeting PMM that missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86F0A01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86F0A",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DDR4 Access",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.DDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DDR4 Access",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.DDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8978601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC89786",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8968601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC89686",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8970601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC89706",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLFs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR that missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8678601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86786",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLFs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR that missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8668601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86686",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLFs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR that missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8670601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86706",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR that missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86F8601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86F86",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR that missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86E8601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86E86",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR that missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86F0601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86F06",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8168601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC81686",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRds issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8170601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC81706",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8978601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC89786",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8968601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC89686",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR Mem that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8970601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC89706",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLFs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR that missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8678601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86786",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLFs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR that missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8668601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86686",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLFs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR that missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8670601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86706",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR that missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86F8601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86F86",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR that missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86E8601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86E86",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLs issued by iA Cores targeting DDR that missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86F0601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86F06",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : PCIRdCurs issued by IO Devices that hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8F3FD04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8F3FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : LLCPrefData issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCD7FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCD7FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WCiLF issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_WCILF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC867FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC867FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLF issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC867FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC867FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86FFE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86FFE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : CRd issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC80EFE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC80EFE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : CRd issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC80F7E01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC80F7E",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : CRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed locally",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC88EFE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC88EFE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : CRd_Prefs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC - HOMed remotely",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC88F7E01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC88F7E",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : CLFlushes issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8C7FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8C7FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : CLFlushOpts issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8D7FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8D7FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : ItoMCacheNears issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCD47FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCD47FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : SpecItoMs issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCC57FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCC57FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WbMtoIs issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_WBMTOI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCC27FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCC27FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : ItoMs issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_ITOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCC47FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCC47FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : ItoMs issued by iA Cores that Hit LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_ITOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCC47FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCC47FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : ItoMs issued by iA Cores that Missed LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCC47FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCC47FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : UCRdFs issued by iA Cores that Missed LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC877DE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC877DE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WiLs issued by iA Cores that Missed LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_WIL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC87FDE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC87FDE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLF issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_WCILF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC867FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC867FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WCiLs issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_WCIL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC86FFF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC86FFF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : LLCPrefCode issued by iA Cores",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCCCFFF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCCCFFF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : WbMtoIs issued by IO Devices",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_WBMTOI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCC23FF04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCC23FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : CLFlushes issued by IO Devices",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC8C3FF04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC8C3FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : ItoMCacheNears, indicating a partial write request, from IO Devices",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCD43FF04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCD43FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : ItoMCacheNears, indicating a partial write request, from IO Devices that hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCD43FD04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCD43FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : ItoMCacheNears, indicating a partial write request, from IO Devices that missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xCD43FE04",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xCD43FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiLF misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc8678601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86786",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiLF misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc8668601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86686",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiLF misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc8670601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86706",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiL misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc86f8601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86f86",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiL misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc86e8601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86e86",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; WCiL misses from local IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc86f0601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86f06",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; WCiLF misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc8678601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86786",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; WCiLF misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc8668601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86686",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; WCiLF misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc8670601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86706",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; WCiL misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc86f8601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86f86",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; WCiL misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc86e8601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86e86",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; WCiL misses from local IA",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xc86f0601",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xc86f06",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WBEFtoEs issued by an IA Core.  Non Modified Write Backs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_WBEFTOE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xcc3fff01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xcc3fff",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that miss the IIO cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x71",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that hit M, E, S or I line in the IIO",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7e",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that hit E or S line in the IIO cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_HIT_ES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x74",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that hit I line in the IIO cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_HIT_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x72",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : SpecItoMs issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xcc57fe01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xcc57fe",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : SpecItoMs issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xcc57fe01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xcc57fe",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd PTEs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC837FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC837FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd PTEs issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_DRDPTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC837FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC837FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRd PTEs issued by iA Cores",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_DRDPTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC837FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC837FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : SpecItoMs issued by iA Cores that hit in the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xcc57fd01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xcc57fd",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WBStoIs issued by an IA Core.  Non Modified Write Backs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_WBSTOI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xcc67ff01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xcc67ff",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WBEFtoIs issued by an IA Core.  Non Modified Write Backs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_WBEFTOI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xcc37ff01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xcc37ff",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : WBMtoEs issued by an IA Core.  Non Modified Write Backs",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_WBMTOE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xcc2fff01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xcc2fff",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRdPte issued by iA Cores due to a page walk",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_DRDPTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC837FF01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC837FF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRdPte issued by iA Cores due to a page walk that hit the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC837FD01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC837FD",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy : DRdPte issued by iA Cores due to a page walk that missed the LLC",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC837FE01",
+        "UMaskExt": "0xC837FE",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy - Prefetches",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x77",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_PREF_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Code Read Misses",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.CODE_READ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1BD001",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1BD0",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : RFO Misses",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.RFO_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1BC801",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1BC8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1BD9FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1BD9",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Read Misses",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.READ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1BD901",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1BD9",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Locally HOMed Read Misses",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0BD901",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x0BD9",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Remotely HOMed Read Misses",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13D901",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x13D9",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Locally Requested Reads that are Locally HOMed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x09D9FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x09D9",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Remotely Requested Reads that are Locally HOMed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0A19FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x0A19",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Locally Requested Reads that are Remotely HOMed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11D9FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x11D9",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Reads that Hit the Snoop Filter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.READ_SF_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1BD90E",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1BD9",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Remotely requested Read or Snoop Misses that are Remotely HOMed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x161901",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1619",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts : All Ports",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.ALL",
+        "FCMask": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0xFF",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Filters Requests for those that write info into the cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1A42FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1A42",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Transactions homed locally",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.LOC_HOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0BDFFF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x0BDF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Transactions homed remotely",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.REM_HOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x15DFFF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x15DF",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : CRd Requests that come from a Remote socket",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1A10FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1A10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : CRd Requests that come from the local socket (usually the core)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x19D0FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x19D0",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Prefetch requests to the LLC that come from the local socket (usually the core)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x189DFF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x189D",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache Lookups : Code Reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.CODE_READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1BD0FF",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1BD0",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Demands Merged with CAMed Prefetches : XPT & UPI- Ch 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x74",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Occupancy of completions with data : Part 0-7",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "FCMask": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xFF",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Demands Not Merged with CAMed Prefetches : XPT & UPI - All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x75",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x15",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Demands Not Merged with CAMed Prefetches : XPT & UPI - Ch 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x75",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Demands Not Merged with CAMed Prefetches : XPT & UPI - Ch 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x75",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Demands Not Merged with CAMed Prefetches : XPT & UPI - Ch 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x75",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Demands Merged with CAMed Prefetches : XPT & UPI- All Channels",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x74",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x15",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Demands Merged with CAMed Prefetches : XPT & UPI- Ch 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x74",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Demands Merged with CAMed Prefetches : XPT & UPI - Ch 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x74",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
         "Unit": "M2M"
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/uncore-power.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/uncore-power.json
index 2d1368958762..281f3605881d 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/uncore-power.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/icelakex/uncore-power.json
@@ -6,5 +6,230 @@
         "EventName": "UNC_P_CLOCKTICKS",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_P_CORE_TRANSITION_CYCLES",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_CORE_TRANSITION_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Phase Shed 0 Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x75",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FIVR_PS_PS0_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Phase Shed 1 Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x76",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FIVR_PS_PS1_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Phase Shed 2 Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x77",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FIVR_PS_PS2_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Phase Shed 3 Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x78",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FIVR_PS_PS3_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AVX256 Frequency Clipping",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_CLIP_AVX256",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AVX512 Frequency Clipping",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x4a",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_CLIP_AVX512",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Thermal Strongest Upper Limit Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Power Strongest Upper Limit Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x05",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_MAX_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IO P Limit Strongest Lower Limit Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x73",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_MIN_IO_P_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles spent changing Frequency",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x74",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_TRANS_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Memory Phase Shedding Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Package C State Residency - C0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PKG_RESIDENCY_C0_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Package C State Residency - C2E",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PKG_RESIDENCY_C2E_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Package C State Residency - C3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PKG_RESIDENCY_C3_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Package C State Residency - C6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PKG_RESIDENCY_C6_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_P_PMAX_THROTTLED_CYCLES",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x06",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PMAX_THROTTLED_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "External Prochot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x0A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PROCHOT_EXTERNAL_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Internal Prochot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x09",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PROCHOT_INTERNAL_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Total Core C State Transition Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x72",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_TOTAL_TRANSITION_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VR Hot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_VR_HOT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of cores in C-State : C0 and C1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of cores in C-State : C3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of cores in C-State : C6 and C7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/ivt-metrics.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/ivt-metrics.json
index 782d68e1cd0d..19c7f3b41102 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/ivt-metrics.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/ivt-metrics.json
@@ -354,6 +354,12 @@
         "MetricGroup": "SoC",
         "MetricName": "Socket_CLKS"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Uncore frequency per die [GHZ]",
+        "MetricExpr": "cbox_0@event\\=0x0@ / #num_dies / duration_time / 1000000000",
+        "MetricGroup": "SoC",
+        "MetricName": "UNCORE_FREQ"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Instructions per Far Branch ( Far Branches apply upon transition from application to operating system, handling interrupts, exceptions) [lower number means higher occurrence rate]",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-cache.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-cache.json
index 1e53bee8af5c..93e07385eeec 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-cache.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-cache.json
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x34",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.ANY",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter0[23:17]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times the LLC was accessed - this includes code, data, prefetches and hints coming from L2.  This has numerous filters available.  Note the non-standard filtering equation.  This event will count requests that lookup the cache multiple times with multiple increments.  One must ALWAYS set filter mask bit 0 and select a state or states to match.  Otherwise, the event will count nothing.   CBoGlCtrl[22:17] bits correspond to [M'FMESI] state.; Filters for any transaction originating from the IPQ or IRQ.  This does not include lookups originating from the ISMQ.",
         "UMask": "0x11",
@@ -31,7 +30,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x34",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter0[23:17]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times the LLC was accessed - this includes code, data, prefetches and hints coming from L2.  This has numerous filters available.  Note the non-standard filtering equation.  This event will count requests that lookup the cache multiple times with multiple increments.  One must ALWAYS set filter mask bit 0 and select a state or states to match.  Otherwise, the event will count nothing.   CBoGlCtrl[22:17] bits correspond to [M'FMESI] state.; Read transactions",
         "UMask": "0x3",
@@ -42,7 +40,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x34",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.NID",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter0[23:17]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times the LLC was accessed - this includes code, data, prefetches and hints coming from L2.  This has numerous filters available.  Note the non-standard filtering equation.  This event will count requests that lookup the cache multiple times with multiple increments.  One must ALWAYS set filter mask bit 0 and select a state or states to match.  Otherwise, the event will count nothing.   CBoGlCtrl[22:17] bits correspond to [M'FMESI] state.; Qualify one of the other subevents by the Target NID.  The NID is programmed in Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.nid.   In conjunction with STATE = I, it is possible to monitor misses to specific NIDs in the system.",
         "UMask": "0x41",
@@ -53,7 +50,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x34",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE_SNOOP",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter0[23:17]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times the LLC was accessed - this includes code, data, prefetches and hints coming from L2.  This has numerous filters available.  Note the non-standard filtering equation.  This event will count requests that lookup the cache multiple times with multiple increments.  One must ALWAYS set filter mask bit 0 and select a state or states to match.  Otherwise, the event will count nothing.   CBoGlCtrl[22:17] bits correspond to [M'FMESI] state.; Filters for only snoop requests coming from the remote socket(s) through the IPQ.",
         "UMask": "0x9",
@@ -64,7 +60,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x34",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.WRITE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter0[23:17]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times the LLC was accessed - this includes code, data, prefetches and hints coming from L2.  This has numerous filters available.  Note the non-standard filtering equation.  This event will count requests that lookup the cache multiple times with multiple increments.  One must ALWAYS set filter mask bit 0 and select a state or states to match.  Otherwise, the event will count nothing.   CBoGlCtrl[22:17] bits correspond to [M'FMESI] state.; Writeback transactions from L2 to the LLC  This includes all write transactions -- both Cachable and UC.",
         "UMask": "0x5",
@@ -105,7 +100,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x37",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.NID",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of lines that were victimized on a fill.  This can be filtered by the state that the line was in.; Qualify one of the other subevents by the Target NID.  The NID is programmed in Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.nid.   In conjunction with STATE = I, it is possible to monitor misses to specific NIDs in the system.",
         "UMask": "0x40",
@@ -1034,7 +1028,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.LOCAL_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; All transactions, satisifed by an opcode,  inserted into the TOR that are satisifed by locally HOMed memory.",
         "UMask": "0x21",
@@ -1055,7 +1048,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; Miss transactions, satisifed by an opcode, inserted into the TOR that are satisifed by locally HOMed memory.",
         "UMask": "0x23",
@@ -1066,7 +1058,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; Miss transactions inserted into the TOR that match an opcode.",
         "UMask": "0x3",
@@ -1087,7 +1078,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; Miss transactions, satisifed by an opcode,  inserted into the TOR that are satisifed by remote caches or remote memory.",
         "UMask": "0x83",
@@ -1098,7 +1088,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; All NID matched (matches an RTID destination) transactions inserted into the TOR.  The NID is programmed in Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.nid.  In conjunction with STATE = I, it is possible to monitor misses to specific NIDs in the system.",
         "UMask": "0x48",
@@ -1109,7 +1098,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_EVICTION",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; NID matched eviction transactions inserted into the TOR.",
         "UMask": "0x44",
@@ -1120,7 +1108,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_MISS_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; All NID matched miss requests that were inserted into the TOR.",
         "UMask": "0x4A",
@@ -1131,7 +1118,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20], CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; Miss transactions inserted into the TOR that match a NID and an opcode.",
         "UMask": "0x43",
@@ -1142,7 +1128,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20], CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; Transactions inserted into the TOR that match a NID and an opcode.",
         "UMask": "0x41",
@@ -1153,7 +1138,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_WB",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; NID matched write transactions inserted into the TOR.",
         "UMask": "0x50",
@@ -1164,7 +1148,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; Transactions inserted into the TOR that match an opcode (matched by Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc)",
         "UMask": "0x1",
@@ -1185,7 +1168,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.REMOTE_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).; All transactions, satisifed by an opcode,  inserted into the TOR that are satisifed by remote caches or remote memory.",
         "UMask": "0x81",
@@ -1232,7 +1214,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Local Memory - Opcode Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of outstanding  transactions, satisifed by an opcode,  in the TOR that are satisifed by locally HOMed memory.",
         "UMask": "0x21",
@@ -1260,7 +1241,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Misses to Local Memory - Opcode Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of outstanding Miss transactions, satisifed by an opcode, in the TOR that are satisifed by locally HOMed memory.",
         "UMask": "0x23",
@@ -1270,7 +1250,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Miss Opcode Match",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); TOR entries for miss transactions that match an opcode. This generally means that the request was sent to memory or MMIO.",
         "UMask": "0x3",
@@ -1289,7 +1268,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Misses to Remote Memory - Opcode Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of outstanding Miss transactions, satisifed by an opcode, in the TOR that are satisifed by remote caches or remote memory.",
         "UMask": "0x83",
@@ -1299,7 +1277,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.NID_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of NID matched outstanding requests in the TOR.  The NID is programmed in Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.nid.In conjunction with STATE = I, it is possible to monitor misses to specific NIDs in the system.",
         "UMask": "0x48",
@@ -1309,7 +1286,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID Matched Evictions",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of outstanding NID matched eviction transactions in the TOR .",
         "UMask": "0x44",
@@ -1319,7 +1295,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.NID_MISS_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of outstanding Miss requests in the TOR that match a NID.",
         "UMask": "0x4A",
@@ -1329,7 +1304,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID and Opcode Matched Miss",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20], CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of outstanding Miss requests in the TOR that match a NID and an opcode.",
         "UMask": "0x43",
@@ -1339,7 +1313,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID and Opcode Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.NID_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20], CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); TOR entries that match a NID and an opcode.",
         "UMask": "0x41",
@@ -1349,7 +1322,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID Matched Writebacks",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.NID_WB",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[15:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); NID matched write transactions int the TOR.",
         "UMask": "0x50",
@@ -1359,7 +1331,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Opcode Match",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); TOR entries that match an opcode (matched by Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc).",
         "UMask": "0x1",
@@ -1378,7 +1349,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Remote Memory - Opcode Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter1[28:20]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select MISS_OPC_MATCH and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182); Number of outstanding  transactions, satisifed by an opcode,  in the TOR that are satisifed by remote caches or remote memory.",
         "UMask": "0x81",
@@ -1520,66 +1490,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x8",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "QPI Address/Opcode Match; AD Opcodes",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_H_ADDR_OPC_MATCH.AD",
-        "Filter": "HA_OpcodeMatch[5:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "HA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "QPI Address/Opcode Match; Address",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_H_ADDR_OPC_MATCH.ADDR",
-        "Filter": "HA_AddrMatch0[31:6], HA_AddrMatch1[13:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "HA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "QPI Address/Opcode Match; AK Opcodes",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_H_ADDR_OPC_MATCH.AK",
-        "Filter": "HA_OpcodeMatch[5:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x10",
-        "Unit": "HA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "QPI Address/Opcode Match; BL Opcodes",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_H_ADDR_OPC_MATCH.BL",
-        "Filter": "HA_OpcodeMatch[5:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "HA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "QPI Address/Opcode Match; Address & Opcode Match",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_H_ADDR_OPC_MATCH.FILT",
-        "Filter": "HA_AddrMatch0[31:6], HA_AddrMatch1[13:0], HA_OpcodeMatch[5:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "HA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "QPI Address/Opcode Match; Opcode",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_H_ADDR_OPC_MATCH.OPC",
-        "Filter": "HA_OpcodeMatch[5:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "HA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "BT Bypass",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-interconnect.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-interconnect.json
index b50685fbde12..b3b1a08d4acf 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-interconnect.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-interconnect.json
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
         "EventCode": "0x38",
         "EventName": "UNC_Q_CTO_COUNT",
         "ExtSel": "1",
-        "Filter": "QPIMask0[17:0],QPIMatch0[17:0],QPIMask1[19:16],QPIMatch1[19:16]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of CTO (cluster trigger outs) events that were asserted across the two slots.  If both slots trigger in a given cycle, the event will increment by 2.  You can use edge detect to count the number of cases when both events triggered.",
         "Unit": "QPI LL"
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-other.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-other.json
index aa7a5059d79f..af289aa6c98e 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-other.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-other.json
@@ -247,17 +247,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x2",
         "Unit": "IRP"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count; Select Source",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x15",
-        "Filter": "IRPFilter[4:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of Inbound transactions from the IRP to the Uncore.  This can be filtered based on request type in addition to the source queue.  Note the special filtering equation.  We do OR-reduction on the request type.  If the SOURCE bit is set, then we also do AND qualification based on the source portID.; Tracks only those requests that come from the port specified in the IRP_PmonFilter.OrderingQ register.  This register allows one to select one specific queue.  It is not possible to monitor multiple queues at a time.  If this bit is not set, then requests from all sources will be counted.",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count: Read Prefetches",
         "Counter": "0,1",
@@ -2274,7 +2263,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x41",
         "EventName": "UNC_U_FILTER_MATCH.ENABLE",
-        "Filter": "UBoxFilter[3:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Filter match per thread (w/ or w/o Filter Enable).  Specify the thread to filter on using NCUPMONCTRLGLCTR.ThreadID.",
         "UMask": "0x1",
@@ -2295,7 +2283,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x41",
         "EventName": "UNC_U_FILTER_MATCH.U2C_ENABLE",
-        "Filter": "UBoxFilter[3:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Filter match per thread (w/ or w/o Filter Enable).  Specify the thread to filter on using NCUPMONCTRLGLCTR.ThreadID.",
         "UMask": "0x4",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-power.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-power.json
index 304d861c368f..0ba63a97ddfa 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-power.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/ivytown/uncore-power.json
@@ -297,7 +297,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x1e",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE0",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -307,7 +306,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x1f",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE1",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -317,7 +315,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x42",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE10",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -327,7 +324,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x43",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE11",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -337,7 +333,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x44",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE12",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -347,7 +342,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x45",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE13",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -357,7 +351,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x46",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE14",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -367,7 +360,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x20",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE2",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -377,7 +369,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x21",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE3",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -387,7 +378,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x22",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE4",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -397,7 +387,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x23",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE5",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -407,7 +396,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x24",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE6",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -417,7 +405,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x25",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE7",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -427,7 +414,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x40",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE8",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -437,7 +423,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x41",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE9",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -447,7 +432,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0xb",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_BAND0_CYCLES",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of cycles that the uncore was running at a frequency greater than or equal to the frequency that is configured in the filter.  One can use all four counters with this event, so it is possible to track up to 4 configurable bands.  One can use edge detect in conjunction with this event to track the number of times that we transitioned into a frequency greater than or equal to the configurable frequency. One can also use inversion to track cycles when we were less than the configured frequency.",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -457,7 +441,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0xc",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_BAND1_CYCLES",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[15:8]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of cycles that the uncore was running at a frequency greater than or equal to the frequency that is configured in the filter.  One can use all four counters with this event, so it is possible to track up to 4 configurable bands.  One can use edge detect in conjunction with this event to track the number of times that we transitioned into a frequency greater than or equal to the configurable frequency. One can also use inversion to track cycles when we were less than the configured frequency.",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -467,7 +450,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0xd",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_BAND2_CYCLES",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[23:16]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of cycles that the uncore was running at a frequency greater than or equal to the frequency that is configured in the filter.  One can use all four counters with this event, so it is possible to track up to 4 configurable bands.  One can use edge detect in conjunction with this event to track the number of times that we transitioned into a frequency greater than or equal to the configurable frequency. One can also use inversion to track cycles when we were less than the configured frequency.",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -477,7 +459,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0xe",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_BAND3_CYCLES",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[31:24]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of cycles that the uncore was running at a frequency greater than or equal to the frequency that is configured in the filter.  One can use all four counters with this event, so it is possible to track up to 4 configurable bands.  One can use edge detect in conjunction with this event to track the number of times that we transitioned into a frequency greater than or equal to the configurable frequency. One can also use inversion to track cycles when we were less than the configured frequency.",
         "Unit": "PCU"
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/jkt-metrics.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/jkt-metrics.json
index 2711cbe536b8..c0fbb4f31241 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/jkt-metrics.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/jkt-metrics.json
@@ -208,6 +208,12 @@
         "MetricGroup": "SoC",
         "MetricName": "Socket_CLKS"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Uncore frequency per die [GHZ]",
+        "MetricExpr": "cbox_0@event\\=0x0@ / #num_dies / duration_time / 1000000000",
+        "MetricGroup": "SoC",
+        "MetricName": "UNCORE_FREQ"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Instructions per Far Branch ( Far Branches apply upon transition from application to operating system, handling interrupts, exceptions) [lower number means higher occurrence rate]",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/uncore-cache.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/uncore-cache.json
index cf28ffa778ba..351f8b040ed1 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/uncore-cache.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/uncore-cache.json
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x34",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[22:18]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times the LLC was accessed - this includes code, data, prefetches and hints coming from L2.  This has numerous filters available.  Note the non-standard filtering equation.  This event will count requests that lookup the cache multiple times with multiple increments.  One must ALWAYS set filter mask bit 0 and select a state or states to match.  Otherwise, the event will count nothing.   CBoGlCtrl[22:18] bits correspond to [FMESI] state.",
         "UMask": "0x3",
@@ -31,7 +30,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x34",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.NID",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[22:18], CBoFilter[17:10]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times the LLC was accessed - this includes code, data, prefetches and hints coming from L2.  This has numerous filters available.  Note the non-standard filtering equation.  This event will count requests that lookup the cache multiple times with multiple increments.  One must ALWAYS set filter mask bit 0 and select a state or states to match.  Otherwise, the event will count nothing.   CBoGlCtrl[22:18] bits correspond to [FMESI] state.",
         "UMask": "0x41",
@@ -42,7 +40,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x34",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE_SNOOP",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[22:18]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times the LLC was accessed - this includes code, data, prefetches and hints coming from L2.  This has numerous filters available.  Note the non-standard filtering equation.  This event will count requests that lookup the cache multiple times with multiple increments.  One must ALWAYS set filter mask bit 0 and select a state or states to match.  Otherwise, the event will count nothing.   CBoGlCtrl[22:18] bits correspond to [FMESI] state.",
         "UMask": "0x9",
@@ -53,7 +50,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x34",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.WRITE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[22:18]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times the LLC was accessed - this includes code, data, prefetches and hints coming from L2.  This has numerous filters available.  Note the non-standard filtering equation.  This event will count requests that lookup the cache multiple times with multiple increments.  One must ALWAYS set filter mask bit 0 and select a state or states to match.  Otherwise, the event will count nothing.   CBoGlCtrl[22:18] bits correspond to [FMESI] state.",
         "UMask": "0x5",
@@ -94,7 +90,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x37",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.NID",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[17:10]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of lines that were victimized on a fill.  This can be filtered by the state that the line was in.",
         "UMask": "0x40",
@@ -613,7 +608,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[31:23]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select 'MISS_OPC_MATCH' and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).",
         "UMask": "0x3",
@@ -624,7 +618,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[17:10]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select 'MISS_OPC_MATCH' and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).",
         "UMask": "0x48",
@@ -635,7 +628,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_EVICTION",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[17:10]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select 'MISS_OPC_MATCH' and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).",
         "UMask": "0x44",
@@ -646,7 +638,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_MISS_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[17:10]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select 'MISS_OPC_MATCH' and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).",
         "UMask": "0x4a",
@@ -657,7 +648,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[31:23], CBoFilter[17:10]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select 'MISS_OPC_MATCH' and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).",
         "UMask": "0x43",
@@ -668,7 +658,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[31:23], CBoFilter[17:10]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select 'MISS_OPC_MATCH' and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).",
         "UMask": "0x41",
@@ -679,7 +668,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.NID_WB",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[17:10]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select 'MISS_OPC_MATCH' and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).",
         "UMask": "0x50",
@@ -690,7 +678,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[31:23]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfuly inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent.  There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select 'MISS_OPC_MATCH' and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc  to DRD (0x182).",
         "UMask": "0x1",
@@ -737,7 +724,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Miss Opcode Match",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.MISS_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[31:23]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select 'MISS_OPC_MATCH' and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182)",
         "UMask": "0x3",
@@ -747,7 +733,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.NID_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[17:10]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select 'MISS_OPC_MATCH' and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182)",
         "UMask": "0x48",
@@ -757,7 +742,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID Matched Evictions",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[17:10]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select 'MISS_OPC_MATCH' and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182)",
         "UMask": "0x44",
@@ -767,7 +751,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.NID_MISS_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[17:10]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select 'MISS_OPC_MATCH' and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182)",
         "UMask": "0x4a",
@@ -777,7 +760,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID and Opcode Matched Miss",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[31:23], CBoFilter[17:10]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select 'MISS_OPC_MATCH' and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182)",
         "UMask": "0x43",
@@ -787,7 +769,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; NID and Opcode Matched",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.NID_OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[31:23], CBoFilter[17:10]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select 'MISS_OPC_MATCH' and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182)",
         "UMask": "0x41",
@@ -797,7 +778,6 @@
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Opcode Match",
         "EventCode": "0x36",
         "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.OPCODE",
-        "Filter": "CBoFilter[31:23]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   There are a number of subevent 'filters' but only a subset of the subevent combinations are valid.  Subevents that require an opcode or NID match require the Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.{opc, nid} field to be set.  If, for example, one wanted to count DRD Local Misses, one should select 'MISS_OPC_MATCH' and set Cn_MSR_PMON_BOX_FILTER.opc to DRD (0x182)",
         "UMask": "0x1",
@@ -893,16 +873,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x4",
         "Unit": "CBO"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "QPI Address/Opcode Match; Address & Opcode Match",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_H_ADDR_OPC_MATCH.FILT",
-        "Filter": "HA_AddrMatch0[31:6], HA_AddrMatch1[13:0], HA_OpcodeMatch[5:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x3",
-        "Unit": "HA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "HA to iMC Bypass; Not Taken",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/uncore-other.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/uncore-other.json
index 99fc673c59e9..588549a668bd 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/uncore-other.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/uncore-other.json
@@ -247,17 +247,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x2",
         "Unit": "IRP"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count; Select Source",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x15",
-        "Filter": "IRPFilter[4:0]",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of 'Inbound' transactions from the IRP to the Uncore.  This can be filtered based on request type in addition to the source queue.  Note the special filtering equation.  We do OR-reduction on the request type.  If the SOURCE bit is set, then we also do AND qualification based on the source portID.",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count; Read Prefetches",
         "Counter": "0,1",
@@ -1378,7 +1367,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x41",
         "EventName": "UNC_U_FILTER_MATCH.ENABLE",
-        "Filter": "UBoxFilter[3:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Filter match per thread (w/ or w/o Filter Enable).  Specify the thread to filter on using NCUPMONCTRLGLCTR.ThreadID.",
         "UMask": "0x1",
@@ -1399,7 +1387,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x41",
         "EventName": "UNC_U_FILTER_MATCH.U2C_ENABLE",
-        "Filter": "UBoxFilter[3:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Filter match per thread (w/ or w/o Filter Enable).  Specify the thread to filter on using NCUPMONCTRLGLCTR.ThreadID.",
         "UMask": "0x4",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/uncore-power.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/uncore-power.json
index 04228344cb9c..817ea6d7f785 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/uncore-power.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/jaketown/uncore-power.json
@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x1e",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE0",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -102,7 +101,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x1f",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE1",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -121,7 +119,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x21",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE3",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -131,7 +128,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x22",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE4",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -141,7 +137,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x23",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE5",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -151,7 +146,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x24",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE6",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -161,7 +155,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x25",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS_CORE7",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of times when a configurable cores had a C-state demotion",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -171,7 +164,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0xb",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_BAND0_CYCLES",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[7:0]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of cycles that the uncore was running at a frequency greater than or equal to the frequency that is configured in the filter.  One can use all four counters with this event, so it is possible to track up to 4 configurable bands.  One can use edge detect in conjunction with this event to track the number of times that we transitioned into a frequency greater than or equal to the configurable frequency. One can also use inversion to track cycles when we were less than the configured frequency.",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -181,7 +173,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0xc",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_BAND1_CYCLES",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[15:8]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of cycles that the uncore was running at a frequency greater than or equal to the frequency that is configured in the filter.  One can use all four counters with this event, so it is possible to track up to 4 configurable bands.  One can use edge detect in conjunction with this event to track the number of times that we transitioned into a frequency greater than or equal to the configurable frequency. One can also use inversion to track cycles when we were less than the configured frequency.",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -191,7 +182,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0xd",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_BAND2_CYCLES",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[23:16]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of cycles that the uncore was running at a frequency greater than or equal to the frequency that is configured in the filter.  One can use all four counters with this event, so it is possible to track up to 4 configurable bands.  One can use edge detect in conjunction with this event to track the number of times that we transitioned into a frequency greater than or equal to the configurable frequency. One can also use inversion to track cycles when we were less than the configured frequency.",
         "Unit": "PCU"
@@ -201,7 +191,6 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0xe",
         "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_BAND3_CYCLES",
-        "Filter": "PCUFilter[31:24]",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of cycles that the uncore was running at a frequency greater than or equal to the frequency that is configured in the filter.  One can use all four counters with this event, so it is possible to track up to 4 configurable bands.  One can use edge detect in conjunction with this event to track the number of times that we transitioned into a frequency greater than or equal to the configurable frequency. One can also use inversion to track cycles when we were less than the configured frequency.",
         "Unit": "PCU"
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/knightslanding/uncore-other.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/knightslanding/uncore-other.json
index a87d7431ef45..a5e1a9a47e73 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/knightslanding/uncore-other.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/knightslanding/uncore-other.json
@@ -1,4 +1,67 @@
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent -IPQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x18",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent -IPQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x28",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent -IRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent -IRQ ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent -IRQ or PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.LOC_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x37",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent -PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.PRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent -PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.PRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of read requests and streaming stores that hit in MCDRAM cache and the data in MCDRAM is clean with respect to DDR. This event is only valid in cache and hybrid memory mode.",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -3497,6 +3560,156 @@
         "UMask": "0x08",
         "Unit": "CHA"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent -SF/LLC Evictions",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_INSERTS.EVICT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x32",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent -Hit (Not a Miss)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_INSERTS.HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1F",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent -IPQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x38",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent -IRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_INSERTS.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent -Miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_INSERTS.MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2F",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match  qualifications specified by the subevent -PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_INSERTS.PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x34",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent -SF/LLC Evictions",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_OCCUPANCY.EVICT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x32",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent -Hit (Not a Miss)",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_OCCUPANCY.HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1F",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent -IPQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x38",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent -IPQ hit",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x18",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent -IPQ miss",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x28",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent -IRQ or PRQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent -IRQ or PRQ hit",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent -IRQ or PRQ miss",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent -Miss",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_OCCUPANCY.MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2F",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent -PRQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_OCCUPANCY.PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x34",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent -PRQ hit",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_OCCUPANCY.PRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "For each cycle, this event accumulates the number of valid entries in the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent -PRQ miss",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TOR_OCCUPANCY.PRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Uncore Clocks",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/sapphirerapids/spr-metrics.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/sapphirerapids/spr-metrics.json
index b9adef1fb72e..e194dfc5c25b 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/sapphirerapids/spr-metrics.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/sapphirerapids/spr-metrics.json
@@ -491,6 +491,12 @@
         "MetricGroup": "SoC",
         "MetricName": "Socket_CLKS"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Uncore frequency per die [GHZ]",
+        "MetricExpr": "uncore_cha_0@event\\=0x1@ / #num_dies / duration_time / 1000000000",
+        "MetricGroup": "SoC",
+        "MetricName": "UNCORE_FREQ"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Instructions per Far Branch ( Far Branches apply upon transition from application to operating system, handling interrupts, exceptions) [lower number means higher occurrence rate]",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/skylakex/skx-metrics.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/skylakex/skx-metrics.json
index d65420bda04f..6a6764e1504b 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/skylakex/skx-metrics.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/skylakex/skx-metrics.json
@@ -697,6 +697,12 @@
         "MetricGroup": "SoC",
         "MetricName": "Socket_CLKS"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Uncore frequency per die [GHZ]",
+        "MetricExpr": "cha_0@event\\=0x0@ / #num_dies / duration_time / 1000000000",
+        "MetricGroup": "SoC",
+        "MetricName": "UNCORE_FREQ"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Instructions per Far Branch ( Far Branches apply upon transition from application to operating system, handling interrupts, exceptions) [lower number means higher occurrence rate]",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/skylakex/uncore-memory.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/skylakex/uncore-memory.json
index 56709633c379..0746fcf2ebd9 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/skylakex/uncore-memory.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/skylakex/uncore-memory.json
@@ -1,4 +1,31 @@
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Page Activate commands sent due to a write request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_ACT_COUNT.WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "All DRAM Read CAS Commands issued (does not include underfills)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_REG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Underfill Read CAS Commands issued",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_UNDERFILL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "read requests to memory controller. Derived from unc_m_cas_count.rd",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -19,6 +46,15 @@
         "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "iMC"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM CAS (Column Address Strobe) Commands.; DRAM WR_CAS (w/ and w/out auto-pre) in Write Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.WR_WMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "write requests to memory controller. Derived from unc_m_cas_count.wr",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -39,6 +75,15 @@
         "UMask": "0xC",
         "Unit": "iMC"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "All DRAM CAS Commands issued",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Memory controller clock ticks",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -84,6 +129,393 @@
         "UMask": "0x4",
         "Unit": "iMC"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x81",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Activate Count; Activate due to Read",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_ACT_COUNT.RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Activate Count; Activate due to Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_ACT_COUNT.BYP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ACT command issued by 2 cycle bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_BYP_CMDS.ACT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CAS command issued by 2 cycle bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_BYP_CMDS.CAS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PRE command issued by 2 cycle bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_BYP_CMDS.PRE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM CAS (Column Address Strobe) Commands.; DRAM WR_CAS (w/ and w/out auto-pre) in Read Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.WR_RMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM CAS (Column Address Strobe) Commands.; Read CAS issued in WMM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_WMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM CAS (Column Address Strobe) Commands.; Read CAS issued in RMM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_RMM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM CAS (Column Address Strobe) Commands.; Read CAS issued in Read ISOCH Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM CAS (Column Address Strobe) Commands.; Read CAS issued in Write ISOCH Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.WR_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Precharge All Commands",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_DRAM_PRE_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of DRAM Refreshes Issued",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_DRAM_REFRESH.PANIC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of DRAM Refreshes Issued",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_DRAM_REFRESH.HIGH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ECC Correctable Errors",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_ECC_CORRECTABLE_ERRORS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in a Major Mode; Read Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_MAJOR_MODES.READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in a Major Mode; Write Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_MAJOR_MODES.WRITE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in a Major Mode; Partial Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_MAJOR_MODES.PARTIAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in a Major Mode; Isoch Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_MAJOR_MODES.ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Channel DLLOFF Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CHANNEL_DLLOFF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CKE_ON_CYCLES by Rank; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_CKE_CYCLES.RANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Critical Throttle Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M_POWER_PCU_THROTTLING",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_PCU_THROTTLING",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Throttle Cycles for Rank 0; DIMM ID",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_POWER_THROTTLE_CYCLES.RANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Preemption Count; Read over Read Preemption",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PREEMPTION.RD_PREEMPT_RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Preemption Count; Read over Write Preemption",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PREEMPTION.RD_PREEMPT_WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Precharge commands.; Precharge due to timer expiration",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PRE_COUNT.PAGE_CLOSE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Pre-charge for writes",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -94,89 +526,3147 @@
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Page Activate commands sent due to a write request",
+        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Precharge commands.; Precharge due to bypass",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_ACT_COUNT.WR",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_PRE_COUNT.BYP",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts DRAM Page Activate commands sent on this channel due to a write request to the iMC (Memory Controller).  Activate commands are issued to open up a page on the DRAM devices so that it can be read or written to with a CAS (Column Access Select) command.",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "All DRAM CAS Commands issued",
+        "BriefDescription": "Read CAS issued with LOW priority",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x4",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.ALL",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_PRIO.LOW",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts all CAS (Column Address Select) commands issued to DRAM per memory channel.  CAS commands are issued to specify the address to read or write on DRAM, so this event increments for every read and write. This event counts whether AutoPrecharge (which closes the DRAM Page automatically after a read/write) is enabled or not.",
-        "UMask": "0xF",
-        "Unit": "iMC"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "All DRAM Read CAS Commands issued (does not include underfills)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x4",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_REG",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts CAS (Column Access Select) regular read commands issued to DRAM on a per channel basis.  CAS commands are issued to specify the address to read or write on DRAM, and this event increments for every regular read.  This event only counts regular reads and does not includes underfill reads due to partial write requests.  This event counts whether AutoPrecharge (which closes the DRAM Page automatically after a read/write)  is enabled or not.",
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "DRAM Underfill Read CAS Commands issued",
+        "BriefDescription": "Read CAS issued with MEDIUM priority",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x4",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.RD_UNDERFILL",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_PRIO.MED",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts CAS (Column Access Select) underfill read commands issued to DRAM due to a partial write, on a per channel basis.  CAS commands are issued to specify the address to read or write on DRAM, and this command counts underfill reads.  Partial writes must be completed by first reading in the underfill from DRAM and then merging in the partial write data before writing the full line back to DRAM. This event will generally count about the same as the number of partial writes, but may be slightly less because of partials hitting in the WPQ (due to a previous write request).",
         "UMask": "0x2",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "DRAM CAS (Column Address Strobe) Commands.; DRAM WR_CAS (w/ and w/out auto-pre) in Write Major Mode",
+        "BriefDescription": "Read CAS issued with HIGH priority",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x4",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_CAS_COUNT.WR_WMM",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_PRIO.HIGH",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the total number or DRAM Write CAS commands issued on this channel while in Write-Major-Mode.",
         "UMask": "0x4",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Allocations",
+        "BriefDescription": "Read CAS issued with PANIC NON ISOCH priority (starved)",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x10",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_INSERTS",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_PRIO.PANIC",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of read requests allocated into the Read Pending Queue (RPQ).  This queue is used to schedule reads out to the memory controller and to track the requests.  Requests allocate into the RPQ soon after they enter the memory controller, and need credits for an entry in this buffer before being sent from the CHA to the iMC.  The requests deallocate after the read CAS command has been issued to DRAM.  This event counts both Isochronous and non-Isochronous requests which were issued to the RPQ.",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Occupancy",
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 0",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x80",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_OCCUPANCY",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK0",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries in the Read Pending Queue (RPQ) at each cycle.  This can then be used to calculate both the average occupancy of the queue (in conjunction with the number of cycles not empty) and the average latency in the queue (in conjunction with the number of allocations).  The RPQ is used to schedule reads out to the memory controller and to track the requests.  Requests allocate into the RPQ soon after they enter the memory controller, and need credits for an entry in this buffer before being sent from the CHA to the iMC. They deallocate from the RPQ after the CAS command has been issued to memory.",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Allocations",
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 1",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x20",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_INSERTS",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK1",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of writes requests allocated into the Write Pending Queue (WPQ).  The WPQ is used to schedule writes out to the memory controller and to track the requests.  Requests allocate into the WPQ soon after they enter the memory controller, and need credits for an entry in this buffer before being sent from the CHA to the iMC (Memory Controller).  The write requests deallocate after being issued to DRAM.  Write requests themselves are able to complete (from the perspective of the rest of the system) as soon they have 'posted' to the iMC.",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "iMC"
-        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Occupancy",
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 2",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x81",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_OCCUPANCY",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK0.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK1.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK2.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK3.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK4.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK5.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK6.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RD_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RD_CAS_RANK7.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Full Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read Pending Queue Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_RPQ_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transition from WMM to RMM because of low threshold; Transition from WMM to RMM because of starve counter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WMM_TO_RMM.LOW_THRESH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transition from WMM to RMM because of low threshold",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WMM_TO_RMM.STARVE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transition from WMM to RMM because of low threshold",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WMM_TO_RMM.VMSE_RETRY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Full Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue CAM Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_READ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Pending Queue CAM Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WPQ_WRITE_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Not getting the requested Major Mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WRONG_MM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 0; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK0.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 1; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK1.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 2; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK2.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 3; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK3.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 4; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK4.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 5; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK5.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 6; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK6.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK6",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x6",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 8",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK8",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 9",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 10",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK10",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 11",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK11",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 12",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK12",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 13",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 14",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK14",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank 15",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANK15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; All Banks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.ALLBANKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 0 (Banks 0-3)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANKG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 1 (Banks 4-7)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANKG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 2 (Banks 8-11)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANKG2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x13",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WR_CAS Access to Rank 7; Bank Group 3 (Banks 12-15)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xBF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_WR_CAS_RANK7.BANKG3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "iMC"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks in the Memory Controller using a dedicated 48-bit Fixed Counter",
+        "Counter": "FIXED",
+        "EventCode": "0xff",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M_CLOCKTICKS_F",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of entries in the Write Pending Queue (WPQ) at each cycle.  This can then be used to calculate both the average queue occupancy (in conjunction with the number of cycles not empty) and the average latency (in conjunction with the number of allocations).  The WPQ is used to schedule writes out to the memory controller and to track the requests.  Requests allocate into the WPQ soon after they enter the memory controller, and need credits for an entry in this buffer before being sent from the CHA to the iMC (memory controller).  They deallocate after being issued to DRAM.  Write requests themselves are able to complete (from the perspective of the rest of the system) as soon they have 'posted' to the iMC.  This is not to be confused with actually performing the write to DRAM.  Therefore, the average latency for this queue is actually not useful for deconstruction intermediate write latencies.  So, we provide filtering based on if the request has posted or not.  By using the 'not posted' filter, we can track how long writes spent in the iMC before completions were sent to the HA.  The 'posted' filter, on the other hand, provides information about how much queueing is actually happenning in the iMC for writes before they are actually issued to memory.  High average occupancies will generally coincide with high write major mode counts. Is there a filter of sorts???",
         "Unit": "iMC"
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/skylakex/uncore-other.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/skylakex/uncore-other.json
index abe2d068ea0c..f55aeadc630f 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/skylakex/uncore-other.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/skylakex/uncore-other.json
@@ -1,113 +1,142 @@
-        "BriefDescription": "Uncore cache clock ticks",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_CLOCKTICKS",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_CLOCKTICKS",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC misses - Uncacheable reads (from cpu) . Derived from unc_cha_tor_inserts.ia_miss",
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Multiple Core Requests",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "LLC_MISSES.UNCACHEABLE",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40e33",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.CORE_GTONE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x42",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC misses - Uncacheable reads (from cpu) ",
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Multiple Eviction",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40e33",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EVICT_GTONE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x82",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "MMIO reads. Derived from unc_cha_tor_inserts.ia_miss",
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state lookups; Snoop Needed",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "LLC_MISSES.MMIO_READ",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40040e33",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_LOOKUP.SNP",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "MMIO reads",
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state lookups; Snoop Not Needed",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40040e33",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_LOOKUP.NO_SNP",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "MMIO writes. Derived from unc_cha_tor_inserts.ia_miss",
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state updates; Directory Updated memory write from the HA pipe",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "LLC_MISSES.MMIO_WRITE",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40041e33",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_UPDATE.HA",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "MMIO writes",
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state updates; Directory Updated memory write from TOR pipe",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40041e33",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_UPDATE.TOR",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (full cache line). Derived from unc_cha_tor_inserts.ia_miss",
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request from a remote socket which hit in the HitMe Cache to a line In the E state",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x41833",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_HIT.EX_RDS",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (full cache line)",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x41833",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x3",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (partial cache line). Derived from unc_cha_tor_inserts.ia_miss",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE_SNOOP",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x41a33",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE_SNOOP",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (partial cache line)",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_M",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x41a33",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.M_STATE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_E",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.E_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_S",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.S_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_F",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.F_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of times that an RFO hit in S state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.RFO_HIT_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
         "Unit": "CHA"
@@ -119,24 +148,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x03",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "read requests from local home agent",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x50",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_REQUESTS.READS_LOCAL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "read requests from remote home agent",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x50",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_REQUESTS.READS_REMOTE",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "write requests from home agent",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -146,6 +157,15 @@
         "UMask": "0x0C",
         "Unit": "CHA"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "read requests from local home agent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_REQUESTS.READS_LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "write requests from local home agent",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -156,110 +176,909 @@
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "write requests from remote home agent",
+        "BriefDescription": "Local requests for exclusive ownership of a cache line  without receiving data",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Local requests for exclusive ownership of a cache line without receiving data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RspIFwd Snoop Responses Received",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPIFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RspSFwd Snoop Responses Received",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPSFWD",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "UMask": "0x08",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "UPI interconnect send bandwidth for payload. Derived from unc_upi_txl_flits.all_data",
+        "BriefDescription": "Rsp*Fwd*WB Snoop Responses Received",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UPI_DATA_BANDWIDTH_TX",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSP_FWD_WB",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "7.11E-06Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0xf",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "UPI interconnect send bandwidth for payload",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPCNFLCTS",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_DATA",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOP_RESP.RSPCNFLCT",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "7.11E-06Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0xf",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO, part 0",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.REM_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x30",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_FAST_ASSERTED.HORZ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_FAST_ASSERTED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; IRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy; IRQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OCCUPANCY.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_HIT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.PRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_MISS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.PRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Hits from Local IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Misses from Local IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; All from Local iA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Hits from Local iA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : All requests from iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; All from Local iA",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Hits from Local iA",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Misses from Local iA",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; BL NCS VN0 Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FaST wire asserted; Horizontal",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_FAST_ASSERTED.HORZ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks of the uncore caching & home agent (CHA)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Normal priority reads issued to the memory controller from the CHA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IMC_READS_COUNT.NORMAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Full Line Writes Issued; Full Line Non-ISOCH",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IMC_WRITES_COUNT.FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read requests from a remote socket",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_REQUESTS.READS_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RspI Snoop Responses Received",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Rsp*WB Snoop Responses Received",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSP_WBWB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RspCnflct* Snoop Responses Received",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPCNFLCTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop filter capacity evictions for M-state entries",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SF_EVICTION.M_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop filter capacity evictions for E-state entries",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SF_EVICTION.E_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop filter capacity evictions for S-state entries",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SF_EVICTION.S_STATE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
         "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.REM_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x30",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in M state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in E state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in F State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_DRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRds issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_CRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_RFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefRFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_DRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_CRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_RFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefRFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_DRD",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_DRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_CRD",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_CRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_RFO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_RFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefRFO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefRFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_DRD",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_DRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_CRD",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_CRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_RFO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_RFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefRFO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefRFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks of the IIO Traffic Controller",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
         "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO, part 1",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
         "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
         "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part0 by the CPU",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part1 by the CPU",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
         "FCMask": "0x07",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO, part 2",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part2 by the CPU",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
         "FCMask": "0x07",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO, part 3",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part3 by the CPU",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
         "FCMask": "0x07",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part0 by a different IIO unit",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part1 by a different IIO unit",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part2 by a different IIO unit",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part3 by a different IIO unit",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
         "UMask": "0x04",
         "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO. Derived from unc_iio_data_req_of_cpu.mem_read.part0",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_READ",
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
         "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "Filter": "ch_mask=0x1f",
-        "MetricName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_READ",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
         "UMask": "0x04",
         "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
         "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "Filter": "ch_mask=0x1f",
-        "MetricName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_READ",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
         "Unit": "IIO"
@@ -317,7 +1136,7 @@
         "EventName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_WRITE",
         "FCMask": "0x07",
         "Filter": "ch_mask=0x1f",
         "MetricName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_WRITE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PortMask": "0x01",
@@ -326,439 +1145,2058 @@
         "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth writing at IIO",
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO, part 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
         "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "Filter": "ch_mask=0x1f",
-        "MetricName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_WRITE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PortMask": "0x01",
         "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO, part 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO, part 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO, part 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO. Derived from unc_iio_data_req_of_cpu.mem_read.part0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_READ",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "Filter": "ch_mask=0x1f",
+        "MetricName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part1 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part2 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part3 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part0 by the CPU",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
         "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Multiple Core Requests",
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part1 by the CPU",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x33",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.CORE_GTONE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of transactions that trigger a configurable number of cross snoops.  Cores are snooped if the transaction looks up the cache and determines that it is necessary based on the operation type and what CoreValid bits are set.  For example, if 2 CV bits are set on a data read, the cores must have the data in S state so it is not necessary to snoop them.  However, if only 1 CV bit is set the core my have modified the data.  If the transaction was an RFO, it would need to invalidate the lines.  This event can be filtered based on who triggered the initial snoop(s).",
-        "UMask": "0x42",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Multiple Eviction",
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part2 by the CPU",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x33",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EVICT_GTONE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of transactions that trigger a configurable number of cross snoops.  Cores are snooped if the transaction looks up the cache and determines that it is necessary based on the operation type and what CoreValid bits are set.  For example, if 2 CV bits are set on a data read, the cores must have the data in S state so it is not necessary to snoop them.  However, if only 1 CV bit is set the core my have modified the data.  If the transaction was an RFO, it would need to invalidate the lines.  This event can be filtered based on who triggered the initial snoop(s).",
-        "UMask": "0x82",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state lookups; Snoop Not Needed",
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part3 by the CPU",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x53",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_LOOKUP.NO_SNP",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts transactions that looked into the multi-socket cacheline Directory state, and therefore did not send a snoop because the Directory indicated it was not needed",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part0 by a different IIO unit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
         "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state lookups; Snoop Needed",
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part1 by a different IIO unit",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x53",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_LOOKUP.SNP",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts  transactions that looked into the multi-socket cacheline Directory state, and sent one or more snoops, because the Directory indicated it was needed",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state updates; Directory Updated memory write from the HA pipe",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x54",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_UPDATE.HA",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts only multi-socket cacheline Directory state updates memory writes issued from the HA pipe. This does not include memory write requests which are for I (Invalid) or E (Exclusive) cachelines.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory state updates; Directory Updated memory write from TOR pipe",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x54",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_DIR_UPDATE.TOR",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts only multi-socket cacheline Directory state updates due to memory writes issued from the TOR pipe which are the result of remote transaction hitting the SF/LLC and returning data Core2Core. This does not include memory write requests which are for I (Invalid) or E (Exclusive) cachelines.",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
         "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "FaST wire asserted; Horizontal",
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part2 by a different IIO unit",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xA5",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_FAST_ASSERTED.HORZ",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of cycles either the local or incoming distress signals are asserted.  Incoming distress includes up, dn and across.",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
         "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request from a remote socket which hit in the HitMe Cache to a line In the E state",
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part3 by a different IIO unit",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5F",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_HIT.EX_RDS",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts read requests from a remote socket which hit in the HitME cache (used to cache the multi-socket Directory state) to a line in the E(Exclusive) state.  This includes the following read opcodes (RdCode, RdData, RdDataMigratory, RdCur, RdInv*, Inv*)",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Normal priority reads issued to the memory controller from the CHA",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x59",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IMC_READS_COUNT.NORMAL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a normal (Non-Isochronous) read is issued to any of the memory controller channels from the CHA.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Full Line Writes Issued; Full Line Non-ISOCH",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5B",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IMC_WRITES_COUNT.FULL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a normal (Non-Isochronous) full line write is issued from the CHA to the any of the memory controller channels.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in E state",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_E",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of lines that were victimized on a fill.  This can be filtered by the state that the line was in.",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
         "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in F State",
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part0",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_F",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of lines that were victimized on a fill.  This can be filtered by the state that the line was in.",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
         "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
+        "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in M state",
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part1 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part1 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is  made by IIO Part1 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part1 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to an IIO target",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "FCMask": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "FCMask": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "FCMask": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "FCMask": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 0-3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "FCMask": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x0f",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 0-3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD5",
+        "FCMask": "0x04",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0f",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Total IRP occupancy of inbound read and write requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_CACHE_TOTAL_OCCUPANCY.MEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RFO request issued by the IRP unit to the mesh with the intention of writing a partial cacheline",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.RFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIITOM request issued by the IRP unit to the mesh with the intention of writing a full cacheline",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.PCITOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound read requests received by the IRP and inserted into the FAF queue",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Occupancy of the IRP FAF queue",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound write (fast path) requests received by the IRP",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.WR_PREF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clocks of the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Response packets that go direct to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2C",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2U",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2K",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Intel UPI is in L1 power mode (shutdown)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_L1_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles the Rx of the Intel UPI is in L0p power mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL0P_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FLITs received which bypassed the Slot0 Receive Buffer",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x31",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BYPASSED.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FLITs received which bypassed the Slot0 Receive Buffer",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x31",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BYPASSED.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FLITs received which bypassed the Slot0 Receive Buffer",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x31",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BYPASSED.SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.NULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in which the Tx of the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) is in L0p power mode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FLITs that bypassed the TxL Buffer",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BYPASSED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.NULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Protocol header and credit FLITs received from any slot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.NON_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x97",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Protocol header and credit FLITs transmitted across any slot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.NON_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x97",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Idle FLITs transmitted",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.IDLE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x47",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Null FLITs transmitted from any slot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x27",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Null FLITs received from any slot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x27",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid data FLITs received from any slot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0F",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI interconnect send bandwidth for payload. Derived from unc_upi_txl_flits.all_data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UPI_DATA_BANDWIDTH_TX",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "ScaleUnit": "7.11E-06Bytes",
+        "UMask": "0xf",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI interconnect send bandwidth for payload",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "ScaleUnit": "7.11E-06Bytes",
+        "UMask": "0xf",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Response packets that go direct to Intel UPI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2U",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Traffic in which the M2M to iMC Bypass was not taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_BYPASS_M2M_Egress.NOT_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles when direct to core mode (which bypasses the CHA) was disabled",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages sent direct to core (bypassing the CHA)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2CORE_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of reads in which direct to core transaction were overridden",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2CORE_TXN_OVERRIDE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookups (any state found)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookup (cacheline found in I state)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookup (cacheline found in S state)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookups (cacheline found in A state)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from/to Any state",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from I to S",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.I2S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from I to A",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.I2A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from S to I",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.S2I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from S to A",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.S2A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from A to I",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.A2I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from A to S",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.A2S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Reads to iMC issued at Normal Priority (Non-Isochronous)",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_M",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.NORMAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Reads to iMC issued",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Partial Non-Isochronous writes to the iMC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.PARTIAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Writes to iMC issued",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC; All, regardless of priority",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.NI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch requests that got turn into a demand request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inserts into the Memory Controller Prefetch Queue",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Queue Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Allocations; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_INSERTS.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_OCCUPANCY.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of reads in which direct to Intel UPI transactions were overridden",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles when direct to Intel UPI was disabled",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages sent direct to the Intel UPI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2UPI_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of reads that a message sent direct2 Intel UPI was overridden",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2UPI_TXN_OVERRIDE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetches generated by the flow control queue of the M3UPI unit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_UPI_PREFETCH_SPAWN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Bypass; Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_BYPASS_CHA_IMC.TAKEN",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of lines that were victimized on a fill.  This can be filtered by the state that the line was in.",
         "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Lines in S State",
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Bypass; Intermediate bypass Taken",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_S",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA to iMC Bypass; Not Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_BYPASS_CHA_IMC.NOT_TAKEN",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the number of lines that were victimized on a fill.  This can be filtered by the state that the line was in.",
         "UMask": "0x04",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Number of times that an RFO hit in S state.",
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Single External Snoops",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x39",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.RFO_HIT_S",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EXT_ONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Single Core Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.CORE_ONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x41",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Single Eviction",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EVICT_ONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x81",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Any Single Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.ANY_ONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Multiple External Snoops",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EXT_GTONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x22",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Any Cycle with Multiple Snoops",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.ANY_GTONE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE2",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; External Snoop to Remote Node",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EXT_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Core Request to Remote Node",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.CORE_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Eviction to Remote Node",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.EVICT_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x84",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoops Issued; Any Snoop to Remote Node",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.ANY_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE4",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counter 0 Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_COUNTER0_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Hits in HitMe Cache; Shared hit and op is RdInvOwn, RdInv, Inv*",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_HIT.SHARED_OWNREQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Hits in HitMe Cache; op is WbMtoE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_HIT.WBMTOE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a RFO (the Read for Ownership issued before a  write) request hit a cacheline in the S (Shared) state.",
         "UMask": "0x08",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Local requests for exclusive ownership of a cache line  without receiving data",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Hits in HitMe Cache; op is WbMtoI, WbPushMtoI, WbFlush, or WbMtoS",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_HIT.WBMTOI_OR_S",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the total number of requests coming from a unit on this socket for exclusive ownership of a cache line without receiving data (INVITOE) to the CHA.",
         "UMask": "0x10",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Local requests for exclusive ownership of a cache line without receiving data",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of times HitMe Cache is accessed; op is RdCode, RdData, RdDataMigratory, RdCur, RdInvOwn, RdInv, Inv*",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_LOOKUP.READ",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts the total number of requests coming from a remote socket for exclusive ownership of a cache line without receiving data (INVITOE) to the CHA.",
-        "UMask": "0x20",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; IRQ",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x13",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.IRQ",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts number of allocations per cycle into the specified Ingress queue.",
         "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; PhyAddr Match",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of times HitMe Cache is accessed; op is WbMtoE, WbMtoI, WbPushMtoI, WbFlush, or WbMtoS",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x19",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_LOOKUP.WRITE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; PhyAddr Match",
-        "UMask": "0x80",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy; IRQ",
-        "EventCode": "0x11",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OCCUPANCY.IRQ",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts number of entries in the specified Ingress queue in each cycle.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Snoop filter capacity evictions for E-state entries.",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x3D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SF_EVICTION.E_STATE",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts snoop filter capacity evictions for entries tracking exclusive lines in the cores cache. Snoop filter capacity evictions occur when the snoop filter is full and evicts an existing entry to track a new entry. Does not count clean evictions such as when a cores cache replaces a tracked cacheline with a new cacheline.",
         "UMask": "0x02",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Snoop filter capacity evictions for M-state entries.",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Misses in HitMe Cache; SF/LLC HitS/F and op is RdInvOwn",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x3D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SF_EVICTION.M_STATE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts snoop filter capacity evictions for entries tracking modified lines in the cores cache. Snoop filter capacity evictions occur when the snoop filter is full and evicts an existing entry to track a new entry. Does not count clean evictions such as when a cores cache replaces a tracked cacheline with a new cacheline.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Snoop filter capacity evictions for S-state entries.",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Misses in HitMe Cache; No SF/LLC HitS/F and op is RdInvOwn",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x3D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SF_EVICTION.S_STATE",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts snoop filter capacity evictions for entries tracking shared lines in the cores cache. Snoop filter capacity evictions occur when the snoop filter is full and evicts an existing entry to track a new entry. Does not count clean evictions such as when a cores cache replaces a tracked cacheline with a new cacheline.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "RspCnflct* Snoop Responses Received",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPCNFLCTS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a a transaction with the opcode type RspCnflct* Snoop Response was received. This is returned when a snoop finds an existing outstanding transaction in a remote caching agent. This triggers conflict resolution hardware. This covers both the opcode RspCnflct and RspCnflctWbI.",
         "UMask": "0x40",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "RspI Snoop Responses Received",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of Misses in HitMe Cache; op is RdCode, RdData, RdDataMigratory, RdCur, RdInv, Inv*",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPI",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_MISS.READ_OR_INV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of Allocate/Update to HitMe Cache; op is RspIFwd or RspIFwdWb for a local request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a transaction with the opcode type RspI Snoop Response was received which indicates the remote cache does not have the data, or when the remote cache silently evicts data (such as when an RFO: the Read for Ownership issued before a write hits non-modified data).",
         "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "RspIFwd Snoop Responses Received",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of Allocate/Update to HitMe Cache; op is RspIFwd or RspIFwdWb for a remote request",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPIFWD",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of Allocate/Update to HitMe Cache; Update HitMe Cache to SHARed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_UPDATE.SHARED",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a a transaction with the opcode type RspIFwd Snoop Response was received which indicates a remote caching agent forwarded the data and the requesting agent is able to acquire the data in E (Exclusive) or M (modified) states.  This is commonly returned with RFO (the Read for Ownership issued before a write) transactions.  The snoop could have either been to a cacheline in the M,E,F (Modified, Exclusive or Forward)  states.",
         "UMask": "0x04",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "RspSFwd Snoop Responses Received",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of Allocate/Update to HitMe Cache; Update HitMe Cache on RdInvOwn even if not RspFwdI*",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPSFWD",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HITME_UPDATE.RDINVOWN",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a a transaction with the opcode type RspSFwd Snoop Response was received which indicates a remote caching agent forwarded the data but held on to its current copy.  This is common for data and code reads that hit in a remote socket in E (Exclusive) or F (Forward) state.",
         "UMask": "0x08",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "Rsp*Fwd*WB Snoop Responses Received",
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of Allocate/Update to HitMe Cache; Deallocate HtiME$ on Reads without RspFwdI*",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSP_FWD_WB",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a transaction with the opcode type Rsp*Fwd*WB Snoop Response was received which indicates the data was written back to its home socket, and the cacheline was forwarded to the requestor socket.  This snoop response is only used in &gt;= 4 socket systems.  It is used when a snoop HITM's in a remote caching agent and it directly forwards data to a requestor, and simultaneously returns data to its home socket to be written back to memory.",
-        "UMask": "0x20",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Rsp*WB Snoop Responses Received",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSP_WBWB",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a transaction with the opcode type Rsp*WB Snoop Response was received which indicates which indicates the data was written back to its home.  This is returned when a non-RFO request hits a cacheline in the Modified state. The Cache can either downgrade the cacheline to a S (Shared) or I (Invalid) state depending on how the system has been configured.  This response will also be sent when a cache requests E (Exclusive) ownership of a cache line without receiving data, because the cache must acquire ownership.",
         "UMask": "0x10",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRds issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "HA to iMC Reads Issued; ISOCH",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_CRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Writes Issued to the iMC by the HA; Partial Non-ISOCH",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Writes Issued to the iMC by the HA; ISOCH Full Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Writes Issued to the iMC by the HA; ISOCH Partial",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Writes Issued to the iMC by the HA; Full Line MIG",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IMC_WRITES_COUNT.FULL_MIG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Writes Issued to the iMC by the HA; Partial MIG",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of times IODC entry allocation is attempted; Number of IODC allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IODC_ALLOC.INVITOM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of times IODC entry allocation is attempted; Number of IODC allocations dropped due to IODC Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IODC_ALLOC.IODCFULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts Number of times IODC entry allocation is attempted; Number of IDOC allocation dropped due to OSB gate",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IODC_ALLOC.OSBGATED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts number of IODC deallocations; IODC deallocated due to WbMtoE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x63",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IODC_DEALLOC.WBMTOE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts number of IODC deallocations; IODC deallocated due to WbMtoI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x63",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IODC_DEALLOC.WBMTOI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts number of IODC deallocations; IODC deallocated due to WbPushMtoI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x63",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts number of IODC deallocations; IODC deallocated due to conflicting transaction",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x63",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IODC_DEALLOC.SNPOUT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Counts number of IODC deallocations; IODC deallocated due to any reason",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x63",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_IODC_DEALLOC.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.WRITE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.WRITE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x5",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.ANY",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.ANY",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRds issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
         "UMask": "0x11",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.LOCAL",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_DRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.LOCAL",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "UMask": "0x91",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_ALL",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "UMask": "0x2f",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_ALL",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores that hit the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "Cbo Misc; Silent Snoop Eviction",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_HIT_RFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.RSPI_WAS_FSE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Hit the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "Cbo Misc; Write Combining Aliasing",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_CRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.WC_ALIASING",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "Cbo Misc; CV0 Prefetch Victim",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_DRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.CV0_PREF_VIC",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : DRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
+        "BriefDescription": "Cbo Misc; CV0 Prefetch Miss",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_MISC.CV0_PREF_MISS",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
+        "BriefDescription": "OSB Snoop Broadcast",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_OSB",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty; MC0_SMI0",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC0_SMI0",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : LLCPrefRFO issued by iA Cores that missed the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty; MC1_SMI1",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS_RFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.MC1_SMI1",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "TOR Inserts : RFOs issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC : Counts the number of entries successfully inserted into the TOR that match qualifications specified by the subevent.   Does not include addressless requests such as locks and interrupts.",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty; EDC0_SMI2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.EDC0_SMI2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty; EDC1_SMI3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.EDC1_SMI3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty; EDC2_SMI4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.EDC2_SMI4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx READ Credits Empty; EDC3_SMI5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_READ_NO_CREDITS.EDC3_SMI5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "write requests from remote home agent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.ALL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOPS_SENT.",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent; Broadcast or directed Snoops sent for Local Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent; Broadcast or directed Snoops sent for Remote Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.BCST_LOCAL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOPS_SENT.BCST_LOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.BCST_REMOTE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOPS_SENT.BCST_REM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.DIRECT_LOCAL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOPS_SENT.DIRECT_LOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.DIRECT_REMOTE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOPS_SENT.DIRECT_REM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received : RspS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSP_WBWB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOP_RESP.RSP_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received; RspFwd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPIFWD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSPIFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPSFWD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSPSFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSP_WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSP_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSP_FWD_WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSP_FWD_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPCNFLCT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSPCNFLCT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPFWD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNP_RSP_RCV_LOCAL.RSPFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.EVICT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.EVICT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.HIT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.MISS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.EVICT",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.EVICT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.PRQ",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.HIT",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.MISS",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WbPushMtoI; Pushed to LLC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WB_PUSH_MTOI.LLC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WbPushMtoI; Pushed to Memory",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WB_PUSH_MTOI.MEM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty; MC0_SMI0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC0_SMI0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty; MC1_SMI1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.MC1_SMI1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty; EDC0_SMI2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.EDC0_SMI2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty; EDC1_SMI3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.EDC1_SMI3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty; EDC2_SMI4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.EDC2_SMI4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CHA iMC CHNx WRITE Credits Empty; EDC3_SMI5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_WRITE_NO_CREDITS.EDC3_SMI5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.LOC_IO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x34",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.LOC_IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
         "Unit": "CHA"
@@ -766,184 +3204,4290 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "Deprecated": "1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.REM_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CHAfilter1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.LOC_ALL",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
-        "UMask": "0x30",
+        "UMask": "0x37",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_CRD",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_CRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_CRD",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_DRD",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_DRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_DRD",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_RFO",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_RFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_HIT_RFO",
-        "UMask": "0x11",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_CRD",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_CRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40233",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_CRD",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_DRD",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_DRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40433",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_DRD",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b233",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefCRD",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b433",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefDRD",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x4b033",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_LlcPrefRFO",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_RFO",
-        "EventCode": "0x36",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_RFO",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA_MISS_RFO",
-        "UMask": "0x21",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_CLOCKTICKS",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO",
         "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.LOC_IO",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "UMask": "0x34",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_FAST_ASSERTED.HORZ",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IA",
         "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0xA5",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_FAST_ASSERTED",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.LOC_IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.LOC_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x37",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core PMA Events; C1  State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_PMA.C1_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core PMA Events; C1 Transition",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_PMA.C1_TRANSITION",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_FAST_ASSERTED.HORZ",
         "UMask": "0x02",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_E",
+        "BriefDescription": "Core PMA Events; C6 State",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.E_STATE",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_PMA.C6_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core PMA Events; C6 Transition",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_PMA.C6_TRANSITION",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core PMA Events; GV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CORE_PMA.GV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_E",
         "UMask": "0x2",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_F",
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_CMS_CLOCKTICKS",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.F_STATE",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_CLOCK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements; Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements; Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use; Left",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.LEFT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use; Right",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.RIGHT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; Acknowledgements to Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RING_SRC_THRTL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_RING_SRC_THRTL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; IRQ Rejected",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.IRQ_REJ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; IPQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.PRQ_REJ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; RRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.RRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Allocations; WBQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_INSERTS.WBQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.ANY_IPQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; Merging these two together to make room for ANY_REJECT_*0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.ANY_REJECT_IRQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Merging these two together to make room for ANY_REJECT_*0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_ISMQ1_REJECT.ANY_ISMQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_RETRY.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_ISMQ1_RETRY.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_RETRY.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy; IPQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OCCUPANCY.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy; RRQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OCCUPANCY.RRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy; WBQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OCCUPANCY.WBQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; Merging these two together to make room for ANY_REJECT_*0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.ANY_PRQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; LLC OR SF Way",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; Merging these two together to make room for ANY_REJECT_*0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.ANY_RRQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; Merging these two together to make room for ANY_REJECT_*0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; AD REQ on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.AD_REQ_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; AD RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.AD_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; BL RSP on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.BL_RSP_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; BL WB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.BL_WB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; BL NCB on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.BL_NCB_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; BL NCS on VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.BL_NCS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.ANY_WBQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; HA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.HA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; LLC Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.LLC_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; SF Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.SF_VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; Victim",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.VICTIM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; Merging these two together to make room for ANY_REJECT_*0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.LLC_OR_SF_WAY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; Allow Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.ALLOW_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; PhyAddr Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.PA_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; IFV - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IFV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.IV_AG1",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_F",
         "UMask": "0x8",
         "Unit": "CHA"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_NACK.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_H_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.IV_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_STARVED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use; Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.UP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use; Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.DN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; External RspHitFSE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.EXT_RSP_HITFSE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Core RspHitFSE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.CORE_RSP_HITFSE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x41",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Evict RspHitFSE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x81",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Any RspHitFSE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.ANY_RSP_HITFSE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; External RspSFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.EXT_RSPS_FWDFE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x22",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Core RspSFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.CORE_RSPS_FWDFE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x42",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Evict RspSFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x82",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Any RspSFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.ANY_RSPS_FWDFE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE2",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; External RspIFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.EXT_RSPI_FWDFE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Core RspIFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.CORE_RSPI_FWDFE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x44",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Evict RspIFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x84",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Any RspIFwdFE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.ANY_RSPI_FWDFE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE4",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; External RspSFwdM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.EXT_RSPS_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x28",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Core RspSFwdM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.CORE_RSPS_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x48",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Evict RspSFwdM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.EVICT_RSPS_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x88",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Any RspSFwdM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.ANY_RSPS_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE8",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; External RspIFwdM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.EXT_RSPI_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x30",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Core RspIFwdM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.CORE_RSPI_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x50",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses; Evict RspIFwdM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.EVICT_RSPI_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x90",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Core Cross Snoop Responses",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_XSNP_RESP.ANY_RSPI_FWDM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF0",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x18",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x28",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.RRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x50",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.RRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x60",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.WBQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x90",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.WBQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA0",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_HIT",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.PRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_MISS",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.PRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x18",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x28",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; All from Local IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x34",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; All from Local iA and IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.ALL_IO_IA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x35",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Hits from Local",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.ALL_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x15",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Misses from Local",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.ALL_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x25",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; All from Local IO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x34",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Hits from Local IO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x14",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Misses from Local IO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Hits from Local",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.ALL_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x17",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Misses from Local",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.ALL_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x27",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; VNA Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; VN0 Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_UPI_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; AD REQ Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; AD RSP VN0 Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; BL RSP Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; BL DRS Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; BL NCB Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credit Allocations; BL NCS Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; AD VNA Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; BL VNA Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; AD REQ VN0 Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; AD RSP VN0 Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; BL RSP VN0 Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; BL DRS VN0 Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI Ingress Credits In Use Cycles; BL NCB VN0 Credits",
+        "EventCode": "0x3B",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ0_RETRY.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER0_RETRY.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q0_RETRY.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; Non UPI AK Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.AK_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; Non UPI IV Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ0_REJECT.IV_NON_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Request Queue Retries; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_REQ_Q1_RETRY.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent; Broadcast snoop for Local Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.BCST_LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent; Broadcast snoops for Remote Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOPS_SENT.BCST_REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent; Directed snoops for Local Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoops Sent; Directed snoops for Remote Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; RspI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; RspS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; RspIFwd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; RspSFwd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; Rsp*WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSP_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; Rsp*FWD*WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSP_FWD_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; RspCnflct",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses Received Local; RspFwd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP_LOCAL.RSPFWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Clockticks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_CMS_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Data Read Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.DATA_READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Write Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.WRITE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x05",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; External Snoop Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE_SNOOP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x09",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Any Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x11",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Local",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x31",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cache and Snoop Filter Lookups; Remote",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_LOOKUP.REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x91",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_M",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "Deprecated": "1",
         "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.M_STATE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.M_STATE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_M",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_E",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.E_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
         "Unit": "CHA"
@@ -951,10 +7495,92 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "Deprecated": "1",
         "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_LLC_VICTIMS.S_STATE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.S_STATE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_S",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.TOTAL_F",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.F_STATE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Local - All Lines",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2F",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_ALL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; IRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; SF/LLC Evictions",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.EVICT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; PRQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; IPQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Hit (Not a Miss)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; Miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
         "Unit": "CHA"
@@ -962,13 +7588,14952 @@
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "Deprecated": "1",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_C_TOR_INSERTS.REM_ALL",
-        "Filter": "CHAfilter1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.LOC_ALL",
         "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
-        "UMask": "0x30",
+        "UMask": "0x37",
         "Unit": "CHA"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x18",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IPQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x28",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.RRQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x50",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.RRQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x60",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.WBQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x90",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.WBQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA0",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; IRQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; SF/LLC Evictions",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.EVICT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; PRQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.PRQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; IPQ",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Hit (Not a Miss)",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; Miss",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.ALL_FROM_LOC",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.LOC_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x37",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x18",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IPQ_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x28",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Source Throttle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RING_SRC_THRTL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Probe Queue Rejects; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IPQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_IRQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Rejects; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x25",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "ISMQ Retries; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_ISMQ1_RETRY.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Other Retries; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_OTHER1_RETRY.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress (from CMS) Request Queue Rejects; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_PRQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RRQ Rejects; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_RRQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "WBQ Rejects; ANY0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_RxC_WBQ1_REJECT.ANY0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FaST wire asserted; Vertical",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_FAST_ASSERTED.VERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Local - Lines in M State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x21",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Local - Lines in E State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x22",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Local - Lines in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Local - Lines in F State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.LOCAL_F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x28",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Remote - Lines in M State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x81",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Remote - Lines in E State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x82",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Remote - Lines in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x84",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Remote - Lines in F State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x88",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lines Victimized; Remote - All Lines",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_LLC_VICTIMS.REMOTE_ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8F",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy; All from Local",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x37",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; RdCur misses from Local IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_MISS_RDCUR",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x43C33",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; RFO misses from Local IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_MISS_RFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts; ItoM misses from Local IO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IO_MISS_ITOM",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x49033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy;  ITOM Misses from Local IO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x49033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy;  RDCUR misses from Local IO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x43C33",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Occupancy;  RFO misses from Local IO",
+        "EventCode": "0x36",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_OCCUPANCY.IO_MISS_RFO",
+        "Filter": "config1=0x40033",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x24",
+        "Unit": "CHA"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts; Port 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.PORT0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts; Port 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.PORT1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts; Port 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.PORT2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts; Port 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.PORT3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Num Link  Correctable Errors",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_LINK_NUM_CORR_ERR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Num Link Retries",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_LINK_NUM_RETRIES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number packets that passed the Mask/Match Filter",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus; Non-PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.BUS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus; PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus; Non-PCIE bus and !(PCIE bus)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.BUS0_NOT_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus; Non-PCIE bus and PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.BUS0_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus; !(Non-PCIE bus) and PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.NOT_BUS0_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AND Mask/match for debug bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_AND.NOT_BUS0_NOT_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus; Non-PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.BUS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus; PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus; Non-PCIE bus and !(PCIE bus)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.BUS0_NOT_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus; Non-PCIE bus and PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.BUS0_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus; !(Non-PCIE bus) and PCIE bus",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.NOT_BUS0_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "OR Mask/match for debug bus; !(Non-PCIE bus) and !(PCIE bus)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_MASK_MATCH_OR.NOT_BUS0_NOT_BUS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_IIO_NOTHING",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_NOTHING",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMICCMP.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMICCMP.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMICCMP.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMICCMP.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_PAYLOAD_BYTES_IN.MSG.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_PAYLOAD_BYTES_IN.MSG.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_PAYLOAD_BYTES_IN.MSG.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_PAYLOAD_BYTES_IN.MSG.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Symbol Times on Link",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_SYMBOL_TIMES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMIC.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMIC.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMIC.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMIC.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMICCMP.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMICCMP.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMICCMP.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMICCMP.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MSG.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MSG.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MSG.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MSG.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x2",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x4",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x8",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; Vtd hit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.L4_PAGE_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; context cache miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.CTXT_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; L1 miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.L1_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; L2 miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.L2_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; L3 miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.L3_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; TLB miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.TLB_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; TLB is full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.TLB_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Access; TLB miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_ACCESS.TLB1_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VTd Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_VTD_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_PAYLOAD_BYTES_IN.MSG.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_PAYLOAD_BYTES_IN.MSG.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMIC.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.ATOMIC.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MSG.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.MSG.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_IN.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.CFG_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.IO_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_OUT.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card reading from DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card reading from DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card writing to DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card writing to DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU; Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's IO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.IO_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core reading from Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's MMIO space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) reading from this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Another card (different IIO stack) writing to this card",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested by the CPU; Core writing to Card's PCICFG space",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.CFG_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card writing to DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card writing to DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card writing to another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card reading from DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card reading from DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Card reading from another Card (same or different stack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.ATOMIC.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Completion of atomic requests targeting DRAM",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x02",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART2",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.PART3",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x08",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.VTD0",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x10",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Transactions requested of the CPU; Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MSG.VTD1",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x20",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Total Write Cache Occupancy; Any Source",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_CACHE_TOTAL_OCCUPANCY.ANY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Total Write Cache Occupancy; Snoops",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_CACHE_TOTAL_OCCUPANCY.IV_Q",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IRP Clocks",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Coherent Ops; PCIRdCur",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.PCIRDCUR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Coherent Ops; CRd",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Coherent Ops; DRd",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.DRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Coherent Ops; PCIDCAHin5t",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.PCIDCAHINT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Coherent Ops; WbMtoI",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.WBMTOI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Coherent Ops; CLFlush",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.CLFLUSH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FAF RF full",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FAF allocation -- sent to ADQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_TRANSACTIONS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "All Inserts Inbound (p2p + faf + cset)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_IRP_ALL.INBOUND_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "All Inserts Outbound (BL, AK, Snoops)",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_IRP_ALL.OUTBOUND_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0; Fastpath Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.FAST_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0; Fastpath Rejects",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.FAST_REJ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0; Cache Inserts of Read Transactions as Secondary",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.2ND_RD_INSERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0; Cache Inserts of Write Transactions as Secondary",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.2ND_WR_INSERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0; Cache Inserts of Atomic Transactions as Secondary",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.2ND_ATOMIC_INSERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0; Fastpath Transfers From Primary to Secondary",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.FAST_XFER",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0; Prefetch Ack Hints From Primary to Secondary",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.PF_ACK_HINT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC0.UNKNOWN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1; Slow Transfer of I Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SLOW_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1; Slow Transfer of S Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SLOW_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1; Slow Transfer of E Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SLOW_E",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1; Slow Transfer of M Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SLOW_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1; Lost Forward",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.LOST_FWD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1; Received Invalid",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SEC_RCVD_INVLD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Misc Events - Set 1; Received Valid",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_MISC1.SEC_RCVD_VLD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; P2P reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; P2P Writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; P2P Message",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; P2P completions",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.CMPL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; Match if remote only",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.REM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; match if remote and target matches",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; match if local only",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_P2P_TRANSACTIONS.LOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "P2P Transactions; match if local and target matches",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses; Miss",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses; Hit I",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.HIT_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses; Hit E or S",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.HIT_ES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses; Hit M",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.HIT_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses; SnpCode",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.SNPCODE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses; SnpData",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.SNPDATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Responses; SnpInv",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.SNPINV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count; Reads",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.READS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count; Writes",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.WRITES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count; Read Prefetches",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.RD_PREF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count; Atomic",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.ATOMIC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Inbound Transaction Count; Other",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.OTHER",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No AD Egress Credit Stalls",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxR2_AD_STALL_CREDIT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_AK_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL DRS Egress Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_DRS_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL DRS Egress Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_DRS_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL DRS Egress Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_DRS_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCB Egress Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCB_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCB Egress Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCB_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCB Egress Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCB_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCS Egress Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCS_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCS Egress Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCS_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL NCS Egress Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxC_BL_NCS_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No BL Egress Credit Stalls",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x1B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxR2_BL_STALL_CREDIT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound Read Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxS_DATA_INSERTS_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound Read Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxS_DATA_INSERTS_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound Request Queue Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0xC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_TxS_REQUEST_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that hit I line in the IIO cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_HIT_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x72",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that hit E or S line in the IIO cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_HIT_ES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x74",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that hit M line in the IIO cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_HIT_M",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x78",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that hit M, E, S or I line in the IIO",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x7e",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Responses to snoops of any type that miss the IIO cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_I_SNOOP_RESP.ALL_MISS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x71",
+        "Unit": "IRP"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AD_VNA_EQ2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AD_VNA_LE2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AD_VNA_LE2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AK_VNA_LE3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AK_VNA_LE3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.BGF_CRD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.BGF_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.GV_BLOCK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_BYP_BLOCKED.GV_BLOCK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_CRD_RETURN_BLOCKED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_CRD_RETURN_BLOCKED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AD_VNA_LE2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AD_VNA_LE2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AD_VNA_BTW_2_THRESH",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_BL_VNA_EQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_BL_VNA_BTW_0_THRESH",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AK_VNA_LE3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.FLOWQ_AK_VNA_LE3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.BGF_CRD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.BGF_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.GV_BLOCK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_M3_RXQ_BLOCKED.GV_BLOCK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles where phy is not in L0, L0c, L0p, L1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_PHY_INIT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "L1 Req Nack",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_POWER_L1_NACK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "L1 Req (same as L1 Ack)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_POWER_L1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VNA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VNA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.ACK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_REQ_SLOT2_FROM_M3.ACK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in L0. Receive side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x24",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL0_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CRC Errors Detected",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_CRC_ERRORS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "LLR Requests Sent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_CRC_LLR_REQ_TRANSMIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Consumed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_CREDITS_CONSUMED_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Consumed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_CREDITS_CONSUMED_VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VNA Credit Consumed",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_CREDITS_CONSUMED_VNA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; LLCRD Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.LLCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; LLCTRL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.LLCTRL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.PROTHDR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.PROT_HDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_HDR_MATCH.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_HDR_MATCH.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSP_DATA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_HDR_MATCH.RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_HDR_MATCH.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xB",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_HDR_MATCH.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_HDR_MATCH.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xD",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Occupancy - All Packets; Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_OCCUPANCY.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Occupancy - All Packets; Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_OCCUPANCY.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Occupancy - All Packets; Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_OCCUPANCY.SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S0_RXQ1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S0_RXQ1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S0_RXQ2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S0_RXQ2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S1_RXQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S1_RXQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S1_RXQ2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S1_RXQ2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S2_RXQ0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S2_RXQ0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S2_RXQ1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_SLOT_BYPASS.S2_RXQ1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.CFG_CTL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.CFG_CTL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ_BYPASS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ_BYPASS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ_CRED",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RXQ_CRED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.TXQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.TXQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RETRY",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.RETRY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.DFX",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.DFX",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.SPARE",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_CLK_ACTIVE.SPARE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES_LL_ENTER",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES_LL_ENTER",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES_M3_EXIT",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x29",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES_M3_EXIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in L0. Transmit side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x26",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; LLCRD Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.LLCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; LLCTRL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.LLCTRL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.PROTHDR",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.PROT_HDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x9",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xE",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xF",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tx Flit Buffer Allocations",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tx Flit Buffer Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_VNA_CREDIT_RETURN_BLOCKED_VN01",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VNA Credits Pending Return - Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; Protocol Header",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.PROTHDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; Protocol Header",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.PROTHDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_FLOWQ_NO_VNA_CRD.AK_VNA_EQ2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.LOC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.REM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.DATA_HDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.NON_DATA_HDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.DUAL_SLOT_HDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. ",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.SGL_SLOT_HDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSP_NODATA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.RSP_NODATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSP_DATA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_HDR_MATCH.RSP_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xC",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Received; Idle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.IDLE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x47",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Request Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0108",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x09",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Snoop Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0109",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Response - No Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0A",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Response - No Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x010A",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Response - Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSP_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0C",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Response - Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x010C",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Writeback",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0D",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Writeback",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x010D",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0E",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x010E",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Standard",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0F",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Standard",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x010F",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Request Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.REQ_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x108",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Snoop",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x09",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Snoop Opcode",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.SNP_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x109",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Response - No Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0A",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Response - No Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10A",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Response - Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSP_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0C",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Response - Data",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10C",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Writeback",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0D",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Writeback",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.WB_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10D",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0E",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCB_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10E",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Standard",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x0F",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Non-Coherent Standard",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.NCS_OPC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10F",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Response - Conflict",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01AA",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Receive path of a UPI Port; Response - Invalid",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x012A",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Flit Buffer Allocations; Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_INSERTS.SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Flit Buffer Allocations; Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_INSERTS.SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RxQ Flit Buffer Allocations; Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_INSERTS.SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Response - Conflict",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1AA",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Matches on Transmit path of a UPI Port; Response - Invalid",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BASIC_HDR_MATCH.RSPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x12A",
+        "UMaskExt": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UPI LL"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC Bypass; Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_BYPASS_M2M_Egress.TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles - at UCLK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On Dirty Line in I State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.DIRTY_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On Dirty Line in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.DIRTY_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On Dirty Line in L State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.DIRTY_P",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On Dirty Line in A State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.DIRTY_A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On NonDirty Line in I State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.CLEAN_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On NonDirty Line in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.CLEAN_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On NonDirty Line in L State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.CLEAN_P",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Hit; On NonDirty Line in A State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_HIT.CLEAN_A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On Dirty Line in I State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.DIRTY_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On Dirty Line in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.DIRTY_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On Dirty Line in L State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.DIRTY_P",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On Dirty Line in A State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.DIRTY_A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On NonDirty Line in I State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.CLEAN_I",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On NonDirty Line in S State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.CLEAN_S",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On NonDirty Line in L State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.CLEAN_P",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Directory Miss; On NonDirty Line in A State",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_MISS.CLEAN_A",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC; Critical Priority",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Reads Issued to iMC; All, regardless of priority",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.FROM_TRANSGRESS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC; Full Line Non-ISOCH",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC; ISOCH Full Line",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.FULL_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC; ISOCH Partial",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.PARTIAL_ISOCH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC; All, regardless of priority",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Packet Header Matches; Mesh Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PKT_MATCH.MESH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number Packet Header Matches; MC Match",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PKT_MATCH.MC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Cycles Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Cycles Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch CAM Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_NO_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_NO_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_NO_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number AD Ingress Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TGR_AD_CREDITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number BL Ingress Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TGR_BL_CREDITS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Full; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_CYCLES_FULL.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Full; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_CYCLES_FULL.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Full; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_CYCLES_FULL.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Not Empty; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_CYCLES_NE.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Not Empty; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_CYCLES_NE.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Cycles Not Empty; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_CYCLES_NE.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Inserts; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Inserts; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Inserts; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Occupancy; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Occupancy; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Tracker Occupancy; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Pending Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_NO_REG_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_NO_REG_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_NO_REG_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Full; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_CYCLES_FULL.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Full; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_CYCLES_FULL.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Full; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_CYCLES_FULL.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Not Empty; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_CYCLES_NE.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Not Empty; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_CYCLES_NE.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Cycles Not Empty; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_CYCLES_NE.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Inserts; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Inserts; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Inserts; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_INSERTS.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Occupancy; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Occupancy; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Write Tracker Occupancy; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WRITE_TRACKER_OCCUPANCY.CH2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements; Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements; Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.RIGHT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.RIGHT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.RIGHT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use; Left",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.LEFT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use; Right",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.RIGHT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; Acknowledgements to Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Source Throttle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RING_SRC_THRTL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_BYPASS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; IFV - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IFV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_INSERTS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxR_OCCUPANCY.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Credits Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xE",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_CREDIT_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Credit Acquired",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_CREDITS_ACQUIRED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Full",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_CYCLES_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Not Empty",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_CYCLES_NE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles with No AD Egress (to CMS) Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xF",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_NO_CREDIT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Stalled with No AD Egress (to CMS) Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x10",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_NO_CREDIT_STALLED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound Ring Transactions on AK; CRD Transactions to Cbo",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK.CRD_CBO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound Ring Transactions on AK; NDR Transactions",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x39",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK.NDR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Credits Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CREDIT_OCCUPANCY.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Credits Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CREDIT_OCCUPANCY.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Credit Acquired; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Credit Acquired; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles with No AK Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_NO_CREDIT_CYCLES.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles with No AK Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_NO_CREDIT_CYCLES.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Stalled with No AK Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_NO_CREDIT_STALLED.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Stalled with No AK Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_NO_CREDIT_STALLED.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound DRS Ring Transactions to Cache; Data to Cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL.DRS_CACHE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound DRS Ring Transactions to Cache; Data to Core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL.DRS_CORE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Credits Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CREDIT_OCCUPANCY.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Credits Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CREDIT_OCCUPANCY.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Credit Acquired; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Credit Acquired; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x19",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Full; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_FULL.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Full; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_FULL.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Full; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x18",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_FULL.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_NE.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_NE.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x17",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_CYCLES_NE.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_INSERTS.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x15",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_INSERTS.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles with No BL Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_NO_CREDIT_CYCLES.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles with No BL Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_NO_CREDIT_CYCLES.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Stalled with No BL Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_NO_CREDIT_STALLED.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Stalled with No BL Egress (to CMS) Credits; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_NO_CREDIT_STALLED.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_OCCUPANCY.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x16",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_OCCUPANCY.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_NACK.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use; Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.DN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use; Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.UP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_M2M_TxC_BL.DRS_UPI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "Deprecated": "1",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_NoUnit_TxC_BL.DRS_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Outbound DRS Ring Transactions to Cache; Data to QPI",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL.DRS_UPI",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_NACK.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxR_VERT_STARVED.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC Bypass; Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_BYPASS_M2M_INGRESS.TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC Bypass; Not Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_BYPASS_M2M_INGRESS.NOT_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Clockticks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_CMS_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M->iMC WPQ Cycles w/Credits - Special; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_WPQ_CYCLES_SPEC_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FaST wire asserted; Vertical",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_FAST_ASSERTED.VERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FaST wire asserted; Horizontal",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_FAST_ASSERTED.HORZ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2M to iMC RPQ Cycles w/Credits - Regular; Channel 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RPQ_CYCLES_REG_CREDITS.CHN2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Read Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.RDCRD0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Write Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.WRCRD0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Write Compare Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.WRCMP0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Read Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.RDCRD1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x88",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Write Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.WRCRD1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x90",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; Write Compare Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.WRCMP1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0xA0",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Full; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x14",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_FULL.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; Read Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.RDCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; Write Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.WRCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; Write Compare Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.WRCMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Not Empty; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x13",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_CYCLES_NE.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Read Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.RDCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Write Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.WRCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Write Compare Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.WRCMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations; Prefetch Read Cam Hit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.PREF_RD_CAM_HIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Allocations; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x11",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_INSERTS.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Near Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.CMS0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; Common Mesh Stop - Far Side",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.CMS1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; Read Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.RDCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; Write Credit Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.WRCRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; Write Compare Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.WRCMP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x12",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_OCCUPANCY.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x03",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Sideband",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x6B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_SIDEBAND.RD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Egress (to CMS) Sideband",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x6B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AK_SIDEBAND.WR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M2M"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty; VNA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 AD Credits Empty; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x20",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; Peer UPI0 on VN0",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN0_PEER_UPI0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; Peer UPI1 on VN0",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN0_PEER_UPI1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; Peer UPI0 on VN1",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN1_PEER_UPI0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; Peer UPI1 on VN1",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN1_PEER_UPI1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CBox AD Credits Empty; VNA Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CHA_AD_CREDITS_EMPTY.VNA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CBox AD Credits Empty; Writebacks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CHA_AD_CREDITS_EMPTY.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CBox AD Credits Empty; Requests",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CHA_AD_CREDITS_EMPTY.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CBox AD Credits Empty; Snoops",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x22",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CHA_AD_CREDITS_EMPTY.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of uclks in domain",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "D2U Sent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_D2U_SENT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty; IIO0 and IIO1 share the same ring destination. (1 VN0 credit only)",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.IIO0_IIO1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty; IIO2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.IIO2_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty; IIO3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.IIO3_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty; IIO4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.IIO4_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty; IIO5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.IIO5_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty; All IIO targets for NCS are in single mask. ORs them together",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "M2 BL Credits Empty; Selected M2p BL NCS credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x23",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_M2_BL_CREDITS_EMPTY.NCS_SEL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received; AD - Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.AD_SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received; AD - Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.AD_SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received; AD - Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.AD_SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received; BL - Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.BL_SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received; AK - Slot 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.AK_SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Multi Slot Flit Received; AK - Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_MULTI_SLOT_RCVD.AK_SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for AD; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_ARB_FAIL.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD FlowQ Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_BYPASS.AD_SLOT0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD FlowQ Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_BYPASS.AD_SLOT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD FlowQ Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_BYPASS.AD_SLOT2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD FlowQ Bypass",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_BYPASS.BL_EARLY_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x27",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Inserts; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AD Flow Q Occupancy; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  -  Credit Available; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_CRD_AVAIL.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  -  Credit Available; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_CRD_AVAIL.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  -  Credit Available; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_CRD_AVAIL.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  -  Credit Available; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_CRD_AVAIL.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  -  Credit Available; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_CRD_AVAIL.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  -  Credit Available; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x34",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_CRD_AVAIL.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - New Message; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - New Message; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - New Message; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - New Message; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - New Message; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - New Message; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD  - No Credit; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x32",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Flow Q Inserts",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AK_FLQ_INSERTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "AK Flow Q Occupancy",
+        "EventCode": "0x1E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AK_FLQ_OCCUPANCY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN0 NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN0 NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN1 NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Failed ARB for BL; VN1 NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x35",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_ARB_FAIL.VN1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Not Empty; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x28",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_CYCLES_NE.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN0 NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN0 NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN1_NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN1_NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Inserts; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_INSERTS.VN1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 NCB Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN0 NCS Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN1_NCS Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "BL Flow Q Occupancy; VN1_NCB Messages",
+        "EventCode": "0x1D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_FLQ_OCCUPANCY.VN1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for BL  - New Message; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for BL  - New Message; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for BL  - New Message; VN0 NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for BL  - New Message; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for BL  - New Message; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for BL  - New Message; VN1 NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x38",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NEW_MSG.VN1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN0 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN0 NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN0 NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN0_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN1 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN1 WB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN1 NCS Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Speculative ARB for AD Failed - No Credit; VN1 NCB Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x37",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_BL_SPEC_ARB_NO_OTHER_PEND.VN1_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Credit Used; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_CREDITS_USED.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 No Credits; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN0_NO_CREDITS.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Credit Used; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_CREDITS_USED.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 No Credits; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VN1_NO_CREDITS.NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; CHA on VN0",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN0_CHA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; CHA on VN1",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN1_CHA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; Non Idle cycles on VN0",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN0_NON_IDLE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of Snoop Targets; Non Idle cycles on VN1",
+        "EventCode": "0x3C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP1_VN1.VN1_NON_IDLE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Arbitration; FlowQ Won",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP2_VN1.VN0_SNPFP_NONSNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Arbitration; FlowQ Won",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP2_VN1.VN1_SNPFP_NONSNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Arbitration; FlowQ SnpF Won",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP2_VN1.VN0_SNPFP_VN2SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Snoop Arbitration; FlowQ SnpF Won",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x3D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxC_AD_SNPF_GRP2_VN1.VN1_SNPFP_VN0SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x82",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x88",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent0 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG0_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x84",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 AD Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x86",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_AD_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 0",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 1",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 3",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 4",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Occupancy; For Transgress 5",
+        "EventCode": "0x8E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CRD_OCCUPANCY.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Agent1 BL Credits Acquired; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x8C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_AG1_BL_CREDITS_ACQUIRED.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Clockticks",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xC0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_CMS_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements; Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Egress Blocking due to Ordering requirements; Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AD Ring In Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AD_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal AK Ring In Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_AK_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Left and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Left and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.LEFT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Right and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal BL Ring in Use; Right and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAB",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_BL_IN_USE.RIGHT_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use; Left",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.LEFT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Horizontal IV Ring in Use; Right",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAD",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_HORZ_RING_IV_IN_USE.RIGHT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Horizontal Ring.; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Messages that bounced on the Vertical Ring.; Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_BOUNCES_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; AK",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Horizontal Ring; Acknowledgements to Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_HORZ.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Acknowledgements to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.AK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Data Responses to core",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sink Starvation on Vertical Ring; Snoops of processor's cache",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SINK_STARVED_VERT.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Source Throttle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RING_SRC_THRTL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN0; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Lost Arb for VN1; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_LOST_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous; Parallel Bias to VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.PAR_BIAS_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous; Parallel Bias to VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.PAR_BIAS_VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous; No Progress on Pending AD VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.NO_PROG_AD_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous; No Progress on Pending AD VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.NO_PROG_AD_VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous; No Progress on Pending BL VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.NO_PROG_BL_VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous; No Progress on Pending BL VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_MISC.NO_PROG_BL_VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Arb Miscellaneous; AD, BL Parallel Win",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4D",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN0; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x49",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Can't Arb for VN1; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOAD_REQ_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN0; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x47",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "No Credits to Arb for VN1; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x48",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_ARB_NOCRED_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Queue Bypasses; AD to Slot 0 on Idle",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_BYPASSED.AD_S0_IDLE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Queue Bypasses; AD to Slot 0 on BL Arb",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_BYPASSED.AD_S0_BL_ARB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Queue Bypasses; AD + BL to Slot 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_BYPASSED.AD_S1_BL_SLOT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Ingress Queue Bypasses; AD + BL to Slot 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x40",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_BYPASSED.AD_S2_BL_SLOT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message lost contest for flit; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message lost contest for flit; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message lost contest for flit; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message lost contest for flit; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message lost contest for flit; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message lost contest for flit; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message lost contest for flit; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x50",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message lost contest for flit; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message lost contest for flit; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message lost contest for flit; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message lost contest for flit; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message lost contest for flit; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message lost contest for flit; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message lost contest for flit; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x51",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_COLLISION_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Credit Events; Any In BGF FIFO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_MISC.ANY_BGF_FIFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Credit Events; Any in BGF Path",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_MISC.ANY_BGF_PATH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Miscellaneous Credit Events; No D2K For Arb",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_MISC.NO_D2K_FOR_ARB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy; VNA In Use",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.VNA_IN_USE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy; Packets in BGF FIFO",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.FLITS_IN_FIFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy; Packets in BGF Path",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.FLITS_IN_PATH",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy; Transmit Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.TxQ_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy; D2K Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.D2K_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.P1P_TOTAL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Credit Occupancy",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x61",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CRD_OCC.P1P_FIFO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x43",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Cycles Not Empty; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_CYCLES_NE_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Flit Not Sent; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_DATA_NOT_SENT.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Flit Not Sent; No BGF Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_DATA_NOT_SENT.NO_BGF",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Data Flit Not Sent; No TxQ Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x57",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_DATA_NOT_SENT.NO_TXQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence; Wait on Pump 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P0_WAIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence; Wait on Pump 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1_WAIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1P_TO_LIMBO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1P_BUSY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1P_AT_LIMIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1P_HOLD_P0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Generating BL Data Flit Sequence",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x59",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_GEN_BL.P1P_FIFO_FULL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_MISC",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_MISC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit; One Message",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SENT.1_MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit; Two Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SENT.2_MSGS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit; Three Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SENT.3_MSGS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit; One Message in non-VNA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SENT.1_MSG_VNX",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SLOT_BL.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit; Needs Data Flit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SLOT_BL.NEED_DATA",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit; Wait on Pump 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SLOT_BL.P0_WAIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit; Wait on Pump 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SLOT_BL.P1_WAIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit; Don't Need Pump 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SLOT_BL.P1_NOT_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit; Don't Need Pump 1 - Bubble",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Slotting BL Message Into Header Flit; Don't Need Pump 1 - Not Avail",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x58",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Acumullate",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.ACCUM",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Accumulate Ready",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.ACCUM_READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Accumulate Wasted",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.ACCUM_WASTED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Run-Ahead - Blocked",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.AHEAD_BLOCKED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Run-Ahead - Message",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.AHEAD_MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Parallel Ok",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.PAR",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Parallel Message",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.PAR_MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 1; Parallel Flit Finished",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x53",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR1.PAR_FLIT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 2; Rate-matching Stall",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR2.RMSTALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Flit Gen - Header 2; Rate-matching Stall - No Message",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x54",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_GEN_HDR2.RMSTALL_NOMSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; All",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.ALL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; No BGF Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.NO_BGF_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; No TxQ Credits",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.NO_TXQ_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; No BGF Credits + No Extra Message Slotted",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.NO_BGF_NO_MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; No TxQ Credits + No Extra Message Slotted",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.NO_TXQ_NO_MSG",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; Sent - One Slot Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.ONE_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; Sent - Two Slots Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.TWO_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Header Not Sent; Sent - Three Slots Taken",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x55",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLIT_NOT_SENT.THREE_TAKEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; VN0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.VN0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; VN1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.VN1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; Parallel Attempt",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.PARALLEL_ATTEMPT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; Parallel Success",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.PARALLEL_SUCCESS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; Parallel AD Lost",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.PARALLEL_AD_LOST",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; Parallel BL Lost",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.PARALLEL_BL_LOST",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; Can't Slot AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.CANT_SLOT_AD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Held; Can't Slot BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x52",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_HELD.CANT_SLOT_BL",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x41",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Inserts; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_INSERTS_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 Ingress (from CMS) Queue - Occupancy; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_OCCUPANCY_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN0 message can't slot into flit; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN0.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit; REQ on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.AD_REQ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit; SNP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.AD_SNP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit; RSP on AD",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.AD_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit; RSP on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.BL_RSP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit; WB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.BL_WB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit; NCB on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.BL_NCB",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VN1 message can't slot into flit; NCS on BL",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x4F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_PACKING_MISS_VN1.BL_NCS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "SMI3 Prefetch Messages; Arrived",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_SMI3_PFTCH.ARRIVED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "SMI3 Prefetch Messages; Lost Arbitration",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_SMI3_PFTCH.ARB_LOST",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "SMI3 Prefetch Messages; Slotted",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_SMI3_PFTCH.SLOTTED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "SMI3 Prefetch Messages; Dropped - Old",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_SMI3_PFTCH.DROP_OLD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "SMI3 Prefetch Messages; Dropped - Wrap",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x62",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_SMI3_PFTCH.DROP_WRAP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits; Used",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.USED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits; Corrected",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.CORRECTED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits; Level &lt; 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.LT1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits; Level &lt; 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.LT4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits; Level &lt; 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.LT5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Remote VNA Credits; Any In Use",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x5B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_VNA_CRD.ANY_IN_USE",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BUSY_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Bypass; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Injection Starvation; IFV - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_CRD_STARVED.IFV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x80",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Allocations; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB1",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Transgress Ingress Occupancy; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xB0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxR_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD0",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No AD Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD2",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_AD_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent0 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD4",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG0.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 2",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 4",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Stall on No BL Agent1 Transgress Credits; For Transgress 5",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xD6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_STALL_NO_TxR_HORZ_CRD_BL_AG1.TGR5",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal ADS Used; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_ADS_USED.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Bypass Used; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9F",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_BYPASS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Full; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x96",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_FULL.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Horizontal Egress Queue is Not Empty; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x97",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_CYCLES_NE.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Inserts; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x95",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_INSERTS.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress NACKs; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x99",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_NACK.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; AD - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.AD_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Occupancy; BL - Credit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x94",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_OCCUPANCY.BL_CRD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AD_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.AK_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.BL_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Horizontal Egress Injection Starvation; IV - Bounce",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_HORZ_STARVED.IV_BNC",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_ADS_USED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical ADS Used; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9E",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_BYPASS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Full; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x92",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_FULL.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles CMS Vertical Egress Queue Is Not Empty; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x93",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_CYCLES_NE.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Allocations; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x91",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_INSERTS.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vert Egress Occupancy; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x90",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_OCCUPANCY.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AD_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AK_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Agent 0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED.BL_AG0",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AD - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AD_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; AK - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED.AK_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; BL - Agent 1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED.BL_AG1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AD Ring In Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AD_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical AK Ring In Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA8",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_AK_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Up and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Up and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.UP_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Down and Even",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_EVEN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical BL Ring in Use; Down and Odd",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_BL_IN_USE.DN_ODD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use; Up",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.UP",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Vertical IV Ring in Use; Down",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xAC",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_VERT_RING_IV_IN_USE.DN",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "D2C Sent",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_D2C_SENT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FaST wire asserted; Vertical",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_FAST_ASSERTED.VERT",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "FaST wire asserted; Horizontal",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0xA5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_FAST_ASSERTED.HORZ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SENT.SLOTS_1",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SENT.SLOTS_2",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x20",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Sent Header Flit",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x56",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_RxC_FLITS_SENT.SLOTS_3",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x40",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress NACKs; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x98",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_NACK.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "CMS Vertical Egress Injection Starvation; IV",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x9A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_TxR_VERT_STARVED.IV",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty; VNA",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty; VN0 REQ Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x02",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty; VN0 RSP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UPI0 BL Credits Empty; VN0 SNP Messages",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2",
+        "EventCode": "0x21",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x08",
+        "Unit": "M3UPI"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Received; VLW",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_EVENT_MSG.VLW_RCVD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Received; MSI",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_EVENT_MSG.MSI_RCVD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Received; IPI",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_EVENT_MSG.IPI_RCVD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Received",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_EVENT_MSG.DOORBELL_RCVD",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x8",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Message Received",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_EVENT_MSG.INT_PRIO",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x10",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IDI Lock/SplitLock Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x44",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_LOCK_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles PHOLD Assert to Ack; Assert to ACK",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x45",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_PHOLD_CYCLES.ASSERT_TO_ACK",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.RDRAND",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.RDRAND",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x1",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.RDSEED",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.RDSEED",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x2",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.PFTCH_BUF_EMPTY",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x4C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_RACU_DRNG.PFTCH_BUF_EMPTY",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "UMask": "0x4",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "RACU Request",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "EventCode": "0x46",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_RACU_REQUESTS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks in the UBOX using a dedicated 48-bit Fixed Counter",
+        "Counter": "FIXED",
+        "EventCode": "0xff",
+        "EventName": "UNC_U_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "UBOX"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_CORE_SNP.CORE_GTONE",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1155,17 +22720,6 @@
         "UMask": "0x1",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPCNFLCTS",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x5C",
-        "EventName": "UNC_H_SNOOP_RESP.RSPCNFLCT",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPCNFLCTS",
-        "UMask": "0x40",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSPIFWD",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -1198,1495 +22752,5 @@
         "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_CHA_SNOOP_RESP.RSP_FWD_WB",
         "UMask": "0x20",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Clockticks of the IIO Traffic Controller",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_CLOCKTICKS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts clockticks of the 1GHz trafiic controller clock in the IIO unit.",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 0-3",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC2",
-        "FCMask": "0x4",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x0f",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 0-3",
-        "UMask": "0x03",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 0",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x4",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 0",
-        "UMask": "0x03",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 1",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x4",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 1",
-        "UMask": "0x03",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 2",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x4",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 2",
-        "UMask": "0x03",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 3",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_COMP_BUF_INSERTS.CMPD.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x4",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer Inserts of completions with data: Part 3",
-        "UMask": "0x03",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 0-3",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xD5",
-        "FCMask": "0x04",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 0-3",
-        "UMask": "0x0f",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 0",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xD5",
-        "FCMask": "0x04",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 0",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 1",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xD5",
-        "FCMask": "0x04",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 1",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 2",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xD5",
-        "FCMask": "0x04",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 2",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 3",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xD5",
-        "FCMask": "0x04",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIe Completion Buffer occupancy of completions with data: Part 3",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part0",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for 4 bytes of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part1",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for 4 bytes of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part2",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for 4 bytes of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for 4 bytes made by the CPU to IIO Part3",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for 4 bytes of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part0 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0 by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part1 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1 by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part2 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2 by  a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part3 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3 by  a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part0",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts ever peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part1",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts ever peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part2",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts ever peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part3",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts ever peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part0 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit.  In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part1 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part2 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made to IIO Part3 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part0 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part1 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part1 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part2 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part2 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for 4 bytes made by IIO Part3 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part3 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part0 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part1 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part2 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of 4 bytes made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of 4 bytes of data made by IIO Part3 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x2",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x4",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x8",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x2",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x4",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "FCMask": "0x7",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x8",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part0",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0. In the general case, part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part1",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part2",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by the CPU to IIO Part3",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part0 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0 by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part1 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1 by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part2 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2 by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part3 by the CPU",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3 by a unit on the main die (generally a core) or by another IIO unit. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part0",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part1",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part2",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by a different IIO unit to IIO Part3",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by a different IIO unit to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part0 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part0 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part1 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part1 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part2 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part2 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made to IIO Part3 by a different IIO unit",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xC1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made to the MMIO space of a card on IIO Part3 by a different IIO unit. Does not include requests made by the same IIO unit. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part0 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is  made by IIO Part1 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part1 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part2 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Read request for up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every read request for up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part3 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part0 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part1 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part1 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part2 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to Memory",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part3 to a unit on the main die (generally memory). In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction made by IIO Part0 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part1 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction made by IIO Part1 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction made by IIO Part2 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_READ.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer read request of up to a 64 byte transaction made by IIO Part3 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x08",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part0 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART0",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part0 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part0 refers to a standard PCIe card of any size (x16,x8,x4) that is plugged directly into one of the PCIe slots. Part0 could also refer to any device plugged into the first slot of a PCIe riser card or to a device attached to the IIO unit which starts its use of the bus using lane 0 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part1 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART1",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x02",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part1 to the MMIO space of an IIO target.In the general case, Part1 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the second slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 device attached to the IIO unit using lanes starting at lane 4 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part2 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART2",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x04",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part2 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part2 refers to a x4 or x8 PCIe card plugged into the third slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could refer to any x4 or x8 device attached to the IIO unit and using lanes starting at lane 8 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction is made by IIO Part3 to an IIO target",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x84",
-        "EventName": "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_OF_CPU.PEER_WRITE.PART3",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x08",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts every peer to peer write request of up to a 64 byte transaction of data made by IIO Part3 to the MMIO space of an IIO target. In the general case, Part3 refers to a x4 PCIe card plugged into the fourth slot of a PCIe riser card, but it could brefer to  any device attached to the IIO unit using the lanes starting at lane 12 of the 16 lanes supported by the bus.",
-        "UMask": "0x02",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Total IRP occupancy of inbound read and write requests.",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0xF",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_CACHE_TOTAL_OCCUPANCY.MEM",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Total IRP occupancy of inbound read and write requests.  This is effectively the sum of read occupancy and write occupancy.",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCIITOM request issued by the IRP unit to the mesh with the intention of writing a full cacheline.",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x10",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.PCITOM",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "PCIITOM request issued by the IRP unit to the mesh with the intention of writing a full cacheline to coherent memory, without a RFO.  PCIITOM is a speculative Invalidate to Modified command that requests ownership of the cacheline and does not move data from the mesh to IRP cache.",
-        "UMask": "0x10",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "RFO request issued by the IRP unit to the mesh with the intention of writing a partial cacheline.",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x10",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_COHERENT_OPS.RFO",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "RFO request issued by the IRP unit to the mesh with the intention of writing a partial cacheline to coherent memory.  RFO is a Read For Ownership command that requests ownership of the cacheline and moves data from the mesh to IRP cache.",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Inbound read requests received by the IRP and inserted into the FAF queue.",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x18",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_INSERTS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Inbound read requests to coherent memory, received by the IRP and inserted into the Fire and Forget queue (FAF), a queue used for processing inbound reads in the IRP.",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Occupancy of the IRP FAF queue.",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x19",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_FAF_OCCUPANCY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Occupancy of the IRP Fire and Forget (FAF) queue, a queue used for processing inbound reads in the IRP.",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Inbound write (fast path) requests received by the IRP.",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "EventCode": "0x11",
-        "EventName": "UNC_I_TRANSACTIONS.WR_PREF",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Inbound write (fast path) requests to coherent memory, received by the IRP resulting in write ownership requests issued by IRP to the mesh.",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "IRP"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Traffic in which the M2M to iMC Bypass was not taken",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x22",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_BYPASS_M2M_Egress.NOT_TAKEN",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts traffic in which the M2M (Mesh to Memory) to iMC (Memory Controller) bypass was not taken",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Cycles when direct to core mode (which bypasses the CHA) was disabled",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x24",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts cycles when direct to core mode (which bypasses the CHA) was disabled",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Messages sent direct to core (bypassing the CHA)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x23",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2CORE_TAKEN",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when messages were sent direct to core (bypassing the CHA)",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Number of reads in which direct to core transaction were overridden",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x25",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2CORE_TXN_OVERRIDE",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts reads in which direct to core transactions (which would have bypassed the CHA) were overridden",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Number of reads in which direct to Intel UPI transactions were overridden",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x28",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts reads in which direct to Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) transactions (which would have bypassed the CHA) were overridden",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Cycles when direct to Intel UPI was disabled",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x27",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts cycles when the ability to send messages direct to the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (bypassing the CHA) was disabled",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Messages sent direct to the Intel UPI",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x26",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2UPI_TAKEN",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when messages were sent direct to the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (bypassing the CHA)",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Number of reads that a message sent direct2 Intel UPI was overridden",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x29",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECT2UPI_TXN_OVERRIDE",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when a read message that was sent direct to the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (bypassing the CHA) was overridden",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookups (any state found)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.ANY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) looks into the multi-socket cacheline Directory state, and found the cacheline marked in Any State (A, I, S or unused)",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookups (cacheline found in A state)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_A",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) looks into the multi-socket cacheline Directory state, and found the cacheline marked in the A (SnoopAll) state, indicating the cacheline is stored in another socket in any state, and we must snoop the other sockets to make sure we get the latest data.  The data may be stored in any state in the local socket.",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookup (cacheline found in I state)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_I",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) looks into the multi-socket cacheline Directory state , and found the cacheline marked in the I (Invalid) state indicating the cacheline is not stored in another socket, and so there is no need to snoop the other sockets for the latest data.  The data may be stored in any state in the local socket.",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory lookup (cacheline found in S state)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2D",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP.STATE_S",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) looks into the multi-socket cacheline Directory state , and found the cacheline marked in the S (Shared) state indicating the cacheline is either stored in another socket in the S(hared) state , and so there is no need to snoop the other sockets for the latest data.  The data may be stored in any state in the local socket.",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from A to I",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2E",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.A2I",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) updates the multi-socket cacheline Directory state from from A (SnoopAll) to I (Invalid)",
-        "UMask": "0x20",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from A to S",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2E",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.A2S",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) updates the multi-socket cacheline Directory state from from A (SnoopAll) to S (Shared)",
-        "UMask": "0x40",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from/to Any state",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2E",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.ANY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) updates the multi-socket cacheline Directory to a new state",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from I to A",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2E",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.I2A",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) updates the multi-socket cacheline Directory state from from I (Invalid) to A (SnoopAll)",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from I to S",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2E",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.I2S",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) updates the multi-socket cacheline Directory state from from I (Invalid) to S (Shared)",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from S to A",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2E",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.S2A",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) updates the multi-socket cacheline Directory state from from S (Shared) to A (SnoopAll)",
-        "UMask": "0x10",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Multi-socket cacheline Directory update from S to I",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2E",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_DIRECTORY_UPDATE.S2I",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) updates the multi-socket cacheline Directory state from from S (Shared) to I (Invalid)",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Reads to iMC issued",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.ALL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) issues reads to the iMC (Memory Controller).",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Reads to iMC issued at Normal Priority (Non-Isochronous)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x37",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_READS.NORMAL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) issues reads to the iMC (Memory Controller).  It only counts  normal priority non-isochronous reads.",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Writes to iMC issued",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x38",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.ALL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) issues writes to the iMC (Memory Controller).",
-        "UMask": "0x10",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC; All, regardless of priority.",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x38",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.NI",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "M2M Writes Issued to iMC; All, regardless of priority.",
-        "UMask": "0x80",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Partial Non-Isochronous writes to the iMC",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x38",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_IMC_WRITES.PARTIAL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) issues partial writes to the iMC (Memory Controller).  It only counts normal priority non-isochronous writes.",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Prefetch requests that got turn into a demand request",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x56",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) promotes a outstanding request in the prefetch queue due to a subsequent demand read request that entered the M2M with the same address.  Explanatory Side Note: The Prefetch queue is made of CAM (Content Addressable Memory)",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Inserts into the Memory Controller Prefetch Queue",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x57",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_PREFCAM_INSERTS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the M2M (Mesh to Memory) receives a prefetch request and inserts it into its outstanding prefetch queue.  Explanatory Side Note: the prefect queue is made from CAM: Content Addressable Memory",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Queue Inserts",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_INSERTS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the a new entry is Received(RxC) and then added to the AD (Address Ring) Ingress Queue from the CMS (Common Mesh Stop).  This is generally used for reads, and",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_AD_OCCUPANCY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "AD Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Allocations",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x5",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_INSERTS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Allocations",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x6",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_RxC_BL_OCCUPANCY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "BL Ingress (from CMS) Occupancy",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Allocations",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x9",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_INSERTS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Allocations",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Occupancy",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0xA",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_AD_OCCUPANCY",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "AD Egress (to CMS) Occupancy",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Allocations; All",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x15",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_INSERTS.ALL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Allocations; All",
-        "UMask": "0x03",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; All",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x16",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M2M_TxC_BL_OCCUPANCY.ALL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "BL Egress (to CMS) Occupancy; All",
-        "UMask": "0x03",
-        "Unit": "M2M"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Prefetches generated by the flow control queue of the M3UPI unit.",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2",
-        "EventCode": "0x29",
-        "EventName": "UNC_M3UPI_UPI_PREFETCH_SPAWN",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Count cases where flow control queue that sits between the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) and the mesh spawns a prefetch to the iMC (Memory Controller)",
-        "Unit": "M3UPI"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Clocks of the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x1",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_CLOCKTICKS",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts clockticks of the fixed frequency clock controlling the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI).  This clock runs at1/8th the 'GT/s' speed of the UPI link.  For example, a  9.6GT/s  link will have a fixed Frequency of 1.2 Ghz.",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Data Response packets that go direct to core",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x12",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2C",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts Data Response (DRS) packets that attempted to go direct to core bypassing the CHA.",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2U",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x12",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2K",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2U",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Data Response packets that go direct to Intel UPI",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x12",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_DIRECT_ATTEMPTS.D2U",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts Data Response (DRS) packets that attempted to go direct to Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) bypassing the CHA .",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Cycles Intel UPI is in L1 power mode (shutdown)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x21",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_L1_POWER_CYCLES",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts cycles when the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) is in L1 power mode.  L1 is a mode that totally shuts down the UPI link.  Link power states are per link and per direction, so for example the Tx direction could be in one state while Rx was in another, this event only coutns when both links are shutdown.",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Cycles the Rx of the Intel UPI is in L0p power mode",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x25",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL0P_POWER_CYCLES",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts cycles when the the receive side (Rx) of the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect(UPI) is in L0p power mode. L0p is a mode where we disable 60% of the UPI lanes, decreasing our bandwidth in order to save power.",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "FLITs received which bypassed the Slot0 Receive Buffer",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x31",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BYPASSED.SLOT0",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts incoming FLITs (FLow control unITs) which bypassed the slot0 RxQ buffer (Receive Queue) and passed directly to the Egress.  This is a latency optimization, and should generally be the common case.  If this value is less than the number of FLITs transferred, it implies that there was queueing getting onto the ring, and thus the transactions saw higher latency.",
-        "UMask": "0x1",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "FLITs received which bypassed the Slot0 Receive Buffer",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x31",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BYPASSED.SLOT1",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts incoming FLITs (FLow control unITs) which bypassed the slot1 RxQ buffer  (Receive Queue) and passed directly across the BGF and into the Egress.  This is a latency optimization, and should generally be the common case.  If this value is less than the number of FLITs transferred, it implies that there was queueing getting onto the ring, and thus the transactions saw higher latency.",
-        "UMask": "0x2",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "FLITs received which bypassed the Slot0 Receive Buffer",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x31",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_BYPASSED.SLOT2",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts incoming FLITs (FLow control unITs) which bypassed the slot2 RxQ buffer (Receive Queue)  and passed directly to the Egress.  This is a latency optimization, and should generally be the common case.  If this value is less than the number of FLITs transferred, it implies that there was queueing getting onto the ring, and thus the transactions saw higher latency.",
-        "UMask": "0x4",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Valid data FLITs received from any slot",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_DATA",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts valid data FLITs  (80 bit FLow control unITs: 64bits of data) received from any of the 3 Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) Receive Queue slots on this UPI unit.",
-        "UMask": "0x0F",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Null FLITs received from any slot",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts null FLITs (80 bit FLow control unITs) received from any of the 3 Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) Receive Queue slots on this UPI unit.",
-        "UMask": "0x27",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Protocol header and credit FLITs received from any slot",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.NON_DATA",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts protocol header and credit FLITs  (80 bit FLow control unITs) received from any of the 3 UPI slots on this UPI unit.",
-        "UMask": "0x97",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x3",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.NULL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_RxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
-        "UMask": "0x20",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Cycles in which the Tx of the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) is in L0p power mode",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x27",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL0P_POWER_CYCLES",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts cycles when the transmit side (Tx) of the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect(UPI) is in L0p power mode. L0p is a mode where we disable 60% of the UPI lanes, decreasing our bandwidth in order to save power.",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "FLITs that bypassed the TxL Buffer",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x41",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_BYPASSED",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts incoming FLITs (FLow control unITs) which bypassed the TxL(transmit) FLIT buffer and pass directly out the UPI Link. Generally, when data is transmitted across the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI), it will bypass the TxQ and pass directly to the link.  However, the TxQ will be used in L0p (Low Power) mode and (Link Layer Retry) LLR  mode, increasing latency to transfer out to the link.",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Null FLITs transmitted from any slot",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts null FLITs (80 bit FLow control unITs) transmitted via any of the 3 Intel Ulra Path Interconnect (UPI) slots on this UPI unit.",
-        "UMask": "0x27",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Valid Flits Sent; Data",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.DATA",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Shows legal flit time (hides impact of L0p and L0c).; Count Data Flits (which consume all slots), but how much to count is based on Slot0-2 mask, so count can be 0-3 depending on which slots are enabled for counting..",
-        "UMask": "0x8",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Idle FLITs transmitted",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.IDLE",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts when the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect(UPI) transmits an idle FLIT(80 bit FLow control unITs).  Every UPI cycle must be sending either data FLITs, protocol/credit FLITs or idle FLITs.",
-        "UMask": "0x47",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Protocol header and credit FLITs transmitted across any slot",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.NON_DATA",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "Counts protocol header and credit FLITs (80 bit FLow control unITs) transmitted across any of the 3 UPI (Ultra Path Interconnect) slots on this UPI unit.",
-        "UMask": "0x97",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "Deprecated": "1",
-        "EventCode": "0x2",
-        "EventName": "UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.NULL",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PublicDescription": "This event is deprecated. Refer to new event UNC_UPI_TxL_FLITS.ALL_NULL",
-        "UMask": "0x20",
-        "Unit": "UPI LL"
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/skylakex/uncore-power.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/skylakex/uncore-power.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..64301a600ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/skylakex/uncore-power.json
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "pclk Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_CLOCKTICKS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_P_CORE_TRANSITION_CYCLES",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x60",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_CORE_TRANSITION_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x30",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_DEMOTIONS",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Phase Shed 0 Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x75",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FIVR_PS_PS0_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Phase Shed 1 Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x76",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FIVR_PS_PS1_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Phase Shed 2 Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x77",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FIVR_PS_PS2_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Phase Shed 3 Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x78",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FIVR_PS_PS3_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Thermal Strongest Upper Limit Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x4",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Power Strongest Upper Limit Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x5",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_MAX_POWER_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "IO P Limit Strongest Lower Limit Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x73",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_MIN_IO_P_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Cycles spent changing Frequency",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x74",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_FREQ_TRANS_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_P_MCP_PROCHOT_CYCLES",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x6",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_MCP_PROCHOT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Memory Phase Shedding Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2F",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Package C State Residency - C0",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2A",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PKG_RESIDENCY_C0_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Package C State Residency - C2E",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2B",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PKG_RESIDENCY_C2E_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Package C State Residency - C3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2C",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PKG_RESIDENCY_C3_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Package C State Residency - C6",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x2D",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PKG_RESIDENCY_C6_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "UNC_P_PMAX_THROTTLED_CYCLES",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x7",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PMAX_THROTTLED_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of cores in C-State; C0 and C1",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of cores in C-State; C3",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Number of cores in C-State; C6 and C7",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x80",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "External Prochot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0xA",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PROCHOT_EXTERNAL_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Internal Prochot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x9",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_PROCHOT_INTERNAL_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "Total Core C State Transition Cycles",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x72",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_TOTAL_TRANSITION_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    },
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "VR Hot",
+        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
+        "EventCode": "0x42",
+        "EventName": "UNC_P_VR_HOT_CYCLES",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "Unit": "PCU"
+    }
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/snowridgex/uncore-other.json b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/snowridgex/uncore-other.json
index 4750b3806a51..1701db46696d 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/snowridgex/uncore-other.json
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/snowridgex/uncore-other.json
@@ -132,23 +132,22 @@
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC misses - Uncacheable reads (from cpu) . Derived from unc_cha_tor_inserts.ia_miss",
+        "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : All requests from iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "LLC_MISSES.UNCACHEABLE",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40e33",
+        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "UMask": "0xC001FE01",
         "UMaskExt": "0xC001FE",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-        "BriefDescription": "LLC misses - Uncacheable reads (from cpu) ",
+        "BriefDescription": "LLC misses - Uncacheable reads (from cpu) . Derived from unc_cha_tor_inserts.ia_miss",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
         "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
         "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
+        "EventName": "LLC_MISSES.UNCACHEABLE",
         "Filter": "config1=0x40e33",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "UMask": "0xC001FE01",
@@ -167,18 +166,6 @@
         "UMaskExt": "0xC001FE",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "MMIO reads",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40040e33",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC001FE01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC001FE",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "MMIO writes. Derived from unc_cha_tor_inserts.ia_miss",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -191,18 +178,6 @@
         "UMaskExt": "0xC001FE",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "MMIO writes",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x40041e33",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "UMask": "0xC001FE01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC001FE",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (full cache line). Derived from unc_cha_tor_inserts.ia_miss",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -216,19 +191,6 @@
         "UMaskExt": "0xC001FE",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (full cache line)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x41833",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0xC001FE01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC001FE",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (partial cache line). Derived from unc_cha_tor_inserts.ia_miss",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -242,19 +204,6 @@
         "UMaskExt": "0xC001FE",
         "Unit": "CHA"
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "Streaming stores (partial cache line)",
-        "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x35",
-        "EventName": "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS",
-        "Filter": "config1=0x41a33",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "ScaleUnit": "64Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0xC001FE01",
-        "UMaskExt": "0xC001FE",
-        "Unit": "CHA"
-    },
         "BriefDescription": "TOR Inserts : CRds issued by iA Cores that Missed the LLC",
         "Counter": "0,1,2,3",
@@ -829,31 +778,12 @@
         "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth writing at IIO. Derived from unc_iio_data_req_of_cpu.mem_write.part0",
-        "Counter": "0,1",
-        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
-        "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_WRITE",
-        "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "Filter": "ch_mask=0x1f",
-        "MetricName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_WRITE",
-        "PerPkg": "1",
-        "PortMask": "0x01",
-        "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x01",
-        "Unit": "IIO"
-    },
-    {
-        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth writing at IIO",
+        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth writing at IIO, part 0",
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
         "EventCode": "0x83",
         "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0",
         "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "Filter": "ch_mask=0x1f",
-        "MetricName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_WRITE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PortMask": "0x01",
         "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
@@ -900,31 +830,28 @@
         "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO. Derived from unc_iio_data_req_of_cpu.mem_read.part0",
+        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth writing at IIO. Derived from unc_iio_data_req_of_cpu.mem_write.part0",
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
         "EventCode": "0x83",
-        "EventName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_READ",
+        "EventName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_WRITE",
         "FCMask": "0x07",
         "Filter": "ch_mask=0x1f",
-        "MetricName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_READ",
+        "MetricName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_WRITE",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PortMask": "0x01",
         "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
-        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "UMask": "0x01",
         "Unit": "IIO"
-        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO",
+        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO, part 0",
         "Counter": "0,1",
         "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
         "EventCode": "0x83",
         "EventName": "UNC_IIO_DATA_REQ_OF_CPU.MEM_READ.PART0",
         "FCMask": "0x07",
-        "Filter": "ch_mask=0x1f",
-        "MetricName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_READ",
         "PerPkg": "1",
         "PortMask": "0x01",
         "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
@@ -970,6 +897,22 @@
         "UMask": "0x04",
         "Unit": "IIO"
+    {
+        "BriefDescription": "PCI Express bandwidth reading at IIO. Derived from unc_iio_data_req_of_cpu.mem_read.part0",
+        "Counter": "0,1",
+        "CounterType": "PGMABLE",
+        "EventCode": "0x83",
+        "EventName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_READ",
+        "FCMask": "0x07",
+        "Filter": "ch_mask=0x1f",
+        "MetricName": "LLC_MISSES.PCIE_READ",
+        "PerPkg": "1",
+        "PortMask": "0x01",
+        "ScaleUnit": "4Bytes",
+        "UMask": "0x04",
+        "Unit": "IIO"
+    },
         "BriefDescription": "Data requested of the CPU : CmpD - device sending completion to CPU request",
         "Counter": "0,1",
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/empty-pmu-events.c b/tools/perf/pmu-events/empty-pmu-events.c
index 77e655c6f116..5ed8c0aa4817 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/empty-pmu-events.c
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/empty-pmu-events.c
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
  * The test cpu/soc is provided for testing.
 #include "pmu-events/pmu-events.h"
+#include "util/header.h"
+#include "util/pmu.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
 static const struct pmu_event pme_test_soc_cpu[] = {
@@ -101,6 +105,70 @@ static const struct pmu_event pme_test_soc_cpu[] = {
 		.desc = "L2 BTB Correction",
 		.topic = "branch",
+	{
+		.metric_expr	= "1 / IPC",
+		.metric_name	= "CPI",
+	},
+	{
+		.metric_expr	= "inst_retired.any / cpu_clk_unhalted.thread",
+		.metric_name	= "IPC",
+		.metric_group	= "group1",
+	},
+	{
+		.metric_expr	= "idq_uops_not_delivered.core / (4 * (( ( cpu_clk_unhalted.thread / 2 ) * "
+		"( 1 + cpu_clk_unhalted.one_thread_active / cpu_clk_unhalted.ref_xclk ) )))",
+		.metric_name	= "Frontend_Bound_SMT",
+	},
+	{
+		.metric_expr	= "l1d\\-loads\\-misses / inst_retired.any",
+		.metric_name	= "dcache_miss_cpi",
+	},
+	{
+		.metric_expr	= "l1i\\-loads\\-misses / inst_retired.any",
+		.metric_name	= "icache_miss_cycles",
+	},
+	{
+		.metric_expr	= "(dcache_miss_cpi + icache_miss_cycles)",
+		.metric_name	= "cache_miss_cycles",
+		.metric_group	= "group1",
+	},
+	{
+		.metric_expr	= "l2_rqsts.demand_data_rd_hit + l2_rqsts.pf_hit + l2_rqsts.rfo_hit",
+		.metric_name	= "DCache_L2_All_Hits",
+	},
+	{
+		.metric_expr	= "max(l2_rqsts.all_demand_data_rd - l2_rqsts.demand_data_rd_hit, 0) + "
+		"l2_rqsts.pf_miss + l2_rqsts.rfo_miss",
+		.metric_name	= "DCache_L2_All_Miss",
+	},
+	{
+		.metric_expr	= "dcache_l2_all_hits + dcache_l2_all_miss",
+		.metric_name	= "DCache_L2_All",
+	},
+	{
+		.metric_expr	= "d_ratio(dcache_l2_all_hits, dcache_l2_all)",
+		.metric_name	= "DCache_L2_Hits",
+	},
+	{
+		.metric_expr	= "d_ratio(dcache_l2_all_miss, dcache_l2_all)",
+		.metric_name	= "DCache_L2_Misses",
+	},
+	{
+		.metric_expr	= "ipc + M2",
+		.metric_name	= "M1",
+	},
+	{
+		.metric_expr	= "ipc + M1",
+		.metric_name	= "M2",
+	},
+	{
+		.metric_expr	= "1/M3",
+		.metric_name	= "M3",
+	},
+	{
+		.metric_expr	= "64 * l1d.replacement / 1000000000 / duration_time",
+		.metric_name	= "L1D_Cache_Fill_BW",
+	},
 		.name = 0,
 		.event = 0,
@@ -108,18 +176,39 @@ static const struct pmu_event pme_test_soc_cpu[] = {
-const struct pmu_events_map pmu_events_map[] = {
+/* Struct used to make the PMU event table implementation opaque to callers. */
+struct pmu_events_table {
+	const struct pmu_event *entries;
+ * Map a CPU to its table of PMU events. The CPU is identified by the
+ * cpuid field, which is an arch-specific identifier for the CPU.
+ * The identifier specified in tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/xxx/mapfile
+ * must match the get_cpuid_str() in tools/perf/arch/xxx/util/header.c)
+ *
+ * The  cpuid can contain any character other than the comma.
+ */
+struct pmu_events_map {
+	const char *arch;
+	const char *cpuid;
+	const struct pmu_events_table table;
+ * Global table mapping each known CPU for the architecture to its
+ * table of PMU events.
+ */
+static const struct pmu_events_map pmu_events_map[] = {
+		.arch = "testarch",
 		.cpuid = "testcpu",
-		.version = "v1",
-		.type = "core",
-		.table = pme_test_soc_cpu,
+		.table = { pme_test_soc_cpu },
+		.arch = 0,
 		.cpuid = 0,
-		.version = 0,
-		.type = 0,
-		.table = 0,
+		.table = { 0 },
@@ -147,12 +236,107 @@ static const struct pmu_event pme_test_soc_sys[] = {
-const struct pmu_sys_events pmu_sys_event_tables[] = {
+struct pmu_sys_events {
+	const char *name;
+	const struct pmu_events_table table;
+static const struct pmu_sys_events pmu_sys_event_tables[] = {
-		.table = pme_test_soc_sys,
+		.table = { pme_test_soc_sys },
 		.name = "pme_test_soc_sys",
-		.table = 0
+		.table = { 0 }
+int pmu_events_table_for_each_event(const struct pmu_events_table *table, pmu_event_iter_fn fn,
+				    void *data)
+	for (const struct pmu_event *pe = &table->entries[0];
+	     pe->name || pe->metric_group || pe->metric_name;
+	     pe++) {
+		int ret = fn(pe, table, data);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+	}
+	return 0;
+const struct pmu_events_table *perf_pmu__find_table(struct perf_pmu *pmu)
+	const struct pmu_events_table *table = NULL;
+	char *cpuid = perf_pmu__getcpuid(pmu);
+	int i;
+	/* on some platforms which uses cpus map, cpuid can be NULL for
+	 * PMUs other than CORE PMUs.
+	 */
+	if (!cpuid)
+		return NULL;
+	i = 0;
+	for (;;) {
+		const struct pmu_events_map *map = &pmu_events_map[i++];
+		if (!map->cpuid)
+			break;
+		if (!strcmp_cpuid_str(map->cpuid, cpuid)) {
+			table = &map->table;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	free(cpuid);
+	return table;
+const struct pmu_events_table *find_core_events_table(const char *arch, const char *cpuid)
+	for (const struct pmu_events_map *tables = &pmu_events_map[0];
+	     tables->arch;
+	     tables++) {
+		if (!strcmp(tables->arch, arch) && !strcmp_cpuid_str(tables->cpuid, cpuid))
+			return &tables->table;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+int pmu_for_each_core_event(pmu_event_iter_fn fn, void *data)
+	for (const struct pmu_events_map *tables = &pmu_events_map[0];
+	     tables->arch;
+	     tables++) {
+		int ret = pmu_events_table_for_each_event(&tables->table, fn, data);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+	}
+	return 0;
+const struct pmu_events_table *find_sys_events_table(const char *name)
+	for (const struct pmu_sys_events *tables = &pmu_sys_event_tables[0];
+	     tables->name;
+	     tables++) {
+		if (!strcmp(tables->name, name))
+			return &tables->table;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+int pmu_for_each_sys_event(pmu_event_iter_fn fn, void *data)
+	for (const struct pmu_sys_events *tables = &pmu_sys_event_tables[0];
+	     tables->name;
+	     tables++) {
+		int ret = pmu_events_table_for_each_event(&tables->table, fn, data);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+	}
+	return 0;
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/jevents.py b/tools/perf/pmu-events/jevents.py
index 83e0dcbeac9a..0daa3e007528 100755
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/jevents.py
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/jevents.py
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import csv
 import json
 import os
 import sys
-from typing import Callable
-from typing import Sequence
+from typing import (Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple)
+import collections
 # Global command line arguments.
 _args = None
@@ -19,6 +19,21 @@ _sys_event_tables = []
 _arch_std_events = {}
 # Track whether an events table is currently being defined and needs closing.
 _close_table = False
+# Events to write out when the table is closed
+_pending_events = []
+# Global BigCString shared by all structures.
+_bcs = None
+# Order specific JsonEvent attributes will be visited.
+_json_event_attributes = [
+    # cmp_sevent related attributes.
+    'name', 'pmu', 'topic', 'desc', 'metric_name', 'metric_group',
+    # Seems useful, put it early.
+    'event',
+    # Short things in alphabetical order.
+    'aggr_mode', 'compat', 'deprecated', 'perpkg', 'unit',
+    # Longer things (the last won't be iterated over during decompress).
+    'metric_constraint', 'metric_expr', 'long_desc'
 def removesuffix(s: str, suffix: str) -> str:
@@ -38,6 +53,107 @@ def file_name_to_table_name(parents: Sequence[str], dirname: str) -> str:
   tblname += '_' + dirname
   return tblname.replace('-', '_')
+def c_len(s: str) -> int:
+  """Return the length of s a C string
+  This doesn't handle all escape characters properly. It first assumes
+  all \ are for escaping, it then adjusts as it will have over counted
+  \\. The code uses \000 rather than \0 as a terminator as an adjacent
+  number would be folded into a string of \0 (ie. "\0" + "5" doesn't
+  equal a terminator followed by the number 5 but the escape of
+  \05). The code adjusts for \000 but not properly for all octal, hex
+  or unicode values.
+  """
+  try:
+    utf = s.encode(encoding='utf-8',errors='strict')
+  except:
+    print(f'broken string {s}')
+    raise
+  return len(utf) - utf.count(b'\\') + utf.count(b'\\\\') - (utf.count(b'\\000') * 2)
+class BigCString:
+  """A class to hold many strings concatenated together.
+  Generating a large number of stand-alone C strings creates a large
+  number of relocations in position independent code. The BigCString
+  is a helper for this case. It builds a single string which within it
+  are all the other C strings (to avoid memory issues the string
+  itself is held as a list of strings). The offsets within the big
+  string are recorded and when stored to disk these don't need
+  relocation. To reduce the size of the string further, identical
+  strings are merged. If a longer string ends-with the same value as a
+  shorter string, these entries are also merged.
+  """
+  strings: Set[str]
+  big_string: Sequence[str]
+  offsets: Dict[str, int]
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.strings = set()
+  def add(self, s: str) -> None:
+    """Called to add to the big string."""
+    self.strings.add(s)
+  def compute(self) -> None:
+    """Called once all strings are added to compute the string and offsets."""
+    folded_strings = {}
+    # Determine if two strings can be folded, ie. let 1 string use the
+    # end of another. First reverse all strings and sort them.
+    sorted_reversed_strings = sorted([x[::-1] for x in self.strings])
+    # Strings 'xyz' and 'yz' will now be [ 'zy', 'zyx' ]. Scan forward
+    # for each string to see if there is a better candidate to fold it
+    # into, in the example rather than using 'yz' we can use'xyz' at
+    # an offset of 1. We record which string can be folded into which
+    # in folded_strings, we don't need to record the offset as it is
+    # trivially computed from the string lengths.
+    for pos,s in enumerate(sorted_reversed_strings):
+      best_pos = pos
+      for check_pos in range(pos + 1, len(sorted_reversed_strings)):
+        if sorted_reversed_strings[check_pos].startswith(s):
+          best_pos = check_pos
+        else:
+          break
+      if pos != best_pos:
+        folded_strings[s[::-1]] = sorted_reversed_strings[best_pos][::-1]
+    # Compute reverse mappings for debugging.
+    fold_into_strings = collections.defaultdict(set)
+    for key, val in folded_strings.items():
+      if key != val:
+        fold_into_strings[val].add(key)
+    # big_string_offset is the current location within the C string
+    # being appended to - comments, etc. don't count. big_string is
+    # the string contents represented as a list. Strings are immutable
+    # in Python and so appending to one causes memory issues, while
+    # lists are mutable.
+    big_string_offset = 0
+    self.big_string = []
+    self.offsets = {}
+    # Emit all strings that aren't folded in a sorted manner.
+    for s in sorted(self.strings):
+      if s not in folded_strings:
+        self.offsets[s] = big_string_offset
+        self.big_string.append(f'/* offset={big_string_offset} */ "')
+        self.big_string.append(s)
+        self.big_string.append('"')
+        if s in fold_into_strings:
+          self.big_string.append(' /* also: ' + ', '.join(fold_into_strings[s]) + ' */')
+        self.big_string.append('\n')
+        big_string_offset += c_len(s)
+        continue
+    # Compute the offsets of the folded strings.
+    for s in folded_strings.keys():
+      assert s not in self.offsets
+      folded_s = folded_strings[s]
+      self.offsets[s] = self.offsets[folded_s] + c_len(folded_s) - c_len(s)
+_bcs = BigCString()
 class JsonEvent:
   """Representation of an event loaded from a json file dictionary."""
@@ -57,7 +173,7 @@ class JsonEvent:
                                        '. '), '.').replace('\n', '\\n').replace(
                                            '\"', '\\"').replace('\r', '\\r')
-    def convert_aggr_mode(aggr_mode: str) -> str:
+    def convert_aggr_mode(aggr_mode: str) -> Optional[str]:
       """Returns the aggr_mode_class enum value associated with the JSON string."""
       if not aggr_mode:
         return None
@@ -67,7 +183,7 @@ class JsonEvent:
       return aggr_mode_to_enum[aggr_mode]
-    def lookup_msr(num: str) -> str:
+    def lookup_msr(num: str) -> Optional[str]:
       """Converts the msr number, or first in a list to the appropriate event field."""
       if not num:
         return None
@@ -79,7 +195,7 @@ class JsonEvent:
       return msrmap[int(num.split(',', 1)[0], 0)]
-    def real_event(name: str, event: str) -> str:
+    def real_event(name: str, event: str) -> Optional[str]:
       """Convert well known event names to an event string otherwise use the event argument."""
       fixed = {
           'inst_retired.any': 'event=0xc0,period=2000003',
@@ -95,7 +211,7 @@ class JsonEvent:
         return fixed[name.lower()]
       return event
-    def unit_to_pmu(unit: str) -> str:
+    def unit_to_pmu(unit: str) -> Optional[str]:
       """Convert a JSON Unit to Linux PMU name."""
       if not unit:
         return None
@@ -108,6 +224,7 @@ class JsonEvent:
           'iMPH-U': 'uncore_arb',
           'CPU-M-CF': 'cpum_cf',
           'CPU-M-SF': 'cpum_sf',
+          'PAI-CRYPTO' : 'pai_crypto',
           'UPI LL': 'uncore_upi',
           'hisi_sicl,cpa': 'hisi_sicl,cpa',
           'hisi_sccl,ddrc': 'hisi_sccl,ddrc',
@@ -128,6 +245,7 @@ class JsonEvent:
       eventcode |= int(jd['ExtSel']) << 8
     configcode = int(jd['ConfigCode'], 0) if 'ConfigCode' in jd else None
     self.name = jd['EventName'].lower() if 'EventName' in jd else None
+    self.topic = ''
     self.compat = jd.get('Compat')
     self.desc = fixdesc(jd.get('BriefDescription'))
     self.long_desc = fixdesc(jd.get('PublicDescription'))
@@ -154,7 +272,7 @@ class JsonEvent:
     if self.metric_expr:
       self.metric_expr = self.metric_expr.replace('\\', '\\\\')
     arch_std = jd.get('ArchStdEvent')
-    if precise and self.desc and not '(Precise Event)' in self.desc:
+    if precise and self.desc and '(Precise Event)' not in self.desc:
       extra_desc += ' (Must be precise)' if precise == '2' else (' (Precise '
     event = f'config={llx(configcode)}' if configcode is not None else f'event={llx(eventcode)}'
@@ -200,46 +318,38 @@ class JsonEvent:
         s += f'\t{attr} = {value},\n'
     return s + '}'
-  def to_c_string(self, topic_local: str) -> str:
-    """Representation of the event as a C struct initializer."""
-    def attr_string(attr: str, value: str) -> str:
-      return '\t.%s = \"%s\",\n' % (attr, value)
-    def str_if_present(self, attr: str) -> str:
-      if not getattr(self, attr):
-        return ''
-      return attr_string(attr, getattr(self, attr))
-    s = '{\n'
-    for attr in ['name', 'event']:
-      s += str_if_present(self, attr)
-    if self.desc is not None:
-      s += attr_string('desc', self.desc)
-    else:
-      s += attr_string('desc', '(null)')
-    s += str_if_present(self, 'compat')
-    s += f'\t.topic = "{topic_local}",\n'
-    for attr in [
-        'long_desc', 'pmu', 'unit', 'perpkg', 'aggr_mode', 'metric_expr',
-        'metric_name', 'metric_group', 'deprecated', 'metric_constraint'
-    ]:
-      s += str_if_present(self, attr)
-    s += '},\n'
+  def build_c_string(self) -> str:
+    s = ''
+    for attr in _json_event_attributes:
+      x = getattr(self, attr)
+      s += f'{x}\\000' if x else '\\000'
     return s
+  def to_c_string(self) -> str:
+    """Representation of the event as a C struct initializer."""
-def read_json_events(path: str) -> Sequence[JsonEvent]:
+    s = self.build_c_string()
+    return f'{{ { _bcs.offsets[s] } }}, /* {s} */\n'
+def read_json_events(path: str, topic: str) -> Sequence[JsonEvent]:
   """Read json events from the specified file."""
-  return json.load(open(path), object_hook=lambda d: JsonEvent(d))
+  try:
+    result = json.load(open(path), object_hook=JsonEvent)
+  except BaseException as err:
+    print(f"Exception processing {path}")
+    raise
+  for event in result:
+    event.topic = topic
+  return result
 def preprocess_arch_std_files(archpath: str) -> None:
   """Read in all architecture standard events."""
   global _arch_std_events
   for item in os.scandir(archpath):
     if item.is_file() and item.name.endswith('.json'):
-      for event in read_json_events(item.path):
+      for event in read_json_events(item.path, topic=''):
         if event.name:
           _arch_std_events[event.name.lower()] = event
@@ -249,39 +359,70 @@ def print_events_table_prefix(tblname: str) -> None:
   global _close_table
   if _close_table:
     raise IOError('Printing table prefix but last table has no suffix')
-  _args.output_file.write(f'static const struct pmu_event {tblname}[] = {{\n')
+  _args.output_file.write(f'static const struct compact_pmu_event {tblname}[] = {{\n')
   _close_table = True
-def print_events_table_entries(item: os.DirEntry, topic: str) -> None:
-  """Create contents of an events table."""
+def add_events_table_entries(item: os.DirEntry, topic: str) -> None:
+  """Add contents of file to _pending_events table."""
   if not _close_table:
     raise IOError('Table entries missing prefix')
-  for event in read_json_events(item.path):
-    _args.output_file.write(event.to_c_string(topic))
+  for e in read_json_events(item.path, topic):
+    _pending_events.append(e)
 def print_events_table_suffix() -> None:
   """Optionally close events table."""
+  def event_cmp_key(j: JsonEvent) -> Tuple[bool, str, str, str, str]:
+    def fix_none(s: Optional[str]) -> str:
+      if s is None:
+        return ''
+      return s
+    return (j.desc is not None, fix_none(j.topic), fix_none(j.name), fix_none(j.pmu),
+            fix_none(j.metric_name))
   global _close_table
-  if _close_table:
-    _args.output_file.write("""{
-\t.name = 0,
-\t.event = 0,
-\t.desc = 0,
+  if not _close_table:
+    return
+  global _pending_events
+  for event in sorted(_pending_events, key=event_cmp_key):
+    _args.output_file.write(event.to_c_string())
+    _pending_events = []
+  _args.output_file.write('};\n\n')
   _close_table = False
+def get_topic(topic: str) -> str:
+  if topic.endswith('metrics.json'):
+    return 'metrics'
+  return removesuffix(topic, '.json').replace('-', ' ')
+def preprocess_one_file(parents: Sequence[str], item: os.DirEntry) -> None:
+  if item.is_dir():
+    return
+  # base dir or too deep
+  level = len(parents)
+  if level == 0 or level > 4:
+    return
+  # Ignore other directories. If the file name does not have a .json
+  # extension, ignore it. It could be a readme.txt for instance.
+  if not item.is_file() or not item.name.endswith('.json'):
+    return
+  topic = get_topic(item.name)
+  for event in read_json_events(item.path, topic):
+    _bcs.add(event.build_c_string())
 def process_one_file(parents: Sequence[str], item: os.DirEntry) -> None:
   """Process a JSON file during the main walk."""
   global _sys_event_tables
-  def get_topic(topic: str) -> str:
-    return removesuffix(topic, '.json').replace('-', ' ')
   def is_leaf_dir(path: str) -> bool:
     for item in os.scandir(path):
       if item.is_dir():
@@ -308,59 +449,205 @@ def process_one_file(parents: Sequence[str], item: os.DirEntry) -> None:
   if not item.is_file() or not item.name.endswith('.json'):
-  print_events_table_entries(item, get_topic(item.name))
+  add_events_table_entries(item, get_topic(item.name))
-def print_mapping_table() -> None:
+def print_mapping_table(archs: Sequence[str]) -> None:
   """Read the mapfile and generate the struct from cpuid string to event table."""
-  with open(f'{_args.starting_dir}/{_args.arch}/mapfile.csv') as csvfile:
-    table = csv.reader(csvfile)
-    _args.output_file.write(
-        'const struct pmu_events_map pmu_events_map[] = {\n')
-    first = True
-    for row in table:
-      # Skip the first row or any row beginning with #.
-      if not first and len(row) > 0 and not row[0].startswith('#'):
-        tblname = file_name_to_table_name([], row[2].replace('/', '_'))
-        _args.output_file.write("""{
-\t.cpuid = \"%s\",
-\t.version = \"%s\",
-\t.type = \"%s\",
-\t.table = %s
+  _args.output_file.write("""
+/* Struct used to make the PMU event table implementation opaque to callers. */
+struct pmu_events_table {
+        const struct compact_pmu_event *entries;
+        size_t length;
+ * Map a CPU to its table of PMU events. The CPU is identified by the
+ * cpuid field, which is an arch-specific identifier for the CPU.
+ * The identifier specified in tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/xxx/mapfile
+ * must match the get_cpuid_str() in tools/perf/arch/xxx/util/header.c)
+ *
+ * The  cpuid can contain any character other than the comma.
+ */
+struct pmu_events_map {
+        const char *arch;
+        const char *cpuid;
+        struct pmu_events_table table;
+ * Global table mapping each known CPU for the architecture to its
+ * table of PMU events.
+ */
+const struct pmu_events_map pmu_events_map[] = {
+  for arch in archs:
+    if arch == 'test':
+      _args.output_file.write("""{
+\t.arch = "testarch",
+\t.cpuid = "testcpu",
+\t.table = {
+\t.entries = pme_test_soc_cpu,
+\t.length = ARRAY_SIZE(pme_test_soc_cpu),
-""" % (row[0].replace('\\', '\\\\'), row[1], row[3], tblname))
-      first = False
+    else:
+      with open(f'{_args.starting_dir}/{arch}/mapfile.csv') as csvfile:
+        table = csv.reader(csvfile)
+        first = True
+        for row in table:
+          # Skip the first row or any row beginning with #.
+          if not first and len(row) > 0 and not row[0].startswith('#'):
+            tblname = file_name_to_table_name([], row[2].replace('/', '_'))
+            cpuid = row[0].replace('\\', '\\\\')
+            _args.output_file.write(f"""{{
+\t.arch = "{arch}",
+\t.cpuid = "{cpuid}",
+\t.table = {{
+\t\t.entries = {tblname},
+\t\t.length = ARRAY_SIZE({tblname})
+          first = False
-\t.cpuid = "testcpu",
-\t.version = "v1",
-\t.type = "core",
-\t.table = pme_test_soc_cpu,
+\t.arch = 0,
 \t.cpuid = 0,
-\t.version = 0,
-\t.type = 0,
-\t.table = 0,
+\t.table = { 0, 0 },
 def print_system_mapping_table() -> None:
   """C struct mapping table array for tables from /sys directories."""
-  _args.output_file.write(
-      '\nconst struct pmu_sys_events pmu_sys_event_tables[] = {\n')
+  _args.output_file.write("""
+struct pmu_sys_events {
+\tconst char *name;
+\tstruct pmu_events_table table;
+static const struct pmu_sys_events pmu_sys_event_tables[] = {
   for tblname in _sys_event_tables:
-\t\t.table = {tblname},
+\t\t.table = {{
+\t\t\t.entries = {tblname},
+\t\t\t.length = ARRAY_SIZE({tblname})
 \t\t.name = \"{tblname}\",
-\t\t.table = 0
+\t\t.table = { 0, 0 }
+static void decompress(int offset, struct pmu_event *pe)
+\tconst char *p = &big_c_string[offset];
+  for attr in _json_event_attributes:
+    _args.output_file.write(f"""
+\tpe->{attr} = (*p == '\\0' ? NULL : p);
+    if attr == _json_event_attributes[-1]:
+      continue
+    _args.output_file.write('\twhile (*p++);')
+  _args.output_file.write("""}
+int pmu_events_table_for_each_event(const struct pmu_events_table *table,
+                                    pmu_event_iter_fn fn,
+                                    void *data)
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < table->length; i++) {
+                struct pmu_event pe;
+                int ret;
+                decompress(table->entries[i].offset, &pe);
+                ret = fn(&pe, table, data);
+                if (ret)
+                        return ret;
+        }
+        return 0;
+const struct pmu_events_table *perf_pmu__find_table(struct perf_pmu *pmu)
+        const struct pmu_events_table *table = NULL;
+        char *cpuid = perf_pmu__getcpuid(pmu);
+        int i;
+        /* on some platforms which uses cpus map, cpuid can be NULL for
+         * PMUs other than CORE PMUs.
+         */
+        if (!cpuid)
+                return NULL;
+        i = 0;
+        for (;;) {
+                const struct pmu_events_map *map = &pmu_events_map[i++];
+                if (!map->arch)
+                        break;
+                if (!strcmp_cpuid_str(map->cpuid, cpuid)) {
+                        table = &map->table;
+                        break;
+                }
+        }
+        free(cpuid);
+        return table;
+const struct pmu_events_table *find_core_events_table(const char *arch, const char *cpuid)
+        for (const struct pmu_events_map *tables = &pmu_events_map[0];
+             tables->arch;
+             tables++) {
+                if (!strcmp(tables->arch, arch) && !strcmp_cpuid_str(tables->cpuid, cpuid))
+                        return &tables->table;
+        }
+        return NULL;
+int pmu_for_each_core_event(pmu_event_iter_fn fn, void *data)
+        for (const struct pmu_events_map *tables = &pmu_events_map[0];
+             tables->arch;
+             tables++) {
+                int ret = pmu_events_table_for_each_event(&tables->table, fn, data);
+                if (ret)
+                        return ret;
+        }
+        return 0;
+const struct pmu_events_table *find_sys_events_table(const char *name)
+        for (const struct pmu_sys_events *tables = &pmu_sys_event_tables[0];
+             tables->name;
+             tables++) {
+                if (!strcmp(tables->name, name))
+                        return &tables->table;
+        }
+        return NULL;
+int pmu_for_each_sys_event(pmu_event_iter_fn fn, void *data)
+        for (const struct pmu_sys_events *tables = &pmu_sys_event_tables[0];
+             tables->name;
+             tables++) {
+                int ret = pmu_events_table_for_each_event(&tables->table, fn, data);
+                if (ret)
+                        return ret;
+        }
+        return 0;
@@ -389,19 +676,48 @@ def main() -> None:
       help='Root of tree containing architecture directories containing json files'
-      'output_file', type=argparse.FileType('w'), nargs='?', default=sys.stdout)
+      'output_file', type=argparse.FileType('w', encoding='utf-8'), nargs='?', default=sys.stdout)
   _args = ap.parse_args()
-  _args.output_file.write("#include \"pmu-events/pmu-events.h\"\n")
-  for path in [_args.arch, 'test']:
-    arch_path = f'{_args.starting_dir}/{path}'
-    if not os.path.isdir(arch_path):
-      raise IOError(f'Missing architecture directory in \'{arch_path}\'')
+  _args.output_file.write("""
+#include "pmu-events/pmu-events.h"
+#include "util/header.h"
+#include "util/pmu.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+struct compact_pmu_event {
+  int offset;
+  archs = []
+  for item in os.scandir(_args.starting_dir):
+    if not item.is_dir():
+      continue
+    if item.name == _args.arch or _args.arch == 'all' or item.name == 'test':
+      archs.append(item.name)
+  if len(archs) < 2:
+    raise IOError(f'Missing architecture directory \'{_args.arch}\'')
+  archs.sort()
+  for arch in archs:
+    arch_path = f'{_args.starting_dir}/{arch}'
+    ftw(arch_path, [], preprocess_one_file)
+  _bcs.compute()
+  _args.output_file.write('static const char *const big_c_string =\n')
+  for s in _bcs.big_string:
+    _args.output_file.write(s)
+  _args.output_file.write(';\n\n')
+  for arch in archs:
+    arch_path = f'{_args.starting_dir}/{arch}'
     ftw(arch_path, [], process_one_file)
-  print_mapping_table()
+  print_mapping_table(archs)
diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/pmu-events.h b/tools/perf/pmu-events/pmu-events.h
index 6efe73976440..fe343c4d8016 100644
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/pmu-events.h
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/pmu-events.h
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 #ifndef PMU_EVENTS_H
 #define PMU_EVENTS_H
+struct perf_pmu;
 enum aggr_mode_class {
 	PerChip = 1,
@@ -28,32 +30,20 @@ struct pmu_event {
 	const char *metric_constraint;
- *
- * Map a CPU to its table of PMU events. The CPU is identified by the
- * cpuid field, which is an arch-specific identifier for the CPU.
- * The identifier specified in tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/xxx/mapfile
- * must match the get_cpuid_str() in tools/perf/arch/xxx/util/header.c)
- *
- * The  cpuid can contain any character other than the comma.
- */
-struct pmu_events_map {
-	const char *cpuid;
-	const char *version;
-	const char *type;		/* core, uncore etc */
-	const struct pmu_event *table;
+struct pmu_events_table;
-struct pmu_sys_events {
-	const char *name;
-	const struct pmu_event *table;
+typedef int (*pmu_event_iter_fn)(const struct pmu_event *pe,
+				 const struct pmu_events_table *table,
+				 void *data);
- * Global table mapping each known CPU for the architecture to its
- * table of PMU events.
- */
-extern const struct pmu_events_map pmu_events_map[];
-extern const struct pmu_sys_events pmu_sys_event_tables[];
+int pmu_events_table_for_each_event(const struct pmu_events_table *table, pmu_event_iter_fn fn,
+				    void *data);
+const struct pmu_events_table *perf_pmu__find_table(struct perf_pmu *pmu);
+const struct pmu_events_table *find_core_events_table(const char *arch, const char *cpuid);
+int pmu_for_each_core_event(pmu_event_iter_fn fn, void *data);
+const struct pmu_events_table *find_sys_events_table(const char *name);
+int pmu_for_each_sys_event(pmu_event_iter_fn fn, void *data);
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/Build b/tools/perf/tests/Build
index af2b37ef7c70..2064a640facb 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/Build
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/Build
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 perf-y += builtin-test.o
+perf-y += builtin-test-list.o
 perf-y += parse-events.o
 perf-y += dso-data.o
 perf-y += attr.o
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/builtin-test-list.c b/tools/perf/tests/builtin-test-list.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a65b9e547d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/builtin-test-list.c
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <linux/ctype.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/zalloc.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <subcmd/exec-cmd.h>
+#include <subcmd/parse-options.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "builtin.h"
+#include "builtin-test-list.h"
+#include "color.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "hist.h"
+#include "intlist.h"
+#include "string2.h"
+#include "symbol.h"
+#include "tests.h"
+#include "util/rlimit.h"
+ * As this is a singleton built once for the run of the process, there is
+ * no value in trying to free it and just let it stay around until process
+ * exits when it's cleaned up.
+ */
+static size_t files_num = 0;
+static struct script_file *files = NULL;
+static int files_max_width = 0;
+static const char *shell_tests__dir(char *path, size_t size)
+	const char *devel_dirs[] = { "./tools/perf/tests", "./tests", };
+	char *exec_path;
+	unsigned int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(devel_dirs); ++i) {
+		struct stat st;
+		if (!lstat(devel_dirs[i], &st)) {
+			scnprintf(path, size, "%s/shell", devel_dirs[i]);
+			if (!lstat(devel_dirs[i], &st))
+				return path;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Then installed path. */
+	exec_path = get_argv_exec_path();
+	scnprintf(path, size, "%s/tests/shell", exec_path);
+	free(exec_path);
+	return path;
+static const char *shell_test__description(char *description, size_t size,
+                                           const char *path, const char *name)
+	FILE *fp;
+	char filename[PATH_MAX];
+	int ch;
+	path__join(filename, sizeof(filename), path, name);
+	fp = fopen(filename, "r");
+	if (!fp)
+		return NULL;
+	/* Skip first line - should be #!/bin/sh Shebang */
+	do {
+		ch = fgetc(fp);
+	} while (ch != EOF && ch != '\n');
+	description = fgets(description, size, fp);
+	fclose(fp);
+	/* Assume first char on line is omment everything after that desc */
+	return description ? strim(description + 1) : NULL;
+/* Is this full file path a shell script */
+static bool is_shell_script(const char *path)
+	const char *ext;
+	ext = strrchr(path, '.');
+	if (!ext)
+		return false;
+	if (!strcmp(ext, ".sh")) { /* Has .sh extension */
+		if (access(path, R_OK | X_OK) == 0) /* Is executable */
+			return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+/* Is this file in this dir a shell script (for test purposes) */
+static bool is_test_script(const char *path, const char *name)
+	char filename[PATH_MAX];
+	path__join(filename, sizeof(filename), path, name);
+	if (!is_shell_script(filename)) return false;
+	return true;
+/* Duplicate a string and fall over and die if we run out of memory */
+static char *strdup_check(const char *str)
+	char *newstr;
+	newstr = strdup(str);
+	if (!newstr) {
+		pr_err("Out of memory while duplicating test script string\n");
+		abort();
+	}
+	return newstr;
+static void append_script(const char *dir, const char *file, const char *desc)
+	struct script_file *files_tmp;
+	size_t files_num_tmp;
+	int width;
+	files_num_tmp = files_num + 1;
+	if (files_num_tmp >= SIZE_MAX) {
+		pr_err("Too many script files\n");
+		abort();
+	}
+	/* Realloc is good enough, though we could realloc by chunks, not that
+	 * anyone will ever measure performance here */
+	files_tmp = realloc(files,
+			    (files_num_tmp + 1) * sizeof(struct script_file));
+	if (files_tmp == NULL) {
+		pr_err("Out of memory while building test list\n");
+		abort();
+	}
+	/* Add file to end and NULL terminate the struct array */
+	files = files_tmp;
+	files_num = files_num_tmp;
+	files[files_num - 1].dir = strdup_check(dir);
+	files[files_num - 1].file = strdup_check(file);
+	files[files_num - 1].desc = strdup_check(desc);
+	files[files_num].dir = NULL;
+	files[files_num].file = NULL;
+	files[files_num].desc = NULL;
+	width = strlen(desc); /* Track max width of desc */
+	if (width > files_max_width)
+		files_max_width = width;
+static void append_scripts_in_dir(const char *path)
+	struct dirent **entlist;
+	struct dirent *ent;
+	int n_dirs, i;
+	char filename[PATH_MAX];
+	/* List files, sorted by alpha */
+	n_dirs = scandir(path, &entlist, NULL, alphasort);
+	if (n_dirs == -1)
+		return;
+	for (i = 0; i < n_dirs && (ent = entlist[i]); i++) {
+		if (ent->d_name[0] == '.')
+			continue; /* Skip hidden files */
+		if (is_test_script(path, ent->d_name)) { /* It's a test */
+			char bf[256];
+			const char *desc = shell_test__description
+				(bf, sizeof(bf), path, ent->d_name);
+			if (desc) /* It has a desc line - valid script */
+				append_script(path, ent->d_name, desc);
+		} else if (is_directory(path, ent)) { /* Scan the subdir */
+			path__join(filename, sizeof(filename),
+				   path, ent->d_name);
+			append_scripts_in_dir(filename);
+		}
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < n_dirs; i++) /* Clean up */
+		zfree(&entlist[i]);
+	free(entlist);
+const struct script_file *list_script_files(void)
+	char path_dir[PATH_MAX];
+	const char *path;
+	if (files)
+		return files; /* Singleton - we already know our list */
+	path = shell_tests__dir(path_dir, sizeof(path_dir)); /* Walk  dir */
+	append_scripts_in_dir(path);
+	return files;
+int list_script_max_width(void)
+	list_script_files(); /* Ensure we have scanned all scripts */
+	return files_max_width;
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/builtin-test-list.h b/tools/perf/tests/builtin-test-list.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eb81f3aa6683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/builtin-test-list.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+struct script_file {
+	char *dir;
+	char *file;
+	char *desc;
+/* List available script tests to run - singleton - never freed */
+const struct script_file *list_script_files(void);
+/* Get maximum width of description string */
+int list_script_max_width(void);
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/builtin-test.c b/tools/perf/tests/builtin-test.c
index 81cf241cd109..7122eae1d98d 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/builtin-test.c
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/builtin-test.c
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
 #include <subcmd/exec-cmd.h>
 #include <linux/zalloc.h>
+#include "builtin-test-list.h"
 static bool dont_fork;
 struct test_suite *__weak arch_tests[] = {
@@ -274,91 +276,6 @@ static int test_and_print(struct test_suite *t, int subtest)
 	return err;
-static const char *shell_test__description(char *description, size_t size,
-					   const char *path, const char *name)
-	FILE *fp;
-	char filename[PATH_MAX];
-	int ch;
-	path__join(filename, sizeof(filename), path, name);
-	fp = fopen(filename, "r");
-	if (!fp)
-		return NULL;
-	/* Skip shebang */
-	do {
-		ch = fgetc(fp);
-	} while (ch != EOF && ch != '\n');
-	description = fgets(description, size, fp);
-	fclose(fp);
-	return description ? strim(description + 1) : NULL;
-#define for_each_shell_test(entlist, nr, base, ent)	                \
-	for (int __i = 0; __i < nr && (ent = entlist[__i]); __i++)	\
-		if (!is_directory(base, ent) && \
-			is_executable_file(base, ent) && \
-			ent->d_name[0] != '.')
-static const char *shell_tests__dir(char *path, size_t size)
-	const char *devel_dirs[] = { "./tools/perf/tests", "./tests", };
-        char *exec_path;
-	unsigned int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(devel_dirs); ++i) {
-		struct stat st;
-		if (!lstat(devel_dirs[i], &st)) {
-			scnprintf(path, size, "%s/shell", devel_dirs[i]);
-			if (!lstat(devel_dirs[i], &st))
-				return path;
-		}
-	}
-        /* Then installed path. */
-        exec_path = get_argv_exec_path();
-        scnprintf(path, size, "%s/tests/shell", exec_path);
-	free(exec_path);
-	return path;
-static int shell_tests__max_desc_width(void)
-	struct dirent **entlist;
-	struct dirent *ent;
-	int n_dirs, e;
-	char path_dir[PATH_MAX];
-	const char *path = shell_tests__dir(path_dir, sizeof(path_dir));
-	int width = 0;
-	if (path == NULL)
-		return -1;
-	n_dirs = scandir(path, &entlist, NULL, alphasort);
-	if (n_dirs == -1)
-		return -1;
-	for_each_shell_test(entlist, n_dirs, path, ent) {
-		char bf[256];
-		const char *desc = shell_test__description(bf, sizeof(bf), path, ent->d_name);
-		if (desc) {
-			int len = strlen(desc);
-			if (width < len)
-				width = len;
-		}
-	}
-	for (e = 0; e < n_dirs; e++)
-		zfree(&entlist[e]);
-	free(entlist);
-	return width;
 struct shell_test {
 	const char *dir;
 	const char *file;
@@ -385,33 +302,17 @@ static int shell_test__run(struct test_suite *test, int subdir __maybe_unused)
 static int run_shell_tests(int argc, const char *argv[], int i, int width,
 				struct intlist *skiplist)
-	struct dirent **entlist;
-	struct dirent *ent;
-	int n_dirs, e;
-	char path_dir[PATH_MAX];
-	struct shell_test st = {
-		.dir = shell_tests__dir(path_dir, sizeof(path_dir)),
-	};
+	struct shell_test st;
+	const struct script_file *files, *file;
-	if (st.dir == NULL)
-		return -1;
-	n_dirs = scandir(st.dir, &entlist, NULL, alphasort);
-	if (n_dirs == -1) {
-		pr_err("failed to open shell test directory: %s\n",
-			st.dir);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	for_each_shell_test(entlist, n_dirs, st.dir, ent) {
+	files = list_script_files();
+	if (!files)
+		return 0;
+	for (file = files; file->dir; file++) {
 		int curr = i++;
-		char desc[256];
 		struct test_case test_cases[] = {
-				.desc = shell_test__description(desc,
-								sizeof(desc),
-								st.dir,
-								ent->d_name),
+				.desc = file->desc,
 				.run_case = shell_test__run,
 			{ .name = NULL, }
@@ -421,12 +322,13 @@ static int run_shell_tests(int argc, const char *argv[], int i, int width,
 			.test_cases = test_cases,
 			.priv = &st,
+		st.dir = file->dir;
 		if (test_suite.desc == NULL ||
 		    !perf_test__matches(test_suite.desc, curr, argc, argv))
-		st.file = ent->d_name;
+		st.file = file->file;
 		pr_info("%3d: %-*s:", i, width, test_suite.desc);
 		if (intlist__find(skiplist, i)) {
@@ -436,10 +338,6 @@ static int run_shell_tests(int argc, const char *argv[], int i, int width,
 		test_and_print(&test_suite, 0);
-	for (e = 0; e < n_dirs; e++)
-		zfree(&entlist[e]);
-	free(entlist);
 	return 0;
@@ -448,7 +346,7 @@ static int __cmd_test(int argc, const char *argv[], struct intlist *skiplist)
 	struct test_suite *t;
 	unsigned int j, k;
 	int i = 0;
-	int width = shell_tests__max_desc_width();
+	int width = list_script_max_width();
 	for_each_test(j, k, t) {
 		int len = strlen(test_description(t, -1));
@@ -529,36 +427,22 @@ static int __cmd_test(int argc, const char *argv[], struct intlist *skiplist)
 static int perf_test__list_shell(int argc, const char **argv, int i)
-	struct dirent **entlist;
-	struct dirent *ent;
-	int n_dirs, e;
-	char path_dir[PATH_MAX];
-	const char *path = shell_tests__dir(path_dir, sizeof(path_dir));
+	const struct script_file *files, *file;
-	if (path == NULL)
-		return -1;
-	n_dirs = scandir(path, &entlist, NULL, alphasort);
-	if (n_dirs == -1)
-		return -1;
-	for_each_shell_test(entlist, n_dirs, path, ent) {
+	files = list_script_files();
+	if (!files)
+		return 0;
+	for (file = files; file->dir; file++) {
 		int curr = i++;
-		char bf[256];
 		struct test_suite t = {
-			.desc = shell_test__description(bf, sizeof(bf), path, ent->d_name),
+			.desc = file->desc
 		if (!perf_test__matches(t.desc, curr, argc, argv))
 		pr_info("%3d: %s\n", i, t.desc);
-	for (e = 0; e < n_dirs; e++)
-		zfree(&entlist[e]);
-	free(entlist);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/code-reading.c b/tools/perf/tests/code-reading.c
index 5610767b407f..95feb6ef34a0 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/code-reading.c
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/code-reading.c
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ static int do_test_code_reading(bool try_kcore)
 		str = do_determine_event(excl_kernel);
 		pr_debug("Parsing event '%s'\n", str);
-		ret = parse_events(evlist, str, NULL);
+		ret = parse_event(evlist, str);
 		if (ret < 0) {
 			pr_debug("parse_events failed\n");
 			goto out_put;
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/event-times.c b/tools/perf/tests/event-times.c
index 7606eb3df92f..e155f0e0e04d 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/event-times.c
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/event-times.c
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ static int test_times(int (attach)(struct evlist *),
 		goto out_err;
-	err = parse_events(evlist, "cpu-clock:u", NULL);
+	err = parse_event(evlist, "cpu-clock:u");
 	if (err) {
 		pr_debug("failed to parse event cpu-clock:u\n");
 		goto out_err;
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/evsel-roundtrip-name.c b/tools/perf/tests/evsel-roundtrip-name.c
index 9d3c64974f77..e94fed901992 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/evsel-roundtrip-name.c
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/evsel-roundtrip-name.c
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ static int perf_evsel__roundtrip_cache_name_test(void)
 			for (i = 0; i < PERF_COUNT_HW_CACHE_RESULT_MAX; i++) {
 				__evsel__hw_cache_type_op_res_name(type, op, i, name, sizeof(name));
-				err = parse_events(evlist, name, NULL);
+				err = parse_event(evlist, name);
 				if (err)
 					ret = err;
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ static int __perf_evsel__name_array_test(const char *const names[], int nr_names
                 return -ENOMEM;
 	for (i = 0; i < nr_names; ++i) {
-		err = parse_events(evlist, names[i], NULL);
+		err = parse_event(evlist, names[i]);
 		if (err) {
 			pr_debug("failed to parse event '%s', err %d\n",
 				 names[i], err);
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/expand-cgroup.c b/tools/perf/tests/expand-cgroup.c
index dfefe5b60eb2..51fb5f34c1dd 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/expand-cgroup.c
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/expand-cgroup.c
@@ -180,33 +180,14 @@ static int expand_metric_events(void)
 	struct evlist *evlist;
 	struct rblist metric_events;
 	const char metric_str[] = "CPI";
-	struct pmu_event pme_test[] = {
-		{
-			.metric_expr	= "instructions / cycles",
-			.metric_name	= "IPC",
-		},
-		{
-			.metric_expr	= "1 / IPC",
-			.metric_name	= "CPI",
-		},
-		{
-			.metric_expr	= NULL,
-			.metric_name	= NULL,
-		},
-	};
-	const struct pmu_events_map ev_map = {
-		.cpuid		= "test",
-		.version	= "1",
-		.type		= "core",
-		.table		= pme_test,
-	};
+	const struct pmu_events_table *pme_test;
 	evlist = evlist__new();
 	TEST_ASSERT_VAL("failed to get evlist", evlist);
-	ret = metricgroup__parse_groups_test(evlist, &ev_map, metric_str,
+	pme_test = find_core_events_table("testarch", "testcpu");
+	ret = metricgroup__parse_groups_test(evlist, pme_test, metric_str,
 					     false, false, &metric_events);
 	if (ret < 0) {
 		pr_debug("failed to parse '%s' metric\n", metric_str);
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/hists_cumulate.c b/tools/perf/tests/hists_cumulate.c
index 17f4fcd6bdce..b42d37ff2399 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/hists_cumulate.c
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/hists_cumulate.c
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ static int test__hists_cumulate(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused, int subt
 	TEST_ASSERT_VAL("No memory", evlist);
-	err = parse_events(evlist, "cpu-clock", NULL);
+	err = parse_event(evlist, "cpu-clock");
 	if (err)
 		goto out;
 	err = TEST_FAIL;
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/hists_filter.c b/tools/perf/tests/hists_filter.c
index 08cbeb9e39ae..8e1ceeb9b7b6 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/hists_filter.c
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/hists_filter.c
@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ static int test__hists_filter(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused, int subtes
 	TEST_ASSERT_VAL("No memory", evlist);
-	err = parse_events(evlist, "cpu-clock", NULL);
+	err = parse_event(evlist, "cpu-clock");
 	if (err)
 		goto out;
-	err = parse_events(evlist, "task-clock", NULL);
+	err = parse_event(evlist, "task-clock");
 	if (err)
 		goto out;
 	err = TEST_FAIL;
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/hists_link.c b/tools/perf/tests/hists_link.c
index c575e13a850d..14b2ff808b5e 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/hists_link.c
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/hists_link.c
@@ -276,10 +276,10 @@ static int test__hists_link(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused, int subtest
 	if (evlist == NULL)
                 return -ENOMEM;
-	err = parse_events(evlist, "cpu-clock", NULL);
+	err = parse_event(evlist, "cpu-clock");
 	if (err)
 		goto out;
-	err = parse_events(evlist, "task-clock", NULL);
+	err = parse_event(evlist, "task-clock");
 	if (err)
 		goto out;
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/hists_output.c b/tools/perf/tests/hists_output.c
index 0bde4a768c15..62b0093253e3 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/hists_output.c
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/hists_output.c
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ static int test__hists_output(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused, int subtes
 	TEST_ASSERT_VAL("No memory", evlist);
-	err = parse_events(evlist, "cpu-clock", NULL);
+	err = parse_event(evlist, "cpu-clock");
 	if (err)
 		goto out;
 	err = TEST_FAIL;
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/keep-tracking.c b/tools/perf/tests/keep-tracking.c
index dd2067312452..8f4f9b632e1e 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/keep-tracking.c
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/keep-tracking.c
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ static int test__keep_tracking(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused, int subte
 	perf_evlist__set_maps(&evlist->core, cpus, threads);
-	CHECK__(parse_events(evlist, "dummy:u", NULL));
-	CHECK__(parse_events(evlist, "cycles:u", NULL));
+	CHECK__(parse_event(evlist, "dummy:u"));
+	CHECK__(parse_event(evlist, "cycles:u"));
 	evlist__config(evlist, &opts, NULL);
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/parse-metric.c b/tools/perf/tests/parse-metric.c
index 07b6f4ec024f..68f5a2a03242 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/parse-metric.c
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/parse-metric.c
@@ -13,79 +13,6 @@
 #include "stat.h"
 #include "pmu.h"
-static struct pmu_event pme_test[] = {
-	.metric_expr	= "inst_retired.any / cpu_clk_unhalted.thread",
-	.metric_name	= "IPC",
-	.metric_group	= "group1",
-	.metric_expr	= "idq_uops_not_delivered.core / (4 * (( ( cpu_clk_unhalted.thread / 2 ) * "
-			  "( 1 + cpu_clk_unhalted.one_thread_active / cpu_clk_unhalted.ref_xclk ) )))",
-	.metric_name	= "Frontend_Bound_SMT",
-	.metric_expr	= "l1d\\-loads\\-misses / inst_retired.any",
-	.metric_name	= "dcache_miss_cpi",
-	.metric_expr	= "l1i\\-loads\\-misses / inst_retired.any",
-	.metric_name	= "icache_miss_cycles",
-	.metric_expr	= "(dcache_miss_cpi + icache_miss_cycles)",
-	.metric_name	= "cache_miss_cycles",
-	.metric_group	= "group1",
-	.metric_expr	= "l2_rqsts.demand_data_rd_hit + l2_rqsts.pf_hit + l2_rqsts.rfo_hit",
-	.metric_name	= "DCache_L2_All_Hits",
-	.metric_expr	= "max(l2_rqsts.all_demand_data_rd - l2_rqsts.demand_data_rd_hit, 0) + "
-			  "l2_rqsts.pf_miss + l2_rqsts.rfo_miss",
-	.metric_name	= "DCache_L2_All_Miss",
-	.metric_expr	= "dcache_l2_all_hits + dcache_l2_all_miss",
-	.metric_name	= "DCache_L2_All",
-	.metric_expr	= "d_ratio(dcache_l2_all_hits, dcache_l2_all)",
-	.metric_name	= "DCache_L2_Hits",
-	.metric_expr	= "d_ratio(dcache_l2_all_miss, dcache_l2_all)",
-	.metric_name	= "DCache_L2_Misses",
-	.metric_expr	= "ipc + m2",
-	.metric_name	= "M1",
-	.metric_expr	= "ipc + m1",
-	.metric_name	= "M2",
-	.metric_expr	= "1/m3",
-	.metric_name	= "M3",
-	.metric_expr	= "64 * l1d.replacement / 1000000000 / duration_time",
-	.metric_name	= "L1D_Cache_Fill_BW",
-	.name	= NULL,
-static const struct pmu_events_map map = {
-	.cpuid		= "test",
-	.version	= "1",
-	.type		= "core",
-	.table		= pme_test,
 struct value {
 	const char	*event;
 	u64		 val;
@@ -145,6 +72,7 @@ static int __compute_metric(const char *name, struct value *vals,
 	struct rblist metric_events = {
 		.nr_entries = 0,
+	const struct pmu_events_table *pme_test;
 	struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
 	struct runtime_stat st;
 	struct evlist *evlist;
@@ -168,7 +96,8 @@ static int __compute_metric(const char *name, struct value *vals,
 	/* Parse the metric into metric_events list. */
-	err = metricgroup__parse_groups_test(evlist, &map, name,
+	pme_test = find_core_events_table("testarch", "testcpu");
+	err = metricgroup__parse_groups_test(evlist, pme_test, name,
 					     false, false,
 	if (err)
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/perf-time-to-tsc.c b/tools/perf/tests/perf-time-to-tsc.c
index 7c7d20fc503a..c3aaa1ddff29 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/perf-time-to-tsc.c
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/perf-time-to-tsc.c
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ static int test__tsc_is_supported(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused,
  * This function implements a test that checks that the conversion of perf time
  * to and from TSC is consistent with the order of events.  If the test passes
  * %0 is returned, otherwise %-1 is returned.  If TSC conversion is not
- * supported then then the test passes but " (not supported)" is printed.
+ * supported then the test passes but " (not supported)" is printed.
 static int test__perf_time_to_tsc(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused, int subtest __maybe_unused)
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ static int test__perf_time_to_tsc(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused, int su
 	perf_evlist__set_maps(&evlist->core, cpus, threads);
-	CHECK__(parse_events(evlist, "cycles:u", NULL));
+	CHECK__(parse_event(evlist, "cycles:u"));
 	evlist__config(evlist, &opts, NULL);
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/pmu-events.c b/tools/perf/tests/pmu-events.c
index 263cbb67c861..097e05c796ab 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/pmu-events.c
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/pmu-events.c
@@ -9,10 +9,12 @@
 #include <linux/zalloc.h>
 #include "debug.h"
 #include "../pmu-events/pmu-events.h"
+#include <perf/evlist.h>
 #include "util/evlist.h"
 #include "util/expr.h"
 #include "util/parse-events.h"
 #include "metricgroup.h"
+#include "stat.h"
 struct perf_pmu_test_event {
 	/* used for matching against events from generated pmu-events.c */
@@ -272,32 +274,6 @@ static bool is_same(const char *reference, const char *test)
 	return !strcmp(reference, test);
-static const struct pmu_events_map *__test_pmu_get_events_map(void)
-	const struct pmu_events_map *map;
-	for (map = &pmu_events_map[0]; map->cpuid; map++) {
-		if (!strcmp(map->cpuid, "testcpu"))
-			return map;
-	}
-	pr_err("could not find test events map\n");
-	return NULL;
-static const struct pmu_event *__test_pmu_get_sys_events_table(void)
-	const struct pmu_sys_events *tables = &pmu_sys_event_tables[0];
-	for ( ; tables->name; tables++) {
-		if (!strcmp("pme_test_soc_sys", tables->name))
-			return tables->table;
-	}
-	return NULL;
 static int compare_pmu_events(const struct pmu_event *e1, const struct pmu_event *e2)
 	if (!is_same(e1->name, e2->name)) {
@@ -447,85 +423,104 @@ static int compare_alias_to_test_event(struct perf_pmu_alias *alias,
 	return 0;
+static int test__pmu_event_table_core_callback(const struct pmu_event *pe,
+					       const struct pmu_events_table *table __maybe_unused,
+					       void *data)
+	int *map_events = data;
+	struct perf_pmu_test_event const **test_event_table;
+	bool found = false;
+	if (!pe->name)
+		return 0;
+	if (pe->pmu)
+		test_event_table = &uncore_events[0];
+	else
+		test_event_table = &core_events[0];
+	for (; *test_event_table; test_event_table++) {
+		struct perf_pmu_test_event const *test_event = *test_event_table;
+		struct pmu_event const *event = &test_event->event;
+		if (strcmp(pe->name, event->name))
+			continue;
+		found = true;
+		(*map_events)++;
+		if (compare_pmu_events(pe, event))
+			return -1;
+		pr_debug("testing event table %s: pass\n", pe->name);
+	}
+	if (!found) {
+		pr_err("testing event table: could not find event %s\n", pe->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int test__pmu_event_table_sys_callback(const struct pmu_event *pe,
+					      const struct pmu_events_table *table __maybe_unused,
+					      void *data)
+	int *map_events = data;
+	struct perf_pmu_test_event const **test_event_table;
+	bool found = false;
+	test_event_table = &sys_events[0];
+	for (; *test_event_table; test_event_table++) {
+		struct perf_pmu_test_event const *test_event = *test_event_table;
+		struct pmu_event const *event = &test_event->event;
+		if (strcmp(pe->name, event->name))
+			continue;
+		found = true;
+		(*map_events)++;
+		if (compare_pmu_events(pe, event))
+			return TEST_FAIL;
+		pr_debug("testing sys event table %s: pass\n", pe->name);
+	}
+	if (!found) {
+		pr_debug("testing sys event table: could not find event %s\n", pe->name);
+		return TEST_FAIL;
+	}
+	return TEST_OK;
 /* Verify generated events from pmu-events.c are as expected */
 static int test__pmu_event_table(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused,
 				 int subtest __maybe_unused)
-	const struct pmu_event *sys_event_tables = __test_pmu_get_sys_events_table();
-	const struct pmu_events_map *map = __test_pmu_get_events_map();
-	const struct pmu_event *table;
-	int map_events = 0, expected_events;
+	const struct pmu_events_table *sys_event_table = find_sys_events_table("pme_test_soc_sys");
+	const struct pmu_events_table *table = find_core_events_table("testarch", "testcpu");
+	int map_events = 0, expected_events, err;
 	/* ignore 3x sentinels */
 	expected_events = ARRAY_SIZE(core_events) +
 			  ARRAY_SIZE(uncore_events) +
 			  ARRAY_SIZE(sys_events) - 3;
-	if (!map || !sys_event_tables)
+	if (!table || !sys_event_table)
 		return -1;
-	for (table = map->table; table->name; table++) {
-		struct perf_pmu_test_event const **test_event_table;
-		bool found = false;
+	err = pmu_events_table_for_each_event(table, test__pmu_event_table_core_callback,
+					      &map_events);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
-		if (table->pmu)
-			test_event_table = &uncore_events[0];
-		else
-			test_event_table = &core_events[0];
-		for (; *test_event_table; test_event_table++) {
-			struct perf_pmu_test_event const *test_event = *test_event_table;
-			struct pmu_event const *event = &test_event->event;
-			if (strcmp(table->name, event->name))
-				continue;
-			found = true;
-			map_events++;
-			if (compare_pmu_events(table, event))
-				return -1;
-			pr_debug("testing event table %s: pass\n", table->name);
-		}
-		if (!found) {
-			pr_err("testing event table: could not find event %s\n",
-			       table->name);
-			return -1;
-		}
-	}
-	for (table = sys_event_tables; table->name; table++) {
-		struct perf_pmu_test_event const **test_event_table;
-		bool found = false;
-		test_event_table = &sys_events[0];
-		for (; *test_event_table; test_event_table++) {
-			struct perf_pmu_test_event const *test_event = *test_event_table;
-			struct pmu_event const *event = &test_event->event;
-			if (strcmp(table->name, event->name))
-				continue;
-			found = true;
-			map_events++;
-			if (compare_pmu_events(table, event))
-				return -1;
-			pr_debug("testing sys event table %s: pass\n", table->name);
-		}
-		if (!found) {
-			pr_debug("testing event table: could not find event %s\n",
-				   table->name);
-			return -1;
-		}
-	}
+	err = pmu_events_table_for_each_event(sys_event_table, test__pmu_event_table_sys_callback,
+					      &map_events);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
 	if (map_events != expected_events) {
 		pr_err("testing event table: found %d, but expected %d\n",
 		       map_events, expected_events);
-		return -1;
+		return TEST_FAIL;
 	return 0;
@@ -549,10 +544,10 @@ static int __test_core_pmu_event_aliases(char *pmu_name, int *count)
 	struct perf_pmu *pmu;
 	int res = 0;
-	const struct pmu_events_map *map = __test_pmu_get_events_map();
+	const struct pmu_events_table *table = find_core_events_table("testarch", "testcpu");
 	struct perf_pmu_alias *a, *tmp;
-	if (!map)
+	if (!table)
 		return -1;
 	test_event_table = &core_events[0];
@@ -563,7 +558,7 @@ static int __test_core_pmu_event_aliases(char *pmu_name, int *count)
 	pmu->name = pmu_name;
-	pmu_add_cpu_aliases_map(&aliases, pmu, map);
+	pmu_add_cpu_aliases_table(&aliases, pmu, table);
 	for (; *test_event_table; test_event_table++) {
 		struct perf_pmu_test_event const *test_event = *test_event_table;
@@ -602,14 +597,14 @@ static int __test_uncore_pmu_event_aliases(struct perf_pmu_test_pmu *test_pmu)
 	struct perf_pmu *pmu = &test_pmu->pmu;
 	const char *pmu_name = pmu->name;
 	struct perf_pmu_alias *a, *tmp, *alias;
-	const struct pmu_events_map *map;
+	const struct pmu_events_table *events_table;
 	int res = 0;
-	map = __test_pmu_get_events_map();
-	if (!map)
+	events_table = find_core_events_table("testarch", "testcpu");
+	if (!events_table)
 		return -1;
-	pmu_add_cpu_aliases_map(&aliases, pmu, map);
+	pmu_add_cpu_aliases_table(&aliases, pmu, events_table);
 	pmu_add_sys_aliases(&aliases, pmu);
 	/* Count how many aliases we generated */
@@ -828,27 +823,6 @@ static int check_parse_id(const char *id, struct parse_events_error *error,
 	return ret;
-static int check_parse_cpu(const char *id, bool same_cpu, const struct pmu_event *pe)
-	struct parse_events_error error;
-	int ret;
-	parse_events_error__init(&error);
-	ret = check_parse_id(id, &error, NULL);
-	if (ret && same_cpu) {
-		pr_warning("Parse event failed metric '%s' id '%s' expr '%s'\n",
-			pe->metric_name, id, pe->metric_expr);
-		pr_warning("Error string '%s' help '%s'\n", error.str,
-			error.help);
-	} else if (ret) {
-		pr_debug3("Parse event failed, but for an event that may not be supported by this CPU.\nid '%s' metric '%s' expr '%s'\n",
-			  id, pe->metric_name, pe->metric_expr);
-		ret = 0;
-	}
-	parse_events_error__exit(&error);
-	return ret;
 static int check_parse_fake(const char *id)
 	struct parse_events_error error;
@@ -860,168 +834,116 @@ static int check_parse_fake(const char *id)
 	return ret;
-static void expr_failure(const char *msg,
-			 const struct pmu_events_map *map,
-			 const struct pmu_event *pe)
-	pr_debug("%s for map %s %s %s\n",
-		msg, map->cpuid, map->version, map->type);
-	pr_debug("On metric %s\n", pe->metric_name);
-	pr_debug("On expression %s\n", pe->metric_expr);
 struct metric {
 	struct list_head list;
 	struct metric_ref metric_ref;
-static int resolve_metric_simple(struct expr_parse_ctx *pctx,
-				 struct list_head *compound_list,
-				 const struct pmu_events_map *map,
-				 const char *metric_name)
+static int test__parsing_callback(const struct pmu_event *pe, const struct pmu_events_table *table,
+				  void *data)
-	struct hashmap_entry *cur, *cur_tmp;
-	struct metric *metric, *tmp;
-	size_t bkt;
-	bool all;
-	int rc;
+	int *failures = data;
+	int k;
+	struct evlist *evlist;
+	struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
+	struct runtime_stat st;
+	struct evsel *evsel;
+	struct rblist metric_events = {
+		.nr_entries = 0,
+	};
+	int err = 0;
-	do {
-		all = true;
-		hashmap__for_each_entry_safe(pctx->ids, cur, cur_tmp, bkt) {
-			struct metric_ref *ref;
-			const struct pmu_event *pe;
+	if (!pe->metric_expr)
+		return 0;
-			pe = metricgroup__find_metric(cur->key, map);
-			if (!pe)
-				continue;
+	pr_debug("Found metric '%s'\n", pe->metric_name);
+	(*failures)++;
-			if (!strcmp(metric_name, (char *)cur->key)) {
-				pr_warning("Recursion detected for metric %s\n", metric_name);
-				rc = -1;
-				goto out_err;
-			}
+	/*
+	 * We need to prepare evlist for stat mode running on CPU 0
+	 * because that's where all the stats are going to be created.
+	 */
+	evlist = evlist__new();
+	if (!evlist)
+		return -ENOMEM;
-			all = false;
+	cpus = perf_cpu_map__new("0");
+	if (!cpus) {
+		evlist__delete(evlist);
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
-			/* The metric key itself needs to go out.. */
-			expr__del_id(pctx, cur->key);
+	perf_evlist__set_maps(&evlist->core, cpus, NULL);
+	runtime_stat__init(&st);
-			metric = malloc(sizeof(*metric));
-			if (!metric) {
-				rc = -ENOMEM;
-				goto out_err;
-			}
-			ref = &metric->metric_ref;
-			ref->metric_name = pe->metric_name;
-			ref->metric_expr = pe->metric_expr;
-			list_add_tail(&metric->list, compound_list);
-			rc = expr__find_ids(pe->metric_expr, NULL, pctx);
-			if (rc)
-				goto out_err;
-			break; /* The hashmap has been modified, so restart */
+	err = metricgroup__parse_groups_test(evlist, table, pe->metric_name,
+					     false, false,
+					     &metric_events);
+	if (err) {
+		if (!strcmp(pe->metric_name, "M1") || !strcmp(pe->metric_name, "M2") ||
+		    !strcmp(pe->metric_name, "M3")) {
+			(*failures)--;
+			pr_debug("Expected broken metric %s skipping\n", pe->metric_name);
+			err = 0;
-	} while (!all);
+		goto out_err;
+	}
-	return 0;
+	err = evlist__alloc_stats(evlist, false);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_err;
+	/*
+	 * Add all ids with a made up value. The value may trigger divide by
+	 * zero when subtracted and so try to make them unique.
+	 */
+	k = 1;
+	perf_stat__reset_shadow_stats();
+	evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel) {
+		perf_stat__update_shadow_stats(evsel, k, 0, &st);
+		if (!strcmp(evsel->name, "duration_time"))
+			update_stats(&walltime_nsecs_stats, k);
+		k++;
+	}
+	evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel) {
+		struct metric_event *me = metricgroup__lookup(&metric_events, evsel, false);
+		if (me != NULL) {
+			struct metric_expr *mexp;
+			list_for_each_entry (mexp, &me->head, nd) {
+				if (strcmp(mexp->metric_name, pe->metric_name))
+					continue;
+				pr_debug("Result %f\n", test_generic_metric(mexp, 0, &st));
+				err = 0;
+				(*failures)--;
+				goto out_err;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	pr_debug("Didn't find parsed metric %s", pe->metric_name);
+	err = 1;
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(metric, tmp, compound_list, list)
-		free(metric);
-	return rc;
+	if (err)
+		pr_debug("Broken metric %s\n", pe->metric_name);
+	/* ... cleanup. */
+	metricgroup__rblist_exit(&metric_events);
+	runtime_stat__exit(&st);
+	evlist__free_stats(evlist);
+	perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
+	evlist__delete(evlist);
+	return err;
 static int test__parsing(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused,
 			 int subtest __maybe_unused)
-	const struct pmu_events_map *cpus_map = pmu_events_map__find();
-	const struct pmu_events_map *map;
-	const struct pmu_event *pe;
-	int i, j, k;
-	int ret = 0;
-	struct expr_parse_ctx *ctx;
-	double result;
+	int failures = 0;
-	ctx = expr__ctx_new();
-	if (!ctx) {
-		pr_debug("expr__ctx_new failed");
-		return TEST_FAIL;
-	}
-	i = 0;
-	for (;;) {
-		map = &pmu_events_map[i++];
-		if (!map->table)
-			break;
-		j = 0;
-		for (;;) {
-			struct metric *metric, *tmp;
-			struct hashmap_entry *cur;
-			LIST_HEAD(compound_list);
-			size_t bkt;
+	pmu_for_each_core_event(test__parsing_callback, &failures);
+	pmu_for_each_sys_event(test__parsing_callback, &failures);
-			pe = &map->table[j++];
-			if (!pe->name && !pe->metric_group && !pe->metric_name)
-				break;
-			if (!pe->metric_expr)
-				continue;
-			expr__ctx_clear(ctx);
-			if (expr__find_ids(pe->metric_expr, NULL, ctx) < 0) {
-				expr_failure("Parse find ids failed", map, pe);
-				ret++;
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (resolve_metric_simple(ctx, &compound_list, map,
-						  pe->metric_name)) {
-				expr_failure("Could not resolve metrics", map, pe);
-				ret++;
-				goto exit; /* Don't tolerate errors due to severity */
-			}
-			/*
-			 * Add all ids with a made up value. The value may
-			 * trigger divide by zero when subtracted and so try to
-			 * make them unique.
-			 */
-			k = 1;
-			hashmap__for_each_entry(ctx->ids, cur, bkt)
-				expr__add_id_val(ctx, strdup(cur->key), k++);
-			hashmap__for_each_entry(ctx->ids, cur, bkt) {
-				if (check_parse_cpu(cur->key, map == cpus_map,
-						   pe))
-					ret++;
-			}
-			list_for_each_entry_safe(metric, tmp, &compound_list, list) {
-				expr__add_ref(ctx, &metric->metric_ref);
-				free(metric);
-			}
-			if (expr__parse(&result, ctx, pe->metric_expr)) {
-				/*
-				 * Parsing failed, make numbers go from large to
-				 * small which can resolve divide by zero
-				 * issues.
-				 */
-				k = 1024;
-				hashmap__for_each_entry(ctx->ids, cur, bkt)
-					expr__add_id_val(ctx, strdup(cur->key), k--);
-				if (expr__parse(&result, ctx, pe->metric_expr)) {
-					expr_failure("Parse failed", map, pe);
-					ret++;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	expr__ctx_free(ctx);
-	/* TODO: fail when not ok */
-	return ret == 0 ? TEST_OK : TEST_SKIP;
+	return failures == 0 ? TEST_OK : TEST_FAIL;
 struct test_metric {
@@ -1093,6 +1015,16 @@ out:
 	return ret;
+static int test__parsing_fake_callback(const struct pmu_event *pe,
+				       const struct pmu_events_table *table __maybe_unused,
+				       void *data __maybe_unused)
+	if (!pe->metric_expr)
+		return 0;
+	return metric_parse_fake(pe->metric_expr);
  * Parse all the metrics for current architecture,
  * or all defined cpus via the 'fake_pmu'
@@ -1101,37 +1033,19 @@ out:
 static int test__parsing_fake(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused,
 			      int subtest __maybe_unused)
-	const struct pmu_events_map *map;
-	const struct pmu_event *pe;
-	unsigned int i, j;
 	int err = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(metrics); i++) {
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(metrics); i++) {
 		err = metric_parse_fake(metrics[i].str);
 		if (err)
 			return err;
-	i = 0;
-	for (;;) {
-		map = &pmu_events_map[i++];
-		if (!map->table)
-			break;
-		j = 0;
-		for (;;) {
-			pe = &map->table[j++];
-			if (!pe->name && !pe->metric_group && !pe->metric_name)
-				break;
-			if (!pe->metric_expr)
-				continue;
-			pr_debug("Found metric '%s' for '%s'\n", pe->metric_name, map->cpuid);
-			err = metric_parse_fake(pe->metric_expr);
-			if (err)
-				return err;
-		}
-	}
+	err = pmu_for_each_core_event(test__parsing_fake_callback, NULL);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
-	return 0;
+	return pmu_for_each_sys_event(test__parsing_fake_callback, NULL);
 static struct test_case pmu_events_tests[] = {
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/shell/lib/perf_json_output_lint.py b/tools/perf/tests/shell/lib/perf_json_output_lint.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d90f8d102eb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/shell/lib/perf_json_output_lint.py
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)
+# Basic sanity check of perf JSON output as specified in the man page.
+import argparse
+import sys
+import json
+ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ap.add_argument('--no-args', action='store_true')
+ap.add_argument('--interval', action='store_true')
+ap.add_argument('--system-wide-no-aggr', action='store_true')
+ap.add_argument('--system-wide', action='store_true')
+ap.add_argument('--event', action='store_true')
+ap.add_argument('--per-core', action='store_true')
+ap.add_argument('--per-thread', action='store_true')
+ap.add_argument('--per-die', action='store_true')
+ap.add_argument('--per-node', action='store_true')
+ap.add_argument('--per-socket', action='store_true')
+args = ap.parse_args()
+Lines = sys.stdin.readlines()
+def isfloat(num):
+  try:
+    float(num)
+    return True
+  except ValueError:
+    return False
+def isint(num):
+  try:
+    int(num)
+    return True
+  except ValueError:
+    return False
+def is_counter_value(num):
+  return isfloat(num) or num == '<not counted>' or num == '<not supported>'
+def check_json_output(expected_items):
+  if expected_items != -1:
+    for line in Lines:
+      if 'failed' not in line:
+        count = 0
+        count = line.count(',')
+        if count != expected_items and count >= 1 and count <= 3 and 'metric-value' in line:
+          # Events that generate >1 metric may have isolated metric
+          # values and possibly other prefixes like interval, core and
+          # aggregate-number.
+          continue
+        if count != expected_items:
+          raise RuntimeError(f'wrong number of fields. counted {count} expected {expected_items}'
+                             f' in \'{line}\'')
+  checks = {
+      'aggregate-number': lambda x: isfloat(x),
+      'core': lambda x: True,
+      'counter-value': lambda x: is_counter_value(x),
+      'cgroup': lambda x: True,
+      'cpu': lambda x: isint(x),
+      'die': lambda x: True,
+      'event': lambda x: True,
+      'event-runtime': lambda x: isfloat(x),
+      'interval': lambda x: isfloat(x),
+      'metric-unit': lambda x: True,
+      'metric-value': lambda x: isfloat(x),
+      'node': lambda x: True,
+      'pcnt-running': lambda x: isfloat(x),
+      'socket': lambda x: True,
+      'thread': lambda x: True,
+      'unit': lambda x: True,
+  }
+  input = '[\n' + ','.join(Lines) + '\n]'
+  for item in json.loads(input):
+    for key, value in item.items():
+      if key not in checks:
+        raise RuntimeError(f'Unexpected key: key={key} value={value}')
+      if not checks[key](value):
+        raise RuntimeError(f'Check failed for: key={key} value={value}')
+  if args.no_args or args.system_wide or args.event:
+    expected_items = 6
+  elif args.interval or args.per_thread or args.system_wide_no_aggr:
+    expected_items = 7
+  elif args.per_core or args.per_socket or args.per_node or args.per_die:
+    expected_items = 8
+  else:
+    # If no option is specified, don't check the number of items.
+    expected_items = -1
+  check_json_output(expected_items)
+  print('Test failed for input:\n' + '\n'.join(Lines))
+  raise
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/shell/record_offcpu.sh b/tools/perf/tests/shell/record_offcpu.sh
index 96e0739f7478..d2eba583a2ac 100755
--- a/tools/perf/tests/shell/record_offcpu.sh
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/shell/record_offcpu.sh
@@ -19,20 +19,26 @@ trap_cleanup() {
 trap trap_cleanup exit term int
-test_offcpu() {
-  echo "Basic off-cpu test"
+test_offcpu_priv() {
+  echo "Checking off-cpu privilege"
   if [ `id -u` != 0 ]
-    echo "Basic off-cpu test [Skipped permission]"
+    echo "off-cpu test [Skipped permission]"
-  if perf record --off-cpu -o ${perfdata} --quiet true 2>&1 | grep BUILD_BPF_SKEL
+  if perf record --off-cpu -o /dev/null --quiet true 2>&1 | grep BUILD_BPF_SKEL
-    echo "Basic off-cpu test [Skipped missing BPF support]"
+    echo "off-cpu test [Skipped missing BPF support]"
+test_offcpu_basic() {
+  echo "Basic off-cpu test"
   if ! perf record --off-cpu -e dummy -o ${perfdata} sleep 1 2> /dev/null
     echo "Basic off-cpu test [Failed record]"
@@ -41,7 +47,7 @@ test_offcpu() {
   if ! perf evlist -i ${perfdata} | grep -q "offcpu-time"
-    echo "Basic off-cpu test [Failed record]"
+    echo "Basic off-cpu test [Failed no event]"
@@ -54,7 +60,44 @@ test_offcpu() {
   echo "Basic off-cpu test [Success]"
+test_offcpu_child() {
+  echo "Child task off-cpu test"
+  # perf bench sched messaging creates 400 processes
+  if ! perf record --off-cpu -e dummy -o ${perfdata} -- \
+    perf bench sched messaging -g 10 > /dev/null 2&>1
+  then
+    echo "Child task off-cpu test [Failed record]"
+    err=1
+    return
+  fi
+  if ! perf evlist -i ${perfdata} | grep -q "offcpu-time"
+  then
+    echo "Child task off-cpu test [Failed no event]"
+    err=1
+    return
+  fi
+  # each process waits for read and write, so it should be more than 800 events
+  if ! perf report -i ${perfdata} -s comm -q -n -t ';' --percent-limit=90 | \
+    awk -F ";" '{ if (NF > 3 && int($3) < 800) exit 1; }'
+  then
+    echo "Child task off-cpu test [Failed invalid output]"
+    err=1
+    return
+  fi
+  echo "Child task off-cpu test [Success]"
+if [ $err = 0 ]; then
+  test_offcpu_basic
+if [ $err = 0 ]; then
+  test_offcpu_child
 exit $err
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/shell/stat+json_output.sh b/tools/perf/tests/shell/stat+json_output.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..ea8714a36051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/shell/stat+json_output.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# perf stat JSON output linter
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)
+# Checks various perf stat JSON output commands for the
+# correct number of fields.
+set -e
+pythonchecker=$(dirname $0)/lib/perf_json_output_lint.py
+if [ "x$PYTHON" == "x" ]
+	if which python3 > /dev/null
+	then
+		PYTHON=python3
+	elif which python > /dev/null
+	then
+		PYTHON=python
+	else
+		echo Skipping test, python not detected please set environment variable PYTHON.
+		exit 2
+	fi
+# Return true if perf_event_paranoid is > $1 and not running as root.
+function ParanoidAndNotRoot()
+	 [ $(id -u) != 0 ] && [ $(cat /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid) -gt $1 ]
+	echo -n "Checking json output: no args "
+	perf stat -j true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --no-args
+	echo "[Success]"
+	echo -n "Checking json output: system wide "
+	if ParanoidAndNotRoot 0
+	then
+		echo "[Skip] paranoia and not root"
+		return
+	fi
+	perf stat -j -a true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --system-wide
+	echo "[Success]"
+	echo -n "Checking json output: system wide "
+	if ParanoidAndNotRoot 0
+	then
+		echo "[Skip] paranoia and not root"
+		return
+	fi
+	echo -n "Checking json output: system wide no aggregation "
+	perf stat -j -A -a --no-merge true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --system-wide-no-aggr
+	echo "[Success]"
+	echo -n "Checking json output: interval "
+	perf stat -j -I 1000 true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --interval
+	echo "[Success]"
+	echo -n "Checking json output: event "
+	perf stat -j -e cpu-clock true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --event
+	echo "[Success]"
+	echo -n "Checking json output: per core "
+	if ParanoidAndNotRoot 0
+	then
+		echo "[Skip] paranoia and not root"
+		return
+	fi
+	perf stat -j --per-core -a true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --per-core
+	echo "[Success]"
+	echo -n "Checking json output: per thread "
+	if ParanoidAndNotRoot 0
+	then
+		echo "[Skip] paranoia and not root"
+		return
+	fi
+	perf stat -j --per-thread -a true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --per-thread
+	echo "[Success]"
+	echo -n "Checking json output: per die "
+	if ParanoidAndNotRoot 0
+	then
+		echo "[Skip] paranoia and not root"
+		return
+	fi
+	perf stat -j --per-die -a true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --per-die
+	echo "[Success]"
+	echo -n "Checking json output: per node "
+	if ParanoidAndNotRoot 0
+	then
+		echo "[Skip] paranoia and not root"
+		return
+	fi
+	perf stat -j --per-node -a true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --per-node
+	echo "[Success]"
+	echo -n "Checking json output: per socket "
+	if ParanoidAndNotRoot 0
+	then
+		echo "[Skip] paranoia and not root"
+		return
+	fi
+	perf stat -j --per-socket -a true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --per-socket
+	echo "[Success]"
+exit 0
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/switch-tracking.c b/tools/perf/tests/switch-tracking.c
index 0c0c2328bf4e..2d46af9ef935 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/switch-tracking.c
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/switch-tracking.c
@@ -324,6 +324,7 @@ out_free_nodes:
 static int test__switch_tracking(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused, int subtest __maybe_unused)
 	const char *sched_switch = "sched:sched_switch";
+	const char *cycles = "cycles:u";
 	struct switch_tracking switch_tracking = { .tids = NULL, };
 	struct record_opts opts = {
 		.mmap_pages	     = UINT_MAX,
@@ -363,7 +364,7 @@ static int test__switch_tracking(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused, int sub
 	perf_evlist__set_maps(&evlist->core, cpus, threads);
 	/* First event */
-	err = parse_events(evlist, "cpu-clock:u", NULL);
+	err = parse_event(evlist, "cpu-clock:u");
 	if (err) {
 		pr_debug("Failed to parse event dummy:u\n");
 		goto out_err;
@@ -372,12 +373,19 @@ static int test__switch_tracking(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused, int sub
 	cpu_clocks_evsel = evlist__last(evlist);
 	/* Second event */
-	if (perf_pmu__has_hybrid())
-		err = parse_events(evlist, "cpu_core/cycles/u", NULL);
-	else
-		err = parse_events(evlist, "cycles:u", NULL);
+	if (perf_pmu__has_hybrid()) {
+		cycles = "cpu_core/cycles/u";
+		err = parse_event(evlist, cycles);
+		if (err) {
+			cycles = "cpu_atom/cycles/u";
+			pr_debug("Trying %s\n", cycles);
+			err = parse_event(evlist, cycles);
+		}
+	} else {
+		err = parse_event(evlist, cycles);
+	}
 	if (err) {
-		pr_debug("Failed to parse event cycles:u\n");
+		pr_debug("Failed to parse event %s\n", cycles);
 		goto out_err;
@@ -390,7 +398,7 @@ static int test__switch_tracking(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused, int sub
 		goto out;
-	err = parse_events(evlist, sched_switch, NULL);
+	err = parse_event(evlist, sched_switch);
 	if (err) {
 		pr_debug("Failed to parse event %s\n", sched_switch);
 		goto out_err;
@@ -420,7 +428,7 @@ static int test__switch_tracking(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused, int sub
 	evsel__set_sample_bit(cycles_evsel, TIME);
 	/* Fourth event */
-	err = parse_events(evlist, "dummy:u", NULL);
+	err = parse_event(evlist, "dummy:u");
 	if (err) {
 		pr_debug("Failed to parse event dummy:u\n");
 		goto out_err;
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/Build b/tools/perf/util/Build
index d8fe514c9ec9..9dfae1bda9cc 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/Build
+++ b/tools/perf/util/Build
@@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ CFLAGS_hweight.o       += -Wno-unused-parameter -DETC_PERFCONFIG="BUILD_STR($(ET
 CFLAGS_parse-events.o  += -Wno-redundant-decls
 CFLAGS_expr.o          += -Wno-redundant-decls
 CFLAGS_header.o        += -include $(OUTPUT)PERF-VERSION-FILE
+CFLAGS_arm-spe.o       += -I$(srctree)/tools/arch/arm64/include/
 $(OUTPUT)util/kallsyms.o: ../lib/symbol/kallsyms.c FORCE
 	$(call rule_mkdir)
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/arm-spe-decoder/arm-spe-decoder.c b/tools/perf/util/arm-spe-decoder/arm-spe-decoder.c
index 5e390a1a79ab..091987dd3966 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/arm-spe-decoder/arm-spe-decoder.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/arm-spe-decoder/arm-spe-decoder.c
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ static int arm_spe_read_record(struct arm_spe_decoder *decoder)
+			decoder->record.source = payload;
 		case ARM_SPE_BAD:
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/arm-spe-decoder/arm-spe-decoder.h b/tools/perf/util/arm-spe-decoder/arm-spe-decoder.h
index 69b31084d6be..46a61df1145b 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/arm-spe-decoder/arm-spe-decoder.h
+++ b/tools/perf/util/arm-spe-decoder/arm-spe-decoder.h
@@ -29,6 +29,17 @@ enum arm_spe_op_type {
 	ARM_SPE_ST		= 1 << 1,
+enum arm_spe_neoverse_data_source {
+	ARM_SPE_NV_L1D		 = 0x0,
+	ARM_SPE_NV_L2		 = 0x8,
+	ARM_SPE_NV_DRAM		 = 0xe,
 struct arm_spe_record {
 	enum arm_spe_sample_type type;
 	int err;
@@ -40,6 +51,7 @@ struct arm_spe_record {
 	u64 virt_addr;
 	u64 phys_addr;
 	u64 context_id;
+	u16 source;
 struct arm_spe_insn;
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/arm-spe.c b/tools/perf/util/arm-spe.c
index d040406f3314..22dcfe07e886 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/arm-spe.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/arm-spe.c
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 #include "arm-spe-decoder/arm-spe-decoder.h"
 #include "arm-spe-decoder/arm-spe-pkt-decoder.h"
+#include "../../arch/arm64/include/asm/cputype.h"
 #define MAX_TIMESTAMP (~0ULL)
 struct arm_spe {
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ struct arm_spe {
 	struct perf_session		*session;
 	struct machine			*machine;
 	u32				pmu_type;
+	u64				midr;
 	struct perf_tsc_conversion	tc;
@@ -387,9 +389,116 @@ static int arm_spe__synth_instruction_sample(struct arm_spe_queue *speq,
 	return arm_spe_deliver_synth_event(spe, speq, event, &sample);
-static u64 arm_spe__synth_data_source(const struct arm_spe_record *record)
+static const struct midr_range neoverse_spe[] = {
+	{},
+static void arm_spe__synth_data_source_neoverse(const struct arm_spe_record *record,
+						union perf_mem_data_src *data_src)
+	/*
+	 * Even though four levels of cache hierarchy are possible, no known
+	 * production Neoverse systems currently include more than three levels
+	 * so for the time being we assume three exist. If a production system
+	 * is built with four the this function would have to be changed to
+	 * detect the number of levels for reporting.
+	 */
+	/*
+	 * We have no data on the hit level or data source for stores in the
+	 * Neoverse SPE records.
+	 */
+	if (record->op & ARM_SPE_ST) {
+		data_src->mem_lvl = PERF_MEM_LVL_NA;
+		data_src->mem_lvl_num = PERF_MEM_LVLNUM_NA;
+		data_src->mem_snoop = PERF_MEM_SNOOP_NA;
+		return;
+	}
+	switch (record->source) {
+	case ARM_SPE_NV_L1D:
+		data_src->mem_lvl = PERF_MEM_LVL_L1 | PERF_MEM_LVL_HIT;
+		data_src->mem_lvl_num = PERF_MEM_LVLNUM_L1;
+		data_src->mem_snoop = PERF_MEM_SNOOP_NONE;
+		break;
+	case ARM_SPE_NV_L2:
+		data_src->mem_lvl = PERF_MEM_LVL_L2 | PERF_MEM_LVL_HIT;
+		data_src->mem_lvl_num = PERF_MEM_LVLNUM_L2;
+		data_src->mem_snoop = PERF_MEM_SNOOP_NONE;
+		break;
+		data_src->mem_lvl = PERF_MEM_LVL_L2 | PERF_MEM_LVL_HIT;
+		data_src->mem_lvl_num = PERF_MEM_LVLNUM_L2;
+		data_src->mem_snoopx = PERF_MEM_SNOOPX_PEER;
+		break;
+	/*
+	 * We don't know if this is L1, L2 but we do know it was a cache-2-cache
+	 * transfer, so set SNOOPX_PEER
+	 */
+		data_src->mem_lvl = PERF_MEM_LVL_L3 | PERF_MEM_LVL_HIT;
+		data_src->mem_lvl_num = PERF_MEM_LVLNUM_L3;
+		data_src->mem_snoopx = PERF_MEM_SNOOPX_PEER;
+		break;
+	/*
+	 * System cache is assumed to be L3
+	 */
+		data_src->mem_lvl = PERF_MEM_LVL_L3 | PERF_MEM_LVL_HIT;
+		data_src->mem_lvl_num = PERF_MEM_LVLNUM_L3;
+		data_src->mem_snoop = PERF_MEM_SNOOP_HIT;
+		break;
+	/*
+	 * We don't know what level it hit in, except it came from the other
+	 * socket
+	 */
+		data_src->mem_lvl = PERF_MEM_LVL_REM_CCE1;
+		data_src->mem_lvl_num = PERF_MEM_LVLNUM_ANY_CACHE;
+		data_src->mem_remote = PERF_MEM_REMOTE_REMOTE;
+		data_src->mem_snoopx = PERF_MEM_SNOOPX_PEER;
+		break;
+		data_src->mem_lvl = PERF_MEM_LVL_LOC_RAM | PERF_MEM_LVL_HIT;
+		data_src->mem_lvl_num = PERF_MEM_LVLNUM_RAM;
+		data_src->mem_snoop = PERF_MEM_SNOOP_NONE;
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+static void arm_spe__synth_data_source_generic(const struct arm_spe_record *record,
+					       union perf_mem_data_src *data_src)
+	if (record->type & (ARM_SPE_LLC_ACCESS | ARM_SPE_LLC_MISS)) {
+		data_src->mem_lvl = PERF_MEM_LVL_L3;
+		if (record->type & ARM_SPE_LLC_MISS)
+			data_src->mem_lvl |= PERF_MEM_LVL_MISS;
+		else
+			data_src->mem_lvl |= PERF_MEM_LVL_HIT;
+	} else if (record->type & (ARM_SPE_L1D_ACCESS | ARM_SPE_L1D_MISS)) {
+		data_src->mem_lvl = PERF_MEM_LVL_L1;
+		if (record->type & ARM_SPE_L1D_MISS)
+			data_src->mem_lvl |= PERF_MEM_LVL_MISS;
+		else
+			data_src->mem_lvl |= PERF_MEM_LVL_HIT;
+	}
+	if (record->type & ARM_SPE_REMOTE_ACCESS)
+		data_src->mem_lvl |= PERF_MEM_LVL_REM_CCE1;
+static u64 arm_spe__synth_data_source(const struct arm_spe_record *record, u64 midr)
 	union perf_mem_data_src	data_src = { 0 };
+	bool is_neoverse = is_midr_in_range(midr, neoverse_spe);
 	if (record->op == ARM_SPE_LD)
 		data_src.mem_op = PERF_MEM_OP_LOAD;
@@ -398,24 +507,10 @@ static u64 arm_spe__synth_data_source(const struct arm_spe_record *record)
 		return 0;
-	if (record->type & (ARM_SPE_LLC_ACCESS | ARM_SPE_LLC_MISS)) {
-		data_src.mem_lvl = PERF_MEM_LVL_L3;
-		if (record->type & ARM_SPE_LLC_MISS)
-			data_src.mem_lvl |= PERF_MEM_LVL_MISS;
-		else
-			data_src.mem_lvl |= PERF_MEM_LVL_HIT;
-	} else if (record->type & (ARM_SPE_L1D_ACCESS | ARM_SPE_L1D_MISS)) {
-		data_src.mem_lvl = PERF_MEM_LVL_L1;
-		if (record->type & ARM_SPE_L1D_MISS)
-			data_src.mem_lvl |= PERF_MEM_LVL_MISS;
-		else
-			data_src.mem_lvl |= PERF_MEM_LVL_HIT;
-	}
-	if (record->type & ARM_SPE_REMOTE_ACCESS)
-		data_src.mem_lvl |= PERF_MEM_LVL_REM_CCE1;
+	if (is_neoverse)
+		arm_spe__synth_data_source_neoverse(record, &data_src);
+	else
+		arm_spe__synth_data_source_generic(record, &data_src);
 	if (record->type & (ARM_SPE_TLB_ACCESS | ARM_SPE_TLB_MISS)) {
 		data_src.mem_dtlb = PERF_MEM_TLB_WK;
@@ -436,7 +531,7 @@ static int arm_spe_sample(struct arm_spe_queue *speq)
 	u64 data_src;
 	int err;
-	data_src = arm_spe__synth_data_source(record);
+	data_src = arm_spe__synth_data_source(record, spe->midr);
 	if (spe->sample_flc) {
 		if (record->type & ARM_SPE_L1D_MISS) {
@@ -1178,6 +1273,8 @@ int arm_spe_process_auxtrace_info(union perf_event *event,
 	struct perf_record_auxtrace_info *auxtrace_info = &event->auxtrace_info;
 	size_t min_sz = sizeof(u64) * ARM_SPE_AUXTRACE_PRIV_MAX;
 	struct perf_record_time_conv *tc = &session->time_conv;
+	const char *cpuid = perf_env__cpuid(session->evlist->env);
+	u64 midr = strtol(cpuid, NULL, 16);
 	struct arm_spe *spe;
 	int err;
@@ -1197,6 +1294,7 @@ int arm_spe_process_auxtrace_info(union perf_event *event,
 	spe->machine = &session->machines.host; /* No kvm support */
 	spe->auxtrace_type = auxtrace_info->type;
 	spe->pmu_type = auxtrace_info->priv[ARM_SPE_PMU_TYPE];
+	spe->midr = midr;
 	spe->timeless_decoding = arm_spe__is_timeless_decoding(spe);
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/bpf-loader.c b/tools/perf/util/bpf-loader.c
index d2c9b09ddb48..e2052f4fed33 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/bpf-loader.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/bpf-loader.c
@@ -1879,7 +1879,7 @@ struct evsel *bpf__setup_output_event(struct evlist *evlist, const char *name)
 		if (asprintf(&event_definition, "bpf-output/no-inherit=1,name=%s/", name) < 0)
 			return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-		err = parse_events(evlist, event_definition, NULL);
+		err = parse_event(evlist, event_definition);
 		if (err) {
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/bpf_off_cpu.c b/tools/perf/util/bpf_off_cpu.c
index f289b7713598..c257813e674e 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/bpf_off_cpu.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/bpf_off_cpu.c
@@ -11,11 +11,13 @@
 #include "util/cpumap.h"
 #include "util/thread_map.h"
 #include "util/cgroup.h"
+#include "util/strlist.h"
 #include <bpf/bpf.h>
 #include "bpf_skel/off_cpu.skel.h"
 #define MAX_STACKS  32
+#define MAX_PROC  4096
 /* we don't need actual timestamp, just want to put the samples at last */
 #define OFF_CPU_TIMESTAMP  (~0ull << 32)
@@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ static void off_cpu_start(void *arg)
 		u8 val = 1;
 		skel->bss->has_task = 1;
+		skel->bss->uses_tgid = 1;
 		fd = bpf_map__fd(skel->maps.task_filter);
 		pid = perf_thread_map__pid(evlist->core.threads, 0);
 		bpf_map_update_elem(fd, &pid, &val, BPF_ANY);
@@ -124,6 +127,8 @@ int off_cpu_prepare(struct evlist *evlist, struct target *target,
 	int err, fd, i;
 	int ncpus = 1, ntasks = 1, ncgrps = 1;
+	struct strlist *pid_slist = NULL;
+	struct str_node *pos;
 	if (off_cpu_config(evlist) < 0) {
 		pr_err("Failed to config off-cpu BPF event\n");
@@ -142,9 +147,34 @@ int off_cpu_prepare(struct evlist *evlist, struct target *target,
 		bpf_map__set_max_entries(skel->maps.cpu_filter, ncpus);
-	if (target__has_task(target)) {
+	if (target->pid) {
+		pid_slist = strlist__new(target->pid, NULL);
+		if (!pid_slist) {
+			pr_err("Failed to create a strlist for pid\n");
+			return -1;
+		}
+		ntasks = 0;
+		strlist__for_each_entry(pos, pid_slist) {
+			char *end_ptr;
+			int pid = strtol(pos->s, &end_ptr, 10);
+			if (pid == INT_MIN || pid == INT_MAX ||
+			    (*end_ptr != '\0' && *end_ptr != ','))
+				continue;
+			ntasks++;
+		}
+		if (ntasks < MAX_PROC)
+			ntasks = MAX_PROC;
+		bpf_map__set_max_entries(skel->maps.task_filter, ntasks);
+	} else if (target__has_task(target)) {
 		ntasks = perf_thread_map__nr(evlist->core.threads);
 		bpf_map__set_max_entries(skel->maps.task_filter, ntasks);
+	} else if (target__none(target)) {
+		bpf_map__set_max_entries(skel->maps.task_filter, MAX_PROC);
 	if (evlist__first(evlist)->cgrp) {
@@ -184,7 +214,26 @@ int off_cpu_prepare(struct evlist *evlist, struct target *target,
-	if (target__has_task(target)) {
+	if (target->pid) {
+		u8 val = 1;
+		skel->bss->has_task = 1;
+		skel->bss->uses_tgid = 1;
+		fd = bpf_map__fd(skel->maps.task_filter);
+		strlist__for_each_entry(pos, pid_slist) {
+			char *end_ptr;
+			u32 tgid;
+			int pid = strtol(pos->s, &end_ptr, 10);
+			if (pid == INT_MIN || pid == INT_MAX ||
+			    (*end_ptr != '\0' && *end_ptr != ','))
+				continue;
+			tgid = pid;
+			bpf_map_update_elem(fd, &tgid, &val, BPF_ANY);
+		}
+	} else if (target__has_task(target)) {
 		u32 pid;
 		u8 val = 1;
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/bpf_skel/off_cpu.bpf.c b/tools/perf/util/bpf_skel/off_cpu.bpf.c
index cc6d7fd55118..c4ba2bcf179f 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/bpf_skel/off_cpu.bpf.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/bpf_skel/off_cpu.bpf.c
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
 #define TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE	0x0001
+/* create a new thread */
+#define CLONE_THREAD  0x10000
 #define MAX_STACKS   32
 #define MAX_ENTRIES  102400
@@ -85,6 +88,7 @@ int enabled = 0;
 int has_cpu = 0;
 int has_task = 0;
 int has_cgroup = 0;
+int uses_tgid = 0;
 const volatile bool has_prev_state = false;
 const volatile bool needs_cgroup = false;
@@ -144,7 +148,12 @@ static inline int can_record(struct task_struct *t, int state)
 	if (has_task) {
 		__u8 *ok;
-		__u32 pid = t->pid;
+		__u32 pid;
+		if (uses_tgid)
+			pid = t->tgid;
+		else
+			pid = t->pid;
 		ok = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&task_filter, &pid);
 		if (!ok)
@@ -214,6 +223,33 @@ next:
 	return 0;
+int on_newtask(u64 *ctx)
+	struct task_struct *task;
+	u64 clone_flags;
+	u32 pid;
+	u8 val = 1;
+	if (!uses_tgid)
+		return 0;
+	task = (struct task_struct *)bpf_get_current_task();
+	pid = BPF_CORE_READ(task, tgid);
+	if (!bpf_map_lookup_elem(&task_filter, &pid))
+		return 0;
+	task = (struct task_struct *)ctx[0];
+	clone_flags = ctx[1];
+	pid = task->tgid;
+	if (!(clone_flags & CLONE_THREAD))
+		bpf_map_update_elem(&task_filter, &pid, &val, BPF_NOEXIST);
+	return 0;
 int on_switch(u64 *ctx)
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/build-id.c b/tools/perf/util/build-id.c
index 9e176146eb10..ec18ed5caf3e 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/build-id.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/build-id.c
@@ -652,17 +652,21 @@ static char *build_id_cache__find_debug(const char *sbuild_id,
-        if (realname == NULL) {
-                debuginfod_client* c = debuginfod_begin();
-                if (c != NULL) {
-                        int fd = debuginfod_find_debuginfo(c,
-                                                           (const unsigned char*)sbuild_id, 0,
-                                                           &realname);
-                        if (fd >= 0)
-                                close(fd); /* retaining reference by realname */
-                        debuginfod_end(c);
-                }
-        }
+	if (realname == NULL) {
+		debuginfod_client* c;
+		pr_debug("Downloading debug info with build id %s\n", sbuild_id);
+		c = debuginfod_begin();
+		if (c != NULL) {
+			int fd = debuginfod_find_debuginfo(c,
+					(const unsigned char*)sbuild_id, 0,
+					&realname);
+			if (fd >= 0)
+				close(fd); /* retaining reference by realname */
+			debuginfod_end(c);
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/events_stats.h b/tools/perf/util/events_stats.h
index 1b0006092265..040ab9d0a803 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/events_stats.h
+++ b/tools/perf/util/events_stats.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
  * The total_period is needed because by default auto-freq is used, so
  * multiplying nr_events[PERF_EVENT_SAMPLE] by a frequency isn't possible to get
- * the total number of low level events, it is necessary to to sum all struct
+ * the total number of low level events, it is necessary to sum all struct
  * perf_record_sample.period and stash the result in total_period.
 struct events_stats {
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/jitdump.c b/tools/perf/util/jitdump.c
index a23255773c60..4e6632203704 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/jitdump.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/jitdump.c
@@ -845,8 +845,13 @@ jit_process(struct perf_session *session,
 	if (jit_detect(filename, pid, nsi)) {
-		// Strip //anon* mmaps if we processed a jitdump for this pid
-		if (jit_has_pid(machine, pid) && (strncmp(filename, "//anon", 6) == 0))
+		/*
+		 * Strip //anon*, [anon:* and /memfd:* mmaps if we processed a jitdump for this pid
+		 */
+		if (jit_has_pid(machine, pid) &&
+			((strncmp(filename, "//anon", 6) == 0) ||
+			 (strncmp(filename, "[anon:", 6) == 0) ||
+			 (strncmp(filename, "/memfd:", 7) == 0)))
 			return 1;
 		return 0;
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/machine.c b/tools/perf/util/machine.c
index facc13fbf16e..2a16cae28407 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/machine.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/machine.c
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ void machine__exit(struct machine *machine)
+	zfree(&machine->kallsyms_filename);
 	for (i = 0; i < THREADS__TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
 		struct threads *threads = &machine->threads[i];
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/mem-events.c b/tools/perf/util/mem-events.c
index c3c21a9c350b..764883183519 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/mem-events.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/mem-events.c
@@ -410,6 +410,11 @@ static const char * const snoop_access[] = {
+static const char * const snoopx_access[] = {
+	"Fwd",
+	"Peer",
 int perf_mem__snp_scnprintf(char *out, size_t sz, struct mem_info *mem_info)
 	size_t i, l = 0;
@@ -430,13 +435,20 @@ int perf_mem__snp_scnprintf(char *out, size_t sz, struct mem_info *mem_info)
 		l += scnprintf(out + l, sz - l, snoop_access[i]);
-	if (mem_info &&
-	     (mem_info->data_src.mem_snoopx & PERF_MEM_SNOOPX_FWD)) {
+	m = 0;
+	if (mem_info)
+		m = mem_info->data_src.mem_snoopx;
+	for (i = 0; m && i < ARRAY_SIZE(snoopx_access); i++, m >>= 1) {
+		if (!(m & 0x1))
+			continue;
 		if (l) {
 			strcat(out, " or ");
 			l += 4;
-		l += scnprintf(out + l, sz - l, "Fwd");
+		l += scnprintf(out + l, sz - l, snoopx_access[i]);
 	if (*out == '\0')
@@ -513,6 +525,7 @@ int c2c_decode_stats(struct c2c_stats *stats, struct mem_info *mi)
 	u64 op     = data_src->mem_op;
 	u64 lvl    = data_src->mem_lvl;
 	u64 snoop  = data_src->mem_snoop;
+	u64 snoopx = data_src->mem_snoopx;
 	u64 lock   = data_src->mem_lock;
 	u64 blk    = data_src->mem_blk;
@@ -532,6 +545,12 @@ do {				\
 	stats->tot_hitm++;	\
 } while (0)
+#define PEER_INC(__f)		\
+do {				\
+	stats->__f++;		\
+	stats->tot_peer++;	\
+} while (0)
 #define P(a, b) PERF_MEM_##a##_##b
@@ -555,12 +574,20 @@ do {				\
 			if (lvl & P(LVL, IO))  stats->ld_io++;
 			if (lvl & P(LVL, LFB)) stats->ld_fbhit++;
 			if (lvl & P(LVL, L1 )) stats->ld_l1hit++;
-			if (lvl & P(LVL, L2 )) stats->ld_l2hit++;
+			if (lvl & P(LVL, L2)) {
+				stats->ld_l2hit++;
+				if (snoopx & P(SNOOPX, PEER))
+					PEER_INC(lcl_peer);
+			}
 			if (lvl & P(LVL, L3 )) {
 				if (snoop & P(SNOOP, HITM))
+				if (snoopx & P(SNOOPX, PEER))
+					PEER_INC(lcl_peer);
 			if (lvl & P(LVL, LOC_RAM)) {
@@ -585,10 +612,14 @@ do {				\
 		if ((lvl & P(LVL, REM_CCE1)) ||
 		    (lvl & P(LVL, REM_CCE2)) ||
 		     mrem) {
-			if (snoop & P(SNOOP, HIT))
+			if (snoop & P(SNOOP, HIT)) {
-			else if (snoop & P(SNOOP, HITM))
+			} else if (snoop & P(SNOOP, HITM)) {
+			} else if (snoopx & P(SNOOPX, PEER)) {
+				stats->rmt_hit++;
+				PEER_INC(rmt_peer);
+			}
 		if ((lvl & P(LVL, MISS)))
@@ -652,6 +683,9 @@ void c2c_add_stats(struct c2c_stats *stats, struct c2c_stats *add)
 	stats->lcl_hitm		+= add->lcl_hitm;
 	stats->rmt_hitm		+= add->rmt_hitm;
 	stats->tot_hitm		+= add->tot_hitm;
+	stats->lcl_peer		+= add->lcl_peer;
+	stats->rmt_peer		+= add->rmt_peer;
+	stats->tot_peer		+= add->tot_peer;
 	stats->rmt_hit		+= add->rmt_hit;
 	stats->lcl_dram		+= add->lcl_dram;
 	stats->rmt_dram		+= add->rmt_dram;
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/mem-events.h b/tools/perf/util/mem-events.h
index 8a8b568baeee..12372309d60e 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/mem-events.h
+++ b/tools/perf/util/mem-events.h
@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ struct c2c_stats {
 	u32	lcl_hitm;            /* count of loads with local HITM  */
 	u32	rmt_hitm;            /* count of loads with remote HITM */
 	u32	tot_hitm;            /* count of loads with local and remote HITM */
+	u32	lcl_peer;            /* count of loads with local peer cache */
+	u32	rmt_peer;            /* count of loads with remote peer cache */
+	u32	tot_peer;            /* count of loads with local and remote peer cache */
 	u32	rmt_hit;             /* count of loads with remote hit clean; */
 	u32	lcl_dram;            /* count of loads miss to local DRAM */
 	u32	rmt_dram;            /* count of loads miss to remote DRAM */
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/metricgroup.c b/tools/perf/util/metricgroup.c
index 8f7baeabc5cf..464475fd6b9a 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/metricgroup.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/metricgroup.c
@@ -502,14 +502,14 @@ struct metricgroup_print_sys_idata {
 	bool details;
-typedef int (*metricgroup_sys_event_iter_fn)(const struct pmu_event *pe, void *);
 struct metricgroup_iter_data {
-	metricgroup_sys_event_iter_fn fn;
+	pmu_event_iter_fn fn;
 	void *data;
-static int metricgroup__sys_event_iter(const struct pmu_event *pe, void *data)
+static int metricgroup__sys_event_iter(const struct pmu_event *pe,
+				       const struct pmu_events_table *table,
+				       void *data)
 	struct metricgroup_iter_data *d = data;
 	struct perf_pmu *pmu = NULL;
@@ -522,13 +522,15 @@ static int metricgroup__sys_event_iter(const struct pmu_event *pe, void *data)
 		if (!pmu->id || strcmp(pmu->id, pe->compat))
-		return d->fn(pe, d->data);
+		return d->fn(pe, table, d->data);
 	return 0;
-static int metricgroup__print_sys_event_iter(const struct pmu_event *pe, void *data)
+static int metricgroup__print_sys_event_iter(const struct pmu_event *pe,
+					     const struct pmu_events_table *table __maybe_unused,
+					     void *data)
 	struct metricgroup_print_sys_idata *d = data;
@@ -536,15 +538,40 @@ static int metricgroup__print_sys_event_iter(const struct pmu_event *pe, void *d
 				     d->details, d->groups, d->metriclist);
+struct metricgroup_print_data {
+	const char *pmu_name;
+	struct strlist *metriclist;
+	char *filter;
+	struct rblist *groups;
+	bool metricgroups;
+	bool raw;
+	bool details;
+static int metricgroup__print_callback(const struct pmu_event *pe,
+				       const struct pmu_events_table *table __maybe_unused,
+				       void *vdata)
+	struct metricgroup_print_data *data = vdata;
+	if (!pe->metric_expr)
+		return 0;
+	if (data->pmu_name && perf_pmu__is_hybrid(pe->pmu) && strcmp(data->pmu_name, pe->pmu))
+		return 0;
+	return metricgroup__print_pmu_event(pe, data->metricgroups, data->filter,
+					    data->raw, data->details, data->groups,
+					    data->metriclist);
 void metricgroup__print(bool metrics, bool metricgroups, char *filter,
 			bool raw, bool details, const char *pmu_name)
-	const struct pmu_events_map *map = pmu_events_map__find();
-	const struct pmu_event *pe;
-	int i;
 	struct rblist groups;
 	struct rb_node *node, *next;
 	struct strlist *metriclist = NULL;
+	const struct pmu_events_table *table;
 	if (!metricgroups) {
 		metriclist = strlist__new(NULL, NULL);
@@ -556,23 +583,22 @@ void metricgroup__print(bool metrics, bool metricgroups, char *filter,
 	groups.node_new = mep_new;
 	groups.node_cmp = mep_cmp;
 	groups.node_delete = mep_delete;
-	for (i = 0; map; i++) {
-		pe = &map->table[i];
+	table = pmu_events_table__find();
+	if (table) {
+		struct metricgroup_print_data data = {
+			.pmu_name = pmu_name,
+			.metriclist = metriclist,
+			.metricgroups = metricgroups,
+			.filter = filter,
+			.raw = raw,
+			.details = details,
+			.groups = &groups,
+		};
-		if (!pe->name && !pe->metric_group && !pe->metric_name)
-			break;
-		if (!pe->metric_expr)
-			continue;
-		if (pmu_name && perf_pmu__is_hybrid(pe->pmu) &&
-		    strcmp(pmu_name, pe->pmu)) {
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (metricgroup__print_pmu_event(pe, metricgroups, filter,
-						 raw, details, &groups,
-						 metriclist) < 0)
-			return;
+		pmu_events_table_for_each_event(table,
+						metricgroup__print_callback,
+						&data);
 		struct metricgroup_iter_data data = {
 			.fn = metricgroup__print_sys_event_iter,
@@ -850,16 +876,20 @@ struct metricgroup_add_iter_data {
 	bool metric_no_group;
 	struct metric *root_metric;
 	const struct visited_metric *visited;
-	const struct pmu_events_map *map;
+	const struct pmu_events_table *table;
+static bool metricgroup__find_metric(const char *metric,
+				     const struct pmu_events_table *table,
+				     struct pmu_event *pe);
 static int add_metric(struct list_head *metric_list,
 		      const struct pmu_event *pe,
 		      const char *modifier,
 		      bool metric_no_group,
 		      struct metric *root_metric,
 		      const struct visited_metric *visited,
-		      const struct pmu_events_map *map);
+		      const struct pmu_events_table *table);
  * resolve_metric - Locate metrics within the root metric and recursively add
@@ -874,7 +904,7 @@ static int add_metric(struct list_head *metric_list,
  *               metrics. When adding a root this argument is NULL.
  * @visited: A singly linked list of metric names being added that is used to
  *           detect recursion.
- * @map: The map that is searched for metrics, most commonly the table for the
+ * @table: The table that is searched for metrics, most commonly the table for the
  *       architecture perf is running upon.
 static int resolve_metric(struct list_head *metric_list,
@@ -882,13 +912,13 @@ static int resolve_metric(struct list_head *metric_list,
 			  bool metric_no_group,
 			  struct metric *root_metric,
 			  const struct visited_metric *visited,
-			  const struct pmu_events_map *map)
+			  const struct pmu_events_table *table)
 	struct hashmap_entry *cur;
 	size_t bkt;
 	struct to_resolve {
 		/* The metric to resolve. */
-		const struct pmu_event *pe;
+		struct pmu_event pe;
 		 * The key in the IDs map, this may differ from in case,
 		 * etc. from pe->metric_name.
@@ -902,16 +932,15 @@ static int resolve_metric(struct list_head *metric_list,
 	 * the pending array.
 	hashmap__for_each_entry(root_metric->pctx->ids, cur, bkt) {
-		const struct pmu_event *pe;
+		struct pmu_event pe;
-		pe = metricgroup__find_metric(cur->key, map);
-		if (pe) {
+		if (metricgroup__find_metric(cur->key, table, &pe)) {
 			pending = realloc(pending,
 					(pending_cnt + 1) * sizeof(struct to_resolve));
 			if (!pending)
 				return -ENOMEM;
-			pending[pending_cnt].pe = pe;
+			memcpy(&pending[pending_cnt].pe, &pe, sizeof(pe));
 			pending[pending_cnt].key = cur->key;
@@ -926,8 +955,8 @@ static int resolve_metric(struct list_head *metric_list,
 	 * context.
 	for (i = 0; i < pending_cnt; i++) {
-		ret = add_metric(metric_list, pending[i].pe, modifier, metric_no_group,
-				root_metric, visited, map);
+		ret = add_metric(metric_list, &pending[i].pe, modifier, metric_no_group,
+				root_metric, visited, table);
 		if (ret)
@@ -950,7 +979,7 @@ static int resolve_metric(struct list_head *metric_list,
  *               metrics. When adding a root this argument is NULL.
  * @visited: A singly linked list of metric names being added that is used to
  *           detect recursion.
- * @map: The map that is searched for metrics, most commonly the table for the
+ * @table: The table that is searched for metrics, most commonly the table for the
  *       architecture perf is running upon.
 static int __add_metric(struct list_head *metric_list,
@@ -960,7 +989,7 @@ static int __add_metric(struct list_head *metric_list,
 			int runtime,
 			struct metric *root_metric,
 			const struct visited_metric *visited,
-			const struct pmu_events_map *map)
+			const struct pmu_events_table *table)
 	const struct visited_metric *vm;
 	int ret;
@@ -1032,7 +1061,7 @@ static int __add_metric(struct list_head *metric_list,
 	} else {
 		/* Resolve referenced metrics. */
 		ret = resolve_metric(metric_list, modifier, metric_no_group, root_metric,
-				     &visited_node, map);
+				     &visited_node, table);
 	if (ret) {
@@ -1045,30 +1074,35 @@ static int __add_metric(struct list_head *metric_list,
 	return ret;
-#define map_for_each_event(__pe, __idx, __map)					\
-	if (__map)								\
-		for (__idx = 0, __pe = &__map->table[__idx];			\
-		     __pe->name || __pe->metric_group || __pe->metric_name;	\
-		     __pe = &__map->table[++__idx])
+struct metricgroup__find_metric_data {
+	const char *metric;
+	struct pmu_event *pe;
-#define map_for_each_metric(__pe, __idx, __map, __metric)		\
-	map_for_each_event(__pe, __idx, __map)				\
-		if (__pe->metric_expr &&				\
-		    (match_metric(__pe->metric_group, __metric) ||	\
-		     match_metric(__pe->metric_name, __metric)))
-const struct pmu_event *metricgroup__find_metric(const char *metric,
-						 const struct pmu_events_map *map)
+static int metricgroup__find_metric_callback(const struct pmu_event *pe,
+					     const struct pmu_events_table *table  __maybe_unused,
+					     void *vdata)
-	const struct pmu_event *pe;
-	int i;
+	struct metricgroup__find_metric_data *data = vdata;
-	map_for_each_event(pe, i, map) {
-		if (match_metric(pe->metric_name, metric))
-			return pe;
-	}
+	if (!match_metric(pe->metric_name, data->metric))
+		return 0;
-	return NULL;
+	memcpy(data->pe, pe, sizeof(*pe));
+	return 1;
+static bool metricgroup__find_metric(const char *metric,
+				     const struct pmu_events_table *table,
+				     struct pmu_event *pe)
+	struct metricgroup__find_metric_data data = {
+		.metric = metric,
+		.pe = pe,
+	};
+	return pmu_events_table_for_each_event(table, metricgroup__find_metric_callback, &data)
+		? true : false;
 static int add_metric(struct list_head *metric_list,
@@ -1077,7 +1111,7 @@ static int add_metric(struct list_head *metric_list,
 		      bool metric_no_group,
 		      struct metric *root_metric,
 		      const struct visited_metric *visited,
-		      const struct pmu_events_map *map)
+		      const struct pmu_events_table *table)
 	int ret = 0;
@@ -1085,7 +1119,7 @@ static int add_metric(struct list_head *metric_list,
 	if (!strstr(pe->metric_expr, "?")) {
 		ret = __add_metric(metric_list, pe, modifier, metric_no_group, 0,
-				   root_metric, visited, map);
+				   root_metric, visited, table);
 	} else {
 		int j, count;
@@ -1098,14 +1132,15 @@ static int add_metric(struct list_head *metric_list,
 		for (j = 0; j < count && !ret; j++)
 			ret = __add_metric(metric_list, pe, modifier, metric_no_group, j,
-					root_metric, visited, map);
+					root_metric, visited, table);
 	return ret;
 static int metricgroup__add_metric_sys_event_iter(const struct pmu_event *pe,
-						  void *data)
+						const struct pmu_events_table *table __maybe_unused,
+						void *data)
 	struct metricgroup_add_iter_data *d = data;
 	int ret;
@@ -1114,7 +1149,7 @@ static int metricgroup__add_metric_sys_event_iter(const struct pmu_event *pe,
 		return 0;
 	ret = add_metric(d->metric_list, pe, d->modifier, d->metric_no_group,
-			 d->root_metric, d->visited, d->map);
+			 d->root_metric, d->visited, d->table);
 	if (ret)
 		goto out;
@@ -1152,6 +1187,33 @@ static int metric_list_cmp(void *priv __maybe_unused, const struct list_head *l,
 	return right_count - left_count;
+struct metricgroup__add_metric_data {
+	struct list_head *list;
+	const char *metric_name;
+	const char *modifier;
+	bool metric_no_group;
+	bool has_match;
+static int metricgroup__add_metric_callback(const struct pmu_event *pe,
+					    const struct pmu_events_table *table,
+					    void *vdata)
+	struct metricgroup__add_metric_data *data = vdata;
+	int ret = 0;
+	if (pe->metric_expr &&
+		(match_metric(pe->metric_group, data->metric_name) ||
+		 match_metric(pe->metric_name, data->metric_name))) {
+		data->has_match = true;
+		ret = add_metric(data->list, pe, data->modifier, data->metric_no_group,
+				 /*root_metric=*/NULL,
+				 /*visited_metrics=*/NULL, table);
+	}
+	return ret;
  * metricgroup__add_metric - Find and add a metric, or a metric group.
  * @metric_name: The name of the metric or metric group. For example, "IPC"
@@ -1162,32 +1224,37 @@ static int metric_list_cmp(void *priv __maybe_unused, const struct list_head *l,
  *                   global. Grouping is the default but due to multiplexing the
  *                   user may override.
  * @metric_list: The list that the metric or metric group are added to.
- * @map: The map that is searched for metrics, most commonly the table for the
+ * @table: The table that is searched for metrics, most commonly the table for the
  *       architecture perf is running upon.
 static int metricgroup__add_metric(const char *metric_name, const char *modifier,
 				   bool metric_no_group,
 				   struct list_head *metric_list,
-				   const struct pmu_events_map *map)
+				   const struct pmu_events_table *table)
-	const struct pmu_event *pe;
-	int i, ret;
+	int ret;
 	bool has_match = false;
-	/*
-	 * Iterate over all metrics seeing if metric matches either the name or
-	 * group. When it does add the metric to the list.
-	 */
-	map_for_each_metric(pe, i, map, metric_name) {
-		has_match = true;
-		ret = add_metric(&list, pe, modifier, metric_no_group,
-				 /*root_metric=*/NULL,
-				 /*visited_metrics=*/NULL, map);
+	{
+		struct metricgroup__add_metric_data data = {
+			.list = &list,
+			.metric_name = metric_name,
+			.modifier = modifier,
+			.metric_no_group = metric_no_group,
+			.has_match = false,
+		};
+		/*
+		 * Iterate over all metrics seeing if metric matches either the
+		 * name or group. When it does add the metric to the list.
+		 */
+		ret = pmu_events_table_for_each_event(table, metricgroup__add_metric_callback,
+						      &data);
 		if (ret)
 			goto out;
-	}
+		has_match = data.has_match;
+	}
 		struct metricgroup_iter_data data = {
 			.fn = metricgroup__add_metric_sys_event_iter,
@@ -1198,7 +1265,7 @@ static int metricgroup__add_metric(const char *metric_name, const char *modifier
 				.metric_no_group = metric_no_group,
 				.has_match = &has_match,
 				.ret = &ret,
-				.map = map,
+				.table = table,
@@ -1227,12 +1294,12 @@ out:
  *                   global. Grouping is the default but due to multiplexing the
  *                   user may override.
  * @metric_list: The list that metrics are added to.
- * @map: The map that is searched for metrics, most commonly the table for the
+ * @table: The table that is searched for metrics, most commonly the table for the
  *       architecture perf is running upon.
 static int metricgroup__add_metric_list(const char *list, bool metric_no_group,
 					struct list_head *metric_list,
-					const struct pmu_events_map *map)
+					const struct pmu_events_table *table)
 	char *list_itr, *list_copy, *metric_name, *modifier;
 	int ret, count = 0;
@@ -1249,7 +1316,7 @@ static int metricgroup__add_metric_list(const char *list, bool metric_no_group,
 		ret = metricgroup__add_metric(metric_name, modifier,
 					      metric_no_group, metric_list,
-					      map);
+					      table);
 		if (ret == -EINVAL)
 			pr_err("Cannot find metric or group `%s'\n", metric_name);
@@ -1440,7 +1507,7 @@ static int parse_groups(struct evlist *perf_evlist, const char *str,
 			bool metric_no_merge,
 			struct perf_pmu *fake_pmu,
 			struct rblist *metric_events_list,
-			const struct pmu_events_map *map)
+			const struct pmu_events_table *table)
 	struct evlist *combined_evlist = NULL;
@@ -1451,7 +1518,7 @@ static int parse_groups(struct evlist *perf_evlist, const char *str,
 	if (metric_events_list->nr_entries == 0)
 	ret = metricgroup__add_metric_list(str, metric_no_group,
-					   &metric_list, map);
+					   &metric_list, table);
 	if (ret)
 		goto out;
@@ -1586,43 +1653,47 @@ int metricgroup__parse_groups(const struct option *opt,
 			      struct rblist *metric_events)
 	struct evlist *perf_evlist = *(struct evlist **)opt->value;
-	const struct pmu_events_map *map = pmu_events_map__find();
+	const struct pmu_events_table *table = pmu_events_table__find();
 	return parse_groups(perf_evlist, str, metric_no_group,
-			    metric_no_merge, NULL, metric_events, map);
+			    metric_no_merge, NULL, metric_events, table);
 int metricgroup__parse_groups_test(struct evlist *evlist,
-				   const struct pmu_events_map *map,
+				   const struct pmu_events_table *table,
 				   const char *str,
 				   bool metric_no_group,
 				   bool metric_no_merge,
 				   struct rblist *metric_events)
 	return parse_groups(evlist, str, metric_no_group,
-			    metric_no_merge, &perf_pmu__fake, metric_events, map);
+			    metric_no_merge, &perf_pmu__fake, metric_events, table);
+static int metricgroup__has_metric_callback(const struct pmu_event *pe,
+					    const struct pmu_events_table *table __maybe_unused,
+					    void *vdata)
+	const char *metric = vdata;
+	if (!pe->metric_expr)
+		return 0;
+	if (match_metric(pe->metric_name, metric))
+		return 1;
+	return 0;
 bool metricgroup__has_metric(const char *metric)
-	const struct pmu_events_map *map = pmu_events_map__find();
-	const struct pmu_event *pe;
-	int i;
+	const struct pmu_events_table *table = pmu_events_table__find();
-	if (!map)
+	if (!table)
 		return false;
-	for (i = 0; ; i++) {
-		pe = &map->table[i];
-		if (!pe->name && !pe->metric_group && !pe->metric_name)
-			break;
-		if (!pe->metric_expr)
-			continue;
-		if (match_metric(pe->metric_name, metric))
-			return true;
-	}
-	return false;
+	return pmu_events_table_for_each_event(table, metricgroup__has_metric_callback,
+					       (void *)metric) ? true : false;
 int metricgroup__copy_metric_events(struct evlist *evlist, struct cgroup *cgrp,
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/metricgroup.h b/tools/perf/util/metricgroup.h
index 2b42b778d1bf..016b3b1a289a 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/metricgroup.h
+++ b/tools/perf/util/metricgroup.h
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ struct evlist;
 struct evsel;
 struct option;
 struct rblist;
-struct pmu_events_map;
 struct cgroup;
@@ -70,10 +69,8 @@ int metricgroup__parse_groups(const struct option *opt,
 			      bool metric_no_group,
 			      bool metric_no_merge,
 			      struct rblist *metric_events);
-const struct pmu_event *metricgroup__find_metric(const char *metric,
-						 const struct pmu_events_map *map);
 int metricgroup__parse_groups_test(struct evlist *evlist,
-				   const struct pmu_events_map *map,
+				   const struct pmu_events_table *table,
 				   const char *str,
 				   bool metric_no_group,
 				   bool metric_no_merge,
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/parse-events.c b/tools/perf/util/parse-events.c
index 206c76623c06..f05e15acd33f 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/parse-events.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/parse-events.c
@@ -2240,6 +2240,17 @@ int __parse_events(struct evlist *evlist, const char *str,
 	return ret;
+int parse_event(struct evlist *evlist, const char *str)
+	struct parse_events_error err;
+	int ret;
+	parse_events_error__init(&err);
+	ret = parse_events(evlist, str, &err);
+	parse_events_error__exit(&err);
+	return ret;
 void parse_events_error__init(struct parse_events_error *err)
 	bzero(err, sizeof(*err));
@@ -2256,10 +2267,8 @@ void parse_events_error__exit(struct parse_events_error *err)
 void parse_events_error__handle(struct parse_events_error *err, int idx,
 				char *str, char *help)
-	if (WARN(!str, "WARNING: failed to provide error string\n")) {
-		free(help);
-		return;
-	}
+	if (WARN(!str || !err, "WARNING: failed to provide error string or struct\n"))
+		goto out_free;
 	switch (err->num_errors) {
 	case 0:
 		err->idx = idx;
@@ -2284,6 +2293,11 @@ void parse_events_error__handle(struct parse_events_error *err, int idx,
+	return;
+	free(str);
+	free(help);
 #define MAX_WIDTH 1000
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/parse-events.h b/tools/perf/util/parse-events.h
index ba9fa3ddaf6e..7e6a601d9cd0 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/parse-events.h
+++ b/tools/perf/util/parse-events.h
@@ -24,15 +24,19 @@ const char *event_type(int type);
 int parse_events_option(const struct option *opt, const char *str, int unset);
 int parse_events_option_new_evlist(const struct option *opt, const char *str, int unset);
+__attribute__((nonnull(1, 2, 3)))
 int __parse_events(struct evlist *evlist, const char *str, struct parse_events_error *error,
 		   struct perf_pmu *fake_pmu);
 static inline int parse_events(struct evlist *evlist, const char *str,
 			       struct parse_events_error *err)
 	return __parse_events(evlist, str, err, NULL);
+int parse_event(struct evlist *evlist, const char *str);
 int parse_events_terms(struct list_head *terms, const char *str);
 int parse_filter(const struct option *opt, const char *str, int unset);
 int exclude_perf(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset);
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/perf_api_probe.c b/tools/perf/util/perf_api_probe.c
index c28dd50bd571..e1e2d701599c 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/perf_api_probe.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/perf_api_probe.c
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ static int perf_do_probe_api(setup_probe_fn_t fn, struct perf_cpu cpu, const cha
 	if (!evlist)
 		return -ENOMEM;
-	if (parse_events(evlist, str, NULL))
+	if (parse_event(evlist, str))
 		goto out_delete;
 	evsel = evlist__first(evlist);
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/pmu.c b/tools/perf/util/pmu.c
index 0112e1c36418..89655d53117a 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/pmu.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/pmu.c
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ static int is_arm_pmu_core(const char *name)
 	return file_available(path);
-static char *perf_pmu__getcpuid(struct perf_pmu *pmu)
+char *perf_pmu__getcpuid(struct perf_pmu *pmu)
 	char *cpuid;
 	static bool printed;
@@ -710,36 +710,9 @@ static char *perf_pmu__getcpuid(struct perf_pmu *pmu)
 	return cpuid;
-const struct pmu_events_map *perf_pmu__find_map(struct perf_pmu *pmu)
+__weak const struct pmu_events_table *pmu_events_table__find(void)
-	const struct pmu_events_map *map;
-	char *cpuid = perf_pmu__getcpuid(pmu);
-	int i;
-	/* on some platforms which uses cpus map, cpuid can be NULL for
-	 * PMUs other than CORE PMUs.
-	 */
-	if (!cpuid)
-		return NULL;
-	i = 0;
-	for (;;) {
-		map = &pmu_events_map[i++];
-		if (!map->table) {
-			map = NULL;
-			break;
-		}
-		if (!strcmp_cpuid_str(map->cpuid, cpuid))
-			break;
-	}
-	free(cpuid);
-	return map;
-const struct pmu_events_map *__weak pmu_events_map__find(void)
-	return perf_pmu__find_map(NULL);
+	return perf_pmu__find_table(NULL);
@@ -818,81 +791,63 @@ out:
 	return res;
+struct pmu_add_cpu_aliases_map_data {
+	struct list_head *head;
+	const char *name;
+	const char *cpu_name;
+	struct perf_pmu *pmu;
+static int pmu_add_cpu_aliases_map_callback(const struct pmu_event *pe,
+					const struct pmu_events_table *table __maybe_unused,
+					void *vdata)
+	struct pmu_add_cpu_aliases_map_data *data = vdata;
+	const char *pname = pe->pmu ? pe->pmu : data->cpu_name;
+	if (!pe->name)
+		return 0;
+	if (data->pmu->is_uncore && pmu_uncore_alias_match(pname, data->name))
+		goto new_alias;
+	if (strcmp(pname, data->name))
+		return 0;
+	/* need type casts to override 'const' */
+	__perf_pmu__new_alias(data->head, NULL, (char *)pe->name, (char *)pe->desc,
+			      (char *)pe->event, pe);
+	return 0;
  * From the pmu_events_map, find the table of PMU events that corresponds
  * to the current running CPU. Then, add all PMU events from that table
  * as aliases.
-void pmu_add_cpu_aliases_map(struct list_head *head, struct perf_pmu *pmu,
-			     const struct pmu_events_map *map)
+void pmu_add_cpu_aliases_table(struct list_head *head, struct perf_pmu *pmu,
+			       const struct pmu_events_table *table)
-	int i;
-	const char *name = pmu->name;
-	/*
-	 * Found a matching PMU events table. Create aliases
-	 */
-	i = 0;
-	while (1) {
-		const char *cpu_name = is_arm_pmu_core(name) ? name : "cpu";
-		const struct pmu_event *pe = &map->table[i++];
-		const char *pname = pe->pmu ? pe->pmu : cpu_name;
+	struct pmu_add_cpu_aliases_map_data data = {
+		.head = head,
+		.name = pmu->name,
+		.cpu_name = is_arm_pmu_core(pmu->name) ? pmu->name : "cpu",
+		.pmu = pmu,
+	};
-		if (!pe->name) {
-			if (pe->metric_group || pe->metric_name)
-				continue;
-			break;
-		}
-		if (pmu->is_uncore && pmu_uncore_alias_match(pname, name))
-			goto new_alias;
-		if (strcmp(pname, name))
-			continue;
-		/* need type casts to override 'const' */
-		__perf_pmu__new_alias(head, NULL, (char *)pe->name,
-				(char *)pe->desc, (char *)pe->event,
-				pe);
-	}
+	pmu_events_table_for_each_event(table, pmu_add_cpu_aliases_map_callback, &data);
 static void pmu_add_cpu_aliases(struct list_head *head, struct perf_pmu *pmu)
-	const struct pmu_events_map *map;
+	const struct pmu_events_table *table;
-	map = perf_pmu__find_map(pmu);
-	if (!map)
+	table = perf_pmu__find_table(pmu);
+	if (!table)
-	pmu_add_cpu_aliases_map(head, pmu, map);
-void pmu_for_each_sys_event(pmu_sys_event_iter_fn fn, void *data)
-	int i = 0;
-	while (1) {
-		const struct pmu_sys_events *event_table;
-		int j = 0;
-		event_table = &pmu_sys_event_tables[i++];
-		if (!event_table->table)
-			break;
-		while (1) {
-			const struct pmu_event *pe = &event_table->table[j++];
-			int ret;
-			if (!pe->name && !pe->metric_group && !pe->metric_name)
-				break;
-			ret = fn(pe, data);
-			if (ret)
-				break;
-		}
-	}
+	pmu_add_cpu_aliases_table(head, pmu, table);
 struct pmu_sys_event_iter_data {
@@ -900,7 +855,9 @@ struct pmu_sys_event_iter_data {
 	struct perf_pmu *pmu;
-static int pmu_add_sys_aliases_iter_fn(const struct pmu_event *pe, void *data)
+static int pmu_add_sys_aliases_iter_fn(const struct pmu_event *pe,
+				       const struct pmu_events_table *table __maybe_unused,
+				       void *data)
 	struct pmu_sys_event_iter_data *idata = data;
 	struct perf_pmu *pmu = idata->pmu;
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/pmu.h b/tools/perf/util/pmu.h
index 4b45fd8da5a3..a7b0f9507510 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/pmu.h
+++ b/tools/perf/util/pmu.h
@@ -125,16 +125,14 @@ int perf_pmu__scan_file(struct perf_pmu *pmu, const char *name, const char *fmt,
 int perf_pmu__test(void);
 struct perf_event_attr *perf_pmu__get_default_config(struct perf_pmu *pmu);
-void pmu_add_cpu_aliases_map(struct list_head *head, struct perf_pmu *pmu,
-			     const struct pmu_events_map *map);
+void pmu_add_cpu_aliases_table(struct list_head *head, struct perf_pmu *pmu,
+			       const struct pmu_events_table *table);
-const struct pmu_events_map *perf_pmu__find_map(struct perf_pmu *pmu);
-const struct pmu_events_map *pmu_events_map__find(void);
+char *perf_pmu__getcpuid(struct perf_pmu *pmu);
+const struct pmu_events_table *pmu_events_table__find(void);
 bool pmu_uncore_alias_match(const char *pmu_name, const char *name);
 void perf_pmu_free_alias(struct perf_pmu_alias *alias);
-typedef int (*pmu_sys_event_iter_fn)(const struct pmu_event *pe, void *data);
-void pmu_for_each_sys_event(pmu_sys_event_iter_fn fn, void *data);
 int perf_pmu__convert_scale(const char *scale, char **end, double *sval);
 int perf_pmu__caps_parse(struct perf_pmu *pmu);
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/probe-event.c b/tools/perf/util/probe-event.c
index 67c12d5303e7..785246ff4179 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/probe-event.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/probe-event.c
@@ -1775,8 +1775,10 @@ int parse_perf_probe_command(const char *cmd, struct perf_probe_event *pev)
 	if (!pev->event && pev->point.function && pev->point.line
 			&& !pev->point.lazy_line && !pev->point.offset) {
 		if (asprintf(&pev->event, "%s_L%d", pev->point.function,
-			pev->point.line) < 0)
-			return -ENOMEM;
+			pev->point.line) < 0) {
+			ret = -ENOMEM;
+			goto out;
+		}
 	/* Copy arguments and ensure return probe has no C argument */
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/record.c b/tools/perf/util/record.c
index b529636ab3ea..7b58f6c7c69d 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/record.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/record.c
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ bool evlist__can_select_event(struct evlist *evlist, const char *str)
 	if (!temp_evlist)
 		return false;
-	err = parse_events(temp_evlist, str, NULL);
+	err = parse_event(temp_evlist, str);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_delete;
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/s390-sample-raw.c b/tools/perf/util/s390-sample-raw.c
index cd3a34840389..9a631d97471c 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/s390-sample-raw.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/s390-sample-raw.c
@@ -129,28 +129,46 @@ static int get_counterset_start(int setnr)
+struct get_counter_name_data {
+	int wanted;
+	const char *result;
+static int get_counter_name_callback(const struct pmu_event *evp,
+				     const struct pmu_events_table *table __maybe_unused,
+				     void *vdata)
+	struct get_counter_name_data *data = vdata;
+	int rc, event_nr;
+	if (evp->name == NULL || evp->event == NULL)
+		return 0;
+	rc = sscanf(evp->event, "event=%x", &event_nr);
+	if (rc == 1 && event_nr == data->wanted) {
+		data->result = evp->name;
+		return 1; /* Terminate the search. */
+	}
+	return 0;
 /* Scan the PMU table and extract the logical name of a counter from the
  * PMU events table. Input is the counter set and counter number with in the
  * set. Construct the event number and use this as key. If they match return
  * the name of this counter.
  * If no match is found a NULL pointer is returned.
-static const char *get_counter_name(int set, int nr, const struct pmu_events_map *map)
+static const char *get_counter_name(int set, int nr, const struct pmu_events_table *table)
-	int rc, event_nr, wanted = get_counterset_start(set) + nr;
+	struct get_counter_name_data data = {
+		.wanted = get_counterset_start(set) + nr,
+		.result = NULL,
+	};
-	if (map) {
-		const struct pmu_event *evp = map->table;
+	if (!table)
+		return NULL;
-		for (; evp->name || evp->event || evp->desc; ++evp) {
-			if (evp->name == NULL || evp->event == NULL)
-				continue;
-			rc = sscanf(evp->event, "event=%x", &event_nr);
-			if (rc == 1 && event_nr == wanted)
-				return evp->name;
-		}
-	}
-	return NULL;
+	pmu_events_table_for_each_event(table, get_counter_name_callback, &data);
+	return data.result;
 static void s390_cpumcfdg_dump(struct perf_sample *sample)
@@ -159,10 +177,10 @@ static void s390_cpumcfdg_dump(struct perf_sample *sample)
 	unsigned char *buf = sample->raw_data;
 	const char *color = PERF_COLOR_BLUE;
 	struct cf_ctrset_entry *cep, ce;
-	const struct pmu_events_map *map;
+	const struct pmu_events_table *table;
 	u64 *p;
-	map = pmu_events_map__find();
+	table = pmu_events_table__find();
 	while (offset < len) {
 		cep = (struct cf_ctrset_entry *)(buf + offset);
@@ -180,7 +198,7 @@ static void s390_cpumcfdg_dump(struct perf_sample *sample)
 		color_fprintf(stdout, color, "    [%#08zx] Counterset:%d"
 			      " Counters:%d\n", offset, ce.set, ce.ctr);
 		for (i = 0, p = (u64 *)(cep + 1); i < ce.ctr; ++i, ++p) {
-			const char *ev_name = get_counter_name(ce.set, i, map);
+			const char *ev_name = get_counter_name(ce.set, i, table);
 			color_fprintf(stdout, color,
 				      "\tCounter:%03d %s Value:%#018lx\n", i,
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/scripting-engines/trace-event-python.c b/tools/perf/util/scripting-engines/trace-event-python.c
index 5bbc1b16f368..9ef2406e0ede 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/scripting-engines/trace-event-python.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/scripting-engines/trace-event-python.c
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ static void handler_call_die(const char *handler_name)
- * Insert val into into the dictionary and decrement the reference counter.
+ * Insert val into the dictionary and decrement the reference counter.
  * This is necessary for dictionaries since PyDict_SetItemString() does not
  * steal a reference, as opposed to PyTuple_SetItem().
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c b/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c
index 44045565c8f8..b82844cb0ce7 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c
@@ -28,15 +28,21 @@
 static void print_running(struct perf_stat_config *config,
 			  u64 run, u64 ena)
-	if (config->csv_output) {
-		fprintf(config->output, "%s%" PRIu64 "%s%.2f",
-					config->csv_sep,
-					run,
-					config->csv_sep,
-					ena ? 100.0 * run / ena : 100.0);
-	} else if (run != ena) {
+	double enabled_percent = 100;
+	if (run != ena)
+		enabled_percent = 100 * run / ena;
+	if (config->json_output)
+		fprintf(config->output,
+			"\"event-runtime\" : %" PRIu64 ", \"pcnt-running\" : %.2f, ",
+			run, enabled_percent);
+	else if (config->csv_output)
+		fprintf(config->output,
+			"%s%" PRIu64 "%s%.2f", config->csv_sep,
+			run, config->csv_sep, enabled_percent);
+	else if (run != ena)
 		fprintf(config->output, "  (%.2f%%)", 100.0 * run / ena);
-	}
 static void print_noise_pct(struct perf_stat_config *config,
@@ -44,7 +50,9 @@ static void print_noise_pct(struct perf_stat_config *config,
 	double pct = rel_stddev_stats(total, avg);
-	if (config->csv_output)
+	if (config->json_output)
+		fprintf(config->output, "\"variance\" : %.2f, ", pct);
+	else if (config->csv_output)
 		fprintf(config->output, "%s%.2f%%", config->csv_sep, pct);
 	else if (pct)
 		fprintf(config->output, "  ( +-%6.2f%% )", pct);
@@ -66,7 +74,11 @@ static void print_cgroup(struct perf_stat_config *config, struct evsel *evsel)
 	if (nr_cgroups) {
 		const char *cgrp_name = evsel->cgrp ? evsel->cgrp->name  : "";
-		fprintf(config->output, "%s%s", config->csv_sep, cgrp_name);
+		if (config->json_output)
+			fprintf(config->output, "\"cgroup\" : \"%s\", ", cgrp_name);
+		else
+			fprintf(config->output, "%s%s", config->csv_sep, cgrp_name);
@@ -74,69 +86,123 @@ static void print_cgroup(struct perf_stat_config *config, struct evsel *evsel)
 static void aggr_printout(struct perf_stat_config *config,
 			  struct evsel *evsel, struct aggr_cpu_id id, int nr)
+	if (config->json_output && !config->interval)
+		fprintf(config->output, "{");
 	switch (config->aggr_mode) {
 	case AGGR_CORE:
-		fprintf(config->output, "S%d-D%d-C%*d%s%*d%s",
-			id.socket,
-			id.die,
-			config->csv_output ? 0 : -8,
-			id.core,
-			config->csv_sep,
-			config->csv_output ? 0 : 4,
-			nr,
-			config->csv_sep);
-		break;
-	case AGGR_DIE:
-		fprintf(config->output, "S%d-D%*d%s%*d%s",
-			id.socket,
-			config->csv_output ? 0 : -8,
-			id.die,
-			config->csv_sep,
-			config->csv_output ? 0 : 4,
-			nr,
-			config->csv_sep);
-		break;
-		fprintf(config->output, "S%*d%s%*d%s",
-			config->csv_output ? 0 : -5,
-			id.socket,
-			config->csv_sep,
-			config->csv_output ? 0 : 4,
-			nr,
-			config->csv_sep);
-			break;
-	case AGGR_NODE:
-		fprintf(config->output, "N%*d%s%*d%s",
-			config->csv_output ? 0 : -5,
-			id.node,
-			config->csv_sep,
-			config->csv_output ? 0 : 4,
-			nr,
-			config->csv_sep);
-			break;
-	case AGGR_NONE:
-		if (evsel->percore && !config->percore_show_thread) {
-			fprintf(config->output, "S%d-D%d-C%*d%s",
+		if (config->json_output) {
+			fprintf(config->output,
+				"\"core\" : \"S%d-D%d-C%d\", \"aggregate-number\" : %d, ",
-				config->csv_output ? 0 : -3,
-				id.core, config->csv_sep);
-		} else if (id.cpu.cpu > -1) {
-			fprintf(config->output, "CPU%*d%s",
-				config->csv_output ? 0 : -7,
-				id.cpu.cpu, config->csv_sep);
+				id.core,
+				nr);
+		} else {
+			fprintf(config->output, "S%d-D%d-C%*d%s%*d%s",
+				id.socket,
+				id.die,
+				config->csv_output ? 0 : -8,
+				id.core,
+				config->csv_sep,
+				config->csv_output ? 0 : 4,
+				nr,
+				config->csv_sep);
+		}
+		break;
+	case AGGR_DIE:
+		if (config->json_output) {
+			fprintf(config->output,
+				"\"die\" : \"S%d-D%d\", \"aggregate-number\" : %d, ",
+				id.socket,
+				id.die,
+				nr);
+		} else {
+			fprintf(config->output, "S%d-D%*d%s%*d%s",
+				id.socket,
+				config->csv_output ? 0 : -8,
+				id.die,
+				config->csv_sep,
+				config->csv_output ? 0 : 4,
+				nr,
+				config->csv_sep);
+		}
+		break;
+		if (config->json_output) {
+			fprintf(config->output,
+				"\"socket\" : \"S%d\", \"aggregate-number\" : %d, ",
+				id.socket,
+				nr);
+		} else {
+			fprintf(config->output, "S%*d%s%*d%s",
+				config->csv_output ? 0 : -5,
+				id.socket,
+				config->csv_sep,
+				config->csv_output ? 0 : 4,
+				nr,
+				config->csv_sep);
+		}
+		break;
+	case AGGR_NODE:
+		if (config->json_output) {
+			fprintf(config->output, "\"node\" : \"N%d\", \"aggregate-number\" : %d, ",
+				id.node,
+				nr);
+		} else {
+			fprintf(config->output, "N%*d%s%*d%s",
+				config->csv_output ? 0 : -5,
+				id.node,
+				config->csv_sep,
+				config->csv_output ? 0 : 4,
+				nr,
+				config->csv_sep);
+		}
+		break;
+	case AGGR_NONE:
+		if (config->json_output) {
+			if (evsel->percore && !config->percore_show_thread) {
+				fprintf(config->output, "\"core\" : \"S%d-D%d-C%d\"",
+					id.socket,
+					id.die,
+					id.core);
+			} else if (id.core > -1) {
+				fprintf(config->output, "\"cpu\" : \"%d\", ",
+					id.cpu.cpu);
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (evsel->percore && !config->percore_show_thread) {
+				fprintf(config->output, "S%d-D%d-C%*d%s",
+					id.socket,
+					id.die,
+					config->csv_output ? 0 : -3,
+					id.core, config->csv_sep);
+			} else if (id.core > -1) {
+				fprintf(config->output, "CPU%*d%s",
+					config->csv_output ? 0 : -7,
+					id.cpu.cpu, config->csv_sep);
+			}
-		fprintf(config->output, "%*s-%*d%s",
-			config->csv_output ? 0 : 16,
-			perf_thread_map__comm(evsel->core.threads, id.thread),
-			config->csv_output ? 0 : -8,
-			perf_thread_map__pid(evsel->core.threads, id.thread),
-			config->csv_sep);
+		if (config->json_output) {
+			fprintf(config->output, "\"thread\" : \"%s-%d\", ",
+				perf_thread_map__comm(evsel->core.threads, id.thread),
+				perf_thread_map__pid(evsel->core.threads, id.thread));
+		} else {
+			fprintf(config->output, "%*s-%*d%s",
+				config->csv_output ? 0 : 16,
+				perf_thread_map__comm(evsel->core.threads, id.thread),
+				config->csv_output ? 0 : -8,
+				perf_thread_map__pid(evsel->core.threads, id.thread),
+				config->csv_sep);
+		}
 	case AGGR_UNSET:
+	case AGGR_MAX:
@@ -234,6 +300,31 @@ static void print_metric_csv(struct perf_stat_config *config __maybe_unused,
 	fprintf(out, "%s%s%s%s", config->csv_sep, vals, config->csv_sep, skip_spaces(unit));
+static void print_metric_json(struct perf_stat_config *config __maybe_unused,
+			     void *ctx,
+			     const char *color __maybe_unused,
+			     const char *fmt __maybe_unused,
+			     const char *unit, double val)
+	struct outstate *os = ctx;
+	FILE *out = os->fh;
+	fprintf(out, "\"metric-value\" : %f, ", val);
+	fprintf(out, "\"metric-unit\" : \"%s\"", unit);
+	if (!config->metric_only)
+		fprintf(out, "}");
+static void new_line_json(struct perf_stat_config *config, void *ctx)
+	struct outstate *os = ctx;
+	fputc('\n', os->fh);
+	if (os->prefix)
+		fprintf(os->fh, "%s", os->prefix);
+	aggr_printout(config, os->evsel, os->id, os->nr);
 /* Filter out some columns that don't work well in metrics only mode */
 static bool valid_only_metric(const char *unit)
@@ -300,6 +391,27 @@ static void print_metric_only_csv(struct perf_stat_config *config __maybe_unused
 	fprintf(out, "%s%s", vals, config->csv_sep);
+static void print_metric_only_json(struct perf_stat_config *config __maybe_unused,
+				  void *ctx, const char *color __maybe_unused,
+				  const char *fmt,
+				  const char *unit, double val)
+	struct outstate *os = ctx;
+	FILE *out = os->fh;
+	char buf[64], *vals, *ends;
+	char tbuf[1024];
+	if (!valid_only_metric(unit))
+		return;
+	unit = fixunit(tbuf, os->evsel, unit);
+	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, val);
+	ends = vals = skip_spaces(buf);
+	while (isdigit(*ends) || *ends == '.')
+		ends++;
+	*ends = 0;
+	fprintf(out, "{\"metric-value\" : \"%s\"}", vals);
 static void new_line_metric(struct perf_stat_config *config __maybe_unused,
 			    void *ctx __maybe_unused)
@@ -318,10 +430,13 @@ static void print_metric_header(struct perf_stat_config *config,
 	    os->evsel->priv != os->evsel->evlist->selected->priv)
-	if (!valid_only_metric(unit))
+	if (!valid_only_metric(unit) && !config->json_output)
 	unit = fixunit(tbuf, os->evsel, unit);
-	if (config->csv_output)
+	if (config->json_output)
+		fprintf(os->fh, "\"unit\" : \"%s\"", unit);
+	else if (config->csv_output)
 		fprintf(os->fh, "%s%s", unit, config->csv_sep);
 		fprintf(os->fh, "%*s ", config->metric_only_len, unit);
@@ -367,14 +482,27 @@ static void abs_printout(struct perf_stat_config *config,
 	aggr_printout(config, evsel, id, nr);
-	fprintf(output, fmt, avg, config->csv_sep);
+	if (config->json_output)
+		fprintf(output, "\"counter-value\" : \"%f\", ", avg);
+	else
+		fprintf(output, fmt, avg, config->csv_sep);
-	if (evsel->unit)
-		fprintf(output, "%-*s%s",
-			config->csv_output ? 0 : config->unit_width,
-			evsel->unit, config->csv_sep);
+	if (config->json_output) {
+		if (evsel->unit) {
+			fprintf(output, "\"unit\" : \"%s\", ",
+				evsel->unit);
+		}
+	} else {
+		if (evsel->unit)
+			fprintf(output, "%-*s%s",
+				config->csv_output ? 0 : config->unit_width,
+				evsel->unit, config->csv_sep);
+	}
-	fprintf(output, "%-*s", config->csv_output ? 0 : 32, evsel__name(evsel));
+	if (config->json_output)
+		fprintf(output, "\"event\" : \"%s\", ", evsel__name(evsel));
+	else
+		fprintf(output, "%-*s", config->csv_output ? 0 : 32, evsel__name(evsel));
 	print_cgroup(config, evsel);
@@ -416,34 +544,30 @@ static void printout(struct perf_stat_config *config, struct aggr_cpu_id id, int
 		.nr = nr,
 		.evsel = counter,
-	print_metric_t pm = print_metric_std;
+	print_metric_t pm;
 	new_line_t nl;
-	if (config->metric_only) {
-		nl = new_line_metric;
-		if (config->csv_output)
-			pm = print_metric_only_csv;
-		else
-			pm = print_metric_only;
-	} else
-		nl = new_line_std;
-	if (config->csv_output && !config->metric_only) {
-		static int aggr_fields[] = {
-			[AGGR_GLOBAL] = 0,
-			[AGGR_THREAD] = 1,
+	if (config->csv_output) {
+		static const int aggr_fields[AGGR_MAX] = {
 			[AGGR_NONE] = 1,
+			[AGGR_GLOBAL] = 0,
 			[AGGR_SOCKET] = 2,
 			[AGGR_DIE] = 2,
 			[AGGR_CORE] = 2,
+			[AGGR_THREAD] = 1,
+			[AGGR_UNSET] = 0,
+			[AGGR_NODE] = 0,
-		pm = print_metric_csv;
-		nl = new_line_csv;
-		os.nfields = 3;
-		os.nfields += aggr_fields[config->aggr_mode];
-		if (counter->cgrp)
-			os.nfields++;
+		pm = config->metric_only ? print_metric_only_csv : print_metric_csv;
+		nl = config->metric_only ? new_line_metric : new_line_csv;
+		os.nfields = 3 + aggr_fields[config->aggr_mode] + (counter->cgrp ? 1 : 0);
+	} else if (config->json_output) {
+		pm = config->metric_only ? print_metric_only_json : print_metric_json;
+		nl = config->metric_only ? new_line_metric : new_line_json;
+	} else {
+		pm = config->metric_only ? print_metric_only : print_metric_std;
+		nl = config->metric_only ? new_line_metric : new_line_std;
 	if (!config->no_csv_summary && config->csv_output &&
@@ -458,10 +582,15 @@ static void printout(struct perf_stat_config *config, struct aggr_cpu_id id, int
 		aggr_printout(config, counter, id, nr);
-		fprintf(config->output, "%*s%s",
-			config->csv_output ? 0 : 18,
-			counter->supported ? CNTR_NOT_COUNTED : CNTR_NOT_SUPPORTED,
-			config->csv_sep);
+		if (config->json_output) {
+			fprintf(config->output, "\"counter-value\" : \"%s\", ",
+					counter->supported ? CNTR_NOT_COUNTED : CNTR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
+		} else {
+			fprintf(config->output, "%*s%s",
+				config->csv_output ? 0 : 18,
+				counter->supported ? CNTR_NOT_COUNTED : CNTR_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+				config->csv_sep);
+		}
 		if (counter->supported) {
 			if (!evlist__has_hybrid(counter->evlist)) {
@@ -471,21 +600,32 @@ static void printout(struct perf_stat_config *config, struct aggr_cpu_id id, int
-		fprintf(config->output, "%-*s%s",
-			config->csv_output ? 0 : config->unit_width,
-			counter->unit, config->csv_sep);
+		if (config->json_output) {
+			fprintf(config->output, "\"unit\" : \"%s\", ", counter->unit);
+		} else {
+			fprintf(config->output, "%-*s%s",
+				config->csv_output ? 0 : config->unit_width,
+				counter->unit, config->csv_sep);
+		}
-		fprintf(config->output, "%*s",
-			config->csv_output ? 0 : -25, evsel__name(counter));
+		if (config->json_output) {
+			fprintf(config->output, "\"event\" : \"%s\", ",
+				evsel__name(counter));
+		} else {
+			fprintf(config->output, "%*s",
+				 config->csv_output ? 0 : -25, evsel__name(counter));
+		}
 		print_cgroup(config, counter);
-		if (!config->csv_output)
+		if (!config->csv_output && !config->json_output)
 			pm(config, &os, NULL, NULL, "", 0);
 		print_noise(config, counter, noise);
 		print_running(config, run, ena);
 		if (config->csv_output)
 			pm(config, &os, NULL, NULL, "", 0);
+		else if (config->json_output)
+			pm(config, &os, NULL, NULL, "", 0);
@@ -500,12 +640,15 @@ static void printout(struct perf_stat_config *config, struct aggr_cpu_id id, int
 	if (config->csv_output && !config->metric_only) {
 		print_noise(config, counter, noise);
 		print_running(config, run, ena);
+	} else if (config->json_output && !config->metric_only) {
+		print_noise(config, counter, noise);
+		print_running(config, run, ena);
 	perf_stat__print_shadow_stats(config, counter, uval,
 				first_shadow_cpu_map_idx(config, counter, &id),
 				&out, &config->metric_events, st);
-	if (!config->csv_output && !config->metric_only) {
+	if (!config->csv_output && !config->metric_only && !config->json_output) {
 		print_noise(config, counter, noise);
 		print_running(config, run, ena);
@@ -1004,8 +1147,12 @@ static void print_metric_headers(struct perf_stat_config *config,
 	struct outstate os = {
 		.fh = config->output
+	bool first = true;
-	if (prefix)
+		if (config->json_output && !config->interval)
+			fprintf(config->output, "{");
+	if (prefix && !config->json_output)
 		fprintf(config->output, "%s", prefix);
 	if (!config->csv_output && !no_indent)
@@ -1025,6 +1172,9 @@ static void print_metric_headers(struct perf_stat_config *config,
 		os.evsel = counter;
 		out.ctx = &os;
 		out.print_metric = print_metric_header;
+		if (!first && config->json_output)
+			fprintf(config->output, ", ");
+		first = false;
 		out.new_line = new_line_metric;
 		out.force_header = true;
 		perf_stat__print_shadow_stats(config, counter, 0,
@@ -1033,6 +1183,8 @@ static void print_metric_headers(struct perf_stat_config *config,
+	if (config->json_output)
+		fprintf(config->output, "}");
 	fputc('\n', config->output);
@@ -1048,10 +1200,18 @@ static void print_interval(struct perf_stat_config *config,
 	if (config->interval_clear)
-	if (!config->iostat_run)
-		sprintf(prefix, "%6lu.%09lu%s", (unsigned long) ts->tv_sec, ts->tv_nsec, config->csv_sep);
+	if (!config->iostat_run && !config->json_output)
+		sprintf(prefix, "%6lu.%09lu%s", (unsigned long) ts->tv_sec,
+				 ts->tv_nsec, config->csv_sep);
+	if (!config->iostat_run && config->json_output && !config->metric_only)
+		sprintf(prefix, "{\"interval\" : %lu.%09lu, ", (unsigned long)
+				 ts->tv_sec, ts->tv_nsec);
+	if (!config->iostat_run && config->json_output && config->metric_only)
+		sprintf(prefix, "{\"interval\" : %lu.%09lu}", (unsigned long)
+				 ts->tv_sec, ts->tv_nsec);
-	if ((num_print_interval == 0 && !config->csv_output) || config->interval_clear) {
+	if ((num_print_interval == 0 && !config->csv_output && !config->json_output)
+			 || config->interval_clear) {
 		switch (config->aggr_mode) {
 		case AGGR_NODE:
 			fprintf(output, "#           time node   cpus");
@@ -1091,12 +1251,19 @@ static void print_interval(struct perf_stat_config *config,
 					fprintf(output, "             counts %*s events\n", unit_width, "unit");
 		case AGGR_UNSET:
+		case AGGR_MAX:
-	if ((num_print_interval == 0 || config->interval_clear) && metric_only)
+	if ((num_print_interval == 0 || config->interval_clear)
+			 && metric_only && !config->json_output)
 		print_metric_headers(config, evlist, " ", true);
+	if ((num_print_interval == 0 || config->interval_clear)
+			 && metric_only && config->json_output) {
+		fprintf(output, "{");
+		print_metric_headers(config, evlist, " ", true);
+	}
 	if (++num_print_interval == 25)
 		num_print_interval = 0;
@@ -1110,7 +1277,7 @@ static void print_header(struct perf_stat_config *config,
-	if (!config->csv_output) {
+	if (!config->csv_output && !config->json_output) {
 		fprintf(output, "\n");
 		fprintf(output, " Performance counter stats for ");
 		if (_target->bpf_str)
@@ -1303,6 +1470,9 @@ void evlist__print_counters(struct evlist *evlist, struct perf_stat_config *conf
 			num_print_iv = 0;
 		if (config->aggr_mode == AGGR_GLOBAL && prefix && !config->iostat_run)
 			fprintf(config->output, "%s", prefix);
+		if (config->json_output && !config->metric_only)
+			fprintf(config->output, "}");
 	switch (config->aggr_mode) {
@@ -1341,12 +1511,13 @@ void evlist__print_counters(struct evlist *evlist, struct perf_stat_config *conf
+	case AGGR_MAX:
 	case AGGR_UNSET:
-	if (!interval && !config->csv_output)
+	if (!interval && !config->csv_output && !config->json_output)
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/stat.c b/tools/perf/util/stat.c
index 37ea2d044708..0882b4754fcf 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/stat.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/stat.c
@@ -401,6 +401,7 @@ process_counter_values(struct perf_stat_config *config, struct evsel *evsel,
 		aggr->ena += count->ena;
 		aggr->run += count->run;
 	case AGGR_UNSET:
+	case AGGR_MAX:
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/stat.h b/tools/perf/util/stat.h
index b5aeb8e6d34b..668250022f8c 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/stat.h
+++ b/tools/perf/util/stat.h
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ enum aggr_mode {
 enum {
@@ -121,6 +122,7 @@ struct perf_stat_config {
 	bool			 no_inherit;
 	bool			 identifier;
 	bool			 csv_output;
+	bool			 json_output;
 	bool			 interval_clear;
 	bool			 metric_only;
 	bool			 null_run;