diff --git a/lib/bitmap.c b/lib/bitmap.c
index 89260aa342d6..21a7640c5eed 100644
--- a/lib/bitmap.c
+++ b/lib/bitmap.c
@@ -182,21 +182,22 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(__bitmap_shift_left);
  * In pictures, example for a big-endian 32-bit architecture:
- * @src:
- * 31                                   63
- * |                                    |
- * 10000000 11000001 11110010 00010101  10000000 11000001 01110010 00010101
- *                 |  |              |                                    |
- *                16  14             0                                   32
+ * The @src bitmap is::
- * if @cut is 3, and @first is 14, bits 14-16 in @src are cut and @dst is:
+ *   31                                   63
+ *   |                                    |
+ *   10000000 11000001 11110010 00010101  10000000 11000001 01110010 00010101
+ *                   |  |              |                                    |
+ *                  16  14             0                                   32
- * 31                                   63
- * |                                    |
- * 10110000 00011000 00110010 00010101  00010000 00011000 00101110 01000010
- *                    |              |                                    |
- *                    14 (bit 17     0                                   32
- *                        from @src)
+ * if @cut is 3, and @first is 14, bits 14-16 in @src are cut and @dst is::
+ *
+ *   31                                   63
+ *   |                                    |
+ *   10110000 00011000 00110010 00010101  00010000 00011000 00101110 01000010
+ *                      |              |                                    |
+ *                      14 (bit 17     0                                   32
+ *                          from @src)
  * Note that @dst and @src might overlap partially or entirely.