staging: comedi: ni_labpc: clean up register map
Rename the register map defines to better match the National Instruments Register-Level Programming Manual for the labpc. Signed-off-by: H Hartley Sweeten <> Cc: Ian Abbott <> Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -87,117 +87,75 @@
/* 2 MHz master clock */
#define LABPC_TIMER_BASE 500
/* Registers for the lab-pc+ */
/* write-only registers */
#define COMMAND1_REG 0x0
#define ADC_GAIN_MASK (0x7 << 4)
#define ADC_CHAN_BITS(x) ((x) & 0x7)
/* enables multi channel scans */
#define ADC_SCAN_EN_BIT 0x80
#define COMMAND2_REG 0x1
/* enable pretriggering (used in conjunction with SWTRIG) */
#define PRETRIG_BIT 0x1
/* enable paced conversions on external trigger */
#define HWTRIG_BIT 0x2
/* enable paced conversions */
#define SWTRIG_BIT 0x4
/* use two cascaded counters for pacing */
#define CASCADE_BIT 0x8
#define DAC_PACED_BIT(channel) (0x40 << ((channel) & 0x1))
#define COMMAND3_REG 0x2
/* enable dma transfers */
#define DMA_EN_BIT 0x1
/* enable interrupts for 8255 */
#define DIO_INTR_EN_BIT 0x2
/* enable dma terminal count interrupt */
#define DMATC_INTR_EN_BIT 0x4
/* enable timer interrupt */
#define TIMER_INTR_EN_BIT 0x8
/* enable error interrupt */
#define ERR_INTR_EN_BIT 0x10
/* enable fifo not empty interrupt */
#define ADC_FNE_INTR_EN_BIT 0x20
#define ADC_CONVERT_REG 0x3
#define DAC_LSB_REG(channel) (0x4 + 2 * ((channel) & 0x1))
#define DAC_MSB_REG(channel) (0x5 + 2 * ((channel) & 0x1))
#define ADC_CLEAR_REG 0x8
#define DMATC_CLEAR_REG 0xa
#define TIMER_CLEAR_REG 0xc
/* 1200 boards only */
#define COMMAND6_REG 0xe
/* select ground or common-mode reference */
#define ADC_COMMON_BIT 0x1
/* adc unipolar */
#define ADC_UNIP_BIT 0x2
/* dac unipolar */
#define DAC_UNIP_BIT(channel) (0x4 << ((channel) & 0x1))
/* enable fifo half full interrupt */
#define ADC_FHF_INTR_EN_BIT 0x20
/* enable interrupt on end of hardware count */
#define A1_INTR_EN_BIT 0x40
/* scan up from channel zero instead of down to zero */
#define ADC_SCAN_UP_BIT 0x80
#define COMMAND4_REG 0xf
/* enables 'interval' scanning */
/* enables external signal on counter b1 output to trigger scan */
#define EXT_SCAN_EN_BIT 0x2
/* chooses direction (output or input) for EXTCONV* line */
/* chooses differential inputs for adc (in conjunction with board jumper) */
#define ADC_DIFF_BIT 0x8
/* 1200 boards only, calibration stuff */
#define COMMAND5_REG 0x1c
/* enable eeprom for write */
/* enable dithering */
#define DITHER_EN_BIT 0x8
/* load calibration dac */
#define CALDAC_LOAD_BIT 0x10
/* serial clock - rising edge writes, falling edge reads */
#define SCLOCK_BIT 0x20
/* serial data bit for writing to eeprom or calibration dacs */
#define SDATA_BIT 0x40
/* enable eeprom for read/write */
#define EEPROM_EN_BIT 0x80
#define INTERVAL_LOAD_REG 0x1f
/* read-only registers */
#define STATUS1_REG 0x0
/* data is available in fifo */
#define DATA_AVAIL_BIT 0x1
/* overrun has occurred */
#define OVERRUN_BIT 0x2
/* fifo overflow */
#define OVERFLOW_BIT 0x4
/* timer interrupt has occurred */
#define TIMER_BIT 0x8
/* dma terminal count has occurred */
#define DMATC_BIT 0x10
/* external trigger has occurred */
#define EXT_TRIG_BIT 0x40
/* 1200 boards only */
#define STATUS2_REG 0x1d
/* programmable eeprom serial output */
#define EEPROM_OUT_BIT 0x1
/* counter A1 terminal count */
#define A1_TC_BIT 0x2
/* fifo not half full */
#define FNHF_BIT 0x4
#define ADC_FIFO_REG 0xa
#define DIO_BASE_REG 0x10
#define COUNTER_A_BASE_REG 0x14
/* check modes put conversion pacer output in harmless state (a0 mode 2) */
#define INIT_A0_BITS 0x14
/* put hardware conversion counter output in harmless state (a1 mode 0) */
#define INIT_A1_BITS 0x70
#define COUNTER_B_BASE_REG 0x18
* Register map (all registers are 8-bit)
#define STAT1_REG 0x00 /* R: Status 1 reg */
#define STAT1_DAVAIL (1 << 0)
#define STAT1_OVERRUN (1 << 1)
#define STAT1_OVERFLOW (1 << 2)
#define STAT1_CNTINT (1 << 3)
#define STAT1_GATA0 (1 << 5)
#define STAT1_EXTGATA0 (1 << 6)
#define CMD1_REG 0x00 /* W: Command 1 reg */
#define CMD1_MA(x) (((x) & 0x7) << 0)
#define CMD1_TWOSCMP (1 << 3)
#define CMD1_GAIN_MASK (7 << 4)
#define CMD1_SCANEN (1 << 7)
#define CMD2_REG 0x01 /* W: Command 2 reg */
#define CMD2_PRETRIG (1 << 0)
#define CMD2_HWTRIG (1 << 1)
#define CMD2_SWTRIG (1 << 2)
#define CMD2_TBSEL (1 << 3)
#define CMD2_2SDAC0 (1 << 4)
#define CMD2_2SDAC1 (1 << 5)
#define CMD2_LDAC(x) (1 << (6 + (x)))
#define CMD3_REG 0x02 /* W: Command 3 reg */
#define CMD3_DMAEN (1 << 0)
#define CMD3_DIOINTEN (1 << 1)
#define CMD3_DMATCINTEN (1 << 2)
#define CMD3_CNTINTEN (1 << 3)
#define CMD3_ERRINTEN (1 << 4)
#define CMD3_FIFOINTEN (1 << 5)
#define ADC_START_CONVERT_REG 0x03 /* W: Start Convert reg */
#define DAC_LSB_REG(x) (0x04 + 2 * (x)) /* W: DAC0/1 LSB reg */
#define DAC_MSB_REG(x) (0x05 + 2 * (x)) /* W: DAC0/1 MSB reg */
#define ADC_FIFO_CLEAR_REG 0x08 /* W: A/D FIFO Clear reg */
#define ADC_FIFO_REG 0x0a /* R: A/D FIFO reg */
#define DMATC_CLEAR_REG 0x0a /* W: DMA Interrupt Clear reg */
#define TIMER_CLEAR_REG 0x0c /* W: Timer Interrupt Clear reg */
#define CMD6_REG 0x0e /* W: Command 6 reg */
#define CMD6_NRSE (1 << 0)
#define CMD6_ADCUNI (1 << 1)
#define CMD6_DACUNI(x) (1 << (2 + (x)))
#define CMD6_HFINTEN (1 << 5)
#define CMD6_DQINTEN (1 << 6)
#define CMD6_SCANUP (1 << 7)
#define CMD4_REG 0x0f /* W: Command 3 reg */
#define CMD4_INTSCAN (1 << 0)
#define CMD4_EOIRCV (1 << 1)
#define CMD4_ECLKDRV (1 << 2)
#define CMD4_SEDIFF (1 << 3)
#define CMD4_ECLKRCV (1 << 4)
#define DIO_BASE_REG 0x10 /* R/W: 8255 DIO base reg */
#define COUNTER_A_BASE_REG 0x14 /* R/W: 8253 Counter A base reg */
#define COUNTER_A_MODE_REG 0x17 /* W: 8253 Counter A mode reg */
#define INIT_A0_BITS 0x14 /* (a0 mode 2) */
#define INIT_A1_BITS 0x70 /* (a1 mode 0) */
#define COUNTER_B_BASE_REG 0x18 /* R/W: 8253 Counter B base reg */
#define CMD5_REG 0x1c /* W: Command 5 reg */
#define CMD5_WRTPRT (1 << 2)
#define CMD5_DITHEREN (1 << 3)
#define CMD5_CALDACLD (1 << 4)
#define CMD5_SCLK (1 << 5)
#define CMD5_SDATA (1 << 6)
#define CMD5_EEPROMCS (1 << 7)
#define STAT2_REG 0x1d /* R: Status 2 reg */
#define STAT2_PROMOUT (1 << 0)
#define STAT2_OUTA1 (1 << 1)
#define STAT2_FIFONHF (1 << 2)
#define INTERVAL_COUNT_REG 0x1e /* W: Interval Counter Data reg */
#define INTERVAL_STROBE_REG 0x1f /* W: Interval Counter Strobe reg */
#define LABPC_ADC_TIMEOUT 1000
@ -355,12 +313,12 @@ static int labpc_cancel(struct comedi_device *dev, struct comedi_subdevice *s)
unsigned long flags;
spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->spinlock, flags);
devpriv->cmd2 &= ~SWTRIG_BIT & ~HWTRIG_BIT & ~PRETRIG_BIT;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd2, dev->iobase + COMMAND2_REG);
devpriv->cmd2 &= ~(CMD2_SWTRIG | CMD2_HWTRIG | CMD2_PRETRIG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd2, dev->iobase + CMD2_REG);
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->spinlock, flags);
devpriv->cmd3 = 0;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd3, dev->iobase + COMMAND3_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd3, dev->iobase + CMD3_REG);
return 0;
@ -378,10 +336,10 @@ static void labpc_ai_set_chan_and_gain(struct comedi_device *dev,
aref == AREF_DIFF)
chan *= 2;
devpriv->cmd1 = ADC_CHAN_BITS(chan);
devpriv->cmd1 = CMD1_MA(chan);
devpriv->cmd1 |= board->ai_range_code[range];
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd1, dev->iobase + COMMAND1_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd1, dev->iobase + CMD1_REG);
static void labpc_setup_cmd6_reg(struct comedi_device *dev,
@ -400,35 +358,35 @@ static void labpc_setup_cmd6_reg(struct comedi_device *dev,
/* reference inputs to ground or common? */
if (aref != AREF_GROUND)
devpriv->cmd6 |= ADC_COMMON_BIT;
devpriv->cmd6 |= CMD6_NRSE;
devpriv->cmd6 &= ~ADC_COMMON_BIT;
devpriv->cmd6 &= ~CMD6_NRSE;
/* bipolar or unipolar range? */
if (labpc_range_is_unipolar(s, range))
devpriv->cmd6 |= ADC_UNIP_BIT;
devpriv->cmd6 |= CMD6_ADCUNI;
devpriv->cmd6 &= ~ADC_UNIP_BIT;
devpriv->cmd6 &= ~CMD6_ADCUNI;
/* interrupt on fifo half full? */
if (xfer == fifo_half_full_transfer)
devpriv->cmd6 |= ADC_FHF_INTR_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd6 |= CMD6_HFINTEN;
devpriv->cmd6 &= ~ADC_FHF_INTR_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd6 &= ~CMD6_HFINTEN;
/* enable interrupt on counter a1 terminal count? */
if (ena_intr)
devpriv->cmd6 |= A1_INTR_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd6 |= CMD6_DQINTEN;
devpriv->cmd6 &= ~A1_INTR_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd6 &= ~CMD6_DQINTEN;
/* are we scanning up or down through channels? */
if (mode == MODE_MULT_CHAN_UP)
devpriv->cmd6 |= ADC_SCAN_UP_BIT;
devpriv->cmd6 |= CMD6_SCANUP;
devpriv->cmd6 &= ~ADC_SCAN_UP_BIT;
devpriv->cmd6 &= ~CMD6_SCANUP;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd6, dev->iobase + COMMAND6_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd6, dev->iobase + CMD6_REG);
static unsigned int labpc_read_adc_fifo(struct comedi_device *dev)
@ -444,7 +402,7 @@ static void labpc_clear_adc_fifo(struct comedi_device *dev)
struct labpc_private *devpriv = dev->private;
devpriv->write_byte(0x1, dev->iobase + ADC_CLEAR_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(0x1, dev->iobase + ADC_FIFO_CLEAR_REG);
@ -455,8 +413,8 @@ static int labpc_ai_wait_for_data(struct comedi_device *dev,
int i;
for (i = 0; i < timeout; i++) {
devpriv->stat1 = devpriv->read_byte(dev->iobase + STATUS1_REG);
if (devpriv->stat1 & DATA_AVAIL_BIT)
devpriv->stat1 = devpriv->read_byte(dev->iobase + STAT1_REG);
if (devpriv->stat1 & STAT1_DAVAIL)
return 0;
@ -485,23 +443,23 @@ static int labpc_ai_insn_read(struct comedi_device *dev,
/* setup cmd4 register */
devpriv->cmd4 = 0;
devpriv->cmd4 |= EXT_CONVERT_DISABLE_BIT;
devpriv->cmd4 |= CMD4_ECLKRCV;
/* single-ended/differential */
if (aref == AREF_DIFF)
devpriv->cmd4 |= ADC_DIFF_BIT;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd4, dev->iobase + COMMAND4_REG);
devpriv->cmd4 |= CMD4_SEDIFF;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd4, dev->iobase + CMD4_REG);
* initialize pacer counter output to make sure it doesn't
* cause any problems
devpriv->write_byte(INIT_A0_BITS, dev->iobase + COUNTER_A_CONTROL_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(INIT_A0_BITS, dev->iobase + COUNTER_A_MODE_REG);
for (i = 0; i < insn->n; i++) {
/* trigger conversion */
devpriv->write_byte(0x1, dev->iobase + ADC_CONVERT_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(0x1, dev->iobase + ADC_START_CONVERT_REG);
ret = labpc_ai_wait_for_data(dev, LABPC_ADC_TIMEOUT);
if (ret)
@ -946,7 +904,7 @@ static int labpc_ai_cmd(struct comedi_device *dev, struct comedi_subdevice *s)
* with no count to set its output low
dev->iobase + COUNTER_A_CONTROL_REG);
dev->iobase + COUNTER_A_MODE_REG);
/* figure out what method we will use to transfer data */
@ -979,19 +937,18 @@ static int labpc_ai_cmd(struct comedi_device *dev, struct comedi_subdevice *s)
/* manual says to set scan enable bit on second pass */
if (mode == MODE_MULT_CHAN_UP || mode == MODE_MULT_CHAN_DOWN) {
devpriv->cmd1 |= ADC_SCAN_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd1 |= CMD1_SCANEN;
/* need a brief delay before enabling scan, or scan
* list will get screwed when you switch
* between scan up to scan down mode - dunno why */
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd1, dev->iobase + COMMAND1_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd1, dev->iobase + CMD1_REG);
dev->iobase + INTERVAL_COUNT_REG);
/* load count */
dev->iobase + INTERVAL_LOAD_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(0x1, dev->iobase + INTERVAL_STROBE_REG);
if (cmd->convert_src == TRIG_TIMER ||
cmd->scan_begin_src == TRIG_TIMER) {
@ -1016,7 +973,7 @@ static int labpc_ai_cmd(struct comedi_device *dev, struct comedi_subdevice *s)
} else
dev->iobase + COUNTER_A_CONTROL_REG);
dev->iobase + COUNTER_A_MODE_REG);
/* set up scan pacing */
if (labpc_ai_scan_period(cmd, mode)) {
@ -1054,50 +1011,50 @@ static int labpc_ai_cmd(struct comedi_device *dev, struct comedi_subdevice *s)
/* enable board's dma */
devpriv->cmd3 |= DMA_EN_BIT | DMATC_INTR_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd3 |= (CMD3_DMAEN | CMD3_DMATCINTEN);
} else
devpriv->cmd3 &= ~DMA_EN_BIT & ~DMATC_INTR_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd3 &= ~(CMD3_DMAEN | CMD3_DMATCINTEN);
/* enable error interrupts */
devpriv->cmd3 |= ERR_INTR_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd3 |= CMD3_ERRINTEN;
/* enable fifo not empty interrupt? */
if (xfer == fifo_not_empty_transfer)
devpriv->cmd3 |= ADC_FNE_INTR_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd3 |= CMD3_FIFOINTEN;
devpriv->cmd3 &= ~ADC_FNE_INTR_EN_BIT;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd3, dev->iobase + COMMAND3_REG);
devpriv->cmd3 &= ~CMD3_FIFOINTEN;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd3, dev->iobase + CMD3_REG);
/* setup any external triggering/pacing (cmd4 register) */
devpriv->cmd4 = 0;
if (cmd->convert_src != TRIG_EXT)
devpriv->cmd4 |= EXT_CONVERT_DISABLE_BIT;
devpriv->cmd4 |= CMD4_ECLKRCV;
/* XXX should discard first scan when using interval scanning
* since manual says it is not synced with scan clock */
if (labpc_use_continuous_mode(cmd, mode) == 0) {
devpriv->cmd4 |= INTERVAL_SCAN_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd4 |= CMD4_INTSCAN;
if (cmd->scan_begin_src == TRIG_EXT)
devpriv->cmd4 |= EXT_SCAN_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd4 |= CMD4_EOIRCV;
/* single-ended/differential */
if (aref == AREF_DIFF)
devpriv->cmd4 |= ADC_DIFF_BIT;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd4, dev->iobase + COMMAND4_REG);
devpriv->cmd4 |= CMD4_SEDIFF;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd4, dev->iobase + CMD4_REG);
/* startup acquisition */
/* cmd2 reg */
/* use 2 cascaded counters for pacing */
spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->spinlock, flags);
devpriv->cmd2 |= CASCADE_BIT;
devpriv->cmd2 |= CMD2_TBSEL;
switch (cmd->start_src) {
case TRIG_EXT:
devpriv->cmd2 |= HWTRIG_BIT;
devpriv->cmd2 &= ~PRETRIG_BIT & ~SWTRIG_BIT;
devpriv->cmd2 |= CMD2_HWTRIG;
devpriv->cmd2 &= ~(CMD2_PRETRIG | CMD2_SWTRIG);
case TRIG_NOW:
devpriv->cmd2 |= SWTRIG_BIT;
devpriv->cmd2 &= ~PRETRIG_BIT & ~HWTRIG_BIT;
devpriv->cmd2 |= CMD2_SWTRIG;
devpriv->cmd2 &= ~(CMD2_PRETRIG | CMD2_HWTRIG);
comedi_error(dev, "bug with start_src");
@ -1107,7 +1064,7 @@ static int labpc_ai_cmd(struct comedi_device *dev, struct comedi_subdevice *s)
switch (cmd->stop_src) {
case TRIG_EXT:
devpriv->cmd2 |= HWTRIG_BIT | PRETRIG_BIT;
devpriv->cmd2 |= (CMD2_HWTRIG | CMD2_PRETRIG);
@ -1117,7 +1074,7 @@ static int labpc_ai_cmd(struct comedi_device *dev, struct comedi_subdevice *s)
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->spinlock, flags);
return -1;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd2, dev->iobase + COMMAND2_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd2, dev->iobase + CMD2_REG);
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->spinlock, flags);
return 0;
@ -1200,9 +1157,9 @@ static int labpc_drain_fifo(struct comedi_device *dev)
const int timeout = 10000;
unsigned int i;
devpriv->stat1 = devpriv->read_byte(dev->iobase + STATUS1_REG);
devpriv->stat1 = devpriv->read_byte(dev->iobase + STAT1_REG);
for (i = 0; (devpriv->stat1 & DATA_AVAIL_BIT) && i < timeout;
for (i = 0; (devpriv->stat1 & STAT1_DAVAIL) && i < timeout;
i++) {
/* quit if we have all the data we want */
if (async->cmd.stop_src == TRIG_COUNT) {
@ -1212,7 +1169,7 @@ static int labpc_drain_fifo(struct comedi_device *dev)
data = labpc_read_adc_fifo(dev);
cfc_write_to_buffer(dev->read_subdev, data);
devpriv->stat1 = devpriv->read_byte(dev->iobase + STATUS1_REG);
devpriv->stat1 = devpriv->read_byte(dev->iobase + STAT1_REG);
if (i == timeout) {
comedi_error(dev, "ai timeout, fifo never empties");
@ -1257,20 +1214,20 @@ static irqreturn_t labpc_interrupt(int irq, void *d)
async->events = 0;
/* read board status */
devpriv->stat1 = devpriv->read_byte(dev->iobase + STATUS1_REG);
devpriv->stat1 = devpriv->read_byte(dev->iobase + STAT1_REG);
if (board->register_layout == labpc_1200_layout)
devpriv->stat2 = devpriv->read_byte(dev->iobase + STATUS2_REG);
devpriv->stat2 = devpriv->read_byte(dev->iobase + STAT2_REG);
if ((devpriv->stat1 & (DMATC_BIT | TIMER_BIT | OVERFLOW_BIT |
&& (devpriv->stat2 & A1_TC_BIT) == 0
&& (devpriv->stat2 & FNHF_BIT)) {
if ((devpriv->stat1 & (STAT1_GATA0 | STAT1_CNTINT | STAT1_OVERFLOW |
&& (devpriv->stat2 & STAT2_OUTA1) == 0
&& (devpriv->stat2 & STAT2_FIFONHF)) {
return IRQ_NONE;
if (devpriv->stat1 & OVERRUN_BIT) {
if (devpriv->stat1 & STAT1_OVERRUN) {
/* clear error interrupt */
devpriv->write_byte(0x1, dev->iobase + ADC_CLEAR_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(0x1, dev->iobase + ADC_FIFO_CLEAR_REG);
async->events |= COMEDI_CB_ERROR | COMEDI_CB_EOA;
comedi_event(dev, s);
comedi_error(dev, "overrun");
@ -1283,24 +1240,24 @@ static irqreturn_t labpc_interrupt(int irq, void *d)
* if a dma terminal count of external stop trigger
* has occurred
if (devpriv->stat1 & DMATC_BIT ||
if (devpriv->stat1 & STAT1_GATA0 ||
(board->register_layout == labpc_1200_layout
&& devpriv->stat2 & A1_TC_BIT)) {
&& devpriv->stat2 & STAT2_OUTA1)) {
} else
if (devpriv->stat1 & TIMER_BIT) {
if (devpriv->stat1 & STAT1_CNTINT) {
comedi_error(dev, "handled timer interrupt?");
/* clear it */
devpriv->write_byte(0x1, dev->iobase + TIMER_CLEAR_REG);
if (devpriv->stat1 & OVERFLOW_BIT) {
if (devpriv->stat1 & STAT1_OVERFLOW) {
/* clear error interrupt */
devpriv->write_byte(0x1, dev->iobase + ADC_CLEAR_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(0x1, dev->iobase + ADC_FIFO_CLEAR_REG);
async->events |= COMEDI_CB_ERROR | COMEDI_CB_EOA;
comedi_event(dev, s);
comedi_error(dev, "overflow");
@ -1308,7 +1265,7 @@ static irqreturn_t labpc_interrupt(int irq, void *d)
/* handle external stop trigger */
if (cmd->stop_src == TRIG_EXT) {
if (devpriv->stat2 & A1_TC_BIT) {
if (devpriv->stat2 & STAT2_OUTA1) {
labpc_cancel(dev, s);
async->events |= COMEDI_CB_EOA;
@ -1344,19 +1301,19 @@ static int labpc_ao_insn_write(struct comedi_device *dev,
/* note: hardware bug in daqcard-1200 means pacing cannot
* be independently enabled/disabled for its the two channels */
spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->spinlock, flags);
devpriv->cmd2 &= ~DAC_PACED_BIT(channel);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd2, dev->iobase + COMMAND2_REG);
devpriv->cmd2 &= ~CMD2_LDAC(channel);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd2, dev->iobase + CMD2_REG);
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->spinlock, flags);
/* set range */
if (board->register_layout == labpc_1200_layout) {
range = CR_RANGE(insn->chanspec);
if (labpc_range_is_unipolar(s, range))
devpriv->cmd6 |= DAC_UNIP_BIT(channel);
devpriv->cmd6 |= CMD6_DACUNI(channel);
devpriv->cmd6 &= ~DAC_UNIP_BIT(channel);
devpriv->cmd6 &= ~CMD6_DACUNI(channel);
/* write to register */
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd6, dev->iobase + COMMAND6_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd6, dev->iobase + CMD6_REG);
/* send data */
lsb = data[0] & 0xff;
@ -1401,19 +1358,18 @@ static void labpc_serial_out(struct comedi_device *dev, unsigned int value,
for (i = 1; i <= value_width; i++) {
/* clear serial clock */
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~SCLOCK_BIT;
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~CMD5_SCLK;
/* send bits most significant bit first */
if (value & (1 << (value_width - i)))
devpriv->cmd5 |= SDATA_BIT;
devpriv->cmd5 |= CMD5_SDATA;
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~SDATA_BIT;
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~CMD5_SDATA;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
/* set clock to load bit */
devpriv->cmd5 |= SCLOCK_BIT;
devpriv->cmd5 |= CMD5_SCLK;
dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
@ -1427,17 +1383,17 @@ static unsigned int labpc_serial_in(struct comedi_device *dev)
for (i = 1; i <= value_width; i++) {
/* set serial clock */
devpriv->cmd5 |= SCLOCK_BIT;
devpriv->cmd5 |= CMD5_SCLK;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
/* clear clock bit */
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~SCLOCK_BIT;
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~CMD5_SCLK;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
/* read bits most significant bit first */
devpriv->stat2 = devpriv->read_byte(dev->iobase + STATUS2_REG);
if (devpriv->stat2 & EEPROM_OUT_BIT)
devpriv->stat2 = devpriv->read_byte(dev->iobase + STAT2_REG);
if (devpriv->stat2 & STAT2_PROMOUT)
value |= 1 << (value_width - i);
@ -1455,12 +1411,12 @@ static unsigned int labpc_eeprom_read(struct comedi_device *dev,
const int write_length = 8;
/* enable read/write to eeprom */
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~EEPROM_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~CMD5_EEPROMCS;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
devpriv->cmd5 |= (CMD5_EEPROMCS | CMD5_WRTPRT);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
/* send read instruction */
labpc_serial_out(dev, read_instruction, write_length);
@ -1470,9 +1426,9 @@ static unsigned int labpc_eeprom_read(struct comedi_device *dev,
value = labpc_serial_in(dev);
/* disable read/write to eeprom */
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~(CMD5_EEPROMCS | CMD5_WRTPRT);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
return value;
@ -1485,12 +1441,12 @@ static unsigned int labpc_eeprom_read_status(struct comedi_device *dev)
const int write_length = 8; /* 8 bit write lengths to eeprom */
/* enable read/write to eeprom */
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~EEPROM_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~CMD5_EEPROMCS;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
devpriv->cmd5 |= (CMD5_EEPROMCS | CMD5_WRTPRT);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
/* send read status instruction */
labpc_serial_out(dev, read_status_instruction, write_length);
@ -1498,9 +1454,9 @@ static unsigned int labpc_eeprom_read_status(struct comedi_device *dev)
value = labpc_serial_in(dev);
/* disable read/write to eeprom */
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~(CMD5_EEPROMCS | CMD5_WRTPRT);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
return value;
@ -1530,36 +1486,36 @@ static int labpc_eeprom_write(struct comedi_device *dev,
devpriv->eeprom_data[address] = value;
/* enable read/write to eeprom */
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~EEPROM_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~CMD5_EEPROMCS;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
devpriv->cmd5 |= (CMD5_EEPROMCS | CMD5_WRTPRT);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
/* send write_enable instruction */
labpc_serial_out(dev, write_enable_instruction, write_length);
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~EEPROM_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~CMD5_EEPROMCS;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
/* send write instruction */
devpriv->cmd5 |= EEPROM_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd5 |= CMD5_EEPROMCS;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
labpc_serial_out(dev, write_instruction, write_length);
/* send 8 bit address to write to */
labpc_serial_out(dev, address, write_length);
/* write value */
labpc_serial_out(dev, value, write_length);
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~EEPROM_EN_BIT;
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~CMD5_EEPROMCS;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
/* disable read/write to eeprom */
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~(CMD5_EEPROMCS | CMD5_WRTPRT);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
return 0;
@ -1575,10 +1531,9 @@ static void write_caldac(struct comedi_device *dev, unsigned int channel,
devpriv->caldac[channel] = value;
/* clear caldac load bit and make sure we don't write to eeprom */
devpriv->cmd5 &=
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~(CMD5_CALDACLD | CMD5_EEPROMCS | CMD5_WRTPRT);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
/* write 4 bit channel */
labpc_serial_out(dev, channel, 4);
@ -1586,12 +1541,12 @@ static void write_caldac(struct comedi_device *dev, unsigned int channel,
labpc_serial_out(dev, value, 8);
/* set and clear caldac bit to load caldac value */
devpriv->cmd5 |= CALDAC_LOAD_BIT;
devpriv->cmd5 |= CMD5_CALDACLD;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~CALDAC_LOAD_BIT;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
devpriv->cmd5 &= ~CMD5_CALDACLD;
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
static int labpc_calib_insn_write(struct comedi_device *dev,
@ -1686,13 +1641,13 @@ int labpc_common_attach(struct comedi_device *dev, unsigned long iobase,
devpriv->write_byte = labpc_outb;
/* initialize board's command registers */
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd1, dev->iobase + COMMAND1_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd2, dev->iobase + COMMAND2_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd3, dev->iobase + COMMAND3_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd4, dev->iobase + COMMAND4_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd1, dev->iobase + CMD1_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd2, dev->iobase + CMD2_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd3, dev->iobase + CMD3_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd4, dev->iobase + CMD4_REG);
if (board->register_layout == labpc_1200_layout) {
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + COMMAND5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd6, dev->iobase + COMMAND6_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd5, dev->iobase + CMD5_REG);
devpriv->write_byte(devpriv->cmd6, dev->iobase + CMD6_REG);
/* grab our IRQ */
Reference in New Issue
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