Staging: epl: remove BYTE
It's u8 in kernelspace, not BYTE. Cc: Daniel Krueger <> Cc: Ronald Sieber <> Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -634,13 +634,13 @@
extern "C" {
void DumpData(char *szStr_p, BYTE *pbData_p, WORD wSize_p);
void DumpData(char *szStr_p, u8 *pbData_p, WORD wSize_p);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // von extern "C"
#define DEBUG_DUMP_DATA(lvl,str,ptr,siz) if ((DEBUG_GLB_LVL() & (lvl))==(lvl)) \
DumpData (str, (BYTE *)(ptr), (WORD)(siz));
DumpData (str, (u8 *)(ptr), (WORD)(siz));
#define DEBUG_DUMP_DATA(lvl,str,ptr,siz)
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
// TracePoint support for realtime-debugging
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(BYTE bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(u8 bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgPostTraceValue(DWORD dwTraceValue_p);
#define TGT_DBG_SIGNAL_TRACE_POINT(p) TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(p)
#define TGT_DBG_POST_TRACE_VALUE(v) TgtDbgPostTraceValue(v)
@ -282,9 +282,9 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct {
struct pci_dev *m_pPciDev; // pointer to PCI device structure
void *m_pIoAddr; // pointer to register space of Ethernet controller
BYTE *m_pbRxBuf; // pointer to Rx buffer
u8 *m_pbRxBuf; // pointer to Rx buffer
dma_addr_t m_pRxBufDma;
BYTE *m_pbTxBuf; // pointer to Tx buffer
u8 *m_pbTxBuf; // pointer to Tx buffer
dma_addr_t m_pTxBufDma;
unsigned int m_uiCurTxDesc;
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ static struct pci_driver EdrvDriver = {
// local function prototypes
static BYTE EdrvCalcHash(BYTE * pbMAC_p);
static u8 EdrvCalcHash(u8 * pbMAC_p);
@ -453,11 +453,11 @@ tEplKernel EdrvShutdown(void)
// State:
tEplKernel EdrvDefineRxMacAddrEntry(BYTE * pbMacAddr_p)
tEplKernel EdrvDefineRxMacAddrEntry(u8 * pbMacAddr_p)
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
DWORD dwData;
BYTE bHash;
u8 bHash;
bHash = EdrvCalcHash(pbMacAddr_p);
@ -494,11 +494,11 @@ tEplKernel EdrvDefineRxMacAddrEntry(BYTE * pbMacAddr_p)
// State:
tEplKernel EdrvUndefineRxMacAddrEntry(BYTE * pbMacAddr_p)
tEplKernel EdrvUndefineRxMacAddrEntry(u8 * pbMacAddr_p)
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
DWORD dwData;
BYTE bHash;
u8 bHash;
bHash = EdrvCalcHash(pbMacAddr_p);
@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ tEplKernel EdrvTxMsgStart(tEdrvTxBuffer * pBuffer_p)
static void EdrvReinitRx(void)
BYTE bCmd;
u8 bCmd;
// simply switch off and on the receiver
// this will reset the CAPR register
@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ static int TgtEthIsr(int nIrqNum_p, void *ppDevInstData_p,
DWORD dwTxStatus;
DWORD dwRxStatus;
WORD wCurRx;
BYTE *pbRxBuf;
u8 *pbRxBuf;
unsigned int uiLength;
int iHandled = IRQ_HANDLED;
@ -1215,15 +1215,15 @@ static void EdrvRemoveOne(struct pci_dev *pPciDev)
//#define CRC32_POLY 0xEDB88320 //
// G(x) = x32 + x26 + x23 + x22 + x16 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x5 + x4 + x2 + x + 1
static BYTE EdrvCalcHash(BYTE * pbMAC_p)
static u8 EdrvCalcHash(u8 * pbMAC_p)
DWORD dwByteCounter;
DWORD dwBitCounter;
DWORD dwData;
DWORD dwCrc;
DWORD dwCarry;
BYTE *pbData;
BYTE bHash;
u8 *pbData;
u8 bHash;
pbData = pbMAC_p;
@ -1246,7 +1246,7 @@ static BYTE EdrvCalcHash(BYTE * pbMAC_p)
// printk("MyCRC = 0x%08lX\n", dwCrc);
// only upper 6 bits (HASH_BITS) are used
// which point to specific bit in the hash registers
bHash = (BYTE) ((dwCrc >> (32 - HASH_BITS)) & 0x3f);
bHash = (u8) ((dwCrc >> (32 - HASH_BITS)) & 0x3f);
return bHash;
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
typedef struct {
WORD m_wStatus; // control / status --- used by edrv, do not change in application
WORD m_wLength; // transfer length
BYTE *m_pbData; // buffer address
u8 *m_pbData; // buffer address
} tBufferDescr;
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
// function prototypes
void EdrvRxInterruptHandler(BYTE bBufferInFrame_p, BYTE * pbEthernetData_p,
void EdrvRxInterruptHandler(u8 bBufferInFrame_p, u8 * pbEthernetData_p,
WORD wDataLen_p);
#endif // #ifndef _EDRVSIM_H_
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ typedef struct {
unsigned int m_uiSizeOfStruct;
BOOL m_fAsyncOnly; // do not need to register PRes
unsigned int m_uiNodeId; // local node ID
BYTE m_abMacAddress[6]; // local MAC address
u8 m_abMacAddress[6]; // local MAC address
// 0x1F82: NMT_FeatureFlags_U32
DWORD m_dwFeatureFlags;
@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ typedef struct {
DWORD m_dwIpAddress;
DWORD m_dwSubnetMask;
DWORD m_dwDefaultGateway;
BYTE m_sHostname[32];
BYTE m_abVendorSpecificExt2[48];
u8 m_sHostname[32];
u8 m_abVendorSpecificExt2[48];
char *m_pszDevName; // NMT_ManufactDevName_VS (0x1008/0 local OD)
char *m_pszHwVersion; // NMT_ManufactHwVers_VS (0x1009/0 local OD)
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
16.09.2002 -as
To save code space the functions AmiSetByte and AmiGetByte
are replaced by macros. For targets which assign BYTE by
are replaced by macros. For targets which assign u8 by
an 16Bit type, the definition of macros must changed to
@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ extern "C" {
// To save code space the function AmiSetByte is replaced by
// an macro.
// void AmiSetByte (void * pAddr_p, BYTE bByteVal_p);
// void AmiSetByte (void * pAddr_p, u8 bByteVal_p);
#define AmiSetByteToBe(pAddr_p, bByteVal_p) {*(BYTE *)(pAddr_p) = (bByteVal_p);}
#define AmiSetByteToLe(pAddr_p, bByteVal_p) {*(BYTE *)(pAddr_p) = (bByteVal_p);}
#define AmiSetByteToBe(pAddr_p, bByteVal_p) {*(u8 *)(pAddr_p) = (bByteVal_p);}
#define AmiSetByteToLe(pAddr_p, bByteVal_p) {*(u8 *)(pAddr_p) = (bByteVal_p);}
void AmiSetWordToBe(void *pAddr_p, WORD wWordVal_p);
void AmiSetDwordToBe(void *pAddr_p, DWORD dwDwordVal_p);
@ -121,10 +121,10 @@ void AmiSetDwordToLe(void *pAddr_p, DWORD dwDwordVal_p);
// To save code space the function AmiGetByte is replaced by
// an macro.
// BYTE AmiGetByte (void * pAddr_p);
// u8 AmiGetByte (void * pAddr_p);
#define AmiGetByteFromBe(pAddr_p) (*(BYTE *)(pAddr_p))
#define AmiGetByteFromLe(pAddr_p) (*(BYTE *)(pAddr_p))
#define AmiGetByteFromBe(pAddr_p) (*(u8 *)(pAddr_p))
#define AmiGetByteFromLe(pAddr_p) (*(u8 *)(pAddr_p))
WORD AmiGetWordFromBe(void *pAddr_p);
DWORD AmiGetDwordFromBe(void *pAddr_p);
@ -556,9 +556,9 @@ tEplKernel EplApiLinkObject(unsigned int uiObjIndex_p,
tEplObdSize *pEntrySize_p,
unsigned int uiFirstSubindex_p)
BYTE bVarEntries;
BYTE bIndexEntries;
BYTE *pbData;
u8 bVarEntries;
u8 bIndexEntries;
u8 *pbData;
unsigned int uiSubindex;
tEplVarParam VarParam;
tEplObdSize EntrySize;
@ -574,8 +574,8 @@ tEplKernel EplApiLinkObject(unsigned int uiObjIndex_p,
goto Exit;
pbData = (BYTE *)pVar_p;
bVarEntries = (BYTE) * puiVarEntries_p;
pbData = (u8 *)pVar_p;
bVarEntries = (u8) * puiVarEntries_p;
UsedSize = 0;
// init VarParam structure with default values
@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ tEplKernel EplApiLinkObject(unsigned int uiObjIndex_p,
// object actually has.
if ((bIndexEntries > (bVarEntries + uiFirstSubindex_p - 1)) &&
(bVarEntries != 0x00)) {
bIndexEntries = (BYTE) (bVarEntries + uiFirstSubindex_p - 1);
bIndexEntries = (u8) (bVarEntries + uiFirstSubindex_p - 1);
// map entries
for (uiSubindex = uiFirstSubindex_p; uiSubindex <= bIndexEntries;
@ -1012,9 +1012,9 @@ tEplKernel EplApiCbObdAccess(tEplObdCbParam *pParam_p)
case 0x1F9E: // NMT_ResetCmd_U8
if (pParam_p->m_ObdEvent == kEplObdEvPreWrite) {
BYTE bNmtCommand;
u8 bNmtCommand;
bNmtCommand = *((BYTE *) pParam_p->m_pArg);
bNmtCommand = *((u8 *) pParam_p->m_pArg);
// check value range
switch ((tEplNmtCommand) bNmtCommand) {
case kEplNmtCmdResetNode:
@ -1032,9 +1032,9 @@ tEplKernel EplApiCbObdAccess(tEplObdCbParam *pParam_p)
} else if (pParam_p->m_ObdEvent == kEplObdEvPostWrite) {
BYTE bNmtCommand;
u8 bNmtCommand;
bNmtCommand = *((BYTE *) pParam_p->m_pArg);
bNmtCommand = *((u8 *) pParam_p->m_pArg);
// check value range
switch ((tEplNmtCommand) bNmtCommand) {
case kEplNmtCmdResetNode:
@ -1187,11 +1187,11 @@ static tEplKernel EplApiProcessEvent(tEplEvent *pEplEvent_p)
static tEplKernel EplApiCbNmtStateChange(tEplEventNmtStateChange NmtStateChange_p)
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
BYTE bNmtState;
u8 bNmtState;
tEplApiEventArg EventArg;
// save NMT state in OD
bNmtState = (BYTE) NmtStateChange_p.m_NewNmtState;
bNmtState = (u8) NmtStateChange_p.m_NewNmtState;
Ret = EplObdWriteEntry(0x1F8C, 0, &bNmtState, 1);
if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) {
goto Exit;
@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplApiCbNmtStateChange(tEplEventNmtStateChange NmtStateChange_
case kEplNmtCsNotActive:
// indicate completion of reset in NMT_ResetCmd_U8
bNmtState = (BYTE) kEplNmtCmdInvalidService;
bNmtState = (u8) kEplNmtCmdInvalidService;
Ret = EplObdWriteEntry(0x1F9E, 0, &bNmtState, 1);
if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) {
goto Exit;
@ -1413,7 +1413,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplApiUpdateDllConfig(BOOL fUpdateIdentity_p)
tEplDllIdentParam DllIdentParam;
tEplObdSize ObdSize;
WORD wTemp;
BYTE bTemp;
u8 bTemp;
// configure Dll
EPL_MEMSET(&DllConfigParam, 0, sizeof(DllConfigParam));
@ -1633,7 +1633,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplApiUpdateObd(void)
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
WORD wTemp;
BYTE bTemp;
u8 bTemp;
// set node id in OD
Ret = EplObdSetNodeId(EplApiInstance_g.m_InitParam.m_uiNodeId, // node id
@ -1730,7 +1730,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplApiUpdateObd(void)
if (EplApiInstance_g.m_InitParam.m_uiMultiplCycleCnt <= 0xFF) {
bTemp = (BYTE) EplApiInstance_g.m_InitParam.m_uiMultiplCycleCnt;
bTemp = (u8) EplApiInstance_g.m_InitParam.m_uiMultiplCycleCnt;
Ret = EplObdWriteEntry(0x1F98, 7, &bTemp, 1);
/* if(Ret != kEplSuccessful)
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("EPL API driver");
// TracePoint support for realtime-debugging
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(BYTE bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(u8 bTracePointNumber_p);
#define TGT_DBG_SIGNAL_TRACE_POINT(p) TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(p)
@ -126,10 +126,10 @@
typedef struct {
u8 m_abProcessImageInput[EPL_API_PROCESS_IMAGE_SIZE_IN];
u8 m_abProcessImageOutput[EPL_API_PROCESS_IMAGE_SIZE_OUT];
} tEplApiProcessImageInstance;
@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ typedef struct {
DWORD m_dwIpAddress;
DWORD m_dwSubnetMask;
DWORD m_dwDefaultGateway;
BYTE m_sHostname[32];
BYTE m_abVendorSpecificExt2[48];
u8 m_sHostname[32];
u8 m_abVendorSpecificExt2[48];
} tEplDllIdentParam;
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ typedef struct {
typedef struct {
tEplDllReqServiceId m_Service;
unsigned int m_uiNodeId;
BYTE m_bSoaFlag1;
u8 m_bSoaFlag1;
} tEplDllCalIssueRequest;
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
// TracePoint support for realtime-debugging
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(BYTE bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(u8 bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgPostTraceValue(DWORD dwTraceValue_p);
#define TGT_DBG_SIGNAL_TRACE_POINT(p) TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(p)
#define TGT_DBG_POST_TRACE_VALUE(v) TgtDbgPostTraceValue(v)
@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ typedef enum {
} tEplDllState;
typedef struct {
BYTE m_be_abSrcMac[6];
u8 m_be_abSrcMac[6];
tEdrvTxBuffer *m_pTxBuffer; // Buffers for Tx-Frames
unsigned int m_uiMaxTxFrames;
BYTE m_bFlag1; // Flag 1 with EN, EC for PRes, StatusRes
BYTE m_bMnFlag1; // Flag 1 with EA, ER from PReq, SoA of MN
BYTE m_bFlag2; // Flag 2 with PR and RS for PRes, StatusRes, IdentRes
u8 m_bFlag1; // Flag 1 with EN, EC for PRes, StatusRes
u8 m_bMnFlag1; // Flag 1 with EA, ER from PReq, SoA of MN
u8 m_bFlag2; // Flag 2 with PR and RS for PRes, StatusRes, IdentRes
tEplDllConfigParam m_DllConfigParam;
tEplDllIdentParam m_DllIdentParam;
tEplDllState m_DllState;
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkCreateTxFrame(unsigned int *puiHandle_p,
// source node ID
(BYTE) EplDllkInstance_g.m_DllConfigParam.
(u8) EplDllkInstance_g.m_DllConfigParam.
// source MAC address
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkCreateTxFrame(unsigned int *puiHandle_p,
{ // IdentResponses and StatusResponses are Broadcast
@ -549,10 +549,10 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkCreateTxFrame(unsigned int *puiHandle_p,
// destination node ID
// reset Flags
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Soc.m_le_bFlag1, (BYTE) 0);
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Soc.m_le_bFlag2, (BYTE) 0);
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Soc.m_le_bFlag1, (u8) 0);
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Soc.m_le_bFlag2, (u8) 0);
case kEplMsgTypeSoa:
@ -561,13 +561,13 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkCreateTxFrame(unsigned int *puiHandle_p,
// destination node ID
// reset Flags
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Soa.m_le_bFlag1, (BYTE) 0);
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Soa.m_le_bFlag2, (BYTE) 0);
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Soa.m_le_bFlag1, (u8) 0);
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Soa.m_le_bFlag2, (u8) 0);
// EPL profile version
case kEplMsgTypePres:
@ -576,18 +576,18 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkCreateTxFrame(unsigned int *puiHandle_p,
// destination node ID
// reset Flags
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Pres.m_le_bFlag1, (BYTE) 0);
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Pres.m_le_bFlag2, (BYTE) 0);
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Pres.m_le_bFlag1, (u8) 0);
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Pres.m_le_bFlag2, (u8) 0);
// PDO size
//AmiSetWordToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Pres.m_le_wSize, 0);
case kEplMsgTypePreq:
// reset Flags
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Preq.m_le_bFlag1, (BYTE) 0);
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Preq.m_le_bFlag2, (BYTE) 0);
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Preq.m_le_bFlag1, (u8) 0);
//AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Preq.m_le_bFlag2, (u8) 0);
// PDO size
//AmiSetWordToLe(&pTxFrame->m_Data.m_Preq.m_le_wSize, 0);
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkCreateTxFrame(unsigned int *puiHandle_p,
// EPL message type
AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_le_bMessageType, (BYTE) MsgType_p);
AmiSetByteToLe(&pTxFrame->m_le_bMessageType, (u8) MsgType_p);
*ppFrame_p = pTxFrame;
@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkProcess(tEplEvent * pEvent_p)
tEdrvTxBuffer *pTxBuffer;
unsigned int uiHandle;
unsigned int uiFrameSize;
BYTE abMulticastMac[6];
u8 abMulticastMac[6];
tEplDllAsyncReqPriority AsyncReqPriority;
unsigned int uiFrameCount;
tEplNmtState NmtState;
@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkProcess(tEplEvent * pEvent_p)
// EPL profile version
// FeatureFlags
@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkProcess(tEplEvent * pEvent_p)
if (uiFrameCount > 0) {
EplDllkInstance_g.m_bFlag2 =
(BYTE) (((AsyncReqPriority <<
(u8) (((AsyncReqPriority <<
| (uiFrameCount &
@ -1306,7 +1306,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkProcess(tEplEvent * pEvent_p)
(BYTE) NmtState);
(u8) NmtState);
@ -1532,7 +1532,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkSetAsndServiceIdFilter(tEplDllAsndServiceId ServiceId_p,
tEplKernel EplDllkSetFlag1OfNode(unsigned int uiNodeId_p, BYTE bSoaFlag1_p)
tEplKernel EplDllkSetFlag1OfNode(unsigned int uiNodeId_p, u8 bSoaFlag1_p)
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
tEplDllkNodeInfo *pNodeInfo;
@ -1663,7 +1663,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkAddNode(tEplDllNodeInfo * pNodeInfo_p)
pIntNodeInfo->m_pPreqTxBuffer =
(BYTE) pNodeInfo_p->m_uiNodeId);
(u8) pNodeInfo_p->m_uiNodeId);
// set up destination MAC address
EPL_MEMCPY(pFrame->m_be_abDstMac, pIntNodeInfo->m_be_abMacAddr,
@ -2430,7 +2430,7 @@ static void EplDllkCbFrameReceived(tEdrvRxBuffer * pRxBuffer_p)
tEplDllReqServiceId ReqServiceId;
unsigned int uiAsndServiceId;
unsigned int uiNodeId;
BYTE bFlag1;
u8 bFlag1;
NmtState = EplNmtkGetNmtState();
@ -2465,7 +2465,7 @@ static void EplDllkCbFrameReceived(tEdrvRxBuffer * pRxBuffer_p)
// update frame (NMT state, RD, RS, PR, MS, EN flags)
(BYTE) NmtState);
(u8) NmtState);
@ -2540,7 +2540,7 @@ static void EplDllkCbFrameReceived(tEdrvRxBuffer * pRxBuffer_p)
// update frame (NMT state, RD, RS, PR, MS, EN flags)
(BYTE) NmtState);
(u8) NmtState);
@ -2802,7 +2802,7 @@ static void EplDllkCbFrameReceived(tEdrvRxBuffer * pRxBuffer_p)
(BYTE) NmtState);
(u8) NmtState);
@ -2887,7 +2887,7 @@ static void EplDllkCbFrameReceived(tEdrvRxBuffer * pRxBuffer_p)
(BYTE) NmtState);
(u8) NmtState);
@ -2953,7 +2953,7 @@ static void EplDllkCbFrameReceived(tEdrvRxBuffer * pRxBuffer_p)
(BYTE) NmtState);
(u8) NmtState);
@ -3285,7 +3285,7 @@ static void EplDllkCbFrameTransmitted(tEdrvTxBuffer * pTxBuffer_p)
(BYTE) NmtState);
(u8) NmtState);
@ -3321,7 +3321,7 @@ static void EplDllkCbFrameTransmitted(tEdrvTxBuffer * pTxBuffer_p)
(BYTE) NmtState);
(u8) NmtState);
@ -3361,12 +3361,12 @@ static void EplDllkCbFrameTransmitted(tEdrvTxBuffer * pTxBuffer_p)
if ((AmiGetByteFromLe
== (BYTE) kEplMsgTypeAsnd)
== (u8) kEplMsgTypeAsnd)
== (BYTE) kEplDllAsndNmtCommand)) { // post event directly to NmtMnu module
== (u8) kEplDllAsndNmtCommand)) { // post event directly to NmtMnu module
Event.m_EventSink =
Event.m_EventType =
@ -3505,7 +3505,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplDllkCheckFrame(tEplFrame * pFrame_p,
if (wEtherType == EPL_C_DLL_ETHERTYPE_EPL) {
// source node ID
(BYTE) EplDllkInstance_g.
(u8) EplDllkInstance_g.
// check message type
@ -3514,7 +3514,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplDllkCheckFrame(tEplFrame * pFrame_p,
if (MsgType == 0) {
MsgType = kEplMsgTypeAsnd;
(BYTE) MsgType);
(u8) MsgType);
if (MsgType == kEplMsgTypeAsnd) {
@ -3825,24 +3825,24 @@ static tEplKernel EplDllkMnSendSoa(tEplNmtState NmtState_p,
// update frame (target)
(BYTE) EplDllkInstance_g.
(u8) EplDllkInstance_g.
(BYTE) EplDllkInstance_g.
(u8) EplDllkInstance_g.
} else { // invite nobody
// update frame (target)
m_le_bReqServiceId, (BYTE) 0);
m_le_bReqServiceId, (u8) 0);
m_le_bReqServiceTarget, (BYTE) 0);
m_le_bReqServiceTarget, (u8) 0);
// update frame (NMT state)
(BYTE) NmtState_p);
(u8) NmtState_p);
// send SoA frame
Ret = EdrvSendTxMsg(pTxBuffer);
@ -3919,7 +3919,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplDllkMnSendPreq(tEplNmtState NmtState_p,
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
tEdrvTxBuffer *pTxBuffer = NULL;
tEplFrame *pTxFrame;
BYTE bFlag1 = 0;
u8 bFlag1 = 0;
if (EplDllkInstance_g.m_pCurNodeInfo == NULL) { // start with first isochronous CN
EplDllkInstance_g.m_pCurNodeInfo =
@ -3970,7 +3970,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplDllkMnSendPreq(tEplNmtState NmtState_p,
if (pTxBuffer == &EplDllkInstance_g.m_pTxBuffer[EPL_DLLK_TXFRAME_PRES]) { // PRes of MN will be sent
// update NMT state
(BYTE) NmtState_p);
(u8) NmtState_p);
*pDllStateProposed_p = kEplDllMsWaitSoaTrig;
// $$$ d.k. set EPL_FRAME_FLAG1_MS if necessary
@ -4013,7 +4013,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplDllkAsyncFrameNotReceived(tEplDllReqServiceId
unsigned int uiNodeId_p)
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
BYTE abBuffer[18];
u8 abBuffer[18];
tEplFrame *pFrame = (tEplFrame *) abBuffer;
tEplFrameInfo FrameInfo;
@ -4024,13 +4024,13 @@ static tEplKernel EplDllkAsyncFrameNotReceived(tEplDllReqServiceId
// ASnd service registered?
if (EplDllkInstance_g.m_aAsndFilter[ReqServiceId_p] == kEplDllAsndFilterAny) { // ASnd service ID is registered
(BYTE) uiNodeId_p);
(u8) uiNodeId_p);
// EPL MsgType ASnd
(BYTE) kEplMsgTypeAsnd);
(u8) kEplMsgTypeAsnd);
// ASnd Service ID
(BYTE) ReqServiceId_p);
(u8) ReqServiceId_p);
// create frame info structure
FrameInfo.m_pFrame = pFrame;
FrameInfo.m_uiFrameSize = 18; // empty non existing ASnd frame
@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ typedef struct {
tShbInstance m_ShbInstanceTxGen; // FIFO for Tx frames with generic priority
unsigned int m_uiFrameSizeNmt;
BYTE m_abFrameNmt[1500];
u8 m_abFrameNmt[1500];
unsigned int m_uiFrameSizeGen;
BYTE m_abFrameGen[1500];
u8 m_abFrameGen[1500];
tEplDllkCalStatistics m_Statistics;
@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkCalAsyncGetTxFrame(void *pFrame_p,
case kEplDllAsyncReqPrioNmt: // NMT request priority
ShbError =
(BYTE *) pFrame_p, *puiFrameSize_p,
(u8 *) pFrame_p, *puiFrameSize_p,
// returns kShbOk, kShbDataTruncated, kShbInvalidArg, kShbNoReadableData
@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkCalAsyncGetTxFrame(void *pFrame_p,
default: // generic priority
ShbError =
(BYTE *) pFrame_p, *puiFrameSize_p,
(u8 *) pFrame_p, *puiFrameSize_p,
// returns kShbOk, kShbDataTruncated, kShbInvalidArg, kShbNoReadableData
@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkCalGetStatistics(tEplDllkCalStatistics ** ppStatistics)
tEplKernel EplDllkCalIssueRequest(tEplDllReqServiceId Service_p,
unsigned int uiNodeId_p, BYTE bSoaFlag1_p)
unsigned int uiNodeId_p, u8 bSoaFlag1_p)
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDlluCalAsyncSend(tEplFrameInfo * pFrameInfo_p,
tEplKernel EplDlluCalIssueRequest(tEplDllReqServiceId Service_p,
unsigned int uiNodeId_p, BYTE bSoaFlag1_p)
unsigned int uiNodeId_p, u8 bSoaFlag1_p)
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplErrorHandlerkLinkArray(DWORD * pdwValue_p,
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
tEplVarParam VarParam;
tEplObdSize EntrySize;
BYTE bIndexEntries;
u8 bIndexEntries;
EntrySize = (tEplObdSize) sizeof(bIndexEntries);
Ret = EplObdReadEntry(uiIndex_p,
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ typedef struct {
tEplEventSource m_EventSource; // module which posted this error event
tEplKernel m_EplError; // EPL error which occured
union {
BYTE m_bArg;
u8 m_bArg;
DWORD m_dwArg;
tEplEventSource m_EventSource; // from Eventk/u module (originating error source)
tEplEventObdError m_ObdError; // from Obd module
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
// TracePoint support for realtime-debugging
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(BYTE bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(u8 bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgPostTraceValue(DWORD dwTraceValue_p);
#define TGT_DBG_SIGNAL_TRACE_POINT(p) TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(p)
#define TGT_DBG_POST_TRACE_VALUE(v) TgtDbgPostTraceValue(v)
@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ tEplKernel EplEventkPostError(tEplEventSource EventSource_p,
unsigned int uiArgSize_p, void *pArg_p)
tEplKernel Ret;
tEplEventError *pEventError = (tEplEventError *) abBuffer;
tEplEvent EplEvent;
@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ static void EplEventkRxSignalHandlerCb(tShbInstance pShbRxInstance_p,
tShbError ShbError;
//unsigned long ulBlockCount;
//unsigned long ulDataSize;
BYTE abDataBuffer[sizeof(tEplEvent) + EPL_MAX_EVENT_ARG_SIZE];
u8 abDataBuffer[sizeof(tEplEvent) + EPL_MAX_EVENT_ARG_SIZE];
// d.k.: abDataBuffer contains the complete tEplEvent structure
// and behind this the argument
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
// TracePoint support for realtime-debugging
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(BYTE bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(u8 bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgPostTraceValue(DWORD dwTraceValue_p);
#define TGT_DBG_SIGNAL_TRACE_POINT(p) TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(p)
#define TGT_DBG_POST_TRACE_VALUE(v) TgtDbgPostTraceValue(v)
@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ tEplKernel EplEventuPostError(tEplEventSource EventSource_p,
unsigned int uiArgSize_p, void *pArg_p)
tEplKernel Ret;
tEplEventError *pEventError = (tEplEventError *) abBuffer;
tEplEvent EplEvent;
@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ static void EplEventuRxSignalHandlerCb(tShbInstance pShbRxInstance_p,
tShbError ShbError;
//unsigned long ulBlockCount;
//unsigned long ulDataSize;
BYTE abDataBuffer[sizeof(tEplEvent) + EPL_MAX_EVENT_ARG_SIZE];
u8 abDataBuffer[sizeof(tEplEvent) + EPL_MAX_EVENT_ARG_SIZE];
// d.k.: abDataBuffer contains the complete tEplEvent structure
// and behind this the argument
@ -122,11 +122,11 @@
typedef struct {
// Offset 17
BYTE m_le_bRes1; // reserved
u8 m_le_bRes1; // reserved
// Offset 18
BYTE m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: MC, PS
u8 m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: MC, PS
// Offset 19
BYTE m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: res
u8 m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: res
// Offset 20
tEplNetTime m_le_NetTime; // supported if D_NMT_NetTimeIsRealTime_BOOL is set
// Offset 28
@ -136,54 +136,54 @@ typedef struct {
typedef struct {
// Offset 17
BYTE m_le_bRes1; // reserved
u8 m_le_bRes1; // reserved
// Offset 18
BYTE m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: MS, EA, RD
u8 m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: MS, EA, RD
// Offset 19
BYTE m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: res
u8 m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: res
// Offset 20
BYTE m_le_bPdoVersion;
u8 m_le_bPdoVersion;
// Offset 21
BYTE m_le_bRes2; // reserved
u8 m_le_bRes2; // reserved
// Offset 22
WORD m_le_wSize;
// Offset 24
BYTE m_le_abPayload[256 /*D_NMT_IsochrRxMaxPayload_U16 */ ];
u8 m_le_abPayload[256 /*D_NMT_IsochrRxMaxPayload_U16 */ ];
} PACK_STRUCT tEplPreqFrame;
typedef struct {
// Offset 17
BYTE m_le_bNmtStatus; // NMT state
u8 m_le_bNmtStatus; // NMT state
// Offset 18
BYTE m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: MS, EN, RD
u8 m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: MS, EN, RD
// Offset 19
BYTE m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: PR, RS
u8 m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: PR, RS
// Offset 20
BYTE m_le_bPdoVersion;
u8 m_le_bPdoVersion;
// Offset 21
BYTE m_le_bRes2; // reserved
u8 m_le_bRes2; // reserved
// Offset 22
WORD m_le_wSize;
// Offset 24
BYTE m_le_abPayload[256 /*D_NMT_IsochrRxMaxPayload_U16
u8 m_le_abPayload[256 /*D_NMT_IsochrRxMaxPayload_U16
/ D_NMT_IsochrTxMaxPayload_U16 */ ];
} PACK_STRUCT tEplPresFrame;
typedef struct {
// Offset 17
BYTE m_le_bNmtStatus; // NMT state
u8 m_le_bNmtStatus; // NMT state
// Offset 18
BYTE m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: EA, ER
u8 m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: EA, ER
// Offset 19
BYTE m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: res
u8 m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: res
// Offset 20
BYTE m_le_bReqServiceId;
u8 m_le_bReqServiceId;
// Offset 21
BYTE m_le_bReqServiceTarget;
u8 m_le_bReqServiceTarget;
// Offset 22
BYTE m_le_bEplVersion;
u8 m_le_bEplVersion;
} PACK_STRUCT tEplSoaFrame;
@ -191,16 +191,16 @@ typedef struct {
WORD m_wEntryType;
WORD m_wErrorCode;
tEplNetTime m_TimeStamp;
BYTE m_abAddInfo[8];
u8 m_abAddInfo[8];
} PACK_STRUCT tEplErrHistoryEntry;
typedef struct {
// Offset 18
BYTE m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: EN, EC
BYTE m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: PR, RS
BYTE m_le_bNmtStatus; // NMT state
BYTE m_le_bRes1[3];
u8 m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: EN, EC
u8 m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: PR, RS
u8 m_le_bNmtStatus; // NMT state
u8 m_le_bRes1[3];
QWORD m_le_qwStaticError; // static error bit field
tEplErrHistoryEntry m_le_aErrHistoryEntry[14];
@ -208,12 +208,12 @@ typedef struct {
typedef struct {
// Offset 18
BYTE m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: res
BYTE m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: PR, RS
BYTE m_le_bNmtStatus; // NMT state
BYTE m_le_bIdentRespFlags; // Flags: FW
BYTE m_le_bEplProfileVersion;
BYTE m_le_bRes1;
u8 m_le_bFlag1; // Flags: res
u8 m_le_bFlag2; // Flags: PR, RS
u8 m_le_bNmtStatus; // NMT state
u8 m_le_bIdentRespFlags; // Flags: FW
u8 m_le_bEplProfileVersion;
u8 m_le_bRes1;
DWORD m_le_dwFeatureFlags; // NMT_FeatureFlags_U32
WORD m_le_wMtu; // NMT_CycleTiming_REC.AsyncMTU_U16: C_IP_MIN_MTU - C_IP_MAX_MTU
WORD m_le_wPollInSize; // NMT_CycleTiming_REC.PReqActPayload_U16
@ -233,44 +233,44 @@ typedef struct {
DWORD m_le_dwIpAddress;
DWORD m_le_dwSubnetMask;
DWORD m_le_dwDefaultGateway;
BYTE m_le_sHostname[32];
BYTE m_le_abVendorSpecificExt2[48];
u8 m_le_sHostname[32];
u8 m_le_abVendorSpecificExt2[48];
} PACK_STRUCT tEplIdentResponse;
typedef struct {
// Offset 18
BYTE m_le_bNmtCommandId;
BYTE m_le_bRes1;
BYTE m_le_abNmtCommandData[32];
u8 m_le_bNmtCommandId;
u8 m_le_bRes1;
u8 m_le_abNmtCommandData[32];
} PACK_STRUCT tEplNmtCommandService;
typedef struct {
BYTE m_le_bReserved;
BYTE m_le_bTransactionId;
BYTE m_le_bFlags;
BYTE m_le_bCommandId;
u8 m_le_bReserved;
u8 m_le_bTransactionId;
u8 m_le_bFlags;
u8 m_le_bCommandId;
WORD m_le_wSegmentSize;
WORD m_le_wReserved;
BYTE m_le_abCommandData[8]; // just reserve a minimum number of bytes as a placeholder
u8 m_le_abCommandData[8]; // just reserve a minimum number of bytes as a placeholder
} PACK_STRUCT tEplAsySdoCom;
// asynchronous SDO Sequence Header
typedef struct {
BYTE m_le_bRecSeqNumCon;
BYTE m_le_bSendSeqNumCon;
BYTE m_le_abReserved[2];
u8 m_le_bRecSeqNumCon;
u8 m_le_bSendSeqNumCon;
u8 m_le_abReserved[2];
tEplAsySdoCom m_le_abSdoSeqPayload;
} PACK_STRUCT tEplAsySdoSeq;
typedef struct {
// Offset 18
BYTE m_le_bNmtCommandId;
BYTE m_le_bTargetNodeId;
BYTE m_le_abNmtCommandData[32];
u8 m_le_bNmtCommandId;
u8 m_le_bTargetNodeId;
u8 m_le_abNmtCommandData[32];
} PACK_STRUCT tEplNmtRequestService;
@ -281,14 +281,14 @@ typedef union {
tEplNmtCommandService m_NmtCommandService;
tEplNmtRequestService m_NmtRequestService;
tEplAsySdoSeq m_SdoSequenceFrame;
BYTE m_le_abPayload[256 /*D_NMT_ASndTxMaxPayload_U16
u8 m_le_abPayload[256 /*D_NMT_ASndTxMaxPayload_U16
/ D_NMT_ASndRxMaxPayload_U16 */ ];
} tEplAsndPayload;
typedef struct {
// Offset 17
BYTE m_le_bServiceId;
u8 m_le_bServiceId;
// Offset 18
tEplAsndPayload m_Payload;
@ -306,17 +306,17 @@ typedef union {
typedef struct {
// Offset 0
BYTE m_be_abDstMac[6]; // MAC address of the addressed nodes
u8 m_be_abDstMac[6]; // MAC address of the addressed nodes
// Offset 6
BYTE m_be_abSrcMac[6]; // MAC address of the transmitting node
u8 m_be_abSrcMac[6]; // MAC address of the transmitting node
// Offset 12
WORD m_be_wEtherType; // Ethernet message type (big endian)
// Offset 14
BYTE m_le_bMessageType; // EPL message type
u8 m_le_bMessageType; // EPL message type
// Offset 15
BYTE m_le_bDstNodeId; // EPL node ID of the addressed nodes
u8 m_le_bDstNodeId; // EPL node ID of the addressed nodes
// Offset 16
BYTE m_le_bSrcNodeId; // EPL node ID of the transmitting node
u8 m_le_bSrcNodeId; // EPL node ID of the transmitting node
// Offset 17
tEplFrameData m_Data;
@ -71,6 +71,8 @@
#ifndef _EPLINSTDEF_H_
#define _EPLINSTDEF_H_
#include <linux/kernel.h>
// =========================================================================
// types and macros for generating instances
// =========================================================================
@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ typedef enum {
typedef void *tEplPtrInstance;
typedef BYTE tEplInstanceHdl;
typedef u8 tEplInstanceHdl;
// define const for illegale values
@ -214,8 +216,8 @@ typedef BYTE tEplInstanceHdl;
tFastByte InstNumber = 0; \
tFastByte i = EPL_MAX_INSTANCES; \
do { \
pInstance->m_InstState = (BYTE) kStateUnused; \
pInstance->m_bInstIndex = (BYTE) InstNumber; \
pInstance->m_InstState = (u8) kStateUnused; \
pInstance->m_bInstIndex = (u8) InstNumber; \
pInstance++; InstNumber++; i--; \
} while (i != 0); \
@ -243,8 +245,8 @@ typedef BYTE tEplInstanceHdl;
// this macro defines member variables in instance table which are needed in
// all modules of Epl stack
STATIC BYTE m_InstState; \
STATIC BYTE m_bInstIndex;
STATIC u8 m_InstState; \
STATIC u8 m_bInstIndex;
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ static tEplNmtCnuInstance EplNmtCnuInstance_g;
static tEplNmtCommand EplNmtCnuGetNmtCommand(tEplFrameInfo * pFrameInfo_p);
static BOOL EplNmtCnuNodeIdList(BYTE * pbNmtCommandDate_p);
static BOOL EplNmtCnuNodeIdList(u8 * pbNmtCommandDate_p);
static tEplKernel EplNmtCnuCommandCb(tEplFrameInfo *pFrameInfo_p);
@ -248,15 +248,15 @@ EPLDLLEXPORT tEplKernel EplNmtCnuSendNmtRequest(unsigned int uiNodeId_p,
EPL_MEMSET(&NmtRequestFrame.m_be_abSrcMac[0], 0x00, sizeof(NmtRequestFrame.m_be_abSrcMac)); // set by DLL
AmiSetByteToLe(&NmtRequestFrame.m_le_bDstNodeId, (BYTE) EPL_C_ADR_MN_DEF_NODE_ID); // node id of the MN
AmiSetByteToLe(&NmtRequestFrame.m_le_bDstNodeId, (u8) EPL_C_ADR_MN_DEF_NODE_ID); // node id of the MN
(BYTE) kEplMsgTypeAsnd);
(u8) kEplMsgTypeAsnd);
(BYTE) kEplDllAsndNmtRequest);
(u8) kEplDllAsndNmtRequest);
(BYTE) NmtCommand_p);
AmiSetByteToLe(&NmtRequestFrame.m_Data.m_Asnd.m_Payload.m_NmtRequestService.m_le_bTargetNodeId, (BYTE) uiNodeId_p); // target for the nmt command
(u8) NmtCommand_p);
AmiSetByteToLe(&NmtRequestFrame.m_Data.m_Asnd.m_Payload.m_NmtRequestService.m_le_bTargetNodeId, (u8) uiNodeId_p); // target for the nmt command
m_le_abNmtCommandData[0], 0x00,
@ -673,18 +673,18 @@ static tEplNmtCommand EplNmtCnuGetNmtCommand(tEplFrameInfo * pFrameInfo_p)
// State:
static BOOL EplNmtCnuNodeIdList(BYTE * pbNmtCommandDate_p)
static BOOL EplNmtCnuNodeIdList(u8 * pbNmtCommandDate_p)
BOOL fNodeIdInList;
unsigned int uiByteOffset;
BYTE bBitOffset;
BYTE bNodeListByte;
u8 bBitOffset;
u8 bNodeListByte;
// get byte-offset of the own nodeid in NodeIdList
// devide though 8
uiByteOffset = (unsigned int)(EplNmtCnuInstance_g.m_uiNodeId >> 3);
// get bitoffset
bBitOffset = (BYTE) EplNmtCnuInstance_g.m_uiNodeId % 8;
bBitOffset = (u8) EplNmtCnuInstance_g.m_uiNodeId % 8;
bNodeListByte = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pbNmtCommandDate_p[uiByteOffset]);
if ((bNodeListByte & bBitOffset) == 0) {
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
// TracePoint support for realtime-debugging
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(BYTE bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(u8 bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgPostTraceValue(DWORD dwTraceValue_p);
#define TGT_DBG_SIGNAL_TRACE_POINT(p) TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(p)
#define TGT_DBG_POST_TRACE_VALUE(v) TgtDbgPostTraceValue(v)
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ tEplKernel EplNmtMnuSendNmtCommandEx(unsigned int uiNodeId_p,
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
tEplFrameInfo FrameInfo;
tEplFrame *pFrame = (tEplFrame *) abBuffer;
BOOL fSoftDeleteNode = FALSE;
@ -437,11 +437,11 @@ tEplKernel EplNmtMnuSendNmtCommandEx(unsigned int uiNodeId_p,
// build frame
EPL_MEMSET(pFrame, 0x00, sizeof(abBuffer));
AmiSetByteToLe(&pFrame->m_le_bDstNodeId, (BYTE) uiNodeId_p);
AmiSetByteToLe(&pFrame->m_le_bDstNodeId, (u8) uiNodeId_p);
(BYTE) kEplDllAsndNmtCommand);
(u8) kEplDllAsndNmtCommand);
m_le_bNmtCommandId, (BYTE) NmtCommand_p);
m_le_bNmtCommandId, (u8) NmtCommand_p);
if ((pNmtCommandData_p != NULL) && (uiDataSize_p > 0)) { // copy command data to frame
m_le_abNmtCommandData[0], pNmtCommandData_p,
@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ tEplKernel EplNmtMnuTriggerStateChange(unsigned int uiNodeId_p,
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
tEplNmtMnuIntNodeEvent NodeEvent;
tEplObdSize ObdSize;
BYTE bNmtState;
u8 bNmtState;
if ((uiNodeId_p == 0) || (uiNodeId_p >= EPL_C_ADR_BROADCAST)) {
@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ EPLDLLEXPORT tEplKernel EplNmtMnuProcessEvent(tEplEvent *pEvent_p)
if (uiNodeId != 0) {
tEplObdSize ObdSize;
BYTE bNmtState;
u8 bNmtState;
tEplNmtMnuNodeInfo *pNodeInfo;
@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@ EPLDLLEXPORT tEplKernel EplNmtMnuProcessEvent(tEplEvent *pEvent_p)
tEplFrame *pFrame = (tEplFrame *) pEvent_p->m_pArg;
unsigned int uiNodeId;
tEplNmtCommand NmtCommand;
BYTE bNmtState;
u8 bNmtState;
uiNodeId = AmiGetByteFromLe(&pFrame->m_le_bDstNodeId);
NmtCommand =
@ -1159,30 +1159,30 @@ EPLDLLEXPORT tEplKernel EplNmtMnuProcessEvent(tEplEvent *pEvent_p)
switch (NmtCommand) {
case kEplNmtCmdStartNode:
bNmtState =
(BYTE) (kEplNmtCsOperational & 0xFF);
(u8) (kEplNmtCsOperational & 0xFF);
case kEplNmtCmdStopNode:
bNmtState = (BYTE) (kEplNmtCsStopped & 0xFF);
bNmtState = (u8) (kEplNmtCsStopped & 0xFF);
case kEplNmtCmdEnterPreOperational2:
bNmtState =
(BYTE) (kEplNmtCsPreOperational2 & 0xFF);
(u8) (kEplNmtCsPreOperational2 & 0xFF);
case kEplNmtCmdEnableReadyToOperate:
// d.k. do not change expected node state, because of DS 1.0.0 Plain NMT State Command
// and because node may not change NMT state within EPL_C_NMT_STATE_TOLERANCE
bNmtState =
(BYTE) (kEplNmtCsPreOperational2 & 0xFF);
(u8) (kEplNmtCsPreOperational2 & 0xFF);
case kEplNmtCmdResetNode:
case kEplNmtCmdResetCommunication:
case kEplNmtCmdResetConfiguration:
case kEplNmtCmdSwReset:
bNmtState = (BYTE) (kEplNmtCsNotActive & 0xFF);
bNmtState = (u8) (kEplNmtCsNotActive & 0xFF);
// EplNmtMnuProcessInternalEvent() sets internal node state to kEplNmtMnuNodeStateUnknown
// after next unresponded IdentRequest/StatusRequest
@ -1927,7 +1927,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplNmtMnuProcessInternalEvent(unsigned int uiNodeId_p,
switch (NodeEvent_p) {
case kEplNmtMnuIntNodeEventIdentResponse:
BYTE bNmtState;
u8 bNmtState;
@ -1954,7 +1954,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplNmtMnuProcessInternalEvent(unsigned int uiNodeId_p,
// update object 0x1F8F NMT_MNNodeExpState_AU8 to PreOp1 (even if local state >= PreOp2)
bNmtState = (BYTE) (kEplNmtCsPreOperational1 & 0xFF);
bNmtState = (u8) (kEplNmtCsPreOperational1 & 0xFF);
Ret =
EplObduWriteEntry(0x1F8F, uiNodeId_p, &bNmtState,
@ -2434,11 +2434,11 @@ static tEplKernel EplNmtMnuProcessInternalEvent(unsigned int uiNodeId_p,
case kEplNmtMnuIntNodeEventNmtCmdSent:
BYTE bNmtState;
u8 bNmtState;
// update expected NMT state with the one that results
// from the sent NMT command
bNmtState = (BYTE) (NodeNmtState_p & 0xFF);
bNmtState = (u8) (NodeNmtState_p & 0xFF);
// write object 0x1F8F NMT_MNNodeExpState_AU8
Ret =
@ -2628,8 +2628,8 @@ static tEplKernel EplNmtMnuCheckNmtState(unsigned int uiNodeId_p,
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
tEplObdSize ObdSize;
BYTE bNmtState;
BYTE bNmtStatePrev;
u8 bNmtState;
u8 bNmtStatePrev;
tEplNmtState ExpNmtState;
ObdSize = 1;
@ -2640,8 +2640,8 @@ static tEplKernel EplNmtMnuCheckNmtState(unsigned int uiNodeId_p,
// compute expected NMT state
ExpNmtState = (tEplNmtState) (bNmtState | EPL_NMT_TYPE_CS);
// compute BYTE of current NMT state
bNmtState = ((BYTE) NodeNmtState_p & 0xFF);
// compute u8 of current NMT state
bNmtState = ((u8) NodeNmtState_p & 0xFF);
if (ExpNmtState == kEplNmtCsNotActive) { // ignore the current state, because the CN shall be not active
Ret = kEplReject;
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
// TracePoint support for realtime-debugging
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(BYTE bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(u8 bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgPostTraceValue(DWORD dwTraceValue_p);
#define TGT_DBG_SIGNAL_TRACE_POINT(p) TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(p)
#define TGT_DBG_POST_TRACE_VALUE(v) TgtDbgPostTraceValue(v)
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ typedef union {
BYTE abEplObdTrashObject_g[8];
u8 abEplObdTrashObject_g[8];
// local function prototypes
@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ EPLDLLEXPORT unsigned int EplObdGetNodeId(EPL_MCO_DECL_INSTANCE_PTR)
tEplKernel Ret;
tEplObdSize ObdSize;
BYTE bNodeId;
u8 bNodeId;
bNodeId = 0;
ObdSize = sizeof(bNodeId);
@ -871,16 +871,16 @@ EPLDLLEXPORT tEplKernel EplObdSetNodeId(EPL_MCO_DECL_PTR_INSTANCE_PTR_ unsigned
tEplKernel Ret;
tEplObdSize ObdSize;
BYTE fHwBool;
BYTE bNodeId;
u8 fHwBool;
u8 bNodeId;
// check Node Id
if (uiNodeId_p == EPL_C_ADR_INVALID) {
Ret = kEplInvalidNodeId;
goto Exit;
bNodeId = (BYTE) uiNodeId_p;
ObdSize = sizeof(BYTE);
bNodeId = (u8) uiNodeId_p;
ObdSize = sizeof(u8);
// write NodeId to OD entry
@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@ EPLDLLEXPORT tEplKernel EplObdReadEntryToLe(EPL_MCO_DECL_INSTANCE_PTR_ unsigned
case kEplObdTypInt8:
case kEplObdTypUInt8:
AmiSetByteToLe(pDstData_p, *((BYTE *) pSrcData));
AmiSetByteToLe(pDstData_p, *((u8 *) pSrcData));
@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ EPLDLLEXPORT tEplKernel EplObdWriteEntryFromLe(EPL_MCO_DECL_INSTANCE_PTR_ unsign
case kEplObdTypInt8:
case kEplObdTypUInt8:
*((BYTE *) pBuffer) = AmiGetByteFromLe(pSrcData_p);
*((u8 *) pBuffer) = AmiGetByteFromLe(pSrcData_p);
@ -1503,7 +1503,7 @@ static tEplObdSize EplObdGetStrLen(void *pObjData_p,
tEplObdSize StrLen = 0;
BYTE *pbString;
u8 *pbString;
if (pObjData_p == NULL) {
goto Exit;
@ -2094,7 +2094,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplObdWriteEntryPost(EPL_MCO_DECL_INSTANCE_PTR_ tEplObdEntryPt
// Function: EplObdGetObjectSize()
// Description: function to get size of object
// The function determines if an object type an fixed data type (BYTE, WORD, ...)
// The function determines if an object type an fixed data type (u8, WORD, ...)
// or non fixed object (string, domain). This information is used to decide
// if download data are stored temporary or not. For objects with fixed data length
// and types a value range checking can process.
@ -2463,7 +2463,7 @@ static void *EplObdGetObjectCurrentPtr(tEplObdSubEntryPtr pSubIndexEntry_p)
} else {
Size = EplObdGetObjectSize(pSubIndexEntry_p);
pData = ((BYTE *) pData) + (Size * uiArrayIndex);
pData = ((u8 *) pData) + (Size * uiArrayIndex);
// check if VarEntry
if ((pSubIndexEntry_p->m_Access & kEplObdAccVar) != 0) {
@ -2772,14 +2772,14 @@ static tEplKernel EplObdAccessOdPartIntern(EPL_MCO_DECL_INSTANCE_PTR_
Ret = kEplSuccessful;
// prepare structure for STORE RESTORE callback function
CbStore.m_bCurrentOdPart = (BYTE) CurrentOdPart_p;
CbStore.m_bCurrentOdPart = (u8) CurrentOdPart_p;
CbStore.m_pData = NULL;
CbStore.m_ObjSize = 0;
// command of first action depends on direction to access
if (Direction_p == kEplObdDirLoad) {
CbStore.m_bCommand = (BYTE) kEplObdCommOpenRead;
CbStore.m_bCommand = (u8) kEplObdCommOpenRead;
// call callback function for previous command
Ret = EplObdCallStoreCallback(EPL_MCO_INSTANCE_PTR_ & CbStore);
@ -2787,9 +2787,9 @@ static tEplKernel EplObdAccessOdPartIntern(EPL_MCO_DECL_INSTANCE_PTR_
goto Exit;
// set command for index and subindex loop
CbStore.m_bCommand = (BYTE) kEplObdCommReadObj;
CbStore.m_bCommand = (u8) kEplObdCommReadObj;
} else if (Direction_p == kEplObdDirStore) {
CbStore.m_bCommand = (BYTE) kEplObdCommOpenWrite;
CbStore.m_bCommand = (u8) kEplObdCommOpenWrite;
// call callback function for previous command
Ret = EplObdCallStoreCallback(EPL_MCO_INSTANCE_PTR_ & CbStore);
@ -2797,7 +2797,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplObdAccessOdPartIntern(EPL_MCO_DECL_INSTANCE_PTR_
goto Exit;
// set command for index and subindex loop
CbStore.m_bCommand = (BYTE) kEplObdCommWriteObj;
CbStore.m_bCommand = (u8) kEplObdCommWriteObj;
@ -2848,7 +2848,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplObdAccessOdPartIntern(EPL_MCO_DECL_INSTANCE_PTR_
EplObdInitVarEntry ((tEplObdVarEntry *) (((BYTE *) pSubIndex->m_pCurrent) + (sizeof (tEplObdVarEntry) * pSubIndex->m_uiSubIndex)),
EplObdInitVarEntry ((tEplObdVarEntry *) (((u8 *) pSubIndex->m_pCurrent) + (sizeof (tEplObdVarEntry) * pSubIndex->m_uiSubIndex)),
pSubIndex->m_Type, ObjSize);
@ -3003,11 +3003,11 @@ static tEplKernel EplObdAccessOdPartIntern(EPL_MCO_DECL_INSTANCE_PTR_
else {
if (Direction_p == kEplObdDirLoad) {
CbStore.m_bCommand = (BYTE) kEplObdCommCloseRead;
CbStore.m_bCommand = (u8) kEplObdCommCloseRead;
} else if (Direction_p == kEplObdDirStore) {
CbStore.m_bCommand = (BYTE) kEplObdCommCloseWrite;
CbStore.m_bCommand = (u8) kEplObdCommCloseWrite;
} else if (Direction_p == kEplObdDirRestore) {
CbStore.m_bCommand = (BYTE) kEplObdCommClear;
CbStore.m_bCommand = (u8) kEplObdCommClear;
} else {
goto Exit;
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ typedef struct {
typedef struct {
tEplObdSize m_Size;
BYTE *m_pString;
u8 *m_pString;
} tEplObdOString; // 000C
@ -327,8 +327,8 @@ typedef struct {
typedef struct {
tEplObdSize m_Size;
BYTE *m_pDefString; // $$$ d.k. it is unused, so we could delete it
BYTE *m_pString;
u8 *m_pDefString; // $$$ d.k. it is unused, so we could delete it
u8 *m_pString;
} tEplObdOStringDef;
@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ typedef struct {
unsigned int m_uiUpperObjIndex; // upper limit of ObjIndex
tInitTabEntryCallback m_fpInitTabEntry; // will be called if ObjIndex was found
void *m_pTabBase; // base address of table
unsigned int m_uiEntrySize; // size of table entry // 25-feb-2005 r.d.: expansion from BYTE to WORD necessary for PDO bit mapping
unsigned int m_uiEntrySize; // size of table entry // 25-feb-2005 r.d.: expansion from u8 to WORD necessary for PDO bit mapping
unsigned int m_uiMaxEntries; // max. tabel entries
} tEplObdModulTabParam;
@ -105,8 +105,8 @@
#define EPL_OBD_SUBINDEX_RAM_VSTRING(ind,sub,acc,name,size,val) static char szCur##ind##_##sub##_g[size+1]; \
static tEplObdVStringDef xDef##ind##_##sub##_g = {size, val, szCur##ind##_##sub##_g};
#define EPL_OBD_SUBINDEX_RAM_OSTRING(ind,sub,acc,name,size) static BYTE bCur##ind##_##sub##_g[size]; \
static tEplObdOStringDef xDef##ind##_##sub##_g = {size, ((BYTE*)""), bCur##ind##_##sub##_g};
#define EPL_OBD_SUBINDEX_RAM_OSTRING(ind,sub,acc,name,size) static u8 bCur##ind##_##sub##_g[size]; \
static tEplObdOStringDef xDef##ind##_##sub##_g = {size, ((u8*)""), bCur##ind##_##sub##_g};
#define EPL_OBD_SUBINDEX_RAM_DOMAIN(ind,sub,acc,name)
#define EPL_OBD_SUBINDEX_RAM_USERDEF(ind,sub,typ,acc,dtyp,name,val) static dtyp xDef##ind##_##sub##_g = val;
#define EPL_OBD_SUBINDEX_RAM_USERDEF_RG(ind,sub,typ,acc,dtyp,name,val,low,high) static dtyp xDef##ind##_##sub##_g[3] = {val,low,high};
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ EPLDLLEXPORT tEplKernel EplObduRegisterUserOd(tEplObdEntryPtr pUserOd_p)
EPLDLLEXPORT void EplObduInitVarEntry(tEplObdVarEntry *pVarEntry_p,
BYTE bType_p, tEplObdSize ObdSize_p)
u8 bType_p, tEplObdSize ObdSize_p)
EplObduCalInitVarEntry(pVarEntry_p, bType_p, ObdSize_p);
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ EPLDLLEXPORT tEplKernel EplObduCalRegisterUserOd(tEplObdEntryPtr pUserOd_p)
EPLDLLEXPORT void EplObduCalInitVarEntry(tEplObdVarEntry *pVarEntry_p,
BYTE bType_p, tEplObdSize ObdSize_p)
u8 bType_p, tEplObdSize ObdSize_p)
EplObdInitVarEntry(pVarEntry_p, bType_p, ObdSize_p);
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ typedef struct {
// TPDO: 0x00=PRes, MN: CnNodeId=PReq
BOOL m_fTxRx;
BYTE m_bMappingVersion;
u8 m_bMappingVersion;
unsigned int m_uiMaxMappingEntries; // maximum number of mapping entries, i.e. size of m_aPdoMapping
tEplPdoMapping m_aPdoMapping[1];
@ -319,14 +319,14 @@ tEplKernel EplPdokProcess(tEplEvent * pEvent_p)
WORD wBitSize;
WORD wVarSize;
QWORD qwObjectMapping;
BYTE bMappSubindex;
BYTE bObdSubindex;
u8 bMappSubindex;
u8 bObdSubindex;
WORD wObdMappIndex;
WORD wObdCommIndex;
WORD wPdoId;
BYTE bObdData;
BYTE bObjectCount;
BYTE bFrameData;
u8 bObdData;
u8 bObjectCount;
u8 bFrameData;
BOOL fValid;
tEplObdSize ObdSize;
tEplFrame *pFrame;
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ tEplKernel EplPdokProcess(tEplEvent * pEvent_p)
(WORD) (qwObjectMapping &
bObdSubindex =
(BYTE) ((qwObjectMapping &
(u8) ((qwObjectMapping &
0x0000000000FF0000LL) >> 16);
wBitOffset =
(WORD) ((qwObjectMapping &
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ tEplKernel EplPdokProcess(tEplEvent * pEvent_p)
(WORD) (qwObjectMapping &
bObdSubindex =
(BYTE) ((qwObjectMapping &
(u8) ((qwObjectMapping &
0x0000000000FF0000LL) >> 16);
wBitOffset =
(WORD) ((qwObjectMapping &
@ -232,10 +232,10 @@ tEplKernel EplPdouCbObdAccess(tEplObdCbParam *pParam_p)
unsigned int uiPdoId;
unsigned int uiIndexType;
tEplObdSize ObdSize;
BYTE bObjectCount;
u8 bObjectCount;
QWORD qwObjectMapping;
tEplObdAccess AccessType;
BYTE bMappSubindex;
u8 bMappSubindex;
unsigned int uiCurPdoSize;
WORD wMaxPdoSize;
unsigned int uiSubIndex;
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ tEplKernel EplPdouCbObdAccess(tEplObdCbParam *pParam_p)
if (pParam_p->m_uiSubIndex == 0) { // object mapping count accessed
// PDO is enabled or disabled
bObjectCount = *((BYTE *) pParam_p->m_pArg);
bObjectCount = *((u8 *) pParam_p->m_pArg);
if (bObjectCount == 0) { // PDO shall be disabled
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplPdouCheckPdoValidity(tEplObdCbParam *pParam_p,
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
tEplObdSize ObdSize;
BYTE bObjectCount;
u8 bObjectCount;
ObdSize = 1;
// read number of mapped objects from OD; this indicates if the PDO is valid
@ -339,10 +339,10 @@ tEplKernel EplSdoAsnduSendData(tEplSdoConHdl SdoConHandle_p,
// own node id not needed -> filled by DLL
// set message type
AmiSetByteToLe(&pSrcData_p->m_le_bMessageType, (BYTE) kEplMsgTypeAsnd); // ASnd == 0x06
AmiSetByteToLe(&pSrcData_p->m_le_bMessageType, (u8) kEplMsgTypeAsnd); // ASnd == 0x06
// target node id
(BYTE) SdoAsndInstance_g.
(u8) SdoAsndInstance_g.
// set source-nodeid (filled by DLL 0)
AmiSetByteToLe(&pSrcData_p->m_le_bSrcNodeId, 0x00);
@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ typedef enum {
// structure for History-Buffer
typedef struct {
BYTE m_bFreeEntries;
BYTE m_bWrite; // index of the next free buffer entry
BYTE m_bAck; // index of the next message which should become acknowledged
BYTE m_bRead; // index between m_bAck and m_bWrite to the next message for retransmission
u8 m_bFreeEntries;
u8 m_bWrite; // index of the next free buffer entry
u8 m_bAck; // index of the next message which should become acknowledged
u8 m_bRead; // index between m_bAck and m_bWrite to the next message for retransmission
u8 m_aabHistoryFrame[EPL_SDO_HISTORY_SIZE]
unsigned int m_auiFrameSize[EPL_SDO_HISTORY_SIZE];
@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ typedef enum {
typedef struct {
tEplSdoConHdl m_ConHandle;
tEplAsySdoState m_SdoState;
BYTE m_bRecSeqNum; // name from view of the communication partner
BYTE m_bSendSeqNum; // name from view of the communication partner
u8 m_bRecSeqNum; // name from view of the communication partner
u8 m_bSendSeqNum; // name from view of the communication partner
tEplAsySdoConHistory m_SdoConHistory;
tEplTimerHdl m_EplTimerHdl;
unsigned int m_uiRetryCount; // retry counter
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoAsyAddFrameToHistory(tEplAsySdoSeqCon * pAsySdoSeqCon_p,
unsigned int uiSize_p);
static tEplKernel EplSdoAsyAckFrameToHistory(tEplAsySdoSeqCon * pAsySdoSeqCon_p,
BYTE bRecSeqNumber_p);
u8 bRecSeqNumber_p);
static tEplKernel EplSdoAsyReadFromHistory(tEplAsySdoSeqCon * pAsySdoSeqCon_p,
tEplFrame ** ppFrame_p,
@ -1498,7 +1498,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoAsySeqProcess(unsigned int uiHandle_p,
// frame received
case kAsySdoSeqEventFrameRec:
BYTE bSendSeqNumCon =
u8 bSendSeqNumCon =
@ -2016,7 +2016,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoAsySeqSendIntern(tEplAsySdoSeqCon * pAsySdoSeqCon_p,
BOOL fFrameInHistory_p)
tEplKernel Ret;
tEplFrame *pEplFrame;
unsigned int uiFreeEntries;
@ -2154,7 +2154,7 @@ tEplKernel EplSdoAsyReceiveCb(tEplSdoConHdl ConHdl_p,
EPL_DBGLVL_SDO_TRACE2("Handle: 0x%x , First Databyte 0x%x\n", ConHdl_p,
((BYTE *) pSdoSeqData_p)[0]);
((u8 *) pSdoSeqData_p)[0]);
// search controll structure for this connection
pAsySdoSeqCon = &AsySdoSequInstance_g.m_AsySdoConnection[uiCount];
@ -2328,12 +2328,12 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoAsyAddFrameToHistory(tEplAsySdoSeqCon * pAsySdoSeqCon_p,
static tEplKernel EplSdoAsyAckFrameToHistory(tEplAsySdoSeqCon * pAsySdoSeqCon_p,
BYTE bRecSeqNumber_p)
u8 bRecSeqNumber_p)
tEplKernel Ret;
tEplAsySdoConHistory *pHistory;
BYTE bAckIndex;
BYTE bCurrentSeqNum;
u8 bAckIndex;
u8 bCurrentSeqNum;
Ret = kEplSuccessful;
@ -156,14 +156,14 @@ typedef enum {
typedef struct {
tEplSdoSeqConHdl m_SdoSeqConHdl; // if != 0 -> entry used
tEplSdoComState m_SdoComState;
BYTE m_bTransactionId;
u8 m_bTransactionId;
unsigned int m_uiNodeId; // NodeId of the target
// -> needed to reinit connection
// after timeout
tEplSdoTransType m_SdoTransType; // Auto, Expedited, Segmented
tEplSdoServiceType m_SdoServiceType; // WriteByIndex, ReadByIndex
tEplSdoType m_SdoProtType; // protocol layer: Auto, Udp, Asnd, Pdo
BYTE *m_pData; // pointer to data
u8 *m_pData; // pointer to data
unsigned int m_uiTransSize; // number of bytes
// to transfer
unsigned int m_uiTransferredByte; // number of bytes
@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ tEplKernel EplSdoComSdoAbort(tEplSdoComConHdl SdoComConHdl_p,
goto Exit;
// save pointer to abort code
pSdoComCon->m_pData = (BYTE *) & dwAbortCode_p;
pSdoComCon->m_pData = (u8 *) & dwAbortCode_p;
Ret = EplSdoComProcessIntern(SdoComConHdl_p,
@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComProcessIntern(tEplSdoComConHdl SdoComCon_p,
tEplKernel Ret;
tEplSdoComCon *pSdoComCon;
BYTE bFlag;
u8 bFlag;
DWORD dwAbortCode;
@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComProcessIntern(tEplSdoComConHdl SdoComCon_p,
@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComProcessIntern(tEplSdoComConHdl SdoComCon_p,
if (pSdoComCon->
m_dwLastAbortCode ==
0) {
( /*(BYTE*) */
( /*(u8*) */
m_pData) +=
@ -1320,7 +1320,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComProcessIntern(tEplSdoComConHdl SdoComCon_p,
@ -1986,7 +1986,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitReadByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p,
if (Ret == kEplObdSubindexNotExist) { // subentry doesn't exist
// send abort
pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (BYTE *) & dwAbortCode;
pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8 *) & dwAbortCode;
Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p,
@ -1995,7 +1995,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitReadByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p,
} else if (Ret != kEplSuccessful) { // entry doesn't exist
// send abort
pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (BYTE *) & dwAbortCode;
pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8 *) & dwAbortCode;
Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p,
@ -2013,7 +2013,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitReadByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p,
// send abort
pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (BYTE *) & dwAbortCode;
pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8 *) & dwAbortCode;
Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p,
@ -2050,7 +2050,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitReadByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p,
// error -> abort
// send abort
pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (BYTE *) & dwAbortCode;
pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8 *) & dwAbortCode;
Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p,
@ -2089,11 +2089,11 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p,
tEplSdoComSendType SendType_p)
tEplKernel Ret;
tEplFrame *pFrame;
tEplAsySdoCom *pCommandFrame;
unsigned int uiSizeOfFrame;
BYTE bFlag;
u8 bFlag;
Ret = kEplSuccessful;
@ -2373,7 +2373,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitWriteByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p,
tEplObdSize EntrySize;
tEplObdAccess AccessType;
DWORD dwAbortCode;
BYTE *pbSrcData;
u8 *pbSrcData;
dwAbortCode = 0;
@ -2426,7 +2426,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitWriteByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p,
pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode = EPL_SDOAC_SUB_INDEX_NOT_EXIST;
// send abort
// d.k. This is wrong: k.t. not needed send abort on end of write
/*pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (BYTE*)pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode;
/*pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8*)pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode;
Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p,
@ -2437,7 +2437,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitWriteByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p,
// send abort
// d.k. This is wrong: k.t. not needed send abort on end of write
pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (BYTE*)&dwAbortCode;
pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8*)&dwAbortCode;
Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p,
@ -2457,7 +2457,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitWriteByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p,
// send abort
// d.k. This is wrong: k.t. not needed send abort on end of write
/*pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (BYTE*)&dwAbortCode;
/*pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8*)&dwAbortCode;
Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p,
@ -2548,7 +2548,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitWriteByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p,
// send abort
// d.k. This is wrong: k.t. not needed send abort on end of write
/*pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (BYTE*)&dwAbortCode;
/*pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8*)&dwAbortCode;
Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p,
@ -2570,7 +2570,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitWriteByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p,
// send abort
// d.k. This is wrong: k.t. not needed send abort on end of write
/* pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (BYTE*)&pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode;
/* pSdoComCon_p->m_pData = (u8*)&pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode;
Ret = EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p,
@ -2585,7 +2585,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitWriteByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p,
pSdoComCon_p->m_uiTransSize -= uiBytesToTransfer;
// update target pointer
( /*(BYTE*) */ pSdoComCon_p->m_pData) += uiBytesToTransfer;
( /*(u8*) */ pSdoComCon_p->m_pData) += uiBytesToTransfer;
// send acknowledge without any Command layer data
Ret = EplSdoAsySeqSendData(pSdoComCon_p->m_SdoSeqConHdl,
@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitWriteByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p,
if (pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode != 0) {
// send abort
pSdoComCon_p->m_pData =
(BYTE *) & pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode;
(u8 *) & pSdoComCon_p->m_dwLastAbortCode;
Ret =
EplSdoComServerSendFrameIntern(pSdoComCon_p, uiIndex,
@ -2634,12 +2634,12 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComServerInitWriteByIndex(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p,
static tEplKernel EplSdoComClientSend(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p)
tEplKernel Ret;
tEplFrame *pFrame;
tEplAsySdoCom *pCommandFrame;
unsigned int uiSizeOfFrame;
BYTE bFlags;
BYTE *pbPayload;
u8 bFlags;
u8 *pbPayload;
Ret = kEplSuccessful;
@ -2683,7 +2683,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComClientSend(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p)
pbPayload += 2;
(BYTE) pSdoComCon_p->
(u8) pSdoComCon_p->
// calc size
uiSizeOfFrame += 4;
@ -2725,7 +2725,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComClientSend(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p)
pbPayload += 2;
// on byte for reserved
@ -2764,7 +2764,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComClientSend(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p)
pbPayload += 2;
// + 2 -> one byte for subindex and one byte reserved
@ -2943,7 +2943,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComClientProcessFrame(tEplSdoComConHdl SdoComCon_p,
tEplAsySdoCom * pAsySdoCom_p)
tEplKernel Ret;
BYTE bBuffer;
u8 bBuffer;
unsigned int uiBuffer;
unsigned int uiDataSize;
unsigned long ulBuffer;
@ -3219,7 +3219,7 @@ static tEplKernel EplSdoComClientSendAbort(tEplSdoComCon * pSdoComCon_p,
DWORD dwAbortCode_p)
tEplKernel Ret;
tEplFrame *pFrame;
tEplAsySdoCom *pCommandFrame;
unsigned int uiSizeOfFrame;
@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ static int EplSdoUdpThread(void *pArg_p)
int iError;
int iCount;
int iFreeEntry;
unsigned int uiSize;
tEplSdoConHdl SdoConHdl;
@ -134,8 +134,8 @@
// functions for ethernet driver
tEplKernel TgtInitEthIsr(void);
void TgtFreeEthIsr(void);
void TgtEnableGlobalInterrupt(BYTE fEnable_p);
void TgtEnableEthInterrupt0(BYTE fEnable_p, unsigned int uiInterruptMask_p);
void TgtEnableEthInterrupt1(BYTE fEnable_p, unsigned int uiInterruptMask_p);
void TgtEnableGlobalInterrupt(u8 fEnable_p);
void TgtEnableEthInterrupt0(u8 fEnable_p, unsigned int uiInterruptMask_p);
void TgtEnableEthInterrupt1(u8 fEnable_p, unsigned int uiInterruptMask_p);
#endif // #ifndef _EPLTARGET_H_
@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ void *ShbIpcGetShMemPtr(tShbInstance pShbInstance_p)
pShbMemHeader =
if (pShbMemHeader != NULL) {
pShbShMemPtr = (BYTE *) pShbMemHeader + sizeof(tShbMemHeader);
pShbShMemPtr = (u8 *) pShbMemHeader + sizeof(tShbMemHeader);
} else {
pShbShMemPtr = NULL;
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
// TracePoint support for realtime-debugging
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(BYTE bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(u8 bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgPostTraceValue(DWORD dwTraceValue_p);
#define TGT_DBG_SIGNAL_TRACE_POINT(p) TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(p)
#define TGT_DBG_POST_TRACE_VALUE(v) TgtDbgPostTraceValue(v)
@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ typedef struct {
//------------< write BYTE in big endian >--------------------------
//------------< write u8 in big endian >--------------------------
void AmiSetByteToBe (void *pAddr_p, BYTE bByteVal_p)
void AmiSetByteToBe (void *pAddr_p, u8 bByteVal_p)
*(BYTE *)pAddr_p = bByteVal_p;
*(u8 *)pAddr_p = bByteVal_p;
@ -173,12 +173,12 @@ void AmiSetDwordToBe(void *pAddr_p, DWORD dwDwordVal_p)
//------------< write BYTE in little endian >--------------------------
//------------< write u8 in little endian >--------------------------
void AmiSetByteToLe (void *pAddr_p, BYTE bByteVal_p)
void AmiSetByteToLe (void *pAddr_p, u8 bByteVal_p)
*(BYTE *)pAddr_p = bByteVal_p;
*(u8 *)pAddr_p = bByteVal_p;
@ -220,12 +220,12 @@ void AmiSetDwordToLe(void *pAddr_p, DWORD dwDwordVal_p)
//------------< read BYTE in big endian >---------------------------
//------------< read u8 in big endian >---------------------------
BYTE AmiGetByteFromBe (void *pAddr_p)
u8 AmiGetByteFromBe (void *pAddr_p)
return ( *(BYTE *)pAddr_p );
return ( *(u8 *)pAddr_p );
@ -279,12 +279,12 @@ DWORD AmiGetDwordFromBe(void *pAddr_p)
//------------< read BYTE in little endian >---------------------------
//------------< read u8 in little endian >---------------------------
BYTE AmiGetByteFromLe (void *pAddr_p)
u8 AmiGetByteFromLe (void *pAddr_p)
return ( *(BYTE *)pAddr_p );
return ( *(u8 *)pAddr_p );
@ -326,9 +326,9 @@ DWORD AmiGetDwordFromLe(void *pAddr_p)
void AmiSetDword24ToBe(void *pAddr_p, DWORD dwDwordVal_p)
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[0] = ((BYTE *) & dwDwordVal_p)[2];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[1] = ((BYTE *) & dwDwordVal_p)[1];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[2] = ((BYTE *) & dwDwordVal_p)[0];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[0] = ((u8 *) & dwDwordVal_p)[2];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[1] = ((u8 *) & dwDwordVal_p)[1];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[2] = ((u8 *) & dwDwordVal_p)[0];
@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ void AmiSetDword24ToBe(void *pAddr_p, DWORD dwDwordVal_p)
void AmiSetDword24ToLe(void *pAddr_p, DWORD dwDwordVal_p)
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[0] = ((BYTE *) & dwDwordVal_p)[0];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[1] = ((BYTE *) & dwDwordVal_p)[1];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[2] = ((BYTE *) & dwDwordVal_p)[2];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[0] = ((u8 *) & dwDwordVal_p)[0];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[1] = ((u8 *) & dwDwordVal_p)[1];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[2] = ((u8 *) & dwDwordVal_p)[2];
@ -417,14 +417,14 @@ DWORD AmiGetDword24FromLe(void *pAddr_p)
void AmiSetQword64ToBe(void *pAddr_p, QWORD qwQwordVal_p)
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[0] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[7];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[1] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[6];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[2] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[5];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[3] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[4];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[4] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[3];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[5] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[2];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[6] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[1];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[7] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[0];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[0] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[7];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[1] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[6];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[2] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[5];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[3] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[4];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[4] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[3];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[5] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[2];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[6] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[1];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[7] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[0];
@ -466,14 +466,14 @@ QWORD AmiGetQword64FromBe(void *pAddr_p)
tqwStruct qwStruct;
((BYTE *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[0] = ((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[7];
((BYTE *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[1] = ((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[6];
((BYTE *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[2] = ((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[5];
((BYTE *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[3] = ((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[4];
((BYTE *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[4] = ((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[3];
((BYTE *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[5] = ((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[2];
((BYTE *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[6] = ((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[1];
((BYTE *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[7] = ((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[0];
((u8 *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[0] = ((u8 *) pAddr_p)[7];
((u8 *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[1] = ((u8 *) pAddr_p)[6];
((u8 *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[2] = ((u8 *) pAddr_p)[5];
((u8 *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[3] = ((u8 *) pAddr_p)[4];
((u8 *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[4] = ((u8 *) pAddr_p)[3];
((u8 *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[5] = ((u8 *) pAddr_p)[2];
((u8 *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[6] = ((u8 *) pAddr_p)[1];
((u8 *) & qwStruct.m_qwQword)[7] = ((u8 *) pAddr_p)[0];
return (qwStruct.m_qwQword);
@ -520,11 +520,11 @@ QWORD AmiGetQword64FromLe(void *pAddr_p)
void AmiSetQword40ToBe(void *pAddr_p, QWORD qwQwordVal_p)
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[0] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[4];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[1] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[3];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[2] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[2];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[3] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[1];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[4] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[0];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[0] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[4];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[1] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[3];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[2] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[2];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[3] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[1];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[4] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[0];
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ void AmiSetQword40ToLe(void *pAddr_p, QWORD qwQwordVal_p)
((DWORD *) pAddr_p)[0] = ((DWORD *) & qwQwordVal_p)[0];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[4] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[4];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[4] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[4];
@ -621,12 +621,12 @@ QWORD AmiGetQword40FromLe(void *pAddr_p)
void AmiSetQword48ToBe(void *pAddr_p, QWORD qwQwordVal_p)
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[0] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[5];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[1] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[4];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[2] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[3];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[3] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[2];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[4] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[1];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[5] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[0];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[0] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[5];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[1] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[4];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[2] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[3];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[3] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[2];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[4] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[1];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[5] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[0];
@ -723,13 +723,13 @@ QWORD AmiGetQword48FromLe(void *pAddr_p)
void AmiSetQword56ToBe(void *pAddr_p, QWORD qwQwordVal_p)
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[0] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[6];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[1] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[5];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[2] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[4];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[3] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[3];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[4] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[2];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[5] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[1];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[6] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[0];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[0] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[6];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[1] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[5];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[2] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[4];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[3] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[3];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[4] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[2];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[5] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[1];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[6] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[0];
@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ void AmiSetQword56ToLe(void *pAddr_p, QWORD qwQwordVal_p)
((DWORD *) pAddr_p)[0] = ((DWORD *) & qwQwordVal_p)[0];
((WORD *) pAddr_p)[2] = ((WORD *) & qwQwordVal_p)[2];
((BYTE *) pAddr_p)[6] = ((BYTE *) & qwQwordVal_p)[6];
((u8 *) pAddr_p)[6] = ((u8 *) & qwQwordVal_p)[6];
@ -827,8 +827,8 @@ QWORD AmiGetQword56FromLe(void *pAddr_p)
void AmiSetTimeOfDay(void *pAddr_p, tTimeOfDay *pTimeOfDay_p)
AmiSetDwordToLe(((BYTE *) pAddr_p), pTimeOfDay_p->m_dwMs & 0x0FFFFFFF);
AmiSetWordToLe(((BYTE *) pAddr_p) + 4, pTimeOfDay_p->m_wDays);
AmiSetDwordToLe(((u8 *) pAddr_p), pTimeOfDay_p->m_dwMs & 0x0FFFFFFF);
AmiSetWordToLe(((u8 *) pAddr_p) + 4, pTimeOfDay_p->m_wDays);
@ -850,8 +850,8 @@ void AmiSetTimeOfDay(void *pAddr_p, tTimeOfDay *pTimeOfDay_p)
void AmiGetTimeOfDay(void *pAddr_p, tTimeOfDay *pTimeOfDay_p)
pTimeOfDay_p->m_dwMs = AmiGetDwordFromLe(((BYTE *) pAddr_p)) & 0x0FFFFFFF;
pTimeOfDay_p->m_wDays = AmiGetWordFromLe(((BYTE *) pAddr_p) + 4);
pTimeOfDay_p->m_dwMs = AmiGetDwordFromLe(((u8 *) pAddr_p)) & 0x0FFFFFFF;
pTimeOfDay_p->m_wDays = AmiGetWordFromLe(((u8 *) pAddr_p) + 4);
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("EPL MN demo");
// TracePoint support for realtime-debugging
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(BYTE bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(u8 bTracePointNumber_p);
#define TGT_DBG_SIGNAL_TRACE_POINT(p) TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(p)
@ -148,25 +148,25 @@ void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(BYTE bTracePointNumber_p);
// modul globale vars
const BYTE abMacAddr[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
const u8 abMacAddr[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
BYTE bVarIn1_l;
BYTE bVarOut1_l;
BYTE bVarOut1Old_l;
BYTE bModeSelect_l; // state of the pushbuttons to select the mode
BYTE bSpeedSelect_l; // state of the pushbuttons to increase/decrease the speed
BYTE bSpeedSelectOld_l; // old state of the pushbuttons
u8 bVarIn1_l;
u8 bVarOut1_l;
u8 bVarOut1Old_l;
u8 bModeSelect_l; // state of the pushbuttons to select the mode
u8 bSpeedSelect_l; // state of the pushbuttons to increase/decrease the speed
u8 bSpeedSelectOld_l; // old state of the pushbuttons
DWORD dwLeds_l; // current state of all LEDs
BYTE bLedsRow1_l; // current state of the LEDs in row 1
BYTE bLedsRow2_l; // current state of the LEDs in row 2
BYTE abSelect_l[3]; // pushbuttons from CNs
u8 bLedsRow1_l; // current state of the LEDs in row 1
u8 bLedsRow2_l; // current state of the LEDs in row 2
u8 abSelect_l[3]; // pushbuttons from CNs
DWORD dwMode_l; // current mode
int iCurCycleCount_l; // current cycle count
int iMaxCycleCount_l; // maximum cycle count (i.e. number of cycles until next light movement step)
int iToggle; // indicates the light movement direction
BYTE abDomain_l[3000];
u8 abDomain_l[3000];
static wait_queue_head_t WaitQueueShutdown_g; // wait queue for tEplNmtEventSwitchOff
static atomic_t AtomicShutdown_g = ATOMIC_INIT(FALSE);
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ static int __init EplLinInit(void)
EplApiInitParam.m_uiSizeOfStruct = sizeof(EplApiInitParam);
EPL_MEMCPY(EplApiInitParam.m_abMacAddress, abMacAddr,
// EplApiInitParam.m_abMacAddress[5] = (BYTE) EplApiInitParam.m_uiNodeId;
// EplApiInitParam.m_abMacAddress[5] = (u8) EplApiInitParam.m_uiNodeId;
EplApiInitParam.m_dwFeatureFlags = -1;
EplApiInitParam.m_dwCycleLen = uiCycleLen_g; // required for error detection
EplApiInitParam.m_uiIsochrTxMaxPayload = 100; // const
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ typedef struct _tEdrvTxBuffer {
unsigned int m_uiTxMsgLen; // IN: length of message to be send (set for each transmit call)
// ----------------------
unsigned int m_uiBufferNumber; // OUT: number of the buffer, set by ethernetdriver
BYTE *m_pbBuffer; // OUT: pointer to the buffer, set by ethernetdriver
u8 *m_pbBuffer; // OUT: pointer to the buffer, set by ethernetdriver
tEplNetTime m_NetTime; // OUT: Timestamp of end of transmission, set by ethernetdriver
// ----------------------
unsigned int m_uiMaxBufferLen; // IN/OUT: maximum length of the buffer
@ -114,21 +114,21 @@ typedef struct _tEdrvTxBuffer {
typedef struct _tEdrvRxBuffer {
tEdrvBufferInFrame m_BufferInFrame; // OUT position of received buffer in an ethernet-frame
unsigned int m_uiRxMsgLen; // OUT: length of received buffer (without CRC)
BYTE *m_pbBuffer; // OUT: pointer to the buffer, set by ethernetdriver
u8 *m_pbBuffer; // OUT: pointer to the buffer, set by ethernetdriver
tEplNetTime m_NetTime; // OUT: Timestamp of end of receiption
} tEdrvRxBuffer;
//typedef void (*tEdrvRxHandler) (BYTE bBufferInFrame_p, tBufferDescr * pbBuffer_p);
//typedef void (*tEdrvRxHandler) (BYTE bBufferInFrame_p, BYTE * pbEthernetData_p, WORD wDataLen_p);
//typedef void (*tEdrvRxHandler) (u8 bBufferInFrame_p, tBufferDescr * pbBuffer_p);
//typedef void (*tEdrvRxHandler) (u8 bBufferInFrame_p, u8 * pbEthernetData_p, WORD wDataLen_p);
typedef void (*tEdrvRxHandler) (tEdrvRxBuffer * pRxBuffer_p);
typedef void (*tEdrvTxHandler) (tEdrvTxBuffer * pTxBuffer_p);
// format of init structure
typedef struct {
BYTE m_abMyMacAddr[6]; // the own MAC address
u8 m_abMyMacAddr[6]; // the own MAC address
// BYTE m_bNoOfRxBuffDescr; // number of entries in rx bufferdescriptor table
// u8 m_bNoOfRxBuffDescr; // number of entries in rx bufferdescriptor table
// tBufferDescr * m_pRxBuffDescrTable; // rx bufferdescriptor table
// WORD m_wRxBufferSize; // size of the whole rx buffer
@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ tEplKernel EdrvInit(tEdrvInitParam * pEdrvInitParam_p);
tEplKernel EdrvShutdown(void);
tEplKernel EdrvDefineRxMacAddrEntry(BYTE * pbMacAddr_p);
tEplKernel EdrvUndefineRxMacAddrEntry(BYTE * pbMacAddr_p);
tEplKernel EdrvDefineRxMacAddrEntry(u8 * pbMacAddr_p);
tEplKernel EdrvUndefineRxMacAddrEntry(u8 * pbMacAddr_p);
//tEplKernel EdrvDefineUnicastEntry (BYTE * pbUCEntry_p);
//tEplKernel EdrvUndfineUnicastEntry (BYTE * pbUCEntry_p);
//tEplKernel EdrvDefineUnicastEntry (u8 * pbUCEntry_p);
//tEplKernel EdrvUndfineUnicastEntry (u8 * pbUCEntry_p);
tEplKernel EdrvAllocTxMsgBuffer(tEdrvTxBuffer * pBuffer_p);
tEplKernel EdrvReleaseTxMsgBuffer(tEdrvTxBuffer * pBuffer_p);
@ -30,9 +30,6 @@
#define TRACE printk
// --- logic types ---
#ifndef BYTE
#define BYTE unsigned char
#ifndef WORD
#define WORD unsigned short int
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
typedef tEplKernel(*tEplDllkCbAsync) (tEplFrameInfo * pFrameInfo_p);
typedef struct {
BYTE m_be_abSrcMac[6];
u8 m_be_abSrcMac[6];
} tEplDllkInitParam;
@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ struct _tEplDllkNodeInfo {
unsigned long m_ulDllErrorEvents;
tEplNmtState m_NmtState;
WORD m_wPresPayloadLimit;
BYTE m_be_abMacAddr[6];
BYTE m_bSoaFlag1;
u8 m_be_abMacAddr[6];
u8 m_bSoaFlag1;
BOOL m_fSoftDelete; // delete node after error and ignore error
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkDeleteNode(unsigned int uiNodeId_p);
tEplKernel EplDllkSoftDeleteNode(unsigned int uiNodeId_p);
tEplKernel EplDllkSetFlag1OfNode(unsigned int uiNodeId_p, BYTE bSoaFlag1_p);
tEplKernel EplDllkSetFlag1OfNode(unsigned int uiNodeId_p, u8 bSoaFlag1_p);
tEplKernel EplDllkGetFirstNodeInfo(tEplDllkNodeInfo ** ppNodeInfo_p);
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDllkCalProcess(tEplEvent * pEvent_p);
tEplKernel EplDllkCalAsyncClearQueues(void);
tEplKernel EplDllkCalIssueRequest(tEplDllReqServiceId Service_p,
unsigned int uiNodeId_p, BYTE bSoaFlag1_p);
unsigned int uiNodeId_p, u8 bSoaFlag1_p);
tEplKernel EplDllkCalAsyncGetSoaRequest(tEplDllReqServiceId * pReqServiceId_p,
unsigned int *puiNodeId_p);
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
// global variables
extern BYTE abEplObdTrashObject_g[8];
extern u8 abEplObdTrashObject_g[8];
// function prototypes
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ static int EplLinProcRead(char *pcBuffer_p, char **ppcStart_p, off_t Offset_p,
static int EplLinProcWrite(struct file *file, const char __user * buffer,
unsigned long count, void *data);
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(BYTE bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(u8 bTracePointNumber_p);
void TgtDbgPostTraceValue(DWORD dwTraceValue_p);
EPLDLLEXPORT DWORD EplIdentuGetRunningRequests(void);
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ tEplKernel EplLinProcFree(void)
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(BYTE bTracePointNumber_p)
void TgtDbgSignalTracePoint(u8 bTracePointNumber_p)
if (bTracePointNumber_p >=
@ -133,18 +133,18 @@ typedef struct {
tEplSdoComConHdl m_SdoComConHdl; // handle for sdo connection
DWORD m_dwLastAbortCode;
unsigned int m_uiLastIndex; // last index of configuration, to compair with actual index
BYTE *m_pbConcise; // Ptr to concise DCF
BYTE *m_pbActualIndex; // Ptr to actual index in the DCF segment
u8 *m_pbConcise; // Ptr to concise DCF
u8 *m_pbActualIndex; // Ptr to actual index in the DCF segment
tfpEplCfgMaCb m_pfnCfgMaCb; // Ptr to CfgMa Callback, is call if configuration finished
tEplKernel m_EplKernelError; // errorcode
DWORD m_dwNumValueCopy; // numeric values are copied in this variable
unsigned int m_uiPdoNodeId; // buffer for PDO node id
BYTE m_bNrOfMappedObject; // number of mapped objects
u8 m_bNrOfMappedObject; // number of mapped objects
unsigned int m_uiNodeId; // Epl node addresse
tEplSdocState m_SdocState; // bitcoded state of the SDO transfer
unsigned int m_uiLastSubIndex; // last subindex of configuration
BOOL m_fOneTranferOk; // atleased one transfer was successful
BYTE m_bEventFlag; // for Eventsignaling to the State Maschine
u8 m_bEventFlag; // for Eventsignaling to the State Maschine
DWORD m_dwCntObjectInDcf; // number of Objects in DCF
tEplCfgMaIndexType m_SkipCfg; // TRUE if a adsitional Configurationprocess
// have to insert e.g. PDO-mapping
@ -199,13 +199,13 @@ tEplKernel plCfgMaDelInstance(void);
// Parameters: uiNodeId_p = NodeId of the node to configure
// pbConcise_p = pointer to DCF
// fpCfgMaCb_p = pointer to callback function (should not be NULL)
// SizeOfConcise_p = size of DCF in BYTE -> for future use
// SizeOfConcise_p = size of DCF in u8 -> for future use
// DcfType_p = type of the DCF
// Returns: tCopKernel = error code
tEplKernel EplCfgMaStartConfig(unsigned int uiNodeId_p,
BYTE * pbConcise_p,
u8 * pbConcise_p,
tfpEplCfgMaCb fpCfgMaCb_p,
tEplObdSize SizeOfConcise_p,
tEplCfgMaDcfTyp DcfType_p);
@ -235,13 +235,13 @@ tEplKernel EplCfgMaStartConfigNode(unsigned int uiNodeId_p,
// Parameters: uiNodeId_p = NodeId of the node to configure
// pbConcise_p = pointer to DCF
// fpCfgMaCb_p = pointer to callback function (should not be NULL)
// SizeOfConcise_p = size of DCF in BYTE -> for future use
// SizeOfConcise_p = size of DCF in u8 -> for future use
// DcfType_p = type of the DCF
// Returns: tCopKernel = error code
tEplKernel EplCfgMaStartConfigNodeDcf(unsigned int uiNodeId_p,
BYTE * pbConcise_p,
u8 * pbConcise_p,
tfpEplCfgMaCb fpCfgMaCb_p,
tEplObdSize SizeOfConcise_p,
tEplCfgMaDcfTyp DcfType_p);
@ -253,13 +253,13 @@ tEplKernel EplCfgMaStartConfigNodeDcf(unsigned int uiNodeId_p,
// Parameters: uiNodeId_p = NodeId of the node to configure
// pbConcise_p = pointer to DCF
// SizeOfConcise_p = size of DCF in BYTE -> for future use
// SizeOfConcise_p = size of DCF in u8 -> for future use
// DcfType_p = type of the DCF
// Returns: tCopKernel = error code
tEplKernel EplCfgMaLinkDcf(unsigned int uiNodeId_p,
BYTE * pbConcise_p,
u8 * pbConcise_p,
tEplObdSize SizeOfConcise_p,
tEplCfgMaDcfTyp DcfType_p);
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ tEplKernel EplDlluCalDeleteNode(unsigned int uiNodeId_p);
tEplKernel EplDlluCalSoftDeleteNode(unsigned int uiNodeId_p);
tEplKernel EplDlluCalIssueRequest(tEplDllReqServiceId Service_p,
unsigned int uiNodeId_p, BYTE bSoaFlag1_p);
unsigned int uiNodeId_p, u8 bSoaFlag1_p);
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ EPLDLLEXPORT tEplKernel EplObduRegisterUserOd(tEplObdEntryPtr pUserOd_p);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
EPLDLLEXPORT void EplObduInitVarEntry(tEplObdVarEntry *pVarEntry_p,
BYTE bType_p, tEplObdSize ObdSize_p);
u8 bType_p, tEplObdSize ObdSize_p);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
EPLDLLEXPORT tEplObdSize EplObduGetDataSize(unsigned int uiIndex_p,
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ EPLDLLEXPORT void *EplObduCalGetObjectDataPtr(unsigned int uiIndex_p,
EPLDLLEXPORT tEplKernel EplObduCalRegisterUserOd(tEplObdEntryPtr pUserOd_p);
EPLDLLEXPORT void EplObduCalInitVarEntry(tEplObdVarEntry *pVarEntry_p,
BYTE bType_p, tEplObdSize ObdSize_p);
u8 bType_p, tEplObdSize ObdSize_p);
EPLDLLEXPORT tEplObdSize EplObduCalGetDataSize(unsigned int uiIndex_p,
unsigned int uiSubIndex_p);
@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ tEplKernel EplPdouCbObdAccess(tEplObdCbParam *pParam_p);
// returns error if bPdoId_p is already valid
tEplKernel EplPdouSetMapping(
BYTE bPdoId_p, BOOL fTxRx_p, BYTE bNodeId, BYTE bMappingVersion,
tEplPdoMapping * pMapping_p, BYTE bMaxEntries_p);
u8 bPdoId_p, BOOL fTxRx_p, u8 bNodeId, u8 bMappingVersion,
tEplPdoMapping * pMapping_p, u8 bMaxEntries_p);
tEplKernel EplPdouGetMapping(
BYTE bPdoId_p, BOOL fTxRx_p, BYTE * pbNodeId, BYTE * pbMappingVersion,
tEplPdoMapping * pMapping_p, BYTE * pbMaxEntries_p);
u8 bPdoId_p, BOOL fTxRx_p, u8 * pbNodeId, u8 * pbMappingVersion,
tEplPdoMapping * pMapping_p, u8 * pbMaxEntries_p);
#endif // #ifndef _EPL_PDOU_H_
Reference in New Issue
Block a user