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# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Author: Jesper Dangaard Brouer <>
# Allow wrapper scripts to name test
if [ -z "$TESTNAME" ]; then
# Default XDP mode
usage() {
echo "Testing XDP + TC eBPF VLAN manipulations: $TESTNAME"
echo ""
echo "Usage: $0 [-vfh]"
echo " -v | --verbose : Verbose"
echo " --flush : Flush before starting (e.g. after --interactive)"
echo " --interactive : Keep netns setup running after test-run"
echo " --mode=XXX : Choose XDP mode (xdp | xdpgeneric | xdpdrv)"
echo ""
local mode=$1
case "$mode" in
xdpgeneric | xdpdrv | xdp)
return 0
return 1
local status=$?
if [ "$status" = "0" ]; then
echo "selftests: $TESTNAME [PASS]";
echo "selftests: $TESTNAME [FAILED]";
if [ -n "$INTERACTIVE" ]; then
echo "Namespace setup still active explore with:"
echo " ip netns exec ns1 bash"
echo " ip netns exec ns2 bash"
exit $status
set +e
ip link del veth1 2> /dev/null
ip netns del ns1 2> /dev/null
ip netns del ns2 2> /dev/null
# Using external program "getopt" to get --long-options
OPTIONS=$(getopt -o hvfi: \
--long verbose,flush,help,interactive,debug,mode: -- "$@")
if (( $? != 0 )); then
echo "selftests: $TESTNAME [FAILED] Error calling getopt, unknown option?"
exit 2
eval set -- "$OPTIONS"
## --- Parse command line arguments / parameters ---
while true; do
case "$1" in
-v | --verbose)
export VERBOSE=yes
-i | --interactive | --debug )
-f | --flush )
--mode )
-- )
-h | --help )
echo "selftests: $TESTNAME [SKIP] usage help info requested"
exit 0
* )
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "selftests: $TESTNAME [FAILED] need root privileges"
exit 1
valid_xdp_mode $XDP_MODE
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "selftests: $TESTNAME [FAILED] unknown XDP mode ($XDP_MODE)"
exit 1
ip link set dev lo xdpgeneric off 2>/dev/null > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "selftests: $TESTNAME [SKIP] need ip xdp support"
exit 0
# Interactive mode likely require us to cleanup netns
if [ -n "$INTERACTIVE" ]; then
ip link del veth1 2> /dev/null
ip netns del ns1 2> /dev/null
ip netns del ns2 2> /dev/null
# Exit on failure
set -e
# Some shell-tools dependencies
which ip > /dev/null
which tc > /dev/null
which ethtool > /dev/null
# Make rest of shell verbose, showing comments as doc/info
if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then
set -v
# Create two namespaces
ip netns add ns1
ip netns add ns2
# Run cleanup if failing or on kill
trap cleanup 0 2 3 6 9
# Create veth pair
ip link add veth1 type veth peer name veth2
# Move veth1 and veth2 into the respective namespaces
ip link set veth1 netns ns1
ip link set veth2 netns ns2
# NOTICE: XDP require VLAN header inside packet payload
# - Thus, disable VLAN offloading driver features
# - For veth REMEMBER TX side VLAN-offload
# Disable rx-vlan-offload (mostly needed on ns1)
ip netns exec ns1 ethtool -K veth1 rxvlan off
ip netns exec ns2 ethtool -K veth2 rxvlan off
# Disable tx-vlan-offload (mostly needed on ns2)
ip netns exec ns2 ethtool -K veth2 txvlan off
ip netns exec ns1 ethtool -K veth1 txvlan off
export IPADDR1=
export IPADDR2=
# In ns1/veth1 add IP-addr on plain net_device
ip netns exec ns1 ip addr add ${IPADDR1}/24 dev veth1
ip netns exec ns1 ip link set veth1 up
# In ns2/veth2 create VLAN device
export VLAN=4011
export DEVNS2=veth2
ip netns exec ns2 ip link add link $DEVNS2 name $DEVNS2.$VLAN type vlan id $VLAN
ip netns exec ns2 ip addr add ${IPADDR2}/24 dev $DEVNS2.$VLAN
ip netns exec ns2 ip link set $DEVNS2 up
ip netns exec ns2 ip link set $DEVNS2.$VLAN up
# Bringup lo in netns (to avoids confusing people using --interactive)
ip netns exec ns1 ip link set lo up
ip netns exec ns2 ip link set lo up
# At this point, the hosts cannot reach each-other,
# because ns2 are using VLAN tags on the packets.
ip netns exec ns2 sh -c 'ping -W 1 -c 1 || echo "Success: First ping must fail"'
# Now we can use the test_xdp_vlan.c program to pop/push these VLAN tags
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# In ns1: ingress use XDP to remove VLAN tags
export DEVNS1=veth1
export FILE=test_xdp_vlan.o
# First test: Remove VLAN by setting VLAN ID 0, using "xdp_vlan_change"
export XDP_PROG=xdp_vlan_change
ip netns exec ns1 ip link set $DEVNS1 $XDP_MODE object $FILE section $XDP_PROG
# In ns1: egress use TC to add back VLAN tag 4011
# (del cmd)
# tc qdisc del dev $DEVNS1 clsact 2> /dev/null
ip netns exec ns1 tc qdisc add dev $DEVNS1 clsact
ip netns exec ns1 tc filter add dev $DEVNS1 egress \
prio 1 handle 1 bpf da obj $FILE sec tc_vlan_push
# Now the namespaces can reach each-other, test with ping:
ip netns exec ns2 ping -i 0.2 -W 2 -c 2 $IPADDR1
ip netns exec ns1 ping -i 0.2 -W 2 -c 2 $IPADDR2
# Second test: Replace xdp prog, that fully remove vlan header
# Catch kernel bug for generic-XDP, that does didn't allow us to
# remove a VLAN header, because skb->protocol still contain VLAN
# ETH_P_8021Q indication, and this cause overwriting of our changes.
export XDP_PROG=xdp_vlan_remove_outer2
ip netns exec ns1 ip link set $DEVNS1 $XDP_MODE off
ip netns exec ns1 ip link set $DEVNS1 $XDP_MODE object $FILE section $XDP_PROG
# Now the namespaces should still be able reach each-other, test with ping:
ip netns exec ns2 ping -i 0.2 -W 2 -c 2 $IPADDR1
ip netns exec ns1 ping -i 0.2 -W 2 -c 2 $IPADDR2