2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
/*** -*- linux-c -*- **********************************************************
Driver for Atmel at76c502 at76c504 and at76c506 wireless cards .
Copyright 2000 - 2001 ATMEL Corporation .
Copyright 2003 - 2004 Simon Kelley .
This code was developed from version 2.1 .1 of the Atmel drivers ,
released by Atmel corp . under the GPL in December 2002. It also
includes code from the Linux aironet drivers ( C ) Benjamin Reed ,
and the Linux PCMCIA package , ( C ) David Hinds and the Linux wireless
extensions , ( C ) Jean Tourrilhes .
The firmware module for reading the MAC address of the card comes from
net . russotto . AtmelMACFW , written by Matthew T . Russotto and copyright
by him . net . russotto . AtmelMACFW is used under the GPL license version 2.
This file contains the module in binary form and , under the terms
of the GPL , in source form . The source is located at the end of the file .
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Atmel wireless lan drivers ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
For all queries about this code , please contact the current author ,
Simon Kelley < simon @ thekelleys . org . uk > and not Atmel Corporation .
Credit is due to HP UK and Cambridge Online Systems Ltd for supplying
hardware used during development of this driver .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include <linux/config.h>
# include <linux/init.h>
# include <linux/kernel.h>
# include <linux/sched.h>
# include <linux/ptrace.h>
# include <linux/slab.h>
# include <linux/string.h>
# include <linux/ctype.h>
# include <linux/timer.h>
# include <asm/io.h>
# include <asm/system.h>
# include <asm/uaccess.h>
# include <linux/module.h>
# include <linux/netdevice.h>
# include <linux/etherdevice.h>
# include <linux/skbuff.h>
# include <linux/if_arp.h>
# include <linux/ioport.h>
# include <linux/fcntl.h>
# include <linux/delay.h>
# include <linux/wireless.h>
# include <net/iw_handler.h>
# include <linux/byteorder/generic.h>
# include <linux/crc32.h>
# include <linux/proc_fs.h>
# include <linux/device.h>
# include <linux/moduleparam.h>
# include <linux/firmware.h>
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
# include <net/ieee80211.h>
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
# include "atmel.h"
# define DRIVER_MAJOR 0
# define DRIVER_MINOR 96
MODULE_AUTHOR ( " Simon Kelley " ) ;
MODULE_DESCRIPTION ( " Support for Atmel at76c50x 802.11 wireless ethernet cards. " ) ;
MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE ( " Atmel at76c50x wireless cards " ) ;
/* The name of the firmware file to be loaded
over - rides any automatic selection */
static char * firmware = NULL ;
module_param ( firmware , charp , 0 ) ;
/* table of firmware file names */
static struct {
AtmelFWType fw_type ;
const char * fw_file ;
const char * fw_file_ext ;
} fw_table [ ] = {
{ ATMEL_FW_TYPE_502 , " atmel_at76c502 " , " bin " } ,
{ ATMEL_FW_TYPE_502D , " atmel_at76c502d " , " bin " } ,
{ ATMEL_FW_TYPE_502E , " atmel_at76c502e " , " bin " } ,
{ ATMEL_FW_TYPE_502_3COM , " atmel_at76c502_3com " , " bin " } ,
{ ATMEL_FW_TYPE_504 , " atmel_at76c504 " , " bin " } ,
{ ATMEL_FW_TYPE_504_2958 , " atmel_at76c504_2958 " , " bin " } ,
{ ATMEL_FW_TYPE_504A_2958 , " atmel_at76c504a_2958 " , " bin " } ,
{ ATMEL_FW_TYPE_506 , " atmel_at76c506 " , " bin " } ,
} ;
# define MAX_SSID_LENGTH 32
# define MGMT_JIFFIES (256 * HZ / 100)
# define MAX_BSS_ENTRIES 64
/* registers */
# define GCR 0x00 // (SIR0) General Configuration Register
# define BSR 0x02 // (SIR1) Bank Switching Select Register
# define AR 0x04
# define DR 0x08
# define MR1 0x12 // Mirror Register 1
# define MR2 0x14 // Mirror Register 2
# define MR3 0x16 // Mirror Register 3
# define MR4 0x18 // Mirror Register 4
# define GPR1 0x0c
# define GPR2 0x0e
# define GPR3 0x10
// Constants for the GCR register.
# define GCR_REMAP 0x0400 // Remap internal SRAM to 0
# define GCR_SWRES 0x0080 // BIU reset (ARM and PAI are NOT reset)
# define GCR_CORES 0x0060 // Core Reset (ARM and PAI are reset)
# define GCR_ENINT 0x0002 // Enable Interrupts
# define GCR_ACKINT 0x0008 // Acknowledge Interrupts
# define BSS_SRAM 0x0200 // AMBA module selection --> SRAM
# define BSS_IRAM 0x0100 // AMBA module selection --> IRAM
// Constants for the MR registers.
# define MAC_INIT_COMPLETE 0x0001 // MAC init has been completed
# define MAC_BOOT_COMPLETE 0x0010 // MAC boot has been completed
# define MAC_INIT_OK 0x0002 // MAC boot has been completed
# define C80211_SUBTYPE_MGMT_ASS_REQUEST 0x00
# define C80211_SUBTYPE_MGMT_ASS_RESPONSE 0x10
# define C80211_SUBTYPE_MGMT_ProbeRequest 0x40
# define C80211_SUBTYPE_MGMT_ProbeResponse 0x50
# define C80211_SUBTYPE_MGMT_BEACON 0x80
# define C80211_SUBTYPE_MGMT_ATIM 0x90
# define C80211_SUBTYPE_MGMT_Authentication 0xB0
# define C80211_SUBTYPE_MGMT_Deauthentication 0xC0
# define C80211_MGMT_AAN_OPENSYSTEM 0x0000
# define C80211_MGMT_AAN_SHAREDKEY 0x0001
# define C80211_MGMT_CAPABILITY_ESS 0x0001 // see 802.11 p.58
# define C80211_MGMT_CAPABILITY_IBSS 0x0002 // - " -
# define C80211_MGMT_CAPABILITY_CFPollable 0x0004 // - " -
# define C80211_MGMT_CAPABILITY_CFPollRequest 0x0008 // - " -
# define C80211_MGMT_CAPABILITY_Privacy 0x0010 // - " -
# define C80211_MGMT_SC_Success 0
# define C80211_MGMT_SC_Unspecified 1
# define C80211_MGMT_SC_SupportCapabilities 10
# define C80211_MGMT_SC_ReassDenied 11
# define C80211_MGMT_SC_AssDenied 12
# define C80211_MGMT_SC_AuthAlgNotSupported 13
# define C80211_MGMT_SC_AuthTransSeqNumError 14
# define C80211_MGMT_SC_AuthRejectChallenge 15
# define C80211_MGMT_SC_AuthRejectTimeout 16
# define C80211_MGMT_SC_AssDeniedHandleAP 17
# define C80211_MGMT_SC_AssDeniedBSSRate 18
# define C80211_MGMT_ElementID_SSID 0
# define C80211_MGMT_ElementID_SupportedRates 1
# define C80211_MGMT_ElementID_ChallengeText 16
# define C80211_MGMT_CAPABILITY_ShortPreamble 0x0020
# define MIB_MAX_DATA_BYTES 212
# define MIB_HEADER_SIZE 4 /* first four fields */
struct get_set_mib {
u8 type ;
u8 size ;
u8 index ;
u8 reserved ;
u8 data [ MIB_MAX_DATA_BYTES ] ;
} ;
struct rx_desc {
u32 Next ;
u16 MsduPos ;
u16 MsduSize ;
u8 State ;
u8 Status ;
u8 Rate ;
u8 Rssi ;
u8 LinkQuality ;
u8 PreambleType ;
u16 Duration ;
u32 RxTime ;
} ;
# define RX_DESC_FLAG_VALID 0x80
# define RX_DESC_FLAG_IDLE 0x00
# define RX_STATUS_SUCCESS 0x00
struct tx_desc {
u32 NextDescriptor ;
u16 TxStartOfFrame ;
u16 TxLength ;
u8 TxState ;
u8 TxStatus ;
u8 RetryCount ;
u8 TxRate ;
u8 KeyIndex ;
u8 ChiperType ;
u8 ChipreLength ;
u8 Reserved1 ;
u8 Reserved ;
u8 PacketType ;
u16 HostTxLength ;
} ;
// Host-MAC interface
# define TX_STATUS_SUCCESS 0x00
# define TX_FIRM_OWN 0x80
# define TX_DONE 0x40
# define TX_ERROR 0x01
# define TX_PACKET_TYPE_DATA 0x01
# define TX_PACKET_TYPE_MGMT 0x02
# define ISR_EMPTY 0x00 // no bits set in ISR
# define ISR_TxCOMPLETE 0x01 // packet transmitted
# define ISR_RxCOMPLETE 0x02 // packet received
# define ISR_RxFRAMELOST 0x04 // Rx Frame lost
# define ISR_FATAL_ERROR 0x08 // Fatal error
# define ISR_COMMAND_COMPLETE 0x10 // command completed
# define ISR_OUT_OF_RANGE 0x20 // command completed
# define ISR_IBSS_MERGE 0x40 // ( IBSS merge
# define ISR_GENERIC_IRQ 0x80
# define Local_Mib_Type 0x01
# define Mac_Address_Mib_Type 0x02
# define Mac_Mib_Type 0x03
# define Statistics_Mib_Type 0x04
# define Mac_Mgmt_Mib_Type 0x05
# define Mac_Wep_Mib_Type 0x06
# define Phy_Mib_Type 0x07
# define Multi_Domain_MIB 0x08
# define PHY_MIB_RATE_SET_POS 20
# define CMD_Set_MIB_Vars 0x01
# define CMD_Get_MIB_Vars 0x02
# define CMD_Scan 0x03
# define CMD_Join 0x04
# define CMD_Start 0x05
# define CMD_EnableRadio 0x06
# define CMD_DisableRadio 0x07
# define CMD_SiteSurvey 0x0B
# define CMD_STATUS_IDLE 0x00
# define CMD_STATUS_UNKNOWN 0x02
# define CMD_STATUS_TIME_OUT 0x07
# define MAX_WIRELESS_BODY 2316 /* mtu is 2312, CRC is 4 */
# define LOOP_RETRY_LIMIT 500000
# define ACTIVE_MODE 1
# define PS_MODE 2
// 802.11 related definitions
// Regulatory Domains
# define REG_DOMAIN_FCC 0x10 //Channels 1-11 USA
# define REG_DOMAIN_DOC 0x20 //Channel 1-11 Canada
# define REG_DOMAIN_ETSI 0x30 //Channel 1-13 Europe (ex Spain/France)
# define REG_DOMAIN_SPAIN 0x31 //Channel 10-11 Spain
# define REG_DOMAIN_FRANCE 0x32 //Channel 10-13 France
# define REG_DOMAIN_MKK 0x40 //Channel 14 Japan
# define REG_DOMAIN_MKK1 0x41 //Channel 1-14 Japan(MKK1)
# define REG_DOMAIN_ISRAEL 0x50 //Channel 3-9 ISRAEL
# define BSS_TYPE_AD_HOC 1
# define LONG_PREAMBLE 0
# define AUTO_PREAMBLE 2
/* promiscuous mode control */
# define PROM_MODE_OFF 0x0
# define PROM_MODE_UNKNOWN 0x1
# define PROM_MODE_MGMT 0x8
# define PROM_MODE_CTRL 0x10
# define CIPHER_SUITE_WEP_64 1
# define CIPHER_SUITE_WEP_128 5
// IFACE MACROS & definitions
// FuncCtrl field:
# define FUNC_CTRL_TxENABLE 0x10
# define FUNC_CTRL_RxENABLE 0x20
/* A stub firmware image which reads the MAC address from NVRAM on the card.
For copyright information and source see the end of this file . */
static u8 mac_reader [ ] = {
0x06 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xea , 0x04 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xea , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xea , 0x02 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xea ,
0x01 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xea , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xea , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xea , 0xfe , 0xff , 0xff , 0xea ,
0xd3 , 0x00 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x00 , 0xf0 , 0x21 , 0xe1 , 0x0e , 0x04 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x00 , 0x10 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 ,
0x81 , 0x11 , 0xa0 , 0xe1 , 0x00 , 0x10 , 0x81 , 0xe3 , 0x00 , 0x10 , 0x80 , 0xe5 , 0x1c , 0x10 , 0x90 , 0xe5 ,
0x10 , 0x10 , 0xc1 , 0xe3 , 0x1c , 0x10 , 0x80 , 0xe5 , 0x01 , 0x10 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x08 , 0x10 , 0x80 , 0xe5 ,
0x02 , 0x03 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x00 , 0x10 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0xb0 , 0x10 , 0xc0 , 0xe1 , 0xb4 , 0x10 , 0xc0 , 0xe1 ,
0xb8 , 0x10 , 0xc0 , 0xe1 , 0xbc , 0x10 , 0xc0 , 0xe1 , 0x56 , 0xdc , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x21 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xeb ,
0x0a , 0x00 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x1a , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xeb , 0x10 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xeb , 0x07 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xeb ,
0x02 , 0x03 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x02 , 0x14 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0xb4 , 0x10 , 0xc0 , 0xe1 , 0x4c , 0x10 , 0x9f , 0xe5 ,
0xbc , 0x10 , 0xc0 , 0xe1 , 0x10 , 0x10 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0xb8 , 0x10 , 0xc0 , 0xe1 , 0xfe , 0xff , 0xff , 0xea ,
0x00 , 0x40 , 0x2d , 0xe9 , 0x00 , 0x20 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x02 , 0x3c , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x00 , 0x10 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 ,
0x28 , 0x00 , 0x9f , 0xe5 , 0x37 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xeb , 0x00 , 0x40 , 0xbd , 0xe8 , 0x1e , 0xff , 0x2f , 0xe1 ,
0x00 , 0x40 , 0x2d , 0xe9 , 0x12 , 0x2e , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x06 , 0x30 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x00 , 0x10 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 ,
0x02 , 0x04 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x2f , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xeb , 0x00 , 0x40 , 0xbd , 0xe8 , 0x1e , 0xff , 0x2f , 0xe1 ,
0x00 , 0x02 , 0x00 , 0x02 , 0x80 , 0x01 , 0x90 , 0xe0 , 0x01 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x0a , 0x01 , 0x00 , 0x50 , 0xe2 ,
0xfc , 0xff , 0xff , 0xea , 0x1e , 0xff , 0x2f , 0xe1 , 0x80 , 0x10 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0xf3 , 0x06 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 ,
0x00 , 0x10 , 0x80 , 0xe5 , 0x00 , 0x10 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x00 , 0x10 , 0x80 , 0xe5 , 0x01 , 0x10 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 ,
0x04 , 0x10 , 0x80 , 0xe5 , 0x00 , 0x10 , 0x80 , 0xe5 , 0x0e , 0x34 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x1c , 0x10 , 0x93 , 0xe5 ,
0x02 , 0x1a , 0x81 , 0xe3 , 0x1c , 0x10 , 0x83 , 0xe5 , 0x58 , 0x11 , 0x9f , 0xe5 , 0x30 , 0x10 , 0x80 , 0xe5 ,
0x54 , 0x11 , 0x9f , 0xe5 , 0x34 , 0x10 , 0x80 , 0xe5 , 0x38 , 0x10 , 0x80 , 0xe5 , 0x3c , 0x10 , 0x80 , 0xe5 ,
0x10 , 0x10 , 0x90 , 0xe5 , 0x08 , 0x00 , 0x90 , 0xe5 , 0x1e , 0xff , 0x2f , 0xe1 , 0xf3 , 0x16 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 ,
0x08 , 0x00 , 0x91 , 0xe5 , 0x05 , 0x00 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x0c , 0x00 , 0x81 , 0xe5 , 0x10 , 0x00 , 0x91 , 0xe5 ,
0x02 , 0x00 , 0x10 , 0xe3 , 0xfc , 0xff , 0xff , 0x0a , 0xff , 0x00 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x0c , 0x00 , 0x81 , 0xe5 ,
0x10 , 0x00 , 0x91 , 0xe5 , 0x02 , 0x00 , 0x10 , 0xe3 , 0xfc , 0xff , 0xff , 0x0a , 0x08 , 0x00 , 0x91 , 0xe5 ,
0x10 , 0x00 , 0x91 , 0xe5 , 0x01 , 0x00 , 0x10 , 0xe3 , 0xfc , 0xff , 0xff , 0x0a , 0x08 , 0x00 , 0x91 , 0xe5 ,
0xff , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xe2 , 0x1e , 0xff , 0x2f , 0xe1 , 0x30 , 0x40 , 0x2d , 0xe9 , 0x00 , 0x50 , 0xa0 , 0xe1 ,
0x03 , 0x40 , 0xa0 , 0xe1 , 0xa2 , 0x02 , 0xa0 , 0xe1 , 0x08 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xe2 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0x80 , 0xe2 ,
0xd8 , 0x10 , 0x9f , 0xe5 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xc1 , 0xe5 , 0x01 , 0x20 , 0xc1 , 0xe5 , 0xe2 , 0xff , 0xff , 0xeb ,
0x01 , 0x00 , 0x10 , 0xe3 , 0xfc , 0xff , 0xff , 0x1a , 0x14 , 0x00 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0xc4 , 0xff , 0xff , 0xeb ,
0x04 , 0x20 , 0xa0 , 0xe1 , 0x05 , 0x10 , 0xa0 , 0xe1 , 0x02 , 0x00 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x01 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xeb ,
0x30 , 0x40 , 0xbd , 0xe8 , 0x1e , 0xff , 0x2f , 0xe1 , 0x70 , 0x40 , 0x2d , 0xe9 , 0xf3 , 0x46 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 ,
0x00 , 0x30 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x50 , 0xe3 , 0x08 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x9a , 0x8c , 0x50 , 0x9f , 0xe5 ,
0x03 , 0x60 , 0xd5 , 0xe7 , 0x0c , 0x60 , 0x84 , 0xe5 , 0x10 , 0x60 , 0x94 , 0xe5 , 0x02 , 0x00 , 0x16 , 0xe3 ,
0xfc , 0xff , 0xff , 0x0a , 0x01 , 0x30 , 0x83 , 0xe2 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x53 , 0xe1 , 0xf7 , 0xff , 0xff , 0x3a ,
0xff , 0x30 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x0c , 0x30 , 0x84 , 0xe5 , 0x08 , 0x00 , 0x94 , 0xe5 , 0x10 , 0x00 , 0x94 , 0xe5 ,
0x01 , 0x00 , 0x10 , 0xe3 , 0xfc , 0xff , 0xff , 0x0a , 0x08 , 0x00 , 0x94 , 0xe5 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 ,
0x00 , 0x00 , 0x52 , 0xe3 , 0x0b , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x9a , 0x10 , 0x50 , 0x94 , 0xe5 , 0x02 , 0x00 , 0x15 , 0xe3 ,
0xfc , 0xff , 0xff , 0x0a , 0x0c , 0x30 , 0x84 , 0xe5 , 0x10 , 0x50 , 0x94 , 0xe5 , 0x01 , 0x00 , 0x15 , 0xe3 ,
0xfc , 0xff , 0xff , 0x0a , 0x08 , 0x50 , 0x94 , 0xe5 , 0x01 , 0x50 , 0xc1 , 0xe4 , 0x01 , 0x00 , 0x80 , 0xe2 ,
0x02 , 0x00 , 0x50 , 0xe1 , 0xf3 , 0xff , 0xff , 0x3a , 0xc8 , 0x00 , 0xa0 , 0xe3 , 0x98 , 0xff , 0xff , 0xeb ,
0x70 , 0x40 , 0xbd , 0xe8 , 0x1e , 0xff , 0x2f , 0xe1 , 0x01 , 0x0c , 0x00 , 0x02 , 0x01 , 0x02 , 0x00 , 0x02 ,
0x00 , 0x01 , 0x00 , 0x02
} ;
struct atmel_private {
void * card ; /* Bus dependent stucture varies for PCcard */
int ( * present_callback ) ( void * ) ; /* And callback which uses it */
char firmware_id [ 32 ] ;
AtmelFWType firmware_type ;
u8 * firmware ;
int firmware_length ;
struct timer_list management_timer ;
struct net_device * dev ;
struct device * sys_dev ;
struct iw_statistics wstats ;
struct net_device_stats stats ; // device stats
spinlock_t irqlock , timerlock ; // spinlocks
enum { BUS_TYPE_PCCARD , BUS_TYPE_PCI } bus_type ;
enum {
} card_type ;
int do_rx_crc ; /* If we need to CRC incoming packets */
int probe_crc ; /* set if we don't yet know */
int crc_ok_cnt , crc_ko_cnt ; /* counters for probing */
u16 rx_desc_head ;
u16 tx_desc_free , tx_desc_head , tx_desc_tail , tx_desc_previous ;
u16 tx_free_mem , tx_buff_head , tx_buff_tail ;
u16 frag_seq , frag_len , frag_no ;
u8 frag_source [ 6 ] ;
u8 wep_is_on , default_key , exclude_unencrypted , encryption_level ;
u8 group_cipher_suite , pairwise_cipher_suite ;
int wep_key_len [ MAX_ENCRYPTION_KEYS ] ;
int use_wpa , radio_on_broken ; /* firmware dependent stuff. */
u16 host_info_base ;
struct host_info_struct {
/* NB this is matched to the hardware, don't change. */
u8 volatile int_status ;
u8 volatile int_mask ;
u8 volatile lockout_host ;
u8 volatile lockout_mac ;
u16 tx_buff_pos ;
u16 tx_buff_size ;
u16 tx_desc_pos ;
u16 tx_desc_count ;
u16 rx_buff_pos ;
u16 rx_buff_size ;
u16 rx_desc_pos ;
u16 rx_desc_count ;
u16 build_version ;
u16 command_pos ;
u16 major_version ;
u16 minor_version ;
u16 func_ctrl ;
u16 mac_status ;
u16 generic_IRQ_type ;
u8 reserved [ 2 ] ;
} host_info ;
enum {
} station_state ;
int operating_mode , power_mode ;
time_t last_qual ;
int beacons_this_sec ;
int channel ;
int reg_domain , config_reg_domain ;
int tx_rate ;
int auto_tx_rate ;
int rts_threshold ;
int frag_threshold ;
int long_retry , short_retry ;
int preamble ;
int default_beacon_period , beacon_period , listen_interval ;
int CurrentAuthentTransactionSeqNum , ExpectedAuthentTransactionSeqNum ;
int AuthenticationRequestRetryCnt , AssociationRequestRetryCnt , ReAssociationRequestRetryCnt ;
enum {
} site_survey_state ;
time_t last_survey ;
int station_was_associated , station_is_associated ;
int fast_scan ;
struct bss_info {
int channel ;
int SSIDsize ;
int RSSI ;
int UsingWEP ;
int preamble ;
int beacon_period ;
int BSStype ;
u8 BSSID [ 6 ] ;
int BSS_list_entries , current_BSS ;
int connect_to_any_BSS ;
int SSID_size , new_SSID_size ;
u8 CurrentBSSID [ 6 ] , BSSID [ 6 ] ;
u64 last_beacon_timestamp ;
u8 rx_buf [ MAX_WIRELESS_BODY ] ;
} ;
static u8 atmel_basic_rates [ 4 ] = { 0x82 , 0x84 , 0x0b , 0x16 } ;
static const struct {
int reg_domain ;
int min , max ;
char * name ;
} channel_table [ ] = { { REG_DOMAIN_FCC , 1 , 11 , " USA " } ,
{ REG_DOMAIN_DOC , 1 , 11 , " Canada " } ,
{ REG_DOMAIN_ETSI , 1 , 13 , " Europe " } ,
{ REG_DOMAIN_SPAIN , 10 , 11 , " Spain " } ,
{ REG_DOMAIN_FRANCE , 10 , 13 , " France " } ,
{ REG_DOMAIN_MKK , 14 , 14 , " MKK " } ,
{ REG_DOMAIN_MKK1 , 1 , 14 , " MKK1 " } ,
{ REG_DOMAIN_ISRAEL , 3 , 9 , " Israel " } } ;
static void build_wpa_mib ( struct atmel_private * priv ) ;
static int atmel_ioctl ( struct net_device * dev , struct ifreq * rq , int cmd ) ;
static void atmel_copy_to_card ( struct net_device * dev , u16 dest , unsigned char * src , u16 len ) ;
static void atmel_copy_to_host ( struct net_device * dev , unsigned char * dest , u16 src , u16 len ) ;
static void atmel_set_gcr ( struct net_device * dev , u16 mask ) ;
static void atmel_clear_gcr ( struct net_device * dev , u16 mask ) ;
static int atmel_lock_mac ( struct atmel_private * priv ) ;
static void atmel_wmem32 ( struct atmel_private * priv , u16 pos , u32 data ) ;
static void atmel_command_irq ( struct atmel_private * priv ) ;
static int atmel_validate_channel ( struct atmel_private * priv , int channel ) ;
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
static void atmel_management_frame ( struct atmel_private * priv , struct ieee80211_hdr * header ,
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
u16 frame_len , u8 rssi ) ;
static void atmel_management_timer ( u_long a ) ;
static void atmel_send_command ( struct atmel_private * priv , int command , void * cmd , int cmd_size ) ;
static int atmel_send_command_wait ( struct atmel_private * priv , int command , void * cmd , int cmd_size ) ;
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
static void atmel_transmit_management_frame ( struct atmel_private * priv , struct ieee80211_hdr * header ,
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
u8 * body , int body_len ) ;
static u8 atmel_get_mib8 ( struct atmel_private * priv , u8 type , u8 index ) ;
static void atmel_set_mib8 ( struct atmel_private * priv , u8 type , u8 index , u8 data ) ;
static void atmel_set_mib16 ( struct atmel_private * priv , u8 type , u8 index , u16 data ) ;
static void atmel_set_mib ( struct atmel_private * priv , u8 type , u8 index , u8 * data , int data_len ) ;
static void atmel_get_mib ( struct atmel_private * priv , u8 type , u8 index , u8 * data , int data_len ) ;
static void atmel_scan ( struct atmel_private * priv , int specific_ssid ) ;
static void atmel_join_bss ( struct atmel_private * priv , int bss_index ) ;
static void atmel_smooth_qual ( struct atmel_private * priv ) ;
static void atmel_writeAR ( struct net_device * dev , u16 data ) ;
static int probe_atmel_card ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static int reset_atmel_card ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static void atmel_enter_state ( struct atmel_private * priv , int new_state ) ;
int atmel_open ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static inline u16 atmel_hi ( struct atmel_private * priv , u16 offset )
return priv - > host_info_base + offset ;
static inline u16 atmel_co ( struct atmel_private * priv , u16 offset )
return priv - > host_info . command_pos + offset ;
static inline u16 atmel_rx ( struct atmel_private * priv , u16 offset , u16 desc )
return priv - > host_info . rx_desc_pos + ( sizeof ( struct rx_desc ) * desc ) + offset ;
static inline u16 atmel_tx ( struct atmel_private * priv , u16 offset , u16 desc )
return priv - > host_info . tx_desc_pos + ( sizeof ( struct tx_desc ) * desc ) + offset ;
static inline u8 atmel_read8 ( struct net_device * dev , u16 offset )
return inb ( dev - > base_addr + offset ) ;
static inline void atmel_write8 ( struct net_device * dev , u16 offset , u8 data )
outb ( data , dev - > base_addr + offset ) ;
static inline u16 atmel_read16 ( struct net_device * dev , u16 offset )
return inw ( dev - > base_addr + offset ) ;
static inline void atmel_write16 ( struct net_device * dev , u16 offset , u16 data )
outw ( data , dev - > base_addr + offset ) ;
static inline u8 atmel_rmem8 ( struct atmel_private * priv , u16 pos )
atmel_writeAR ( priv - > dev , pos ) ;
return atmel_read8 ( priv - > dev , DR ) ;
static inline void atmel_wmem8 ( struct atmel_private * priv , u16 pos , u16 data )
atmel_writeAR ( priv - > dev , pos ) ;
atmel_write8 ( priv - > dev , DR , data ) ;
static inline u16 atmel_rmem16 ( struct atmel_private * priv , u16 pos )
atmel_writeAR ( priv - > dev , pos ) ;
return atmel_read16 ( priv - > dev , DR ) ;
static inline void atmel_wmem16 ( struct atmel_private * priv , u16 pos , u16 data )
atmel_writeAR ( priv - > dev , pos ) ;
atmel_write16 ( priv - > dev , DR , data ) ;
static const struct iw_handler_def atmel_handler_def ;
static void tx_done_irq ( struct atmel_private * priv )
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ;
atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_FLAGS_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_head ) ) = = TX_DONE & &
i < priv - > host_info . tx_desc_count ;
i + + ) {
u8 status = atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_STATUS_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_head ) ) ;
u16 msdu_size = atmel_rmem16 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_SIZE_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_head ) ) ;
u8 type = atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_PACKET_TYPE_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_head ) ) ;
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_FLAGS_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_head ) , 0 ) ;
priv - > tx_free_mem + = msdu_size ;
priv - > tx_desc_free + + ;
if ( priv - > tx_buff_head + msdu_size > ( priv - > host_info . tx_buff_pos + priv - > host_info . tx_buff_size ) )
priv - > tx_buff_head = 0 ;
priv - > tx_buff_head + = msdu_size ;
if ( priv - > tx_desc_head < ( priv - > host_info . tx_desc_count - 1 ) )
priv - > tx_desc_head + + ;
priv - > tx_desc_head = 0 ;
if ( type = = TX_PACKET_TYPE_DATA ) {
if ( status = = TX_STATUS_SUCCESS )
priv - > stats . tx_packets + + ;
priv - > stats . tx_errors + + ;
netif_wake_queue ( priv - > dev ) ;
static u16 find_tx_buff ( struct atmel_private * priv , u16 len )
u16 bottom_free = priv - > host_info . tx_buff_size - priv - > tx_buff_tail ;
if ( priv - > tx_desc_free = = 3 | | priv - > tx_free_mem < len )
return 0 ;
if ( bottom_free > = len )
return priv - > host_info . tx_buff_pos + priv - > tx_buff_tail ;
if ( priv - > tx_free_mem - bottom_free > = len ) {
priv - > tx_buff_tail = 0 ;
return priv - > host_info . tx_buff_pos ;
return 0 ;
static void tx_update_descriptor ( struct atmel_private * priv , int is_bcast , u16 len , u16 buff , u8 type )
atmel_wmem16 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_POS_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_tail ) , buff ) ;
atmel_wmem16 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_SIZE_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_tail ) , len ) ;
if ( ! priv - > use_wpa )
atmel_wmem16 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_HOST_LENGTH_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_tail ) , len ) ;
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_PACKET_TYPE_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_tail ) , type ) ;
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_RATE_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_tail ) , priv - > tx_rate ) ;
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_RETRY_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_tail ) , 0 ) ;
if ( priv - > use_wpa ) {
int cipher_type , cipher_length ;
if ( is_bcast ) {
cipher_type = priv - > group_cipher_suite ;
if ( cipher_type = = CIPHER_SUITE_WEP_64 | |
cipher_type = = CIPHER_SUITE_WEP_128 )
cipher_length = 8 ;
else if ( cipher_type = = CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP )
cipher_length = 12 ;
else if ( priv - > pairwise_cipher_suite = = CIPHER_SUITE_WEP_64 | |
priv - > pairwise_cipher_suite = = CIPHER_SUITE_WEP_128 ) {
cipher_type = priv - > pairwise_cipher_suite ;
cipher_length = 8 ;
} else {
cipher_type = CIPHER_SUITE_NONE ;
cipher_length = 0 ;
} else {
cipher_type = priv - > pairwise_cipher_suite ;
if ( cipher_type = = CIPHER_SUITE_WEP_64 | |
cipher_type = = CIPHER_SUITE_WEP_128 )
cipher_length = 8 ;
else if ( cipher_type = = CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP )
cipher_length = 12 ;
else if ( priv - > group_cipher_suite = = CIPHER_SUITE_WEP_64 | |
priv - > group_cipher_suite = = CIPHER_SUITE_WEP_128 ) {
cipher_type = priv - > group_cipher_suite ;
cipher_length = 8 ;
} else {
cipher_type = CIPHER_SUITE_NONE ;
cipher_length = 0 ;
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_CIPHER_TYPE_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_tail ) ,
cipher_type ) ;
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_CIPHER_LENGTH_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_tail ) ,
cipher_length ) ;
atmel_wmem32 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_NEXT_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_tail ) , 0x80000000L ) ;
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_FLAGS_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_tail ) , TX_FIRM_OWN ) ;
if ( priv - > tx_desc_previous ! = priv - > tx_desc_tail )
atmel_wmem32 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_NEXT_OFFSET , priv - > tx_desc_previous ) , 0 ) ;
priv - > tx_desc_previous = priv - > tx_desc_tail ;
if ( priv - > tx_desc_tail < ( priv - > host_info . tx_desc_count - 1 ) )
priv - > tx_desc_tail + + ;
priv - > tx_desc_tail = 0 ;
priv - > tx_desc_free - - ;
priv - > tx_free_mem - = len ;
static int start_tx ( struct sk_buff * skb , struct net_device * dev )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
struct ieee80211_hdr header ;
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
unsigned long flags ;
u16 buff , frame_ctl , len = ( ETH_ZLEN < skb - > len ) ? skb - > len : ETH_ZLEN ;
u8 SNAP_RFC1024 [ 6 ] = { 0xaa , 0xaa , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 } ;
if ( priv - > card & & priv - > present_callback & &
! ( * priv - > present_callback ) ( priv - > card ) ) {
priv - > stats . tx_errors + + ;
dev_kfree_skb ( skb ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( priv - > station_state ! = STATION_STATE_READY ) {
priv - > stats . tx_errors + + ;
dev_kfree_skb ( skb ) ;
return 0 ;
/* first ensure the timer func cannot run */
spin_lock_bh ( & priv - > timerlock ) ;
/* then stop the hardware ISR */
spin_lock_irqsave ( & priv - > irqlock , flags ) ;
/* nb doing the above in the opposite order will deadlock */
/* The Wireless Header is 30 bytes. In the Ethernet packet we "cut" the
12 first bytes ( containing DA / SA ) and put them in the appropriate fields of
the Wireless Header . Thus the packet length is then the initial + 18 ( + 30 - 12 ) */
if ( ! ( buff = find_tx_buff ( priv , len + 18 ) ) ) {
priv - > stats . tx_dropped + + ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & priv - > irqlock , flags ) ;
spin_unlock_bh ( & priv - > timerlock ) ;
netif_stop_queue ( dev ) ;
return 1 ;
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
frame_ctl = IEEE80211_FTYPE_DATA ;
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
header . duration_id = 0 ;
header . seq_ctl = 0 ;
if ( priv - > wep_is_on )
2005-08-26 00:11:46 +00:00
frame_ctl | = IEEE80211_FCTL_PROTECTED ;
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
if ( priv - > operating_mode = = IW_MODE_ADHOC ) {
memcpy ( & header . addr1 , skb - > data , 6 ) ;
memcpy ( & header . addr2 , dev - > dev_addr , 6 ) ;
memcpy ( & header . addr3 , priv - > BSSID , 6 ) ;
} else {
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
frame_ctl | = IEEE80211_FCTL_TODS ;
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
memcpy ( & header . addr1 , priv - > CurrentBSSID , 6 ) ;
memcpy ( & header . addr2 , dev - > dev_addr , 6 ) ;
memcpy ( & header . addr3 , skb - > data , 6 ) ;
if ( priv - > use_wpa )
memcpy ( & header . addr4 , SNAP_RFC1024 , 6 ) ;
header . frame_ctl = cpu_to_le16 ( frame_ctl ) ;
/* Copy the wireless header into the card */
atmel_copy_to_card ( dev , buff , ( unsigned char * ) & header , DATA_FRAME_WS_HEADER_SIZE ) ;
/* Copy the packet sans its 802.3 header addresses which have been replaced */
atmel_copy_to_card ( dev , buff + DATA_FRAME_WS_HEADER_SIZE , skb - > data + 12 , len - 12 ) ;
priv - > tx_buff_tail + = len - 12 + DATA_FRAME_WS_HEADER_SIZE ;
/* low bit of first byte of destination tells us if broadcast */
tx_update_descriptor ( priv , * ( skb - > data ) & 0x01 , len + 18 , buff , TX_PACKET_TYPE_DATA ) ;
dev - > trans_start = jiffies ;
priv - > stats . tx_bytes + = len ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & priv - > irqlock , flags ) ;
spin_unlock_bh ( & priv - > timerlock ) ;
dev_kfree_skb ( skb ) ;
return 0 ;
static void atmel_transmit_management_frame ( struct atmel_private * priv ,
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
struct ieee80211_hdr * header ,
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
u8 * body , int body_len )
u16 buff ;
int len = MGMT_FRAME_BODY_OFFSET + body_len ;
if ( ! ( buff = find_tx_buff ( priv , len ) ) )
return ;
atmel_copy_to_card ( priv - > dev , buff , ( u8 * ) header , MGMT_FRAME_BODY_OFFSET ) ;
atmel_copy_to_card ( priv - > dev , buff + MGMT_FRAME_BODY_OFFSET , body , body_len ) ;
priv - > tx_buff_tail + = len ;
tx_update_descriptor ( priv , header - > addr1 [ 0 ] & 0x01 , len , buff , TX_PACKET_TYPE_MGMT ) ;
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
static void fast_rx_path ( struct atmel_private * priv , struct ieee80211_hdr * header ,
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
u16 msdu_size , u16 rx_packet_loc , u32 crc )
/* fast path: unfragmented packet copy directly into skbuf */
u8 mac4 [ 6 ] ;
struct sk_buff * skb ;
unsigned char * skbp ;
/* get the final, mac 4 header field, this tells us encapsulation */
atmel_copy_to_host ( priv - > dev , mac4 , rx_packet_loc + 24 , 6 ) ;
msdu_size - = 6 ;
if ( priv - > do_rx_crc ) {
crc = crc32_le ( crc , mac4 , 6 ) ;
msdu_size - = 4 ;
if ( ! ( skb = dev_alloc_skb ( msdu_size + 14 ) ) ) {
priv - > stats . rx_dropped + + ;
return ;
skb_reserve ( skb , 2 ) ;
skbp = skb_put ( skb , msdu_size + 12 ) ;
atmel_copy_to_host ( priv - > dev , skbp + 12 , rx_packet_loc + 30 , msdu_size ) ;
if ( priv - > do_rx_crc ) {
u32 netcrc ;
crc = crc32_le ( crc , skbp + 12 , msdu_size ) ;
atmel_copy_to_host ( priv - > dev , ( void * ) & netcrc , rx_packet_loc + 30 + msdu_size , 4 ) ;
if ( ( crc ^ 0xffffffff ) ! = netcrc ) {
priv - > stats . rx_crc_errors + + ;
dev_kfree_skb ( skb ) ;
return ;
memcpy ( skbp , header - > addr1 , 6 ) ; /* destination address */
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
if ( le16_to_cpu ( header - > frame_ctl ) & IEEE80211_FCTL_FROMDS )
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
memcpy ( & skbp [ 6 ] , header - > addr3 , 6 ) ;
memcpy ( & skbp [ 6 ] , header - > addr2 , 6 ) ; /* source address */
priv - > dev - > last_rx = jiffies ;
skb - > dev = priv - > dev ;
skb - > protocol = eth_type_trans ( skb , priv - > dev ) ;
skb - > ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE ;
netif_rx ( skb ) ;
priv - > stats . rx_bytes + = 12 + msdu_size ;
priv - > stats . rx_packets + + ;
/* Test to see if the packet in card memory at packet_loc has a valid CRC
It doesn ' t matter that this is slow : it is only used to proble the first few packets . */
static int probe_crc ( struct atmel_private * priv , u16 packet_loc , u16 msdu_size )
int i = msdu_size - 4 ;
u32 netcrc , crc = 0xffffffff ;
if ( msdu_size < 4 )
return 0 ;
atmel_copy_to_host ( priv - > dev , ( void * ) & netcrc , packet_loc + i , 4 ) ;
atmel_writeAR ( priv - > dev , packet_loc ) ;
while ( i - - ) {
u8 octet = atmel_read8 ( priv - > dev , DR ) ;
crc = crc32_le ( crc , & octet , 1 ) ;
return ( crc ^ 0xffffffff ) = = netcrc ;
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
static void frag_rx_path ( struct atmel_private * priv , struct ieee80211_hdr * header ,
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
u16 msdu_size , u16 rx_packet_loc , u32 crc , u16 seq_no , u8 frag_no , int more_frags )
u8 mac4 [ 6 ] ;
u8 source [ 6 ] ;
struct sk_buff * skb ;
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
if ( le16_to_cpu ( header - > frame_ctl ) & IEEE80211_FCTL_FROMDS )
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
memcpy ( source , header - > addr3 , 6 ) ;
memcpy ( source , header - > addr2 , 6 ) ;
rx_packet_loc + = 24 ; /* skip header */
if ( priv - > do_rx_crc )
msdu_size - = 4 ;
if ( frag_no = = 0 ) { /* first fragment */
atmel_copy_to_host ( priv - > dev , mac4 , rx_packet_loc , 6 ) ;
msdu_size - = 6 ;
rx_packet_loc + = 6 ;
if ( priv - > do_rx_crc )
crc = crc32_le ( crc , mac4 , 6 ) ;
priv - > frag_seq = seq_no ;
priv - > frag_no = 1 ;
priv - > frag_len = msdu_size ;
memcpy ( priv - > frag_source , source , 6 ) ;
memcpy ( & priv - > rx_buf [ 6 ] , source , 6 ) ;
memcpy ( priv - > rx_buf , header - > addr1 , 6 ) ;
atmel_copy_to_host ( priv - > dev , & priv - > rx_buf [ 12 ] , rx_packet_loc , msdu_size ) ;
if ( priv - > do_rx_crc ) {
u32 netcrc ;
crc = crc32_le ( crc , & priv - > rx_buf [ 12 ] , msdu_size ) ;
atmel_copy_to_host ( priv - > dev , ( void * ) & netcrc , rx_packet_loc + msdu_size , 4 ) ;
if ( ( crc ^ 0xffffffff ) ! = netcrc ) {
priv - > stats . rx_crc_errors + + ;
memset ( priv - > frag_source , 0xff , 6 ) ;
} else if ( priv - > frag_no = = frag_no & &
priv - > frag_seq = = seq_no & &
memcmp ( priv - > frag_source , source , 6 ) = = 0 ) {
atmel_copy_to_host ( priv - > dev , & priv - > rx_buf [ 12 + priv - > frag_len ] ,
rx_packet_loc , msdu_size ) ;
if ( priv - > do_rx_crc ) {
u32 netcrc ;
crc = crc32_le ( crc ,
& priv - > rx_buf [ 12 + priv - > frag_len ] ,
msdu_size ) ;
atmel_copy_to_host ( priv - > dev , ( void * ) & netcrc , rx_packet_loc + msdu_size , 4 ) ;
if ( ( crc ^ 0xffffffff ) ! = netcrc ) {
priv - > stats . rx_crc_errors + + ;
memset ( priv - > frag_source , 0xff , 6 ) ;
more_frags = 1 ; /* don't send broken assembly */
priv - > frag_len + = msdu_size ;
priv - > frag_no + + ;
if ( ! more_frags ) { /* last one */
memset ( priv - > frag_source , 0xff , 6 ) ;
if ( ! ( skb = dev_alloc_skb ( priv - > frag_len + 14 ) ) ) {
priv - > stats . rx_dropped + + ;
} else {
skb_reserve ( skb , 2 ) ;
memcpy ( skb_put ( skb , priv - > frag_len + 12 ) ,
priv - > rx_buf ,
priv - > frag_len + 12 ) ;
priv - > dev - > last_rx = jiffies ;
skb - > dev = priv - > dev ;
skb - > protocol = eth_type_trans ( skb , priv - > dev ) ;
skb - > ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE ;
netif_rx ( skb ) ;
priv - > stats . rx_bytes + = priv - > frag_len + 12 ;
priv - > stats . rx_packets + + ;
} else
priv - > wstats . discard . fragment + + ;
static void rx_done_irq ( struct atmel_private * priv )
int i ;
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
struct ieee80211_hdr header ;
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
for ( i = 0 ;
atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_rx ( priv , RX_DESC_FLAGS_OFFSET , priv - > rx_desc_head ) ) = = RX_DESC_FLAG_VALID & &
i < priv - > host_info . rx_desc_count ;
i + + ) {
u16 msdu_size , rx_packet_loc , frame_ctl , seq_control ;
u8 status = atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_rx ( priv , RX_DESC_STATUS_OFFSET , priv - > rx_desc_head ) ) ;
u32 crc = 0xffffffff ;
if ( status ! = RX_STATUS_SUCCESS ) {
if ( status = = 0xc1 ) /* determined by experiment */
priv - > wstats . discard . nwid + + ;
priv - > stats . rx_errors + + ;
goto next ;
msdu_size = atmel_rmem16 ( priv , atmel_rx ( priv , RX_DESC_MSDU_SIZE_OFFSET , priv - > rx_desc_head ) ) ;
rx_packet_loc = atmel_rmem16 ( priv , atmel_rx ( priv , RX_DESC_MSDU_POS_OFFSET , priv - > rx_desc_head ) ) ;
if ( msdu_size < 30 ) {
priv - > stats . rx_errors + + ;
goto next ;
/* Get header as far as end of seq_ctl */
atmel_copy_to_host ( priv - > dev , ( char * ) & header , rx_packet_loc , 24 ) ;
frame_ctl = le16_to_cpu ( header . frame_ctl ) ;
seq_control = le16_to_cpu ( header . seq_ctl ) ;
/* probe for CRC use here if needed once five packets have arrived with
the same crc status , we assume we know what ' s happening and stop probing */
if ( priv - > probe_crc ) {
2005-08-26 00:11:46 +00:00
if ( ! priv - > wep_is_on | | ! ( frame_ctl & IEEE80211_FCTL_PROTECTED ) ) {
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
priv - > do_rx_crc = probe_crc ( priv , rx_packet_loc , msdu_size ) ;
} else {
priv - > do_rx_crc = probe_crc ( priv , rx_packet_loc + 24 , msdu_size - 24 ) ;
if ( priv - > do_rx_crc ) {
if ( priv - > crc_ok_cnt + + > 5 )
priv - > probe_crc = 0 ;
} else {
if ( priv - > crc_ko_cnt + + > 5 )
priv - > probe_crc = 0 ;
/* don't CRC header when WEP in use */
2005-08-26 00:11:46 +00:00
if ( priv - > do_rx_crc & & ( ! priv - > wep_is_on | | ! ( frame_ctl & IEEE80211_FCTL_PROTECTED ) ) ) {
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
crc = crc32_le ( 0xffffffff , ( unsigned char * ) & header , 24 ) ;
msdu_size - = 24 ; /* header */
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
if ( ( frame_ctl & IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE ) = = IEEE80211_FTYPE_DATA ) {
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
int more_fragments = frame_ctl & IEEE80211_FCTL_MOREFRAGS ;
u8 packet_fragment_no = seq_control & IEEE80211_SCTL_FRAG ;
u16 packet_sequence_no = ( seq_control & IEEE80211_SCTL_SEQ ) > > 4 ;
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
if ( ! more_fragments & & packet_fragment_no = = 0 ) {
fast_rx_path ( priv , & header , msdu_size , rx_packet_loc , crc ) ;
} else {
frag_rx_path ( priv , & header , msdu_size , rx_packet_loc , crc ,
packet_sequence_no , packet_fragment_no , more_fragments ) ;
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
if ( ( frame_ctl & IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE ) = = IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT ) {
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
/* copy rest of packet into buffer */
atmel_copy_to_host ( priv - > dev , ( unsigned char * ) & priv - > rx_buf , rx_packet_loc + 24 , msdu_size ) ;
/* we use the same buffer for frag reassembly and control packets */
memset ( priv - > frag_source , 0xff , 6 ) ;
if ( priv - > do_rx_crc ) {
/* last 4 octets is crc */
msdu_size - = 4 ;
crc = crc32_le ( crc , ( unsigned char * ) & priv - > rx_buf , msdu_size ) ;
if ( ( crc ^ 0xffffffff ) ! = ( * ( ( u32 * ) & priv - > rx_buf [ msdu_size ] ) ) ) {
priv - > stats . rx_crc_errors + + ;
goto next ;
atmel_management_frame ( priv , & header , msdu_size ,
atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_rx ( priv , RX_DESC_RSSI_OFFSET , priv - > rx_desc_head ) ) ) ;
next :
/* release descriptor */
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_rx ( priv , RX_DESC_FLAGS_OFFSET , priv - > rx_desc_head ) , RX_DESC_FLAG_CONSUMED ) ;
if ( priv - > rx_desc_head < ( priv - > host_info . rx_desc_count - 1 ) )
priv - > rx_desc_head + + ;
priv - > rx_desc_head = 0 ;
static irqreturn_t service_interrupt ( int irq , void * dev_id , struct pt_regs * regs )
struct net_device * dev = ( struct net_device * ) dev_id ;
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
u8 isr ;
int i = - 1 ;
static u8 irq_order [ ] = {
} ;
if ( priv - > card & & priv - > present_callback & &
! ( * priv - > present_callback ) ( priv - > card ) )
return IRQ_HANDLED ;
/* In this state upper-level code assumes it can mess with
the card unhampered by interrupts which may change register state .
Note that even though the card shouldn ' t generate interrupts
the inturrupt line may be shared . This allows card setup
to go on without disabling interrupts for a long time . */
if ( priv - > station_state = = STATION_STATE_DOWN )
return IRQ_NONE ;
atmel_clear_gcr ( dev , GCR_ENINT ) ; /* disable interrupts */
while ( 1 ) {
if ( ! atmel_lock_mac ( priv ) ) {
/* failed to contact card */
printk ( KERN_ALERT " %s: failed to contact MAC. \n " , dev - > name ) ;
return IRQ_HANDLED ;
isr = atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_hi ( priv , IFACE_INT_STATUS_OFFSET ) ) ;
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_hi ( priv , IFACE_LOCKOUT_MAC_OFFSET ) , 0 ) ;
if ( ! isr ) {
atmel_set_gcr ( dev , GCR_ENINT ) ; /* enable interrupts */
return i = = - 1 ? IRQ_NONE : IRQ_HANDLED ;
atmel_set_gcr ( dev , GCR_ACKINT ) ; /* acknowledge interrupt */
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( irq_order ) / sizeof ( u8 ) ; i + + )
if ( isr & irq_order [ i ] )
break ;
if ( ! atmel_lock_mac ( priv ) ) {
/* failed to contact card */
printk ( KERN_ALERT " %s: failed to contact MAC. \n " , dev - > name ) ;
return IRQ_HANDLED ;
isr = atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_hi ( priv , IFACE_INT_STATUS_OFFSET ) ) ;
isr ^ = irq_order [ i ] ;
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_hi ( priv , IFACE_INT_STATUS_OFFSET ) , isr ) ;
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_hi ( priv , IFACE_LOCKOUT_MAC_OFFSET ) , 0 ) ;
switch ( irq_order [ i ] ) {
if ( priv - > operating_mode = = IW_MODE_INFRA & &
priv - > station_state = = STATION_STATE_READY ) {
priv - > station_is_associated = 0 ;
atmel_scan ( priv , 1 ) ;
break ;
priv - > wstats . discard . misc + + ;
/* fall through */
rx_done_irq ( priv ) ;
break ;
tx_done_irq ( priv ) ;
break ;
printk ( KERN_ALERT " %s: *** FATAL error interrupt *** \n " , dev - > name ) ;
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_MGMT_ERROR ) ;
break ;
atmel_command_irq ( priv ) ;
break ;
atmel_get_mib ( priv , Mac_Mgmt_Mib_Type , MAC_MGMT_MIB_CUR_BSSID_POS ,
priv - > CurrentBSSID , 6 ) ;
/* The WPA stuff cares about the current AP address */
if ( priv - > use_wpa )
build_wpa_mib ( priv ) ;
break ;
printk ( KERN_INFO " %s: Generic_irq received. \n " , dev - > name ) ;
break ;
static struct net_device_stats * atmel_get_stats ( struct net_device * dev )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
return & priv - > stats ;
static struct iw_statistics * atmel_get_wireless_stats ( struct net_device * dev )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
/* update the link quality here in case we are seeing no beacons
at all to drive the process */
atmel_smooth_qual ( priv ) ;
priv - > wstats . status = priv - > station_state ;
if ( priv - > operating_mode = = IW_MODE_INFRA ) {
if ( priv - > station_state ! = STATION_STATE_READY ) {
priv - > wstats . qual . qual = 0 ;
priv - > wstats . qual . level = 0 ;
priv - > wstats . qual . updated = ( IW_QUAL_QUAL_INVALID
priv - > wstats . qual . noise = 0 ;
priv - > wstats . qual . updated | = IW_QUAL_NOISE_INVALID ;
} else {
/* Quality levels cannot be determined in ad-hoc mode,
because we can ' hear ' more that one remote station . */
priv - > wstats . qual . qual = 0 ;
priv - > wstats . qual . level = 0 ;
priv - > wstats . qual . noise = 0 ;
priv - > wstats . qual . updated = IW_QUAL_QUAL_INVALID
priv - > wstats . miss . beacon = 0 ;
return ( & priv - > wstats ) ;
static int atmel_change_mtu ( struct net_device * dev , int new_mtu )
if ( ( new_mtu < 68 ) | | ( new_mtu > 2312 ) )
return - EINVAL ;
dev - > mtu = new_mtu ;
return 0 ;
static int atmel_set_mac_address ( struct net_device * dev , void * p )
struct sockaddr * addr = p ;
memcpy ( dev - > dev_addr , addr - > sa_data , dev - > addr_len ) ;
return atmel_open ( dev ) ;
EXPORT_SYMBOL ( atmel_open ) ;
int atmel_open ( struct net_device * dev )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
int i , channel ;
/* any scheduled timer is no longer needed and might screw things up.. */
del_timer_sync ( & priv - > management_timer ) ;
/* Interrupts will not touch the card once in this state... */
priv - > station_state = STATION_STATE_DOWN ;
if ( priv - > new_SSID_size ) {
memcpy ( priv - > SSID , priv - > new_SSID , priv - > new_SSID_size ) ;
priv - > SSID_size = priv - > new_SSID_size ;
priv - > new_SSID_size = 0 ;
priv - > BSS_list_entries = 0 ;
priv - > AuthenticationRequestRetryCnt = 0 ;
priv - > AssociationRequestRetryCnt = 0 ;
priv - > ReAssociationRequestRetryCnt = 0 ;
priv - > CurrentAuthentTransactionSeqNum = 0x0001 ;
priv - > ExpectedAuthentTransactionSeqNum = 0x0002 ;
priv - > site_survey_state = SITE_SURVEY_IDLE ;
priv - > station_is_associated = 0 ;
if ( ! reset_atmel_card ( dev ) )
return - EAGAIN ;
if ( priv - > config_reg_domain ) {
priv - > reg_domain = priv - > config_reg_domain ;
atmel_set_mib8 ( priv , Phy_Mib_Type , PHY_MIB_REG_DOMAIN_POS , priv - > reg_domain ) ;
} else {
priv - > reg_domain = atmel_get_mib8 ( priv , Phy_Mib_Type , PHY_MIB_REG_DOMAIN_POS ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( channel_table ) / sizeof ( channel_table [ 0 ] ) ; i + + )
if ( priv - > reg_domain = = channel_table [ i ] . reg_domain )
break ;
if ( i = = sizeof ( channel_table ) / sizeof ( channel_table [ 0 ] ) ) {
priv - > reg_domain = REG_DOMAIN_MKK1 ;
printk ( KERN_ALERT " %s: failed to get regulatory domain: assuming MKK1. \n " , dev - > name ) ;
if ( ( channel = atmel_validate_channel ( priv , priv - > channel ) ) )
priv - > channel = channel ;
/* this moves station_state on.... */
atmel_scan ( priv , 1 ) ;
atmel_set_gcr ( priv - > dev , GCR_ENINT ) ; /* enable interrupts */
return 0 ;
static int atmel_close ( struct net_device * dev )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_DOWN ) ;
if ( priv - > bus_type = = BUS_TYPE_PCCARD )
atmel_write16 ( dev , GCR , 0x0060 ) ;
atmel_write16 ( dev , GCR , 0x0040 ) ;
return 0 ;
static int atmel_validate_channel ( struct atmel_private * priv , int channel )
/* check that channel is OK, if so return zero,
else return suitable default channel */
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( channel_table ) / sizeof ( channel_table [ 0 ] ) ; i + + )
if ( priv - > reg_domain = = channel_table [ i ] . reg_domain ) {
if ( channel > = channel_table [ i ] . min & &
channel < = channel_table [ i ] . max )
return 0 ;
return channel_table [ i ] . min ;
return 0 ;
static int atmel_proc_output ( char * buf , struct atmel_private * priv )
int i ;
char * p = buf ;
char * s , * r , * c ;
p + = sprintf ( p , " Driver version: \t \t %d.%d \n " , DRIVER_MAJOR , DRIVER_MINOR ) ;
if ( priv - > station_state ! = STATION_STATE_DOWN ) {
p + = sprintf ( p , " Firmware version: \t %d.%d build %d \n Firmware location: \t " ,
priv - > host_info . major_version ,
priv - > host_info . minor_version ,
priv - > host_info . build_version ) ;
if ( priv - > card_type ! = CARD_TYPE_EEPROM )
p + = sprintf ( p , " on card \n " ) ;
else if ( priv - > firmware )
p + = sprintf ( p , " %s loaded by host \n " , priv - > firmware_id ) ;
p + = sprintf ( p , " %s loaded by hotplug \n " , priv - > firmware_id ) ;
switch ( priv - > card_type ) {
case CARD_TYPE_PARALLEL_FLASH : c = " Parallel flash " ; break ;
case CARD_TYPE_SPI_FLASH : c = " SPI flash \n " ; break ;
case CARD_TYPE_EEPROM : c = " EEPROM " ; break ;
default : c = " <unknown> " ;
r = " <unknown> " ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( channel_table ) / sizeof ( channel_table [ 0 ] ) ; i + + )
if ( priv - > reg_domain = = channel_table [ i ] . reg_domain )
r = channel_table [ i ] . name ;
p + = sprintf ( p , " MAC memory type: \t %s \n " , c ) ;
p + = sprintf ( p , " Regulatory domain: \t %s \n " , r ) ;
p + = sprintf ( p , " Host CRC checking: \t %s \n " ,
priv - > do_rx_crc ? " On " : " Off " ) ;
p + = sprintf ( p , " WPA-capable firmware: \t %s \n " ,
priv - > use_wpa ? " Yes " : " No " ) ;
switch ( priv - > station_state ) {
case STATION_STATE_SCANNING : s = " Scanning " ; break ;
case STATION_STATE_JOINNING : s = " Joining " ; break ;
case STATION_STATE_AUTHENTICATING : s = " Authenticating " ; break ;
case STATION_STATE_ASSOCIATING : s = " Associating " ; break ;
case STATION_STATE_READY : s = " Ready " ; break ;
case STATION_STATE_REASSOCIATING : s = " Reassociating " ; break ;
case STATION_STATE_MGMT_ERROR : s = " Management error " ; break ;
case STATION_STATE_DOWN : s = " Down " ; break ;
default : s = " <unknown> " ;
p + = sprintf ( p , " Current state: \t \t %s \n " , s ) ;
return p - buf ;
static int atmel_read_proc ( char * page , char * * start , off_t off ,
int count , int * eof , void * data )
struct atmel_private * priv = data ;
int len = atmel_proc_output ( page , priv ) ;
if ( len < = off + count ) * eof = 1 ;
* start = page + off ;
len - = off ;
if ( len > count ) len = count ;
if ( len < 0 ) len = 0 ;
return len ;
struct net_device * init_atmel_card ( unsigned short irq , int port , const AtmelFWType fw_type ,
struct device * sys_dev , int ( * card_present ) ( void * ) , void * card )
struct net_device * dev ;
struct atmel_private * priv ;
int rc ;
/* Create the network device object. */
dev = alloc_etherdev ( sizeof ( * priv ) ) ;
if ( ! dev ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " atmel: Couldn't alloc_etherdev \n " ) ;
return NULL ;
if ( dev_alloc_name ( dev , dev - > name ) < 0 ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " atmel: Couldn't get name! \n " ) ;
goto err_out_free ;
priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
priv - > dev = dev ;
priv - > sys_dev = sys_dev ;
priv - > present_callback = card_present ;
priv - > card = card ;
priv - > firmware = NULL ;
priv - > firmware_id [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
priv - > firmware_type = fw_type ;
if ( firmware ) /* module parameter */
strcpy ( priv - > firmware_id , firmware ) ;
priv - > bus_type = card_present ? BUS_TYPE_PCCARD : BUS_TYPE_PCI ;
priv - > station_state = STATION_STATE_DOWN ;
priv - > do_rx_crc = 0 ;
/* For PCMCIA cards, some chips need CRC, some don't
so we have to probe . */
if ( priv - > bus_type = = BUS_TYPE_PCCARD ) {
priv - > probe_crc = 1 ;
priv - > crc_ok_cnt = priv - > crc_ko_cnt = 0 ;
} else
priv - > probe_crc = 0 ;
memset ( & priv - > stats , 0 , sizeof ( priv - > stats ) ) ;
memset ( & priv - > wstats , 0 , sizeof ( priv - > wstats ) ) ;
priv - > last_qual = jiffies ;
priv - > last_beacon_timestamp = 0 ;
memset ( priv - > frag_source , 0xff , sizeof ( priv - > frag_source ) ) ;
memset ( priv - > BSSID , 0 , 6 ) ;
priv - > CurrentBSSID [ 0 ] = 0xFF ; /* Initialize to something invalid.... */
priv - > station_was_associated = 0 ;
priv - > last_survey = jiffies ;
priv - > preamble = LONG_PREAMBLE ;
priv - > operating_mode = IW_MODE_INFRA ;
priv - > connect_to_any_BSS = 0 ;
priv - > config_reg_domain = 0 ;
priv - > reg_domain = 0 ;
priv - > tx_rate = 3 ;
priv - > auto_tx_rate = 1 ;
priv - > channel = 4 ;
priv - > power_mode = 0 ;
priv - > SSID [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
priv - > SSID_size = 0 ;
priv - > new_SSID_size = 0 ;
priv - > frag_threshold = 2346 ;
priv - > rts_threshold = 2347 ;
priv - > short_retry = 7 ;
priv - > long_retry = 4 ;
priv - > wep_is_on = 0 ;
priv - > default_key = 0 ;
priv - > encryption_level = 0 ;
priv - > exclude_unencrypted = 0 ;
priv - > group_cipher_suite = priv - > pairwise_cipher_suite = CIPHER_SUITE_NONE ;
priv - > use_wpa = 0 ;
memset ( priv - > wep_keys , 0 , sizeof ( priv - > wep_keys ) ) ;
memset ( priv - > wep_key_len , 0 , sizeof ( priv - > wep_key_len ) ) ;
priv - > default_beacon_period = priv - > beacon_period = 100 ;
priv - > listen_interval = 1 ;
init_timer ( & priv - > management_timer ) ;
spin_lock_init ( & priv - > irqlock ) ;
spin_lock_init ( & priv - > timerlock ) ;
priv - > management_timer . function = atmel_management_timer ;
priv - > management_timer . data = ( unsigned long ) dev ;
dev - > open = atmel_open ;
dev - > stop = atmel_close ;
dev - > change_mtu = atmel_change_mtu ;
dev - > set_mac_address = atmel_set_mac_address ;
dev - > hard_start_xmit = start_tx ;
dev - > get_stats = atmel_get_stats ;
dev - > wireless_handlers = ( struct iw_handler_def * ) & atmel_handler_def ;
dev - > do_ioctl = atmel_ioctl ;
dev - > irq = irq ;
dev - > base_addr = port ;
SET_NETDEV_DEV ( dev , sys_dev ) ;
if ( ( rc = request_irq ( dev - > irq , service_interrupt , SA_SHIRQ , dev - > name , dev ) ) ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " %s: register interrupt %d failed, rc %d \n " , dev - > name , irq , rc ) ;
goto err_out_free ;
if ( priv - > bus_type = = BUS_TYPE_PCI & &
! request_region ( dev - > base_addr , 64 , dev - > name ) ) {
goto err_out_irq ;
if ( register_netdev ( dev ) )
goto err_out_res ;
if ( ! probe_atmel_card ( dev ) ) {
unregister_netdev ( dev ) ;
goto err_out_res ;
netif_carrier_off ( dev ) ;
create_proc_read_entry ( " driver/atmel " , 0 , NULL , atmel_read_proc , priv ) ;
printk ( KERN_INFO " %s: Atmel at76c50x wireless. Version %d.%d simon@thekelleys.org.uk \n " ,
dev - > name , DRIVER_MAJOR , DRIVER_MINOR ) ;
return dev ;
err_out_res :
if ( priv - > bus_type = = BUS_TYPE_PCI )
release_region ( dev - > base_addr , 64 ) ;
err_out_irq :
free_irq ( dev - > irq , dev ) ;
err_out_free :
free_netdev ( dev ) ;
return NULL ;
EXPORT_SYMBOL ( init_atmel_card ) ;
void stop_atmel_card ( struct net_device * dev , int freeres )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
/* put a brick on it... */
if ( priv - > bus_type = = BUS_TYPE_PCCARD )
atmel_write16 ( dev , GCR , 0x0060 ) ;
atmel_write16 ( dev , GCR , 0x0040 ) ;
del_timer_sync ( & priv - > management_timer ) ;
unregister_netdev ( dev ) ;
remove_proc_entry ( " driver/atmel " , NULL ) ;
free_irq ( dev - > irq , dev ) ;
if ( priv - > firmware )
kfree ( priv - > firmware ) ;
if ( freeres ) {
/* PCMCIA frees this stuff, so only for PCI */
release_region ( dev - > base_addr , 64 ) ;
free_netdev ( dev ) ;
EXPORT_SYMBOL ( stop_atmel_card ) ;
static int atmel_set_essid ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_point * dwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
/* Check if we asked for `any' */
if ( dwrq - > flags = = 0 ) {
priv - > connect_to_any_BSS = 1 ;
} else {
int index = ( dwrq - > flags & IW_ENCODE_INDEX ) - 1 ;
priv - > connect_to_any_BSS = 0 ;
/* Check the size of the string */
if ( dwrq - > length > MAX_SSID_LENGTH + 1 )
return - E2BIG ;
if ( index ! = 0 )
return - EINVAL ;
memcpy ( priv - > new_SSID , extra , dwrq - > length - 1 ) ;
priv - > new_SSID_size = dwrq - > length - 1 ;
return - EINPROGRESS ;
static int atmel_get_essid ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_point * dwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
/* Get the current SSID */
if ( priv - > new_SSID_size ! = 0 ) {
memcpy ( extra , priv - > new_SSID , priv - > new_SSID_size ) ;
extra [ priv - > new_SSID_size ] = ' \0 ' ;
dwrq - > length = priv - > new_SSID_size + 1 ;
} else {
memcpy ( extra , priv - > SSID , priv - > SSID_size ) ;
extra [ priv - > SSID_size ] = ' \0 ' ;
dwrq - > length = priv - > SSID_size + 1 ;
dwrq - > flags = ! priv - > connect_to_any_BSS ; /* active */
return 0 ;
static int atmel_get_wap ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct sockaddr * awrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
memcpy ( awrq - > sa_data , priv - > CurrentBSSID , 6 ) ;
awrq - > sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER ;
return 0 ;
static int atmel_set_encode ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_point * dwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
/* Basic checking: do we have a key to set ?
* Note : with the new API , it ' s impossible to get a NULL pointer .
* Therefore , we need to check a key size = = 0 instead .
* New version of iwconfig properly set the IW_ENCODE_NOKEY flag
* when no key is present ( only change flags ) , but older versions
* don ' t do it . - Jean II */
if ( dwrq - > length > 0 ) {
int index = ( dwrq - > flags & IW_ENCODE_INDEX ) - 1 ;
int current_index = priv - > default_key ;
/* Check the size of the key */
if ( dwrq - > length > 13 ) {
return - EINVAL ;
/* Check the index (none -> use current) */
if ( index < 0 | | index > = 4 )
index = current_index ;
priv - > default_key = index ;
/* Set the length */
if ( dwrq - > length > 5 )
priv - > wep_key_len [ index ] = 13 ;
if ( dwrq - > length > 0 )
priv - > wep_key_len [ index ] = 5 ;
/* Disable the key */
priv - > wep_key_len [ index ] = 0 ;
/* Check if the key is not marked as invalid */
if ( ! ( dwrq - > flags & IW_ENCODE_NOKEY ) ) {
/* Cleanup */
memset ( priv - > wep_keys [ index ] , 0 , 13 ) ;
/* Copy the key in the driver */
memcpy ( priv - > wep_keys [ index ] , extra , dwrq - > length ) ;
/* WE specify that if a valid key is set, encryption
* should be enabled ( user may turn it off later )
* This is also how " iwconfig ethX key on " works */
if ( index = = current_index & &
priv - > wep_key_len [ index ] > 0 ) {
priv - > wep_is_on = 1 ;
priv - > exclude_unencrypted = 1 ;
if ( priv - > wep_key_len [ index ] > 5 ) {
priv - > pairwise_cipher_suite = CIPHER_SUITE_WEP_64 ;
priv - > encryption_level = 2 ;
} else {
priv - > pairwise_cipher_suite = CIPHER_SUITE_WEP_128 ;
priv - > encryption_level = 1 ;
} else {
/* Do we want to just set the transmit key index ? */
int index = ( dwrq - > flags & IW_ENCODE_INDEX ) - 1 ;
if ( index > = 0 & & index < 4 ) {
priv - > default_key = index ;
} else
/* Don't complain if only change the mode */
if ( ! dwrq - > flags & IW_ENCODE_MODE ) {
return - EINVAL ;
/* Read the flags */
if ( dwrq - > flags & IW_ENCODE_DISABLED ) {
priv - > wep_is_on = 0 ;
priv - > encryption_level = 0 ;
priv - > pairwise_cipher_suite = CIPHER_SUITE_NONE ;
} else {
priv - > wep_is_on = 1 ;
if ( priv - > wep_key_len [ priv - > default_key ] > 5 ) {
priv - > pairwise_cipher_suite = CIPHER_SUITE_WEP_128 ;
priv - > encryption_level = 2 ;
} else {
priv - > pairwise_cipher_suite = CIPHER_SUITE_WEP_64 ;
priv - > encryption_level = 1 ;
if ( dwrq - > flags & IW_ENCODE_RESTRICTED )
priv - > exclude_unencrypted = 1 ;
if ( dwrq - > flags & IW_ENCODE_OPEN )
priv - > exclude_unencrypted = 0 ;
return - EINPROGRESS ; /* Call commit handler */
static int atmel_get_encode ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_point * dwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
int index = ( dwrq - > flags & IW_ENCODE_INDEX ) - 1 ;
if ( ! priv - > wep_is_on )
dwrq - > flags = IW_ENCODE_DISABLED ;
else if ( priv - > exclude_unencrypted )
dwrq - > flags = IW_ENCODE_RESTRICTED ;
dwrq - > flags = IW_ENCODE_OPEN ;
/* Which key do we want ? -1 -> tx index */
if ( index < 0 | | index > = 4 )
index = priv - > default_key ;
dwrq - > flags | = index + 1 ;
/* Copy the key to the user buffer */
dwrq - > length = priv - > wep_key_len [ index ] ;
if ( dwrq - > length > 16 ) {
dwrq - > length = 0 ;
} else {
memset ( extra , 0 , 16 ) ;
memcpy ( extra , priv - > wep_keys [ index ] , dwrq - > length ) ;
return 0 ;
static int atmel_get_name ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
char * cwrq ,
char * extra )
strcpy ( cwrq , " IEEE 802.11-DS " ) ;
return 0 ;
static int atmel_set_rate ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_param * vwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
if ( vwrq - > fixed = = 0 ) {
priv - > tx_rate = 3 ;
priv - > auto_tx_rate = 1 ;
} else {
priv - > auto_tx_rate = 0 ;
/* Which type of value ? */
if ( ( vwrq - > value < 4 ) & & ( vwrq - > value > = 0 ) ) {
/* Setting by rate index */
priv - > tx_rate = vwrq - > value ;
} else {
/* Setting by frequency value */
switch ( vwrq - > value ) {
case 1000000 : priv - > tx_rate = 0 ; break ;
case 2000000 : priv - > tx_rate = 1 ; break ;
case 5500000 : priv - > tx_rate = 2 ; break ;
case 11000000 : priv - > tx_rate = 3 ; break ;
default : return - EINVAL ;
return - EINPROGRESS ;
static int atmel_set_mode ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
__u32 * uwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
if ( * uwrq ! = IW_MODE_ADHOC & & * uwrq ! = IW_MODE_INFRA )
return - EINVAL ;
priv - > operating_mode = * uwrq ;
return - EINPROGRESS ;
static int atmel_get_mode ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
__u32 * uwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
* uwrq = priv - > operating_mode ;
return 0 ;
static int atmel_get_rate ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_param * vwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
if ( priv - > auto_tx_rate ) {
vwrq - > fixed = 0 ;
vwrq - > value = 11000000 ;
} else {
vwrq - > fixed = 1 ;
switch ( priv - > tx_rate ) {
case 0 : vwrq - > value = 1000000 ; break ;
case 1 : vwrq - > value = 2000000 ; break ;
case 2 : vwrq - > value = 5500000 ; break ;
case 3 : vwrq - > value = 11000000 ; break ;
return 0 ;
static int atmel_set_power ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_param * vwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
priv - > power_mode = vwrq - > disabled ? 0 : 1 ;
return - EINPROGRESS ;
static int atmel_get_power ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_param * vwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
vwrq - > disabled = priv - > power_mode ? 0 : 1 ;
vwrq - > flags = IW_POWER_ON ;
return 0 ;
static int atmel_set_retry ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_param * vwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
if ( ! vwrq - > disabled & & ( vwrq - > flags & IW_RETRY_LIMIT ) ) {
if ( vwrq - > flags & IW_RETRY_MAX )
priv - > long_retry = vwrq - > value ;
else if ( vwrq - > flags & IW_RETRY_MIN )
priv - > short_retry = vwrq - > value ;
else {
/* No modifier : set both */
priv - > long_retry = vwrq - > value ;
priv - > short_retry = vwrq - > value ;
return - EINPROGRESS ;
return - EINVAL ;
static int atmel_get_retry ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_param * vwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
vwrq - > disabled = 0 ; /* Can't be disabled */
/* Note : by default, display the min retry number */
if ( ( vwrq - > flags & IW_RETRY_MAX ) ) {
vwrq - > flags = IW_RETRY_LIMIT | IW_RETRY_MAX ;
vwrq - > value = priv - > long_retry ;
} else {
vwrq - > flags = IW_RETRY_LIMIT ;
vwrq - > value = priv - > short_retry ;
if ( priv - > long_retry ! = priv - > short_retry )
vwrq - > flags | = IW_RETRY_MIN ;
return 0 ;
static int atmel_set_rts ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_param * vwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
int rthr = vwrq - > value ;
if ( vwrq - > disabled )
rthr = 2347 ;
if ( ( rthr < 0 ) | | ( rthr > 2347 ) ) {
return - EINVAL ;
priv - > rts_threshold = rthr ;
return - EINPROGRESS ; /* Call commit handler */
static int atmel_get_rts ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_param * vwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
vwrq - > value = priv - > rts_threshold ;
vwrq - > disabled = ( vwrq - > value > = 2347 ) ;
vwrq - > fixed = 1 ;
return 0 ;
static int atmel_set_frag ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_param * vwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
int fthr = vwrq - > value ;
if ( vwrq - > disabled )
fthr = 2346 ;
if ( ( fthr < 256 ) | | ( fthr > 2346 ) ) {
return - EINVAL ;
fthr & = ~ 0x1 ; /* Get an even value - is it really needed ??? */
priv - > frag_threshold = fthr ;
return - EINPROGRESS ; /* Call commit handler */
static int atmel_get_frag ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_param * vwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
vwrq - > value = priv - > frag_threshold ;
vwrq - > disabled = ( vwrq - > value > = 2346 ) ;
vwrq - > fixed = 1 ;
return 0 ;
static const long frequency_list [ ] = { 2412 , 2417 , 2422 , 2427 , 2432 , 2437 , 2442 ,
2447 , 2452 , 2457 , 2462 , 2467 , 2472 , 2484 } ;
static int atmel_set_freq ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_freq * fwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
int rc = - EINPROGRESS ; /* Call commit handler */
/* If setting by frequency, convert to a channel */
if ( ( fwrq - > e = = 1 ) & &
( fwrq - > m > = ( int ) 241200000 ) & &
( fwrq - > m < = ( int ) 248700000 ) ) {
int f = fwrq - > m / 100000 ;
int c = 0 ;
while ( ( c < 14 ) & & ( f ! = frequency_list [ c ] ) )
c + + ;
/* Hack to fall through... */
fwrq - > e = 0 ;
fwrq - > m = c + 1 ;
/* Setting by channel number */
if ( ( fwrq - > m > 1000 ) | | ( fwrq - > e > 0 ) )
else {
int channel = fwrq - > m ;
if ( atmel_validate_channel ( priv , channel ) = = 0 ) {
priv - > channel = channel ;
} else {
rc = - EINVAL ;
return rc ;
static int atmel_get_freq ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_freq * fwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
fwrq - > m = priv - > channel ;
fwrq - > e = 0 ;
return 0 ;
static int atmel_set_scan ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_param * vwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
unsigned long flags ;
/* Note : you may have realised that, as this is a SET operation,
* this is privileged and therefore a normal user can ' t
* perform scanning .
* This is not an error , while the device perform scanning ,
* traffic doesn ' t flow , so it ' s a perfect DoS . . .
* Jean II */
if ( priv - > station_state = = STATION_STATE_DOWN )
return - EAGAIN ;
/* Timeout old surveys. */
if ( ( jiffies - priv - > last_survey ) > ( 20 * HZ ) )
priv - > site_survey_state = SITE_SURVEY_IDLE ;
priv - > last_survey = jiffies ;
/* Initiate a scan command */
if ( priv - > site_survey_state = = SITE_SURVEY_IN_PROGRESS )
return - EBUSY ;
del_timer_sync ( & priv - > management_timer ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & priv - > irqlock , flags ) ;
priv - > site_survey_state = SITE_SURVEY_IN_PROGRESS ;
priv - > fast_scan = 0 ;
atmel_scan ( priv , 0 ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & priv - > irqlock , flags ) ;
return 0 ;
static int atmel_get_scan ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_point * dwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
int i ;
char * current_ev = extra ;
struct iw_event iwe ;
if ( priv - > site_survey_state ! = SITE_SURVEY_COMPLETED )
return - EAGAIN ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < priv - > BSS_list_entries ; i + + ) {
iwe . cmd = SIOCGIWAP ;
iwe . u . ap_addr . sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER ;
memcpy ( iwe . u . ap_addr . sa_data , priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . BSSID , 6 ) ;
current_ev = iwe_stream_add_event ( current_ev , extra + IW_SCAN_MAX_DATA , & iwe , IW_EV_ADDR_LEN ) ;
iwe . u . data . length = priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . SSIDsize ;
if ( iwe . u . data . length > 32 )
iwe . u . data . length = 32 ;
iwe . cmd = SIOCGIWESSID ;
iwe . u . data . flags = 1 ;
current_ev = iwe_stream_add_point ( current_ev , extra + IW_SCAN_MAX_DATA , & iwe , priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . SSID ) ;
iwe . cmd = SIOCGIWMODE ;
iwe . u . mode = priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . BSStype ;
current_ev = iwe_stream_add_event ( current_ev , extra + IW_SCAN_MAX_DATA , & iwe , IW_EV_UINT_LEN ) ;
iwe . cmd = SIOCGIWFREQ ;
iwe . u . freq . m = priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . channel ;
iwe . u . freq . e = 0 ;
current_ev = iwe_stream_add_event ( current_ev , extra + IW_SCAN_MAX_DATA , & iwe , IW_EV_FREQ_LEN ) ;
iwe . cmd = SIOCGIWENCODE ;
if ( priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . UsingWEP )
iwe . u . data . flags = IW_ENCODE_ENABLED | IW_ENCODE_NOKEY ;
iwe . u . data . flags = IW_ENCODE_DISABLED ;
iwe . u . data . length = 0 ;
current_ev = iwe_stream_add_point ( current_ev , extra + IW_SCAN_MAX_DATA , & iwe , NULL ) ;
/* Length of data */
dwrq - > length = ( current_ev - extra ) ;
dwrq - > flags = 0 ;
return 0 ;
static int atmel_get_range ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct iw_point * dwrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
struct iw_range * range = ( struct iw_range * ) extra ;
int k , i , j ;
dwrq - > length = sizeof ( struct iw_range ) ;
memset ( range , 0 , sizeof ( range ) ) ;
range - > min_nwid = 0x0000 ;
range - > max_nwid = 0x0000 ;
range - > num_channels = 0 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < sizeof ( channel_table ) / sizeof ( channel_table [ 0 ] ) ; j + + )
if ( priv - > reg_domain = = channel_table [ j ] . reg_domain ) {
range - > num_channels = channel_table [ j ] . max - channel_table [ j ] . min + 1 ;
break ;
if ( range - > num_channels ! = 0 ) {
for ( k = 0 , i = channel_table [ j ] . min ; i < = channel_table [ j ] . max ; i + + ) {
range - > freq [ k ] . i = i ; /* List index */
range - > freq [ k ] . m = frequency_list [ i - 1 ] * 100000 ;
range - > freq [ k + + ] . e = 1 ; /* Values in table in MHz -> * 10^5 * 10 */
range - > num_frequency = k ;
range - > max_qual . qual = 100 ;
range - > max_qual . level = 100 ;
range - > max_qual . noise = 0 ;
range - > max_qual . updated = IW_QUAL_NOISE_INVALID ;
range - > avg_qual . qual = 50 ;
range - > avg_qual . level = 50 ;
range - > avg_qual . noise = 0 ;
range - > avg_qual . updated = IW_QUAL_NOISE_INVALID ;
range - > sensitivity = 0 ;
range - > bitrate [ 0 ] = 1000000 ;
range - > bitrate [ 1 ] = 2000000 ;
range - > bitrate [ 2 ] = 5500000 ;
range - > bitrate [ 3 ] = 11000000 ;
range - > num_bitrates = 4 ;
range - > min_rts = 0 ;
range - > max_rts = 2347 ;
range - > min_frag = 256 ;
range - > max_frag = 2346 ;
range - > encoding_size [ 0 ] = 5 ;
range - > encoding_size [ 1 ] = 13 ;
range - > num_encoding_sizes = 2 ;
range - > max_encoding_tokens = 4 ;
range - > pmp_flags = IW_POWER_ON ;
range - > pmt_flags = IW_POWER_ON ;
range - > pm_capa = 0 ;
range - > we_version_source = WIRELESS_EXT ;
range - > we_version_compiled = WIRELESS_EXT ;
range - > retry_capa = IW_RETRY_LIMIT ;
range - > retry_flags = IW_RETRY_LIMIT ;
range - > r_time_flags = 0 ;
range - > min_retry = 1 ;
range - > max_retry = 65535 ;
return 0 ;
static int atmel_set_wap ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info ,
struct sockaddr * awrq ,
char * extra )
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
int i ;
static const u8 bcast [ ] = { 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 } ;
unsigned long flags ;
if ( awrq - > sa_family ! = ARPHRD_ETHER )
return - EINVAL ;
if ( memcmp ( bcast , awrq - > sa_data , 6 ) = = 0 ) {
del_timer_sync ( & priv - > management_timer ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & priv - > irqlock , flags ) ;
atmel_scan ( priv , 1 ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & priv - > irqlock , flags ) ;
return 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < priv - > BSS_list_entries ; i + + ) {
if ( memcmp ( priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . BSSID , awrq - > sa_data , 6 ) = = 0 ) {
if ( ! priv - > wep_is_on & & priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . UsingWEP ) {
return - EINVAL ;
} else if ( priv - > wep_is_on & & ! priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . UsingWEP ) {
return - EINVAL ;
} else {
del_timer_sync ( & priv - > management_timer ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & priv - > irqlock , flags ) ;
atmel_join_bss ( priv , i ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & priv - > irqlock , flags ) ;
return 0 ;
return - EINVAL ;
static int atmel_config_commit ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct iw_request_info * info , /* NULL */
void * zwrq , /* NULL */
char * extra ) /* NULL */
return atmel_open ( dev ) ;
static const iw_handler atmel_handler [ ] =
( iw_handler ) atmel_config_commit , /* SIOCSIWCOMMIT */
( iw_handler ) atmel_get_name , /* SIOCGIWNAME */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCSIWNWID */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCGIWNWID */
( iw_handler ) atmel_set_freq , /* SIOCSIWFREQ */
( iw_handler ) atmel_get_freq , /* SIOCGIWFREQ */
( iw_handler ) atmel_set_mode , /* SIOCSIWMODE */
( iw_handler ) atmel_get_mode , /* SIOCGIWMODE */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCSIWSENS */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCGIWSENS */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCSIWRANGE */
( iw_handler ) atmel_get_range , /* SIOCGIWRANGE */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCSIWPRIV */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCGIWPRIV */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCSIWSTATS */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCGIWSTATS */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCSIWSPY */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCGIWSPY */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* -- hole -- */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* -- hole -- */
( iw_handler ) atmel_set_wap , /* SIOCSIWAP */
( iw_handler ) atmel_get_wap , /* SIOCGIWAP */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* -- hole -- */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCGIWAPLIST */
( iw_handler ) atmel_set_scan , /* SIOCSIWSCAN */
( iw_handler ) atmel_get_scan , /* SIOCGIWSCAN */
( iw_handler ) atmel_set_essid , /* SIOCSIWESSID */
( iw_handler ) atmel_get_essid , /* SIOCGIWESSID */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCSIWNICKN */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCGIWNICKN */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* -- hole -- */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* -- hole -- */
( iw_handler ) atmel_set_rate , /* SIOCSIWRATE */
( iw_handler ) atmel_get_rate , /* SIOCGIWRATE */
( iw_handler ) atmel_set_rts , /* SIOCSIWRTS */
( iw_handler ) atmel_get_rts , /* SIOCGIWRTS */
( iw_handler ) atmel_set_frag , /* SIOCSIWFRAG */
( iw_handler ) atmel_get_frag , /* SIOCGIWFRAG */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCSIWTXPOW */
( iw_handler ) NULL , /* SIOCGIWTXPOW */
( iw_handler ) atmel_set_retry , /* SIOCSIWRETRY */
( iw_handler ) atmel_get_retry , /* SIOCGIWRETRY */
( iw_handler ) atmel_set_encode , /* SIOCSIWENCODE */
( iw_handler ) atmel_get_encode , /* SIOCGIWENCODE */
( iw_handler ) atmel_set_power , /* SIOCSIWPOWER */
( iw_handler ) atmel_get_power , /* SIOCGIWPOWER */
} ;
static const iw_handler atmel_private_handler [ ] =
} ;
typedef struct atmel_priv_ioctl {
char id [ 32 ] ;
unsigned char __user * data ;
unsigned short len ;
} atmel_priv_ioctl ;
# define ATMELMAGIC 0x51807
# define REGDOMAINSZ 20
static const struct iw_priv_args atmel_private_args [ ] = {
/*{ cmd, set_args, get_args, name } */
{ ATMELFWL , IW_PRIV_TYPE_BYTE | IW_PRIV_SIZE_FIXED | sizeof ( atmel_priv_ioctl ) , IW_PRIV_TYPE_NONE , " atmelfwl " } ,
} ;
static const struct iw_handler_def atmel_handler_def =
. num_standard = sizeof ( atmel_handler ) / sizeof ( iw_handler ) ,
. num_private = sizeof ( atmel_private_handler ) / sizeof ( iw_handler ) ,
. num_private_args = sizeof ( atmel_private_args ) / sizeof ( struct iw_priv_args ) ,
. standard = ( iw_handler * ) atmel_handler ,
. private = ( iw_handler * ) atmel_private_handler ,
2005-09-02 18:36:00 +00:00
. private_args = ( struct iw_priv_args * ) atmel_private_args ,
. get_wireless_stats = atmel_get_wireless_stats
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
} ;
static int atmel_ioctl ( struct net_device * dev , struct ifreq * rq , int cmd )
int i , rc = 0 ;
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
atmel_priv_ioctl com ;
struct iwreq * wrq = ( struct iwreq * ) rq ;
unsigned char * new_firmware ;
char domain [ REGDOMAINSZ + 1 ] ;
switch ( cmd ) {
wrq - > u . param . value = ATMELMAGIC ;
break ;
if ( copy_from_user ( & com , rq - > ifr_data , sizeof ( com ) ) ) {
rc = - EFAULT ;
break ;
if ( ! capable ( CAP_NET_ADMIN ) ) {
rc = - EPERM ;
break ;
if ( ! ( new_firmware = kmalloc ( com . len , GFP_KERNEL ) ) ) {
rc = - ENOMEM ;
break ;
if ( copy_from_user ( new_firmware , com . data , com . len ) ) {
kfree ( new_firmware ) ;
rc = - EFAULT ;
break ;
if ( priv - > firmware )
kfree ( priv - > firmware ) ;
priv - > firmware = new_firmware ;
priv - > firmware_length = com . len ;
strncpy ( priv - > firmware_id , com . id , 31 ) ;
priv - > firmware_id [ 31 ] = ' \0 ' ;
break ;
case ATMELRD :
if ( copy_from_user ( domain , rq - > ifr_data , REGDOMAINSZ ) ) {
rc = - EFAULT ;
break ;
if ( ! capable ( CAP_NET_ADMIN ) ) {
rc = - EPERM ;
break ;
domain [ REGDOMAINSZ ] = 0 ;
rc = - EINVAL ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( channel_table ) / sizeof ( channel_table [ 0 ] ) ; i + + ) {
/* strcasecmp doesn't exist in the library */
char * a = channel_table [ i ] . name ;
char * b = domain ;
while ( * a ) {
char c1 = * a + + ;
char c2 = * b + + ;
if ( tolower ( c1 ) ! = tolower ( c2 ) )
break ;
if ( ! * a & & ! * b ) {
priv - > config_reg_domain = channel_table [ i ] . reg_domain ;
rc = 0 ;
if ( rc = = 0 & & priv - > station_state ! = STATION_STATE_DOWN )
rc = atmel_open ( dev ) ;
break ;
default :
return rc ;
struct auth_body {
u16 alg ;
u16 trans_seq ;
u16 status ;
u8 el_id ;
u8 chall_text_len ;
u8 chall_text [ 253 ] ;
} ;
static void atmel_enter_state ( struct atmel_private * priv , int new_state )
int old_state = priv - > station_state ;
if ( new_state = = old_state )
return ;
priv - > station_state = new_state ;
if ( new_state = = STATION_STATE_READY ) {
netif_start_queue ( priv - > dev ) ;
netif_carrier_on ( priv - > dev ) ;
if ( old_state = = STATION_STATE_READY ) {
netif_carrier_off ( priv - > dev ) ;
if ( netif_running ( priv - > dev ) )
netif_stop_queue ( priv - > dev ) ;
priv - > last_beacon_timestamp = 0 ;
static void atmel_scan ( struct atmel_private * priv , int specific_ssid )
struct {
u8 BSSID [ 6 ] ;
u8 scan_type ;
u8 channel ;
u16 BSS_type ;
u16 min_channel_time ;
u16 max_channel_time ;
u8 options ;
u8 SSID_size ;
} cmd ;
memset ( cmd . BSSID , 0xff , 6 ) ;
if ( priv - > fast_scan ) {
cmd . SSID_size = priv - > SSID_size ;
memcpy ( cmd . SSID , priv - > SSID , priv - > SSID_size ) ;
cmd . min_channel_time = cpu_to_le16 ( 10 ) ;
cmd . max_channel_time = cpu_to_le16 ( 50 ) ;
} else {
priv - > BSS_list_entries = 0 ;
cmd . SSID_size = 0 ;
cmd . min_channel_time = cpu_to_le16 ( 10 ) ;
cmd . max_channel_time = cpu_to_le16 ( 120 ) ;
cmd . options = 0 ;
if ( ! specific_ssid )
cmd . options | = SCAN_OPTIONS_SITE_SURVEY ;
cmd . channel = ( priv - > channel & 0x7f ) ;
cmd . scan_type = SCAN_TYPE_ACTIVE ;
cmd . BSS_type = cpu_to_le16 ( priv - > operating_mode = = IW_MODE_ADHOC ?
atmel_send_command ( priv , CMD_Scan , & cmd , sizeof ( cmd ) ) ;
/* This must come after all hardware access to avoid being messed up
by stuff happening in interrupt context after we leave STATE_DOWN */
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_SCANNING ) ;
static void join ( struct atmel_private * priv , int type )
struct {
u8 BSSID [ 6 ] ;
u8 BSS_type ; /* this is a short in a scan command - weird */
u8 channel ;
u16 timeout ;
u8 SSID_size ;
u8 reserved ;
} cmd ;
cmd . SSID_size = priv - > SSID_size ;
memcpy ( cmd . SSID , priv - > SSID , priv - > SSID_size ) ;
memcpy ( cmd . BSSID , priv - > CurrentBSSID , 6 ) ;
cmd . channel = ( priv - > channel & 0x7f ) ;
cmd . BSS_type = type ;
cmd . timeout = cpu_to_le16 ( 2000 ) ;
atmel_send_command ( priv , CMD_Join , & cmd , sizeof ( cmd ) ) ;
static void start ( struct atmel_private * priv , int type )
struct {
u8 BSSID [ 6 ] ;
u8 BSS_type ;
u8 channel ;
u8 SSID_size ;
u8 reserved [ 3 ] ;
} cmd ;
cmd . SSID_size = priv - > SSID_size ;
memcpy ( cmd . SSID , priv - > SSID , priv - > SSID_size ) ;
memcpy ( cmd . BSSID , priv - > BSSID , 6 ) ;
cmd . BSS_type = type ;
cmd . channel = ( priv - > channel & 0x7f ) ;
atmel_send_command ( priv , CMD_Start , & cmd , sizeof ( cmd ) ) ;
static void handle_beacon_probe ( struct atmel_private * priv , u16 capability , u8 channel )
int rejoin = 0 ;
int new = capability & C80211_MGMT_CAPABILITY_ShortPreamble ?
if ( priv - > preamble ! = new ) {
priv - > preamble = new ;
rejoin = 1 ;
atmel_set_mib8 ( priv , Local_Mib_Type , LOCAL_MIB_PREAMBLE_TYPE , new ) ;
if ( priv - > channel ! = channel ) {
priv - > channel = channel ;
rejoin = 1 ;
atmel_set_mib8 ( priv , Phy_Mib_Type , PHY_MIB_CHANNEL_POS , channel ) ;
if ( rejoin ) {
priv - > station_is_associated = 0 ;
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_JOINNING ) ;
if ( priv - > operating_mode = = IW_MODE_INFRA )
join ( priv , BSS_TYPE_AD_HOC ) ;
static void send_authentication_request ( struct atmel_private * priv , u8 * challenge , int challenge_len )
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
struct ieee80211_hdr header ;
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
struct auth_body auth ;
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
header . frame_ctl = cpu_to_le16 ( IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | IEEE80211_STYPE_AUTH ) ;
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
header . duration_id = cpu_to_le16 ( 0x8000 ) ;
header . seq_ctl = 0 ;
memcpy ( header . addr1 , priv - > CurrentBSSID , 6 ) ;
memcpy ( header . addr2 , priv - > dev - > dev_addr , 6 ) ;
memcpy ( header . addr3 , priv - > CurrentBSSID , 6 ) ;
if ( priv - > wep_is_on ) {
auth . alg = cpu_to_le16 ( C80211_MGMT_AAN_SHAREDKEY ) ;
/* no WEP for authentication frames with TrSeqNo 1 */
if ( priv - > CurrentAuthentTransactionSeqNum ! = 1 )
2005-08-26 00:11:46 +00:00
header . frame_ctl | = cpu_to_le16 ( IEEE80211_FCTL_PROTECTED ) ;
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
} else {
auth . alg = cpu_to_le16 ( C80211_MGMT_AAN_OPENSYSTEM ) ;
auth . status = 0 ;
auth . trans_seq = cpu_to_le16 ( priv - > CurrentAuthentTransactionSeqNum ) ;
priv - > ExpectedAuthentTransactionSeqNum = priv - > CurrentAuthentTransactionSeqNum + 1 ;
priv - > CurrentAuthentTransactionSeqNum + = 2 ;
if ( challenge_len ! = 0 ) {
auth . el_id = 16 ; /* challenge_text */
auth . chall_text_len = challenge_len ;
memcpy ( auth . chall_text , challenge , challenge_len ) ;
atmel_transmit_management_frame ( priv , & header , ( u8 * ) & auth , 8 + challenge_len ) ;
} else {
atmel_transmit_management_frame ( priv , & header , ( u8 * ) & auth , 6 ) ;
static void send_association_request ( struct atmel_private * priv , int is_reassoc )
u8 * ssid_el_p ;
int bodysize ;
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
struct ieee80211_hdr header ;
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
struct ass_req_format {
u16 capability ;
u16 listen_interval ;
u8 ap [ 6 ] ; /* nothing after here directly accessible */
u8 ssid_el_id ;
u8 ssid_len ;
u8 ssid [ MAX_SSID_LENGTH ] ;
u8 sup_rates_el_id ;
u8 sup_rates_len ;
u8 rates [ 4 ] ;
} body ;
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
header . frame_ctl = cpu_to_le16 ( IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT |
( is_reassoc ? IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_REQ : IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_REQ ) ) ;
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
header . duration_id = cpu_to_le16 ( 0x8000 ) ;
header . seq_ctl = 0 ;
memcpy ( header . addr1 , priv - > CurrentBSSID , 6 ) ;
memcpy ( header . addr2 , priv - > dev - > dev_addr , 6 ) ;
memcpy ( header . addr3 , priv - > CurrentBSSID , 6 ) ;
body . capability = cpu_to_le16 ( C80211_MGMT_CAPABILITY_ESS ) ;
if ( priv - > wep_is_on )
body . capability | = cpu_to_le16 ( C80211_MGMT_CAPABILITY_Privacy ) ;
if ( priv - > preamble = = SHORT_PREAMBLE )
body . capability | = cpu_to_le16 ( C80211_MGMT_CAPABILITY_ShortPreamble ) ;
body . listen_interval = cpu_to_le16 ( priv - > listen_interval * priv - > beacon_period ) ;
/* current AP address - only in reassoc frame */
if ( is_reassoc ) {
memcpy ( body . ap , priv - > CurrentBSSID , 6 ) ;
ssid_el_p = ( u8 * ) & body . ssid_el_id ;
bodysize = 18 + priv - > SSID_size ;
} else {
ssid_el_p = ( u8 * ) & body . ap [ 0 ] ;
bodysize = 12 + priv - > SSID_size ;
ssid_el_p [ 0 ] = C80211_MGMT_ElementID_SSID ;
ssid_el_p [ 1 ] = priv - > SSID_size ;
memcpy ( ssid_el_p + 2 , priv - > SSID , priv - > SSID_size ) ;
ssid_el_p [ 2 + priv - > SSID_size ] = C80211_MGMT_ElementID_SupportedRates ;
ssid_el_p [ 3 + priv - > SSID_size ] = 4 ; /* len of suported rates */
memcpy ( ssid_el_p + 4 + priv - > SSID_size , atmel_basic_rates , 4 ) ;
atmel_transmit_management_frame ( priv , & header , ( void * ) & body , bodysize ) ;
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
static int is_frame_from_current_bss ( struct atmel_private * priv , struct ieee80211_hdr * header )
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
if ( le16_to_cpu ( header - > frame_ctl ) & IEEE80211_FCTL_FROMDS )
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
return memcmp ( header - > addr3 , priv - > CurrentBSSID , 6 ) = = 0 ;
return memcmp ( header - > addr2 , priv - > CurrentBSSID , 6 ) = = 0 ;
static int retrieve_bss ( struct atmel_private * priv )
int i ;
int max_rssi = - 128 ;
int max_index = - 1 ;
if ( priv - > BSS_list_entries = = 0 )
return - 1 ;
if ( priv - > connect_to_any_BSS ) {
/* Select a BSS with the max-RSSI but of the same type and of the same WEP mode
and that it is not marked as ' bad ' ( i . e . we had previously failed to connect to
this BSS with the settings that we currently use ) */
priv - > current_BSS = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < priv - > BSS_list_entries ; i + + ) {
if ( priv - > operating_mode = = priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . BSStype & &
( ( ! priv - > wep_is_on & & ! priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . UsingWEP ) | |
( priv - > wep_is_on & & priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . UsingWEP ) ) & &
! ( priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . channel & 0x80 ) ) {
max_rssi = priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . RSSI ;
priv - > current_BSS = max_index = i ;
return max_index ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < priv - > BSS_list_entries ; i + + ) {
if ( priv - > SSID_size = = priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . SSIDsize & &
memcmp ( priv - > SSID , priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . SSID , priv - > SSID_size ) = = 0 & &
priv - > operating_mode = = priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . BSStype & &
atmel_validate_channel ( priv , priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . channel ) = = 0 ) {
if ( priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . RSSI > = max_rssi ) {
max_rssi = priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . RSSI ;
max_index = i ;
return max_index ;
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
static void store_bss_info ( struct atmel_private * priv , struct ieee80211_hdr * header ,
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
u16 capability , u16 beacon_period , u8 channel , u8 rssi ,
u8 ssid_len , u8 * ssid , int is_beacon )
u8 * bss = capability & C80211_MGMT_CAPABILITY_ESS ? header - > addr2 : header - > addr3 ;
int i , index ;
for ( index = - 1 , i = 0 ; i < priv - > BSS_list_entries ; i + + )
if ( memcmp ( bss , priv - > BSSinfo [ i ] . BSSID , 6 ) = = 0 )
index = i ;
/* If we process a probe and an entry from this BSS exists
we will update the BSS entry with the info from this BSS .
If we process a beacon we will only update RSSI */
if ( index = = - 1 ) {
if ( priv - > BSS_list_entries = = MAX_BSS_ENTRIES )
return ;
index = priv - > BSS_list_entries + + ;
memcpy ( priv - > BSSinfo [ index ] . BSSID , bss , 6 ) ;
priv - > BSSinfo [ index ] . RSSI = rssi ;
} else {
if ( rssi > priv - > BSSinfo [ index ] . RSSI )
priv - > BSSinfo [ index ] . RSSI = rssi ;
if ( is_beacon )
return ;
priv - > BSSinfo [ index ] . channel = channel ;
priv - > BSSinfo [ index ] . beacon_period = beacon_period ;
priv - > BSSinfo [ index ] . UsingWEP = capability & C80211_MGMT_CAPABILITY_Privacy ;
memcpy ( priv - > BSSinfo [ index ] . SSID , ssid , ssid_len ) ;
priv - > BSSinfo [ index ] . SSIDsize = ssid_len ;
if ( capability & C80211_MGMT_CAPABILITY_IBSS )
priv - > BSSinfo [ index ] . BSStype = IW_MODE_ADHOC ;
else if ( capability & C80211_MGMT_CAPABILITY_ESS )
priv - > BSSinfo [ index ] . BSStype = IW_MODE_INFRA ;
priv - > BSSinfo [ index ] . preamble = capability & C80211_MGMT_CAPABILITY_ShortPreamble ?
static void authenticate ( struct atmel_private * priv , u16 frame_len )
struct auth_body * auth = ( struct auth_body * ) priv - > rx_buf ;
u16 status = le16_to_cpu ( auth - > status ) ;
u16 trans_seq_no = le16_to_cpu ( auth - > trans_seq ) ;
if ( status = = C80211_MGMT_SC_Success & & ! priv - > wep_is_on ) {
/* no WEP */
if ( priv - > station_was_associated ) {
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_REASSOCIATING ) ;
send_association_request ( priv , 1 ) ;
return ;
} else {
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_ASSOCIATING ) ;
send_association_request ( priv , 0 ) ;
return ;
if ( status = = C80211_MGMT_SC_Success & & priv - > wep_is_on ) {
/* WEP */
if ( trans_seq_no ! = priv - > ExpectedAuthentTransactionSeqNum )
return ;
if ( trans_seq_no = = 0x0002 & &
auth - > el_id = = C80211_MGMT_ElementID_ChallengeText ) {
send_authentication_request ( priv , auth - > chall_text , auth - > chall_text_len ) ;
return ;
if ( trans_seq_no = = 0x0004 ) {
if ( priv - > station_was_associated ) {
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_REASSOCIATING ) ;
send_association_request ( priv , 1 ) ;
return ;
} else {
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_ASSOCIATING ) ;
send_association_request ( priv , 0 ) ;
return ;
if ( status = = C80211_MGMT_SC_AuthAlgNotSupported & & priv - > connect_to_any_BSS ) {
int bss_index ;
priv - > BSSinfo [ ( int ) ( priv - > current_BSS ) ] . channel | = 0x80 ;
if ( ( bss_index = retrieve_bss ( priv ) ) ! = - 1 ) {
atmel_join_bss ( priv , bss_index ) ;
return ;
priv - > AuthenticationRequestRetryCnt = 0 ;
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_MGMT_ERROR ) ;
priv - > station_is_associated = 0 ;
static void associate ( struct atmel_private * priv , u16 frame_len , u16 subtype )
struct ass_resp_format {
u16 capability ;
u16 status ;
u16 ass_id ;
u8 el_id ;
u8 length ;
u8 rates [ 4 ] ;
} * ass_resp = ( struct ass_resp_format * ) priv - > rx_buf ;
u16 status = le16_to_cpu ( ass_resp - > status ) ;
u16 ass_id = le16_to_cpu ( ass_resp - > ass_id ) ;
u16 rates_len = ass_resp - > length > 4 ? 4 : ass_resp - > length ;
if ( frame_len < 8 + rates_len )
return ;
if ( status = = C80211_MGMT_SC_Success ) {
if ( subtype = = C80211_SUBTYPE_MGMT_ASS_RESPONSE )
priv - > AssociationRequestRetryCnt = 0 ;
priv - > ReAssociationRequestRetryCnt = 0 ;
atmel_set_mib16 ( priv , Mac_Mgmt_Mib_Type , MAC_MGMT_MIB_STATION_ID_POS , ass_id & 0x3fff ) ;
atmel_set_mib ( priv , Phy_Mib_Type , PHY_MIB_RATE_SET_POS , ass_resp - > rates , rates_len ) ;
if ( priv - > power_mode = = 0 ) {
priv - > listen_interval = 1 ;
atmel_set_mib8 ( priv , Mac_Mgmt_Mib_Type , MAC_MGMT_MIB_PS_MODE_POS , ACTIVE_MODE ) ;
atmel_set_mib16 ( priv , Mac_Mgmt_Mib_Type , MAC_MGMT_MIB_LISTEN_INTERVAL_POS , 1 ) ;
} else {
priv - > listen_interval = 2 ;
atmel_set_mib8 ( priv , Mac_Mgmt_Mib_Type , MAC_MGMT_MIB_PS_MODE_POS , PS_MODE ) ;
atmel_set_mib16 ( priv , Mac_Mgmt_Mib_Type , MAC_MGMT_MIB_LISTEN_INTERVAL_POS , 2 ) ;
priv - > station_is_associated = 1 ;
priv - > station_was_associated = 1 ;
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_READY ) ;
return ;
if ( subtype = = C80211_SUBTYPE_MGMT_ASS_RESPONSE & &
status ! = C80211_MGMT_SC_AssDeniedBSSRate & &
status ! = C80211_MGMT_SC_SupportCapabilities & &
priv - > AssociationRequestRetryCnt < MAX_ASSOCIATION_RETRIES ) {
mod_timer ( & priv - > management_timer , jiffies + MGMT_JIFFIES ) ;
priv - > AssociationRequestRetryCnt + + ;
send_association_request ( priv , 0 ) ;
return ;
if ( subtype = = C80211_SUBTYPE_MGMT_REASS_RESPONSE & &
status ! = C80211_MGMT_SC_AssDeniedBSSRate & &
status ! = C80211_MGMT_SC_SupportCapabilities & &
priv - > AssociationRequestRetryCnt < MAX_ASSOCIATION_RETRIES ) {
mod_timer ( & priv - > management_timer , jiffies + MGMT_JIFFIES ) ;
priv - > ReAssociationRequestRetryCnt + + ;
send_association_request ( priv , 1 ) ;
return ;
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_MGMT_ERROR ) ;
priv - > station_is_associated = 0 ;
if ( priv - > connect_to_any_BSS ) {
int bss_index ;
priv - > BSSinfo [ ( int ) ( priv - > current_BSS ) ] . channel | = 0x80 ;
if ( ( bss_index = retrieve_bss ( priv ) ) ! = - 1 )
atmel_join_bss ( priv , bss_index ) ;
void atmel_join_bss ( struct atmel_private * priv , int bss_index )
struct bss_info * bss = & priv - > BSSinfo [ bss_index ] ;
memcpy ( priv - > CurrentBSSID , bss - > BSSID , 6 ) ;
memcpy ( priv - > SSID , bss - > SSID , priv - > SSID_size = bss - > SSIDsize ) ;
/* The WPA stuff cares about the current AP address */
if ( priv - > use_wpa )
build_wpa_mib ( priv ) ;
/* When switching to AdHoc turn OFF Power Save if needed */
if ( bss - > BSStype = = IW_MODE_ADHOC & &
priv - > operating_mode ! = IW_MODE_ADHOC & &
priv - > power_mode ) {
priv - > power_mode = 0 ;
priv - > listen_interval = 1 ;
atmel_set_mib8 ( priv , Mac_Mgmt_Mib_Type , MAC_MGMT_MIB_PS_MODE_POS , ACTIVE_MODE ) ;
atmel_set_mib16 ( priv , Mac_Mgmt_Mib_Type , MAC_MGMT_MIB_LISTEN_INTERVAL_POS , 1 ) ;
priv - > operating_mode = bss - > BSStype ;
priv - > channel = bss - > channel & 0x7f ;
priv - > beacon_period = bss - > beacon_period ;
if ( priv - > preamble ! = bss - > preamble ) {
priv - > preamble = bss - > preamble ;
atmel_set_mib8 ( priv , Local_Mib_Type , LOCAL_MIB_PREAMBLE_TYPE , bss - > preamble ) ;
if ( ! priv - > wep_is_on & & bss - > UsingWEP ) {
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_MGMT_ERROR ) ;
priv - > station_is_associated = 0 ;
return ;
if ( priv - > wep_is_on & & ! bss - > UsingWEP ) {
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_MGMT_ERROR ) ;
priv - > station_is_associated = 0 ;
return ;
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_JOINNING ) ;
if ( priv - > operating_mode = = IW_MODE_INFRA )
join ( priv , BSS_TYPE_AD_HOC ) ;
static void restart_search ( struct atmel_private * priv )
int bss_index ;
if ( ! priv - > connect_to_any_BSS ) {
atmel_scan ( priv , 1 ) ;
} else {
priv - > BSSinfo [ ( int ) ( priv - > current_BSS ) ] . channel | = 0x80 ;
if ( ( bss_index = retrieve_bss ( priv ) ) ! = - 1 )
atmel_join_bss ( priv , bss_index ) ;
atmel_scan ( priv , 0 ) ;
static void smooth_rssi ( struct atmel_private * priv , u8 rssi )
u8 old = priv - > wstats . qual . level ;
u8 max_rssi = 42 ; /* 502-rmfd-revd max by experiment, default for now */
switch ( priv - > firmware_type ) {
case ATMEL_FW_TYPE_502E :
max_rssi = 63 ; /* 502-rmfd-reve max by experiment */
break ;
default :
break ;
rssi = rssi * 100 / max_rssi ;
if ( ( rssi + old ) % 2 )
priv - > wstats . qual . level = ( ( rssi + old ) / 2 ) + 1 ;
priv - > wstats . qual . level = ( ( rssi + old ) / 2 ) ;
priv - > wstats . qual . updated | = IW_QUAL_LEVEL_UPDATED ;
priv - > wstats . qual . updated & = ~ IW_QUAL_LEVEL_INVALID ;
static void atmel_smooth_qual ( struct atmel_private * priv )
unsigned long time_diff = ( jiffies - priv - > last_qual ) / HZ ;
while ( time_diff - - ) {
priv - > last_qual + = HZ ;
priv - > wstats . qual . qual = priv - > wstats . qual . qual / 2 ;
priv - > wstats . qual . qual + =
priv - > beacons_this_sec * priv - > beacon_period * ( priv - > wstats . qual . level + 100 ) / 4000 ;
priv - > beacons_this_sec = 0 ;
priv - > wstats . qual . updated | = IW_QUAL_QUAL_UPDATED ;
priv - > wstats . qual . updated & = ~ IW_QUAL_QUAL_INVALID ;
/* deals with incoming managment frames. */
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
static void atmel_management_frame ( struct atmel_private * priv , struct ieee80211_hdr * header ,
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
u16 frame_len , u8 rssi )
u16 subtype ;
2005-05-13 02:48:20 +00:00
switch ( subtype = le16_to_cpu ( header - > frame_ctl ) & IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE ) {
2005-04-16 22:20:36 +00:00
case C80211_SUBTYPE_MGMT_ProbeResponse :
/* beacon frame has multiple variable-length fields -
never let an engineer loose with a data structure design . */
struct beacon_format {
u64 timestamp ;
u16 interval ;
u16 capability ;
u8 ssid_el_id ;
u8 ssid_length ;
/* ssid here */
u8 rates_el_id ;
u8 rates_length ;
/* rates here */
u8 ds_el_id ;
u8 ds_length ;
/* ds here */
} * beacon = ( struct beacon_format * ) priv - > rx_buf ;
u8 channel , rates_length , ssid_length ;
u64 timestamp = le64_to_cpu ( beacon - > timestamp ) ;
u16 beacon_interval = le16_to_cpu ( beacon - > interval ) ;
u16 capability = le16_to_cpu ( beacon - > capability ) ;
u8 * beaconp = priv - > rx_buf ;
ssid_length = beacon - > ssid_length ;
/* this blows chunks. */
if ( frame_len < 14 | | frame_len < ssid_length + 15 )
return ;
rates_length = beaconp [ beacon - > ssid_length + 15 ] ;
if ( frame_len < ssid_length + rates_length + 18 )
return ;
if ( ssid_length > MAX_SSID_LENGTH )
return ;
channel = beaconp [ ssid_length + rates_length + 18 ] ;
if ( priv - > station_state = = STATION_STATE_READY ) {
smooth_rssi ( priv , rssi ) ;
if ( is_frame_from_current_bss ( priv , header ) ) {
priv - > beacons_this_sec + + ;
atmel_smooth_qual ( priv ) ;
if ( priv - > last_beacon_timestamp ) {
/* Note truncate this to 32 bits - kernel can't divide a long long */
u32 beacon_delay = timestamp - priv - > last_beacon_timestamp ;
int beacons = beacon_delay / ( beacon_interval * 1000 ) ;
if ( beacons > 1 )
priv - > wstats . miss . beacon + = beacons - 1 ;
priv - > last_beacon_timestamp = timestamp ;
handle_beacon_probe ( priv , capability , channel ) ;
if ( priv - > station_state = = STATION_STATE_SCANNING )
store_bss_info ( priv , header , capability , beacon_interval , channel ,
rssi , ssid_length , & beacon - > rates_el_id ,
subtype = = C80211_SUBTYPE_MGMT_BEACON ) ;
break ;
case C80211_SUBTYPE_MGMT_Authentication :
if ( priv - > station_state = = STATION_STATE_AUTHENTICATING )
authenticate ( priv , frame_len ) ;
break ;
if ( priv - > station_state = = STATION_STATE_ASSOCIATING | |
priv - > station_state = = STATION_STATE_REASSOCIATING )
associate ( priv , frame_len , subtype ) ;
break ;
if ( priv - > station_is_associated & &
priv - > operating_mode = = IW_MODE_INFRA & &
is_frame_from_current_bss ( priv , header ) ) {
priv - > station_was_associated = 0 ;
priv - > station_is_associated = 0 ;
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_JOINNING ) ;
break ;
case C80211_SUBTYPE_MGMT_Deauthentication :
if ( priv - > operating_mode = = IW_MODE_INFRA & &
is_frame_from_current_bss ( priv , header ) ) {
priv - > station_was_associated = 0 ;
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_JOINNING ) ;
break ;
/* run when timer expires */
static void atmel_management_timer ( u_long a )
struct net_device * dev = ( struct net_device * ) a ;
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
unsigned long flags ;
/* Check if the card has been yanked. */
if ( priv - > card & & priv - > present_callback & &
! ( * priv - > present_callback ) ( priv - > card ) )
return ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & priv - > irqlock , flags ) ;
switch ( priv - > station_state ) {
if ( priv - > AuthenticationRequestRetryCnt > = MAX_AUTHENTICATION_RETRIES ) {
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_MGMT_ERROR ) ;
priv - > station_is_associated = 0 ;
priv - > AuthenticationRequestRetryCnt = 0 ;
restart_search ( priv ) ;
} else {
priv - > AuthenticationRequestRetryCnt + + ;
priv - > CurrentAuthentTransactionSeqNum = 0x0001 ;
mod_timer ( & priv - > management_timer , jiffies + MGMT_JIFFIES ) ;
send_authentication_request ( priv , NULL , 0 ) ;
break ;
if ( priv - > AssociationRequestRetryCnt = = MAX_ASSOCIATION_RETRIES ) {
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_MGMT_ERROR ) ;
priv - > station_is_associated = 0 ;
priv - > AssociationRequestRetryCnt = 0 ;
restart_search ( priv ) ;
} else {
priv - > AssociationRequestRetryCnt + + ;
mod_timer ( & priv - > management_timer , jiffies + MGMT_JIFFIES ) ;
send_association_request ( priv , 0 ) ;
break ;
if ( priv - > ReAssociationRequestRetryCnt = = MAX_ASSOCIATION_RETRIES ) {
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_MGMT_ERROR ) ;
priv - > station_is_associated = 0 ;
priv - > ReAssociationRequestRetryCnt = 0 ;
restart_search ( priv ) ;
} else {
priv - > ReAssociationRequestRetryCnt + + ;
mod_timer ( & priv - > management_timer , jiffies + MGMT_JIFFIES ) ;
send_association_request ( priv , 1 ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & priv - > irqlock , flags ) ;
static void atmel_command_irq ( struct atmel_private * priv )
u8 status = atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_co ( priv , CMD_BLOCK_STATUS_OFFSET ) ) ;
u8 command = atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_co ( priv , CMD_BLOCK_COMMAND_OFFSET ) ) ;
int fast_scan ;
if ( status = = CMD_STATUS_IDLE | |
return ;
switch ( command ) {
case CMD_Start :
if ( status = = CMD_STATUS_COMPLETE ) {
priv - > station_was_associated = priv - > station_is_associated ;
atmel_get_mib ( priv , Mac_Mgmt_Mib_Type , MAC_MGMT_MIB_CUR_BSSID_POS ,
( u8 * ) priv - > CurrentBSSID , 6 ) ;
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_READY ) ;
break ;
case CMD_Scan :
fast_scan = priv - > fast_scan ;
priv - > fast_scan = 0 ;
if ( status ! = CMD_STATUS_COMPLETE ) {
atmel_scan ( priv , 1 ) ;
} else {
int bss_index = retrieve_bss ( priv ) ;
if ( bss_index ! = - 1 ) {
atmel_join_bss ( priv , bss_index ) ;
} else if ( priv - > operating_mode = = IW_MODE_ADHOC & &
priv - > SSID_size ! = 0 ) {
start ( priv , BSS_TYPE_AD_HOC ) ;
} else {
priv - > fast_scan = ! fast_scan ;
atmel_scan ( priv , 1 ) ;
priv - > site_survey_state = SITE_SURVEY_COMPLETED ;
break ;
case CMD_SiteSurvey :
priv - > fast_scan = 0 ;
if ( status ! = CMD_STATUS_COMPLETE )
return ;
priv - > site_survey_state = SITE_SURVEY_COMPLETED ;
if ( priv - > station_is_associated ) {
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_READY ) ;
} else {
atmel_scan ( priv , 1 ) ;
break ;
case CMD_Join :
if ( status = = CMD_STATUS_COMPLETE ) {
if ( priv - > operating_mode = = IW_MODE_ADHOC ) {
priv - > station_was_associated = priv - > station_is_associated ;
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_READY ) ;
} else {
priv - > AuthenticationRequestRetryCnt = 0 ;
atmel_enter_state ( priv , STATION_STATE_AUTHENTICATING ) ;
mod_timer ( & priv - > management_timer , jiffies + MGMT_JIFFIES ) ;
priv - > CurrentAuthentTransactionSeqNum = 0x0001 ;
send_authentication_request ( priv , NULL , 0 ) ;
return ;
atmel_scan ( priv , 1 ) ;
static int atmel_wakeup_firmware ( struct atmel_private * priv )
struct host_info_struct * iface = & priv - > host_info ;
u16 mr1 , mr3 ;
int i ;
if ( priv - > card_type = = CARD_TYPE_SPI_FLASH )
atmel_set_gcr ( priv - > dev , GCR_REMAP ) ;
/* wake up on-board processor */
atmel_clear_gcr ( priv - > dev , 0x0040 ) ;
atmel_write16 ( priv - > dev , BSR , BSS_SRAM ) ;
if ( priv - > card_type = = CARD_TYPE_SPI_FLASH )
mdelay ( 100 ) ;
/* and wait for it */
for ( i = LOOP_RETRY_LIMIT ; i ; i - - ) {
mr1 = atmel_read16 ( priv - > dev , MR1 ) ;
mr3 = atmel_read16 ( priv - > dev , MR3 ) ;
if ( mr3 & MAC_BOOT_COMPLETE )
break ;
if ( mr1 & MAC_BOOT_COMPLETE & &
priv - > bus_type = = BUS_TYPE_PCCARD )
break ;
if ( i = = 0 ) {
printk ( KERN_ALERT " %s: MAC failed to boot. \n " , priv - > dev - > name ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( ( priv - > host_info_base = atmel_read16 ( priv - > dev , MR2 ) ) = = 0xffff ) {
printk ( KERN_ALERT " %s: card missing. \n " , priv - > dev - > name ) ;
return 0 ;
/* now check for completion of MAC initialization through
the FunCtrl field of the IFACE , poll MR1 to detect completion of
MAC initialization , check completion status , set interrupt mask ,
enables interrupts and calls Tx and Rx initialization functions */
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_hi ( priv , IFACE_FUNC_CTRL_OFFSET ) , FUNC_CTRL_INIT_COMPLETE ) ;
for ( i = LOOP_RETRY_LIMIT ; i ; i - - ) {
mr1 = atmel_read16 ( priv - > dev , MR1 ) ;
mr3 = atmel_read16 ( priv - > dev , MR3 ) ;
if ( mr3 & MAC_INIT_COMPLETE )
break ;
if ( mr1 & MAC_INIT_COMPLETE & &
priv - > bus_type = = BUS_TYPE_PCCARD )
break ;
if ( i = = 0 ) {
printk ( KERN_ALERT " %s: MAC failed to initialise. \n " , priv - > dev - > name ) ;
return 0 ;
/* Check for MAC_INIT_OK only on the register that the MAC_INIT_OK was set */
if ( ( mr3 & MAC_INIT_COMPLETE ) & &
! ( atmel_read16 ( priv - > dev , MR3 ) & MAC_INIT_OK ) ) {
printk ( KERN_ALERT " %s: MAC failed MR3 self-test. \n " , priv - > dev - > name ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( ( mr1 & MAC_INIT_COMPLETE ) & &
! ( atmel_read16 ( priv - > dev , MR1 ) & MAC_INIT_OK ) ) {
printk ( KERN_ALERT " %s: MAC failed MR1 self-test. \n " , priv - > dev - > name ) ;
return 0 ;
atmel_copy_to_host ( priv - > dev , ( unsigned char * ) iface ,
priv - > host_info_base , sizeof ( * iface ) ) ;
iface - > tx_buff_pos = le16_to_cpu ( iface - > tx_buff_pos ) ;
iface - > tx_buff_size = le16_to_cpu ( iface - > tx_buff_size ) ;
iface - > tx_desc_pos = le16_to_cpu ( iface - > tx_desc_pos ) ;
iface - > tx_desc_count = le16_to_cpu ( iface - > tx_desc_count ) ;
iface - > rx_buff_pos = le16_to_cpu ( iface - > rx_buff_pos ) ;
iface - > rx_buff_size = le16_to_cpu ( iface - > rx_buff_size ) ;
iface - > rx_desc_pos = le16_to_cpu ( iface - > rx_desc_pos ) ;
iface - > rx_desc_count = le16_to_cpu ( iface - > rx_desc_count ) ;
iface - > build_version = le16_to_cpu ( iface - > build_version ) ;
iface - > command_pos = le16_to_cpu ( iface - > command_pos ) ;
iface - > major_version = le16_to_cpu ( iface - > major_version ) ;
iface - > minor_version = le16_to_cpu ( iface - > minor_version ) ;
iface - > func_ctrl = le16_to_cpu ( iface - > func_ctrl ) ;
iface - > mac_status = le16_to_cpu ( iface - > mac_status ) ;
return 1 ;
/* determine type of memory and MAC address */
static int probe_atmel_card ( struct net_device * dev )
int rc = 0 ;
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
/* reset pccard */
if ( priv - > bus_type = = BUS_TYPE_PCCARD )
atmel_write16 ( dev , GCR , 0x0060 ) ;
atmel_write16 ( dev , GCR , 0x0040 ) ;
mdelay ( 500 ) ;
if ( atmel_read16 ( dev , MR2 ) = = 0 ) {
/* No stored firmware so load a small stub which just
tells us the MAC address */
int i ;
priv - > card_type = CARD_TYPE_EEPROM ;
atmel_write16 ( dev , BSR , BSS_IRAM ) ;
atmel_copy_to_card ( dev , 0 , mac_reader , sizeof ( mac_reader ) ) ;
atmel_set_gcr ( dev , GCR_REMAP ) ;
atmel_clear_gcr ( priv - > dev , 0x0040 ) ;
atmel_write16 ( dev , BSR , BSS_SRAM ) ;
for ( i = LOOP_RETRY_LIMIT ; i ; i - - )
if ( atmel_read16 ( dev , MR3 ) & MAC_BOOT_COMPLETE )
break ;
if ( i = = 0 ) {
printk ( KERN_ALERT " %s: MAC failed to boot MAC address reader. \n " , dev - > name ) ;
} else {
atmel_copy_to_host ( dev , dev - > dev_addr , atmel_read16 ( dev , MR2 ) , 6 ) ;
/* got address, now squash it again until the network
interface is opened */
if ( priv - > bus_type = = BUS_TYPE_PCCARD )
atmel_write16 ( dev , GCR , 0x0060 ) ;
atmel_write16 ( dev , GCR , 0x0040 ) ;
rc = 1 ;
} else if ( atmel_read16 ( dev , MR4 ) = = 0 ) {
/* Mac address easy in this case. */
priv - > card_type = CARD_TYPE_PARALLEL_FLASH ;
atmel_write16 ( dev , BSR , 1 ) ;
atmel_copy_to_host ( dev , dev - > dev_addr , 0xc000 , 6 ) ;
atmel_write16 ( dev , BSR , 0x200 ) ;
rc = 1 ;
} else {
/* Standard firmware in flash, boot it up and ask
for the Mac Address */
priv - > card_type = CARD_TYPE_SPI_FLASH ;
if ( atmel_wakeup_firmware ( priv ) ) {
atmel_get_mib ( priv , Mac_Address_Mib_Type , 0 , dev - > dev_addr , 6 ) ;
/* got address, now squash it again until the network
interface is opened */
if ( priv - > bus_type = = BUS_TYPE_PCCARD )
atmel_write16 ( dev , GCR , 0x0060 ) ;
atmel_write16 ( dev , GCR , 0x0040 ) ;
rc = 1 ;
if ( rc ) {
if ( dev - > dev_addr [ 0 ] = = 0xFF ) {
u8 default_mac [ ] = { 0x00 , 0x04 , 0x25 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 } ;
printk ( KERN_ALERT " %s: *** Invalid MAC address. UPGRADE Firmware **** \n " , dev - > name ) ;
memcpy ( dev - > dev_addr , default_mac , 6 ) ;
printk ( KERN_INFO " %s: MAC address %.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x \n " ,
dev - > name ,
dev - > dev_addr [ 0 ] , dev - > dev_addr [ 1 ] , dev - > dev_addr [ 2 ] ,
dev - > dev_addr [ 3 ] , dev - > dev_addr [ 4 ] , dev - > dev_addr [ 5 ] ) ;
return rc ;
static void build_wep_mib ( struct atmel_private * priv )
/* Move the encyption information on the MIB structure.
This routine is for the pre - WPA firmware : later firmware has
a different format MIB and a different routine . */
struct { /* NB this is matched to the hardware, don't change. */
u8 wep_is_on ;
u8 default_key ; /* 0..3 */
u8 reserved ;
u8 exclude_unencrypted ;
u32 WEPICV_error_count ;
u32 WEP_excluded_count ;
u8 wep_keys [ MAX_ENCRYPTION_KEYS ] [ 13 ] ;
u8 encryption_level ; /* 0, 1, 2 */
u8 reserved2 [ 3 ] ;
} mib ;
int i ;
mib . wep_is_on = priv - > wep_is_on ;
if ( priv - > wep_is_on ) {
if ( priv - > wep_key_len [ priv - > default_key ] > 5 )
mib . encryption_level = 2 ;
mib . encryption_level = 1 ;
} else {
mib . encryption_level = 0 ;
mib . default_key = priv - > default_key ;
mib . exclude_unencrypted = priv - > exclude_unencrypted ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_ENCRYPTION_KEYS ; i + + )
memcpy ( mib . wep_keys [ i ] , priv - > wep_keys [ i ] , 13 ) ;
atmel_set_mib ( priv , Mac_Wep_Mib_Type , 0 , ( u8 * ) & mib , sizeof ( mib ) ) ;
static void build_wpa_mib ( struct atmel_private * priv )
/* This is for the later (WPA enabled) firmware. */
struct { /* NB this is matched to the hardware, don't change. */
u8 cipher_default_key_value [ MAX_ENCRYPTION_KEYS ] [ MAX_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE ] ;
u8 receiver_address [ 6 ] ;
u8 wep_is_on ;
u8 default_key ; /* 0..3 */
u8 group_key ;
u8 exclude_unencrypted ;
u8 encryption_type ;
u8 reserved ;
u32 WEPICV_error_count ;
u32 WEP_excluded_count ;
u8 key_RSC [ 4 ] [ 8 ] ;
} mib ;
int i ;
mib . wep_is_on = priv - > wep_is_on ;
mib . exclude_unencrypted = priv - > exclude_unencrypted ;
memcpy ( mib . receiver_address , priv - > CurrentBSSID , 6 ) ;
/* zero all the keys before adding in valid ones. */
memset ( mib . cipher_default_key_value , 0 , sizeof ( mib . cipher_default_key_value ) ) ;
if ( priv - > wep_is_on ) {
/* There's a comment in the Atmel code to the effect that this is only valid
when still using WEP , it may need to be set to something to use WPA */
memset ( mib . key_RSC , 0 , sizeof ( mib . key_RSC ) ) ;
mib . default_key = mib . group_key = 255 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_ENCRYPTION_KEYS ; i + + ) {
if ( priv - > wep_key_len [ i ] > 0 ) {
memcpy ( mib . cipher_default_key_value [ i ] , priv - > wep_keys [ i ] , MAX_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE ) ;
if ( i = = priv - > default_key ) {
mib . default_key = i ;
mib . cipher_default_key_value [ i ] [ MAX_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE - 1 ] = 7 ;
mib . cipher_default_key_value [ i ] [ MAX_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE - 2 ] = priv - > pairwise_cipher_suite ;
} else {
mib . group_key = i ;
priv - > group_cipher_suite = priv - > pairwise_cipher_suite ;
mib . cipher_default_key_value [ i ] [ MAX_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE - 1 ] = 1 ;
mib . cipher_default_key_value [ i ] [ MAX_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE - 2 ] = priv - > group_cipher_suite ;
if ( mib . default_key = = 255 )
mib . default_key = mib . group_key ! = 255 ? mib . group_key : 0 ;
if ( mib . group_key = = 255 )
mib . group_key = mib . default_key ;
atmel_set_mib ( priv , Mac_Wep_Mib_Type , 0 , ( u8 * ) & mib , sizeof ( mib ) ) ;
static int reset_atmel_card ( struct net_device * dev )
/* do everything necessary to wake up the hardware, including
waiting for the lightning strike and throwing the knife switch . . . .
set all the Mib values which matter in the card to match
their settings in the atmel_private structure . Some of these
can be altered on the fly , but many ( WEP , infrastucture or ad - hoc )
can only be changed by tearing down the world and coming back through
here .
This routine is also responsible for initialising some
hardware - specific fields in the atmel_private structure ,
including a copy of the firmware ' s hostinfo stucture
which is the route into the rest of the firmare datastructures . */
struct atmel_private * priv = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
u8 configuration ;
/* data to add to the firmware names, in priority order
this implemenents firmware versioning */
static char * firmware_modifier [ ] = {
" -wpa " ,
" " ,
} ;
/* reset pccard */
if ( priv - > bus_type = = BUS_TYPE_PCCARD )
atmel_write16 ( priv - > dev , GCR , 0x0060 ) ;
/* stop card , disable interrupts */
atmel_write16 ( priv - > dev , GCR , 0x0040 ) ;
if ( priv - > card_type = = CARD_TYPE_EEPROM ) {
/* copy in firmware if needed */
const struct firmware * fw_entry = NULL ;
unsigned char * fw ;
int len = priv - > firmware_length ;
if ( ! ( fw = priv - > firmware ) ) {
if ( priv - > firmware_type = = ATMEL_FW_TYPE_NONE ) {
if ( strlen ( priv - > firmware_id ) = = 0 ) {
printk ( KERN_INFO
" %s: card type is unknown: assuming at76c502 firmware is OK. \n " ,
dev - > name ) ;
printk ( KERN_INFO
" %s: if not, use the firmware= module parameter. \n " ,
dev - > name ) ;
strcpy ( priv - > firmware_id , " atmel_at76c502.bin " ) ;
if ( request_firmware ( & fw_entry , priv - > firmware_id , priv - > sys_dev ) ! = 0 ) {
printk ( KERN_ALERT
" %s: firmware %s is missing, cannot continue. \n " ,
dev - > name , priv - > firmware_id ) ;
return 0 ;
} else {
int fw_index = 0 ;
int success = 0 ;
/* get firmware filename entry based on firmware type ID */
while ( fw_table [ fw_index ] . fw_type ! = priv - > firmware_type
& & fw_table [ fw_index ] . fw_type ! = ATMEL_FW_TYPE_NONE )
fw_index + + ;
/* construct the actual firmware file name */
if ( fw_table [ fw_index ] . fw_type ! = ATMEL_FW_TYPE_NONE ) {
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; firmware_modifier [ i ] ; i + + ) {
snprintf ( priv - > firmware_id , 32 , " %s%s.%s " , fw_table [ fw_index ] . fw_file ,
firmware_modifier [ i ] , fw_table [ fw_index ] . fw_file_ext ) ;
priv - > firmware_id [ 31 ] = ' \0 ' ;
if ( request_firmware ( & fw_entry , priv - > firmware_id , priv - > sys_dev ) = = 0 ) {
success = 1 ;
break ;
if ( ! success ) {
printk ( KERN_ALERT
" %s: firmware %s is missing, cannot start. \n " ,
dev - > name , priv - > firmware_id ) ;
priv - > firmware_id [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
return 0 ;
fw = fw_entry - > data ;
len = fw_entry - > size ;
if ( len < = 0x6000 ) {
atmel_write16 ( priv - > dev , BSR , BSS_IRAM ) ;
atmel_copy_to_card ( priv - > dev , 0 , fw , len ) ;
atmel_set_gcr ( priv - > dev , GCR_REMAP ) ;
} else {
/* Remap */
atmel_set_gcr ( priv - > dev , GCR_REMAP ) ;
atmel_write16 ( priv - > dev , BSR , BSS_IRAM ) ;
atmel_copy_to_card ( priv - > dev , 0 , fw , 0x6000 ) ;
atmel_write16 ( priv - > dev , BSR , 0x2ff ) ;
atmel_copy_to_card ( priv - > dev , 0x8000 , & fw [ 0x6000 ] , len - 0x6000 ) ;
if ( fw_entry )
release_firmware ( fw_entry ) ;
if ( ! atmel_wakeup_firmware ( priv ) )
return 0 ;
/* Check the version and set the correct flag for wpa stuff,
old and new firmware is incompatible .
The pre - wpa 3 com firmware reports major version 5 ,
the wpa 3 com firmware is major version 4 and doesn ' t need
the 3 com broken - ness filter . */
priv - > use_wpa = ( priv - > host_info . major_version = = 4 ) ;
priv - > radio_on_broken = ( priv - > host_info . major_version = = 5 ) ;
/* unmask all irq sources */
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_hi ( priv , IFACE_INT_MASK_OFFSET ) , 0xff ) ;
/* int Tx system and enable Tx */
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_FLAGS_OFFSET , 0 ) , 0 ) ;
atmel_wmem32 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_NEXT_OFFSET , 0 ) , 0x80000000L ) ;
atmel_wmem16 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_POS_OFFSET , 0 ) , 0 ) ;
atmel_wmem16 ( priv , atmel_tx ( priv , TX_DESC_SIZE_OFFSET , 0 ) , 0 ) ;
priv - > tx_desc_free = priv - > host_info . tx_desc_count ;
priv - > tx_desc_head = 0 ;
priv - > tx_desc_tail = 0 ;
priv - > tx_desc_previous = 0 ;
priv - > tx_free_mem = priv - > host_info . tx_buff_size ;
priv - > tx_buff_head = 0 ;
priv - > tx_buff_tail = 0 ;
configuration = atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_hi ( priv , IFACE_FUNC_CTRL_OFFSET ) ) ;
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_hi ( priv , IFACE_FUNC_CTRL_OFFSET ) ,
configuration | FUNC_CTRL_TxENABLE ) ;
/* init Rx system and enable */
priv - > rx_desc_head = 0 ;
configuration = atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_hi ( priv , IFACE_FUNC_CTRL_OFFSET ) ) ;
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_hi ( priv , IFACE_FUNC_CTRL_OFFSET ) ,
configuration | FUNC_CTRL_RxENABLE ) ;
if ( ! priv - > radio_on_broken ) {
if ( atmel_send_command_wait ( priv , CMD_EnableRadio , NULL , 0 ) = =
printk ( KERN_INFO
" %s: cannot turn the radio on. (Hey radio, you're beautiful!) \n " ,
dev - > name ) ;
return 0 ;
/* set up enough MIB values to run. */
atmel_set_mib8 ( priv , Local_Mib_Type , LOCAL_MIB_AUTO_TX_RATE_POS , priv - > auto_tx_rate ) ;
atmel_set_mib8 ( priv , Local_Mib_Type , LOCAL_MIB_TX_PROMISCUOUS_POS , PROM_MODE_OFF ) ;
atmel_set_mib16 ( priv , Mac_Mib_Type , MAC_MIB_RTS_THRESHOLD_POS , priv - > rts_threshold ) ;
atmel_set_mib16 ( priv , Mac_Mib_Type , MAC_MIB_FRAG_THRESHOLD_POS , priv - > frag_threshold ) ;
atmel_set_mib8 ( priv , Mac_Mib_Type , MAC_MIB_SHORT_RETRY_POS , priv - > short_retry ) ;
atmel_set_mib8 ( priv , Mac_Mib_Type , MAC_MIB_LONG_RETRY_POS , priv - > long_retry ) ;
atmel_set_mib8 ( priv , Local_Mib_Type , LOCAL_MIB_PREAMBLE_TYPE , priv - > preamble ) ;
atmel_set_mib ( priv , Mac_Address_Mib_Type , MAC_ADDR_MIB_MAC_ADDR_POS ,
priv - > dev - > dev_addr , 6 ) ;
atmel_set_mib8 ( priv , Mac_Mgmt_Mib_Type , MAC_MGMT_MIB_PS_MODE_POS , ACTIVE_MODE ) ;
atmel_set_mib16 ( priv , Mac_Mgmt_Mib_Type , MAC_MGMT_MIB_LISTEN_INTERVAL_POS , 1 ) ;
atmel_set_mib16 ( priv , Mac_Mgmt_Mib_Type , MAC_MGMT_MIB_BEACON_PER_POS , priv - > default_beacon_period ) ;
atmel_set_mib ( priv , Phy_Mib_Type , PHY_MIB_RATE_SET_POS , atmel_basic_rates , 4 ) ;
atmel_set_mib8 ( priv , Mac_Mgmt_Mib_Type , MAC_MGMT_MIB_CUR_PRIVACY_POS , priv - > wep_is_on ) ;
if ( priv - > use_wpa )
build_wpa_mib ( priv ) ;
build_wep_mib ( priv ) ;
return 1 ;
static void atmel_send_command ( struct atmel_private * priv , int command , void * cmd , int cmd_size )
if ( cmd )
atmel_copy_to_card ( priv - > dev , atmel_co ( priv , CMD_BLOCK_PARAMETERS_OFFSET ) ,
cmd , cmd_size ) ;
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_co ( priv , CMD_BLOCK_COMMAND_OFFSET ) , command ) ;
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_co ( priv , CMD_BLOCK_STATUS_OFFSET ) , 0 ) ;
static int atmel_send_command_wait ( struct atmel_private * priv , int command , void * cmd , int cmd_size )
int i , status ;
atmel_send_command ( priv , command , cmd , cmd_size ) ;
for ( i = 5000 ; i ; i - - ) {
status = atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_co ( priv , CMD_BLOCK_STATUS_OFFSET ) ) ;
if ( status ! = CMD_STATUS_IDLE & &
break ;
udelay ( 20 ) ;
if ( i = = 0 ) {
printk ( KERN_ALERT " %s: failed to contact MAC. \n " , priv - > dev - > name ) ;
} else {
if ( command ! = CMD_EnableRadio )
return status ;
static u8 atmel_get_mib8 ( struct atmel_private * priv , u8 type , u8 index )
struct get_set_mib m ;
m . type = type ;
m . size = 1 ;
m . index = index ;
atmel_send_command_wait ( priv , CMD_Get_MIB_Vars , & m , MIB_HEADER_SIZE + 1 ) ;
return atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_co ( priv , CMD_BLOCK_PARAMETERS_OFFSET + MIB_HEADER_SIZE ) ) ;
static void atmel_set_mib8 ( struct atmel_private * priv , u8 type , u8 index , u8 data )
struct get_set_mib m ;
m . type = type ;
m . size = 1 ;
m . index = index ;
m . data [ 0 ] = data ;
atmel_send_command_wait ( priv , CMD_Set_MIB_Vars , & m , MIB_HEADER_SIZE + 1 ) ;
static void atmel_set_mib16 ( struct atmel_private * priv , u8 type , u8 index , u16 data )
struct get_set_mib m ;
m . type = type ;
m . size = 2 ;
m . index = index ;
m . data [ 0 ] = data ;
m . data [ 1 ] = data > > 8 ;
atmel_send_command_wait ( priv , CMD_Set_MIB_Vars , & m , MIB_HEADER_SIZE + 2 ) ;
static void atmel_set_mib ( struct atmel_private * priv , u8 type , u8 index , u8 * data , int data_len )
struct get_set_mib m ;
m . type = type ;
m . size = data_len ;
m . index = index ;
if ( data_len > MIB_MAX_DATA_BYTES )
printk ( KERN_ALERT " %s: MIB buffer too small. \n " , priv - > dev - > name ) ;
memcpy ( m . data , data , data_len ) ;
atmel_send_command_wait ( priv , CMD_Set_MIB_Vars , & m , MIB_HEADER_SIZE + data_len ) ;
static void atmel_get_mib ( struct atmel_private * priv , u8 type , u8 index , u8 * data , int data_len )
struct get_set_mib m ;
m . type = type ;
m . size = data_len ;
m . index = index ;
if ( data_len > MIB_MAX_DATA_BYTES )
printk ( KERN_ALERT " %s: MIB buffer too small. \n " , priv - > dev - > name ) ;
atmel_send_command_wait ( priv , CMD_Get_MIB_Vars , & m , MIB_HEADER_SIZE + data_len ) ;
atmel_copy_to_host ( priv - > dev , data ,
atmel_co ( priv , CMD_BLOCK_PARAMETERS_OFFSET + MIB_HEADER_SIZE ) , data_len ) ;
static void atmel_writeAR ( struct net_device * dev , u16 data )
int i ;
outw ( data , dev - > base_addr + AR ) ;
/* Address register appears to need some convincing..... */
for ( i = 0 ; data ! = inw ( dev - > base_addr + AR ) & & i < 10 ; i + + )
outw ( data , dev - > base_addr + AR ) ;
static void atmel_copy_to_card ( struct net_device * dev , u16 dest , unsigned char * src , u16 len )
int i ;
atmel_writeAR ( dev , dest ) ;
if ( dest % 2 ) {
atmel_write8 ( dev , DR , * src ) ;
src + + ; len - - ;
for ( i = len ; i > 1 ; i - = 2 ) {
u8 lb = * src + + ;
u8 hb = * src + + ;
atmel_write16 ( dev , DR , lb | ( hb < < 8 ) ) ;
if ( i )
atmel_write8 ( dev , DR , * src ) ;
static void atmel_copy_to_host ( struct net_device * dev , unsigned char * dest , u16 src , u16 len )
int i ;
atmel_writeAR ( dev , src ) ;
if ( src % 2 ) {
* dest = atmel_read8 ( dev , DR ) ;
dest + + ; len - - ;
for ( i = len ; i > 1 ; i - = 2 ) {
u16 hw = atmel_read16 ( dev , DR ) ;
* dest + + = hw ;
* dest + + = hw > > 8 ;
if ( i )
* dest = atmel_read8 ( dev , DR ) ;
static void atmel_set_gcr ( struct net_device * dev , u16 mask )
outw ( inw ( dev - > base_addr + GCR ) | mask , dev - > base_addr + GCR ) ;
static void atmel_clear_gcr ( struct net_device * dev , u16 mask )
outw ( inw ( dev - > base_addr + GCR ) & ~ mask , dev - > base_addr + GCR ) ;
static int atmel_lock_mac ( struct atmel_private * priv )
int i , j = 20 ;
retry :
for ( i = 5000 ; i ; i - - ) {
if ( ! atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_hi ( priv , IFACE_LOCKOUT_HOST_OFFSET ) ) )
break ;
udelay ( 20 ) ;
if ( ! i ) return 0 ; /* timed out */
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_hi ( priv , IFACE_LOCKOUT_MAC_OFFSET ) , 1 ) ;
if ( atmel_rmem8 ( priv , atmel_hi ( priv , IFACE_LOCKOUT_HOST_OFFSET ) ) ) {
atmel_wmem8 ( priv , atmel_hi ( priv , IFACE_LOCKOUT_MAC_OFFSET ) , 0 ) ;
if ( ! j - - ) return 0 ; /* timed out */
goto retry ;
return 1 ;
static void atmel_wmem32 ( struct atmel_private * priv , u16 pos , u32 data )
atmel_writeAR ( priv - > dev , pos ) ;
atmel_write16 ( priv - > dev , DR , data ) ; /* card is little-endian */
atmel_write16 ( priv - > dev , DR , data > > 16 ) ;
/* There follows the source form of the MAC address reading firmware */
#if 0
/* Copyright 2003 Matthew T. Russotto */
/* But derived from the Atmel 76C502 firmware written by Atmel and */
/* included in "atmel wireless lan drivers" package */
This file is part of net . russotto . AtmelMACFW , hereto referred to
as AtmelMACFW
AtmelMACFW is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation .
AtmelMACFW is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with AtmelMACFW ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
/* This firmware should work on the 76C502 RFMD, RFMD_D, and RFMD_E */
/* It will probably work on the 76C504 and 76C502 RFMD_3COM */
/* It only works on SPI EEPROM versions of the card. */
/* This firmware initializes the SPI controller and clock, reads the MAC */
/* address from the EEPROM into SRAM, and puts the SRAM offset of the MAC */
/* address in MR2, and sets MR3 to 0x10 to indicate it is done */
/* It also puts a complete copy of the EEPROM in SRAM with the offset in */
/* MR4, for investigational purposes (maybe we can determine chip type */
/* from that?) */
. org 0
. set MRBASE , 0x8000000
. set CPSR_INITIAL , 0xD3 /* IRQ/FIQ disabled, ARM mode, Supervisor state */
. set CPSR_USER , 0xD1 /* IRQ/FIQ disabled, ARM mode, USER state */
. set SRAM_BASE , 0x02000000
. set SP_BASE , 0x0F300000
. set UNK_BASE , 0x0F000000 /* Some internal device, but which one? */
. set SPI_CGEN_BASE , 0x0E000000 /* Some internal device, but which one? */
. set UNK3_BASE , 0x02014000 /* Some internal device, but which one? */
. set STACK_BASE , 0x5600
. set SP_SR , 0x10
. set SP_TDRE , 2 /* status register bit -- TDR empty */
. set SP_RDRF , 1 /* status register bit -- RDR full */
. set SP_SWRST , 0x80
. set SP_SPIEN , 0x1
. set SP_CR , 0 /* control register */
. set SP_MR , 4 /* mode register */
. set SP_RDR , 0x08 /* Read Data Register */
. set SP_TDR , 0x0C /* Transmit Data Register */
. set SP_CSR0 , 0x30 /* chip select registers */
. set SP_CSR1 , 0x34
. set SP_CSR2 , 0x38
. set SP_CSR3 , 0x3C
. set NVRAM_CMD_RDSR , 5 /* read status register */
. set NVRAM_CMD_READ , 3 /* read data */
. set NVRAM_SR_RDY , 1 /* RDY bit. This bit is inverted */
. set SPI_8CLOCKS , 0xFF /* Writing this to the TDR doesn't do anything to the
serial output , since SO is normally high . But it
does cause 8 clock cycles and thus 8 bits to be
clocked in to the chip . See Atmel ' s SPI
controller ( e . g . AT91M55800 ) timing and 4 K
SPI EEPROM manuals */
. set NVRAM_SCRATCH , 0x02000100 /* arbitrary area for scratchpad memory */
. set NVRAM_IMAGE , 0x02000200
. set NVRAM_LENGTH , 0x0200
. set MAC_BOOT_FLAG , 0x10
. set MR1 , 0
. set MR2 , 4
. set MR3 , 8
. set MR4 , 0xC
mov r0 , # CPSR_INITIAL
msr CPSR_c , r0 /* This is probably unnecessary */
/* I'm guessing this is initializing clock generator electronics for SPI */
ldr r0 , = SPI_CGEN_BASE
mov r1 , # 0
mov r1 , r1 , lsl # 3
orr r1 , r1 , # 0
str r1 , [ r0 ]
ldr r1 , [ r0 , # 28 ]
bic r1 , r1 , # 16
str r1 , [ r0 , # 28 ]
mov r1 , # 1
str r1 , [ r0 , # 8 ]
ldr r0 , = MRBASE
mov r1 , # 0
strh r1 , [ r0 , # MR1 ]
strh r1 , [ r0 , # MR2 ]
strh r1 , [ r0 , # MR3 ]
strh r1 , [ r0 , # MR4 ]
mov sp , # STACK_BASE
mov r0 , # 10
ldr r0 , = MRBASE
ldr r1 , = MAC_ADDRESS_MIB
strh r1 , [ r0 , # MR2 ]
ldr r1 , = NVRAM_IMAGE
strh r1 , [ r0 , # MR4 ]
mov r1 , # MAC_BOOT_FLAG
strh r1 , [ r0 , # MR3 ]
. func Get_Whole_NVRAM , GET_WHOLE_NVRAM
stmdb sp ! , { lr }
mov r2 , # 0 /* 0th bytes of NVRAM */
mov r3 , # NVRAM_LENGTH
mov r1 , # 0 /* not used in routine */
ldr r0 , = NVRAM_IMAGE
ldmia sp ! , { lr }
bx lr
. endfunc
. func Get_MAC_Addr , GET_MAC_ADDR
stmdb sp ! , { lr }
mov r2 , # 0x120 /* address of MAC Address within NVRAM */
mov r1 , # 0 /* not used in routine */
ldr r0 , = MAC_ADDRESS_MIB
ldmia sp ! , { lr }
bx lr
. endfunc
. ltorg
. func Delay9 , DELAY9
adds r0 , r0 , r0 , LSL # 3 /* r0 = r0 * 9 */
beq DELAY9_done
subs r0 , r0 , # 1
DELAY9_done :
bx lr
. endfunc
. func SP_Init , SP_INIT
mov r1 , # SP_SWRST
ldr r0 , = SP_BASE
str r1 , [ r0 , # SP_CR ] /* reset the SPI */
mov r1 , # 0
str r1 , [ r0 , # SP_CR ] /* release SPI from reset state */
mov r1 , # SP_SPIEN
str r1 , [ r0 , # SP_MR ] /* set the SPI to MASTER mode*/
str r1 , [ r0 , # SP_CR ] /* enable the SPI */
/* My guess would be this turns on the SPI clock */
ldr r3 , = SPI_CGEN_BASE
ldr r1 , [ r3 , # 28 ]
orr r1 , r1 , # 0x2000
str r1 , [ r3 , # 28 ]
ldr r1 , = 0x2000c01
str r1 , [ r0 , # SP_CSR0 ]
ldr r1 , = 0x2000201
str r1 , [ r0 , # SP_CSR1 ]
str r1 , [ r0 , # SP_CSR2 ]
str r1 , [ r0 , # SP_CSR3 ]
ldr r1 , [ r0 , # SP_SR ]
ldr r0 , [ r0 , # SP_RDR ]
bx lr
. endfunc
. func NVRAM_Init , NVRAM_INIT
ldr r1 , = SP_BASE
ldr r0 , [ r1 , # SP_RDR ]
mov r0 , # NVRAM_CMD_RDSR
str r0 , [ r1 , # SP_TDR ]
SP_loop1 :
ldr r0 , [ r1 , # SP_SR ]
tst r0 , # SP_TDRE
beq SP_loop1
mov r0 , # SPI_8CLOCKS
str r0 , [ r1 , # SP_TDR ]
SP_loop2 :
ldr r0 , [ r1 , # SP_SR ]
tst r0 , # SP_TDRE
beq SP_loop2
ldr r0 , [ r1 , # SP_RDR ]
SP_loop3 :
ldr r0 , [ r1 , # SP_SR ]
tst r0 , # SP_RDRF
beq SP_loop3
ldr r0 , [ r1 , # SP_RDR ]
and r0 , r0 , # 255
bx lr
. endfunc
. func NVRAM_Xfer , NVRAM_XFER
/* r0 = dest address */
/* r1 = not used */
/* r2 = src address within NVRAM */
/* r3 = length */
stmdb sp ! , { r4 , r5 , lr }
mov r5 , r0 /* save r0 (dest address) */
mov r4 , r3 /* save r3 (length) */
mov r0 , r2 , LSR # 5 /* SPI memories put A8 in the command field */
and r0 , r0 , # 8
add r0 , r0 , # NVRAM_CMD_READ
ldr r1 , = NVRAM_SCRATCH
strb r0 , [ r1 , # 0 ] /* save command in NVRAM_SCRATCH[0] */
strb r2 , [ r1 , # 1 ] /* save low byte of source address in NVRAM_SCRATCH[1] */
_local1 :
tst r0 , # NVRAM_SR_RDY
bne _local1
mov r0 , # 20
mov r2 , r4 /* length */
mov r1 , r5 /* dest address */
mov r0 , # 2 /* bytes to transfer in command */
ldmia sp ! , { r4 , r5 , lr }
bx lr
. endfunc
. func NVRAM_Xfer2 , NVRAM_XFER2
stmdb sp ! , { r4 , r5 , r6 , lr }
ldr r4 , = SP_BASE
mov r3 , # 0
cmp r0 , # 0
bls _local2
ldr r5 , = NVRAM_SCRATCH
_local4 :
ldrb r6 , [ r5 , r3 ]
str r6 , [ r4 , # SP_TDR ]
_local3 :
ldr r6 , [ r4 , # SP_SR ]
tst r6 , # SP_TDRE
beq _local3
add r3 , r3 , # 1
cmp r3 , r0 /* r0 is # of bytes to send out (command+addr) */
blo _local4
_local2 :
mov r3 , # SPI_8CLOCKS
str r3 , [ r4 , # SP_TDR ]
ldr r0 , [ r4 , # SP_RDR ]
_local5 :
ldr r0 , [ r4 , # SP_SR ]
tst r0 , # SP_RDRF
beq _local5
ldr r0 , [ r4 , # SP_RDR ] /* what's this byte? It's the byte read while writing the TDR -- nonsense, because the NVRAM doesn't read and write at the same time */
mov r0 , # 0
cmp r2 , # 0 /* r2 is # of bytes to copy in */
bls _local6
_local7 :
ldr r5 , [ r4 , # SP_SR ]
tst r5 , # SP_TDRE
beq _local7
str r3 , [ r4 , # SP_TDR ] /* r3 has SPI_8CLOCKS */
_local8 :
ldr r5 , [ r4 , # SP_SR ]
tst r5 , # SP_RDRF
beq _local8
ldr r5 , [ r4 , # SP_RDR ] /* but didn't we read this byte above? */
strb r5 , [ r1 ] , # 1 /* postindexed */
add r0 , r0 , # 1
cmp r0 , r2
blo _local7 /* since we don't send another address, the NVRAM must be capable of sequential reads */
_local6 :
mov r0 , # 200
ldmia sp ! , { r4 , r5 , r6 , lr }
bx lr
# endif