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synced 2025-02-15 09:00:16 +00:00
227 lines
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227 lines
7.0 KiB
const Decl = @This();
const std = @import("std");
const Ast = std.zig.Ast;
const Walk = @import("Walk.zig");
const gpa = std.heap.wasm_allocator;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const log = std.log;
const Oom = error{OutOfMemory};
ast_node: Ast.Node.Index,
file: Walk.File.Index,
/// The decl whose namespace this is in.
parent: Index,
pub const ExtraInfo = struct {
is_pub: bool,
name: []const u8,
/// This might not be a doc_comment token in which case there are no doc comments.
first_doc_comment: Ast.TokenIndex,
pub const Index = enum(u32) {
none = std.math.maxInt(u32),
pub fn get(i: Index) *Decl {
return &Walk.decls.items[@intFromEnum(i)];
pub fn is_pub(d: *const Decl) bool {
return d.extra_info().is_pub;
pub fn extra_info(d: *const Decl) ExtraInfo {
const ast = d.file.get_ast();
const token_tags = ast.tokens.items(.tag);
const node_tags = ast.nodes.items(.tag);
switch (node_tags[d.ast_node]) {
.root => return .{
.name = "",
.is_pub = true,
.first_doc_comment = if (token_tags[0] == .container_doc_comment)
token_tags.len - 1,
=> {
const var_decl = ast.fullVarDecl(d.ast_node).?;
const name_token = var_decl.ast.mut_token + 1;
assert(token_tags[name_token] == .identifier);
const ident_name = ast.tokenSlice(name_token);
return .{
.name = ident_name,
.is_pub = var_decl.visib_token != null,
.first_doc_comment = findFirstDocComment(ast, var_decl.firstToken()),
=> {
var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined;
const fn_proto = ast.fullFnProto(&buf, d.ast_node).?;
const name_token = fn_proto.name_token.?;
assert(token_tags[name_token] == .identifier);
const ident_name = ast.tokenSlice(name_token);
return .{
.name = ident_name,
.is_pub = fn_proto.visib_token != null,
.first_doc_comment = findFirstDocComment(ast, fn_proto.firstToken()),
else => |t| {
log.debug("hit '{s}'", .{@tagName(t)});
pub fn value_node(d: *const Decl) ?Ast.Node.Index {
const ast = d.file.get_ast();
const node_tags = ast.nodes.items(.tag);
const token_tags = ast.tokens.items(.tag);
return switch (node_tags[d.ast_node]) {
=> d.ast_node,
=> {
const var_decl = ast.fullVarDecl(d.ast_node).?;
if (token_tags[var_decl.ast.mut_token] == .keyword_const)
return var_decl.ast.init_node;
return null;
else => null,
pub fn categorize(decl: *const Decl) Walk.Category {
return decl.file.categorize_decl(decl.ast_node);
/// Looks up a direct child of `decl` by name.
pub fn get_child(decl: *const Decl, name: []const u8) ?Decl.Index {
switch (decl.categorize()) {
.alias => |aliasee| return aliasee.get().get_child(name),
.namespace, .container => |node| {
const file = decl.file.get();
const scope = file.scopes.get(node) orelse return null;
const child_node = scope.get_child(name) orelse return null;
return file.node_decls.get(child_node);
else => return null,
/// Looks up a decl by name accessible in `decl`'s namespace.
pub fn lookup(decl: *const Decl, name: []const u8) ?Decl.Index {
const namespace_node = switch (decl.categorize()) {
.namespace, .container => |node| node,
else => decl.parent.get().ast_node,
const file = decl.file.get();
const scope = file.scopes.get(namespace_node) orelse return null;
const resolved_node = scope.lookup(&file.ast, name) orelse return null;
return file.node_decls.get(resolved_node);
/// Appends the fully qualified name to `out`.
pub fn fqn(decl: *const Decl, out: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8)) Oom!void {
try decl.append_path(out);
if (decl.parent != .none) {
try append_parent_ns(out, decl.parent);
try out.appendSlice(gpa, decl.extra_info().name);
} else {
out.items.len -= 1; // remove the trailing '.'
pub fn reset_with_path(decl: *const Decl, list: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8)) Oom!void {
try append_path(decl, list);
pub fn append_path(decl: *const Decl, list: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8)) Oom!void {
const start = list.items.len;
// Prefer the module name alias.
for (Walk.modules.keys(), Walk.modules.values()) |pkg_name, pkg_file| {
if (pkg_file == decl.file) {
try list.ensureUnusedCapacity(gpa, pkg_name.len + 1);
const file_path = decl.file.path();
try list.ensureUnusedCapacity(gpa, file_path.len + 1);
for (list.items[start..]) |*byte| switch (byte.*) {
'/' => byte.* = '.',
else => continue,
if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, list.items, ".zig")) {
list.items.len -= 3;
} else {
pub fn append_parent_ns(list: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8), parent: Decl.Index) Oom!void {
assert(parent != .none);
const decl = parent.get();
if (decl.parent != .none) {
try append_parent_ns(list, decl.parent);
try list.appendSlice(gpa, decl.extra_info().name);
try list.append(gpa, '.');
pub fn findFirstDocComment(ast: *const Ast, token: Ast.TokenIndex) Ast.TokenIndex {
const token_tags = ast.tokens.items(.tag);
var it = token;
while (it > 0) {
it -= 1;
if (token_tags[it] != .doc_comment) {
return it + 1;
return it;
/// Successively looks up each component.
pub fn find(search_string: []const u8) Decl.Index {
var path_components = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, search_string, '.');
const file = Walk.modules.get(path_components.first()) orelse return .none;
var current_decl_index = file.findRootDecl();
while (path_components.next()) |component| {
while (true) switch (current_decl_index.get().categorize()) {
.alias => |aliasee| current_decl_index = aliasee,
else => break,
current_decl_index = current_decl_index.get().get_child(component) orelse return .none;
return current_decl_index;