mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 18:00:25 +00:00
1059 lines
38 KiB
1059 lines
38 KiB
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const io = std.io;
const fs = std.fs;
const process = std.process;
const ChildProcess = std.process.Child;
const Progress = std.Progress;
const print = std.debug.print;
const mem = std.mem;
const testing = std.testing;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const getExternalExecutor = std.zig.system.getExternalExecutor;
const fatal = std.zig.fatal;
const max_doc_file_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
const obj_ext = builtin.object_format.fileExt(builtin.cpu.arch);
const usage =
\\Usage: docgen [options] input output
\\ Generates an HTML document from a docgen template.
\\ --code-dir dir Path to directory containing code example outputs
\\ -h, --help Print this help and exit
pub fn main() !void {
var arena_instance = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena_instance.deinit();
const arena = arena_instance.allocator();
var args_it = try process.argsWithAllocator(arena);
if (!args_it.skip()) @panic("expected self arg");
var opt_code_dir: ?[]const u8 = null;
var opt_input: ?[]const u8 = null;
var opt_output: ?[]const u8 = null;
while (args_it.next()) |arg| {
if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "-")) {
if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-h") or mem.eql(u8, arg, "--help")) {
const stdout = io.getStdOut().writer();
try stdout.writeAll(usage);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--code-dir")) {
if (args_it.next()) |param| {
opt_code_dir = param;
} else {
fatal("expected parameter after --code-dir", .{});
} else {
fatal("unrecognized option: '{s}'", .{arg});
} else if (opt_input == null) {
opt_input = arg;
} else if (opt_output == null) {
opt_output = arg;
} else {
fatal("unexpected positional argument: '{s}'", .{arg});
const input_path = opt_input orelse fatal("missing input file", .{});
const output_path = opt_output orelse fatal("missing output file", .{});
const code_dir_path = opt_code_dir orelse fatal("missing --code-dir argument", .{});
var in_file = try fs.cwd().openFile(input_path, .{});
defer in_file.close();
var out_file = try fs.cwd().createFile(output_path, .{});
defer out_file.close();
var code_dir = try fs.cwd().openDir(code_dir_path, .{});
defer code_dir.close();
const input_file_bytes = try in_file.reader().readAllAlloc(arena, max_doc_file_size);
var buffered_writer = io.bufferedWriter(out_file.writer());
var tokenizer = Tokenizer.init(input_path, input_file_bytes);
var toc = try genToc(arena, &tokenizer);
try genHtml(arena, &tokenizer, &toc, code_dir, buffered_writer.writer());
try buffered_writer.flush();
const Token = struct {
id: Id,
start: usize,
end: usize,
const Id = enum {
const Tokenizer = struct {
buffer: []const u8,
index: usize,
state: State,
source_file_name: []const u8,
const State = enum {
fn init(source_file_name: []const u8, buffer: []const u8) Tokenizer {
return Tokenizer{
.buffer = buffer,
.index = 0,
.state = .start,
.source_file_name = source_file_name,
fn next(self: *Tokenizer) Token {
var result = Token{
.id = .eof,
.start = self.index,
.end = undefined,
while (self.index < self.buffer.len) : (self.index += 1) {
const c = self.buffer[self.index];
switch (self.state) {
.start => switch (c) {
'{' => {
self.state = .l_bracket;
else => {
result.id = .content;
.l_bracket => switch (c) {
'#' => {
if (result.id != .eof) {
self.index -= 1;
self.state = .start;
} else {
result.id = .bracket_open;
self.index += 1;
self.state = .tag_name;
else => {
result.id = .content;
self.state = .start;
.tag_name => switch (c) {
'|' => {
if (result.id != .eof) {
} else {
result.id = .separator;
self.index += 1;
'#' => {
self.state = .hash;
else => {
result.id = .tag_content;
.hash => switch (c) {
'}' => {
if (result.id != .eof) {
self.index -= 1;
self.state = .tag_name;
} else {
result.id = .bracket_close;
self.index += 1;
self.state = .start;
else => {
result.id = .tag_content;
self.state = .tag_name;
.eof => unreachable,
} else {
switch (self.state) {
.start, .l_bracket, .eof => {},
else => {
result.id = .invalid;
self.state = .eof;
result.end = self.index;
return result;
const Location = struct {
line: usize,
column: usize,
line_start: usize,
line_end: usize,
fn getTokenLocation(self: *Tokenizer, token: Token) Location {
var loc = Location{
.line = 0,
.column = 0,
.line_start = 0,
.line_end = 0,
for (self.buffer, 0..) |c, i| {
if (i == token.start) {
loc.line_end = i;
while (loc.line_end < self.buffer.len and self.buffer[loc.line_end] != '\n') : (loc.line_end += 1) {}
return loc;
if (c == '\n') {
loc.line += 1;
loc.column = 0;
loc.line_start = i + 1;
} else {
loc.column += 1;
return loc;
fn parseError(tokenizer: *Tokenizer, token: Token, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) anyerror {
const loc = tokenizer.getTokenLocation(token);
const args_prefix = .{ tokenizer.source_file_name, loc.line + 1, loc.column + 1 };
print("{s}:{d}:{d}: error: " ++ fmt ++ "\n", args_prefix ++ args);
if (loc.line_start <= loc.line_end) {
print("{s}\n", .{tokenizer.buffer[loc.line_start..loc.line_end]});
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < loc.column) : (i += 1) {
print(" ", .{});
const caret_count = @min(token.end, loc.line_end) - token.start;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < caret_count) : (i += 1) {
print("~", .{});
print("\n", .{});
return error.ParseError;
fn assertToken(tokenizer: *Tokenizer, token: Token, id: Token.Id) !void {
if (token.id != id) {
return parseError(tokenizer, token, "expected {s}, found {s}", .{ @tagName(id), @tagName(token.id) });
fn eatToken(tokenizer: *Tokenizer, id: Token.Id) !Token {
const token = tokenizer.next();
try assertToken(tokenizer, token, id);
return token;
const HeaderOpen = struct {
name: []const u8,
url: []const u8,
n: usize,
const SeeAlsoItem = struct {
name: []const u8,
token: Token,
const Code = struct {
name: []const u8,
token: Token,
const Link = struct {
url: []const u8,
name: []const u8,
token: Token,
const SyntaxBlock = struct {
source_type: SourceType,
name: []const u8,
source_token: Token,
const SourceType = enum {
const Node = union(enum) {
Content: []const u8,
Builtin: Token,
HeaderOpen: HeaderOpen,
SeeAlso: []const SeeAlsoItem,
Code: Code,
Link: Link,
InlineSyntax: Token,
Shell: Token,
SyntaxBlock: SyntaxBlock,
const Toc = struct {
nodes: []Node,
toc: []u8,
urls: std.StringHashMap(Token),
const Action = enum {
fn genToc(allocator: Allocator, tokenizer: *Tokenizer) !Toc {
var urls = std.StringHashMap(Token).init(allocator);
errdefer urls.deinit();
var header_stack_size: usize = 0;
var last_action: Action = .open;
var last_columns: ?u8 = null;
var toc_buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer toc_buf.deinit();
var toc = toc_buf.writer();
var nodes = std.ArrayList(Node).init(allocator);
defer nodes.deinit();
try toc.writeByte('\n');
while (true) {
const token = tokenizer.next();
switch (token.id) {
.eof => {
if (header_stack_size != 0) {
return parseError(tokenizer, token, "unbalanced headers", .{});
try toc.writeAll(" </ul>\n");
.content => {
try nodes.append(Node{ .Content = tokenizer.buffer[token.start..token.end] });
.bracket_open => {
const tag_token = try eatToken(tokenizer, .tag_content);
const tag_name = tokenizer.buffer[tag_token.start..tag_token.end];
if (mem.eql(u8, tag_name, "nav")) {
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .bracket_close);
try nodes.append(Node.Nav);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, tag_name, "builtin")) {
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .bracket_close);
try nodes.append(Node{ .Builtin = tag_token });
} else if (mem.eql(u8, tag_name, "header_open")) {
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .separator);
const content_token = try eatToken(tokenizer, .tag_content);
const content = tokenizer.buffer[content_token.start..content_token.end];
var columns: ?u8 = null;
while (true) {
const bracket_tok = tokenizer.next();
switch (bracket_tok.id) {
.bracket_close => break,
.separator => continue,
.tag_content => {
const param = tokenizer.buffer[bracket_tok.start..bracket_tok.end];
if (mem.eql(u8, param, "2col")) {
columns = 2;
} else {
return parseError(
"unrecognized header_open param: {s}",
else => return parseError(tokenizer, bracket_tok, "invalid header_open token", .{}),
header_stack_size += 1;
const urlized = try urlize(allocator, content);
try nodes.append(Node{
.HeaderOpen = HeaderOpen{
.name = content,
.url = urlized,
.n = header_stack_size + 1, // highest-level section headers start at h2
if (try urls.fetchPut(urlized, tag_token)) |kv| {
parseError(tokenizer, tag_token, "duplicate header url: #{s}", .{urlized}) catch {};
parseError(tokenizer, kv.value, "other tag here", .{}) catch {};
return error.ParseError;
if (last_action == .open) {
try toc.writeByte('\n');
try toc.writeByteNTimes(' ', header_stack_size * 4);
if (last_columns) |n| {
try toc.print("<ul style=\"columns: {}\">\n", .{n});
} else {
try toc.writeAll("<ul>\n");
} else {
last_action = .open;
last_columns = columns;
try toc.writeByteNTimes(' ', 4 + header_stack_size * 4);
try toc.print("<li><a id=\"toc-{s}\" href=\"#{s}\">{s}</a>", .{ urlized, urlized, content });
} else if (mem.eql(u8, tag_name, "header_close")) {
if (header_stack_size == 0) {
return parseError(tokenizer, tag_token, "unbalanced close header", .{});
header_stack_size -= 1;
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .bracket_close);
if (last_action == .close) {
try toc.writeByteNTimes(' ', 8 + header_stack_size * 4);
try toc.writeAll("</ul></li>\n");
} else {
try toc.writeAll("</li>\n");
last_action = .close;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, tag_name, "see_also")) {
var list = std.ArrayList(SeeAlsoItem).init(allocator);
errdefer list.deinit();
while (true) {
const see_also_tok = tokenizer.next();
switch (see_also_tok.id) {
.tag_content => {
const content = tokenizer.buffer[see_also_tok.start..see_also_tok.end];
try list.append(SeeAlsoItem{
.name = content,
.token = see_also_tok,
.separator => {},
.bracket_close => {
try nodes.append(Node{ .SeeAlso = try list.toOwnedSlice() });
else => return parseError(tokenizer, see_also_tok, "invalid see_also token", .{}),
} else if (mem.eql(u8, tag_name, "link")) {
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .separator);
const name_tok = try eatToken(tokenizer, .tag_content);
const name = tokenizer.buffer[name_tok.start..name_tok.end];
const url_name = blk: {
const tok = tokenizer.next();
switch (tok.id) {
.bracket_close => break :blk name,
.separator => {
const explicit_text = try eatToken(tokenizer, .tag_content);
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .bracket_close);
break :blk tokenizer.buffer[explicit_text.start..explicit_text.end];
else => return parseError(tokenizer, tok, "invalid link token", .{}),
try nodes.append(Node{
.Link = Link{
.url = try urlize(allocator, url_name),
.name = name,
.token = name_tok,
} else if (mem.eql(u8, tag_name, "code")) {
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .separator);
const name_tok = try eatToken(tokenizer, .tag_content);
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .bracket_close);
try nodes.append(.{
.Code = .{
.name = tokenizer.buffer[name_tok.start..name_tok.end],
.token = name_tok,
} else if (mem.eql(u8, tag_name, "syntax")) {
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .bracket_close);
const content_tok = try eatToken(tokenizer, .content);
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .bracket_open);
const end_syntax_tag = try eatToken(tokenizer, .tag_content);
const end_tag_name = tokenizer.buffer[end_syntax_tag.start..end_syntax_tag.end];
if (!mem.eql(u8, end_tag_name, "endsyntax")) {
return parseError(
"invalid token inside syntax: {s}",
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .bracket_close);
try nodes.append(Node{ .InlineSyntax = content_tok });
} else if (mem.eql(u8, tag_name, "shell_samp")) {
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .bracket_close);
const content_tok = try eatToken(tokenizer, .content);
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .bracket_open);
const end_syntax_tag = try eatToken(tokenizer, .tag_content);
const end_tag_name = tokenizer.buffer[end_syntax_tag.start..end_syntax_tag.end];
if (!mem.eql(u8, end_tag_name, "end_shell_samp")) {
return parseError(
"invalid token inside syntax: {s}",
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .bracket_close);
try nodes.append(Node{ .Shell = content_tok });
} else if (mem.eql(u8, tag_name, "syntax_block")) {
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .separator);
const source_type_tok = try eatToken(tokenizer, .tag_content);
var name: []const u8 = "sample_code";
const maybe_sep = tokenizer.next();
switch (maybe_sep.id) {
.separator => {
const name_tok = try eatToken(tokenizer, .tag_content);
name = tokenizer.buffer[name_tok.start..name_tok.end];
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .bracket_close);
.bracket_close => {},
else => return parseError(tokenizer, token, "invalid token", .{}),
const source_type_str = tokenizer.buffer[source_type_tok.start..source_type_tok.end];
var source_type: SyntaxBlock.SourceType = undefined;
if (mem.eql(u8, source_type_str, "zig")) {
source_type = SyntaxBlock.SourceType.zig;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, source_type_str, "c")) {
source_type = SyntaxBlock.SourceType.c;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, source_type_str, "peg")) {
source_type = SyntaxBlock.SourceType.peg;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, source_type_str, "javascript")) {
source_type = SyntaxBlock.SourceType.javascript;
} else {
return parseError(tokenizer, source_type_tok, "unrecognized code kind: {s}", .{source_type_str});
const source_token = while (true) {
const content_tok = try eatToken(tokenizer, .content);
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .bracket_open);
const end_code_tag = try eatToken(tokenizer, .tag_content);
const end_tag_name = tokenizer.buffer[end_code_tag.start..end_code_tag.end];
if (mem.eql(u8, end_tag_name, "end_syntax_block")) {
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .bracket_close);
break content_tok;
} else {
return parseError(
"invalid token inside code_begin: {s}",
_ = try eatToken(tokenizer, .bracket_close);
try nodes.append(Node{ .SyntaxBlock = SyntaxBlock{ .source_type = source_type, .name = name, .source_token = source_token } });
} else {
return parseError(tokenizer, tag_token, "unrecognized tag name: {s}", .{tag_name});
else => return parseError(tokenizer, token, "invalid token", .{}),
return Toc{
.nodes = try nodes.toOwnedSlice(),
.toc = try toc_buf.toOwnedSlice(),
.urls = urls,
fn urlize(allocator: Allocator, input: []const u8) ![]u8 {
var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer buf.deinit();
const out = buf.writer();
for (input) |c| {
switch (c) {
'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '_', '-', '0'...'9' => {
try out.writeByte(c);
' ' => {
try out.writeByte('-');
else => {},
return try buf.toOwnedSlice();
fn escapeHtml(allocator: Allocator, input: []const u8) ![]u8 {
var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer buf.deinit();
const out = buf.writer();
try writeEscaped(out, input);
return try buf.toOwnedSlice();
fn writeEscaped(out: anytype, input: []const u8) !void {
for (input) |c| {
try switch (c) {
'&' => out.writeAll("&"),
'<' => out.writeAll("<"),
'>' => out.writeAll(">"),
'"' => out.writeAll("""),
else => out.writeByte(c),
// Returns true if number is in slice.
fn in(slice: []const u8, number: u8) bool {
for (slice) |n| {
if (number == n) return true;
return false;
const builtin_types = [_][]const u8{
"f16", "f32", "f64", "f80", "f128",
"c_longdouble", "c_short", "c_ushort", "c_int", "c_uint",
"c_long", "c_ulong", "c_longlong", "c_ulonglong", "c_char",
"anyopaque", "void", "bool", "isize", "usize",
"noreturn", "type", "anyerror", "comptime_int", "comptime_float",
fn isType(name: []const u8) bool {
for (builtin_types) |t| {
if (mem.eql(u8, t, name))
return true;
return false;
fn writeEscapedLines(out: anytype, text: []const u8) !void {
return writeEscaped(out, text);
fn tokenizeAndPrintRaw(
allocator: Allocator,
docgen_tokenizer: *Tokenizer,
out: anytype,
source_token: Token,
raw_src: []const u8,
) !void {
const src_non_terminated = mem.trim(u8, raw_src, " \r\n");
const src = try allocator.dupeZ(u8, src_non_terminated);
try out.writeAll("<code>");
var tokenizer = std.zig.Tokenizer.init(src);
var index: usize = 0;
var next_tok_is_fn = false;
while (true) {
const prev_tok_was_fn = next_tok_is_fn;
next_tok_is_fn = false;
const token = tokenizer.next();
if (mem.indexOf(u8, src[index..token.loc.start], "//")) |comment_start_off| {
// render one comment
const comment_start = index + comment_start_off;
const comment_end_off = mem.indexOf(u8, src[comment_start..token.loc.start], "\n");
const comment_end = if (comment_end_off) |o| comment_start + o else token.loc.start;
try writeEscapedLines(out, src[index..comment_start]);
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-comment\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[comment_start..comment_end]);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
index = comment_end;
tokenizer.index = index;
try writeEscapedLines(out, src[index..token.loc.start]);
switch (token.tag) {
.eof => break,
=> {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-kw\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end]);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
.keyword_fn => {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-kw\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end]);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
next_tok_is_fn = true;
=> {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-str\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end]);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
.builtin => {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-builtin\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end]);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
=> {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-comment\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end]);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
.identifier => {
const tok_bytes = src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end];
if (mem.eql(u8, tok_bytes, "undefined") or
mem.eql(u8, tok_bytes, "null") or
mem.eql(u8, tok_bytes, "true") or
mem.eql(u8, tok_bytes, "false"))
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-null\">");
try writeEscaped(out, tok_bytes);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
} else if (prev_tok_was_fn) {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-fn\">");
try writeEscaped(out, tok_bytes);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
} else {
const is_int = blk: {
if (src[token.loc.start] != 'i' and src[token.loc.start] != 'u')
break :blk false;
var i = token.loc.start + 1;
if (i == token.loc.end)
break :blk false;
while (i != token.loc.end) : (i += 1) {
if (src[i] < '0' or src[i] > '9')
break :blk false;
break :blk true;
if (is_int or isType(tok_bytes)) {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-type\">");
try writeEscaped(out, tok_bytes);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
} else {
try writeEscaped(out, tok_bytes);
.number_literal => {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-number\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end]);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
=> try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end]),
.invalid, .invalid_periodasterisks => return parseError(
"syntax error",
index = token.loc.end;
try out.writeAll("</code>");
fn tokenizeAndPrint(
allocator: Allocator,
docgen_tokenizer: *Tokenizer,
out: anytype,
source_token: Token,
) !void {
const raw_src = docgen_tokenizer.buffer[source_token.start..source_token.end];
return tokenizeAndPrintRaw(allocator, docgen_tokenizer, out, source_token, raw_src);
fn printSourceBlock(allocator: Allocator, docgen_tokenizer: *Tokenizer, out: anytype, syntax_block: SyntaxBlock) !void {
const source_type = @tagName(syntax_block.source_type);
try out.print("<figure><figcaption class=\"{s}-cap\"><cite class=\"file\">{s}</cite></figcaption><pre>", .{ source_type, syntax_block.name });
switch (syntax_block.source_type) {
.zig => try tokenizeAndPrint(allocator, docgen_tokenizer, out, syntax_block.source_token),
else => {
const raw_source = docgen_tokenizer.buffer[syntax_block.source_token.start..syntax_block.source_token.end];
const trimmed_raw_source = mem.trim(u8, raw_source, " \r\n");
try out.writeAll("<code>");
try writeEscapedLines(out, trimmed_raw_source);
try out.writeAll("</code>");
try out.writeAll("</pre></figure>");
fn printShell(out: anytype, shell_content: []const u8, escape: bool) !void {
const trimmed_shell_content = mem.trim(u8, shell_content, " \r\n");
try out.writeAll("<figure><figcaption class=\"shell-cap\">Shell</figcaption><pre><samp>");
var cmd_cont: bool = false;
var iter = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, trimmed_shell_content, '\n');
while (iter.next()) |orig_line| {
const line = mem.trimRight(u8, orig_line, " \r");
if (!cmd_cont and line.len > 1 and mem.eql(u8, line[0..2], "$ ") and line[line.len - 1] != '\\') {
try out.writeAll("$ <kbd>");
const s = std.mem.trimLeft(u8, line[1..], " ");
if (escape) {
try writeEscaped(out, s);
} else {
try out.writeAll(s);
try out.writeAll("</kbd>" ++ "\n");
} else if (!cmd_cont and line.len > 1 and mem.eql(u8, line[0..2], "$ ") and line[line.len - 1] == '\\') {
try out.writeAll("$ <kbd>");
const s = std.mem.trimLeft(u8, line[1..], " ");
if (escape) {
try writeEscaped(out, s);
} else {
try out.writeAll(s);
try out.writeAll("\n");
cmd_cont = true;
} else if (line.len > 0 and line[line.len - 1] != '\\' and cmd_cont) {
if (escape) {
try writeEscaped(out, line);
} else {
try out.writeAll(line);
try out.writeAll("</kbd>" ++ "\n");
cmd_cont = false;
} else {
if (escape) {
try writeEscaped(out, line);
} else {
try out.writeAll(line);
try out.writeAll("\n");
try out.writeAll("</samp></pre></figure>");
fn genHtml(
allocator: Allocator,
tokenizer: *Tokenizer,
toc: *Toc,
code_dir: std.fs.Dir,
out: anytype,
) !void {
for (toc.nodes) |node| {
switch (node) {
.Content => |data| {
try out.writeAll(data);
.Link => |info| {
if (!toc.urls.contains(info.url)) {
return parseError(tokenizer, info.token, "url not found: {s}", .{info.url});
try out.print("<a href=\"#{s}\">{s}</a>", .{ info.url, info.name });
.Nav => {
try out.writeAll(toc.toc);
.Builtin => |tok| {
try out.writeAll("<figure><figcaption class=\"zig-cap\"><cite>@import(\"builtin\")</cite></figcaption><pre>");
const builtin_code = @embedFile("builtin"); // 😎
try tokenizeAndPrintRaw(allocator, tokenizer, out, tok, builtin_code);
try out.writeAll("</pre></figure>");
.HeaderOpen => |info| {
try out.print(
"<h{d} id=\"{s}\"><a href=\"#toc-{s}\">{s}</a> <a class=\"hdr\" href=\"#{s}\">§</a></h{d}>\n",
.{ info.n, info.url, info.url, info.name, info.url, info.n },
.SeeAlso => |items| {
try out.writeAll("<p>See also:</p><ul>\n");
for (items) |item| {
const url = try urlize(allocator, item.name);
if (!toc.urls.contains(url)) {
return parseError(tokenizer, item.token, "url not found: {s}", .{url});
try out.print("<li><a href=\"#{s}\">{s}</a></li>\n", .{ url, item.name });
try out.writeAll("</ul>\n");
.InlineSyntax => |content_tok| {
try tokenizeAndPrint(allocator, tokenizer, out, content_tok);
.Shell => |content_tok| {
const raw_shell_content = tokenizer.buffer[content_tok.start..content_tok.end];
try printShell(out, raw_shell_content, true);
.SyntaxBlock => |syntax_block| {
try printSourceBlock(allocator, tokenizer, out, syntax_block);
.Code => |code| {
const out_basename = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}.out", .{
defer allocator.free(out_basename);
const contents = code_dir.readFileAlloc(allocator, out_basename, std.math.maxInt(u32)) catch |err| {
return parseError(tokenizer, code.token, "unable to open '{s}': {s}", .{
out_basename, @errorName(err),
defer allocator.free(contents);
try out.writeAll(contents);