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// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc9106
// https://github.com/golang/crypto/tree/master/argon2
// https://github.com/P-H-C/phc-winner-argon2
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const blake2 = crypto.hash.blake2;
const crypto = std.crypto;
const math = std.math;
const mem = std.mem;
const phc_format = pwhash.phc_format;
const pwhash = crypto.pwhash;
const Thread = std.Thread;
const Blake2b512 = blake2.Blake2b512;
const Blocks = std.ArrayListAligned([block_length]u64, 16);
const H0 = [Blake2b512.digest_length + 8]u8;
const EncodingError = crypto.errors.EncodingError;
const KdfError = pwhash.KdfError;
const HasherError = pwhash.HasherError;
const Error = pwhash.Error;
const version = 0x13;
const block_length = 128;
const sync_points = 4;
const max_int = 0xffff_ffff;
const default_salt_len = 32;
const default_hash_len = 32;
const max_salt_len = 64;
const max_hash_len = 64;
/// Argon2 type
pub const Mode = enum {
/// Argon2d is faster and uses data-depending memory access, which makes it highly resistant
/// against GPU cracking attacks and suitable for applications with no threats from side-channel
/// timing attacks (eg. cryptocurrencies).
/// Argon2i instead uses data-independent memory access, which is preferred for password
/// hashing and password-based key derivation, but it is slower as it makes more passes over
/// the memory to protect from tradeoff attacks.
/// Argon2id is a hybrid of Argon2i and Argon2d, using a combination of data-depending and
/// data-independent memory accesses, which gives some of Argon2i's resistance to side-channel
/// cache timing attacks and much of Argon2d's resistance to GPU cracking attacks.
/// Argon2 parameters
pub const Params = struct {
const Self = @This();
/// A [t]ime cost, which defines the amount of computation realized and therefore the execution
/// time, given in number of iterations.
t: u32,
/// A [m]emory cost, which defines the memory usage, given in kibibytes.
m: u32,
/// A [p]arallelism degree, which defines the number of parallel threads.
p: u24,
/// The [secret] parameter, which is used for keyed hashing. This allows a secret key to be input
/// at hashing time (from some external location) and be folded into the value of the hash. This
/// means that even if your salts and hashes are compromised, an attacker cannot brute-force to
/// find the password without the key.
secret: ?[]const u8 = null,
/// The [ad] parameter, which is used to fold any additional data into the hash value. Functionally,
/// this behaves almost exactly like the secret or salt parameters; the ad parameter is folding
/// into the value of the hash. However, this parameter is used for different data. The salt
/// should be a random string stored alongside your password. The secret should be a random key
/// only usable at hashing time. The ad is for any other data.
ad: ?[]const u8 = null,
/// Baseline parameters for interactive logins using argon2i type
pub const interactive_2i = Self.fromLimits(4, 33554432);
/// Baseline parameters for normal usage using argon2i type
pub const moderate_2i = Self.fromLimits(6, 134217728);
/// Baseline parameters for offline usage using argon2i type
pub const sensitive_2i = Self.fromLimits(8, 536870912);
/// Baseline parameters for interactive logins using argon2id type
pub const interactive_2id = Self.fromLimits(2, 67108864);
/// Baseline parameters for normal usage using argon2id type
pub const moderate_2id = Self.fromLimits(3, 268435456);
/// Baseline parameters for offline usage using argon2id type
pub const sensitive_2id = Self.fromLimits(4, 1073741824);
/// Create parameters from ops and mem limits, where mem_limit given in bytes
pub fn fromLimits(ops_limit: u32, mem_limit: usize) Self {
const m = mem_limit / 1024;
std.debug.assert(m <= max_int);
return .{ .t = ops_limit, .m = @intCast(u32, m), .p = 1 };
fn initHash(
password: []const u8,
salt: []const u8,
params: Params,
dk_len: usize,
mode: Mode,
) H0 {
var h0: H0 = undefined;
var parameters: [24]u8 = undefined;
var tmp: [4]u8 = undefined;
var b2 = Blake2b512.init(.{});
mem.writeIntLittle(u32, parameters[0..4], params.p);
mem.writeIntLittle(u32, parameters[4..8], @intCast(u32, dk_len));
mem.writeIntLittle(u32, parameters[8..12], params.m);
mem.writeIntLittle(u32, parameters[12..16], params.t);
mem.writeIntLittle(u32, parameters[16..20], version);
mem.writeIntLittle(u32, parameters[20..24], @enumToInt(mode));
mem.writeIntLittle(u32, &tmp, @intCast(u32, password.len));
mem.writeIntLittle(u32, &tmp, @intCast(u32, salt.len));
const secret = params.secret orelse "";
std.debug.assert(secret.len <= max_int);
mem.writeIntLittle(u32, &tmp, @intCast(u32, secret.len));
const ad = params.ad orelse "";
std.debug.assert(ad.len <= max_int);
mem.writeIntLittle(u32, &tmp, @intCast(u32, ad.len));
return h0;
fn blake2bLong(out: []u8, in: []const u8) void {
var b2 = Blake2b512.init(.{ .expected_out_bits = math.min(512, out.len * 8) });
var buffer: [Blake2b512.digest_length]u8 = undefined;
mem.writeIntLittle(u32, buffer[0..4], @intCast(u32, out.len));
if (out.len <= Blake2b512.digest_length) {
mem.copy(u8, out, buffer[0..out.len]);
b2 = Blake2b512.init(.{});
mem.copy(u8, out, buffer[0..32]);
var out_slice = out[32..];
while (out_slice.len > Blake2b512.digest_length) : ({
out_slice = out_slice[32..];
b2 = Blake2b512.init(.{});
}) {
mem.copy(u8, out_slice, buffer[0..32]);
var r = Blake2b512.digest_length;
if (out.len % Blake2b512.digest_length > 0) {
r = ((out.len + 31) / 32) - 2;
b2 = Blake2b512.init(.{ .expected_out_bits = r * 8 });
mem.copy(u8, out_slice, buffer[0..r]);
fn initBlocks(
blocks: *Blocks,
h0: *H0,
memory: u32,
threads: u24,
) void {
var block0: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var lane: u24 = 0;
while (lane < threads) : (lane += 1) {
const j = lane * (memory / threads);
mem.writeIntLittle(u32, h0[Blake2b512.digest_length + 4 ..][0..4], lane);
mem.writeIntLittle(u32, h0[Blake2b512.digest_length..][0..4], 0);
blake2bLong(&block0, h0);
for (blocks.items[j + 0]) |*v, i| {
v.* = mem.readIntLittle(u64, block0[i * 8 ..][0..8]);
mem.writeIntLittle(u32, h0[Blake2b512.digest_length..][0..4], 1);
blake2bLong(&block0, h0);
for (blocks.items[j + 1]) |*v, i| {
v.* = mem.readIntLittle(u64, block0[i * 8 ..][0..8]);
fn processBlocks(
allocator: mem.Allocator,
blocks: *Blocks,
time: u32,
memory: u32,
threads: u24,
mode: Mode,
) KdfError!void {
const lanes = memory / threads;
const segments = lanes / sync_points;
if (builtin.single_threaded or threads == 1) {
processBlocksSt(blocks, time, memory, threads, mode, lanes, segments);
} else {
try processBlocksMt(allocator, blocks, time, memory, threads, mode, lanes, segments);
fn processBlocksSt(
blocks: *Blocks,
time: u32,
memory: u32,
threads: u24,
mode: Mode,
lanes: u32,
segments: u32,
) void {
var n: u32 = 0;
while (n < time) : (n += 1) {
var slice: u32 = 0;
while (slice < sync_points) : (slice += 1) {
var lane: u24 = 0;
while (lane < threads) : (lane += 1) {
processSegment(blocks, time, memory, threads, mode, lanes, segments, n, slice, lane);
fn processBlocksMt(
allocator: mem.Allocator,
blocks: *Blocks,
time: u32,
memory: u32,
threads: u24,
mode: Mode,
lanes: u32,
segments: u32,
) KdfError!void {
var threads_list = try std.ArrayList(Thread).initCapacity(allocator, threads);
defer threads_list.deinit();
var n: u32 = 0;
while (n < time) : (n += 1) {
var slice: u32 = 0;
while (slice < sync_points) : (slice += 1) {
var lane: u24 = 0;
while (lane < threads) : (lane += 1) {
const thread = try Thread.spawn(.{}, processSegment, .{
blocks, time, memory, threads, mode, lanes, segments, n, slice, lane,
lane = 0;
while (lane < threads) : (lane += 1) {
fn processSegment(
blocks: *Blocks,
passes: u32,
memory: u32,
threads: u24,
mode: Mode,
lanes: u32,
segments: u32,
n: u32,
slice: u32,
lane: u24,
) void {
var addresses align(16) = [_]u64{0} ** block_length;
var in align(16) = [_]u64{0} ** block_length;
const zero align(16) = [_]u64{0} ** block_length;
if (mode == .argon2i or (mode == .argon2id and n == 0 and slice < sync_points / 2)) {
in[0] = n;
in[1] = lane;
in[2] = slice;
in[3] = memory;
in[4] = passes;
in[5] = @enumToInt(mode);
var index: u32 = 0;
if (n == 0 and slice == 0) {
index = 2;
if (mode == .argon2i or mode == .argon2id) {
in[6] += 1;
processBlock(&addresses, &in, &zero);
processBlock(&addresses, &addresses, &zero);
var offset = lane * lanes + slice * segments + index;
var random: u64 = 0;
while (index < segments) : ({
index += 1;
offset += 1;
}) {
var prev = offset -% 1;
if (index == 0 and slice == 0) {
prev +%= lanes;
if (mode == .argon2i or (mode == .argon2id and n == 0 and slice < sync_points / 2)) {
if (index % block_length == 0) {
in[6] += 1;
processBlock(&addresses, &in, &zero);
processBlock(&addresses, &addresses, &zero);
random = addresses[index % block_length];
} else {
random = blocks.items[prev][0];
const new_offset = indexAlpha(random, lanes, segments, threads, n, slice, lane, index);
processBlockXor(&blocks.items[offset], &blocks.items[prev], &blocks.items[new_offset]);
fn processBlock(
out: *align(16) [block_length]u64,
in1: *align(16) const [block_length]u64,
in2: *align(16) const [block_length]u64,
) void {
processBlockGeneric(out, in1, in2, false);
fn processBlockXor(
out: *[block_length]u64,
in1: *const [block_length]u64,
in2: *const [block_length]u64,
) void {
processBlockGeneric(out, in1, in2, true);
fn processBlockGeneric(
out: *[block_length]u64,
in1: *const [block_length]u64,
in2: *const [block_length]u64,
comptime xor: bool,
) void {
var t: [block_length]u64 = undefined;
for (t) |*v, i| {
v.* = in1[i] ^ in2[i];
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < block_length) : (i += 16) {
i = 0;
var buffer: [16]u64 = undefined;
while (i < block_length / 8) : (i += 2) {
var j: usize = 0;
while (j < block_length / 8) : (j += 2) {
buffer[j] = t[j * 8 + i];
buffer[j + 1] = t[j * 8 + i + 1];
j = 0;
while (j < block_length / 8) : (j += 2) {
t[j * 8 + i] = buffer[j];
t[j * 8 + i + 1] = buffer[j + 1];
if (xor) {
for (t) |v, j| {
out[j] ^= in1[j] ^ in2[j] ^ v;
} else {
for (t) |v, j| {
out[j] = in1[j] ^ in2[j] ^ v;
const QuarterRound = struct { a: usize, b: usize, c: usize, d: usize };
fn Rp(a: usize, b: usize, c: usize, d: usize) QuarterRound {
return .{ .a = a, .b = b, .c = c, .d = d };
fn fBlaMka(x: u64, y: u64) u64 {
const xy = @as(u64, @truncate(u32, x)) * @as(u64, @truncate(u32, y));
return x +% y +% 2 *% xy;
fn blamkaGeneric(x: *[16]u64) void {
const rounds = comptime [_]QuarterRound{
Rp(0, 4, 8, 12),
Rp(1, 5, 9, 13),
Rp(2, 6, 10, 14),
Rp(3, 7, 11, 15),
Rp(0, 5, 10, 15),
Rp(1, 6, 11, 12),
Rp(2, 7, 8, 13),
Rp(3, 4, 9, 14),
inline for (rounds) |r| {
x[r.a] = fBlaMka(x[r.a], x[r.b]);
x[r.d] = math.rotr(u64, x[r.d] ^ x[r.a], 32);
x[r.c] = fBlaMka(x[r.c], x[r.d]);
x[r.b] = math.rotr(u64, x[r.b] ^ x[r.c], 24);
x[r.a] = fBlaMka(x[r.a], x[r.b]);
x[r.d] = math.rotr(u64, x[r.d] ^ x[r.a], 16);
x[r.c] = fBlaMka(x[r.c], x[r.d]);
x[r.b] = math.rotr(u64, x[r.b] ^ x[r.c], 63);
fn finalize(
blocks: *Blocks,
memory: u32,
threads: u24,
out: []u8,
) void {
const lanes = memory / threads;
var lane: u24 = 0;
while (lane < threads - 1) : (lane += 1) {
for (blocks.items[(lane * lanes) + lanes - 1]) |v, i| {
blocks.items[memory - 1][i] ^= v;
var block: [1024]u8 = undefined;
for (blocks.items[memory - 1]) |v, i| {
mem.writeIntLittle(u64, block[i * 8 ..][0..8], v);
blake2bLong(out, &block);
fn indexAlpha(
rand: u64,
lanes: u32,
segments: u32,
threads: u24,
n: u32,
slice: u32,
lane: u24,
index: u32,
) u32 {
var ref_lane = @intCast(u32, rand >> 32) % threads;
if (n == 0 and slice == 0) {
ref_lane = lane;
var m = 3 * segments;
var s = ((slice + 1) % sync_points) * segments;
if (lane == ref_lane) {
m += index;
if (n == 0) {
m = slice * segments;
s = 0;
if (slice == 0 or lane == ref_lane) {
m += index;
if (index == 0 or lane == ref_lane) {
m -= 1;
var p = @as(u64, @truncate(u32, rand));
p = (p * p) >> 32;
p = (p * m) >> 32;
return ref_lane * lanes + @intCast(u32, ((s + m - (p + 1)) % lanes));
/// Derives a key from the password, salt, and argon2 parameters.
/// Derived key has to be at least 4 bytes length.
/// Salt has to be at least 8 bytes length.
pub fn kdf(
allocator: mem.Allocator,
derived_key: []u8,
password: []const u8,
salt: []const u8,
params: Params,
mode: Mode,
) KdfError!void {
if (derived_key.len < 4) return KdfError.WeakParameters;
if (derived_key.len > max_int) return KdfError.OutputTooLong;
if (password.len > max_int) return KdfError.WeakParameters;
if (salt.len < 8 or salt.len > max_int) return KdfError.WeakParameters;
if (params.t < 1 or params.p < 1) return KdfError.WeakParameters;
var h0 = initHash(password, salt, params, derived_key.len, mode);
const memory = math.max(
params.m / (sync_points * params.p) * (sync_points * params.p),
2 * sync_points * params.p,
var blocks = try Blocks.initCapacity(allocator, memory);
defer blocks.deinit();
blocks.appendNTimesAssumeCapacity([_]u64{0} ** block_length, memory);
initBlocks(&blocks, &h0, memory, params.p);
try processBlocks(allocator, &blocks, params.t, memory, params.p, mode);
finalize(&blocks, memory, params.p, derived_key);
const PhcFormatHasher = struct {
const BinValue = phc_format.BinValue;
const HashResult = struct {
alg_id: []const u8,
alg_version: ?u32,
m: u32,
t: u32,
p: u24,
salt: BinValue(max_salt_len),
hash: BinValue(max_hash_len),
pub fn create(
allocator: mem.Allocator,
password: []const u8,
params: Params,
mode: Mode,
buf: []u8,
) HasherError![]const u8 {
if (params.secret != null or params.ad != null) return HasherError.InvalidEncoding;
var salt: [default_salt_len]u8 = undefined;
var hash: [default_hash_len]u8 = undefined;
try kdf(allocator, &hash, password, &salt, params, mode);
return phc_format.serialize(HashResult{
.alg_id = @tagName(mode),
.alg_version = version,
.m = params.m,
.t = params.t,
.p = params.p,
.salt = try BinValue(max_salt_len).fromSlice(&salt),
.hash = try BinValue(max_hash_len).fromSlice(&hash),
}, buf);
pub fn verify(
allocator: mem.Allocator,
str: []const u8,
password: []const u8,
) HasherError!void {
const hash_result = try phc_format.deserialize(HashResult, str);
const mode = std.meta.stringToEnum(Mode, hash_result.alg_id) orelse
return HasherError.PasswordVerificationFailed;
if (hash_result.alg_version) |v| {
if (v != version) return HasherError.InvalidEncoding;
const params = Params{ .t = hash_result.t, .m = hash_result.m, .p = hash_result.p };
const expected_hash = hash_result.hash.constSlice();
var hash_buf: [max_hash_len]u8 = undefined;
if (expected_hash.len > hash_buf.len) return HasherError.InvalidEncoding;
var hash = hash_buf[0..expected_hash.len];
try kdf(allocator, hash, password, hash_result.salt.constSlice(), params, mode);
if (!mem.eql(u8, hash, expected_hash)) return HasherError.PasswordVerificationFailed;
/// Options for hashing a password.
/// Allocator is required for argon2.
/// Only phc encoding is supported.
pub const HashOptions = struct {
allocator: ?mem.Allocator,
params: Params,
mode: Mode = .argon2id,
encoding: pwhash.Encoding = .phc,
/// Compute a hash of a password using the argon2 key derivation function.
/// The function returns a string that includes all the parameters required for verification.
pub fn strHash(
password: []const u8,
options: HashOptions,
out: []u8,
) Error![]const u8 {
const allocator = options.allocator orelse return Error.AllocatorRequired;
switch (options.encoding) {
.phc => return PhcFormatHasher.create(
.crypt => return Error.InvalidEncoding,
/// Options for hash verification.
/// Allocator is required for argon2.
pub const VerifyOptions = struct {
allocator: ?mem.Allocator,
/// Verify that a previously computed hash is valid for a given password.
pub fn strVerify(
str: []const u8,
password: []const u8,
options: VerifyOptions,
) Error!void {
const allocator = options.allocator orelse return Error.AllocatorRequired;
return PhcFormatHasher.verify(allocator, str, password);
test "argon2d" {
const password = [_]u8{0x01} ** 32;
const salt = [_]u8{0x02} ** 16;
const secret = [_]u8{0x03} ** 8;
const ad = [_]u8{0x04} ** 12;
var dk: [32]u8 = undefined;
try kdf(
.{ .t = 3, .m = 32, .p = 4, .secret = &secret, .ad = &ad },
const want = [_]u8{
0x51, 0x2b, 0x39, 0x1b, 0x6f, 0x11, 0x62, 0x97,
0x53, 0x71, 0xd3, 0x09, 0x19, 0x73, 0x42, 0x94,
0xf8, 0x68, 0xe3, 0xbe, 0x39, 0x84, 0xf3, 0xc1,
0xa1, 0x3a, 0x4d, 0xb9, 0xfa, 0xbe, 0x4a, 0xcb,
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &dk, &want);
test "argon2i" {
const password = [_]u8{0x01} ** 32;
const salt = [_]u8{0x02} ** 16;
const secret = [_]u8{0x03} ** 8;
const ad = [_]u8{0x04} ** 12;
var dk: [32]u8 = undefined;
try kdf(
.{ .t = 3, .m = 32, .p = 4, .secret = &secret, .ad = &ad },
const want = [_]u8{
0xc8, 0x14, 0xd9, 0xd1, 0xdc, 0x7f, 0x37, 0xaa,
0x13, 0xf0, 0xd7, 0x7f, 0x24, 0x94, 0xbd, 0xa1,
0xc8, 0xde, 0x6b, 0x01, 0x6d, 0xd3, 0x88, 0xd2,
0x99, 0x52, 0xa4, 0xc4, 0x67, 0x2b, 0x6c, 0xe8,
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &dk, &want);
test "argon2id" {
const password = [_]u8{0x01} ** 32;
const salt = [_]u8{0x02} ** 16;
const secret = [_]u8{0x03} ** 8;
const ad = [_]u8{0x04} ** 12;
var dk: [32]u8 = undefined;
try kdf(
.{ .t = 3, .m = 32, .p = 4, .secret = &secret, .ad = &ad },
const want = [_]u8{
0x0d, 0x64, 0x0d, 0xf5, 0x8d, 0x78, 0x76, 0x6c,
0x08, 0xc0, 0x37, 0xa3, 0x4a, 0x8b, 0x53, 0xc9,
0xd0, 0x1e, 0xf0, 0x45, 0x2d, 0x75, 0xb6, 0x5e,
0xb5, 0x25, 0x20, 0xe9, 0x6b, 0x01, 0xe6, 0x59,
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &dk, &want);
test "kdf" {
const password = "password";
const salt = "somesalt";
const TestVector = struct {
mode: Mode,
time: u32,
memory: u32,
threads: u8,
hash: []const u8,
const test_vectors = [_]TestVector{
.mode = .argon2i,
.time = 1,
.memory = 64,
.threads = 1,
.hash = "b9c401d1844a67d50eae3967dc28870b22e508092e861a37",
.mode = .argon2d,
.time = 1,
.memory = 64,
.threads = 1,
.hash = "8727405fd07c32c78d64f547f24150d3f2e703a89f981a19",
.mode = .argon2id,
.time = 1,
.memory = 64,
.threads = 1,
.hash = "655ad15eac652dc59f7170a7332bf49b8469be1fdb9c28bb",
.mode = .argon2i,
.time = 2,
.memory = 64,
.threads = 1,
.hash = "8cf3d8f76a6617afe35fac48eb0b7433a9a670ca4a07ed64",
.mode = .argon2d,
.time = 2,
.memory = 64,
.threads = 1,
.hash = "3be9ec79a69b75d3752acb59a1fbb8b295a46529c48fbb75",
.mode = .argon2id,
.time = 2,
.memory = 64,
.threads = 1,
.hash = "068d62b26455936aa6ebe60060b0a65870dbfa3ddf8d41f7",
.mode = .argon2i,
.time = 2,
.memory = 64,
.threads = 2,
.hash = "2089f3e78a799720f80af806553128f29b132cafe40d059f",
.mode = .argon2d,
.time = 2,
.memory = 64,
.threads = 2,
.hash = "68e2462c98b8bc6bb60ec68db418ae2c9ed24fc6748a40e9",
.mode = .argon2id,
.time = 2,
.memory = 64,
.threads = 2,
.hash = "350ac37222f436ccb5c0972f1ebd3bf6b958bf2071841362",
.mode = .argon2i,
.time = 3,
.memory = 256,
.threads = 2,
.hash = "f5bbf5d4c3836af13193053155b73ec7476a6a2eb93fd5e6",
.mode = .argon2d,
.time = 3,
.memory = 256,
.threads = 2,
.hash = "f4f0669218eaf3641f39cc97efb915721102f4b128211ef2",
.mode = .argon2id,
.time = 3,
.memory = 256,
.threads = 2,
.hash = "4668d30ac4187e6878eedeacf0fd83c5a0a30db2cc16ef0b",
.mode = .argon2i,
.time = 4,
.memory = 4096,
.threads = 4,
.hash = "a11f7b7f3f93f02ad4bddb59ab62d121e278369288a0d0e7",
.mode = .argon2d,
.time = 4,
.memory = 4096,
.threads = 4,
.hash = "935598181aa8dc2b720914aa6435ac8d3e3a4210c5b0fb2d",
.mode = .argon2id,
.time = 4,
.memory = 4096,
.threads = 4,
.hash = "145db9733a9f4ee43edf33c509be96b934d505a4efb33c5a",
.mode = .argon2i,
.time = 4,
.memory = 1024,
.threads = 8,
.hash = "0cdd3956aa35e6b475a7b0c63488822f774f15b43f6e6e17",
.mode = .argon2d,
.time = 4,
.memory = 1024,
.threads = 8,
.hash = "83604fc2ad0589b9d055578f4d3cc55bc616df3578a896e9",
.mode = .argon2id,
.time = 4,
.memory = 1024,
.threads = 8,
.hash = "8dafa8e004f8ea96bf7c0f93eecf67a6047476143d15577f",
.mode = .argon2i,
.time = 2,
.memory = 64,
.threads = 3,
.hash = "5cab452fe6b8479c8661def8cd703b611a3905a6d5477fe6",
.mode = .argon2d,
.time = 2,
.memory = 64,
.threads = 3,
.hash = "22474a423bda2ccd36ec9afd5119e5c8949798cadf659f51",
.mode = .argon2id,
.time = 2,
.memory = 64,
.threads = 3,
.hash = "4a15b31aec7c2590b87d1f520be7d96f56658172deaa3079",
.mode = .argon2i,
.time = 3,
.memory = 1024,
.threads = 6,
.hash = "d236b29c2b2a09babee842b0dec6aa1e83ccbdea8023dced",
.mode = .argon2d,
.time = 3,
.memory = 1024,
.threads = 6,
.hash = "a3351b0319a53229152023d9206902f4ef59661cdca89481",
.mode = .argon2id,
.time = 3,
.memory = 1024,
.threads = 6,
.hash = "1640b932f4b60e272f5d2207b9a9c626ffa1bd88d2349016",
inline for (test_vectors) |v| {
var want: [24]u8 = undefined;
_ = try std.fmt.hexToBytes(&want, v.hash);
var dk: [24]u8 = undefined;
try kdf(
.{ .t = v.time, .m = v.memory, .p = v.threads },
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &dk, &want);
test "phc format hasher" {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
const password = "testpass";
var buf: [128]u8 = undefined;
const hash = try PhcFormatHasher.create(
.{ .t = 3, .m = 32, .p = 4 },
try PhcFormatHasher.verify(allocator, hash, password);
test "password hash and password verify" {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
const password = "testpass";
var buf: [128]u8 = undefined;
const hash = try strHash(
.{ .allocator = allocator, .params = .{ .t = 3, .m = 32, .p = 4 } },
try strVerify(hash, password, .{ .allocator = allocator });
test "kdf derived key length" {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
const password = "testpass";
const salt = "saltsalt";
const params = Params{ .t = 3, .m = 32, .p = 4 };
const mode = Mode.argon2id;
var dk1: [11]u8 = undefined;
try kdf(allocator, &dk1, password, salt, params, mode);
var dk2: [77]u8 = undefined;
try kdf(allocator, &dk2, password, salt, params, mode);
var dk3: [111]u8 = undefined;
try kdf(allocator, &dk3, password, salt, params, mode);