mirror of
synced 2025-01-25 11:21:02 +00:00
I moved part of the compiler that checks environment variables to the standard library, so it doesn't have access to `build_options.only_c` anymore, which means some environment variable checks are leaking into the zig1.wasm build of zig. This logic still makes it return "no environment variables found" though.
1026 lines
36 KiB
1026 lines
36 KiB
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "panic.h"
#define LOG_TRACE 0
enum wasi_errno {
wasi_errno_success = 0,
wasi_errno_2big = 1,
wasi_errno_acces = 2,
wasi_errno_addrinuse = 3,
wasi_errno_addrnotavail = 4,
wasi_errno_afnosupport = 5,
wasi_errno_again = 6,
wasi_errno_already = 7,
wasi_errno_badf = 8,
wasi_errno_badmsg = 9,
wasi_errno_busy = 10,
wasi_errno_canceled = 11,
wasi_errno_child = 12,
wasi_errno_connaborted = 13,
wasi_errno_connrefused = 14,
wasi_errno_connreset = 15,
wasi_errno_deadlk = 16,
wasi_errno_destaddrreq = 17,
wasi_errno_dom = 18,
wasi_errno_dquot = 19,
wasi_errno_exist = 20,
wasi_errno_fault = 21,
wasi_errno_fbig = 22,
wasi_errno_hostunreach = 23,
wasi_errno_idrm = 24,
wasi_errno_ilseq = 25,
wasi_errno_inprogress = 26,
wasi_errno_intr = 27,
wasi_errno_inval = 28,
wasi_errno_io = 29,
wasi_errno_isconn = 30,
wasi_errno_isdir = 31,
wasi_errno_loop = 32,
wasi_errno_mfile = 33,
wasi_errno_mlink = 34,
wasi_errno_msgsize = 35,
wasi_errno_multihop = 36,
wasi_errno_nametoolong = 37,
wasi_errno_netdown = 38,
wasi_errno_netreset = 39,
wasi_errno_netunreach = 40,
wasi_errno_nfile = 41,
wasi_errno_nobufs = 42,
wasi_errno_nodev = 43,
wasi_errno_noent = 44,
wasi_errno_noexec = 45,
wasi_errno_nolck = 46,
wasi_errno_nolink = 47,
wasi_errno_nomem = 48,
wasi_errno_nomsg = 49,
wasi_errno_noprotoopt = 50,
wasi_errno_nospc = 51,
wasi_errno_nosys = 52,
wasi_errno_notconn = 53,
wasi_errno_notdir = 54,
wasi_errno_notempty = 55,
wasi_errno_notrecoverable = 56,
wasi_errno_notsock = 57,
wasi_errno_opnotsupp = 58,
wasi_errno_notty = 59,
wasi_errno_nxio = 60,
wasi_errno_overflow = 61,
wasi_errno_ownerdead = 62,
wasi_errno_perm = 63,
wasi_errno_pipe = 64,
wasi_errno_proto = 65,
wasi_errno_protonosupport = 66,
wasi_errno_prototype = 67,
wasi_errno_range = 68,
wasi_errno_rofs = 69,
wasi_errno_spipe = 70,
wasi_errno_srch = 71,
wasi_errno_stale = 72,
wasi_errno_timedout = 73,
wasi_errno_txtbsy = 74,
wasi_errno_xdev = 75,
wasi_errno_notcapable = 76,
enum wasi_oflags {
wasi_oflags_creat = 1 << 0,
wasi_oflags_directory = 1 << 1,
wasi_oflags_excl = 1 << 2,
wasi_oflags_trunc = 1 << 3,
enum wasi_rights {
wasi_rights_fd_datasync = 1ull << 0,
wasi_rights_fd_read = 1ull << 1,
wasi_rights_fd_seek = 1ull << 2,
wasi_rights_fd_fdstat_set_flags = 1ull << 3,
wasi_rights_fd_sync = 1ull << 4,
wasi_rights_fd_tell = 1ull << 5,
wasi_rights_fd_write = 1ull << 6,
wasi_rights_fd_advise = 1ull << 7,
wasi_rights_fd_allocate = 1ull << 8,
wasi_rights_path_create_directory = 1ull << 9,
wasi_rights_path_create_file = 1ull << 10,
wasi_rights_path_link_source = 1ull << 11,
wasi_rights_path_link_target = 1ull << 12,
wasi_rights_path_open = 1ull << 13,
wasi_rights_fd_readdir = 1ull << 14,
wasi_rights_path_readlink = 1ull << 15,
wasi_rights_path_rename_source = 1ull << 16,
wasi_rights_path_rename_target = 1ull << 17,
wasi_rights_path_filestat_get = 1ull << 18,
wasi_rights_path_filestat_set_size = 1ull << 19,
wasi_rights_path_filestat_set_times = 1ull << 20,
wasi_rights_fd_filestat_get = 1ull << 21,
wasi_rights_fd_filestat_set_size = 1ull << 22,
wasi_rights_fd_filestat_set_times = 1ull << 23,
wasi_rights_path_symlink = 1ull << 24,
wasi_rights_path_remove_directory = 1ull << 25,
wasi_rights_path_unlink_file = 1ull << 26,
wasi_rights_poll_fd_readwrite = 1ull << 27,
wasi_rights_sock_shutdown = 1ull << 28,
wasi_rights_sock_accept = 1ull << 29,
enum wasi_clockid {
wasi_clockid_realtime = 0,
wasi_clockid_monotonic = 1,
wasi_clockid_process_cputime_id = 2,
wasi_clockid_thread_cputime_id = 3,
enum wasi_filetype {
wasi_filetype_unknown = 0,
wasi_filetype_block_device = 1,
wasi_filetype_character_device = 2,
wasi_filetype_directory = 3,
wasi_filetype_regular_file = 4,
wasi_filetype_socket_dgram = 5,
wasi_filetype_socket_stream = 6,
wasi_filetype_symbolic_link = 7,
enum wasi_fdflags {
wasi_fdflags_append = 1 << 0,
wasi_fdflags_dsync = 1 << 1,
wasi_fdflags_nonblock = 1 << 2,
wasi_fdflags_rsync = 1 << 3,
wasi_fdflags_sync = 1 << 4,
struct wasi_filestat {
uint64_t dev;
uint64_t ino;
uint64_t filetype;
uint64_t nlink;
uint64_t size;
uint64_t atim;
uint64_t mtim;
uint64_t ctim;
struct wasi_fdstat {
uint16_t fs_filetype;
uint16_t fs_flags;
uint32_t padding;
uint64_t fs_rights_inheriting;
struct wasi_ciovec {
uint32_t ptr;
uint32_t len;
enum wasi_whence {
wasi_whence_set = 0,
wasi_whence_cur = 1,
wasi_whence_end = 2,
extern uint8_t **const wasm_memory;
extern void wasm__start(void);
static int global_argc;
static char **global_argv;
static uint32_t de_len;
struct DirEntry {
enum wasi_filetype filetype;
time_t atim;
time_t mtim;
time_t ctim;
char *guest_path;
char *host_path;
} *des;
static uint32_t fd_len;
static struct FileDescriptor {
uint32_t de;
enum wasi_fdflags fdflags;
FILE *stream;
uint64_t fs_rights_inheriting;
} *fds;
static void *dupe(const void *data, size_t len) {
void *copy = malloc(len);
if (copy == NULL) panic("out of memory");
memcpy(copy, data, len);
return copy;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <zig-lib-path> <args...>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
global_argc = argc;
global_argv = argv;
time_t now = time(NULL);
de_len = 4;
des = calloc(de_len, sizeof(struct DirEntry));
if (des == NULL) panic("out of memory");
des[0].filetype = wasi_filetype_character_device;
des[1].filetype = wasi_filetype_directory;
des[1].guest_path = dupe(".", sizeof("."));
des[1].host_path = dupe(".", sizeof("."));
des[2].filetype = wasi_filetype_directory;
des[2].guest_path = dupe("/cache", sizeof("/cache"));
des[2].atim = now;
des[2].mtim = now;
des[2].ctim = now;
des[3].filetype = wasi_filetype_directory;
des[3].guest_path = dupe("/lib", sizeof("/lib"));
des[3].host_path = dupe(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]) + 1);
fd_len = 6;
fds = calloc(sizeof(struct FileDescriptor), fd_len);
if (fds == NULL) panic("out of memory");
fds[0].stream = stdin;
fds[1].stream = stdout;
fds[2].stream = stderr;
fds[3].de = 1;
fds[4].de = 2;
fds[5].de = 3;
static bool isLetter(char c) {
return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z');
static bool isPathSep(char c) {
return c == '/' || c == '\\';
static bool isAbsPath(const char *path, uint32_t path_len) {
if (path_len >= 1 && isPathSep(path[0])) return true;
if (path_len >= 3 && isLetter(path[0]) && path[1] == ':' && isPathSep(path[2])) return true;
return false;
static bool isSamePath(const char *a, const char *b, uint32_t len) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
if (isPathSep(a[i]) && isPathSep(b[i])) continue;
if (a[i] != b[i]) return false;
return true;
static enum wasi_errno DirEntry_create(uint32_t dir_fd, const char *path, uint32_t path_len, enum wasi_filetype filetype, time_t tim, uint32_t *res_de) {
if (isAbsPath(path, path_len)) {
if (dir_fd >= fd_len || fds[dir_fd].de >= de_len) return wasi_errno_badf;
if (des[fds[dir_fd].de].filetype != wasi_filetype_directory) return wasi_errno_notdir;
struct DirEntry *new_des = realloc(des, (de_len + 1) * sizeof(struct DirEntry));
if (new_des == NULL) return wasi_errno_nomem;
des = new_des;
struct DirEntry *de = &des[de_len];
de->filetype = filetype;
de->atim = tim;
de->mtim = tim;
de->ctim = tim;
if (isAbsPath(path, path_len)) {
de->guest_path = malloc(path_len + 1);
if (de->guest_path == NULL) return wasi_errno_nomem;
memcpy(&de->guest_path[0], path, path_len);
de->guest_path[path_len] = '\0';
de->host_path = malloc(path_len + 1);
if (de->host_path == NULL) return wasi_errno_nomem;
memcpy(&de->host_path[0], path, path_len);
de->host_path[path_len] = '\0';
} else {
const struct DirEntry *dir_de = &des[fds[dir_fd].de];
if (dir_de->guest_path != NULL) {
size_t dir_guest_path_len = strlen(dir_de->guest_path);
de->guest_path = malloc(dir_guest_path_len + 1 + path_len + 1);
if (de->guest_path == NULL) return wasi_errno_nomem;
memcpy(&de->guest_path[0], dir_de->guest_path, dir_guest_path_len);
de->guest_path[dir_guest_path_len] = '/';
memcpy(&de->guest_path[dir_guest_path_len + 1], path, path_len);
de->guest_path[dir_guest_path_len + 1 + path_len] = '\0';
} else de->guest_path = NULL;
if (dir_de->host_path != NULL) {
size_t dir_host_path_len = strlen(dir_de->host_path);
de->host_path = malloc(dir_host_path_len + 1 + path_len + 1);
if (de->host_path == NULL) { free(de->guest_path); return wasi_errno_nomem; }
memcpy(&de->host_path[0], dir_de->host_path, dir_host_path_len);
de->host_path[dir_host_path_len] = '/';
memcpy(&de->host_path[dir_host_path_len + 1], path, path_len);
de->host_path[dir_host_path_len + 1 + path_len] = '\0';
} else de->host_path = NULL;
if (res_de != NULL) *res_de = de_len;
de_len += 1;
return wasi_errno_success;
static enum wasi_errno DirEntry_lookup(uint32_t dir_fd, uint32_t flags, const char *path, uint32_t path_len, uint32_t *res_de) {
if (isAbsPath(path, path_len)) {
for (uint32_t de = 0; de < de_len; de += 1) {
if (des[de].guest_path == NULL) continue;
if (!isSamePath(&des[de].guest_path[0], path, path_len)) continue;
if (des[de].guest_path[path_len] != '\0') continue;
if (res_de != NULL) *res_de = de;
return wasi_errno_success;
} else {
if (dir_fd >= fd_len || fds[dir_fd].de >= de_len) return wasi_errno_badf;
const struct DirEntry *dir_de = &des[fds[dir_fd].de];
if (dir_de->filetype != wasi_filetype_directory) return wasi_errno_notdir;
size_t dir_guest_path_len = strlen(dir_de->guest_path);
for (uint32_t de = 0; de < de_len; de += 1) {
if (des[de].guest_path == NULL) continue;
if (!isSamePath(&des[de].guest_path[0], dir_de->guest_path, dir_guest_path_len)) continue;
if (!isPathSep(des[de].guest_path[dir_guest_path_len])) continue;
if (!isSamePath(&des[de].guest_path[dir_guest_path_len + 1], path, path_len)) continue;
if (des[de].guest_path[dir_guest_path_len + 1 + path_len] != '\0') continue;
if (res_de != NULL) *res_de = de;
return wasi_errno_success;
return wasi_errno_noent;
static void DirEntry_filestat(uint32_t de, struct wasi_filestat *res_filestat) {
res_filestat->dev = 0;
res_filestat->ino = de;
res_filestat->filetype = des[de].filetype;
res_filestat->nlink = 1;
res_filestat->size = 0;
res_filestat->atim = des[de].atim * UINT64_C(1000000000);
res_filestat->mtim = des[de].mtim * UINT64_C(1000000000);
res_filestat->ctim = des[de].ctim * UINT64_C(1000000000);
static void DirEntry_unlink(uint32_t de) {
des[de].guest_path = NULL;
des[de].host_path = NULL;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_args_sizes_get(uint32_t argv_size, uint32_t argv_buf_size) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
uint32_t *argv_size_ptr = (uint32_t *)&m[argv_size];
uint32_t *argv_buf_size_ptr = (uint32_t *)&m[argv_buf_size];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_args_sizes_get()\n");
int c_argc = global_argc;
char **c_argv = global_argv;
uint32_t size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < c_argc; i += 1) {
if (i == 1) continue;
size += strlen(c_argv[i]) + 1;
*argv_size_ptr = c_argc - 1;
*argv_buf_size_ptr = size;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_args_get(uint32_t argv, uint32_t argv_buf) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
uint32_t *argv_ptr = (uint32_t *)&m[argv];
char *argv_buf_ptr = (char *)&m[argv_buf];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_args_get()\n");
int c_argc = global_argc;
char **c_argv = global_argv;
uint32_t dst_i = 0;
uint32_t argv_buf_i = 0;
for (int src_i = 0; src_i < c_argc; src_i += 1) {
if (src_i == 1) continue;
argv_ptr[dst_i] = argv_buf + argv_buf_i;
dst_i += 1;
strcpy(&argv_buf_ptr[argv_buf_i], c_argv[src_i]);
argv_buf_i += strlen(c_argv[src_i]) + 1;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_prestat_get(uint32_t fd, uint32_t res_prestat) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
uint32_t *res_prestat_ptr = (uint32_t *)&m[res_prestat];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_prestat_get(%u)\n", fd);
if (fd >= fd_len || fds[fd].de >= de_len) return wasi_errno_badf;
res_prestat_ptr[0] = 0;
res_prestat_ptr[1] = strlen(des[fds[fd].de].guest_path);
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_prestat_dir_name(uint32_t fd, uint32_t path, uint32_t path_len) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
char *path_ptr = (char *)&m[path];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_prestat_dir_name(%u, \"%.*s\")\n", fd, (int)path_len, path_ptr);
if (fd >= fd_len || fds[fd].de >= de_len) return wasi_errno_badf;
strncpy(path_ptr, des[fds[fd].de].guest_path, path_len);
return wasi_errno_success;
void wasi_snapshot_preview1_proc_exit(uint32_t rval) {
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_proc_exit(%u)\n", rval);
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_close(uint32_t fd) {
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_close(%u)\n", fd);
if (fd >= fd_len || fds[fd].de >= de_len) return wasi_errno_badf;
if (fds[fd].stream != NULL) fclose(fds[fd].stream);
fds[fd].de = ~0;
fds[fd].stream = NULL;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_path_create_directory(uint32_t fd, uint32_t path, uint32_t path_len) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
const char *path_ptr = (const char *)&m[path];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_path_create_directory(%u, \"%.*s\")\n", fd, (int)path_len, path_ptr);
enum wasi_errno lookup_errno = DirEntry_lookup(fd, 0, path_ptr, path_len, NULL);
switch (lookup_errno) {
case wasi_errno_success: return wasi_errno_exist;
case wasi_errno_noent: break;
default: return lookup_errno;
return DirEntry_create(fd, path_ptr, path_len, wasi_filetype_directory, time(NULL), NULL);
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_read(uint32_t fd, uint32_t iovs, uint32_t iovs_len, uint32_t res_size) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
struct wasi_ciovec *iovs_ptr = (struct wasi_ciovec *)&m[iovs];
uint32_t *res_size_ptr = (uint32_t *)&m[res_size];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_read(%u, 0x%X, %u)\n", fd, iovs, iovs_len);
if (fd >= fd_len || fds[fd].de >= de_len) return wasi_errno_badf;
switch (des[fds[fd].de].filetype) {
case wasi_filetype_character_device: break;
case wasi_filetype_regular_file: break;
case wasi_filetype_directory: return wasi_errno_inval;
default: panic("unimplemented");
size_t size = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < iovs_len; i += 1) {
size_t read_size = 0;
if (fds[fd].stream != NULL)
read_size = fread(&m[iovs_ptr[i].ptr], 1, iovs_ptr[i].len, fds[fd].stream);
size += read_size;
if (read_size < iovs_ptr[i].len) break;
if (size > 0) des[fds[fd].de].atim = time(NULL);
*res_size_ptr = size;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_filestat_get(uint32_t fd, uint32_t res_filestat) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
struct wasi_filestat *res_filestat_ptr = (struct wasi_filestat *)&m[res_filestat];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_filestat_get(%u)\n", fd);
if (fd >= fd_len || fds[fd].de >= de_len) return wasi_errno_badf;
DirEntry_filestat(fds[fd].de, res_filestat_ptr);
if (des[fds[fd].de].filetype != wasi_filetype_regular_file) return wasi_errno_success;
if (fds[fd].stream == NULL) return wasi_errno_success;
fpos_t pos;
if (fgetpos(fds[fd].stream, &pos) < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
if (fseek(fds[fd].stream, 0, SEEK_END) < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
long size = ftell(fds[fd].stream);
if (size < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
res_filestat_ptr->size = size;
if (fsetpos(fds[fd].stream, &pos) < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_path_rename(uint32_t fd, uint32_t old_path, uint32_t old_path_len, uint32_t new_fd, uint32_t new_path, uint32_t new_path_len) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
const char *old_path_ptr = (const char *)&m[old_path];
const char *new_path_ptr = (const char *)&m[new_path];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_path_rename(%u, \"%.*s\", %u, \"%.*s\")\n", fd, (int)old_path_len, old_path_ptr, new_fd, (int)new_path_len, new_path_ptr);
uint32_t old_de;
enum wasi_errno old_lookup_errno = DirEntry_lookup(fd, 0, old_path_ptr, old_path_len, &old_de);
if (old_lookup_errno != wasi_errno_success) return old_lookup_errno;
uint32_t de;
enum wasi_errno new_lookup_errno = DirEntry_lookup(new_fd, 0, new_path_ptr, new_path_len, &de);
switch (new_lookup_errno) {
case wasi_errno_success: DirEntry_unlink(de); break;
case wasi_errno_noent: break;
default: return new_lookup_errno;
uint32_t new_de;
enum wasi_errno create_errno =
DirEntry_create(new_fd, new_path_ptr, new_path_len, des[old_de].filetype, 0, &new_de);
if (create_errno != wasi_errno_success) return create_errno;
des[new_de].atim = des[old_de].atim;
des[new_de].mtim = des[old_de].mtim;
des[new_de].ctim = time(NULL);
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_filestat_set_size(uint32_t fd, uint64_t size) {
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_filestat_set_size(%u, %llu)\n", fd, (unsigned long long)size);
if (fd >= fd_len || fds[fd].de >= de_len) return wasi_errno_badf;
if (des[fds[fd].de].filetype != wasi_filetype_regular_file) return wasi_errno_inval;
if (fds[fd].stream == NULL) return wasi_errno_success;
fpos_t pos;
if (fgetpos(fds[fd].stream, &pos) < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
if (fseek(fds[fd].stream, 0, SEEK_END) < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
long old_size = ftell(fds[fd].stream);
if (old_size < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
if (size != (unsigned long)old_size) {
if (size > 0 && fseek(fds[fd].stream, size - 1, SEEK_SET) < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
if (size < (unsigned long)old_size) {
// Note that this destroys the contents on resize might have to save truncated
// file in memory if this becomes an issue.
FILE *trunc = fopen(des[fds[fd].de].host_path, "wb");
if (trunc == NULL) return wasi_errno_io;
if (size > 0) fputc(0, fds[fd].stream);
if (fsetpos(fds[fd].stream, &pos) < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_pwrite(uint32_t fd, uint32_t iovs, uint32_t iovs_len, uint64_t offset, uint32_t res_size) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
struct wasi_ciovec *iovs_ptr = (struct wasi_ciovec *)&m[iovs];
uint32_t *res_size_ptr = (uint32_t *)&m[res_size];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_pwrite(%u, 0x%X, %u)\n", fd, iovs, iovs_len);
if (fd >= fd_len || fds[fd].de >= de_len) return wasi_errno_badf;
switch (des[fds[fd].de].filetype) {
case wasi_filetype_character_device: break;
case wasi_filetype_regular_file: break;
case wasi_filetype_directory: return wasi_errno_inval;
default: panic("unimplemented");
fpos_t pos;
if (fgetpos(fds[fd].stream, &pos) < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
if (fseek(fds[fd].stream, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
size_t size = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < iovs_len; i += 1) {
size_t written_size = 0;
if (fds[fd].stream != NULL)
written_size = fwrite(&m[iovs_ptr[i].ptr], 1, iovs_ptr[i].len, fds[fd].stream);
written_size = iovs_ptr[i].len;
size += written_size;
if (written_size < iovs_ptr[i].len) break;
if (fsetpos(fds[fd].stream, &pos) < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
if (size > 0) {
time_t now = time(NULL);
des[fds[fd].de].atim = now;
des[fds[fd].de].mtim = now;
*res_size_ptr = size;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_random_get(uint32_t buf, uint32_t buf_len) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
uint8_t *buf_ptr = (uint8_t *)&m[buf];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_random_get(%u)\n", buf_len);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < buf_len; i += 1) buf_ptr[i] = (uint8_t)rand();
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_filestat_set_times(uint32_t fd, uint64_t atim, uint64_t mtim, uint32_t fst_flags) {
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_filestat_set_times(%u, %llu, %llu, 0x%X)\n", fd, (unsigned long long)atim, (unsigned long long)mtim, fst_flags);
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_environ_sizes_get(uint32_t environ_size, uint32_t environ_buf_size) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
uint32_t *environ_size_ptr = (uint32_t *)&m[environ_size];
uint32_t *environ_buf_size_ptr = (uint32_t *)&m[environ_buf_size];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_environ_sizes_get()\n");
*environ_size_ptr = 0;
*environ_buf_size_ptr = 0;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_environ_get(uint32_t environ, uint32_t environ_buf) {
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_environ_get()\n");
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_path_filestat_get(uint32_t fd, uint32_t flags, uint32_t path, uint32_t path_len, uint32_t res_filestat) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
const char *path_ptr = (const char *)&m[path];
struct wasi_filestat *res_filestat_ptr = (struct wasi_filestat *)&m[res_filestat];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_path_filestat_get(%u, 0x%X, \"%.*s\")\n", fd, flags, (int)path_len, path_ptr);
uint32_t de;
enum wasi_errno lookup_errno = DirEntry_lookup(fd, flags, path_ptr, path_len, &de);
if (lookup_errno != wasi_errno_success) return lookup_errno;
DirEntry_filestat(de, res_filestat_ptr);
if (des[de].filetype == wasi_filetype_regular_file && des[de].host_path != NULL) {
FILE *stream = fopen(des[de].host_path, "rb");
if (stream != NULL) {
if (fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_END) >= 0) {
long size = ftell(stream);
if (size >= 0) res_filestat_ptr->size = size;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_fdstat_get(uint32_t fd, uint32_t res_fdstat) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
struct wasi_fdstat *res_fdstat_ptr = (struct wasi_fdstat *)&m[res_fdstat];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_fdstat_get(%u)\n", fd);
if (fd >= fd_len || fds[fd].de >= de_len) return wasi_errno_badf;
res_fdstat_ptr->fs_filetype = des[fds[fd].de].filetype;
res_fdstat_ptr->fs_flags = fds[fd].fdflags;
res_fdstat_ptr->padding = 0;
res_fdstat_ptr->fs_rights_inheriting = fds[fd].fs_rights_inheriting;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_readdir(uint32_t fd, uint32_t buf, uint32_t buf_len, uint64_t cookie, uint32_t res_size) {
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_readdir(%u, 0x%X, %u, %llu)\n", fd, buf, buf_len, (unsigned long long)cookie);
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_write(uint32_t fd, uint32_t iovs, uint32_t iovs_len, uint32_t res_size) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
struct wasi_ciovec *iovs_ptr = (struct wasi_ciovec *)&m[iovs];
uint32_t *res_size_ptr = (uint32_t *)&m[res_size];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_write(%u, 0x%X, %u)\n", fd, iovs, iovs_len);
if (fd >= fd_len || fds[fd].de >= de_len) return wasi_errno_badf;
switch (des[fds[fd].de].filetype) {
case wasi_filetype_character_device: break;
case wasi_filetype_regular_file: break;
case wasi_filetype_directory: return wasi_errno_inval;
default: panic("unimplemented");
size_t size = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < iovs_len; i += 1) {
size_t written_size = 0;
if (fds[fd].stream != NULL)
written_size = fwrite(&m[iovs_ptr[i].ptr], 1, iovs_ptr[i].len, fds[fd].stream);
written_size = iovs_ptr[i].len;
size += written_size;
if (written_size < iovs_ptr[i].len) break;
if (size > 0) {
time_t now = time(NULL);
des[fds[fd].de].atim = now;
des[fds[fd].de].mtim = now;
*res_size_ptr = size;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_path_open(uint32_t fd, uint32_t dirflags, uint32_t path, uint32_t path_len, uint32_t oflags, uint64_t fs_rights_base, uint64_t fs_rights_inheriting, uint32_t fdflags, uint32_t res_fd) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
const char *path_ptr = (const char *)&m[path];
uint32_t *res_fd_ptr = (uint32_t *)&m[res_fd];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_path_open(%u, 0x%X, \"%.*s\", 0x%X, 0x%llX, 0x%llX, 0x%X)\n", fd, dirflags, (int)path_len, path_ptr, oflags, (unsigned long long)fs_rights_base, (unsigned long long)fs_rights_inheriting, fdflags);
bool creat = (oflags & wasi_oflags_creat) != 0;
bool directory = (oflags & wasi_oflags_directory) != 0;
bool excl = (oflags & wasi_oflags_excl) != 0;
bool trunc = (oflags & wasi_oflags_trunc) != 0;
bool append = (fdflags & wasi_fdflags_append) != 0;
uint32_t de;
enum wasi_errno lookup_errno = DirEntry_lookup(fd, dirflags, path_ptr, path_len, &de);
if (lookup_errno == wasi_errno_success) {
if (directory && des[de].filetype != wasi_filetype_directory) return wasi_errno_notdir;
struct FileDescriptor *new_fds = realloc(fds, (fd_len + 1) * sizeof(struct FileDescriptor));
if (new_fds == NULL) return wasi_errno_nomem;
fds = new_fds;
fds[fd_len].de = de;
fds[fd_len].fdflags = fdflags;
switch (des[de].filetype) {
case wasi_filetype_directory: fds[fd_len].stream = NULL; break;
default: panic("unimplemented");
fds[fd_len].fs_rights_inheriting = fs_rights_inheriting;
fprintf(stderr, "fd = %u\n", fd_len);
*res_fd_ptr = fd_len;
fd_len += 1;
if (lookup_errno != wasi_errno_noent) return lookup_errno;
struct FileDescriptor *new_fds = realloc(fds, (fd_len + 1) * sizeof(struct FileDescriptor));
if (new_fds == NULL) return wasi_errno_nomem;
fds = new_fds;
enum wasi_filetype filetype = directory ? wasi_filetype_directory : wasi_filetype_regular_file;
enum wasi_errno create_errno = DirEntry_create(fd, path_ptr, path_len, filetype, 0, &de);
if (create_errno != wasi_errno_success) return create_errno;
FILE *stream;
if (!directory) {
if (des[de].host_path == NULL) {
if (!creat) { DirEntry_unlink(de); de_len -= 1; return wasi_errno_noent; }
time_t now = time(NULL);
des[de].atim = now;
des[de].mtim = now;
des[de].ctim = now;
stream = NULL;
} else {
if (oflags != (append ? wasi_oflags_creat : wasi_oflags_creat | wasi_oflags_trunc)) {
char mode[] = "rb+";
if ((fs_rights_base & wasi_rights_fd_write) == 0) mode[2] = '\0';
stream = fopen(des[de].host_path, mode);
if (stream != NULL) {
if (append || excl || trunc) fclose(stream);
if (excl) {
de_len -= 1;
return wasi_errno_exist;
} else if (!creat) { DirEntry_unlink(de); de_len -= 1; return wasi_errno_noent; }
if (append || trunc || stream == NULL) {
char mode[] = "wb+";
if ((fs_rights_base & wasi_rights_fd_read) == 0) mode[2] = '\0';
if (trunc || !append) {
stream = fopen(des[de].host_path, mode);
if (append && stream != NULL) fclose(stream);
if (append) {
mode[0] = 'a';
stream = fopen(des[de].host_path, mode);
if (stream == NULL) { DirEntry_unlink(de); de_len -= 1; return wasi_errno_isdir; }
} else stream = NULL;
fprintf(stderr, "fd = %u\n", fd_len);
fds[fd_len].de = de;
fds[fd_len].fdflags = fdflags;
fds[fd_len].stream = stream;
fds[fd_len].fs_rights_inheriting = fs_rights_inheriting;
*res_fd_ptr = fd_len;
fd_len += 1;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_clock_time_get(uint32_t id, uint64_t precision, uint32_t res_timestamp) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
uint64_t *res_timestamp_ptr = (uint64_t *)&m[res_timestamp];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_clock_time_get(%u, %llu)\n", id, (unsigned long long)precision);
switch (id) {
case wasi_clockid_realtime:
*res_timestamp_ptr = time(NULL) * UINT64_C(1000000000);
case wasi_clockid_monotonic:
case wasi_clockid_process_cputime_id:
case wasi_clockid_thread_cputime_id:
*res_timestamp_ptr = clock() * (UINT64_C(1000000000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
default: return wasi_errno_inval;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_path_remove_directory(uint32_t fd, uint32_t path, uint32_t path_len) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
const char *path_ptr = (const char *)&m[path];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_path_remove_directory(%u, \"%.*s\")\n", fd, (int)path_len, path_ptr);
uint32_t de;
enum wasi_errno lookup_errno = DirEntry_lookup(fd, 0, path_ptr, path_len, &de);
if (lookup_errno != wasi_errno_success) return lookup_errno;
if (des[de].filetype != wasi_filetype_directory) return wasi_errno_notdir;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_path_unlink_file(uint32_t fd, uint32_t path, uint32_t path_len) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
const char *path_ptr = (const char *)&m[path];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_path_unlink_file(%u, \"%.*s\")\n", fd, (int)path_len, path_ptr);
uint32_t de;
enum wasi_errno lookup_errno = DirEntry_lookup(fd, 0, path_ptr, path_len, &de);
if (lookup_errno != wasi_errno_success) return lookup_errno;
if (des[de].filetype == wasi_filetype_directory) return wasi_errno_isdir;
if (des[de].filetype != wasi_filetype_regular_file) panic("unimplemented");
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_pread(uint32_t fd, uint32_t iovs, uint32_t iovs_len, uint64_t offset, uint32_t res_size) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
struct wasi_ciovec *iovs_ptr = (struct wasi_ciovec *)&m[iovs];
uint32_t *res_size_ptr = (uint32_t *)&m[res_size];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_pread(%u, 0x%X, %u)\n", fd, iovs, iovs_len);
if (fd >= fd_len || fds[fd].de >= de_len) return wasi_errno_badf;
switch (des[fds[fd].de].filetype) {
case wasi_filetype_character_device: break;
case wasi_filetype_regular_file: break;
case wasi_filetype_directory: return wasi_errno_inval;
default: panic("unimplemented");
fpos_t pos;
if (fgetpos(fds[fd].stream, &pos) < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
if (fseek(fds[fd].stream, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
size_t size = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < iovs_len; i += 1) {
size_t read_size = 0;
if (fds[fd].stream != NULL)
read_size = fread(&m[iovs_ptr[i].ptr], 1, iovs_ptr[i].len, fds[fd].stream);
size += read_size;
if (read_size < iovs_ptr[i].len) break;
if (fsetpos(fds[fd].stream, &pos) < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
if (size > 0) des[fds[fd].de].atim = time(NULL);
*res_size_ptr = size;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_seek(uint32_t fd, uint64_t in_offset, uint32_t whence, uint32_t res_filesize) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
int64_t offset = (int64_t)in_offset;
uint64_t *res_filesize_ptr = (uint64_t *)&m[res_filesize];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_seek(%u, 0x%lld, %u)\n", fd, (long long)offset, whence);
if (fd >= fd_len || fds[fd].de >= de_len) return wasi_errno_badf;
switch (des[fds[fd].de].filetype) {
case wasi_filetype_character_device: break;
case wasi_filetype_regular_file: break;
case wasi_filetype_directory: return wasi_errno_inval;
default: panic("unimplemented");
int seek_whence;
switch (whence) {
case wasi_whence_set:
seek_whence = SEEK_SET;
case wasi_whence_cur:
seek_whence = SEEK_CUR;
case wasi_whence_end:
seek_whence = SEEK_END;
return wasi_errno_inval;
if (fseek(fds[fd].stream, offset, seek_whence) < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
long res_offset = ftell(fds[fd].stream);
if (res_offset < 0) return wasi_errno_io;
*res_filesize_ptr = (uint64_t)res_offset;
return wasi_errno_success;
uint32_t wasi_snapshot_preview1_poll_oneoff(uint32_t in, uint32_t out, uint32_t nsubscriptions, uint32_t res_nevents) {
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_poll_oneoff(%u)\n", nsubscriptions);
return wasi_errno_success;
void wasi_snapshot_preview1_debug(uint32_t string, uint64_t x) {
uint8_t *const m = *wasm_memory;
const char *string_ptr = (const char *)&m[string];
fprintf(stderr, "wasi_snapshot_preview1_debug(\"%s\", %llu, 0x%llX)\n", string_ptr, (unsigned long long)x, (unsigned long long)x);