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//! Implementation of the IND-CCA2 post-quantum secure key encapsulation mechanism (KEM)
//! ML-KEM (NIST FIPS-203 publication) and CRYSTALS-Kyber (v3.02/"draft00" CFRG draft).
//! The schemes are not finalized yet, and are still subject to breaking changes.
//! The Kyber namespace suffix (currently `_d00`) refers to the version currently
//! implemented, in accordance with the draft.
//! The ML-KEM namespace suffix (currently `_01`) refers to the NIST FIPS-203 draft
//! published on August 24, 2023, with the unintentional transposition of  having been reverted.
//! Suffixes may not be updated if new versions of the documents only include editorial changes.
//! The suffixes will be removed once the schemes are finalized.
//! Quoting from the CFRG I-D:
//! Kyber is not a Diffie-Hellman (DH) style non-interactive key
//! agreement, but instead, Kyber is a Key Encapsulation Method (KEM).
//! In essence, a KEM is a Public-Key Encryption (PKE) scheme where the
//! plaintext cannot be specified, but is generated as a random key as
//! part of the encryption. A KEM can be transformed into an unrestricted
//! PKE using HPKE (RFC9180). On its own, a KEM can be used as a key
//! agreement method in TLS.
//! Kyber is an IND-CCA2 secure KEM. It is constructed by applying a
//! Fujisaki--Okamato style transformation on InnerPKE, which is the
//! underlying IND-CPA secure Public Key Encryption scheme. We cannot
//! use InnerPKE directly, as its ciphertexts are malleable.
//! ```
//! F.O. transform
//! InnerPKE ----------------------> Kyber
//! ```
//! Kyber is a lattice-based scheme. More precisely, its security is
//! based on the learning-with-errors-and-rounding problem in module
//! lattices (MLWER). The underlying polynomial ring R (defined in
//! Section 5) is chosen such that multiplication is very fast using the
//! number theoretic transform (NTT, see Section 5.1.3).
//! An InnerPKE private key is a vector _s_ over R of length k which is
//! _small_ in a particular way. Here k is a security parameter akin to
//! the size of a prime modulus. For Kyber512, which targets AES-128's
//! security level, the value of k is 2.
//! The public key consists of two values:
//! * _A_ a uniformly sampled k by k matrix over R _and_
//! * _t = A s + e_, where e is a suitably small masking vector.
//! Distinguishing between such A s + e and a uniformly sampled t is the
//! module learning-with-errors (MLWE) problem. If that is hard, then it
//! is also hard to recover the private key from the public key as that
//! would allow you to distinguish between those two.
//! To save space in the public key, A is recomputed deterministically
//! from a seed _rho_.
//! A ciphertext for a message m under this public key is a pair (c_1,
//! c_2) computed roughly as follows:
//! c_1 = Compress(A^T r + e_1, d_u)
//! c_2 = Compress(t^T r + e_2 + Decompress(m, 1), d_v)
//! where
//! * e_1, e_2 and r are small blinds;
//! * Compress(-, d) removes some information, leaving d bits per
//! coefficient and Decompress is such that Compress after Decompress
//! does nothing and
//! * d_u, d_v are scheme parameters.
//! Distinguishing such a ciphertext and uniformly sampled (c_1, c_2) is
//! an example of the full MLWER problem, see section 4.4 of [KyberV302].
//! To decrypt the ciphertext, one computes
//! m = Compress(Decompress(c_2, d_v) - s^T Decompress(c_1, d_u), 1).
//! It it not straight-forward to see that this formula is correct. In
//! fact, there is negligible but non-zero probability that a ciphertext
//! does not decrypt correctly given by the DFP column in Table 4. This
//! failure probability can be computed by a careful automated analysis
//! of the probabilities involved, see kyber_failure.py of [SecEst].
//! [KyberV302](https://pq-crystals.org/kyber/data/kyber-specification-round3-20210804.pdf)
//! [I-D](https://github.com/bwesterb/draft-schwabe-cfrg-kyber)
//! [SecEst](https://github.com/pq-crystals/security-estimates)
// - The bottleneck in Kyber are the various hash/xof calls:
// - Optimize Zig's keccak implementation.
// - Use SIMD to compute keccak in parallel.
// - Can we track bounds of coefficients using comptime types without
// duplicating code?
// - Would be neater to have tests closer to the thing under test.
// - When generating a keypair, we have a copy of the inner public key with
// its large matrix A in both the public key and the private key. In Go we
// can just have a pointer in the private key to the public key, but
// how do we do this elegantly in Zig?
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const testing = std.testing;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const crypto = std.crypto;
const errors = std.crypto.errors;
const math = std.math;
const mem = std.mem;
const RndGen = std.Random.DefaultPrng;
const sha3 = crypto.hash.sha3;
// Q is the parameter q ≡ 3329 = 2¹¹ + 2¹⁰ + 2⁸ + 1.
const Q: i16 = 3329;
// Montgomery R
const R: i32 = 1 << 16;
// Parameter n, degree of polynomials.
const N: usize = 256;
// Size of "small" vectors used in encryption blinds.
const eta2: u8 = 2;
const Params = struct {
name: []const u8,
// NIST ML-KEM variant instead of Kyber as originally submitted.
ml_kem: bool = false,
// Width and height of the matrix A.
k: u8,
// Size of "small" vectors used in private key and encryption blinds.
eta1: u8,
// How many bits to retain of u, the private-key independent part
// of the ciphertext.
du: u8,
// How many bits to retain of v, the private-key dependent part
// of the ciphertext.
dv: u8,
pub const kyber_d00 = struct {
pub const Kyber512 = Kyber(.{
.name = "Kyber512",
.k = 2,
.eta1 = 3,
.du = 10,
.dv = 4,
pub const Kyber768 = Kyber(.{
.name = "Kyber768",
.k = 3,
.eta1 = 2,
.du = 10,
.dv = 4,
pub const Kyber1024 = Kyber(.{
.name = "Kyber1024",
.k = 4,
.eta1 = 2,
.du = 11,
.dv = 5,
pub const ml_kem_01 = struct {
pub const MLKem512 = Kyber(.{
.name = "ML-KEM-512",
.ml_kem = true,
.k = 2,
.eta1 = 3,
.du = 10,
.dv = 4,
pub const MLKem768 = Kyber(.{
.name = "ML-KEM-768",
.ml_kem = true,
.k = 3,
.eta1 = 2,
.du = 10,
.dv = 4,
pub const MLKem1024 = Kyber(.{
.name = "ML-KEM-1024",
.ml_kem = true,
.k = 4,
.eta1 = 2,
.du = 11,
.dv = 5,
const modes = [_]type{
const h_length: usize = 32;
const inner_seed_length: usize = 32;
const common_encaps_seed_length: usize = 32;
const common_shared_key_size: usize = 32;
fn Kyber(comptime p: Params) type {
return struct {
// Size of a ciphertext, in bytes.
pub const ciphertext_length = Poly.compressedSize(p.du) * p.k + Poly.compressedSize(p.dv);
const Self = @This();
const V = Vec(p.k);
const M = Mat(p.k);
/// Length (in bytes) of a shared secret.
pub const shared_length = common_shared_key_size;
/// Length (in bytes) of a seed for deterministic encapsulation.
pub const encaps_seed_length = common_encaps_seed_length;
/// Length (in bytes) of a seed for key generation.
pub const seed_length: usize = inner_seed_length + shared_length;
/// Algorithm name.
pub const name = p.name;
/// A shared secret, and an encapsulated (encrypted) representation of it.
pub const EncapsulatedSecret = struct {
shared_secret: [shared_length]u8,
ciphertext: [ciphertext_length]u8,
/// A Kyber public key.
pub const PublicKey = struct {
pk: InnerPk,
// Cached
hpk: [h_length]u8, // H(pk)
/// Size of a serialized representation of the key, in bytes.
pub const bytes_length = InnerPk.bytes_length;
/// Generates a shared secret, and encapsulates it for the public key.
/// If `seed` is `null`, a random seed is used. This is recommended.
/// If `seed` is set, encapsulation is deterministic.
pub fn encaps(pk: PublicKey, seed_: ?[encaps_seed_length]u8) EncapsulatedSecret {
var m: [inner_plaintext_length]u8 = undefined;
if (seed_) |seed| {
if (p.ml_kem) {
@memcpy(&m, &seed);
} else {
// m = H(seed)
sha3.Sha3_256.hash(&seed, &m, .{});
} else {
// (K', r) = G(m ‖ H(pk))
var kr: [inner_plaintext_length + h_length]u8 = undefined;
var g = sha3.Sha3_512.init(.{});
// c = innerEncrypt(pk, m, r)
const ct = pk.pk.encrypt(&m, kr[32..64]);
if (p.ml_kem) {
return EncapsulatedSecret{
.shared_secret = kr[0..shared_length].*, // ML-KEM: K = K'
.ciphertext = ct,
} else {
// Compute H(c) and put in second slot of kr, which will be (K', H(c)).
sha3.Sha3_256.hash(&ct, kr[32..], .{});
var ss: [shared_length]u8 = undefined;
sha3.Shake256.hash(&kr, &ss, .{});
return EncapsulatedSecret{
.shared_secret = ss, // Kyber: K = KDF(K' ‖ H(c))
.ciphertext = ct,
/// Serializes the key into a byte array.
pub fn toBytes(pk: PublicKey) [bytes_length]u8 {
return pk.pk.toBytes();
/// Deserializes the key from a byte array.
pub fn fromBytes(buf: *const [bytes_length]u8) errors.NonCanonicalError!PublicKey {
var ret: PublicKey = undefined;
ret.pk = try InnerPk.fromBytes(buf[0..InnerPk.bytes_length]);
sha3.Sha3_256.hash(buf, &ret.hpk, .{});
return ret;
/// A Kyber secret key.
pub const SecretKey = struct {
sk: InnerSk,
pk: InnerPk,
hpk: [h_length]u8, // H(pk)
z: [shared_length]u8,
/// Size of a serialized representation of the key, in bytes.
pub const bytes_length: usize =
InnerSk.bytes_length + InnerPk.bytes_length + h_length + shared_length;
/// Decapsulates the shared secret within ct using the private key.
pub fn decaps(sk: SecretKey, ct: *const [ciphertext_length]u8) ![shared_length]u8 {
// m' = innerDec(ct)
const m2 = sk.sk.decrypt(ct);
// (K'', r') = G(m' ‖ H(pk))
var kr2: [64]u8 = undefined;
var g = sha3.Sha3_512.init(.{});
// ct' = innerEnc(pk, m', r')
const ct2 = sk.pk.encrypt(&m2, kr2[32..64]);
// Compute H(ct) and put in the second slot of kr2 which will be (K'', H(ct)).
sha3.Sha3_256.hash(ct, kr2[32..], .{});
// Replace K'' by z in the first slot of kr2 if ct ≠ ct'.
cmov(32, kr2[0..32], sk.z, ctneq(ciphertext_length, ct.*, ct2));
if (p.ml_kem) {
// ML-KEM: K = K''/z
return kr2[0..shared_length].*;
} else {
// Kyber: K = KDF(K''/z ‖ H(c))
var ss: [shared_length]u8 = undefined;
sha3.Shake256.hash(&kr2, &ss, .{});
return ss;
/// Serializes the key into a byte array.
pub fn toBytes(sk: SecretKey) [bytes_length]u8 {
return sk.sk.toBytes() ++ sk.pk.toBytes() ++ sk.hpk ++ sk.z;
/// Deserializes the key from a byte array.
pub fn fromBytes(buf: *const [bytes_length]u8) errors.NonCanonicalError!SecretKey {
var ret: SecretKey = undefined;
comptime var s: usize = 0;
ret.sk = InnerSk.fromBytes(buf[s .. s + InnerSk.bytes_length]);
s += InnerSk.bytes_length;
ret.pk = try InnerPk.fromBytes(buf[s .. s + InnerPk.bytes_length]);
s += InnerPk.bytes_length;
ret.hpk = buf[s..][0..h_length].*;
s += h_length;
ret.z = buf[s..][0..shared_length].*;
return ret;
/// A Kyber key pair.
pub const KeyPair = struct {
secret_key: SecretKey,
public_key: PublicKey,
/// Create a new key pair.
/// If seed is null, a random seed will be generated.
/// If a seed is provided, the key pair will be deterministic.
pub fn create(seed_: ?[seed_length]u8) !KeyPair {
const seed = seed_ orelse sk: {
var random_seed: [seed_length]u8 = undefined;
break :sk random_seed;
var ret: KeyPair = undefined;
ret.secret_key.z = seed[inner_seed_length..seed_length].*;
// Generate inner key
ret.secret_key.pk = ret.public_key.pk;
// Copy over z from seed.
ret.secret_key.z = seed[inner_seed_length..seed_length].*;
// Compute H(pk)
sha3.Sha3_256.hash(&ret.public_key.pk.toBytes(), &ret.secret_key.hpk, .{});
ret.public_key.hpk = ret.secret_key.hpk;
return ret;
// Size of plaintexts of the in
const inner_plaintext_length: usize = Poly.compressedSize(1);
const InnerPk = struct {
rho: [32]u8, // ρ, the seed for the matrix A
th: V, // NTT(t), normalized
// Cached values
aT: M,
const bytes_length = V.bytes_length + 32;
fn encrypt(
pk: InnerPk,
pt: *const [inner_plaintext_length]u8,
seed: *const [32]u8,
) [ciphertext_length]u8 {
// Sample r, e₁ and e₂ appropriately
const rh = V.noise(p.eta1, 0, seed).ntt().barrettReduce();
const e1 = V.noise(eta2, p.k, seed);
const e2 = Poly.noise(eta2, 2 * p.k, seed);
// Next we compute u = Aᵀ r + e₁. First Aᵀ.
var u: V = undefined;
for (0..p.k) |i| {
// Note that coefficients of r are bounded by q and those of Aᵀ
// are bounded by 4.5q and so their product is bounded by 2¹⁵q
// as required for multiplication.
u.ps[i] = pk.aT.vs[i].dotHat(rh);
// Aᵀ and r were not in Montgomery form, so the Montgomery
// multiplications in the inner product added a factor R⁻¹ which
// the InvNTT cancels out.
u = u.barrettReduce().invNTT().add(e1).normalize();
// Next, compute v = <t, r> + e₂ + Decompress_q(m, 1)
const v = pk.th.dotHat(rh).barrettReduce().invNTT()
.add(Poly.decompress(1, pt)).add(e2).normalize();
return u.compress(p.du) ++ v.compress(p.dv);
fn toBytes(pk: InnerPk) [bytes_length]u8 {
return pk.th.toBytes() ++ pk.rho;
fn fromBytes(buf: *const [bytes_length]u8) errors.NonCanonicalError!InnerPk {
var ret: InnerPk = undefined;
const th_bytes = buf[0..V.bytes_length];
ret.th = V.fromBytes(th_bytes).normalize();
if (p.ml_kem) {
// Verify that the coefficients used a canonical representation.
if (!mem.eql(u8, &ret.th.toBytes(), th_bytes)) {
return error.NonCanonical;
ret.rho = buf[V.bytes_length..bytes_length].*;
ret.aT = M.uniform(ret.rho, true);
return ret;
// Private key of the inner PKE
const InnerSk = struct {
sh: V, // NTT(s), normalized
const bytes_length = V.bytes_length;
fn decrypt(sk: InnerSk, ct: *const [ciphertext_length]u8) [inner_plaintext_length]u8 {
const u = V.decompress(p.du, ct[0..comptime V.compressedSize(p.du)]);
const v = Poly.decompress(
ct[comptime V.compressedSize(p.du)..ciphertext_length],
// Compute m = v - <s, u>
return v.sub(sk.sh.dotHat(u.ntt()).barrettReduce().invNTT())
fn toBytes(sk: InnerSk) [bytes_length]u8 {
return sk.sh.toBytes();
fn fromBytes(buf: *const [bytes_length]u8) InnerSk {
var ret: InnerSk = undefined;
ret.sh = V.fromBytes(buf).normalize();
return ret;
// Derives inner PKE keypair from given seed.
fn innerKeyFromSeed(seed: [inner_seed_length]u8, pk: *InnerPk, sk: *InnerSk) void {
var expanded_seed: [64]u8 = undefined;
sha3.Sha3_512.hash(&seed, &expanded_seed, .{});
pk.rho = expanded_seed[0..32].*;
const sigma = expanded_seed[32..64];
pk.aT = M.uniform(pk.rho, false); // Expand ρ to A; we'll transpose later on
// Sample secret vector s.
sk.sh = V.noise(p.eta1, 0, sigma).ntt().normalize();
const eh = Vec(p.k).noise(p.eta1, p.k, sigma).ntt(); // sample blind e.
var th: V = undefined;
// Next, we compute t = A s + e.
for (0..p.k) |i| {
// Note that coefficients of s are bounded by q and those of A
// are bounded by 4.5q and so their product is bounded by 2¹⁵q
// as required for multiplication.
// A and s were not in Montgomery form, so the Montgomery
// multiplications in the inner product added a factor R⁻¹ which
// we'll cancel out with toMont(). This will also ensure the
// coefficients of th are bounded in absolute value by q.
th.ps[i] = pk.aT.vs[i].dotHat(sk.sh).toMont();
pk.th = th.add(eh).normalize(); // bounded by 8q
pk.aT = pk.aT.transpose();
// R mod q
const r_mod_q: i32 = @rem(@as(i32, R), Q);
// R² mod q
const r2_mod_q: i32 = @rem(r_mod_q * r_mod_q, Q);
// ζ is the degree 256 primitive root of unity used for the NTT.
const zeta: i16 = 17;
// (128)⁻¹ R². Used in inverse NTT.
const r2_over_128: i32 = @mod(invertMod(128, Q) * r2_mod_q, Q);
// zetas lists precomputed powers of the primitive root of unity in
// Montgomery representation used for the NTT:
// zetas[i] = ζᵇʳᵛ⁽ⁱ⁾ R mod q
// where ζ = 17, brv(i) is the bitreversal of a 7-bit number and R=2¹⁶ mod q.
const zetas = computeZetas();
// invNTTReductions keeps track of which coefficients to apply Barrett
// reduction to in Poly.invNTT().
// Generated lazily: once a butterfly is computed which is about to
// overflow the i16, the largest coefficient is reduced. If that is
// not enough, the other coefficient is reduced as well.
// This is actually optimal, as proven in https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1377.pdf
// TODO generate comptime?
const inv_ntt_reductions = [_]i16{
-1, // after layer 1
-1, // after layer 2
240, 241, -1, // after layer 3
0, 1, 32,
33, 34, 35,
64, 65, 96,
97, 98, 99,
128, 129,
160, 161, 162, 163, 192, 193, 224, 225, 226, 227, -1, // after layer 4
2, 3, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 130, 131, 194,
195, 196, 197,
198, 199, -1, // after layer 5
4, 5, 6,
7, 132, 133,
134, 135, 136,
137, 138, 139,
140, 141,
142, 143, -1, // after layer 6
-1, // after layer 7
test "invNTTReductions bounds" {
// Checks whether the reductions proposed by invNTTReductions
// don't overflow during invNTT().
var xs = [_]i32{1} ** 256; // start at |x| ≤ q
var r: usize = 0;
var layer: math.Log2Int(usize) = 1;
while (layer < 8) : (layer += 1) {
const w = @as(usize, 1) << layer;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i + w < 256) {
xs[i] = xs[i] + xs[i + w];
try testing.expect(xs[i] <= 9); // we can't exceed 9q
xs[i + w] = 1;
i += 1;
if (@mod(i, w) == 0) {
i += w;
while (true) {
const j = inv_ntt_reductions[r];
r += 1;
if (j < 0) {
xs[@as(usize, @intCast(j))] = 1;
// Extended euclidean algorithm.
// For a, b finds x, y such that x a + y b = gcd(a, b). Used to compute
// modular inverse.
fn eea(a: anytype, b: @TypeOf(a)) EeaResult(@TypeOf(a)) {
if (a == 0) {
return .{ .gcd = b, .x = 0, .y = 1 };
const r = eea(@rem(b, a), a);
return .{ .gcd = r.gcd, .x = r.y - @divTrunc(b, a) * r.x, .y = r.x };
fn EeaResult(comptime T: type) type {
return struct { gcd: T, x: T, y: T };
// Returns least common multiple of a and b.
fn lcm(a: anytype, b: @TypeOf(a)) @TypeOf(a) {
const r = eea(a, b);
return a * b / r.gcd;
// Invert modulo p.
fn invertMod(a: anytype, p: @TypeOf(a)) @TypeOf(a) {
const r = eea(a, p);
assert(r.gcd == 1);
return r.x;
// Reduce mod q for testing.
fn modQ32(x: i32) i16 {
var y = @as(i16, @intCast(@rem(x, @as(i32, Q))));
if (y < 0) {
y += Q;
return y;
// Given -2¹⁵ q ≤ x < 2¹⁵ q, returns -q < y < q with x 2⁻¹⁶ = y (mod q).
fn montReduce(x: i32) i16 {
const qInv = comptime invertMod(@as(i32, Q), R);
// This is Montgomery reduction with R=2¹⁶.
// Note gcd(2¹⁶, q) = 1 as q is prime. Write q' := 62209 = q⁻¹ mod R.
// First we compute
// m := ((x mod R) q') mod R
// = x q' mod R
// = int16(x q')
// = int16(int32(x) * int32(q'))
// Note that x q' might be as big as 2³² and could overflow the int32
// multiplication in the last line. However for any int32s a and b,
// we have int32(int64(a)*int64(b)) = int32(a*b) and so the result is ok.
const m: i16 = @truncate(@as(i32, @truncate(x *% qInv)));
// Note that x - m q is divisible by R; indeed modulo R we have
// x - m q ≡ x - x q' q ≡ x - x q⁻¹ q ≡ x - x = 0.
// We return y := (x - m q) / R. Note that y is indeed correct as
// modulo q we have
// y ≡ x R⁻¹ - m q R⁻¹ = x R⁻¹
// and as both 2¹⁵ q ≤ m q, x < 2¹⁵ q, we have
// 2¹⁶ q ≤ x - m q < 2¹⁶ and so q ≤ (x - m q) / R < q as desired.
const yR = x - @as(i32, m) * @as(i32, Q);
return @bitCast(@as(u16, @truncate(@as(u32, @bitCast(yR)) >> 16)));
test "Test montReduce" {
var rnd = RndGen.init(0);
for (0..1000) |_| {
const bound = comptime @as(i32, Q) * (1 << 15);
const x = rnd.random().intRangeLessThan(i32, -bound, bound);
const y = montReduce(x);
try testing.expect(-Q < y and y < Q);
try testing.expectEqual(modQ32(x), modQ32(@as(i32, y) * R));
// Given any x, return x R mod q where R=2¹⁶.
fn feToMont(x: i16) i16 {
// Note |1353 x| ≤ 1353 2¹⁵ ≤ 13318 q ≤ 2¹⁵ q and so we're within
// the bounds of montReduce.
return montReduce(@as(i32, x) * r2_mod_q);
test "Test feToMont" {
var x: i32 = -(1 << 15);
while (x < 1 << 15) : (x += 1) {
const y = feToMont(@as(i16, @intCast(x)));
try testing.expectEqual(modQ32(@as(i32, y)), modQ32(x * r_mod_q));
// Given any x, compute 0 ≤ y ≤ q with x = y (mod q).
// Beware: we might have feBarrettReduce(x) = q ≠ 0 for some x. In fact,
// this happens if and only if x = -nq for some positive integer n.
fn feBarrettReduce(x: i16) i16 {
// This is standard Barrett reduction.
// For any x we have x mod q = x - ⌊x/q⌋ q. We will use 20159/2²⁶ as
// an approximation of 1/q. Note that 0 ≤ 20159/2²⁶ - 1/q ≤ 0.135/2²⁶
// and so | x 20156/2²⁶ - x/q | ≤ 2⁻¹⁰ for |x| ≤ 2¹⁶. For all x
// not a multiple of q, the number x/q is further than 1/q from any integer
// and so ⌊x 20156/2²⁶⌋ = ⌊x/q⌋. If x is a multiple of q and x is positive,
// then x 20156/2²⁶ is larger than x/q so ⌊x 20156/2²⁶⌋ = ⌊x/q⌋ as well.
// Finally, if x is negative multiple of q, then ⌊x 20156/2²⁶⌋ = ⌊x/q⌋-1.
// Thus
// [ q if x=-nq for pos. integer n
// x - ⌊x 20156/2²⁶⌋ q = [
// [ x mod q otherwise
// To actually compute this, note that
// ⌊x 20156/2²⁶⌋ = (20159 x) >> 26.
return x -% @as(i16, @intCast((@as(i32, x) * 20159) >> 26)) *% Q;
test "Test Barrett reduction" {
var x: i32 = -(1 << 15);
while (x < 1 << 15) : (x += 1) {
var y1 = feBarrettReduce(@as(i16, @intCast(x)));
const y2 = @mod(@as(i16, @intCast(x)), Q);
if (x < 0 and @rem(-x, Q) == 0) {
y1 -= Q;
try testing.expectEqual(y1, y2);
// Returns x if x < q and x - q otherwise. Assumes x ≥ -29439.
fn csubq(x: i16) i16 {
var r = x;
r -= Q;
r += (r >> 15) & Q;
return r;
test "Test csubq" {
var x: i32 = -29439;
while (x < 1 << 15) : (x += 1) {
const y1 = csubq(@as(i16, @intCast(x)));
var y2 = @as(i16, @intCast(x));
if (@as(i16, @intCast(x)) >= Q) {
y2 -= Q;
try testing.expectEqual(y1, y2);
// Compute a^s mod p.
fn mpow(a: anytype, s: @TypeOf(a), p: @TypeOf(a)) @TypeOf(a) {
var ret: @TypeOf(a) = 1;
var s2 = s;
var a2 = a;
while (true) {
if (s2 & 1 == 1) {
ret = @mod(ret * a2, p);
s2 >>= 1;
if (s2 == 0) {
a2 = @mod(a2 * a2, p);
return ret;
// Computes zetas table used by ntt and invNTT.
fn computeZetas() [128]i16 {
var ret: [128]i16 = undefined;
for (&ret, 0..) |*r, i| {
const t = @as(i16, @intCast(mpow(@as(i32, zeta), @bitReverse(@as(u7, @intCast(i))), Q)));
r.* = csubq(feBarrettReduce(feToMont(t)));
return ret;
// An element of our base ring R which are polynomials over _q
// modulo the equation Xᴺ = -1, where q=3329 and N=256.
// This type is also used to store NTT-transformed polynomials,
// see Poly.NTT().
// Coefficients aren't always reduced. See Normalize().
const Poly = struct {
cs: [N]i16,
const bytes_length = N / 2 * 3;
const zero: Poly = .{ .cs = .{0} ** N };
fn add(a: Poly, b: Poly) Poly {
var ret: Poly = undefined;
for (0..N) |i| {
ret.cs[i] = a.cs[i] + b.cs[i];
return ret;
fn sub(a: Poly, b: Poly) Poly {
var ret: Poly = undefined;
for (0..N) |i| {
ret.cs[i] = a.cs[i] - b.cs[i];
return ret;
// For testing, generates a random polynomial with for each
// coefficient |x| ≤ q.
fn randAbsLeqQ(rnd: anytype) Poly {
var ret: Poly = undefined;
for (0..N) |i| {
ret.cs[i] = rnd.random().intRangeAtMost(i16, -Q, Q);
return ret;
// For testing, generates a random normalized polynomial.
fn randNormalized(rnd: anytype) Poly {
var ret: Poly = undefined;
for (0..N) |i| {
ret.cs[i] = rnd.random().intRangeLessThan(i16, 0, Q);
return ret;
// Executes a forward "NTT" on p.
// Assumes the coefficients are in absolute value ≤q. The resulting
// coefficients are in absolute value ≤7q. If the input is in Montgomery
// form, then the result is in Montgomery form and so (by linearity of the NTT)
// if the input is in regular form, then the result is also in regular form.
fn ntt(a: Poly) Poly {
// Note that _q does not have a primitive 512ᵗʰ root of unity (as 512
// does not divide into q-1) and so we cannot do a regular NTT. _q
// does have a primitive 256ᵗʰ root of unity, the smallest of which
// is ζ := 17.
// Recall that our base ring R := _q[x] / (x²⁵⁶ + 1). The polynomial
// x²⁵⁶+1 will not split completely (as its roots would be 512ᵗʰ roots
// of unity.) However, it does split almost (using ζ¹²⁸ = -1):
// x²⁵⁶ + 1 = (x²)¹²⁸ - ζ¹²⁸
// = ((x²)⁶⁴ - ζ⁶⁴)((x²)⁶⁴ + ζ⁶⁴)
// = ((x²)³² - ζ³²)((x²)³² + ζ³²)((x²)³² - ζ⁹⁶)((x²)³² + ζ⁹⁶)
// ⋮
// = (x² - ζ)(x² + ζ)(x² - ζ⁶⁵)(x² + ζ⁶⁵) … (x² + ζ¹²⁷)
// Note that the powers of ζ that appear (from the second line down) are
// in binary
// 0100000 1100000
// 0010000 1010000 0110000 1110000
// 0001000 1001000 0101000 1101000 0011000 1011000 0111000 1111000
// …
// That is: brv(2), brv(3), brv(4), …, where brv(x) denotes the 7-bit
// bitreversal of x. These powers of ζ are given by the Zetas array.
// The polynomials x² ± ζⁱ are irreducible and coprime, hence by
// the Chinese Remainder Theorem we know
// _q[x]/(x²⁵⁶+1) → _q[x]/(x²-ζ) x … x _q[x]/(x²+ζ¹²⁷)
// given by a ↦ ( a mod x²-ζ, …, a mod x²+ζ¹²⁷ )
// is an isomorphism, which is the "NTT". It can be efficiently computed by
// a ↦ ( a mod (x²)⁶⁴ - ζ⁶⁴, a mod (x²)⁶⁴ + ζ⁶⁴ )
// ↦ ( a mod (x²)³² - ζ³², a mod (x²)³² + ζ³²,
// a mod (x²)⁹⁶ - ζ⁹⁶, a mod (x²)⁹⁶ + ζ⁹⁶ )
// et cetera
// If N was 8 then this can be pictured in the following diagram:
// https://cnx.org/resources/17ee4dfe517a6adda05377b25a00bf6e6c93c334/File0026.png
// Each cross is a Cooley-Tukey butterfly: it's the map
// (a, b) ↦ (a + ζb, a - ζb)
// for the appropriate power ζ for that column and row group.
var p = a;
var k: usize = 0; // index into zetas
var l = N >> 1;
while (l > 1) : (l >>= 1) {
// On the nᵗʰ iteration of the l-loop, the absolute value of the
// coefficients are bounded by nq.
// offset effectively loops over the row groups in this column; it is
// the first row in the row group.
var offset: usize = 0;
while (offset < N - l) : (offset += 2 * l) {
k += 1;
const z = @as(i32, zetas[k]);
// j loops over each butterfly in the row group.
for (offset..offset + l) |j| {
const t = montReduce(z * @as(i32, p.cs[j + l]));
p.cs[j + l] = p.cs[j] - t;
p.cs[j] += t;
return p;
// Executes an inverse "NTT" on p and multiply by the Montgomery factor R.
// Assumes the coefficients are in absolute value ≤q. The resulting
// coefficients are in absolute value ≤q. If the input is in Montgomery
// form, then the result is in Montgomery form and so (by linearity)
// if the input is in regular form, then the result is also in regular form.
fn invNTT(a: Poly) Poly {
var k: usize = 127; // index into zetas
var r: usize = 0; // index into invNTTReductions
var p = a;
// We basically do the oppposite of NTT, but postpone dividing by 2 in the
// inverse of the Cooley-Tukey butterfly and accumulate that into a big
// division by 2⁷ at the end. See the comments in the ntt() function.
var l: usize = 2;
while (l < N) : (l <<= 1) {
var offset: usize = 0;
while (offset < N - l) : (offset += 2 * l) {
// As we're inverting, we need powers of ζ⁻¹ (instead of ζ).
// To be precise, we need ζᵇʳᵛ⁽ᵏ⁾⁻¹²⁸. However, as ζ⁻¹²⁸ = -1,
// we can use the existing zetas table instead of
// keeping a separate invZetas table as in Dilithium.
const minZeta = @as(i32, zetas[k]);
k -= 1;
for (offset..offset + l) |j| {
// Gentleman-Sande butterfly: (a, b) ↦ (a + b, ζ(a-b))
const t = p.cs[j + l] - p.cs[j];
p.cs[j] += p.cs[j + l];
p.cs[j + l] = montReduce(minZeta * @as(i32, t));
// Note that if we had |a| < αq and |b| < βq before the
// butterfly, then now we have |a| < (α+β)q and |b| < q.
// We let the invNTTReductions instruct us which coefficients to
// Barrett reduce.
while (true) {
const i = inv_ntt_reductions[r];
r += 1;
if (i < 0) {
p.cs[@as(usize, @intCast(i))] = feBarrettReduce(p.cs[@as(usize, @intCast(i))]);
for (0..N) |j| {
// Note 1441 = (128)⁻¹ R². The coefficients are bounded by 9q, so
// as 1441 * 9 ≈ 2¹⁴ < 2¹⁵, we're within the required bounds
// for montReduce().
p.cs[j] = montReduce(r2_over_128 * @as(i32, p.cs[j]));
return p;
// Normalizes coefficients.
// Ensures each coefficient is in {0, …, q-1}.
fn normalize(a: Poly) Poly {
var ret: Poly = undefined;
for (0..N) |i| {
ret.cs[i] = csubq(feBarrettReduce(a.cs[i]));
return ret;
// Put p in Montgomery form.
fn toMont(a: Poly) Poly {
var ret: Poly = undefined;
for (0..N) |i| {
ret.cs[i] = feToMont(a.cs[i]);
return ret;
// Barret reduce coefficients.
// Beware, this does not fully normalize coefficients.
fn barrettReduce(a: Poly) Poly {
var ret: Poly = undefined;
for (0..N) |i| {
ret.cs[i] = feBarrettReduce(a.cs[i]);
return ret;
fn compressedSize(comptime d: u8) usize {
return @divTrunc(N * d, 8);
// Returns packed Compress_q(p, d).
// Assumes p is normalized.
fn compress(p: Poly, comptime d: u8) [compressedSize(d)]u8 {
const q_over_2: u32 = comptime @divTrunc(Q, 2); // (q-1)/2
const two_d_min_1: u32 = comptime (1 << d) - 1; // 2ᵈ-1
var in_off: usize = 0;
var out_off: usize = 0;
const batch_size: usize = comptime lcm(@as(i16, d), 8);
const in_batch_size: usize = comptime batch_size / d;
const out_batch_size: usize = comptime batch_size / 8;
const out_length: usize = comptime @divTrunc(N * d, 8);
comptime assert(out_length * 8 == d * N);
var out = [_]u8{0} ** out_length;
while (in_off < N) {
// First we compress into in.
var in: [in_batch_size]u16 = undefined;
inline for (0..in_batch_size) |i| {
// Compress_q(x, d) = ⌈(2ᵈ/q)x⌋ mod⁺ 2ᵈ
// = ⌊(2ᵈ/q)x+½⌋ mod⁺ 2ᵈ
// = ⌊((x << d) + q/2) / q⌋ mod⁺ 2ᵈ
// = DIV((x << d) + q/2, q) & ((1<<d) - 1)
const t = @as(u24, @intCast(p.cs[in_off + i])) << d;
// Division by invariant multiplication, equivalent to DIV(t + q/2, q).
// A division may not be a constant-time operation, even with a constant denominator.
// Here, side channels would leak information about the shared secret, see https://kyberslash.cr.yp.to
// Multiplication, on the other hand, is a constant-time operation on the CPUs we currently support.
comptime assert(d <= 11);
comptime assert(((20642679 * @as(u64, Q)) >> 36) == 1);
const u: u32 = @intCast((@as(u64, t + q_over_2) * 20642679) >> 36);
in[i] = @intCast(u & two_d_min_1);
// Now we pack the d-bit integers from `in' into out as bytes.
comptime var in_shift: usize = 0;
comptime var j: usize = 0;
comptime var i: usize = 0;
inline while (i < in_batch_size) : (j += 1) {
comptime var todo: usize = 8;
inline while (todo > 0) {
const out_shift = comptime 8 - todo;
out[out_off + j] |= @as(u8, @truncate((in[i] >> in_shift) << out_shift));
const done = comptime @min(@min(d, todo), d - in_shift);
todo -= done;
in_shift += done;
if (in_shift == d) {
in_shift = 0;
i += 1;
in_off += in_batch_size;
out_off += out_batch_size;
return out;
// Set p to Decompress_q(m, d).
fn decompress(comptime d: u8, in: *const [compressedSize(d)]u8) Poly {
const in_len = comptime @divTrunc(N * d, 8);
comptime assert(in_len * 8 == d * N);
var ret: Poly = undefined;
var in_off: usize = 0;
var out_off: usize = 0;
const batch_size: usize = comptime lcm(@as(i16, d), 8);
const in_batch_size: usize = comptime batch_size / 8;
const out_batch_size: usize = comptime batch_size / d;
while (out_off < N) {
comptime var in_shift: usize = 0;
comptime var j: usize = 0;
comptime var i: usize = 0;
inline while (i < out_batch_size) : (i += 1) {
// First, unpack next coefficient.
comptime var todo = d;
var out: u16 = 0;
inline while (todo > 0) {
const out_shift = comptime d - todo;
const m = comptime (1 << d) - 1;
out |= (@as(u16, in[in_off + j] >> in_shift) << out_shift) & m;
const done = comptime @min(@min(8, todo), 8 - in_shift);
todo -= done;
in_shift += done;
if (in_shift == 8) {
in_shift = 0;
j += 1;
// Decompress_q(x, d) = ⌈(q/2ᵈ)x⌋
// = ⌊(q/2ᵈ)x+½⌋
// = ⌊(qx + 2ᵈ⁻¹)/2ᵈ⌋
// = (qx + (1<<(d-1))) >> d
const qx = @as(u32, out) * @as(u32, Q);
ret.cs[out_off + i] = @as(i16, @intCast((qx + (1 << (d - 1))) >> d));
in_off += in_batch_size;
out_off += out_batch_size;
return ret;
// Returns the "pointwise" multiplication a o b.
// That is: invNTT(a o b) = invNTT(a) * invNTT(b). Assumes a and b are in
// Montgomery form. Products between coefficients of a and b must be strictly
// bounded in absolute value by 2¹⁵q. a o b will be in Montgomery form and
// bounded in absolute value by 2q.
fn mulHat(a: Poly, b: Poly) Poly {
// Recall from the discussion in ntt(), that a transformed polynomial is
// an element of _q[x]/(x²-ζ) x … x _q[x]/(x²+ζ¹²⁷);
// that is: 128 degree-one polynomials instead of simply 256 elements
// from _q as in the regular NTT. So instead of pointwise multiplication,
// we multiply the 128 pairs of degree-one polynomials modulo the
// right equation:
// (a₁ + a₂x)(b₁ + b₂x) = a₁b₁ + a₂b₂ζ' + (a₁b₂ + a₂b₁)x,
// where ζ' is the appropriate power of ζ.
var p: Poly = undefined;
var k: usize = 64;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < N) : (i += 4) {
const z = @as(i32, zetas[k]);
k += 1;
const a1b1 = montReduce(@as(i32, a.cs[i + 1]) * @as(i32, b.cs[i + 1]));
const a0b0 = montReduce(@as(i32, a.cs[i]) * @as(i32, b.cs[i]));
const a1b0 = montReduce(@as(i32, a.cs[i + 1]) * @as(i32, b.cs[i]));
const a0b1 = montReduce(@as(i32, a.cs[i]) * @as(i32, b.cs[i + 1]));
p.cs[i] = montReduce(a1b1 * z) + a0b0;
p.cs[i + 1] = a0b1 + a1b0;
const a3b3 = montReduce(@as(i32, a.cs[i + 3]) * @as(i32, b.cs[i + 3]));
const a2b2 = montReduce(@as(i32, a.cs[i + 2]) * @as(i32, b.cs[i + 2]));
const a3b2 = montReduce(@as(i32, a.cs[i + 3]) * @as(i32, b.cs[i + 2]));
const a2b3 = montReduce(@as(i32, a.cs[i + 2]) * @as(i32, b.cs[i + 3]));
p.cs[i + 2] = a2b2 - montReduce(a3b3 * z);
p.cs[i + 3] = a2b3 + a3b2;
return p;
// Sample p from a centered binomial distribution with n=2η and p=½ - viz:
// coefficients are in {-η, …, η} with probabilities
// {ncr(0, 2η)/2^2η, ncr(1, 2η)/2^2η, …, ncr(2η,2η)/2^2η}
fn noise(comptime eta: u8, nonce: u8, seed: *const [32]u8) Poly {
var h = sha3.Shake256.init(.{});
const suffix: [1]u8 = .{nonce};
// The distribution at hand is exactly the same as that
// of (a₁ + a₂ + … + a_η) - (b₁ + … + b_η) where a_i,b_i~U(1).
// Thus we need 2η bits per coefficient.
const buf_len = comptime 2 * eta * N / 8;
var buf: [buf_len]u8 = undefined;
// buf is interpreted as a₁…a_ηb₁…b_ηa₁…a_ηb₁…b_η…. We process
// multiple coefficients in one batch.
const T = switch (builtin.target.cpu.arch) {
.x86_64, .x86 => u32, // Generates better code on Intel CPUs
else => u64, // u128 might be faster on some other CPUs.
comptime var batch_count: usize = undefined;
comptime var batch_bytes: usize = undefined;
comptime var mask: T = 0;
comptime {
batch_count = @bitSizeOf(T) / @as(usize, 2 * eta);
while (@rem(N, batch_count) != 0 and batch_count > 0) : (batch_count -= 1) {}
assert(batch_count > 0);
assert(@rem(2 * eta * batch_count, 8) == 0);
batch_bytes = 2 * eta * batch_count / 8;
for (0..2 * eta * batch_count) |_| {
mask <<= eta;
mask |= 1;
var ret: Poly = undefined;
for (0..comptime N / batch_count) |i| {
// Read coefficients into t. In the case of η=3,
// we have t = a₁ + 2a₂ + 4a₃ + 8b₁ + 16b₂ + …
var t: T = 0;
inline for (0..batch_bytes) |j| {
t |= @as(T, buf[batch_bytes * i + j]) << (8 * j);
// Accumulate `a's and `b's together by masking them out, shifting
// and adding. For η=3, we have d = a₁ + a₂ + a₃ + 8(b₁ + b₂ + b₃) + …
var d: T = 0;
inline for (0..eta) |j| {
d += (t >> j) & mask;
// Extract each a and b separately and set coefficient in polynomial.
inline for (0..batch_count) |j| {
const mask2 = comptime (1 << eta) - 1;
const a = @as(i16, @intCast((d >> (comptime (2 * j * eta))) & mask2));
const b = @as(i16, @intCast((d >> (comptime ((2 * j + 1) * eta))) & mask2));
ret.cs[batch_count * i + j] = a - b;
return ret;
// Sample p uniformly from the given seed and x and y coordinates.
fn uniform(seed: [32]u8, x: u8, y: u8) Poly {
var h = sha3.Shake128.init(.{});
const suffix: [2]u8 = .{ x, y };
const buf_len = sha3.Shake128.block_length; // rate SHAKE-128
var buf: [buf_len]u8 = undefined;
var ret: Poly = undefined;
var i: usize = 0; // index into ret.cs
outer: while (true) {
var j: usize = 0; // index into buf
while (j < buf_len) : (j += 3) {
const b0 = @as(u16, buf[j]);
const b1 = @as(u16, buf[j + 1]);
const b2 = @as(u16, buf[j + 2]);
const ts: [2]u16 = .{
b0 | ((b1 & 0xf) << 8),
(b1 >> 4) | (b2 << 4),
inline for (ts) |t| {
if (t < Q) {
ret.cs[i] = @as(i16, @intCast(t));
i += 1;
if (i == N) {
break :outer;
return ret;
// Packs p.
// Assumes p is normalized (and not just Barrett reduced).
fn toBytes(p: Poly) [bytes_length]u8 {
var ret: [bytes_length]u8 = undefined;
for (0..comptime N / 2) |i| {
const t0 = @as(u16, @intCast(p.cs[2 * i]));
const t1 = @as(u16, @intCast(p.cs[2 * i + 1]));
ret[3 * i] = @as(u8, @truncate(t0));
ret[3 * i + 1] = @as(u8, @truncate((t0 >> 8) | (t1 << 4)));
ret[3 * i + 2] = @as(u8, @truncate(t1 >> 4));
return ret;
// Unpacks a Poly from buf.
// p will not be normalized; instead 0 ≤ p[i] < 4096.
fn fromBytes(buf: *const [bytes_length]u8) Poly {
var ret: Poly = undefined;
for (0..comptime N / 2) |i| {
const b0 = @as(i16, buf[3 * i]);
const b1 = @as(i16, buf[3 * i + 1]);
const b2 = @as(i16, buf[3 * i + 2]);
ret.cs[2 * i] = b0 | ((b1 & 0xf) << 8);
ret.cs[2 * i + 1] = (b1 >> 4) | b2 << 4;
return ret;
// A vector of K polynomials.
fn Vec(comptime K: u8) type {
return struct {
ps: [K]Poly,
const Self = @This();
const bytes_length = K * Poly.bytes_length;
fn compressedSize(comptime d: u8) usize {
return Poly.compressedSize(d) * K;
fn ntt(a: Self) Self {
var ret: Self = undefined;
for (0..K) |i| {
ret.ps[i] = a.ps[i].ntt();
return ret;
fn invNTT(a: Self) Self {
var ret: Self = undefined;
for (0..K) |i| {
ret.ps[i] = a.ps[i].invNTT();
return ret;
fn normalize(a: Self) Self {
var ret: Self = undefined;
for (0..K) |i| {
ret.ps[i] = a.ps[i].normalize();
return ret;
fn barrettReduce(a: Self) Self {
var ret: Self = undefined;
for (0..K) |i| {
ret.ps[i] = a.ps[i].barrettReduce();
return ret;
fn add(a: Self, b: Self) Self {
var ret: Self = undefined;
for (0..K) |i| {
ret.ps[i] = a.ps[i].add(b.ps[i]);
return ret;
fn sub(a: Self, b: Self) Self {
var ret: Self = undefined;
for (0..K) |i| {
ret.ps[i] = a.ps[i].sub(b.ps[i]);
return ret;
// Samples v[i] from centered binomial distribution with the given η,
// seed and nonce+i.
fn noise(comptime eta: u8, nonce: u8, seed: *const [32]u8) Self {
var ret: Self = undefined;
for (0..K) |i| {
ret.ps[i] = Poly.noise(eta, nonce + @as(u8, @intCast(i)), seed);
return ret;
// Sets p to the inner product of a and b using "pointwise" multiplication.
// See MulHat() and NTT() for a description of the multiplication.
// Assumes a and b are in Montgomery form. p will be in Montgomery form,
// and its coefficients will be bounded in absolute value by 2kq.
// If a and b are not in Montgomery form, then the action is the same
// as "pointwise" multiplication followed by multiplying by R⁻¹, the inverse
// of the Montgomery factor.
fn dotHat(a: Self, b: Self) Poly {
var ret: Poly = Poly.zero;
for (0..K) |i| {
ret = ret.add(a.ps[i].mulHat(b.ps[i]));
return ret;
fn compress(v: Self, comptime d: u8) [compressedSize(d)]u8 {
const cs = comptime Poly.compressedSize(d);
var ret: [compressedSize(d)]u8 = undefined;
inline for (0..K) |i| {
ret[i * cs .. (i + 1) * cs].* = v.ps[i].compress(d);
return ret;
fn decompress(comptime d: u8, buf: *const [compressedSize(d)]u8) Self {
const cs = comptime Poly.compressedSize(d);
var ret: Self = undefined;
inline for (0..K) |i| {
ret.ps[i] = Poly.decompress(d, buf[i * cs .. (i + 1) * cs]);
return ret;
/// Serializes the key into a byte array.
fn toBytes(v: Self) [bytes_length]u8 {
var ret: [bytes_length]u8 = undefined;
inline for (0..K) |i| {
ret[i * Poly.bytes_length .. (i + 1) * Poly.bytes_length].* = v.ps[i].toBytes();
return ret;
/// Deserializes the key from a byte array.
fn fromBytes(buf: *const [bytes_length]u8) Self {
var ret: Self = undefined;
inline for (0..K) |i| {
ret.ps[i] = Poly.fromBytes(
buf[i * Poly.bytes_length .. (i + 1) * Poly.bytes_length],
return ret;
// A matrix of K vectors
fn Mat(comptime K: u8) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
vs: [K]Vec(K),
fn uniform(seed: [32]u8, comptime transposed: bool) Self {
var ret: Self = undefined;
var i: u8 = 0;
while (i < K) : (i += 1) {
var j: u8 = 0;
while (j < K) : (j += 1) {
ret.vs[i].ps[j] = Poly.uniform(
if (transposed) i else j,
if (transposed) j else i,
return ret;
// Returns transpose of A
fn transpose(m: Self) Self {
var ret: Self = undefined;
for (0..K) |i| {
for (0..K) |j| {
ret.vs[i].ps[j] = m.vs[j].ps[i];
return ret;
// Returns `true` if a ≠ b.
fn ctneq(comptime len: usize, a: [len]u8, b: [len]u8) u1 {
return 1 - @intFromBool(crypto.utils.timingSafeEql([len]u8, a, b));
// Copy src into dst given b = 1.
fn cmov(comptime len: usize, dst: *[len]u8, src: [len]u8, b: u1) void {
const mask = @as(u8, 0) -% b;
for (0..len) |i| {
dst[i] ^= mask & (dst[i] ^ src[i]);
test "MulHat" {
var rnd = RndGen.init(0);
for (0..100) |_| {
const a = Poly.randAbsLeqQ(&rnd);
const b = Poly.randAbsLeqQ(&rnd);
const p2 = a.ntt().mulHat(b.ntt()).barrettReduce().invNTT().normalize();
var p: Poly = undefined;
@memset(&p.cs, 0);
for (0..N) |i| {
for (0..N) |j| {
var v = montReduce(@as(i32, a.cs[i]) * @as(i32, b.cs[j]));
var k = i + j;
if (k >= N) {
// Recall Xᴺ = -1.
k -= N;
v = -v;
p.cs[k] = feBarrettReduce(v + p.cs[k]);
p = p.toMont().normalize();
try testing.expectEqual(p, p2);
test "NTT" {
var rnd = RndGen.init(0);
for (0..1000) |_| {
var p = Poly.randAbsLeqQ(&rnd);
const q = p.toMont().normalize();
p = p.ntt();
for (0..N) |i| {
try testing.expect(p.cs[i] <= 7 * Q and -7 * Q <= p.cs[i]);
p = p.normalize().invNTT();
for (0..N) |i| {
try testing.expect(p.cs[i] <= Q and -Q <= p.cs[i]);
p = p.normalize();
try testing.expectEqual(p, q);
test "Compression" {
var rnd = RndGen.init(0);
inline for (.{ 1, 4, 5, 10, 11 }) |d| {
for (0..1000) |_| {
const p = Poly.randNormalized(&rnd);
const pp = p.compress(d);
const pq = Poly.decompress(d, &pp).compress(d);
try testing.expectEqual(pp, pq);
test "noise" {
var seed: [32]u8 = undefined;
for (&seed, 0..) |*s, i| {
s.* = @as(u8, @intCast(i));
try testing.expectEqual(Poly.noise(3, 37, &seed).cs, .{
0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 2, 0, -1, -1, 3, 0, 1, -2, -2, 0, 1, -2,
1, 0, -2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, -1, -1, -1, 0,
1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, -2, 0, -1, -1, -2, 1, -1, -1, 2, -1,
1, 1, 2, -3, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, -2, -2, 0, -2, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 1, -2, 2, 0, 0, 2, -2, 0, 1, 0, 1,
1, 1, 0, 1, -2, -1, -2, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1,
-1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -2, 2, 0, -2, 1, -1, 0,
1, -1, -1, 2, 1, 0, 0, -2, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 3, 1,
0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1,
0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, -2, -1, -1,
2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, -2, 0, 1, 1, -3, -1, -2, -1, 0, 1,
0, 1, -2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, -1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 0, -1, 2, 1,
-1, 1, 2, -2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0,
2, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 2, 2, 0, 0, -1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 0, 0, -2, 0, -1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 1, 0,
try testing.expectEqual(Poly.noise(2, 37, &seed).cs, .{
1, 0, 1, -1, -1, -2, -1, -1, 2, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1,
1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 2, -2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, -1, 1,
0, -1, 1, -1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, -1, 1, -1, -2, -1,
1, -1, -1, -1, 2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1,
1, 1, -1, -2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, -1, 2, 0, 0,
1, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 2, 0, 1, -1, 2, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 0, -2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0,
0, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, -2, 1, 1, 0,
1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, -1, 2, 0, 1, -1, 1, 2, 0,
0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 2, 0, 0, 1,
1, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 2, -1, 1, -1, -2,
-1, -2, -1, 1, 0, -2, -2, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 2, 0, 0,
-2, 1, 0, 2, 1, -1, -2, 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
2, 0, 1, 1, -2, 1, -2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, -1, 0,
-1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, -2, 1, -2, -2, 1, -1, 0,
-1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1,
0, 1, -1, 0,
test "uniform sampling" {
var seed: [32]u8 = undefined;
for (&seed, 0..) |*s, i| {
s.* = @as(u8, @intCast(i));
try testing.expectEqual(Poly.uniform(seed, 1, 0).cs, .{
797, 993, 161, 6, 2608, 2385, 2096, 2661, 1676, 247, 2440,
342, 634, 194, 1570, 2848, 986, 684, 3148, 3208, 2018, 351,
2288, 612, 1394, 170, 1521, 3119, 58, 596, 2093, 1549, 409,
2156, 1934, 1730, 1324, 388, 446, 418, 1719, 2202, 1812, 98,
1019, 2369, 214, 2699, 28, 1523, 2824, 273, 402, 2899, 246,
210, 1288, 863, 2708, 177, 3076, 349, 44, 949, 854, 1371,
957, 292, 2502, 1617, 1501, 254, 7, 1761, 2581, 2206, 2655,
1211, 629, 1274, 2358, 816, 2766, 2115, 2985, 1006, 2433, 856,
2596, 3192, 1, 1378, 2345, 707, 1891, 1669, 536, 1221, 710,
2511, 120, 1176, 322, 1897, 2309, 595, 2950, 1171, 801, 1848,
695, 2912, 1396, 1931, 1775, 2904, 893, 2507, 1810, 2873, 253,
1529, 1047, 2615, 1687, 831, 1414, 965, 3169, 1887, 753, 3246,
1937, 115, 2953, 586, 545, 1621, 1667, 3187, 1654, 1988, 1857,
512, 1239, 1219, 898, 3106, 391, 1331, 2228, 3169, 586, 2412,
845, 768, 156, 662, 478, 1693, 2632, 573, 2434, 1671, 173,
969, 364, 1663, 2701, 2169, 813, 1000, 1471, 720, 2431, 2530,
3161, 733, 1691, 527, 2634, 335, 26, 2377, 1707, 767, 3020,
950, 502, 426, 1138, 3208, 2607, 2389, 44, 1358, 1392, 2334,
875, 2097, 173, 1697, 2578, 942, 1817, 974, 1165, 2853, 1958,
2973, 3282, 271, 1236, 1677, 2230, 673, 1554, 96, 242, 1729,
2518, 1884, 2272, 71, 1382, 924, 1807, 1610, 456, 1148, 2479,
2152, 238, 2208, 2329, 713, 1175, 1196, 757, 1078, 3190, 3169,
708, 3117, 154, 1751, 3225, 1364, 154, 23, 2842, 1105, 1419,
79, 5, 2013,
test "Polynomial packing" {
var rnd = RndGen.init(0);
for (0..1000) |_| {
const p = Poly.randNormalized(&rnd);
try testing.expectEqual(Poly.fromBytes(&p.toBytes()), p);
test "Test inner PKE" {
var seed: [32]u8 = undefined;
var pt: [32]u8 = undefined;
for (&seed, &pt, 0..) |*s, *p, i| {
s.* = @as(u8, @intCast(i));
p.* = @as(u8, @intCast(i + 32));
inline for (modes) |mode| {
for (0..100) |i| {
var pk: mode.InnerPk = undefined;
var sk: mode.InnerSk = undefined;
seed[0] = @as(u8, @intCast(i));
mode.innerKeyFromSeed(seed, &pk, &sk);
for (0..10) |j| {
seed[1] = @as(u8, @intCast(j));
try testing.expectEqual(sk.decrypt(&pk.encrypt(&pt, &seed)), pt);
test "Test happy flow" {
var seed: [64]u8 = undefined;
for (&seed, 0..) |*s, i| {
s.* = @as(u8, @intCast(i));
inline for (modes) |mode| {
for (0..100) |i| {
seed[0] = @as(u8, @intCast(i));
const kp = try mode.KeyPair.create(seed);
const sk = try mode.SecretKey.fromBytes(&kp.secret_key.toBytes());
try testing.expectEqual(sk, kp.secret_key);
const pk = try mode.PublicKey.fromBytes(&kp.public_key.toBytes());
try testing.expectEqual(pk, kp.public_key);
for (0..10) |j| {
seed[1] = @as(u8, @intCast(j));
const e = pk.encaps(seed[0..32].*);
try testing.expectEqual(e.shared_secret, try sk.decaps(&e.ciphertext));
// Code to test NIST Known Answer Tests (KAT), see PQCgenKAT.c.
const sha2 = crypto.hash.sha2;
test "NIST KAT test" {
inline for (.{
.{ kyber_d00.Kyber512, "e9c2bd37133fcb40772f81559f14b1f58dccd1c816701be9ba6214d43baf4547" },
.{ kyber_d00.Kyber1024, "89248f2f33f7f4f7051729111f3049c409a933ec904aedadf035f30fa5646cd5" },
.{ kyber_d00.Kyber768, "a1e122cad3c24bc51622e4c242d8b8acbcd3f618fee4220400605ca8f9ea02c2" },
}) |modeHash| {
const mode = modeHash[0];
var seed: [48]u8 = undefined;
for (&seed, 0..) |*s, i| {
s.* = @as(u8, @intCast(i));
var f = sha2.Sha256.init(.{});
const fw = f.writer();
var g = NistDRBG.init(seed);
try std.fmt.format(fw, "# {s}\n\n", .{mode.name});
for (0..100) |i| {
try std.fmt.format(fw, "count = {}\n", .{i});
try std.fmt.format(fw, "seed = {s}\n", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceHexUpper(&seed)});
var g2 = NistDRBG.init(seed);
// This is not equivalent to g2.fill(kseed[:]). As the reference
// implementation calls randombytes twice generating the keypair,
// we have to do that as well.
var kseed: [64]u8 = undefined;
var eseed: [32]u8 = undefined;
const kp = try mode.KeyPair.create(kseed);
const e = kp.public_key.encaps(eseed);
const ss2 = try kp.secret_key.decaps(&e.ciphertext);
try testing.expectEqual(ss2, e.shared_secret);
try std.fmt.format(fw, "pk = {s}\n", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceHexUpper(&kp.public_key.toBytes())});
try std.fmt.format(fw, "sk = {s}\n", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceHexUpper(&kp.secret_key.toBytes())});
try std.fmt.format(fw, "ct = {s}\n", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceHexUpper(&e.ciphertext)});
try std.fmt.format(fw, "ss = {s}\n\n", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceHexUpper(&e.shared_secret)});
var out: [32]u8 = undefined;
var outHex: [64]u8 = undefined;
_ = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&outHex, "{s}", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower(&out)});
try testing.expectEqual(outHex, modeHash[1].*);
const NistDRBG = struct {
key: [32]u8,
v: [16]u8,
fn incV(g: *NistDRBG) void {
var j: usize = 15;
while (j >= 0) : (j -= 1) {
if (g.v[j] == 255) {
g.v[j] = 0;
} else {
g.v[j] += 1;
// AES256_CTR_DRBG_Update(pd, &g.key, &g.v).
fn update(g: *NistDRBG, pd: ?[48]u8) void {
var buf: [48]u8 = undefined;
const ctx = crypto.core.aes.Aes256.initEnc(g.key);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 3) : (i += 1) {
var block: [16]u8 = undefined;
ctx.encrypt(&block, &g.v);
buf[i * 16 ..][0..16].* = block;
if (pd) |p| {
for (&buf, p) |*b, x| {
b.* ^= x;
g.key = buf[0..32].*;
g.v = buf[32..48].*;
// randombytes.
fn fill(g: *NistDRBG, out: []u8) void {
var block: [16]u8 = undefined;
var dst = out;
const ctx = crypto.core.aes.Aes256.initEnc(g.key);
while (dst.len > 0) {
ctx.encrypt(&block, &g.v);
if (dst.len < 16) {
@memcpy(dst, block[0..dst.len]);
dst[0..block.len].* = block;
dst = dst[16..dst.len];
fn init(seed: [48]u8) NistDRBG {
var ret: NistDRBG = .{ .key = .{0} ** 32, .v = .{0} ** 16 };
return ret;