Ryan Liptak f4c4c04f1c ArgIteratorWindows: Match post-2008 C runtime rather than CommandLineToArgvW
On Windows, the command line arguments of a program are a single WTF-16 encoded string and it's up to the program to split it into an array of strings. In C/C++, the entry point of the C runtime takes care of splitting the command line and passing argc/argv to the main function.

https://github.com/ziglang/zig/pull/18309 updated ArgIteratorWindows to match the behavior of CommandLineToArgvW, but it turns out that CommandLineToArgvW's behavior does not match the behavior of the C runtime post-2008. In 2008, the C runtime argv splitting changed how it handles consecutive double quotes within a quoted argument (it's now considered an escaped quote, e.g. `"foo""bar"` post-2008 would get parsed into `foo"bar`), and the rules around argv[0] were also changed.

This commit makes ArgIteratorWindows match the behavior of the post-2008 C runtime, and adds a standalone test that verifies the behavior matches both the MSVC and MinGW argv splitting exactly in all cases (it checks that randomly generated command line strings get split the same way).

The motivation here is roughly the same as when the same change was made in Rust (https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/87580), that is (paraphrased):

- Consistent behavior between Zig and modern C/C++ programs
- Allows users to escape double quotes in a way that can be more straightforward

Additionally, the suggested mitigation for BatBadBut (https://flatt.tech/research/posts/batbadbut-you-cant-securely-execute-commands-on-windows/) relies on the post-2008 argv splitting behavior for roundtripping of the arguments given to `cmd.exe`. Note: it's not necessary for the suggested mitigation to work, but it is necessary for the suggested escaping to be parsed back into the intended argv by ArgIteratorWindows after being run through a `.bat` file.
2024-04-15 02:09:48 -07:00

160 lines
5.1 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const windows = std.os.windows;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer std.debug.assert(gpa.deinit() == .ok);
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator);
defer std.process.argsFree(allocator, args);
if (args.len < 2) return error.MissingArgs;
const verify_path_wtf8 = args[1];
const verify_path_w = try std.unicode.wtf8ToWtf16LeAllocZ(allocator, verify_path_wtf8);
defer allocator.free(verify_path_w);
const iterations: u64 = iterations: {
if (args.len < 3) break :iterations 0;
break :iterations try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u64, args[2], 10);
var rand_seed = false;
const seed: u64 = seed: {
if (args.len < 4) {
rand_seed = true;
var buf: [8]u8 = undefined;
try std.posix.getrandom(&buf);
break :seed std.mem.readInt(u64, &buf, builtin.cpu.arch.endian());
break :seed try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u64, args[3], 10);
var random = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(seed);
const rand = random.random();
// If the seed was not given via the CLI, then output the
// randomly chosen seed so that this run can be reproduced
if (rand_seed) {
std.debug.print("rand seed: {}\n", .{seed});
var cmd_line_w_buf = std.ArrayList(u16).init(allocator);
defer cmd_line_w_buf.deinit();
var i: u64 = 0;
var errors: u64 = 0;
while (iterations == 0 or i < iterations) {
const cmd_line_w = try randomCommandLineW(allocator, rand);
defer allocator.free(cmd_line_w);
// avoid known difference for 0-length command lines
if (cmd_line_w.len == 0 or cmd_line_w[0] == '\x00') continue;
const exit_code = try spawnVerify(verify_path_w, cmd_line_w);
if (exit_code != 0) {
std.debug.print(">>> found discrepancy <<<\n", .{});
const cmd_line_wtf8 = try std.unicode.wtf16LeToWtf8Alloc(allocator, cmd_line_w);
defer allocator.free(cmd_line_wtf8);
std.debug.print("\"{}\"\n\n", .{std.zig.fmtEscapes(cmd_line_wtf8)});
errors += 1;
i += 1;
if (errors > 0) {
// we never get here if iterations is 0 so we don't have to worry about that case
std.debug.print("found {} discrepancies in {} iterations\n", .{ errors, iterations });
return error.FoundDiscrepancies;
fn randomCommandLineW(allocator: Allocator, rand: std.rand.Random) ![:0]const u16 {
const Choice = enum {
const choices = rand.uintAtMostBiased(u16, 256);
var buf = try std.ArrayList(u16).initCapacity(allocator, choices);
errdefer buf.deinit();
for (0..choices) |_| {
const choice = rand.enumValue(Choice);
const code_unit = switch (choice) {
.backslash => '\\',
.quote => '"',
.space => ' ',
.tab => '\t',
.control => switch (rand.uintAtMostBiased(u8, 0x21)) {
0x21 => '\x7F',
else => |b| b,
.printable => '!' + rand.uintAtMostBiased(u8, '~' - '!'),
.non_ascii => rand.intRangeAtMostBiased(u16, 0x80, 0xFFFF),
try buf.append(std.mem.nativeToLittle(u16, code_unit));
return buf.toOwnedSliceSentinel(0);
/// Returns the exit code of the verify process
fn spawnVerify(verify_path: [:0]const u16, cmd_line: [:0]const u16) !windows.DWORD {
const child_proc = spawn: {
var startup_info: windows.STARTUPINFOW = .{
.cb = @sizeOf(windows.STARTUPINFOW),
.lpReserved = null,
.lpDesktop = null,
.lpTitle = null,
.dwX = 0,
.dwY = 0,
.dwXSize = 0,
.dwYSize = 0,
.dwXCountChars = 0,
.dwYCountChars = 0,
.dwFillAttribute = 0,
.dwFlags = windows.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES,
.wShowWindow = 0,
.cbReserved2 = 0,
.lpReserved2 = null,
.hStdInput = null,
.hStdOutput = null,
.hStdError = windows.GetStdHandle(windows.STD_ERROR_HANDLE) catch null,
var proc_info: windows.PROCESS_INFORMATION = undefined;
try windows.CreateProcessW(
break :spawn proc_info.hProcess;
defer windows.CloseHandle(child_proc);
try windows.WaitForSingleObjectEx(child_proc, windows.INFINITE, false);
var exit_code: windows.DWORD = undefined;
if (windows.kernel32.GetExitCodeProcess(child_proc, &exit_code) == 0) {
return error.UnableToGetExitCode;
return exit_code;