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1816 lines
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const std = @import("std");
const mem = std.mem;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const CallingConvention = std.builtin.CallingConvention;
const aro = @import("aro");
const CToken = aro.Tokenizer.Token;
const Tree = aro.Tree;
const NodeIndex = Tree.NodeIndex;
const TokenIndex = Tree.TokenIndex;
const Type = aro.Type;
pub const ast = @import("aro_translate_c/ast.zig");
const ZigNode = ast.Node;
const ZigTag = ZigNode.Tag;
const Scope = ScopeExtra(Context, Type);
const Context = @This();
gpa: mem.Allocator,
arena: mem.Allocator,
decl_table: std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(usize, []const u8) = .{},
alias_list: AliasList,
global_scope: *Scope.Root,
mangle_count: u32 = 0,
/// Table of record decls that have been demoted to opaques.
opaque_demotes: std.AutoHashMapUnmanaged(usize, void) = .{},
/// Table of unnamed enums and records that are child types of typedefs.
unnamed_typedefs: std.AutoHashMapUnmanaged(usize, []const u8) = .{},
/// Needed to decide if we are parsing a typename
typedefs: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void) = .{},
/// This one is different than the root scope's name table. This contains
/// a list of names that we found by visiting all the top level decls without
/// translating them. The other maps are updated as we translate; this one is updated
/// up front in a pre-processing step.
global_names: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void) = .{},
/// This is similar to `global_names`, but contains names which we would
/// *like* to use, but do not strictly *have* to if they are unavailable.
/// These are relevant to types, which ideally we would name like
/// 'struct_foo' with an alias 'foo', but if either of those names is taken,
/// may be mangled.
/// This is distinct from `global_names` so we can detect at a type
/// declaration whether or not the name is available.
weak_global_names: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void) = .{},
pattern_list: PatternList,
tree: Tree,
comp: *aro.Compilation,
mapper: aro.TypeMapper,
fn getMangle(c: *Context) u32 {
c.mangle_count += 1;
return c.mangle_count;
/// Convert an aro TokenIndex to a 'file:line:column' string
fn locStr(c: *Context, tok_idx: TokenIndex) ![]const u8 {
const token_loc = c.tree.tokens.items(.loc)[tok_idx];
const source = c.comp.getSource(token_loc.id);
const line_col = source.lineCol(token_loc);
const filename = source.path;
const line = source.physicalLine(token_loc);
const col = line_col.col;
return std.fmt.allocPrint(c.arena, "{s}:{d}:{d}", .{ filename, line, col });
fn maybeSuppressResult(c: *Context, used: ResultUsed, result: ZigNode) TransError!ZigNode {
if (used == .used) return result;
return ZigTag.discard.create(c.arena, .{ .should_skip = false, .value = result });
fn addTopLevelDecl(c: *Context, name: []const u8, decl_node: ZigNode) !void {
const gop = try c.global_scope.sym_table.getOrPut(name);
if (!gop.found_existing) {
gop.value_ptr.* = decl_node;
try c.global_scope.nodes.append(decl_node);
fn fail(
c: *Context,
err: anytype,
source_loc: TokenIndex,
comptime format: []const u8,
args: anytype,
) (@TypeOf(err) || error{OutOfMemory}) {
try warn(c, &c.global_scope.base, source_loc, format, args);
return err;
fn failDecl(c: *Context, loc: TokenIndex, name: []const u8, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) Error!void {
// location
// pub const name = @compileError(msg);
const fail_msg = try std.fmt.allocPrint(c.arena, format, args);
try addTopLevelDecl(c, name, try ZigTag.fail_decl.create(c.arena, .{ .actual = name, .mangled = fail_msg }));
const str = try c.locStr(loc);
const location_comment = try std.fmt.allocPrint(c.arena, "// {s}", .{str});
try c.global_scope.nodes.append(try ZigTag.warning.create(c.arena, location_comment));
fn warn(c: *Context, scope: *Scope, loc: TokenIndex, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) !void {
const str = try c.locStr(loc);
const value = try std.fmt.allocPrint(c.arena, "// {s}: warning: " ++ format, .{str} ++ args);
try scope.appendNode(try ZigTag.warning.create(c.arena, value));
pub fn translate(
gpa: mem.Allocator,
comp: *aro.Compilation,
args: []const []const u8,
) !std.zig.Ast {
try comp.addDefaultPragmaHandlers();
var driver: aro.Driver = .{ .comp = comp };
defer driver.deinit();
var macro_buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(gpa);
defer macro_buf.deinit();
assert(!try driver.parseArgs(std.io.null_writer, macro_buf.writer(), args));
assert(driver.inputs.items.len == 1);
const source = driver.inputs.items[0];
const builtin_macros = try comp.generateBuiltinMacros(.include_system_defines);
const user_macros = try comp.addSourceFromBuffer("<command line>", macro_buf.items);
var pp = try aro.Preprocessor.initDefault(comp);
defer pp.deinit();
try pp.preprocessSources(&.{ source, builtin_macros, user_macros });
var tree = try pp.parse();
defer tree.deinit();
// Workaround for https://github.com/Vexu/arocc/issues/603
for (comp.diagnostics.list.items) |msg| {
if (msg.kind == .@"error" or msg.kind == .@"fatal error") return error.ParsingFailed;
const mapper = tree.comp.string_interner.getFastTypeMapper(tree.comp.gpa) catch tree.comp.string_interner.getSlowTypeMapper();
defer mapper.deinit(tree.comp.gpa);
var arena_allocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(gpa);
defer arena_allocator.deinit();
const arena = arena_allocator.allocator();
var context = Context{
.gpa = gpa,
.arena = arena,
.alias_list = AliasList.init(gpa),
.global_scope = try arena.create(Scope.Root),
.pattern_list = try PatternList.init(gpa),
.comp = comp,
.mapper = mapper,
.tree = tree,
context.global_scope.* = Scope.Root.init(&context);
defer {
inline for (@typeInfo(std.zig.c_builtins).Struct.decls) |decl| {
const builtin_fn = try ZigTag.pub_var_simple.create(arena, .{
.name = decl.name,
.init = try ZigTag.import_c_builtin.create(arena, decl.name),
try addTopLevelDecl(&context, decl.name, builtin_fn);
try prepopulateGlobalNameTable(&context);
try transTopLevelDecls(&context);
for (context.alias_list.items) |alias| {
if (!context.global_scope.sym_table.contains(alias.alias)) {
const node = try ZigTag.alias.create(arena, .{ .actual = alias.alias, .mangled = alias.name });
try addTopLevelDecl(&context, alias.alias, node);
return ast.render(gpa, context.global_scope.nodes.items);
fn prepopulateGlobalNameTable(c: *Context) !void {
const node_tags = c.tree.nodes.items(.tag);
const node_types = c.tree.nodes.items(.ty);
const node_data = c.tree.nodes.items(.data);
for (c.tree.root_decls) |node| {
const data = node_data[@intFromEnum(node)];
switch (node_tags[@intFromEnum(node)]) {
.typedef => {},
=> {
const raw_ty = node_types[@intFromEnum(node)];
const ty = raw_ty.canonicalize(.standard);
const name_id = if (ty.isRecord()) ty.data.record.name else ty.data.@"enum".name;
const decl_name = c.mapper.lookup(name_id);
const container_prefix = if (ty.is(.@"struct")) "struct" else if (ty.is(.@"union")) "union" else "enum";
const prefixed_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(c.arena, "{s}_{s}", .{ container_prefix, decl_name });
// `decl_name` and `prefixed_name` are the preferred names for this type.
// However, we can name it anything else if necessary, so these are "weak names".
try c.weak_global_names.ensureUnusedCapacity(c.gpa, 2);
c.weak_global_names.putAssumeCapacity(decl_name, {});
c.weak_global_names.putAssumeCapacity(prefixed_name, {});
=> {
const decl_name = c.tree.tokSlice(data.decl.name);
try c.global_names.put(c.gpa, decl_name, {});
.static_assert => {},
else => unreachable,
fn transTopLevelDecls(c: *Context) !void {
for (c.tree.root_decls) |node| {
try transDecl(c, &c.global_scope.base, node);
fn transDecl(c: *Context, scope: *Scope, decl: NodeIndex) !void {
const node_tags = c.tree.nodes.items(.tag);
const node_data = c.tree.nodes.items(.data);
const node_ty = c.tree.nodes.items(.ty);
const data = node_data[@intFromEnum(decl)];
switch (node_tags[@intFromEnum(decl)]) {
.typedef => {
try transTypeDef(c, scope, decl);
=> {
try transRecordDecl(c, scope, node_ty[@intFromEnum(decl)]);
=> {
try transRecordDecl(c, scope, node_ty[@intFromEnum(decl)]);
.enum_decl_two => {
var fields = [2]NodeIndex{ data.bin.lhs, data.bin.rhs };
var field_count: u8 = 0;
if (fields[0] != .none) field_count += 1;
if (fields[1] != .none) field_count += 1;
const enum_decl = node_ty[@intFromEnum(decl)].canonicalize(.standard).data.@"enum";
try transEnumDecl(c, scope, enum_decl, fields[0..field_count]);
.enum_decl => {
const fields = c.tree.data[data.range.start..data.range.end];
const enum_decl = node_ty[@intFromEnum(decl)].canonicalize(.standard).data.@"enum";
try transEnumDecl(c, scope, enum_decl, fields);
=> return,
=> {
try transFnDecl(c, decl, true);
=> {
try transVarDecl(c, decl);
.static_assert => try warn(c, &c.global_scope.base, 0, "ignoring _Static_assert declaration", .{}),
else => unreachable,
fn transTypeDef(c: *Context, scope: *Scope, typedef_decl: NodeIndex) Error!void {
const ty = c.tree.nodes.items(.ty)[@intFromEnum(typedef_decl)];
const data = c.tree.nodes.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(typedef_decl)];
const toplevel = scope.id == .root;
const bs: *Scope.Block = if (!toplevel) try scope.findBlockScope(c) else undefined;
var name: []const u8 = c.tree.tokSlice(data.decl.name);
try c.typedefs.put(c.gpa, name, {});
if (!toplevel) name = try bs.makeMangledName(c, name);
const typedef_loc = data.decl.name;
const init_node = transType(c, scope, ty, .standard, typedef_loc) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.UnsupportedType => {
return failDecl(c, typedef_loc, name, "unable to resolve typedef child type", .{});
error.OutOfMemory => |e| return e,
const payload = try c.arena.create(ast.Payload.SimpleVarDecl);
payload.* = .{
.base = .{ .tag = ([2]ZigTag{ .var_simple, .pub_var_simple })[@intFromBool(toplevel)] },
.data = .{
.name = name,
.init = init_node,
const node = ZigNode.initPayload(&payload.base);
if (toplevel) {
try addTopLevelDecl(c, name, node);
} else {
try scope.appendNode(node);
if (node.tag() != .pub_var_simple) {
try bs.discardVariable(c, name);
fn mangleWeakGlobalName(c: *Context, want_name: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
var cur_name = want_name;
if (!c.weak_global_names.contains(want_name)) {
// This type wasn't noticed by the name detection pass, so nothing has been treating this as
// a weak global name. We must mangle it to avoid conflicts with locals.
cur_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(c.arena, "{s}_{d}", .{ want_name, c.getMangle() });
while (c.global_names.contains(cur_name)) {
cur_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(c.arena, "{s}_{d}", .{ want_name, c.getMangle() });
return cur_name;
fn transRecordDecl(c: *Context, scope: *Scope, record_ty: Type) Error!void {
const record_decl = record_ty.getRecord().?;
if (c.decl_table.get(@intFromPtr(record_decl))) |_|
return; // Avoid processing this decl twice
const toplevel = scope.id == .root;
const bs: *Scope.Block = if (!toplevel) try scope.findBlockScope(c) else undefined;
const container_kind: ZigTag = if (record_ty.is(.@"union")) .@"union" else .@"struct";
const container_kind_name: []const u8 = @tagName(container_kind);
var is_unnamed = false;
var bare_name: []const u8 = c.mapper.lookup(record_decl.name);
var name = bare_name;
if (c.unnamed_typedefs.get(@intFromPtr(record_decl))) |typedef_name| {
bare_name = typedef_name;
name = typedef_name;
} else {
if (record_ty.isAnonymousRecord(c.comp)) {
bare_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(c.arena, "unnamed_{d}", .{c.getMangle()});
is_unnamed = true;
name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(c.arena, "{s}_{s}", .{ container_kind_name, bare_name });
if (toplevel and !is_unnamed) {
name = try mangleWeakGlobalName(c, name);
if (!toplevel) name = try bs.makeMangledName(c, name);
try c.decl_table.putNoClobber(c.gpa, @intFromPtr(record_decl), name);
const is_pub = toplevel and !is_unnamed;
const init_node = blk: {
if (record_decl.isIncomplete()) {
try c.opaque_demotes.put(c.gpa, @intFromPtr(record_decl), {});
break :blk ZigTag.opaque_literal.init();
var fields = try std.ArrayList(ast.Payload.Record.Field).initCapacity(c.gpa, record_decl.fields.len);
defer fields.deinit();
// TODO: Add support for flexible array field functions
var functions = std.ArrayList(ZigNode).init(c.gpa);
defer functions.deinit();
var unnamed_field_count: u32 = 0;
// If a record doesn't have any attributes that would affect the alignment and
// layout, then we can just use a simple `extern` type. If it does have attributes,
// then we need to inspect the layout and assign an `align` value for each field.
const has_alignment_attributes = record_decl.field_attributes != null or
record_ty.hasAttribute(.@"packed") or
const head_field_alignment: ?c_uint = if (has_alignment_attributes) headFieldAlignment(record_decl) else null;
for (record_decl.fields, 0..) |field, field_index| {
const field_loc = field.name_tok;
// Demote record to opaque if it contains a bitfield
if (!field.isRegularField()) {
try c.opaque_demotes.put(c.gpa, @intFromPtr(record_decl), {});
try warn(c, scope, field_loc, "{s} demoted to opaque type - has bitfield", .{container_kind_name});
break :blk ZigTag.opaque_literal.init();
var field_name = c.mapper.lookup(field.name);
if (!field.isNamed()) {
field_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(c.arena, "unnamed_{d}", .{unnamed_field_count});
unnamed_field_count += 1;
const field_type = transType(c, scope, field.ty, .preserve_quals, field_loc) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.UnsupportedType => {
try c.opaque_demotes.put(c.gpa, @intFromPtr(record_decl), {});
try warn(c, scope, 0, "{s} demoted to opaque type - unable to translate type of field {s}", .{
break :blk ZigTag.opaque_literal.init();
else => |e| return e,
const field_alignment = if (has_alignment_attributes)
alignmentForField(record_decl, head_field_alignment, field_index)
// C99 introduced designated initializers for structs. Omitted fields are implicitly
// initialized to zero. Some C APIs are designed with this in mind. Defaulting to zero
// values for translated struct fields permits Zig code to comfortably use such an API.
const default_value = if (container_kind == .@"struct")
try ZigTag.std_mem_zeroes.create(c.arena, field_type)
.name = field_name,
.type = field_type,
.alignment = field_alignment,
.default_value = default_value,
const record_payload = try c.arena.create(ast.Payload.Record);
record_payload.* = .{
.base = .{ .tag = container_kind },
.data = .{
.layout = .@"extern",
.fields = try c.arena.dupe(ast.Payload.Record.Field, fields.items),
.functions = try c.arena.dupe(ZigNode, functions.items),
.variables = &.{},
break :blk ZigNode.initPayload(&record_payload.base);
const payload = try c.arena.create(ast.Payload.SimpleVarDecl);
payload.* = .{
.base = .{ .tag = ([2]ZigTag{ .var_simple, .pub_var_simple })[@intFromBool(is_pub)] },
.data = .{
.name = name,
.init = init_node,
const node = ZigNode.initPayload(&payload.base);
if (toplevel) {
try addTopLevelDecl(c, name, node);
// Only add the alias if the name is available *and* it was caught by
// name detection. Don't bother performing a weak mangle, since a
// mangled name is of no real use here.
if (!is_unnamed and !c.global_names.contains(bare_name) and c.weak_global_names.contains(bare_name))
try c.alias_list.append(.{ .alias = bare_name, .name = name });
} else {
try scope.appendNode(node);
if (node.tag() != .pub_var_simple) {
try bs.discardVariable(c, name);
fn transFnDecl(c: *Context, fn_decl: NodeIndex, is_pub: bool) Error!void {
const raw_ty = c.tree.nodes.items(.ty)[@intFromEnum(fn_decl)];
const fn_ty = raw_ty.canonicalize(.standard);
const node_data = c.tree.nodes.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(fn_decl)];
if (c.decl_table.get(@intFromPtr(fn_ty.data.func))) |_|
return; // Avoid processing this decl twice
const fn_name = c.tree.tokSlice(node_data.decl.name);
if (c.global_scope.sym_table.contains(fn_name))
return; // Avoid processing this decl twice
const fn_decl_loc = 0; // TODO
const has_body = node_data.decl.node != .none;
const is_always_inline = has_body and raw_ty.getAttribute(.always_inline) != null;
const proto_ctx = FnProtoContext{
.fn_name = fn_name,
.is_inline = is_always_inline,
.is_extern = !has_body,
.is_export = switch (c.tree.nodes.items(.tag)[@intFromEnum(fn_decl)]) {
.fn_proto, .fn_def => has_body and !is_always_inline,
.inline_fn_proto, .inline_fn_def, .inline_static_fn_proto, .inline_static_fn_def, .static_fn_proto, .static_fn_def => false,
else => unreachable,
.is_pub = is_pub,
const proto_node = transFnType(c, &c.global_scope.base, raw_ty, fn_ty, fn_decl_loc, proto_ctx) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.UnsupportedType => {
return failDecl(c, fn_decl_loc, fn_name, "unable to resolve prototype of function", .{});
error.OutOfMemory => |e| return e,
if (!has_body) {
return addTopLevelDecl(c, fn_name, proto_node);
const proto_payload = proto_node.castTag(.func).?;
// actual function definition with body
const body_stmt = node_data.decl.node;
var block_scope = try Scope.Block.init(c, &c.global_scope.base, false);
block_scope.return_type = fn_ty.data.func.return_type;
defer block_scope.deinit();
var scope = &block_scope.base;
_ = &scope;
var param_id: c_uint = 0;
for (proto_payload.data.params, fn_ty.data.func.params) |*param, param_info| {
const param_name = param.name orelse {
proto_payload.data.is_extern = true;
proto_payload.data.is_export = false;
proto_payload.data.is_inline = false;
try warn(c, &c.global_scope.base, fn_decl_loc, "function {s} parameter has no name, demoted to extern", .{fn_name});
return addTopLevelDecl(c, fn_name, proto_node);
const is_const = param_info.ty.qual.@"const";
const mangled_param_name = try block_scope.makeMangledName(c, param_name);
param.name = mangled_param_name;
if (!is_const) {
const bare_arg_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(c.arena, "arg_{s}", .{mangled_param_name});
const arg_name = try block_scope.makeMangledName(c, bare_arg_name);
param.name = arg_name;
const redecl_node = try ZigTag.arg_redecl.create(c.arena, .{ .actual = mangled_param_name, .mangled = arg_name });
try block_scope.statements.append(redecl_node);
try block_scope.discardVariable(c, mangled_param_name);
param_id += 1;
transCompoundStmtInline(c, body_stmt, &block_scope) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => |e| return e,
=> {
proto_payload.data.is_extern = true;
proto_payload.data.is_export = false;
proto_payload.data.is_inline = false;
try warn(c, &c.global_scope.base, fn_decl_loc, "unable to translate function, demoted to extern", .{});
return addTopLevelDecl(c, fn_name, proto_node);
proto_payload.data.body = try block_scope.complete(c);
return addTopLevelDecl(c, fn_name, proto_node);
fn transVarDecl(c: *Context, node: NodeIndex) Error!void {
const data = c.tree.nodes.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(node)];
const name = c.tree.tokSlice(data.decl.name);
return failDecl(c, data.decl.name, name, "unable to translate variable declaration", .{});
fn transEnumDecl(c: *Context, scope: *Scope, enum_decl: *const Type.Enum, field_nodes: []const NodeIndex) Error!void {
if (c.decl_table.get(@intFromPtr(enum_decl))) |_|
return; // Avoid processing this decl twice
const toplevel = scope.id == .root;
const bs: *Scope.Block = if (!toplevel) try scope.findBlockScope(c) else undefined;
var is_unnamed = false;
var bare_name: []const u8 = c.mapper.lookup(enum_decl.name);
var name = bare_name;
if (c.unnamed_typedefs.get(@intFromPtr(enum_decl))) |typedef_name| {
bare_name = typedef_name;
name = typedef_name;
} else {
if (bare_name.len == 0) {
bare_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(c.arena, "unnamed_{d}", .{c.getMangle()});
is_unnamed = true;
name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(c.arena, "enum_{s}", .{bare_name});
if (!toplevel) name = try bs.makeMangledName(c, name);
try c.decl_table.putNoClobber(c.gpa, @intFromPtr(enum_decl), name);
const enum_type_node = if (!enum_decl.isIncomplete()) blk: {
for (enum_decl.fields, field_nodes) |field, field_node| {
var enum_val_name: []const u8 = c.mapper.lookup(field.name);
if (!toplevel) {
enum_val_name = try bs.makeMangledName(c, enum_val_name);
const enum_const_type_node: ?ZigNode = transType(c, scope, field.ty, .standard, field.name_tok) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.UnsupportedType => null,
else => |e| return e,
const val = c.tree.value_map.get(field_node).?;
const enum_const_def = try ZigTag.enum_constant.create(c.arena, .{
.name = enum_val_name,
.is_public = toplevel,
.type = enum_const_type_node,
.value = try transCreateNodeAPInt(c, val),
if (toplevel)
try addTopLevelDecl(c, enum_val_name, enum_const_def)
else {
try scope.appendNode(enum_const_def);
try bs.discardVariable(c, enum_val_name);
break :blk transType(c, scope, enum_decl.tag_ty, .standard, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.UnsupportedType => {
return failDecl(c, 0, name, "unable to translate enum integer type", .{});
else => |e| return e,
} else blk: {
try c.opaque_demotes.put(c.gpa, @intFromPtr(enum_decl), {});
break :blk ZigTag.opaque_literal.init();
const is_pub = toplevel and !is_unnamed;
const payload = try c.arena.create(ast.Payload.SimpleVarDecl);
payload.* = .{
.base = .{ .tag = ([2]ZigTag{ .var_simple, .pub_var_simple })[@intFromBool(is_pub)] },
.data = .{
.init = enum_type_node,
.name = name,
const node = ZigNode.initPayload(&payload.base);
if (toplevel) {
try addTopLevelDecl(c, name, node);
if (!is_unnamed)
try c.alias_list.append(.{ .alias = bare_name, .name = name });
} else {
try scope.appendNode(node);
if (node.tag() != .pub_var_simple) {
try bs.discardVariable(c, name);
fn getTypeStr(c: *Context, ty: Type) ![]const u8 {
var buf: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8) = .{};
defer buf.deinit(c.gpa);
const w = buf.writer(c.gpa);
try ty.print(c.mapper, c.comp.langopts, w);
return c.arena.dupe(u8, buf.items);
fn transType(c: *Context, scope: *Scope, raw_ty: Type, qual_handling: Type.QualHandling, source_loc: TokenIndex) TypeError!ZigNode {
const ty = raw_ty.canonicalize(qual_handling);
if (ty.qual.atomic) {
const type_name = try getTypeStr(c, ty);
return fail(c, error.UnsupportedType, source_loc, "unsupported type: '{s}'", .{type_name});
switch (ty.specifier) {
.void => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "anyopaque"),
.bool => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "bool"),
.char => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "c_char"),
.schar => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "i8"),
.uchar => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "u8"),
.short => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "c_short"),
.ushort => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "c_ushort"),
.int => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "c_int"),
.uint => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "c_uint"),
.long => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "c_long"),
.ulong => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "c_ulong"),
.long_long => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "c_longlong"),
.ulong_long => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "c_ulonglong"),
.int128 => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "i128"),
.uint128 => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "u128"),
.fp16, .float16 => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "f16"),
.float => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "f32"),
.double => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "f64"),
.long_double => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "c_longdouble"),
.float80 => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "f80"),
.float128 => return ZigTag.type.create(c.arena, "f128"),
.@"enum" => {
const enum_decl = ty.data.@"enum";
var trans_scope = scope;
if (enum_decl.name != .empty) {
const decl_name = c.mapper.lookup(enum_decl.name);
if (c.weak_global_names.contains(decl_name)) trans_scope = &c.global_scope.base;
try transEnumDecl(c, trans_scope, enum_decl, &.{});
return ZigTag.identifier.create(c.arena, c.decl_table.get(@intFromPtr(enum_decl)).?);
.pointer => {
const child_type = ty.elemType();
const is_fn_proto = child_type.isFunc();
const is_const = is_fn_proto or child_type.isConst();
const is_volatile = child_type.qual.@"volatile";
const elem_type = try transType(c, scope, child_type, qual_handling, source_loc);
const ptr_info = .{
.is_const = is_const,
.is_volatile = is_volatile,
.elem_type = elem_type,
if (is_fn_proto or
typeIsOpaque(c, child_type) or
typeWasDemotedToOpaque(c, child_type))
const ptr = try ZigTag.single_pointer.create(c.arena, ptr_info);
return ZigTag.optional_type.create(c.arena, ptr);
return ZigTag.c_pointer.create(c.arena, ptr_info);
.unspecified_variable_len_array, .incomplete_array => {
const child_type = ty.elemType();
const is_const = child_type.qual.@"const";
const is_volatile = child_type.qual.@"volatile";
const elem_type = try transType(c, scope, child_type, qual_handling, source_loc);
return ZigTag.c_pointer.create(c.arena, .{ .is_const = is_const, .is_volatile = is_volatile, .elem_type = elem_type });
=> {
const size = ty.arrayLen().?;
const elem_type = try transType(c, scope, ty.elemType(), qual_handling, source_loc);
return ZigTag.array_type.create(c.arena, .{ .len = size, .elem_type = elem_type });
=> return transFnType(c, scope, ty, ty, source_loc, .{}),
=> {
var trans_scope = scope;
if (ty.isAnonymousRecord(c.comp)) {
const record_decl = ty.data.record;
const name_id = c.mapper.lookup(record_decl.name);
if (c.weak_global_names.contains(name_id)) trans_scope = &c.global_scope.base;
try transRecordDecl(c, trans_scope, ty);
const name = c.decl_table.get(@intFromPtr(ty.data.record)).?;
return ZigTag.identifier.create(c.arena, name);
=> unreachable,
else => return error.UnsupportedType,
/// Look ahead through the fields of the record to determine what the alignment of the record
/// would be without any align/packed/etc. attributes. This helps us determine whether or not
/// the fields with 0 offset need an `align` qualifier. Strictly speaking, we could just
/// pedantically assign those fields the same alignment as the parent's pointer alignment,
/// but this helps the generated code to be a little less verbose.
fn headFieldAlignment(record_decl: *const Type.Record) ?c_uint {
const bits_per_byte = 8;
const parent_ptr_alignment_bits = record_decl.type_layout.pointer_alignment_bits;
const parent_ptr_alignment = parent_ptr_alignment_bits / bits_per_byte;
var max_field_alignment_bits: u64 = 0;
for (record_decl.fields) |field| {
if (field.ty.getRecord()) |field_record_decl| {
const child_record_alignment = field_record_decl.type_layout.field_alignment_bits;
if (child_record_alignment > max_field_alignment_bits)
max_field_alignment_bits = child_record_alignment;
} else {
const field_size = field.layout.size_bits;
if (field_size > max_field_alignment_bits)
max_field_alignment_bits = field_size;
if (max_field_alignment_bits != parent_ptr_alignment_bits) {
return parent_ptr_alignment;
} else {
return null;
/// This function inspects the generated layout of a record to determine the alignment for a
/// particular field. This approach is necessary because unlike Zig, a C compiler is not
/// required to fulfill the requested alignment, which means we'd risk generating different code
/// if we only look at the user-requested alignment.
/// Returns a ?c_uint to match Clang's behaviour of using c_uint. The return type can be changed
/// after the Clang frontend for translate-c is removed. A null value indicates that a field is
/// 'naturally aligned'.
fn alignmentForField(
record_decl: *const Type.Record,
head_field_alignment: ?c_uint,
field_index: usize,
) ?c_uint {
const fields = record_decl.fields;
assert(fields.len != 0);
const field = fields[field_index];
const bits_per_byte = 8;
const parent_ptr_alignment_bits = record_decl.type_layout.pointer_alignment_bits;
const parent_ptr_alignment = parent_ptr_alignment_bits / bits_per_byte;
// bitfields aren't supported yet. Until support is added, records with bitfields
// should be demoted to opaque, and this function shouldn't be called for them.
if (!field.isRegularField()) {
@panic("TODO: add bitfield support for records");
const field_offset_bits: u64 = field.layout.offset_bits;
const field_size_bits: u64 = field.layout.size_bits;
// Fields with zero width always have an alignment of 1
if (field_size_bits == 0) {
return 1;
// Fields with 0 offset inherit the parent's pointer alignment.
if (field_offset_bits == 0) {
return head_field_alignment;
// Records have a natural alignment when used as a field, and their size is
// a multiple of this alignment value. For all other types, the natural alignment
// is their size.
const field_natural_alignment_bits: u64 = if (field.ty.getRecord()) |record| record.type_layout.field_alignment_bits else field_size_bits;
const rem_bits = field_offset_bits % field_natural_alignment_bits;
// If there's a remainder, then the alignment is smaller than the field's
// natural alignment
if (rem_bits > 0) {
const rem_alignment = rem_bits / bits_per_byte;
if (rem_alignment > 0 and std.math.isPowerOfTwo(rem_alignment)) {
const actual_alignment = @min(rem_alignment, parent_ptr_alignment);
return @as(c_uint, @truncate(actual_alignment));
} else {
return 1;
// A field may have an offset which positions it to be naturally aligned, but the
// parent's pointer alignment determines if this is actually true, so we take the minimum
// value.
// For example, a float field (4 bytes wide) with a 4 byte offset is positioned to have natural
// alignment, but if the parent pointer alignment is 2, then the actual alignment of the
// float is 2.
const field_natural_alignment: u64 = field_natural_alignment_bits / bits_per_byte;
const offset_alignment = field_offset_bits / bits_per_byte;
const possible_alignment = @min(parent_ptr_alignment, offset_alignment);
if (possible_alignment == field_natural_alignment) {
return null;
} else if (possible_alignment < field_natural_alignment) {
if (std.math.isPowerOfTwo(possible_alignment)) {
return possible_alignment;
} else {
return 1;
} else { // possible_alignment > field_natural_alignment
// Here, the field is positioned be at a higher alignment than it's natural alignment. This means we
// need to determine whether it's a specified alignment. We can determine that from the padding preceding
// the field.
const padding_from_prev_field: u64 = blk: {
if (field_offset_bits != 0) {
const previous_field = fields[field_index - 1];
break :blk (field_offset_bits - previous_field.layout.offset_bits) - previous_field.layout.size_bits;
} else {
break :blk 0;
if (padding_from_prev_field < field_natural_alignment_bits) {
return null;
} else {
return possible_alignment;
const FnProtoContext = struct {
is_pub: bool = false,
is_export: bool = false,
is_extern: bool = false,
is_inline: bool = false,
fn_name: ?[]const u8 = null,
fn transFnType(
c: *Context,
scope: *Scope,
raw_ty: Type,
fn_ty: Type,
source_loc: TokenIndex,
ctx: FnProtoContext,
) !ZigNode {
const param_count: usize = fn_ty.data.func.params.len;
const fn_params = try c.arena.alloc(ast.Payload.Param, param_count);
for (fn_ty.data.func.params, fn_params) |param_info, *param_node| {
const param_ty = param_info.ty;
const is_noalias = param_ty.qual.restrict;
const param_name: ?[]const u8 = if (param_info.name == .empty)
const type_node = try transType(c, scope, param_ty, .standard, param_info.name_tok);
param_node.* = .{
.is_noalias = is_noalias,
.name = param_name,
.type = type_node,
const linksection_string = blk: {
if (raw_ty.getAttribute(.section)) |section| {
break :blk c.comp.interner.get(section.name.ref()).bytes;
break :blk null;
const alignment: ?c_uint = raw_ty.requestedAlignment(c.comp) orelse null;
const explicit_callconv = null;
// const explicit_callconv = if ((ctx.is_inline or ctx.is_export or ctx.is_extern) and ctx.cc == .C) null else ctx.cc;
const return_type_node = blk: {
if (raw_ty.getAttribute(.noreturn) != null) {
break :blk ZigTag.noreturn_type.init();
} else {
const return_ty = fn_ty.data.func.return_type;
if (return_ty.is(.void)) {
// convert primitive anyopaque to actual void (only for return type)
break :blk ZigTag.void_type.init();
} else {
break :blk transType(c, scope, return_ty, .standard, source_loc) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.UnsupportedType => {
try warn(c, scope, source_loc, "unsupported function proto return type", .{});
return err;
error.OutOfMemory => |e| return e,
const payload = try c.arena.create(ast.Payload.Func);
payload.* = .{
.base = .{ .tag = .func },
.data = .{
.is_pub = ctx.is_pub,
.is_extern = ctx.is_extern,
.is_export = ctx.is_export,
.is_inline = ctx.is_inline,
.is_var_args = switch (fn_ty.specifier) {
.func => false,
.var_args_func => true,
.old_style_func => !ctx.is_export and !ctx.is_inline,
else => unreachable,
.name = ctx.fn_name,
.linksection_string = linksection_string,
.explicit_callconv = explicit_callconv,
.params = fn_params,
.return_type = return_type_node,
.body = null,
.alignment = alignment,
return ZigNode.initPayload(&payload.base);
fn transStmt(c: *Context, node: NodeIndex) TransError!ZigNode {
_ = c;
_ = node;
return error.UnsupportedTranslation;
fn transCompoundStmtInline(c: *Context, compound: NodeIndex, block: *Scope.Block) TransError!void {
const data = c.tree.nodes.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(compound)];
var buf: [2]NodeIndex = undefined;
// TODO move these helpers to Aro
const stmts = switch (c.tree.nodes.items(.tag)[@intFromEnum(compound)]) {
.compound_stmt_two => blk: {
if (data.bin.lhs != .none) buf[0] = data.bin.lhs;
if (data.bin.rhs != .none) buf[1] = data.bin.rhs;
break :blk buf[0 .. @as(u32, @intFromBool(data.bin.lhs != .none)) + @intFromBool(data.bin.rhs != .none)];
.compound_stmt => c.tree.data[data.range.start..data.range.end],
else => unreachable,
for (stmts) |stmt| {
const result = try transStmt(c, stmt);
switch (result.tag()) {
.declaration, .empty_block => {},
else => try block.statements.append(result),
fn recordHasBitfield(record: *const Type.Record) bool {
if (record.isIncomplete()) return false;
for (record.fields) |field| {
if (!field.isRegularField()) return true;
return false;
fn typeIsOpaque(c: *Context, ty: Type) bool {
return switch (ty.specifier) {
.void => true,
.@"struct", .@"union" => recordHasBitfield(ty.getRecord().?),
.typeof_type => typeIsOpaque(c, ty.data.sub_type.*),
.typeof_expr => typeIsOpaque(c, ty.data.expr.ty),
.attributed => typeIsOpaque(c, ty.data.attributed.base),
else => false,
fn typeWasDemotedToOpaque(c: *Context, ty: Type) bool {
switch (ty.specifier) {
.@"struct", .@"union" => {
const record = ty.getRecord().?;
if (c.opaque_demotes.contains(@intFromPtr(record))) return true;
for (record.fields) |field| {
if (typeWasDemotedToOpaque(c, field.ty)) return true;
return false;
.@"enum" => return c.opaque_demotes.contains(@intFromPtr(ty.data.@"enum")),
.typeof_type => return typeWasDemotedToOpaque(c, ty.data.sub_type.*),
.typeof_expr => return typeWasDemotedToOpaque(c, ty.data.expr.ty),
.attributed => return typeWasDemotedToOpaque(c, ty.data.attributed.base),
else => return false,
fn transCompoundStmt(c: *Context, scope: *Scope, compound: NodeIndex) TransError!ZigNode {
var block_scope = try Scope.Block.init(c, scope, false);
defer block_scope.deinit();
try transCompoundStmtInline(c, compound, &block_scope);
return try block_scope.complete(c);
fn transExpr(c: *Context, node: NodeIndex, result_used: ResultUsed) TransError!ZigNode {
std.debug.assert(node != .none);
const ty = c.tree.nodes.items(.ty)[@intFromEnum(node)];
if (c.tree.value_map.get(node)) |val| {
// TODO handle other values
const int = try transCreateNodeAPInt(c, val);
const as_node = try ZigTag.as.create(c.arena, .{
.lhs = try transType(c, undefined, ty, .standard, undefined),
.rhs = int,
return maybeSuppressResult(c, result_used, as_node);
const node_tags = c.tree.nodes.items(.tag);
switch (node_tags[@intFromEnum(node)]) {
else => unreachable, // Not an expression.
return .none;
fn transCreateNodeAPInt(c: *Context, int: aro.Value) !ZigNode {
var space: aro.Interner.Tag.Int.BigIntSpace = undefined;
var big = int.toBigInt(&space, c.comp);
const is_negative = !big.positive;
big.positive = true;
const str = big.toStringAlloc(c.arena, 10, .lower) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
const res = try ZigTag.integer_literal.create(c.arena, str);
if (is_negative) return ZigTag.negate.create(c.arena, res);
return res;
pub const PatternList = struct {
patterns: []Pattern,
/// Templates must be function-like macros
/// first element is macro source, second element is the name of the function
/// in std.lib.zig.c_translation.Macros which implements it
const templates = [_][2][]const u8{
[2][]const u8{ "f_SUFFIX(X) (X ## f)", "F_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "F_SUFFIX(X) (X ## F)", "F_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "u_SUFFIX(X) (X ## u)", "U_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "U_SUFFIX(X) (X ## U)", "U_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "l_SUFFIX(X) (X ## l)", "L_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "L_SUFFIX(X) (X ## L)", "L_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "ul_SUFFIX(X) (X ## ul)", "UL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "uL_SUFFIX(X) (X ## uL)", "UL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "Ul_SUFFIX(X) (X ## Ul)", "UL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "UL_SUFFIX(X) (X ## UL)", "UL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "ll_SUFFIX(X) (X ## ll)", "LL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "LL_SUFFIX(X) (X ## LL)", "LL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "ull_SUFFIX(X) (X ## ull)", "ULL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "uLL_SUFFIX(X) (X ## uLL)", "ULL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "Ull_SUFFIX(X) (X ## Ull)", "ULL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "ULL_SUFFIX(X) (X ## ULL)", "ULL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "f_SUFFIX(X) X ## f", "F_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "F_SUFFIX(X) X ## F", "F_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "u_SUFFIX(X) X ## u", "U_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "U_SUFFIX(X) X ## U", "U_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "l_SUFFIX(X) X ## l", "L_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "L_SUFFIX(X) X ## L", "L_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "ul_SUFFIX(X) X ## ul", "UL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "uL_SUFFIX(X) X ## uL", "UL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "Ul_SUFFIX(X) X ## Ul", "UL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "UL_SUFFIX(X) X ## UL", "UL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "ll_SUFFIX(X) X ## ll", "LL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "LL_SUFFIX(X) X ## LL", "LL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "ull_SUFFIX(X) X ## ull", "ULL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "uLL_SUFFIX(X) X ## uLL", "ULL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "Ull_SUFFIX(X) X ## Ull", "ULL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "ULL_SUFFIX(X) X ## ULL", "ULL_SUFFIX" },
[2][]const u8{ "CAST_OR_CALL(X, Y) (X)(Y)", "CAST_OR_CALL" },
[2][]const u8{ "CAST_OR_CALL(X, Y) ((X)(Y))", "CAST_OR_CALL" },
[2][]const u8{
\\wl_container_of(ptr, sample, member) \
\\(__typeof__(sample))((char *)(ptr) - \
\\ offsetof(__typeof__(*sample), member))
[2][]const u8{ "IGNORE_ME(X) ((void)(X))", "DISCARD" },
[2][]const u8{ "IGNORE_ME(X) (void)(X)", "DISCARD" },
[2][]const u8{ "IGNORE_ME(X) ((const void)(X))", "DISCARD" },
[2][]const u8{ "IGNORE_ME(X) (const void)(X)", "DISCARD" },
[2][]const u8{ "IGNORE_ME(X) ((volatile void)(X))", "DISCARD" },
[2][]const u8{ "IGNORE_ME(X) (volatile void)(X)", "DISCARD" },
[2][]const u8{ "IGNORE_ME(X) ((const volatile void)(X))", "DISCARD" },
[2][]const u8{ "IGNORE_ME(X) (const volatile void)(X)", "DISCARD" },
[2][]const u8{ "IGNORE_ME(X) ((volatile const void)(X))", "DISCARD" },
[2][]const u8{ "IGNORE_ME(X) (volatile const void)(X)", "DISCARD" },
/// Assumes that `ms` represents a tokenized function-like macro.
fn buildArgsHash(allocator: mem.Allocator, ms: MacroSlicer, hash: *ArgsPositionMap) MacroProcessingError!void {
assert(ms.tokens.len > 2);
assert(ms.tokens[0].id == .identifier or ms.tokens[0].id == .extended_identifier);
assert(ms.tokens[1].id == .l_paren);
var i: usize = 2;
while (true) : (i += 1) {
const token = ms.tokens[i];
switch (token.id) {
.r_paren => break,
.comma => continue,
.identifier, .extended_identifier => {
const identifier = ms.slice(token);
try hash.put(allocator, identifier, i);
else => return error.UnexpectedMacroToken,
const Pattern = struct {
tokens: []const CToken,
source: []const u8,
impl: []const u8,
args_hash: ArgsPositionMap,
fn init(self: *Pattern, allocator: mem.Allocator, template: [2][]const u8) Error!void {
const source = template[0];
const impl = template[1];
var tok_list = std.ArrayList(CToken).init(allocator);
defer tok_list.deinit();
try tokenizeMacro(source, &tok_list);
const tokens = try allocator.dupe(CToken, tok_list.items);
self.* = .{
.tokens = tokens,
.source = source,
.impl = impl,
.args_hash = .{},
const ms = MacroSlicer{ .source = source, .tokens = tokens };
buildArgsHash(allocator, ms, &self.args_hash) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.UnexpectedMacroToken => unreachable,
else => |e| return e,
fn deinit(self: *Pattern, allocator: mem.Allocator) void {
/// This function assumes that `ms` has already been validated to contain a function-like
/// macro, and that the parsed template macro in `self` also contains a function-like
/// macro. Please review this logic carefully if changing that assumption. Two
/// function-like macros are considered equivalent if and only if they contain the same
/// list of tokens, modulo parameter names.
pub fn isEquivalent(self: Pattern, ms: MacroSlicer, args_hash: ArgsPositionMap) bool {
if (self.tokens.len != ms.tokens.len) return false;
if (args_hash.count() != self.args_hash.count()) return false;
var i: usize = 2;
while (self.tokens[i].id != .r_paren) : (i += 1) {}
const pattern_slicer = MacroSlicer{ .source = self.source, .tokens = self.tokens };
while (i < self.tokens.len) : (i += 1) {
const pattern_token = self.tokens[i];
const macro_token = ms.tokens[i];
if (pattern_token.id != macro_token.id) return false;
const pattern_bytes = pattern_slicer.slice(pattern_token);
const macro_bytes = ms.slice(macro_token);
switch (pattern_token.id) {
.identifier, .extended_identifier => {
const pattern_arg_index = self.args_hash.get(pattern_bytes);
const macro_arg_index = args_hash.get(macro_bytes);
if (pattern_arg_index == null and macro_arg_index == null) {
if (!mem.eql(u8, pattern_bytes, macro_bytes)) return false;
} else if (pattern_arg_index != null and macro_arg_index != null) {
if (pattern_arg_index.? != macro_arg_index.?) return false;
} else {
return false;
.string_literal, .char_literal, .pp_num => {
if (!mem.eql(u8, pattern_bytes, macro_bytes)) return false;
else => {
// other tags correspond to keywords and operators that do not contain a "payload"
// that can vary
return true;
pub fn init(allocator: mem.Allocator) Error!PatternList {
const patterns = try allocator.alloc(Pattern, templates.len);
for (templates, 0..) |template, i| {
try patterns[i].init(allocator, template);
return PatternList{ .patterns = patterns };
pub fn deinit(self: *PatternList, allocator: mem.Allocator) void {
for (self.patterns) |*pattern| pattern.deinit(allocator);
pub fn match(self: PatternList, allocator: mem.Allocator, ms: MacroSlicer) Error!?Pattern {
var args_hash: ArgsPositionMap = .{};
defer args_hash.deinit(allocator);
buildArgsHash(allocator, ms, &args_hash) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.UnexpectedMacroToken => return null,
else => |e| return e,
for (self.patterns) |pattern| if (pattern.isEquivalent(ms, args_hash)) return pattern;
return null;
pub const MacroSlicer = struct {
source: []const u8,
tokens: []const CToken,
pub fn slice(self: MacroSlicer, token: CToken) []const u8 {
return self.source[token.start..token.end];
// Maps macro parameter names to token position, for determining if different
// identifiers refer to the same positional argument in different macros.
pub const ArgsPositionMap = std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(usize);
pub const Error = std.mem.Allocator.Error;
pub const MacroProcessingError = Error || error{UnexpectedMacroToken};
pub const TypeError = Error || error{UnsupportedType};
pub const TransError = TypeError || error{UnsupportedTranslation};
pub const SymbolTable = std.StringArrayHashMap(ast.Node);
pub const AliasList = std.ArrayList(struct {
alias: []const u8,
name: []const u8,
pub const ResultUsed = enum {
pub fn ScopeExtra(comptime ScopeExtraContext: type, comptime ScopeExtraType: type) type {
return struct {
id: Id,
parent: ?*ScopeExtraScope,
const ScopeExtraScope = @This();
pub const Id = enum {
/// Used for the scope of condition expressions, for example `if (cond)`.
/// The block is lazily initialised because it is only needed for rare
/// cases of comma operators being used.
pub const Condition = struct {
base: ScopeExtraScope,
block: ?Block = null,
pub fn getBlockScope(self: *Condition, c: *ScopeExtraContext) !*Block {
if (self.block) |*b| return b;
self.block = try Block.init(c, &self.base, true);
return &self.block.?;
pub fn deinit(self: *Condition) void {
if (self.block) |*b| b.deinit();
/// Represents an in-progress Node.Block. This struct is stack-allocated.
/// When it is deinitialized, it produces an Node.Block which is allocated
/// into the main arena.
pub const Block = struct {
base: ScopeExtraScope,
statements: std.ArrayList(ast.Node),
variables: AliasList,
mangle_count: u32 = 0,
label: ?[]const u8 = null,
/// By default all variables are discarded, since we do not know in advance if they
/// will be used. This maps the variable's name to the Discard payload, so that if
/// the variable is subsequently referenced we can indicate that the discard should
/// be skipped during the intermediate AST -> Zig AST render step.
variable_discards: std.StringArrayHashMap(*ast.Payload.Discard),
/// When the block corresponds to a function, keep track of the return type
/// so that the return expression can be cast, if necessary
return_type: ?ScopeExtraType = null,
/// C static local variables are wrapped in a block-local struct. The struct
/// is named after the (mangled) variable name, the Zig variable within the
/// struct itself is given this name.
pub const static_inner_name = "static";
/// C extern variables declared within a block are wrapped in a block-local
/// struct. The struct is named ExternLocal_[variable_name], the Zig variable
/// within the struct itself is [variable_name] by neccessity since it's an
/// extern reference to an existing symbol.
pub const extern_inner_prepend = "ExternLocal";
pub fn init(c: *ScopeExtraContext, parent: *ScopeExtraScope, labeled: bool) !Block {
var blk = Block{
.base = .{
.id = .block,
.parent = parent,
.statements = std.ArrayList(ast.Node).init(c.gpa),
.variables = AliasList.init(c.gpa),
.variable_discards = std.StringArrayHashMap(*ast.Payload.Discard).init(c.gpa),
if (labeled) {
blk.label = try blk.makeMangledName(c, "blk");
return blk;
pub fn deinit(self: *Block) void {
self.* = undefined;
pub fn complete(self: *Block, c: *ScopeExtraContext) !ast.Node {
if (self.base.parent.?.id == .do_loop) {
// We reserve 1 extra statement if the parent is a do_loop. This is in case of
// do while, we want to put `if (cond) break;` at the end.
const alloc_len = self.statements.items.len + @intFromBool(self.base.parent.?.id == .do_loop);
var stmts = try c.arena.alloc(ast.Node, alloc_len);
stmts.len = self.statements.items.len;
@memcpy(stmts[0..self.statements.items.len], self.statements.items);
return ast.Node.Tag.block.create(c.arena, .{
.label = self.label,
.stmts = stmts,
if (self.statements.items.len == 0) return ast.Node.Tag.empty_block.init();
return ast.Node.Tag.block.create(c.arena, .{
.label = self.label,
.stmts = try c.arena.dupe(ast.Node, self.statements.items),
/// Given the desired name, return a name that does not shadow anything from outer scopes.
/// Inserts the returned name into the scope.
/// The name will not be visible to callers of getAlias.
pub fn reserveMangledName(scope: *Block, c: *ScopeExtraContext, name: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
return scope.createMangledName(c, name, true);
/// Same as reserveMangledName, but enables the alias immediately.
pub fn makeMangledName(scope: *Block, c: *ScopeExtraContext, name: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
return scope.createMangledName(c, name, false);
pub fn createMangledName(scope: *Block, c: *ScopeExtraContext, name: []const u8, reservation: bool) ![]const u8 {
const name_copy = try c.arena.dupe(u8, name);
var proposed_name = name_copy;
while (scope.contains(proposed_name)) {
scope.mangle_count += 1;
proposed_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(c.arena, "{s}_{d}", .{ name, scope.mangle_count });
const new_mangle = try scope.variables.addOne();
if (reservation) {
new_mangle.* = .{ .name = name_copy, .alias = name_copy };
} else {
new_mangle.* = .{ .name = name_copy, .alias = proposed_name };
return proposed_name;
pub fn getAlias(scope: *Block, name: []const u8) []const u8 {
for (scope.variables.items) |p| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, p.name, name))
return p.alias;
return scope.base.parent.?.getAlias(name);
/// Finds the (potentially) mangled struct name for a locally scoped extern variable given the original declaration name.
/// Block scoped extern declarations translate to:
/// const MangledStructName = struct {extern [qualifiers] original_extern_variable_name: [type]};
/// This finds MangledStructName given original_extern_variable_name for referencing correctly in transDeclRefExpr()
pub fn getLocalExternAlias(scope: *Block, name: []const u8) ?[]const u8 {
for (scope.statements.items) |node| {
if (node.tag() == .extern_local_var) {
const parent_node = node.castTag(.extern_local_var).?;
const init_node = parent_node.data.init.castTag(.var_decl).?;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, init_node.data.name, name)) {
return parent_node.data.name;
return null;
pub fn localContains(scope: *Block, name: []const u8) bool {
for (scope.variables.items) |p| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, p.alias, name))
return true;
return false;
pub fn contains(scope: *Block, name: []const u8) bool {
if (scope.localContains(name))
return true;
return scope.base.parent.?.contains(name);
pub fn discardVariable(scope: *Block, c: *ScopeExtraContext, name: []const u8) Error!void {
const name_node = try ast.Node.Tag.identifier.create(c.arena, name);
const discard = try ast.Node.Tag.discard.create(c.arena, .{ .should_skip = false, .value = name_node });
try scope.statements.append(discard);
try scope.variable_discards.putNoClobber(name, discard.castTag(.discard).?);
pub const Root = struct {
base: ScopeExtraScope,
sym_table: SymbolTable,
blank_macros: std.StringArrayHashMap(void),
context: *ScopeExtraContext,
nodes: std.ArrayList(ast.Node),
pub fn init(c: *ScopeExtraContext) Root {
return .{
.base = .{
.id = .root,
.parent = null,
.sym_table = SymbolTable.init(c.gpa),
.blank_macros = std.StringArrayHashMap(void).init(c.gpa),
.context = c,
.nodes = std.ArrayList(ast.Node).init(c.gpa),
pub fn deinit(scope: *Root) void {
/// Check if the global scope contains this name, without looking into the "future", e.g.
/// ignore the preprocessed decl and macro names.
pub fn containsNow(scope: *Root, name: []const u8) bool {
return scope.sym_table.contains(name);
/// Check if the global scope contains the name, includes all decls that haven't been translated yet.
pub fn contains(scope: *Root, name: []const u8) bool {
return scope.containsNow(name) or scope.context.global_names.contains(name) or scope.context.weak_global_names.contains(name);
pub fn findBlockScope(inner: *ScopeExtraScope, c: *ScopeExtraContext) !*Block {
var scope = inner;
while (true) {
switch (scope.id) {
.root => unreachable,
.block => return @fieldParentPtr("base", scope),
.condition => return @as(*Condition, @fieldParentPtr("base", scope)).getBlockScope(c),
else => scope = scope.parent.?,
pub fn findBlockReturnType(inner: *ScopeExtraScope) ScopeExtraType {
var scope = inner;
while (true) {
switch (scope.id) {
.root => unreachable,
.block => {
const block: *Block = @fieldParentPtr("base", scope);
if (block.return_type) |ty| return ty;
scope = scope.parent.?;
else => scope = scope.parent.?,
pub fn getAlias(scope: *ScopeExtraScope, name: []const u8) []const u8 {
return switch (scope.id) {
.root => name,
.block => @as(*Block, @fieldParentPtr("base", scope)).getAlias(name),
.loop, .do_loop, .condition => scope.parent.?.getAlias(name),
pub fn getLocalExternAlias(scope: *ScopeExtraScope, name: []const u8) ?[]const u8 {
return switch (scope.id) {
.root => null,
.block => ret: {
const block = @as(*Block, @fieldParentPtr("base", scope));
break :ret block.getLocalExternAlias(name);
.loop, .do_loop, .condition => scope.parent.?.getLocalExternAlias(name),
pub fn contains(scope: *ScopeExtraScope, name: []const u8) bool {
return switch (scope.id) {
.root => @as(*Root, @fieldParentPtr("base", scope)).contains(name),
.block => @as(*Block, @fieldParentPtr("base", scope)).contains(name),
.loop, .do_loop, .condition => scope.parent.?.contains(name),
pub fn getBreakableScope(inner: *ScopeExtraScope) *ScopeExtraScope {
var scope = inner;
while (true) {
switch (scope.id) {
.root => unreachable,
.loop, .do_loop => return scope,
else => scope = scope.parent.?,
/// Appends a node to the first block scope if inside a function, or to the root tree if not.
pub fn appendNode(inner: *ScopeExtraScope, node: ast.Node) !void {
var scope = inner;
while (true) {
switch (scope.id) {
.root => {
const root: *Root = @fieldParentPtr("base", scope);
return root.nodes.append(node);
.block => {
const block: *Block = @fieldParentPtr("base", scope);
return block.statements.append(node);
else => scope = scope.parent.?,
pub fn skipVariableDiscard(inner: *ScopeExtraScope, name: []const u8) void {
if (true) {
// TODO: due to 'local variable is never mutated' errors, we can
// only skip discards if a variable is used as an lvalue, which
// we don't currently have detection for in translate-c.
// Once #17584 is completed, perhaps we can do away with this
// logic entirely, and instead rely on render to fixup code.
var scope = inner;
while (true) {
switch (scope.id) {
.root => return,
.block => {
const block: *Block = @fieldParentPtr("base", scope);
if (block.variable_discards.get(name)) |discard| {
discard.data.should_skip = true;
else => {},
scope = scope.parent.?;
pub fn tokenizeMacro(source: []const u8, tok_list: *std.ArrayList(CToken)) Error!void {
var tokenizer: aro.Tokenizer = .{
.buf = source,
.source = .unused,
.langopts = .{},
while (true) {
const tok = tokenizer.next();
switch (tok.id) {
.whitespace => continue,
.nl, .eof => {
try tok_list.append(tok);
else => {},
try tok_list.append(tok);
// Testing here instead of test/translate_c.zig allows us to also test that the
// mapped function exists in `std.zig.c_translation.Macros`
test "Macro matching" {
const testing = std.testing;
const helper = struct {
const MacroFunctions = std.zig.c_translation.Macros;
fn checkMacro(allocator: mem.Allocator, pattern_list: PatternList, source: []const u8, comptime expected_match: ?[]const u8) !void {
var tok_list = std.ArrayList(CToken).init(allocator);
defer tok_list.deinit();
try tokenizeMacro(source, &tok_list);
const macro_slicer: MacroSlicer = .{ .source = source, .tokens = tok_list.items };
const matched = try pattern_list.match(allocator, macro_slicer);
if (expected_match) |expected| {
try testing.expectEqualStrings(expected, matched.?.impl);
try testing.expect(@hasDecl(MacroFunctions, expected));
} else {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(@TypeOf(matched), null), matched);
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var pattern_list = try PatternList.init(allocator);
defer pattern_list.deinit(allocator);
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "BAR(Z) (Z ## F)", "F_SUFFIX");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "BAR(Z) (Z ## U)", "U_SUFFIX");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "BAR(Z) (Z ## L)", "L_SUFFIX");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "BAR(Z) (Z ## LL)", "LL_SUFFIX");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "BAR(Z) (Z ## UL)", "UL_SUFFIX");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "BAR(Z) (Z ## ULL)", "ULL_SUFFIX");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list,
\\container_of(a, b, c) \
\\(__typeof__(b))((char *)(a) - \
\\ offsetof(__typeof__(*b), c))
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "NO_MATCH(X, Y) (X + Y)", null);
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "CAST_OR_CALL(X, Y) (X)(Y)", "CAST_OR_CALL");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "CAST_OR_CALL(X, Y) ((X)(Y))", "CAST_OR_CALL");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "IGNORE_ME(X) (void)(X)", "DISCARD");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "IGNORE_ME(X) ((void)(X))", "DISCARD");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "IGNORE_ME(X) (const void)(X)", "DISCARD");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "IGNORE_ME(X) ((const void)(X))", "DISCARD");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "IGNORE_ME(X) (volatile void)(X)", "DISCARD");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "IGNORE_ME(X) ((volatile void)(X))", "DISCARD");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "IGNORE_ME(X) (const volatile void)(X)", "DISCARD");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "IGNORE_ME(X) ((const volatile void)(X))", "DISCARD");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "IGNORE_ME(X) (volatile const void)(X)", "DISCARD");
try helper.checkMacro(allocator, pattern_list, "IGNORE_ME(X) ((volatile const void)(X))", "DISCARD");
/// Renders errors and fatal errors + associated notes (e.g. "expanded from here"); does not render warnings or associated notes
/// Terminates with exit code 1
fn renderErrorsAndExit(comp: *aro.Compilation) noreturn {
defer std.process.exit(1);
var writer = aro.Diagnostics.defaultMsgWriter(std.io.tty.detectConfig(std.io.getStdErr()));
defer writer.deinit(); // writer deinit must run *before* exit so that stderr is flushed
var saw_error = false;
for (comp.diagnostics.list.items) |msg| {
switch (msg.kind) {
.@"error", .@"fatal error" => {
saw_error = true;
aro.Diagnostics.renderMessage(comp, &writer, msg);
.warning => saw_error = false,
.note => {
if (saw_error) {
aro.Diagnostics.renderMessage(comp, &writer, msg);
.off => {},
.default => unreachable,
pub fn main() !void {
var arena_instance = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena_instance.deinit();
const arena = arena_instance.allocator();
var general_purpose_allocator: std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}) = .{};
const gpa = general_purpose_allocator.allocator();
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(arena);
var aro_comp = aro.Compilation.init(gpa);
defer aro_comp.deinit();
var tree = translate(gpa, &aro_comp, args) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.ParsingFailed, error.FatalError => renderErrorsAndExit(&aro_comp),
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
error.StreamTooLong => std.zig.fatal("An input file was larger than 4GiB", .{}),
defer tree.deinit(gpa);
const formatted = try tree.render(arena);
try std.io.getStdOut().writeAll(formatted);
return std.process.cleanExit();