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synced 2025-02-02 12:11:56 +00:00
It is now composed of these main sections: * Declarations that are shared among all operating systems. * Declarations that have the same name, but different type signatures depending on the operating system. Often multiple operating systems share the same type signatures however. * Declarations that are specific to a single operating system. - These are imported one per line so you can see where they come from, protected by a comptime block to prevent accessing the wrong one. Closes #19352 by changing the convention to making types `void` and functions `{}`, so that it becomes possible to update `@hasDecl` sites to use `@TypeOf(f) != void` or `T != void`. Happily, this ended up removing some duplicate logic and update some bitrotted feature detection checks. A handful of types have been modified to gain namespacing and type safety. This is a breaking change. Oh, and the last usage of `usingnamespace` site is eliminated.
274 lines
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274 lines
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//! This file contains thin wrappers around OS-specific APIs, with these
//! specific goals in mind:
//! * Convert "errno"-style error codes into Zig errors.
//! * When null-terminated byte buffers are required, provide APIs which accept
//! slices as well as APIs which accept null-terminated byte buffers. Same goes
//! for WTF-16LE encoding.
//! * Where operating systems share APIs, e.g. POSIX, these thin wrappers provide
//! cross platform abstracting.
//! * When there exists a corresponding libc function and linking libc, the libc
//! implementation is used. Exceptions are made for known buggy areas of libc.
//! On Linux libc can be side-stepped by using `std.os.linux` directly.
//! * For Windows, this file represents the API that libc would provide for
//! Windows. For thin wrappers around Windows-specific APIs, see `std.os.windows`.
const root = @import("root");
const std = @import("std.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const math = std.math;
const mem = std.mem;
const elf = std.elf;
const fs = std.fs;
const dl = @import("dynamic_library.zig");
const max_path_bytes = std.fs.max_path_bytes;
const posix = std.posix;
const native_os = builtin.os.tag;
pub const linux = @import("os/linux.zig");
pub const plan9 = @import("os/plan9.zig");
pub const uefi = @import("os/uefi.zig");
pub const wasi = @import("os/wasi.zig");
pub const emscripten = @import("os/emscripten.zig");
pub const windows = @import("os/windows.zig");
test {
_ = linux;
if (native_os == .uefi) {
_ = uefi;
_ = wasi;
_ = windows;
/// See also `getenv`. Populated by startup code before main().
/// TODO this is a footgun because the value will be undefined when using `zig build-lib`.
/// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4524
pub var environ: [][*:0]u8 = undefined;
/// Populated by startup code before main().
/// Not available on WASI or Windows without libc. See `std.process.argsAlloc`
/// or `std.process.argsWithAllocator` for a cross-platform alternative.
pub var argv: [][*:0]u8 = if (builtin.link_libc) undefined else switch (native_os) {
.windows => @compileError("argv isn't supported on Windows: use std.process.argsAlloc instead"),
.wasi => @compileError("argv isn't supported on WASI: use std.process.argsAlloc instead"),
else => undefined,
/// Call from Windows-specific code if you already have a WTF-16LE encoded, null terminated string.
/// Otherwise use `access` or `accessZ`.
pub fn accessW(path: [*:0]const u16) windows.GetFileAttributesError!void {
const ret = try windows.GetFileAttributesW(path);
if (ret != windows.INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
switch (windows.GetLastError()) {
.FILE_NOT_FOUND => return error.FileNotFound,
.PATH_NOT_FOUND => return error.FileNotFound,
.ACCESS_DENIED => return error.PermissionDenied,
else => |err| return windows.unexpectedError(err),
pub fn isGetFdPathSupportedOnTarget(os: std.Target.Os) bool {
return switch (os.tag) {
=> true,
.dragonfly => os.version_range.semver.max.order(.{ .major = 6, .minor = 0, .patch = 0 }) != .lt,
.netbsd => os.version_range.semver.max.order(.{ .major = 10, .minor = 0, .patch = 0 }) != .lt,
else => false,
/// Return canonical path of handle `fd`.
/// This function is very host-specific and is not universally supported by all hosts.
/// For example, while it generally works on Linux, macOS, FreeBSD or Windows, it is
/// unsupported on WASI.
/// * On Windows, the result is encoded as [WTF-8](https://simonsapin.github.io/wtf-8/).
/// * On other platforms, the result is an opaque sequence of bytes with no particular encoding.
/// Calling this function is usually a bug.
pub fn getFdPath(fd: std.posix.fd_t, out_buffer: *[max_path_bytes]u8) std.posix.RealPathError![]u8 {
if (!comptime isGetFdPathSupportedOnTarget(builtin.os)) {
@compileError("querying for canonical path of a handle is unsupported on this host");
switch (native_os) {
.windows => {
var wide_buf: [windows.PATH_MAX_WIDE]u16 = undefined;
const wide_slice = try windows.GetFinalPathNameByHandle(fd, .{}, wide_buf[0..]);
const end_index = std.unicode.wtf16LeToWtf8(out_buffer, wide_slice);
return out_buffer[0..end_index];
.macos, .ios, .watchos, .tvos, .visionos => {
// On macOS, we can use F.GETPATH fcntl command to query the OS for
// the path to the file descriptor.
@memset(out_buffer[0..max_path_bytes], 0);
switch (posix.errno(posix.system.fcntl(fd, posix.F.GETPATH, out_buffer))) {
.SUCCESS => {},
.BADF => return error.FileNotFound,
.NOSPC => return error.NameTooLong,
// TODO man pages for fcntl on macOS don't really tell you what
// errno values to expect when command is F.GETPATH...
else => |err| return posix.unexpectedErrno(err),
const len = mem.indexOfScalar(u8, out_buffer[0..], 0) orelse max_path_bytes;
return out_buffer[0..len];
.linux => {
var procfs_buf: ["/proc/self/fd/-2147483648\x00".len]u8 = undefined;
const proc_path = std.fmt.bufPrintZ(procfs_buf[0..], "/proc/self/fd/{d}", .{fd}) catch unreachable;
const target = posix.readlinkZ(proc_path, out_buffer) catch |err| {
switch (err) {
error.NotLink => unreachable,
error.BadPathName => unreachable,
error.InvalidUtf8 => unreachable, // WASI-only
error.InvalidWtf8 => unreachable, // Windows-only
error.UnsupportedReparsePointType => unreachable, // Windows-only
error.NetworkNotFound => unreachable, // Windows-only
else => |e| return e,
return target;
.solaris, .illumos => {
var procfs_buf: ["/proc/self/path/-2147483648\x00".len]u8 = undefined;
const proc_path = std.fmt.bufPrintZ(procfs_buf[0..], "/proc/self/path/{d}", .{fd}) catch unreachable;
const target = posix.readlinkZ(proc_path, out_buffer) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.UnsupportedReparsePointType => unreachable,
error.NotLink => unreachable,
error.InvalidUtf8 => unreachable, // WASI-only
else => |e| return e,
return target;
.freebsd => {
if (comptime builtin.os.isAtLeast(.freebsd, .{ .major = 13, .minor = 0, .patch = 0 }) orelse false) {
var kfile: std.c.kinfo_file = undefined;
kfile.structsize = std.c.KINFO_FILE_SIZE;
switch (posix.errno(std.c.fcntl(fd, std.c.F.KINFO, @intFromPtr(&kfile)))) {
.SUCCESS => {},
.BADF => return error.FileNotFound,
else => |err| return posix.unexpectedErrno(err),
const len = mem.indexOfScalar(u8, &kfile.path, 0) orelse max_path_bytes;
if (len == 0) return error.NameTooLong;
const result = out_buffer[0..len];
@memcpy(result, kfile.path[0..len]);
return result;
} else {
// This fallback implementation reimplements libutil's `kinfo_getfile()`.
// The motivation is to avoid linking -lutil when building zig or general
// user executables.
var mib = [4]c_int{ posix.CTL.KERN, posix.KERN.PROC, posix.KERN.PROC_FILEDESC, std.c.getpid() };
var len: usize = undefined;
posix.sysctl(&mib, null, &len, null, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.PermissionDenied => unreachable,
error.SystemResources => return error.SystemResources,
error.NameTooLong => unreachable,
error.UnknownName => unreachable,
else => return error.Unexpected,
len = len * 4 / 3;
const buf = std.heap.c_allocator.alloc(u8, len) catch return error.SystemResources;
defer std.heap.c_allocator.free(buf);
len = buf.len;
posix.sysctl(&mib, &buf[0], &len, null, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.PermissionDenied => unreachable,
error.SystemResources => return error.SystemResources,
error.NameTooLong => unreachable,
error.UnknownName => unreachable,
else => return error.Unexpected,
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < len) {
const kf: *align(1) std.c.kinfo_file = @ptrCast(&buf[i]);
if (kf.fd == fd) {
len = mem.indexOfScalar(u8, &kf.path, 0) orelse max_path_bytes;
if (len == 0) return error.NameTooLong;
const result = out_buffer[0..len];
@memcpy(result, kf.path[0..len]);
return result;
i += @intCast(kf.structsize);
return error.FileNotFound;
.dragonfly => {
@memset(out_buffer[0..max_path_bytes], 0);
switch (posix.errno(std.c.fcntl(fd, posix.F.GETPATH, out_buffer))) {
.SUCCESS => {},
.BADF => return error.FileNotFound,
.RANGE => return error.NameTooLong,
else => |err| return posix.unexpectedErrno(err),
const len = mem.indexOfScalar(u8, out_buffer[0..], 0) orelse max_path_bytes;
return out_buffer[0..len];
.netbsd => {
@memset(out_buffer[0..max_path_bytes], 0);
switch (posix.errno(std.c.fcntl(fd, posix.F.GETPATH, out_buffer))) {
.SUCCESS => {},
.ACCES => return error.AccessDenied,
.BADF => return error.FileNotFound,
.NOENT => return error.FileNotFound,
.NOMEM => return error.SystemResources,
.RANGE => return error.NameTooLong,
else => |err| return posix.unexpectedErrno(err),
const len = mem.indexOfScalar(u8, out_buffer[0..], 0) orelse max_path_bytes;
return out_buffer[0..len];
else => unreachable, // made unreachable by isGetFdPathSupportedOnTarget above
/// WASI-only. Same as `fstatat` but targeting WASI.
/// `pathname` should be encoded as valid UTF-8.
/// See also `fstatat`.
pub fn fstatat_wasi(dirfd: posix.fd_t, pathname: []const u8, flags: wasi.lookupflags_t) posix.FStatAtError!wasi.filestat_t {
var stat: wasi.filestat_t = undefined;
switch (wasi.path_filestat_get(dirfd, flags, pathname.ptr, pathname.len, &stat)) {
.SUCCESS => return stat,
.INVAL => unreachable,
.BADF => unreachable, // Always a race condition.
.NOMEM => return error.SystemResources,
.ACCES => return error.AccessDenied,
.FAULT => unreachable,
.NAMETOOLONG => return error.NameTooLong,
.NOENT => return error.FileNotFound,
.NOTDIR => return error.FileNotFound,
.NOTCAPABLE => return error.AccessDenied,
.ILSEQ => return error.InvalidUtf8,
else => |err| return posix.unexpectedErrno(err),
pub fn fstat_wasi(fd: posix.fd_t) posix.FStatError!wasi.filestat_t {
var stat: wasi.filestat_t = undefined;
switch (wasi.fd_filestat_get(fd, &stat)) {
.SUCCESS => return stat,
.INVAL => unreachable,
.BADF => unreachable, // Always a race condition.
.NOMEM => return error.SystemResources,
.ACCES => return error.AccessDenied,
.NOTCAPABLE => return error.AccessDenied,
else => |err| return posix.unexpectedErrno(err),