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synced 2025-02-10 22:50:18 +00:00
602 lines
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602 lines
20 KiB
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Compilation = @import("Compilation.zig");
const Interner = @import("Interner.zig");
const StringId = @import("StringInterner.zig").StringId;
const Value = @import("Value.zig");
const Ir = @This();
pool: Interner,
strings: []const u8,
// decls: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(Decl),
// pub const Decl = struct {
instructions: std.MultiArrayList(Inst),
body: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Ref),
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State,
// };
pub const Builder = struct {
gpa: Allocator,
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
instructions: std.MultiArrayList(Ir.Inst) = .{},
body: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Ref) = .{},
alloc_count: u32 = 0,
arg_count: u32 = 0,
pool: Interner = .{},
current_label: Ref = undefined,
pub fn deinit(b: *Builder) void {
b.* = undefined;
pub fn startFn(b: *Builder) Allocator.Error!void {
b.alloc_count = 0;
b.arg_count = 0;
b.instructions.len = 0;
b.body.items.len = 0;
const entry = try b.makeLabel("entry");
try b.body.append(b.gpa, entry);
b.current_label = entry;
pub fn startBlock(b: *Builder, label: Ref) !void {
try b.body.append(b.gpa, label);
b.current_label = label;
pub fn addArg(b: *Builder, ty: Interner.Ref) Allocator.Error!Ref {
const ref: Ref = @enumFromInt(b.instructions.len);
try b.instructions.append(b.gpa, .{ .tag = .arg, .data = .{ .none = {} }, .ty = ty });
try b.body.insert(b.gpa, b.arg_count, ref);
b.arg_count += 1;
return ref;
pub fn addAlloc(b: *Builder, size: u32, @"align": u32) Allocator.Error!Ref {
const ref: Ref = @enumFromInt(b.instructions.len);
try b.instructions.append(b.gpa, .{
.tag = .alloc,
.data = .{ .alloc = .{ .size = size, .@"align" = @"align" } },
.ty = .ptr,
try b.body.insert(b.gpa, b.alloc_count + b.arg_count + 1, ref);
b.alloc_count += 1;
return ref;
pub fn addInst(b: *Builder, tag: Ir.Inst.Tag, data: Ir.Inst.Data, ty: Interner.Ref) Allocator.Error!Ref {
const ref: Ref = @enumFromInt(b.instructions.len);
try b.instructions.append(b.gpa, .{ .tag = tag, .data = data, .ty = ty });
try b.body.append(b.gpa, ref);
return ref;
pub fn makeLabel(b: *Builder, name: [*:0]const u8) Allocator.Error!Ref {
const ref: Ref = @enumFromInt(b.instructions.len);
try b.instructions.append(b.gpa, .{ .tag = .label, .data = .{ .label = name }, .ty = .void });
return ref;
pub fn addJump(b: *Builder, label: Ref) Allocator.Error!void {
_ = try b.addInst(.jmp, .{ .un = label }, .noreturn);
pub fn addBranch(b: *Builder, cond: Ref, true_label: Ref, false_label: Ref) Allocator.Error!void {
const branch = try b.arena.allocator().create(Ir.Inst.Branch);
branch.* = .{
.cond = cond,
.then = true_label,
.@"else" = false_label,
_ = try b.addInst(.branch, .{ .branch = branch }, .noreturn);
pub fn addSwitch(b: *Builder, target: Ref, values: []Interner.Ref, labels: []Ref, default: Ref) Allocator.Error!void {
assert(values.len == labels.len);
const a = b.arena.allocator();
const @"switch" = try a.create(Ir.Inst.Switch);
@"switch".* = .{
.target = target,
.cases_len = @intCast(values.len),
.case_vals = (try a.dupe(Interner.Ref, values)).ptr,
.case_labels = (try a.dupe(Ref, labels)).ptr,
.default = default,
_ = try b.addInst(.@"switch", .{ .@"switch" = @"switch" }, .noreturn);
pub fn addStore(b: *Builder, ptr: Ref, val: Ref) Allocator.Error!void {
_ = try b.addInst(.store, .{ .bin = .{ .lhs = ptr, .rhs = val } }, .void);
pub fn addConstant(b: *Builder, val: Value, ty: Interner.Ref) Allocator.Error!Ref {
const ref: Ref = @enumFromInt(b.instructions.len);
const key: Interner.Key = .{
.value = val,
const val_ref = try b.pool.put(b.gpa, key);
try b.instructions.append(b.gpa, .{ .tag = .constant, .data = .{
.constant = val_ref,
}, .ty = ty });
return ref;
pub fn addPhi(b: *Builder, inputs: []const Inst.Phi.Input, ty: Interner.Ref) Allocator.Error!Ref {
const a = b.arena.allocator();
const input_refs = try a.alloc(Ref, inputs.len * 2 + 1);
input_refs[0] = @enumFromInt(inputs.len);
std.mem.copy(Ref, input_refs[1..], std.mem.bytesAsSlice(Ref, std.mem.sliceAsBytes(inputs)));
return b.addInst(.phi, .{ .phi = .{ .ptr = input_refs.ptr } }, ty);
pub fn addSelect(b: *Builder, cond: Ref, then: Ref, @"else": Ref, ty: Interner.Ref) Allocator.Error!Ref {
const branch = try b.arena.allocator().create(Ir.Inst.Branch);
branch.* = .{
.cond = cond,
.then = then,
.@"else" = @"else",
return b.addInst(.select, .{ .branch = branch }, ty);
pub const Ref = enum(u32) { none = std.math.maxInt(u32), _ };
pub const Inst = struct {
tag: Tag,
data: Data,
ty: Interner.Ref,
pub const Tag = enum {
// data.constant
// not included in blocks
// data.arg
// not included in blocks
// data.label
// data.block
// data.switch
// data.branch
// data.un
// data.call
// data.alloc
// data.phi
// data.bin
// data.un
pub const Data = union {
constant: Interner.Ref,
none: void,
bin: struct {
lhs: Ref,
rhs: Ref,
un: Ref,
arg: u32,
alloc: struct {
size: u32,
@"align": u32,
@"switch": *Switch,
call: *Call,
label: [*:0]const u8,
branch: *Branch,
phi: Phi,
pub const Branch = struct {
cond: Ref,
then: Ref,
@"else": Ref,
pub const Switch = struct {
target: Ref,
cases_len: u32,
default: Ref,
case_vals: [*]Interner.Ref,
case_labels: [*]Ref,
pub const Call = struct {
func: Ref,
args_len: u32,
args_ptr: [*]Ref,
pub fn args(c: Call) []Ref {
return c.args_ptr[0..c.args_len];
pub const Phi = struct {
ptr: [*]Ir.Ref,
pub const Input = struct {
label: Ir.Ref,
value: Ir.Ref,
pub fn inputs(p: Phi) []Input {
const len = @intFromEnum(p.ptr[0]) * 2;
const slice = (p.ptr + 1)[0..len];
return std.mem.bytesAsSlice(Input, std.mem.sliceAsBytes(slice));
pub fn deinit(ir: *Ir, gpa: std.mem.Allocator) void {
ir.* = undefined;
const util = @import("util.zig");
const TYPE = util.Color.purple;
const INST = util.Color.cyan;
const REF = util.Color.blue;
const LITERAL = util.Color.green;
const ATTRIBUTE = util.Color.yellow;
const RefMap = std.AutoArrayHashMap(Ref, void);
pub fn dump(ir: Ir, gpa: Allocator, name: []const u8, color: bool, w: anytype) !void {
const tags = ir.instructions.items(.tag);
const data = ir.instructions.items(.data);
var ref_map = RefMap.init(gpa);
defer ref_map.deinit();
var label_map = RefMap.init(gpa);
defer label_map.deinit();
const ret_inst = ir.body.items[ir.body.items.len - 1];
const ret_operand = data[@intFromEnum(ret_inst)].un;
const ret_ty = ir.instructions.items(.ty)[@intFromEnum(ret_operand)];
try ir.writeType(ret_ty, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(REF, w);
try w.print(" @{s}", .{name});
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll("(");
var arg_count: u32 = 0;
while (true) : (arg_count += 1) {
const ref = ir.body.items[arg_count];
if (tags[@intFromEnum(ref)] != .arg) break;
if (arg_count != 0) try w.writeAll(", ");
try ref_map.put(ref, {});
try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, ref, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll(") {\n");
for (ir.body.items[arg_count..]) |ref| {
switch (tags[@intFromEnum(ref)]) {
.label => try label_map.put(ref, {}),
else => {},
for (ir.body.items[arg_count..]) |ref| {
const i = @intFromEnum(ref);
const tag = tags[i];
switch (tag) {
.arg, .constant, .symbol => unreachable,
.label => {
const label_index = label_map.getIndex(ref).?;
if (color) util.setColor(REF, w);
try w.print("{s}.{d}:\n", .{ data[i].label, label_index });
// .label_val => {
// const un = data[i].un;
// try w.print(" %{d} = label.{d}\n", .{ i, @intFromEnum(un) });
// },
.jmp => {
const un = data[i].un;
if (color) util.setColor(INST, w);
try w.writeAll(" jmp ");
try ir.writeLabel(&label_map, un, color, w);
try w.writeByte('\n');
.branch => {
const br = data[i].branch;
if (color) util.setColor(INST, w);
try w.writeAll(" branch ");
try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, br.cond, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll(", ");
try ir.writeLabel(&label_map, br.then, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll(", ");
try ir.writeLabel(&label_map, br.@"else", color, w);
try w.writeByte('\n');
.select => {
const br = data[i].branch;
try ir.writeNewRef(&ref_map, ref, color, w);
try w.writeAll("select ");
try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, br.cond, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll(", ");
try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, br.then, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll(", ");
try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, br.@"else", color, w);
try w.writeByte('\n');
// .jmp_val => {
// const bin = data[i].bin;
// try w.print(" %{s} %{d} label.{d}\n", .{ @tagName(tag), @intFromEnum(bin.lhs), @intFromEnum(bin.rhs) });
// },
.@"switch" => {
const @"switch" = data[i].@"switch";
if (color) util.setColor(INST, w);
try w.writeAll(" switch ");
try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, @"switch".target, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll(" {");
for (@"switch".case_vals[0..@"switch".cases_len], @"switch".case_labels) |val_ref, label_ref| {
try w.writeAll("\n ");
try ir.writeValue(val_ref, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll(" => ");
try ir.writeLabel(&label_map, label_ref, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
if (color) util.setColor(LITERAL, w);
try w.writeAll("\n default ");
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll("=> ");
try ir.writeLabel(&label_map, @"switch".default, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll("\n }\n");
.call => {
const call = data[i].call;
try ir.writeNewRef(&ref_map, ref, color, w);
try w.writeAll("call ");
try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, call.func, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll("(");
for (call.args(), 0..) |arg, arg_i| {
if (arg_i != 0) try w.writeAll(", ");
try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, arg, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll(")\n");
.alloc => {
const alloc = data[i].alloc;
try ir.writeNewRef(&ref_map, ref, color, w);
try w.writeAll("alloc ");
if (color) util.setColor(ATTRIBUTE, w);
try w.writeAll("size ");
if (color) util.setColor(LITERAL, w);
try w.print("{d}", .{alloc.size});
if (color) util.setColor(ATTRIBUTE, w);
try w.writeAll(" align ");
if (color) util.setColor(LITERAL, w);
try w.print("{d}", .{alloc.@"align"});
try w.writeByte('\n');
.phi => {
try ir.writeNewRef(&ref_map, ref, color, w);
try w.writeAll("phi");
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll(" {");
for (data[i].phi.inputs()) |input| {
try w.writeAll("\n ");
try ir.writeLabel(&label_map, input.label, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll(" => ");
try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, input.value, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll("\n }\n");
.store => {
const bin = data[i].bin;
if (color) util.setColor(INST, w);
try w.writeAll(" store ");
try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, bin.lhs, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll(", ");
try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, bin.rhs, color, w);
try w.writeByte('\n');
.ret => {
if (color) util.setColor(INST, w);
try w.writeAll(" ret ");
if (data[i].un != .none) try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, data[i].un, color, w);
try w.writeByte('\n');
.load => {
try ir.writeNewRef(&ref_map, ref, color, w);
try w.writeAll("load ");
try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, data[i].un, color, w);
try w.writeByte('\n');
=> {
const bin = data[i].bin;
try ir.writeNewRef(&ref_map, ref, color, w);
try w.print("{s} ", .{@tagName(tag)});
try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, bin.lhs, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll(", ");
try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, bin.rhs, color, w);
try w.writeByte('\n');
=> {
const un = data[i].un;
try ir.writeNewRef(&ref_map, ref, color, w);
try w.print("{s} ", .{@tagName(tag)});
try ir.writeRef(&ref_map, un, color, w);
try w.writeByte('\n');
.label_addr, .jmp_val => {},
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll("}\n\n");
fn writeType(ir: Ir, ty_ref: Interner.Ref, color: bool, w: anytype) !void {
const ty = ir.pool.get(ty_ref);
if (color) util.setColor(TYPE, w);
switch (ty) {
.value => unreachable,
.ptr, .noreturn, .void, .func => try w.writeAll(@tagName(ty)),
.int => |bits| try w.print("i{d}", .{bits}),
.float => |bits| try w.print("f{d}", .{bits}),
.array => |info| {
try w.print("[{d} * ", .{info.len});
try ir.writeType(info.child, false, w);
try w.writeByte(']');
.vector => |info| {
try w.print("<{d} * ", .{info.len});
try ir.writeType(info.child, false, w);
try w.writeByte('>');
.record => |info| {
// TODO collect into buffer and only print once
try w.writeAll("{ ");
for (info.elements, 0..) |elem, i| {
if (i != 0) try w.writeAll(", ");
try ir.writeType(elem, color, w);
try w.writeAll(" }");
fn writeValue(ir: Ir, val_ref: Interner.Ref, color: bool, w: anytype) !void {
const v = ir.pool.get(val_ref).value;
if (color) util.setColor(LITERAL, w);
switch (v.tag) {
.unavailable => try w.writeAll(" unavailable"),
.int => try w.print("{d}", .{v.data.int}),
.bytes => try w.print("\"{s}\"", .{v.data.bytes.slice(ir.strings)}),
// std.fmt does @as instead of @floatCast
.float => try w.print("{d}", .{@as(f64, @floatCast(v.data.float))}),
else => try w.print("({s})", .{@tagName(v.tag)}),
fn writeRef(ir: Ir, ref_map: *RefMap, ref: Ref, color: bool, w: anytype) !void {
assert(ref != .none);
const index = @intFromEnum(ref);
const ty_ref = ir.instructions.items(.ty)[index];
if (ir.instructions.items(.tag)[index] == .constant) {
try ir.writeType(ty_ref, color, w);
const v_ref = ir.instructions.items(.data)[index].constant;
try w.writeByte(' ');
try ir.writeValue(v_ref, color, w);
} else if (ir.instructions.items(.tag)[index] == .symbol) {
const name = ir.instructions.items(.data)[index].label;
try ir.writeType(ty_ref, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(REF, w);
try w.print(" @{s}", .{name});
try ir.writeType(ty_ref, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(REF, w);
const ref_index = ref_map.getIndex(ref).?;
try w.print(" %{d}", .{ref_index});
fn writeNewRef(ir: Ir, ref_map: *RefMap, ref: Ref, color: bool, w: anytype) !void {
try ref_map.put(ref, {});
try w.writeAll(" ");
try ir.writeRef(ref_map, ref, color, w);
if (color) util.setColor(.reset, w);
try w.writeAll(" = ");
if (color) util.setColor(INST, w);
fn writeLabel(ir: Ir, label_map: *RefMap, ref: Ref, color: bool, w: anytype) !void {
assert(ref != .none);
const index = @intFromEnum(ref);
const label = ir.instructions.items(.data)[index].label;
if (color) util.setColor(REF, w);
const label_index = label_map.getIndex(ref).?;
try w.print("{s}.{d}", .{ label, label_index });