Andrew Kelley 3ed0741718 glibc: clean up build logic
also use the common naming convention for glibc versions ("2.33" rather
than "2-33").

I also verified that these files are exactly identical to the previous
files from before zig updated to glibc 2.34.
2022-01-14 12:39:06 -07:00

1125 lines
45 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const mem = std.mem;
const log = std.log;
const fs = std.fs;
const path = fs.path;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Version = std.builtin.Version;
const target_util = @import("target.zig");
const Compilation = @import("Compilation.zig");
const build_options = @import("build_options");
const trace = @import("tracy.zig").trace;
const Cache = @import("Cache.zig");
const Package = @import("Package.zig");
pub const Lib = struct {
name: []const u8,
sover: u8,
pub const ABI = struct {
all_versions: []const Version,
all_targets: []const target_util.ArchOsAbi,
/// The bytes from the file verbatim, starting from the u16 number
/// of function inclusions.
inclusions: []const u8,
arena_state: std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State,
pub fn destroy(abi: *ABI, gpa: Allocator) void {
// The order of the elements in this array defines the linking order.
pub const libs = [_]Lib{
.{ .name = "m", .sover = 6 },
.{ .name = "pthread", .sover = 0 },
.{ .name = "c", .sover = 6 },
.{ .name = "dl", .sover = 2 },
.{ .name = "rt", .sover = 1 },
.{ .name = "ld", .sover = 2 },
.{ .name = "util", .sover = 1 },
pub const LoadMetaDataError = error{
/// The files that ship with the Zig compiler were unable to be read, or otherwise had malformed data.
/// This function will emit a log error when there is a problem with the zig
/// installation and then return `error.ZigInstallationCorrupt`.
pub fn loadMetaData(gpa: Allocator, zig_lib_dir: fs.Dir) LoadMetaDataError!*ABI {
const tracy = trace(@src());
defer tracy.end();
var arena_allocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(gpa);
errdefer arena_allocator.deinit();
const arena = arena_allocator.allocator();
var glibc_dir = zig_lib_dir.openDir("libc" ++ path.sep_str ++ "glibc", .{}) catch |err| {
log.err("unable to open glibc dir: {s}", .{@errorName(err)});
return error.ZigInstallationCorrupt;
defer glibc_dir.close();
const max_size = 500 * 1024; // Bigger than this and something is definitely borked.
const contents = glibc_dir.readFileAlloc(arena, "abilists", max_size) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
else => {
log.err("unable to read libc" ++ path.sep_str ++ "glibc" ++ path.sep_str ++
"abilists: {s}", .{@errorName(err)});
return error.ZigInstallationCorrupt;
var index: usize = 0;
const libs_len = contents[index];
index += 1;
var i: u8 = 0;
while (i < libs_len) : (i += 1) {
const lib_name = mem.sliceTo(contents[index..], 0);
index += lib_name.len + 1;
if (i >= libs.len or !mem.eql(u8, libs[i].name, lib_name)) {
log.err("libc" ++ path.sep_str ++ "glibc" ++ path.sep_str ++
"abilists: invalid library name or index ({d}): '{s}'", .{ i, lib_name });
return error.ZigInstallationCorrupt;
const versions = b: {
const versions_len = contents[index];
index += 1;
const versions = try arena.alloc(Version, versions_len);
var i: u8 = 0;
while (i < versions.len) : (i += 1) {
versions[i] = .{
.major = contents[index + 0],
.minor = contents[index + 1],
.patch = contents[index + 2],
index += 3;
break :b versions;
const targets = b: {
const targets_len = contents[index];
index += 1;
const targets = try arena.alloc(target_util.ArchOsAbi, targets_len);
var i: u8 = 0;
while (i < targets.len) : (i += 1) {
const target_name = mem.sliceTo(contents[index..], 0);
index += target_name.len + 1;
var component_it = mem.tokenize(u8, target_name, "-");
const arch_name = component_it.next() orelse {
log.err("abilists: expected arch name", .{});
return error.ZigInstallationCorrupt;
const os_name = component_it.next() orelse {
log.err("abilists: expected OS name", .{});
return error.ZigInstallationCorrupt;
const abi_name = component_it.next() orelse {
log.err("abilists: expected ABI name", .{});
return error.ZigInstallationCorrupt;
const arch_tag = std.meta.stringToEnum(std.Target.Cpu.Arch, arch_name) orelse {
log.err("abilists: unrecognized arch: '{s}'", .{arch_name});
return error.ZigInstallationCorrupt;
if (!mem.eql(u8, os_name, "linux")) {
log.err("abilists: expected OS 'linux', found '{s}'", .{os_name});
return error.ZigInstallationCorrupt;
const abi_tag = std.meta.stringToEnum(std.Target.Abi, abi_name) orelse {
log.err("abilists: unrecognized ABI: '{s}'", .{abi_name});
return error.ZigInstallationCorrupt;
targets[i] = .{
.arch = arch_tag,
.os = .linux,
.abi = abi_tag,
break :b targets;
const abi = try arena.create(ABI);
abi.* = .{
.all_versions = versions,
.all_targets = targets,
.inclusions = contents[index..],
.arena_state = arena_allocator.state,
return abi;
pub const CRTFile = enum {
pub fn buildCRTFile(comp: *Compilation, crt_file: CRTFile) !void {
if (!build_options.have_llvm) {
return error.ZigCompilerNotBuiltWithLLVMExtensions;
const gpa = comp.gpa;
var arena_allocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(gpa);
defer arena_allocator.deinit();
const arena = arena_allocator.allocator();
const target = comp.getTarget();
const target_ver = target.os.version_range.linux.glibc;
const start_old_init_fini = target_ver.order(.{ .major = 2, .minor = 33 }) != .gt;
switch (crt_file) {
.crti_o => {
var args = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(arena);
try add_include_dirs(comp, arena, &args);
try args.appendSlice(&[_][]const u8{
try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "include" ++ path.sep_str ++ "libc-modules.h"),
try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "include" ++ path.sep_str ++ "libc-symbols.h"),
return comp.build_crt_file("crti", .Obj, &[1]Compilation.CSourceFile{
.src_path = try start_asm_path(comp, arena, "crti.S"),
.extra_flags = args.items,
.crtn_o => {
var args = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(arena);
try add_include_dirs(comp, arena, &args);
try args.appendSlice(&[_][]const u8{
try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "include" ++ path.sep_str ++ "libc-symbols.h"),
return comp.build_crt_file("crtn", .Obj, &[1]Compilation.CSourceFile{
.src_path = try start_asm_path(comp, arena, "crtn.S"),
.extra_flags = args.items,
.scrt1_o => {
const start_o: Compilation.CSourceFile = blk: {
var args = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(arena);
try add_include_dirs(comp, arena, &args);
try args.appendSlice(&[_][]const u8{
try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "include" ++ path.sep_str ++ "libc-modules.h"),
try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "include" ++ path.sep_str ++ "libc-symbols.h"),
const src_path = if (start_old_init_fini) "start-2.33.S" else "start.S";
break :blk .{
.src_path = try start_asm_path(comp, arena, src_path),
.extra_flags = args.items,
const abi_note_o: Compilation.CSourceFile = blk: {
var args = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(arena);
try args.appendSlice(&[_][]const u8{
try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "csu"),
try add_include_dirs(comp, arena, &args);
try args.appendSlice(&[_][]const u8{
break :blk .{
.src_path = try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "csu" ++ path.sep_str ++ "abi-note.S"),
.extra_flags = args.items,
return comp.build_crt_file("Scrt1", .Obj, &[_]Compilation.CSourceFile{ start_o, abi_note_o });
.libc_nonshared_a => {
const s = path.sep_str;
const linux_prefix = lib_libc_glibc ++
"sysdeps" ++ s ++ "unix" ++ s ++ "sysv" ++ s ++ "linux" ++ s;
const Flavor = enum { nonshared, shared };
const Dep = struct {
path: []const u8,
flavor: Flavor = .shared,
exclude: bool = false,
const deps = [_]Dep{
.path = lib_libc_glibc ++ "stdlib" ++ s ++ "atexit.c",
.flavor = .nonshared,
.path = lib_libc_glibc ++ "stdlib" ++ s ++ "at_quick_exit.c",
.flavor = .nonshared,
.path = lib_libc_glibc ++ "sysdeps" ++ s ++ "pthread" ++ s ++ "pthread_atfork.c",
.flavor = .nonshared,
.path = lib_libc_glibc ++ "debug" ++ s ++ "stack_chk_fail_local.c",
.flavor = .nonshared,
.{ .path = lib_libc_glibc ++ "csu" ++ s ++ "errno.c" },
.path = lib_libc_glibc ++ "csu" ++ s ++ "elf-init-2.33.c",
.exclude = !start_old_init_fini,
.{ .path = linux_prefix ++ "stat.c" },
.{ .path = linux_prefix ++ "fstat.c" },
.{ .path = linux_prefix ++ "lstat.c" },
.{ .path = linux_prefix ++ "stat64.c" },
.{ .path = linux_prefix ++ "fstat64.c" },
.{ .path = linux_prefix ++ "lstat64.c" },
.{ .path = linux_prefix ++ "fstatat.c" },
.{ .path = linux_prefix ++ "fstatat64.c" },
.{ .path = linux_prefix ++ "mknodat.c" },
.{ .path = lib_libc_glibc ++ "io" ++ s ++ "mknod.c" },
.{ .path = linux_prefix ++ "stat_t64_cp.c" },
var files_buf: [deps.len]Compilation.CSourceFile = undefined;
var files_index: usize = 0;
for (deps) |dep| {
if (dep.exclude) continue;
var args = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(arena);
try args.appendSlice(&[_][]const u8{
// glibc sets this flag but clang does not support it.
// "-frounding-math",
try add_include_dirs(comp, arena, &args);
if (target.cpu.arch == .i386) {
// This prevents i386/sysdep.h from trying to do some
// silly and unnecessary inline asm hack that uses weird
// syntax that clang does not support.
try args.append("-DCAN_USE_REGISTER_ASM_EBP");
const shared_def = switch (dep.flavor) {
.nonshared => "-DLIBC_NONSHARED=1",
// glibc passes `-DSHARED` for these. However, empirically if
// we do that here we will see undefined symbols such as `__GI_memcpy`.
// So we pass the same thing as for nonshared.
.shared => "-DLIBC_NONSHARED=1",
try args.appendSlice(&[_][]const u8{
try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "include" ++ path.sep_str ++ "libc-modules.h"),
try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "include" ++ path.sep_str ++ "libc-symbols.h"),
files_buf[files_index] = .{
.src_path = try lib_path(comp, arena, dep.path),
.extra_flags = args.items,
files_index += 1;
const files = files_buf[0..files_index];
return comp.build_crt_file("c_nonshared", .Lib, files);
fn start_asm_path(comp: *Compilation, arena: Allocator, basename: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
const arch = comp.getTarget().cpu.arch;
const is_ppc = arch == .powerpc or arch == .powerpc64 or arch == .powerpc64le;
const is_aarch64 = arch == .aarch64 or arch == .aarch64_be;
const is_sparc = arch == .sparc or arch == .sparcel or arch == .sparcv9;
const is_64 = arch.ptrBitWidth() == 64;
const s = path.sep_str;
var result = std.ArrayList(u8).init(arena);
try result.appendSlice(comp.zig_lib_directory.path.?);
try result.appendSlice(s ++ "libc" ++ s ++ "glibc" ++ s ++ "sysdeps" ++ s);
if (is_sparc) {
if (mem.eql(u8, basename, "crti.S") or mem.eql(u8, basename, "crtn.S")) {
try result.appendSlice("sparc");
} else {
if (is_64) {
try result.appendSlice("sparc" ++ s ++ "sparc64");
} else {
try result.appendSlice("sparc" ++ s ++ "sparc32");
} else if (arch.isARM()) {
try result.appendSlice("arm");
} else if (arch.isMIPS()) {
if (!mem.eql(u8, basename, "crti.S") and !mem.eql(u8, basename, "crtn.S")) {
try result.appendSlice("mips");
} else {
if (is_64) {
const abi_dir = if (comp.getTarget().abi == .gnuabin32)
try result.appendSlice("mips" ++ s ++ "mips64" ++ s);
try result.appendSlice(abi_dir);
} else {
try result.appendSlice("mips" ++ s ++ "mips32");
} else if (arch == .x86_64) {
try result.appendSlice("x86_64");
} else if (arch == .i386) {
try result.appendSlice("i386");
} else if (is_aarch64) {
try result.appendSlice("aarch64");
} else if (arch.isRISCV()) {
try result.appendSlice("riscv");
} else if (is_ppc) {
if (is_64) {
try result.appendSlice("powerpc" ++ s ++ "powerpc64");
} else {
try result.appendSlice("powerpc" ++ s ++ "powerpc32");
try result.appendSlice(s);
try result.appendSlice(basename);
return result.items;
fn add_include_dirs(comp: *Compilation, arena: Allocator, args: *std.ArrayList([]const u8)) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
const target = comp.getTarget();
const arch = target.cpu.arch;
const opt_nptl: ?[]const u8 = if (target.os.tag == .linux) "nptl" else "htl";
const s = path.sep_str;
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "include"));
if (target.os.tag == .linux) {
try add_include_dirs_arch(arena, args, arch, null, try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "sysdeps" ++ s ++ "unix" ++ s ++ "sysv" ++ s ++ "linux"));
if (opt_nptl) |nptl| {
try add_include_dirs_arch(arena, args, arch, nptl, try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "sysdeps"));
if (target.os.tag == .linux) {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "sysdeps" ++ s ++
"unix" ++ s ++ "sysv" ++ s ++ "linux" ++ s ++ "generic"));
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "sysdeps" ++ s ++
"unix" ++ s ++ "sysv" ++ s ++ "linux" ++ s ++ "include"));
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "sysdeps" ++ s ++
"unix" ++ s ++ "sysv" ++ s ++ "linux"));
if (opt_nptl) |nptl| {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ comp.zig_lib_directory.path.?, lib_libc_glibc ++ "sysdeps", nptl }));
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "sysdeps" ++ s ++ "pthread"));
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "sysdeps" ++ s ++ "unix" ++ s ++ "sysv"));
try add_include_dirs_arch(arena, args, arch, null, try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "sysdeps" ++ s ++ "unix"));
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "sysdeps" ++ s ++ "unix"));
try add_include_dirs_arch(arena, args, arch, null, try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "sysdeps"));
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc_glibc ++ "sysdeps" ++ s ++ "generic"));
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ comp.zig_lib_directory.path.?, lib_libc ++ "glibc" }));
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{s}" ++ s ++ "libc" ++ s ++ "include" ++ s ++ "{s}-{s}-{s}", .{
comp.zig_lib_directory.path.?, @tagName(arch), @tagName(target.os.tag), @tagName(target.abi),
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc ++ "include" ++ s ++ "generic-glibc"));
const arch_name = target_util.osArchName(target);
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{s}" ++ s ++ "libc" ++ s ++ "include" ++ s ++ "{s}-linux-any", .{
comp.zig_lib_directory.path.?, arch_name,
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try lib_path(comp, arena, lib_libc ++ "include" ++ s ++ "any-linux-any"));
fn add_include_dirs_arch(
arena: Allocator,
args: *std.ArrayList([]const u8),
arch: std.Target.Cpu.Arch,
opt_nptl: ?[]const u8,
dir: []const u8,
) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
const is_x86 = arch == .i386 or arch == .x86_64;
const is_aarch64 = arch == .aarch64 or arch == .aarch64_be;
const is_ppc = arch == .powerpc or arch == .powerpc64 or arch == .powerpc64le;
const is_sparc = arch == .sparc or arch == .sparcel or arch == .sparcv9;
const is_64 = arch.ptrBitWidth() == 64;
const s = path.sep_str;
if (is_x86) {
if (arch == .x86_64) {
if (opt_nptl) |nptl| {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "x86_64", nptl }));
} else {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "x86_64" }));
} else if (arch == .i386) {
if (opt_nptl) |nptl| {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "i386", nptl }));
} else {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "i386" }));
if (opt_nptl) |nptl| {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "x86", nptl }));
} else {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "x86" }));
} else if (arch.isARM()) {
if (opt_nptl) |nptl| {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "arm", nptl }));
} else {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "arm" }));
} else if (arch.isMIPS()) {
if (opt_nptl) |nptl| {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "mips", nptl }));
} else {
if (is_64) {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "mips" ++ s ++ "mips64" }));
} else {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "mips" ++ s ++ "mips32" }));
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "mips" }));
} else if (is_sparc) {
if (opt_nptl) |nptl| {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "sparc", nptl }));
} else {
if (is_64) {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "sparc" ++ s ++ "sparc64" }));
} else {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "sparc" ++ s ++ "sparc32" }));
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "sparc" }));
} else if (is_aarch64) {
if (opt_nptl) |nptl| {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "aarch64", nptl }));
} else {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "aarch64" }));
} else if (is_ppc) {
if (opt_nptl) |nptl| {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "powerpc", nptl }));
} else {
if (is_64) {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "powerpc" ++ s ++ "powerpc64" }));
} else {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "powerpc" ++ s ++ "powerpc32" }));
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "powerpc" }));
} else if (arch.isRISCV()) {
if (opt_nptl) |nptl| {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "riscv", nptl }));
} else {
try args.append("-I");
try args.append(try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ dir, "riscv" }));
fn path_from_lib(comp: *Compilation, arena: Allocator, sub_path: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
return path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ comp.zig_lib_directory.path.?, sub_path });
const lib_libc = "libc" ++ path.sep_str;
const lib_libc_glibc = lib_libc ++ "glibc" ++ path.sep_str;
fn lib_path(comp: *Compilation, arena: Allocator, sub_path: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
return path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ comp.zig_lib_directory.path.?, sub_path });
pub const BuiltSharedObjects = struct {
lock: Cache.Lock,
dir_path: []u8,
pub fn deinit(self: *BuiltSharedObjects, gpa: Allocator) void {
self.* = undefined;
const all_map_basename = "all.map";
pub fn buildSharedObjects(comp: *Compilation) !void {
const tracy = trace(@src());
defer tracy.end();
if (!build_options.have_llvm) {
return error.ZigCompilerNotBuiltWithLLVMExtensions;
var arena_allocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(comp.gpa);
defer arena_allocator.deinit();
const arena = arena_allocator.allocator();
const target = comp.getTarget();
const target_version = target.os.version_range.linux.glibc;
// Use the global cache directory.
var cache_parent: Cache = .{
.gpa = comp.gpa,
.manifest_dir = try comp.global_cache_directory.handle.makeOpenPath("h", .{}),
defer cache_parent.manifest_dir.close();
var cache = cache_parent.obtain();
defer cache.deinit();
cache.hash.addBytes(comp.zig_lib_directory.path orelse ".");
const hit = try cache.hit();
const digest = cache.final();
const o_sub_path = try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ "o", &digest });
// Even if we get a hit, it doesn't guarantee that we finished the job last time.
// We use the presence of an "ok" file to determine if it is a true hit.
var o_directory: Compilation.Directory = .{
.handle = try comp.global_cache_directory.handle.makeOpenPath(o_sub_path, .{}),
.path = try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ comp.global_cache_directory.path.?, o_sub_path }),
defer o_directory.handle.close();
const ok_basename = "ok";
const actual_hit = if (hit) blk: {
o_directory.handle.access(ok_basename, .{}) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => break :blk false,
else => |e| return e,
break :blk true;
} else false;
if (!actual_hit) {
const metadata = try loadMetaData(comp.gpa, comp.zig_lib_directory.handle);
defer metadata.destroy(comp.gpa);
const target_targ_index = for (metadata.all_targets) |targ, i| {
if (targ.arch == target.cpu.arch and
targ.os == target.os.tag and
targ.abi == target.abi)
break i;
} else {
unreachable; // target_util.available_libcs prevents us from getting here
const target_ver_index = for (metadata.all_versions) |ver, i| {
switch (ver.order(target_version)) {
.eq => break i,
.lt => continue,
.gt => {
// TODO Expose via compile error mechanism instead of log.
log.err("invalid target glibc version: {}", .{target_version});
return error.InvalidTargetGLibCVersion;
} else {
const latest_index = metadata.all_versions.len - 1;
// TODO Expose via compile error mechanism instead of log.
log.err("zig does not yet provide glibc version {}, the max provided version is {}", .{
target_version, metadata.all_versions[latest_index],
return error.InvalidTargetGLibCVersion;
var map_contents = std.ArrayList(u8).init(arena);
for (metadata.all_versions[0 .. target_ver_index + 1]) |ver| {
if (ver.patch == 0) {
try map_contents.writer().print("GLIBC_{d}.{d} {{ }};\n", .{ ver.major, ver.minor });
} else {
try map_contents.writer().print("GLIBC_{d}.{d}.{d} {{ }};\n", .{ ver.major, ver.minor, ver.patch });
try o_directory.handle.writeFile(all_map_basename, map_contents.items);
map_contents.deinit(); // The most recent allocation of an arena can be freed :)
var stubs_asm = std.ArrayList(u8).init(comp.gpa);
defer stubs_asm.deinit();
for (libs) |lib, lib_i| {
try stubs_asm.appendSlice(".text\n");
var inc_i: usize = 0;
const fn_inclusions_len = mem.readIntLittle(u16, metadata.inclusions[inc_i..][0..2]);
inc_i += 2;
var sym_i: usize = 0;
var opt_symbol_name: ?[]const u8 = null;
var versions_buffer: [32]u8 = undefined;
var versions_len: usize = undefined;
while (sym_i < fn_inclusions_len) : (sym_i += 1) {
const sym_name = opt_symbol_name orelse n: {
const name = mem.sliceTo(metadata.inclusions[inc_i..], 0);
inc_i += name.len + 1;
opt_symbol_name = name;
versions_buffer = undefined;
versions_len = 0;
break :n name;
const targets = mem.readIntLittle(u32, metadata.inclusions[inc_i..][0..4]);
inc_i += 4;
const lib_index = metadata.inclusions[inc_i];
inc_i += 1;
const is_terminal = (targets & (1 << 31)) != 0;
if (is_terminal) opt_symbol_name = null;
// Test whether the inclusion applies to our current library and target.
const ok_lib_and_target =
(lib_index == lib_i) and
((targets & (@as(u32, 1) << @intCast(u5, target_targ_index))) != 0);
while (true) {
const byte = metadata.inclusions[inc_i];
inc_i += 1;
const last = (byte & 0b1000_0000) != 0;
const ver_i = @truncate(u7, byte);
if (ok_lib_and_target and ver_i <= target_ver_index) {
versions_buffer[versions_len] = ver_i;
versions_len += 1;
if (last) break;
if (!is_terminal) continue;
// Pick the default symbol version:
// - If there are no versions, don't emit it
// - Take the greatest one <= than the target one
// - If none of them is <= than the
// specified one don't pick any default version
if (versions_len == 0) continue;
var chosen_def_ver_index: u8 = 255;
var ver_buf_i: u8 = 0;
while (ver_buf_i < versions_len) : (ver_buf_i += 1) {
const ver_index = versions_buffer[ver_buf_i];
if (chosen_def_ver_index == 255 or ver_index > chosen_def_ver_index) {
chosen_def_ver_index = ver_index;
var ver_buf_i: u8 = 0;
while (ver_buf_i < versions_len) : (ver_buf_i += 1) {
// Example:
// .globl _Exit_2_2_5
// .type _Exit_2_2_5, %function;
// .symver _Exit_2_2_5, _Exit@@GLIBC_2.2.5
// _Exit_2_2_5:
const ver_index = versions_buffer[ver_buf_i];
const ver = metadata.all_versions[ver_index];
// Default symbol version definition vs normal symbol version definition
const want_default = chosen_def_ver_index != 255 and ver_index == chosen_def_ver_index;
const at_sign_str: []const u8 = if (want_default) "@@" else "@";
if (ver.patch == 0) {
const sym_plus_ver = if (want_default)
try std.fmt.allocPrint(
.{ sym_name, ver.major, ver.minor },
try stubs_asm.writer().print(
\\.globl {s}
\\.type {s}, %function;
\\.symver {s}, {s}{s}GLIBC_{d}.{d}
, .{
} else {
const sym_plus_ver = if (want_default)
try std.fmt.allocPrint(
.{ sym_name, ver.major, ver.minor, ver.patch },
try stubs_asm.writer().print(
\\.globl {s}
\\.type {s}, %function;
\\.symver {s}, {s}{s}GLIBC_{d}.{d}.{d}
, .{
try stubs_asm.appendSlice(".data\n");
const obj_inclusions_len = mem.readIntLittle(u16, metadata.inclusions[inc_i..][0..2]);
inc_i += 2;
sym_i = 0;
opt_symbol_name = null;
versions_buffer = undefined;
versions_len = undefined;
while (sym_i < obj_inclusions_len) : (sym_i += 1) {
const sym_name = opt_symbol_name orelse n: {
const name = mem.sliceTo(metadata.inclusions[inc_i..], 0);
inc_i += name.len + 1;
opt_symbol_name = name;
versions_buffer = undefined;
versions_len = 0;
break :n name;
const targets = mem.readIntLittle(u32, metadata.inclusions[inc_i..][0..4]);
inc_i += 4;
const size = mem.readIntLittle(u16, metadata.inclusions[inc_i..][0..2]);
inc_i += 2;
const lib_index = metadata.inclusions[inc_i];
inc_i += 1;
const is_terminal = (targets & (1 << 31)) != 0;
if (is_terminal) opt_symbol_name = null;
// Test whether the inclusion applies to our current library and target.
const ok_lib_and_target =
(lib_index == lib_i) and
((targets & (@as(u32, 1) << @intCast(u5, target_targ_index))) != 0);
while (true) {
const byte = metadata.inclusions[inc_i];
inc_i += 1;
const last = (byte & 0b1000_0000) != 0;
const ver_i = @truncate(u7, byte);
if (ok_lib_and_target and ver_i <= target_ver_index) {
versions_buffer[versions_len] = ver_i;
versions_len += 1;
if (last) break;
if (!is_terminal) continue;
// Pick the default symbol version:
// - If there are no versions, don't emit it
// - Take the greatest one <= than the target one
// - If none of them is <= than the
// specified one don't pick any default version
if (versions_len == 0) continue;
var chosen_def_ver_index: u8 = 255;
var ver_buf_i: u8 = 0;
while (ver_buf_i < versions_len) : (ver_buf_i += 1) {
const ver_index = versions_buffer[ver_buf_i];
if (chosen_def_ver_index == 255 or ver_index > chosen_def_ver_index) {
chosen_def_ver_index = ver_index;
var ver_buf_i: u8 = 0;
while (ver_buf_i < versions_len) : (ver_buf_i += 1) {
// Example:
// .globl environ_2_2_5
// .type environ_2_2_5, %object;
// .size environ_2_2_5, 4;
// .symver environ_2_2_5, environ@@GLIBC_2.2.5
// environ_2_2_5:
const ver_index = versions_buffer[ver_buf_i];
const ver = metadata.all_versions[ver_index];
// Default symbol version definition vs normal symbol version definition
const want_default = chosen_def_ver_index != 255 and ver_index == chosen_def_ver_index;
const at_sign_str: []const u8 = if (want_default) "@@" else "@";
if (ver.patch == 0) {
const sym_plus_ver = if (want_default)
try std.fmt.allocPrint(
.{ sym_name, ver.major, ver.minor },
try stubs_asm.writer().print(
\\.globl {s}
\\.type {s}, %object;
\\.size {s}, {d};
\\.symver {s}, {s}{s}GLIBC_{d}.{d}
, .{
} else {
const sym_plus_ver = if (want_default)
try std.fmt.allocPrint(
.{ sym_name, ver.major, ver.minor, ver.patch },
try stubs_asm.writer().print(
\\.globl {s}
\\.type {s}, %object;
\\.size {s}, {d};
\\.symver {s}, {s}{s}GLIBC_{d}.{d}.{d}
, .{
var lib_name_buf: [32]u8 = undefined; // Larger than each of the names "c", "pthread", etc.
const asm_file_basename = std.fmt.bufPrint(&lib_name_buf, "{s}.s", .{lib.name}) catch unreachable;
try o_directory.handle.writeFile(asm_file_basename, stubs_asm.items);
try buildSharedLib(comp, arena, comp.global_cache_directory, o_directory, asm_file_basename, lib);
// No need to write the manifest because there are no file inputs associated with this cache hash.
// However we do need to write the ok file now.
if (o_directory.handle.createFile(ok_basename, .{})) |file| {
} else |err| {
log.warn("glibc shared objects: failed to mark completion: {s}", .{@errorName(err)});
assert(comp.glibc_so_files == null);
comp.glibc_so_files = BuiltSharedObjects{
.lock = cache.toOwnedLock(),
.dir_path = try path.join(comp.gpa, &[_][]const u8{ comp.global_cache_directory.path.?, o_sub_path }),
// zig fmt: on
fn buildSharedLib(
comp: *Compilation,
arena: Allocator,
zig_cache_directory: Compilation.Directory,
bin_directory: Compilation.Directory,
asm_file_basename: []const u8,
lib: Lib,
) !void {
const tracy = trace(@src());
defer tracy.end();
const basename = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "lib{s}.so.{d}", .{ lib.name, lib.sover });
const emit_bin = Compilation.EmitLoc{
.directory = bin_directory,
.basename = basename,
const version: Version = .{ .major = lib.sover, .minor = 0, .patch = 0 };
const ld_basename = path.basename(comp.getTarget().standardDynamicLinkerPath().get().?);
const soname = if (mem.eql(u8, lib.name, "ld")) ld_basename else basename;
const map_file_path = try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ bin_directory.path.?, all_map_basename });
const c_source_files = [1]Compilation.CSourceFile{
.src_path = try path.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ bin_directory.path.?, asm_file_basename }),
const sub_compilation = try Compilation.create(comp.gpa, .{
.local_cache_directory = zig_cache_directory,
.global_cache_directory = comp.global_cache_directory,
.zig_lib_directory = comp.zig_lib_directory,
.cache_mode = .whole,
.target = comp.getTarget(),
.root_name = lib.name,
.main_pkg = null,
.output_mode = .Lib,
.link_mode = .Dynamic,
.thread_pool = comp.thread_pool,
.libc_installation = comp.bin_file.options.libc_installation,
.emit_bin = emit_bin,
.optimize_mode = comp.compilerRtOptMode(),
.want_sanitize_c = false,
.want_stack_check = false,
.want_red_zone = comp.bin_file.options.red_zone,
.omit_frame_pointer = comp.bin_file.options.omit_frame_pointer,
.want_valgrind = false,
.want_tsan = false,
.emit_h = null,
.strip = comp.compilerRtStrip(),
.is_native_os = false,
.is_native_abi = false,
.self_exe_path = comp.self_exe_path,
.verbose_cc = comp.verbose_cc,
.verbose_link = comp.bin_file.options.verbose_link,
.verbose_air = comp.verbose_air,
.verbose_llvm_ir = comp.verbose_llvm_ir,
.verbose_cimport = comp.verbose_cimport,
.verbose_llvm_cpu_features = comp.verbose_llvm_cpu_features,
.clang_passthrough_mode = comp.clang_passthrough_mode,
.version = version,
.version_script = map_file_path,
.soname = soname,
.c_source_files = &c_source_files,
.skip_linker_dependencies = true,
defer sub_compilation.destroy();
try sub_compilation.updateSubCompilation();
// Return true if glibc has crti/crtn sources for that architecture.
pub fn needsCrtiCrtn(target: std.Target) bool {
return switch (target.cpu.arch) {
.riscv32, .riscv64 => false,
else => true,