Alex Rønne Petersen e5c75479c2
std.Target: Rework isPPC()/isPPC64() functions.
* Rename isPPC() -> isPowerPC32().
* Rename isPPC64() -> isPowerPC64().
* Add new isPowerPC() function which covers both.

There was confusion even in the standard library about what isPPC() meant. This
change makes these functions work how I think most people actually expect them
to work, and makes them consistent with isMIPS(), isSPARC(), etc.

I chose to rename from PPC to PowerPC because 1) it's more consistent with the
other functions, and 2) it'll cause loud rather than silent breakage for anyone
who might have been depending on isPPC() while misunderstanding it.
2024-08-01 20:58:05 +02:00

259 lines
9.8 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const native_endian = builtin.cpu.arch.endian();
pub const linkage: std.builtin.GlobalLinkage = if (builtin.is_test) .internal else .weak;
/// Determines the symbol's visibility to other objects.
/// For WebAssembly this allows the symbol to be resolved to other modules, but will not
/// export it to the host runtime.
pub const visibility: std.builtin.SymbolVisibility =
if (builtin.target.isWasm() and linkage != .internal) .hidden else .default;
pub const want_aeabi = switch (builtin.abi) {
=> switch (builtin.cpu.arch) {
.arm, .armeb, .thumb, .thumbeb => true,
else => false,
else => false,
pub const want_ppc_abi = builtin.cpu.arch.isPowerPC();
pub const want_float_exceptions = !builtin.cpu.arch.isWasm();
// Libcalls that involve u128 on Windows x86-64 are expected by LLVM to use the
// calling convention of @Vector(2, u64), rather than what's standard.
pub const want_windows_v2u64_abi = builtin.os.tag == .windows and builtin.cpu.arch == .x86_64 and @import("builtin").object_format != .c;
/// This governs whether to use these symbol names for f16/f32 conversions
/// rather than the standard names:
/// * __gnu_f2h_ieee
/// * __gnu_h2f_ieee
/// Known correct configurations:
/// x86_64-freestanding-none => true
/// x86_64-linux-none => true
/// x86_64-linux-gnu => true
/// x86_64-linux-musl => true
/// x86_64-linux-eabi => true
/// arm-linux-musleabihf => true
/// arm-linux-gnueabihf => true
/// arm-linux-eabihf => false
/// wasm32-wasi-musl => false
/// wasm32-freestanding-none => false
/// x86_64-windows-gnu => true
/// x86_64-windows-msvc => true
/// any-macos-any => false
pub const gnu_f16_abi = switch (builtin.cpu.arch) {
=> false,
.x86, .x86_64 => true,
.arm, .armeb, .thumb, .thumbeb => switch (builtin.abi) {
.eabi, .eabihf => false,
else => true,
else => !builtin.os.tag.isDarwin(),
pub const want_sparc_abi = builtin.cpu.arch.isSPARC();
// Avoid dragging in the runtime safety mechanisms into this .o file,
// unless we're trying to test compiler-rt.
pub fn panic(msg: []const u8, error_return_trace: ?*std.builtin.StackTrace, _: ?usize) noreturn {
_ = error_return_trace;
if (builtin.is_test) {
std.debug.panic("{s}", .{msg});
} else {
/// AArch64 is the only ABI (at the moment) to support f16 arguments without the
/// need for extending them to wider fp types.
/// TODO remove this; do this type selection in the language rather than
/// here in compiler-rt.
pub fn F16T(comptime OtherType: type) type {
return switch (builtin.cpu.arch) {
.arm, .armeb, .thumb, .thumbeb => if (std.Target.arm.featureSetHas(builtin.cpu.features, .has_v8))
switch (builtin.abi.floatAbi()) {
.soft => u16,
.hard => f16,
.aarch64, .aarch64_be => f16,
.riscv64 => if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage1) u16 else f16,
.x86, .x86_64 => if (builtin.target.isDarwin()) switch (OtherType) {
// Starting with LLVM 16, Darwin uses different abi for f16
// depending on the type of the other return/argument..???
f32, f64 => u16,
f80, f128 => f16,
else => unreachable,
} else f16,
else => u16,
pub fn wideMultiply(comptime Z: type, a: Z, b: Z, hi: *Z, lo: *Z) void {
switch (Z) {
u16 => {
// 16x16 --> 32 bit multiply
const product = @as(u32, a) * @as(u32, b);
hi.* = @intCast(product >> 16);
lo.* = @truncate(product);
u32 => {
// 32x32 --> 64 bit multiply
const product = @as(u64, a) * @as(u64, b);
hi.* = @truncate(product >> 32);
lo.* = @truncate(product);
u64 => {
const S = struct {
fn loWord(x: u64) u64 {
return @as(u32, @truncate(x));
fn hiWord(x: u64) u64 {
return @as(u32, @truncate(x >> 32));
// 64x64 -> 128 wide multiply for platforms that don't have such an operation;
// many 64-bit platforms have this operation, but they tend to have hardware
// floating-point, so we don't bother with a special case for them here.
// Each of the component 32x32 -> 64 products
const plolo: u64 = S.loWord(a) * S.loWord(b);
const plohi: u64 = S.loWord(a) * S.hiWord(b);
const philo: u64 = S.hiWord(a) * S.loWord(b);
const phihi: u64 = S.hiWord(a) * S.hiWord(b);
// Sum terms that contribute to lo in a way that allows us to get the carry
const r0: u64 = S.loWord(plolo);
const r1: u64 = S.hiWord(plolo) +% S.loWord(plohi) +% S.loWord(philo);
lo.* = r0 +% (r1 << 32);
// Sum terms contributing to hi with the carry from lo
hi.* = S.hiWord(plohi) +% S.hiWord(philo) +% S.hiWord(r1) +% phihi;
u128 => {
const Word_LoMask: u64 = 0x00000000ffffffff;
const Word_HiMask: u64 = 0xffffffff00000000;
const Word_FullMask: u64 = 0xffffffffffffffff;
const S = struct {
fn Word_1(x: u128) u64 {
return @as(u32, @truncate(x >> 96));
fn Word_2(x: u128) u64 {
return @as(u32, @truncate(x >> 64));
fn Word_3(x: u128) u64 {
return @as(u32, @truncate(x >> 32));
fn Word_4(x: u128) u64 {
return @as(u32, @truncate(x));
// 128x128 -> 256 wide multiply for platforms that don't have such an operation;
// many 64-bit platforms have this operation, but they tend to have hardware
// floating-point, so we don't bother with a special case for them here.
const product11: u64 = S.Word_1(a) * S.Word_1(b);
const product12: u64 = S.Word_1(a) * S.Word_2(b);
const product13: u64 = S.Word_1(a) * S.Word_3(b);
const product14: u64 = S.Word_1(a) * S.Word_4(b);
const product21: u64 = S.Word_2(a) * S.Word_1(b);
const product22: u64 = S.Word_2(a) * S.Word_2(b);
const product23: u64 = S.Word_2(a) * S.Word_3(b);
const product24: u64 = S.Word_2(a) * S.Word_4(b);
const product31: u64 = S.Word_3(a) * S.Word_1(b);
const product32: u64 = S.Word_3(a) * S.Word_2(b);
const product33: u64 = S.Word_3(a) * S.Word_3(b);
const product34: u64 = S.Word_3(a) * S.Word_4(b);
const product41: u64 = S.Word_4(a) * S.Word_1(b);
const product42: u64 = S.Word_4(a) * S.Word_2(b);
const product43: u64 = S.Word_4(a) * S.Word_3(b);
const product44: u64 = S.Word_4(a) * S.Word_4(b);
const sum0: u128 = @as(u128, product44);
const sum1: u128 = @as(u128, product34) +%
@as(u128, product43);
const sum2: u128 = @as(u128, product24) +%
@as(u128, product33) +%
@as(u128, product42);
const sum3: u128 = @as(u128, product14) +%
@as(u128, product23) +%
@as(u128, product32) +%
@as(u128, product41);
const sum4: u128 = @as(u128, product13) +%
@as(u128, product22) +%
@as(u128, product31);
const sum5: u128 = @as(u128, product12) +%
@as(u128, product21);
const sum6: u128 = @as(u128, product11);
const r0: u128 = (sum0 & Word_FullMask) +%
((sum1 & Word_LoMask) << 32);
const r1: u128 = (sum0 >> 64) +%
((sum1 >> 32) & Word_FullMask) +%
(sum2 & Word_FullMask) +%
((sum3 << 32) & Word_HiMask);
lo.* = r0 +% (r1 << 64);
hi.* = (r1 >> 64) +%
(sum1 >> 96) +%
(sum2 >> 64) +%
(sum3 >> 32) +%
sum4 +%
(sum5 << 32) +%
(sum6 << 64);
else => @compileError("unsupported"),
pub fn normalize(comptime T: type, significand: *std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @typeInfo(T).Float.bits)) i32 {
const Z = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @typeInfo(T).Float.bits);
const integerBit = @as(Z, 1) << std.math.floatFractionalBits(T);
const shift = @clz(significand.*) - @clz(integerBit);
significand.* <<= @as(std.math.Log2Int(Z), @intCast(shift));
return @as(i32, 1) - shift;
pub inline fn fneg(a: anytype) @TypeOf(a) {
const F = @TypeOf(a);
const bits = @typeInfo(F).Float.bits;
const U = @Type(.{ .Int = .{
.signedness = .unsigned,
.bits = bits,
} });
const sign_bit_mask = @as(U, 1) << (bits - 1);
const negated = @as(U, @bitCast(a)) ^ sign_bit_mask;
return @bitCast(negated);
/// Allows to access underlying bits as two equally sized lower and higher
/// signed or unsigned integers.
pub fn HalveInt(comptime T: type, comptime signed_half: bool) type {
return extern union {
pub const bits = @divExact(@typeInfo(T).Int.bits, 2);
pub const HalfTU = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, bits);
pub const HalfTS = std.meta.Int(.signed, bits);
pub const HalfT = if (signed_half) HalfTS else HalfTU;
all: T,
s: if (native_endian == .little)
extern struct { low: HalfT, high: HalfT }
extern struct { high: HalfT, low: HalfT },