Robin Voetter 43f73af359
fix various issues related to Path handling in the compiler and std
A compilation build step for which the binary is not required could not
be compiled previously. There were 2 issues that caused this:

- The compiler communicated only the results of the emitted binary and
  did not properly communicate the result if the binary was not emitted.

  This is fixed by communicating the final hash of the artifact path (the
  hash of the corresponding /o/<hash> directory) and communicating this
  instead of the entire path. This changes the zig build --listen protocol
  to communicate hashes instead of paths, and emit_bin_path is accordingly
  renamed to emit_digest.

- There was an error related to the default llvm object path when
  CacheUse.Whole was selected. I'm not really sure why this didn't manifest
  when the binary is also emitted.

  This was fixed by improving the path handling related to flush() and

In general, this commit also improves some of the path handling throughout
the compiler and standard library.
2024-08-19 19:09:11 +02:00

1364 lines
56 KiB

const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std");
const mem = std.mem;
const fs = std.fs;
const elf = std.elf;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const File = std.fs.File;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const fatal = std.zig.fatal;
const Server = std.zig.Server;
pub fn main() !void {
var arena_instance = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena_instance.deinit();
const arena = arena_instance.allocator();
var general_purpose_allocator: std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}) = .{};
const gpa = general_purpose_allocator.allocator();
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(arena);
return cmdObjCopy(gpa, arena, args[1..]);
fn cmdObjCopy(
gpa: Allocator,
arena: Allocator,
args: []const []const u8,
) !void {
var i: usize = 0;
var opt_out_fmt: ?std.Target.ObjectFormat = null;
var opt_input: ?[]const u8 = null;
var opt_output: ?[]const u8 = null;
var opt_extract: ?[]const u8 = null;
var opt_add_debuglink: ?[]const u8 = null;
var only_section: ?[]const u8 = null;
var pad_to: ?u64 = null;
var strip_all: bool = false;
var strip_debug: bool = false;
var only_keep_debug: bool = false;
var compress_debug_sections: bool = false;
var listen = false;
while (i < args.len) : (i += 1) {
const arg = args[i];
if (!mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "-")) {
if (opt_input == null) {
opt_input = arg;
} else if (opt_output == null) {
opt_output = arg;
} else {
fatal("unexpected positional argument: '{s}'", .{arg});
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-h") or mem.eql(u8, arg, "--help")) {
return std.io.getStdOut().writeAll(usage);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-O") or mem.eql(u8, arg, "--output-target")) {
i += 1;
if (i >= args.len) fatal("expected another argument after '{s}'", .{arg});
const next_arg = args[i];
if (mem.eql(u8, next_arg, "binary")) {
opt_out_fmt = .raw;
} else {
opt_out_fmt = std.meta.stringToEnum(std.Target.ObjectFormat, next_arg) orelse
fatal("invalid output format: '{s}'", .{next_arg});
} else if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "--output-target=")) {
const next_arg = arg["--output-target=".len..];
if (mem.eql(u8, next_arg, "binary")) {
opt_out_fmt = .raw;
} else {
opt_out_fmt = std.meta.stringToEnum(std.Target.ObjectFormat, next_arg) orelse
fatal("invalid output format: '{s}'", .{next_arg});
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-j") or mem.eql(u8, arg, "--only-section")) {
i += 1;
if (i >= args.len) fatal("expected another argument after '{s}'", .{arg});
only_section = args[i];
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--listen=-")) {
listen = true;
} else if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "--only-section=")) {
only_section = arg["--only-section=".len..];
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--pad-to")) {
i += 1;
if (i >= args.len) fatal("expected another argument after '{s}'", .{arg});
pad_to = std.fmt.parseInt(u64, args[i], 0) catch |err| {
fatal("unable to parse: '{s}': {s}", .{ args[i], @errorName(err) });
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-g") or mem.eql(u8, arg, "--strip-debug")) {
strip_debug = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-S") or mem.eql(u8, arg, "--strip-all")) {
strip_all = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--only-keep-debug")) {
only_keep_debug = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--compress-debug-sections")) {
compress_debug_sections = true;
} else if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "--add-gnu-debuglink=")) {
opt_add_debuglink = arg["--add-gnu-debuglink=".len..];
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--add-gnu-debuglink")) {
i += 1;
if (i >= args.len) fatal("expected another argument after '{s}'", .{arg});
opt_add_debuglink = args[i];
} else if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "--extract-to=")) {
opt_extract = arg["--extract-to=".len..];
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--extract-to")) {
i += 1;
if (i >= args.len) fatal("expected another argument after '{s}'", .{arg});
opt_extract = args[i];
} else {
fatal("unrecognized argument: '{s}'", .{arg});
const input = opt_input orelse fatal("expected input parameter", .{});
const output = opt_output orelse fatal("expected output parameter", .{});
var in_file = fs.cwd().openFile(input, .{}) catch |err|
fatal("unable to open '{s}': {s}", .{ input, @errorName(err) });
defer in_file.close();
const elf_hdr = std.elf.Header.read(in_file) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.InvalidElfMagic => fatal("not an ELF file: '{s}'", .{input}),
else => fatal("unable to read '{s}': {s}", .{ input, @errorName(err) }),
const in_ofmt = .elf;
const out_fmt: std.Target.ObjectFormat = opt_out_fmt orelse ofmt: {
if (mem.endsWith(u8, output, ".hex") or std.mem.endsWith(u8, output, ".ihex")) {
break :ofmt .hex;
} else if (mem.endsWith(u8, output, ".bin")) {
break :ofmt .raw;
} else if (mem.endsWith(u8, output, ".elf")) {
break :ofmt .elf;
} else {
break :ofmt in_ofmt;
const mode = mode: {
if (out_fmt != .elf or only_keep_debug)
break :mode fs.File.default_mode;
if (in_file.stat()) |stat|
break :mode stat.mode
else |_|
break :mode fs.File.default_mode;
var out_file = try fs.cwd().createFile(output, .{ .mode = mode });
defer out_file.close();
switch (out_fmt) {
.hex, .raw => {
if (strip_debug or strip_all or only_keep_debug)
fatal("zig objcopy: ELF to RAW or HEX copying does not support --strip", .{});
if (opt_extract != null)
fatal("zig objcopy: ELF to RAW or HEX copying does not support --extract-to", .{});
try emitElf(arena, in_file, out_file, elf_hdr, .{
.ofmt = out_fmt,
.only_section = only_section,
.pad_to = pad_to,
.elf => {
if (elf_hdr.endian != builtin.target.cpu.arch.endian())
fatal("zig objcopy: ELF to ELF copying only supports native endian", .{});
if (elf_hdr.phoff == 0) // no program header
fatal("zig objcopy: ELF to ELF copying only supports programs", .{});
if (only_section) |_|
fatal("zig objcopy: ELF to ELF copying does not support --only-section", .{});
if (pad_to) |_|
fatal("zig objcopy: ELF to ELF copying does not support --pad-to", .{});
try stripElf(arena, in_file, out_file, elf_hdr, .{
.strip_debug = strip_debug,
.strip_all = strip_all,
.only_keep_debug = only_keep_debug,
.add_debuglink = opt_add_debuglink,
.extract_to = opt_extract,
.compress_debug = compress_debug_sections,
return std.process.cleanExit();
else => fatal("unsupported output object format: {s}", .{@tagName(out_fmt)}),
if (listen) {
var server = try Server.init(.{
.gpa = gpa,
.in = std.io.getStdIn(),
.out = std.io.getStdOut(),
.zig_version = builtin.zig_version_string,
defer server.deinit();
var seen_update = false;
while (true) {
const hdr = try server.receiveMessage();
switch (hdr.tag) {
.exit => {
return std.process.cleanExit();
.update => {
if (seen_update) fatal("zig objcopy only supports 1 update for now", .{});
seen_update = true;
// The build system already knows what the output is at this point, we
// only need to communicate that the process has finished.
// Use the empty error bundle to indicate that the update is done.
try server.serveErrorBundle(std.zig.ErrorBundle.empty);
else => fatal("unsupported message: {s}", .{@tagName(hdr.tag)}),
return std.process.cleanExit();
const usage =
\\Usage: zig objcopy [options] input output
\\ -h, --help Print this help and exit
\\ --output-target=<value> Format of the output file
\\ -O <value> Alias for --output-target
\\ --only-section=<section> Remove all but <section>
\\ -j <value> Alias for --only-section
\\ --pad-to <addr> Pad the last section up to address <addr>
\\ --strip-debug, -g Remove all debug sections from the output.
\\ --strip-all, -S Remove all debug sections and symbol table from the output.
\\ --only-keep-debug Strip a file, removing contents of any sections that would not be stripped by --strip-debug and leaving the debugging sections intact.
\\ --add-gnu-debuglink=<file> Creates a .gnu_debuglink section which contains a reference to <file> and adds it to the output file.
\\ --extract-to <file> Extract the removed sections into <file>, and add a .gnu-debuglink section.
\\ --compress-debug-sections Compress DWARF debug sections with zlib
pub const EmitRawElfOptions = struct {
ofmt: std.Target.ObjectFormat,
only_section: ?[]const u8 = null,
pad_to: ?u64 = null,
fn emitElf(
arena: Allocator,
in_file: File,
out_file: File,
elf_hdr: elf.Header,
options: EmitRawElfOptions,
) !void {
var binary_elf_output = try BinaryElfOutput.parse(arena, in_file, elf_hdr);
defer binary_elf_output.deinit();
if (options.ofmt == .elf) {
fatal("zig objcopy: ELF to ELF copying is not implemented yet", .{});
if (options.only_section) |target_name| {
switch (options.ofmt) {
.hex => fatal("zig objcopy: hex format with sections is not implemented yet", .{}),
.raw => {
for (binary_elf_output.sections.items) |section| {
if (section.name) |curr_name| {
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, curr_name, target_name))
} else {
try writeBinaryElfSection(in_file, out_file, section);
try padFile(out_file, options.pad_to);
else => unreachable,
return error.SectionNotFound;
switch (options.ofmt) {
.raw => {
for (binary_elf_output.sections.items) |section| {
try out_file.seekTo(section.binaryOffset);
try writeBinaryElfSection(in_file, out_file, section);
try padFile(out_file, options.pad_to);
.hex => {
if (binary_elf_output.segments.items.len == 0) return;
if (!containsValidAddressRange(binary_elf_output.segments.items)) {
return error.InvalidHexfileAddressRange;
var hex_writer = HexWriter{ .out_file = out_file };
for (binary_elf_output.segments.items) |segment| {
try hex_writer.writeSegment(segment, in_file);
if (options.pad_to) |_| {
// Padding to a size in hex files isn't applicable
return error.InvalidArgument;
try hex_writer.writeEOF();
else => unreachable,
const BinaryElfSection = struct {
elfOffset: u64,
binaryOffset: u64,
fileSize: usize,
name: ?[]const u8,
segment: ?*BinaryElfSegment,
const BinaryElfSegment = struct {
physicalAddress: u64,
virtualAddress: u64,
elfOffset: u64,
binaryOffset: u64,
fileSize: u64,
firstSection: ?*BinaryElfSection,
const BinaryElfOutput = struct {
segments: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*BinaryElfSegment),
sections: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*BinaryElfSection),
allocator: Allocator,
shstrtab: ?[]const u8,
const Self = @This();
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
if (self.shstrtab) |shstrtab|
pub fn parse(allocator: Allocator, elf_file: File, elf_hdr: elf.Header) !Self {
var self: Self = .{
.segments = .{},
.sections = .{},
.allocator = allocator,
.shstrtab = null,
errdefer self.sections.deinit(allocator);
errdefer self.segments.deinit(allocator);
self.shstrtab = blk: {
if (elf_hdr.shstrndx >= elf_hdr.shnum) break :blk null;
var section_headers = elf_hdr.section_header_iterator(&elf_file);
var section_counter: usize = 0;
while (section_counter < elf_hdr.shstrndx) : (section_counter += 1) {
_ = (try section_headers.next()).?;
const shstrtab_shdr = (try section_headers.next()).?;
const buffer = try allocator.alloc(u8, @intCast(shstrtab_shdr.sh_size));
errdefer allocator.free(buffer);
const num_read = try elf_file.preadAll(buffer, shstrtab_shdr.sh_offset);
if (num_read != buffer.len) return error.EndOfStream;
break :blk buffer;
errdefer if (self.shstrtab) |shstrtab| allocator.free(shstrtab);
var section_headers = elf_hdr.section_header_iterator(&elf_file);
while (try section_headers.next()) |section| {
if (sectionValidForOutput(section)) {
const newSection = try allocator.create(BinaryElfSection);
newSection.binaryOffset = 0;
newSection.elfOffset = section.sh_offset;
newSection.fileSize = @intCast(section.sh_size);
newSection.segment = null;
newSection.name = if (self.shstrtab) |shstrtab|
std.mem.span(@as([*:0]const u8, @ptrCast(&shstrtab[section.sh_name])))
try self.sections.append(allocator, newSection);
var program_headers = elf_hdr.program_header_iterator(&elf_file);
while (try program_headers.next()) |phdr| {
if (phdr.p_type == elf.PT_LOAD) {
const newSegment = try allocator.create(BinaryElfSegment);
newSegment.physicalAddress = if (phdr.p_paddr != 0) phdr.p_paddr else phdr.p_vaddr;
newSegment.virtualAddress = phdr.p_vaddr;
newSegment.fileSize = @intCast(phdr.p_filesz);
newSegment.elfOffset = phdr.p_offset;
newSegment.binaryOffset = 0;
newSegment.firstSection = null;
for (self.sections.items) |section| {
if (sectionWithinSegment(section, phdr)) {
if (section.segment) |sectionSegment| {
if (sectionSegment.elfOffset > newSegment.elfOffset) {
section.segment = newSegment;
} else {
section.segment = newSegment;
if (newSegment.firstSection == null) {
newSegment.firstSection = section;
try self.segments.append(allocator, newSegment);
mem.sort(*BinaryElfSegment, self.segments.items, {}, segmentSortCompare);
for (self.segments.items, 0..) |firstSegment, i| {
if (firstSegment.firstSection) |firstSection| {
const diff = firstSection.elfOffset - firstSegment.elfOffset;
firstSegment.elfOffset += diff;
firstSegment.fileSize += diff;
firstSegment.physicalAddress += diff;
const basePhysicalAddress = firstSegment.physicalAddress;
for (self.segments.items[i + 1 ..]) |segment| {
segment.binaryOffset = segment.physicalAddress - basePhysicalAddress;
for (self.sections.items) |section| {
if (section.segment) |segment| {
section.binaryOffset = segment.binaryOffset + (section.elfOffset - segment.elfOffset);
mem.sort(*BinaryElfSection, self.sections.items, {}, sectionSortCompare);
return self;
fn sectionWithinSegment(section: *BinaryElfSection, segment: elf.Elf64_Phdr) bool {
return segment.p_offset <= section.elfOffset and (segment.p_offset + segment.p_filesz) >= (section.elfOffset + section.fileSize);
fn sectionValidForOutput(shdr: anytype) bool {
return shdr.sh_type != elf.SHT_NOBITS and
((shdr.sh_flags & elf.SHF_ALLOC) == elf.SHF_ALLOC);
fn segmentSortCompare(context: void, left: *BinaryElfSegment, right: *BinaryElfSegment) bool {
_ = context;
if (left.physicalAddress < right.physicalAddress) {
return true;
if (left.physicalAddress > right.physicalAddress) {
return false;
return false;
fn sectionSortCompare(context: void, left: *BinaryElfSection, right: *BinaryElfSection) bool {
_ = context;
return left.binaryOffset < right.binaryOffset;
fn writeBinaryElfSection(elf_file: File, out_file: File, section: *BinaryElfSection) !void {
try out_file.writeFileAll(elf_file, .{
.in_offset = section.elfOffset,
.in_len = section.fileSize,
const HexWriter = struct {
prev_addr: ?u32 = null,
out_file: File,
/// Max data bytes per line of output
const MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN: u8 = 16;
fn addressParts(address: u16) [2]u8 {
const msb: u8 = @truncate(address >> 8);
const lsb: u8 = @truncate(address);
return [2]u8{ msb, lsb };
const Record = struct {
const Type = enum(u8) {
Data = 0,
EOF = 1,
ExtendedSegmentAddress = 2,
ExtendedLinearAddress = 4,
address: u16,
payload: union(Type) {
Data: []const u8,
EOF: void,
ExtendedSegmentAddress: [2]u8,
ExtendedLinearAddress: [2]u8,
fn EOF() Record {
return Record{
.address = 0,
.payload = .EOF,
fn Data(address: u32, data: []const u8) Record {
return Record{
.address = @intCast(address % 0x10000),
.payload = .{ .Data = data },
fn Address(address: u32) Record {
assert(address > 0xFFFF);
const segment: u16 = @intCast(address / 0x10000);
if (address > 0xFFFFF) {
return Record{
.address = 0,
.payload = .{ .ExtendedLinearAddress = addressParts(segment) },
} else {
return Record{
.address = 0,
.payload = .{ .ExtendedSegmentAddress = addressParts(segment << 12) },
fn getPayloadBytes(self: *const Record) []const u8 {
return switch (self.payload) {
.Data => |d| d,
.EOF => @as([]const u8, &.{}),
.ExtendedSegmentAddress, .ExtendedLinearAddress => |*seg| seg,
fn checksum(self: Record) u8 {
const payload_bytes = self.getPayloadBytes();
var sum: u8 = @intCast(payload_bytes.len);
const parts = addressParts(self.address);
sum +%= parts[0];
sum +%= parts[1];
sum +%= @intFromEnum(self.payload);
for (payload_bytes) |byte| {
sum +%= byte;
return (sum ^ 0xFF) +% 1;
fn write(self: Record, file: File) File.WriteError!void {
const linesep = "\r\n";
// colon, (length, address, type, payload, checksum) as hex, CRLF
const BUFSIZE = 1 + (1 + 2 + 1 + MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN + 1) * 2 + linesep.len;
var outbuf: [BUFSIZE]u8 = undefined;
const payload_bytes = self.getPayloadBytes();
assert(payload_bytes.len <= MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN);
const line = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&outbuf, ":{0X:0>2}{1X:0>4}{2X:0>2}{3s}{4X:0>2}" ++ linesep, .{
@as(u8, @intCast(payload_bytes.len)),
try file.writeAll(line);
pub fn writeSegment(self: *HexWriter, segment: *const BinaryElfSegment, elf_file: File) !void {
var buf: [MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN]u8 = undefined;
var bytes_read: usize = 0;
while (bytes_read < segment.fileSize) {
const row_address: u32 = @intCast(segment.physicalAddress + bytes_read);
const remaining = segment.fileSize - bytes_read;
const to_read: usize = @intCast(@min(remaining, MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN));
const did_read = try elf_file.preadAll(buf[0..to_read], segment.elfOffset + bytes_read);
if (did_read < to_read) return error.UnexpectedEOF;
try self.writeDataRow(row_address, buf[0..did_read]);
bytes_read += did_read;
fn writeDataRow(self: *HexWriter, address: u32, data: []const u8) File.WriteError!void {
const record = Record.Data(address, data);
if (address > 0xFFFF and (self.prev_addr == null or record.address != self.prev_addr.?)) {
try Record.Address(address).write(self.out_file);
try record.write(self.out_file);
self.prev_addr = @intCast(record.address + data.len);
fn writeEOF(self: HexWriter) File.WriteError!void {
try Record.EOF().write(self.out_file);
fn containsValidAddressRange(segments: []*BinaryElfSegment) bool {
const max_address = std.math.maxInt(u32);
for (segments) |segment| {
if (segment.fileSize > max_address or
segment.physicalAddress > max_address - segment.fileSize) return false;
return true;
fn padFile(f: File, opt_size: ?u64) !void {
const size = opt_size orelse return;
try f.setEndPos(size);
test "HexWriter.Record.Address has correct payload and checksum" {
const record = HexWriter.Record.Address(0x0800_0000);
const payload = record.getPayloadBytes();
const sum = record.checksum();
try std.testing.expect(sum == 0xF2);
try std.testing.expect(payload.len == 2);
try std.testing.expect(payload[0] == 8);
try std.testing.expect(payload[1] == 0);
test "containsValidAddressRange" {
var segment = BinaryElfSegment{
.physicalAddress = 0,
.virtualAddress = 0,
.elfOffset = 0,
.binaryOffset = 0,
.fileSize = 0,
.firstSection = null,
var buf: [1]*BinaryElfSegment = .{&segment};
// segment too big
segment.fileSize = std.math.maxInt(u32) + 1;
try std.testing.expect(!containsValidAddressRange(&buf));
// start address too big
segment.physicalAddress = std.math.maxInt(u32) + 1;
segment.fileSize = 2;
try std.testing.expect(!containsValidAddressRange(&buf));
// max address too big
segment.physicalAddress = std.math.maxInt(u32) - 1;
segment.fileSize = 2;
try std.testing.expect(!containsValidAddressRange(&buf));
// is ok
segment.physicalAddress = std.math.maxInt(u32) - 1;
segment.fileSize = 1;
try std.testing.expect(containsValidAddressRange(&buf));
// -------------
// ELF to ELF stripping
const StripElfOptions = struct {
extract_to: ?[]const u8 = null,
add_debuglink: ?[]const u8 = null,
strip_all: bool = false,
strip_debug: bool = false,
only_keep_debug: bool = false,
compress_debug: bool = false,
fn stripElf(
allocator: Allocator,
in_file: File,
out_file: File,
elf_hdr: elf.Header,
options: StripElfOptions,
) !void {
const Filter = ElfFileHelper.Filter;
const DebugLink = ElfFileHelper.DebugLink;
const filter: Filter = filter: {
if (options.only_keep_debug) break :filter .debug;
if (options.strip_all) break :filter .program;
if (options.strip_debug) break :filter .program_and_symbols;
break :filter .all;
const filter_complement: ?Filter = blk: {
if (options.extract_to) |_| {
break :blk switch (filter) {
.program => .debug_and_symbols,
.debug => .program_and_symbols,
.program_and_symbols => .debug,
.debug_and_symbols => .program,
.all => fatal("zig objcopy: nothing to extract", .{}),
} else {
break :blk null;
const debuglink_path = path: {
if (options.add_debuglink) |path| break :path path;
if (options.extract_to) |path| break :path path;
break :path null;
switch (elf_hdr.is_64) {
inline else => |is_64| {
var elf_file = try ElfFile(is_64).parse(allocator, in_file, elf_hdr);
defer elf_file.deinit();
if (filter_complement) |flt| {
// write the .dbg file and close it, so it can be read back to compute the debuglink checksum.
const path = options.extract_to.?;
const dbg_file = std.fs.cwd().createFile(path, .{}) catch |err| {
fatal("zig objcopy: unable to create '{s}': {s}", .{ path, @errorName(err) });
defer dbg_file.close();
try elf_file.emit(allocator, dbg_file, in_file, .{ .section_filter = flt, .compress_debug = options.compress_debug });
const debuglink: ?DebugLink = if (debuglink_path) |path| ElfFileHelper.createDebugLink(path) else null;
try elf_file.emit(allocator, out_file, in_file, .{ .section_filter = filter, .debuglink = debuglink, .compress_debug = options.compress_debug });
// note: this is "a minimal effort implementation"
// It doesn't support all possibile elf files: some sections type may need fixups, the program header may need fix up, ...
// It was written for a specific use case (strip debug info to a sperate file, for linux 64-bits executables built with `zig` or `zig c++` )
// It moves and reoders the sections as little as possible to avoid having to do fixups.
// TODO: support non-native endianess
fn ElfFile(comptime is_64: bool) type {
const Elf_Ehdr = if (is_64) elf.Elf64_Ehdr else elf.Elf32_Ehdr;
const Elf_Phdr = if (is_64) elf.Elf64_Phdr else elf.Elf32_Phdr;
const Elf_Shdr = if (is_64) elf.Elf64_Shdr else elf.Elf32_Shdr;
const Elf_Chdr = if (is_64) elf.Elf64_Chdr else elf.Elf32_Chdr;
const Elf_Sym = if (is_64) elf.Elf64_Sym else elf.Elf32_Sym;
const Elf_Verdef = if (is_64) elf.Elf64_Verdef else elf.Elf32_Verdef;
const Elf_OffSize = if (is_64) elf.Elf64_Off else elf.Elf32_Off;
return struct {
raw_elf_header: Elf_Ehdr,
program_segments: []const Elf_Phdr,
sections: []const Section,
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
const SectionCategory = ElfFileHelper.SectionCategory;
const section_memory_align = @alignOf(Elf_Sym); // most restrictive of what we may load in memory
const Section = struct {
section: Elf_Shdr,
name: []const u8 = "",
segment: ?*const Elf_Phdr = null, // if the section is used by a program segment (there can be more than one)
payload: ?[]align(section_memory_align) const u8 = null, // if we need the data in memory
category: SectionCategory = .none, // should the section be kept in the exe or stripped to the debug database, or both.
const Self = @This();
pub fn parse(gpa: Allocator, in_file: File, header: elf.Header) !Self {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(gpa);
errdefer arena.deinit();
const allocator = arena.allocator();
var raw_header: Elf_Ehdr = undefined;
const bytes_read = try in_file.preadAll(std.mem.asBytes(&raw_header), 0);
if (bytes_read < @sizeOf(Elf_Ehdr))
return error.TRUNCATED_ELF;
// program header: list of segments
const program_segments = blk: {
if (@sizeOf(Elf_Phdr) != header.phentsize)
fatal("zig objcopy: unsuported ELF file, unexpected phentsize ({d})", .{header.phentsize});
const program_header = try allocator.alloc(Elf_Phdr, header.phnum);
const bytes_read = try in_file.preadAll(std.mem.sliceAsBytes(program_header), header.phoff);
if (bytes_read < @sizeOf(Elf_Phdr) * header.phnum)
return error.TRUNCATED_ELF;
break :blk program_header;
// section header
const sections = blk: {
if (@sizeOf(Elf_Shdr) != header.shentsize)
fatal("zig objcopy: unsuported ELF file, unexpected shentsize ({d})", .{header.shentsize});
const section_header = try allocator.alloc(Section, header.shnum);
const raw_section_header = try allocator.alloc(Elf_Shdr, header.shnum);
defer allocator.free(raw_section_header);
const bytes_read = try in_file.preadAll(std.mem.sliceAsBytes(raw_section_header), header.shoff);
if (bytes_read < @sizeOf(Elf_Phdr) * header.shnum)
return error.TRUNCATED_ELF;
for (section_header, raw_section_header) |*section, hdr| {
section.* = .{ .section = hdr };
break :blk section_header;
// load data to memory for some sections:
// string tables for access
// sections than need modifications when other sections move.
for (sections, 0..) |*section, idx| {
const need_data = switch (section.section.sh_type) {
elf.DT_VERSYM => true,
elf.SHT_SYMTAB, elf.SHT_DYNSYM => true,
else => false,
const need_strings = (idx == header.shstrndx);
if (need_data or need_strings) {
const buffer = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, section_memory_align, @intCast(section.section.sh_size));
const bytes_read = try in_file.preadAll(buffer, section.section.sh_offset);
if (bytes_read != section.section.sh_size) return error.TRUNCATED_ELF;
section.payload = buffer;
// fill-in sections info:
// resolve the name
// find if a program segment uses the section
// categorize sections usage (used by program segments, debug datadase, common metadata, symbol table)
for (sections) |*section| {
section.segment = for (program_segments) |*seg| {
if (sectionWithinSegment(section.section, seg.*)) break seg;
} else null;
if (section.section.sh_name != 0 and header.shstrndx != elf.SHN_UNDEF)
section.name = std.mem.span(@as([*:0]const u8, @ptrCast(&sections[header.shstrndx].payload.?[section.section.sh_name])));
const category_from_program: SectionCategory = if (section.segment != null) .exe else .debug;
section.category = switch (section.section.sh_type) {
elf.SHT_NOTE => .common,
elf.SHT_SYMTAB => .symbols, // "strip all" vs "strip only debug"
elf.SHT_DYNSYM => .exe,
elf.SHT_PROGBITS => cat: {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, section.name, ".comment")) break :cat .exe;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, section.name, ".gnu_debuglink")) break :cat .none;
break :cat category_from_program;
elf.SHT_LOPROC...elf.SHT_HIPROC => .common, // don't strip unknown sections
elf.SHT_LOUSER...elf.SHT_HIUSER => .common, // don't strip unknown sections
else => category_from_program,
sections[0].category = .common; // mandatory null section
if (header.shstrndx != elf.SHN_UNDEF)
sections[header.shstrndx].category = .common; // string table for the headers
// recursively propagate section categories to their linked sections, so that they are kept together
var dirty: u1 = 1;
while (dirty != 0) {
dirty = 0;
for (sections) |*section| {
if (section.section.sh_link != elf.SHN_UNDEF)
dirty |= ElfFileHelper.propagateCategory(&sections[section.section.sh_link].category, section.category);
if ((section.section.sh_flags & elf.SHF_INFO_LINK) != 0 and section.section.sh_info != elf.SHN_UNDEF)
dirty |= ElfFileHelper.propagateCategory(&sections[section.section.sh_info].category, section.category);
return Self{
.arena = arena,
.raw_elf_header = raw_header,
.program_segments = program_segments,
.sections = sections,
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
const Filter = ElfFileHelper.Filter;
const DebugLink = ElfFileHelper.DebugLink;
const EmitElfOptions = struct {
section_filter: Filter = .all,
debuglink: ?DebugLink = null,
compress_debug: bool = false,
fn emit(self: *const Self, gpa: Allocator, out_file: File, in_file: File, options: EmitElfOptions) !void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(gpa);
defer arena.deinit();
const allocator = arena.allocator();
// when emitting the stripped exe:
// - unused sections are removed
// when emitting the debug file:
// - all sections are kept, but some are emptied and their types is changed to SHT_NOBITS
// the program header is kept unchanged. (`strip` does update it, but `eu-strip` does not, and it still works)
const Update = struct {
action: ElfFileHelper.Action,
// remap the indexs after omitting the filtered sections
remap_idx: u16,
// optionally overrides the payload from the source file
payload: ?[]align(section_memory_align) const u8 = null,
section: ?Elf_Shdr = null,
const sections_update = try allocator.alloc(Update, self.sections.len);
const new_shnum = blk: {
var next_idx: u16 = 0;
for (self.sections, sections_update) |section, *update| {
const action = ElfFileHelper.selectAction(section.category, options.section_filter);
const remap_idx = idx: {
if (action == .strip) break :idx elf.SHN_UNDEF;
next_idx += 1;
break :idx next_idx - 1;
update.* = Update{ .action = action, .remap_idx = remap_idx };
if (options.debuglink != null)
next_idx += 1;
break :blk next_idx;
// add a ".gnu_debuglink" to the string table if needed
const debuglink_name: u32 = blk: {
if (options.debuglink == null) break :blk elf.SHN_UNDEF;
if (self.raw_elf_header.e_shstrndx == elf.SHN_UNDEF)
fatal("zig objcopy: no strtab, cannot add the debuglink section", .{}); // TODO add the section if needed?
const strtab = &self.sections[self.raw_elf_header.e_shstrndx];
const update = &sections_update[self.raw_elf_header.e_shstrndx];
const name: []const u8 = ".gnu_debuglink";
const new_offset: u32 = @intCast(strtab.payload.?.len);
const buf = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, section_memory_align, new_offset + name.len + 1);
@memcpy(buf[0..new_offset], strtab.payload.?);
@memcpy(buf[new_offset..][0..name.len], name);
buf[new_offset + name.len] = 0;
assert(update.action == .keep);
update.payload = buf;
break :blk new_offset;
// maybe compress .debug sections
if (options.compress_debug) {
for (self.sections[1..], sections_update[1..]) |section, *update| {
if (update.action != .keep) continue;
if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8, section.name, ".debug_")) continue;
if ((section.section.sh_flags & elf.SHF_COMPRESSED) != 0) continue; // already compressed
const chdr = Elf_Chdr{
.ch_type = elf.COMPRESS.ZLIB,
.ch_size = section.section.sh_size,
.ch_addralign = section.section.sh_addralign,
const compressed_payload = try ElfFileHelper.tryCompressSection(allocator, in_file, section.section.sh_offset, section.section.sh_size, std.mem.asBytes(&chdr));
if (compressed_payload) |payload| {
update.payload = payload;
update.section = section.section;
update.section.?.sh_addralign = @alignOf(Elf_Chdr);
update.section.?.sh_size = @intCast(payload.len);
update.section.?.sh_flags |= elf.SHF_COMPRESSED;
var cmdbuf = std.ArrayList(ElfFileHelper.WriteCmd).init(allocator);
defer cmdbuf.deinit();
try cmdbuf.ensureUnusedCapacity(3 + new_shnum);
var eof_offset: Elf_OffSize = 0; // track the end of the data written so far.
// build the updated headers
// nb: updated_elf_header will be updated before the actual write
var updated_elf_header = self.raw_elf_header;
if (updated_elf_header.e_shstrndx != elf.SHN_UNDEF)
updated_elf_header.e_shstrndx = sections_update[updated_elf_header.e_shstrndx].remap_idx;
cmdbuf.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .write_data = .{ .data = std.mem.asBytes(&updated_elf_header), .out_offset = 0 } });
eof_offset = @sizeOf(Elf_Ehdr);
// program header as-is.
// nb: for only-debug files, removing it appears to work, but is invalid by ELF specifcation.
assert(updated_elf_header.e_phoff == @sizeOf(Elf_Ehdr));
const data = std.mem.sliceAsBytes(self.program_segments);
assert(data.len == @as(usize, updated_elf_header.e_phentsize) * updated_elf_header.e_phnum);
cmdbuf.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .write_data = .{ .data = data, .out_offset = updated_elf_header.e_phoff } });
eof_offset = updated_elf_header.e_phoff + @as(Elf_OffSize, @intCast(data.len));
// update sections and queue payload writes
const updated_section_header = blk: {
const dest_sections = try allocator.alloc(Elf_Shdr, new_shnum);
// the ELF format doesn't specify the order for all sections.
// this code only supports when they are in increasing file order.
var offset: u64 = eof_offset;
for (self.sections[1..]) |section| {
if (section.section.sh_type == elf.SHT_NOBITS)
if (section.section.sh_offset < offset) {
fatal("zig objcopy: unsuported ELF file", .{});
offset = section.section.sh_offset;
dest_sections[0] = self.sections[0].section;
var dest_section_idx: u32 = 1;
for (self.sections[1..], sections_update[1..]) |section, update| {
if (update.action == .strip) continue;
assert(update.remap_idx == dest_section_idx);
const src = if (update.section) |*s| s else &section.section;
const dest = &dest_sections[dest_section_idx];
const payload = if (update.payload) |data| data else section.payload;
dest_section_idx += 1;
dest.* = src.*;
if (src.sh_link != elf.SHN_UNDEF)
dest.sh_link = sections_update[src.sh_link].remap_idx;
if ((src.sh_flags & elf.SHF_INFO_LINK) != 0 and src.sh_info != elf.SHN_UNDEF)
dest.sh_info = sections_update[src.sh_info].remap_idx;
if (payload) |data|
dest.sh_size = @intCast(data.len);
const addralign = if (src.sh_addralign == 0 or dest.sh_type == elf.SHT_NOBITS) 1 else src.sh_addralign;
dest.sh_offset = std.mem.alignForward(Elf_OffSize, eof_offset, addralign);
if (src.sh_offset != dest.sh_offset and section.segment != null and update.action != .empty and dest.sh_type != elf.SHT_NOTE and dest.sh_type != elf.SHT_NOBITS) {
if (src.sh_offset > dest.sh_offset) {
dest.sh_offset = src.sh_offset; // add padding to avoid modifing the program segments
} else {
fatal("zig objcopy: cannot adjust program segments", .{});
assert(dest.sh_addr % addralign == dest.sh_offset % addralign);
if (update.action == .empty)
dest.sh_type = elf.SHT_NOBITS;
if (dest.sh_type != elf.SHT_NOBITS) {
if (payload) |src_data| {
// update sections payload and write
const dest_data = switch (src.sh_type) {
elf.DT_VERSYM => dst_data: {
const data = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, section_memory_align, src_data.len);
@memcpy(data, src_data);
const defs = @as([*]Elf_Verdef, @ptrCast(data))[0 .. @as(usize, @intCast(src.sh_size)) / @sizeOf(Elf_Verdef)];
for (defs) |*def| {
if (def.vd_ndx != elf.SHN_UNDEF)
def.vd_ndx = sections_update[src.sh_info].remap_idx;
break :dst_data data;
elf.SHT_SYMTAB, elf.SHT_DYNSYM => dst_data: {
const data = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, section_memory_align, src_data.len);
@memcpy(data, src_data);
const syms = @as([*]Elf_Sym, @ptrCast(data))[0 .. @as(usize, @intCast(src.sh_size)) / @sizeOf(Elf_Sym)];
for (syms) |*sym| {
if (sym.st_shndx != elf.SHN_UNDEF and sym.st_shndx < elf.SHN_LORESERVE)
sym.st_shndx = sections_update[sym.st_shndx].remap_idx;
break :dst_data data;
else => src_data,
assert(dest_data.len == dest.sh_size);
cmdbuf.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .write_data = .{ .data = dest_data, .out_offset = dest.sh_offset } });
eof_offset = dest.sh_offset + dest.sh_size;
} else {
// direct contents copy
cmdbuf.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .copy_range = .{ .in_offset = src.sh_offset, .len = dest.sh_size, .out_offset = dest.sh_offset } });
eof_offset = dest.sh_offset + dest.sh_size;
} else {
// account for alignment padding even in empty sections to keep logical section order
eof_offset = dest.sh_offset;
// add a ".gnu_debuglink" section
if (options.debuglink) |link| {
const payload = payload: {
const crc_offset = std.mem.alignForward(usize, link.name.len + 1, 4);
const buf = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, 4, crc_offset + 4);
@memcpy(buf[0..link.name.len], link.name);
@memset(buf[link.name.len..crc_offset], 0);
@memcpy(buf[crc_offset..], std.mem.asBytes(&link.crc32));
break :payload buf;
dest_sections[dest_section_idx] = Elf_Shdr{
.sh_name = debuglink_name,
.sh_type = elf.SHT_PROGBITS,
.sh_flags = 0,
.sh_addr = 0,
.sh_offset = eof_offset,
.sh_size = @intCast(payload.len),
.sh_link = elf.SHN_UNDEF,
.sh_info = elf.SHN_UNDEF,
.sh_addralign = 4,
.sh_entsize = 0,
dest_section_idx += 1;
cmdbuf.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .write_data = .{ .data = payload, .out_offset = eof_offset } });
eof_offset += @as(Elf_OffSize, @intCast(payload.len));
assert(dest_section_idx == new_shnum);
break :blk dest_sections;
// write the section header at the tail
const offset = std.mem.alignForward(Elf_OffSize, eof_offset, @alignOf(Elf_Shdr));
const data = std.mem.sliceAsBytes(updated_section_header);
assert(data.len == @as(usize, updated_elf_header.e_shentsize) * new_shnum);
updated_elf_header.e_shoff = offset;
updated_elf_header.e_shnum = new_shnum;
cmdbuf.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .write_data = .{ .data = data, .out_offset = updated_elf_header.e_shoff } });
try ElfFileHelper.write(allocator, out_file, in_file, cmdbuf.items);
fn sectionWithinSegment(section: Elf_Shdr, segment: Elf_Phdr) bool {
const file_size = if (section.sh_type == elf.SHT_NOBITS) 0 else section.sh_size;
return segment.p_offset <= section.sh_offset and (segment.p_offset + segment.p_filesz) >= (section.sh_offset + file_size);
const ElfFileHelper = struct {
const DebugLink = struct { name: []const u8, crc32: u32 };
const Filter = enum { all, program, debug, program_and_symbols, debug_and_symbols };
const SectionCategory = enum { common, exe, debug, symbols, none };
fn propagateCategory(cur: *SectionCategory, new: SectionCategory) u1 {
const cat: SectionCategory = switch (cur.*) {
.none => new,
.common => .common,
.debug => switch (new) {
.none, .debug => .debug,
else => new,
.exe => switch (new) {
.common => .common,
.none, .debug, .exe => .exe,
.symbols => .exe,
.symbols => switch (new) {
.none, .common, .debug, .exe => unreachable,
.symbols => .symbols,
if (cur.* != cat) {
cur.* = cat;
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
const Action = enum { keep, strip, empty };
fn selectAction(category: SectionCategory, filter: Filter) Action {
if (category == .none) return .strip;
return switch (filter) {
.all => switch (category) {
.none => .strip,
else => .keep,
.program => switch (category) {
.common, .exe => .keep,
else => .strip,
.program_and_symbols => switch (category) {
.common, .exe, .symbols => .keep,
else => .strip,
.debug => switch (category) {
.exe, .symbols => .empty,
.none => .strip,
else => .keep,
.debug_and_symbols => switch (category) {
.exe => .empty,
.none => .strip,
else => .keep,
const WriteCmd = union(enum) {
copy_range: struct { in_offset: u64, len: u64, out_offset: u64 },
write_data: struct { data: []const u8, out_offset: u64 },
fn write(allocator: Allocator, out_file: File, in_file: File, cmds: []const WriteCmd) !void {
// consolidate holes between writes:
// by coping original padding data from in_file (by fusing contiguous ranges)
// by writing zeroes otherwise
const zeroes = [1]u8{0} ** 4096;
var consolidated = std.ArrayList(WriteCmd).init(allocator);
defer consolidated.deinit();
try consolidated.ensureUnusedCapacity(cmds.len * 2);
var offset: u64 = 0;
var fused_cmd: ?WriteCmd = null;
for (cmds) |cmd| {
switch (cmd) {
.write_data => |data| {
assert(data.out_offset >= offset);
if (fused_cmd) |prev| {
fused_cmd = null;
if (data.out_offset > offset) {
consolidated.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .write_data = .{ .data = zeroes[0..@intCast(data.out_offset - offset)], .out_offset = offset } });
offset = data.out_offset + data.data.len;
.copy_range => |range| {
assert(range.out_offset >= offset);
if (fused_cmd) |prev| {
if (range.in_offset >= prev.copy_range.in_offset + prev.copy_range.len and (range.out_offset - prev.copy_range.out_offset == range.in_offset - prev.copy_range.in_offset)) {
fused_cmd = .{ .copy_range = .{
.in_offset = prev.copy_range.in_offset,
.out_offset = prev.copy_range.out_offset,
.len = (range.out_offset + range.len) - prev.copy_range.out_offset,
} };
} else {
if (range.out_offset > offset) {
consolidated.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .write_data = .{ .data = zeroes[0..@intCast(range.out_offset - offset)], .out_offset = offset } });
fused_cmd = cmd;
} else {
fused_cmd = cmd;
offset = range.out_offset + range.len;
if (fused_cmd) |cmd| {
// write the output file
for (consolidated.items) |cmd| {
switch (cmd) {
.write_data => |data| {
var iovec = [_]std.posix.iovec_const{.{ .base = data.data.ptr, .len = data.data.len }};
try out_file.pwritevAll(&iovec, data.out_offset);
.copy_range => |range| {
const copied_bytes = try in_file.copyRangeAll(range.in_offset, out_file, range.out_offset, range.len);
if (copied_bytes < range.len) return error.TRUNCATED_ELF;
fn tryCompressSection(allocator: Allocator, in_file: File, offset: u64, size: u64, prefix: []const u8) !?[]align(8) const u8 {
if (size < prefix.len) return null;
try in_file.seekTo(offset);
var section_reader = std.io.limitedReader(in_file.reader(), size);
// allocate as large as decompressed data. if the compression doesn't fit, keep the data uncompressed.
const compressed_data = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, 8, @intCast(size));
var compressed_stream = std.io.fixedBufferStream(compressed_data);
try compressed_stream.writer().writeAll(prefix);
var compressor = try std.compress.zlib.compressor(compressed_stream.writer(), .{});
var buf: [8000]u8 = undefined;
while (true) {
const bytes_read = try section_reader.read(&buf);
if (bytes_read == 0) break;
const bytes_written = compressor.write(buf[0..bytes_read]) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NoSpaceLeft => {
return null;
else => return err,
std.debug.assert(bytes_written == bytes_read);
compressor.finish() catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NoSpaceLeft => {
return null;
else => return err,
const compressed_len: usize = @intCast(compressed_stream.getPos() catch unreachable);
const data = allocator.realloc(compressed_data, compressed_len) catch compressed_data;
return data[0..compressed_len];
fn createDebugLink(path: []const u8) DebugLink {
const file = std.fs.cwd().openFile(path, .{}) catch |err| {
fatal("zig objcopy: could not open `{s}`: {s}\n", .{ path, @errorName(err) });
defer file.close();
const crc = ElfFileHelper.computeFileCrc(file) catch |err| {
fatal("zig objcopy: could not read `{s}`: {s}\n", .{ path, @errorName(err) });
return .{
.name = std.fs.path.basename(path),
.crc32 = crc,
fn computeFileCrc(file: File) !u32 {
var buf: [8000]u8 = undefined;
try file.seekTo(0);
var hasher = std.hash.Crc32.init();
while (true) {
const bytes_read = try file.read(&buf);
if (bytes_read == 0) break;
return hasher.final();