Arnavion 2a415a033c std.bit_set: add setRangeValue(Range, bool)
For large ranges, this is faster than having the caller call setValue() for
each index in the range. Masks wholly covered by the range can be set to
the new mask value in one go, and the two masks at either end that are
partially covered can each set the covered range of bits in one go.
2022-02-07 14:58:07 -05:00

1444 lines
54 KiB

//! This file defines several variants of bit sets. A bit set
//! is a densely stored set of integers with a known maximum,
//! in which each integer gets a single bit. Bit sets have very
//! fast presence checks, update operations, and union and intersection
//! operations. However, if the number of possible items is very
//! large and the number of actual items in a given set is usually
//! small, they may be less memory efficient than an array set.
//! There are five variants defined here:
//! IntegerBitSet:
//! A bit set with static size, which is backed by a single integer.
//! This set is good for sets with a small size, but may generate
//! inefficient code for larger sets, especially in debug mode.
//! ArrayBitSet:
//! A bit set with static size, which is backed by an array of usize.
//! This set is good for sets with a larger size, but may use
//! more bytes than necessary if your set is small.
//! StaticBitSet:
//! Picks either IntegerBitSet or ArrayBitSet depending on the requested
//! size. The interfaces of these two types match exactly, except for fields.
//! DynamicBitSet:
//! A bit set with runtime known size, backed by an allocated slice
//! of usize.
//! DynamicBitSetUnmanaged:
//! A variant of DynamicBitSet which does not store a pointer to its
//! allocator, in order to save space.
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
/// Returns the optimal static bit set type for the specified number
/// of elements. The returned type will perform no allocations,
/// can be copied by value, and does not require deinitialization.
/// Both possible implementations fulfill the same interface.
pub fn StaticBitSet(comptime size: usize) type {
if (size <= @bitSizeOf(usize)) {
return IntegerBitSet(size);
} else {
return ArrayBitSet(usize, size);
/// A bit set with static size, which is backed by a single integer.
/// This set is good for sets with a small size, but may generate
/// inefficient code for larger sets, especially in debug mode.
pub fn IntegerBitSet(comptime size: u16) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
// TODO: Make this a comptime field once those are fixed
/// The number of items in this bit set
pub const bit_length: usize = size;
/// The integer type used to represent a mask in this bit set
pub const MaskInt = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, size);
/// The integer type used to shift a mask in this bit set
pub const ShiftInt = std.math.Log2Int(MaskInt);
/// The bit mask, as a single integer
mask: MaskInt,
/// Creates a bit set with no elements present.
pub fn initEmpty() Self {
return .{ .mask = 0 };
/// Creates a bit set with all elements present.
pub fn initFull() Self {
return .{ .mask = ~@as(MaskInt, 0) };
/// Returns the number of bits in this bit set
pub inline fn capacity(self: Self) usize {
_ = self;
return bit_length;
/// Returns true if the bit at the specified index
/// is present in the set, false otherwise.
pub fn isSet(self: Self, index: usize) bool {
assert(index < bit_length);
return (self.mask & maskBit(index)) != 0;
/// Returns the total number of set bits in this bit set.
pub fn count(self: Self) usize {
return @popCount(MaskInt, self.mask);
/// Changes the value of the specified bit of the bit
/// set to match the passed boolean.
pub fn setValue(self: *Self, index: usize, value: bool) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
if (MaskInt == u0) return;
const bit = maskBit(index);
const new_bit = bit & std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value);
self.mask = (self.mask & ~bit) | new_bit;
/// Adds a specific bit to the bit set
pub fn set(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
self.mask |= maskBit(index);
/// Changes the value of all bits in the specified range to
/// match the passed boolean.
pub fn setRangeValue(self: *Self, range: Range, value: bool) void {
assert(range.end <= bit_length);
assert(range.start <= range.end);
if (range.start == range.end) return;
if (MaskInt == u0) return;
const start_bit = @intCast(ShiftInt, range.start);
var mask = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) << start_bit;
if (range.end != bit_length) {
const end_bit = @intCast(ShiftInt, range.end);
mask &= std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) >> @truncate(ShiftInt, @as(usize, @bitSizeOf(MaskInt)) - @as(usize, end_bit));
self.mask &= ~mask;
mask = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) << start_bit;
if (range.end != bit_length) {
const end_bit = @intCast(ShiftInt, range.end);
mask &= std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) >> @truncate(ShiftInt, @as(usize, @bitSizeOf(MaskInt)) - @as(usize, end_bit));
self.mask |= mask;
/// Removes a specific bit from the bit set
pub fn unset(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
// Workaround for #7953
if (MaskInt == u0) return;
self.mask &= ~maskBit(index);
/// Flips a specific bit in the bit set
pub fn toggle(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
self.mask ^= maskBit(index);
/// Flips all bits in this bit set which are present
/// in the toggles bit set.
pub fn toggleSet(self: *Self, toggles: Self) void {
self.mask ^= toggles.mask;
/// Flips every bit in the bit set.
pub fn toggleAll(self: *Self) void {
self.mask = ~self.mask;
/// Performs a union of two bit sets, and stores the
/// result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in either input.
pub fn setUnion(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
self.mask |= other.mask;
/// Performs an intersection of two bit sets, and stores
/// the result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in both inputs.
pub fn setIntersection(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
self.mask &= other.mask;
/// Finds the index of the first set bit.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn findFirstSet(self: Self) ?usize {
const mask = self.mask;
if (mask == 0) return null;
return @ctz(MaskInt, mask);
/// Finds the index of the first set bit, and unsets it.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn toggleFirstSet(self: *Self) ?usize {
const mask = self.mask;
if (mask == 0) return null;
const index = @ctz(MaskInt, mask);
self.mask = mask & (mask - 1);
return index;
/// Iterates through the items in the set, according to the options.
/// The default options (.{}) will iterate indices of set bits in
/// ascending order. Modifications to the underlying bit set may
/// or may not be observed by the iterator.
pub fn iterator(self: *const Self, comptime options: IteratorOptions) Iterator(options) {
return .{
.bits_remain = switch (options.kind) {
.set => self.mask,
.unset => ~self.mask,
pub fn Iterator(comptime options: IteratorOptions) type {
return SingleWordIterator(options.direction);
fn SingleWordIterator(comptime direction: IteratorOptions.Direction) type {
return struct {
const IterSelf = @This();
// all bits which have not yet been iterated over
bits_remain: MaskInt,
/// Returns the index of the next unvisited set bit
/// in the bit set, in ascending order.
pub fn next(self: *IterSelf) ?usize {
if (self.bits_remain == 0) return null;
switch (direction) {
.forward => {
const next_index = @ctz(MaskInt, self.bits_remain);
self.bits_remain &= self.bits_remain - 1;
return next_index;
.reverse => {
const leading_zeroes = @clz(MaskInt, self.bits_remain);
const top_bit = (@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1) - leading_zeroes;
self.bits_remain &= (@as(MaskInt, 1) << @intCast(ShiftInt, top_bit)) - 1;
return top_bit;
fn maskBit(index: usize) MaskInt {
if (MaskInt == u0) return 0;
return @as(MaskInt, 1) << @intCast(ShiftInt, index);
fn boolMaskBit(index: usize, value: bool) MaskInt {
if (MaskInt == u0) return 0;
return @as(MaskInt, @boolToInt(value)) << @intCast(ShiftInt, index);
/// A bit set with static size, which is backed by an array of usize.
/// This set is good for sets with a larger size, but may use
/// more bytes than necessary if your set is small.
pub fn ArrayBitSet(comptime MaskIntType: type, comptime size: usize) type {
const mask_info: std.builtin.TypeInfo = @typeInfo(MaskIntType);
// Make sure the mask int is indeed an int
if (mask_info != .Int) @compileError("ArrayBitSet can only operate on integer masks, but was passed " ++ @typeName(MaskIntType));
// It must also be unsigned.
if (mask_info.Int.signedness != .unsigned) @compileError("ArrayBitSet requires an unsigned integer mask type, but was passed " ++ @typeName(MaskIntType));
// And it must not be empty.
if (MaskIntType == u0)
@compileError("ArrayBitSet requires a sized integer for its mask int. u0 does not work.");
const byte_size = std.mem.byte_size_in_bits;
// We use shift and truncate to decompose indices into mask indices and bit indices.
// This operation requires that the mask has an exact power of two number of bits.
if (!std.math.isPowerOfTwo(@bitSizeOf(MaskIntType))) {
var desired_bits = std.math.ceilPowerOfTwoAssert(usize, @bitSizeOf(MaskIntType));
if (desired_bits < byte_size) desired_bits = byte_size;
const FixedMaskType = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, desired_bits);
@compileError("ArrayBitSet was passed integer type " ++ @typeName(MaskIntType) ++
", which is not a power of two. Please round this up to a power of two integer size (i.e. " ++ @typeName(FixedMaskType) ++ ").");
// Make sure the integer has no padding bits.
// Those would be wasteful here and are probably a mistake by the user.
// This case may be hit with small powers of two, like u4.
if (@bitSizeOf(MaskIntType) != @sizeOf(MaskIntType) * byte_size) {
var desired_bits = @sizeOf(MaskIntType) * byte_size;
desired_bits = std.math.ceilPowerOfTwoAssert(usize, desired_bits);
const FixedMaskType = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, desired_bits);
@compileError("ArrayBitSet was passed integer type " ++ @typeName(MaskIntType) ++
", which contains padding bits. Please round this up to an unpadded integer size (i.e. " ++ @typeName(FixedMaskType) ++ ").");
return struct {
const Self = @This();
// TODO: Make this a comptime field once those are fixed
/// The number of items in this bit set
pub const bit_length: usize = size;
/// The integer type used to represent a mask in this bit set
pub const MaskInt = MaskIntType;
/// The integer type used to shift a mask in this bit set
pub const ShiftInt = std.math.Log2Int(MaskInt);
// bits in one mask
const mask_len = @bitSizeOf(MaskInt);
// total number of masks
const num_masks = (size + mask_len - 1) / mask_len;
// padding bits in the last mask (may be 0)
const last_pad_bits = mask_len * num_masks - size;
// Mask of valid bits in the last mask.
// All functions will ensure that the invalid
// bits in the last mask are zero.
pub const last_item_mask = ~@as(MaskInt, 0) >> last_pad_bits;
/// The bit masks, ordered with lower indices first.
/// Padding bits at the end are undefined.
masks: [num_masks]MaskInt,
/// Creates a bit set with no elements present.
pub fn initEmpty() Self {
return .{ .masks = [_]MaskInt{0} ** num_masks };
/// Creates a bit set with all elements present.
pub fn initFull() Self {
if (num_masks == 0) {
return .{ .masks = .{} };
} else {
return .{ .masks = [_]MaskInt{~@as(MaskInt, 0)} ** (num_masks - 1) ++ [_]MaskInt{last_item_mask} };
/// Returns the number of bits in this bit set
pub inline fn capacity(self: Self) usize {
_ = self;
return bit_length;
/// Returns true if the bit at the specified index
/// is present in the set, false otherwise.
pub fn isSet(self: Self, index: usize) bool {
assert(index < bit_length);
if (num_masks == 0) return false; // doesn't compile in this case
return (self.masks[maskIndex(index)] & maskBit(index)) != 0;
/// Returns the total number of set bits in this bit set.
pub fn count(self: Self) usize {
var total: usize = 0;
for (self.masks) |mask| {
total += @popCount(MaskInt, mask);
return total;
/// Changes the value of the specified bit of the bit
/// set to match the passed boolean.
pub fn setValue(self: *Self, index: usize, value: bool) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
if (num_masks == 0) return; // doesn't compile in this case
const bit = maskBit(index);
const mask_index = maskIndex(index);
const new_bit = bit & std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value);
self.masks[mask_index] = (self.masks[mask_index] & ~bit) | new_bit;
/// Adds a specific bit to the bit set
pub fn set(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
if (num_masks == 0) return; // doesn't compile in this case
self.masks[maskIndex(index)] |= maskBit(index);
/// Changes the value of all bits in the specified range to
/// match the passed boolean.
pub fn setRangeValue(self: *Self, range: Range, value: bool) void {
assert(range.end <= bit_length);
assert(range.start <= range.end);
if (range.start == range.end) return;
if (num_masks == 0) return;
const start_mask_index = maskIndex(range.start);
const start_bit = @truncate(ShiftInt, range.start);
const end_mask_index = maskIndex(range.end);
const end_bit = @truncate(ShiftInt, range.end);
if (start_mask_index == end_mask_index) {
var mask1 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) << start_bit;
var mask2 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) >> (mask_len - 1) - (end_bit - 1);
self.masks[start_mask_index] &= ~(mask1 & mask2);
mask1 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) << start_bit;
mask2 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) >> (mask_len - 1) - (end_bit - 1);
self.masks[start_mask_index] |= mask1 & mask2;
} else {
var bulk_mask_index: usize = undefined;
if (start_bit > 0) {
self.masks[start_mask_index] =
(self.masks[start_mask_index] & ~(std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) << start_bit)) |
(std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) << start_bit);
bulk_mask_index = start_mask_index + 1;
} else {
bulk_mask_index = start_mask_index;
while (bulk_mask_index < end_mask_index) : (bulk_mask_index += 1) {
self.masks[bulk_mask_index] = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value);
if (end_bit > 0) {
self.masks[end_mask_index] =
(self.masks[end_mask_index] & (std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) << end_bit)) |
(std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) >> ((@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1) - (end_bit - 1)));
/// Removes a specific bit from the bit set
pub fn unset(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
if (num_masks == 0) return; // doesn't compile in this case
self.masks[maskIndex(index)] &= ~maskBit(index);
/// Flips a specific bit in the bit set
pub fn toggle(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
if (num_masks == 0) return; // doesn't compile in this case
self.masks[maskIndex(index)] ^= maskBit(index);
/// Flips all bits in this bit set which are present
/// in the toggles bit set.
pub fn toggleSet(self: *Self, toggles: Self) void {
for (self.masks) |*mask, i| {
mask.* ^= toggles.masks[i];
/// Flips every bit in the bit set.
pub fn toggleAll(self: *Self) void {
for (self.masks) |*mask| {
mask.* = ~mask.*;
// Zero the padding bits
if (num_masks > 0) {
self.masks[num_masks - 1] &= last_item_mask;
/// Performs a union of two bit sets, and stores the
/// result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in either input.
pub fn setUnion(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
for (self.masks) |*mask, i| {
mask.* |= other.masks[i];
/// Performs an intersection of two bit sets, and stores
/// the result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in both inputs.
pub fn setIntersection(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
for (self.masks) |*mask, i| {
mask.* &= other.masks[i];
/// Finds the index of the first set bit.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn findFirstSet(self: Self) ?usize {
var offset: usize = 0;
const mask = for (self.masks) |mask| {
if (mask != 0) break mask;
offset += @bitSizeOf(MaskInt);
} else return null;
return offset + @ctz(MaskInt, mask);
/// Finds the index of the first set bit, and unsets it.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn toggleFirstSet(self: *Self) ?usize {
var offset: usize = 0;
const mask = for (self.masks) |*mask| {
if (mask.* != 0) break mask;
offset += @bitSizeOf(MaskInt);
} else return null;
const index = @ctz(MaskInt, mask.*);
mask.* &= (mask.* - 1);
return offset + index;
/// Iterates through the items in the set, according to the options.
/// The default options (.{}) will iterate indices of set bits in
/// ascending order. Modifications to the underlying bit set may
/// or may not be observed by the iterator.
pub fn iterator(self: *const Self, comptime options: IteratorOptions) Iterator(options) {
return Iterator(options).init(&self.masks, last_item_mask);
pub fn Iterator(comptime options: IteratorOptions) type {
return BitSetIterator(MaskInt, options);
fn maskBit(index: usize) MaskInt {
return @as(MaskInt, 1) << @truncate(ShiftInt, index);
fn maskIndex(index: usize) usize {
return index >> @bitSizeOf(ShiftInt);
fn boolMaskBit(index: usize, value: bool) MaskInt {
return @as(MaskInt, @boolToInt(value)) << @intCast(ShiftInt, index);
/// A bit set with runtime known size, backed by an allocated slice
/// of usize. The allocator must be tracked externally by the user.
pub const DynamicBitSetUnmanaged = struct {
const Self = @This();
/// The integer type used to represent a mask in this bit set
pub const MaskInt = usize;
/// The integer type used to shift a mask in this bit set
pub const ShiftInt = std.math.Log2Int(MaskInt);
/// The number of valid items in this bit set
bit_length: usize = 0,
/// The bit masks, ordered with lower indices first.
/// Padding bits at the end must be zeroed.
masks: [*]MaskInt = empty_masks_ptr,
// This pointer is one usize after the actual allocation.
// That slot holds the size of the true allocation, which
// is needed by Zig's allocator interface in case a shrink
// fails.
// Don't modify this value. Ideally it would go in const data so
// modifications would cause a bus error, but the only way
// to discard a const qualifier is through ptrToInt, which
// cannot currently round trip at comptime.
var empty_masks_data = [_]MaskInt{ 0, undefined };
const empty_masks_ptr = empty_masks_data[1..2];
/// Creates a bit set with no elements present.
/// If bit_length is not zero, deinit must eventually be called.
pub fn initEmpty(allocator: Allocator, bit_length: usize) !Self {
var self = Self{};
try self.resize(allocator, bit_length, false);
return self;
/// Creates a bit set with all elements present.
/// If bit_length is not zero, deinit must eventually be called.
pub fn initFull(allocator: Allocator, bit_length: usize) !Self {
var self = Self{};
try self.resize(allocator, bit_length, true);
return self;
/// Resizes to a new bit_length. If the new length is larger
/// than the old length, fills any added bits with `fill`.
/// If new_len is not zero, deinit must eventually be called.
pub fn resize(self: *@This(), allocator: Allocator, new_len: usize, fill: bool) !void {
const old_len = self.bit_length;
const old_masks = numMasks(old_len);
const new_masks = numMasks(new_len);
const old_allocation = (self.masks - 1)[0..(self.masks - 1)[0]];
if (new_masks == 0) {
assert(new_len == 0);
self.masks = empty_masks_ptr;
self.bit_length = 0;
if (old_allocation.len != new_masks + 1) realloc: {
// If realloc fails, it may mean one of two things.
// If we are growing, it means we are out of memory.
// If we are shrinking, it means the allocator doesn't
// want to move the allocation. This means we need to
// hold on to the extra 8 bytes required to be able to free
// this allocation properly.
const new_allocation = allocator.realloc(old_allocation, new_masks + 1) catch |err| {
if (new_masks + 1 > old_allocation.len) return err;
break :realloc;
new_allocation[0] = new_allocation.len;
self.masks = new_allocation.ptr + 1;
// If we increased in size, we need to set any new bits
// to the fill value.
if (new_len > old_len) {
// set the padding bits in the old last item to 1
if (fill and old_masks > 0) {
const old_padding_bits = old_masks * @bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - old_len;
const old_mask = (~@as(MaskInt, 0)) >> @intCast(ShiftInt, old_padding_bits);
self.masks[old_masks - 1] |= ~old_mask;
// fill in any new masks
if (new_masks > old_masks) {
const fill_value = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, fill);
std.mem.set(MaskInt, self.masks[old_masks..new_masks], fill_value);
// Zero out the padding bits
if (new_len > 0) {
const padding_bits = new_masks * @bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - new_len;
const last_item_mask = (~@as(MaskInt, 0)) >> @intCast(ShiftInt, padding_bits);
self.masks[new_masks - 1] &= last_item_mask;
// And finally, save the new length.
self.bit_length = new_len;
/// deinitializes the array and releases its memory.
/// The passed allocator must be the same one used for
/// init* or resize in the past.
pub fn deinit(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator) void {
self.resize(allocator, 0, false) catch unreachable;
/// Creates a duplicate of this bit set, using the new allocator.
pub fn clone(self: *const Self, new_allocator: Allocator) !Self {
const num_masks = numMasks(self.bit_length);
var copy = Self{};
try copy.resize(new_allocator, self.bit_length, false);
std.mem.copy(MaskInt, copy.masks[0..num_masks], self.masks[0..num_masks]);
return copy;
/// Returns the number of bits in this bit set
pub inline fn capacity(self: Self) usize {
return self.bit_length;
/// Returns true if the bit at the specified index
/// is present in the set, false otherwise.
pub fn isSet(self: Self, index: usize) bool {
assert(index < self.bit_length);
return (self.masks[maskIndex(index)] & maskBit(index)) != 0;
/// Returns the total number of set bits in this bit set.
pub fn count(self: Self) usize {
const num_masks = (self.bit_length + (@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1)) / @bitSizeOf(MaskInt);
var total: usize = 0;
for (self.masks[0..num_masks]) |mask| {
// Note: This is where we depend on padding bits being zero
total += @popCount(MaskInt, mask);
return total;
/// Changes the value of the specified bit of the bit
/// set to match the passed boolean.
pub fn setValue(self: *Self, index: usize, value: bool) void {
assert(index < self.bit_length);
const bit = maskBit(index);
const mask_index = maskIndex(index);
const new_bit = bit & std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value);
self.masks[mask_index] = (self.masks[mask_index] & ~bit) | new_bit;
/// Adds a specific bit to the bit set
pub fn set(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < self.bit_length);
self.masks[maskIndex(index)] |= maskBit(index);
/// Changes the value of all bits in the specified range to
/// match the passed boolean.
pub fn setRangeValue(self: *Self, range: Range, value: bool) void {
assert(range.end <= self.bit_length);
assert(range.start <= range.end);
if (range.start == range.end) return;
const start_mask_index = maskIndex(range.start);
const start_bit = @truncate(ShiftInt, range.start);
const end_mask_index = maskIndex(range.end);
const end_bit = @truncate(ShiftInt, range.end);
if (start_mask_index == end_mask_index) {
var mask1 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) << start_bit;
var mask2 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) >> (@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1) - (end_bit - 1);
self.masks[start_mask_index] &= ~(mask1 & mask2);
mask1 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) << start_bit;
mask2 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) >> (@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1) - (end_bit - 1);
self.masks[start_mask_index] |= mask1 & mask2;
} else {
var bulk_mask_index: usize = undefined;
if (start_bit > 0) {
self.masks[start_mask_index] =
(self.masks[start_mask_index] & ~(std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) << start_bit)) |
(std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) << start_bit);
bulk_mask_index = start_mask_index + 1;
} else {
bulk_mask_index = start_mask_index;
while (bulk_mask_index < end_mask_index) : (bulk_mask_index += 1) {
self.masks[bulk_mask_index] = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value);
if (end_bit > 0) {
self.masks[end_mask_index] =
(self.masks[end_mask_index] & (std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) << end_bit)) |
(std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) >> ((@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1) - (end_bit - 1)));
/// Removes a specific bit from the bit set
pub fn unset(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < self.bit_length);
self.masks[maskIndex(index)] &= ~maskBit(index);
/// Flips a specific bit in the bit set
pub fn toggle(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < self.bit_length);
self.masks[maskIndex(index)] ^= maskBit(index);
/// Flips all bits in this bit set which are present
/// in the toggles bit set. Both sets must have the
/// same bit_length.
pub fn toggleSet(self: *Self, toggles: Self) void {
assert(toggles.bit_length == self.bit_length);
const num_masks = numMasks(self.bit_length);
for (self.masks[0..num_masks]) |*mask, i| {
mask.* ^= toggles.masks[i];
/// Flips every bit in the bit set.
pub fn toggleAll(self: *Self) void {
const bit_length = self.bit_length;
// avoid underflow if bit_length is zero
if (bit_length == 0) return;
const num_masks = numMasks(self.bit_length);
for (self.masks[0..num_masks]) |*mask| {
mask.* = ~mask.*;
const padding_bits = num_masks * @bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - bit_length;
const last_item_mask = (~@as(MaskInt, 0)) >> @intCast(ShiftInt, padding_bits);
self.masks[num_masks - 1] &= last_item_mask;
/// Performs a union of two bit sets, and stores the
/// result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in either input.
/// The two sets must both be the same bit_length.
pub fn setUnion(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
assert(other.bit_length == self.bit_length);
const num_masks = numMasks(self.bit_length);
for (self.masks[0..num_masks]) |*mask, i| {
mask.* |= other.masks[i];
/// Performs an intersection of two bit sets, and stores
/// the result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in both inputs.
/// The two sets must both be the same bit_length.
pub fn setIntersection(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
assert(other.bit_length == self.bit_length);
const num_masks = numMasks(self.bit_length);
for (self.masks[0..num_masks]) |*mask, i| {
mask.* &= other.masks[i];
/// Finds the index of the first set bit.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn findFirstSet(self: Self) ?usize {
var offset: usize = 0;
var mask = self.masks;
while (offset < self.bit_length) {
if (mask[0] != 0) break;
mask += 1;
offset += @bitSizeOf(MaskInt);
} else return null;
return offset + @ctz(MaskInt, mask[0]);
/// Finds the index of the first set bit, and unsets it.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn toggleFirstSet(self: *Self) ?usize {
var offset: usize = 0;
var mask = self.masks;
while (offset < self.bit_length) {
if (mask[0] != 0) break;
mask += 1;
offset += @bitSizeOf(MaskInt);
} else return null;
const index = @ctz(MaskInt, mask[0]);
mask[0] &= (mask[0] - 1);
return offset + index;
/// Iterates through the items in the set, according to the options.
/// The default options (.{}) will iterate indices of set bits in
/// ascending order. Modifications to the underlying bit set may
/// or may not be observed by the iterator. Resizing the underlying
/// bit set invalidates the iterator.
pub fn iterator(self: *const Self, comptime options: IteratorOptions) Iterator(options) {
const num_masks = numMasks(self.bit_length);
const padding_bits = num_masks * @bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - self.bit_length;
const last_item_mask = (~@as(MaskInt, 0)) >> @intCast(ShiftInt, padding_bits);
return Iterator(options).init(self.masks[0..num_masks], last_item_mask);
pub fn Iterator(comptime options: IteratorOptions) type {
return BitSetIterator(MaskInt, options);
fn maskBit(index: usize) MaskInt {
return @as(MaskInt, 1) << @truncate(ShiftInt, index);
fn maskIndex(index: usize) usize {
return index >> @bitSizeOf(ShiftInt);
fn boolMaskBit(index: usize, value: bool) MaskInt {
return @as(MaskInt, @boolToInt(value)) << @intCast(ShiftInt, index);
fn numMasks(bit_length: usize) usize {
return (bit_length + (@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1)) / @bitSizeOf(MaskInt);
/// A bit set with runtime known size, backed by an allocated slice
/// of usize. Thin wrapper around DynamicBitSetUnmanaged which keeps
/// track of the allocator instance.
pub const DynamicBitSet = struct {
const Self = @This();
/// The integer type used to represent a mask in this bit set
pub const MaskInt = usize;
/// The integer type used to shift a mask in this bit set
pub const ShiftInt = std.math.Log2Int(MaskInt);
/// The allocator used by this bit set
allocator: Allocator,
/// The number of valid items in this bit set
unmanaged: DynamicBitSetUnmanaged = .{},
/// Creates a bit set with no elements present.
pub fn initEmpty(allocator: Allocator, bit_length: usize) !Self {
return Self{
.unmanaged = try DynamicBitSetUnmanaged.initEmpty(allocator, bit_length),
.allocator = allocator,
/// Creates a bit set with all elements present.
pub fn initFull(allocator: Allocator, bit_length: usize) !Self {
return Self{
.unmanaged = try DynamicBitSetUnmanaged.initFull(allocator, bit_length),
.allocator = allocator,
/// Resizes to a new length. If the new length is larger
/// than the old length, fills any added bits with `fill`.
pub fn resize(self: *@This(), new_len: usize, fill: bool) !void {
try self.unmanaged.resize(self.allocator, new_len, fill);
/// deinitializes the array and releases its memory.
/// The passed allocator must be the same one used for
/// init* or resize in the past.
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
/// Creates a duplicate of this bit set, using the new allocator.
pub fn clone(self: *const Self, new_allocator: Allocator) !Self {
return Self{
.unmanaged = try self.unmanaged.clone(new_allocator),
.allocator = new_allocator,
/// Returns the number of bits in this bit set
pub inline fn capacity(self: Self) usize {
return self.unmanaged.capacity();
/// Returns true if the bit at the specified index
/// is present in the set, false otherwise.
pub fn isSet(self: Self, index: usize) bool {
return self.unmanaged.isSet(index);
/// Returns the total number of set bits in this bit set.
pub fn count(self: Self) usize {
return self.unmanaged.count();
/// Changes the value of the specified bit of the bit
/// set to match the passed boolean.
pub fn setValue(self: *Self, index: usize, value: bool) void {
self.unmanaged.setValue(index, value);
/// Adds a specific bit to the bit set
pub fn set(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
/// Changes the value of all bits in the specified range to
/// match the passed boolean.
pub fn setRangeValue(self: *Self, range: Range, value: bool) void {
self.unmanaged.setRangeValue(range, value);
/// Removes a specific bit from the bit set
pub fn unset(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
/// Flips a specific bit in the bit set
pub fn toggle(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
/// Flips all bits in this bit set which are present
/// in the toggles bit set. Both sets must have the
/// same bit_length.
pub fn toggleSet(self: *Self, toggles: Self) void {
/// Flips every bit in the bit set.
pub fn toggleAll(self: *Self) void {
/// Performs a union of two bit sets, and stores the
/// result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in either input.
/// The two sets must both be the same bit_length.
pub fn setUnion(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
/// Performs an intersection of two bit sets, and stores
/// the result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in both inputs.
/// The two sets must both be the same bit_length.
pub fn setIntersection(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
/// Finds the index of the first set bit.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn findFirstSet(self: Self) ?usize {
return self.unmanaged.findFirstSet();
/// Finds the index of the first set bit, and unsets it.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn toggleFirstSet(self: *Self) ?usize {
return self.unmanaged.toggleFirstSet();
/// Iterates through the items in the set, according to the options.
/// The default options (.{}) will iterate indices of set bits in
/// ascending order. Modifications to the underlying bit set may
/// or may not be observed by the iterator. Resizing the underlying
/// bit set invalidates the iterator.
pub fn iterator(self: *const Self, comptime options: IteratorOptions) Iterator(options) {
return self.unmanaged.iterator(options);
pub const Iterator = DynamicBitSetUnmanaged.Iterator;
/// Options for configuring an iterator over a bit set
pub const IteratorOptions = struct {
/// determines which bits should be visited
kind: Type = .set,
/// determines the order in which bit indices should be visited
direction: Direction = .forward,
pub const Type = enum {
/// visit indexes of set bits
/// visit indexes of unset bits
pub const Direction = enum {
/// visit indices in ascending order
/// visit indices in descending order.
/// Note that this may be slightly more expensive than forward iteration.
// The iterator is reusable between several bit set types
fn BitSetIterator(comptime MaskInt: type, comptime options: IteratorOptions) type {
const ShiftInt = std.math.Log2Int(MaskInt);
const kind = options.kind;
const direction = options.direction;
return struct {
const Self = @This();
// all bits which have not yet been iterated over
bits_remain: MaskInt,
// all words which have not yet been iterated over
words_remain: []const MaskInt,
// the offset of the current word
bit_offset: usize,
// the mask of the last word
last_word_mask: MaskInt,
fn init(masks: []const MaskInt, last_word_mask: MaskInt) Self {
if (masks.len == 0) {
return Self{
.bits_remain = 0,
.words_remain = &[_]MaskInt{},
.last_word_mask = last_word_mask,
.bit_offset = 0,
} else {
var result = Self{
.bits_remain = 0,
.words_remain = masks,
.last_word_mask = last_word_mask,
.bit_offset = if (direction == .forward) 0 else (masks.len - 1) * @bitSizeOf(MaskInt),
return result;
/// Returns the index of the next unvisited set bit
/// in the bit set, in ascending order.
pub fn next(self: *Self) ?usize {
while (self.bits_remain == 0) {
if (self.words_remain.len == 0) return null;
switch (direction) {
.forward => self.bit_offset += @bitSizeOf(MaskInt),
.reverse => self.bit_offset -= @bitSizeOf(MaskInt),
switch (direction) {
.forward => {
const next_index = @ctz(MaskInt, self.bits_remain) + self.bit_offset;
self.bits_remain &= self.bits_remain - 1;
return next_index;
.reverse => {
const leading_zeroes = @clz(MaskInt, self.bits_remain);
const top_bit = (@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1) - leading_zeroes;
const no_top_bit_mask = (@as(MaskInt, 1) << @intCast(ShiftInt, top_bit)) - 1;
self.bits_remain &= no_top_bit_mask;
return top_bit + self.bit_offset;
// Load the next word. Don't call this if there
// isn't a next word. If the next word is the
// last word, mask off the padding bits so we
// don't visit them.
inline fn nextWord(self: *Self, comptime is_first_word: bool) void {
var word = switch (direction) {
.forward => self.words_remain[0],
.reverse => self.words_remain[self.words_remain.len - 1],
switch (kind) {
.set => {},
.unset => {
word = ~word;
if ((direction == .reverse and is_first_word) or
(direction == .forward and self.words_remain.len == 1))
word &= self.last_word_mask;
switch (direction) {
.forward => self.words_remain = self.words_remain[1..],
.reverse => self.words_remain.len -= 1,
self.bits_remain = word;
/// A range of indices within a bitset.
pub const Range = struct {
/// The index of the first bit of interest.
start: usize,
/// The index immediately after the last bit of interest.
end: usize,
// ---------------- Tests -----------------
const testing = std.testing;
fn testBitSet(a: anytype, b: anytype, len: usize) !void {
try testing.expectEqual(len, a.capacity());
try testing.expectEqual(len, b.capacity());
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
a.setValue(i, i & 1 == 0);
b.setValue(i, i & 2 == 0);
try testing.expectEqual((len + 1) / 2, a.count());
try testing.expectEqual((len + 3) / 4 + (len + 2) / 4, b.count());
var iter = a.iterator(.{});
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < len) : (i += 2) {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
var iter = a.iterator(.{});
var i: usize = 1;
while (i < len) : (i += 2) {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
var iter = b.iterator(.{ .kind = .unset });
var i: usize = 2;
while (i < len) : (i += 4) {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i), iter.next());
if (i + 1 < len) {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i + 1), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(i & 1 != 0, a.isSet(i));
try testing.expectEqual(i & 2 == 0, b.isSet(i));
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(i & 1 != 0 or i & 2 == 0, a.isSet(i));
try testing.expectEqual(i & 2 == 0, b.isSet(i));
i = len;
var set = a.iterator(.{ .direction = .reverse });
var unset = a.iterator(.{ .kind = .unset, .direction = .reverse });
while (i > 0) {
i -= 1;
if (i & 1 != 0 or i & 2 == 0) {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i), set.next());
} else {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i), unset.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), set.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), set.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), set.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), unset.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), unset.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), unset.next());
try testing.expectEqual(len / 4, a.count());
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(i & 1 != 0 and i & 2 != 0, a.isSet(i));
try testing.expectEqual(i & 2 == 0, b.isSet(i));
if (i & 1 == 0) {
} else {
try testing.expectEqual((len + 3) / 4, a.count());
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(i & 1 == 0 and i & 2 == 0, a.isSet(i));
try testing.expectEqual(i & 2 == 0, b.isSet(i));
var iter = a.iterator(.{});
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
var iter = a.iterator(.{ .direction = .reverse });
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
const test_bits = [_]usize{
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 22, 31, 32, 63, 64,
66, 95, 127, 160, 192, 1000,
for (test_bits) |i| {
if (i < a.capacity()) {
for (test_bits) |i| {
if (i < a.capacity()) {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i), a.findFirstSet());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i), a.toggleFirstSet());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), a.findFirstSet());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), a.toggleFirstSet());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), a.findFirstSet());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), a.toggleFirstSet());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, false);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(len, a.count());
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, false);
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = 0 }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = len, .end = len }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
if (len >= 1) {
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, false);
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = 1 }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 1), a.count());
try testing.expect(a.isSet(0));
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, false);
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len - 1 }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(len - 1, a.count());
try testing.expect(!a.isSet(len - 1));
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, false);
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 1, .end = len }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, len - 1), a.count());
try testing.expect(!a.isSet(0));
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, false);
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = len - 1, .end = len }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 1), a.count());
try testing.expect(a.isSet(len - 1));
if (len >= 4) {
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, false);
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 1, .end = len - 2 }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, len - 3), a.count());
try testing.expect(!a.isSet(0));
try testing.expect(a.isSet(1));
try testing.expect(a.isSet(len - 3));
try testing.expect(!a.isSet(len - 2));
try testing.expect(!a.isSet(len - 1));
fn testStaticBitSet(comptime Set: type) !void {
var a = Set.initEmpty();
var b = Set.initFull();
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, Set.bit_length), b.count());
try testBitSet(&a, &b, Set.bit_length);
test "IntegerBitSet" {
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(0));
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(1));
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(2));
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(5));
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(8));
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(32));
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(64));
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(127));
test "ArrayBitSet" {
if (@import("builtin").cpu.arch == .aarch64) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/9879
return error.SkipZigTest;
inline for (.{ 0, 1, 2, 31, 32, 33, 63, 64, 65, 254, 500, 3000 }) |size| {
try testStaticBitSet(ArrayBitSet(u8, size));
try testStaticBitSet(ArrayBitSet(u16, size));
try testStaticBitSet(ArrayBitSet(u32, size));
try testStaticBitSet(ArrayBitSet(u64, size));
try testStaticBitSet(ArrayBitSet(u128, size));
test "DynamicBitSetUnmanaged" {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var a = try DynamicBitSetUnmanaged.initEmpty(allocator, 300);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
a = try DynamicBitSetUnmanaged.initEmpty(allocator, 0);
defer a.deinit(allocator);
for ([_]usize{ 1, 2, 31, 32, 33, 0, 65, 64, 63, 500, 254, 3000 }) |size| {
const old_len = a.capacity();
var tmp = try a.clone(allocator);
defer tmp.deinit(allocator);
try testing.expectEqual(old_len, tmp.capacity());
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < old_len) : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(a.isSet(i), tmp.isSet(i));
a.toggleSet(a); // zero a
try a.resize(allocator, size, true);
try tmp.resize(allocator, size, false);
if (size > old_len) {
try testing.expectEqual(size - old_len, a.count());
} else {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), tmp.count());
var b = try DynamicBitSetUnmanaged.initFull(allocator, size);
defer b.deinit(allocator);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, size), b.count());
try testBitSet(&a, &b, size);
test "DynamicBitSet" {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var a = try DynamicBitSet.initEmpty(allocator, 300);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
a = try DynamicBitSet.initEmpty(allocator, 0);
defer a.deinit();
for ([_]usize{ 1, 2, 31, 32, 33, 0, 65, 64, 63, 500, 254, 3000 }) |size| {
const old_len = a.capacity();
var tmp = try a.clone(allocator);
defer tmp.deinit();
try testing.expectEqual(old_len, tmp.capacity());
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < old_len) : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(a.isSet(i), tmp.isSet(i));
a.toggleSet(a); // zero a
tmp.toggleSet(tmp); // zero tmp
try a.resize(size, true);
try tmp.resize(size, false);
if (size > old_len) {
try testing.expectEqual(size - old_len, a.count());
} else {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), tmp.count());
var b = try DynamicBitSet.initFull(allocator, size);
defer b.deinit();
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, size), b.count());
try testBitSet(&a, &b, size);
test "StaticBitSet" {
try testing.expectEqual(IntegerBitSet(0), StaticBitSet(0));
try testing.expectEqual(IntegerBitSet(5), StaticBitSet(5));
try testing.expectEqual(IntegerBitSet(@bitSizeOf(usize)), StaticBitSet(@bitSizeOf(usize)));
try testing.expectEqual(ArrayBitSet(usize, @bitSizeOf(usize) + 1), StaticBitSet(@bitSizeOf(usize) + 1));
try testing.expectEqual(ArrayBitSet(usize, 500), StaticBitSet(500));