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synced 2025-02-02 20:21:35 +00:00
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//! This API non-allocating, non-fallible, and thread-safe.
//! The tradeoff is that users of this API must provide the storage
//! for each `Progress.Node`.
//! Initialize the struct directly, overriding these fields as desired:
//! * `refresh_rate_ms`
//! * `initial_delay_ms`
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const windows = std.os.windows;
const testing = std.testing;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Progress = @This();
/// `null` if the current node (and its children) should
/// not print on update()
terminal: ?std.fs.File = undefined,
/// Is this a windows API terminal (note: this is not the same as being run on windows
/// because other terminals exist like MSYS/git-bash)
is_windows_terminal: bool = false,
/// Whether the terminal supports ANSI escape codes.
supports_ansi_escape_codes: bool = false,
/// If the terminal is "dumb", don't print output.
/// This can be useful if you don't want to print all
/// the stages of code generation if there are a lot.
/// You should not use it if the user should see output
/// for example showing the user what tests run.
dont_print_on_dumb: bool = false,
root: Node = undefined,
/// Keeps track of how much time has passed since the beginning.
/// Used to compare with `initial_delay_ms` and `refresh_rate_ms`.
timer: ?std.time.Timer = null,
/// When the previous refresh was written to the terminal.
/// Used to compare with `refresh_rate_ms`.
prev_refresh_timestamp: u64 = undefined,
/// This buffer represents the maximum number of bytes written to the terminal
/// with each refresh.
output_buffer: [100]u8 = undefined,
/// How many nanoseconds between writing updates to the terminal.
refresh_rate_ns: u64 = 50 * std.time.ns_per_ms,
/// How many nanoseconds to keep the output hidden
initial_delay_ns: u64 = 500 * std.time.ns_per_ms,
done: bool = true,
/// Protects the `refresh` function, as well as `node.recently_updated_child`.
/// Without this, callsites would call `Node.end` and then free `Node` memory
/// while it was still being accessed by the `refresh` function.
update_mutex: std.Thread.Mutex = .{},
/// Keeps track of how many columns in the terminal have been output, so that
/// we can move the cursor back later.
columns_written: usize = undefined,
/// Represents one unit of progress. Each node can have children nodes, or
/// one can use integers with `update`.
pub const Node = struct {
context: *Progress,
parent: ?*Node,
name: []const u8,
/// Must be handled atomically to be thread-safe.
recently_updated_child: ?*Node = null,
/// Must be handled atomically to be thread-safe. 0 means null.
unprotected_estimated_total_items: usize,
/// Must be handled atomically to be thread-safe.
unprotected_completed_items: usize,
/// Create a new child progress node. Thread-safe.
/// Call `Node.end` when done.
/// TODO solve https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/2765 and then change this
/// API to set `self.parent.recently_updated_child` with the return value.
/// Until that is fixed you probably want to call `activate` on the return value.
/// Passing 0 for `estimated_total_items` means unknown.
pub fn start(self: *Node, name: []const u8, estimated_total_items: usize) Node {
return Node{
.context = self.context,
.parent = self,
.name = name,
.unprotected_estimated_total_items = estimated_total_items,
.unprotected_completed_items = 0,
/// This is the same as calling `start` and then `end` on the returned `Node`. Thread-safe.
pub fn completeOne(self: *Node) void {
_ = @atomicRmw(usize, &self.unprotected_completed_items, .Add, 1, .Monotonic);
/// Finish a started `Node`. Thread-safe.
pub fn end(self: *Node) void {
if (self.parent) |parent| {
defer self.context.update_mutex.unlock();
_ = @cmpxchgStrong(?*Node, &parent.recently_updated_child, self, null, .Monotonic, .Monotonic);
} else {
defer self.context.update_mutex.unlock();
self.context.done = true;
/// Tell the parent node that this node is actively being worked on. Thread-safe.
pub fn activate(self: *Node) void {
if (self.parent) |parent| {
@atomicStore(?*Node, &parent.recently_updated_child, self, .Release);
/// Thread-safe. 0 means unknown.
pub fn setEstimatedTotalItems(self: *Node, count: usize) void {
@atomicStore(usize, &self.unprotected_estimated_total_items, count, .Monotonic);
/// Thread-safe.
pub fn setCompletedItems(self: *Node, completed_items: usize) void {
@atomicStore(usize, &self.unprotected_completed_items, completed_items, .Monotonic);
/// Create a new progress node.
/// Call `Node.end` when done.
/// TODO solve https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/2765 and then change this
/// API to return Progress rather than accept it as a parameter.
/// `estimated_total_items` value of 0 means unknown.
pub fn start(self: *Progress, name: []const u8, estimated_total_items: usize) *Node {
const stderr = std.io.getStdErr();
self.terminal = null;
if (stderr.supportsAnsiEscapeCodes()) {
self.terminal = stderr;
self.supports_ansi_escape_codes = true;
} else if (builtin.os.tag == .windows and stderr.isTty()) {
self.is_windows_terminal = true;
self.terminal = stderr;
} else if (builtin.os.tag != .windows) {
// we are in a "dumb" terminal like in acme or writing to a file
self.terminal = stderr;
self.root = Node{
.context = self,
.parent = null,
.name = name,
.unprotected_estimated_total_items = estimated_total_items,
.unprotected_completed_items = 0,
self.columns_written = 0;
self.prev_refresh_timestamp = 0;
self.timer = std.time.Timer.start() catch null;
self.done = false;
return &self.root;
/// Updates the terminal if enough time has passed since last update. Thread-safe.
pub fn maybeRefresh(self: *Progress) void {
if (self.timer) |*timer| {
const now = timer.read();
if (now < self.initial_delay_ns) return;
if (!self.update_mutex.tryLock()) return;
defer self.update_mutex.unlock();
// TODO I have observed this to happen sometimes. I think we need to follow Rust's
// lead and guarantee monotonically increasing times in the std lib itself.
if (now < self.prev_refresh_timestamp) return;
if (now - self.prev_refresh_timestamp < self.refresh_rate_ns) return;
return self.refreshWithHeldLock();
/// Updates the terminal and resets `self.next_refresh_timestamp`. Thread-safe.
pub fn refresh(self: *Progress) void {
if (!self.update_mutex.tryLock()) return;
defer self.update_mutex.unlock();
return self.refreshWithHeldLock();
fn refreshWithHeldLock(self: *Progress) void {
const is_dumb = !self.supports_ansi_escape_codes and !self.is_windows_terminal;
if (is_dumb and self.dont_print_on_dumb) return;
const file = self.terminal orelse return;
var end: usize = 0;
if (self.columns_written > 0) {
// restore the cursor position by moving the cursor
// `columns_written` cells to the left, then clear the rest of the
// line
if (self.supports_ansi_escape_codes) {
end += (std.fmt.bufPrint(self.output_buffer[end..], "\x1b[{d}D", .{self.columns_written}) catch unreachable).len;
end += (std.fmt.bufPrint(self.output_buffer[end..], "\x1b[0K", .{}) catch unreachable).len;
} else if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) winapi: {
var info: windows.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO = undefined;
if (windows.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(file.handle, &info) != windows.TRUE)
var cursor_pos = windows.COORD{
.X = info.dwCursorPosition.X - @intCast(windows.SHORT, self.columns_written),
.Y = info.dwCursorPosition.Y,
if (cursor_pos.X < 0)
cursor_pos.X = 0;
const fill_chars = @intCast(windows.DWORD, info.dwSize.X - cursor_pos.X);
var written: windows.DWORD = undefined;
if (windows.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputAttribute(
) != windows.TRUE) {
// Stop trying to write to this file.
self.terminal = null;
break :winapi;
if (windows.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputCharacterW(
' ',
) != windows.TRUE) unreachable;
if (windows.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(file.handle, cursor_pos) != windows.TRUE)
} else {
// we are in a "dumb" terminal like in acme or writing to a file
self.output_buffer[end] = '\n';
end += 1;
self.columns_written = 0;
if (!self.done) {
var need_ellipse = false;
var maybe_node: ?*Node = &self.root;
while (maybe_node) |node| {
if (need_ellipse) {
self.bufWrite(&end, "... ", .{});
need_ellipse = false;
const eti = @atomicLoad(usize, &node.unprotected_estimated_total_items, .Monotonic);
const completed_items = @atomicLoad(usize, &node.unprotected_completed_items, .Monotonic);
const current_item = completed_items + 1;
if (node.name.len != 0 or eti > 0) {
if (node.name.len != 0) {
self.bufWrite(&end, "{s}", .{node.name});
need_ellipse = true;
if (eti > 0) {
if (need_ellipse) self.bufWrite(&end, " ", .{});
self.bufWrite(&end, "[{d}/{d}] ", .{ current_item, eti });
need_ellipse = false;
} else if (completed_items != 0) {
if (need_ellipse) self.bufWrite(&end, " ", .{});
self.bufWrite(&end, "[{d}] ", .{current_item});
need_ellipse = false;
maybe_node = @atomicLoad(?*Node, &node.recently_updated_child, .Acquire);
if (need_ellipse) {
self.bufWrite(&end, "... ", .{});
_ = file.write(self.output_buffer[0..end]) catch {
// Stop trying to write to this file once it errors.
self.terminal = null;
if (self.timer) |*timer| {
self.prev_refresh_timestamp = timer.read();
pub fn log(self: *Progress, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) void {
const file = self.terminal orelse return;
file.writer().print(format, args) catch {
self.terminal = null;
self.columns_written = 0;
fn bufWrite(self: *Progress, end: *usize, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) void {
if (std.fmt.bufPrint(self.output_buffer[end.*..], format, args)) |written| {
const amt = written.len;
end.* += amt;
self.columns_written += amt;
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.NoSpaceLeft => {
self.columns_written += self.output_buffer.len - end.*;
end.* = self.output_buffer.len;
const suffix = "... ";
std.mem.copy(u8, self.output_buffer[self.output_buffer.len - suffix.len ..], suffix);
test "basic functionality" {
var disable = true;
if (disable) {
// This test is disabled because it uses time.sleep() and is therefore slow. It also
// prints bogus progress data to stderr.
return error.SkipZigTest;
var progress = Progress{};
const root_node = progress.start("", 100);
defer root_node.end();
const speed_factor = std.time.ns_per_ms;
const sub_task_names = [_][]const u8{
"reticulating splines",
"adjusting shoes",
"climbing towers",
"pouring juice",
var next_sub_task: usize = 0;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 100) : (i += 1) {
var node = root_node.start(sub_task_names[next_sub_task], 5);
next_sub_task = (next_sub_task + 1) % sub_task_names.len;
std.time.sleep(5 * speed_factor);
std.time.sleep(5 * speed_factor);
std.time.sleep(5 * speed_factor);
std.time.sleep(5 * speed_factor);
var node = root_node.start("this is a really long name designed to activate the truncation code. let's find out if it works", 0);
std.time.sleep(10 * speed_factor);
std.time.sleep(10 * speed_factor);