Lucas Santos 1e74904aa2 Replace some dynamic functions with static ones.
PR [19271](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/pull/19271) added some static function implementations from kernel32, but some parts of the library still used the dynamically loaded versions.
2024-07-24 01:04:38 -07:00

2952 lines
115 KiB

const std = @import("std.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const math = std.math;
const mem = std.mem;
const io = std.io;
const posix = std.posix;
const fs = std.fs;
const testing = std.testing;
const elf = std.elf;
const DW = std.dwarf;
const macho = std.macho;
const coff = std.coff;
const pdb = std.pdb;
const root = @import("root");
const File = std.fs.File;
const windows = std.os.windows;
const native_arch = builtin.cpu.arch;
const native_os = builtin.os.tag;
const native_endian = native_arch.endian();
pub const runtime_safety = switch (builtin.mode) {
.Debug, .ReleaseSafe => true,
.ReleaseFast, .ReleaseSmall => false,
pub const sys_can_stack_trace = switch (builtin.cpu.arch) {
// Observed to go into an infinite loop.
// TODO: Make this work.
=> false,
// `@returnAddress()` in LLVM 10 gives
// "Non-Emscripten WebAssembly hasn't implemented __builtin_return_address".
=> native_os == .emscripten,
// `@returnAddress()` is unsupported in LLVM 13.
=> false,
else => true,
pub const LineInfo = struct {
line: u64,
column: u64,
file_name: []const u8,
pub fn deinit(self: LineInfo, allocator: mem.Allocator) void {
pub const SymbolInfo = struct {
symbol_name: []const u8 = "???",
compile_unit_name: []const u8 = "???",
line_info: ?LineInfo = null,
pub fn deinit(self: SymbolInfo, allocator: mem.Allocator) void {
if (self.line_info) |li| {
const PdbOrDwarf = union(enum) {
pdb: pdb.Pdb,
dwarf: DW.DwarfInfo,
fn deinit(self: *PdbOrDwarf, allocator: mem.Allocator) void {
switch (self.*) {
.pdb => |*inner| inner.deinit(),
.dwarf => |*inner| inner.deinit(allocator),
/// Allows the caller to freely write to stderr until `unlockStdErr` is called.
/// During the lock, any `std.Progress` information is cleared from the terminal.
pub fn lockStdErr() void {
pub fn unlockStdErr() void {
/// Print to stderr, unbuffered, and silently returning on failure. Intended
/// for use in "printf debugging." Use `std.log` functions for proper logging.
pub fn print(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) void {
defer unlockStdErr();
const stderr = io.getStdErr().writer();
nosuspend stderr.print(fmt, args) catch return;
pub fn getStderrMutex() *std.Thread.Mutex {
@compileError("deprecated. call std.debug.lockStdErr() and std.debug.unlockStdErr() instead which will integrate properly with std.Progress");
/// TODO multithreaded awareness
var self_debug_info: ?DebugInfo = null;
pub fn getSelfDebugInfo() !*DebugInfo {
if (self_debug_info) |*info| {
return info;
} else {
self_debug_info = try openSelfDebugInfo(getDebugInfoAllocator());
return &self_debug_info.?;
/// Tries to print a hexadecimal view of the bytes, unbuffered, and ignores any error returned.
/// Obtains the stderr mutex while dumping.
pub fn dumpHex(bytes: []const u8) void {
defer unlockStdErr();
dumpHexFallible(bytes) catch {};
/// Prints a hexadecimal view of the bytes, unbuffered, returning any error that occurs.
pub fn dumpHexFallible(bytes: []const u8) !void {
const stderr = std.io.getStdErr();
const ttyconf = std.io.tty.detectConfig(stderr);
const writer = stderr.writer();
var chunks = mem.window(u8, bytes, 16, 16);
while (chunks.next()) |window| {
// 1. Print the address.
const address = (@intFromPtr(bytes.ptr) + 0x10 * (chunks.index orelse 0) / 16) - 0x10;
try ttyconf.setColor(writer, .dim);
// We print the address in lowercase and the bytes in uppercase hexadecimal to distinguish them more.
// Also, make sure all lines are aligned by padding the address.
try writer.print("{x:0>[1]} ", .{ address, @sizeOf(usize) * 2 });
try ttyconf.setColor(writer, .reset);
// 2. Print the bytes.
for (window, 0..) |byte, index| {
try writer.print("{X:0>2} ", .{byte});
if (index == 7) try writer.writeByte(' ');
try writer.writeByte(' ');
if (window.len < 16) {
var missing_columns = (16 - window.len) * 3;
if (window.len < 8) missing_columns += 1;
try writer.writeByteNTimes(' ', missing_columns);
// 3. Print the characters.
for (window) |byte| {
if (std.ascii.isPrint(byte)) {
try writer.writeByte(byte);
} else {
// Related: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7600
if (ttyconf == .windows_api) {
try writer.writeByte('.');
// Let's print some common control codes as graphical Unicode symbols.
// We don't want to do this for all control codes because most control codes apart from
// the ones that Zig has escape sequences for are likely not very useful to print as symbols.
switch (byte) {
'\n' => try writer.writeAll(""),
'\r' => try writer.writeAll(""),
'\t' => try writer.writeAll(""),
else => try writer.writeByte('.'),
try writer.writeByte('\n');
/// Tries to print the current stack trace to stderr, unbuffered, and ignores any error returned.
/// TODO multithreaded awareness
pub fn dumpCurrentStackTrace(start_addr: ?usize) void {
nosuspend {
if (comptime builtin.target.isWasm()) {
if (native_os == .wasi) {
const stderr = io.getStdErr().writer();
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: not implemented for Wasm\n", .{}) catch return;
const stderr = io.getStdErr().writer();
if (builtin.strip_debug_info) {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: debug info stripped\n", .{}) catch return;
const debug_info = getSelfDebugInfo() catch |err| {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: Unable to open debug info: {s}\n", .{@errorName(err)}) catch return;
writeCurrentStackTrace(stderr, debug_info, io.tty.detectConfig(io.getStdErr()), start_addr) catch |err| {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: {s}\n", .{@errorName(err)}) catch return;
pub const have_ucontext = posix.ucontext_t != void;
/// Platform-specific thread state. This contains register state, and on some platforms
/// information about the stack. This is not safe to trivially copy, because some platforms
/// use internal pointers within this structure. To make a copy, use `copyContext`.
pub const ThreadContext = blk: {
if (native_os == .windows) {
break :blk windows.CONTEXT;
} else if (have_ucontext) {
break :blk posix.ucontext_t;
} else {
break :blk void;
/// Copies one context to another, updating any internal pointers
pub fn copyContext(source: *const ThreadContext, dest: *ThreadContext) void {
if (!have_ucontext) return {};
dest.* = source.*;
/// Updates any internal pointers in the context to reflect its current location
pub fn relocateContext(context: *ThreadContext) void {
return switch (native_os) {
.macos => {
context.mcontext = &context.__mcontext_data;
else => {},
pub const have_getcontext = @TypeOf(posix.system.getcontext) != void;
/// Capture the current context. The register values in the context will reflect the
/// state after the platform `getcontext` function returns.
/// It is valid to call this if the platform doesn't have context capturing support,
/// in that case false will be returned.
pub inline fn getContext(context: *ThreadContext) bool {
if (native_os == .windows) {
context.* = std.mem.zeroes(windows.CONTEXT);
return true;
const result = have_getcontext and posix.system.getcontext(context) == 0;
if (native_os == .macos) {
assert(context.mcsize == @sizeOf(std.c.mcontext_t));
// On aarch64-macos, the system getcontext doesn't write anything into the pc
// register slot, it only writes lr. This makes the context consistent with
// other aarch64 getcontext implementations which write the current lr
// (where getcontext will return to) into both the lr and pc slot of the context.
if (native_arch == .aarch64) context.mcontext.ss.pc = context.mcontext.ss.lr;
return result;
/// Tries to print the stack trace starting from the supplied base pointer to stderr,
/// unbuffered, and ignores any error returned.
/// TODO multithreaded awareness
pub fn dumpStackTraceFromBase(context: *const ThreadContext) void {
nosuspend {
if (comptime builtin.target.isWasm()) {
if (native_os == .wasi) {
const stderr = io.getStdErr().writer();
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: not implemented for Wasm\n", .{}) catch return;
const stderr = io.getStdErr().writer();
if (builtin.strip_debug_info) {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: debug info stripped\n", .{}) catch return;
const debug_info = getSelfDebugInfo() catch |err| {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: Unable to open debug info: {s}\n", .{@errorName(err)}) catch return;
const tty_config = io.tty.detectConfig(io.getStdErr());
if (native_os == .windows) {
// On x86_64 and aarch64, the stack will be unwound using RtlVirtualUnwind using the context
// provided by the exception handler. On x86, RtlVirtualUnwind doesn't exist. Instead, a new backtrace
// will be captured and frames prior to the exception will be filtered.
// The caveat is that RtlCaptureStackBackTrace does not include the KiUserExceptionDispatcher frame,
// which is where the IP in `context` points to, so it can't be used as start_addr.
// Instead, start_addr is recovered from the stack.
const start_addr = if (builtin.cpu.arch == .x86) @as(*const usize, @ptrFromInt(context.getRegs().bp + 4)).* else null;
writeStackTraceWindows(stderr, debug_info, tty_config, context, start_addr) catch return;
var it = StackIterator.initWithContext(null, debug_info, context) catch return;
defer it.deinit();
printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, stderr, it.unwind_state.?.dwarf_context.pc, tty_config) catch return;
while (it.next()) |return_address| {
printLastUnwindError(&it, debug_info, stderr, tty_config);
// On arm64 macOS, the address of the last frame is 0x0 rather than 0x1 as on x86_64 macOS,
// therefore, we do a check for `return_address == 0` before subtracting 1 from it to avoid
// an overflow. We do not need to signal `StackIterator` as it will correctly detect this
// condition on the subsequent iteration and return `null` thus terminating the loop.
// same behaviour for x86-windows-msvc
const address = if (return_address == 0) return_address else return_address - 1;
printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, stderr, address, tty_config) catch return;
} else printLastUnwindError(&it, debug_info, stderr, tty_config);
/// Returns a slice with the same pointer as addresses, with a potentially smaller len.
/// On Windows, when first_address is not null, we ask for at least 32 stack frames,
/// and then try to find the first address. If addresses.len is more than 32, we
/// capture that many stack frames exactly, and then look for the first address,
/// chopping off the irrelevant frames and shifting so that the returned addresses pointer
/// equals the passed in addresses pointer.
pub fn captureStackTrace(first_address: ?usize, stack_trace: *std.builtin.StackTrace) void {
if (native_os == .windows) {
const addrs = stack_trace.instruction_addresses;
const first_addr = first_address orelse {
stack_trace.index = walkStackWindows(addrs[0..], null);
var addr_buf_stack: [32]usize = undefined;
const addr_buf = if (addr_buf_stack.len > addrs.len) addr_buf_stack[0..] else addrs;
const n = walkStackWindows(addr_buf[0..], null);
const first_index = for (addr_buf[0..n], 0..) |addr, i| {
if (addr == first_addr) {
break i;
} else {
stack_trace.index = 0;
const end_index = @min(first_index + addrs.len, n);
const slice = addr_buf[first_index..end_index];
// We use a for loop here because slice and addrs may alias.
for (slice, 0..) |addr, i| {
addrs[i] = addr;
stack_trace.index = slice.len;
} else {
// TODO: This should use the DWARF unwinder if .eh_frame_hdr is available (so that full debug info parsing isn't required).
// A new path for loading DebugInfo needs to be created which will only attempt to parse in-memory sections, because
// stopping to load other debug info (ie. source line info) from disk here is not required for unwinding.
var it = StackIterator.init(first_address, null);
defer it.deinit();
for (stack_trace.instruction_addresses, 0..) |*addr, i| {
addr.* = it.next() orelse {
stack_trace.index = i;
stack_trace.index = stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len;
/// Tries to print a stack trace to stderr, unbuffered, and ignores any error returned.
/// TODO multithreaded awareness
pub fn dumpStackTrace(stack_trace: std.builtin.StackTrace) void {
nosuspend {
if (comptime builtin.target.isWasm()) {
if (native_os == .wasi) {
const stderr = io.getStdErr().writer();
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: not implemented for Wasm\n", .{}) catch return;
const stderr = io.getStdErr().writer();
if (builtin.strip_debug_info) {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: debug info stripped\n", .{}) catch return;
const debug_info = getSelfDebugInfo() catch |err| {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: Unable to open debug info: {s}\n", .{@errorName(err)}) catch return;
writeStackTrace(stack_trace, stderr, getDebugInfoAllocator(), debug_info, io.tty.detectConfig(io.getStdErr())) catch |err| {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: {s}\n", .{@errorName(err)}) catch return;
/// Invokes detectable illegal behavior when `ok` is `false`.
/// In Debug and ReleaseSafe modes, calls to this function are always
/// generated, and the `unreachable` statement triggers a panic.
/// In ReleaseFast and ReleaseSmall modes, calls to this function are optimized
/// away, and in fact the optimizer is able to use the assertion in its
/// heuristics.
/// Inside a test block, it is best to use the `std.testing` module rather than
/// this function, because this function may not detect a test failure in
/// ReleaseFast and ReleaseSmall mode. Outside of a test block, this assert
/// function is the correct function to use.
pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
/// Invokes detectable illegal behavior when the provided slice is not mapped
/// or lacks read permissions.
pub fn assertReadable(slice: []const volatile u8) void {
if (!runtime_safety) return;
for (slice) |*byte| _ = byte.*;
pub fn panic(comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) noreturn {
panicExtra(@errorReturnTrace(), @returnAddress(), format, args);
/// `panicExtra` is useful when you want to print out an `@errorReturnTrace`
/// and also print out some values.
pub fn panicExtra(
trace: ?*std.builtin.StackTrace,
ret_addr: ?usize,
comptime format: []const u8,
args: anytype,
) noreturn {
const size = 0x1000;
const trunc_msg = "(msg truncated)";
var buf: [size + trunc_msg.len]u8 = undefined;
// a minor annoyance with this is that it will result in the NoSpaceLeft
// error being part of the @panic stack trace (but that error should
// only happen rarely)
const msg = std.fmt.bufPrint(buf[0..size], format, args) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NoSpaceLeft => blk: {
@memcpy(buf[size..], trunc_msg);
break :blk &buf;
std.builtin.panic(msg, trace, ret_addr);
/// Non-zero whenever the program triggered a panic.
/// The counter is incremented/decremented atomically.
var panicking = std.atomic.Value(u8).init(0);
/// Counts how many times the panic handler is invoked by this thread.
/// This is used to catch and handle panics triggered by the panic handler.
threadlocal var panic_stage: usize = 0;
// `panicImpl` could be useful in implementing a custom panic handler which
// calls the default handler (on supported platforms)
pub fn panicImpl(trace: ?*const std.builtin.StackTrace, first_trace_addr: ?usize, msg: []const u8) noreturn {
if (enable_segfault_handler) {
// If a segfault happens while panicking, we want it to actually segfault, not trigger
// the handler.
// Note there is similar logic in handleSegfaultPosix and handleSegfaultWindowsExtra.
nosuspend switch (panic_stage) {
0 => {
panic_stage = 1;
_ = panicking.fetchAdd(1, .seq_cst);
// Make sure to release the mutex when done
defer unlockStdErr();
const stderr = io.getStdErr().writer();
if (builtin.single_threaded) {
stderr.print("panic: ", .{}) catch posix.abort();
} else {
const current_thread_id = std.Thread.getCurrentId();
stderr.print("thread {} panic: ", .{current_thread_id}) catch posix.abort();
stderr.print("{s}\n", .{msg}) catch posix.abort();
if (trace) |t| {
1 => {
panic_stage = 2;
// A panic happened while trying to print a previous panic message,
// we're still holding the mutex but that's fine as we're going to
// call abort()
const stderr = io.getStdErr().writer();
stderr.print("Panicked during a panic. Aborting.\n", .{}) catch posix.abort();
else => {
// Panicked while printing "Panicked during a panic."
/// Must be called only after adding 1 to `panicking`. There are three callsites.
fn waitForOtherThreadToFinishPanicking() void {
if (panicking.fetchSub(1, .seq_cst) != 1) {
// Another thread is panicking, wait for the last one to finish
// and call abort()
if (builtin.single_threaded) unreachable;
// Sleep forever without hammering the CPU
var futex = std.atomic.Value(u32).init(0);
while (true) std.Thread.Futex.wait(&futex, 0);
pub fn writeStackTrace(
stack_trace: std.builtin.StackTrace,
out_stream: anytype,
allocator: mem.Allocator,
debug_info: *DebugInfo,
tty_config: io.tty.Config,
) !void {
_ = allocator;
if (builtin.strip_debug_info) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
var frame_index: usize = 0;
var frames_left: usize = @min(stack_trace.index, stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len);
while (frames_left != 0) : ({
frames_left -= 1;
frame_index = (frame_index + 1) % stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len;
}) {
const return_address = stack_trace.instruction_addresses[frame_index];
try printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, out_stream, return_address - 1, tty_config);
if (stack_trace.index > stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len) {
const dropped_frames = stack_trace.index - stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len;
tty_config.setColor(out_stream, .bold) catch {};
try out_stream.print("({d} additional stack frames skipped...)\n", .{dropped_frames});
tty_config.setColor(out_stream, .reset) catch {};
pub const UnwindError = if (have_ucontext)
pub const StackIterator = struct {
// Skip every frame before this address is found.
first_address: ?usize,
// Last known value of the frame pointer register.
fp: usize,
ma: MemoryAccessor = MemoryAccessor.init,
// When DebugInfo and a register context is available, this iterator can unwind
// stacks with frames that don't use a frame pointer (ie. -fomit-frame-pointer),
// using DWARF and MachO unwind info.
unwind_state: if (have_ucontext) ?struct {
debug_info: *DebugInfo,
dwarf_context: DW.UnwindContext,
last_error: ?UnwindError = null,
failed: bool = false,
} else void = if (have_ucontext) null else {},
pub fn init(first_address: ?usize, fp: ?usize) StackIterator {
if (native_arch == .sparc64) {
// Flush all the register windows on stack.
asm volatile (
\\ flushw
::: "memory");
return StackIterator{
.first_address = first_address,
// TODO: this is a workaround for #16876
//.fp = fp orelse @frameAddress(),
.fp = fp orelse blk: {
const fa = @frameAddress();
break :blk fa;
pub fn initWithContext(first_address: ?usize, debug_info: *DebugInfo, context: *const posix.ucontext_t) !StackIterator {
// The implementation of DWARF unwinding on aarch64-macos is not complete. However, Apple mandates that
// the frame pointer register is always used, so on this platform we can safely use the FP-based unwinder.
if (comptime builtin.target.isDarwin() and native_arch == .aarch64) {
return init(first_address, context.mcontext.ss.fp);
} else {
var iterator = init(first_address, null);
iterator.unwind_state = .{
.debug_info = debug_info,
.dwarf_context = try DW.UnwindContext.init(debug_info.allocator, context),
return iterator;
pub fn deinit(it: *StackIterator) void {
if (have_ucontext and it.unwind_state != null) it.unwind_state.?.dwarf_context.deinit();
pub fn getLastError(it: *StackIterator) ?struct {
err: UnwindError,
address: usize,
} {
if (!have_ucontext) return null;
if (it.unwind_state) |*unwind_state| {
if (unwind_state.last_error) |err| {
unwind_state.last_error = null;
return .{
.err = err,
.address = unwind_state.dwarf_context.pc,
return null;
// Offset of the saved BP wrt the frame pointer.
const fp_offset = if (native_arch.isRISCV())
// On RISC-V the frame pointer points to the top of the saved register
// area, on pretty much every other architecture it points to the stack
// slot where the previous frame pointer is saved.
2 * @sizeOf(usize)
else if (native_arch.isSPARC())
// On SPARC the previous frame pointer is stored at 14 slots past %fp+BIAS.
14 * @sizeOf(usize)
const fp_bias = if (native_arch.isSPARC())
// On SPARC frame pointers are biased by a constant.
// Positive offset of the saved PC wrt the frame pointer.
const pc_offset = if (native_arch == .powerpc64le)
2 * @sizeOf(usize)
pub fn next(it: *StackIterator) ?usize {
var address = it.next_internal() orelse return null;
if (it.first_address) |first_address| {
while (address != first_address) {
address = it.next_internal() orelse return null;
it.first_address = null;
return address;
fn isValidMemory(address: usize) bool {
// We are unable to determine validity of memory for freestanding targets
if (native_os == .freestanding or native_os == .uefi) return true;
const aligned_address = address & ~@as(usize, @intCast((mem.page_size - 1)));
if (aligned_address == 0) return false;
const aligned_memory = @as([*]align(mem.page_size) u8, @ptrFromInt(aligned_address))[0..mem.page_size];
if (native_os == .windows) {
var memory_info: windows.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION = undefined;
// The only error this function can throw is ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.
// supply an address that invalid i'll be thrown.
const rc = windows.VirtualQuery(aligned_memory, &memory_info, aligned_memory.len) catch {
return false;
// Result code has to be bigger than zero (number of bytes written)
if (rc == 0) {
return false;
// Free pages cannot be read, they are unmapped
if (memory_info.State == windows.MEM_FREE) {
return false;
return true;
} else if (have_msync) {
posix.msync(aligned_memory, posix.MSF.ASYNC) catch |err| {
switch (err) {
error.UnmappedMemory => return false,
else => unreachable,
return true;
} else {
// We are unable to determine validity of memory on this target.
return true;
pub const MemoryAccessor = struct {
var cached_pid: posix.pid_t = -1;
mem: switch (native_os) {
.linux => File,
else => void,
pub const init: MemoryAccessor = .{
.mem = switch (native_os) {
.linux => .{ .handle = -1 },
else => {},
fn read(ma: *MemoryAccessor, address: usize, buf: []u8) bool {
switch (native_os) {
.linux => while (true) switch (ma.mem.handle) {
-2 => break,
-1 => {
const linux = std.os.linux;
const pid = switch (@atomicLoad(posix.pid_t, &cached_pid, .monotonic)) {
-1 => pid: {
const pid = linux.getpid();
@atomicStore(posix.pid_t, &cached_pid, pid, .monotonic);
break :pid pid;
else => |pid| pid,
const bytes_read = linux.process_vm_readv(
&.{.{ .base = buf.ptr, .len = buf.len }},
&.{.{ .base = @ptrFromInt(address), .len = buf.len }},
switch (linux.E.init(bytes_read)) {
.SUCCESS => return bytes_read == buf.len,
.FAULT => return false,
.INVAL, .PERM, .SRCH => unreachable, // own pid is always valid
.NOMEM, .NOSYS => {},
else => unreachable, // unexpected
var path_buf: [
std.fmt.count("/proc/{d}/mem", .{math.minInt(posix.pid_t)})
]u8 = undefined;
const path = std.fmt.bufPrint(&path_buf, "/proc/{d}/mem", .{pid}) catch
ma.mem = std.fs.openFileAbsolute(path, .{}) catch {
ma.mem.handle = -2;
else => return (ma.mem.pread(buf, address) catch return false) == buf.len,
else => {},
if (!isValidMemory(address)) return false;
@memcpy(buf, @as([*]const u8, @ptrFromInt(address)));
return true;
pub fn load(ma: *MemoryAccessor, comptime Type: type, address: usize) ?Type {
var result: Type = undefined;
return if (ma.read(address, std.mem.asBytes(&result))) result else null;
fn next_unwind(it: *StackIterator) !usize {
const unwind_state = &it.unwind_state.?;
const module = try unwind_state.debug_info.getModuleForAddress(unwind_state.dwarf_context.pc);
switch (native_os) {
.macos, .ios, .watchos, .tvos, .visionos => {
// __unwind_info is a requirement for unwinding on Darwin. It may fall back to DWARF, but unwinding
// via DWARF before attempting to use the compact unwind info will produce incorrect results.
if (module.unwind_info) |unwind_info| {
if (DW.unwindFrameMachO(&unwind_state.dwarf_context, &it.ma, unwind_info, module.eh_frame, module.base_address)) |return_address| {
return return_address;
} else |err| {
if (err != error.RequiresDWARFUnwind) return err;
} else return error.MissingUnwindInfo;
else => {},
if (try module.getDwarfInfoForAddress(unwind_state.debug_info.allocator, unwind_state.dwarf_context.pc)) |di| {
return di.unwindFrame(&unwind_state.dwarf_context, &it.ma, null);
} else return error.MissingDebugInfo;
fn next_internal(it: *StackIterator) ?usize {
if (have_ucontext) {
if (it.unwind_state) |*unwind_state| {
if (!unwind_state.failed) {
if (unwind_state.dwarf_context.pc == 0) return null;
defer it.fp = unwind_state.dwarf_context.getFp() catch 0;
if (it.next_unwind()) |return_address| {
return return_address;
} else |err| {
unwind_state.last_error = err;
unwind_state.failed = true;
// Fall back to fp-based unwinding on the first failure.
// We can't attempt it again for other modules higher in the
// stack because the full register state won't have been unwound.
const fp = if (comptime native_arch.isSPARC())
// On SPARC the offset is positive. (!)
math.add(usize, it.fp, fp_offset) catch return null
math.sub(usize, it.fp, fp_offset) catch return null;
// Sanity check.
if (fp == 0 or !mem.isAligned(fp, @alignOf(usize))) return null;
const new_fp = math.add(usize, it.ma.load(usize, fp) orelse return null, fp_bias) catch
return null;
// Sanity check: the stack grows down thus all the parent frames must be
// be at addresses that are greater (or equal) than the previous one.
// A zero frame pointer often signals this is the last frame, that case
// is gracefully handled by the next call to next_internal.
if (new_fp != 0 and new_fp < it.fp) return null;
const new_pc = it.ma.load(usize, math.add(usize, fp, pc_offset) catch return null) orelse
return null;
it.fp = new_fp;
return new_pc;
const have_msync = switch (native_os) {
.wasi, .emscripten, .windows => false,
else => true,
pub fn writeCurrentStackTrace(
out_stream: anytype,
debug_info: *DebugInfo,
tty_config: io.tty.Config,
start_addr: ?usize,
) !void {
var context: ThreadContext = undefined;
const has_context = getContext(&context);
if (native_os == .windows) {
return writeStackTraceWindows(out_stream, debug_info, tty_config, &context, start_addr);
var it = (if (has_context) blk: {
break :blk StackIterator.initWithContext(start_addr, debug_info, &context) catch null;
} else null) orelse StackIterator.init(start_addr, null);
defer it.deinit();
while (it.next()) |return_address| {
printLastUnwindError(&it, debug_info, out_stream, tty_config);
// On arm64 macOS, the address of the last frame is 0x0 rather than 0x1 as on x86_64 macOS,
// therefore, we do a check for `return_address == 0` before subtracting 1 from it to avoid
// an overflow. We do not need to signal `StackIterator` as it will correctly detect this
// condition on the subsequent iteration and return `null` thus terminating the loop.
// same behaviour for x86-windows-msvc
const address = if (return_address == 0) return_address else return_address - 1;
try printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, out_stream, address, tty_config);
} else printLastUnwindError(&it, debug_info, out_stream, tty_config);
pub noinline fn walkStackWindows(addresses: []usize, existing_context: ?*const windows.CONTEXT) usize {
if (builtin.cpu.arch == .x86) {
// RtlVirtualUnwind doesn't exist on x86
return windows.ntdll.RtlCaptureStackBackTrace(0, addresses.len, @as(**anyopaque, @ptrCast(addresses.ptr)), null);
const tib = &windows.teb().NtTib;
var context: windows.CONTEXT = undefined;
if (existing_context) |context_ptr| {
context = context_ptr.*;
} else {
context = std.mem.zeroes(windows.CONTEXT);
var i: usize = 0;
var image_base: usize = undefined;
var history_table: windows.UNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE = std.mem.zeroes(windows.UNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE);
while (i < addresses.len) : (i += 1) {
const current_regs = context.getRegs();
if (windows.ntdll.RtlLookupFunctionEntry(current_regs.ip, &image_base, &history_table)) |runtime_function| {
var handler_data: ?*anyopaque = null;
var establisher_frame: u64 = undefined;
_ = windows.ntdll.RtlVirtualUnwind(
} else {
// leaf function
context.setIp(@as(*u64, @ptrFromInt(current_regs.sp)).*);
context.setSp(current_regs.sp + @sizeOf(usize));
const next_regs = context.getRegs();
if (next_regs.sp < @intFromPtr(tib.StackLimit) or next_regs.sp > @intFromPtr(tib.StackBase)) {
if (next_regs.ip == 0) {
addresses[i] = next_regs.ip;
return i;
pub fn writeStackTraceWindows(
out_stream: anytype,
debug_info: *DebugInfo,
tty_config: io.tty.Config,
context: *const windows.CONTEXT,
start_addr: ?usize,
) !void {
var addr_buf: [1024]usize = undefined;
const n = walkStackWindows(addr_buf[0..], context);
const addrs = addr_buf[0..n];
const start_i: usize = if (start_addr) |saddr| blk: {
for (addrs, 0..) |addr, i| {
if (addr == saddr) break :blk i;
} else 0;
for (addrs[start_i..]) |addr| {
try printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, out_stream, addr - 1, tty_config);
fn machoSearchSymbols(symbols: []const MachoSymbol, address: usize) ?*const MachoSymbol {
var min: usize = 0;
var max: usize = symbols.len - 1;
while (min < max) {
const mid = min + (max - min) / 2;
const curr = &symbols[mid];
const next = &symbols[mid + 1];
if (address >= next.address()) {
min = mid + 1;
} else if (address < curr.address()) {
max = mid;
} else {
return curr;
const max_sym = &symbols[symbols.len - 1];
if (address >= max_sym.address())
return max_sym;
return null;
test machoSearchSymbols {
const symbols = [_]MachoSymbol{
.{ .addr = 100, .strx = undefined, .size = undefined, .ofile = undefined },
.{ .addr = 200, .strx = undefined, .size = undefined, .ofile = undefined },
.{ .addr = 300, .strx = undefined, .size = undefined, .ofile = undefined },
try testing.expectEqual(null, machoSearchSymbols(&symbols, 0));
try testing.expectEqual(null, machoSearchSymbols(&symbols, 99));
try testing.expectEqual(&symbols[0], machoSearchSymbols(&symbols, 100).?);
try testing.expectEqual(&symbols[0], machoSearchSymbols(&symbols, 150).?);
try testing.expectEqual(&symbols[0], machoSearchSymbols(&symbols, 199).?);
try testing.expectEqual(&symbols[1], machoSearchSymbols(&symbols, 200).?);
try testing.expectEqual(&symbols[1], machoSearchSymbols(&symbols, 250).?);
try testing.expectEqual(&symbols[1], machoSearchSymbols(&symbols, 299).?);
try testing.expectEqual(&symbols[2], machoSearchSymbols(&symbols, 300).?);
try testing.expectEqual(&symbols[2], machoSearchSymbols(&symbols, 301).?);
try testing.expectEqual(&symbols[2], machoSearchSymbols(&symbols, 5000).?);
fn printUnknownSource(debug_info: *DebugInfo, out_stream: anytype, address: usize, tty_config: io.tty.Config) !void {
const module_name = debug_info.getModuleNameForAddress(address);
return printLineInfo(
module_name orelse "???",
fn printLastUnwindError(it: *StackIterator, debug_info: *DebugInfo, out_stream: anytype, tty_config: io.tty.Config) void {
if (!have_ucontext) return;
if (it.getLastError()) |unwind_error| {
printUnwindError(debug_info, out_stream, unwind_error.address, unwind_error.err, tty_config) catch {};
fn printUnwindError(debug_info: *DebugInfo, out_stream: anytype, address: usize, err: UnwindError, tty_config: io.tty.Config) !void {
const module_name = debug_info.getModuleNameForAddress(address) orelse "???";
try tty_config.setColor(out_stream, .dim);
if (err == error.MissingDebugInfo) {
try out_stream.print("Unwind information for `{s}:0x{x}` was not available, trace may be incomplete\n\n", .{ module_name, address });
} else {
try out_stream.print("Unwind error at address `{s}:0x{x}` ({}), trace may be incomplete\n\n", .{ module_name, address, err });
try tty_config.setColor(out_stream, .reset);
pub fn printSourceAtAddress(debug_info: *DebugInfo, out_stream: anytype, address: usize, tty_config: io.tty.Config) !void {
const module = debug_info.getModuleForAddress(address) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.MissingDebugInfo, error.InvalidDebugInfo => return printUnknownSource(debug_info, out_stream, address, tty_config),
else => return err,
const symbol_info = module.getSymbolAtAddress(debug_info.allocator, address) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.MissingDebugInfo, error.InvalidDebugInfo => return printUnknownSource(debug_info, out_stream, address, tty_config),
else => return err,
defer symbol_info.deinit(debug_info.allocator);
return printLineInfo(
fn printLineInfo(
out_stream: anytype,
line_info: ?LineInfo,
address: usize,
symbol_name: []const u8,
compile_unit_name: []const u8,
tty_config: io.tty.Config,
comptime printLineFromFile: anytype,
) !void {
nosuspend {
try tty_config.setColor(out_stream, .bold);
if (line_info) |*li| {
try out_stream.print("{s}:{d}:{d}", .{ li.file_name, li.line, li.column });
} else {
try out_stream.writeAll("???:?:?");
try tty_config.setColor(out_stream, .reset);
try out_stream.writeAll(": ");
try tty_config.setColor(out_stream, .dim);
try out_stream.print("0x{x} in {s} ({s})", .{ address, symbol_name, compile_unit_name });
try tty_config.setColor(out_stream, .reset);
try out_stream.writeAll("\n");
// Show the matching source code line if possible
if (line_info) |li| {
if (printLineFromFile(out_stream, li)) {
if (li.column > 0) {
// The caret already takes one char
const space_needed = @as(usize, @intCast(li.column - 1));
try out_stream.writeByteNTimes(' ', space_needed);
try tty_config.setColor(out_stream, .green);
try out_stream.writeAll("^");
try tty_config.setColor(out_stream, .reset);
try out_stream.writeAll("\n");
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.EndOfFile, error.FileNotFound => {},
error.BadPathName => {},
error.AccessDenied => {},
else => return err,
pub const OpenSelfDebugInfoError = error{
} || @typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(DebugInfo.init)).Fn.return_type.?).ErrorUnion.error_set;
pub fn openSelfDebugInfo(allocator: mem.Allocator) OpenSelfDebugInfoError!DebugInfo {
nosuspend {
if (builtin.strip_debug_info)
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
if (@hasDecl(root, "os") and @hasDecl(root.os, "debug") and @hasDecl(root.os.debug, "openSelfDebugInfo")) {
return root.os.debug.openSelfDebugInfo(allocator);
switch (native_os) {
=> return try DebugInfo.init(allocator),
else => return error.UnsupportedOperatingSystem,
fn readCoffDebugInfo(allocator: mem.Allocator, coff_obj: *coff.Coff) !ModuleDebugInfo {
nosuspend {
var di = ModuleDebugInfo{
.base_address = undefined,
.coff_image_base = coff_obj.getImageBase(),
.coff_section_headers = undefined,
if (coff_obj.getSectionByName(".debug_info")) |_| {
// This coff file has embedded DWARF debug info
var sections: DW.DwarfInfo.SectionArray = DW.DwarfInfo.null_section_array;
errdefer for (sections) |section| if (section) |s| if (s.owned) allocator.free(s.data);
inline for (@typeInfo(DW.DwarfSection).Enum.fields, 0..) |section, i| {
sections[i] = if (coff_obj.getSectionByName("." ++ section.name)) |section_header| blk: {
break :blk .{
.data = try coff_obj.getSectionDataAlloc(section_header, allocator),
.virtual_address = section_header.virtual_address,
.owned = true,
} else null;
var dwarf = DW.DwarfInfo{
.endian = native_endian,
.sections = sections,
.is_macho = false,
try DW.openDwarfDebugInfo(&dwarf, allocator);
di.dwarf = dwarf;
const raw_path = try coff_obj.getPdbPath() orelse return di;
const path = blk: {
if (fs.path.isAbsolute(raw_path)) {
break :blk raw_path;
} else {
const self_dir = try fs.selfExeDirPathAlloc(allocator);
defer allocator.free(self_dir);
break :blk try fs.path.join(allocator, &.{ self_dir, raw_path });
defer if (path.ptr != raw_path.ptr) allocator.free(path);
di.pdb = pdb.Pdb.init(allocator, path) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound, error.IsDir => {
if (di.dwarf == null) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
return di;
else => return err,
try di.pdb.?.parseInfoStream();
try di.pdb.?.parseDbiStream();
if (!mem.eql(u8, &coff_obj.guid, &di.pdb.?.guid) or coff_obj.age != di.pdb.?.age)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
// Only used by the pdb path
di.coff_section_headers = try coff_obj.getSectionHeadersAlloc(allocator);
errdefer allocator.free(di.coff_section_headers);
return di;
fn chopSlice(ptr: []const u8, offset: u64, size: u64) error{Overflow}![]const u8 {
const start = math.cast(usize, offset) orelse return error.Overflow;
const end = start + (math.cast(usize, size) orelse return error.Overflow);
return ptr[start..end];
/// Reads debug info from an ELF file, or the current binary if none in specified.
/// If the required sections aren't present but a reference to external debug info is,
/// then this this function will recurse to attempt to load the debug sections from
/// an external file.
pub fn readElfDebugInfo(
allocator: mem.Allocator,
elf_filename: ?[]const u8,
build_id: ?[]const u8,
expected_crc: ?u32,
parent_sections: *DW.DwarfInfo.SectionArray,
parent_mapped_mem: ?[]align(mem.page_size) const u8,
) !ModuleDebugInfo {
nosuspend {
const elf_file = (if (elf_filename) |filename| blk: {
break :blk fs.cwd().openFile(filename, .{});
} else fs.openSelfExe(.{})) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => return error.MissingDebugInfo,
else => return err,
const mapped_mem = try mapWholeFile(elf_file);
if (expected_crc) |crc| if (crc != std.hash.crc.Crc32.hash(mapped_mem)) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const hdr: *const elf.Ehdr = @ptrCast(&mapped_mem[0]);
if (!mem.eql(u8, hdr.e_ident[0..4], elf.MAGIC)) return error.InvalidElfMagic;
if (hdr.e_ident[elf.EI_VERSION] != 1) return error.InvalidElfVersion;
const endian: std.builtin.Endian = switch (hdr.e_ident[elf.EI_DATA]) {
elf.ELFDATA2LSB => .little,
elf.ELFDATA2MSB => .big,
else => return error.InvalidElfEndian,
assert(endian == native_endian); // this is our own debug info
const shoff = hdr.e_shoff;
const str_section_off = shoff + @as(u64, hdr.e_shentsize) * @as(u64, hdr.e_shstrndx);
const str_shdr: *const elf.Shdr = @ptrCast(@alignCast(&mapped_mem[math.cast(usize, str_section_off) orelse return error.Overflow]));
const header_strings = mapped_mem[str_shdr.sh_offset..][0..str_shdr.sh_size];
const shdrs = @as(
[*]const elf.Shdr,
var sections: DW.DwarfInfo.SectionArray = DW.DwarfInfo.null_section_array;
// Combine section list. This takes ownership over any owned sections from the parent scope.
for (parent_sections, &sections) |*parent, *section| {
if (parent.*) |*p| {
section.* = p.*;
p.owned = false;
errdefer for (sections) |section| if (section) |s| if (s.owned) allocator.free(s.data);
var separate_debug_filename: ?[]const u8 = null;
var separate_debug_crc: ?u32 = null;
for (shdrs) |*shdr| {
if (shdr.sh_type == elf.SHT_NULL or shdr.sh_type == elf.SHT_NOBITS) continue;
const name = mem.sliceTo(header_strings[shdr.sh_name..], 0);
if (mem.eql(u8, name, ".gnu_debuglink")) {
const gnu_debuglink = try chopSlice(mapped_mem, shdr.sh_offset, shdr.sh_size);
const debug_filename = mem.sliceTo(@as([*:0]const u8, @ptrCast(gnu_debuglink.ptr)), 0);
const crc_offset = mem.alignForward(usize, @intFromPtr(&debug_filename[debug_filename.len]) + 1, 4) - @intFromPtr(gnu_debuglink.ptr);
const crc_bytes = gnu_debuglink[crc_offset..][0..4];
separate_debug_crc = mem.readInt(u32, crc_bytes, native_endian);
separate_debug_filename = debug_filename;
var section_index: ?usize = null;
inline for (@typeInfo(DW.DwarfSection).Enum.fields, 0..) |section, i| {
if (mem.eql(u8, "." ++ section.name, name)) section_index = i;
if (section_index == null) continue;
if (sections[section_index.?] != null) continue;
const section_bytes = try chopSlice(mapped_mem, shdr.sh_offset, shdr.sh_size);
sections[section_index.?] = if ((shdr.sh_flags & elf.SHF_COMPRESSED) > 0) blk: {
var section_stream = io.fixedBufferStream(section_bytes);
var section_reader = section_stream.reader();
const chdr = section_reader.readStruct(elf.Chdr) catch continue;
if (chdr.ch_type != .ZLIB) continue;
var zlib_stream = std.compress.zlib.decompressor(section_stream.reader());
const decompressed_section = try allocator.alloc(u8, chdr.ch_size);
errdefer allocator.free(decompressed_section);
const read = zlib_stream.reader().readAll(decompressed_section) catch continue;
assert(read == decompressed_section.len);
break :blk .{
.data = decompressed_section,
.virtual_address = shdr.sh_addr,
.owned = true,
} else .{
.data = section_bytes,
.virtual_address = shdr.sh_addr,
.owned = false,
const missing_debug_info =
sections[@intFromEnum(DW.DwarfSection.debug_info)] == null or
sections[@intFromEnum(DW.DwarfSection.debug_abbrev)] == null or
sections[@intFromEnum(DW.DwarfSection.debug_str)] == null or
sections[@intFromEnum(DW.DwarfSection.debug_line)] == null;
// Attempt to load debug info from an external file
// See: https://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Separate-Debug-Files.html
if (missing_debug_info) {
// Only allow one level of debug info nesting
if (parent_mapped_mem) |_| {
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const global_debug_directories = [_][]const u8{
// <global debug directory>/.build-id/<2-character id prefix>/<id remainder>.debug
if (build_id) |id| blk: {
if (id.len < 3) break :blk;
// Either md5 (16 bytes) or sha1 (20 bytes) are used here in practice
const extension = ".debug";
var id_prefix_buf: [2]u8 = undefined;
var filename_buf: [38 + extension.len]u8 = undefined;
_ = std.fmt.bufPrint(&id_prefix_buf, "{s}", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower(id[0..1])}) catch unreachable;
const filename = std.fmt.bufPrint(
"{s}" ++ extension,
) catch break :blk;
for (global_debug_directories) |global_directory| {
const path = try fs.path.join(allocator, &.{ global_directory, ".build-id", &id_prefix_buf, filename });
defer allocator.free(path);
return readElfDebugInfo(allocator, path, null, separate_debug_crc, &sections, mapped_mem) catch continue;
// use the path from .gnu_debuglink, in the same search order as gdb
if (separate_debug_filename) |separate_filename| blk: {
if (elf_filename != null and mem.eql(u8, elf_filename.?, separate_filename)) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
// <cwd>/<gnu_debuglink>
if (readElfDebugInfo(allocator, separate_filename, null, separate_debug_crc, &sections, mapped_mem)) |debug_info| return debug_info else |_| {}
// <cwd>/.debug/<gnu_debuglink>
const path = try fs.path.join(allocator, &.{ ".debug", separate_filename });
defer allocator.free(path);
if (readElfDebugInfo(allocator, path, null, separate_debug_crc, &sections, mapped_mem)) |debug_info| return debug_info else |_| {}
var cwd_buf: [fs.max_path_bytes]u8 = undefined;
const cwd_path = posix.realpath(".", &cwd_buf) catch break :blk;
// <global debug directory>/<absolute folder of current binary>/<gnu_debuglink>
for (global_debug_directories) |global_directory| {
const path = try fs.path.join(allocator, &.{ global_directory, cwd_path, separate_filename });
defer allocator.free(path);
if (readElfDebugInfo(allocator, path, null, separate_debug_crc, &sections, mapped_mem)) |debug_info| return debug_info else |_| {}
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
var di = DW.DwarfInfo{
.endian = endian,
.sections = sections,
.is_macho = false,
try DW.openDwarfDebugInfo(&di, allocator);
return ModuleDebugInfo{
.base_address = undefined,
.dwarf = di,
.mapped_memory = parent_mapped_mem orelse mapped_mem,
.external_mapped_memory = if (parent_mapped_mem != null) mapped_mem else null,
/// This takes ownership of macho_file: users of this function should not close
/// it themselves, even on error.
/// TODO it's weird to take ownership even on error, rework this code.
fn readMachODebugInfo(allocator: mem.Allocator, macho_file: File) !ModuleDebugInfo {
const mapped_mem = try mapWholeFile(macho_file);
const hdr: *const macho.mach_header_64 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(mapped_mem.ptr));
if (hdr.magic != macho.MH_MAGIC_64)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
var it = macho.LoadCommandIterator{
.ncmds = hdr.ncmds,
.buffer = mapped_mem[@sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64)..][0..hdr.sizeofcmds],
const symtab = while (it.next()) |cmd| switch (cmd.cmd()) {
.SYMTAB => break cmd.cast(macho.symtab_command).?,
else => {},
} else return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const syms = @as(
[*]const macho.nlist_64,
const strings = mapped_mem[symtab.stroff..][0 .. symtab.strsize - 1 :0];
const symbols_buf = try allocator.alloc(MachoSymbol, syms.len);
var ofile: u32 = undefined;
var last_sym: MachoSymbol = undefined;
var symbol_index: usize = 0;
var state: enum {
} = .init;
for (syms) |*sym| {
if (!sym.stab()) continue;
// TODO handle globals N_GSYM, and statics N_STSYM
switch (sym.n_type) {
macho.N_OSO => {
switch (state) {
.init, .oso_close => {
state = .oso_open;
ofile = sym.n_strx;
else => return error.InvalidDebugInfo,
macho.N_BNSYM => {
switch (state) {
.oso_open, .ensym => {
state = .bnsym;
last_sym = .{
.strx = 0,
.addr = sym.n_value,
.size = 0,
.ofile = ofile,
else => return error.InvalidDebugInfo,
macho.N_FUN => {
switch (state) {
.bnsym => {
state = .fun_strx;
last_sym.strx = sym.n_strx;
.fun_strx => {
state = .fun_size;
last_sym.size = @as(u32, @intCast(sym.n_value));
else => return error.InvalidDebugInfo,
macho.N_ENSYM => {
switch (state) {
.fun_size => {
state = .ensym;
symbols_buf[symbol_index] = last_sym;
symbol_index += 1;
else => return error.InvalidDebugInfo,
macho.N_SO => {
switch (state) {
.init, .oso_close => {},
.oso_open, .ensym => {
state = .oso_close;
else => return error.InvalidDebugInfo,
else => {},
switch (state) {
.init => return error.MissingDebugInfo,
.oso_close => {},
else => return error.InvalidDebugInfo,
const symbols = try allocator.realloc(symbols_buf, symbol_index);
// Even though lld emits symbols in ascending order, this debug code
// should work for programs linked in any valid way.
// This sort is so that we can binary search later.
mem.sort(MachoSymbol, symbols, {}, MachoSymbol.addressLessThan);
return ModuleDebugInfo{
.base_address = undefined,
.vmaddr_slide = undefined,
.mapped_memory = mapped_mem,
.ofiles = ModuleDebugInfo.OFileTable.init(allocator),
.symbols = symbols,
.strings = strings,
fn printLineFromFileAnyOs(out_stream: anytype, line_info: LineInfo) !void {
// Need this to always block even in async I/O mode, because this could potentially
// be called from e.g. the event loop code crashing.
var f = try fs.cwd().openFile(line_info.file_name, .{});
defer f.close();
// TODO fstat and make sure that the file has the correct size
var buf: [mem.page_size]u8 = undefined;
var amt_read = try f.read(buf[0..]);
const line_start = seek: {
var current_line_start: usize = 0;
var next_line: usize = 1;
while (next_line != line_info.line) {
const slice = buf[current_line_start..amt_read];
if (mem.indexOfScalar(u8, slice, '\n')) |pos| {
next_line += 1;
if (pos == slice.len - 1) {
amt_read = try f.read(buf[0..]);
current_line_start = 0;
} else current_line_start += pos + 1;
} else if (amt_read < buf.len) {
return error.EndOfFile;
} else {
amt_read = try f.read(buf[0..]);
current_line_start = 0;
break :seek current_line_start;
const slice = buf[line_start..amt_read];
if (mem.indexOfScalar(u8, slice, '\n')) |pos| {
const line = slice[0 .. pos + 1];
mem.replaceScalar(u8, line, '\t', ' ');
return out_stream.writeAll(line);
} else { // Line is the last inside the buffer, and requires another read to find delimiter. Alternatively the file ends.
mem.replaceScalar(u8, slice, '\t', ' ');
try out_stream.writeAll(slice);
while (amt_read == buf.len) {
amt_read = try f.read(buf[0..]);
if (mem.indexOfScalar(u8, buf[0..amt_read], '\n')) |pos| {
const line = buf[0 .. pos + 1];
mem.replaceScalar(u8, line, '\t', ' ');
return out_stream.writeAll(line);
} else {
const line = buf[0..amt_read];
mem.replaceScalar(u8, line, '\t', ' ');
try out_stream.writeAll(line);
// Make sure printing last line of file inserts extra newline
try out_stream.writeByte('\n');
test printLineFromFileAnyOs {
var output = std.ArrayList(u8).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer output.deinit();
const output_stream = output.writer();
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
const join = std.fs.path.join;
const expectError = std.testing.expectError;
const expectEqualStrings = std.testing.expectEqualStrings;
var test_dir = std.testing.tmpDir(.{});
defer test_dir.cleanup();
// Relies on testing.tmpDir internals which is not ideal, but LineInfo requires paths.
const test_dir_path = try join(allocator, &.{ ".zig-cache", "tmp", test_dir.sub_path[0..] });
defer allocator.free(test_dir_path);
// Cases
const path = try join(allocator, &.{ test_dir_path, "one_line.zig" });
defer allocator.free(path);
try test_dir.dir.writeFile(.{ .sub_path = "one_line.zig", .data = "no new lines in this file, but one is printed anyway" });
try expectError(error.EndOfFile, printLineFromFileAnyOs(output_stream, .{ .file_name = path, .line = 2, .column = 0 }));
try printLineFromFileAnyOs(output_stream, .{ .file_name = path, .line = 1, .column = 0 });
try expectEqualStrings("no new lines in this file, but one is printed anyway\n", output.items);
const path = try fs.path.join(allocator, &.{ test_dir_path, "three_lines.zig" });
defer allocator.free(path);
try test_dir.dir.writeFile(.{
.sub_path = "three_lines.zig",
.data =
try printLineFromFileAnyOs(output_stream, .{ .file_name = path, .line = 1, .column = 0 });
try expectEqualStrings("1\n", output.items);
try printLineFromFileAnyOs(output_stream, .{ .file_name = path, .line = 3, .column = 0 });
try expectEqualStrings("3\n", output.items);
const file = try test_dir.dir.createFile("line_overlaps_page_boundary.zig", .{});
defer file.close();
const path = try fs.path.join(allocator, &.{ test_dir_path, "line_overlaps_page_boundary.zig" });
defer allocator.free(path);
const overlap = 10;
var writer = file.writer();
try writer.writeByteNTimes('a', mem.page_size - overlap);
try writer.writeByte('\n');
try writer.writeByteNTimes('a', overlap);
try printLineFromFileAnyOs(output_stream, .{ .file_name = path, .line = 2, .column = 0 });
try expectEqualStrings(("a" ** overlap) ++ "\n", output.items);
const file = try test_dir.dir.createFile("file_ends_on_page_boundary.zig", .{});
defer file.close();
const path = try fs.path.join(allocator, &.{ test_dir_path, "file_ends_on_page_boundary.zig" });
defer allocator.free(path);
var writer = file.writer();
try writer.writeByteNTimes('a', mem.page_size);
try printLineFromFileAnyOs(output_stream, .{ .file_name = path, .line = 1, .column = 0 });
try expectEqualStrings(("a" ** mem.page_size) ++ "\n", output.items);
const file = try test_dir.dir.createFile("very_long_first_line_spanning_multiple_pages.zig", .{});
defer file.close();
const path = try fs.path.join(allocator, &.{ test_dir_path, "very_long_first_line_spanning_multiple_pages.zig" });
defer allocator.free(path);
var writer = file.writer();
try writer.writeByteNTimes('a', 3 * mem.page_size);
try expectError(error.EndOfFile, printLineFromFileAnyOs(output_stream, .{ .file_name = path, .line = 2, .column = 0 }));
try printLineFromFileAnyOs(output_stream, .{ .file_name = path, .line = 1, .column = 0 });
try expectEqualStrings(("a" ** (3 * mem.page_size)) ++ "\n", output.items);
try writer.writeAll("a\na");
try printLineFromFileAnyOs(output_stream, .{ .file_name = path, .line = 1, .column = 0 });
try expectEqualStrings(("a" ** (3 * mem.page_size)) ++ "a\n", output.items);
try printLineFromFileAnyOs(output_stream, .{ .file_name = path, .line = 2, .column = 0 });
try expectEqualStrings("a\n", output.items);
const file = try test_dir.dir.createFile("file_of_newlines.zig", .{});
defer file.close();
const path = try fs.path.join(allocator, &.{ test_dir_path, "file_of_newlines.zig" });
defer allocator.free(path);
var writer = file.writer();
const real_file_start = 3 * mem.page_size;
try writer.writeByteNTimes('\n', real_file_start);
try writer.writeAll("abc\ndef");
try printLineFromFileAnyOs(output_stream, .{ .file_name = path, .line = real_file_start + 1, .column = 0 });
try expectEqualStrings("abc\n", output.items);
try printLineFromFileAnyOs(output_stream, .{ .file_name = path, .line = real_file_start + 2, .column = 0 });
try expectEqualStrings("def\n", output.items);
const MachoSymbol = struct {
strx: u32,
addr: u64,
size: u32,
ofile: u32,
/// Returns the address from the macho file
fn address(self: MachoSymbol) u64 {
return self.addr;
fn addressLessThan(context: void, lhs: MachoSymbol, rhs: MachoSymbol) bool {
_ = context;
return lhs.addr < rhs.addr;
/// Takes ownership of file, even on error.
/// TODO it's weird to take ownership even on error, rework this code.
fn mapWholeFile(file: File) ![]align(mem.page_size) const u8 {
nosuspend {
defer file.close();
const file_len = math.cast(usize, try file.getEndPos()) orelse math.maxInt(usize);
const mapped_mem = try posix.mmap(
.{ .TYPE = .SHARED },
errdefer posix.munmap(mapped_mem);
return mapped_mem;
pub const WindowsModuleInfo = struct {
base_address: usize,
size: u32,
name: []const u8,
handle: windows.HMODULE,
// Set when the image file needed to be mapped from disk
mapped_file: ?struct {
file: File,
section_handle: windows.HANDLE,
section_view: []const u8,
pub fn deinit(self: @This()) void {
const process_handle = windows.GetCurrentProcess();
assert(windows.ntdll.NtUnmapViewOfSection(process_handle, @constCast(@ptrCast(self.section_view.ptr))) == .SUCCESS);
} = null,
pub const DebugInfo = struct {
allocator: mem.Allocator,
address_map: std.AutoHashMap(usize, *ModuleDebugInfo),
modules: if (native_os == .windows) std.ArrayListUnmanaged(WindowsModuleInfo) else void,
pub fn init(allocator: mem.Allocator) !DebugInfo {
var debug_info = DebugInfo{
.allocator = allocator,
.address_map = std.AutoHashMap(usize, *ModuleDebugInfo).init(allocator),
.modules = if (native_os == .windows) .{} else {},
if (native_os == .windows) {
errdefer debug_info.modules.deinit(allocator);
const handle = windows.kernel32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(windows.TH32CS_SNAPMODULE | windows.TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32, 0);
if (handle == windows.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
switch (windows.GetLastError()) {
else => |err| return windows.unexpectedError(err),
defer windows.CloseHandle(handle);
var module_entry: windows.MODULEENTRY32 = undefined;
module_entry.dwSize = @sizeOf(windows.MODULEENTRY32);
if (windows.kernel32.Module32First(handle, &module_entry) == 0) {
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
var module_valid = true;
while (module_valid) {
const module_info = try debug_info.modules.addOne(allocator);
const name = allocator.dupe(u8, mem.sliceTo(&module_entry.szModule, 0)) catch &.{};
errdefer allocator.free(name);
module_info.* = .{
.base_address = @intFromPtr(module_entry.modBaseAddr),
.size = module_entry.modBaseSize,
.name = name,
.handle = module_entry.hModule,
module_valid = windows.kernel32.Module32Next(handle, &module_entry) == 1;
return debug_info;
pub fn deinit(self: *DebugInfo) void {
var it = self.address_map.iterator();
while (it.next()) |entry| {
const mdi = entry.value_ptr.*;
if (native_os == .windows) {
for (self.modules.items) |module| {
if (module.mapped_file) |mapped_file| mapped_file.deinit();
pub fn getModuleForAddress(self: *DebugInfo, address: usize) !*ModuleDebugInfo {
if (comptime builtin.target.isDarwin()) {
return self.lookupModuleDyld(address);
} else if (native_os == .windows) {
return self.lookupModuleWin32(address);
} else if (native_os == .haiku) {
return self.lookupModuleHaiku(address);
} else if (comptime builtin.target.isWasm()) {
return self.lookupModuleWasm(address);
} else {
return self.lookupModuleDl(address);
// Returns the module name for a given address.
// This can be called when getModuleForAddress fails, so implementations should provide
// a path that doesn't rely on any side-effects of a prior successful module lookup.
pub fn getModuleNameForAddress(self: *DebugInfo, address: usize) ?[]const u8 {
if (comptime builtin.target.isDarwin()) {
return self.lookupModuleNameDyld(address);
} else if (native_os == .windows) {
return self.lookupModuleNameWin32(address);
} else if (native_os == .haiku) {
return null;
} else if (comptime builtin.target.isWasm()) {
return null;
} else {
return self.lookupModuleNameDl(address);
fn lookupModuleDyld(self: *DebugInfo, address: usize) !*ModuleDebugInfo {
const image_count = std.c._dyld_image_count();
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < image_count) : (i += 1) {
const header = std.c._dyld_get_image_header(i) orelse continue;
const base_address = @intFromPtr(header);
if (address < base_address) continue;
const vmaddr_slide = std.c._dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide(i);
var it = macho.LoadCommandIterator{
.ncmds = header.ncmds,
.buffer = @alignCast(@as(
@ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(header) + @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64)),
var unwind_info: ?[]const u8 = null;
var eh_frame: ?[]const u8 = null;
while (it.next()) |cmd| switch (cmd.cmd()) {
.SEGMENT_64 => {
const segment_cmd = cmd.cast(macho.segment_command_64).?;
if (!mem.eql(u8, "__TEXT", segment_cmd.segName())) continue;
const seg_start = segment_cmd.vmaddr + vmaddr_slide;
const seg_end = seg_start + segment_cmd.vmsize;
if (address >= seg_start and address < seg_end) {
if (self.address_map.get(base_address)) |obj_di| {
return obj_di;
for (cmd.getSections()) |sect| {
if (mem.eql(u8, "__unwind_info", sect.sectName())) {
unwind_info = @as([*]const u8, @ptrFromInt(sect.addr + vmaddr_slide))[0..sect.size];
} else if (mem.eql(u8, "__eh_frame", sect.sectName())) {
eh_frame = @as([*]const u8, @ptrFromInt(sect.addr + vmaddr_slide))[0..sect.size];
const obj_di = try self.allocator.create(ModuleDebugInfo);
errdefer self.allocator.destroy(obj_di);
const macho_path = mem.sliceTo(std.c._dyld_get_image_name(i), 0);
const macho_file = fs.cwd().openFile(macho_path, .{}) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => return error.MissingDebugInfo,
else => return err,
obj_di.* = try readMachODebugInfo(self.allocator, macho_file);
obj_di.base_address = base_address;
obj_di.vmaddr_slide = vmaddr_slide;
obj_di.unwind_info = unwind_info;
obj_di.eh_frame = eh_frame;
try self.address_map.putNoClobber(base_address, obj_di);
return obj_di;
else => {},
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
fn lookupModuleNameDyld(self: *DebugInfo, address: usize) ?[]const u8 {
_ = self;
const image_count = std.c._dyld_image_count();
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < image_count) : (i += 1) {
const header = std.c._dyld_get_image_header(i) orelse continue;
const base_address = @intFromPtr(header);
if (address < base_address) continue;
const vmaddr_slide = std.c._dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide(i);
var it = macho.LoadCommandIterator{
.ncmds = header.ncmds,
.buffer = @alignCast(@as(
@ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(header) + @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64)),
while (it.next()) |cmd| switch (cmd.cmd()) {
.SEGMENT_64 => {
const segment_cmd = cmd.cast(macho.segment_command_64).?;
if (!mem.eql(u8, "__TEXT", segment_cmd.segName())) continue;
const original_address = address - vmaddr_slide;
const seg_start = segment_cmd.vmaddr;
const seg_end = seg_start + segment_cmd.vmsize;
if (original_address >= seg_start and original_address < seg_end) {
return fs.path.basename(mem.sliceTo(std.c._dyld_get_image_name(i), 0));
else => {},
return null;
fn lookupModuleWin32(self: *DebugInfo, address: usize) !*ModuleDebugInfo {
for (self.modules.items) |*module| {
if (address >= module.base_address and address < module.base_address + module.size) {
if (self.address_map.get(module.base_address)) |obj_di| {
return obj_di;
const obj_di = try self.allocator.create(ModuleDebugInfo);
errdefer self.allocator.destroy(obj_di);
const mapped_module = @as([*]const u8, @ptrFromInt(module.base_address))[0..module.size];
var coff_obj = try coff.Coff.init(mapped_module, true);
// The string table is not mapped into memory by the loader, so if a section name is in the
// string table then we have to map the full image file from disk. This can happen when
// a binary is produced with -gdwarf, since the section names are longer than 8 bytes.
if (coff_obj.strtabRequired()) {
var name_buffer: [windows.PATH_MAX_WIDE + 4:0]u16 = undefined;
// openFileAbsoluteW requires the prefix to be present
@memcpy(name_buffer[0..4], &[_]u16{ '\\', '?', '?', '\\' });
const process_handle = windows.GetCurrentProcess();
const len = windows.kernel32.GetModuleFileNameExW(
if (len == 0) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const coff_file = fs.openFileAbsoluteW(name_buffer[0 .. len + 4 :0], .{}) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => return error.MissingDebugInfo,
else => return err,
errdefer coff_file.close();
var section_handle: windows.HANDLE = undefined;
const create_section_rc = windows.ntdll.NtCreateSection(
// The documentation states that if no AllocationAttribute is specified, then SEC_COMMIT is the default.
// In practice, this isn't the case and specifying 0 will result in INVALID_PARAMETER_6.
if (create_section_rc != .SUCCESS) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
errdefer windows.CloseHandle(section_handle);
var coff_len: usize = 0;
var base_ptr: usize = 0;
const map_section_rc = windows.ntdll.NtMapViewOfSection(
if (map_section_rc != .SUCCESS) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
errdefer assert(windows.ntdll.NtUnmapViewOfSection(process_handle, @ptrFromInt(base_ptr)) == .SUCCESS);
const section_view = @as([*]const u8, @ptrFromInt(base_ptr))[0..coff_len];
coff_obj = try coff.Coff.init(section_view, false);
module.mapped_file = .{
.file = coff_file,
.section_handle = section_handle,
.section_view = section_view,
errdefer if (module.mapped_file) |mapped_file| mapped_file.deinit();
obj_di.* = try readCoffDebugInfo(self.allocator, &coff_obj);
obj_di.base_address = module.base_address;
try self.address_map.putNoClobber(module.base_address, obj_di);
return obj_di;
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
fn lookupModuleNameWin32(self: *DebugInfo, address: usize) ?[]const u8 {
for (self.modules.items) |module| {
if (address >= module.base_address and address < module.base_address + module.size) {
return module.name;
return null;
fn lookupModuleNameDl(self: *DebugInfo, address: usize) ?[]const u8 {
_ = self;
var ctx: struct {
// Input
address: usize,
// Output
name: []const u8 = "",
} = .{ .address = address };
const CtxTy = @TypeOf(ctx);
if (posix.dl_iterate_phdr(&ctx, error{Found}, struct {
fn callback(info: *posix.dl_phdr_info, size: usize, context: *CtxTy) !void {
_ = size;
if (context.address < info.addr) return;
const phdrs = info.phdr[0..info.phnum];
for (phdrs) |*phdr| {
if (phdr.p_type != elf.PT_LOAD) continue;
const seg_start = info.addr +% phdr.p_vaddr;
const seg_end = seg_start + phdr.p_memsz;
if (context.address >= seg_start and context.address < seg_end) {
context.name = mem.sliceTo(info.name, 0) orelse "";
} else return;
return error.Found;
}.callback)) {
return null;
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.Found => return fs.path.basename(ctx.name),
return null;
fn lookupModuleDl(self: *DebugInfo, address: usize) !*ModuleDebugInfo {
var ctx: struct {
// Input
address: usize,
// Output
base_address: usize = undefined,
name: []const u8 = undefined,
build_id: ?[]const u8 = null,
gnu_eh_frame: ?[]const u8 = null,
} = .{ .address = address };
const CtxTy = @TypeOf(ctx);
if (posix.dl_iterate_phdr(&ctx, error{Found}, struct {
fn callback(info: *posix.dl_phdr_info, size: usize, context: *CtxTy) !void {
_ = size;
// The base address is too high
if (context.address < info.addr)
const phdrs = info.phdr[0..info.phnum];
for (phdrs) |*phdr| {
if (phdr.p_type != elf.PT_LOAD) continue;
// Overflowing addition is used to handle the case of VSDOs having a p_vaddr = 0xffffffffff700000
const seg_start = info.addr +% phdr.p_vaddr;
const seg_end = seg_start + phdr.p_memsz;
if (context.address >= seg_start and context.address < seg_end) {
// Android libc uses NULL instead of an empty string to mark the
// main program
context.name = mem.sliceTo(info.name, 0) orelse "";
context.base_address = info.addr;
} else return;
for (info.phdr[0..info.phnum]) |phdr| {
switch (phdr.p_type) {
elf.PT_NOTE => {
// Look for .note.gnu.build-id
const note_bytes = @as([*]const u8, @ptrFromInt(info.addr + phdr.p_vaddr))[0..phdr.p_memsz];
const name_size = mem.readInt(u32, note_bytes[0..4], native_endian);
if (name_size != 4) continue;
const desc_size = mem.readInt(u32, note_bytes[4..8], native_endian);
const note_type = mem.readInt(u32, note_bytes[8..12], native_endian);
if (note_type != elf.NT_GNU_BUILD_ID) continue;
if (!mem.eql(u8, "GNU\x00", note_bytes[12..16])) continue;
context.build_id = note_bytes[16..][0..desc_size];
elf.PT_GNU_EH_FRAME => {
context.gnu_eh_frame = @as([*]const u8, @ptrFromInt(info.addr + phdr.p_vaddr))[0..phdr.p_memsz];
else => {},
// Stop the iteration
return error.Found;
}.callback)) {
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.Found => {},
if (self.address_map.get(ctx.base_address)) |obj_di| {
return obj_di;
const obj_di = try self.allocator.create(ModuleDebugInfo);
errdefer self.allocator.destroy(obj_di);
var sections: DW.DwarfInfo.SectionArray = DW.DwarfInfo.null_section_array;
if (ctx.gnu_eh_frame) |eh_frame_hdr| {
// This is a special case - pointer offsets inside .eh_frame_hdr
// are encoded relative to its base address, so we must use the
// version that is already memory mapped, and not the one that
// will be mapped separately from the ELF file.
sections[@intFromEnum(DW.DwarfSection.eh_frame_hdr)] = .{
.data = eh_frame_hdr,
.owned = false,
obj_di.* = try readElfDebugInfo(self.allocator, if (ctx.name.len > 0) ctx.name else null, ctx.build_id, null, &sections, null);
obj_di.base_address = ctx.base_address;
// Missing unwind info isn't treated as a failure, as the unwinder will fall back to FP-based unwinding
obj_di.dwarf.scanAllUnwindInfo(self.allocator, ctx.base_address) catch {};
try self.address_map.putNoClobber(ctx.base_address, obj_di);
return obj_di;
fn lookupModuleHaiku(self: *DebugInfo, address: usize) !*ModuleDebugInfo {
_ = self;
_ = address;
@panic("TODO implement lookup module for Haiku");
fn lookupModuleWasm(self: *DebugInfo, address: usize) !*ModuleDebugInfo {
_ = self;
_ = address;
@panic("TODO implement lookup module for Wasm");
pub const ModuleDebugInfo = switch (native_os) {
.macos, .ios, .watchos, .tvos, .visionos => struct {
base_address: usize,
vmaddr_slide: usize,
mapped_memory: []align(mem.page_size) const u8,
symbols: []const MachoSymbol,
strings: [:0]const u8,
ofiles: OFileTable,
// Backed by the in-memory sections mapped by the loader
unwind_info: ?[]const u8 = null,
eh_frame: ?[]const u8 = null,
const OFileTable = std.StringHashMap(OFileInfo);
const OFileInfo = struct {
di: DW.DwarfInfo,
addr_table: std.StringHashMap(u64),
pub fn deinit(self: *@This(), allocator: mem.Allocator) void {
var it = self.ofiles.iterator();
while (it.next()) |entry| {
const ofile = entry.value_ptr;
fn loadOFile(self: *@This(), allocator: mem.Allocator, o_file_path: []const u8) !*OFileInfo {
const o_file = try fs.cwd().openFile(o_file_path, .{});
const mapped_mem = try mapWholeFile(o_file);
const hdr: *const macho.mach_header_64 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(mapped_mem.ptr));
if (hdr.magic != std.macho.MH_MAGIC_64)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
var segcmd: ?macho.LoadCommandIterator.LoadCommand = null;
var symtabcmd: ?macho.symtab_command = null;
var it = macho.LoadCommandIterator{
.ncmds = hdr.ncmds,
.buffer = mapped_mem[@sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64)..][0..hdr.sizeofcmds],
while (it.next()) |cmd| switch (cmd.cmd()) {
.SEGMENT_64 => segcmd = cmd,
.SYMTAB => symtabcmd = cmd.cast(macho.symtab_command).?,
else => {},
if (segcmd == null or symtabcmd == null) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
// Parse symbols
const strtab = @as(
[*]const u8,
)[0 .. symtabcmd.?.strsize - 1 :0];
const symtab = @as(
[*]const macho.nlist_64,
// TODO handle tentative (common) symbols
var addr_table = std.StringHashMap(u64).init(allocator);
try addr_table.ensureTotalCapacity(@as(u32, @intCast(symtab.len)));
for (symtab) |sym| {
if (sym.n_strx == 0) continue;
if (sym.undf() or sym.tentative() or sym.abs()) continue;
const sym_name = mem.sliceTo(strtab[sym.n_strx..], 0);
// TODO is it possible to have a symbol collision?
addr_table.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(sym_name, sym.n_value);
var sections: DW.DwarfInfo.SectionArray = DW.DwarfInfo.null_section_array;
if (self.eh_frame) |eh_frame| sections[@intFromEnum(DW.DwarfSection.eh_frame)] = .{
.data = eh_frame,
.owned = false,
for (segcmd.?.getSections()) |sect| {
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, "__DWARF", sect.segName())) continue;
var section_index: ?usize = null;
inline for (@typeInfo(DW.DwarfSection).Enum.fields, 0..) |section, i| {
if (mem.eql(u8, "__" ++ section.name, sect.sectName())) section_index = i;
if (section_index == null) continue;
const section_bytes = try chopSlice(mapped_mem, sect.offset, sect.size);
sections[section_index.?] = .{
.data = section_bytes,
.virtual_address = sect.addr,
.owned = false,
const missing_debug_info =
sections[@intFromEnum(DW.DwarfSection.debug_info)] == null or
sections[@intFromEnum(DW.DwarfSection.debug_abbrev)] == null or
sections[@intFromEnum(DW.DwarfSection.debug_str)] == null or
sections[@intFromEnum(DW.DwarfSection.debug_line)] == null;
if (missing_debug_info) return error.MissingDebugInfo;
var di = DW.DwarfInfo{
.endian = .little,
.sections = sections,
.is_macho = true,
try DW.openDwarfDebugInfo(&di, allocator);
const info = OFileInfo{
.di = di,
.addr_table = addr_table,
// Add the debug info to the cache
const result = try self.ofiles.getOrPut(o_file_path);
result.value_ptr.* = info;
return result.value_ptr;
pub fn getSymbolAtAddress(self: *@This(), allocator: mem.Allocator, address: usize) !SymbolInfo {
nosuspend {
const result = try self.getOFileInfoForAddress(allocator, address);
if (result.symbol == null) return .{};
// Take the symbol name from the N_FUN STAB entry, we're going to
// use it if we fail to find the DWARF infos
const stab_symbol = mem.sliceTo(self.strings[result.symbol.?.strx..], 0);
if (result.o_file_info == null) return .{ .symbol_name = stab_symbol };
// Translate again the address, this time into an address inside the
// .o file
const relocated_address_o = result.o_file_info.?.addr_table.get(stab_symbol) orelse return .{
.symbol_name = "???",
const addr_off = result.relocated_address - result.symbol.?.addr;
const o_file_di = &result.o_file_info.?.di;
if (o_file_di.findCompileUnit(relocated_address_o)) |compile_unit| {
return SymbolInfo{
.symbol_name = o_file_di.getSymbolName(relocated_address_o) orelse "???",
.compile_unit_name = compile_unit.die.getAttrString(
) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.MissingDebugInfo, error.InvalidDebugInfo => "???",
.line_info = o_file_di.getLineNumberInfo(
relocated_address_o + addr_off,
) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.MissingDebugInfo, error.InvalidDebugInfo => null,
else => return err,
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.MissingDebugInfo, error.InvalidDebugInfo => {
return SymbolInfo{ .symbol_name = stab_symbol };
else => return err,
pub fn getOFileInfoForAddress(self: *@This(), allocator: mem.Allocator, address: usize) !struct {
relocated_address: usize,
symbol: ?*const MachoSymbol = null,
o_file_info: ?*OFileInfo = null,
} {
nosuspend {
// Translate the VA into an address into this object
const relocated_address = address - self.vmaddr_slide;
// Find the .o file where this symbol is defined
const symbol = machoSearchSymbols(self.symbols, relocated_address) orelse return .{
.relocated_address = relocated_address,
// Check if its debug infos are already in the cache
const o_file_path = mem.sliceTo(self.strings[symbol.ofile..], 0);
const o_file_info = self.ofiles.getPtr(o_file_path) orelse
(self.loadOFile(allocator, o_file_path) catch |err| switch (err) {
=> return .{
.relocated_address = relocated_address,
.symbol = symbol,
else => return err,
return .{
.relocated_address = relocated_address,
.symbol = symbol,
.o_file_info = o_file_info,
pub fn getDwarfInfoForAddress(self: *@This(), allocator: mem.Allocator, address: usize) !?*const DW.DwarfInfo {
return if ((try self.getOFileInfoForAddress(allocator, address)).o_file_info) |o_file_info| &o_file_info.di else null;
.uefi, .windows => struct {
base_address: usize,
pdb: ?pdb.Pdb = null,
dwarf: ?DW.DwarfInfo = null,
coff_image_base: u64,
/// Only used if pdb is non-null
coff_section_headers: []coff.SectionHeader,
pub fn deinit(self: *@This(), allocator: mem.Allocator) void {
if (self.dwarf) |*dwarf| {
if (self.pdb) |*p| {
fn getSymbolFromPdb(self: *@This(), relocated_address: usize) !?SymbolInfo {
var coff_section: *align(1) const coff.SectionHeader = undefined;
const mod_index = for (self.pdb.?.sect_contribs) |sect_contrib| {
if (sect_contrib.Section > self.coff_section_headers.len) continue;
// Remember that SectionContribEntry.Section is 1-based.
coff_section = &self.coff_section_headers[sect_contrib.Section - 1];
const vaddr_start = coff_section.virtual_address + sect_contrib.Offset;
const vaddr_end = vaddr_start + sect_contrib.Size;
if (relocated_address >= vaddr_start and relocated_address < vaddr_end) {
break sect_contrib.ModuleIndex;
} else {
// we have no information to add to the address
return null;
const module = (try self.pdb.?.getModule(mod_index)) orelse
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const obj_basename = fs.path.basename(module.obj_file_name);
const symbol_name = self.pdb.?.getSymbolName(
relocated_address - coff_section.virtual_address,
) orelse "???";
const opt_line_info = try self.pdb.?.getLineNumberInfo(
relocated_address - coff_section.virtual_address,
return SymbolInfo{
.symbol_name = symbol_name,
.compile_unit_name = obj_basename,
.line_info = opt_line_info,
pub fn getSymbolAtAddress(self: *@This(), allocator: mem.Allocator, address: usize) !SymbolInfo {
// Translate the VA into an address into this object
const relocated_address = address - self.base_address;
if (self.pdb != null) {
if (try self.getSymbolFromPdb(relocated_address)) |symbol| return symbol;
if (self.dwarf) |*dwarf| {
const dwarf_address = relocated_address + self.coff_image_base;
return getSymbolFromDwarf(allocator, dwarf_address, dwarf);
return SymbolInfo{};
pub fn getDwarfInfoForAddress(self: *@This(), allocator: mem.Allocator, address: usize) !?*const DW.DwarfInfo {
_ = allocator;
_ = address;
return switch (self.debug_data) {
.dwarf => |*dwarf| dwarf,
else => null,
.linux, .netbsd, .freebsd, .dragonfly, .openbsd, .haiku, .solaris, .illumos => struct {
base_address: usize,
dwarf: DW.DwarfInfo,
mapped_memory: []align(mem.page_size) const u8,
external_mapped_memory: ?[]align(mem.page_size) const u8,
pub fn deinit(self: *@This(), allocator: mem.Allocator) void {
if (self.external_mapped_memory) |m| posix.munmap(m);
pub fn getSymbolAtAddress(self: *@This(), allocator: mem.Allocator, address: usize) !SymbolInfo {
// Translate the VA into an address into this object
const relocated_address = address - self.base_address;
return getSymbolFromDwarf(allocator, relocated_address, &self.dwarf);
pub fn getDwarfInfoForAddress(self: *@This(), allocator: mem.Allocator, address: usize) !?*const DW.DwarfInfo {
_ = allocator;
_ = address;
return &self.dwarf;
.wasi, .emscripten => struct {
pub fn deinit(self: *@This(), allocator: mem.Allocator) void {
_ = self;
_ = allocator;
pub fn getSymbolAtAddress(self: *@This(), allocator: mem.Allocator, address: usize) !SymbolInfo {
_ = self;
_ = allocator;
_ = address;
return SymbolInfo{};
pub fn getDwarfInfoForAddress(self: *@This(), allocator: mem.Allocator, address: usize) !?*const DW.DwarfInfo {
_ = self;
_ = allocator;
_ = address;
return null;
else => DW.DwarfInfo,
fn getSymbolFromDwarf(allocator: mem.Allocator, address: u64, di: *DW.DwarfInfo) !SymbolInfo {
if (nosuspend di.findCompileUnit(address)) |compile_unit| {
return SymbolInfo{
.symbol_name = nosuspend di.getSymbolName(address) orelse "???",
.compile_unit_name = compile_unit.die.getAttrString(di, DW.AT.name, di.section(.debug_str), compile_unit.*) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.MissingDebugInfo, error.InvalidDebugInfo => "???",
.line_info = nosuspend di.getLineNumberInfo(allocator, compile_unit.*, address) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.MissingDebugInfo, error.InvalidDebugInfo => null,
else => return err,
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.MissingDebugInfo, error.InvalidDebugInfo => {
return SymbolInfo{};
else => return err,
/// TODO multithreaded awareness
var debug_info_allocator: ?mem.Allocator = null;
var debug_info_arena_allocator: std.heap.ArenaAllocator = undefined;
fn getDebugInfoAllocator() mem.Allocator {
if (debug_info_allocator) |a| return a;
debug_info_arena_allocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
const allocator = debug_info_arena_allocator.allocator();
debug_info_allocator = allocator;
return allocator;
/// Whether or not the current target can print useful debug information when a segfault occurs.
pub const have_segfault_handling_support = switch (native_os) {
=> true,
.freebsd, .openbsd => have_ucontext,
else => false,
const enable_segfault_handler = std.options.enable_segfault_handler;
pub const default_enable_segfault_handler = runtime_safety and have_segfault_handling_support;
pub fn maybeEnableSegfaultHandler() void {
if (enable_segfault_handler) {
var windows_segfault_handle: ?windows.HANDLE = null;
pub fn updateSegfaultHandler(act: ?*const posix.Sigaction) void {
posix.sigaction(posix.SIG.SEGV, act, null);
posix.sigaction(posix.SIG.ILL, act, null);
posix.sigaction(posix.SIG.BUS, act, null);
posix.sigaction(posix.SIG.FPE, act, null);
/// Attaches a global SIGSEGV handler which calls `@panic("segmentation fault");`
pub fn attachSegfaultHandler() void {
if (!have_segfault_handling_support) {
@compileError("segfault handler not supported for this target");
if (native_os == .windows) {
windows_segfault_handle = windows.kernel32.AddVectoredExceptionHandler(0, handleSegfaultWindows);
var act = posix.Sigaction{
.handler = .{ .sigaction = handleSegfaultPosix },
.mask = posix.empty_sigset,
.flags = (posix.SA.SIGINFO | posix.SA.RESTART | posix.SA.RESETHAND),
fn resetSegfaultHandler() void {
if (native_os == .windows) {
if (windows_segfault_handle) |handle| {
assert(windows.kernel32.RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(handle) != 0);
windows_segfault_handle = null;
var act = posix.Sigaction{
.handler = .{ .handler = posix.SIG.DFL },
.mask = posix.empty_sigset,
.flags = 0,
fn handleSegfaultPosix(sig: i32, info: *const posix.siginfo_t, ctx_ptr: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) noreturn {
// Reset to the default handler so that if a segfault happens in this handler it will crash
// the process. Also when this handler returns, the original instruction will be repeated
// and the resulting segfault will crash the process rather than continually dump stack traces.
const addr = switch (native_os) {
.linux => @intFromPtr(info.fields.sigfault.addr),
.freebsd, .macos => @intFromPtr(info.addr),
.netbsd => @intFromPtr(info.info.reason.fault.addr),
.openbsd => @intFromPtr(info.data.fault.addr),
.solaris, .illumos => @intFromPtr(info.reason.fault.addr),
else => unreachable,
const code = if (native_os == .netbsd) info.info.code else info.code;
nosuspend switch (panic_stage) {
0 => {
panic_stage = 1;
_ = panicking.fetchAdd(1, .seq_cst);
defer unlockStdErr();
dumpSegfaultInfoPosix(sig, code, addr, ctx_ptr);
else => {
// panic mutex already locked
dumpSegfaultInfoPosix(sig, code, addr, ctx_ptr);
// We cannot allow the signal handler to return because when it runs the original instruction
// again, the memory may be mapped and undefined behavior would occur rather than repeating
// the segfault. So we simply abort here.
fn dumpSegfaultInfoPosix(sig: i32, code: i32, addr: usize, ctx_ptr: ?*const anyopaque) void {
const stderr = io.getStdErr().writer();
_ = switch (sig) {
posix.SIG.SEGV => if (native_arch == .x86_64 and native_os == .linux and code == 128) // SI_KERNEL
// x86_64 doesn't have a full 64-bit virtual address space.
// Addresses outside of that address space are non-canonical
// and the CPU won't provide the faulting address to us.
// This happens when accessing memory addresses such as 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
// but can also happen when no addressable memory is involved;
// for example when reading/writing model-specific registers
// by executing `rdmsr` or `wrmsr` in user-space (unprivileged mode).
stderr.print("General protection exception (no address available)\n", .{})
stderr.print("Segmentation fault at address 0x{x}\n", .{addr}),
posix.SIG.ILL => stderr.print("Illegal instruction at address 0x{x}\n", .{addr}),
posix.SIG.BUS => stderr.print("Bus error at address 0x{x}\n", .{addr}),
posix.SIG.FPE => stderr.print("Arithmetic exception at address 0x{x}\n", .{addr}),
else => unreachable,
} catch posix.abort();
switch (native_arch) {
=> {
const ctx: *const posix.ucontext_t = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx_ptr));
else => {},
fn handleSegfaultWindows(info: *windows.EXCEPTION_POINTERS) callconv(windows.WINAPI) c_long {
switch (info.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode) {
windows.EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT => handleSegfaultWindowsExtra(info, 0, "Unaligned Memory Access"),
windows.EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION => handleSegfaultWindowsExtra(info, 1, null),
windows.EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION => handleSegfaultWindowsExtra(info, 2, null),
windows.EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW => handleSegfaultWindowsExtra(info, 0, "Stack Overflow"),
else => return windows.EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH,
fn handleSegfaultWindowsExtra(
info: *windows.EXCEPTION_POINTERS,
msg: u8,
label: ?[]const u8,
) noreturn {
const exception_address = @intFromPtr(info.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress);
if (windows.CONTEXT != void) {
nosuspend switch (panic_stage) {
0 => {
panic_stage = 1;
_ = panicking.fetchAdd(1, .seq_cst);
defer unlockStdErr();
dumpSegfaultInfoWindows(info, msg, label);
else => {
// panic mutex already locked
dumpSegfaultInfoWindows(info, msg, label);
} else {
switch (msg) {
0 => panicImpl(null, exception_address, "{s}", label.?),
1 => {
const format_item = "Segmentation fault at address 0x{x}";
var buf: [format_item.len + 64]u8 = undefined; // 64 is arbitrary, but sufficiently large
const to_print = std.fmt.bufPrint(buf[0..buf.len], format_item, .{info.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[1]}) catch unreachable;
panicImpl(null, exception_address, to_print);
2 => panicImpl(null, exception_address, "Illegal Instruction"),
else => unreachable,
fn dumpSegfaultInfoWindows(info: *windows.EXCEPTION_POINTERS, msg: u8, label: ?[]const u8) void {
const stderr = io.getStdErr().writer();
_ = switch (msg) {
0 => stderr.print("{s}\n", .{label.?}),
1 => stderr.print("Segmentation fault at address 0x{x}\n", .{info.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[1]}),
2 => stderr.print("Illegal instruction at address 0x{x}\n", .{info.ContextRecord.getRegs().ip}),
else => unreachable,
} catch posix.abort();
pub fn dumpStackPointerAddr(prefix: []const u8) void {
const sp = asm (""
: [argc] "={rsp}" (-> usize),
std.debug.print("{} sp = 0x{x}\n", .{ prefix, sp });
test "manage resources correctly" {
if (builtin.strip_debug_info) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (native_os == .wasi) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (native_os == .windows) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/13963
return error.SkipZigTest;
const writer = std.io.null_writer;
var di = try openSelfDebugInfo(testing.allocator);
defer di.deinit();
try printSourceAtAddress(&di, writer, showMyTrace(), io.tty.detectConfig(std.io.getStdErr()));
noinline fn showMyTrace() usize {
return @returnAddress();
/// This API helps you track where a value originated and where it was mutated,
/// or any other points of interest.
/// In debug mode, it adds a small size penalty (104 bytes on 64-bit architectures)
/// to the aggregate that you add it to.
/// In release mode, it is size 0 and all methods are no-ops.
/// This is a pre-made type with default settings.
/// For more advanced usage, see `ConfigurableTrace`.
pub const Trace = ConfigurableTrace(2, 4, builtin.mode == .Debug);
pub fn ConfigurableTrace(comptime size: usize, comptime stack_frame_count: usize, comptime is_enabled: bool) type {
return struct {
addrs: [actual_size][stack_frame_count]usize,
notes: [actual_size][]const u8,
index: Index,
const actual_size = if (enabled) size else 0;
const Index = if (enabled) usize else u0;
pub const init: @This() = .{
.addrs = undefined,
.notes = undefined,
.index = 0,
pub const enabled = is_enabled;
pub const add = if (enabled) addNoInline else addNoOp;
pub noinline fn addNoInline(t: *@This(), note: []const u8) void {
comptime assert(enabled);
return addAddr(t, @returnAddress(), note);
pub inline fn addNoOp(t: *@This(), note: []const u8) void {
_ = t;
_ = note;
comptime assert(!enabled);
pub fn addAddr(t: *@This(), addr: usize, note: []const u8) void {
if (!enabled) return;
if (t.index < size) {
t.notes[t.index] = note;
t.addrs[t.index] = [1]usize{0} ** stack_frame_count;
var stack_trace: std.builtin.StackTrace = .{
.index = 0,
.instruction_addresses = &t.addrs[t.index],
captureStackTrace(addr, &stack_trace);
// Keep counting even if the end is reached so that the
// user can find out how much more size they need.
t.index += 1;
pub fn dump(t: @This()) void {
if (!enabled) return;
const tty_config = io.tty.detectConfig(std.io.getStdErr());
const stderr = io.getStdErr().writer();
const end = @min(t.index, size);
const debug_info = getSelfDebugInfo() catch |err| {
"Unable to dump stack trace: Unable to open debug info: {s}\n",
) catch return;
for (t.addrs[0..end], 0..) |frames_array, i| {
stderr.print("{s}:\n", .{t.notes[i]}) catch return;
var frames_array_mutable = frames_array;
const frames = mem.sliceTo(frames_array_mutable[0..], 0);
const stack_trace: std.builtin.StackTrace = .{
.index = frames.len,
.instruction_addresses = frames,
writeStackTrace(stack_trace, stderr, getDebugInfoAllocator(), debug_info, tty_config) catch continue;
if (t.index > end) {
stderr.print("{d} more traces not shown; consider increasing trace size\n", .{
t.index - end,
}) catch return;
pub fn format(
t: Trace,
comptime fmt: []const u8,
options: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
writer: anytype,
) !void {
if (fmt.len != 0) std.fmt.invalidFmtError(fmt, t);
_ = options;
if (enabled) {
try writer.writeAll("\n");
try writer.writeAll("\n");
} else {
return writer.writeAll("(value tracing disabled)");
pub const SafetyLock = struct {
state: State = .unlocked,
pub const State = if (runtime_safety) enum { unlocked, locked } else enum { unlocked };
pub fn lock(l: *SafetyLock) void {
if (!runtime_safety) return;
assert(l.state == .unlocked);
l.state = .locked;
pub fn unlock(l: *SafetyLock) void {
if (!runtime_safety) return;
assert(l.state == .locked);
l.state = .unlocked;
pub fn assertUnlocked(l: SafetyLock) void {
if (!runtime_safety) return;
assert(l.state == .unlocked);
/// Detect whether the program is being executed in the Valgrind virtual machine.
/// When Valgrind integrations are disabled, this returns comptime-known false.
/// Otherwise, the result is runtime-known.
pub inline fn inValgrind() bool {
if (@inComptime()) return false;
if (!builtin.valgrind_support) return false;
return std.valgrind.runningOnValgrind() > 0;
test {
_ = &dumpHex;