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synced 2025-02-16 01:20:18 +00:00
A lot of these "shorthand" doc comments were redundant, low quality filler content. Better to let the actual modules speak for themselves with top level doc comments rather than trying to document their aliases.
544 lines
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544 lines
22 KiB
//! Base64 encoding/decoding.
const std = @import("std.zig");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const testing = std.testing;
const mem = std.mem;
pub const Error = error{
const decoderWithIgnoreProto = *const fn (ignore: []const u8) Base64DecoderWithIgnore;
/// Base64 codecs
pub const Codecs = struct {
alphabet_chars: [64]u8,
pad_char: ?u8,
decoderWithIgnore: decoderWithIgnoreProto,
Encoder: Base64Encoder,
Decoder: Base64Decoder,
pub const standard_alphabet_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".*;
fn standardBase64DecoderWithIgnore(ignore: []const u8) Base64DecoderWithIgnore {
return Base64DecoderWithIgnore.init(standard_alphabet_chars, '=', ignore);
/// Standard Base64 codecs, with padding
pub const standard = Codecs{
.alphabet_chars = standard_alphabet_chars,
.pad_char = '=',
.decoderWithIgnore = standardBase64DecoderWithIgnore,
.Encoder = Base64Encoder.init(standard_alphabet_chars, '='),
.Decoder = Base64Decoder.init(standard_alphabet_chars, '='),
/// Standard Base64 codecs, without padding
pub const standard_no_pad = Codecs{
.alphabet_chars = standard_alphabet_chars,
.pad_char = null,
.decoderWithIgnore = standardBase64DecoderWithIgnore,
.Encoder = Base64Encoder.init(standard_alphabet_chars, null),
.Decoder = Base64Decoder.init(standard_alphabet_chars, null),
pub const url_safe_alphabet_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_".*;
fn urlSafeBase64DecoderWithIgnore(ignore: []const u8) Base64DecoderWithIgnore {
return Base64DecoderWithIgnore.init(url_safe_alphabet_chars, null, ignore);
/// URL-safe Base64 codecs, with padding
pub const url_safe = Codecs{
.alphabet_chars = url_safe_alphabet_chars,
.pad_char = '=',
.decoderWithIgnore = urlSafeBase64DecoderWithIgnore,
.Encoder = Base64Encoder.init(url_safe_alphabet_chars, '='),
.Decoder = Base64Decoder.init(url_safe_alphabet_chars, '='),
/// URL-safe Base64 codecs, without padding
pub const url_safe_no_pad = Codecs{
.alphabet_chars = url_safe_alphabet_chars,
.pad_char = null,
.decoderWithIgnore = urlSafeBase64DecoderWithIgnore,
.Encoder = Base64Encoder.init(url_safe_alphabet_chars, null),
.Decoder = Base64Decoder.init(url_safe_alphabet_chars, null),
pub const Base64Encoder = struct {
alphabet_chars: [64]u8,
pad_char: ?u8,
/// A bunch of assertions, then simply pass the data right through.
pub fn init(alphabet_chars: [64]u8, pad_char: ?u8) Base64Encoder {
assert(alphabet_chars.len == 64);
var char_in_alphabet = [_]bool{false} ** 256;
for (alphabet_chars) |c| {
assert(pad_char == null or c != pad_char.?);
char_in_alphabet[c] = true;
return Base64Encoder{
.alphabet_chars = alphabet_chars,
.pad_char = pad_char,
/// Compute the encoded length
pub fn calcSize(encoder: *const Base64Encoder, source_len: usize) usize {
if (encoder.pad_char != null) {
return @divTrunc(source_len + 2, 3) * 4;
} else {
const leftover = source_len % 3;
return @divTrunc(source_len, 3) * 4 + @divTrunc(leftover * 4 + 2, 3);
/// dest.len must at least be what you get from ::calcSize.
pub fn encode(encoder: *const Base64Encoder, dest: []u8, source: []const u8) []const u8 {
const out_len = encoder.calcSize(source.len);
assert(dest.len >= out_len);
var idx: usize = 0;
var out_idx: usize = 0;
while (idx + 15 < source.len) : (idx += 12) {
const bits = std.mem.readInt(u128, source[idx..][0..16], .big);
inline for (0..16) |i| {
dest[out_idx + i] = encoder.alphabet_chars[@truncate((bits >> (122 - i * 6)) & 0x3f)];
out_idx += 16;
while (idx + 3 < source.len) : (idx += 3) {
const bits = std.mem.readInt(u32, source[idx..][0..4], .big);
dest[out_idx] = encoder.alphabet_chars[(bits >> 26) & 0x3f];
dest[out_idx + 1] = encoder.alphabet_chars[(bits >> 20) & 0x3f];
dest[out_idx + 2] = encoder.alphabet_chars[(bits >> 14) & 0x3f];
dest[out_idx + 3] = encoder.alphabet_chars[(bits >> 8) & 0x3f];
out_idx += 4;
if (idx + 2 < source.len) {
dest[out_idx] = encoder.alphabet_chars[source[idx] >> 2];
dest[out_idx + 1] = encoder.alphabet_chars[((source[idx] & 0x3) << 4) | (source[idx + 1] >> 4)];
dest[out_idx + 2] = encoder.alphabet_chars[(source[idx + 1] & 0xf) << 2 | (source[idx + 2] >> 6)];
dest[out_idx + 3] = encoder.alphabet_chars[source[idx + 2] & 0x3f];
out_idx += 4;
} else if (idx + 1 < source.len) {
dest[out_idx] = encoder.alphabet_chars[source[idx] >> 2];
dest[out_idx + 1] = encoder.alphabet_chars[((source[idx] & 0x3) << 4) | (source[idx + 1] >> 4)];
dest[out_idx + 2] = encoder.alphabet_chars[(source[idx + 1] & 0xf) << 2];
out_idx += 3;
} else if (idx < source.len) {
dest[out_idx] = encoder.alphabet_chars[source[idx] >> 2];
dest[out_idx + 1] = encoder.alphabet_chars[(source[idx] & 0x3) << 4];
out_idx += 2;
if (encoder.pad_char) |pad_char| {
for (dest[out_idx..out_len]) |*pad| {
pad.* = pad_char;
return dest[0..out_len];
pub const Base64Decoder = struct {
const invalid_char: u8 = 0xff;
const invalid_char_tst: u32 = 0xff000000;
/// e.g. 'A' => 0.
/// `invalid_char` for any value not in the 64 alphabet chars.
char_to_index: [256]u8,
fast_char_to_index: [4][256]u32,
pad_char: ?u8,
pub fn init(alphabet_chars: [64]u8, pad_char: ?u8) Base64Decoder {
var result = Base64Decoder{
.char_to_index = [_]u8{invalid_char} ** 256,
.fast_char_to_index = .{[_]u32{invalid_char_tst} ** 256} ** 4,
.pad_char = pad_char,
var char_in_alphabet = [_]bool{false} ** 256;
for (alphabet_chars, 0..) |c, i| {
assert(pad_char == null or c != pad_char.?);
const ci = @as(u32, @intCast(i));
result.fast_char_to_index[0][c] = ci << 2;
result.fast_char_to_index[1][c] = (ci >> 4) | ((ci & 0x0f) << 12);
result.fast_char_to_index[2][c] = ((ci & 0x3) << 22) | ((ci & 0x3c) << 6);
result.fast_char_to_index[3][c] = ci << 16;
result.char_to_index[c] = @as(u8, @intCast(i));
char_in_alphabet[c] = true;
return result;
/// Return the maximum possible decoded size for a given input length - The actual length may be less if the input includes padding.
/// `InvalidPadding` is returned if the input length is not valid.
pub fn calcSizeUpperBound(decoder: *const Base64Decoder, source_len: usize) Error!usize {
var result = source_len / 4 * 3;
const leftover = source_len % 4;
if (decoder.pad_char != null) {
if (leftover % 4 != 0) return error.InvalidPadding;
} else {
if (leftover % 4 == 1) return error.InvalidPadding;
result += leftover * 3 / 4;
return result;
/// Return the exact decoded size for a slice.
/// `InvalidPadding` is returned if the input length is not valid.
pub fn calcSizeForSlice(decoder: *const Base64Decoder, source: []const u8) Error!usize {
const source_len = source.len;
var result = try decoder.calcSizeUpperBound(source_len);
if (decoder.pad_char) |pad_char| {
if (source_len >= 1 and source[source_len - 1] == pad_char) result -= 1;
if (source_len >= 2 and source[source_len - 2] == pad_char) result -= 1;
return result;
/// dest.len must be what you get from ::calcSize.
/// Invalid characters result in `error.InvalidCharacter`.
/// Invalid padding results in `error.InvalidPadding`.
pub fn decode(decoder: *const Base64Decoder, dest: []u8, source: []const u8) Error!void {
if (decoder.pad_char != null and source.len % 4 != 0) return error.InvalidPadding;
var dest_idx: usize = 0;
var fast_src_idx: usize = 0;
var acc: u12 = 0;
var acc_len: u4 = 0;
var leftover_idx: ?usize = null;
while (fast_src_idx + 16 < source.len and dest_idx + 15 < dest.len) : ({
fast_src_idx += 16;
dest_idx += 12;
}) {
var bits: u128 = 0;
inline for (0..4) |i| {
var new_bits: u128 = decoder.fast_char_to_index[0][source[fast_src_idx + i * 4]];
new_bits |= decoder.fast_char_to_index[1][source[fast_src_idx + 1 + i * 4]];
new_bits |= decoder.fast_char_to_index[2][source[fast_src_idx + 2 + i * 4]];
new_bits |= decoder.fast_char_to_index[3][source[fast_src_idx + 3 + i * 4]];
if ((new_bits & invalid_char_tst) != 0) return error.InvalidCharacter;
bits |= (new_bits << (24 * i));
std.mem.writeInt(u128, dest[dest_idx..][0..16], bits, .little);
while (fast_src_idx + 4 < source.len and dest_idx + 3 < dest.len) : ({
fast_src_idx += 4;
dest_idx += 3;
}) {
var bits = decoder.fast_char_to_index[0][source[fast_src_idx]];
bits |= decoder.fast_char_to_index[1][source[fast_src_idx + 1]];
bits |= decoder.fast_char_to_index[2][source[fast_src_idx + 2]];
bits |= decoder.fast_char_to_index[3][source[fast_src_idx + 3]];
if ((bits & invalid_char_tst) != 0) return error.InvalidCharacter;
std.mem.writeInt(u32, dest[dest_idx..][0..4], bits, .little);
const remaining = source[fast_src_idx..];
for (remaining, fast_src_idx..) |c, src_idx| {
const d = decoder.char_to_index[c];
if (d == invalid_char) {
if (decoder.pad_char == null or c != decoder.pad_char.?) return error.InvalidCharacter;
leftover_idx = src_idx;
acc = (acc << 6) + d;
acc_len += 6;
if (acc_len >= 8) {
acc_len -= 8;
dest[dest_idx] = @as(u8, @truncate(acc >> acc_len));
dest_idx += 1;
if (acc_len > 4 or (acc & (@as(u12, 1) << acc_len) - 1) != 0) {
return error.InvalidPadding;
if (leftover_idx == null) return;
const leftover = source[leftover_idx.?..];
if (decoder.pad_char) |pad_char| {
const padding_len = acc_len / 2;
var padding_chars: usize = 0;
for (leftover) |c| {
if (c != pad_char) {
return if (c == Base64Decoder.invalid_char) error.InvalidCharacter else error.InvalidPadding;
padding_chars += 1;
if (padding_chars != padding_len) return error.InvalidPadding;
pub const Base64DecoderWithIgnore = struct {
decoder: Base64Decoder,
char_is_ignored: [256]bool,
pub fn init(alphabet_chars: [64]u8, pad_char: ?u8, ignore_chars: []const u8) Base64DecoderWithIgnore {
var result = Base64DecoderWithIgnore{
.decoder = Base64Decoder.init(alphabet_chars, pad_char),
.char_is_ignored = [_]bool{false} ** 256,
for (ignore_chars) |c| {
assert(result.decoder.char_to_index[c] == Base64Decoder.invalid_char);
assert(result.decoder.pad_char != c);
result.char_is_ignored[c] = true;
return result;
/// Return the maximum possible decoded size for a given input length - The actual length may be less if the input includes padding.
/// `InvalidPadding` is returned if the input length is not valid.
pub fn calcSizeUpperBound(decoder_with_ignore: *const Base64DecoderWithIgnore, source_len: usize) Error!usize {
var result = source_len / 4 * 3;
if (decoder_with_ignore.decoder.pad_char == null) {
const leftover = source_len % 4;
result += leftover * 3 / 4;
return result;
/// Invalid characters that are not ignored result in error.InvalidCharacter.
/// Invalid padding results in error.InvalidPadding.
/// Decoding more data than can fit in dest results in error.NoSpaceLeft. See also ::calcSizeUpperBound.
/// Returns the number of bytes written to dest.
pub fn decode(decoder_with_ignore: *const Base64DecoderWithIgnore, dest: []u8, source: []const u8) Error!usize {
const decoder = &decoder_with_ignore.decoder;
var acc: u12 = 0;
var acc_len: u4 = 0;
var dest_idx: usize = 0;
var leftover_idx: ?usize = null;
for (source, 0..) |c, src_idx| {
if (decoder_with_ignore.char_is_ignored[c]) continue;
const d = decoder.char_to_index[c];
if (d == Base64Decoder.invalid_char) {
if (decoder.pad_char == null or c != decoder.pad_char.?) return error.InvalidCharacter;
leftover_idx = src_idx;
acc = (acc << 6) + d;
acc_len += 6;
if (acc_len >= 8) {
if (dest_idx == dest.len) return error.NoSpaceLeft;
acc_len -= 8;
dest[dest_idx] = @as(u8, @truncate(acc >> acc_len));
dest_idx += 1;
if (acc_len > 4 or (acc & (@as(u12, 1) << acc_len) - 1) != 0) {
return error.InvalidPadding;
const padding_len = acc_len / 2;
if (leftover_idx == null) {
if (decoder.pad_char != null and padding_len != 0) return error.InvalidPadding;
return dest_idx;
const leftover = source[leftover_idx.?..];
if (decoder.pad_char) |pad_char| {
var padding_chars: usize = 0;
for (leftover) |c| {
if (decoder_with_ignore.char_is_ignored[c]) continue;
if (c != pad_char) {
return if (c == Base64Decoder.invalid_char) error.InvalidCharacter else error.InvalidPadding;
padding_chars += 1;
if (padding_chars != padding_len) return error.InvalidPadding;
return dest_idx;
test "base64" {
try testBase64();
try comptime testAllApis(standard, "comptime", "Y29tcHRpbWU=");
test "base64 padding dest overflow" {
const input = "foo";
var expect: [128]u8 = undefined;
@memset(&expect, 0);
_ = url_safe.Encoder.encode(expect[0..url_safe.Encoder.calcSize(input.len)], input);
var got: [128]u8 = undefined;
@memset(&got, 0);
_ = url_safe.Encoder.encode(&got, input);
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &expect, &got);
test "base64 url_safe_no_pad" {
try testBase64UrlSafeNoPad();
try comptime testAllApis(url_safe_no_pad, "comptime", "Y29tcHRpbWU");
fn testBase64() !void {
const codecs = standard;
try testAllApis(codecs, "", "");
try testAllApis(codecs, "f", "Zg==");
try testAllApis(codecs, "fo", "Zm8=");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foo", "Zm9v");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foob", "Zm9vYg==");
try testAllApis(codecs, "fooba", "Zm9vYmE=");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foobar", "Zm9vYmFy");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foobarfoobarfoo", "Zm9vYmFyZm9vYmFyZm9v");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foobarfoobarfoob", "Zm9vYmFyZm9vYmFyZm9vYg==");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foobarfoobarfooba", "Zm9vYmFyZm9vYmFyZm9vYmE=");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foobarfoobarfoobar", "Zm9vYmFyZm9vYmFyZm9vYmFy");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "", " ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "f", "Z g= =");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "fo", " Zm8=");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "foo", "Zm9v ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "foob", "Zm9vYg = = ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "fooba", "Zm9v YmE=");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "foobar", " Z m 9 v Y m F y ");
// test getting some api errors
try testError(codecs, "A", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "AA", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "AAA", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "A..A", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "AA=A", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "AA/=", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "A/==", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "A===", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "====", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "Zm9vYmFyZm9vYmFyA..A", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "Zm9vYmFyZm9vYmFyAA=A", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "Zm9vYmFyZm9vYmFyAA/=", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "Zm9vYmFyZm9vYmFyA/==", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "Zm9vYmFyZm9vYmFyA===", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "A..AZm9vYmFyZm9vYmFy", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "Zm9vYmFyZm9vAA=A", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "Zm9vYmFyZm9vAA/=", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "Zm9vYmFyZm9vA/==", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "Zm9vYmFyZm9vA===", error.InvalidPadding);
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AA==");
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AAA=");
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AAAA");
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AAAAAA==");
try testFourBytesDestNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA");
fn testBase64UrlSafeNoPad() !void {
const codecs = url_safe_no_pad;
try testAllApis(codecs, "", "");
try testAllApis(codecs, "f", "Zg");
try testAllApis(codecs, "fo", "Zm8");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foo", "Zm9v");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foob", "Zm9vYg");
try testAllApis(codecs, "fooba", "Zm9vYmE");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foobar", "Zm9vYmFy");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foobarfoobarfoobar", "Zm9vYmFyZm9vYmFyZm9vYmFy");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "", " ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "f", "Z g ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "fo", " Zm8");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "foo", "Zm9v ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "foob", "Zm9vYg ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "fooba", "Zm9v YmE");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "foobar", " Z m 9 v Y m F y ");
// test getting some api errors
try testError(codecs, "A", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "AAA=", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "A..A", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "AA=A", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "AA/=", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "A/==", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "A===", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "====", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "Zm9vYmFyZm9vYmFyA..A", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "A..AZm9vYmFyZm9vYmFy", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AA");
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AAA");
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AAAA");
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AAAAAA");
try testFourBytesDestNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA");
fn testAllApis(codecs: Codecs, expected_decoded: []const u8, expected_encoded: []const u8) !void {
// Base64Encoder
var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined;
const encoded = codecs.Encoder.encode(&buffer, expected_decoded);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_encoded, encoded);
// Base64Decoder
var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined;
const decoded = buffer[0..try codecs.Decoder.calcSizeForSlice(expected_encoded)];
try codecs.Decoder.decode(decoded, expected_encoded);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_decoded, decoded);
// Base64DecoderWithIgnore
const decoder_ignore_nothing = codecs.decoderWithIgnore("");
var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined;
const decoded = buffer[0..try decoder_ignore_nothing.calcSizeUpperBound(expected_encoded.len)];
const written = try decoder_ignore_nothing.decode(decoded, expected_encoded);
try testing.expect(written <= decoded.len);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_decoded, decoded[0..written]);
fn testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs: Codecs, expected_decoded: []const u8, encoded: []const u8) !void {
const decoder_ignore_space = codecs.decoderWithIgnore(" ");
var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined;
const decoded = buffer[0..try decoder_ignore_space.calcSizeUpperBound(encoded.len)];
const written = try decoder_ignore_space.decode(decoded, encoded);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_decoded, decoded[0..written]);
fn testError(codecs: Codecs, encoded: []const u8, expected_err: anyerror) !void {
const decoder_ignore_space = codecs.decoderWithIgnore(" ");
var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined;
if (codecs.Decoder.calcSizeForSlice(encoded)) |decoded_size| {
const decoded = buffer[0..decoded_size];
if (codecs.Decoder.decode(decoded, encoded)) |_| {
return error.ExpectedError;
} else |err| if (err != expected_err) return err;
} else |err| if (err != expected_err) return err;
if (decoder_ignore_space.decode(buffer[0..], encoded)) |_| {
return error.ExpectedError;
} else |err| if (err != expected_err) return err;
fn testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs: Codecs, encoded: []const u8) !void {
const decoder_ignore_space = codecs.decoderWithIgnore(" ");
var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined;
const decoded = buffer[0 .. (try codecs.Decoder.calcSizeForSlice(encoded)) - 1];
if (decoder_ignore_space.decode(decoded, encoded)) |_| {
return error.ExpectedError;
} else |err| if (err != error.NoSpaceLeft) return err;
fn testFourBytesDestNoSpaceLeftError(codecs: Codecs, encoded: []const u8) !void {
const decoder_ignore_space = codecs.decoderWithIgnore(" ");
var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined;
const decoded = buffer[0..4];
if (decoder_ignore_space.decode(decoded, encoded)) |_| {
return error.ExpectedError;
} else |err| if (err != error.NoSpaceLeft) return err;