const builtin = @import("builtin"); const std = @import("std"); const Builder =; const tests = @import("test/tests.zig"); const os = std.os; const BufMap = std.BufMap; const warn = std.debug.warn; const mem = std.mem; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const Buffer = std.Buffer; const io =; pub fn build(b: *Builder) !void { const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions(); var docgen_exe = b.addExecutable("docgen", "doc/docgen.zig"); const rel_zig_exe = try os.path.relative(b.allocator, b.build_root, b.zig_exe); var docgen_cmd = b.addCommand(null, b.env_map, [][]const u8{ docgen_exe.getOutputPath(), rel_zig_exe, "doc/", os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, "langref.html") catch unreachable, }); docgen_cmd.step.dependOn(&docgen_exe.step); const docs_step = b.step("docs", "Build documentation"); docs_step.dependOn(&docgen_cmd.step); const test_step = b.step("test", "Run all the tests"); // find the stage0 build artifacts because we're going to re-use config.h and zig_cpp library const build_info = try b.exec([][]const u8{ b.zig_exe, "BUILD_INFO", }); var index: usize = 0; var ctx = Context{ .cmake_binary_dir = nextValue(&index, build_info), .cxx_compiler = nextValue(&index, build_info), .llvm_config_exe = nextValue(&index, build_info), .lld_include_dir = nextValue(&index, build_info), .lld_libraries = nextValue(&index, build_info), .std_files = nextValue(&index, build_info), .c_header_files = nextValue(&index, build_info), .dia_guids_lib = nextValue(&index, build_info), .llvm = undefined, }; ctx.llvm = try findLLVM(b, ctx.llvm_config_exe); var test_stage2 = b.addTest("src-self-hosted/test.zig"); test_stage2.setBuildMode(builtin.Mode.Debug); var exe = b.addExecutable("zig", "src-self-hosted/main.zig"); exe.setBuildMode(mode); try configureStage2(b, test_stage2, ctx); try configureStage2(b, exe, ctx); b.default_step.dependOn(&exe.step); const skip_release = b.option(bool, "skip-release", "Main test suite skips release builds") orelse false; const skip_self_hosted = b.option(bool, "skip-self-hosted", "Main test suite skips building self hosted compiler") orelse false; if (!skip_self_hosted) { test_step.dependOn(&exe.step); } const verbose_link_exe = b.option(bool, "verbose-link", "Print link command for self hosted compiler") orelse false; exe.setVerboseLink(verbose_link_exe); b.installArtifact(exe); installStdLib(b, ctx.std_files); installCHeaders(b, ctx.c_header_files); const test_filter = b.option([]const u8, "test-filter", "Skip tests that do not match filter"); const test_stage2_step = b.step("test-stage2", "Run the stage2 compiler tests"); test_stage2_step.dependOn(&test_stage2.step); test_step.dependOn(test_stage2_step); const all_modes = []builtin.Mode{ builtin.Mode.Debug, builtin.Mode.ReleaseSafe, builtin.Mode.ReleaseFast, builtin.Mode.ReleaseSmall, }; const modes = if (skip_release) []builtin.Mode{builtin.Mode.Debug} else all_modes; test_step.dependOn(tests.addPkgTests(b, test_filter, "test/behavior.zig", "behavior", "Run the behavior tests", modes)); test_step.dependOn(tests.addPkgTests(b, test_filter, "std/index.zig", "std", "Run the standard library tests", modes)); test_step.dependOn(tests.addPkgTests(b, test_filter, "std/special/compiler_rt/index.zig", "compiler-rt", "Run the compiler_rt tests", modes)); test_step.dependOn(tests.addCompareOutputTests(b, test_filter, modes)); test_step.dependOn(tests.addBuildExampleTests(b, test_filter)); test_step.dependOn(tests.addCompileErrorTests(b, test_filter, modes)); test_step.dependOn(tests.addAssembleAndLinkTests(b, test_filter, modes)); test_step.dependOn(tests.addRuntimeSafetyTests(b, test_filter, modes)); test_step.dependOn(tests.addTranslateCTests(b, test_filter)); test_step.dependOn(tests.addGenHTests(b, test_filter)); test_step.dependOn(docs_step); } fn dependOnLib(lib_exe_obj: var, dep: *const LibraryDep) void { for (dep.libdirs.toSliceConst()) |lib_dir| { lib_exe_obj.addLibPath(lib_dir); } for (dep.system_libs.toSliceConst()) |lib| { lib_exe_obj.linkSystemLibrary(lib); } for (dep.libs.toSliceConst()) |lib| { lib_exe_obj.addObjectFile(lib); } for (dep.includes.toSliceConst()) |include_path| { lib_exe_obj.addIncludeDir(include_path); } } fn addCppLib(b: *Builder, lib_exe_obj: var, cmake_binary_dir: []const u8, lib_name: []const u8) void { const lib_prefix = if ( "" else "lib"; lib_exe_obj.addObjectFile(os.path.join(b.allocator, cmake_binary_dir, "zig_cpp", b.fmt("{}{}{}", lib_prefix, lib_name, catch unreachable); } const LibraryDep = struct { libdirs: ArrayList([]const u8), libs: ArrayList([]const u8), system_libs: ArrayList([]const u8), includes: ArrayList([]const u8), }; fn findLLVM(b: *Builder, llvm_config_exe: []const u8) !LibraryDep { const libs_output = try b.exec([][]const u8{ llvm_config_exe, "--libs", "--system-libs", }); const includes_output = try b.exec([][]const u8{ llvm_config_exe, "--includedir", }); const libdir_output = try b.exec([][]const u8{ llvm_config_exe, "--libdir", }); var result = LibraryDep{ .libs = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator), .system_libs = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator), .includes = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator), .libdirs = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator), }; { var it = mem.split(libs_output, " \r\n"); while ( |lib_arg| { if (mem.startsWith(u8, lib_arg, "-l")) { try result.system_libs.append(lib_arg[2..]); } else { if (os.path.isAbsolute(lib_arg)) { try result.libs.append(lib_arg); } else { try result.system_libs.append(lib_arg); } } } } { var it = mem.split(includes_output, " \r\n"); while ( |include_arg| { if (mem.startsWith(u8, include_arg, "-I")) { try result.includes.append(include_arg[2..]); } else { try result.includes.append(include_arg); } } } { var it = mem.split(libdir_output, " \r\n"); while ( |libdir| { if (mem.startsWith(u8, libdir, "-L")) { try result.libdirs.append(libdir[2..]); } else { try result.libdirs.append(libdir); } } } return result; } pub fn installStdLib(b: *Builder, stdlib_files: []const u8) void { var it = mem.split(stdlib_files, ";"); while ( |stdlib_file| { const src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, "std", stdlib_file) catch unreachable; const dest_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, "lib", "zig", "std", stdlib_file) catch unreachable; b.installFile(src_path, dest_path); } } pub fn installCHeaders(b: *Builder, c_header_files: []const u8) void { var it = mem.split(c_header_files, ";"); while ( |c_header_file| { const src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, "c_headers", c_header_file) catch unreachable; const dest_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, "lib", "zig", "include", c_header_file) catch unreachable; b.installFile(src_path, dest_path); } } fn nextValue(index: *usize, build_info: []const u8) []const u8 { const start = index.*; while (true) : (index.* += 1) { switch (build_info[index.*]) { '\n' => { const result = build_info[start..index.*]; index.* += 1; return result; }, '\r' => { const result = build_info[start..index.*]; index.* += 2; return result; }, else => continue, } } } fn configureStage2(b: *Builder, exe: var, ctx: Context) !void { // This is for finding /lib/libz.a on alpine linux. // TODO turn this into -Dextra-lib-path=/lib option exe.addLibPath("/lib"); exe.addIncludeDir("src"); exe.addIncludeDir(ctx.cmake_binary_dir); addCppLib(b, exe, ctx.cmake_binary_dir, "zig_cpp"); if (ctx.lld_include_dir.len != 0) { exe.addIncludeDir(ctx.lld_include_dir); var it = mem.split(ctx.lld_libraries, ";"); while ( |lib| { exe.addObjectFile(lib); } } else { addCppLib(b, exe, ctx.cmake_binary_dir, "embedded_lld_wasm"); addCppLib(b, exe, ctx.cmake_binary_dir, "embedded_lld_elf"); addCppLib(b, exe, ctx.cmake_binary_dir, "embedded_lld_coff"); addCppLib(b, exe, ctx.cmake_binary_dir, "embedded_lld_lib"); } dependOnLib(exe, ctx.llvm); if ( == builtin.Os.linux) { const libstdcxx_path_padded = try b.exec([][]const u8{ ctx.cxx_compiler, "-print-file-name=libstdc++.a", }); const libstdcxx_path = mem.split(libstdcxx_path_padded, "\r\n").next().?; if (mem.eql(u8, libstdcxx_path, "libstdc++.a")) { warn( \\Unable to determine path to libstdc++.a \\On Fedora, install libstdc++-static and try again. \\ ); return error.RequiredLibraryNotFound; } exe.addObjectFile(libstdcxx_path); exe.linkSystemLibrary("pthread"); } else if ( { exe.linkSystemLibrary("c++"); } if (ctx.dia_guids_lib.len != 0) { exe.addObjectFile(ctx.dia_guids_lib); } if ( != { exe.linkSystemLibrary("xml2"); } exe.linkSystemLibrary("c"); } const Context = struct { cmake_binary_dir: []const u8, cxx_compiler: []const u8, llvm_config_exe: []const u8, lld_include_dir: []const u8, lld_libraries: []const u8, std_files: []const u8, c_header_files: []const u8, dia_guids_lib: []const u8, llvm: LibraryDep, };