C backend: add/sub/mul wrapping for the C backend

This commit is contained in:
Matt Knight 2021-04-10 14:21:59 -07:00 committed by Andrew Kelley
parent 62d27fcfb6
commit fb16633ecb
3 changed files with 329 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -846,18 +846,15 @@ pub fn genBody(o: *Object, body: ir.Body) error{ AnalysisFail, OutOfMemory }!voi
// TODO use a different strategy for add that communicates to the optimizer
// that wrapping is UB.
.add => try genBinOp(o, inst.castTag(.add).?, " + "),
// TODO make this do wrapping arithmetic for signed ints
.addwrap => try genBinOp(o, inst.castTag(.add).?, " + "),
.addwrap => try genWrapOp(o, .add, inst.castTag(.addwrap).?),
// TODO use a different strategy for sub that communicates to the optimizer
// that wrapping is UB.
.sub => try genBinOp(o, inst.castTag(.sub).?, " - "),
// TODO make this do wrapping arithmetic for signed ints
.subwrap => try genBinOp(o, inst.castTag(.sub).?, " - "),
.subwrap => try genWrapOp(o, .sub, inst.castTag(.subwrap).?),
// TODO use a different strategy for mul that communicates to the optimizer
// that wrapping is UB.
.mul => try genBinOp(o, inst.castTag(.sub).?, " * "),
// TODO make this do wrapping multiplication for signed ints
.mulwrap => try genBinOp(o, inst.castTag(.sub).?, " * "),
.mulwrap => try genWrapOp(o, .mul, inst.castTag(.mulwrap).?),
// TODO use a different strategy for div that communicates to the optimizer
// that wrapping is UB.
.div => try genBinOp(o, inst.castTag(.div).?, " / "),
@ -1042,6 +1039,131 @@ fn genStore(o: *Object, inst: *Inst.BinOp) !CValue {
return CValue.none;
const WrappingOp = enum {
fn genWrapOp(o: *Object, op: WrappingOp, inst: *Inst.BinOp) !CValue {
if (inst.base.isUnused())
return CValue.none;
const is_signed = inst.base.ty.isSignedInt();
// if it's an unsigned int with non-arbitrary bit size then we can just add
if (!is_signed and inst.base.ty.tag() != .int_unsigned) {
return try genBinOp(o, inst, switch (op) {
.add => " + ",
.sub => " - ",
.mul => " * ",
var min_buf: [80]u8 = undefined;
const min = if (!is_signed)
else switch (inst.base.ty.tag()) {
.c_short => "SHRT_MIN",
.c_int => "INT_MIN",
.c_long => "LONG_MIN",
.c_longlong => "LLONG_MIN",
.isize => "INTPTR_MIN",
else => blk: {
// should be able to use undefined here since all the target specifics are handled
const bits = inst.base.ty.intInfo(@as(std.Target, undefined)).bits;
assert(bits <= 64); // TODO: large integers
const val = -1 * std.math.pow(i64, 2, @intCast(i64, bits - 1));
break :blk std.fmt.bufPrint(&min_buf, "{}", .{val}) catch |e|
// doesn't fit in some upwards error set, but should never happen
return if (e == error.NoSpaceLeft) unreachable else e;
var max_buf: [80]u8 = undefined;
const max = switch (inst.base.ty.tag()) {
.c_short => "SHRT_MAX",
.c_ushort => "USHRT_MAX",
.c_int => "INT_MAX",
.c_uint => "UINT_MAX",
.c_long => "LONG_MAX",
.c_ulong => "ULONG_MAX",
.c_longlong => "LLONG_MAX",
.c_ulonglong => "ULLONG_MAX",
.isize => "INTPTR_MAX",
.usize => "UINTPTR_MAX",
else => blk: {
// should be able to use undefined here since all the target specifics are handled
const bits = inst.base.ty.intInfo(@as(std.Target, undefined)).bits;
assert(bits <= 64); // TODO: large integers
const val = std.math.pow(u64, 2, if (is_signed) (bits - 1) else bits) - 1;
break :blk std.fmt.bufPrint(&max_buf, "{}", .{val}) catch |e|
// doesn't fit in some upwards error set, but should never happen
return if (e == error.NoSpaceLeft) unreachable else e;
const lhs = try o.resolveInst(inst.lhs);
const rhs = try o.resolveInst(inst.rhs);
const w = o.writer();
const ret = try o.allocLocal(inst.base.ty, .Mut);
try w.writeAll(" = zig_");
try w.writeAll(switch (op) {
.add => "addw_",
.sub => "subw_",
.mul => return o.dg.fail(.{ .node_offset = 0 }, "TODO: C backend: implement wrapping multiplication operator", .{}),
switch (inst.base.ty.tag()) {
.u8 => try w.writeAll("u8"),
.i8 => try w.writeAll("i8"),
.u16 => try w.writeAll("u16"),
.i16 => try w.writeAll("i16"),
.u32 => try w.writeAll("u32"),
.i32 => try w.writeAll("i32"),
.u64 => try w.writeAll("u64"),
.i64 => try w.writeAll("i64"),
.isize => try w.writeAll("isize"),
.c_short => try w.writeAll("short"),
.c_int => try w.writeAll("int"),
.c_long => try w.writeAll("long"),
.c_longlong => try w.writeAll("longlong"),
.int_signed, .int_unsigned => {
if (is_signed) {
try w.writeByte('i');
} else {
try w.writeByte('u');
const info_bits = inst.base.ty.intInfo(@as(std.Target, undefined)).bits;
inline for (.{ 8, 16, 32, 64 }) |nbits| {
if (info_bits <= nbits) {
try w.print("{d}", .{nbits});
} else {
return o.dg.fail(.{ .node_offset = 0 }, "TODO: C backend: implement integer types larger than 64 bits", .{});
else => unreachable,
try w.writeByte('(');
try o.writeCValue(w, lhs);
try w.writeAll(", ");
try o.writeCValue(w, rhs);
if (is_signed) {
try w.print(", {s}", .{min});
try w.print(", {s});", .{max});
try o.indent_writer.insertNewline();
return ret;
fn genBinOp(o: *Object, inst: *Inst.BinOp, operator: []const u8) !CValue {
if (inst.base.isUnused())
return CValue.none;

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@ -60,9 +60,161 @@
#define zig_breakpoint() raise(SIGTRAP)
#define ZIG_UADDW(Type, lhs, rhs, max) \
Type thresh = max - rhs; \
if (lhs > thresh) { \
return lhs - thresh - 1; \
} else { \
return lhs + rhs; \
#define ZIG_SADDW(Type, lhs, rhs, min, max) \
if ((lhs > 0) && (rhs > 0)) { \
Type thresh = max - rhs; \
if (lhs > thresh) { \
return min + lhs - thresh - 1; \
} \
} else if ((lhs < 0) && (rhs < 0)) { \
Type thresh = min - rhs; \
if (lhs < thresh) { \
return max + lhs - thresh + 1; \
} \
} \
return lhs + rhs;
#define ZIG_USUBW(lhs, rhs, max) \
if (lhs < rhs) { \
return max - rhs - lhs + 1; \
} else { \
return lhs - rhs; \
#define ZIG_SSUBW(Type, lhs, rhs, min, max) \
if ((lhs > 0) && (rhs < 0)) { \
Type thresh = lhs - max; \
if (rhs < thresh) { \
return min + (thresh - rhs - 1); \
} \
} else if ((lhs < 0) && (rhs > 0)) { \
Type thresh = lhs - min; \
if (rhs > thresh) { \
return max - (rhs - thresh - 1); \
} \
} \
return lhs - rhs;
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define int128_t __int128
#define uint128_t unsigned __int128
ZIG_EXTERN_C void *memcpy (void *ZIG_RESTRICT, const void *ZIG_RESTRICT, size_t);
/* Wrapping addition operators */
static inline uint8_t zig_addw_u8(uint8_t lhs, uint8_t rhs, uint8_t max) {
ZIG_UADDW(uint8_t, lhs, rhs, max);
static inline int8_t zig_addw_i8(int8_t lhs, int8_t rhs, int8_t min, int8_t max) {
ZIG_SADDW(int8_t, lhs, rhs, min, max);
static inline uint16_t zig_addw_u16(uint16_t lhs, uint16_t rhs, uint16_t max) {
ZIG_UADDW(uint16_t, lhs, rhs, max);
static inline int16_t zig_addw_i16(int16_t lhs, int16_t rhs, int16_t min, int16_t max) {
ZIG_SADDW(int16_t, lhs, rhs, min, max);
static inline uint32_t zig_addw_u32(uint32_t lhs, uint32_t rhs, uint32_t max) {
ZIG_UADDW(uint32_t, lhs, rhs, max);
static inline int32_t zig_addw_i32(int32_t lhs, int32_t rhs, int32_t min, int32_t max) {
ZIG_SADDW(int32_t, lhs, rhs, min, max);
static inline uint64_t zig_addw_u64(uint64_t lhs, uint64_t rhs, uint64_t max) {
ZIG_UADDW(uint64_t, lhs, rhs, max);
static inline int64_t zig_addw_i64(int64_t lhs, int64_t rhs, int64_t min, int64_t max) {
ZIG_SADDW(int64_t, lhs, rhs, min, max);
static inline intptr_t zig_addw_isize(intptr_t lhs, intptr_t rhs, intptr_t min, intptr_t max) {
return (intptr_t)(((uintptr_t)lhs) + ((uintptr_t)rhs));
static inline short zig_addw_short(short lhs, short rhs, short min, short max) {
return (short)(((unsigned short)lhs) + ((unsigned short)rhs));
static inline int zig_addw_int(int lhs, int rhs, int min, int max) {
return (int)(((unsigned)lhs) + ((unsigned)rhs));
static inline long zig_addw_long(long lhs, long rhs, long min, long max) {
return (long)(((unsigned long)lhs) + ((unsigned long)rhs));
static inline long long zig_addw_longlong(long long lhs, long long rhs, long long min, long long max) {
return (long long)(((unsigned long long)lhs) + ((unsigned long long)rhs));
/* Wrapping subtraction operators */
static inline uint8_t zig_subw_u8(uint8_t lhs, uint8_t rhs, uint8_t max) {
ZIG_USUBW(lhs, rhs, max);
static inline int8_t zig_subw_i8(int8_t lhs, int8_t rhs, int8_t min, int8_t max) {
ZIG_SSUBW(int8_t, lhs, rhs, min, max);
static inline uint16_t zig_subw_u16(uint16_t lhs, uint16_t rhs, uint16_t max) {
ZIG_USUBW(lhs, rhs, max);
static inline int16_t zig_subw_i16(int16_t lhs, int16_t rhs, int16_t min, int16_t max) {
ZIG_SSUBW(int16_t, lhs, rhs, min, max);
static inline uint32_t zig_subw_u32(uint32_t lhs, uint32_t rhs, uint32_t max) {
ZIG_USUBW(lhs, rhs, max);
static inline int32_t zig_subw_i32(int32_t lhs, int32_t rhs, int32_t min, int32_t max) {
ZIG_SSUBW(int32_t, lhs, rhs, min, max);
static inline uint64_t zig_subw_u64(uint64_t lhs, uint64_t rhs, uint64_t max) {
ZIG_USUBW(lhs, rhs, max);
static inline int64_t zig_subw_i64(int64_t lhs, int64_t rhs, int64_t min, int64_t max) {
ZIG_SSUBW(int64_t, lhs, rhs, min, max);
static inline intptr_t zig_subw_isize(intptr_t lhs, intptr_t rhs, intptr_t min, intptr_t max) {
return (intptr_t)(((uintptr_t)lhs) - ((uintptr_t)rhs));
static inline short zig_subw_short(short lhs, short rhs, short min, short max) {
return (short)(((unsigned short)lhs) - ((unsigned short)rhs));
static inline int zig_subw_int(int lhs, int rhs, int min, int max) {
return (int)(((unsigned)lhs) - ((unsigned)rhs));
static inline long zig_subw_long(long lhs, long rhs, long min, long max) {
return (long)(((unsigned long)lhs) - ((unsigned long)rhs));
static inline long long zig_subw_longlong(long long lhs, long long rhs, long long min, long long max) {
return (long long)(((unsigned long long)lhs) - ((unsigned long long)rhs));

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@ -824,6 +824,55 @@ pub fn addCases(ctx: *TestContext) !void {
, "");
// TODO: move these cases into the programs themselves once stage 2 has array literals
// TODO: add u64 tests, ran into issues with the literal generated for std.math.maxInt(u64)
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("Wrapping operations", .{});
const programs = comptime blk: {
const cases = .{
// Addition
.{ u3, "+%", 1, 1, 2 },
.{ u3, "+%", 7, 1, 0 },
.{ i3, "+%", 1, 1, 2 },
.{ i3, "+%", 3, 2, -3 },
.{ i3, "+%", -3, -2, 3 },
.{ c_int, "+%", 1, 1, 2 },
.{ c_int, "+%", std.math.maxInt(c_int), 2, std.math.minInt(c_int) + 1 },
.{ c_int, "+%", std.math.minInt(c_int) + 1, -2, std.math.maxInt(c_int) },
// Subtraction
.{ u3, "-%", 2, 1, 1 },
.{ u3, "-%", 0, 1, 7 },
.{ i3, "-%", 2, 1, 1 },
.{ i3, "-%", 3, -2, -3 },
.{ i3, "-%", -3, 2, 3 },
.{ c_int, "-%", 2, 1, 1 },
.{ c_int, "-%", std.math.maxInt(c_int), -2, std.math.minInt(c_int) + 1 },
.{ c_int, "-%", std.math.minInt(c_int) + 1, 2, std.math.maxInt(c_int) },
var ret: [cases.len][:0]const u8 = undefined;
for (cases) |c, i| ret[i] = std.fmt.comptimePrint(
\\export fn main() i32 {{
\\ var lhs: {0} = {2};
\\ var rhs: {0} = {3};
\\ var expected: {0} = {4};
\\ if (expected != lhs {1s} rhs) {{
\\ return 1;
\\ }} else {{
\\ return 0;
\\ }}
, c);
break :blk ret;
inline for (programs) |prog| case.addCompareOutput(prog, "");
ctx.h("simple header", linux_x64,
\\export fn start() void{}