cbe: implement @extern

This commit is contained in:
Jacob Young 2023-04-25 00:20:49 -04:00
parent e485d00621
commit f1782c07a9
2 changed files with 59 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -188,6 +188,14 @@ typedef char bool;
#define zig_export(sig, symbol, name) __asm(name " = " symbol)
#if zig_has_attribute(weak) || defined(zig_gnuc)
#define zig_weak_linkage __attribute__((weak))
#elif _MSC_VER
#define zig_weak_linkage __declspec(selectany)
#define zig_weak_linkage zig_weak_linkage_unavailable
#if zig_has_builtin(trap)
#define zig_trap() __builtin_trap()
#elif _MSC_VER && (_M_IX86 || _M_X64)

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@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ fn isReservedIdent(ident: []const u8) bool {
'A'...'Z', '_' => return true,
else => return false,
} else if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, ident, "DUMMYSTRUCTNAME") or
std.mem.startsWith(u8, ident, "DUMMYUNIONNAME"))
} else if (mem.startsWith(u8, ident, "DUMMYSTRUCTNAME") or
mem.startsWith(u8, ident, "DUMMYUNIONNAME"))
{ // windows.h
return true;
} else return reserved_idents.has(ident);
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ pub const Object = struct {
/// This data is available both when outputting .c code and when outputting an .h file.
pub const DeclGen = struct {
gpa: std.mem.Allocator,
gpa: mem.Allocator,
module: *Module,
decl: ?*Decl,
decl_index: Decl.OptionalIndex,
@ -536,6 +536,9 @@ pub const DeclGen = struct {
if (func.data.owner_decl != decl_index)
return dg.renderDeclValue(writer, ty, val, func.data.owner_decl, location);
if (decl.val.castTag(.variable)) |var_payload|
try dg.renderFwdDecl(decl_index, var_payload.data);
if (ty.isSlice()) {
if (location == .StaticInitializer) {
try writer.writeByte('{');
@ -1816,8 +1819,23 @@ pub const DeclGen = struct {
try dg.writeCValue(writer, member);
const IdentHasher = std.crypto.auth.siphash.SipHash128(1, 3);
const ident_hasher_init: IdentHasher = IdentHasher.init(&[_]u8{0} ** IdentHasher.key_length);
fn renderFwdDecl(dg: *DeclGen, decl_index: Decl.Index, variable: *Module.Var) !void {
const decl = dg.module.declPtr(decl_index);
const fwd_decl_writer = dg.fwd_decl.writer();
const is_global = dg.declIsGlobal(.{ .ty = decl.ty, .val = decl.val }) or variable.is_extern;
try fwd_decl_writer.writeAll(if (is_global) "zig_extern " else "static ");
if (variable.is_threadlocal) try fwd_decl_writer.writeAll("zig_threadlocal ");
if (variable.is_weak_linkage) try fwd_decl_writer.writeAll("zig_weak_linkage ");
try dg.renderTypeAndName(
.{ .decl = decl_index },
CQualifiers.init(.{ .@"const" = !variable.is_mutable }),
try fwd_decl_writer.writeAll(";\n");
fn renderDeclName(dg: *DeclGen, writer: anytype, decl_index: Decl.Index, export_index: u32) !void {
const decl = dg.module.declPtr(decl_index);
@ -1826,7 +1844,7 @@ pub const DeclGen = struct {
if (dg.module.decl_exports.get(decl_index)) |exports| {
try writer.writeAll(exports.items[export_index].options.name);
} else if (decl.isExtern()) {
try writer.writeAll(mem.sliceTo(decl.name, 0));
try writer.writeAll(mem.span(decl.name));
} else {
// MSVC has a limit of 4095 character token length limit, and fmtIdent can (worst case),
// expand to 3x the length of its input, but let's cut it off at a much shorter limit.
@ -2393,9 +2411,9 @@ pub fn genErrDecls(o: *Object) !void {
const name_buf = try o.dg.gpa.alloc(u8, name_prefix.len + max_name_len);
defer o.dg.gpa.free(name_buf);
std.mem.copy(u8, name_buf, name_prefix);
mem.copy(u8, name_buf, name_prefix);
for (o.dg.module.error_name_list.items) |name| {
std.mem.copy(u8, name_buf[name_prefix.len..], name);
mem.copy(u8, name_buf[name_prefix.len..], name);
const identifier = name_buf[0 .. name_prefix.len + name.len];
var name_ty_pl = Type.Payload.Len{ .base = .{ .tag = .array_u8_sentinel_0 }, .data = name.len };
@ -2641,21 +2659,16 @@ pub fn genDecl(o: *Object) !void {
try genExports(o);
} else if (tv.val.castTag(.variable)) |var_payload| {
const variable: *Module.Var = var_payload.data;
const is_global = o.dg.declIsGlobal(tv) or variable.is_extern;
const fwd_decl_writer = o.dg.fwd_decl.writer();
try fwd_decl_writer.writeAll(if (is_global) "zig_extern " else "static ");
if (variable.is_threadlocal) try fwd_decl_writer.writeAll("zig_threadlocal ");
try o.dg.renderTypeAndName(fwd_decl_writer, decl.ty, decl_c_value, .{}, decl.@"align", .complete);
try fwd_decl_writer.writeAll(";\n");
try o.dg.renderFwdDecl(decl_c_value.decl, variable);
try genExports(o);
if (variable.is_extern) return;
const is_global = o.dg.declIsGlobal(tv) or variable.is_extern;
const w = o.writer();
if (!is_global) try w.writeAll("static ");
if (variable.is_threadlocal) try w.writeAll("zig_threadlocal ");
if (variable.is_weak_linkage) try w.writeAll("zig_weak_linkage ");
if (decl.@"linksection") |section| try w.print("zig_linksection(\"{s}\", ", .{section});
try o.dg.renderTypeAndName(w, tv.ty, decl_c_value, .{}, decl.@"align", .complete);
if (decl.@"linksection" != null) try w.writeAll(", read, write)");
@ -4729,9 +4742,9 @@ fn airAsm(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
const locals_begin = @intCast(LocalIndex, f.locals.items.len);
const constraints_extra_begin = extra_i;
for (outputs) |output| {
const extra_bytes = std.mem.sliceAsBytes(f.air.extra[extra_i..]);
const constraint = std.mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes, 0);
const name = std.mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes[constraint.len + 1 ..], 0);
const extra_bytes = mem.sliceAsBytes(f.air.extra[extra_i..]);
const constraint = mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes, 0);
const name = mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes[constraint.len + 1 ..], 0);
// This equation accounts for the fact that even if we have exactly 4 bytes
// for the string, we still use the next u32 for the null terminator.
extra_i += (constraint.len + name.len + (2 + 3)) / 4;
@ -4761,14 +4774,14 @@ fn airAsm(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
for (inputs) |input| {
const extra_bytes = std.mem.sliceAsBytes(f.air.extra[extra_i..]);
const constraint = std.mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes, 0);
const name = std.mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes[constraint.len + 1 ..], 0);
const extra_bytes = mem.sliceAsBytes(f.air.extra[extra_i..]);
const constraint = mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes, 0);
const name = mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes[constraint.len + 1 ..], 0);
// This equation accounts for the fact that even if we have exactly 4 bytes
// for the string, we still use the next u32 for the null terminator.
extra_i += (constraint.len + name.len + (2 + 3)) / 4;
if (constraint.len < 1 or std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, "=+&%", constraint[0]) != null or
if (constraint.len < 1 or mem.indexOfScalar(u8, "=+&%", constraint[0]) != null or
(constraint[0] == '{' and constraint[constraint.len - 1] != '}'))
return f.fail("CBE: constraint not supported: '{s}'", .{constraint});
@ -4794,7 +4807,7 @@ fn airAsm(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
for (0..clobbers_len) |_| {
const clobber = std.mem.sliceTo(std.mem.sliceAsBytes(f.air.extra[extra_i..]), 0);
const clobber = mem.sliceTo(mem.sliceAsBytes(f.air.extra[extra_i..]), 0);
// This equation accounts for the fact that even if we have exactly 4 bytes
// for the string, we still use the next u32 for the null terminator.
extra_i += clobber.len / 4 + 1;
@ -4859,16 +4872,16 @@ fn airAsm(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
var locals_index = locals_begin;
try writer.writeByte(':');
for (outputs, 0..) |output, index| {
const extra_bytes = std.mem.sliceAsBytes(f.air.extra[extra_i..]);
const constraint = std.mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes, 0);
const name = std.mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes[constraint.len + 1 ..], 0);
const extra_bytes = mem.sliceAsBytes(f.air.extra[extra_i..]);
const constraint = mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes, 0);
const name = mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes[constraint.len + 1 ..], 0);
// This equation accounts for the fact that even if we have exactly 4 bytes
// for the string, we still use the next u32 for the null terminator.
extra_i += (constraint.len + name.len + (2 + 3)) / 4;
if (index > 0) try writer.writeByte(',');
try writer.writeByte(' ');
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, name, "_")) try writer.print("[{s}]", .{name});
if (!mem.eql(u8, name, "_")) try writer.print("[{s}]", .{name});
const is_reg = constraint[1] == '{';
try writer.print("{s}(", .{fmtStringLiteral(if (is_reg) "=r" else constraint, null)});
if (is_reg) {
@ -4883,16 +4896,16 @@ fn airAsm(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
try writer.writeByte(':');
for (inputs, 0..) |input, index| {
const extra_bytes = std.mem.sliceAsBytes(f.air.extra[extra_i..]);
const constraint = std.mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes, 0);
const name = std.mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes[constraint.len + 1 ..], 0);
const extra_bytes = mem.sliceAsBytes(f.air.extra[extra_i..]);
const constraint = mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes, 0);
const name = mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes[constraint.len + 1 ..], 0);
// This equation accounts for the fact that even if we have exactly 4 bytes
// for the string, we still use the next u32 for the null terminator.
extra_i += (constraint.len + name.len + (2 + 3)) / 4;
if (index > 0) try writer.writeByte(',');
try writer.writeByte(' ');
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, name, "_")) try writer.print("[{s}]", .{name});
if (!mem.eql(u8, name, "_")) try writer.print("[{s}]", .{name});
const is_reg = constraint[0] == '{';
const input_val = try f.resolveInst(input);
@ -4906,7 +4919,7 @@ fn airAsm(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
try writer.writeByte(':');
for (0..clobbers_len) |clobber_i| {
const clobber = std.mem.sliceTo(std.mem.sliceAsBytes(f.air.extra[extra_i..]), 0);
const clobber = mem.sliceTo(mem.sliceAsBytes(f.air.extra[extra_i..]), 0);
// This equation accounts for the fact that even if we have exactly 4 bytes
// for the string, we still use the next u32 for the null terminator.
extra_i += clobber.len / 4 + 1;
@ -4921,9 +4934,9 @@ fn airAsm(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
extra_i = constraints_extra_begin;
locals_index = locals_begin;
for (outputs) |output| {
const extra_bytes = std.mem.sliceAsBytes(f.air.extra[extra_i..]);
const constraint = std.mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes, 0);
const name = std.mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes[constraint.len + 1 ..], 0);
const extra_bytes = mem.sliceAsBytes(f.air.extra[extra_i..]);
const constraint = mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes, 0);
const name = mem.sliceTo(extra_bytes[constraint.len + 1 ..], 0);
// This equation accounts for the fact that even if we have exactly 4 bytes
// for the string, we still use the next u32 for the null terminator.
extra_i += (constraint.len + name.len + (2 + 3)) / 4;
@ -7274,7 +7287,7 @@ fn formatIntLiteral(
var int_buf: Value.BigIntSpace = undefined;
const int = if (data.val.isUndefDeep()) blk: {
undef_limbs = try allocator.alloc(BigIntLimb, BigInt.calcTwosCompLimbCount(data.int_info.bits));
std.mem.set(BigIntLimb, undef_limbs, undefPattern(BigIntLimb));
mem.set(BigIntLimb, undef_limbs, undefPattern(BigIntLimb));
var undef_int = BigInt.Mutable{
.limbs = undef_limbs,
@ -7369,7 +7382,7 @@ fn formatIntLiteral(
} else {
try data.cty.renderLiteralPrefix(writer, data.kind);
wrap.convertToTwosComplement(int, data.int_info.signedness, c_bits);
std.mem.set(BigIntLimb, wrap.limbs[wrap.len..], 0);
mem.set(BigIntLimb, wrap.limbs[wrap.len..], 0);
wrap.len = wrap.limbs.len;
const limbs_per_c_limb = @divExact(wrap.len, c_limb_info.count);