mirror of
synced 2024-12-13 14:47:09 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into stage2-whole-file-astgen
Conflicts: * lib/std/os/linux.zig * lib/std/os/windows/bits.zig * src/Module.zig * src/Sema.zig * test/stage2/test.zig Mainly I wanted Jakub's new macOS code for respecting stack size, since we now depend on it for debug builds able to pass one of the test cases for recursive comptime function calls with `@setEvalBranchQuota`. The conflicts were all trivial.
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sudo apt-get install -y cmake s3cmd tidy
ARCH="$(uname -m)"
@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ wget -nv "https://ziglang.org/deps/$QEMUBASE.tar.xz"
tar xf "$QEMUBASE.tar.xz"
export PATH="$(pwd)/$QEMUBASE/bin:$PATH"
wget -nv "https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/releases/download/v0.20.0/$WASMTIME.tar.xz"
# Bump to v0.23 once this issue is resolved:
# https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/8742
wget -nv "https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/releases/download/v0.22.1/$WASMTIME.tar.xz"
tar xf "$WASMTIME.tar.xz"
export PATH="$(pwd)/$WASMTIME:$PATH"
@ -3,24 +3,31 @@
set -x
set -e
brew update && brew install s3cmd ninja gnu-tar
brew update && brew install s3cmd
# {product}-{os}{sdk_version}-{arch}-{llvm_version}-{cmake_build_type}
rm -rf $PREFIX
cd $HOME
wget -nv "https://ziglang.org/deps/$CACHE_HOST_BASENAME.tar.xz"
wget -nv "https://ziglang.org/deps/$CACHE_ARM64_BASENAME.tar.xz"
gtar xf "$CACHE_HOST_BASENAME.tar.xz"
gtar xf "$CACHE_ARM64_BASENAME.tar.xz"
wget -nv "https://ziglang.org/deps/$HOST_CACHE_BASENAME.tar.xz"
wget -nv "https://ziglang.org/deps/$CACHE_BASENAME.tar.xz"
tar xf "$HOST_CACHE_BASENAME.tar.xz"
tar xf "$CACHE_BASENAME.tar.xz"
@ -30,83 +37,75 @@ git config core.abbrev 9
git fetch --unshallow || true
git fetch --tags
# Select xcode: latest version found on vmImage macOS-10.15 .
# Build host zig compiler in debug so that we can get the
# current version when packaging
export ZIG_LOCAL_CACHE_DIR="$ZIGDIR/zig-cache"
export ZIG_GLOBAL_CACHE_DIR="$ZIGDIR/zig-cache"
# Build zig for host and use `Debug` type to make builds a little faster.
export CC="$ZIG cc -target $HOST_TARGET -mcpu=$HOST_MCPU"
export CXX="$ZIG c++ -target $HOST_TARGET -mcpu=$HOST_MCPU"
mkdir build.host
cd build.host
cmake -G "Ninja" .. \
cmake .. \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$(pwd)/release" \
# Build but do not install.
ninja $JOBS
unset CC
unset CXX
# Build zig for arm64 target.
# - use `Release` type for published tarballs
# - ad-hoc codesign with linker
# - note: apple quarantine of downloads (eg. via safari) still apply
make $JOBS install
# Build zig compiler cross-compiled for arm64
mkdir build.arm64
cd build.arm64
cmake -G "Ninja" .. \
export CC="$ZIG cc -target $TARGET -mcpu=$MCPU"
export CXX="$ZIG c++ -target $TARGET -mcpu=$MCPU"
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$(pwd)/release" \
-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-arch arm64" \
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-arch arm64" \
-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-lz -Xlinker -adhoc_codesign" \
ninja $JOBS install
unset CC
unset CXX
# Disable test because binary is foreign arch.
#release/bin/zig build test
make $JOBS install
if [ "${BUILD_REASON}" != "PullRequest" ]; then
mv ../LICENSE release/
# We do not run test suite but still need langref.
mkdir -p release/docs
$ZIG_EXE run ../doc/docgen.zig -- $ZIG_EXE ../doc/langref.html.in release/docs/langref.html
$ZIG run ../doc/docgen.zig -- $ZIG ../doc/langref.html.in release/docs/langref.html
# Produce the experimental std lib documentation.
mkdir -p release/docs/std
$ZIG_EXE test ../lib/std/std.zig \
$ZIG test ../lib/std/std.zig \
--override-lib-dir ../lib \
-femit-docs=release/docs/std \
# Remove the unnecessary bin dir in $prefix/bin/zig
mv release/bin/zig release/
rmdir release/bin
# Remove the unnecessary zig dir in $prefix/lib/zig/std/std.zig
mv release/lib/zig release/lib2
rmdir release/lib
mv release/lib2 release/lib
VERSION=$($ZIG_EXE version)
VERSION=$(../build.host/release/bin/zig version)
gtar cJf "$TARBALL" release/ --owner=root --sort=name --transform="s,^release,${DIRNAME},"
mv release "$DIRNAME"
s3cmd put -P --add-header="cache-control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable" "$TARBALL" s3://ziglang.org/builds/
@ -114,12 +113,13 @@ if [ "${BUILD_REASON}" != "PullRequest" ]; then
SHASUM=$(shasum -a 256 $TARBALL | cut '-d ' -f1)
echo "{\"tarball\": \"$TARBALL\"," >>$JSONFILE
echo "\"shasum\": \"$SHASUM\"," >>$JSONFILE
echo "\"size\": \"$BYTESIZE\"}" >>$JSONFILE
s3cmd put -P --add-header="Cache-Control: max-age=0, must-revalidate" "$JSONFILE" "s3://ziglang.org/builds/$JSONFILE"
s3cmd put -P "$JSONFILE" "s3://ziglang.org/builds/$ARCH-macos-$VERSION.json"
# `set -x` causes these variables to be mangled.
@ -7,21 +7,21 @@ brew update && brew install s3cmd
rm -rf $PREFIX
cd $HOME
wget -nv "https://ziglang.org/deps/$CACHE_BASENAME.tar.xz"
tar xf "$CACHE_BASENAME.tar.xz"
export CC="$ZIG cc"
export CXX="$ZIG c++"
export CC="$ZIG cc -target $TARGET -mcpu=$MCPU"
export CXX="$ZIG c++ -target $TARGET -mcpu=$MCPU"
@ -37,22 +37,21 @@ cmake .. \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$(pwd)/release" \
-DZIG_TARGET_TRIPLE="$ARCH-native-gnu" \
-DZIG_TARGET_MCPU="baseline" \
# Now cmake will use zig as the C/C++ compiler. We reset the environment variables
# so that installation and testing do not get affected by them.
unset CC
unset CXX
unset ZIG_LIBC
make $JOBS install
# Here we rebuild zig but this time using the Zig binary we just now produced to
# build zig1.o rather than relying on the one built with stage0. See
# https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/6830 for more details.
cmake .. -DZIG_EXECUTABLE="$(pwd)/release/bin/zig" -DZIG_TARGET_MCPU="x86_64_v2"
cmake .. -DZIG_EXECUTABLE="$(pwd)/release/bin/zig"
make $JOBS install
for step in test-toolchain test-std docs; do
@ -2,9 +2,7 @@ jobs:
- job: BuildMacOS
vmImage: 'macOS-10.15'
timeoutInMinutes: 360
- task: DownloadSecureFile@1
@ -15,9 +13,7 @@ jobs:
- job: BuildMacOS_arm64
vmImage: 'macOS-10.15'
timeoutInMinutes: 60
timeoutInMinutes: 180
- task: DownloadSecureFile@1
@ -28,9 +24,7 @@ jobs:
- job: BuildLinux
vmImage: 'ubuntu-18.04'
timeoutInMinutes: 360
- task: DownloadSecureFile@1
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ lose: SYSCALL_PIC_SETUP \
# define SETUP_PIC_REG(reg) \
.ifndef GET_PC_THUNK(reg); \
.section .gnu.linkonce.t.GET_PC_THUNK(reg),"ax",@progbits; \
.section .text.GET_PC_THUNK(reg),"axG",@progbits,GET_PC_THUNK(reg),comdat; \
.globl GET_PC_THUNK(reg); \
.hidden GET_PC_THUNK(reg); \
.p2align 4; \
@ -97,8 +97,9 @@ GET_PC_THUNK(reg): \
# define SETUP_PIC_REG_STR(reg) \
".ifndef " GET_PC_THUNK_STR (reg) "\n" \
".section .gnu.linkonce.t." GET_PC_THUNK_STR (reg) ",\"ax\",@progbits\n" \
"section .text." GET_PC_THUNK_STR (reg) ",\"axG\",@progbits," \
".globl " GET_PC_THUNK_STR (reg) "\n" \
GET_PC_THUNK_STR (reg) ",comdat\n" \
".hidden " GET_PC_THUNK_STR (reg) "\n" \
".p2align 4\n" \
".type " GET_PC_THUNK_STR (reg) ",@function\n" \
@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ const builtin = std.builtin;
const hash_map = @This();
pub fn AutoArrayHashMap(comptime K: type, comptime V: type) type {
return ArrayHashMap(K, V, getAutoHashFn(K), getAutoEqlFn(K), autoEqlIsCheap(K));
return ArrayHashMap(K, V, getAutoHashFn(K), getAutoEqlFn(K), !autoEqlIsCheap(K));
pub fn AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(comptime K: type, comptime V: type) type {
return ArrayHashMapUnmanaged(K, V, getAutoHashFn(K), getAutoEqlFn(K), autoEqlIsCheap(K));
return ArrayHashMapUnmanaged(K, V, getAutoHashFn(K), getAutoEqlFn(K), !autoEqlIsCheap(K));
/// Builtin hashmap for strings as keys.
@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ test "reIndex" {
try al.append(std.testing.allocator, .{
.key = i,
.value = i * 10,
.hash = hash(i),
.hash = {},
@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@ test "fromOwnedArrayList" {
try al.append(std.testing.allocator, .{
.key = i,
.value = i * 10,
.hash = hash(i),
.hash = {},
@ -1362,6 +1362,18 @@ test "fromOwnedArrayList" {
test "auto store_hash" {
const HasCheapEql = AutoArrayHashMap(i32, i32);
const HasExpensiveEql = AutoArrayHashMap([32]i32, i32);
try testing.expect(meta.fieldInfo(HasCheapEql.Entry, .hash).field_type == void);
try testing.expect(meta.fieldInfo(HasExpensiveEql.Entry, .hash).field_type != void);
const HasCheapEqlUn = AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(i32, i32);
const HasExpensiveEqlUn = AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged([32]i32, i32);
try testing.expect(meta.fieldInfo(HasCheapEqlUn.Entry, .hash).field_type == void);
try testing.expect(meta.fieldInfo(HasExpensiveEqlUn.Entry, .hash).field_type != void);
pub fn getHashPtrAddrFn(comptime K: type) (fn (K) u32) {
return struct {
fn hash(key: K) u32 {
@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ pub extern "c" fn ftruncate(fd: c_int, length: off_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn raise(sig: c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn read(fd: fd_t, buf: [*]u8, nbyte: usize) isize;
pub extern "c" fn readv(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec, iovcnt: c_uint) isize;
pub extern "c" fn pread(fd: fd_t, buf: [*]u8, nbyte: usize, offset: u64) isize;
pub extern "c" fn preadv(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec, iovcnt: c_uint, offset: u64) isize;
pub extern "c" fn pread(fd: fd_t, buf: [*]u8, nbyte: usize, offset: off_t) isize;
pub extern "c" fn preadv(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec, iovcnt: c_uint, offset: off_t) isize;
pub extern "c" fn writev(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec_const, iovcnt: c_uint) isize;
pub extern "c" fn pwritev(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec_const, iovcnt: c_uint, offset: u64) isize;
pub extern "c" fn pwritev(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec_const, iovcnt: c_uint, offset: off_t) isize;
pub extern "c" fn write(fd: fd_t, buf: [*]const u8, nbyte: usize) isize;
pub extern "c" fn pwrite(fd: fd_t, buf: [*]const u8, nbyte: usize, offset: u64) isize;
pub extern "c" fn mmap(addr: ?*align(page_size) c_void, len: usize, prot: c_uint, flags: c_uint, fd: fd_t, offset: u64) *c_void;
pub extern "c" fn pwrite(fd: fd_t, buf: [*]const u8, nbyte: usize, offset: off_t) isize;
pub extern "c" fn mmap(addr: ?*align(page_size) c_void, len: usize, prot: c_uint, flags: c_uint, fd: fd_t, offset: off_t) *c_void;
pub extern "c" fn munmap(addr: *align(page_size) c_void, len: usize) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn mprotect(addr: *align(page_size) c_void, len: usize, prot: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn link(oldpath: [*:0]const u8, newpath: [*:0]const u8, flags: c_int) c_int;
@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ pub extern "c" fn bind(socket: fd_t, address: ?*const sockaddr, address_len: soc
pub extern "c" fn socketpair(domain: c_uint, sock_type: c_uint, protocol: c_uint, sv: *[2]fd_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn listen(sockfd: fd_t, backlog: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn getsockname(sockfd: fd_t, noalias addr: *sockaddr, noalias addrlen: *socklen_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn getpeername(sockfd: fd_t, noalias addr: *sockaddr, noalias addrlen: *socklen_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn connect(sockfd: fd_t, sock_addr: *const sockaddr, addrlen: socklen_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn accept(sockfd: fd_t, noalias addr: ?*sockaddr, noalias addrlen: ?*socklen_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn accept4(sockfd: fd_t, noalias addr: ?*sockaddr, noalias addrlen: ?*socklen_t, flags: c_uint) c_int;
@ -63,6 +63,23 @@ pub const EAI = enum(c_int) {
pub extern "c" fn fallocate64(fd: fd_t, mode: c_int, offset: off_t, len: off_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fopen64(noalias filename: [*:0]const u8, noalias modes: [*:0]const u8) ?*FILE;
pub extern "c" fn fstat64(fd: fd_t, buf: *libc_stat) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fstatat64(dirfd: fd_t, path: [*:0]const u8, stat_buf: *libc_stat, flags: u32) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn ftruncate64(fd: c_int, length: off_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn getrlimit64(resource: rlimit_resource, rlim: *rlimit) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn lseek64(fd: fd_t, offset: i64, whence: c_int) i64;
pub extern "c" fn mmap64(addr: ?*align(std.mem.page_size) c_void, len: usize, prot: c_uint, flags: c_uint, fd: fd_t, offset: i64) *c_void;
pub extern "c" fn open64(path: [*:0]const u8, oflag: c_uint, ...) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn openat64(fd: c_int, path: [*:0]const u8, oflag: c_uint, ...) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn pread64(fd: fd_t, buf: [*]u8, nbyte: usize, offset: i64) isize;
pub extern "c" fn preadv64(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec, iovcnt: c_uint, offset: i64) isize;
pub extern "c" fn pwrite64(fd: fd_t, buf: [*]const u8, nbyte: usize, offset: i64) isize;
pub extern "c" fn pwritev64(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec_const, iovcnt: c_uint, offset: i64) isize;
pub extern "c" fn sendfile64(out_fd: fd_t, in_fd: fd_t, offset: ?*i64, count: usize) isize;
pub extern "c" fn setrlimit64(resource: rlimit_resource, rlim: *const rlimit) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn getrandom(buf_ptr: [*]u8, buf_len: usize, flags: c_uint) isize;
pub extern "c" fn sched_getaffinity(pid: c_int, size: usize, set: *cpu_set_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn eventfd(initval: c_uint, flags: c_uint) c_int;
@ -92,8 +109,6 @@ pub extern "c" fn pipe2(fds: *[2]fd_t, flags: u32) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fallocate(fd: fd_t, mode: c_int, offset: off_t, len: off_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn ftruncate64(fd: c_int, length: off_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn sendfile(
out_fd: fd_t,
in_fd: fd_t,
@ -49,21 +49,26 @@ pub const P256 = struct {
/// Create a point from affine coordinates after checking that they match the curve equation.
pub fn fromAffineCoordinates(x: Fe, y: Fe) EncodingError!P256 {
pub fn fromAffineCoordinates(p: AffineCoordinates) EncodingError!P256 {
const x = p.x;
const y = p.y;
const x3AxB = x.sq().mul(x).sub(x).sub(x).sub(x).add(B);
const yy = y.sq();
if (!x3AxB.equivalent(yy)) {
const on_curve = @boolToInt(x3AxB.equivalent(yy));
const is_identity = @boolToInt(x.equivalent(AffineCoordinates.identityElement.x)) & @boolToInt(y.equivalent(AffineCoordinates.identityElement.y));
if ((on_curve | is_identity) == 0) {
return error.InvalidEncoding;
const p: P256 = .{ .x = x, .y = y, .z = Fe.one };
return p;
var ret = P256{ .x = x, .y = y, .z = Fe.one };
ret.z.cMov(P256.identityElement.z, is_identity);
return ret;
/// Create a point from serialized affine coordinates.
pub fn fromSerializedAffineCoordinates(xs: [32]u8, ys: [32]u8, endian: builtin.Endian) (NonCanonicalError || EncodingError)!P256 {
const x = try Fe.fromBytes(xs, endian);
const y = try Fe.fromBytes(ys, endian);
return fromAffineCoordinates(x, y);
return fromAffineCoordinates(.{ .x = x, .y = y });
/// Recover the Y coordinate from the X coordinate.
@ -96,7 +101,7 @@ pub const P256 = struct {
if (encoded.len != 64) return error.InvalidEncoding;
const x = try Fe.fromBytes(encoded[0..32].*, .Big);
const y = try Fe.fromBytes(encoded[32..64].*, .Big);
return P256.fromAffineCoordinates(x, y);
return P256.fromAffineCoordinates(.{ .x = x, .y = y });
else => return error.InvalidEncoding,
@ -177,7 +182,7 @@ pub const P256 = struct {
/// Add P256 points, the second being specified using affine coordinates.
// Algorithm 5 from https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1060.pdf
pub fn addMixed(p: P256, q: struct { x: Fe, y: Fe }) P256 {
pub fn addMixed(p: P256, q: AffineCoordinates) P256 {
var t0 = p.x.mul(q.x);
var t1 = p.y.mul(q.y);
var t3 = q.x.add(q.y);
@ -194,9 +199,9 @@ pub const P256 = struct {
Z3 = X3.dbl();
X3 = X3.add(Z3);
Z3 = t1.sub(X3);
X3 = t1.dbl();
X3 = t1.add(X3);
Y3 = B.mul(Y3);
t1 = p.z.add(p.z);
t1 = p.z.dbl();
var t2 = t1.add(p.z);
Y3 = Y3.sub(t2);
Y3 = Y3.sub(t0);
@ -214,14 +219,16 @@ pub const P256 = struct {
Z3 = t4.mul(Z3);
t1 = t3.mul(t0);
Z3 = Z3.add(t1);
return .{
var ret = P256{
.x = X3,
.y = Y3,
.z = Z3,
ret.cMov(p, @boolToInt(q.x.isZero()));
return ret;
// Add P256 points.
/// Add P256 points.
// Algorithm 4 from https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1060.pdf
pub fn add(p: P256, q: P256) P256 {
var t0 = p.x.mul(q.x);
@ -274,18 +281,19 @@ pub const P256 = struct {
// Subtract P256 points.
/// Subtract P256 points.
pub fn sub(p: P256, q: P256) P256 {
return p.add(q.neg());
/// Return affine coordinates.
pub fn affineCoordinates(p: P256) struct { x: Fe, y: Fe } {
pub fn affineCoordinates(p: P256) AffineCoordinates {
const zinv = p.z.invert();
const ret = .{
var ret = AffineCoordinates{
.x = p.x.mul(zinv),
.y = p.y.mul(zinv),
ret.cMov(AffineCoordinates.identityElement, @boolToInt(p.x.isZero()));
return ret;
@ -382,11 +390,21 @@ pub const P256 = struct {
return pc;
const basePointPc = comptime pc: {
break :pc precompute(P256.basePoint, 15);
const basePointPc8 = comptime pc: {
break :pc precompute(P256.basePoint, 8);
/// Multiply an elliptic curve point by a scalar.
/// Return error.IdentityElement if the result is the identity element.
pub fn mul(p: P256, s_: [32]u8, endian: builtin.Endian) IdentityElementError!P256 {
const s = if (endian == .Little) s_ else Fe.orderSwap(s_);
const pc = if (p.is_base) precompute(P256.basePoint, 15) else pc: {
const pc = if (p.is_base) basePointPc else pc: {
try p.rejectIdentity();
const xpc = precompute(p, 15);
break :pc xpc;
@ -398,7 +416,7 @@ pub const P256 = struct {
/// This can be used for signature verification.
pub fn mulPublic(p: P256, s_: [32]u8, endian: builtin.Endian) IdentityElementError!P256 {
const s = if (endian == .Little) s_ else Fe.orderSwap(s_);
const pc = if (p.is_base) precompute(P256.basePoint, 8) else pc: {
const pc = if (p.is_base) basePointPc8 else pc: {
try p.rejectIdentity();
const xpc = precompute(p, 8);
break :pc xpc;
@ -407,6 +425,20 @@ pub const P256 = struct {
/// A point in affine coordinates.
pub const AffineCoordinates = struct {
x: P256.Fe,
y: P256.Fe,
/// Identity element in affine coordinates.
pub const identityElement = AffineCoordinates{ .x = P256.identityElement.x, .y = P256.identityElement.y };
fn cMov(p: *AffineCoordinates, a: AffineCoordinates, c: u1) void {
p.x.cMov(a.x, c);
p.y.cMov(a.y, c);
test "p256" {
_ = @import("tests.zig");
@ -101,3 +101,9 @@ test "p256 field element non-canonical encoding" {
const s = [_]u8{0xff} ** 32;
try testing.expectError(error.NonCanonical, P256.Fe.fromBytes(s, .Little));
test "p256 neutral element decoding" {
try testing.expectError(error.InvalidEncoding, P256.fromAffineCoordinates(.{ .x = P256.Fe.zero, .y = P256.Fe.zero }));
const p = try P256.fromAffineCoordinates(.{ .x = P256.Fe.zero, .y = P256.Fe.one });
try testing.expectError(error.IdentityElement, p.rejectIdentity());
@ -524,8 +524,8 @@ pub const File = struct {
/// The `iovecs` parameter is mutable because this function needs to mutate the fields in
/// order to handle partial reads from the underlying OS layer.
/// See https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7699
pub fn preadvAll(self: File, iovecs: []const os.iovec, offset: u64) PReadError!void {
if (iovecs.len == 0) return;
pub fn preadvAll(self: File, iovecs: []os.iovec, offset: u64) PReadError!usize {
if (iovecs.len == 0) return 0;
var i: usize = 0;
var off: usize = 0;
@ -520,6 +520,89 @@ test "makePath, put some files in it, deleteTree" {
test "writev, readv" {
var tmp = tmpDir(.{});
defer tmp.cleanup();
const line1 = "line1\n";
const line2 = "line2\n";
var buf1: [line1.len]u8 = undefined;
var buf2: [line2.len]u8 = undefined;
var write_vecs = [_]std.os.iovec_const{
.iov_base = line1,
.iov_len = line1.len,
.iov_base = line2,
.iov_len = line2.len,
var read_vecs = [_]std.os.iovec{
.iov_base = &buf2,
.iov_len = buf2.len,
.iov_base = &buf1,
.iov_len = buf1.len,
var src_file = try tmp.dir.createFile("test.txt", .{ .read = true });
defer src_file.close();
try src_file.writevAll(&write_vecs);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u64, line1.len + line2.len), try src_file.getEndPos());
try src_file.seekTo(0);
const read = try src_file.readvAll(&read_vecs);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, line1.len + line2.len), read);
try testing.expectEqualStrings(&buf1, "line2\n");
try testing.expectEqualStrings(&buf2, "line1\n");
test "pwritev, preadv" {
var tmp = tmpDir(.{});
defer tmp.cleanup();
const line1 = "line1\n";
const line2 = "line2\n";
var buf1: [line1.len]u8 = undefined;
var buf2: [line2.len]u8 = undefined;
var write_vecs = [_]std.os.iovec_const{
.iov_base = line1,
.iov_len = line1.len,
.iov_base = line2,
.iov_len = line2.len,
var read_vecs = [_]std.os.iovec{
.iov_base = &buf2,
.iov_len = buf2.len,
.iov_base = &buf1,
.iov_len = buf1.len,
var src_file = try tmp.dir.createFile("test.txt", .{ .read = true });
defer src_file.close();
try src_file.pwritevAll(&write_vecs, 16);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u64, 16 + line1.len + line2.len), try src_file.getEndPos());
const read = try src_file.preadvAll(&read_vecs, 16);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, line1.len + line2.len), read);
try testing.expectEqualStrings(&buf1, "line2\n");
try testing.expectEqualStrings(&buf2, "line1\n");
test "access file" {
if (builtin.os.tag == .wasi) return error.SkipZigTest;
@ -1571,6 +1571,7 @@ fn parseInternal(comptime T: type, token: Token, tokens: *TokenStream, options:
return error.DuplicateJSONField;
} else if (options.duplicate_field_behavior == .UseLast) {
parseFree(field.field_type, @field(r, field.name), options);
fields_seen[i] = false;
if (field.is_comptime) {
@ -1642,6 +1643,7 @@ fn parseInternal(comptime T: type, token: Token, tokens: *TokenStream, options:
switch (ptrInfo.size) {
.One => {
const r: T = try allocator.create(ptrInfo.child);
errdefer allocator.destroy(r);
r.* = try parseInternal(ptrInfo.child, token, tokens, options);
return r;
@ -1988,6 +1990,24 @@ test "parse into struct with misc fields" {
try testing.expectEqual(T.Union{ .float = 100000 }, r.a_union);
test "parse into struct with duplicate field" {
// allow allocator to detect double frees by keeping bucket in use
const ballast = try testing.allocator.alloc(u64, 1);
defer testing.allocator.free(ballast);
const options = ParseOptions{
.allocator = testing.allocator,
.duplicate_field_behavior = .UseLast,
const str = "{ \"a\": 1, \"a\": 0.25 }";
const T1 = struct { a: *u64 };
try testing.expectError(error.UnexpectedToken, parse(T1, &TokenStream.init(str), options));
const T2 = struct { a: f64 };
try testing.expectEqual(T2{ .a = 0.25 }, try parse(T2, &TokenStream.init(str), options));
/// A non-stream JSON parser which constructs a tree of Value's.
pub const Parser = struct {
allocator: *Allocator,
@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ test "span" {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?[:0]u16, null), span(@as(?[*:0]u16, null)));
/// Deprecated: use std.mem.span() or std.mem.sliceTo()
/// Same as `span`, except when there is both a sentinel and an array
/// length or slice length, scans the memory for the sentinel value
/// rather than using the length.
@ -631,6 +632,192 @@ test "spanZ" {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?[:0]u16, null), spanZ(@as(?[*:0]u16, null)));
/// Helper for the return type of sliceTo()
fn SliceTo(comptime T: type, comptime end: meta.Elem(T)) type {
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Optional => |optional_info| {
return ?SliceTo(optional_info.child, end);
.Pointer => |ptr_info| {
var new_ptr_info = ptr_info;
new_ptr_info.size = .Slice;
switch (ptr_info.size) {
.One => switch (@typeInfo(ptr_info.child)) {
.Array => |array_info| {
new_ptr_info.child = array_info.child;
// The return type must only be sentinel terminated if we are guaranteed
// to find the value searched for, which is only the case if it matches
// the sentinel of the type passed.
if (array_info.sentinel) |sentinel| {
if (end == sentinel) {
new_ptr_info.sentinel = end;
} else {
new_ptr_info.sentinel = null;
else => {},
.Many, .Slice => {
// The return type must only be sentinel terminated if we are guaranteed
// to find the value searched for, which is only the case if it matches
// the sentinel of the type passed.
if (ptr_info.sentinel) |sentinel| {
if (end == sentinel) {
new_ptr_info.sentinel = end;
} else {
new_ptr_info.sentinel = null;
.C => {
new_ptr_info.sentinel = end;
// C pointers are always allowzero, but we don't want the return type to be.
new_ptr_info.is_allowzero = false;
return @Type(std.builtin.TypeInfo{ .Pointer = new_ptr_info });
else => {},
@compileError("invalid type given to std.mem.sliceTo: " ++ @typeName(T));
/// Takes a pointer to an array, an array, a sentinel-terminated pointer, or a slice and
/// iterates searching for the first occurrence of `end`, returning the scanned slice.
/// If `end` is not found, the full length of the array/slice/sentinel terminated pointer is returned.
/// If the pointer type is sentinel terminated and `end` matches that terminator, the
/// resulting slice is also sentinel terminated.
/// Pointer properties such as mutability and alignment are preserved.
/// C pointers are assumed to be non-null.
pub fn sliceTo(ptr: anytype, comptime end: meta.Elem(@TypeOf(ptr))) SliceTo(@TypeOf(ptr), end) {
if (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(ptr)) == .Optional) {
const non_null = ptr orelse return null;
return sliceTo(non_null, end);
const Result = SliceTo(@TypeOf(ptr), end);
const length = lenSliceTo(ptr, end);
if (@typeInfo(Result).Pointer.sentinel) |s| {
return ptr[0..length :s];
} else {
return ptr[0..length];
test "sliceTo" {
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, "aoeu", sliceTo("aoeu", 0));
var array: [5]u16 = [_]u16{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, &array, sliceTo(&array, 0));
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, array[0..3], sliceTo(array[0..3], 0));
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, array[0..2], sliceTo(&array, 3));
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, array[0..2], sliceTo(array[0..3], 3));
const sentinel_ptr = @ptrCast([*:5]u16, &array);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, array[0..2], sliceTo(sentinel_ptr, 3));
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, array[0..4], sliceTo(sentinel_ptr, 99));
const optional_sentinel_ptr = @ptrCast(?[*:5]u16, &array);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, array[0..2], sliceTo(optional_sentinel_ptr, 3).?);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, array[0..4], sliceTo(optional_sentinel_ptr, 99).?);
const c_ptr = @as([*c]u16, &array);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, array[0..2], sliceTo(c_ptr, 3));
const slice: []u16 = &array;
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, array[0..2], sliceTo(slice, 3));
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, &array, sliceTo(slice, 99));
const sentinel_slice: [:5]u16 = array[0..4 :5];
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, array[0..2], sliceTo(sentinel_slice, 3));
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, array[0..4], sliceTo(sentinel_slice, 99));
var sentinel_array: [5:0]u16 = [_:0]u16{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, sentinel_array[0..2], sliceTo(&sentinel_array, 3));
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, &sentinel_array, sliceTo(&sentinel_array, 0));
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u16, &sentinel_array, sliceTo(&sentinel_array, 99));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?[]u8, null), sliceTo(@as(?[]u8, null), 0));
/// Private helper for sliceTo(). If you want the length, use sliceTo(foo, x).len
fn lenSliceTo(ptr: anytype, comptime end: meta.Elem(@TypeOf(ptr))) usize {
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(ptr))) {
.Pointer => |ptr_info| switch (ptr_info.size) {
.One => switch (@typeInfo(ptr_info.child)) {
.Array => |array_info| {
if (array_info.sentinel) |sentinel| {
if (sentinel == end) {
return indexOfSentinel(array_info.child, end, ptr);
return indexOfScalar(array_info.child, ptr, end) orelse array_info.len;
else => {},
.Many => if (ptr_info.sentinel) |sentinel| {
// We may be looking for something other than the sentinel,
// but iterating past the sentinel would be a bug so we need
// to check for both.
var i: usize = 0;
while (ptr[i] != end and ptr[i] != sentinel) i += 1;
return i;
.C => {
assert(ptr != null);
return indexOfSentinel(ptr_info.child, end, ptr);
.Slice => {
if (ptr_info.sentinel) |sentinel| {
if (sentinel == end) {
return indexOfSentinel(ptr_info.child, sentinel, ptr);
return indexOfScalar(ptr_info.child, ptr, end) orelse ptr.len;
else => {},
@compileError("invalid type given to std.mem.sliceTo: " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(ptr)));
test "lenSliceTo" {
try testing.expect(lenSliceTo("aoeu", 0) == 4);
var array: [5]u16 = [_]u16{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 5), lenSliceTo(&array, 0));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 3), lenSliceTo(array[0..3], 0));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), lenSliceTo(&array, 3));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), lenSliceTo(array[0..3], 3));
const sentinel_ptr = @ptrCast([*:5]u16, &array);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), lenSliceTo(sentinel_ptr, 3));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 4), lenSliceTo(sentinel_ptr, 99));
const c_ptr = @as([*c]u16, &array);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), lenSliceTo(c_ptr, 3));
const slice: []u16 = &array;
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), lenSliceTo(slice, 3));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 5), lenSliceTo(slice, 99));
const sentinel_slice: [:5]u16 = array[0..4 :5];
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), lenSliceTo(sentinel_slice, 3));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 4), lenSliceTo(sentinel_slice, 99));
var sentinel_array: [5:0]u16 = [_:0]u16{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), lenSliceTo(&sentinel_array, 3));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 5), lenSliceTo(&sentinel_array, 0));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 5), lenSliceTo(&sentinel_array, 99));
/// Takes a pointer to an array, an array, a vector, a sentinel-terminated pointer,
/// a slice or a tuple, and returns the length.
/// In the case of a sentinel-terminated array, it uses the array length.
@ -689,6 +876,7 @@ test "len" {
/// Deprecated: use std.mem.len() or std.mem.sliceTo().len
/// Takes a pointer to an array, an array, a sentinel-terminated pointer,
/// or a slice, and returns the length.
/// In the case of a sentinel-terminated array, it scans the array
@ -175,13 +175,7 @@ pub fn Elem(comptime T: type) type {
.Many, .C, .Slice => return info.child,
.Optional => |info| switch (@typeInfo(info.child)) {
.Pointer => |ptr_info| switch (ptr_info.size) {
.Many => return ptr_info.child,
else => {},
else => {},
.Optional => |info| return Elem(info.child),
else => {},
@compileError("Expected pointer, slice, array or vector type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'");
@ -497,8 +497,14 @@ pub fn pread(fd: fd_t, buf: []u8, offset: u64) PReadError!usize {
const adjusted_len = math.min(max_count, buf.len);
const pread_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
const ioffset = @bitCast(i64, offset); // the OS treats this as unsigned
while (true) {
const rc = system.pread(fd, buf.ptr, adjusted_len, offset);
const rc = pread_sym(fd, buf.ptr, adjusted_len, ioffset);
switch (errno(rc)) {
0 => return @intCast(usize, rc),
EINTR => continue,
@ -567,15 +573,13 @@ pub fn ftruncate(fd: fd_t, length: u64) TruncateError!void {
while (true) {
const rc = if (builtin.link_libc)
if (std.Target.current.os.tag == .linux)
system.ftruncate64(fd, @bitCast(off_t, length))
system.ftruncate(fd, @bitCast(off_t, length))
const ftruncate_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
system.ftruncate(fd, length);
switch (errno(rc)) {
const ilen = @bitCast(i64, length); // the OS treats this as unsigned
switch (errno(ftruncate_sym(fd, ilen))) {
0 => return,
EINTR => continue,
EFBIG => return error.FileTooBig,
@ -637,8 +641,14 @@ pub fn preadv(fd: fd_t, iov: []const iovec, offset: u64) PReadError!usize {
const iov_count = math.cast(u31, iov.len) catch math.maxInt(u31);
const preadv_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
const ioffset = @bitCast(i64, offset); // the OS treats this as unsigned
while (true) {
const rc = system.preadv(fd, iov.ptr, iov_count, offset);
const rc = preadv_sym(fd, iov.ptr, iov_count, ioffset);
switch (errno(rc)) {
0 => return @bitCast(usize, rc),
EINTR => continue,
@ -895,8 +905,14 @@ pub fn pwrite(fd: fd_t, bytes: []const u8, offset: u64) PWriteError!usize {
const adjusted_len = math.min(max_count, bytes.len);
const pwrite_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
const ioffset = @bitCast(i64, offset); // the OS treats this as unsigned
while (true) {
const rc = system.pwrite(fd, bytes.ptr, adjusted_len, offset);
const rc = pwrite_sym(fd, bytes.ptr, adjusted_len, ioffset);
switch (errno(rc)) {
0 => return @intCast(usize, rc),
EINTR => continue,
@ -977,9 +993,15 @@ pub fn pwritev(fd: fd_t, iov: []const iovec_const, offset: u64) PWriteError!usiz
const pwritev_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
const iov_count = math.cast(u31, iov.len) catch math.maxInt(u31);
const ioffset = @bitCast(i64, offset); // the OS treats this as unsigned
while (true) {
const rc = system.pwritev(fd, iov.ptr, iov_count, offset);
const rc = pwritev_sym(fd, iov.ptr, iov_count, ioffset);
switch (errno(rc)) {
0 => return @intCast(usize, rc),
EINTR => continue,
@ -1068,8 +1090,14 @@ pub fn openZ(file_path: [*:0]const u8, flags: u32, perm: mode_t) OpenError!fd_t
const file_path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(file_path);
return openW(file_path_w.span(), flags, perm);
const open_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
while (true) {
const rc = system.open(file_path, flags, perm);
const rc = open_sym(file_path, flags, perm);
switch (errno(rc)) {
0 => return @intCast(fd_t, rc),
EINTR => continue,
@ -1202,8 +1230,14 @@ pub fn openatZ(dir_fd: fd_t, file_path: [*:0]const u8, flags: u32, mode: mode_t)
const file_path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(file_path);
return openatW(dir_fd, file_path_w.span(), flags, mode);
const openat_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
while (true) {
const rc = system.openat(dir_fd, file_path, flags, mode);
const rc = openat_sym(dir_fd, file_path, flags, mode);
switch (errno(rc)) {
0 => return @intCast(fd_t, rc),
EINTR => continue,
@ -2758,9 +2792,9 @@ pub const ShutdownHow = enum { recv, send, both };
pub fn shutdown(sock: socket_t, how: ShutdownHow) ShutdownError!void {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const result = windows.ws2_32.shutdown(sock, switch (how) {
.recv => windows.SD_RECEIVE,
.send => windows.SD_SEND,
.both => windows.SD_BOTH,
.recv => windows.ws2_32.SD_RECEIVE,
.send => windows.ws2_32.SD_SEND,
.both => windows.ws2_32.SD_BOTH,
if (0 != result) switch (windows.ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSAECONNABORTED => return error.ConnectionAborted,
@ -3217,6 +3251,35 @@ pub fn getsockname(sock: socket_t, addr: *sockaddr, addrlen: *socklen_t) GetSock
pub fn getpeername(sock: socket_t, addr: *sockaddr, addrlen: *socklen_t) GetSockNameError!void {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const rc = windows.getpeername(sock, addr, addrlen);
if (rc == windows.ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
switch (windows.ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSANOTINITIALISED => unreachable,
.WSAENETDOWN => return error.NetworkSubsystemFailed,
.WSAEFAULT => unreachable, // addr or addrlen have invalid pointers or addrlen points to an incorrect value
.WSAENOTSOCK => return error.FileDescriptorNotASocket,
.WSAEINVAL => return error.SocketNotBound,
else => |err| return windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
} else {
const rc = system.getpeername(sock, addr, addrlen);
switch (errno(rc)) {
0 => return,
else => |err| return unexpectedErrno(err),
EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition
EFAULT => unreachable,
EINVAL => unreachable, // invalid parameters
ENOTSOCK => return error.FileDescriptorNotASocket,
ENOBUFS => return error.SystemResources,
pub const ConnectError = error{
/// For UNIX domain sockets, which are identified by pathname: Write permission is denied on the socket
/// file, or search permission is denied for one of the directories in the path prefix.
@ -3408,8 +3471,13 @@ pub fn fstat(fd: fd_t) FStatError!Stat {
@compileError("fstat is not yet implemented on Windows");
var stat: Stat = undefined;
switch (errno(system.fstat(fd, &stat))) {
const fstat_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
var stat = mem.zeroes(Stat);
switch (errno(fstat_sym(fd, &stat))) {
0 => return stat,
EINVAL => unreachable,
EBADF => unreachable, // Always a race condition.
@ -3459,8 +3527,13 @@ pub fn fstatatWasi(dirfd: fd_t, pathname: []const u8, flags: u32) FStatAtError!S
/// Same as `fstatat` but `pathname` is null-terminated.
/// See also `fstatat`.
pub fn fstatatZ(dirfd: fd_t, pathname: [*:0]const u8, flags: u32) FStatAtError!Stat {
var stat: Stat = undefined;
switch (errno(system.fstatat(dirfd, pathname, &stat, flags))) {
const fstatat_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
var stat = mem.zeroes(Stat);
switch (errno(fstatat_sym(dirfd, pathname, &stat, flags))) {
0 => return stat,
EINVAL => unreachable,
EBADF => unreachable, // Always a race condition.
@ -3672,12 +3745,17 @@ pub fn mmap(
fd: fd_t,
offset: u64,
) MMapError![]align(mem.page_size) u8 {
const mmap_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
const ioffset = @bitCast(i64, offset); // the OS treats this as unsigned
const rc = mmap_sym(ptr, length, prot, flags, fd, ioffset);
const err = if (builtin.link_libc) blk: {
const rc = std.c.mmap(ptr, length, prot, flags, fd, offset);
if (rc != std.c.MAP_FAILED) return @ptrCast([*]align(mem.page_size) u8, @alignCast(mem.page_size, rc))[0..length];
break :blk system._errno().*;
} else blk: {
const rc = system.mmap(ptr, length, prot, flags, fd, offset);
const err = errno(rc);
if (err == 0) return @intToPtr([*]align(mem.page_size) u8, rc)[0..length];
break :blk err;
@ -4027,8 +4105,14 @@ pub fn lseek_SET(fd: fd_t, offset: u64) SeekError!void {
else => |err| return unexpectedErrno(err),
const ipos = @bitCast(i64, offset); // the OS treats this as unsigned
switch (errno(system.lseek(fd, ipos, SEEK_SET))) {
const lseek_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
const ioffset = @bitCast(i64, offset); // the OS treats this as unsigned
switch (errno(lseek_sym(fd, ioffset, SEEK_SET))) {
0 => return,
EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition
EINVAL => return error.Unseekable,
@ -4069,7 +4153,13 @@ pub fn lseek_CUR(fd: fd_t, offset: i64) SeekError!void {
else => |err| return unexpectedErrno(err),
switch (errno(system.lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_CUR))) {
const lseek_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
const ioffset = @bitCast(i64, offset); // the OS treats this as unsigned
switch (errno(lseek_sym(fd, ioffset, SEEK_CUR))) {
0 => return,
EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition
EINVAL => return error.Unseekable,
@ -4110,7 +4200,13 @@ pub fn lseek_END(fd: fd_t, offset: i64) SeekError!void {
else => |err| return unexpectedErrno(err),
switch (errno(system.lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_END))) {
const lseek_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
const ioffset = @bitCast(i64, offset); // the OS treats this as unsigned
switch (errno(lseek_sym(fd, ioffset, SEEK_END))) {
0 => return,
EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition
EINVAL => return error.Unseekable,
@ -4151,7 +4247,12 @@ pub fn lseek_CUR_get(fd: fd_t) SeekError!u64 {
else => |err| return unexpectedErrno(err),
const rc = system.lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
const lseek_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
const rc = lseek_sym(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
switch (errno(rc)) {
0 => return @bitCast(u64, rc),
EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition
@ -5169,9 +5270,14 @@ pub fn sendfile(
// Here we match BSD behavior, making a zero count value send as many bytes as possible.
const adjusted_count = if (in_len == 0) max_count else math.min(in_len, @as(size_t, max_count));
const sendfile_sym = if (builtin.link_libc)
while (true) {
var offset: off_t = @bitCast(off_t, in_offset);
const rc = system.sendfile(out_fd, in_fd, &offset, adjusted_count);
const rc = sendfile_sym(out_fd, in_fd, &offset, adjusted_count);
switch (errno(rc)) {
0 => {
const amt = @bitCast(usize, rc);
@ -5722,7 +5828,7 @@ pub const SetSockOptError = error{
/// Set a socket's options.
pub fn setsockopt(fd: socket_t, level: u32, optname: u32, opt: []const u8) SetSockOptError!void {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const rc = windows.ws2_32.setsockopt(fd, level, optname, opt.ptr, @intCast(socklen_t, opt.len));
const rc = windows.ws2_32.setsockopt(fd, @intCast(i32, level), @intCast(i32, optname), opt.ptr, @intCast(i32, opt.len));
if (rc == windows.ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
switch (windows.ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSANOTINITIALISED => unreachable,
@ -5989,9 +6095,13 @@ pub fn prctl(option: PR, args: anytype) PrctlError!u31 {
pub const GetrlimitError = UnexpectedError;
pub fn getrlimit(resource: rlimit_resource) GetrlimitError!rlimit {
const getrlimit_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
var limits: rlimit = undefined;
const rc = system.getrlimit(resource, &limits);
switch (errno(rc)) {
switch (errno(getrlimit_sym(resource, &limits))) {
0 => return limits,
EFAULT => unreachable, // bogus pointer
EINVAL => unreachable,
@ -6002,8 +6112,12 @@ pub fn getrlimit(resource: rlimit_resource) GetrlimitError!rlimit {
pub const SetrlimitError = error{PermissionDenied} || UnexpectedError;
pub fn setrlimit(resource: rlimit_resource, limits: rlimit) SetrlimitError!void {
const rc = system.setrlimit(resource, &limits);
switch (errno(rc)) {
const setrlimit_sym = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux and builtin.link_libc)
switch (errno(setrlimit_sym(resource, &limits))) {
0 => return,
EFAULT => unreachable, // bogus pointer
EINVAL => unreachable,
@ -23,6 +23,13 @@ pub const sockaddr = extern struct {
family: sa_family_t,
data: [14]u8,
pub const sockaddr_storage = extern struct {
len: u8,
family: sa_family_t,
__pad1: [5]u8,
__align: i64,
__pad2: [112]u8,
pub const sockaddr_in = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(sockaddr_in),
family: sa_family_t = AF_INET,
@ -1744,3 +1751,38 @@ pub const IOCPARM_MASK = 0x1fff;
fn ior(inout: u32, group: usize, num: usize, len: usize) usize {
return (inout | ((len & IOCPARM_MASK) << 16) | ((group) << 8) | (num));
// CPU families mapping
pub const CPUFAMILY = enum(u32) {
POWERPC_G3 = 0xcee41549,
POWERPC_G4 = 0x77c184ae,
POWERPC_G5 = 0xed76d8aa,
INTEL_6_13 = 0xaa33392b,
INTEL_PENRYN = 0x78ea4fbc,
INTEL_NEHALEM = 0x6b5a4cd2,
INTEL_WESTMERE = 0x573b5eec,
INTEL_IVYBRIDGE = 0x1f65e835,
INTEL_HASWELL = 0x10b282dc,
INTEL_BROADWELL = 0x582ed09c,
INTEL_SKYLAKE = 0x37fc219f,
INTEL_KABYLAKE = 0x0f817246,
ARM_9 = 0xe73283ae,
ARM_11 = 0x8ff620d8,
ARM_XSCALE = 0x53b005f5,
ARM_12 = 0xbd1b0ae9,
ARM_13 = 0x0cc90e64,
ARM_14 = 0x96077ef1,
ARM_15 = 0xa8511bca,
ARM_SWIFT = 0x1e2d6381,
ARM_CYCLONE = 0x37a09642,
ARM_TYPHOON = 0x2c91a47e,
ARM_TWISTER = 0x92fb37c8,
ARM_HURRICANE = 0x67ceee93,
ARM_VORTEX_TEMPEST = 0x07d34b9f,
@ -380,6 +380,14 @@ pub const sockaddr = extern struct {
sa_data: [14]u8,
pub const sockaddr_storage = extern struct {
len: u8,
family: sa_family_t,
__pad1: [5]u8,
__align: i64,
__pad2: [112]u8,
pub const Kevent = extern struct {
ident: usize,
filter: c_short,
@ -640,7 +648,7 @@ pub const socklen_t = c_uint;
pub const sockaddr_storage = extern struct {
ss_len: u8,
ss_family: sa_family_t,
__ss_pad1: [6]u8,
__ss_pad1: [5]u8,
__ss_align: i64,
__ss_pad2: [112]u8,
@ -206,6 +206,14 @@ pub const sockaddr = extern struct {
data: [14]u8,
pub const sockaddr_storage = extern struct {
len: u8,
family: sa_family_t,
__pad1: [5]u8,
__align: i64,
__pad2: [112]u8,
pub const sockaddr_in = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(sockaddr_in),
family: sa_family_t = AF_INET,
@ -239,6 +239,14 @@ pub const sockaddr = extern struct {
data: [14]u8,
pub const sockaddr_storage = extern struct {
len: u8,
family: sa_family_t,
__pad1: [5]u8,
__align: i64,
__pad2: [112]u8,
pub const sockaddr_in = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(sockaddr_in),
family: sa_family_t = AF_INET,
@ -1149,6 +1149,13 @@ pub const sockaddr = extern struct {
data: [14]u8,
pub const sockaddr_storage = extern struct {
family: sa_family_t,
__pad1: [6]u8,
__align: i64,
__pad2: [112]u8,
/// IPv4 socket address
pub const sockaddr_in = extern struct {
family: sa_family_t = AF_INET,
@ -226,6 +226,14 @@ pub const sockaddr = extern struct {
data: [14]u8,
pub const sockaddr_storage = extern struct {
len: u8,
family: sa_family_t,
__pad1: [5]u8,
__align: i64,
__pad2: [112]u8,
pub const sockaddr_in = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(sockaddr_in),
family: sa_family_t = AF_INET,
@ -246,6 +246,14 @@ pub const sockaddr = extern struct {
data: [14]u8,
pub const sockaddr_storage = extern struct {
len: u8,
family: sa_family_t,
__pad1: [5]u8,
__align: i64,
__pad2: [112]u8,
pub const sockaddr_in = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(sockaddr_in),
family: sa_family_t = AF_INET,
@ -290,15 +298,6 @@ pub const AI_NUMERICSERV = 16;
/// only if any address is assigned
pub const AI_ADDRCONFIG = 64;
pub const CTL_KERN = 1;
pub const CTL_DEBUG = 5;
pub const CTL_HW = 6;
pub const KERN_PROC_ARGS = 55;
pub const KERN_PROC_ARGV = 1;
pub const HW_NCPUONLINE = 25;
pub const PATH_MAX = 1024;
pub const STDIN_FILENO = 0;
@ -1229,3 +1228,144 @@ pub const POLLNORM = POLLRDNORM;
pub const POLLRDBAND = 0x0080;
pub const POLLWRBAND = 0x0100;
// sysctl mib
pub const CTL_UNSPEC = 0;
pub const CTL_KERN = 1;
pub const CTL_VM = 2;
pub const CTL_FS = 3;
pub const CTL_NET = 4;
pub const CTL_DEBUG = 5;
pub const CTL_HW = 6;
pub const CTL_MACHDEP = 7;
pub const CTL_DDB = 9;
pub const CTL_VFS = 10;
pub const KERN_OSTYPE = 1;
pub const KERN_OSRELEASE = 2;
pub const KERN_OSREV = 3;
pub const KERN_VERSION = 4;
pub const KERN_MAXVNODES = 5;
pub const KERN_MAXPROC = 6;
pub const KERN_MAXFILES = 7;
pub const KERN_ARGMAX = 8;
pub const KERN_SECURELVL = 9;
pub const KERN_HOSTNAME = 10;
pub const KERN_HOSTID = 11;
pub const KERN_CLOCKRATE = 12;
pub const KERN_PROF = 16;
pub const KERN_POSIX1 = 17;
pub const KERN_NGROUPS = 18;
pub const KERN_JOB_CONTROL = 19;
pub const KERN_SAVED_IDS = 20;
pub const KERN_BOOTTIME = 21;
pub const KERN_DOMAINNAME = 22;
pub const KERN_MAXPARTITIONS = 23;
pub const KERN_RAWPARTITION = 24;
pub const KERN_MAXTHREAD = 25;
pub const KERN_NTHREADS = 26;
pub const KERN_OSVERSION = 27;
pub const KERN_SOMAXCONN = 28;
pub const KERN_SOMINCONN = 29;
pub const KERN_FSYNC = 33;
pub const KERN_SYSVMSG = 34;
pub const KERN_SYSVSEM = 35;
pub const KERN_SYSVSHM = 36;
pub const KERN_MSGBUFSIZE = 38;
pub const KERN_MALLOCSTATS = 39;
pub const KERN_CPTIME = 40;
pub const KERN_NCHSTATS = 41;
pub const KERN_FORKSTAT = 42;
pub const KERN_NSELCOLL = 43;
pub const KERN_TTY = 44;
pub const KERN_CCPU = 45;
pub const KERN_FSCALE = 46;
pub const KERN_NPROCS = 47;
pub const KERN_MSGBUF = 48;
pub const KERN_POOL = 49;
pub const KERN_SYSVIPC_INFO = 51;
pub const KERN_ALLOWKMEM = 52;
pub const KERN_WITNESSWATCH = 53;
pub const KERN_SPLASSERT = 54;
pub const KERN_PROC_ARGS = 55;
pub const KERN_NFILES = 56;
pub const KERN_TTYCOUNT = 57;
pub const KERN_NUMVNODES = 58;
pub const KERN_MBSTAT = 59;
pub const KERN_WITNESS = 60;
pub const KERN_SEMINFO = 61;
pub const KERN_SHMINFO = 62;
pub const KERN_INTRCNT = 63;
pub const KERN_WATCHDOG = 64;
pub const KERN_ALLOWDT = 65;
pub const KERN_PROC = 66;
pub const KERN_MAXCLUSTERS = 67;
pub const KERN_EVCOUNT = 68;
pub const KERN_TIMECOUNTER = 69;
pub const KERN_CPTIME2 = 71;
pub const KERN_CACHEPCT = 72;
pub const KERN_FILE = 73;
pub const KERN_WXABORT = 74;
pub const KERN_CONSDEV = 75;
pub const KERN_NETLIVELOCKS = 76;
pub const KERN_POOL_DEBUG = 77;
pub const KERN_PROC_CWD = 78;
pub const KERN_PROC_VMMAP = 80;
pub const KERN_GLOBAL_PTRACE = 81;
pub const KERN_CONSBUFSIZE = 82;
pub const KERN_CONSBUF = 83;
pub const KERN_AUDIO = 84;
pub const KERN_CPUSTATS = 85;
pub const KERN_PFSTATUS = 86;
pub const KERN_TIMEOUT_STATS = 87;
pub const KERN_UTC_OFFSET = 88;
pub const KERN_VIDEO = 89;
pub const HW_MACHINE = 1;
pub const HW_MODEL = 2;
pub const HW_NCPU = 3;
pub const HW_BYTEORDER = 4;
pub const HW_PHYSMEM = 5;
pub const HW_USERMEM = 6;
pub const HW_PAGESIZE = 7;
pub const HW_DISKNAMES = 8;
pub const HW_DISKSTATS = 9;
pub const HW_DISKCOUNT = 10;
pub const HW_SENSORS = 11;
pub const HW_CPUSPEED = 12;
pub const HW_SETPERF = 13;
pub const HW_VENDOR = 14;
pub const HW_PRODUCT = 15;
pub const HW_VERSION = 16;
pub const HW_SERIALNO = 17;
pub const HW_UUID = 18;
pub const HW_PHYSMEM64 = 19;
pub const HW_USERMEM64 = 20;
pub const HW_NCPUFOUND = 21;
pub const HW_ALLOWPOWERDOWN = 22;
pub const HW_PERFPOLICY = 23;
pub const HW_SMT = 24;
pub const HW_NCPUONLINE = 25;
pub const KERN_PROC_ALL = 0;
pub const KERN_PROC_PID = 1;
pub const KERN_PROC_PGRP = 2;
pub const KERN_PROC_SESSION = 3;
pub const KERN_PROC_TTY = 4;
pub const KERN_PROC_UID = 5;
pub const KERN_PROC_RUID = 6;
pub const KERN_PROC_KTHREAD = 7;
pub const KERN_PROC_SHOW_THREADS = 0x40000000;
pub const KERN_PROC_ARGV = 1;
pub const KERN_PROC_NARGV = 2;
pub const KERN_PROC_ENV = 3;
pub const KERN_PROC_NENV = 4;
@ -321,3 +321,5 @@ pub const O_NOATIME = 0o1000000;
pub const O_PATH = 0o10000000;
pub const O_TMPFILE = 0o20200000;
pub const O_NDELAY = O_NONBLOCK;
pub const IFNAMESIZE = 30;
@ -60,15 +60,30 @@ const require_aligned_register_pair =
// Split a 64bit value into a {LSB,MSB} pair.
fn splitValue64(val: u64) [2]u32 {
// The LE/BE variants specify the endianness to assume.
fn splitValueLE64(val: i64) [2]u32 {
const u = @bitCast(u64, val);
return [2]u32{
@truncate(u32, u),
@truncate(u32, u >> 32),
fn splitValueBE64(val: i64) [2]u32 {
return [2]u32{
@truncate(u32, u >> 32),
@truncate(u32, u),
fn splitValue64(val: i64) [2]u32 {
const u = @bitCast(u64, val);
switch (native_endian) {
.Little => return [2]u32{
@truncate(u32, val),
@truncate(u32, val >> 32),
@truncate(u32, u),
@truncate(u32, u >> 32),
.Big => return [2]u32{
@truncate(u32, val >> 32),
@truncate(u32, val),
@truncate(u32, u >> 32),
@truncate(u32, u),
@ -142,8 +157,8 @@ pub fn utimensat(dirfd: i32, path: ?[*:0]const u8, times: *const [2]timespec, fl
return syscall4(.utimensat, @bitCast(usize, @as(isize, dirfd)), @ptrToInt(path), @ptrToInt(times), flags);
pub fn fallocate(fd: i32, mode: i32, offset: u64, length: u64) usize {
if (@sizeOf(usize) == 4) {
pub fn fallocate(fd: i32, mode: i32, offset: i64, length: i64) usize {
if (usize_bits < 64) {
const offset_halves = splitValue64(offset);
const length_halves = splitValue64(length);
return syscall6(
@ -160,8 +175,8 @@ pub fn fallocate(fd: i32, mode: i32, offset: u64, length: u64) usize {
@bitCast(usize, @as(isize, fd)),
@bitCast(usize, @as(isize, mode)),
@bitCast(u64, offset),
@bitCast(u64, length),
@ -244,7 +259,7 @@ pub fn umount2(special: [*:0]const u8, flags: u32) usize {
return syscall2(.umount2, @ptrToInt(special), flags);
pub fn mmap(address: ?[*]u8, length: usize, prot: usize, flags: u32, fd: i32, offset: u64) usize {
pub fn mmap(address: ?[*]u8, length: usize, prot: usize, flags: u32, fd: i32, offset: i64) usize {
if (@hasField(SYS, "mmap2")) {
// Make sure the offset is also specified in multiples of page size
if ((offset & (MMAP2_UNIT - 1)) != 0)
@ -257,7 +272,7 @@ pub fn mmap(address: ?[*]u8, length: usize, prot: usize, flags: u32, fd: i32, of
@bitCast(usize, @as(isize, fd)),
@truncate(usize, offset / MMAP2_UNIT),
@truncate(usize, @bitCast(u64, offset) / MMAP2_UNIT),
} else {
return syscall6(
@ -267,7 +282,7 @@ pub fn mmap(address: ?[*]u8, length: usize, prot: usize, flags: u32, fd: i32, of
@bitCast(usize, @as(isize, fd)),
@bitCast(u64, offset),
@ -309,8 +324,8 @@ pub fn read(fd: i32, buf: [*]u8, count: usize) usize {
return syscall3(.read, @bitCast(usize, @as(isize, fd)), @ptrToInt(buf), count);
pub fn preadv(fd: i32, iov: [*]const iovec, count: usize, offset: u64) usize {
const offset_halves = splitValue64(offset);
pub fn preadv(fd: i32, iov: [*]const iovec, count: usize, offset: i64) usize {
const offset_halves = splitValueLE64(offset);
return syscall5(
@bitCast(usize, @as(isize, fd)),
@ -321,7 +336,7 @@ pub fn preadv(fd: i32, iov: [*]const iovec, count: usize, offset: u64) usize {
pub fn preadv2(fd: i32, iov: [*]const iovec, count: usize, offset: u64, flags: kernel_rwf) usize {
pub fn preadv2(fd: i32, iov: [*]const iovec, count: usize, offset: i64, flags: kernel_rwf) usize {
const offset_halves = splitValue64(offset);
return syscall6(
@ -342,8 +357,8 @@ pub fn writev(fd: i32, iov: [*]const iovec_const, count: usize) usize {
return syscall3(.writev, @bitCast(usize, @as(isize, fd)), @ptrToInt(iov), count);
pub fn pwritev(fd: i32, iov: [*]const iovec_const, count: usize, offset: u64) usize {
const offset_halves = splitValue64(offset);
pub fn pwritev(fd: i32, iov: [*]const iovec_const, count: usize, offset: i64) usize {
const offset_halves = splitValueLE64(offset);
return syscall5(
@bitCast(usize, @as(isize, fd)),
@ -354,7 +369,7 @@ pub fn pwritev(fd: i32, iov: [*]const iovec_const, count: usize, offset: u64) us
pub fn pwritev2(fd: i32, iov: [*]const iovec_const, count: usize, offset: u64, flags: kernel_rwf) usize {
pub fn pwritev2(fd: i32, iov: [*]const iovec_const, count: usize, offset: i64, flags: kernel_rwf) usize {
const offset_halves = splitValue64(offset);
return syscall6(
@ -387,7 +402,7 @@ pub fn symlinkat(existing: [*:0]const u8, newfd: i32, newpath: [*:0]const u8) us
return syscall3(.symlinkat, @ptrToInt(existing), @bitCast(usize, @as(isize, newfd)), @ptrToInt(newpath));
pub fn pread(fd: i32, buf: [*]u8, count: usize, offset: u64) usize {
pub fn pread(fd: i32, buf: [*]u8, count: usize, offset: i64) usize {
if (@hasField(SYS, "pread64") and usize_bits < 64) {
const offset_halves = splitValue64(offset);
if (require_aligned_register_pair) {
@ -418,7 +433,7 @@ pub fn pread(fd: i32, buf: [*]u8, count: usize, offset: u64) usize {
@bitCast(usize, @as(isize, fd)),
@bitCast(u64, offset),
@ -453,7 +468,7 @@ pub fn write(fd: i32, buf: [*]const u8, count: usize) usize {
return syscall3(.write, @bitCast(usize, @as(isize, fd)), @ptrToInt(buf), count);
pub fn ftruncate(fd: i32, length: u64) usize {
pub fn ftruncate(fd: i32, length: i64) usize {
if (@hasField(SYS, "ftruncate64") and usize_bits < 64) {
const length_halves = splitValue64(length);
if (require_aligned_register_pair) {
@ -476,12 +491,12 @@ pub fn ftruncate(fd: i32, length: u64) usize {
return syscall2(
@bitCast(usize, @as(isize, fd)),
@truncate(usize, length),
@bitCast(usize, length),
pub fn pwrite(fd: i32, buf: [*]const u8, count: usize, offset: u64) usize {
pub fn pwrite(fd: i32, buf: [*]const u8, count: usize, offset: i64) usize {
if (@hasField(SYS, "pwrite64") and usize_bits < 64) {
const offset_halves = splitValue64(offset);
@ -513,7 +528,7 @@ pub fn pwrite(fd: i32, buf: [*]const u8, count: usize, offset: u64) usize {
@bitCast(usize, @as(isize, fd)),
@bitCast(u64, offset),
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ test "fallocate" {
try expect((try file.stat()).size == 0);
const len: u64 = 65536;
const len: i64 = 65536;
switch (linux.getErrno(linux.fallocate(file.handle, 0, 0, len))) {
0 => {},
linux.ENOSYS => return error.SkipZigTest,
@ -263,10 +263,6 @@ test "linkat with different directories" {
test "fstatat" {
// enable when `fstat` and `fstatat` are implemented on Windows
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.os.tag == .freebsd and builtin.mode == .ReleaseFast) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/8538
return error.SkipZigTest;
var tmp = tmpDir(.{});
defer tmp.cleanup();
@ -389,6 +389,43 @@ pub fn GetQueuedCompletionStatus(
return GetQueuedCompletionStatusResult.Normal;
pub const GetQueuedCompletionStatusError = error{
} || std.os.UnexpectedError;
pub fn GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx(
completion_port: HANDLE,
completion_port_entries: []OVERLAPPED_ENTRY,
timeout_ms: ?DWORD,
alertable: bool,
) GetQueuedCompletionStatusError!u32 {
var num_entries_removed: u32 = 0;
const success = kernel32.GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx(
@intCast(ULONG, completion_port_entries.len),
timeout_ms orelse INFINITE,
if (success == FALSE) {
return switch (kernel32.GetLastError()) {
.ABANDONED_WAIT_0 => error.Aborted,
.OPERATION_ABORTED => error.Cancelled,
.HANDLE_EOF => error.EOF,
.IMEOUT => error.Timeout,
else => |err| unexpectedError(err),
return num_entries_removed;
pub fn CloseHandle(hObject: HANDLE) void {
assert(ntdll.NtClose(hObject) == .SUCCESS);
@ -1291,6 +1328,10 @@ pub fn getsockname(s: ws2_32.SOCKET, name: *ws2_32.sockaddr, namelen: *ws2_32.so
return ws2_32.getsockname(s, name, @ptrCast(*i32, namelen));
pub fn getpeername(s: ws2_32.SOCKET, name: *ws2_32.sockaddr, namelen: *ws2_32.socklen_t) i32 {
return ws2_32.getpeername(s, name, @ptrCast(*i32, namelen));
pub fn sendmsg(
s: ws2_32.SOCKET,
msg: *const ws2_32.WSAMSG,
@ -1404,6 +1445,28 @@ pub fn SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, wAttributes: WORD) SetCon
pub fn SetConsoleCtrlHandler(handler_routine: ?HANDLER_ROUTINE, add: bool) !void {
const success = kernel32.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(
if (add) TRUE else FALSE,
if (success == FALSE) {
return switch (kernel32.GetLastError()) {
else => |err| unexpectedError(err),
pub fn SetFileCompletionNotificationModes(handle: HANDLE, flags: UCHAR) !void {
const success = kernel32.SetFileCompletionNotificationModes(handle, flags);
if (success == FALSE) {
return switch (kernel32.GetLastError()) {
else => |err| unexpectedError(err),
pub const GetEnvironmentStringsError = error{OutOfMemory};
pub fn GetEnvironmentStringsW() GetEnvironmentStringsError![*:0]u16 {
@ -1686,6 +1749,38 @@ fn MAKELANGID(p: c_ushort, s: c_ushort) callconv(.Inline) LANGID {
return (s << 10) | p;
/// Loads a Winsock extension function in runtime specified by a GUID.
pub fn loadWinsockExtensionFunction(comptime T: type, sock: ws2_32.SOCKET, guid: GUID) !T {
var function: T = undefined;
var num_bytes: DWORD = undefined;
const rc = ws2_32.WSAIoctl(
@ptrCast(*const c_void, &guid),
if (rc == ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
return switch (ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSAEOPNOTSUPP => error.OperationNotSupported,
.WSAENOTSOCK => error.FileDescriptorNotASocket,
else => |err| unexpectedWSAError(err),
if (num_bytes != @sizeOf(T)) {
return error.ShortRead;
return function;
/// Call this when you made a windows DLL call or something that does SetLastError
/// and you get an unexpected error.
pub fn unexpectedError(err: Win32Error) std.os.UnexpectedError {
@ -1619,10 +1619,6 @@ pub const MOUNTMGR_MOUNT_POINTS = extern struct {
pub const SD_RECEIVE = 0;
pub const SD_SEND = 1;
pub const SD_BOTH = 2;
pub const OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS = enum(c_int) {
ObjectBasicInformation = 0,
ObjectNameInformation = 1,
@ -1642,3 +1638,14 @@ pub const SRWLOCK = usize;
pub const SRWLOCK_INIT: SRWLOCK = 0;
pub const CONDITION_VARIABLE = usize;
pub const CTRL_C_EVENT: DWORD = 0;
pub const CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: DWORD = 1;
pub const CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT: DWORD = 2;
pub const HANDLER_ROUTINE = fn (dwCtrlType: DWORD) callconv(.C) BOOL;
@ -140,6 +140,14 @@ pub extern "kernel32" fn GetOverlappedResult(hFile: HANDLE, lpOverlapped: *OVERL
pub extern "kernel32" fn GetProcessHeap() callconv(WINAPI) ?HANDLE;
pub extern "kernel32" fn GetQueuedCompletionStatus(CompletionPort: HANDLE, lpNumberOfBytesTransferred: LPDWORD, lpCompletionKey: *ULONG_PTR, lpOverlapped: *?*OVERLAPPED, dwMilliseconds: DWORD) callconv(WINAPI) BOOL;
pub extern "kernel32" fn GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx(
CompletionPort: HANDLE,
lpCompletionPortEntries: [*]OVERLAPPED_ENTRY,
ulCount: ULONG,
ulNumEntriesRemoved: *ULONG,
dwMilliseconds: DWORD,
fAlertable: BOOL,
) callconv(WINAPI) BOOL;
pub extern "kernel32" fn GetSystemInfo(lpSystemInfo: *SYSTEM_INFO) callconv(WINAPI) void;
pub extern "kernel32" fn GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(*FILETIME) callconv(WINAPI) void;
@ -197,6 +205,16 @@ pub extern "kernel32" fn RemoveDirectoryW(lpPathName: [*:0]const u16) callconv(W
pub extern "kernel32" fn SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, wAttributes: WORD) callconv(WINAPI) BOOL;
pub extern "kernel32" fn SetConsoleCtrlHandler(
HandlerRoutine: ?HANDLER_ROUTINE,
Add: BOOL,
) callconv(WINAPI) BOOL;
pub extern "kernel32" fn SetFileCompletionNotificationModes(
FileHandle: HANDLE,
Flags: UCHAR,
) callconv(WINAPI) BOOL;
pub extern "kernel32" fn SetFilePointerEx(
in_fFile: HANDLE,
in_liDistanceToMove: LARGE_INTEGER,
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -387,17 +387,6 @@ pub fn PriorityDequeue(comptime T: type) type {
self.len = new_len;
/// Reduce length to `new_len`.
pub fn shrinkRetainingCapacity(self: *Self, new_len: usize) void {
assert(new_len <= self.items.len);
// Cannot shrink to smaller than the current queue size without invalidating the heap property
assert(new_len >= self.len);
self.len = new_len;
pub fn update(self: *Self, elem: T, new_elem: T) !void {
@ -836,7 +825,7 @@ test "std.PriorityDequeue: iterator while empty" {
try expectEqual(it.next(), null);
test "std.PriorityDequeue: shrinkRetainingCapacity and shrinkAndFree" {
test "std.PriorityDequeue: shrinkAndFree" {
var queue = PDQ.init(testing.allocator, lessThanComparison);
defer queue.deinit();
@ -849,10 +838,6 @@ test "std.PriorityDequeue: shrinkRetainingCapacity and shrinkAndFree" {
try expect(queue.capacity() >= 4);
try expectEqual(@as(usize, 3), queue.len);
try expect(queue.capacity() >= 4);
try expectEqual(@as(usize, 3), queue.len);
try expectEqual(@as(usize, 3), queue.capacity());
try expectEqual(@as(usize, 3), queue.len);
@ -203,17 +203,6 @@ pub fn PriorityQueue(comptime T: type) type {
self.len = new_len;
/// Reduce length to `new_len`.
pub fn shrinkRetainingCapacity(self: *Self, new_len: usize) void {
assert(new_len <= self.items.len);
// Cannot shrink to smaller than the current queue size without invalidating the heap property
assert(new_len >= self.len);
self.len = new_len;
pub fn update(self: *Self, elem: T, new_elem: T) !void {
@ -495,7 +484,7 @@ test "std.PriorityQueue: iterator while empty" {
try expectEqual(it.next(), null);
test "std.PriorityQueue: shrinkRetainingCapacity and shrinkAndFree" {
test "std.PriorityQueue: shrinkAndFree" {
var queue = PQ.init(testing.allocator, lessThan);
defer queue.deinit();
@ -508,10 +497,6 @@ test "std.PriorityQueue: shrinkRetainingCapacity and shrinkAndFree" {
try expect(queue.capacity() >= 4);
try expectEqual(@as(usize, 3), queue.len);
try expect(queue.capacity() >= 4);
try expectEqual(@as(usize, 3), queue.len);
try expectEqual(@as(usize, 3), queue.capacity());
try expectEqual(@as(usize, 3), queue.len);
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ export fn memmove(dest: ?[*]u8, src: ?[*]const u8, n: usize) callconv(.C) ?[*]u8
return dest;
export fn memcmp(vl: ?[*]const u8, vr: ?[*]const u8, n: usize) callconv(.C) isize {
export fn memcmp(vl: ?[*]const u8, vr: ?[*]const u8, n: usize) callconv(.C) c_int {
var index: usize = 0;
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ test "memcmp" {
try std.testing.expect(memcmp(base_arr[0..], arr3[0..], base_arr.len) < 0);
export fn bcmp(vl: [*]allowzero const u8, vr: [*]allowzero const u8, n: usize) callconv(.C) isize {
export fn bcmp(vl: [*]allowzero const u8, vr: [*]allowzero const u8, n: usize) callconv(.C) c_int {
var index: usize = 0;
@ -14,12 +14,15 @@ var log_err_count: usize = 0;
var args_buffer: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES + std.mem.page_size]u8 = undefined;
var args_allocator = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&args_buffer);
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
fn processArgs() void {
const args = std.process.argsAlloc(&args_allocator.allocator) catch {
@panic("Too many bytes passed over the CLI to the test runner");
std.testing.zig_exe_path = args[1];
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
const test_fn_list = builtin.test_functions;
var ok_count: usize = 0;
var skip_count: usize = 0;
@ -84,6 +87,9 @@ pub fn main() anyerror!void {
progress.log("{s}... FAIL ({s})\n", .{ test_fn.name, @errorName(err) });
if (progress.terminal == null) std.debug.print("FAIL ({s})\n", .{@errorName(err)});
if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| {
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ pub const Target = struct {
.macos => return .{
.semver = .{
.min = .{ .major = 10, .minor = 13 },
.max = .{ .major = 11, .minor = 1 },
.max = .{ .major = 11, .minor = 2 },
.ios => return .{
@ -291,19 +291,19 @@ pub const Target = struct {
.netbsd => return .{
.semver = .{
.min = .{ .major = 8, .minor = 0 },
.max = .{ .major = 9, .minor = 0 },
.max = .{ .major = 9, .minor = 1 },
.openbsd => return .{
.semver = .{
.min = .{ .major = 6, .minor = 8 },
.max = .{ .major = 6, .minor = 8 },
.max = .{ .major = 6, .minor = 9 },
.dragonfly => return .{
.semver = .{
.min = .{ .major = 5, .minor = 8 },
.max = .{ .major = 5, .minor = 8 },
.max = .{ .major = 6, .minor = 0 },
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
const std = @import("std.zig");
pub const os = struct {
pub const Socket = @import("x/os/Socket.zig");
pub const Socket = @import("x/os/socket.zig").Socket;
pub usingnamespace @import("x/os/net.zig");
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
const std = @import("../../std.zig");
const io = std.io;
const os = std.os;
const ip = std.x.net.ip;
@ -58,6 +59,28 @@ pub const Domain = enum(u16) {
pub const Client = struct {
socket: Socket,
/// Implements `std.io.Reader`.
pub const Reader = struct {
client: Client,
flags: u32,
/// Implements `readFn` for `std.io.Reader`.
pub fn read(self: Client.Reader, buffer: []u8) !usize {
return self.client.read(buffer, self.flags);
/// Implements `std.io.Writer`.
pub const Writer = struct {
client: Client,
flags: u32,
/// Implements `writeFn` for `std.io.Writer`.
pub fn write(self: Client.Writer, buffer: []const u8) !usize {
return self.client.write(buffer, self.flags);
/// Opens a new client.
pub fn init(domain: tcp.Domain, flags: u32) !Client {
return Client{
@ -89,41 +112,46 @@ pub const Client = struct {
return self.socket.connect(address.into());
/// Read data from the socket into the buffer provided. It returns the
/// number of bytes read into the buffer provided.
pub fn read(self: Client, buf: []u8) !usize {
return self.socket.read(buf);
/// Extracts the error set of a function.
/// TODO: remove after Socket.{read, write} error unions are well-defined across different platforms
fn ErrorSetOf(comptime Function: anytype) type {
return @typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(Function)).Fn.return_type.?).ErrorUnion.error_set;
/// Wrap `tcp.Client` into `std.io.Reader`.
pub fn reader(self: Client, flags: u32) io.Reader(Client.Reader, ErrorSetOf(Client.Reader.read), Client.Reader.read) {
return .{ .context = .{ .client = self, .flags = flags } };
/// Wrap `tcp.Client` into `std.io.Writer`.
pub fn writer(self: Client, flags: u32) io.Writer(Client.Writer, ErrorSetOf(Client.Writer.write), Client.Writer.write) {
return .{ .context = .{ .client = self, .flags = flags } };
/// Read data from the socket into the buffer provided with a set of flags
/// specified. It returns the number of bytes read into the buffer provided.
pub fn recv(self: Client, buf: []u8, flags: u32) !usize {
return self.socket.recv(buf, flags);
/// Write a buffer of data provided to the socket. It returns the number
/// of bytes that are written to the socket.
pub fn write(self: Client, buf: []const u8) !usize {
return self.socket.write(buf);
/// Writes multiple I/O vectors to the socket. It returns the number
/// of bytes that are written to the socket.
pub fn writev(self: Client, buffers: []const os.iovec_const) !usize {
return self.socket.writev(buffers);
pub fn read(self: Client, buf: []u8, flags: u32) !usize {
return self.socket.read(buf, flags);
/// Write a buffer of data provided to the socket with a set of flags specified.
/// It returns the number of bytes that are written to the socket.
pub fn send(self: Client, buf: []const u8, flags: u32) !usize {
return self.socket.send(buf, flags);
pub fn write(self: Client, buf: []const u8, flags: u32) !usize {
return self.socket.write(buf, flags);
/// Writes multiple I/O vectors with a prepended message header to the socket
/// with a set of flags specified. It returns the number of bytes that are
/// written to the socket.
pub fn sendmsg(self: Client, msg: os.msghdr_const, flags: u32) !usize {
return self.socket.sendmsg(msg, flags);
pub fn writeVectorized(self: Client, msg: os.msghdr_const, flags: u32) !usize {
return self.socket.writeVectorized(msg, flags);
/// Read multiple I/O vectors with a prepended message header from the socket
/// with a set of flags specified. It returns the number of bytes that were
/// read into the buffer provided.
pub fn readVectorized(self: Client, msg: *os.msghdr, flags: u32) !usize {
return self.socket.readVectorized(msg, flags);
/// Query and return the latest cached error on the client's underlying socket.
@ -146,12 +174,41 @@ pub const Client = struct {
return ip.Address.from(try self.socket.getLocalAddress());
/// Query the address that the socket is connected to.
pub fn getRemoteAddress(self: Client) !ip.Address {
return ip.Address.from(try self.socket.getRemoteAddress());
/// Have close() or shutdown() syscalls block until all queued messages in the client have been successfully
/// sent, or if the timeout specified in seconds has been reached. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption`
/// if the host does not support the option for a socket to linger around up until a timeout specified in
/// seconds.
pub fn setLinger(self: Client, timeout_seconds: ?u16) !void {
return self.socket.setLinger(timeout_seconds);
/// Have keep-alive messages be sent periodically. The timing in which keep-alive messages are sent are
/// dependant on operating system settings. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` if the host does
/// not support periodically sending keep-alive messages on connection-oriented sockets.
pub fn setKeepAlive(self: Client, enabled: bool) !void {
return self.socket.setKeepAlive(enabled);
/// Disable Nagle's algorithm on a TCP socket. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` if
/// the host does not support sockets disabling Nagle's algorithm.
pub fn setNoDelay(self: Client, enabled: bool) !void {
if (comptime @hasDecl(os, "TCP_NODELAY")) {
const bytes = mem.asBytes(&@as(usize, @boolToInt(enabled)));
return os.setsockopt(self.socket.fd, os.IPPROTO_TCP, os.TCP_NODELAY, bytes);
return self.socket.setOption(os.IPPROTO_TCP, os.TCP_NODELAY, bytes);
return error.UnsupportedSocketOption;
/// Enables TCP Quick ACK on a TCP socket to immediately send rather than delay ACKs when necessary. It returns
/// `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` if the host does not support TCP Quick ACK.
pub fn setQuickACK(self: Client, enabled: bool) !void {
if (comptime @hasDecl(os, "TCP_QUICKACK")) {
return self.socket.setOption(os.IPPROTO_TCP, os.TCP_QUICKACK, mem.asBytes(&@as(u32, @boolToInt(enabled))));
return error.UnsupportedSocketOption;
@ -169,7 +226,7 @@ pub const Client = struct {
/// Set a timeout on the socket that is to occur if no messages are successfully written
/// to its bound destination after a specified number of milliseconds. A subsequent write
/// to the socket will thereafter return `error.WouldBlock` should the timeout be exceeded.
pub fn setWriteTimeout(self: Client, milliseconds: usize) !void {
pub fn setWriteTimeout(self: Client, milliseconds: u32) !void {
return self.socket.setWriteTimeout(milliseconds);
@ -177,7 +234,7 @@ pub const Client = struct {
/// from its bound destination after a specified number of milliseconds. A subsequent
/// read from the socket will thereafter return `error.WouldBlock` should the timeout be
/// exceeded.
pub fn setReadTimeout(self: Client, milliseconds: usize) !void {
pub fn setReadTimeout(self: Client, milliseconds: u32) !void {
return self.socket.setReadTimeout(milliseconds);
@ -251,16 +308,7 @@ pub const Listener = struct {
/// support TCP Fast Open.
pub fn setFastOpen(self: Listener, enabled: bool) !void {
if (comptime @hasDecl(os, "TCP_FASTOPEN")) {
return os.setsockopt(self.socket.fd, os.IPPROTO_TCP, os.TCP_FASTOPEN, mem.asBytes(&@as(usize, @boolToInt(enabled))));
return error.UnsupportedSocketOption;
/// Enables TCP Quick ACK on a TCP socket to immediately send rather than delay ACKs when necessary. It returns
/// `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` if the host does not support TCP Quick ACK.
pub fn setQuickACK(self: Listener, enabled: bool) !void {
if (comptime @hasDecl(os, "TCP_QUICKACK")) {
return os.setsockopt(self.socket.fd, os.IPPROTO_TCP, os.TCP_QUICKACK, mem.asBytes(&@as(usize, @boolToInt(enabled))));
return self.socket.setOption(os.IPPROTO_TCP, os.TCP_FASTOPEN, mem.asBytes(&@as(u32, @boolToInt(enabled))));
return error.UnsupportedSocketOption;
@ -322,7 +370,7 @@ test "tcp/client: set read timeout of 1 millisecond on blocking client" {
defer conn.deinit();
var buf: [1]u8 = undefined;
try testing.expectError(error.WouldBlock, client.read(&buf));
try testing.expectError(error.WouldBlock, client.reader(0).read(&buf));
test "tcp/listener: bind to unspecified ipv4 address" {
@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Zig Contributors
// This file is part of [zig](https://ziglang.org/), which is MIT licensed.
// The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies
// and substantial portions of the software.
const std = @import("../../std.zig");
const net = @import("net.zig");
const os = std.os;
const fmt = std.fmt;
const mem = std.mem;
const time = std.time;
/// A generic socket abstraction.
const Socket = @This();
/// A socket-address pair.
pub const Connection = struct {
socket: Socket,
address: Socket.Address,
/// Enclose a socket and address into a socket-address pair.
pub fn from(socket: Socket, address: Socket.Address) Socket.Connection {
return .{ .socket = socket, .address = address };
/// A generic socket address abstraction. It is safe to directly access and modify
/// the fields of a `Socket.Address`.
pub const Address = union(enum) {
ipv4: net.IPv4.Address,
ipv6: net.IPv6.Address,
/// Instantiate a new address with a IPv4 host and port.
pub fn initIPv4(host: net.IPv4, port: u16) Socket.Address {
return .{ .ipv4 = .{ .host = host, .port = port } };
/// Instantiate a new address with a IPv6 host and port.
pub fn initIPv6(host: net.IPv6, port: u16) Socket.Address {
return .{ .ipv6 = .{ .host = host, .port = port } };
/// Parses a `sockaddr` into a generic socket address.
pub fn fromNative(address: *align(4) const os.sockaddr) Socket.Address {
switch (address.family) {
os.AF_INET => {
const info = @ptrCast(*const os.sockaddr_in, address);
const host = net.IPv4{ .octets = @bitCast([4]u8, info.addr) };
const port = mem.bigToNative(u16, info.port);
return Socket.Address.initIPv4(host, port);
os.AF_INET6 => {
const info = @ptrCast(*const os.sockaddr_in6, address);
const host = net.IPv6{ .octets = info.addr, .scope_id = info.scope_id };
const port = mem.bigToNative(u16, info.port);
return Socket.Address.initIPv6(host, port);
else => unreachable,
/// Encodes a generic socket address into an extern union that may be reliably
/// casted into a `sockaddr` which may be passed into socket syscalls.
pub fn toNative(self: Socket.Address) extern union {
ipv4: os.sockaddr_in,
ipv6: os.sockaddr_in6,
} {
return switch (self) {
.ipv4 => |address| .{
.ipv4 = .{
.addr = @bitCast(u32, address.host.octets),
.port = mem.nativeToBig(u16, address.port),
.ipv6 => |address| .{
.ipv6 = .{
.addr = address.host.octets,
.port = mem.nativeToBig(u16, address.port),
.scope_id = address.host.scope_id,
.flowinfo = 0,
/// Returns the number of bytes that make up the `sockaddr` equivalent to the address.
pub fn getNativeSize(self: Socket.Address) u32 {
return switch (self) {
.ipv4 => @sizeOf(os.sockaddr_in),
.ipv6 => @sizeOf(os.sockaddr_in6),
/// Implements the `std.fmt.format` API.
pub fn format(
self: Socket.Address,
comptime layout: []const u8,
opts: fmt.FormatOptions,
writer: anytype,
) !void {
switch (self) {
.ipv4 => |address| try fmt.format(writer, "{}:{}", .{ address.host, address.port }),
.ipv6 => |address| try fmt.format(writer, "{}:{}", .{ address.host, address.port }),
/// The underlying handle of a socket.
fd: os.socket_t,
/// Open a new socket.
pub fn init(domain: u32, socket_type: u32, protocol: u32) !Socket {
return Socket{ .fd = try os.socket(domain, socket_type, protocol) };
/// Enclose a socket abstraction over an existing socket file descriptor.
pub fn from(fd: os.socket_t) Socket {
return Socket{ .fd = fd };
/// Closes the socket.
pub fn deinit(self: Socket) void {
/// Shutdown either the read side, write side, or all side of the socket.
pub fn shutdown(self: Socket, how: os.ShutdownHow) !void {
return os.shutdown(self.fd, how);
/// Binds the socket to an address.
pub fn bind(self: Socket, address: Socket.Address) !void {
return os.bind(self.fd, @ptrCast(*const os.sockaddr, &address.toNative()), address.getNativeSize());
/// Start listening for incoming connections on the socket.
pub fn listen(self: Socket, max_backlog_size: u31) !void {
return os.listen(self.fd, max_backlog_size);
/// Have the socket attempt to the connect to an address.
pub fn connect(self: Socket, address: Socket.Address) !void {
return os.connect(self.fd, @ptrCast(*const os.sockaddr, &address.toNative()), address.getNativeSize());
/// Accept a pending incoming connection queued to the kernel backlog
/// of the socket.
pub fn accept(self: Socket, flags: u32) !Socket.Connection {
var address: os.sockaddr = undefined;
var address_len: u32 = @sizeOf(os.sockaddr);
const socket = Socket{ .fd = try os.accept(self.fd, &address, &address_len, flags) };
const socket_address = Socket.Address.fromNative(@alignCast(4, &address));
return Socket.Connection.from(socket, socket_address);
/// Read data from the socket into the buffer provided. It returns the
/// number of bytes read into the buffer provided.
pub fn read(self: Socket, buf: []u8) !usize {
return os.read(self.fd, buf);
/// Read data from the socket into the buffer provided with a set of flags
/// specified. It returns the number of bytes read into the buffer provided.
pub fn recv(self: Socket, buf: []u8, flags: u32) !usize {
return os.recv(self.fd, buf, flags);
/// Write a buffer of data provided to the socket. It returns the number
/// of bytes that are written to the socket.
pub fn write(self: Socket, buf: []const u8) !usize {
return os.write(self.fd, buf);
/// Writes multiple I/O vectors to the socket. It returns the number
/// of bytes that are written to the socket.
pub fn writev(self: Socket, buffers: []const os.iovec_const) !usize {
return os.writev(self.fd, buffers);
/// Write a buffer of data provided to the socket with a set of flags specified.
/// It returns the number of bytes that are written to the socket.
pub fn send(self: Socket, buf: []const u8, flags: u32) !usize {
return os.send(self.fd, buf, flags);
/// Writes multiple I/O vectors with a prepended message header to the socket
/// with a set of flags specified. It returns the number of bytes that are
/// written to the socket.
pub fn sendmsg(self: Socket, msg: os.msghdr_const, flags: u32) !usize {
return os.sendmsg(self.fd, msg, flags);
/// Query the address that the socket is locally bounded to.
pub fn getLocalAddress(self: Socket) !Socket.Address {
var address: os.sockaddr = undefined;
var address_len: u32 = @sizeOf(os.sockaddr);
try os.getsockname(self.fd, &address, &address_len);
return Socket.Address.fromNative(@alignCast(4, &address));
/// Query and return the latest cached error on the socket.
pub fn getError(self: Socket) !void {
return os.getsockoptError(self.fd);
/// Query the read buffer size of the socket.
pub fn getReadBufferSize(self: Socket) !u32 {
var value: u32 = undefined;
var value_len: u32 = @sizeOf(u32);
const rc = os.system.getsockopt(self.fd, os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_RCVBUF, mem.asBytes(&value), &value_len);
return switch (os.errno(rc)) {
0 => value,
os.EBADF => error.BadFileDescriptor,
os.EFAULT => error.InvalidAddressSpace,
os.EINVAL => error.InvalidSocketOption,
os.ENOPROTOOPT => error.UnknownSocketOption,
os.ENOTSOCK => error.NotASocket,
else => |err| os.unexpectedErrno(err),
/// Query the write buffer size of the socket.
pub fn getWriteBufferSize(self: Socket) !u32 {
var value: u32 = undefined;
var value_len: u32 = @sizeOf(u32);
const rc = os.system.getsockopt(self.fd, os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_SNDBUF, mem.asBytes(&value), &value_len);
return switch (os.errno(rc)) {
0 => value,
os.EBADF => error.BadFileDescriptor,
os.EFAULT => error.InvalidAddressSpace,
os.EINVAL => error.InvalidSocketOption,
os.ENOPROTOOPT => error.UnknownSocketOption,
os.ENOTSOCK => error.NotASocket,
else => |err| os.unexpectedErrno(err),
/// Allow multiple sockets on the same host to listen on the same address. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` if
/// the host does not support sockets listening the same address.
pub fn setReuseAddress(self: Socket, enabled: bool) !void {
if (comptime @hasDecl(os, "SO_REUSEADDR")) {
return os.setsockopt(self.fd, os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_REUSEADDR, mem.asBytes(&@as(usize, @boolToInt(enabled))));
return error.UnsupportedSocketOption;
/// Allow multiple sockets on the same host to listen on the same port. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` if
/// the host does not supports sockets listening on the same port.
pub fn setReusePort(self: Socket, enabled: bool) !void {
if (comptime @hasDecl(os, "SO_REUSEPORT")) {
return os.setsockopt(self.fd, os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_REUSEPORT, mem.asBytes(&@as(usize, @boolToInt(enabled))));
return error.UnsupportedSocketOption;
/// Set the write buffer size of the socket.
pub fn setWriteBufferSize(self: Socket, size: u32) !void {
return os.setsockopt(self.fd, os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_SNDBUF, mem.asBytes(&size));
/// Set the read buffer size of the socket.
pub fn setReadBufferSize(self: Socket, size: u32) !void {
return os.setsockopt(self.fd, os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_RCVBUF, mem.asBytes(&size));
/// Set a timeout on the socket that is to occur if no messages are successfully written
/// to its bound destination after a specified number of milliseconds. A subsequent write
/// to the socket will thereafter return `error.WouldBlock` should the timeout be exceeded.
pub fn setWriteTimeout(self: Socket, milliseconds: usize) !void {
const timeout = os.timeval{
.tv_sec = @intCast(i32, milliseconds / time.ms_per_s),
.tv_usec = @intCast(i32, (milliseconds % time.ms_per_s) * time.us_per_ms),
return os.setsockopt(self.fd, os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_SNDTIMEO, mem.asBytes(&timeout));
/// Set a timeout on the socket that is to occur if no messages are successfully read
/// from its bound destination after a specified number of milliseconds. A subsequent
/// read from the socket will thereafter return `error.WouldBlock` should the timeout be
/// exceeded.
pub fn setReadTimeout(self: Socket, milliseconds: usize) !void {
const timeout = os.timeval{
.tv_sec = @intCast(i32, milliseconds / time.ms_per_s),
.tv_usec = @intCast(i32, (milliseconds % time.ms_per_s) * time.us_per_ms),
return os.setsockopt(self.fd, os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_RCVTIMEO, mem.asBytes(&timeout));
@ -20,6 +20,14 @@ pub fn resolveScopeID(name: []const u8) !u32 {
if (comptime @hasDecl(os, "IFNAMESIZE")) {
if (name.len >= os.IFNAMESIZE - 1) return error.NameTooLong;
if (comptime builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
var interface_name: [os.IFNAMESIZE]u8 = undefined;
mem.copy(u8, &interface_name, name);
interface_name[name.len] = 0;
return os.windows.ws2_32.if_nametoindex(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, &interface_name));
const fd = try os.socket(os.AF_UNIX, os.SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
defer os.closeSocket(fd);
@ -31,6 +39,7 @@ pub fn resolveScopeID(name: []const u8) !u32 {
return @bitCast(u32, f.ifru.ivalue);
return error.Unsupported;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Zig Contributors
// This file is part of [zig](https://ziglang.org/), which is MIT licensed.
// The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies
// and substantial portions of the software.
const std = @import("../../std.zig");
const net = @import("net.zig");
const os = std.os;
const fmt = std.fmt;
const mem = std.mem;
const time = std.time;
const builtin = std.builtin;
/// A generic, cross-platform socket abstraction.
pub const Socket = struct {
/// A socket-address pair.
pub const Connection = struct {
socket: Socket,
address: Socket.Address,
/// Enclose a socket and address into a socket-address pair.
pub fn from(socket: Socket, address: Socket.Address) Socket.Connection {
return .{ .socket = socket, .address = address };
/// A generic socket address abstraction. It is safe to directly access and modify
/// the fields of a `Socket.Address`.
pub const Address = union(enum) {
ipv4: net.IPv4.Address,
ipv6: net.IPv6.Address,
/// Instantiate a new address with a IPv4 host and port.
pub fn initIPv4(host: net.IPv4, port: u16) Socket.Address {
return .{ .ipv4 = .{ .host = host, .port = port } };
/// Instantiate a new address with a IPv6 host and port.
pub fn initIPv6(host: net.IPv6, port: u16) Socket.Address {
return .{ .ipv6 = .{ .host = host, .port = port } };
/// Parses a `sockaddr` into a generic socket address.
pub fn fromNative(address: *align(4) const os.sockaddr) Socket.Address {
switch (address.family) {
os.AF_INET => {
const info = @ptrCast(*const os.sockaddr_in, address);
const host = net.IPv4{ .octets = @bitCast([4]u8, info.addr) };
const port = mem.bigToNative(u16, info.port);
return Socket.Address.initIPv4(host, port);
os.AF_INET6 => {
const info = @ptrCast(*const os.sockaddr_in6, address);
const host = net.IPv6{ .octets = info.addr, .scope_id = info.scope_id };
const port = mem.bigToNative(u16, info.port);
return Socket.Address.initIPv6(host, port);
else => unreachable,
/// Encodes a generic socket address into an extern union that may be reliably
/// casted into a `sockaddr` which may be passed into socket syscalls.
pub fn toNative(self: Socket.Address) extern union {
ipv4: os.sockaddr_in,
ipv6: os.sockaddr_in6,
} {
return switch (self) {
.ipv4 => |address| .{
.ipv4 = .{
.addr = @bitCast(u32, address.host.octets),
.port = mem.nativeToBig(u16, address.port),
.ipv6 => |address| .{
.ipv6 = .{
.addr = address.host.octets,
.port = mem.nativeToBig(u16, address.port),
.scope_id = address.host.scope_id,
.flowinfo = 0,
/// Returns the number of bytes that make up the `sockaddr` equivalent to the address.
pub fn getNativeSize(self: Socket.Address) u32 {
return switch (self) {
.ipv4 => @sizeOf(os.sockaddr_in),
.ipv6 => @sizeOf(os.sockaddr_in6),
/// Implements the `std.fmt.format` API.
pub fn format(
self: Socket.Address,
comptime layout: []const u8,
opts: fmt.FormatOptions,
writer: anytype,
) !void {
switch (self) {
.ipv4 => |address| try fmt.format(writer, "{}:{}", .{ address.host, address.port }),
.ipv6 => |address| try fmt.format(writer, "{}:{}", .{ address.host, address.port }),
/// The underlying handle of a socket.
fd: os.socket_t,
/// Enclose a socket abstraction over an existing socket file descriptor.
pub fn from(fd: os.socket_t) Socket {
return Socket{ .fd = fd };
/// Mix in socket syscalls depending on the platform we are compiling against.
pub usingnamespace switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => @import("socket_windows.zig"),
else => @import("socket_posix.zig"),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Zig Contributors
// This file is part of [zig](https://ziglang.org/), which is MIT licensed.
// The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies
// and substantial portions of the software.
const std = @import("../../std.zig");
const os = std.os;
const mem = std.mem;
const time = std.time;
pub fn Mixin(comptime Socket: type) type {
return struct {
/// Open a new socket.
pub fn init(domain: u32, socket_type: u32, protocol: u32) !Socket {
return Socket{ .fd = try os.socket(domain, socket_type, protocol) };
/// Closes the socket.
pub fn deinit(self: Socket) void {
/// Shutdown either the read side, write side, or all side of the socket.
pub fn shutdown(self: Socket, how: os.ShutdownHow) !void {
return os.shutdown(self.fd, how);
/// Binds the socket to an address.
pub fn bind(self: Socket, address: Socket.Address) !void {
return os.bind(self.fd, @ptrCast(*const os.sockaddr, &address.toNative()), address.getNativeSize());
/// Start listening for incoming connections on the socket.
pub fn listen(self: Socket, max_backlog_size: u31) !void {
return os.listen(self.fd, max_backlog_size);
/// Have the socket attempt to the connect to an address.
pub fn connect(self: Socket, address: Socket.Address) !void {
return os.connect(self.fd, @ptrCast(*const os.sockaddr, &address.toNative()), address.getNativeSize());
/// Accept a pending incoming connection queued to the kernel backlog
/// of the socket.
pub fn accept(self: Socket, flags: u32) !Socket.Connection {
var address: os.sockaddr_storage = undefined;
var address_len: u32 = @sizeOf(os.sockaddr_storage);
const socket = Socket{ .fd = try os.accept(self.fd, @ptrCast(*os.sockaddr, &address), &address_len, flags) };
const socket_address = Socket.Address.fromNative(@ptrCast(*os.sockaddr, &address));
return Socket.Connection.from(socket, socket_address);
/// Read data from the socket into the buffer provided with a set of flags
/// specified. It returns the number of bytes read into the buffer provided.
pub fn read(self: Socket, buf: []u8, flags: u32) !usize {
return os.recv(self.fd, buf, flags);
/// Write a buffer of data provided to the socket with a set of flags specified.
/// It returns the number of bytes that are written to the socket.
pub fn write(self: Socket, buf: []const u8, flags: u32) !usize {
return os.send(self.fd, buf, flags);
/// Writes multiple I/O vectors with a prepended message header to the socket
/// with a set of flags specified. It returns the number of bytes that are
/// written to the socket.
pub fn writeVectorized(self: Socket, msg: os.msghdr_const, flags: u32) !usize {
return os.sendmsg(self.fd, msg, flags);
/// Read multiple I/O vectors with a prepended message header from the socket
/// with a set of flags specified. It returns the number of bytes that were
/// read into the buffer provided.
pub fn readVectorized(self: Socket, msg: *os.msghdr, flags: u32) !usize {
if (comptime @hasDecl(os.system, "recvmsg")) {
while (true) {
const rc = os.system.recvmsg(self.fd, msg, flags);
return switch (os.errno(rc)) {
0 => @intCast(usize, rc),
os.EBADF => unreachable, // always a race condition
os.EFAULT => unreachable,
os.EINVAL => unreachable,
os.ENOTCONN => unreachable,
os.ENOTSOCK => unreachable,
os.EINTR => continue,
os.EAGAIN => error.WouldBlock,
os.ENOMEM => error.SystemResources,
os.ECONNREFUSED => error.ConnectionRefused,
os.ECONNRESET => error.ConnectionResetByPeer,
else => |err| os.unexpectedErrno(err),
return error.NotSupported;
/// Query the address that the socket is locally bounded to.
pub fn getLocalAddress(self: Socket) !Socket.Address {
var address: os.sockaddr_storage = undefined;
var address_len: u32 = @sizeOf(os.sockaddr_storage);
try os.getsockname(self.fd, @ptrCast(*os.sockaddr, &address), &address_len);
return Socket.Address.fromNative(@ptrCast(*os.sockaddr, &address));
/// Query the address that the socket is connected to.
pub fn getRemoteAddress(self: Socket) !Socket.Address {
var address: os.sockaddr_storage = undefined;
var address_len: u32 = @sizeOf(os.sockaddr_storage);
try os.getpeername(self.fd, @ptrCast(*os.sockaddr, &address), &address_len);
return Socket.Address.fromNative(@ptrCast(*os.sockaddr, &address));
/// Query and return the latest cached error on the socket.
pub fn getError(self: Socket) !void {
return os.getsockoptError(self.fd);
/// Query the read buffer size of the socket.
pub fn getReadBufferSize(self: Socket) !u32 {
var value: u32 = undefined;
var value_len: u32 = @sizeOf(u32);
const rc = os.system.getsockopt(self.fd, os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_RCVBUF, mem.asBytes(&value), &value_len);
return switch (os.errno(rc)) {
0 => value,
os.EBADF => error.BadFileDescriptor,
os.EFAULT => error.InvalidAddressSpace,
os.EINVAL => error.InvalidSocketOption,
os.ENOPROTOOPT => error.UnknownSocketOption,
os.ENOTSOCK => error.NotASocket,
else => |err| os.unexpectedErrno(err),
/// Query the write buffer size of the socket.
pub fn getWriteBufferSize(self: Socket) !u32 {
var value: u32 = undefined;
var value_len: u32 = @sizeOf(u32);
const rc = os.system.getsockopt(self.fd, os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_SNDBUF, mem.asBytes(&value), &value_len);
return switch (os.errno(rc)) {
0 => value,
os.EBADF => error.BadFileDescriptor,
os.EFAULT => error.InvalidAddressSpace,
os.EINVAL => error.InvalidSocketOption,
os.ENOPROTOOPT => error.UnknownSocketOption,
os.ENOTSOCK => error.NotASocket,
else => |err| os.unexpectedErrno(err),
/// Set a socket option.
pub fn setOption(self: Socket, level: u32, code: u32, value: []const u8) !void {
return os.setsockopt(self.fd, level, code, value);
/// Have close() or shutdown() syscalls block until all queued messages in the socket have been successfully
/// sent, or if the timeout specified in seconds has been reached. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption`
/// if the host does not support the option for a socket to linger around up until a timeout specified in
/// seconds.
pub fn setLinger(self: Socket, timeout_seconds: ?u16) !void {
if (comptime @hasDecl(os, "SO_LINGER")) {
const settings = extern struct {
l_onoff: c_int,
l_linger: c_int,
.l_onoff = @intCast(c_int, @boolToInt(timeout_seconds != null)),
.l_linger = if (timeout_seconds) |seconds| @intCast(c_int, seconds) else 0,
return self.setOption(os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_LINGER, mem.asBytes(&settings));
return error.UnsupportedSocketOption;
/// On connection-oriented sockets, have keep-alive messages be sent periodically. The timing in which keep-alive
/// messages are sent are dependant on operating system settings. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` if
/// the host does not support periodically sending keep-alive messages on connection-oriented sockets.
pub fn setKeepAlive(self: Socket, enabled: bool) !void {
if (comptime @hasDecl(os, "SO_KEEPALIVE")) {
return self.setOption(os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_KEEPALIVE, mem.asBytes(&@as(u32, @boolToInt(enabled))));
return error.UnsupportedSocketOption;
/// Allow multiple sockets on the same host to listen on the same address. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` if
/// the host does not support sockets listening the same address.
pub fn setReuseAddress(self: Socket, enabled: bool) !void {
if (comptime @hasDecl(os, "SO_REUSEADDR")) {
return self.setOption(os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_REUSEADDR, mem.asBytes(&@as(u32, @boolToInt(enabled))));
return error.UnsupportedSocketOption;
/// Allow multiple sockets on the same host to listen on the same port. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` if
/// the host does not supports sockets listening on the same port.
pub fn setReusePort(self: Socket, enabled: bool) !void {
if (comptime @hasDecl(os, "SO_REUSEPORT")) {
return self.setOption(os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_REUSEPORT, mem.asBytes(&@as(u32, @boolToInt(enabled))));
return error.UnsupportedSocketOption;
/// Set the write buffer size of the socket.
pub fn setWriteBufferSize(self: Socket, size: u32) !void {
return self.setOption(os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_SNDBUF, mem.asBytes(&size));
/// Set the read buffer size of the socket.
pub fn setReadBufferSize(self: Socket, size: u32) !void {
return self.setOption(os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_RCVBUF, mem.asBytes(&size));
/// WARNING: Timeouts only affect blocking sockets. It is undefined behavior if a timeout is
/// set on a non-blocking socket.
/// Set a timeout on the socket that is to occur if no messages are successfully written
/// to its bound destination after a specified number of milliseconds. A subsequent write
/// to the socket will thereafter return `error.WouldBlock` should the timeout be exceeded.
pub fn setWriteTimeout(self: Socket, milliseconds: usize) !void {
const timeout = os.timeval{
.tv_sec = @intCast(i32, milliseconds / time.ms_per_s),
.tv_usec = @intCast(i32, (milliseconds % time.ms_per_s) * time.us_per_ms),
return self.setOption(os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_SNDTIMEO, mem.asBytes(&timeout));
/// WARNING: Timeouts only affect blocking sockets. It is undefined behavior if a timeout is
/// set on a non-blocking socket.
/// Set a timeout on the socket that is to occur if no messages are successfully read
/// from its bound destination after a specified number of milliseconds. A subsequent
/// read from the socket will thereafter return `error.WouldBlock` should the timeout be
/// exceeded.
pub fn setReadTimeout(self: Socket, milliseconds: usize) !void {
const timeout = os.timeval{
.tv_sec = @intCast(i32, milliseconds / time.ms_per_s),
.tv_usec = @intCast(i32, (milliseconds % time.ms_per_s) * time.us_per_ms),
return self.setOption(os.SOL_SOCKET, os.SO_RCVTIMEO, mem.asBytes(&timeout));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Zig Contributors
// This file is part of [zig](https://ziglang.org/), which is MIT licensed.
// The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies
// and substantial portions of the software.
const std = @import("../../std.zig");
const net = @import("net.zig");
const os = std.os;
const mem = std.mem;
const windows = std.os.windows;
const ws2_32 = windows.ws2_32;
pub fn Mixin(comptime Socket: type) type {
return struct {
/// Open a new socket.
pub fn init(domain: u32, socket_type: u32, protocol: u32) !Socket {
var filtered_socket_type = socket_type & ~@as(u32, os.SOCK_CLOEXEC);
var filtered_flags: u32 = ws2_32.WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED;
if (socket_type & os.SOCK_CLOEXEC != 0) {
filtered_flags |= ws2_32.WSA_FLAG_NO_HANDLE_INHERIT;
const fd = ws2_32.WSASocketW(
@intCast(i32, domain),
@intCast(i32, filtered_socket_type),
@intCast(i32, protocol),
if (fd == ws2_32.INVALID_SOCKET) {
return switch (ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
_ = try windows.WSAStartup(2, 2);
return Socket.init(domain, socket_type, protocol);
.WSAEAFNOSUPPORT => error.AddressFamilyNotSupported,
.WSAEMFILE => error.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded,
.WSAENOBUFS => error.SystemResources,
.WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT => error.ProtocolNotSupported,
else => |err| windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
return Socket{ .fd = fd };
/// Closes the socket.
pub fn deinit(self: Socket) void {
_ = ws2_32.closesocket(self.fd);
/// Shutdown either the read side, write side, or all side of the socket.
pub fn shutdown(self: Socket, how: os.ShutdownHow) !void {
const rc = ws2_32.shutdown(self.fd, switch (how) {
.recv => ws2_32.SD_RECEIVE,
.send => ws2_32.SD_SEND,
.both => ws2_32.SD_BOTH,
if (rc == ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
return switch (ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSAECONNABORTED => return error.ConnectionAborted,
.WSAECONNRESET => return error.ConnectionResetByPeer,
.WSAEINPROGRESS => return error.BlockingOperationInProgress,
.WSAEINVAL => unreachable,
.WSAENETDOWN => return error.NetworkSubsystemFailed,
.WSAENOTCONN => return error.SocketNotConnected,
.WSAENOTSOCK => unreachable,
.WSANOTINITIALISED => unreachable,
else => |err| return windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
/// Binds the socket to an address.
pub fn bind(self: Socket, address: Socket.Address) !void {
const rc = ws2_32.bind(self.fd, @ptrCast(*const ws2_32.sockaddr, &address.toNative()), @intCast(c_int, address.getNativeSize()));
if (rc == ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
return switch (ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSAENETDOWN => error.NetworkSubsystemFailed,
.WSAEACCES => error.AccessDenied,
.WSAEADDRINUSE => error.AddressInUse,
.WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL => error.AddressNotAvailable,
.WSAEFAULT => error.BadAddress,
.WSAEINPROGRESS => error.WouldBlock,
.WSAEINVAL => error.AlreadyBound,
.WSAENOBUFS => error.NoEphemeralPortsAvailable,
.WSAENOTSOCK => error.NotASocket,
else => |err| windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
/// Start listening for incoming connections on the socket.
pub fn listen(self: Socket, max_backlog_size: u31) !void {
const rc = ws2_32.listen(self.fd, max_backlog_size);
if (rc == ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
return switch (ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSAENETDOWN => error.NetworkSubsystemFailed,
.WSAEADDRINUSE => error.AddressInUse,
.WSAEISCONN => error.AlreadyConnected,
.WSAEINVAL => error.SocketNotBound,
.WSAEMFILE, .WSAENOBUFS => error.SystemResources,
.WSAENOTSOCK => error.FileDescriptorNotASocket,
.WSAEOPNOTSUPP => error.OperationNotSupported,
.WSAEINPROGRESS => error.WouldBlock,
else => |err| windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
/// Have the socket attempt to the connect to an address.
pub fn connect(self: Socket, address: Socket.Address) !void {
const rc = ws2_32.connect(self.fd, @ptrCast(*const ws2_32.sockaddr, &address.toNative()), @intCast(c_int, address.getNativeSize()));
if (rc == ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
return switch (ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSAEADDRINUSE => error.AddressInUse,
.WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL => error.AddressNotAvailable,
.WSAECONNREFUSED => error.ConnectionRefused,
.WSAETIMEDOUT => error.ConnectionTimedOut,
.WSAEFAULT => error.BadAddress,
.WSAEINVAL => error.ListeningSocket,
.WSAEISCONN => error.AlreadyConnected,
.WSAENOTSOCK => error.NotASocket,
.WSAEACCES => error.BroadcastNotEnabled,
.WSAENOBUFS => error.SystemResources,
.WSAEAFNOSUPPORT => error.AddressFamilyNotSupported,
.WSAEHOSTUNREACH, .WSAENETUNREACH => error.NetworkUnreachable,
else => |err| windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
/// Accept a pending incoming connection queued to the kernel backlog
/// of the socket.
pub fn accept(self: Socket, flags: u32) !Socket.Connection {
var address: ws2_32.sockaddr_storage = undefined;
var address_len: c_int = @sizeOf(ws2_32.sockaddr_storage);
const rc = ws2_32.accept(self.fd, @ptrCast(*ws2_32.sockaddr, &address), &address_len);
if (rc == ws2_32.INVALID_SOCKET) {
return switch (ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSANOTINITIALISED => unreachable,
.WSAECONNRESET => error.ConnectionResetByPeer,
.WSAEFAULT => unreachable,
.WSAEINVAL => error.SocketNotListening,
.WSAEMFILE => error.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded,
.WSAENETDOWN => error.NetworkSubsystemFailed,
.WSAENOBUFS => error.FileDescriptorNotASocket,
.WSAEOPNOTSUPP => error.OperationNotSupported,
.WSAEWOULDBLOCK => error.WouldBlock,
else => |err| windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
const socket = Socket.from(rc);
const socket_address = Socket.Address.fromNative(@ptrCast(*ws2_32.sockaddr, &address));
return Socket.Connection.from(socket, socket_address);
/// Read data from the socket into the buffer provided with a set of flags
/// specified. It returns the number of bytes read into the buffer provided.
pub fn read(self: Socket, buf: []u8, flags: u32) !usize {
var bufs = &[_]ws2_32.WSABUF{.{ .len = @intCast(u32, buf.len), .buf = buf.ptr }};
var num_bytes: u32 = undefined;
var flags_ = flags;
const rc = ws2_32.WSARecv(self.fd, bufs, 1, &num_bytes, &flags_, null, null);
if (rc == ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
return switch (ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSAECONNABORTED => error.ConnectionAborted,
.WSAECONNRESET => error.ConnectionResetByPeer,
.WSAEDISCON => error.ConnectionClosedByPeer,
.WSAEFAULT => error.BadBuffer,
=> error.WouldBlock,
.WSAEINTR => error.Cancelled,
.WSAEINVAL => error.SocketNotBound,
.WSAEMSGSIZE => error.MessageTooLarge,
.WSAENETDOWN => error.NetworkSubsystemFailed,
.WSAENETRESET => error.NetworkReset,
.WSAENOTCONN => error.SocketNotConnected,
.WSAENOTSOCK => error.FileDescriptorNotASocket,
.WSAEOPNOTSUPP => error.OperationNotSupported,
.WSAESHUTDOWN => error.AlreadyShutdown,
.WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED => error.OperationAborted,
else => |err| windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
return @intCast(usize, num_bytes);
/// Write a buffer of data provided to the socket with a set of flags specified.
/// It returns the number of bytes that are written to the socket.
pub fn write(self: Socket, buf: []const u8, flags: u32) !usize {
var bufs = &[_]ws2_32.WSABUF{.{ .len = @intCast(u32, buf.len), .buf = @intToPtr([*]u8, @ptrToInt(buf.ptr)) }};
var num_bytes: u32 = undefined;
const rc = ws2_32.WSASend(self.fd, bufs, 1, &num_bytes, flags, null, null);
if (rc == ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
return switch (ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSAECONNABORTED => error.ConnectionAborted,
.WSAECONNRESET => error.ConnectionResetByPeer,
.WSAEFAULT => error.BadBuffer,
=> error.WouldBlock,
.WSAEINTR => error.Cancelled,
.WSAEINVAL => error.SocketNotBound,
.WSAEMSGSIZE => error.MessageTooLarge,
.WSAENETDOWN => error.NetworkSubsystemFailed,
.WSAENETRESET => error.NetworkReset,
.WSAENOBUFS => error.BufferDeadlock,
.WSAENOTCONN => error.SocketNotConnected,
.WSAENOTSOCK => error.FileDescriptorNotASocket,
.WSAEOPNOTSUPP => error.OperationNotSupported,
.WSAESHUTDOWN => error.AlreadyShutdown,
.WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED => error.OperationAborted,
else => |err| windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
return @intCast(usize, num_bytes);
/// Writes multiple I/O vectors with a prepended message header to the socket
/// with a set of flags specified. It returns the number of bytes that are
/// written to the socket.
pub fn writeVectorized(self: Socket, msg: ws2_32.msghdr_const, flags: u32) !usize {
const call = try windows.loadWinsockExtensionFunction(ws2_32.LPFN_WSASENDMSG, self.fd, ws2_32.WSAID_WSASENDMSG);
var num_bytes: u32 = undefined;
const rc = call(self.fd, &msg, flags, &num_bytes, null, null);
if (rc == ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
return switch (ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSAECONNABORTED => error.ConnectionAborted,
.WSAECONNRESET => error.ConnectionResetByPeer,
.WSAEFAULT => error.BadBuffer,
=> error.WouldBlock,
.WSAEINTR => error.Cancelled,
.WSAEINVAL => error.SocketNotBound,
.WSAEMSGSIZE => error.MessageTooLarge,
.WSAENETDOWN => error.NetworkSubsystemFailed,
.WSAENETRESET => error.NetworkReset,
.WSAENOBUFS => error.BufferDeadlock,
.WSAENOTCONN => error.SocketNotConnected,
.WSAENOTSOCK => error.FileDescriptorNotASocket,
.WSAEOPNOTSUPP => error.OperationNotSupported,
.WSAESHUTDOWN => error.AlreadyShutdown,
.WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED => error.OperationAborted,
else => |err| windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
return @intCast(usize, num_bytes);
/// Read multiple I/O vectors with a prepended message header from the socket
/// with a set of flags specified. It returns the number of bytes that were
/// read into the buffer provided.
pub fn readVectorized(self: Socket, msg: *ws2_32.msghdr, flags: u32) !usize {
const call = try windows.loadWinsockExtensionFunction(ws2_32.LPFN_WSARECVMSG, self.fd, ws2_32.WSAID_WSARECVMSG);
var num_bytes: u32 = undefined;
const rc = call(self.fd, msg, &num_bytes, null, null);
if (rc == ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
return switch (ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSAECONNABORTED => error.ConnectionAborted,
.WSAECONNRESET => error.ConnectionResetByPeer,
.WSAEDISCON => error.ConnectionClosedByPeer,
.WSAEFAULT => error.BadBuffer,
=> error.WouldBlock,
.WSAEINTR => error.Cancelled,
.WSAEINVAL => error.SocketNotBound,
.WSAEMSGSIZE => error.MessageTooLarge,
.WSAENETDOWN => error.NetworkSubsystemFailed,
.WSAENETRESET => error.NetworkReset,
.WSAENOTCONN => error.SocketNotConnected,
.WSAENOTSOCK => error.FileDescriptorNotASocket,
.WSAEOPNOTSUPP => error.OperationNotSupported,
.WSAESHUTDOWN => error.AlreadyShutdown,
.WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED => error.OperationAborted,
else => |err| windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
return @intCast(usize, num_bytes);
/// Query the address that the socket is locally bounded to.
pub fn getLocalAddress(self: Socket) !Socket.Address {
var address: ws2_32.sockaddr_storage = undefined;
var address_len: c_int = @sizeOf(ws2_32.sockaddr_storage);
const rc = ws2_32.getsockname(self.fd, @ptrCast(*ws2_32.sockaddr, &address), &address_len);
if (rc == ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
return switch (ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSANOTINITIALISED => unreachable,
.WSAEFAULT => unreachable,
.WSAENETDOWN => error.NetworkSubsystemFailed,
.WSAENOTSOCK => error.FileDescriptorNotASocket,
.WSAEINVAL => error.SocketNotBound,
else => |err| windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
return Socket.Address.fromNative(@ptrCast(*ws2_32.sockaddr, &address));
/// Query the address that the socket is connected to.
pub fn getRemoteAddress(self: Socket) !Socket.Address {
var address: ws2_32.sockaddr_storage = undefined;
var address_len: c_int = @sizeOf(ws2_32.sockaddr_storage);
const rc = ws2_32.getpeername(self.fd, @ptrCast(*ws2_32.sockaddr, &address), &address_len);
if (rc == ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
return switch (ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSANOTINITIALISED => unreachable,
.WSAEFAULT => unreachable,
.WSAENETDOWN => error.NetworkSubsystemFailed,
.WSAENOTSOCK => error.FileDescriptorNotASocket,
.WSAEINVAL => error.SocketNotBound,
else => |err| windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
return Socket.Address.fromNative(@ptrCast(*ws2_32.sockaddr, &address));
/// Query and return the latest cached error on the socket.
pub fn getError(self: Socket) !void {
return {};
/// Query the read buffer size of the socket.
pub fn getReadBufferSize(self: Socket) !u32 {
return 0;
/// Query the write buffer size of the socket.
pub fn getWriteBufferSize(self: Socket) !u32 {
return 0;
/// Set a socket option.
pub fn setOption(self: Socket, level: u32, code: u32, value: []const u8) !void {
const rc = ws2_32.setsockopt(self.fd, @intCast(i32, level), @intCast(i32, code), value.ptr, @intCast(i32, value.len));
if (rc == ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
return switch (ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSANOTINITIALISED => unreachable,
.WSAENETDOWN => return error.NetworkSubsystemFailed,
.WSAEFAULT => unreachable,
.WSAENOTSOCK => return error.FileDescriptorNotASocket,
.WSAEINVAL => return error.SocketNotBound,
else => |err| windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
/// Have close() or shutdown() syscalls block until all queued messages in the socket have been successfully
/// sent, or if the timeout specified in seconds has been reached. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption`
/// if the host does not support the option for a socket to linger around up until a timeout specified in
/// seconds.
pub fn setLinger(self: Socket, timeout_seconds: ?u16) !void {
const settings = ws2_32.linger{
.l_onoff = @as(u16, @boolToInt(timeout_seconds != null)),
.l_linger = if (timeout_seconds) |seconds| seconds else 0,
return self.setOption(ws2_32.SOL_SOCKET, ws2_32.SO_LINGER, mem.asBytes(&settings));
/// On connection-oriented sockets, have keep-alive messages be sent periodically. The timing in which keep-alive
/// messages are sent are dependant on operating system settings. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` if
/// the host does not support periodically sending keep-alive messages on connection-oriented sockets.
pub fn setKeepAlive(self: Socket, enabled: bool) !void {
return self.setOption(ws2_32.SOL_SOCKET, ws2_32.SO_KEEPALIVE, mem.asBytes(&@as(u32, @boolToInt(enabled))));
/// Allow multiple sockets on the same host to listen on the same address. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` if
/// the host does not support sockets listening the same address.
pub fn setReuseAddress(self: Socket, enabled: bool) !void {
return self.setOption(ws2_32.SOL_SOCKET, ws2_32.SO_REUSEADDR, mem.asBytes(&@as(u32, @boolToInt(enabled))));
/// Allow multiple sockets on the same host to listen on the same port. It returns `error.UnsupportedSocketOption` if
/// the host does not supports sockets listening on the same port.
/// TODO: verify if this truly mimicks SO_REUSEPORT behavior, or if SO_REUSE_UNICASTPORT provides the correct behavior
pub fn setReusePort(self: Socket, enabled: bool) !void {
try self.setOption(ws2_32.SOL_SOCKET, ws2_32.SO_BROADCAST, mem.asBytes(&@as(u32, @boolToInt(enabled))));
try self.setReuseAddress(enabled);
/// Set the write buffer size of the socket.
pub fn setWriteBufferSize(self: Socket, size: u32) !void {
return self.setOption(ws2_32.SOL_SOCKET, ws2_32.SO_SNDBUF, mem.asBytes(&size));
/// Set the read buffer size of the socket.
pub fn setReadBufferSize(self: Socket, size: u32) !void {
return self.setOption(ws2_32.SOL_SOCKET, ws2_32.SO_RCVBUF, mem.asBytes(&size));
/// WARNING: Timeouts only affect blocking sockets. It is undefined behavior if a timeout is
/// set on a non-blocking socket.
/// Set a timeout on the socket that is to occur if no messages are successfully written
/// to its bound destination after a specified number of milliseconds. A subsequent write
/// to the socket will thereafter return `error.WouldBlock` should the timeout be exceeded.
pub fn setWriteTimeout(self: Socket, milliseconds: u32) !void {
return self.setOption(ws2_32.SOL_SOCKET, ws2_32.SO_SNDTIMEO, mem.asBytes(&milliseconds));
/// WARNING: Timeouts only affect blocking sockets. It is undefined behavior if a timeout is
/// set on a non-blocking socket.
/// Set a timeout on the socket that is to occur if no messages are successfully read
/// from its bound destination after a specified number of milliseconds. A subsequent
/// read from the socket will thereafter return `error.WouldBlock` should the timeout be
/// exceeded.
pub fn setReadTimeout(self: Socket, milliseconds: u32) !void {
return self.setOption(ws2_32.SOL_SOCKET, ws2_32.SO_RCVTIMEO, mem.asBytes(&milliseconds));
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ const Parser = struct {
/// FnProto <- KEYWORD_fn IDENTIFIER? LPAREN ParamDeclList RPAREN ByteAlign? LinkSection? CallConv? EXCLAMATIONMARK? (Keyword_anytype / TypeExpr)
/// FnProto <- KEYWORD_fn IDENTIFIER? LPAREN ParamDeclList RPAREN ByteAlign? LinkSection? CallConv? EXCLAMATIONMARK? TypeExpr
fn parseFnProto(p: *Parser) !Node.Index {
const fn_token = p.eatToken(.keyword_fn) orelse return null_node;
@ -209,11 +209,6 @@ pub const NativeTargetInfo = struct {
dynamic_linker: DynamicLinker = DynamicLinker{},
/// Only some architectures have CPU detection implemented. This field reveals whether
/// CPU detection actually occurred. When this is `true` it means that the reported
/// CPU is baseline only because of a missing implementation for that architecture.
cpu_detection_unimplemented: bool = false,
pub const DynamicLinker = Target.DynamicLinker;
pub const DetectError = error{
@ -258,28 +253,86 @@ pub const NativeTargetInfo = struct {
os.version_range.windows.max = detected_version;
.macos => try macos.detect(&os),
.freebsd => {
var osreldate: u32 = undefined;
var len: usize = undefined;
.freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => {
const key = switch (Target.current.os.tag) {
.freebsd => "kern.osreldate",
.netbsd, .dragonfly => "kern.osrevision",
else => unreachable,
var value: u32 = undefined;
var len: usize = @sizeOf(@TypeOf(value));
std.os.sysctlbynameZ("kern.osreldate", &osreldate, &len, null, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
std.os.sysctlbynameZ(key, &value, &len, null, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NameTooLong => unreachable, // constant, known good value
error.PermissionDenied => unreachable, // only when setting values,
error.SystemResources => unreachable, // memory already on the stack
error.UnknownName => unreachable, // constant, known good value
error.Unexpected => unreachable, // EFAULT: stack should be safe, EISDIR/ENOTDIR: constant, known good value
error.Unexpected => return error.OSVersionDetectionFail,
// https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/versions.html
// Major * 100,000 has been convention since FreeBSD 2.2 (1997)
// Minor * 1(0),000 summed has been convention since FreeBSD 2.2 (1997)
// e.g. 492101 = 4.11-STABLE = 4.(9+2)
const major = osreldate / 100_000;
const minor1 = osreldate % 100_000 / 10_000; // usually 0 since 5.1
const minor2 = osreldate % 10_000 / 1_000; // 0 before 5.1, minor version since
const patch = osreldate % 1_000;
os.version_range.semver.min = .{ .major = major, .minor = minor1 + minor2, .patch = patch };
os.version_range.semver.max = .{ .major = major, .minor = minor1 + minor2, .patch = patch };
switch (Target.current.os.tag) {
.freebsd => {
// https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/versions.html
// Major * 100,000 has been convention since FreeBSD 2.2 (1997)
// Minor * 1(0),000 summed has been convention since FreeBSD 2.2 (1997)
// e.g. 492101 = 4.11-STABLE = 4.(9+2)
const major = value / 100_000;
const minor1 = value % 100_000 / 10_000; // usually 0 since 5.1
const minor2 = value % 10_000 / 1_000; // 0 before 5.1, minor version since
const patch = value % 1_000;
os.version_range.semver.min = .{ .major = major, .minor = minor1 + minor2, .patch = patch };
os.version_range.semver.max = os.version_range.semver.min;
.netbsd => {
// #define __NetBSD_Version__ MMmmrrpp00
// M = major version
// m = minor version; a minor number of 99 indicates current.
// r = 0 (*)
// p = patchlevel
const major = value / 100_000_000;
const minor = value % 100_000_000 / 1_000_000;
const patch = value % 10_000 / 100;
os.version_range.semver.min = .{ .major = major, .minor = minor, .patch = patch };
os.version_range.semver.max = os.version_range.semver.min;
.dragonfly => {
// https://github.com/DragonFlyBSD/DragonFlyBSD/blob/cb2cde83771754aeef9bb3251ee48959138dec87/Makefile.inc1#L15-L17
// flat base10 format: Mmmmpp
// M = major
// m = minor; odd-numbers indicate current dev branch
// p = patch
const major = value / 100_000;
const minor = value % 100_000 / 100;
const patch = value % 100;
os.version_range.semver.min = .{ .major = major, .minor = minor, .patch = patch };
os.version_range.semver.max = os.version_range.semver.min;
else => unreachable,
.openbsd => {
const mib: [2]c_int = [_]c_int{
var buf: [64]u8 = undefined;
var len: usize = buf.len;
std.os.sysctl(&mib, &buf, &len, null, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NameTooLong => unreachable, // constant, known good value
error.PermissionDenied => unreachable, // only when setting values,
error.SystemResources => unreachable, // memory already on the stack
error.UnknownName => unreachable, // constant, known good value
error.Unexpected => return error.OSVersionDetectionFail,
if (std.builtin.Version.parse(buf[0 .. len - 1])) |ver| {
os.version_range.semver.min = ver;
os.version_range.semver.max = ver;
} else |err| {
return error.OSVersionDetectionFail;
else => {
// Unimplemented, fall back to default version range.
@ -310,8 +363,6 @@ pub const NativeTargetInfo = struct {
os.version_range.linux.glibc = glibc;
var cpu_detection_unimplemented = false;
// Until https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4592 is implemented (support detecting the
// native CPU architecture as being different than the current target), we use this:
const cpu_arch = cross_target.getCpuArch();
@ -325,7 +376,6 @@ pub const NativeTargetInfo = struct {
.explicit => |model| model.toCpu(cpu_arch),
} orelse backup_cpu_detection: {
cpu_detection_unimplemented = true;
break :backup_cpu_detection Target.Cpu.baseline(cpu_arch);
var result = try detectAbiAndDynamicLinker(allocator, cpu, os, cross_target);
@ -362,7 +412,6 @@ pub const NativeTargetInfo = struct {
else => {},
result.cpu_detection_unimplemented = cpu_detection_unimplemented;
return result;
@ -925,12 +974,15 @@ pub const NativeTargetInfo = struct {
else => {},
switch (std.Target.current.os.tag) {
.linux => return linux.detectNativeCpuAndFeatures(),
.macos => return macos.detectNativeCpuAndFeatures(),
else => {},
// This architecture does not have CPU model & feature detection yet.
// See https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4591
if (std.Target.current.os.tag != .linux)
return null;
return linux.detectNativeCpuAndFeatures();
return null;
@ -7,10 +7,13 @@ const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const mem = std.mem;
const testing = std.testing;
const os = std.os;
const Target = std.Target;
/// Detect macOS version.
/// `os` is not modified in case of error.
pub fn detect(os: *std.Target.Os) !void {
/// `target_os` is not modified in case of error.
pub fn detect(target_os: *Target.Os) !void {
// Drop use of osproductversion sysctl because:
// 1. only available 10.13.4 High Sierra and later
// 2. when used from a binary built against < SDK 11.0 it returns 10.16 and masks Big Sur 11.x version
@ -60,8 +63,8 @@ pub fn detect(os: *std.Target.Os) !void {
if (parseSystemVersion(bytes)) |ver| {
// never return non-canonical `10.(16+)`
if (!(ver.major == 10 and ver.minor >= 16)) {
os.version_range.semver.min = ver;
os.version_range.semver.max = ver;
target_os.version_range.semver.min = ver;
target_os.version_range.semver.max = ver;
@ -410,7 +413,7 @@ fn testVersionEquality(expected: std.builtin.Version, got: std.builtin.Version)
/// `-syslibroot` param of the linker.
/// The caller needs to free the resulting path slice.
pub fn getSDKPath(allocator: *mem.Allocator) ![]u8 {
const argv = &[_][]const u8{ "xcrun", "--show-sdk-path" };
const result = try std.ChildProcess.exec(.{ .allocator = allocator, .argv = argv });
defer {
@ -426,3 +429,41 @@ pub fn getSDKPath(allocator: *mem.Allocator) ![]u8 {
const syslibroot = mem.trimRight(u8, result.stdout, "\r\n");
return mem.dupe(allocator, u8, syslibroot);
pub fn detectNativeCpuAndFeatures() ?Target.Cpu {
var cpu_family: os.CPUFAMILY = undefined;
var len: usize = @sizeOf(os.CPUFAMILY);
os.sysctlbynameZ("hw.cpufamily", &cpu_family, &len, null, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NameTooLong => unreachable, // constant, known good value
error.PermissionDenied => unreachable, // only when setting values,
error.SystemResources => unreachable, // memory already on the stack
error.UnknownName => unreachable, // constant, known good value
error.Unexpected => unreachable, // EFAULT: stack should be safe, EISDIR/ENOTDIR: constant, known good value
const current_arch = Target.current.cpu.arch;
switch (current_arch) {
.aarch64, .aarch64_be, .aarch64_32 => {
const model = switch (cpu_family) {
.ARM_FIRESTORM_ICESTORM => &Target.aarch64.cpu.apple_a14,
.ARM_LIGHTNING_THUNDER => &Target.aarch64.cpu.apple_a13,
.ARM_VORTEX_TEMPEST => &Target.aarch64.cpu.apple_a12,
.ARM_MONSOON_MISTRAL => &Target.aarch64.cpu.apple_a11,
.ARM_HURRICANE => &Target.aarch64.cpu.apple_a10,
.ARM_TWISTER => &Target.aarch64.cpu.apple_a9,
.ARM_TYPHOON => &Target.aarch64.cpu.apple_a8,
.ARM_CYCLONE => &Target.aarch64.cpu.cyclone,
else => return null,
return Target.Cpu{
.arch = current_arch,
.model = model,
.features = model.features,
else => {},
return null;
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ const testing = std.testing;
const mem = std.mem;
const fmt = std.fmt;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Compilation = @import("Compilation.zig");
/// Be sure to call `Manifest.deinit` after successful initialization.
pub fn obtain(cache: *const Cache) Manifest {
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ pub const File = struct {
pub const HashHelper = struct {
hasher: Hasher = hasher_init,
const EmitLoc = @import("Compilation.zig").EmitLoc;
const EmitLoc = Compilation.EmitLoc;
/// Record a slice of bytes as an dependency of the process being cached
pub fn addBytes(hh: *HashHelper, bytes: []const u8) void {
@ -220,6 +221,24 @@ pub const Manifest = struct {
return idx;
pub fn hashCSource(self: *Manifest, c_source: Compilation.CSourceFile) !void {
_ = try self.addFile(c_source.src_path, null);
// Hash the extra flags, with special care to call addFile for file parameters.
// TODO this logic can likely be improved by utilizing clang_options_data.zig.
const file_args = [_][]const u8{"-include"};
var arg_i: usize = 0;
while (arg_i < c_source.extra_flags.len) : (arg_i += 1) {
const arg = c_source.extra_flags[arg_i];
for (file_args) |file_arg| {
if (mem.eql(u8, file_arg, arg) and arg_i + 1 < c_source.extra_flags.len) {
arg_i += 1;
_ = try self.addFile(c_source.extra_flags[arg_i], null);
pub fn addOptionalFile(self: *Manifest, optional_file_path: ?[]const u8) !void {
self.hash.add(optional_file_path != null);
const file_path = optional_file_path orelse return;
@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ pub fn create(gpa: *Allocator, options: InitOptions) !*Compilation {
@ -2514,23 +2514,7 @@ fn updateCObject(comp: *Compilation, c_object: *CObject, c_obj_prog_node: *std.P
_ = try man.addFile(c_object.src.src_path, null);
// Hash the extra flags, with special care to call addFile for file parameters.
// TODO this logic can likely be improved by utilizing clang_options_data.zig.
const file_args = [_][]const u8{"-include"};
var arg_i: usize = 0;
while (arg_i < c_object.src.extra_flags.len) : (arg_i += 1) {
const arg = c_object.src.extra_flags[arg_i];
for (file_args) |file_arg| {
if (mem.eql(u8, file_arg, arg) and arg_i + 1 < c_object.src.extra_flags.len) {
arg_i += 1;
_ = try man.addFile(c_object.src.extra_flags[arg_i], null);
try man.hashCSource(c_object.src);
const is_collision = blk: {
@ -2862,6 +2846,10 @@ pub fn addCCArgs(
if (target.cpu.arch.isThumb()) {
try argv.append("-mthumb");
if (comp.haveFramePointer()) {
try argv.append("-fno-omit-frame-pointer");
} else {
@ -3135,7 +3123,7 @@ fn detectLibCIncludeDirs(
arena: *Allocator,
zig_lib_dir: []const u8,
target: Target,
is_native_os: bool,
is_native_abi: bool,
link_libc: bool,
libc_installation: ?*const LibCInstallation,
) !LibCDirs {
@ -3150,10 +3138,26 @@ fn detectLibCIncludeDirs(
return detectLibCFromLibCInstallation(arena, target, lci);
if (is_native_abi) {
const libc = try arena.create(LibCInstallation);
libc.* = try LibCInstallation.findNative(.{ .allocator = arena });
return detectLibCFromLibCInstallation(arena, target, libc);
if (target_util.canBuildLibC(target)) {
const generic_name = target_util.libCGenericName(target);
// Some architectures are handled by the same set of headers.
const arch_name = if (target.abi.isMusl()) target_util.archMuslName(target.cpu.arch) else @tagName(target.cpu.arch);
const arch_name = if (target.abi.isMusl())
else if (target.cpu.arch.isThumb())
// ARM headers are valid for Thumb too.
switch (target.cpu.arch) {
.thumb => "arm",
.thumbeb => "armeb",
else => unreachable,
const os_name = @tagName(target.os.tag);
// Musl's headers are ABI-agnostic and so they all have the "musl" ABI name.
const abi_name = if (target.abi.isMusl()) "musl" else @tagName(target.abi);
@ -3190,12 +3194,6 @@ fn detectLibCIncludeDirs(
if (is_native_os) {
const libc = try arena.create(LibCInstallation);
libc.* = try LibCInstallation.findNative(.{ .allocator = arena });
return detectLibCFromLibCInstallation(arena, target, libc);
return LibCDirs{
.libc_include_dir_list = &[0][]u8{},
.libc_installation = null,
@ -4151,6 +4151,33 @@ pub fn intDiv(allocator: *Allocator, lhs: Value, rhs: Value) !Value {
pub fn intMul(allocator: *Allocator, lhs: Value, rhs: Value) !Value {
// TODO is this a performance issue? maybe we should try the operation without
// resorting to BigInt first.
var lhs_space: Value.BigIntSpace = undefined;
var rhs_space: Value.BigIntSpace = undefined;
const lhs_bigint = lhs.toBigInt(&lhs_space);
const rhs_bigint = rhs.toBigInt(&rhs_space);
const limbs = try allocator.alloc(
lhs_bigint.limbs.len + rhs_bigint.limbs.len + 1,
var result_bigint = BigIntMutable{ .limbs = limbs, .positive = undefined, .len = undefined };
var limbs_buffer = try allocator.alloc(
std.math.big.int.calcMulLimbsBufferLen(lhs_bigint.limbs.len, rhs_bigint.limbs.len, 1),
defer allocator.free(limbs_buffer);
result_bigint.mul(lhs_bigint, rhs_bigint, limbs_buffer, allocator);
const result_limbs = result_bigint.limbs[0..result_bigint.len];
if (result_bigint.positive) {
return Value.Tag.int_big_positive.create(allocator, result_limbs);
} else {
return Value.Tag.int_big_negative.create(allocator, result_limbs);
pub fn floatAdd(
arena: *Allocator,
float_type: Type,
@ -4250,6 +4277,39 @@ pub fn floatDiv(
pub fn floatMul(
arena: *Allocator,
float_type: Type,
src: LazySrcLoc,
lhs: Value,
rhs: Value,
) !Value {
switch (float_type.tag()) {
.f16 => {
@panic("TODO add __trunctfhf2 to compiler-rt");
//const lhs_val = lhs.toFloat(f16);
//const rhs_val = rhs.toFloat(f16);
//return Value.Tag.float_16.create(arena, lhs_val * rhs_val);
.f32 => {
const lhs_val = lhs.toFloat(f32);
const rhs_val = rhs.toFloat(f32);
return Value.Tag.float_32.create(arena, lhs_val * rhs_val);
.f64 => {
const lhs_val = lhs.toFloat(f64);
const rhs_val = rhs.toFloat(f64);
return Value.Tag.float_64.create(arena, lhs_val * rhs_val);
.f128, .comptime_float, .c_longdouble => {
const lhs_val = lhs.toFloat(f128);
const rhs_val = rhs.toFloat(f128);
return Value.Tag.float_128.create(arena, lhs_val * rhs_val);
else => unreachable,
pub fn simplePtrType(
mod: *Module,
arena: *Allocator,
@ -4606,10 +4606,15 @@ fn analyzeArithmetic(
// incase rhs is 0, simply return lhs without doing any calculations
// TODO Once division is implemented we should throw an error when dividing by 0.
if (rhs_val.compareWithZero(.eq)) {
return sema.mod.constInst(sema.arena, src, .{
.ty = scalar_type,
.val = lhs_val,
switch (zir_tag) {
.add, .addwrap, .sub, .subwrap => {
return sema.mod.constInst(sema.arena, src, .{
.ty = scalar_type,
.val = lhs_val,
else => {},
const value = switch (zir_tag) {
@ -4634,6 +4639,13 @@ fn analyzeArithmetic(
try Module.floatDiv(sema.arena, scalar_type, src, lhs_val, rhs_val);
break :blk val;
.mul => blk: {
const val = if (is_int)
try Module.intMul(sema.arena, lhs_val, rhs_val)
try Module.floatMul(sema.arena, scalar_type, src, lhs_val, rhs_val);
break :blk val;
else => return sema.mod.fail(&block.base, src, "TODO Implement arithmetic operand '{s}'", .{@tagName(zir_tag)}),
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
const std = @import("std");
const testing = std.testing;
const mem = std.mem;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Type = @import("../Type.zig");
const DW = std.dwarf;
@ -68,6 +73,11 @@ pub const Register = enum(u8) {
return @truncate(u4, @enumToInt(self));
/// Like id, but only returns the lower 3 bits.
pub fn low_id(self: Register) u3 {
return @truncate(u3, @enumToInt(self));
/// Returns the index into `callee_preserved_regs`.
pub fn allocIndex(self: Register) ?u4 {
return switch (self) {
@ -136,6 +146,493 @@ pub const callee_preserved_regs = [_]Register{ .rax, .rcx, .rdx, .rsi, .rdi, .r8
pub const c_abi_int_param_regs = [_]Register{ .rdi, .rsi, .rdx, .rcx, .r8, .r9 };
pub const c_abi_int_return_regs = [_]Register{ .rax, .rdx };
/// Encoding helper functions for x86_64 instructions
/// Many of these helpers do very little, but they can help make things
/// slightly more readable with more descriptive field names / function names.
/// Some of them also have asserts to ensure that we aren't doing dumb things.
/// For example, trying to use register 4 (esp) in an indirect modr/m byte is illegal,
/// you need to encode it with an SIB byte.
/// Note that ALL of these helper functions will assume capacity,
/// so ensure that the `code` has sufficient capacity before using them.
/// The `init` method is the recommended way to ensure capacity.
pub const Encoder = struct {
/// Non-owning reference to the code array
code: *ArrayList(u8),
const Self = @This();
/// Wrap `code` in Encoder to make it easier to call these helper functions
/// maximum_inst_size should contain the maximum number of bytes
/// that the encoded instruction will take.
/// This is because the helper functions will assume capacity
/// in order to avoid bounds checking.
pub fn init(code: *ArrayList(u8), maximum_inst_size: u8) !Self {
try code.ensureCapacity(code.items.len + maximum_inst_size);
return Self{ .code = code };
/// Directly write a number to the code array with big endianness
pub fn writeIntBig(self: Self, comptime T: type, value: T) void {
self.code.addManyAsArrayAssumeCapacity(@divExact(@typeInfo(T).Int.bits, 8)),
/// Directly write a number to the code array with little endianness
pub fn writeIntLittle(self: Self, comptime T: type, value: T) void {
self.code.addManyAsArrayAssumeCapacity(@divExact(@typeInfo(T).Int.bits, 8)),
// --------
// Prefixes
// --------
pub const LegacyPrefixes = packed struct {
/// LOCK
prefix_f0: bool = false,
/// REPNZ, REPNE, REP, Scalar Double-precision
prefix_f2: bool = false,
/// REPZ, REPE, REP, Scalar Single-precision
prefix_f3: bool = false,
/// CS segment override or Branch not taken
prefix_2e: bool = false,
/// DS segment override
prefix_36: bool = false,
/// ES segment override
prefix_26: bool = false,
/// FS segment override
prefix_64: bool = false,
/// GS segment override
prefix_65: bool = false,
/// Branch taken
prefix_3e: bool = false,
/// Operand size override (enables 16 bit operation)
prefix_66: bool = false,
/// Address size override (enables 16 bit address size)
prefix_67: bool = false,
padding: u5 = 0,
/// Encodes legacy prefixes
pub fn legacyPrefixes(self: Self, prefixes: LegacyPrefixes) void {
if (@bitCast(u16, prefixes) != 0) {
// Hopefully this path isn't taken very often, so we'll do it the slow way for now
if (prefixes.prefix_f0) self.code.appendAssumeCapacity(0xf0);
// REPNZ, REPNE, REP, Scalar Double-precision
if (prefixes.prefix_f2) self.code.appendAssumeCapacity(0xf2);
// REPZ, REPE, REP, Scalar Single-precision
if (prefixes.prefix_f3) self.code.appendAssumeCapacity(0xf3);
// CS segment override or Branch not taken
if (prefixes.prefix_2e) self.code.appendAssumeCapacity(0x2e);
// DS segment override
if (prefixes.prefix_36) self.code.appendAssumeCapacity(0x36);
// ES segment override
if (prefixes.prefix_26) self.code.appendAssumeCapacity(0x26);
// FS segment override
if (prefixes.prefix_64) self.code.appendAssumeCapacity(0x64);
// GS segment override
if (prefixes.prefix_65) self.code.appendAssumeCapacity(0x65);
// Branch taken
if (prefixes.prefix_3e) self.code.appendAssumeCapacity(0x3e);
// Operand size override
if (prefixes.prefix_66) self.code.appendAssumeCapacity(0x66);
// Address size override
if (prefixes.prefix_67) self.code.appendAssumeCapacity(0x67);
/// Use 16 bit operand size
/// Note that this flag is overridden by REX.W, if both are present.
pub fn prefix16BitMode(self: Self) void {
/// From section of the manual, REX is encoded as b0100WRXB
pub const Rex = struct {
/// Wide, enables 64-bit operation
w: bool = false,
/// Extends the reg field in the ModR/M byte
r: bool = false,
/// Extends the index field in the SIB byte
x: bool = false,
/// Extends the r/m field in the ModR/M byte,
/// or the base field in the SIB byte,
/// or the reg field in the Opcode byte
b: bool = false,
/// Encodes a REX prefix byte given all the fields
/// Use this byte whenever you need 64 bit operation,
/// or one of reg, index, r/m, base, or opcode-reg might be extended.
/// See struct `Rex` for a description of each field.
/// Does not add a prefix byte if none of the fields are set!
pub fn rex(self: Self, byte: Rex) void {
var value: u8 = 0b0100_0000;
if (byte.w) value |= 0b1000;
if (byte.r) value |= 0b0100;
if (byte.x) value |= 0b0010;
if (byte.b) value |= 0b0001;
if (value != 0b0100_0000) {
// ------
// Opcode
// ------
/// Encodes a 1 byte opcode
pub fn opcode_1byte(self: Self, opcode: u8) void {
/// Encodes a 2 byte opcode
/// e.g. IMUL has the opcode 0x0f 0xaf, so you use
/// encoder.opcode_2byte(0x0f, 0xaf);
pub fn opcode_2byte(self: Self, prefix: u8, opcode: u8) void {
/// Encodes a 1 byte opcode with a reg field
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if reg is extended!
pub fn opcode_withReg(self: Self, opcode: u8, reg: u3) void {
assert(opcode & 0b111 == 0);
self.code.appendAssumeCapacity(opcode | reg);
// ------
// ModR/M
// ------
/// Construct a ModR/M byte given all the fields
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if reg or rm are extended!
pub fn modRm(self: Self, mod: u2, reg_or_opx: u3, rm: u3) void {
@as(u8, mod) << 6 | @as(u8, reg_or_opx) << 3 | rm,
/// Construct a ModR/M byte using direct r/m addressing
/// r/m effective address: r/m
/// Note reg's effective address is always just reg for the ModR/M byte.
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if reg or rm are extended!
pub fn modRm_direct(self: Self, reg_or_opx: u3, rm: u3) void {
self.modRm(0b11, reg_or_opx, rm);
/// Construct a ModR/M byte using indirect r/m addressing
/// r/m effective address: [r/m]
/// Note reg's effective address is always just reg for the ModR/M byte.
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if reg or rm are extended!
pub fn modRm_indirectDisp0(self: Self, reg_or_opx: u3, rm: u3) void {
assert(rm != 4 and rm != 5);
self.modRm(0b00, reg_or_opx, rm);
/// Construct a ModR/M byte using indirect SIB addressing
/// r/m effective address: [SIB]
/// Note reg's effective address is always just reg for the ModR/M byte.
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if reg or rm are extended!
pub fn modRm_SIBDisp0(self: Self, reg_or_opx: u3) void {
self.modRm(0b00, reg_or_opx, 0b100);
/// Construct a ModR/M byte using RIP-relative addressing
/// r/m effective address: [RIP + disp32]
/// Note reg's effective address is always just reg for the ModR/M byte.
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if reg or rm are extended!
pub fn modRm_RIPDisp32(self: Self, reg_or_opx: u3) void {
self.modRm(0b00, reg_or_opx, 0b101);
/// Construct a ModR/M byte using indirect r/m with a 8bit displacement
/// r/m effective address: [r/m + disp8]
/// Note reg's effective address is always just reg for the ModR/M byte.
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if reg or rm are extended!
pub fn modRm_indirectDisp8(self: Self, reg_or_opx: u3, rm: u3) void {
assert(rm != 4);
self.modRm(0b01, reg_or_opx, rm);
/// Construct a ModR/M byte using indirect SIB with a 8bit displacement
/// r/m effective address: [SIB + disp8]
/// Note reg's effective address is always just reg for the ModR/M byte.
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if reg or rm are extended!
pub fn modRm_SIBDisp8(self: Self, reg_or_opx: u3) void {
self.modRm(0b01, reg_or_opx, 0b100);
/// Construct a ModR/M byte using indirect r/m with a 32bit displacement
/// r/m effective address: [r/m + disp32]
/// Note reg's effective address is always just reg for the ModR/M byte.
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if reg or rm are extended!
pub fn modRm_indirectDisp32(self: Self, reg_or_opx: u3, rm: u3) void {
assert(rm != 4);
self.modRm(0b10, reg_or_opx, rm);
/// Construct a ModR/M byte using indirect SIB with a 32bit displacement
/// r/m effective address: [SIB + disp32]
/// Note reg's effective address is always just reg for the ModR/M byte.
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if reg or rm are extended!
pub fn modRm_SIBDisp32(self: Self, reg_or_opx: u3) void {
self.modRm(0b10, reg_or_opx, 0b100);
// ---
// SIB
// ---
/// Construct a SIB byte given all the fields
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if index or base are extended!
pub fn sib(self: Self, scale: u2, index: u3, base: u3) void {
@as(u8, scale) << 6 | @as(u8, index) << 3 | base,
/// Construct a SIB byte with scale * index + base, no frills.
/// r/m effective address: [base + scale * index]
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if index or base are extended!
pub fn sib_scaleIndexBase(self: Self, scale: u2, index: u3, base: u3) void {
assert(base != 5);
self.sib(scale, index, base);
/// Construct a SIB byte with scale * index + disp32
/// r/m effective address: [scale * index + disp32]
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if index or base are extended!
pub fn sib_scaleIndexDisp32(self: Self, scale: u2, index: u3) void {
assert(index != 4);
// scale is actually ignored
// index = 4 means no index
// base = 5 means no base, if mod == 0.
self.sib(scale, index, 5);
/// Construct a SIB byte with just base
/// r/m effective address: [base]
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if index or base are extended!
pub fn sib_base(self: Self, base: u3) void {
assert(base != 5);
// scale is actually ignored
// index = 4 means no index
self.sib(0, 4, base);
/// Construct a SIB byte with just disp32
/// r/m effective address: [disp32]
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if index or base are extended!
pub fn sib_disp32(self: Self) void {
// scale is actually ignored
// index = 4 means no index
// base = 5 means no base, if mod == 0.
self.sib(0, 4, 5);
/// Construct a SIB byte with scale * index + base + disp8
/// r/m effective address: [base + scale * index + disp8]
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if index or base are extended!
pub fn sib_scaleIndexBaseDisp8(self: Self, scale: u2, index: u3, base: u3) void {
self.sib(scale, index, base);
/// Construct a SIB byte with base + disp8, no index
/// r/m effective address: [base + disp8]
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if index or base are extended!
pub fn sib_baseDisp8(self: Self, base: u3) void {
// scale is ignored
// index = 4 means no index
self.sib(0, 4, base);
/// Construct a SIB byte with scale * index + base + disp32
/// r/m effective address: [base + scale * index + disp32]
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if index or base are extended!
pub fn sib_scaleIndexBaseDisp32(self: Self, scale: u2, index: u3, base: u3) void {
self.sib(scale, index, base);
/// Construct a SIB byte with base + disp32, no index
/// r/m effective address: [base + disp32]
/// Remember to add a REX prefix byte if index or base are extended!
pub fn sib_baseDisp32(self: Self, base: u3) void {
// scale is ignored
// index = 4 means no index
self.sib(0, 4, base);
// -------------------------
// Trivial (no bit fiddling)
// -------------------------
/// Encode an 8 bit immediate
/// It is sign-extended to 64 bits by the cpu.
pub fn imm8(self: Self, imm: i8) void {
self.code.appendAssumeCapacity(@bitCast(u8, imm));
/// Encode an 8 bit displacement
/// It is sign-extended to 64 bits by the cpu.
pub fn disp8(self: Self, disp: i8) void {
self.code.appendAssumeCapacity(@bitCast(u8, disp));
/// Encode an 16 bit immediate
/// It is sign-extended to 64 bits by the cpu.
pub fn imm16(self: Self, imm: i16) void {
self.writeIntLittle(i16, imm);
/// Encode an 32 bit immediate
/// It is sign-extended to 64 bits by the cpu.
pub fn imm32(self: Self, imm: i32) void {
self.writeIntLittle(i32, imm);
/// Encode an 32 bit displacement
/// It is sign-extended to 64 bits by the cpu.
pub fn disp32(self: Self, disp: i32) void {
self.writeIntLittle(i32, disp);
/// Encode an 64 bit immediate
/// It is sign-extended to 64 bits by the cpu.
pub fn imm64(self: Self, imm: u64) void {
self.writeIntLittle(u64, imm);
test "x86_64 Encoder helpers" {
var code = ArrayList(u8).init(testing.allocator);
defer code.deinit();
// simple integer multiplication
// imul eax,edi
// 0faf c7
try code.resize(0);
const encoder = try Encoder.init(&code, 4);
.r = Register.eax.isExtended(),
.b = Register.edi.isExtended(),
encoder.opcode_2byte(0x0f, 0xaf);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &[_]u8{ 0x0f, 0xaf, 0xc7 }, code.items);
// simple mov
// mov eax,edi
// 89 f8
try code.resize(0);
const encoder = try Encoder.init(&code, 3);
.r = Register.edi.isExtended(),
.b = Register.eax.isExtended(),
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &[_]u8{ 0x89, 0xf8 }, code.items);
// signed integer addition of 32-bit sign extended immediate to 64 bit register
// add rcx, 2147483647
// Using the following opcode: REX.W + 81 /0 id, we expect the following encoding
// 48 : REX.W set for 64 bit operand (*r*cx)
// 81 : opcode for "<arithmetic> with immediate"
// c1 : id = rcx,
// : c1 = 11 <-- mod = 11 indicates r/m is register (rcx)
// : 000 <-- opcode_extension = 0 because opcode extension is /0. /0 specifies ADD
// : 001 <-- 001 is rcx
// ffffff7f : 2147483647
try code.resize(0);
const encoder = try Encoder.init(&code, 7);
encoder.rex(.{ .w = true }); // use 64 bit operation
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &[_]u8{ 0x48, 0x81, 0xc1, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f }, code.items);
// TODO add these registers to the enum and populate dwarfLocOp
// // Return Address register. This is stored in `0(%rsp, "")` and is not a physical register.
// RA = (16, "RA"),
@ -40,10 +40,11 @@ pub const ABI = struct {
// The order of the elements in this array defines the linking order.
pub const libs = [_]Lib{
.{ .name = "c", .sover = 6 },
.{ .name = "m", .sover = 6 },
.{ .name = "pthread", .sover = 0 },
.{ .name = "c", .sover = 6 },
.{ .name = "dl", .sover = 2 },
.{ .name = "rt", .sover = 1 },
.{ .name = "ld", .sover = 2 },
@ -763,16 +764,17 @@ pub fn buildSharedObjects(comp: *Compilation) !void {
.lt => continue,
.gt => {
// TODO Expose via compile error mechanism instead of log.
std.log.warn("invalid target glibc version: {}", .{target_version});
std.log.err("invalid target glibc version: {}", .{target_version});
return error.InvalidTargetGLibCVersion;
} else blk: {
} else {
const latest_index = metadata.all_versions.len - 1;
std.log.warn("zig cannot build new glibc version {}; providing instead {}", .{
// TODO Expose via compile error mechanism instead of log.
std.log.err("zig does not yet provide glibc version {}, the max provided version is {}", .{
target_version, metadata.all_versions[latest_index],
break :blk latest_index;
return error.InvalidTargetGLibCVersion;
var map_contents = std.ArrayList(u8).init(arena);
@ -1648,19 +1648,18 @@ fn linkWithLLD(self: *Elf, comp: *Compilation) !void {
// libc dep
if (self.base.options.link_libc) {
if (self.base.options.libc_installation != null) {
if (self.base.options.link_mode == .Static) {
try argv.append("--start-group");
try argv.append("-lc");
try argv.append("-lm");
try argv.append("--end-group");
} else {
try argv.append("-lc");
try argv.append("-lm");
if (target.os.tag == .freebsd or target.os.tag == .netbsd or target.os.tag == .openbsd) {
try argv.append("-lpthread");
const needs_grouping = self.base.options.link_mode == .Static;
if (needs_grouping) try argv.append("--start-group");
// This matches the order of glibc.libs
try argv.appendSlice(&[_][]const u8{
if (needs_grouping) try argv.append("--end-group");
} else if (target.isGnuLibC()) {
try argv.append(comp.libunwind_static_lib.?.full_object_path);
for (glibc.libs) |lib| {
@ -442,6 +442,7 @@ pub fn flushModule(self: *MachO, comp: *Compilation) !void {
const text_segment = self.load_commands.items[self.text_segment_cmd_index.?].Segment;
const main_cmd = &self.load_commands.items[self.main_cmd_index.?].Main;
main_cmd.entryoff = addr - text_segment.inner.vmaddr;
main_cmd.stacksize = self.base.options.stack_size_override orelse 0;
self.load_commands_dirty = true;
try self.writeRebaseInfoTable();
@ -695,7 +696,9 @@ fn linkWithLLD(self: *MachO, comp: *Compilation) !void {
try zld.link(input_files.items, full_out_path);
try zld.link(input_files.items, full_out_path, .{
.stack_size = self.base.options.stack_size_override,
break :outer;
@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ page_size: ?u16 = null,
file: ?fs.File = null,
out_path: ?[]const u8 = null,
// TODO these args will become obselete once Zld is coalesced with incremental
// linker.
stack_size: u64 = 0,
objects: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Object) = .{},
archives: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Archive) = .{},
@ -172,7 +176,11 @@ pub fn closeFiles(self: Zld) void {
if (self.file) |f| f.close();
pub fn link(self: *Zld, files: []const []const u8, out_path: []const u8) !void {
const LinkArgs = struct {
stack_size: ?u64 = null,
pub fn link(self: *Zld, files: []const []const u8, out_path: []const u8, args: LinkArgs) !void {
if (files.len == 0) return error.NoInputFiles;
if (out_path.len == 0) return error.EmptyOutputPath;
@ -206,6 +214,7 @@ pub fn link(self: *Zld, files: []const []const u8, out_path: []const u8) !void {
.read = true,
.mode = if (std.Target.current.os.tag == .windows) 0 else 0o777,
self.stack_size = args.stack_size orelse 0;
try self.populateMetadata();
try self.parseInputFiles(files);
@ -1533,7 +1542,8 @@ fn resolveRelocsAndWriteSections(self: *Zld) !void {
if (rel.target == .section) {
const source_sect = object.sections.items[rel.target.section];
args.source_sect_addr = source_sect.inner.addr;
args.source_source_sect_addr = sect.inner.addr;
args.source_target_sect_addr = source_sect.inner.addr;
rebases: {
@ -1588,7 +1598,8 @@ fn resolveRelocsAndWriteSections(self: *Zld) !void {
else => |tt| {
if (tt == .signed and rel.target == .section) {
const source_sect = object.sections.items[rel.target.section];
args.source_sect_addr = source_sect.inner.addr;
args.source_source_sect_addr = sect.inner.addr;
args.source_target_sect_addr = source_sect.inner.addr;
args.target_addr = try self.relocTargetAddr(@intCast(u16, object_id), rel.target);
@ -2202,6 +2213,7 @@ fn setEntryPoint(self: *Zld) !void {
const entry_sym = sym.cast(Symbol.Regular) orelse unreachable;
const ec = &self.load_commands.items[self.main_cmd_index.?].Main;
ec.entryoff = @intCast(u32, entry_sym.address - seg.inner.vmaddr);
ec.stacksize = self.stack_size;
fn writeRebaseInfoTable(self: *Zld) !void {
@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ pub const Relocation = struct {
source_addr: u64,
target_addr: u64,
subtractor: ?u64 = null,
source_sect_addr: ?u64 = null,
source_source_sect_addr: ?u64 = null,
source_target_sect_addr: ?u64 = null,
pub fn resolve(base: *Relocation, args: ResolveArgs) !void {
@ -39,8 +40,10 @@ pub const Relocation = struct {
log.debug(" | target address 0x{x}", .{args.target_addr});
if (args.subtractor) |sub|
log.debug(" | subtractor address 0x{x}", .{sub});
if (args.source_sect_addr) |addr|
log.debug(" | source section address 0x{x}", .{addr});
if (args.source_source_sect_addr) |addr|
log.debug(" | source source section address 0x{x}", .{addr});
if (args.source_target_sect_addr) |addr|
log.debug(" | source target section address 0x{x}", .{addr});
return switch (base.@"type") {
.unsigned => @fieldParentPtr(Unsigned, "base", base).resolve(args),
@ -104,7 +107,7 @@ pub const Unsigned = struct {
pub fn resolve(unsigned: Unsigned, args: Relocation.ResolveArgs) !void {
const addend = if (unsigned.base.target == .section)
unsigned.addend - @intCast(i64, args.source_sect_addr.?)
unsigned.addend - @intCast(i64, args.source_target_sect_addr.?)
@ -33,16 +33,19 @@ pub const Signed = struct {
pub fn resolve(signed: Signed, args: Relocation.ResolveArgs) !void {
const target_addr = target_addr: {
if (signed.base.target == .section) {
const source_target = @intCast(i64, signed.base.offset) + signed.addend + 4 + signed.correction;
const source_disp = source_target - @intCast(i64, args.source_sect_addr.?);
const source_target = @intCast(i64, args.source_source_sect_addr.?) + @intCast(i64, signed.base.offset) + signed.addend + 4;
const source_disp = source_target - @intCast(i64, args.source_target_sect_addr.?);
break :target_addr @intCast(i64, args.target_addr) + source_disp;
break :target_addr @intCast(i64, args.target_addr) + signed.addend;
const displacement = try math.cast(i32, target_addr - @intCast(i64, args.source_addr) - signed.correction - 4);
const displacement = try math.cast(
target_addr - @intCast(i64, args.source_addr) - signed.correction - 4,
log.debug(" | calculated addend 0x{x}", .{signed.addend});
log.debug(" | calculated correction 0x{x}", .{signed.correction});
log.debug(" | addend 0x{x}", .{signed.addend});
log.debug(" | correction 0x{x}", .{signed.correction});
log.debug(" | displacement 0x{x}", .{displacement});
mem.writeIntLittle(u32, signed.base.code[0..4], @bitCast(u32, displacement));
@ -172,20 +175,14 @@ pub const Parser = struct {
const offset = @intCast(u32, rel.r_address);
const inst = parser.code[offset..][0..4];
const addend = mem.readIntLittle(i32, inst);
const correction: i4 = correction: {
if (is_extern) break :correction 0;
const corr: i4 = switch (rel_type) {
.X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED => 0,
.X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_1 => 1,
.X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_2 => 2,
.X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_4 => 4,
else => unreachable,
break :correction corr;
const correction: i4 = switch (rel_type) {
.X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED => 0,
.X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_1 => 1,
.X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_2 => 2,
.X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_4 => 4,
else => unreachable,
const addend = mem.readIntLittle(i32, inst) + correction;
var signed = try parser.allocator.create(Signed);
errdefer parser.allocator.destroy(signed);
@ -2302,7 +2302,7 @@ fn cmdTranslateC(comp: *Compilation, arena: *Allocator, enable_cache: bool) !voi
defer if (enable_cache) man.deinit();
man.hash.add(@as(u16, 0xb945)); // Random number to distinguish translate-c from compiling C objects
_ = man.addFile(c_source_file.src_path, null) catch |err| {
man.hashCSource(c_source_file) catch |err| {
fatal("unable to process '{s}': {s}", .{ c_source_file.src_path, @errorName(err) });
@ -2332,12 +2332,16 @@ fn cmdTranslateC(comp: *Compilation, arena: *Allocator, enable_cache: bool) !voi
// Convert to null terminated args.
const new_argv_with_sentinel = try arena.alloc(?[*:0]const u8, argv.items.len + 1);
new_argv_with_sentinel[argv.items.len] = null;
const new_argv = new_argv_with_sentinel[0..argv.items.len :null];
const clang_args_len = argv.items.len + c_source_file.extra_flags.len;
const new_argv_with_sentinel = try arena.alloc(?[*:0]const u8, clang_args_len + 1);
new_argv_with_sentinel[clang_args_len] = null;
const new_argv = new_argv_with_sentinel[0..clang_args_len :null];
for (argv.items) |arg, i| {
new_argv[i] = try arena.dupeZ(u8, arg);
for (c_source_file.extra_flags) |arg, i| {
new_argv[argv.items.len + i] = try arena.dupeZ(u8, arg);
const c_headers_dir_path = try comp.zig_lib_directory.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{"include"});
const c_headers_dir_path_z = try arena.dupeZ(u8, c_headers_dir_path);
@ -3526,88 +3530,8 @@ test "fds" {
fn detectNativeCpuWithLLVM(
arch: std.Target.Cpu.Arch,
llvm_cpu_name_z: ?[*:0]const u8,
llvm_cpu_features_opt: ?[*:0]const u8,
) !std.Target.Cpu {
var result = std.Target.Cpu.baseline(arch);
if (llvm_cpu_name_z) |cpu_name_z| {
const llvm_cpu_name = mem.spanZ(cpu_name_z);
for (arch.allCpuModels()) |model| {
const this_llvm_name = model.llvm_name orelse continue;
if (mem.eql(u8, this_llvm_name, llvm_cpu_name)) {
// Here we use the non-dependencies-populated set,
// so that subtracting features later in this function
// affect the prepopulated set.
result = std.Target.Cpu{
.arch = arch,
.model = model,
.features = model.features,
const all_features = arch.allFeaturesList();
if (llvm_cpu_features_opt) |llvm_cpu_features| {
var it = mem.tokenize(mem.spanZ(llvm_cpu_features), ",");
while (it.next()) |decorated_llvm_feat| {
var op: enum {
} = undefined;
var llvm_feat: []const u8 = undefined;
if (mem.startsWith(u8, decorated_llvm_feat, "+")) {
op = .add;
llvm_feat = decorated_llvm_feat[1..];
} else if (mem.startsWith(u8, decorated_llvm_feat, "-")) {
op = .sub;
llvm_feat = decorated_llvm_feat[1..];
} else {
return error.InvalidLlvmCpuFeaturesFormat;
for (all_features) |feature, index_usize| {
const this_llvm_name = feature.llvm_name orelse continue;
if (mem.eql(u8, llvm_feat, this_llvm_name)) {
const index = @intCast(std.Target.Cpu.Feature.Set.Index, index_usize);
switch (op) {
.add => result.features.addFeature(index),
.sub => result.features.removeFeature(index),
return result;
fn detectNativeTargetInfo(gpa: *Allocator, cross_target: std.zig.CrossTarget) !std.zig.system.NativeTargetInfo {
var info = try std.zig.system.NativeTargetInfo.detect(gpa, cross_target);
if (info.cpu_detection_unimplemented) {
const arch = std.Target.current.cpu.arch;
// We want to just use detected_info.target but implementing
// CPU model & feature detection is todo so here we rely on LLVM.
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4591
if (!build_options.have_llvm)
fatal("CPU features detection is not yet available for {s} without LLVM extensions", .{@tagName(arch)});
const llvm = @import("codegen/llvm/bindings.zig");
const llvm_cpu_name = llvm.GetHostCPUName();
const llvm_cpu_features = llvm.GetNativeFeatures();
info.target.cpu = try detectNativeCpuWithLLVM(arch, llvm_cpu_name, llvm_cpu_features);
info.target.cpu.arch = cross_target.getCpuArch();
return info;
return std.zig.system.NativeTargetInfo.detect(gpa, cross_target);
/// Indicate that we are now terminating with a successful exit code.
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
const std = @import("std");
const math = std.math;
const mem = std.mem;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const ir = @import("ir.zig");
@ -66,8 +67,13 @@ pub fn RegisterManager(
/// Returns `null` if all registers are allocated.
pub fn tryAllocRegs(self: *Self, comptime count: comptime_int, insts: [count]*ir.Inst) ?[count]Register {
if (self.tryAllocRegsWithoutTracking(count)) |regs| {
pub fn tryAllocRegs(
self: *Self,
comptime count: comptime_int,
insts: [count]*ir.Inst,
exceptions: []Register,
) ?[count]Register {
if (self.tryAllocRegsWithoutTracking(count, exceptions)) |regs| {
for (regs) |reg, i| {
const index = reg.allocIndex().?; // allocIndex() on a callee-preserved reg should never return null
self.registers[index] = insts[i];
@ -81,21 +87,30 @@ pub fn RegisterManager(
/// Returns `null` if all registers are allocated.
pub fn tryAllocReg(self: *Self, inst: *ir.Inst) ?Register {
return if (tryAllocRegs(self, 1, .{inst})) |regs| regs[0] else null;
pub fn tryAllocReg(self: *Self, inst: *ir.Inst, exceptions: []Register) ?Register {
return if (tryAllocRegs(self, 1, .{inst}, exceptions)) |regs| regs[0] else null;
pub fn allocRegs(self: *Self, comptime count: comptime_int, insts: [count]*ir.Inst) ![count]Register {
pub fn allocRegs(
self: *Self,
comptime count: comptime_int,
insts: [count]*ir.Inst,
exceptions: []Register,
) ![count]Register {
comptime assert(count > 0 and count <= callee_preserved_regs.len);
assert(count + exceptions.len <= callee_preserved_regs.len);
return self.tryAllocRegs(count, insts) orelse blk: {
return self.tryAllocRegs(count, insts, exceptions) orelse blk: {
// We'll take over the first count registers. Spill
// the instructions that were previously there to a
// stack allocations.
var regs: [count]Register = undefined;
std.mem.copy(Register, ®s, callee_preserved_regs[0..count]);
var i: usize = 0;
for (callee_preserved_regs) |reg| {
if (i >= count) break;
if (mem.indexOfScalar(Register, exceptions, reg) != null) continue;
regs[i] = reg;
for (regs) |reg, i| {
const index = reg.allocIndex().?; // allocIndex() on a callee-preserved reg should never return null
if (self.isRegFree(reg)) {
@ -104,21 +119,28 @@ pub fn RegisterManager(
try self.getFunction().spillInstruction(spilled_inst.src, reg, spilled_inst);
self.registers[index] = insts[i];
i += 1;
break :blk regs;
pub fn allocReg(self: *Self, inst: *ir.Inst) !Register {
return (try self.allocRegs(1, .{inst}))[0];
pub fn allocReg(self: *Self, inst: *ir.Inst, exceptions: []Register) !Register {
return (try self.allocRegs(1, .{inst}, exceptions))[0];
/// Does not track the registers.
/// Returns `null` if not enough registers are free.
pub fn tryAllocRegsWithoutTracking(self: *Self, comptime count: comptime_int) ?[count]Register {
pub fn tryAllocRegsWithoutTracking(
self: *Self,
comptime count: comptime_int,
exceptions: []Register,
) ?[count]Register {
comptime if (callee_preserved_regs.len == 0) return null;
comptime assert(count > 0 and count <= callee_preserved_regs.len);
assert(count + exceptions.len <= callee_preserved_regs.len);
const free_registers = @popCount(FreeRegInt, self.free_registers);
if (free_registers < count) return null;
@ -127,30 +149,35 @@ pub fn RegisterManager(
var i: usize = 0;
for (callee_preserved_regs) |reg| {
if (i >= count) break;
if (mem.indexOfScalar(Register, exceptions, reg) != null) continue;
if (self.isRegFree(reg)) {
regs[i] = reg;
i += 1;
return regs;
return if (i < count) null else regs;
/// Does not track the register.
/// Returns `null` if all registers are allocated.
pub fn tryAllocRegWithoutTracking(self: *Self) ?Register {
return if (self.tryAllocRegsWithoutTracking(1)) |regs| regs[0] else null;
pub fn tryAllocRegWithoutTracking(self: *Self, exceptions: []Register) ?Register {
return if (self.tryAllocRegsWithoutTracking(1, exceptions)) |regs| regs[0] else null;
/// Does not track the registers
pub fn allocRegsWithoutTracking(self: *Self, comptime count: comptime_int) ![count]Register {
return self.tryAllocRegsWithoutTracking(count) orelse blk: {
pub fn allocRegsWithoutTracking(self: *Self, comptime count: comptime_int, exceptions: []Register) ![count]Register {
return self.tryAllocRegsWithoutTracking(count, exceptions) orelse blk: {
// We'll take over the first count registers. Spill
// the instructions that were previously there to a
// stack allocations.
var regs: [count]Register = undefined;
std.mem.copy(Register, ®s, callee_preserved_regs[0..count]);
var i: usize = 0;
for (callee_preserved_regs) |reg| {
if (i >= count) break;
if (mem.indexOfScalar(Register, exceptions, reg) != null) continue;
regs[i] = reg;
for (regs) |reg, i| {
const index = reg.allocIndex().?; // allocIndex() on a callee-preserved reg should never return null
if (!self.isRegFree(reg)) {
const spilled_inst = self.registers[index].?;
@ -158,6 +185,8 @@ pub fn RegisterManager(
self.registers[index] = null;
i += 1;
break :blk regs;
@ -165,8 +194,8 @@ pub fn RegisterManager(
/// Does not track the register.
pub fn allocRegWithoutTracking(self: *Self) !Register {
return (try self.allocRegsWithoutTracking(1))[0];
pub fn allocRegWithoutTracking(self: *Self, exceptions: []Register) !Register {
return (try self.allocRegsWithoutTracking(1, exceptions))[0];
/// Allocates the specified register with the specified
@ -270,9 +299,9 @@ test "tryAllocReg: no spilling" {
try std.testing.expect(!function.register_manager.isRegAllocated(.r2));
try std.testing.expect(!function.register_manager.isRegAllocated(.r3));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?MockRegister, .r2), function.register_manager.tryAllocReg(&mock_instruction));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?MockRegister, .r3), function.register_manager.tryAllocReg(&mock_instruction));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?MockRegister, null), function.register_manager.tryAllocReg(&mock_instruction));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?MockRegister, .r2), function.register_manager.tryAllocReg(&mock_instruction, &.{}));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?MockRegister, .r3), function.register_manager.tryAllocReg(&mock_instruction, &.{}));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?MockRegister, null), function.register_manager.tryAllocReg(&mock_instruction, &.{}));
try std.testing.expect(function.register_manager.isRegAllocated(.r2));
try std.testing.expect(function.register_manager.isRegAllocated(.r3));
@ -301,16 +330,16 @@ test "allocReg: spilling" {
try std.testing.expect(!function.register_manager.isRegAllocated(.r2));
try std.testing.expect(!function.register_manager.isRegAllocated(.r3));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?MockRegister, .r2), try function.register_manager.allocReg(&mock_instruction));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?MockRegister, .r3), try function.register_manager.allocReg(&mock_instruction));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?MockRegister, .r2), try function.register_manager.allocReg(&mock_instruction, &.{}));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?MockRegister, .r3), try function.register_manager.allocReg(&mock_instruction, &.{}));
// Spill a register
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?MockRegister, .r2), try function.register_manager.allocReg(&mock_instruction));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?MockRegister, .r2), try function.register_manager.allocReg(&mock_instruction, &.{}));
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(MockRegister, &[_]MockRegister{.r2}, function.spilled.items);
// No spilling necessary
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?MockRegister, .r3), try function.register_manager.allocReg(&mock_instruction));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?MockRegister, .r3), try function.register_manager.allocReg(&mock_instruction, &.{}));
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(MockRegister, &[_]MockRegister{.r2}, function.spilled.items);
@ -718,7 +718,6 @@ struct AstNodeFnProto {
Buf *name;
ZigList<AstNode *> params;
AstNode *return_type;
Token *return_anytype_token;
AstNode *fn_def_node;
// populated if this is an extern declaration
Buf *lib_name;
@ -2125,18 +2125,6 @@ static ZigType *analyze_fn_type(CodeGen *g, AstNode *proto_node, Scope *child_sc
return g->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
if (fn_proto->return_anytype_token != nullptr) {
if (!calling_convention_allows_zig_types(fn_type_id.cc)) {
add_node_error(g, fn_proto->return_type,
buf_sprintf("return type 'anytype' not allowed in function with calling convention '%s'",
return g->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
add_node_error(g, proto_node,
buf_sprintf("TODO implement inferred return types https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/447"));
return g->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
ZigType *specified_return_type = analyze_type_expr(g, child_scope, fn_proto->return_type);
if (type_is_invalid(specified_return_type)) {
fn_type_id.return_type = g->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
@ -10220,4 +10208,3 @@ const char *float_op_to_name(BuiltinFnId op) {
@ -490,17 +490,13 @@ static void render_node_extra(AstRender *ar, AstNode *node, bool grouped) {
fprintf(ar->f, ")");
if (node->data.fn_proto.return_anytype_token != nullptr) {
fprintf(ar->f, "anytype");
} else {
AstNode *return_type_node = node->data.fn_proto.return_type;
assert(return_type_node != nullptr);
fprintf(ar->f, " ");
if (node->data.fn_proto.auto_err_set) {
fprintf(ar->f, "!");
render_node_grouped(ar, return_type_node);
AstNode *return_type_node = node->data.fn_proto.return_type;
assert(return_type_node != nullptr);
fprintf(ar->f, " ");
if (node->data.fn_proto.auto_err_set) {
fprintf(ar->f, "!");
render_node_grouped(ar, return_type_node);
case NodeTypeFnDef:
@ -10104,19 +10104,12 @@ static IrInstSrc *ir_gen_fn_proto(IrBuilderSrc *irb, Scope *parent_scope, AstNod
IrInstSrc *return_type;
if (node->data.fn_proto.return_anytype_token == nullptr) {
if (node->data.fn_proto.return_type == nullptr) {
return_type = ir_build_const_type(irb, parent_scope, node, irb->codegen->builtin_types.entry_void);
} else {
return_type = ir_gen_node(irb, node->data.fn_proto.return_type, parent_scope);
if (return_type == irb->codegen->invalid_inst_src)
return irb->codegen->invalid_inst_src;
if (node->data.fn_proto.return_type == nullptr) {
return_type = ir_build_const_type(irb, parent_scope, node, irb->codegen->builtin_types.entry_void);
} else {
add_node_error(irb->codegen, node,
buf_sprintf("TODO implement inferred return types https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/447"));
return irb->codegen->invalid_inst_src;
//return_type = nullptr;
return_type = ir_gen_node(irb, node->data.fn_proto.return_type, parent_scope);
if (return_type == irb->codegen->invalid_inst_src)
return irb->codegen->invalid_inst_src;
return ir_build_fn_proto(irb, parent_scope, node, param_types, align_value, callconv_value, return_type, is_var_args);
@ -14978,7 +14971,7 @@ static IrInstGen *ir_analyze_struct_literal_to_array(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInst* sou
if ((err = type_resolve(ira->codegen, wanted_type, ResolveStatusSizeKnown)))
return ira->codegen->invalid_inst_gen;
size_t array_len = wanted_type->data.array.len;
size_t instr_field_count = actual_type->data.structure.src_field_count;
assert(array_len == instr_field_count);
@ -20953,44 +20946,42 @@ static IrInstGen *ir_analyze_fn_call(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInst* source_instr,
inst_fn_type_id.alignment = align_bytes;
if (fn_proto_node->data.fn_proto.return_anytype_token == nullptr) {
AstNode *return_type_node = fn_proto_node->data.fn_proto.return_type;
ZigType *specified_return_type = ir_analyze_type_expr(ira, impl_fn->child_scope, return_type_node);
if (type_is_invalid(specified_return_type))
return ira->codegen->invalid_inst_gen;
AstNode *return_type_node = fn_proto_node->data.fn_proto.return_type;
ZigType *specified_return_type = ir_analyze_type_expr(ira, impl_fn->child_scope, return_type_node);
if (type_is_invalid(specified_return_type))
return ira->codegen->invalid_inst_gen;
ErrorMsg *msg = ir_add_error(ira, source_instr,
buf_sprintf("call to generic function with %s return type '%s' not allowed", type_id_name(specified_return_type->id), buf_ptr(&specified_return_type->name)));
add_error_note(ira->codegen, msg, fn_proto_node, buf_sprintf("function declared here"));
ErrorMsg *msg = ir_add_error(ira, source_instr,
buf_sprintf("call to generic function with %s return type '%s' not allowed", type_id_name(specified_return_type->id), buf_ptr(&specified_return_type->name)));
add_error_note(ira->codegen, msg, fn_proto_node, buf_sprintf("function declared here"));
Tld *tld = find_decl(ira->codegen, &fn_entry->fndef_scope->base, &specified_return_type->name);
if (tld != nullptr) {
add_error_note(ira->codegen, msg, tld->source_node, buf_sprintf("type declared here"));
return ira->codegen->invalid_inst_gen;
Tld *tld = find_decl(ira->codegen, &fn_entry->fndef_scope->base, &specified_return_type->name);
if (tld != nullptr) {
add_error_note(ira->codegen, msg, tld->source_node, buf_sprintf("type declared here"));
return ira->codegen->invalid_inst_gen;
if (fn_proto_node->data.fn_proto.auto_err_set) {
ZigType *inferred_err_set_type = get_auto_err_set_type(ira->codegen, impl_fn);
if ((err = type_resolve(ira->codegen, specified_return_type, ResolveStatusSizeKnown)))
return ira->codegen->invalid_inst_gen;
inst_fn_type_id.return_type = get_error_union_type(ira->codegen, inferred_err_set_type, specified_return_type);
} else {
inst_fn_type_id.return_type = specified_return_type;
switch (type_requires_comptime(ira->codegen, specified_return_type)) {
case ReqCompTimeYes:
// Throw out our work and call the function as if it were comptime.
return ir_analyze_fn_call(ira, source_instr, fn_entry, fn_type, fn_ref, first_arg_ptr,
first_arg_ptr_src, CallModifierCompileTime, new_stack, new_stack_src, is_async_call_builtin,
args_ptr, args_len, ret_ptr, call_result_loc);
case ReqCompTimeInvalid:
if (fn_proto_node->data.fn_proto.auto_err_set) {
ZigType *inferred_err_set_type = get_auto_err_set_type(ira->codegen, impl_fn);
if ((err = type_resolve(ira->codegen, specified_return_type, ResolveStatusSizeKnown)))
return ira->codegen->invalid_inst_gen;
case ReqCompTimeNo:
inst_fn_type_id.return_type = get_error_union_type(ira->codegen, inferred_err_set_type, specified_return_type);
} else {
inst_fn_type_id.return_type = specified_return_type;
switch (type_requires_comptime(ira->codegen, specified_return_type)) {
case ReqCompTimeYes:
// Throw out our work and call the function as if it were comptime.
return ir_analyze_fn_call(ira, source_instr, fn_entry, fn_type, fn_ref, first_arg_ptr,
first_arg_ptr_src, CallModifierCompileTime, new_stack, new_stack_src, is_async_call_builtin,
args_ptr, args_len, ret_ptr, call_result_loc);
case ReqCompTimeInvalid:
return ira->codegen->invalid_inst_gen;
case ReqCompTimeNo:
auto existing_entry = ira->codegen->generic_table.put_unique(generic_id, impl_fn);
@ -820,21 +820,19 @@ static AstNode *ast_parse_fn_proto(ParseContext *pc) {
AstNode *align_expr = ast_parse_byte_align(pc);
AstNode *section_expr = ast_parse_link_section(pc);
AstNode *callconv_expr = ast_parse_callconv(pc);
Token *anytype = eat_token_if(pc, TokenIdKeywordAnyType);
Token *exmark = nullptr;
AstNode *return_type = nullptr;
if (anytype == nullptr) {
exmark = eat_token_if(pc, TokenIdBang);
return_type = ast_parse_type_expr(pc);
if (return_type == nullptr) {
Token *next = peek_token(pc);
"expected return type (use 'void' to return nothing), found: '%s'",
exmark = eat_token_if(pc, TokenIdBang);
return_type = ast_parse_type_expr(pc);
if (return_type == nullptr) {
Token *next = peek_token(pc);
"expected return type (use 'void' to return nothing), found: '%s'",
AstNode *res = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeFnProto, first);
@ -844,7 +842,6 @@ static AstNode *ast_parse_fn_proto(ParseContext *pc) {
res->data.fn_proto.align_expr = align_expr;
res->data.fn_proto.section_expr = section_expr;
res->data.fn_proto.callconv_expr = callconv_expr;
res->data.fn_proto.return_anytype_token = anytype;
res->data.fn_proto.auto_err_set = exmark != nullptr;
res->data.fn_proto.return_type = return_type;
@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ pub const available_libcs = [_]ArchOsAbi{
.{ .arch = .arm, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnueabihf },
.{ .arch = .arm, .os = .linux, .abi = .musleabi },
.{ .arch = .arm, .os = .linux, .abi = .musleabihf },
.{ .arch = .thumb, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnueabi },
.{ .arch = .thumb, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnueabihf },
.{ .arch = .thumb, .os = .linux, .abi = .musleabi },
.{ .arch = .thumb, .os = .linux, .abi = .musleabihf },
.{ .arch = .arm, .os = .windows, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .csky, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnueabi },
.{ .arch = .csky, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnueabihf },
@ -97,7 +101,7 @@ pub fn libCGenericName(target: std.Target) [:0]const u8 {
pub fn archMuslName(arch: std.Target.Cpu.Arch) [:0]const u8 {
switch (arch) {
.aarch64, .aarch64_be => return "aarch64",
.arm, .armeb => return "arm",
.arm, .armeb, .thumb, .thumbeb => return "arm",
.mips, .mipsel => return "mips",
.mips64el, .mips64 => return "mips64",
.powerpc => return "powerpc",
@ -447,7 +447,13 @@ fn declVisitorNamesOnly(c: *Context, decl: *const clang.Decl) Error!void {
// TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/3756
// TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1802
const name = if (isZigPrimitiveType(decl_name)) try std.fmt.allocPrint(c.arena, "{s}_{d}", .{ decl_name, c.getMangle() }) else decl_name;
try c.unnamed_typedefs.putNoClobber(c.gpa, addr, name);
const result = try c.unnamed_typedefs.getOrPut(c.gpa, addr);
if (result.found_existing) {
// One typedef can declare multiple names.
// Don't put this one in `decl_table` so it's processed later.
result.entry.value = name;
// Put this typedef in the decl_table to avoid redefinitions.
try c.decl_table.putNoClobber(c.gpa, @ptrToInt(typedef_decl.getCanonicalDecl()), name);
@ -1476,4 +1476,18 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.RunTranslatedCContext) void {
\\ return 0;
, "");
cases.add("typedef with multiple names",
\\#include <stdlib.h>
\\typedef struct {
\\ char field;
\\} a_t, b_t;
\\int main(void) {
\\ a_t a = { .field = 42 };
\\ b_t b = a;
\\ if (b.field != 42) abort();
\\ return 0;
, "");
@ -458,4 +458,57 @@ pub fn addCases(ctx: *TestContext) !void {
var case = ctx.exe("spilling registers", linux_arm);
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ assert(add(3, 4) == 791);
\\ exit();
\\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) u32 {
\\ const x: u32 = blk: {
\\ const c = a + b; // 7
\\ const d = a + c; // 10
\\ const e = d + b; // 14
\\ const f = d + e; // 24
\\ const g = e + f; // 38
\\ const h = f + g; // 62
\\ const i = g + h; // 100
\\ const j = i + d; // 110
\\ const k = i + j; // 210
\\ const l = k + c; // 217
\\ const m = l + d; // 227
\\ const n = m + e; // 241
\\ const o = n + f; // 265
\\ const p = o + g; // 303
\\ const q = p + h; // 365
\\ const r = q + i; // 465
\\ const s = r + j; // 575
\\ const t = s + k; // 785
\\ break :blk t;
\\ };
\\ const y = x + a; // 788
\\ const z = y + a; // 791
\\ return z;
\\fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable;
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("svc #0"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{r7}" (1),
\\ [arg1] "{r0}" (0)
\\ : "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
@ -318,6 +318,81 @@ pub fn addCases(ctx: *TestContext) !void {
, &[_][]const u8{":2:15: error: incompatible types: 'bool' and 'comptime_int'"});
var case = ctx.exe("multiplying numbers at runtime and comptime", linux_x64);
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ mul(3, 4);
\\ exit();
\\fn mul(a: u32, b: u32) void {
\\ if (a * b != 12) unreachable;
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// comptime function call
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ exit();
\\fn mul(a: u32, b: u32) u32 {
\\ return a * b;
\\const x = mul(3, 4);
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (x - 12)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// Inline function call
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ var x: usize = 5;
\\ const y = mul(2, 3, x);
\\ exit(y - 30);
\\fn mul(a: usize, b: usize, c: usize) callconv(.Inline) usize {
\\ return a * b * c;
\\fn exit(code: usize) noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (code)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
var case = ctx.exe("assert function", linux_x64);
@ -700,7 +775,8 @@ pub fn addCases(ctx: *TestContext) !void {
// Spilling registers to the stack.
\\pub export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ assert(add(3, 4) == 791);
\\ assert(add(3, 4) == 1221);
\\ assert(mul(3, 4) == 21609);
\\ exit();
@ -716,19 +792,47 @@ pub fn addCases(ctx: *TestContext) !void {
\\ const i = g + h; // 100
\\ const j = i + d; // 110
\\ const k = i + j; // 210
\\ const l = k + c; // 217
\\ const m = l + d; // 227
\\ const n = m + e; // 241
\\ const o = n + f; // 265
\\ const p = o + g; // 303
\\ const q = p + h; // 365
\\ const r = q + i; // 465
\\ const s = r + j; // 575
\\ const t = s + k; // 785
\\ break :blk t;
\\ const l = j + k; // 320
\\ const m = l + c; // 327
\\ const n = m + d; // 337
\\ const o = n + e; // 351
\\ const p = o + f; // 375
\\ const q = p + g; // 413
\\ const r = q + h; // 475
\\ const s = r + i; // 575
\\ const t = s + j; // 685
\\ const u = t + k; // 895
\\ const v = u + l; // 1215
\\ break :blk v;
\\ };
\\ const y = x + a; // 788
\\ const z = y + a; // 791
\\ const y = x + a; // 1218
\\ const z = y + a; // 1221
\\ return z;
\\fn mul(a: u32, b: u32) u32 {
\\ const x: u32 = blk: {
\\ const c = a * a * a * a; // 81
\\ const d = a * a * a * b; // 108
\\ const e = a * a * b * a; // 108
\\ const f = a * a * b * b; // 144
\\ const g = a * b * a * a; // 108
\\ const h = a * b * a * b; // 144
\\ const i = a * b * b * a; // 144
\\ const j = a * b * b * b; // 192
\\ const k = b * a * a * a; // 108
\\ const l = b * a * a * b; // 144
\\ const m = b * a * b * a; // 144
\\ const n = b * a * b * b; // 192
\\ const o = b * b * a * a; // 144
\\ const p = b * b * a * b; // 192
\\ const q = b * b * b * a; // 192
\\ const r = b * b * b * b; // 256
\\ const s = c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m + n + o + p + q + r; // 2401
\\ break :blk s;
\\ };
\\ const y = x * a; // 7203
\\ const z = y * a; // 21609
\\ return z;
@ -58,7 +58,10 @@ pub fn addCases(ctx: *TestContext) !void {
// This is what you get when you take the bits of the IEE-754
// representation of 42.0 and reinterpret them as an unsigned
// integer. Guess that's a bug in wasmtime.
// integer.
// Bug is fixed in wasmtime v0.26 but updating to v0.26 is blocked
// on this issue:
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/8742
@ -98,15 +98,14 @@ const test_targets = blk: {
.link_libc = true,
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4926
// .target = .{
// .cpu_arch = .i386,
// .os_tag = .linux,
// .abi = .gnu,
// },
// .link_libc = true,
.target = .{
.cpu_arch = .i386,
.os_tag = .linux,
.abi = .gnu,
.link_libc = true,
.target = .{
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