mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 17:10:16 +00:00
std/base64: cleanups & support url-safe and other non-padded variants
This makes a few changes to the base64 codecs. * The padding character is optional. The common "URL-safe" variant, in particular, is generally not used with padding. This is also the case for password hashes, so having this will avoid code duplication with bcrypt, scrypt and other functions. * The URL-safe variant is added. Instead of having individual constants for each parameter of each variant, we are now grouping these in a struct. So, `standard_pad_char` just becomes `standard.pad_char`. * Types are not `snake_case`'d any more. So, `standard_encoder` becomes `standard.Encoder`, as it is a type. * Creating a decoder with ignored characters required the alphabet and padding. Now, `standard.decoderWithIgnore(<ignored chars>)` returns a decoder with the standard parameters and the set of ignored chars. * Whatever applies to `standard.*` obviously also works with `url_safe.*` * the `calcSize()` interface was inconsistent, taking a length in the encoder, and a slice in the encoder. Rename the variant that takes a slice to `calcSizeForSlice()`. * In the decoder with ignored characters, add `calcSizeUpperBound()`, which is more useful than the one that takes a slice in order to size a fixed buffer before we have the data. * Return `error.InvalidCharacter` when the input actually contains characters that are neither padding nor part of the alphabet. If we hit a padding issue (which includes extra bits at the end), consistently return `error.InvalidPadding`. * Don't keep the `char_in_alphabet` array permanently in a decoder; it is only required for sanity checks during initialization. * Tests are unchanged, but now cover both the standard (padded) and the url-safe (non-padded) variants. * Add an error set, rename `OutputTooSmallError` to `NoSpaceLeft` to match the `hex2bin` equivalent.
This commit is contained in:
@ -9952,8 +9952,8 @@ export fn decode_base_64(
) usize {
const src = source_ptr[0..source_len];
const dest = dest_ptr[0..dest_len];
const base64_decoder = base64.standard_decoder_unsafe;
const decoded_size = base64_decoder.calcSize(src);
const base64_decoder = base64.standard.DecoderUnsafe;
const decoded_size = base64_decoder.calcSizeForSlice(src) catch unreachable;
base64_decoder.decode(dest[0..decoded_size], src);
return decoded_size;
@ -8,308 +8,339 @@ const assert = std.debug.assert;
const testing = std.testing;
const mem = std.mem;
pub const standard_alphabet_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
pub const standard_pad_char = '=';
pub const standard_encoder = Base64Encoder.init(standard_alphabet_chars, standard_pad_char);
pub const Error = error{
/// Base64 codecs
pub const Codecs = struct {
alphabet_chars: [64]u8,
pad_char: ?u8,
decoderWithIgnore: fn (ignore: []const u8) Base64DecoderWithIgnore,
Encoder: Base64Encoder,
Decoder: Base64Decoder,
DecoderUnsafe: Base64DecoderUnsafe,
pub const standard_alphabet_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".*;
fn standardBase64DecoderWithIgnore(ignore: []const u8) Base64DecoderWithIgnore {
return Base64DecoderWithIgnore.init(standard_alphabet_chars, '=', ignore);
/// Standard Base64 codecs, with padding
pub const standard = Codecs{
.alphabet_chars = standard_alphabet_chars,
.pad_char = '=',
.decoderWithIgnore = standardBase64DecoderWithIgnore,
.Encoder = Base64Encoder.init(standard_alphabet_chars, '='),
.Decoder = Base64Decoder.init(standard_alphabet_chars, '='),
.DecoderUnsafe = Base64DecoderUnsafe.init(standard_alphabet_chars, '='),
pub const url_safe_alphabet_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_".*;
fn urlSafeBase64DecoderWithIgnore(ignore: []const u8) Base64DecoderWithIgnore {
return Base64DecoderWithIgnore.init(url_safe_alphabet_chars, null, ignore);
/// URL-safe Base64 codecs, without padding
pub const url_safe = Codecs{
.alphabet_chars = url_safe_alphabet_chars,
.pad_char = null,
.decoderWithIgnore = urlSafeBase64DecoderWithIgnore,
.Encoder = Base64Encoder.init(url_safe_alphabet_chars, null),
.Decoder = Base64Decoder.init(url_safe_alphabet_chars, null),
.DecoderUnsafe = Base64DecoderUnsafe.init(url_safe_alphabet_chars, null),
// Backwards compatibility
/// Deprecated - Use `standard.pad_char`
pub const standard_pad_char = standard.pad_char;
/// Deprecated - Use `standard.Encoder`
pub const standard_encoder = standard.Encoder;
/// Deprecated - Use `standard.Decoder`
pub const standard_decoder = standard.Decoder;
/// Deprecated - Use `standard.DecoderUnsafe`
pub const standard_decoder_unsafe = standard.DecoderUnsafe;
pub const Base64Encoder = struct {
alphabet_chars: []const u8,
pad_char: u8,
alphabet_chars: [64]u8,
pad_char: ?u8,
/// a bunch of assertions, then simply pass the data right through.
pub fn init(alphabet_chars: []const u8, pad_char: u8) Base64Encoder {
/// A bunch of assertions, then simply pass the data right through.
pub fn init(alphabet_chars: [64]u8, pad_char: ?u8) Base64Encoder {
assert(alphabet_chars.len == 64);
var char_in_alphabet = [_]bool{false} ** 256;
for (alphabet_chars) |c| {
assert(c != pad_char);
assert(pad_char == null or c != pad_char.?);
char_in_alphabet[c] = true;
return Base64Encoder{
.alphabet_chars = alphabet_chars,
.pad_char = pad_char,
/// ceil(source_len * 4/3)
pub fn calcSize(source_len: usize) usize {
return @divTrunc(source_len + 2, 3) * 4;
/// Compute the encoded length
pub fn calcSize(encoder: *const Base64Encoder, source_len: usize) usize {
if (encoder.pad_char != null) {
return @divTrunc(source_len + 2, 3) * 4;
} else {
const leftover = source_len % 3;
return @divTrunc(source_len, 3) * 4 + @divTrunc(leftover * 4 + 2, 3);
/// dest.len must be what you get from ::calcSize.
/// dest.len must at least be what you get from ::calcSize.
pub fn encode(encoder: *const Base64Encoder, dest: []u8, source: []const u8) []const u8 {
assert(dest.len >= Base64Encoder.calcSize(source.len));
const out_len = encoder.calcSize(source.len);
assert(dest.len >= out_len);
var i: usize = 0;
var out_index: usize = 0;
while (i + 2 < source.len) : (i += 3) {
dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[(source[i] >> 2) & 0x3f];
out_index += 1;
const nibbles = source.len / 3;
const leftover = source.len - 3 * nibbles;
dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[((source[i] & 0x3) << 4) | ((source[i + 1] & 0xf0) >> 4)];
out_index += 1;
dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[((source[i + 1] & 0xf) << 2) | ((source[i + 2] & 0xc0) >> 6)];
out_index += 1;
dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[source[i + 2] & 0x3f];
out_index += 1;
if (i < source.len) {
dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[(source[i] >> 2) & 0x3f];
out_index += 1;
if (i + 1 == source.len) {
dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[(source[i] & 0x3) << 4];
out_index += 1;
dest[out_index] = encoder.pad_char;
out_index += 1;
} else {
dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[((source[i] & 0x3) << 4) | ((source[i + 1] & 0xf0) >> 4)];
out_index += 1;
dest[out_index] = encoder.alphabet_chars[(source[i + 1] & 0xf) << 2];
out_index += 1;
var acc: u12 = 0;
var acc_len: u4 = 0;
var out_idx: usize = 0;
for (source) |v| {
acc = (acc << 8) + v;
acc_len += 8;
while (acc_len >= 6) {
acc_len -= 6;
dest[out_idx] = encoder.alphabet_chars[@truncate(u6, (acc >> acc_len))];
out_idx += 1;
dest[out_index] = encoder.pad_char;
out_index += 1;
return dest[0..out_index];
if (acc_len > 0) {
dest[out_idx] = encoder.alphabet_chars[@truncate(u6, (acc << 6 - acc_len))];
out_idx += 1;
if (encoder.pad_char) |pad_char| {
for (dest[out_idx..]) |*pad| {
pad.* = pad_char;
return dest[0..out_len];
pub const standard_decoder = Base64Decoder.init(standard_alphabet_chars, standard_pad_char);
pub const Base64Decoder = struct {
const invalid_char: u8 = 0xff;
/// e.g. 'A' => 0.
/// undefined for any value not in the 64 alphabet chars.
/// `invalid_char` for any value not in the 64 alphabet chars.
char_to_index: [256]u8,
pad_char: ?u8,
/// true only for the 64 chars in the alphabet, not the pad char.
char_in_alphabet: [256]bool,
pad_char: u8,
pub fn init(alphabet_chars: []const u8, pad_char: u8) Base64Decoder {
assert(alphabet_chars.len == 64);
pub fn init(alphabet_chars: [64]u8, pad_char: ?u8) Base64Decoder {
var result = Base64Decoder{
.char_to_index = undefined,
.char_in_alphabet = [_]bool{false} ** 256,
.char_to_index = [_]u8{invalid_char} ** 256,
.pad_char = pad_char,
var char_in_alphabet = [_]bool{false} ** 256;
for (alphabet_chars) |c, i| {
assert(c != pad_char);
assert(pad_char == null or c != pad_char.?);
result.char_to_index[c] = @intCast(u8, i);
result.char_in_alphabet[c] = true;
char_in_alphabet[c] = true;
return result;
/// If the encoded buffer is detected to be invalid, returns error.InvalidPadding.
pub fn calcSize(decoder: *const Base64Decoder, source: []const u8) !usize {
if (source.len % 4 != 0) return error.InvalidPadding;
return calcDecodedSizeExactUnsafe(source, decoder.pad_char);
/// Return the maximum possible decoded size for a given input length - The actual length may be less if the input includes padding.
/// `InvalidPadding` is returned if the input length is not valid.
pub fn calcSizeUpperBound(decoder: *const Base64Decoder, source_len: usize) Error!usize {
var result = source_len / 4 * 3;
const leftover = source_len % 4;
if (decoder.pad_char != null) {
if (leftover % 4 != 0) return error.InvalidPadding;
} else {
if (leftover % 4 == 1) return error.InvalidPadding;
result += leftover * 3 / 4;
return result;
/// Return the exact decoded size for a slice.
/// `InvalidPadding` is returned if the input length is not valid.
pub fn calcSizeForSlice(decoder: *const Base64Decoder, source: []const u8) Error!usize {
const source_len = source.len;
var result = try decoder.calcSizeUpperBound(source_len);
if (decoder.pad_char) |pad_char| {
if (source_len >= 1 and source[source_len - 1] == pad_char) result -= 1;
if (source_len >= 2 and source[source_len - 2] == pad_char) result -= 1;
return result;
/// dest.len must be what you get from ::calcSize.
/// invalid characters result in error.InvalidCharacter.
/// invalid padding results in error.InvalidPadding.
pub fn decode(decoder: *const Base64Decoder, dest: []u8, source: []const u8) !void {
assert(dest.len == (decoder.calcSize(source) catch unreachable));
assert(source.len % 4 == 0);
var src_cursor: usize = 0;
var dest_cursor: usize = 0;
while (src_cursor < source.len) : (src_cursor += 4) {
if (!decoder.char_in_alphabet[source[src_cursor + 0]]) return error.InvalidCharacter;
if (!decoder.char_in_alphabet[source[src_cursor + 1]]) return error.InvalidCharacter;
if (src_cursor < source.len - 4 or source[src_cursor + 3] != decoder.pad_char) {
// common case
if (!decoder.char_in_alphabet[source[src_cursor + 2]]) return error.InvalidCharacter;
if (!decoder.char_in_alphabet[source[src_cursor + 3]]) return error.InvalidCharacter;
dest[dest_cursor + 0] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 0]] << 2 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 1]] >> 4;
dest[dest_cursor + 1] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 1]] << 4 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 2]] >> 2;
dest[dest_cursor + 2] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 2]] << 6 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 3]];
dest_cursor += 3;
} else if (source[src_cursor + 2] != decoder.pad_char) {
// one pad char
if (!decoder.char_in_alphabet[source[src_cursor + 2]]) return error.InvalidCharacter;
dest[dest_cursor + 0] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 0]] << 2 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 1]] >> 4;
dest[dest_cursor + 1] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 1]] << 4 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 2]] >> 2;
if (decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 2]] << 6 != 0) return error.InvalidPadding;
dest_cursor += 2;
} else {
// two pad chars
dest[dest_cursor + 0] = decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 0]] << 2 | decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 1]] >> 4;
if (decoder.char_to_index[source[src_cursor + 1]] << 4 != 0) return error.InvalidPadding;
dest_cursor += 1;
pub fn decode(decoder: *const Base64Decoder, dest: []u8, source: []const u8) Error!void {
if (decoder.pad_char != null and source.len % 4 != 0) return error.InvalidPadding;
var acc: u12 = 0;
var acc_len: u4 = 0;
var dest_idx: usize = 0;
var leftover_idx: ?usize = null;
for (source) |c, src_idx| {
const d = decoder.char_to_index[c];
if (d == invalid_char) {
if (decoder.pad_char == null or c != decoder.pad_char.?) return error.InvalidCharacter;
leftover_idx = src_idx;
acc = (acc << 6) + d;
acc_len += 6;
if (acc_len >= 8) {
acc_len -= 8;
dest[dest_idx] = @truncate(u8, acc >> acc_len);
dest_idx += 1;
assert(src_cursor == source.len);
assert(dest_cursor == dest.len);
if (acc_len > 4 or (acc & (@as(u12, 1) << acc_len) - 1) != 0) {
return error.InvalidPadding;
if (leftover_idx == null) return;
var leftover = source[leftover_idx.?..];
if (decoder.pad_char) |pad_char| {
const padding_len = acc_len / 2;
var padding_chars: usize = 0;
var i: usize = 0;
for (leftover) |c| {
if (c != pad_char) {
return if (c == Base64Decoder.invalid_char) error.InvalidCharacter else error.InvalidPadding;
padding_chars += 1;
if (padding_chars != padding_len) return error.InvalidPadding;
pub const Base64DecoderWithIgnore = struct {
decoder: Base64Decoder,
char_is_ignored: [256]bool,
pub fn init(alphabet_chars: []const u8, pad_char: u8, ignore_chars: []const u8) Base64DecoderWithIgnore {
pub fn init(alphabet_chars: [64]u8, pad_char: ?u8, ignore_chars: []const u8) Base64DecoderWithIgnore {
var result = Base64DecoderWithIgnore{
.decoder = Base64Decoder.init(alphabet_chars, pad_char),
.char_is_ignored = [_]bool{false} ** 256,
for (ignore_chars) |c| {
assert(result.decoder.char_to_index[c] == Base64Decoder.invalid_char);
assert(result.decoder.pad_char != c);
result.char_is_ignored[c] = true;
return result;
/// If no characters end up being ignored or padding, this will be the exact decoded size.
pub fn calcSizeUpperBound(encoded_len: usize) usize {
return @divTrunc(encoded_len, 4) * 3;
/// Return the maximum possible decoded size for a given input length - The actual length may be less if the input includes padding
/// `InvalidPadding` is returned if the input length is not valid.
pub fn calcSizeUpperBound(decoder_with_ignore: *const Base64DecoderWithIgnore, source_len: usize) Error!usize {
var result = source_len / 4 * 3;
if (decoder_with_ignore.decoder.pad_char == null) {
const leftover = source_len % 4;
result += leftover * 3 / 4;
return result;
/// Invalid characters that are not ignored result in error.InvalidCharacter.
/// Invalid padding results in error.InvalidPadding.
/// Decoding more data than can fit in dest results in error.OutputTooSmall. See also ::calcSizeUpperBound.
/// Decoding more data than can fit in dest results in error.NoSpaceLeft. See also ::calcSizeUpperBound.
/// Returns the number of bytes written to dest.
pub fn decode(decoder_with_ignore: *const Base64DecoderWithIgnore, dest: []u8, source: []const u8) !usize {
pub fn decode(decoder_with_ignore: *const Base64DecoderWithIgnore, dest: []u8, source: []const u8) Error!usize {
const decoder = &decoder_with_ignore.decoder;
var src_cursor: usize = 0;
var dest_cursor: usize = 0;
while (true) {
// get the next 4 chars, if available
var next_4_chars: [4]u8 = undefined;
var available_chars: usize = 0;
var pad_char_count: usize = 0;
while (available_chars < 4 and src_cursor < source.len) {
var c = source[src_cursor];
src_cursor += 1;
if (decoder.char_in_alphabet[c]) {
// normal char
next_4_chars[available_chars] = c;
available_chars += 1;
} else if (decoder_with_ignore.char_is_ignored[c]) {
// we're told to skip this one
} else if (c == decoder.pad_char) {
// the padding has begun. count the pad chars.
pad_char_count += 1;
while (src_cursor < source.len) {
c = source[src_cursor];
src_cursor += 1;
if (c == decoder.pad_char) {
pad_char_count += 1;
if (pad_char_count > 2) return error.InvalidCharacter;
} else if (decoder_with_ignore.char_is_ignored[c]) {
// we can even ignore chars during the padding
} else return error.InvalidCharacter;
} else return error.InvalidCharacter;
var acc: u12 = 0;
var acc_len: u4 = 0;
var dest_idx: usize = 0;
var leftover_idx: ?usize = null;
for (source) |c, src_idx| {
if (decoder_with_ignore.char_is_ignored[c]) continue;
const d = decoder.char_to_index[c];
if (d == Base64Decoder.invalid_char) {
if (decoder.pad_char == null or c != decoder.pad_char.?) return error.InvalidCharacter;
leftover_idx = src_idx;
switch (available_chars) {
4 => {
// common case
if (dest_cursor + 3 > dest.len) return error.OutputTooSmall;
assert(pad_char_count == 0);
dest[dest_cursor + 0] = decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[0]] << 2 | decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[1]] >> 4;
dest[dest_cursor + 1] = decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[1]] << 4 | decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[2]] >> 2;
dest[dest_cursor + 2] = decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[2]] << 6 | decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[3]];
dest_cursor += 3;
3 => {
if (dest_cursor + 2 > dest.len) return error.OutputTooSmall;
if (pad_char_count != 1) return error.InvalidPadding;
dest[dest_cursor + 0] = decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[0]] << 2 | decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[1]] >> 4;
dest[dest_cursor + 1] = decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[1]] << 4 | decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[2]] >> 2;
if (decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[2]] << 6 != 0) return error.InvalidPadding;
dest_cursor += 2;
2 => {
if (dest_cursor + 1 > dest.len) return error.OutputTooSmall;
if (pad_char_count != 2) return error.InvalidPadding;
dest[dest_cursor + 0] = decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[0]] << 2 | decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[1]] >> 4;
if (decoder.char_to_index[next_4_chars[1]] << 4 != 0) return error.InvalidPadding;
dest_cursor += 1;
1 => {
return error.InvalidPadding;
0 => {
if (pad_char_count != 0) return error.InvalidPadding;
else => unreachable,
acc = (acc << 6) + d;
acc_len += 6;
if (acc_len >= 8) {
if (dest_idx == dest.len) return error.NoSpaceLeft;
acc_len -= 8;
dest[dest_idx] = @truncate(u8, acc >> acc_len);
dest_idx += 1;
assert(src_cursor == source.len);
return dest_cursor;
if (acc_len > 4 or (acc & (@as(u12, 1) << acc_len) - 1) != 0) {
return error.InvalidPadding;
const padding_len = acc_len / 2;
if (leftover_idx == null) {
if (decoder.pad_char != null and padding_len != 0) return error.InvalidPadding;
return dest_idx;
var leftover = source[leftover_idx.?..];
if (decoder.pad_char) |pad_char| {
var padding_chars: usize = 0;
var i: usize = 0;
for (leftover) |c| {
if (decoder_with_ignore.char_is_ignored[c]) continue;
if (c != pad_char) {
return if (c == Base64Decoder.invalid_char) error.InvalidCharacter else error.InvalidPadding;
padding_chars += 1;
if (padding_chars != padding_len) return error.InvalidPadding;
return dest_idx;
pub const standard_decoder_unsafe = Base64DecoderUnsafe.init(standard_alphabet_chars, standard_pad_char);
pub const Base64DecoderUnsafe = struct {
/// e.g. 'A' => 0.
/// undefined for any value not in the 64 alphabet chars.
char_to_index: [256]u8,
pad_char: u8,
pad_char: ?u8,
pub fn init(alphabet_chars: []const u8, pad_char: u8) Base64DecoderUnsafe {
assert(alphabet_chars.len == 64);
pub fn init(alphabet_chars: [64]u8, pad_char: ?u8) Base64DecoderUnsafe {
var result = Base64DecoderUnsafe{
.char_to_index = undefined,
.pad_char = pad_char,
for (alphabet_chars) |c, i| {
assert(c != pad_char);
assert(pad_char == null or c != pad_char.?);
result.char_to_index[c] = @intCast(u8, i);
return result;
/// The source buffer must be valid.
pub fn calcSize(decoder: *const Base64DecoderUnsafe, source: []const u8) usize {
return calcDecodedSizeExactUnsafe(source, decoder.pad_char);
/// Return the exact decoded size for a slice.
/// `InvalidPadding` is returned if the input length is not valid.
pub fn calcSizeForSlice(decoder: *const Base64DecoderUnsafe, source: []const u8) Error!usize {
const safe_decoder = Base64Decoder{ .char_to_index = undefined, .pad_char = decoder.pad_char };
return safe_decoder.calcSizeForSlice(source);
/// dest.len must be what you get from ::calcDecodedSizeExactUnsafe.
/// invalid characters or padding will result in undefined values.
pub fn decode(decoder: *const Base64DecoderUnsafe, dest: []u8, source: []const u8) void {
assert(dest.len == decoder.calcSize(source));
assert(dest.len == decoder.calcSizeForSlice(source) catch unreachable);
var src_index: usize = 0;
var dest_index: usize = 0;
var in_buf_len: usize = source.len;
while (in_buf_len > 0 and source[in_buf_len - 1] == decoder.pad_char) {
in_buf_len -= 1;
if (decoder.pad_char) |pad_char| {
while (in_buf_len > 0 and source[in_buf_len - 1] == pad_char) {
in_buf_len -= 1;
while (in_buf_len > 4) {
@ -341,80 +372,111 @@ pub const Base64DecoderUnsafe = struct {
fn calcDecodedSizeExactUnsafe(source: []const u8, pad_char: u8) usize {
if (source.len == 0) return 0;
var result = @divExact(source.len, 4) * 3;
if (source[source.len - 1] == pad_char) {
result -= 1;
if (source[source.len - 2] == pad_char) {
result -= 1;
return result;
test "base64" {
testBase64() catch unreachable;
comptime (testBase64() catch unreachable);
comptime testAllApis(standard, "comptime", "Y29tcHRpbWU=") catch unreachable;
test "base64 url_safe" {
testBase64UrlSafe() catch unreachable;
comptime testAllApis(url_safe, "comptime", "Y29tcHRpbWU") catch unreachable;
fn testBase64() !void {
try testAllApis("", "");
try testAllApis("f", "Zg==");
try testAllApis("fo", "Zm8=");
try testAllApis("foo", "Zm9v");
try testAllApis("foob", "Zm9vYg==");
try testAllApis("fooba", "Zm9vYmE=");
try testAllApis("foobar", "Zm9vYmFy");
const codecs = standard;
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace("", " ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace("f", "Z g= =");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace("fo", " Zm8=");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace("foo", "Zm9v ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace("foob", "Zm9vYg = = ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace("fooba", "Zm9v YmE=");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace("foobar", " Z m 9 v Y m F y ");
try testAllApis(codecs, "", "");
try testAllApis(codecs, "f", "Zg==");
try testAllApis(codecs, "fo", "Zm8=");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foo", "Zm9v");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foob", "Zm9vYg==");
try testAllApis(codecs, "fooba", "Zm9vYmE=");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foobar", "Zm9vYmFy");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "", " ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "f", "Z g= =");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "fo", " Zm8=");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "foo", "Zm9v ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "foob", "Zm9vYg = = ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "fooba", "Zm9v YmE=");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "foobar", " Z m 9 v Y m F y ");
// test getting some api errors
try testError("A", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError("AA", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError("AAA", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError("A..A", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError("AA=A", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError("AA/=", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError("A/==", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError("A===", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError("====", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "A", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "AA", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "AAA", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "A..A", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "AA=A", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "AA/=", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "A/==", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "A===", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "====", error.InvalidPadding);
try testOutputTooSmallError("AA==");
try testOutputTooSmallError("AAA=");
try testOutputTooSmallError("AAAA");
try testOutputTooSmallError("AAAAAA==");
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AA==");
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AAA=");
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AAAA");
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AAAAAA==");
fn testAllApis(expected_decoded: []const u8, expected_encoded: []const u8) !void {
fn testBase64UrlSafe() !void {
const codecs = url_safe;
try testAllApis(codecs, "", "");
try testAllApis(codecs, "f", "Zg");
try testAllApis(codecs, "fo", "Zm8");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foo", "Zm9v");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foob", "Zm9vYg");
try testAllApis(codecs, "fooba", "Zm9vYmE");
try testAllApis(codecs, "foobar", "Zm9vYmFy");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "", " ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "f", "Z g ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "fo", " Zm8");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "foo", "Zm9v ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "foob", "Zm9vYg ");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "fooba", "Zm9v YmE");
try testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs, "foobar", " Z m 9 v Y m F y ");
// test getting some api errors
try testError(codecs, "A", error.InvalidPadding);
try testError(codecs, "AAA=", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "A..A", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "AA=A", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "AA/=", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "A/==", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "A===", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testError(codecs, "====", error.InvalidCharacter);
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AA");
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AAA");
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AAAA");
try testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs, "AAAAAA");
fn testAllApis(codecs: Codecs, expected_decoded: []const u8, expected_encoded: []const u8) !void {
// Base64Encoder
var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined;
const encoded = standard_encoder.encode(&buffer, expected_decoded);
const encoded = codecs.Encoder.encode(&buffer, expected_decoded);
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_encoded, encoded);
// Base64Decoder
var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined;
var decoded = buffer[0..try standard_decoder.calcSize(expected_encoded)];
try standard_decoder.decode(decoded, expected_encoded);
var decoded = buffer[0..try codecs.Decoder.calcSizeForSlice(expected_encoded)];
try codecs.Decoder.decode(decoded, expected_encoded);
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_decoded, decoded);
// Base64DecoderWithIgnore
const standard_decoder_ignore_nothing = Base64DecoderWithIgnore.init(standard_alphabet_chars, standard_pad_char, "");
const decoder_ignore_nothing = codecs.decoderWithIgnore("");
var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined;
var decoded = buffer[0..Base64DecoderWithIgnore.calcSizeUpperBound(expected_encoded.len)];
var written = try standard_decoder_ignore_nothing.decode(decoded, expected_encoded);
var decoded = buffer[0..try decoder_ignore_nothing.calcSizeUpperBound(expected_encoded.len)];
var written = try decoder_ignore_nothing.decode(decoded, expected_encoded);
testing.expect(written <= decoded.len);
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_decoded, decoded[0..written]);
@ -422,40 +484,40 @@ fn testAllApis(expected_decoded: []const u8, expected_encoded: []const u8) !void
// Base64DecoderUnsafe
var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined;
var decoded = buffer[0..standard_decoder_unsafe.calcSize(expected_encoded)];
standard_decoder_unsafe.decode(decoded, expected_encoded);
var decoded = buffer[0..try codecs.DecoderUnsafe.calcSizeForSlice(expected_encoded)];
codecs.DecoderUnsafe.decode(decoded, expected_encoded);
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_decoded, decoded);
fn testDecodeIgnoreSpace(expected_decoded: []const u8, encoded: []const u8) !void {
const standard_decoder_ignore_space = Base64DecoderWithIgnore.init(standard_alphabet_chars, standard_pad_char, " ");
fn testDecodeIgnoreSpace(codecs: Codecs, expected_decoded: []const u8, encoded: []const u8) !void {
const decoder_ignore_space = codecs.decoderWithIgnore(" ");
var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined;
var decoded = buffer[0..Base64DecoderWithIgnore.calcSizeUpperBound(encoded.len)];
var written = try standard_decoder_ignore_space.decode(decoded, encoded);
var decoded = buffer[0..try decoder_ignore_space.calcSizeUpperBound(encoded.len)];
var written = try decoder_ignore_space.decode(decoded, encoded);
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_decoded, decoded[0..written]);
fn testError(encoded: []const u8, expected_err: anyerror) !void {
const standard_decoder_ignore_space = Base64DecoderWithIgnore.init(standard_alphabet_chars, standard_pad_char, " ");
fn testError(codecs: Codecs, encoded: []const u8, expected_err: anyerror) !void {
const decoder_ignore_space = codecs.decoderWithIgnore(" ");
var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined;
if (standard_decoder.calcSize(encoded)) |decoded_size| {
if (codecs.Decoder.calcSizeForSlice(encoded)) |decoded_size| {
var decoded = buffer[0..decoded_size];
if (standard_decoder.decode(decoded, encoded)) |_| {
if (codecs.Decoder.decode(decoded, encoded)) |_| {
return error.ExpectedError;
} else |err| if (err != expected_err) return err;
} else |err| if (err != expected_err) return err;
if (standard_decoder_ignore_space.decode(buffer[0..], encoded)) |_| {
if (decoder_ignore_space.decode(buffer[0..], encoded)) |_| {
return error.ExpectedError;
} else |err| if (err != expected_err) return err;
fn testOutputTooSmallError(encoded: []const u8) !void {
const standard_decoder_ignore_space = Base64DecoderWithIgnore.init(standard_alphabet_chars, standard_pad_char, " ");
fn testNoSpaceLeftError(codecs: Codecs, encoded: []const u8) !void {
const decoder_ignore_space = codecs.decoderWithIgnore(" ");
var buffer: [0x100]u8 = undefined;
var decoded = buffer[0 .. calcDecodedSizeExactUnsafe(encoded, standard_pad_char) - 1];
if (standard_decoder_ignore_space.decode(decoded, encoded)) |_| {
var decoded = buffer[0 .. (try codecs.Decoder.calcSizeForSlice(encoded)) - 1];
if (decoder_ignore_space.decode(decoded, encoded)) |_| {
return error.ExpectedError;
} else |err| if (err != error.OutputTooSmall) return err;
} else |err| if (err != error.NoSpaceLeft) return err;
@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ pub const MAX_PATH_BYTES = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
pub const base64_alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_";
pub const base64_alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_".*;
/// Base64 encoder, replacing the standard `+/` with `-_` so that it can be used in a file name on any filesystem.
pub const base64_encoder = base64.Base64Encoder.init(base64_alphabet, base64.standard_pad_char);
pub const base64_encoder = base64.Base64Encoder.init(base64_alphabet, null);
/// Base64 decoder, replacing the standard `+/` with `-_` so that it can be used in a file name on any filesystem.
pub const base64_decoder = base64.Base64Decoder.init(base64_alphabet, base64.standard_pad_char);
pub const base64_decoder = base64.Base64Decoder.init(base64_alphabet, null);
/// Whether or not async file system syscalls need a dedicated thread because the operating
/// system does not support non-blocking I/O on the file system.
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ pub fn atomicSymLink(allocator: *Allocator, existing_path: []const u8, new_path:
const dirname = path.dirname(new_path) orelse ".";
var rand_buf: [AtomicFile.RANDOM_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
const tmp_path = try allocator.alloc(u8, dirname.len + 1 + base64.Base64Encoder.calcSize(rand_buf.len));
const tmp_path = try allocator.alloc(u8, dirname.len + 1 + base64_encoder.calcSize(rand_buf.len));
defer allocator.free(tmp_path);
mem.copy(u8, tmp_path[0..], dirname);
tmp_path[dirname.len] = path.sep;
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ pub const AtomicFile = struct {
const InitError = File.OpenError;
const RANDOM_BYTES = 12;
const TMP_PATH_LEN = base64.Base64Encoder.calcSize(RANDOM_BYTES);
const TMP_PATH_LEN = base64_encoder.calcSize(RANDOM_BYTES);
/// Note that the `Dir.atomicFile` API may be more handy than this lower-level function.
pub fn init(
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ pub const TmpDir = struct {
sub_path: [sub_path_len]u8,
const random_bytes_count = 12;
const sub_path_len = std.base64.Base64Encoder.calcSize(random_bytes_count);
const sub_path_len = std.fs.base64_encoder.calcSize(random_bytes_count);
pub fn cleanup(self: *TmpDir) void {
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ const base64 = @import("std").base64;
export fn decode_base_64(dest_ptr: [*]u8, dest_len: usize, source_ptr: [*]const u8, source_len: usize) usize {
const src = source_ptr[0..source_len];
const dest = dest_ptr[0..dest_len];
const base64_decoder = base64.standard_decoder_unsafe;
const decoded_size = base64_decoder.calcSize(src);
const base64_decoder = base64.standard.DecoderUnsafe;
const decoded_size = base64_decoder.calcSizeForSlice(src) catch unreachable;
base64_decoder.decode(dest[0..decoded_size], src);
return decoded_size;
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