mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 06:00:40 +00:00
add std.os.createThread
this adds kernel thread support to the standard library for linux. See #174
This commit is contained in:
@ -18407,6 +18407,7 @@ bool ir_has_side_effects(IrInstruction *instruction) {
case IrInstructionIdAddImplicitReturnType:
case IrInstructionIdMergeErrRetTraces:
case IrInstructionIdMarkErrRetTracePtr:
case IrInstructionIdAtomicRmw:
return true;
case IrInstructionIdPhi:
@ -18487,7 +18488,6 @@ bool ir_has_side_effects(IrInstruction *instruction) {
case IrInstructionIdCoroSize:
case IrInstructionIdCoroSuspend:
case IrInstructionIdCoroFree:
case IrInstructionIdAtomicRmw:
case IrInstructionIdCoroPromise:
case IrInstructionIdPromiseResultType:
return false;
@ -8,25 +8,25 @@ const errol3 = @import("errol/index.zig").errol3;
const max_int_digits = 65;
const State = enum { // TODO put inside format function and make sure the name and debug info is correct
/// Renders fmt string with args, calling output with slices of bytes.
/// If `output` returns an error, the error is returned from `format` and
/// `output` is not called again.
pub fn format(context: var, comptime Errors: type, output: fn(@typeOf(context), []const u8) Errors!void,
comptime fmt: []const u8, args: ...) Errors!void
const State = enum {
comptime var start_index = 0;
comptime var state = State.Start;
comptime var next_arg = 0;
@ -2384,3 +2384,132 @@ pub fn posixGetSockOptConnectError(sockfd: i32) PosixConnectError!void {
posix.ENOTSOCK => unreachable, // The file descriptor sockfd does not refer to a socket.
pub const Thread = struct {
pid: i32,
allocator: ?&mem.Allocator,
stack: []u8,
pub fn wait(self: &const Thread) void {
while (true) {
const pid_value = self.pid; // TODO atomic load
if (pid_value == 0) break;
const rc = linux.futex_wait(@ptrToInt(&self.pid), linux.FUTEX_WAIT, pid_value, null);
switch (linux.getErrno(rc)) {
0 => continue,
posix.EINTR => continue,
posix.EAGAIN => continue,
else => unreachable,
if (self.allocator) |a| {
pub const SpawnThreadError = error {
/// A system-imposed limit on the number of threads was encountered.
/// There are a number of limits that may trigger this error:
/// * the RLIMIT_NPROC soft resource limit (set via setrlimit(2)),
/// which limits the number of processes and threads for a real
/// user ID, was reached;
/// * the kernel's system-wide limit on the number of processes and
/// threads, /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max, was reached (see
/// proc(5));
/// * the maximum number of PIDs, /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max, was
/// reached (see proc(5)); or
/// * the PID limit (pids.max) imposed by the cgroup "process num‐
/// ber" (PIDs) controller was reached.
/// The kernel cannot allocate sufficient memory to allocate a task structure
/// for the child, or to copy those parts of the caller's context that need to
/// be copied.
pub const SpawnThreadAllocatorError = SpawnThreadError || error{OutOfMemory};
/// caller must call wait on the returned thread
/// fn startFn(@typeOf(context)) T
/// where T is u8, noreturn, void, or !void
pub fn spawnThreadAllocator(allocator: &mem.Allocator, context: var, comptime startFn: var) SpawnThreadAllocatorError!&Thread {
// TODO compile-time call graph analysis to determine stack upper bound
// https://github.com/zig-lang/zig/issues/157
const default_stack_size = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
const stack_bytes = try allocator.alloc(u8, default_stack_size);
const thread = try spawnThread(stack_bytes, context, startFn);
thread.allocator = allocator;
return thread;
/// stack must be big enough to store one Thread and one @typeOf(context), each with default alignment, at the end
/// fn startFn(@typeOf(context)) T
/// where T is u8, noreturn, void, or !void
/// caller must call wait on the returned thread
pub fn spawnThread(stack: []u8, context: var, comptime startFn: var) SpawnThreadError!&Thread {
const Context = @typeOf(context);
comptime assert(@ArgType(@typeOf(startFn), 0) == Context);
var stack_end: usize = @ptrToInt(stack.ptr) + stack.len;
var arg: usize = undefined;
if (@sizeOf(Context) != 0) {
stack_end -= @sizeOf(Context);
stack_end -= stack_end % @alignOf(Context);
assert(stack_end >= @ptrToInt(stack.ptr));
const context_ptr = @alignCast(@alignOf(Context), @intToPtr(&Context, stack_end));
*context_ptr = context;
arg = stack_end;
stack_end -= @sizeOf(Thread);
stack_end -= stack_end % @alignOf(Thread);
assert(stack_end >= @ptrToInt(stack.ptr));
const thread_ptr = @alignCast(@alignOf(Thread), @intToPtr(&Thread, stack_end));
thread_ptr.stack = stack;
thread_ptr.allocator = null;
const threadMain = struct {
extern fn threadMain(ctx_addr: usize) u8 {
if (@sizeOf(Context) == 0) {
return startFn({});
} else {
return startFn(*@intToPtr(&const Context, ctx_addr));
const flags = posix.CLONE_VM | posix.CLONE_FS | posix.CLONE_FILES | posix.CLONE_SIGHAND
const newtls: usize = 0;
const rc = posix.clone(threadMain, stack_end, flags, arg, &thread_ptr.pid, newtls, &thread_ptr.pid);
const err = posix.getErrno(rc);
switch (err) {
0 => return thread_ptr,
posix.EAGAIN => return SpawnThreadError.ThreadQuotaExceeded,
posix.EINVAL => unreachable,
posix.ENOMEM => return SpawnThreadError.SystemResources,
posix.ENOSPC => unreachable,
posix.EPERM => unreachable,
posix.EUSERS => unreachable,
else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err),
pub fn posixWait(pid: i32) i32 {
var status: i32 = undefined;
while (true) {
const err = posix.getErrno(posix.waitpid(pid, &status, 0));
switch (err) {
0 => return status,
posix.EINTR => continue,
posix.ECHILD => unreachable, // The process specified does not exist. It would be a race condition to handle this error.
posix.EINVAL => unreachable, // The options argument was invalid
else => unreachable,
@ -14,6 +14,22 @@ pub const STDIN_FILENO = 0;
pub const STDOUT_FILENO = 1;
pub const STDERR_FILENO = 2;
pub const FUTEX_WAIT = 0;
pub const FUTEX_WAKE = 1;
pub const FUTEX_FD = 2;
pub const FUTEX_REQUEUE = 3;
pub const FUTEX_CMP_REQUEUE = 4;
pub const FUTEX_WAKE_OP = 5;
pub const FUTEX_LOCK_PI = 6;
pub const FUTEX_UNLOCK_PI = 7;
pub const FUTEX_TRYLOCK_PI = 8;
pub const FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET = 9;
pub const FUTEX_PRIVATE_FLAG = 128;
pub const FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME = 256;
pub const PROT_NONE = 0;
pub const PROT_READ = 1;
pub const PROT_WRITE = 2;
@ -652,6 +668,10 @@ pub fn fork() usize {
return syscall0(SYS_fork);
pub fn futex_wait(uaddr: usize, futex_op: u32, val: i32, timeout: ?×pec) usize {
return syscall4(SYS_futex, uaddr, futex_op, @bitCast(u32, val), @ptrToInt(timeout));
pub fn getcwd(buf: &u8, size: usize) usize {
return syscall2(SYS_getcwd, @ptrToInt(buf), size);
@ -746,6 +766,16 @@ pub fn openat(dirfd: i32, path: &const u8, flags: usize, mode: usize) usize {
return syscall4(SYS_openat, usize(dirfd), @ptrToInt(path), flags, mode);
/// See also `clone` (from the arch-specific include)
pub fn clone5(flags: usize, child_stack_ptr: usize, parent_tid: &i32, child_tid: &i32, newtls: usize) usize {
return syscall5(SYS_clone, flags, child_stack_ptr, @ptrToInt(parent_tid), @ptrToInt(child_tid), newtls);
/// See also `clone` (from the arch-specific include)
pub fn clone2(flags: usize, child_stack_ptr: usize) usize {
return syscall2(SYS_clone, flags, child_stack_ptr);
pub fn close(fd: i32) usize {
return syscall1(SYS_close, usize(fd));
@ -443,6 +443,9 @@ pub fn syscall6(number: usize, arg1: usize, arg2: usize, arg3: usize, arg4: usiz
: "rcx", "r11");
/// This matches the libc clone function.
pub extern fn clone(func: extern fn(arg: usize) u8, stack: usize, flags: usize, arg: usize, ptid: &i32, tls: usize, ctid: &i32) usize;
pub nakedcc fn restore_rt() void {
return asm volatile ("syscall"
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ const io = std.io;
const a = std.debug.global_allocator;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const AtomicRmwOp = builtin.AtomicRmwOp;
const AtomicOrder = builtin.AtomicOrder;
test "makePath, put some files in it, deleteTree" {
if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.windows) {
@ -40,3 +42,40 @@ test "access file" {
assert((try os.File.access(a, "os_test_tmp/file.txt", os.default_file_mode)) == true);
try os.deleteTree(a, "os_test_tmp");
test "spawn threads" {
if (builtin.os != builtin.Os.linux) {
// TODO implement threads on macos and windows
var direct_allocator = std.heap.DirectAllocator.init();
defer direct_allocator.deinit();
var shared_ctx: i32 = 1;
const thread1 = try std.os.spawnThreadAllocator(&direct_allocator.allocator, {}, start1);
const thread4 = try std.os.spawnThreadAllocator(&direct_allocator.allocator, &shared_ctx, start2);
var stack1: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var stack2: [1024]u8 = undefined;
const thread2 = try std.os.spawnThread(stack1[0..], &shared_ctx, start2);
const thread3 = try std.os.spawnThread(stack2[0..], &shared_ctx, start2);
assert(shared_ctx == 4);
fn start1(ctx: void) u8 {
return 0;
fn start2(ctx: &i32) u8 {
_ = @atomicRmw(i32, ctx, AtomicRmwOp.Add, 1, AtomicOrder.SeqCst);
return 0;
@ -57,11 +57,46 @@ comptime {
if (builtin.mode != builtin.Mode.ReleaseFast and builtin.os != builtin.Os.windows) {
@export("__stack_chk_fail", __stack_chk_fail, builtin.GlobalLinkage.Strong);
if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.linux and builtin.arch == builtin.Arch.x86_64) {
@export("clone", clone, builtin.GlobalLinkage.Strong);
extern fn __stack_chk_fail() noreturn {
@panic("stack smashing detected");
// TODO we should be able to put this directly in std/linux/x86_64.zig but
// it causes a segfault in release mode. this is a workaround of calling it
// across .o file boundaries. fix comptime @ptrCast of nakedcc functions.
nakedcc fn clone() void {
asm volatile (
\\ xor %%eax,%%eax
\\ mov $56,%%al
\\ mov %%rdi,%%r11
\\ mov %%rdx,%%rdi
\\ mov %%r8,%%rdx
\\ mov %%r9,%%r8
\\ mov 8(%%rsp),%%r10
\\ mov %%r11,%%r9
\\ and $-16,%%rsi
\\ sub $8,%%rsi
\\ mov %%rcx,(%%rsi)
\\ syscall
\\ test %%eax,%%eax
\\ jnz 1f
\\ xor %%ebp,%%ebp
\\ pop %%rdi
\\ call *%%r9
\\ mov %%eax,%%edi
\\ xor %%eax,%%eax
\\ mov $60,%%al
\\ syscall
\\ hlt
\\1: ret
const math = @import("../math/index.zig");
export fn fmodf(x: f32, y: f32) f32 { return generic_fmod(f32, x, y); }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user