mirror of
synced 2024-12-12 14:16:59 +00:00
stage2: implement @atomicRmw
and @atomicLoad
* langref: add some more "see also" links for atomics * Add the following AIR instructions - atomic_load - atomic_store_unordered - atomic_store_monotonic - atomic_store_release - atomic_store_seq_cst - atomic_rmw * Implement those AIR instructions in LLVM and C backends. * AstGen: make the `ty` result locations for `@atomicRmw`, `@atomicLoad`, and `@atomicStore` be `coerced_ty` to avoid unnecessary ZIR instructions when Sema will be doing the coercions redundantly. * Sema for `@atomicLoad` and `@atomicRmw` is done, however Sema for `@atomicStore` is not yet implemented. - comptime eval for `@atomicRmw` is not yet implemented. * Sema: flesh out `coerceInMemoryAllowed` a little bit more. It can now handle pointers.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7216,7 +7216,9 @@ fn func(y: *i32) void {
{#syntax#}T{#endsyntax#} must be a pointer, a {#syntax#}bool{#endsyntax#}, a float,
an integer or an enum.
<pre>{#syntax#}@atomicRmw(comptime T: type, ptr: *T, comptime op: builtin.AtomicRmwOp, operand: T, comptime ordering: builtin.AtomicOrder) T{#endsyntax#}</pre>
@ -7242,7 +7244,9 @@ fn func(y: *i32) void {
<li>{#syntax#}.Max{#endsyntax#} - stores the operand if it is larger. Supports integers and floats.</li>
<li>{#syntax#}.Min{#endsyntax#} - stores the operand if it is smaller. Supports integers and floats.</li>
<pre>{#syntax#}@atomicStore(comptime T: type, ptr: *T, value: T, comptime ordering: builtin.AtomicOrder) void{#endsyntax#}</pre>
@ -7252,6 +7256,7 @@ fn func(y: *i32) void {
{#syntax#}T{#endsyntax#} must be a pointer, a {#syntax#}bool{#endsyntax#}, a float,
an integer or an enum.
@ -7540,8 +7545,9 @@ fn cmpxchgStrongButNotAtomic(comptime T: type, ptr: *T, expected_value: T, new_v
an integer or an enum.
<p>{#syntax#}@typeInfo(@TypeOf(ptr)).Pointer.alignment{#endsyntax#} must be {#syntax#}>= @sizeOf(T).{#endsyntax#}</p>
{#see_also|Compile Variables|cmpxchgWeak#}
<pre>{#syntax#}@cmpxchgWeak(comptime T: type, ptr: *T, expected_value: T, new_value: T, success_order: AtomicOrder, fail_order: AtomicOrder) ?T{#endsyntax#}</pre>
@ -7569,7 +7575,7 @@ fn cmpxchgWeakButNotAtomic(comptime T: type, ptr: *T, expected_value: T, new_val
an integer or an enum.
<p>{#syntax#}@typeInfo(@TypeOf(ptr)).Pointer.alignment{#endsyntax#} must be {#syntax#}>= @sizeOf(T).{#endsyntax#}</p>
{#see_also|Compile Variables|cmpxchgStrong#}
@ -7849,7 +7855,7 @@ export fn @"A function name that is a complete sentence."() void {}
{#syntax#}AtomicOrder{#endsyntax#} can be found with {#syntax#}@import("std").builtin.AtomicOrder{#endsyntax#}.
{#see_also|Compile Variables#}
@ -127,14 +127,11 @@ pub const Inst = struct {
/// Lowers to a hardware trap instruction, or the next best thing.
/// Result type is always void.
/// Lowers to a memory fence instruction.
/// Result type is always void.
/// Uses the `fence` field.
/// Function call.
/// Result type is the return type of the function being called.
/// Uses the `pl_op` field with the `Call` payload. operand is the callee.
/// `<`. Result type is always bool.
/// Uses the `bin_op` field.
@ -153,6 +150,7 @@ pub const Inst = struct {
/// `!=`. Result type is always bool.
/// Uses the `bin_op` field.
/// Conditional branch.
/// Result type is always noreturn; no instructions in a block follow this one.
/// Uses the `pl_op` field. Operand is the condition. Payload is `CondBr`.
@ -313,10 +311,33 @@ pub const Inst = struct {
/// Given a pointer to an array, return a slice.
/// Uses the `ty_op` field.
/// Uses the `ty_pl` field with payload `Cmpxchg`.
/// Uses the `ty_pl` field with payload `Cmpxchg`.
/// Lowers to a memory fence instruction.
/// Result type is always void.
/// Uses the `fence` field.
/// Atomically load from a pointer.
/// Result type is the element type of the pointer.
/// Uses the `atomic_load` field.
/// Atomically store through a pointer.
/// Result type is always `void`.
/// Uses the `bin_op` field. LHS is pointer, RHS is element.
/// Same as `atomic_store_unordered` but with `AtomicOrder.Monotonic`.
/// Same as `atomic_store_unordered` but with `AtomicOrder.Release`.
/// Same as `atomic_store_unordered` but with `AtomicOrder.SeqCst`.
/// Atomically read-modify-write via a pointer.
/// Result type is the element type of the pointer.
/// Uses the `pl_op` field with payload `AtomicRmw`. Operand is `ptr`.
pub fn fromCmpOp(op: std.math.CompareOperator) Tag {
return switch (op) {
@ -385,6 +406,10 @@ pub const Inst = struct {
column: u32,
fence: std.builtin.AtomicOrder,
atomic_load: struct {
ptr: Ref,
order: std.builtin.AtomicOrder,
// Make sure we don't accidentally add a field to make this union
// bigger than expected. Note that in Debug builds, Zig is allowed
@ -469,6 +494,21 @@ pub const Cmpxchg = struct {
pub const AtomicRmw = struct {
operand: Inst.Ref,
/// 0b00000000000000000000000000000XXX - ordering
/// 0b0000000000000000000000000XXXX000 - op
flags: u32,
pub fn ordering(self: AtomicRmw) std.builtin.AtomicOrder {
return @intToEnum(std.builtin.AtomicOrder, @truncate(u3, self.flags));
pub fn op(self: AtomicRmw) std.builtin.AtomicRmwOp {
return @intToEnum(std.builtin.AtomicRmwOp, @truncate(u4, self.flags >> 3));
pub fn getMainBody(air: Air) []const Air.Inst.Index {
const body_index = air.extra[@enumToInt(ExtraIndex.main_block)];
const extra = air.extraData(Block, body_index);
@ -572,6 +612,10 @@ pub fn typeOfIndex(air: Air, inst: Air.Inst.Index) Type {
=> return Type.initTag(.void),
@ -594,6 +638,14 @@ pub fn typeOfIndex(air: Air, inst: Air.Inst.Index) Type {
const inner_ptr_ty = outer_ptr_ty.elemType();
return inner_ptr_ty.elemType();
.atomic_load => {
const ptr_ty = air.typeOf(datas[inst].atomic_load.ptr);
return ptr_ty.elemType();
.atomic_rmw => {
const ptr_ty = air.typeOf(datas[inst].pl_op.operand);
return ptr_ty.elemType();
@ -7316,6 +7316,7 @@ fn builtinCall(
.atomic_load => {
const int_type = try typeExpr(gz, scope, params[0]);
// TODO allow this pointer type to be volatile
const ptr_type = try gz.add(.{ .tag = .ptr_type_simple, .data = .{
.ptr_type_simple = .{
.is_allowzero = false,
@ -7325,16 +7326,17 @@ fn builtinCall(
.elem_type = int_type,
} });
const ptr = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .ty = ptr_type }, params[1]);
const ordering = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .ty = .atomic_order_type }, params[2]);
const result = try gz.addPlNode(.atomic_load, node, Zir.Inst.Bin{
.lhs = ptr,
.rhs = ordering,
// zig fmt: off
.lhs = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .coerced_ty = ptr_type }, params[1]),
.rhs = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .coerced_ty = .atomic_order_type }, params[2]),
// zig fmt: on
return rvalue(gz, rl, result, node);
.atomic_rmw => {
const int_type = try typeExpr(gz, scope, params[0]);
// TODO allow this pointer type to be volatile
const ptr_type = try gz.add(.{ .tag = .ptr_type_simple, .data = .{
.ptr_type_simple = .{
.is_allowzero = false,
@ -7344,20 +7346,19 @@ fn builtinCall(
.elem_type = int_type,
} });
const ptr = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .ty = ptr_type }, params[1]);
const operation = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .ty = .atomic_rmw_op_type }, params[2]);
const operand = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .ty = int_type }, params[3]);
const ordering = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .ty = .atomic_order_type }, params[4]);
const result = try gz.addPlNode(.atomic_rmw, node, Zir.Inst.AtomicRmw{
.ptr = ptr,
.operation = operation,
.operand = operand,
.ordering = ordering,
// zig fmt: off
.ptr = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .coerced_ty = ptr_type }, params[1]),
.operation = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .coerced_ty = .atomic_rmw_op_type }, params[2]),
.operand = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .coerced_ty = int_type }, params[3]),
.ordering = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .coerced_ty = .atomic_order_type }, params[4]),
// zig fmt: on
return rvalue(gz, rl, result, node);
.atomic_store => {
const int_type = try typeExpr(gz, scope, params[0]);
// TODO allow this pointer type to be volatile
const ptr_type = try gz.add(.{ .tag = .ptr_type_simple, .data = .{
.ptr_type_simple = .{
.is_allowzero = false,
@ -7367,13 +7368,12 @@ fn builtinCall(
.elem_type = int_type,
} });
const ptr = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .ty = ptr_type }, params[1]);
const operand = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .ty = int_type }, params[2]);
const ordering = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .ty = .atomic_order_type }, params[3]);
const result = try gz.addPlNode(.atomic_store, node, Zir.Inst.AtomicStore{
.ptr = ptr,
.operand = operand,
.ordering = ordering,
// zig fmt: off
.ptr = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .coerced_ty = ptr_type }, params[1]),
.operand = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .coerced_ty = int_type }, params[2]),
.ordering = try expr(gz, scope, .{ .coerced_ty = .atomic_order_type }, params[3]),
// zig fmt: on
return rvalue(gz, rl, result, node);
@ -7456,12 +7456,11 @@ fn builtinCall(
.Vector => {
const result = try gz.addPlNode(.vector_type, node, Zir.Inst.Bin{
.lhs = try comptimeExpr(gz, scope, .{.ty = .u32_type}, params[0]),
.lhs = try comptimeExpr(gz, scope, .{ .ty = .u32_type }, params[0]),
.rhs = try typeExpr(gz, scope, params[1]),
return rvalue(gz, rl, result, node);
// zig fmt: on
@ -252,6 +252,10 @@ fn analyzeInst(
=> {
const o = inst_datas[inst].bin_op;
return trackOperands(a, new_set, inst, main_tomb, .{ o.lhs, o.rhs, .none });
@ -345,6 +349,15 @@ fn analyzeInst(
const extra = a.air.extraData(Air.Cmpxchg, inst_datas[inst].ty_pl.payload).data;
return trackOperands(a, new_set, inst, main_tomb, .{ extra.ptr, extra.expected_value, extra.new_value });
.atomic_load => {
const ptr = inst_datas[inst].atomic_load.ptr;
return trackOperands(a, new_set, inst, main_tomb, .{ ptr, .none, .none });
.atomic_rmw => {
const pl_op = inst_datas[inst].pl_op;
const extra = a.air.extraData(Air.AtomicRmw, pl_op.payload).data;
return trackOperands(a, new_set, inst, main_tomb, .{ pl_op.operand, extra.operand, .none });
.br => {
const br = inst_datas[inst].br;
return trackOperands(a, new_set, inst, main_tomb, .{ br.operand, .none, .none });
@ -7549,6 +7549,19 @@ fn resolveAtomicOrder(
return val.toEnum(std.builtin.AtomicOrder);
fn resolveAtomicRmwOp(
sema: *Sema,
block: *Scope.Block,
src: LazySrcLoc,
zir_ref: Zir.Inst.Ref,
) CompileError!std.builtin.AtomicRmwOp {
const atomic_rmw_op_ty = try sema.getBuiltinType(block, src, "AtomicRmwOp");
const air_ref = sema.resolveInst(zir_ref);
const coerced = try sema.coerce(block, atomic_rmw_op_ty, air_ref, src);
const val = try sema.resolveConstValue(block, src, coerced);
return val.toEnum(std.builtin.AtomicRmwOp);
fn zirCmpxchg(
sema: *Sema,
block: *Scope.Block,
@ -7664,14 +7677,108 @@ fn zirSelect(sema: *Sema, block: *Scope.Block, inst: Zir.Inst.Index) CompileErro
fn zirAtomicLoad(sema: *Sema, block: *Scope.Block, inst: Zir.Inst.Index) CompileError!Air.Inst.Ref {
const inst_data = sema.code.instructions.items(.data)[inst].pl_node;
const src = inst_data.src();
return sema.mod.fail(&block.base, src, "TODO: Sema.zirAtomicLoad", .{});
const extra = sema.code.extraData(Zir.Inst.Bin, inst_data.payload_index).data;
// zig fmt: off
const elem_ty_src: LazySrcLoc = .{ .node_offset_builtin_call_arg0 = inst_data.src_node };
const ptr_src : LazySrcLoc = .{ .node_offset_builtin_call_arg1 = inst_data.src_node };
const order_src : LazySrcLoc = .{ .node_offset_builtin_call_arg2 = inst_data.src_node };
// zig fmt: on
const ptr = sema.resolveInst(extra.lhs);
const elem_ty = sema.typeOf(ptr).elemType();
try sema.checkAtomicOperandType(block, elem_ty_src, elem_ty);
const order = try sema.resolveAtomicOrder(block, order_src, extra.rhs);
switch (order) {
.Release, .AcqRel => {
return sema.mod.fail(
"@atomicLoad atomic ordering must not be Release or AcqRel",
else => {},
if (try sema.resolveDefinedValue(block, ptr_src, ptr)) |ptr_val| {
if (try ptr_val.pointerDeref(sema.arena)) |elem_val| {
return sema.addConstant(elem_ty, elem_val);
try sema.requireRuntimeBlock(block, ptr_src);
return block.addInst(.{
.tag = .atomic_load,
.data = .{ .atomic_load = .{
.ptr = ptr,
.order = order,
} },
fn zirAtomicRmw(sema: *Sema, block: *Scope.Block, inst: Zir.Inst.Index) CompileError!Air.Inst.Ref {
const mod = sema.mod;
const inst_data = sema.code.instructions.items(.data)[inst].pl_node;
const extra = sema.code.extraData(Zir.Inst.AtomicRmw, inst_data.payload_index).data;
const src = inst_data.src();
return sema.mod.fail(&block.base, src, "TODO: Sema.zirAtomicRmw", .{});
// zig fmt: off
const operand_ty_src: LazySrcLoc = .{ .node_offset_builtin_call_arg0 = inst_data.src_node };
const ptr_src : LazySrcLoc = .{ .node_offset_builtin_call_arg1 = inst_data.src_node };
const op_src : LazySrcLoc = .{ .node_offset_builtin_call_arg2 = inst_data.src_node };
const operand_src : LazySrcLoc = .{ .node_offset_builtin_call_arg3 = inst_data.src_node };
const order_src : LazySrcLoc = .{ .node_offset_builtin_call_arg4 = inst_data.src_node };
// zig fmt: on
const ptr = sema.resolveInst(extra.ptr);
const operand_ty = sema.typeOf(ptr).elemType();
try sema.checkAtomicOperandType(block, operand_ty_src, operand_ty);
const op = try sema.resolveAtomicRmwOp(block, op_src, extra.operation);
switch (operand_ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Enum => if (op != .Xchg) {
return mod.fail(&block.base, op_src, "@atomicRmw with enum only allowed with .Xchg", .{});
.Bool => if (op != .Xchg) {
return mod.fail(&block.base, op_src, "@atomicRmw with bool only allowed with .Xchg", .{});
.Float => switch (op) {
.Xchg, .Add, .Sub => {},
else => return mod.fail(&block.base, op_src, "@atomicRmw with float only allowed with .Xchg, .Add, and .Sub", .{}),
else => {},
const operand = try sema.coerce(block, operand_ty, sema.resolveInst(extra.operand), operand_src);
const order = try sema.resolveAtomicOrder(block, order_src, extra.ordering);
if (order == .Unordered) {
return mod.fail(&block.base, order_src, "@atomicRmw atomic ordering must not be Unordered", .{});
// special case zero bit types
if (try sema.typeHasOnePossibleValue(block, operand_ty_src, operand_ty)) |val| {
return sema.addConstant(operand_ty, val);
const runtime_src = if (try sema.resolveDefinedValue(block, ptr_src, ptr)) |ptr_val| rs: {
if (try sema.resolveMaybeUndefVal(block, operand_src, operand)) |operand_val| {
_ = ptr_val;
_ = operand_val;
return mod.fail(&block.base, src, "TODO implement Sema for @atomicRmw at comptime", .{});
} else break :rs operand_src;
} else ptr_src;
const flags: u32 = @as(u32, @enumToInt(order)) | (@as(u32, @enumToInt(op)) << 3);
try sema.requireRuntimeBlock(block, runtime_src);
return block.addInst(.{
.tag = .atomic_rmw,
.data = .{ .pl_op = .{
.operand = ptr,
.payload = try sema.addExtra(Air.AtomicRmw{
.operand = operand,
.flags = flags,
} },
fn zirAtomicStore(sema: *Sema, block: *Scope.Block, inst: Zir.Inst.Index) CompileError!Air.Inst.Ref {
@ -8848,7 +8955,7 @@ fn coerce(
if (dest_type.eql(inst_ty))
return inst;
const in_memory_result = coerceInMemoryAllowed(dest_type, inst_ty);
const in_memory_result = coerceInMemoryAllowed(dest_type, inst_ty, false);
if (in_memory_result == .ok) {
return sema.bitcast(block, dest_type, inst, inst_src);
@ -8890,11 +8997,12 @@ fn coerce(
const array_type = inst_ty.elemType();
if (array_type.zigTypeTag() != .Array) break :src_array_ptr;
const array_elem_type = array_type.elemType();
if (inst_ty.isConstPtr() and !dest_type.isConstPtr()) break :src_array_ptr;
const dest_is_mut = !dest_type.isConstPtr();
if (inst_ty.isConstPtr() and dest_is_mut) break :src_array_ptr;
if (inst_ty.isVolatilePtr() and !dest_type.isVolatilePtr()) break :src_array_ptr;
const dst_elem_type = dest_type.elemType();
switch (coerceInMemoryAllowed(dst_elem_type, array_elem_type)) {
switch (coerceInMemoryAllowed(dst_elem_type, array_elem_type, dest_is_mut)) {
.ok => {},
.no_match => break :src_array_ptr,
@ -9001,10 +9109,80 @@ const InMemoryCoercionResult = enum {
fn coerceInMemoryAllowed(dest_type: Type, src_type: Type) InMemoryCoercionResult {
/// If pointers have the same representation in runtime memory, a bitcast AIR instruction
/// may be used for the coercion.
/// * `const` attribute can be gained
/// * `volatile` attribute can be gained
/// * `allowzero` attribute can be gained (whether from explicit attribute, C pointer, or optional pointer) but only if !dest_is_mut
/// * alignment can be decreased
/// * bit offset attributes must match exactly
/// * `*`/`[*]` must match exactly, but `[*c]` matches either one
/// * sentinel-terminated pointers can coerce into `[*]`
/// TODO improve this function to report recursive compile errors like it does in stage1.
/// look at the function types_match_const_cast_only
fn coerceInMemoryAllowed(dest_type: Type, src_type: Type, dest_is_mut: bool) InMemoryCoercionResult {
if (dest_type.eql(src_type))
return .ok;
if (dest_type.zigTypeTag() == .Pointer and
src_type.zigTypeTag() == .Pointer)
const dest_info = dest_type.ptrInfo().data;
const src_info = src_type.ptrInfo().data;
const child = coerceInMemoryAllowed(dest_info.pointee_type, src_info.pointee_type, dest_info.mutable);
if (child == .no_match) {
return child;
const ok_sent = dest_info.sentinel == null or src_info.size == .C or
(src_info.sentinel != null and
dest_info.sentinel.?.eql(src_info.sentinel.?, dest_info.pointee_type));
if (!ok_sent) {
return .no_match;
const ok_ptr_size = src_info.size == dest_info.size or
src_info.size == .C or dest_info.size == .C;
if (!ok_ptr_size) {
return .no_match;
const ok_cv_qualifiers =
(src_info.mutable or !dest_info.mutable) and
(!src_info.@"volatile" or dest_info.@"volatile");
if (!ok_cv_qualifiers) {
return .no_match;
const ok_allows_zero = (dest_info.@"allowzero" and
(src_info.@"allowzero" or !dest_is_mut)) or
(!dest_info.@"allowzero" and !src_info.@"allowzero");
if (!ok_allows_zero) {
return .no_match;
if (dest_type.hasCodeGenBits() != src_type.hasCodeGenBits()) {
return .no_match;
if (src_info.host_size != dest_info.host_size or
src_info.bit_offset != dest_info.bit_offset)
return .no_match;
assert(src_info.@"align" != 0);
assert(dest_info.@"align" != 0);
if (dest_info.@"align" > src_info.@"align") {
return .no_match;
return .ok;
// TODO: implement more of this function
return .no_match;
@ -860,6 +860,13 @@ fn Function(comptime arch: std.Target.Cpu.Arch) type {
.array_to_slice => try self.airArrayToSlice(inst),
.cmpxchg_strong => try self.airCmpxchg(inst),
.cmpxchg_weak => try self.airCmpxchg(inst),
.atomic_rmw => try self.airAtomicRmw(inst),
.atomic_load => try self.airAtomicLoad(inst),
.atomic_store_unordered => try self.airAtomicStore(inst, .Unordered),
.atomic_store_monotonic => try self.airAtomicStore(inst, .Monotonic),
.atomic_store_release => try self.airAtomicStore(inst, .Release),
.atomic_store_seq_cst => try self.airAtomicStore(inst, .SeqCst),
.struct_field_ptr_index_0 => try self.airStructFieldPtrIndex(inst, 0),
.struct_field_ptr_index_1 => try self.airStructFieldPtrIndex(inst, 1),
@ -4773,6 +4780,22 @@ fn Function(comptime arch: std.Target.Cpu.Arch) type {
return self.finishAir(inst, result, .{ extra.ptr, extra.expected_value, extra.new_value });
fn airAtomicRmw(self: *Self, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !void {
_ = inst;
return self.fail("TODO implement airCmpxchg for {}", .{self.target.cpu.arch});
fn airAtomicLoad(self: *Self, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !void {
_ = inst;
return self.fail("TODO implement airAtomicLoad for {}", .{self.target.cpu.arch});
fn airAtomicStore(self: *Self, inst: Air.Inst.Index, order: std.builtin.AtomicOrder) !void {
_ = inst;
_ = order;
return self.fail("TODO implement airAtomicStore for {}", .{self.target.cpu.arch});
fn resolveInst(self: *Self, inst: Air.Inst.Ref) InnerError!MCValue {
// First section of indexes correspond to a set number of constant values.
const ref_int = @enumToInt(inst);
@ -914,6 +914,13 @@ fn genBody(o: *Object, body: []const Air.Inst.Index) error{ AnalysisFail, OutOfM
.array_to_slice => try airArrayToSlice(o, inst),
.cmpxchg_weak => try airCmpxchg(o, inst, "weak"),
.cmpxchg_strong => try airCmpxchg(o, inst, "strong"),
.atomic_rmw => try airAtomicRmw(o, inst),
.atomic_load => try airAtomicLoad(o, inst),
.atomic_store_unordered => try airAtomicStore(o, inst, toMemoryOrder(.Unordered)),
.atomic_store_monotonic => try airAtomicStore(o, inst, toMemoryOrder(.Monotonic)),
.atomic_store_release => try airAtomicStore(o, inst, toMemoryOrder(.Release)),
.atomic_store_seq_cst => try airAtomicStore(o, inst, toMemoryOrder(.SeqCst)),
.struct_field_ptr_index_0 => try airStructFieldPtrIndex(o, inst, 0),
.struct_field_ptr_index_1 => try airStructFieldPtrIndex(o, inst, 1),
@ -1917,8 +1924,61 @@ fn airCmpxchg(o: *Object, inst: Air.Inst.Index, flavor: [*:0]const u8) !CValue {
return local;
fn writeMemoryOrder(w: anytype, order: std.builtin.AtomicOrder) !void {
const str = switch (order) {
fn airAtomicRmw(o: *Object, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
const pl_op = o.air.instructions.items(.data)[inst].pl_op;
const extra = o.air.extraData(Air.AtomicRmw, pl_op.payload).data;
const inst_ty = o.air.typeOfIndex(inst);
const ptr = try o.resolveInst(pl_op.operand);
const operand = try o.resolveInst(extra.operand);
const local = try o.allocLocal(inst_ty, .Const);
const writer = o.writer();
try writer.print(" = zig_atomicrmw_{s}(", .{toAtomicRmwSuffix(extra.op())});
try o.writeCValue(writer, ptr);
try writer.writeAll(", ");
try o.writeCValue(writer, operand);
try writer.writeAll(", ");
try writeMemoryOrder(writer, extra.ordering());
try writer.writeAll(");\n");
return local;
fn airAtomicLoad(o: *Object, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
const atomic_load = o.air.instructions.items(.data)[inst].atomic_load;
const inst_ty = o.air.typeOfIndex(inst);
const ptr = try o.resolveInst(atomic_load.ptr);
const local = try o.allocLocal(inst_ty, .Const);
const writer = o.writer();
try writer.writeAll(" = zig_atomic_load(");
try o.writeCValue(writer, ptr);
try writer.writeAll(", ");
try writeMemoryOrder(writer, atomic_load.order);
try writer.writeAll(");\n");
return local;
fn airAtomicStore(o: *Object, inst: Air.Inst.Index, order: [*:0]const u8) !CValue {
const bin_op = o.air.instructions.items(.data)[inst].bin_op;
const ptr = try o.resolveInst(bin_op.lhs);
const element = try o.resolveInst(bin_op.rhs);
const inst_ty = o.air.typeOfIndex(inst);
const local = try o.allocLocal(inst_ty, .Const);
const writer = o.writer();
try writer.writeAll(" = zig_atomic_store(");
try o.writeCValue(writer, ptr);
try writer.writeAll(", ");
try o.writeCValue(writer, element);
try writer.print(", {s});\n", .{order});
return local;
fn toMemoryOrder(order: std.builtin.AtomicOrder) [:0]const u8 {
return switch (order) {
.Unordered => "memory_order_relaxed",
.Monotonic => "memory_order_consume",
.Acquire => "memory_order_acquire",
@ -1926,7 +1986,24 @@ fn writeMemoryOrder(w: anytype, order: std.builtin.AtomicOrder) !void {
.AcqRel => "memory_order_acq_rel",
.SeqCst => "memory_order_seq_cst",
return w.writeAll(str);
fn writeMemoryOrder(w: anytype, order: std.builtin.AtomicOrder) !void {
return w.writeAll(toMemoryOrder(order));
fn toAtomicRmwSuffix(order: std.builtin.AtomicRmwOp) []const u8 {
return switch (order) {
.Xchg => "xchg",
.Add => "add",
.Sub => "sub",
.And => "and",
.Nand => "nand",
.Or => "or",
.Xor => "xor",
.Max => "max",
.Min => "min",
fn IndentWriter(comptime UnderlyingWriter: type) type {
@ -1060,6 +1060,13 @@ pub const FuncGen = struct {
.cmpxchg_weak => try self.airCmpxchg(inst, true),
.cmpxchg_strong => try self.airCmpxchg(inst, false),
.fence => try self.airFence(inst),
.atomic_rmw => try self.airAtomicRmw(inst),
.atomic_load => try self.airAtomicLoad(inst),
.atomic_store_unordered => try self.airAtomicStore(inst, .Unordered),
.atomic_store_monotonic => try self.airAtomicStore(inst, .Monotonic),
.atomic_store_release => try self.airAtomicStore(inst, .Release),
.atomic_store_seq_cst => try self.airAtomicStore(inst, .SequentiallyConsistent),
.struct_field_ptr => try self.airStructFieldPtr(inst),
.struct_field_val => try self.airStructFieldVal(inst),
@ -1983,20 +1990,19 @@ pub const FuncGen = struct {
fn airStore(self: *FuncGen, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !?*const llvm.Value {
const bin_op = self.air.instructions.items(.data)[inst].bin_op;
const dest_ptr = try self.resolveInst(bin_op.lhs);
const ptr_ty = self.air.typeOf(bin_op.lhs);
const src_operand = try self.resolveInst(bin_op.rhs);
// TODO set volatile on this store properly
_ = self.builder.buildStore(src_operand, dest_ptr);
_ = self.store(dest_ptr, ptr_ty, src_operand);
return null;
fn airLoad(self: *FuncGen, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !?*const llvm.Value {
const ty_op = self.air.instructions.items(.data)[inst].ty_op;
const is_volatile = self.air.typeOf(ty_op.operand).isVolatilePtr();
if (!is_volatile and self.liveness.isUnused(inst))
const ptr_ty = self.air.typeOf(ty_op.operand);
if (!ptr_ty.isVolatilePtr() and self.liveness.isUnused(inst))
return null;
const ptr = try self.resolveInst(ty_op.operand);
// TODO set volatile on this load properly
return self.builder.buildLoad(ptr, "");
return self.load(ptr, ptr_ty);
fn airBreakpoint(self: *FuncGen, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !?*const llvm.Value {
@ -2033,14 +2039,12 @@ pub const FuncGen = struct {
new_value = self.builder.buildZExt(new_value, abi_ty, "");
const success_order = toLlvmAtomicOrdering(extra.successOrder());
const failure_order = toLlvmAtomicOrdering(extra.failureOrder());
const result = self.builder.buildCmpXchg(
@ -2066,6 +2070,109 @@ pub const FuncGen = struct {
return self.builder.buildInsertValue(partial, non_null_bit, 1, "");
fn airAtomicRmw(self: *FuncGen, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !?*const llvm.Value {
const pl_op = self.air.instructions.items(.data)[inst].pl_op;
const extra = self.air.extraData(Air.AtomicRmw, pl_op.payload).data;
const ptr = try self.resolveInst(pl_op.operand);
const ptr_ty = self.air.typeOf(pl_op.operand);
const operand_ty = ptr_ty.elemType();
const operand = try self.resolveInst(extra.operand);
const is_signed_int = operand_ty.isSignedInt();
const is_float = operand_ty.isFloat();
const op = toLlvmAtomicRmwBinOp(extra.op(), is_signed_int, is_float);
const ordering = toLlvmAtomicOrdering(extra.ordering());
const single_threaded = llvm.Bool.fromBool(self.single_threaded);
const opt_abi_ty = self.dg.getAtomicAbiType(operand_ty, op == .Xchg);
if (opt_abi_ty) |abi_ty| {
// operand needs widening and truncating or bitcasting.
const casted_ptr = self.builder.buildBitCast(ptr, abi_ty.pointerType(0), "");
const casted_operand = if (is_float)
self.builder.buildBitCast(operand, abi_ty, "")
else if (is_signed_int)
self.builder.buildSExt(operand, abi_ty, "")
self.builder.buildZExt(operand, abi_ty, "");
const uncasted_result = self.builder.buildAtomicRmw(
const operand_llvm_ty = try self.dg.llvmType(operand_ty);
if (is_float) {
return self.builder.buildBitCast(uncasted_result, operand_llvm_ty, "");
} else {
return self.builder.buildTrunc(uncasted_result, operand_llvm_ty, "");
if (operand.typeOf().getTypeKind() != .Pointer) {
return self.builder.buildAtomicRmw(op, ptr, operand, ordering, single_threaded);
// It's a pointer but we need to treat it as an int.
const usize_llvm_ty = try self.dg.llvmType(Type.initTag(.usize));
const casted_ptr = self.builder.buildBitCast(ptr, usize_llvm_ty.pointerType(0), "");
const casted_operand = self.builder.buildPtrToInt(operand, usize_llvm_ty, "");
const uncasted_result = self.builder.buildAtomicRmw(
const operand_llvm_ty = try self.dg.llvmType(operand_ty);
return self.builder.buildIntToPtr(uncasted_result, operand_llvm_ty, "");
fn airAtomicLoad(self: *FuncGen, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !?*const llvm.Value {
const atomic_load = self.air.instructions.items(.data)[inst].atomic_load;
const ptr = try self.resolveInst(atomic_load.ptr);
const ptr_ty = self.air.typeOf(atomic_load.ptr);
const ordering = toLlvmAtomicOrdering(atomic_load.order);
const operand_ty = ptr_ty.elemType();
const opt_abi_ty = self.dg.getAtomicAbiType(operand_ty, false);
if (opt_abi_ty) |abi_ty| {
// operand needs widening and truncating
const casted_ptr = self.builder.buildBitCast(ptr, abi_ty.pointerType(0), "");
const load_inst = self.load(casted_ptr, ptr_ty);
return self.builder.buildTrunc(load_inst, try self.dg.llvmType(operand_ty), "");
const load_inst = self.load(ptr, ptr_ty);
return load_inst;
fn airAtomicStore(
self: *FuncGen,
inst: Air.Inst.Index,
ordering: llvm.AtomicOrdering,
) !?*const llvm.Value {
const bin_op = self.air.instructions.items(.data)[inst].bin_op;
var ptr = try self.resolveInst(bin_op.lhs);
const ptr_ty = self.air.typeOf(bin_op.lhs);
var element = try self.resolveInst(bin_op.rhs);
const operand_ty = ptr_ty.elemType();
const opt_abi_ty = self.dg.getAtomicAbiType(operand_ty, false);
if (opt_abi_ty) |abi_ty| {
// operand needs widening
ptr = self.builder.buildBitCast(ptr, abi_ty.pointerType(0), "");
if (operand_ty.isSignedInt()) {
element = self.builder.buildSExt(element, abi_ty, "");
} else {
element = self.builder.buildZExt(element, abi_ty, "");
const store_inst = self.store(ptr, ptr_ty, element);
return null;
fn getIntrinsic(self: *FuncGen, name: []const u8) *const llvm.Value {
const id = llvm.lookupIntrinsicID(name.ptr, name.len);
assert(id != 0);
@ -2074,6 +2181,21 @@ pub const FuncGen = struct {
// `getIntrinsicDeclaration`
return self.llvmModule().getIntrinsicDeclaration(id, null, 0);
fn load(self: *FuncGen, ptr: *const llvm.Value, ptr_ty: Type) *const llvm.Value {
_ = ptr_ty; // TODO set volatile and alignment on this load properly
return self.builder.buildLoad(ptr, "");
fn store(
self: *FuncGen,
ptr: *const llvm.Value,
ptr_ty: Type,
elem: *const llvm.Value,
) *const llvm.Value {
_ = ptr_ty; // TODO set volatile and alignment on this store properly
return self.builder.buildStore(elem, ptr);
fn initializeLLVMTarget(arch: std.Target.Cpu.Arch) void {
@ -2227,3 +2349,21 @@ fn toLlvmAtomicOrdering(atomic_order: std.builtin.AtomicOrder) llvm.AtomicOrderi
.SeqCst => .SequentiallyConsistent,
fn toLlvmAtomicRmwBinOp(
op: std.builtin.AtomicRmwOp,
is_signed: bool,
is_float: bool,
) llvm.AtomicRMWBinOp {
return switch (op) {
.Xchg => .Xchg,
.Add => if (is_float) llvm.AtomicRMWBinOp.FAdd else return .Add,
.Sub => if (is_float) llvm.AtomicRMWBinOp.FSub else return .Sub,
.And => .And,
.Nand => .Nand,
.Or => .Or,
.Xor => .Xor,
.Max => if (is_signed) llvm.AtomicRMWBinOp.Max else return .UMax,
.Min => if (is_signed) llvm.AtomicRMWBinOp.Min else return .UMin,
@ -133,6 +133,9 @@ pub const Value = opaque {
pub const constIntToPtr = LLVMConstIntToPtr;
extern fn LLVMConstIntToPtr(ConstantVal: *const Value, ToType: *const Type) *const Value;
pub const setOrdering = LLVMSetOrdering;
extern fn LLVMSetOrdering(MemoryAccessInst: *const Value, Ordering: AtomicOrdering) void;
pub const Type = opaque {
@ -167,6 +170,9 @@ pub const Type = opaque {
ElementCount: c_uint,
Packed: Bool,
) void;
pub const getTypeKind = LLVMGetTypeKind;
extern fn LLVMGetTypeKind(Ty: *const Type) TypeKind;
pub const Module = opaque {
@ -477,6 +483,14 @@ pub const Builder = opaque {
Name: [*:0]const u8,
) *const Value;
pub const buildIntToPtr = LLVMBuildIntToPtr;
extern fn LLVMBuildIntToPtr(
*const Builder,
Val: *const Value,
DestTy: *const Type,
Name: [*:0]const u8,
) *const Value;
pub const buildStructGEP = LLVMBuildStructGEP;
extern fn LLVMBuildStructGEP(
B: *const Builder,
@ -530,6 +544,16 @@ pub const Builder = opaque {
singleThread: Bool,
Name: [*:0]const u8,
) *const Value;
pub const buildAtomicRmw = LLVMBuildAtomicRMW;
extern fn LLVMBuildAtomicRMW(
B: *const Builder,
op: AtomicRMWBinOp,
PTR: *const Value,
Val: *const Value,
ordering: AtomicOrdering,
singleThread: Bool,
) *const Value;
pub const IntPredicate = enum(c_uint) {
@ -901,3 +925,42 @@ pub const AtomicOrdering = enum(c_uint) {
AcquireRelease = 6,
SequentiallyConsistent = 7,
pub const AtomicRMWBinOp = enum(c_int) {
pub const TypeKind = enum(c_int) {
@ -62,16 +62,61 @@
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L && !defined(__STDC_NO_ATOMICS__)
#include <stdatomic.h>
#define zig_cmpxchg_strong(obj, expected, desired, succ, fail) atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(obj, expected, desired, succ, fail)
#define zig_cmpxchg_weak(obj, expected, desired, succ, fail) atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(obj, expected, desired, succ, fail)
#define zig_cmpxchg_strong(obj, expected, desired, succ, fail) atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(obj, &(expected), desired, succ, fail)
#define zig_cmpxchg_weak (obj, expected, desired, succ, fail) atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit (obj, &(expected), desired, succ, fail)
#define zig_atomicrmw_xchg(obj, arg, order) atomic_exchange_explicit (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_add (obj, arg, order) atomic_fetch_add_explicit (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_sub (obj, arg, order) atomic_fetch_sub_explicit (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_or (obj, arg, order) atomic_fetch_or_explicit (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_xor (obj, arg, order) atomic_fetch_xor_explicit (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_and (obj, arg, order) atomic_fetch_and_explicit (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_nand(obj, arg, order) atomic_fetch_nand_explicit(obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_min (obj, arg, order) atomic_fetch_min_explicit (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_max (obj, arg, order) atomic_fetch_max_explicit (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomic_store (obj, arg, order) atomic_store_explicit (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomic_load (obj, order) atomic_load_explicit (obj, order)
#define zig_fence(order) atomic_thread_fence(order)
#elif __GNUC__
#define zig_cmpxchg_strong(obj, expected, desired, succ, fail) __sync_val_compare_and_swap(obj, expected, desired)
#define zig_cmpxchg_weak(obj, expected, desired, succ, fail) __sync_val_compare_and_swap(obj, expected, desired)
#define zig_fence(order) __sync_synchronize(order)
#define memory_order_relaxed __ATOMIC_RELAXED
#define memory_order_consume __ATOMIC_CONSUME
#define memory_order_acquire __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE
#define memory_order_release __ATOMIC_RELEASE
#define memory_order_acq_rel __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL
#define memory_order_seq_cst __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST
#define zig_cmpxchg_strong(obj, expected, desired, succ, fail) __atomic_compare_exchange_n(obj, &(expected), desired, false, succ, fail)
#define zig_cmpxchg_weak (obj, expected, desired, succ, fail) __atomic_compare_exchange_n(obj, &(expected), desired, true , succ, fail)
#define zig_atomicrmw_xchg(obj, arg, order) __atomic_exchange_n(obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_add (obj, arg, order) __atomic_fetch_add (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_sub (obj, arg, order) __atomic_fetch_sub (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_or (obj, arg, order) __atomic_fetch_or (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_xor (obj, arg, order) __atomic_fetch_xor (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_and (obj, arg, order) __atomic_fetch_and (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_nand(obj, arg, order) __atomic_fetch_nand(obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_min (obj, arg, order) __atomic_fetch_min (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomicrmw_max (obj, arg, order) __atomic_fetch_max (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomic_store (obj, arg, order) __atomic_store (obj, arg, order)
#define zig_atomic_load (obj, order) __atomic_load (obj, order)
#define zig_fence(order) __atomic_thread_fence(order)
#define memory_order_relaxed 0
#define memory_order_consume 1
#define memory_order_acquire 2
#define memory_order_release 3
#define memory_order_acq_rel 4
#define memory_order_seq_cst 5
#define zig_cmpxchg_strong(obj, expected, desired, succ, fail) zig_unimplemented()
#define zig_cmpxchg_weak(obj, expected, desired, succ, fail) zig_unimplemented()
#define zig_cmpxchg_weak (obj, expected, desired, succ, fail) zig_unimplemented()
#define zig_atomicrmw_xchg(obj, arg, order) zig_unimplemented()
#define zig_atomicrmw_add (obj, arg, order) zig_unimplemented()
#define zig_atomicrmw_sub (obj, arg, order) zig_unimplemented()
#define zig_atomicrmw_or (obj, arg, order) zig_unimplemented()
#define zig_atomicrmw_xor (obj, arg, order) zig_unimplemented()
#define zig_atomicrmw_and (obj, arg, order) zig_unimplemented()
#define zig_atomicrmw_nand(obj, arg, order) zig_unimplemented()
#define zig_atomicrmw_min (obj, arg, order) zig_unimplemented()
#define zig_atomicrmw_max (obj, arg, order) zig_unimplemented()
#define zig_atomic_store (obj, arg, order) zig_unimplemented()
#define zig_atomic_load (obj, order) zig_unimplemented()
#define zig_fence(order) zig_unimplemented()
@ -193,6 +193,12 @@ const Writer = struct {
.switch_br => try w.writeSwitchBr(s, inst),
.cmpxchg_weak, .cmpxchg_strong => try w.writeCmpxchg(s, inst),
.fence => try w.writeFence(s, inst),
.atomic_load => try w.writeAtomicLoad(s, inst),
.atomic_store_unordered => try w.writeAtomicStore(s, inst, .Unordered),
.atomic_store_monotonic => try w.writeAtomicStore(s, inst, .Monotonic),
.atomic_store_release => try w.writeAtomicStore(s, inst, .Release),
.atomic_store_seq_cst => try w.writeAtomicStore(s, inst, .SeqCst),
.atomic_rmw => try w.writeAtomicRmw(s, inst),
@ -283,6 +289,36 @@ const Writer = struct {
try s.print("{s}", .{@tagName(atomic_order)});
fn writeAtomicLoad(w: *Writer, s: anytype, inst: Air.Inst.Index) @TypeOf(s).Error!void {
const atomic_load = w.air.instructions.items(.data)[inst].atomic_load;
try w.writeOperand(s, inst, 0, atomic_load.ptr);
try s.print(", {s}", .{@tagName(atomic_load.order)});
fn writeAtomicStore(
w: *Writer,
s: anytype,
inst: Air.Inst.Index,
order: std.builtin.AtomicOrder,
) @TypeOf(s).Error!void {
const bin_op = w.air.instructions.items(.data)[inst].bin_op;
try w.writeOperand(s, inst, 0, bin_op.lhs);
try s.writeAll(", ");
try w.writeOperand(s, inst, 1, bin_op.rhs);
try s.print(", {s}", .{@tagName(order)});
fn writeAtomicRmw(w: *Writer, s: anytype, inst: Air.Inst.Index) @TypeOf(s).Error!void {
const pl_op = w.air.instructions.items(.data)[inst].pl_op;
const extra = w.air.extraData(Air.AtomicRmw, pl_op.payload).data;
try w.writeOperand(s, inst, 0, pl_op.operand);
try s.writeAll(", ");
try w.writeOperand(s, inst, 1, extra.operand);
try s.print(", {s}, {s}", .{ @tagName(extra.op()), @tagName(extra.ordering()) });
fn writeConstant(w: *Writer, s: anytype, inst: Air.Inst.Index) @TypeOf(s).Error!void {
const ty_pl = w.air.instructions.items(.data)[inst].ty_pl;
const val = w.air.values[ty_pl.payload];
@ -30,3 +30,26 @@ test "fence" {
x = 5678;
test "atomicrmw and atomicload" {
var data: u8 = 200;
try testAtomicRmw(&data);
try expect(data == 42);
try testAtomicLoad(&data);
fn testAtomicRmw(ptr: *u8) !void {
const prev_value = @atomicRmw(u8, ptr, .Xchg, 42, .SeqCst);
try expect(prev_value == 200);
comptime {
var x: i32 = 1234;
const y: i32 = 12345;
try expect(@atomicLoad(i32, &x, .SeqCst) == 1234);
try expect(@atomicLoad(i32, &y, .SeqCst) == 12345);
fn testAtomicLoad(ptr: *u8) !void {
const x = @atomicLoad(u8, ptr, .SeqCst);
try expect(x == 42);
@ -3,29 +3,6 @@ const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
test "atomicrmw and atomicload" {
var data: u8 = 200;
try testAtomicRmw(&data);
try expect(data == 42);
try testAtomicLoad(&data);
fn testAtomicRmw(ptr: *u8) !void {
const prev_value = @atomicRmw(u8, ptr, .Xchg, 42, .SeqCst);
try expect(prev_value == 200);
comptime {
var x: i32 = 1234;
const y: i32 = 12345;
try expect(@atomicLoad(i32, &x, .SeqCst) == 1234);
try expect(@atomicLoad(i32, &y, .SeqCst) == 12345);
fn testAtomicLoad(ptr: *u8) !void {
const x = @atomicLoad(u8, ptr, .SeqCst);
try expect(x == 42);
test "cmpxchg with ptr" {
var data1: i32 = 1234;
var data2: i32 = 5678;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user