mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 00:30:15 +00:00
reimplement integer overflow safety panic function calls
in the llvm backend.
This commit is contained in:
@ -5703,27 +5703,7 @@ fn addStrLit(sema: *Sema, string: InternPool.String, len: u64) CompileError!Air.
fn uavRef(sema: *Sema, val: InternPool.Index) CompileError!Air.Inst.Ref {
return Air.internedToRef(try sema.refValue(val));
fn refValue(sema: *Sema, val: InternPool.Index) CompileError!InternPool.Index {
const pt = sema.pt;
const ptr_ty = (try pt.ptrTypeSema(.{
.child = pt.zcu.intern_pool.typeOf(val),
.flags = .{
.alignment = .none,
.is_const = true,
.address_space = .generic,
return pt.intern(.{ .ptr = .{
.ty = ptr_ty,
.base_addr = .{ .uav = .{
.val = val,
.orig_ty = ptr_ty,
} },
.byte_offset = 0,
} });
return Air.internedToRef(try sema.pt.refValue(val));
fn zirInt(sema: *Sema, block: *Block, inst: Zir.Inst.Index) CompileError!Air.Inst.Ref {
@ -17402,6 +17382,7 @@ fn analyzeArithmetic(
if (block.wantSafety() and want_safety and scalar_tag == .int) {
if (zcu.backendSupportsFeature(.safety_checked_instructions)) {
if (air_tag != air_tag_safe) try sema.preparePanicIntegerOverflow(block, src);
return block.addBinOp(air_tag_safe, casted_lhs, casted_rhs);
} else {
const maybe_op_ov: ?Air.Inst.Tag = switch (air_tag) {
@ -27706,6 +27687,24 @@ fn preparePanic(sema: *Sema, block: *Block, src: LazySrcLoc) !void {
const panic_cause_ty = try pt.getBuiltinType("PanicCause");
try panic_cause_ty.resolveFields(pt);
zcu.panic_cause_type = panic_cause_ty.toIntern();
zcu.panic_cause_tag_type = panic_cause_ty.unionTagType(zcu).?.toIntern();
fn preparePanicIntegerOverflow(sema: *Sema, block: *Block, src: LazySrcLoc) !void {
const pt = sema.pt;
const zcu = pt.zcu;
try preparePanic(sema, block, src);
if (zcu.panic_cause_integer_overflow == .none) {
const union_val = try pt.unionValue(
try pt.enumValueFieldIndex(
zcu.panic_cause_integer_overflow = try pt.refValue(union_val.toIntern());
@ -32669,7 +32668,7 @@ fn optRefValue(sema: *Sema, opt_val: ?Value) !Value {
return Value.fromInterned(try pt.intern(.{ .opt = .{
.ty = (try pt.optionalType(ptr_anyopaque_ty.toIntern())).toIntern(),
.val = if (opt_val) |val| (try pt.getCoerced(
Value.fromInterned(try sema.refValue(val.toIntern())),
Value.fromInterned(try pt.refValue(val.toIntern())),
)).toIntern() else .none,
} }));
@ -214,6 +214,8 @@ free_type_references: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u32) = .empty,
panic_func_index: InternPool.Index = .none,
null_stack_trace: InternPool.Index = .none,
panic_cause_type: InternPool.Index = .none,
panic_cause_tag_type: InternPool.Index = .none,
panic_cause_integer_overflow: InternPool.Index = .none,
generation: u32 = 0,
@ -3656,6 +3656,25 @@ pub fn ensureNamespaceUpToDate(pt: Zcu.PerThread, namespace_index: Zcu.Namespace
namespace.generation = zcu.generation;
pub fn refValue(pt: Zcu.PerThread, val: InternPool.Index) Zcu.SemaError!InternPool.Index {
const ptr_ty = (try pt.ptrTypeSema(.{
.child = pt.zcu.intern_pool.typeOf(val),
.flags = .{
.alignment = .none,
.is_const = true,
.address_space = .generic,
return pt.intern(.{ .ptr = .{
.ty = ptr_ty,
.base_addr = .{ .uav = .{
.val = val,
.orig_ty = ptr_ty,
} },
.byte_offset = 0,
} });
const Air = @import("../Air.zig");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
@ -5677,46 +5677,37 @@ pub const FuncGen = struct {
const PanicCauseTag = @typeInfo(std.builtin.PanicCause).@"union".tag_type.?;
fn buildSimplePanic(fg: *FuncGen, panic_cause_tag: PanicCauseTag) !void {
// TODO update this before merging the branch
_ = panic_cause_tag;
//const o = fg.ng.object;
//const zcu = o.pt.zcu;
//const ip = &zcu.intern_pool;
//const msg_nav_index = zcu.panic_messages[@intFromEnum(panic_id)].unwrap().?;
//const msg_nav = ip.getNav(msg_nav_index);
//const msg_len = Type.fromInterned(msg_nav.typeOf(ip)).childType(zcu).arrayLen(zcu);
//const msg_ptr = try o.lowerValue(msg_nav.status.resolved.val);
//const null_opt_addr_global = try fg.resolveNullOptUsize();
//const target = zcu.getTarget();
//const llvm_usize = try o.lowerType(Type.usize);
//// example:
//// call fastcc void @test2.panic(
//// ptr @builtin.panic_messages.integer_overflow__anon_987, ; msg.ptr
//// i64 16, ; msg.len
//// ptr null, ; stack trace
//// ptr @2, ; addr (null ?usize)
//// )
//const panic_func = zcu.funcInfo(zcu.panic_func_index);
//const panic_nav = ip.getNav(panic_func.owner_nav);
//const fn_info = zcu.typeToFunc(Type.fromInterned(panic_nav.typeOf(ip))).?;
//const panic_global = try o.resolveLlvmFunction(panic_func.owner_nav);
//_ = try fg.wip.callIntrinsicAssumeCold();
//_ = try fg.wip.call(
// .normal,
// toLlvmCallConv(fn_info.cc, target),
// .none,
// panic_global.typeOf(&o.builder),
// panic_global.toValue(&o.builder),
// &.{
// msg_ptr.toValue(),
// try o.builder.intValue(llvm_usize, msg_len),
// try o.builder.nullValue(.ptr),
// null_opt_addr_global.toValue(),
// },
// "",
_ = try fg.wip.callIntrinsic(.normal, .none, .trap, &.{}, &.{}, "");
fn buildSimplePanic(fg: *FuncGen, panic_cause: InternPool.Index) !void {
const o = fg.ng.object;
const zcu = o.pt.zcu;
const ip = &zcu.intern_pool;
const cause_ptr = try o.lowerValue(panic_cause);
const null_opt_addr_global = try fg.resolveNullOptUsize();
const target = zcu.getTarget();
// example:
// call fastcc void @test2.panic(
// ptr @foo, ; panic_cause
// ptr null, ; stack trace
// ptr @2, ; addr (null ?usize)
// )
const panic_func = zcu.funcInfo(zcu.panic_func_index);
const panic_nav = ip.getNav(panic_func.owner_nav);
const fn_info = zcu.typeToFunc(Type.fromInterned(panic_nav.typeOf(ip))).?;
const panic_global = try o.resolveLlvmFunction(panic_func.owner_nav);
_ = try fg.wip.callIntrinsicAssumeCold();
_ = try fg.wip.call(
toLlvmCallConv(fn_info.cc, target),
try o.builder.nullValue(.ptr),
_ = try fg.wip.@"unreachable"();
@ -8340,7 +8331,7 @@ pub const FuncGen = struct {
_ = try fg.wip.brCond(overflow_bit, fail_block, ok_block, .none);
fg.wip.cursor = .{ .block = fail_block };
try fg.buildSimplePanic(.integer_overflow);
try fg.buildSimplePanic(zcu.panic_cause_integer_overflow);
fg.wip.cursor = .{ .block = ok_block };
return fg.wip.extractValue(results, &.{0}, "");
Reference in New Issue
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