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synced 2024-12-01 08:40:12 +00:00
spirv: Uniform/PushConstant variables
- Rename GPU address spaces to match with SPIR-V spec. - Emit `Block` Decoration for Uniform/PushConstant variables. - Don't emit `OpTypeForwardPointer` for non-opencl targets. (there's still a false-positive about recursive structs) Signed-off-by: Ali Cheraghi <alichraghi@proton.me>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1479,7 +1479,7 @@ pub const Cpu = struct {
.fs, .gs, .ss => arch == .x86_64 or arch == .x86,
.global, .constant, .local, .shared => is_gpu,
.param => is_nvptx,
.input, .output, .uniform => is_spirv,
.input, .output, .uniform, .push_constant => is_spirv,
// TODO this should also check how many flash banks the cpu has
.flash, .flash1, .flash2, .flash3, .flash4, .flash5 => arch == .avr,
@ -514,6 +514,7 @@ pub const AddressSpace = enum(u5) {
// AVR address spaces.
@ -37820,7 +37820,7 @@ pub fn analyzeAsAddressSpace(
.gs, .fs, .ss => (arch == .x86 or arch == .x86_64) and ctx == .pointer,
// TODO: check that .shared and .local are left uninitialized
.param => is_nv,
.input, .output, .uniform => is_spirv,
.input, .output, .uniform, .push_constant => is_spirv,
.global, .shared, .local => is_gpu,
.constant => is_gpu and (ctx == .constant),
// TODO this should also check how many flash banks the cpu has
@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ const NavGen = struct {
const result_ty_id = try self.resolveType(ty, repr);
const ip = &zcu.intern_pool;
log.debug("lowering constant: ty = {}, val = {}", .{ ty.fmt(pt), val.fmtValue(pt) });
log.debug("lowering constant: ty = {}, val = {}, key = {s}", .{ ty.fmt(pt), val.fmtValue(pt), @tagName(ip.indexToKey(val.toIntern())) });
if (val.isUndefDeep(zcu)) {
return self.spv.constUndef(result_ty_id);
@ -1167,7 +1167,6 @@ const NavGen = struct {
fn derivePtr(self: *NavGen, derivation: Value.PointerDeriveStep) Error!IdRef {
const pt = self.pt;
const zcu = pt.zcu;
switch (derivation) {
.comptime_alloc_ptr, .comptime_field_ptr => unreachable,
.int => |int| {
@ -1211,10 +1210,6 @@ const NavGen = struct {
if (oac.byte_offset != 0) break :disallow;
// Allow changing the pointer type child only to restructure arrays.
// e.g. [3][2]T to T is fine, as is [2]T -> [2][1]T.
const src_base_ty = parent_ptr_ty.arrayBase(zcu)[0];
const dest_base_ty = oac.new_ptr_ty.arrayBase(zcu)[0];
if (self.getTarget().os.tag == .vulkan and src_base_ty.toIntern() != dest_base_ty.toIntern()) break :disallow;
const result_ty_id = try self.resolveType(oac.new_ptr_ty, .direct);
const result_ptr_id = self.spv.allocId();
try self.func.body.emit(self.spv.gpa, .OpBitcast, .{
@ -1224,7 +1219,7 @@ const NavGen = struct {
return result_ptr_id;
return self.fail("Cannot perform pointer cast: '{}' to '{}'", .{
return self.fail("cannot perform pointer cast: '{}' to '{}'", .{
@ -1308,12 +1303,12 @@ const NavGen = struct {
.global, .invocation_global => spv_decl.result_id,
const final_storage_class = self.spvStorageClass(nav.status.resolved.@"addrspace");
try self.addFunctionDep(spv_decl_index, final_storage_class);
const storage_class = self.spvStorageClass(nav.status.resolved.@"addrspace");
try self.addFunctionDep(spv_decl_index, storage_class);
const decl_ptr_ty_id = try self.ptrType(nav_ty, final_storage_class);
const decl_ptr_ty_id = try self.ptrType(nav_ty, storage_class);
const ptr_id = switch (final_storage_class) {
const ptr_id = switch (storage_class) {
.Generic => try self.castToGeneric(decl_ptr_ty_id, decl_id),
else => decl_id,
@ -1399,6 +1394,10 @@ const NavGen = struct {
const child_ty_id = try self.resolveType(child_ty, child_repr);
if (storage_class == .Uniform or storage_class == .PushConstant) {
try self.spv.decorate(child_ty_id, .Block);
try self.spv.sections.types_globals_constants.emit(self.spv.gpa, .OpTypePointer, .{
.id_result = result_id,
.storage_class = storage_class,
@ -1503,10 +1502,13 @@ const NavGen = struct {
member_names[layout.padding_index] = "(padding)";
const result_id = try self.spv.structType(member_types[0..layout.total_fields], member_names[0..layout.total_fields]);
const result_id = self.spv.allocId();
try self.spv.structType(result_id, member_types[0..layout.total_fields], member_names[0..layout.total_fields]);
const type_name = try self.resolveTypeName(ty);
defer self.gpa.free(type_name);
try self.spv.debugName(result_id, type_name);
return result_id;
@ -1700,10 +1702,13 @@ const NavGen = struct {
const size_ty_id = try self.resolveType(Type.usize, .direct);
return self.spv.structType(
const result_id = self.spv.allocId();
try self.spv.structType(
&.{ ptr_ty_id, size_ty_id },
&.{ "ptr", "len" },
return result_id;
.vector => {
const elem_ty = ty.childType(zcu);
@ -1730,10 +1735,13 @@ const NavGen = struct {
member_index += 1;
const result_id = try self.spv.structType(member_types[0..member_index], null);
const result_id = self.spv.allocId();
try self.spv.structType(result_id, member_types[0..member_index], null);
const type_name = try self.resolveTypeName(ty);
defer self.gpa.free(type_name);
try self.spv.debugName(result_id, type_name);
return result_id;
.struct_type => ip.loadStructType(ty.toIntern()),
@ -1750,7 +1758,9 @@ const NavGen = struct {
var member_names = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(self.gpa);
defer member_names.deinit();
var index: u32 = 0;
var it = struct_type.iterateRuntimeOrder(ip);
const result_id = self.spv.allocId();
while (it.next()) |field_index| {
const field_ty = Type.fromInterned(struct_type.field_types.get(ip)[field_index]);
if (!field_ty.hasRuntimeBitsIgnoreComptime(zcu)) {
@ -1758,16 +1768,25 @@ const NavGen = struct {
if (target.os.tag == .vulkan) {
try self.spv.decorateMember(result_id, index, .{ .Offset = .{
.byte_offset = @intCast(ty.structFieldOffset(field_index, zcu)),
} });
const field_name = struct_type.fieldName(ip, field_index).unwrap() orelse
try ip.getOrPutStringFmt(zcu.gpa, pt.tid, "{d}", .{field_index}, .no_embedded_nulls);
try member_types.append(try self.resolveType(field_ty, .indirect));
try member_names.append(field_name.toSlice(ip));
index += 1;
const result_id = try self.spv.structType(member_types.items, member_names.items);
try self.spv.structType(result_id, member_types.items, member_names.items);
const type_name = try self.resolveTypeName(ty);
defer self.gpa.free(type_name);
try self.spv.debugName(result_id, type_name);
return result_id;
.optional => {
@ -1787,10 +1806,13 @@ const NavGen = struct {
const bool_ty_id = try self.resolveType(Type.bool, .indirect);
return try self.spv.structType(
const result_id = self.spv.allocId();
try self.spv.structType(
&.{ payload_ty_id, bool_ty_id },
&.{ "payload", "valid" },
return result_id;
.@"union" => return try self.resolveUnionType(ty),
.error_set => return try self.resolveType(Type.u16, repr),
@ -1819,7 +1841,9 @@ const NavGen = struct {
// TODO: ABI padding?
return try self.spv.structType(&member_types, &member_names);
const result_id = self.spv.allocId();
try self.spv.structType(result_id, &member_types, &member_names);
return result_id;
.@"opaque" => {
const type_name = try self.resolveTypeName(ty);
@ -1849,7 +1873,7 @@ const NavGen = struct {
const target = self.getTarget();
return switch (as) {
.generic => switch (target.os.tag) {
.vulkan => .Private,
.vulkan => .Function,
.opencl => .Generic,
else => unreachable,
@ -1861,6 +1885,7 @@ const NavGen = struct {
else => unreachable,
.constant => .UniformConstant,
.push_constant => .PushConstant,
.input => .Input,
.output => .Output,
.uniform => .Uniform,
@ -2958,10 +2983,8 @@ const NavGen = struct {
const spv_err_decl_index = try self.spv.allocDecl(.global);
try self.spv.declareDeclDeps(spv_err_decl_index, &.{});
const push_constant_struct_ty_id = try self.spv.structType(
const push_constant_struct_ty_id = self.spv.allocId();
try self.spv.structType(push_constant_struct_ty_id, &.{ptr_anyerror_ty_id}, &.{"error_out_ptr"});
try self.spv.decorate(push_constant_struct_ty_id, .Block);
try self.spv.decorateMember(push_constant_struct_ty_id, 0, .{ .Offset = .{ .byte_offset = 0 } });
@ -3145,15 +3168,15 @@ const NavGen = struct {
assert(maybe_init_val == null); // TODO
const final_storage_class = self.spvStorageClass(nav.status.resolved.@"addrspace");
assert(final_storage_class != .Generic); // These should be instance globals
const storage_class = self.spvStorageClass(nav.status.resolved.@"addrspace");
assert(storage_class != .Generic); // These should be instance globals
const ptr_ty_id = try self.ptrType(ty, final_storage_class);
const ptr_ty_id = try self.ptrType(ty, storage_class);
try self.spv.sections.types_globals_constants.emit(self.spv.gpa, .OpVariable, .{
.id_result_type = ptr_ty_id,
.id_result = result_id,
.storage_class = final_storage_class,
.storage_class = storage_class,
try self.spv.debugName(result_id, nav.fqn.toSlice(ip));
@ -402,9 +402,7 @@ pub fn resolveString(self: *Module, string: []const u8) !IdRef {
return id;
pub fn structType(self: *Module, types: []const IdRef, maybe_names: ?[]const []const u8) !IdRef {
const result_id = self.allocId();
pub fn structType(self: *Module, result_id: IdResult, types: []const IdRef, maybe_names: ?[]const []const u8) !void {
try self.sections.types_globals_constants.emit(self.gpa, .OpTypeStruct, .{
.id_result = result_id,
.id_ref = types,
@ -416,8 +414,6 @@ pub fn structType(self: *Module, types: []const IdRef, maybe_names: ?[]const []c
try self.memberDebugName(result_id, @intCast(i), name);
return result_id;
pub fn boolType(self: *Module) !IdRef {
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ fn writeCapabilities(spv: *SpvModule, target: std.Target) !void {
// TODO: Integrate with a hypothetical feature system
const caps: []const spec.Capability = switch (target.os.tag) {
.opencl => &.{ .Kernel, .Addresses, .Int8, .Int16, .Int64, .Float64, .Float16, .Vector16, .GenericPointer },
.vulkan => &.{ .Shader, .PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses, .StoragePushConstant16, .Int8, .Int16, .Int64, .Float64, .Float16 },
.vulkan => &.{ .Shader, .PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses, .Int8, .Int16, .Int64, .Float64, .Float16 },
else => unreachable,
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ pub fn arePointersLogical(target: std.Target, as: AddressSpace) bool {
.global => false,
// TODO: Allowed with VK_KHR_variable_pointers.
.shared => true,
.constant, .local, .input, .output, .uniform => true,
.constant, .local, .input, .output, .uniform, .push_constant => true,
else => unreachable,
Reference in New Issue
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