mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 22:50:18 +00:00
Merge branch 'kristate-zig-backport-std.os.path'
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,7 +16,10 @@ pub fn build(b: *Builder) !void {
var docgen_exe = b.addExecutable("docgen", "doc/docgen.zig");
const rel_zig_exe = try os.path.relative(b.allocator, b.build_root, b.zig_exe);
const langref_out_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, "langref.html") catch unreachable;
const langref_out_path = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ b.cache_root, "langref.html" },
) catch unreachable;
var docgen_cmd = b.addCommand(null, b.env_map, [][]const u8{
@ -125,13 +128,19 @@ fn dependOnLib(b: *Builder, lib_exe_obj: var, dep: LibraryDep) void {
for (dep.libdirs.toSliceConst()) |lib_dir| {
const lib_dir = os.path.join(b.allocator, dep.prefix, "lib") catch unreachable;
const lib_dir = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ dep.prefix, "lib" },
) catch unreachable;
for (dep.system_libs.toSliceConst()) |lib| {
const static_bare_name = if (mem.eql(u8, lib, "curses"))
([]const u8)("libncurses.a")
b.fmt("lib{}.a", lib);
const static_lib_name = os.path.join(b.allocator, lib_dir, static_bare_name) catch unreachable;
const static_lib_name = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ lib_dir, static_bare_name },
) catch unreachable;
const have_static = fileExists(static_lib_name) catch unreachable;
if (have_static) {
@ -159,7 +168,11 @@ fn fileExists(filename: []const u8) !bool {
fn addCppLib(b: *Builder, lib_exe_obj: var, cmake_binary_dir: []const u8, lib_name: []const u8) void {
const lib_prefix = if (lib_exe_obj.target.isWindows()) "" else "lib";
lib_exe_obj.addObjectFile(os.path.join(b.allocator, cmake_binary_dir, "zig_cpp", b.fmt("{}{}{}", lib_prefix, lib_name, lib_exe_obj.target.libFileExt())) catch unreachable);
lib_exe_obj.addObjectFile(os.path.join(b.allocator, [][]const u8{
b.fmt("{}{}{}", lib_prefix, lib_name, lib_exe_obj.target.libFileExt()),
}) catch unreachable);
const LibraryDep = struct {
@ -235,8 +248,11 @@ fn findLLVM(b: *Builder, llvm_config_exe: []const u8) !LibraryDep {
pub fn installStdLib(b: *Builder, stdlib_files: []const u8) void {
var it = mem.tokenize(stdlib_files, ";");
while (it.next()) |stdlib_file| {
const src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, "std", stdlib_file) catch unreachable;
const dest_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, "lib", "zig", "std", stdlib_file) catch unreachable;
const src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, [][]const u8{ "std", stdlib_file }) catch unreachable;
const dest_path = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ "lib", "zig", "std", stdlib_file },
) catch unreachable;
b.installFile(src_path, dest_path);
@ -244,8 +260,11 @@ pub fn installStdLib(b: *Builder, stdlib_files: []const u8) void {
pub fn installCHeaders(b: *Builder, c_header_files: []const u8) void {
var it = mem.tokenize(c_header_files, ";");
while (it.next()) |c_header_file| {
const src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, "c_headers", c_header_file) catch unreachable;
const dest_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, "lib", "zig", "include", c_header_file) catch unreachable;
const src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, [][]const u8{ "c_headers", c_header_file }) catch unreachable;
const dest_path = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ "lib", "zig", "include", c_header_file },
) catch unreachable;
b.installFile(src_path, dest_path);
@ -990,13 +990,19 @@ fn genHtml(allocator: *mem.Allocator, tokenizer: *Tokenizer, toc: *Toc, out: var
try tokenizeAndPrint(tokenizer, out, code.source_token);
try out.write("</pre>");
const name_plus_ext = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{}.zig", code.name);
const tmp_source_file_name = try os.path.join(allocator, tmp_dir_name, name_plus_ext);
const tmp_source_file_name = try os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ tmp_dir_name, name_plus_ext },
try io.writeFile(tmp_source_file_name, trimmed_raw_source);
switch (code.id) {
Code.Id.Exe => |expected_outcome| {
const name_plus_bin_ext = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{}{}", code.name, exe_ext);
const tmp_bin_file_name = try os.path.join(allocator, tmp_dir_name, name_plus_bin_ext);
const tmp_bin_file_name = try os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ tmp_dir_name, name_plus_bin_ext },
var build_args = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator);
defer build_args.deinit();
try build_args.appendSlice([][]const u8{
@ -1024,7 +1030,10 @@ fn genHtml(allocator: *mem.Allocator, tokenizer: *Tokenizer, toc: *Toc, out: var
for (code.link_objects) |link_object| {
const name_with_ext = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{}{}", link_object, obj_ext);
const full_path_object = try os.path.join(allocator, tmp_dir_name, name_with_ext);
const full_path_object = try os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ tmp_dir_name, name_with_ext },
try build_args.append("--object");
try build_args.append(full_path_object);
try out.print(" --object {}", name_with_ext);
@ -1216,12 +1225,18 @@ fn genHtml(allocator: *mem.Allocator, tokenizer: *Tokenizer, toc: *Toc, out: var
Code.Id.Obj => |maybe_error_match| {
const name_plus_obj_ext = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{}{}", code.name, obj_ext);
const tmp_obj_file_name = try os.path.join(allocator, tmp_dir_name, name_plus_obj_ext);
const tmp_obj_file_name = try os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ tmp_dir_name, name_plus_obj_ext },
var build_args = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator);
defer build_args.deinit();
const name_plus_h_ext = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{}.h", code.name);
const output_h_file_name = try os.path.join(allocator, tmp_dir_name, name_plus_h_ext);
const output_h_file_name = try os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ tmp_dir_name, name_plus_h_ext },
try build_args.appendSlice([][]const u8{
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ pub const Compilation = struct {
comp.name = try Buffer.init(comp.arena(), name);
comp.llvm_triple = try target.getTriple(comp.arena());
comp.llvm_target = try Target.llvmTargetFromTriple(comp.llvm_triple);
comp.zig_std_dir = try std.os.path.join(comp.arena(), zig_lib_dir, "std");
comp.zig_std_dir = try std.os.path.join(comp.arena(), [][]const u8{ zig_lib_dir, "std" });
const opt_level = switch (build_mode) {
builtin.Mode.Debug => llvm.CodeGenLevelNone,
@ -1198,7 +1198,7 @@ pub const Compilation = struct {
const file_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(self.gpa(), "{}{}", file_prefix[0..], suffix);
defer self.gpa().free(file_name);
const full_path = try os.path.join(self.gpa(), tmp_dir, file_name[0..]);
const full_path = try os.path.join(self.gpa(), [][]const u8{ tmp_dir, file_name[0..] });
errdefer self.gpa().free(full_path);
return Buffer.fromOwnedSlice(self.gpa(), full_path);
@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@ pub const Compilation = struct {
const zig_dir_path = try getZigDir(self.gpa());
defer self.gpa().free(zig_dir_path);
const tmp_dir = try os.path.join(self.arena(), zig_dir_path, comp_dir_name[0..]);
const tmp_dir = try os.path.join(self.arena(), [][]const u8{ zig_dir_path, comp_dir_name[0..] });
try os.makePath(self.gpa(), tmp_dir);
return tmp_dir;
@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ const warn = std.debug.warn;
/// Caller must free result
pub fn testZigInstallPrefix(allocator: *mem.Allocator, test_path: []const u8) ![]u8 {
const test_zig_dir = try os.path.join(allocator, test_path, "lib", "zig");
const test_zig_dir = try os.path.join(allocator, [][]const u8{ test_path, "lib", "zig" });
errdefer allocator.free(test_zig_dir);
const test_index_file = try os.path.join(allocator, test_zig_dir, "std", "index.zig");
const test_index_file = try os.path.join(allocator, [][]const u8{ test_zig_dir, "std", "index.zig" });
defer allocator.free(test_index_file);
var file = try os.File.openRead(test_index_file);
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ pub const LibCInstallation = struct {
while (path_i < search_paths.len) : (path_i += 1) {
const search_path_untrimmed = search_paths.at(search_paths.len - path_i - 1);
const search_path = std.mem.trimLeft(u8, search_path_untrimmed, " ");
const stdlib_path = try std.os.path.join(loop.allocator, search_path, "stdlib.h");
const stdlib_path = try std.os.path.join(loop.allocator, [][]const u8{ search_path, "stdlib.h" });
defer loop.allocator.free(stdlib_path);
if (try fileExists(stdlib_path)) {
@ -254,7 +254,10 @@ pub const LibCInstallation = struct {
const stream = &std.io.BufferOutStream.init(&result_buf).stream;
try stream.print("{}\\Include\\{}\\ucrt", search.path, search.version);
const stdlib_path = try std.os.path.join(loop.allocator, result_buf.toSliceConst(), "stdlib.h");
const stdlib_path = try std.os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ result_buf.toSliceConst(), "stdlib.h" },
defer loop.allocator.free(stdlib_path);
if (try fileExists(stdlib_path)) {
@ -283,7 +286,10 @@ pub const LibCInstallation = struct {
builtin.Arch.aarch64v8 => try stream.write("arm"),
else => return error.UnsupportedArchitecture,
const ucrt_lib_path = try std.os.path.join(loop.allocator, result_buf.toSliceConst(), "ucrt.lib");
const ucrt_lib_path = try std.os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ result_buf.toSliceConst(), "ucrt.lib" },
defer loop.allocator.free(ucrt_lib_path);
if (try fileExists(ucrt_lib_path)) {
self.lib_dir = result_buf.toOwnedSlice();
@ -358,7 +364,10 @@ pub const LibCInstallation = struct {
builtin.Arch.aarch64v8 => try stream.write("arm\\"),
else => return error.UnsupportedArchitecture,
const kernel32_path = try std.os.path.join(loop.allocator, result_buf.toSliceConst(), "kernel32.lib");
const kernel32_path = try std.os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ result_buf.toSliceConst(), "kernel32.lib" },
defer loop.allocator.free(kernel32_path);
if (try fileExists(kernel32_path)) {
self.kernel32_lib_dir = result_buf.toOwnedSlice();
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ fn constructLinkerArgsElf(ctx: *Context) !void {
fn addPathJoin(ctx: *Context, dirname: []const u8, basename: []const u8) !void {
const full_path = try std.os.path.join(&ctx.arena.allocator, dirname, basename);
const full_path = try std.os.path.join(&ctx.arena.allocator, [][]const u8{ dirname, basename });
const full_path_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(&ctx.arena.allocator, full_path);
try ctx.args.append(full_path_with_null.ptr);
@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ async fn fmtPath(fmt: *Fmt, file_path_ref: []const u8, check_mode: bool) FmtErro
var group = event.Group(FmtError!void).init(fmt.loop);
while (try dir.next()) |entry| {
if (entry.kind == std.os.Dir.Entry.Kind.Directory or mem.endsWith(u8, entry.name, ".zig")) {
const full_path = try os.path.join(fmt.loop.allocator, file_path, entry.name);
const full_path = try os.path.join(fmt.loop.allocator, [][]const u8{ file_path, entry.name });
try group.call(fmtPath, fmt, full_path, check_mode);
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ pub const TestContext = struct {
) !void {
var file_index_buf: [20]u8 = undefined;
const file_index = try std.fmt.bufPrint(file_index_buf[0..], "{}", self.file_index.incr());
const file1_path = try std.os.path.join(allocator, tmp_dir_name, file_index, file1);
const file1_path = try std.os.path.join(allocator, [][]const u8{ tmp_dir_name, file_index, file1 });
if (std.os.path.dirname(file1_path)) |dirname| {
try std.os.makePath(allocator, dirname);
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ pub const TestContext = struct {
) !void {
var file_index_buf: [20]u8 = undefined;
const file_index = try std.fmt.bufPrint(file_index_buf[0..], "{}", self.file_index.incr());
const file1_path = try std.os.path.join(allocator, tmp_dir_name, file_index, file1);
const file1_path = try std.os.path.join(allocator, [][]const u8{ tmp_dir_name, file_index, file1 });
const output_file = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{}-out{}", file1_path, Target(Target.Native).exeFileExt());
if (std.os.path.dirname(file1_path)) |dirname| {
@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ pub const Builder = struct {
pub fn setInstallPrefix(self: *Builder, maybe_prefix: ?[]const u8) void {
self.prefix = maybe_prefix orelse "/usr/local"; // TODO better default
self.lib_dir = os.path.join(self.allocator, self.prefix, "lib") catch unreachable;
self.exe_dir = os.path.join(self.allocator, self.prefix, "bin") catch unreachable;
self.lib_dir = os.path.join(self.allocator, [][]const u8{ self.prefix, "lib" }) catch unreachable;
self.exe_dir = os.path.join(self.allocator, [][]const u8{ self.prefix, "bin" }) catch unreachable;
pub fn addExecutable(self: *Builder, name: []const u8, root_src: ?[]const u8) *LibExeObjStep {
@ -618,7 +618,10 @@ pub const Builder = struct {
///::dest_rel_path is relative to prefix path or it can be an absolute path
pub fn addInstallFile(self: *Builder, src_path: []const u8, dest_rel_path: []const u8) *InstallFileStep {
const full_dest_path = os.path.resolve(self.allocator, self.prefix, dest_rel_path) catch unreachable;
const full_dest_path = os.path.resolve(
[][]const u8{ self.prefix, dest_rel_path },
) catch unreachable;
const install_step = self.allocator.create(InstallFileStep) catch unreachable;
@ -653,7 +656,7 @@ pub const Builder = struct {
fn pathFromRoot(self: *Builder, rel_path: []const u8) []u8 {
return os.path.resolve(self.allocator, self.build_root, rel_path) catch unreachable;
return os.path.resolve(self.allocator, [][]const u8{ self.build_root, rel_path }) catch unreachable;
pub fn fmt(self: *Builder, comptime format: []const u8, args: ...) []u8 {
@ -676,7 +679,7 @@ pub const Builder = struct {
if (os.path.isAbsolute(name)) {
return name;
const full_path = try os.path.join(self.allocator, search_prefix, "bin", self.fmt("{}{}", name, exe_extension));
const full_path = try os.path.join(self.allocator, [][]const u8{ search_prefix, "bin", self.fmt("{}{}", name, exe_extension) });
if (os.path.real(self.allocator, full_path)) |real_path| {
return real_path;
} else |_| {
@ -691,7 +694,7 @@ pub const Builder = struct {
var it = mem.tokenize(PATH, []u8{os.path.delimiter});
while (it.next()) |path| {
const full_path = try os.path.join(self.allocator, path, self.fmt("{}{}", name, exe_extension));
const full_path = try os.path.join(self.allocator, [][]const u8{ path, self.fmt("{}{}", name, exe_extension) });
if (os.path.real(self.allocator, full_path)) |real_path| {
return real_path;
} else |_| {
@ -705,7 +708,7 @@ pub const Builder = struct {
return name;
for (paths) |path| {
const full_path = try os.path.join(self.allocator, path, self.fmt("{}{}", name, exe_extension));
const full_path = try os.path.join(self.allocator, [][]const u8{ path, self.fmt("{}{}", name, exe_extension) });
if (os.path.real(self.allocator, full_path)) |real_path| {
return real_path;
} else |_| {
@ -1113,7 +1116,10 @@ pub const LibExeObjStep = struct {
pub fn getOutputPath(self: *LibExeObjStep) []const u8 {
return if (self.output_path) |output_path| output_path else os.path.join(self.builder.allocator, self.builder.cache_root, self.out_filename) catch unreachable;
return if (self.output_path) |output_path| output_path else os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ self.builder.cache_root, self.out_filename },
) catch unreachable;
pub fn setOutputHPath(self: *LibExeObjStep, file_path: []const u8) void {
@ -1126,7 +1132,10 @@ pub const LibExeObjStep = struct {
pub fn getOutputHPath(self: *LibExeObjStep) []const u8 {
return if (self.output_h_path) |output_h_path| output_h_path else os.path.join(self.builder.allocator, self.builder.cache_root, self.out_h_filename) catch unreachable;
return if (self.output_h_path) |output_h_path| output_h_path else os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ self.builder.cache_root, self.out_h_filename },
) catch unreachable;
pub fn addAssemblyFile(self: *LibExeObjStep, path: []const u8) void {
@ -1226,7 +1235,10 @@ pub const LibExeObjStep = struct {
if (self.build_options_contents.len() > 0) {
const build_options_file = try os.path.join(builder.allocator, builder.cache_root, builder.fmt("{}_build_options.zig", self.name));
const build_options_file = try os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ builder.cache_root, builder.fmt("{}_build_options.zig", self.name) },
try std.io.writeFile(build_options_file, self.build_options_contents.toSliceConst());
try zig_args.append("--pkg-begin");
try zig_args.append("build_options");
@ -1476,7 +1488,10 @@ pub const LibExeObjStep = struct {
cc_args.append("-c") catch unreachable;
cc_args.append(abs_source_file) catch unreachable;
const cache_o_src = os.path.join(builder.allocator, builder.cache_root, source_file) catch unreachable;
const cache_o_src = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ builder.cache_root, source_file },
) catch unreachable;
if (os.path.dirname(cache_o_src)) |cache_o_dir| {
try builder.makePath(cache_o_dir);
@ -1528,7 +1543,10 @@ pub const LibExeObjStep = struct {
cc_args.append("-current_version") catch unreachable;
cc_args.append(builder.fmt("{}.{}.{}", self.version.major, self.version.minor, self.version.patch)) catch unreachable;
const install_name = builder.pathFromRoot(os.path.join(builder.allocator, builder.cache_root, self.major_only_filename) catch unreachable);
const install_name = builder.pathFromRoot(os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ builder.cache_root, self.major_only_filename },
) catch unreachable);
cc_args.append("-install_name") catch unreachable;
cc_args.append(install_name) catch unreachable;
} else {
@ -1594,7 +1612,10 @@ pub const LibExeObjStep = struct {
cc_args.append("-c") catch unreachable;
cc_args.append(abs_source_file) catch unreachable;
const cache_o_src = os.path.join(builder.allocator, builder.cache_root, source_file) catch unreachable;
const cache_o_src = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ builder.cache_root, source_file },
) catch unreachable;
if (os.path.dirname(cache_o_src)) |cache_o_dir| {
try builder.makePath(cache_o_dir);
@ -1757,7 +1778,10 @@ pub const TestStep = struct {
return output_path;
} else {
const basename = self.builder.fmt("test{}", self.target.exeFileExt());
return os.path.join(self.builder.allocator, self.builder.cache_root, basename) catch unreachable;
return os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ self.builder.cache_root, basename },
) catch unreachable;
@ -1979,13 +2003,22 @@ const InstallArtifactStep = struct {
.builder = builder,
.step = Step.init(builder.fmt("install {}", artifact.step.name), builder.allocator, make),
.artifact = artifact,
.dest_file = os.path.join(builder.allocator, dest_dir, artifact.out_filename) catch unreachable,
.dest_file = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ dest_dir, artifact.out_filename },
) catch unreachable,
if (self.artifact.kind == LibExeObjStep.Kind.Lib and !self.artifact.static) {
builder.pushInstalledFile(os.path.join(builder.allocator, builder.lib_dir, artifact.major_only_filename) catch unreachable);
builder.pushInstalledFile(os.path.join(builder.allocator, builder.lib_dir, artifact.name_only_filename) catch unreachable);
[][]const u8{ builder.lib_dir, artifact.major_only_filename },
) catch unreachable);
[][]const u8{ builder.lib_dir, artifact.name_only_filename },
) catch unreachable);
return self;
@ -2141,13 +2174,19 @@ fn doAtomicSymLinks(allocator: *Allocator, output_path: []const u8, filename_maj
const out_dir = os.path.dirname(output_path) orelse ".";
const out_basename = os.path.basename(output_path);
// sym link for libfoo.so.1 to libfoo.so.1.2.3
const major_only_path = os.path.join(allocator, out_dir, filename_major_only) catch unreachable;
const major_only_path = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ out_dir, filename_major_only },
) catch unreachable;
os.atomicSymLink(allocator, out_basename, major_only_path) catch |err| {
warn("Unable to symlink {} -> {}\n", major_only_path, out_basename);
return err;
// sym link for libfoo.so to libfoo.so.1
const name_only_path = os.path.join(allocator, out_dir, filename_name_only) catch unreachable;
const name_only_path = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ out_dir, filename_name_only },
) catch unreachable;
os.atomicSymLink(allocator, filename_major_only, name_only_path) catch |err| {
warn("Unable to symlink {} -> {}\n", name_only_path, filename_major_only);
return err;
@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ fn openSelfDebugInfoWindows(allocator: *mem.Allocator) !DebugInfo {
const len = try di.coff.getPdbPath(path_buf[0..]);
const raw_path = path_buf[0..len];
const path = try os.path.resolve(allocator, raw_path);
const path = try os.path.resolve(allocator, [][]const u8{raw_path});
try di.pdb.openFile(di.coff, path);
@ -1352,7 +1352,7 @@ const LineNumberProgram = struct {
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
} else
const file_name = try os.path.join(self.file_entries.allocator, dir_name, file_entry.file_name);
const file_name = try os.path.join(self.file_entries.allocator, [][]const u8{ dir_name, file_entry.file_name });
errdefer self.file_entries.allocator.free(file_name);
return LineInfo{
.line = if (self.prev_line >= 0) @intCast(usize, self.prev_line) else 0,
@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ pub fn Watch(comptime V: type) type {
async fn addFileKEvent(self: *Self, file_path: []const u8, value: V) !?V {
const resolved_path = try os.path.resolve(self.channel.loop.allocator, file_path);
const resolved_path = try os.path.resolve(self.channel.loop.allocator, [][]const u8{file_path});
var resolved_path_consumed = false;
defer if (!resolved_path_consumed) self.channel.loop.allocator.free(resolved_path);
@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ async fn testFsWatchCantFail(loop: *Loop, result: *(anyerror!void)) void {
async fn testFsWatch(loop: *Loop) !void {
const file_path = try os.path.join(loop.allocator, test_tmp_dir, "file.txt");
const file_path = try os.path.join(loop.allocator, [][]const u8{ test_tmp_dir, "file.txt" });
defer loop.allocator.free(file_path);
const contents =
@ -882,42 +882,37 @@ pub const SplitIterator = struct {
/// Naively combines a series of strings with a separator.
/// Naively combines a series of slices with a separator.
/// Allocates memory for the result, which must be freed by the caller.
pub fn join(allocator: *Allocator, sep: u8, strings: ...) ![]u8 {
comptime assert(strings.len >= 1);
var total_strings_len: usize = strings.len; // 1 sep per string
comptime var string_i = 0;
inline while (string_i < strings.len) : (string_i += 1) {
const arg = ([]const u8)(strings[string_i]);
total_strings_len += arg.len;
pub fn join(allocator: *Allocator, separator: []const u8, slices: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
if (slices.len == 0) return (([*]u8)(undefined))[0..0];
const buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, total_strings_len);
const total_len = blk: {
var sum: usize = separator.len * (slices.len - 1);
for (slices) |slice|
sum += slice.len;
break :blk sum;
const buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, total_len);
errdefer allocator.free(buf);
var buf_index: usize = 0;
comptime var string_i = 0;
inline while (true) {
const arg = ([]const u8)(strings[string_i]);
string_i += 1;
copy(u8, buf[buf_index..], arg);
buf_index += arg.len;
if (string_i >= strings.len) break;
if (buf[buf_index - 1] != sep) {
buf[buf_index] = sep;
buf_index += 1;
copy(u8, buf, slices[0]);
var buf_index: usize = slices[0].len;
for (slices[1..]) |slice| {
copy(u8, buf[buf_index..], separator);
buf_index += separator.len;
copy(u8, buf[buf_index..], slice);
buf_index += slice.len;
return allocator.shrink(u8, buf, buf_index);
// No need for shrink since buf is exactly the correct size.
return buf;
test "mem.join" {
assert(eql(u8, try join(debug.global_allocator, ',', "a", "b", "c"), "a,b,c"));
assert(eql(u8, try join(debug.global_allocator, ',', "a"), "a"));
assert(eql(u8, try join(debug.global_allocator, ",", [][]const u8{ "a", "b", "c" }), "a,b,c"));
assert(eql(u8, try join(debug.global_allocator, ",", [][]const u8{"a"}), "a"));
test "testStringEquality" {
@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ pub const ChildProcess = struct {
// to match posix semantics
const app_name = x: {
if (self.cwd) |cwd| {
const resolved = try os.path.resolve(self.allocator, cwd, self.argv[0]);
const resolved = try os.path.resolve(self.allocator, [][]const u8{ cwd, self.argv[0] });
defer self.allocator.free(resolved);
break :x try cstr.addNullByte(self.allocator, resolved);
} else {
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ pub const ChildProcess = struct {
var it = mem.tokenize(PATH, ";");
while (it.next()) |search_path| {
const joined_path = try os.path.join(self.allocator, search_path, app_name);
const joined_path = try os.path.join(self.allocator, [][]const u8{ search_path, app_name });
defer self.allocator.free(joined_path);
const joined_path_w = try unicode.utf8ToUtf16LeWithNull(self.allocator, joined_path);
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ pub fn getAppDataDir(allocator: *mem.Allocator, appname: []const u8) GetAppDataD
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
defer allocator.free(global_dir);
return os.path.join(allocator, global_dir, appname);
return os.path.join(allocator, [][]const u8{ global_dir, appname });
os.windows.E_OUTOFMEMORY => return error.OutOfMemory,
else => return error.AppDataDirUnavailable,
@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ pub fn getAppDataDir(allocator: *mem.Allocator, appname: []const u8) GetAppDataD
// TODO look in /etc/passwd
return error.AppDataDirUnavailable;
return os.path.join(allocator, home_dir, "Library", "Application Support", appname);
return os.path.join(allocator, [][]const u8{ home_dir, "Library", "Application Support", appname });
builtin.Os.linux, builtin.Os.freebsd => {
const home_dir = os.getEnvPosix("HOME") orelse {
// TODO look in /etc/passwd
return error.AppDataDirUnavailable;
return os.path.join(allocator, home_dir, ".local", "share", appname);
return os.path.join(allocator, [][]const u8{ home_dir, ".local", "share", appname });
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
@ -67,4 +67,3 @@ test "std.os.getAppDataDir" {
// We can't actually validate the result
_ = getAppDataDir(allocator, "zig") catch return;
@ -1284,7 +1284,7 @@ pub fn makeDirPosix(dir_path: []const u8) !void {
/// already exists and is a directory.
/// TODO determine if we can remove the allocator requirement from this function
pub fn makePath(allocator: *Allocator, full_path: []const u8) !void {
const resolved_path = try path.resolve(allocator, full_path);
const resolved_path = try path.resolve(allocator, [][]const u8{full_path});
defer allocator.free(resolved_path);
var end_index: usize = resolved_path.len;
@ -2304,18 +2304,17 @@ pub fn selfExePath(out_buffer: *[MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8) ![]u8 {
switch (builtin.os) {
Os.linux => return readLink(out_buffer, "/proc/self/exe"),
Os.freebsd => {
var mib = [4]c_int{ posix.CTL_KERN, posix.KERN_PROC, posix.KERN_PROC_PATHNAME, -1};
var mib = [4]c_int{ posix.CTL_KERN, posix.KERN_PROC, posix.KERN_PROC_PATHNAME, -1 };
var out_len: usize = out_buffer.len;
const err = posix.getErrno(posix.sysctl(&mib, 4, out_buffer, &out_len, null, 0));
if (err == 0 ) return mem.toSlice(u8, out_buffer);
if (err == 0) return mem.toSlice(u8, out_buffer);
return switch (err) {
posix.EFAULT => error.BadAdress,
posix.EPERM => error.PermissionDenied,
else => unexpectedErrorPosix(err),
Os.windows => {
var utf16le_buf: [windows_util.PATH_MAX_WIDE]u16 = undefined;
@ -33,40 +33,103 @@ pub fn isSep(byte: u8) bool {
/// This is different from mem.join in that the separator will not be repeated if
/// it is found at the end or beginning of a pair of consecutive paths.
fn joinSep(allocator: *Allocator, separator: u8, paths: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
if (paths.len == 0) return (([*]u8)(undefined))[0..0];
const total_len = blk: {
var sum: usize = paths[0].len;
var i: usize = 1;
while (i < paths.len) : (i += 1) {
const prev_path = paths[i - 1];
const this_path = paths[i];
const prev_sep = (prev_path.len != 0 and prev_path[prev_path.len - 1] == separator);
const this_sep = (this_path.len != 0 and this_path[0] == separator);
sum += @boolToInt(!prev_sep and !this_sep);
sum += if (prev_sep and this_sep) this_path.len - 1 else this_path.len;
break :blk sum;
const buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, total_len);
errdefer allocator.free(buf);
mem.copy(u8, buf, paths[0]);
var buf_index: usize = paths[0].len;
var i: usize = 1;
while (i < paths.len) : (i += 1) {
const prev_path = paths[i - 1];
const this_path = paths[i];
const prev_sep = (prev_path.len != 0 and prev_path[prev_path.len - 1] == separator);
const this_sep = (this_path.len != 0 and this_path[0] == separator);
if (!prev_sep and !this_sep) {
buf[buf_index] = separator;
buf_index += 1;
const adjusted_path = if (prev_sep and this_sep) this_path[1..] else this_path;
mem.copy(u8, buf[buf_index..], adjusted_path);
buf_index += adjusted_path.len;
// No need for shrink since buf is exactly the correct size.
return buf;
pub const join = if (is_windows) joinWindows else joinPosix;
/// Naively combines a series of paths with the native path seperator.
/// Allocates memory for the result, which must be freed by the caller.
pub fn join(allocator: *Allocator, paths: ...) ![]u8 {
if (is_windows) {
return joinWindows(allocator, paths);
} else {
return joinPosix(allocator, paths);
pub fn joinWindows(allocator: *Allocator, paths: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
return joinSep(allocator, sep_windows, paths);
pub fn joinWindows(allocator: *Allocator, paths: ...) ![]u8 {
return mem.join(allocator, sep_windows, paths);
/// Naively combines a series of paths with the native path seperator.
/// Allocates memory for the result, which must be freed by the caller.
pub fn joinPosix(allocator: *Allocator, paths: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
return joinSep(allocator, sep_posix, paths);
pub fn joinPosix(allocator: *Allocator, paths: ...) ![]u8 {
return mem.join(allocator, sep_posix, paths);
fn testJoinWindows(paths: []const []const u8, expected: []const u8) void {
var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
const a = &std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&buf).allocator;
const actual = joinWindows(a, paths) catch @panic("fail");
debug.assertOrPanic(mem.eql(u8, actual, expected));
fn testJoinPosix(paths: []const []const u8, expected: []const u8) void {
var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
const a = &std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&buf).allocator;
const actual = joinPosix(a, paths) catch @panic("fail");
debug.assertOrPanic(mem.eql(u8, actual, expected));
test "os.path.join" {
assert(mem.eql(u8, try joinWindows(debug.global_allocator, "c:\\a\\b", "c"), "c:\\a\\b\\c"));
assert(mem.eql(u8, try joinWindows(debug.global_allocator, "c:\\a\\b\\", "c"), "c:\\a\\b\\c"));
testJoinWindows([][]const u8{ "c:\\a\\b", "c" }, "c:\\a\\b\\c");
testJoinWindows([][]const u8{ "c:\\a\\b", "c" }, "c:\\a\\b\\c");
testJoinWindows([][]const u8{ "c:\\a\\b\\", "c" }, "c:\\a\\b\\c");
assert(mem.eql(u8, try joinWindows(debug.global_allocator, "c:\\", "a", "b\\", "c"), "c:\\a\\b\\c"));
assert(mem.eql(u8, try joinWindows(debug.global_allocator, "c:\\a\\", "b\\", "c"), "c:\\a\\b\\c"));
testJoinWindows([][]const u8{ "c:\\", "a", "b\\", "c" }, "c:\\a\\b\\c");
testJoinWindows([][]const u8{ "c:\\a\\", "b\\", "c" }, "c:\\a\\b\\c");
assert(mem.eql(u8, try joinWindows(debug.global_allocator, "c:\\home\\andy\\dev\\zig\\build\\lib\\zig\\std", "io.zig"), "c:\\home\\andy\\dev\\zig\\build\\lib\\zig\\std\\io.zig"));
[][]const u8{ "c:\\home\\andy\\dev\\zig\\build\\lib\\zig\\std", "io.zig" },
assert(mem.eql(u8, try joinPosix(debug.global_allocator, "/a/b", "c"), "/a/b/c"));
assert(mem.eql(u8, try joinPosix(debug.global_allocator, "/a/b/", "c"), "/a/b/c"));
testJoinPosix([][]const u8{ "/a/b", "c" }, "/a/b/c");
testJoinPosix([][]const u8{ "/a/b/", "c" }, "/a/b/c");
assert(mem.eql(u8, try joinPosix(debug.global_allocator, "/", "a", "b/", "c"), "/a/b/c"));
assert(mem.eql(u8, try joinPosix(debug.global_allocator, "/a/", "b/", "c"), "/a/b/c"));
testJoinPosix([][]const u8{ "/", "a", "b/", "c" }, "/a/b/c");
testJoinPosix([][]const u8{ "/a/", "b/", "c" }, "/a/b/c");
assert(mem.eql(u8, try joinPosix(debug.global_allocator, "/home/andy/dev/zig/build/lib/zig/std", "io.zig"), "/home/andy/dev/zig/build/lib/zig/std/io.zig"));
[][]const u8{ "/home/andy/dev/zig/build/lib/zig/std", "io.zig" },
testJoinPosix([][]const u8{ "a", "/c" }, "a/c");
testJoinPosix([][]const u8{ "a/", "/c" }, "a/c");
pub fn isAbsolute(path: []const u8) bool {
@ -312,18 +375,8 @@ fn asciiEqlIgnoreCase(s1: []const u8, s2: []const u8) bool {
return true;
/// Converts the command line arguments into a slice and calls `resolveSlice`.
pub fn resolve(allocator: *Allocator, args: ...) ![]u8 {
var paths: [args.len][]const u8 = undefined;
comptime var arg_i = 0;
inline while (arg_i < args.len) : (arg_i += 1) {
paths[arg_i] = args[arg_i];
return resolveSlice(allocator, paths);
/// On Windows, this calls `resolveWindows` and on POSIX it calls `resolvePosix`.
pub fn resolveSlice(allocator: *Allocator, paths: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
pub fn resolve(allocator: *Allocator, paths: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
if (is_windows) {
return resolveWindows(allocator, paths);
} else {
@ -602,7 +655,10 @@ test "os.path.resolveWindows" {
const parsed_cwd = windowsParsePath(cwd);
const result = testResolveWindows([][]const u8{ "/usr/local", "lib\\zig\\std\\array_list.zig" });
const expected = try join(debug.global_allocator, parsed_cwd.disk_designator, "usr\\local\\lib\\zig\\std\\array_list.zig");
const expected = try join(debug.global_allocator, [][]const u8{
if (parsed_cwd.kind == WindowsPath.Kind.Drive) {
expected[0] = asciiUpper(parsed_cwd.disk_designator[0]);
@ -610,7 +666,10 @@ test "os.path.resolveWindows" {
const result = testResolveWindows([][]const u8{ "usr/local", "lib\\zig" });
const expected = try join(debug.global_allocator, cwd, "usr\\local\\lib\\zig");
const expected = try join(debug.global_allocator, [][]const u8{
if (parsed_cwd.kind == WindowsPath.Kind.Drive) {
expected[0] = asciiUpper(parsed_cwd.disk_designator[0]);
@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ pub fn main() !void {
std.debug.warn("Expected second argument to be cache root directory path\n");
return error.InvalidArgs;
const zig_exe = try os.path.resolve(a, zig_exe_rel);
const zig_exe = try os.path.resolve(a, [][]const u8{zig_exe_rel});
const dir_path = try os.path.join(a, cache_root, "clitest");
const dir_path = try os.path.join(a, [][]const u8{ cache_root, "clitest" });
const TestFn = fn ([]const u8, []const u8) anyerror!void;
const test_fns = []TestFn{
@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ fn testZigInitExe(zig_exe: []const u8, dir_path: []const u8) !void {
fn testGodboltApi(zig_exe: []const u8, dir_path: []const u8) anyerror!void {
if (builtin.os != builtin.Os.linux or builtin.arch != builtin.Arch.x86_64) return;
const example_zig_path = try os.path.join(a, dir_path, "example.zig");
const example_s_path = try os.path.join(a, dir_path, "example.s");
const example_zig_path = try os.path.join(a, [][]const u8{ dir_path, "example.zig" });
const example_s_path = try os.path.join(a, [][]const u8{ dir_path, "example.s" });
try std.io.writeFile(example_zig_path,
\\// Type your code here, or load an example.
@ -439,7 +439,10 @@ pub const CompareOutputContext = struct {
pub fn addCase(self: *CompareOutputContext, case: TestCase) void {
const b = self.b;
const root_src = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, case.sources.items[0].filename) catch unreachable;
const root_src = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ b.cache_root, case.sources.items[0].filename },
) catch unreachable;
switch (case.special) {
Special.Asm => {
@ -452,7 +455,10 @@ pub const CompareOutputContext = struct {
for (case.sources.toSliceConst()) |src_file| {
const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, src_file.filename) catch unreachable;
const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ b.cache_root, src_file.filename },
) catch unreachable;
const write_src = b.addWriteFile(expanded_src_path, src_file.source);
@ -476,7 +482,10 @@ pub const CompareOutputContext = struct {
for (case.sources.toSliceConst()) |src_file| {
const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, src_file.filename) catch unreachable;
const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ b.cache_root, src_file.filename },
) catch unreachable;
const write_src = b.addWriteFile(expanded_src_path, src_file.source);
@ -499,7 +508,10 @@ pub const CompareOutputContext = struct {
for (case.sources.toSliceConst()) |src_file| {
const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, src_file.filename) catch unreachable;
const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ b.cache_root, src_file.filename },
) catch unreachable;
const write_src = b.addWriteFile(expanded_src_path, src_file.source);
@ -572,8 +584,14 @@ pub const CompileErrorContext = struct {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(CompileCmpOutputStep, "step", step);
const b = self.context.b;
const root_src = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, self.case.sources.items[0].filename) catch unreachable;
const obj_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, "test.o") catch unreachable;
const root_src = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ b.cache_root, self.case.sources.items[0].filename },
) catch unreachable;
const obj_path = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ b.cache_root, "test.o" },
) catch unreachable;
var zig_args = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator);
zig_args.append(b.zig_exe) catch unreachable;
@ -721,7 +739,10 @@ pub const CompileErrorContext = struct {
for (case.sources.toSliceConst()) |src_file| {
const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, src_file.filename) catch unreachable;
const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ b.cache_root, src_file.filename },
) catch unreachable;
const write_src = b.addWriteFile(expanded_src_path, src_file.source);
@ -852,7 +873,10 @@ pub const TranslateCContext = struct {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(TranslateCCmpOutputStep, "step", step);
const b = self.context.b;
const root_src = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, self.case.sources.items[0].filename) catch unreachable;
const root_src = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ b.cache_root, self.case.sources.items[0].filename },
) catch unreachable;
var zig_args = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator);
zig_args.append(b.zig_exe) catch unreachable;
@ -986,7 +1010,10 @@ pub const TranslateCContext = struct {
for (case.sources.toSliceConst()) |src_file| {
const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, src_file.filename) catch unreachable;
const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ b.cache_root, src_file.filename },
) catch unreachable;
const write_src = b.addWriteFile(expanded_src_path, src_file.source);
@ -1101,7 +1128,10 @@ pub const GenHContext = struct {
pub fn addCase(self: *GenHContext, case: *const TestCase) void {
const b = self.b;
const root_src = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, case.sources.items[0].filename) catch unreachable;
const root_src = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ b.cache_root, case.sources.items[0].filename },
) catch unreachable;
const mode = builtin.Mode.Debug;
const annotated_case_name = fmt.allocPrint(self.b.allocator, "gen-h {} ({})", case.name, @tagName(mode)) catch unreachable;
@ -1113,7 +1143,10 @@ pub const GenHContext = struct {
for (case.sources.toSliceConst()) |src_file| {
const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, src_file.filename) catch unreachable;
const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(
[][]const u8{ b.cache_root, src_file.filename },
) catch unreachable;
const write_src = b.addWriteFile(expanded_src_path, src_file.source);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user