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synced 2025-02-07 13:10:22 +00:00
SPIR-V: SPIR-V feature generation tool
There is a lot left to be desired for this tool, as currently dependencies of extensions and dependencies of capabilities on extensions are not included: - There is no machine-readable definition of dependencies of extensions. - A capability may depend on either of a multitude of extensions, which as of yet cannot be properly modelled in the target system.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
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const std = @import("std");
const fs = std.fs;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const g = @import("spirv/grammar.zig");
//! This tool generates SPIR-V features from the grammar files in the SPIRV-Headers
//! (https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Headers/) and SPIRV-Registry (https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Registry/)
//! repositories. Currently it only generates a basic feature set definition consisting of versions, extensions and capabilities.
//! There is a lot left to be desired, as currently dependencies of extensions and dependencies on extensions aren't generated.
//! This is because there are some peculiarities in the SPIR-V registries:
//! - Capabilities may depend on multiple extensions, which cannot be modelled yet by std.Target.
//! - Extension dependencies are not documented in a machine-readable manner.
//! - Note that the grammar spec also contains definitions from extensions which aren't actually official. Most of these seem to be
//! from an intel project (https://github.com/intel/llvm/, https://github.com/intel/llvm/tree/sycl/sycl/doc/extensions/SPIRV),
//! and so ONLY extensions in the SPIRV-Registry should be included.
const Version = struct {
major: u32,
minor: u32,
fn parse(str: []const u8) !Version {
var it = std.mem.split(str, ".");
const major = it.next() orelse return error.InvalidVersion;
const minor = it.next() orelse return error.InvalidVersion;
if (it.next() != null) return error.InvalidVersion;
return Version{
.major = std.fmt.parseInt(u32, major, 10) catch return error.InvalidVersion,
.minor = std.fmt.parseInt(u32, minor, 10) catch return error.InvalidVersion,
fn eql(a: Version, b: Version) bool {
return a.major == b.major and a.minor == b.minor;
fn lessThan(ctx: void, a: Version, b: Version) bool {
return if (a.major == b.major)
a.minor < b.minor
a.major < b.major;
pub fn main() !void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const allocator = &arena.allocator;
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator);
if (args.len <= 1) {
usageAndExit(std.io.getStdErr(), args[0], 1);
if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[1], "--help")) {
usageAndExit(std.io.getStdErr(), args[0], 0);
if (args.len != 3) {
usageAndExit(std.io.getStdErr(), args[0], 1);
const spirv_headers_root = args[1];
const spirv_registry_root = args[2];
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, spirv_headers_root, "-") or std.mem.startsWith(u8, spirv_registry_root, "-")) {
usageAndExit(std.io.getStdErr(), args[0], 1);
const registry_path = try fs.path.join(allocator, &.{ spirv_headers_root, "include", "spirv", "unified1", "spirv.core.grammar.json" });
const registry_json = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(allocator, registry_path, std.math.maxInt(usize));
var tokens = std.json.TokenStream.init(registry_json);
const registry = try std.json.parse(g.CoreRegistry, &tokens, .{ .allocator = allocator });
const capabilities = for (registry.operand_kinds) |opkind| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, opkind.kind, "Capability"))
break opkind.enumerants orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
} else return error.InvalidRegistry;
const extensions = try gather_extensions(allocator, spirv_registry_root);
const versions = try gatherVersions(allocator, registry);
var bw = std.io.bufferedWriter(std.io.getStdOut().writer());
const w = bw.writer();
try w.writeAll(
\\//! This file is auto-generated by tools/update_spirv_features.zig.
\\//! TODO: Dependencies of capabilities on extensions.
\\//! TODO: Dependencies of extensions on extensions.
\\//! TODO: Dependencies of extensions on versions.
\\const std = @import("../std.zig");
\\const CpuFeature = std.Target.Cpu.Feature;
\\const CpuModel = std.Target.Cpu.Model;
\\pub const Feature = enum {
for (versions) |ver| {
try w.print(" v{}_{},\n", .{ ver.major, ver.minor });
for (extensions) |ext| {
try w.print(" {},\n", .{ std.zig.fmtId(ext) });
for (capabilities) |cap| {
try w.print(" {},\n", .{ std.zig.fmtId(cap.enumerant) });
try w.writeAll(
\\pub usingnamespace CpuFeature.feature_set_fns(Feature);
\\pub const all_features = blk: {
\\ @setEvalBranchQuota(2000);
\\ const len = @typeInfo(Feature).Enum.fields.len;
\\ std.debug.assert(len <= CpuFeature.Set.needed_bit_count);
\\ var result: [len]CpuFeature = undefined;
for (versions) |ver, i| {
try w.print(
\\ result[@enumToInt(Feature.v{0}_{1})] = .{{
\\ .llvm_name = null,
\\ .description = "SPIR-V version {0}.{1}",
, .{ ver.major, ver.minor }
if (i == 0) {
try w.writeAll(
\\ .dependencies = featureSet(&[_]Feature{}),
\\ };
} else {
try w.print(
\\ .dependencies = featureSet(&[_]Feature{{
\\ .v{}_{},
\\ }}),
\\ }};
, .{ versions[i - 1].major, versions[i - 1].minor }
// TODO: Extension dependencies.
for (extensions) |ext| {
try w.print(
\\ result[@enumToInt(Feature.{s})] = .{{
\\ .llvm_name = null,
\\ .description = "SPIR-V extension {s}",
\\ .dependencies = featureSet(&[_]Feature{{}}),
\\ }};
, .{
// TODO: Capability extension dependencies.
for (capabilities) |cap| {
try w.print(
\\ result[@enumToInt(Feature.{s})] = .{{
\\ .llvm_name = null,
\\ .description = "Enable SPIR-V capability {s}",
\\ .dependencies = featureSet(&[_]Feature{{
, .{
if (cap.version) |ver_str| {
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, ver_str, "None")) {
const ver = try Version.parse(ver_str);
try w.print(" .v{}_{},\n", .{ ver.major, ver.minor });
for (cap.capabilities) |cap_dep| {
try w.print(" .{},\n", .{ std.zig.fmtId(cap_dep) });
try w.writeAll(
\\ }),
\\ };
try w.writeAll(
\\ const ti = @typeInfo(Feature);
\\ for (result) |*elem, i| {
\\ elem.index = i;
\\ elem.name = ti.Enum.fields[i].name;
\\ }
\\ break :blk result;
try bw.flush();
/// SPIRV-Registry should hold all extensions currently registered for SPIR-V.
/// The *.grammar.json in SPIRV-Headers should have most of these as well, but with this we're sure to get only the actually
/// registered ones.
/// TODO: Unfortunately, neither repository contains a machine-readable list of extension dependencies.
fn gather_extensions(allocator: *Allocator, spirv_registry_root: []const u8) ![]const []const u8 {
const extensions_path = try fs.path.join(allocator, &.{spirv_registry_root, "extensions"});
var extensions_dir = try fs.cwd().openDir(extensions_path, .{ .iterate = true });
defer extensions_dir.close();
var extensions = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator);
var vendor_it = extensions_dir.iterate();
while (try vendor_it.next()) |vendor_entry| {
std.debug.assert(vendor_entry.kind == .Directory); // If this fails, the structure of SPIRV-Registry has changed.
const vendor_dir = try extensions_dir.openDir(vendor_entry.name, .{ .iterate = true });
var ext_it = vendor_dir.iterate();
while (try ext_it.next()) |ext_entry| {
// There is both a HTML and asciidoc version of every spec (as well as some other directories),
// we need just the name, but to avoid duplicates here we will just skip anything thats not asciidoc.
if (!std.mem.endsWith(u8, ext_entry.name, ".asciidoc"))
// Unfortunately, some extension filenames are incorrect, so we need to look for the string in tne 'Name Strings' section.
// This has the following format:
// ```
// Name Strings
// ------------
// SPV_EXT_name
// ```
// OR
// ```
// == Name Strings
// SPV_EXT_name
// ```
const ext_spec = try vendor_dir.readFileAlloc(allocator, ext_entry.name, std.math.maxInt(usize));
const name_strings = "Name Strings";
const name_strings_offset = std.mem.indexOf(u8, ext_spec, name_strings) orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
// As the specs are inconsistent on this next part, just skip any newlines/minuses
var ext_start = name_strings_offset + name_strings.len + 1;
while (ext_spec[ext_start] == '\n' or ext_spec[ext_start] == '-') {
ext_start += 1;
const ext_end = std.mem.indexOfScalarPos(u8, ext_spec, ext_start, '\n') orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
const ext = ext_spec[ext_start .. ext_end];
std.debug.assert(std.mem.startsWith(u8, ext, "SPV_")); // Sanity check, all extensions should have a name like SPV_VENDOR_extension.
try extensions.append(try allocator.dupe(u8, ext));
return extensions.items;
fn insertVersion(versions: *std.ArrayList(Version), version: ?[]const u8) !void {
const ver_str = version orelse return;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, ver_str, "None"))
const ver = try Version.parse(ver_str);
for (versions.items) |existing_ver| {
if (ver.eql(existing_ver)) return;
try versions.append(ver);
fn gatherVersions(allocator: *Allocator, registry: g.CoreRegistry) ![]const Version {
// Expected number of versions is small
var versions = std.ArrayList(Version).init(allocator);
for (registry.instructions) |inst| {
try insertVersion(&versions, inst.version);
for (registry.operand_kinds) |opkind| {
const enumerants = opkind.enumerants orelse continue;
for (enumerants) |enumerant| {
try insertVersion(&versions, enumerant.version);
std.sort.sort(Version, versions.items, {}, Version.lessThan);
return versions.items;
fn usageAndExit(file: fs.File, arg0: []const u8, code: u8) noreturn {
\\Usage: {s} /path/git/SPIRV-Headers /path/git/SPIRV-Registry
\\Prints to stdout Zig code which can be used to replace the file lib/std/target/spirv.zig.
\\SPIRV-Headers can be cloned from https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Headers,
\\SPIRV-Registry can be cloned from https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Registry.
, .{arg0}
) catch std.process.exit(1);
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