Merge pull request #17383 from squeek502/gpa-optim-treap

GeneralPurposeAllocator: Considerably improve worst case performance
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Kelley 2023-10-03 10:58:48 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 47f08605bd
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 197 additions and 134 deletions

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@ -160,11 +160,12 @@ pub const Check = enum { ok, leak };
pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
return struct {
backing_allocator: Allocator = std.heap.page_allocator,
buckets: [small_bucket_count]?*BucketHeader = [1]?*BucketHeader{null} ** small_bucket_count,
buckets: [small_bucket_count]Buckets = [1]Buckets{Buckets{}} ** small_bucket_count,
cur_buckets: [small_bucket_count]?*BucketHeader = [1]?*BucketHeader{null} ** small_bucket_count,
large_allocations: LargeAllocTable = .{},
small_allocations: if ( SmallAllocTable else void = if ( .{} else {},
empty_buckets: if (config.retain_metadata) ?*BucketHeader else void =
if (config.retain_metadata) null else {},
empty_buckets: if (config.retain_metadata) Buckets else void =
if (config.retain_metadata) Buckets{} else {},
bucket_node_pool: std.heap.MemoryPool(Buckets.Node) = std.heap.MemoryPool(Buckets.Node).init(std.heap.page_allocator),
total_requested_bytes: @TypeOf(total_requested_bytes_init) = total_requested_bytes_init,
requested_memory_limit: @TypeOf(requested_memory_limit_init) = requested_memory_limit_init,
@ -196,11 +197,14 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
const small_bucket_count = math.log2(page_size);
const largest_bucket_object_size = 1 << (small_bucket_count - 1);
const LargestSizeClassInt = std.math.IntFittingRange(0, largest_bucket_object_size);
const SmallAlloc = struct {
requested_size: usize,
log2_ptr_align: u8,
const bucketCompare = struct {
fn compare(a: *BucketHeader, b: *BucketHeader) std.math.Order {
return std.math.order(@intFromPtr(, @intFromPtr(;
const Buckets = std.Treap(*BucketHeader, bucketCompare);
const LargeAlloc = struct {
bytes: []u8,
@ -235,16 +239,17 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
const LargeAllocTable = std.AutoHashMapUnmanaged(usize, LargeAlloc);
const SmallAllocTable = std.AutoHashMapUnmanaged(usize, SmallAlloc);
// Bucket: In memory, in order:
// * BucketHeader
// * bucket_used_bits: [N]u8, // 1 bit for every slot; 1 byte for every 8 slots
// -- below only exists when is true --
// * requested_sizes: [N]LargestSizeClassInt // 1 int for every slot
// * log2_ptr_aligns: [N]u8 // 1 byte for every slot
// -- above only exists when is true --
// * stack_trace_addresses: [N]usize, // traces_per_slot for every allocation
const BucketHeader = struct {
prev: *BucketHeader,
next: *BucketHeader,
page: [*]align(page_size) u8,
alloc_cursor: SlotIndex,
used_count: SlotIndex,
@ -253,6 +258,21 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
return @as(*u8, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(bucket) + @sizeOf(BucketHeader) + index));
fn requestedSizes(bucket: *BucketHeader, size_class: usize) []LargestSizeClassInt {
if (! @compileError("requested size is only stored when safety is enabled");
const start_ptr = @as([*]u8, @ptrCast(bucket)) + bucketRequestedSizesStart(size_class);
const sizes = @as([*]LargestSizeClassInt, @ptrCast(@alignCast(start_ptr)));
const slot_count = @divExact(page_size, size_class);
return sizes[0..slot_count];
fn log2PtrAligns(bucket: *BucketHeader, size_class: usize) []u8 {
if (! @compileError("requested size is only stored when safety is enabled");
const aligns_ptr = @as([*]u8, @ptrCast(bucket)) + bucketAlignsStart(size_class);
const slot_count = @divExact(page_size, size_class);
return aligns_ptr[0..slot_count];
fn stackTracePtr(
bucket: *BucketHeader,
size_class: usize,
@ -307,10 +327,29 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
fn bucketStackFramesStart(size_class: usize) usize {
fn bucketRequestedSizesStart(size_class: usize) usize {
if (! @compileError("requested sizes are not stored unless safety is enabled");
return mem.alignForward(
@sizeOf(BucketHeader) + usedBitsCount(size_class),
fn bucketAlignsStart(size_class: usize) usize {
if (! @compileError("requested sizes are not stored unless safety is enabled");
const slot_count = @divExact(page_size, size_class);
return bucketRequestedSizesStart(size_class) + (@sizeOf(LargestSizeClassInt) * slot_count);
fn bucketStackFramesStart(size_class: usize) usize {
const unaligned_start = if ( blk: {
const slot_count = @divExact(page_size, size_class);
break :blk bucketAlignsStart(size_class) + slot_count;
} else @sizeOf(BucketHeader) + usedBitsCount(size_class);
return mem.alignForward(
@ -359,16 +398,15 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
/// Emits log messages for leaks and then returns whether there were any leaks.
pub fn detectLeaks(self: *Self) bool {
var leaks = false;
for (self.buckets, 0..) |optional_bucket, bucket_i| {
const first_bucket = optional_bucket orelse continue;
for (&self.buckets, 0..) |*buckets, bucket_i| {
if (buckets.root == null) continue;
const size_class = @as(usize, 1) << @as(math.Log2Int(usize), @intCast(bucket_i));
const used_bits_count = usedBitsCount(size_class);
var bucket = first_bucket;
while (true) {
var it = buckets.inorderIterator();
while ( |node| {
const bucket = node.key;
leaks = detectLeaksInBucket(bucket, size_class, used_bits_count) or leaks;
bucket =;
if (bucket == first_bucket)
var it = self.large_allocations.valueIterator();
@ -401,22 +439,18 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
// free retained metadata for small allocations
if (self.empty_buckets) |first_bucket| {
var bucket = first_bucket;
while (true) {
const prev = bucket.prev;
if (config.never_unmap) {
// free page that was intentionally leaked by never_unmap[0..page_size]);
// alloc_cursor was set to slot count when bucket added to empty_buckets
self.freeBucket(bucket, @divExact(page_size, bucket.alloc_cursor));
bucket = prev;
if (bucket == first_bucket)
var empty_it = self.empty_buckets.inorderIterator();
while ( |node| {
var bucket = node.key;
if (config.never_unmap) {
// free page that was intentionally leaked by never_unmap[0..page_size]);
self.empty_buckets = null;
// alloc_cursor was set to slot count when bucket added to empty_buckets
self.freeBucket(bucket, @divExact(page_size, bucket.alloc_cursor));
self.empty_buckets.root = null;
@ -440,9 +474,7 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
if ( {
self.* = undefined;
return @as(Check, @enumFromInt(@intFromBool(leaks)));
@ -469,28 +501,27 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
fn allocSlot(self: *Self, size_class: usize, trace_addr: usize) Error![*]u8 {
const Slot = struct {
bucket: *BucketHeader,
slot_index: usize,
ptr: [*]u8,
fn allocSlot(self: *Self, size_class: usize, trace_addr: usize) Error!Slot {
const bucket_index = math.log2(size_class);
const first_bucket = self.buckets[bucket_index] orelse try self.createBucket(
var bucket = first_bucket;
var buckets = &self.buckets[bucket_index];
const slot_count = @divExact(page_size, size_class);
while (bucket.alloc_cursor == slot_count) {
const prev_bucket = bucket;
bucket =;
if (bucket == first_bucket) {
// make a new one
bucket = try self.createBucket(size_class, bucket_index);
bucket.prev = prev_bucket; =; = bucket; = bucket;
if (self.cur_buckets[bucket_index] == null or self.cur_buckets[bucket_index].?.alloc_cursor == slot_count) {
var new_bucket = try self.createBucket(size_class);
errdefer self.freeBucket(new_bucket, size_class);
const node = try self.bucket_node_pool.create();
node.key = new_bucket;
var entry = buckets.getEntryFor(new_bucket);
std.debug.assert(entry.node == null);
self.cur_buckets[bucket_index] = node.key;
// change the allocator's current bucket to be this one
self.buckets[bucket_index] = bucket;
const bucket = self.cur_buckets[bucket_index].?;
const slot_index = bucket.alloc_cursor;
bucket.alloc_cursor += 1;
@ -500,24 +531,22 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
used_bits_byte.* |= (@as(u8, 1) << used_bit_index);
bucket.used_count += 1;
bucket.captureStackTrace(trace_addr, size_class, slot_index, .alloc);
return + slot_index * size_class;
return .{
.bucket = bucket,
.slot_index = slot_index,
.ptr = + slot_index * size_class,
fn searchBucket(
bucket_list: ?*BucketHeader,
buckets: *Buckets,
addr: usize,
) ?*BucketHeader {
const first_bucket = bucket_list orelse return null;
var bucket = first_bucket;
while (true) {
const in_bucket_range = (addr >= @intFromPtr( and
addr < @intFromPtr( + page_size);
if (in_bucket_range) return bucket;
bucket = bucket.prev;
if (bucket == first_bucket) {
return null;
const search_page = mem.alignBackward(usize, addr, page_size);
var search_header: BucketHeader = undefined; = @ptrFromInt(search_page);
const entry = buckets.getEntryFor(&search_header);
return if (entry.node) |node| node.key else null;
/// This function assumes the object is in the large object storage regardless
@ -683,9 +712,7 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
var bucket_index = math.log2(size_class_hint);
var size_class: usize = size_class_hint;
const bucket = while (bucket_index < small_bucket_count) : (bucket_index += 1) {
if (searchBucket(self.buckets[bucket_index], @intFromPtr(old_mem.ptr))) |bucket| {
// move bucket to head of list to optimize search for nearby allocations
self.buckets[bucket_index] = bucket;
if (searchBucket(&self.buckets[bucket_index], @intFromPtr(old_mem.ptr))) |bucket| {
break bucket;
size_class *= 2;
@ -693,7 +720,7 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
if (config.retain_metadata) {
if (!self.large_allocations.contains(@intFromPtr(old_mem.ptr))) {
// object not in active buckets or a large allocation, so search empty buckets
if (searchBucket(self.empty_buckets, @intFromPtr(old_mem.ptr))) |bucket| {
if (searchBucket(&self.empty_buckets, @intFromPtr(old_mem.ptr))) |bucket| {
// bucket is empty so is_used below will always be false and we exit there
break :blk bucket;
} else {
@ -720,26 +747,27 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
// Definitely an in-use small alloc now.
if ( {
const entry = self.small_allocations.getEntry(@intFromPtr(old_mem.ptr)) orelse
@panic("Invalid free");
if (old_mem.len != entry.value_ptr.requested_size or log2_old_align != entry.value_ptr.log2_ptr_align) {
const requested_size = bucket.requestedSizes(size_class)[slot_index];
if (requested_size == 0) @panic("Invalid free");
const log2_ptr_align = bucket.log2PtrAligns(size_class)[slot_index];
if (old_mem.len != requested_size or log2_old_align != log2_ptr_align) {
var addresses: [stack_n]usize = [1]usize{0} ** stack_n;
var free_stack_trace = StackTrace{
.instruction_addresses = &addresses,
.index = 0,
std.debug.captureStackTrace(ret_addr, &free_stack_trace);
if (old_mem.len != entry.value_ptr.requested_size) {
if (old_mem.len != requested_size) {
log.err("Allocation size {d} bytes does not match resize size {d}. Allocation: {} Resize: {}", .{
bucketStackTrace(bucket, size_class, slot_index, .alloc),
if (log2_old_align != entry.value_ptr.log2_ptr_align) {
if (log2_old_align != log2_ptr_align) {
log.err("Allocation alignment {d} does not match resize alignment {d}. Allocation: {} Resize: {}", .{
@as(usize, 1) << @as(math.Log2Int(usize), @intCast(entry.value_ptr.log2_ptr_align)),
@as(usize, 1) << @as(math.Log2Int(usize), @intCast(log2_ptr_align)),
@as(usize, 1) << @as(math.Log2Int(usize), @intCast(log2_old_align)),
bucketStackTrace(bucket, size_class, slot_index, .alloc),
@ -768,8 +796,7 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
if ( {
const entry = self.small_allocations.getEntry(@intFromPtr(old_mem.ptr)).?;
entry.value_ptr.requested_size = new_size;
bucket.requestedSizes(size_class)[slot_index] = @intCast(new_size);
return true;
@ -803,9 +830,7 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
var bucket_index = math.log2(size_class_hint);
var size_class: usize = size_class_hint;
const bucket = while (bucket_index < small_bucket_count) : (bucket_index += 1) {
if (searchBucket(self.buckets[bucket_index], @intFromPtr(old_mem.ptr))) |bucket| {
// move bucket to head of list to optimize search for nearby allocations
self.buckets[bucket_index] = bucket;
if (searchBucket(&self.buckets[bucket_index], @intFromPtr(old_mem.ptr))) |bucket| {
break bucket;
size_class *= 2;
@ -813,7 +838,7 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
if (config.retain_metadata) {
if (!self.large_allocations.contains(@intFromPtr(old_mem.ptr))) {
// object not in active buckets or a large allocation, so search empty buckets
if (searchBucket(self.empty_buckets, @intFromPtr(old_mem.ptr))) |bucket| {
if (searchBucket(&self.empty_buckets, @intFromPtr(old_mem.ptr))) |bucket| {
// bucket is empty so is_used below will always be false and we exit there
break :blk bucket;
} else {
@ -842,26 +867,27 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
// Definitely an in-use small alloc now.
if ( {
const entry = self.small_allocations.getEntry(@intFromPtr(old_mem.ptr)) orelse
@panic("Invalid free");
if (old_mem.len != entry.value_ptr.requested_size or log2_old_align != entry.value_ptr.log2_ptr_align) {
const requested_size = bucket.requestedSizes(size_class)[slot_index];
if (requested_size == 0) @panic("Invalid free");
const log2_ptr_align = bucket.log2PtrAligns(size_class)[slot_index];
if (old_mem.len != requested_size or log2_old_align != log2_ptr_align) {
var addresses: [stack_n]usize = [1]usize{0} ** stack_n;
var free_stack_trace = StackTrace{
.instruction_addresses = &addresses,
.index = 0,
std.debug.captureStackTrace(ret_addr, &free_stack_trace);
if (old_mem.len != entry.value_ptr.requested_size) {
if (old_mem.len != requested_size) {
log.err("Allocation size {d} bytes does not match free size {d}. Allocation: {} Free: {}", .{
bucketStackTrace(bucket, size_class, slot_index, .alloc),
if (log2_old_align != entry.value_ptr.log2_ptr_align) {
if (log2_old_align != log2_ptr_align) {
log.err("Allocation alignment {d} does not match free alignment {d}. Allocation: {} Free: {}", .{
@as(usize, 1) << @as(math.Log2Int(usize), @intCast(entry.value_ptr.log2_ptr_align)),
@as(usize, 1) << @as(math.Log2Int(usize), @intCast(log2_ptr_align)),
@as(usize, 1) << @as(math.Log2Int(usize), @intCast(log2_old_align)),
bucketStackTrace(bucket, size_class, slot_index, .alloc),
@ -879,44 +905,33 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
used_byte.* &= ~(@as(u8, 1) << used_bit_index);
bucket.used_count -= 1;
if ( {
bucket.requestedSizes(size_class)[slot_index] = 0;
if (bucket.used_count == 0) {
if ( == bucket) {
// it's the only bucket and therefore the current one
self.buckets[bucket_index] = null;
} else { = bucket.prev; =;
self.buckets[bucket_index] = bucket.prev;
var entry = self.buckets[bucket_index].getEntryFor(bucket);
// save the node for destruction/insertion into in empty_buckets
var node = entry.node.?;
if (self.cur_buckets[bucket_index] == bucket) {
self.cur_buckets[bucket_index] = null;
if (!config.never_unmap) {[0..page_size]);
if (!config.retain_metadata) {
self.freeBucket(bucket, size_class);
} else {
// move alloc_cursor to end so we can tell size_class later
const slot_count = @divExact(page_size, size_class);
bucket.alloc_cursor = @as(SlotIndex, @truncate(slot_count));
if (self.empty_buckets) |prev_bucket| {
// empty_buckets is ordered newest to oldest through prev so that if
// config.never_unmap is false and backing_allocator reuses freed memory
// then searchBuckets will always return the newer, relevant bucket
bucket.prev = prev_bucket; =; = bucket; = bucket;
} else {
bucket.prev = bucket; = bucket;
self.empty_buckets = bucket;
var empty_entry = self.empty_buckets.getEntryFor(node.key);
} else {
@memset(old_mem, undefined);
if ( {
if (config.verbose_log) {"small free {d} bytes at {*}", .{ old_mem.len, old_mem.ptr });
@ -980,23 +995,19 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
return slice.ptr;
if ( {
try self.small_allocations.ensureUnusedCapacity(self.backing_allocator, 1);
const new_size_class = math.ceilPowerOfTwoAssert(usize, new_aligned_size);
const ptr = try self.allocSlot(new_size_class, ret_addr);
const slot = try self.allocSlot(new_size_class, ret_addr);
if ( {
const gop = self.small_allocations.getOrPutAssumeCapacity(@intFromPtr(ptr));
gop.value_ptr.requested_size = len;
gop.value_ptr.log2_ptr_align = log2_ptr_align;
slot.bucket.requestedSizes(new_size_class)[slot.slot_index] = @intCast(len);
slot.bucket.log2PtrAligns(new_size_class)[slot.slot_index] = log2_ptr_align;
if (config.verbose_log) {"small alloc {d} bytes at {*}", .{ len, ptr });"small alloc {d} bytes at {*}", .{ len, slot.ptr });
return ptr;
return slot.ptr;
fn createBucket(self: *Self, size_class: usize, bucket_index: usize) Error!*BucketHeader {
fn createBucket(self: *Self, size_class: usize) Error!*BucketHeader {
const page = try self.backing_allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, page_size, page_size);
@ -1004,15 +1015,16 @@ pub fn GeneralPurposeAllocator(comptime config: Config) type {
const bucket_bytes = try self.backing_allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, @alignOf(BucketHeader), bucket_size);
const ptr = @as(*BucketHeader, @ptrCast(bucket_bytes.ptr));
ptr.* = BucketHeader{
.prev = ptr,
.next = ptr,
.page = page.ptr,
.alloc_cursor = 0,
.used_count = 0,
self.buckets[bucket_index] = ptr;
// Set the used bits to all zeroes
@memset(@as([*]u8, @as(*[1]u8, ptr.usedBits(0)))[0..usedBitsCount(size_class)], 0);
if ( {
// Set the requested sizes to zeroes
@memset(mem.sliceAsBytes(ptr.requestedSizes(size_class)), 0);
return ptr;
@ -1375,10 +1387,10 @@ test "double frees" {
const index: usize = 6;
const size_class: usize = @as(usize, 1) << 6;
const small = try allocator.alloc(u8, size_class);
try std.testing.expect(GPA.searchBucket(gpa.buckets[index], @intFromPtr(small.ptr)) != null);
try std.testing.expect(GPA.searchBucket(&gpa.buckets[index], @intFromPtr(small.ptr)) != null);;
try std.testing.expect(GPA.searchBucket(gpa.buckets[index], @intFromPtr(small.ptr)) == null);
try std.testing.expect(GPA.searchBucket(gpa.empty_buckets, @intFromPtr(small.ptr)) != null);
try std.testing.expect(GPA.searchBucket(&gpa.buckets[index], @intFromPtr(small.ptr)) == null);
try std.testing.expect(GPA.searchBucket(&gpa.empty_buckets, @intFromPtr(small.ptr)) != null);
// detect a large allocation double free
const large = try allocator.alloc(u8, 2 * page_size);
@ -1395,8 +1407,8 @@ test "double frees" {
// check that flushing retained metadata doesn't disturb live allocations
try std.testing.expect(gpa.empty_buckets == null);
try std.testing.expect(GPA.searchBucket(gpa.buckets[index], @intFromPtr(normal_small.ptr)) != null);
try std.testing.expect(gpa.empty_buckets.root == null);
try std.testing.expect(GPA.searchBucket(&gpa.buckets[index], @intFromPtr(normal_small.ptr)) != null);
try std.testing.expect(gpa.large_allocations.contains(@intFromPtr(normal_large.ptr)));
try std.testing.expect(!gpa.large_allocations.contains(@intFromPtr(large.ptr)));

View File

@ -225,7 +225,6 @@ pub fn Treap(comptime Key: type, comptime compareFn: anytype) type {
link.* = null;
// clean up after ourselves
node.key = undefined;
node.priority = 0;
node.parent = null;
node.children = [_]?*Node{ null, null };
@ -257,6 +256,48 @@ pub fn Treap(comptime Key: type, comptime compareFn: anytype) type {
assert(link.* == node);
link.* = target;
pub const InorderIterator = struct {
current: ?*Node,
previous: ?*Node = null,
pub fn next(it: *InorderIterator) ?*Node {
while (true) {
if (it.current) |current| {
const previous = it.previous;
it.previous = current;
if (previous == current.parent) {
if (current.children[0]) |left_child| {
it.current = left_child;
} else {
if (current.children[1]) |right_child| {
it.current = right_child;
} else {
it.current = current.parent;
return current;
} else if (previous == current.children[0]) {
if (current.children[1]) |right_child| {
it.current = right_child;
} else {
it.current = current.parent;
return current;
} else {
std.debug.assert(previous == current.children[1]);
it.current = current.parent;
} else {
return null;
pub fn inorderIterator(self: *Self) InorderIterator {
return .{ .current = self.root };
@ -344,6 +385,16 @@ test "std.Treap: insert, find, replace, remove" {
try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, treap.getEntryForExisting(node).node);
// in-order iterator check
var it = treap.inorderIterator();
var last_key: u64 = 0;
while ( |node| {
try std.testing.expect(node.key >= last_key);
last_key = node.key;
// replace check
while ( |node| {