mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 12:58:04 +00:00
wasm: Refactor emitConstant to lower to WValue
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,8 +27,22 @@ const WValue = union(enum) {
none: void,
/// Index of the local variable
local: u32,
/// Holds a memoized typed value
constant: TypedValue,
/// Represents the index of a local that contains a pointer to its stack position
stack: u32,
/// An immediate 32bit value
imm32: u32,
/// An immediate 64bit value
imm64: u64,
/// A constant 32bit float value
float32: f32,
/// A constant 64bit float value
float64: f64,
/// A value that represents a pointer to the data section
memory: u64,
/// Represents a function pointer
/// In wasm function pointers are indexes into a function table,
/// rather than an address in the data section.
function_index: u32,
/// Used for types that contains of multiple areas within
/// a memory region in the stack.
/// The local represents the position in the stack,
@ -588,24 +602,14 @@ fn fail(self: *Self, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) InnerError {
/// Resolves the `WValue` for the given instruction `inst`
/// When the given instruction has a `Value`, it returns a constant instead
fn resolveInst(self: Self, ref: Air.Inst.Ref) WValue {
const inst_index = Air.refToIndex(ref) orelse {
const tv = Air.Inst.Ref.typed_value_map[@enumToInt(ref)];
if (!tv.ty.hasCodeGenBits()) {
return WValue.none;
return WValue{ .constant = tv };
const gop = try self.values.getOrPut(self.gpa, ref);
if (gop.found_existing) return gop.value_ptr.*;
const inst_type = self.air.typeOfIndex(inst_index);
// It's allowed to have 0-bit integers
if (!inst_type.hasCodeGenBits() and !inst_type.isInt()) return WValue{ .none = {} };
if (self.air.instructions.items(.tag)[inst_index] == .constant) {
const ty_pl = self.air.instructions.items(.data)[inst_index].ty_pl;
return WValue{ .constant = .{ .ty = inst_type, .val = self.air.values[ty_pl.payload] } };
return self.values.get(inst_index).?; // Instruction does not dominate all uses!
// when we did not find an existing instruction, it
// means we must generate it from a constant.
const val = self.air.value(ref).?;
const ty = self.air.typeOf(ref);
return self.lowerConstant(val, ty);
/// Appends a MIR instruction and returns its index within the list of instructions
@ -730,7 +734,12 @@ fn emitWValue(self: *Self, val: WValue) InnerError!void {
.none => {}, // no-op
.local_with_offset => |with_off| try self.addLabel(.local_get, with_off.local),
.local => |idx| try self.addLabel(.local_get, idx),
.constant => |tv| try self.emitConstant(tv.val, tv.ty), // Creates a new constant on the stack
.imm32 => |val| try self.addImm32(@bitCast(i32, val)),
.imm64 => |val| try self.addImm64(val),
.float32 => |val| try self.addInst(.{ .tag = .f32_const, .data = .{ .float32 = val } }),
.float64 => |val| try self.addFloat64(val),
.memory => |ptr| try self.addLabel(.memory_address, ptr), // write sybol address and generate relocation
.function_index => |index| try self.addLabel(.function_index, index), // write function index and generate relocation
@ -929,7 +938,8 @@ fn genTypedValue(self: *Self, ty: Type, val: Value) InnerError!Result {
return Result.appended;
.Enum => {
try self.emitConstant(val, ty);
const size = @intCast(usize, ty.abiSize(self.target));
try self.code.appendNTimes(0xaa, size);
return Result.appended;
.Bool => {
@ -1207,6 +1217,10 @@ fn ptrSize(self: *const Self) u16 {
return @divExact(self.target.cpu.arch.ptrBitWidth(), 8);
fn arch(self: *const Self) std.Target.Cpu.Arch {
return self.target.cpu.arch;
/// For a given `Type`, will return true when the type will be passed
/// by reference, rather than by value.
fn isByRef(self: Self, ty: Type) bool {
@ -1699,13 +1713,7 @@ fn store(self: *Self, lhs: WValue, rhs: WValue, ty: Type, offset: u32) InnerErro
.Struct, .Array => {
const final_rhs = if (rhs == .constant) blk: {
const tmp = try self.allocLocal(Type.usize);
try self.emitWValue(rhs);
try self.addLabel(.local_set, tmp.local);
break :blk tmp;
} else rhs;
return try self.memCopy(ty, lhs, final_rhs);
return try self.memCopy(ty, lhs, rhs);
.Pointer => {
if (ty.isSlice() and rhs == .constant) {
@ -1748,11 +1756,6 @@ fn store(self: *Self, lhs: WValue, rhs: WValue, ty: Type, offset: u32) InnerErro
.Int => if (ty.intInfo(self.target).bits > 64) {
if (rhs == .constant) {
try self.emitWValue(rhs);
try self.addLabel(.local_set, lhs.local);
return try self.memCopy(ty, lhs, rhs);
else => {},
@ -1933,7 +1936,7 @@ fn airWrapBinOp(self: *Self, inst: Air.Inst.Index, op: Op) InnerError!WValue {
return bin_local;
fn emitConstant(self: *Self, val: Value, ty: Type) InnerError!void {
fn lowerConstant(self: *Self, val: Value, ty: Type) InnerError!WValue {
if (val.isUndefDeep()) return self.emitUndefined(ty);
switch (ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Int => {
@ -1941,16 +1944,16 @@ fn emitConstant(self: *Self, val: Value, ty: Type) InnerError!void {
// write constant
switch (int_info.signedness) {
.signed => switch (int_info.bits) {
0...32 => return try self.addImm32(@intCast(i32, val.toSignedInt())),
33...64 => return try self.addImm64(@bitCast(u64, val.toSignedInt())),
0...32 => return WValue{ .imm32 = @bitCast(u32, @intCast(i32, val.toSignedInt())) },
33...64 => return WValue{ .imm64 = @bitCast(u64, val.toSignedInt()) },
65...128 => {},
else => |bits| return self.fail("Wasm todo: emitConstant for integer with {d} bits", .{bits}),
else => |bits| return self.fail("Wasm todo: lowerConstant for integer with {d} bits", .{bits}),
.unsigned => switch (int_info.bits) {
0...32 => return try self.addImm32(@bitCast(i32, @intCast(u32, val.toUnsignedInt()))),
33...64 => return try self.addImm64(val.toUnsignedInt()),
0...32 => return WValue{ .imm32 = @intCast(u32, val.toUnsignedInt()) },
33...64 => return WValue{ .imm64 = val.toUnsignedInt() },
65...128 => {},
else => |bits| return self.fail("Wasm TODO: emitConstant for integer with {d} bits", .{bits}),
else => |bits| return self.fail("Wasm TODO: lowerConstant for integer with {d} bits", .{bits}),
const result = try self.allocStack(ty);
@ -1970,53 +1973,58 @@ fn emitConstant(self: *Self, val: Value, ty: Type) InnerError!void {
try self.addImm64(limb);
try self.addMemArg(.i64_store, .{ .offset = @intCast(u32, index * 8), .alignment = 8 });
try self.addLabel(.local_get, result.local);
return result;
.Bool => try self.addImm32(@intCast(i32, val.toSignedInt())),
.Float => {
// write constant
switch (ty.floatBits(self.target)) {
0...32 => try self.addInst(.{ .tag = .f32_const, .data = .{ .float32 = val.toFloat(f32) } }),
64 => try self.addFloat64(val.toFloat(f64)),
else => |bits| return self.fail("Wasm TODO: emitConstant for float with {d} bits", .{bits}),
.Bool => return WValue{ .imm32 = @intCast(u32, val.toUnsignedInt()) },
.Float => switch (ty.floatBits(self.target)) {
0...32 => return WValue{ .float32 = val.toFloat(f32) },
33...64 => return WValue{ .float64 = val.toFloat(f64) },
else => |bits| return self.fail("Wasm TODO: emitConstant for floats with {d} bits", .{bits}),
.Pointer => {
if (val.castTag(.slice)) |slice| {
.Pointer => switch (val) {
.slice => {
const result = try self.allocStack(ty);
var buf: Type.SlicePtrFieldTypeBuffer = undefined;
try self.emitConstant(slice.data.ptr, ty.slicePtrFieldType(&buf));
try self.emitConstant(slice.data.len, Type.usize);
} else if (val.castTag(.decl_ref)) |payload| {
const decl = payload.data;
// Function pointers use a table index, rather than a memory address
if (decl.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Fn) {
const target_sym_index = decl.link.wasm.sym_index;
try self.bin_file.addTableFunction(target_sym_index);
try self.addLabel(.function_index, target_sym_index);
} else {
try self.addLabel(.memory_address, decl.link.wasm.sym_index);
} else if (val.castTag(.int_u64)) |int_ptr| {
try self.addImm32(@bitCast(i32, @intCast(u32, int_ptr.data)));
} else if (val.tag() == .zero or val.tag() == .null_value) {
try self.addImm32(0);
} else if (val.tag() == .one) {
try self.addImm32(1);
} else return self.fail("Wasm TODO: emitConstant for other const pointer tag {s}", .{val.tag()});
const ptr = try self.lowerConstant(val.slicePtr(), ty.slicePtrFieldType(&buf));
const len = val.sliceLen();
try self.store(result, ptr, Type.usize, 0);
try self.addLabel(.local_get, result.local);
switch (self.arch()) {
.wasm32 => {
try self.addImm32(@bitCast(i32, @intCast(u32, len)));
try self.addMemArg(.i32_store, .{ .offset = self.ptrSize(), .alignment = self.ptrSize() });
.wasm64 => {
try self.addImm64(len);
try self.addMemArg(.i64_store, .{ .offset = self.ptrSize(), .alignment = self.ptrSize() });
return result;
.decl_ref => {
const decl = val.castTag(.decl_ref).?.data;
const target_sym_index = decl.link.wasm.sym_index;
if (decl.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Fn) {
try self.bin_file.addTableFunction(target_sym_index);
return WValue{ .function_index = target_sym_index };
} else return WValue{ .memory = target_sym_index };
.int_u64, .one => return WValue{ .imm32 = @intCast(u32, val.toUnsignedInt()) },
.zero, .null_value => return WValue{ .imm32 = 0 },
else => return self.fail("Wasm TODO: emitConstant for other const pointer tag {s}", .{val.tag()}),
.Void => {},
.Enum => {
if (val.castTag(.enum_field_index)) |field_index| {
switch (ty.tag()) {
.enum_simple => try self.addImm32(@bitCast(i32, field_index.data)),
.enum_simple => return WValue{ .imm32 = field_index.data },
.enum_full, .enum_nonexhaustive => {
const enum_full = ty.cast(Type.Payload.EnumFull).?.data;
if (enum_full.values.count() != 0) {
const tag_val = enum_full.values.keys()[field_index.data];
try self.emitConstant(tag_val, enum_full.tag_ty);
return self.lowerConstant(tag_val, enum_full.tag_ty);
} else {
try self.addImm32(@bitCast(i32, field_index.data));
return WValue{ .imm32 = field_index.data };
else => unreachable,
@ -2024,55 +2032,61 @@ fn emitConstant(self: *Self, val: Value, ty: Type) InnerError!void {
} else {
var int_tag_buffer: Type.Payload.Bits = undefined;
const int_tag_ty = ty.intTagType(&int_tag_buffer);
try self.emitConstant(val, int_tag_ty);
return self.lowerConstant(val, int_tag_ty);
.ErrorSet => {
const error_index = self.global_error_set.get(val.getError().?).?;
try self.addImm32(@bitCast(i32, error_index));
return WValue{ .imm32 = error_index };
.ErrorUnion => {
const error_type = ty.errorUnionSet();
const payload_type = ty.errorUnionPayload();
if (val.castTag(.eu_payload)) |pl| {
const payload_val = pl.data;
// no error, so write a '0' const
try self.addImm32(0);
const is_pl = val.errorUnionIsPayload();
const err_val = if (!is_pl) val else Value.initTag(.zero);
const error_value = try self.lowerConstant(err_val, error_type);
if (!payload_type.hasCodeGenBits()) {
return error_value;
if (payload_type.hasCodeGenBits()) {
// after the error code, we emit the payload
try self.emitConstant(payload_val, payload_type);
} else {
// write the error val
try self.emitConstant(val, error_type);
if (payload_type.hasCodeGenBits()) {
// no payload, so write a '0' const
try self.addImm32(0);
const result = try self.allocStack(ty);
try self.store(result, error_value, error_type, 0);
const payload = try lowerConstant(
if (val.castTag(.eu_payload)) |pl| pl.data else Value.initTag(.undef),
const pl_ptr = if (self.isByRef(payload_type)) try self.buildPointerOffset(
) else result;
try self.store(pl_ptr, payload, payload_type, 0);
return result;
.Optional => {
.Optional => if (ty.isPtrLikeOptional()) {
return self.lowerConstant(val, payload_type);
} else {
var buf: Type.Payload.ElemType = undefined;
const payload_type = ty.optionalChild(&buf);
if (ty.isPtrLikeOptional()) {
try self.emitConstant(val, payload_type);
const is_pl = val.tag() == .opt_payload;
const null_value = WValue{ .imm32 = if (is_pl) @as(u32, 0) else 1 };
if (!payload_type.hasCodeGenBits()) {
return null_value;
// When constant has value 'null', set is_null local to '1'
// and payload to '0'
if (val.castTag(.opt_payload)) |payload| {
try self.addImm32(1);
if (payload_type.hasCodeGenBits())
try self.emitConstant(payload.data, payload_type);
} else {
// set null-tag
try self.addImm32(0);
// null-tag is set, so write a '0' const
try self.addImm32(0);
const result = try self.allocStack(ty);
try self.store(result, null_value, Type.initTag(.u8), 0);
const payload = try self.lowerConstant(
if (val.castTag(.opt_payload)) |pl| pl.data else Value.initTag(.undef),
const pl_ptr = if (self.isByRef(payload_type)) blk: {
const offset = ty.abiSize(self.target) - payload_type.abiSize();
break :blk try self.buildPointerOffset(result, offset, .new);
} else result;
try self.store(pl_ptr, payload, payload_type, 0);
return result;
.Struct => {
const struct_data = val.castTag(.@"struct").?;
@ -2083,16 +2097,15 @@ fn emitConstant(self: *Self, val: Value, ty: Type) InnerError!void {
const offset = try self.copyLocal(result, ty);
for (fields.values()) |field, index| {
const tmp = try self.allocLocal(field.ty);
try self.emitConstant(struct_data.data[index], field.ty);
try self.addLabel(.local_set, tmp.local);
try self.store(offset, tmp, field.ty, 0);
const field_value = try self.lowerConstant(struct_data.data[index], field.ty);
try self.store(offset, field_value, field.ty, 0);
// this prevents us from emitting useless instructions when we reached the end of the loop
if (index != (fields.count() - 1)) {
_ = try self.buildPointerOffset(offset, field.ty.abiSize(self.target), .modify);
try self.addLabel(.local_get, result.local);
return result;
.Array => {
const result = try self.allocStack(ty);
@ -2108,7 +2121,7 @@ fn emitConstant(self: *Self, val: Value, ty: Type) InnerError!void {
const tmp = try self.allocLocal(elem_ty);
const offset = try self.copyLocal(result, ty);
for (array.data) |value, index| {
try self.emitConstant(value, elem_ty);
try self.lowerConstant(value, elem_ty);
try self.addLabel(.local_set, tmp.local);
try self.store(offset, tmp, elem_ty, 0);
@ -2129,9 +2142,9 @@ fn emitConstant(self: *Self, val: Value, ty: Type) InnerError!void {
var index: u32 = 0;
while (index < len_with_sent) : (index += 1) {
if (sentinel != null and index == len) {
try self.emitConstant(sentinel.?, elem_ty);
try self.lowerConstant(sentinel.?, elem_ty);
} else {
try self.emitConstant(value, elem_ty);
try self.lowerConstant(value, elem_ty);
try self.addLabel(.local_set, tmp.local);
try self.store(offset, tmp, elem_ty, 0);
@ -2144,26 +2157,26 @@ fn emitConstant(self: *Self, val: Value, ty: Type) InnerError!void {
const elem_ty = ty.childType();
const sent_val = ty.sentinel().?;
const tmp = try self.allocLocal(elem_ty);
try self.emitConstant(sent_val, elem_ty);
try self.lowerConstant(sent_val, elem_ty);
try self.addLabel(.local_set, tmp.local);
try self.store(result, tmp, elem_ty, 0);
} else unreachable;
try self.addLabel(.local_get, result.local);
return result;
else => |zig_type| return self.fail("Wasm TODO: emitConstant for zigTypeTag {s}", .{zig_type}),
fn emitUndefined(self: *Self, ty: Type) InnerError!void {
fn emitUndefined(self: *Self, ty: Type) InnerError!WValue {
switch (ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Int => switch (ty.intInfo(self.target).bits) {
0...32 => try self.addImm32(@bitCast(i32, @as(u32, 0xaaaaaaaa))),
33...64 => try self.addImm64(0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa),
0...32 => return WValue{ .imm32 = 0xaaaaaaaa },
33...64 => return WValue{ .imm64 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa },
else => |bits| return self.fail("Wasm TODO: emitUndefined for integer bitsize: {d}", .{bits}),
.Float => switch (ty.floatBits(self.target)) {
0...32 => try self.addInst(.{ .tag = .f32_const, .data = .{ .float32 = @bitCast(f32, @as(u32, 0xaaaaaaaa)) } }),
33...64 => try self.addFloat64(@bitCast(f64, @as(u64, 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa))),
0...32 => return WValue{ .float32 = @bitCast(f32, @as(u32, 0xaaaaaaaa)) },
33...64 => return WValue{ .float64 = @bitCast(f64, @as(u64, 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)) },
else => |bits| return self.fail("Wasm TODO: emitUndefined for float bitsize: {d}", .{bits}),
.Array, .Struct => {
@ -2172,18 +2185,18 @@ fn emitUndefined(self: *Self, ty: Type) InnerError!void {
var offset: u32 = 0;
while (offset < abi_size) : (offset += 1) {
try self.emitWValue(result);
try self.addImm32(0xaa);
switch (self.ptrSize()) {
4 => try self.addMemArg(.i32_store8, .{ .offset = offset, .alignment = 1 }),
8 => try self.addMemArg(.i64_store8, .{ .offset = offset, .alignment = 1 }),
try self.addImm32(0xaaaaaaaa);
switch (self.arch()) {
.wasm32 => try self.addMemArg(.i32_store8, .{ .offset = offset, .alignment = 1 }),
.wasm64 => try self.addMemArg(.i64_store8, .{ .offset = offset, .alignment = 1 }),
else => unreachable,
try self.addLabel(.local_get, result.local);
return result;
.Pointer => switch (self.ptrSize()) {
4 => try self.addImm32(@bitCast(i32, @as(u32, 0xaaaaaaaa))),
8 => try self.addImm64(0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa),
.Pointer => switch (self.arch()) {
.wasm32 => return WValue{ .imm32 = 0xaaaaaaaa },
.wasm64 => return WValue{ .imm64 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa },
else => unreachable,
else => return self.fail("Wasm TODO: emitUndefined for type: {}\n", .{ty}),
@ -2595,7 +2608,8 @@ fn airSwitchBr(self: *Self, inst: Air.Inst.Index) InnerError!WValue {
// for single value prong we can emit a simple if
if (case.values.len == 1) {
try self.emitWValue(target);
try self.emitConstant(case.values[0].value, target_ty);
const val = try self.lowerConstant(case.values[0].value, target_ty);
try self.emitWValue(val);
const opcode = buildOpcode(.{
.valtype1 = try self.typeToValtype(target_ty),
.op = .ne, // not equal, because we want to jump out of this block if it does not match the condition.
@ -2608,7 +2622,8 @@ fn airSwitchBr(self: *Self, inst: Air.Inst.Index) InnerError!WValue {
try self.startBlock(.block, blocktype);
for (case.values) |value| {
try self.emitWValue(target);
try self.emitConstant(value.value, target_ty);
const val = try self.lowerConstant(value.value, target_ty);
try self.emitWValue(val);
const opcode = buildOpcode(.{
.valtype1 = try self.typeToValtype(target_ty),
.op = .eq,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user