mirror of
synced 2024-12-13 14:47:09 +00:00
std.Thread.Futex addition (#9070)
* std.Thread.Futex: implementation + tests * std.Thread.Futex: fix darwin compile errors * std.Thread.Futex: fix wait() documentation typo * std.Thread.Futex: fix darwin version check * std.Thread.Futex: remove unnecessary comptime keyword
This commit is contained in:
@ -520,6 +520,7 @@ set(ZIG_STAGE2_SOURCES
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
data: Data,
pub const AutoResetEvent = @import("Thread/AutoResetEvent.zig");
pub const Futex = @import("Thread/Futex.zig");
pub const ResetEvent = @import("Thread/ResetEvent.zig");
pub const StaticResetEvent = @import("Thread/StaticResetEvent.zig");
pub const Mutex = @import("Thread/Mutex.zig");
@ -574,6 +575,7 @@ pub fn getCurrentThreadId() u64 {
test "std.Thread" {
if (!builtin.single_threaded) {
_ = AutoResetEvent;
_ = Futex;
_ = ResetEvent;
_ = StaticResetEvent;
_ = Mutex;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Zig Contributors
// This file is part of [zig](https://ziglang.org/), which is MIT licensed.
// The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies
// and substantial portions of the software.
//! Futex is a mechanism used to block (`wait`) and unblock (`wake`) threads using a 32bit memory address as hints.
//! Blocking a thread is acknowledged only if the 32bit memory address is equal to a given value.
//! This check helps avoid block/unblock deadlocks which occur if a `wake()` happens before a `wait()`.
//! Using Futex, other Thread synchronization primitives can be built which efficiently wait for cross-thread events or signals.
const std = @import("../std.zig");
const Futex = @This();
const target = std.Target.current;
const single_threaded = std.builtin.single_threaded;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const testing = std.testing;
const Atomic = std.atomic.Atomic;
const spinLoopHint = std.atomic.spinLoopHint;
/// Checks if `ptr` still contains the value `expect` and, if so, blocks the caller until either:
/// - The value at `ptr` is no longer equal to `expect`.
/// - The caller is unblocked by a matching `wake()`.
/// - The caller is unblocked spuriously by an arbitrary internal signal.
/// If `timeout` is provided, and the caller is blocked for longer than `timeout` nanoseconds`, `error.TimedOut` is returned.
/// The checking of `ptr` and `expect`, along with blocking the caller, is done atomically
/// and totally ordered (sequentially consistent) with respect to other wait()/wake() calls on the same `ptr`.
pub fn wait(ptr: *const Atomic(u32), expect: u32, timeout: ?u64) error{TimedOut}!void {
if (single_threaded) {
// check whether the caller should block
if (ptr.loadUnchecked() != expect) {
// There are no other threads which could notify the caller on single_threaded.
// Therefor a wait() without a timeout would block indefinitely.
const timeout_ns = timeout orelse {
// Simulate blocking with the timeout knowing that:
// - no other thread can change the ptr value
// - no other thread could unblock us if we waiting on the ptr
return error.TimedOut;
// Avoid calling into the OS for no-op waits()
if (timeout) |timeout_ns| {
if (timeout_ns == 0) {
if (ptr.load(.SeqCst) != expect) return;
return error.TimedOut;
return OsFutex.wait(ptr, expect, timeout);
/// Unblocks at most `num_waiters` callers blocked in a `wait()` call on `ptr`.
/// `num_waiters` of 1 unblocks at most one `wait(ptr, ...)` and `maxInt(u32)` unblocks effectively all `wait(ptr, ...)`.
pub fn wake(ptr: *const Atomic(u32), num_waiters: u32) void {
if (num_waiters == 0 or single_threaded) {
return OsFutex.wake(ptr, num_waiters);
const OsFutex = if (target.os.tag == .windows)
else if (target.os.tag == .linux)
else if (target.isDarwin())
else if (std.builtin.link_libc)
@compileError("Operating System unsupported");
const WindowsFutex = struct {
const windows = std.os.windows;
fn wait(ptr: *const Atomic(u32), expect: u32, timeout: ?u64) error{TimedOut}!void {
var timeout_value: windows.LARGE_INTEGER = undefined;
var timeout_ptr: ?*const windows.LARGE_INTEGER = null;
// NTDLL functions work with time in units of 100 nanoseconds.
// Positive values for timeouts are absolute time while negative is relative.
if (timeout) |timeout_ns| {
timeout_ptr = &timeout_value;
timeout_value = -@intCast(windows.LARGE_INTEGER, timeout_ns / 100);
switch (windows.ntdll.RtlWaitOnAddress(
@ptrCast(?*const c_void, ptr),
@ptrCast(?*const c_void, &expect),
)) {
.SUCCESS => {},
.TIMEOUT => return error.TimedOut,
else => unreachable,
fn wake(ptr: *const Atomic(u32), num_waiters: u32) void {
const address = @ptrCast(?*const c_void, ptr);
switch (num_waiters) {
1 => windows.ntdll.RtlWakeAddressSingle(address),
else => windows.ntdll.RtlWakeAddressAll(address),
const LinuxFutex = struct {
const linux = std.os.linux;
fn wait(ptr: *const Atomic(u32), expect: u32, timeout: ?u64) error{TimedOut}!void {
var ts: std.os.timespec = undefined;
var ts_ptr: ?*std.os.timespec = null;
// Futex timespec timeout is already in relative time.
if (timeout) |timeout_ns| {
ts_ptr = &ts;
ts.tv_sec = @intCast(@TypeOf(ts.tv_sec), timeout_ns / std.time.ns_per_s);
ts.tv_nsec = @intCast(@TypeOf(ts.tv_nsec), timeout_ns % std.time.ns_per_s);
switch (linux.getErrno(linux.futex_wait(
@ptrCast(*const i32, ptr),
@bitCast(i32, expect),
))) {
0 => {}, // notified by `wake()`
std.os.EINTR => {}, // spurious wakeup
std.os.EAGAIN => {}, // ptr.* != expect
std.os.ETIMEDOUT => return error.TimedOut,
std.os.EINVAL => {}, // possibly timeout overflow
std.os.EFAULT => unreachable,
else => unreachable,
fn wake(ptr: *const Atomic(u32), num_waiters: u32) void {
switch (linux.getErrno(linux.futex_wake(
@ptrCast(*const i32, ptr),
std.math.cast(i32, num_waiters) catch std.math.maxInt(i32),
))) {
0 => {}, // successful wake up
std.os.EINVAL => {}, // invalid futex_wait() on ptr done elsewhere
std.os.EFAULT => {}, // pointer became invalid while doing the wake
else => unreachable,
const DarwinFutex = struct {
const darwin = std.os.darwin;
fn wait(ptr: *const Atomic(u32), expect: u32, timeout: ?u64) error{TimedOut}!void {
// ulock_wait() uses micro-second timeouts, where 0 = INIFITE or no-timeout
var timeout_us: u32 = 0;
if (timeout) |timeout_ns| {
timeout_us = @intCast(u32, timeout_ns / std.time.ns_per_us);
// Darwin XNU 7195. introduced __ulock_wait2 and migrated code paths (notably pthread_cond_t) towards it:
// https://github.com/apple/darwin-xnu/commit/d4061fb0260b3ed486147341b72468f836ed6c8f#diff-08f993cc40af475663274687b7c326cc6c3031e0db3ac8de7b24624610616be6
// This XNU version appears to correspond to 11.0.1:
// https://kernelshaman.blogspot.com/2021/01/building-xnu-for-macos-big-sur-1101.html
const addr = @ptrCast(*const c_void, ptr);
const flags = darwin.UL_COMPARE_AND_WAIT | darwin.ULF_NO_ERRNO;
const status = blk: {
if (target.os.version_range.semver.max.major >= 11) {
break :blk darwin.__ulock_wait2(flags, addr, expect, timeout_us, 0);
} else {
break :blk darwin.__ulock_wait(flags, addr, expect, timeout_us);
if (status >= 0) return;
switch (-status) {
darwin.EINTR => {},
darwin.EFAULT => unreachable,
darwin.ETIMEDOUT => return error.TimedOut,
else => unreachable,
fn wake(ptr: *const Atomic(u32), num_waiters: u32) void {
var flags: u32 = darwin.UL_COMPARE_AND_WAIT | darwin.ULF_NO_ERRNO;
if (num_waiters > 1) {
flags |= darwin.ULF_WAKE_ALL;
while (true) {
const addr = @ptrCast(*const c_void, ptr);
const status = darwin.__ulock_wake(flags, addr, 0);
if (status >= 0) return;
switch (-status) {
darwin.EINTR => continue, // spurious wake()
darwin.ENOENT => return, // nothing was woken up
darwin.EALREADY => unreachable, // only for ULF_WAKE_THREAD
else => unreachable,
const PosixFutex = struct {
fn wait(ptr: *const Atomic(u32), expect: u32, timeout: ?u64) error{TimedOut}!void {
const address = @ptrToInt(ptr);
const bucket = Bucket.from(address);
var waiter: List.Node = undefined;
assert(std.c.pthread_mutex_lock(&bucket.mutex) == 0);
defer assert(std.c.pthread_mutex_unlock(&bucket.mutex) == 0);
if (ptr.load(.SeqCst) != expect) {
waiter.data = .{ .address = address };
var timed_out = false;
waiter.data.wait(timeout) catch {
defer if (!timed_out) {
waiter.data.wait(null) catch unreachable;
assert(std.c.pthread_mutex_lock(&bucket.mutex) == 0);
defer assert(std.c.pthread_mutex_unlock(&bucket.mutex) == 0);
if (waiter.data.address == address) {
timed_out = true;
if (timed_out) {
return error.TimedOut;
fn wake(ptr: *const Atomic(u32), num_waiters: u32) void {
const address = @ptrToInt(ptr);
const bucket = Bucket.from(address);
var can_notify = num_waiters;
var notified = List{};
defer while (notified.popFirst()) |waiter| {
assert(std.c.pthread_mutex_lock(&bucket.mutex) == 0);
defer assert(std.c.pthread_mutex_unlock(&bucket.mutex) == 0);
var waiters = bucket.list.first;
while (waiters) |waiter| {
assert(waiter.data.address != null);
waiters = waiter.next;
if (waiter.data.address != address) continue;
if (can_notify == 0) break;
can_notify -= 1;
waiter.data.address = null;
const Bucket = struct {
mutex: std.c.pthread_mutex_t = .{},
list: List = .{},
var buckets = [_]Bucket{.{}} ** 64;
fn from(address: usize) *Bucket {
return &buckets[address % buckets.len];
const List = std.TailQueue(struct {
address: ?usize,
state: State = .empty,
cond: std.c.pthread_cond_t = .{},
mutex: std.c.pthread_mutex_t = .{},
const Self = @This();
const State = enum {
fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
const rc = std.c.pthread_cond_destroy(&self.cond);
assert(rc == 0 or rc == std.os.EINVAL);
const rm = std.c.pthread_mutex_destroy(&self.mutex);
assert(rm == 0 or rm == std.os.EINVAL);
fn wait(self: *Self, timeout: ?u64) error{TimedOut}!void {
assert(std.c.pthread_mutex_lock(&self.mutex) == 0);
defer assert(std.c.pthread_mutex_unlock(&self.mutex) == 0);
switch (self.state) {
.empty => self.state = .waiting,
.waiting => unreachable,
.notified => return,
var ts: std.os.timespec = undefined;
var ts_ptr: ?*const std.os.timespec = null;
if (timeout) |timeout_ns| {
ts_ptr = &ts;
std.os.clock_gettime(std.os.CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts) catch unreachable;
ts.tv_sec += @intCast(@TypeOf(ts.tv_sec), timeout_ns / std.time.ns_per_s);
ts.tv_nsec += @intCast(@TypeOf(ts.tv_nsec), timeout_ns % std.time.ns_per_s);
if (ts.tv_nsec >= std.time.ns_per_s) {
ts.tv_sec += 1;
ts.tv_nsec -= std.time.ns_per_s;
while (true) {
switch (self.state) {
.empty => unreachable,
.waiting => {},
.notified => return,
const ts_ref = ts_ptr orelse {
assert(std.c.pthread_cond_wait(&self.cond, &self.mutex) == 0);
const rc = std.c.pthread_cond_timedwait(&self.cond, &self.mutex, ts_ref);
assert(rc == 0 or rc == std.os.ETIMEDOUT);
if (rc == std.os.ETIMEDOUT) {
self.state = .empty;
return error.TimedOut;
fn notify(self: *Self) void {
assert(std.c.pthread_mutex_lock(&self.mutex) == 0);
defer assert(std.c.pthread_mutex_unlock(&self.mutex) == 0);
switch (self.state) {
.empty => self.state = .notified,
.waiting => {
self.state = .notified;
assert(std.c.pthread_cond_signal(&self.cond) == 0);
.notified => unreachable,
test "Futex - wait/wake" {
var value = Atomic(u32).init(0);
Futex.wait(&value, 1, null) catch unreachable;
const wait_noop_result = Futex.wait(&value, 0, 0);
try testing.expectError(error.TimedOut, wait_noop_result);
const wait_longer_result = Futex.wait(&value, 0, std.time.ns_per_ms);
try testing.expectError(error.TimedOut, wait_longer_result);
Futex.wake(&value, 0);
Futex.wake(&value, 1);
Futex.wake(&value, std.math.maxInt(u32));
test "Futex - Signal" {
if (!single_threaded) {
try (struct {
value: Atomic(u32) = Atomic(u32).init(0),
const Self = @This();
fn send(self: *Self, value: u32) void {
self.value.store(value, .Release);
Futex.wake(&self.value, 1);
fn recv(self: *Self, expected: u32) void {
while (true) {
const value = self.value.load(.Acquire);
if (value == expected) break;
Futex.wait(&self.value, value, null) catch unreachable;
const Thread = struct {
tx: *Self,
rx: *Self,
const start_value = 1;
fn run(self: Thread) void {
var iterations: u32 = start_value;
while (iterations < 10) : (iterations += 1) {
fn run() !void {
var ping = Self{};
var pong = Self{};
const t1 = try std.Thread.spawn(Thread.run, .{ .rx = &ping, .tx = &pong });
defer t1.wait();
const t2 = try std.Thread.spawn(Thread.run, .{ .rx = &pong, .tx = &ping });
defer t2.wait();
test "Futex - Broadcast" {
if (!single_threaded) {
try (struct {
threads: [10]*std.Thread = undefined,
broadcast: Atomic(u32) = Atomic(u32).init(0),
notified: Atomic(usize) = Atomic(usize).init(0),
const Self = @This();
fn runReceiver(self: *Self) void {
while (true) {
const broadcast = self.broadcast.load(.Acquire);
if (broadcast == BROADCAST_SENT) break;
assert(broadcast == BROADCAST_EMPTY);
Futex.wait(&self.broadcast, broadcast, null) catch unreachable;
const notified = self.notified.fetchAdd(1, .Monotonic);
if (notified + 1 == self.threads.len) {
self.broadcast.store(BROADCAST_RECEIVED, .Release);
Futex.wake(&self.broadcast, 1);
fn run() !void {
var self = Self{};
for (self.threads) |*thread|
thread.* = try std.Thread.spawn(runReceiver, &self);
defer for (self.threads) |thread|
std.time.sleep(16 * std.time.ns_per_ms);
self.broadcast.store(BROADCAST_SENT, .Monotonic);
Futex.wake(&self.broadcast, @intCast(u32, self.threads.len));
while (true) {
const broadcast = self.broadcast.load(.Acquire);
if (broadcast == BROADCAST_RECEIVED) break;
try testing.expectEqual(broadcast, BROADCAST_SENT);
Futex.wait(&self.broadcast, broadcast, null) catch unreachable;
const notified = self.notified.load(.Monotonic);
try testing.expectEqual(notified, self.threads.len);
test "Futex - Chain" {
if (!single_threaded) {
try (struct {
completed: Signal = .{},
threads: [10]struct {
thread: *std.Thread,
signal: Signal,
} = undefined,
const Signal = struct {
state: Atomic(u32) = Atomic(u32).init(0),
fn wait(self: *Signal) void {
while (true) {
const value = self.value.load(.Acquire);
if (value == 1) break;
assert(value == 0);
Futex.wait(&self.value, 0, null) catch unreachable;
fn notify(self: *Signal) void {
assert(self.value.load(.Unordered) == 0);
self.value.store(1, .Release);
Futex.wake(&self.value, 1);
const Self = @This();
const Chain = struct {
self: *Self,
index: usize,
fn run(chain: Chain) void {
const this_signal = &chain.self.threads[chain.index].signal;
var next_signal = &chain.self.completed;
if (chain.index + 1 < chain.self.threads.len) {
next_signal = &chain.self.threads[chain.index + 1].signal;
fn run() !void {
var self = Self{};
for (self.threads) |*entry, index| {
entry.signal = .{};
entry.thread = try std.Thread.spawn(Chain.run, .{
.self = &self,
.index = index,
for (self.threads) |entry| {
@ -197,13 +197,65 @@ pub extern "c" fn pthread_threadid_np(thread: ?pthread_t, thread_id: *u64) c_int
pub extern "c" fn arc4random_buf(buf: [*]u8, len: usize) void;
// Grand Central Dispatch is exposed by libSystem.
pub extern "c" fn dispatch_release(object: *c_void) void;
pub const dispatch_semaphore_t = *opaque {};
pub const dispatch_time_t = u64;
pub const DISPATCH_TIME_NOW = @as(dispatch_time_t, 0);
pub const DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER = ~@as(dispatch_time_t, 0);
pub extern "c" fn dispatch_semaphore_create(value: isize) ?dispatch_semaphore_t;
pub extern "c" fn dispatch_semaphore_wait(dsema: dispatch_semaphore_t, timeout: dispatch_time_t) isize;
pub extern "c" fn dispatch_semaphore_signal(dsema: dispatch_semaphore_t) isize;
pub extern "c" fn dispatch_release(object: *c_void) void;
pub const dispatch_time_t = u64;
pub const DISPATCH_TIME_NOW = @as(dispatch_time_t, 0);
pub const DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER = ~@as(dispatch_time_t, 0);
pub extern "c" fn dispatch_time(when: dispatch_time_t, delta: i64) dispatch_time_t;
const dispatch_once_t = usize;
const dispatch_function_t = fn (?*c_void) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn dispatch_once_f(
predicate: *dispatch_once_t,
context: ?*c_void,
function: dispatch_function_t,
) void;
// Undocumented futex-like API available on darwin 16+
// (macOS 10.12+, iOS 10.0+, tvOS 10.0+, watchOS 3.0+, catalyst 13.0+).
// [ulock.h]: https://github.com/apple/darwin-xnu/blob/master/bsd/sys/ulock.h
// [sys_ulock.c]: https://github.com/apple/darwin-xnu/blob/master/bsd/kern/sys_ulock.c
pub const UL_COMPARE_AND_WAIT = 1;
pub const UL_UNFAIR_LOCK = 2;
// Obsolete/deprecated
pub const ULF_WAKE_ALL = 0x100;
pub const ULF_WAKE_THREAD = 0x200;
pub const ULF_WAIT_CANCEL_POINT = 0x20000;
pub const ULF_NO_ERRNO = 0x1000000;
// The following are only supported on darwin 19+
// (macOS 10.15+, iOS 13.0+)
pub const UL_UNFAIR_LOCK64_SHARED = 4;
pub const UL_COMPARE_AND_WAIT64 = 5;
pub const ULF_WAIT_ADAPTIVE_SPIN = 0x40000;
pub extern "c" fn __ulock_wait2(op: u32, addr: ?*const c_void, val: u64, timeout_us: u32, val2: u64) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn __ulock_wait(op: u32, addr: ?*const c_void, val: u64, timeout_us: u32) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn __ulock_wake(op: u32, addr: ?*const c_void, val: u64) c_int;
pub const OS_UNFAIR_LOCK_INIT = os_unfair_lock{};
pub const os_unfair_lock_t = *os_unfair_lock;
pub const os_unfair_lock = extern struct {
_os_unfair_lock_opaque: u32 = 0,
pub extern "c" fn os_unfair_lock_lock(o: os_unfair_lock_t) void;
pub extern "c" fn os_unfair_lock_unlock(o: os_unfair_lock_t) void;
pub extern "c" fn os_unfair_lock_trylock(o: os_unfair_lock_t) bool;
pub extern "c" fn os_unfair_lock_assert_owner(o: os_unfair_lock_t) void;
pub extern "c" fn os_unfair_lock_assert_not_owner(o: os_unfair_lock_t) void;
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ pub fn fallocate(fd: i32, mode: i32, offset: i64, length: i64) usize {
pub fn futex_wait(uaddr: *const i32, futex_op: u32, val: i32, timeout: ?*timespec) usize {
pub fn futex_wait(uaddr: *const i32, futex_op: u32, val: i32, timeout: ?*const timespec) usize {
return syscall4(.futex, @ptrToInt(uaddr), futex_op, @bitCast(u32, val), @ptrToInt(timeout));
@ -93,23 +93,26 @@ pub extern "NtDll" fn NtQueryDirectoryFile(
RestartScan: BOOLEAN,
) callconv(WINAPI) NTSTATUS;
pub extern "NtDll" fn NtCreateKeyedEvent(
KeyedEventHandle: *HANDLE,
DesiredAccess: ACCESS_MASK,
ObjectAttributes: ?PVOID,
Flags: ULONG,
) callconv(WINAPI) NTSTATUS;
pub extern "NtDll" fn NtReleaseKeyedEvent(
EventHandle: HANDLE,
Key: *const c_void,
EventHandle: ?HANDLE,
Key: ?*const c_void,
Alertable: BOOLEAN,
Timeout: ?*const LARGE_INTEGER,
) callconv(WINAPI) NTSTATUS;
pub extern "NtDll" fn NtWaitForKeyedEvent(
EventHandle: HANDLE,
Key: *const c_void,
EventHandle: ?HANDLE,
Key: ?*const c_void,
Alertable: BOOLEAN,
Timeout: ?*const LARGE_INTEGER,
) callconv(WINAPI) NTSTATUS;
pub extern "NtDll" fn RtlSetCurrentDirectory_U(PathName: *UNICODE_STRING) callconv(WINAPI) NTSTATUS;
@ -121,3 +124,18 @@ pub extern "NtDll" fn NtQueryObject(
ObjectInformationLength: ULONG,
ReturnLength: ?*ULONG,
) callconv(WINAPI) NTSTATUS;
pub extern "NtDll" fn RtlWakeAddressAll(
Address: ?*const c_void,
) callconv(WINAPI) void;
pub extern "NtDll" fn RtlWakeAddressSingle(
Address: ?*const c_void,
) callconv(WINAPI) void;
pub extern "NtDll" fn RtlWaitOnAddress(
Address: ?*const c_void,
CompareAddress: ?*const c_void,
AddressSize: SIZE_T,
Timeout: ?*const LARGE_INTEGER,
) callconv(WINAPI) NTSTATUS;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user