std.os.cpuCount implementation for macos

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Kelley 2018-07-09 01:08:33 -04:00
parent 50d70d5f49
commit 04d3da4bd1
3 changed files with 64 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ pub extern "c" fn kevent(kq: c_int, changelist: [*]const Kevent, nchanges: c_int
pub extern "c" fn kevent64(kq: c_int, changelist: [*]const kevent64_s, nchanges: c_int,
eventlist: [*]kevent64_s, nevents: c_int, flags: c_uint, timeout: ?*const timespec) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn sysctl(name: [*]c_int, namelen: c_uint, oldp: ?*c_void, oldlenp: ?*usize, newp: ?*c_void, newlen: usize) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn sysctlbyname(name: [*]const u8, oldp: ?*c_void, oldlenp: ?*usize, newp: ?*c_void, newlen: usize) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn sysctlnametomib(name: [*]const u8, mibp: ?*c_int, sizep: ?*usize) c_int;
pub use @import("../os/darwin_errno.zig");
pub const _errno = __error;

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@ -520,6 +520,18 @@ pub fn symlink(existing: [*]const u8, new: [*]const u8) usize {
return errnoWrap(c.symlink(existing, new));
pub fn sysctl(name: [*]c_int, namelen: c_uint, oldp: ?*c_void, oldlenp: ?*usize, newp: ?*c_void, newlen: usize) usize {
return errnoWrap(c.sysctl(name, namelen, oldp, oldlenp, newp, newlen));
pub fn sysctlbyname(name: [*]const u8, oldp: ?*c_void, oldlenp: ?*usize, newp: ?*c_void, newlen: usize) usize {
return errnoWrap(c.sysctlbyname(name, oldp, oldlenp, newp, newlen));
pub fn sysctlnametomib(name: [*]const u8, mibp: ?*c_int, sizep: ?*usize) usize {
return errnoWrap(c.sysctlnametomib(name, wibp, sizep));
pub fn rename(old: [*]const u8, new: [*]const u8) usize {
return errnoWrap(c.rename(old, new));

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@ -2756,35 +2756,57 @@ pub const CpuCountError = error{
pub fn cpuCount(fallback_allocator: *mem.Allocator) CpuCountError!usize {
const usize_count = 16;
const allocator = std.heap.stackFallback(usize_count * @sizeOf(usize), fallback_allocator).get();
switch (builtin.os) {
builtin.Os.macosx => {
var count: c_int = undefined;
var count_len: usize = @sizeOf(c_int);
const rc = posix.sysctlbyname(c"hw.ncpu", @ptrCast(*c_void, &count), &count_len, null, 0);
const err = posix.getErrno(rc);
switch (err) {
0 => return @intCast(usize, count),
posix.EFAULT => unreachable,
posix.EINVAL => unreachable,
posix.ENOMEM => return CpuCountError.OutOfMemory,
posix.ENOTDIR => unreachable,
posix.EISDIR => unreachable,
posix.ENOENT => unreachable,
posix.EPERM => unreachable,
else => return os.unexpectedErrorPosix(err),
builtin.Os.linux => {
const usize_count = 16;
const allocator = std.heap.stackFallback(usize_count * @sizeOf(usize), fallback_allocator).get();
var set = try allocator.alloc(usize, usize_count);
var set = try allocator.alloc(usize, usize_count);
while (true) {
const rc = posix.sched_getaffinity(0, set);
const err = posix.getErrno(rc);
switch (err) {
0 => {
if (rc < set.len * @sizeOf(usize)) {
const result = set[0 .. rc / @sizeOf(usize)];
var sum: usize = 0;
for (result) |x| {
sum += @popCount(x);
return sum;
} else {
set = try allocator.realloc(usize, set, set.len * 2);
while (true) {
const rc = posix.sched_getaffinity(0, set);
const err = posix.getErrno(rc);
switch (err) {
0 => {
if (rc < set.len * @sizeOf(usize)) {
const result = set[0 .. rc / @sizeOf(usize)];
var sum: usize = 0;
for (result) |x| {
sum += @popCount(x);
return sum;
} else {
set = try allocator.realloc(usize, set, set.len * 2);
posix.EFAULT => unreachable,
posix.EINVAL => unreachable,
posix.EPERM => return CpuCountError.PermissionDenied,
posix.ESRCH => unreachable,
else => return os.unexpectedErrorPosix(err),
posix.EFAULT => unreachable,
posix.EINVAL => unreachable,
posix.EPERM => return CpuCountError.PermissionDenied,
posix.ESRCH => unreachable,
else => return os.unexpectedErrorPosix(err),
else => @compileError("unsupported OS"),