
250 lines
8.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

(function() {
const domStatus = document.getElementById("status");
const domSectSource = document.getElementById("sectSource");
2024-08-04 22:45:16 +00:00
const domSectStats = document.getElementById("sectStats");
const domSourceText = document.getElementById("sourceText");
2024-08-04 22:45:16 +00:00
const domStatTotalRuns = document.getElementById("statTotalRuns");
const domStatUniqueRuns = document.getElementById("statUniqueRuns");
2024-08-04 23:09:14 +00:00
const domStatCoverage = document.getElementById("statCoverage");
2024-08-04 22:45:16 +00:00
const domStatLowestStack = document.getElementById("statLowestStack");
const domEntryPointsList = document.getElementById("entryPointsList");
let wasm_promise = fetch("main.wasm");
let sources_promise = fetch("sources.tar").then(function(response) {
if (!response.ok) throw new Error("unable to download sources");
return response.arrayBuffer();
var wasm_exports = null;
var curNavSearch = null;
var curNavLocation = null;
const text_decoder = new TextDecoder();
const text_encoder = new TextEncoder();
domStatus.textContent = "Loading WebAssembly...";
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(wasm_promise, {
js: {
log: function(ptr, len) {
const msg = decodeString(ptr, len);
panic: function (ptr, len) {
const msg = decodeString(ptr, len);
throw new Error("panic: " + msg);
emitSourceIndexChange: onSourceIndexChange,
emitCoverageUpdate: onCoverageUpdate,
emitEntryPointsUpdate: renderStats,
}).then(function(obj) {
wasm_exports = obj.instance.exports;
window.wasm = obj; // for debugging
domStatus.textContent = "Loading sources tarball...";
sources_promise.then(function(buffer) {
domStatus.textContent = "Parsing sources...";
const js_array = new Uint8Array(buffer);
const ptr = wasm_exports.alloc(js_array.length);
const wasm_array = new Uint8Array(wasm_exports.memory.buffer, ptr, js_array.length);
wasm_exports.unpack(ptr, js_array.length);
window.addEventListener('popstate', onPopState, false);
domStatus.textContent = "Waiting for server to send source location metadata...";
function onPopState(ev) {
function onHashChange(state) {
history.replaceState({}, "");
if (state == null) window.scrollTo({top: 0});
function navigate(location_hash) {
curNavLocation = null;
curNavSearch = null;
if (location_hash.length > 1 && location_hash[0] === '#') {
const query = location_hash.substring(1);
const qpos = query.indexOf("?");
let nonSearchPart;
if (qpos === -1) {
nonSearchPart = query;
} else {
nonSearchPart = query.substring(0, qpos);
curNavSearch = decodeURIComponent(query.substring(qpos + 1));
if (nonSearchPart[0] == "l") {
curNavLocation = +nonSearchPart.substring(1);
function connectWebSocket() {
const host = document.location.host;
const pathname = document.location.pathname;
const isHttps = document.location.protocol === 'https:';
const match = host.match(/^(.+):(\d+)$/);
const defaultPort = isHttps ? 443 : 80;
const port = match ? parseInt(match[2], 10) : defaultPort;
const hostName = match ? match[1] : host;
const wsProto = isHttps ? "wss:" : "ws:";
const wsUrl = wsProto + '//' + hostName + ':' + port + pathname;
ws = new WebSocket(wsUrl);
ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
ws.addEventListener('message', onWebSocketMessage, false);
ws.addEventListener('error', timeoutThenCreateNew, false);
ws.addEventListener('close', timeoutThenCreateNew, false);
ws.addEventListener('open', onWebSocketOpen, false);
function onWebSocketOpen() {
//console.log("web socket opened");
function onWebSocketMessage(ev) {
function timeoutThenCreateNew() {
ws.removeEventListener('message', onWebSocketMessage, false);
ws.removeEventListener('error', timeoutThenCreateNew, false);
ws.removeEventListener('close', timeoutThenCreateNew, false);
ws.removeEventListener('open', onWebSocketOpen, false);
ws = null;
setTimeout(connectWebSocket, 1000);
function wasmOnMessage(data) {
const jsArray = new Uint8Array(data);
const ptr = wasm_exports.message_begin(jsArray.length);
const wasmArray = new Uint8Array(wasm_exports.memory.buffer, ptr, jsArray.length);
function onSourceIndexChange() {
if (curNavLocation != null) renderSource(curNavLocation);
function onCoverageUpdate() {
function render() {
2024-08-04 22:45:16 +00:00
function renderStats() {
const totalRuns = wasm_exports.totalRuns();
const uniqueRuns = wasm_exports.uniqueRuns();
2024-08-04 23:09:14 +00:00
const totalSourceLocations = wasm_exports.totalSourceLocations();
const coveredSourceLocations = wasm_exports.coveredSourceLocations();
2024-08-04 22:45:16 +00:00
domStatTotalRuns.innerText = totalRuns;
domStatUniqueRuns.innerText = uniqueRuns + " (" + percent(uniqueRuns, totalRuns) + "%)";
2024-08-04 23:09:14 +00:00
domStatCoverage.innerText = coveredSourceLocations + " / " + totalSourceLocations + " (" + percent(coveredSourceLocations, totalSourceLocations) + "%)";
2024-08-04 22:45:16 +00:00
domStatLowestStack.innerText = unwrapString(wasm_exports.lowestStack());
const entryPoints = unwrapInt32Array(wasm_exports.entryPoints());
resizeDomList(domEntryPointsList, entryPoints.length, "<li></li>");
for (let i = 0; i < entryPoints.length; i += 1) {
const liDom = domEntryPointsList.children[i];
liDom.innerHTML = unwrapString(wasm_exports.sourceLocationLinkHtml(entryPoints[i]));
2024-08-04 22:45:16 +00:00
function renderCoverage() {
if (curNavLocation == null) return;
const sourceLocationIndex = curNavLocation;
for (let i = 0; i < domSourceText.children.length; i += 1) {
const childDom = domSourceText.children[i];
if (childDom.id != null && childDom.id[0] == "l") {
const coveredList = unwrapInt32Array(wasm_exports.sourceLocationFileCoveredList(sourceLocationIndex));
for (let i = 0; i < coveredList.length; i += 1) {
document.getElementById("l" + coveredList[i]).classList.add("c");
function resizeDomList(listDom, desiredLen, templateHtml) {
for (let i = listDom.childElementCount; i < desiredLen; i += 1) {
listDom.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', templateHtml);
while (desiredLen < listDom.childElementCount) {
2024-08-04 22:45:16 +00:00
function percent(a, b) {
return ((Number(a) / Number(b)) * 100).toFixed(1);
function renderSource(sourceLocationIndex) {
const pathName = unwrapString(wasm_exports.sourceLocationPath(sourceLocationIndex));
if (pathName.length === 0) return;
const h2 = domSectSource.children[0];
h2.innerText = pathName;
domSourceText.innerHTML = unwrapString(wasm_exports.sourceLocationFileHtml(sourceLocationIndex));
// Empirically, Firefox needs this requestAnimationFrame in order for the scrollIntoView to work.
requestAnimationFrame(function() {
const slDom = document.getElementById("l" + sourceLocationIndex);
if (slDom != null) slDom.scrollIntoView({
behavior: "smooth",
block: "center",
function decodeString(ptr, len) {
if (len === 0) return "";
return text_decoder.decode(new Uint8Array(wasm_exports.memory.buffer, ptr, len));
function unwrapInt32Array(bigint) {
const ptr = Number(bigint & 0xffffffffn);
const len = Number(bigint >> 32n);
if (len === 0) return new Uint32Array();
return new Uint32Array(wasm_exports.memory.buffer, ptr, len);
function setInputString(s) {
const jsArray = text_encoder.encode(s);
const len = jsArray.length;
const ptr = wasm_exports.set_input_string(len);
const wasmArray = new Uint8Array(wasm_exports.memory.buffer, ptr, len);
function unwrapString(bigint) {
const ptr = Number(bigint & 0xffffffffn);
const len = Number(bigint >> 32n);
return decodeString(ptr, len);