Autogen Class List

reduz 2015-05-02 07:01:31 -03:00
parent f5ded531e6
commit c0f9a88ffa
48 changed files with 325 additions and 288 deletions

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ Built-in GDScript functions.
* [int](class_int) **[randi](#randi)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[randf](#randf)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[rand_range](#rand_range)** **(** [float](class_float) from, [float](class_float) to **)**
* [Nil](class_nil) **[seed](#seed)** **(** [float](class_float) seed **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[rand_seed](#rand_seed)** **(** [float](class_float) seed **)**
* [float](class_float) **[deg2rad](#deg2rad)** **(** [float](class_float) deg **)**
* [float](class_float) **[rad2deg](#rad2deg)** **(** [float](class_float) rad **)**
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ Built-in GDScript functions.
* [Object](class_object) **[dict2inst](#dict2inst)** **(** [Dictionary](class_dictionary) dict **)**
* [int](class_int) **[hash](#hash)** **(** var var:var **)**
* [Nil](class_nil) **[print_stack](#print_stack)** **(** **)**
* [Object](class_object) **[instance_from_id](#instance_from_id)** **(** [int](class_int) instance_id **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **PI** = **3.141593** - Constant that represents how many times the diameter of a

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Axis-Aligned Bounding Box.
* [bool](class_bool) **[intersects_plane](#intersects_plane)** **(** [Plane](class_plane) plane **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[intersects_segment](#intersects_segment)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) from, [Vector3](class_vector3) to **)**
* [AABB](class_aabb) **[merge](#merge)** **(** [AABB](class_aabb) with **)**
* void **[AABB](#AABB)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) pos, [Vector3](class_vector3) size **)**
* [AABB](class_aabb) **[AABB](#AABB)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) pos, [Vector3](class_vector3) size **)**
### Member Variables
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **pos**
@ -145,6 +145,6 @@ Combine this [AABB](class_aabb) with another one, a larger one
is returned that contains both.
#### <a name="AABB">AABB</a>
* void **AABB** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) pos, [Vector3](class_vector3) size **)**
* [AABB](class_aabb) **AABB** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) pos, [Vector3](class_vector3) size **)**
Optional constructor, accepts position and size.

@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ Animation Player that uses a node graph for the blending.
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;active](#is_active)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;base&#95;path](#set_base_path)** **(** [NodePath](class_nodepath) path **)**
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **[get&#95;base&#95;path](#get_base_path)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;master&#95;player](#set_master_player)** **(** [NodePath](class_nodepath) nodepath **)**
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **[get&#95;master&#95;player](#get_master_player)** **(** **)** const
* [StringArray](class_stringarray) **[get&#95;node&#95;list](#get_node_list)** **(** **)**
* void **[reset](#reset)** **(** **)**
* void **[recompute&#95;caches](#recompute_caches)** **(** **)**

@ -13,19 +13,20 @@ Generic array datatype.
* [int](class_int) **[hash](#hash)** **(** **)**
* void **[insert](#insert)** **(** [int](class_int) pos, var value **)**
* void **[invert](#invert)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;shared](#is_shared)** **(** **)**
* void **[push&#95;back](#push_back)** **(** var value **)**
* void **[remove](#remove)** **(** [int](class_int) pos **)**
* void **[resize](#resize)** **(** [int](class_int) pos **)**
* [int](class_int) **[size](#size)** **(** **)**
* void **[sort](#sort)** **(** **)**
* void **[sort&#95;custom](#sort_custom)** **(** [Object](class_object) obj, [String](class_string) func **)**
* void **[Array](#Array)** **(** [RawArray](class_rawarray) from **)**
* void **[Array](#Array)** **(** [IntArray](class_intarray) from **)**
* void **[Array](#Array)** **(** [RealArray](class_realarray) from **)**
* void **[Array](#Array)** **(** [StringArray](class_stringarray) from **)**
* void **[Array](#Array)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) from **)**
* void **[Array](#Array)** **(** [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) from **)**
* void **[Array](#Array)** **(** [ColorArray](class_colorarray) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[Array](#Array)** **(** [RawArray](class_rawarray) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[Array](#Array)** **(** [IntArray](class_intarray) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[Array](#Array)** **(** [RealArray](class_realarray) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[Array](#Array)** **(** [StringArray](class_stringarray) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[Array](#Array)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[Array](#Array)** **(** [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[Array](#Array)** **(** [ColorArray](class_colorarray) from **)**
### Description
Generic array, contains several elements of any type, accessible by numerical index starting at 0. Arrays are always passed by reference.
@ -73,36 +74,36 @@ Resize the array to contain a different number of elements. If the array size is
Return the amount of elements in the array.
#### <a name="Array">Array</a>
* void **Array** **(** [RawArray](class_rawarray) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **Array** **(** [RawArray](class_rawarray) from **)**
Construct an array from a [RawArray](class_rawarray).
#### <a name="Array">Array</a>
* void **Array** **(** [IntArray](class_intarray) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **Array** **(** [IntArray](class_intarray) from **)**
Construct an array from a [RawArray](class_rawarray).
#### <a name="Array">Array</a>
* void **Array** **(** [RealArray](class_realarray) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **Array** **(** [RealArray](class_realarray) from **)**
Construct an array from a [RawArray](class_rawarray).
#### <a name="Array">Array</a>
* void **Array** **(** [StringArray](class_stringarray) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **Array** **(** [StringArray](class_stringarray) from **)**
Construct an array from a [RawArray](class_rawarray).
#### <a name="Array">Array</a>
* void **Array** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **Array** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) from **)**
Construct an array from a [RawArray](class_rawarray).
#### <a name="Array">Array</a>
* void **Array** **(** [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **Array** **(** [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) from **)**
Construct an array from a [RawArray](class_rawarray).
#### <a name="Array">Array</a>
* void **Array** **(** [ColorArray](class_colorarray) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **Array** **(** [ColorArray](class_colorarray) from **)**
Construct an array from a [RawArray](class_rawarray).

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
Boolean built-in type
### Member Functions
* void **[bool](#bool)** **(** [int](class_int) from **)**
* void **[bool](#bool)** **(** [float](class_float) from **)**
* void **[bool](#bool)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[bool](#bool)** **(** [int](class_int) from **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[bool](#bool)** **(** [float](class_float) from **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[bool](#bool)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
### Description
Boolean built-in type.

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Camera node, displays from a point of view.
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[project&#95;local&#95;ray&#95;normal](#project_local_ray_normal)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) screen_point **)** const
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[project&#95;ray&#95;origin](#project_ray_origin)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) screen_point **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[unproject&#95;position](#unproject_position)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) world_point **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;position&#95;behind](#is_position_behind)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) world_point **)** const
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[project&#95;position](#project_position)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) screen_point **)** const
* void **[set&#95;perspective](#set_perspective)** **(** [float](class_float) fov, [float](class_float) z_near, [float](class_float) z_far **)**
* void **[set&#95;orthogonal](#set_orthogonal)** **(** [float](class_float) size, [float](class_float) z_near, [float](class_float) z_far **)**
@ -43,12 +44,12 @@ Camera is a special node that displays what is visible from its current location
#### <a name="project_ray_normal">project_ray_normal</a>
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **project&#95;ray&#95;normal** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) screen_point **)** const
Return a normal vector in worldspace, that is the result of projecting a point on the [Viewport](class_viewport) rectangle by the camera proyection. This is useful for casting rays in the form of (origin,normal) for object intersection or picking.
Return a normal vector in worldspace, that is the result of projecting a point on the [Viewport](class_viewport) rectangle by the camera projection. This is useful for casting rays in the form of (origin,normal) for object intersection or picking.
#### <a name="project_ray_origin">project_ray_origin</a>
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **project&#95;ray&#95;origin** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) screen_point **)** const
Return a 3D position in worldspace, that is the result of projecting a point on the [Viewport](class_viewport) rectangle by the camera proyection. This is useful for casting rays in the form of (origin,normal) for object intersection or picking.
Return a 3D position in worldspace, that is the result of projecting a point on the [Viewport](class_viewport) rectangle by the camera projection. This is useful for casting rays in the form of (origin,normal) for object intersection or picking.
#### <a name="unproject_position">unproject_position</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **unproject&#95;position** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) world_point **)** const

@ -189,16 +189,6 @@ Draw a colored circle.
Draw a texture at a given position.
#### <a name="draw_texture_rect">draw_texture_rect</a>
* void **draw&#95;texture&#95;rect** **(** [Texture](class_texture) texture, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect, [bool](class_bool) tile, [Color](class_color) modulate=false, [bool](class_bool) arg4=Color(1,1,1,1) **)**
Draw a textured rectangle at a given position, optionally modulated by a color.
#### <a name="draw_texture_rect_region">draw_texture_rect_region</a>
* void **draw&#95;texture&#95;rect&#95;region** **(** [Texture](class_texture) texture, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect, [Rect2](class_rect2) src_rect, [Color](class_color) modulate, [bool](class_bool) arg4=Color(1,1,1,1) **)**
Draw a textured rectangle region at a given position, optionally modulated by a color.
#### <a name="draw_style_box">draw_style_box</a>
* void **draw&#95;style&#95;box** **(** [StyleBox](class_stylebox) style_box, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect **)**

@ -10,7 +10,12 @@
* [Shader](class_shader) **[get&#95;shader](#get_shader)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;shader&#95;param](#set_shader_param)** **(** [String](class_string) param, var value **)**
* void **[get&#95;shader&#95;param](#get_shader_param)** **(** [String](class_string) param **)** const
* void **[set&#95;unshaded](#set_unshaded)** **(** [bool](class_bool) unshaded **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;unshaded](#is_unshaded)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;shading&#95;mode](#set_shading_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get&#95;shading&#95;mode](#get_shading_mode)** **(** **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **SHADING_NORMAL** = **0**
* **SHADING_UNSHADED** = **1**
* **SHADING_ONLY_LIGHT** = **2**
### Member Function Description

@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ Color in RGBA format.
* [int](class_int) **[to&#95;32](#to_32)** **(** **)**
* [int](class_int) **[to&#95;ARGB32](#to_ARGB32)** **(** **)**
* [String](class_string) **[to&#95;html](#to_html)** **(** [bool](class_bool) with_alpha=True **)**
* void **[Color](#Color)** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b, [float](class_float) a **)**
* void **[Color](#Color)** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b **)**
* void **[Color](#Color)** **(** [int](class_int) from **)**
* void **[Color](#Color)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[Color](#Color)** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b, [float](class_float) a **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[Color](#Color)** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[Color](#Color)** **(** [int](class_int) from **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[Color](#Color)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
### Member Variables
* [float](class_float) **r**
@ -68,21 +68,21 @@ Convert color to ARGB32, more compatible with DirectX.
Return the HTML hexadecimal color string.
#### <a name="Color">Color</a>
* void **Color** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b, [float](class_float) a **)**
* [Color](class_color) **Color** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b, [float](class_float) a **)**
Construct the color from an RGBA profile.
#### <a name="Color">Color</a>
* void **Color** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b **)**
* [Color](class_color) **Color** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b **)**
Construct the color from an RGBA profile.
#### <a name="Color">Color</a>
* void **Color** **(** [int](class_int) from **)**
* [Color](class_color) **Color** **(** [int](class_int) from **)**
Construct the color from an RGBA profile.
#### <a name="Color">Color</a>
* void **Color** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
* [Color](class_color) **Color** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
Construct the color from an RGBA profile.

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Array of Colors
* void **[resize](#resize)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* void **[set](#set)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [Color](class_color) color **)**
* [int](class_int) **[size](#size)** **(** **)**
* void **[ColorArray](#ColorArray)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
* [ColorArray](class_colorarray) **[ColorArray](#ColorArray)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
### Description
Array of Color, can only contains colors. Optimized for memory usage, cant fragment the memory.
@ -43,6 +43,6 @@ Set an index in the array.
Return the array size.
#### <a name="ColorArray">ColorArray</a>
* void **ColorArray** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
* [ColorArray](class_colorarray) **ColorArray** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
Create from a generic array.

@ -22,5 +22,6 @@
* [float](class_float) **[get&#95;baked&#95;length](#get_baked_length)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[interpolate&#95;baked](#interpolate_baked)** **(** [float](class_float) offset, [bool](class_bool) cubic=false **)** const
* [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) **[get&#95;baked&#95;points](#get_baked_points)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) **[tesselate](#tesselate)** **(** [int](class_int) max_stages=5, [float](class_float) tolerance_degrees=4 **)** const
### Member Function Description

@ -25,5 +25,6 @@
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[interpolate&#95;baked](#interpolate_baked)** **(** [float](class_float) offset, [bool](class_bool) cubic=false **)** const
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **[get&#95;baked&#95;points](#get_baked_points)** **(** **)** const
* [RealArray](class_realarray) **[get&#95;baked&#95;tilts](#get_baked_tilts)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **[tesselate](#tesselate)** **(** [int](class_int) max_stages=5, [float](class_float) tolerance_degrees=4 **)** const
### Member Function Description

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
### Member Functions
* void **[float](#float)** **(** [bool](class_bool) from **)**
* void **[float](#float)** **(** [int](class_int) from **)**
* void **[float](#float)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
* [float](class_float) **[float](#float)** **(** [bool](class_bool) from **)**
* [float](class_float) **[float](#float)** **(** [int](class_int) from **)**
* [float](class_float) **[float](#float)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
### Member Function Description

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
* [float](class_float) **[get&#95;joy&#95;axis](#get_joy_axis)** **(** [int](class_int) device, [int](class_int) axis **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get&#95;joy&#95;name](#get_joy_name)** **(** [int](class_int) device **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get&#95;accelerometer](#get_accelerometer)** **(** **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;mouse&#95;pos](#get_mouse_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;mouse&#95;speed](#get_mouse_speed)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get&#95;mouse&#95;button&#95;mask](#get_mouse_button_mask)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;mouse&#95;mode](#set_mouse_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
@ -31,10 +30,3 @@
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="get_mouse_pos">get_mouse_pos</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get&#95;mouse&#95;pos** **(** **)** const
Return the global, unscaled, screen pointer coordinates.
If the 2D viewport has been scaled, it may not work well
with [Camera](class_camera) or controls.

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
Integer built-in type.
### Member Functions
* void **[int](#int)** **(** [bool](class_bool) from **)**
* void **[int](#int)** **(** [float](class_float) from **)**
* void **[int](#int)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
* [int](class_int) **[int](#int)** **(** [bool](class_bool) from **)**
* [int](class_int) **[int](#int)** **(** [float](class_float) from **)**
* [int](class_int) **[int](#int)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
### Description
Integer built-in type.

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Integer Array .
* void **[resize](#resize)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* void **[set](#set)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) integer **)**
* [int](class_int) **[size](#size)** **(** **)**
* void **[IntArray](#IntArray)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **[IntArray](#IntArray)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
### Description
Integer Array. Array of integers. Can only contain integers. Optimized for memory usage, cant fragment the memory.
@ -43,6 +43,6 @@ Set an index in the array.
Return the array size.
#### <a name="IntArray">IntArray</a>
* void **IntArray** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **IntArray** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
Create from a generic array.

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
### Member Functions
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[move](#move)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) rel_vec **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[move&#95;to](#move_to)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) position **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[can&#95;move&#95;to](#can_move_to)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) position, [bool](class_bool) discrete=false **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[test&#95;move](#test_move)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) rel_vec **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;colliding](#is_colliding)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;collision&#95;pos](#get_collision_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;collision&#95;normal](#get_collision_normal)** **(** **)** const
@ -16,14 +16,6 @@
* void **[get&#95;collider](#get_collider)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get&#95;collider&#95;shape](#get_collider_shape)** **(** **)** const
* void **[get&#95;collider&#95;metadata](#get_collider_metadata)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;collide&#95;with&#95;static&#95;bodies](#set_collide_with_static_bodies)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[can&#95;collide&#95;with&#95;static&#95;bodies](#can_collide_with_static_bodies)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;collide&#95;with&#95;kinematic&#95;bodies](#set_collide_with_kinematic_bodies)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[can&#95;collide&#95;with&#95;kinematic&#95;bodies](#can_collide_with_kinematic_bodies)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;collide&#95;with&#95;rigid&#95;bodies](#set_collide_with_rigid_bodies)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[can&#95;collide&#95;with&#95;rigid&#95;bodies](#can_collide_with_rigid_bodies)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;collide&#95;with&#95;character&#95;bodies](#set_collide_with_character_bodies)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[can&#95;collide&#95;with&#95;character&#95;bodies](#can_collide_with_character_bodies)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;collision&#95;margin](#set_collision_margin)** **(** [float](class_float) pixels **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get&#95;collision&#95;margin](#get_collision_margin)** **(** **)** const

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Provides a base class for different kinds of light nodes.
* **PARAM_ENERGY** = **3**
* **PARAM_SPOT_ANGLE** = **1**
* **COLOR_DIFFUSE** = **0**

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
* [Color](class_color) **[get&#95;color](#get_color)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;height](#set_height)** **(** [float](class_float) height **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get&#95;height](#get_height)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;energy](#set_energy)** **(** [float](class_float) energy **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get&#95;energy](#get_energy)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;texture&#95;scale](#set_texture_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) texture_scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get&#95;texture&#95;scale](#get_texture_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;z&#95;range&#95;min](#set_z_range_min)** **(** [int](class_int) z **)**
@ -30,8 +32,8 @@
* [int](class_int) **[get&#95;item&#95;mask](#get_item_mask)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;item&#95;shadow&#95;mask](#set_item_shadow_mask)** **(** [int](class_int) item_shadow_mask **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get&#95;item&#95;shadow&#95;mask](#get_item_shadow_mask)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;subtract&#95;mode](#set_subtract_mode)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get&#95;subtract&#95;mode](#get_subtract_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;mode](#set_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get&#95;mode](#get_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;shadow&#95;enabled](#set_shadow_enabled)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;shadow&#95;enabled](#is_shadow_enabled)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;shadow&#95;buffer&#95;size](#set_shadow_buffer_size)** **(** [int](class_int) size **)**
@ -39,4 +41,9 @@
* void **[set&#95;shadow&#95;esm&#95;multiplier](#set_shadow_esm_multiplier)** **(** [float](class_float) multiplier **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get&#95;shadow&#95;esm&#95;multiplier](#get_shadow_esm_multiplier)** **(** **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **MODE_ADD** = **0**
* **MODE_SUB** = **1**
* **MODE_MIX** = **2**
### Member Function Description

@ -19,162 +19,162 @@
| | [AudioStream](class_audiostream) | | [Physics2DServerSW](class_physics2dserversw) |
| | [AudioStreamGibberish](class_audiostreamgibberish) | | [Physics2DShapeQueryParameters](class_physics2dshapequeryparameters) |
| | [AudioStreamMPC](class_audiostreammpc) | | [Physics2DShapeQueryResult](class_physics2dshapequeryresult) |
| | [AudioStreamOGGVorbis](class_audiostreamoggvorbis) | | [PhysicsBody](class_physicsbody) |
| | [AudioStreamResampled](class_audiostreamresampled) | | [PhysicsBody2D](class_physicsbody2d) |
| | [AudioStreamSpeex](class_audiostreamspeex) | | [PhysicsDirectBodyState](class_physicsdirectbodystate) |
| **B** | [BackBufferCopy](class_backbuffercopy) | | [PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW](class_physicsdirectbodystatesw) |
| | [BakedLight](class_bakedlight) | | [PhysicsDirectSpaceState](class_physicsdirectspacestate) |
| | [BakedLightInstance](class_bakedlightinstance) | | [PhysicsServer](class_physicsserver) |
| | [BakedLightSampler](class_bakedlightsampler) | | [PhysicsServerSW](class_physicsserversw) |
| | [BaseButton](class_basebutton) | | [PhysicsShapeQueryParameters](class_physicsshapequeryparameters) |
| | [BitMap](class_bitmap) | | [PhysicsShapeQueryResult](class_physicsshapequeryresult) |
| | [BoneAttachment](class_boneattachment) | | [PinJoint](class_pinjoint) |
| | [BoxContainer](class_boxcontainer) | | [PinJoint2D](class_pinjoint2d) |
| | [BoxShape](class_boxshape) | | [Plane](class_plane) |
| | [Button](class_button) | | [PlaneShape](class_planeshape) |
| | [ButtonArray](class_buttonarray) | | [Polygon2D](class_polygon2d) |
| | [ButtonGroup](class_buttongroup) | | [PolygonPathFinder](class_polygonpathfinder) |
| **C** | [Camera](class_camera) | | [Popup](class_popup) |
| | [Camera2D](class_camera2d) | | [PopupDialog](class_popupdialog) |
| | [CanvasItem](class_canvasitem) | | [PopupMenu](class_popupmenu) |
| | [CanvasItemMaterial](class_canvasitemmaterial) | | [PopupPanel](class_popuppanel) |
| | [CanvasItemShader](class_canvasitemshader) | | [Portal](class_portal) |
| | [CanvasItemShaderGraph](class_canvasitemshadergraph) | | [Position2D](class_position2d) |
| | [CanvasLayer](class_canvaslayer) | | [Position3D](class_position3d) |
| | [CanvasModulate](class_canvasmodulate) | | [ProgressBar](class_progressbar) |
| | [CapsuleShape](class_capsuleshape) | | [ProximityGroup](class_proximitygroup) |
| | [CapsuleShape2D](class_capsuleshape2d) | **Q** | [Quad](class_quad) |
| | [CenterContainer](class_centercontainer) | | [Quat](class_quat) |
| | [CheckBox](class_checkbox) | **R** | [RID](class_rid) |
| | [CheckButton](class_checkbutton) | | [Range](class_range) |
| | [CircleShape2D](class_circleshape2d) | | [RawArray](class_rawarray) |
| | [CollisionObject](class_collisionobject) | | [RayCast](class_raycast) |
| | [CollisionObject2D](class_collisionobject2d) | | [RayCast2D](class_raycast2d) |
| | [CollisionPolygon](class_collisionpolygon) | | [RayShape](class_rayshape) |
| | [CollisionPolygon2D](class_collisionpolygon2d) | | [RayShape2D](class_rayshape2d) |
| | [CollisionShape](class_collisionshape) | | [RealArray](class_realarray) |
| | [CollisionShape2D](class_collisionshape2d) | | [Rect2](class_rect2) |
| | [Color](class_color) | | [RectangleShape2D](class_rectangleshape2d) |
| | [ColorArray](class_colorarray) | | [Reference](class_reference) |
| | [ColorPicker](class_colorpicker) | | [ReferenceFrame](class_referenceframe) |
| | [ColorPickerButton](class_colorpickerbutton) | | [RegEx](class_regex) |
| | [ConcavePolygonShape](class_concavepolygonshape) | | [RemoteTransform2D](class_remotetransform2d) |
| | [ConcavePolygonShape2D](class_concavepolygonshape2d) | | [RenderTargetTexture](class_rendertargettexture) |
| | [ConeTwistJoint](class_conetwistjoint) | | [Resource](class_resource) |
| | [ConfigFile](class_configfile) | | [ResourceImportMetadata](class_resourceimportmetadata) |
| | [ConfirmationDialog](class_confirmationdialog) | | [ResourceInteractiveLoader](class_resourceinteractiveloader) |
| | [Container](class_container) | | [ResourceLoader](class_resourceloader) |
| | [Control](class_control) | | [ResourcePreloader](class_resourcepreloader) |
| | [ConvexPolygonShape](class_convexpolygonshape) | | [ResourceSaver](class_resourcesaver) |
| | [ConvexPolygonShape2D](class_convexpolygonshape2d) | | [RichTextLabel](class_richtextlabel) |
| | [CubeMap](class_cubemap) | | [RigidBody](class_rigidbody) |
| | [Curve2D](class_curve2d) | | [RigidBody2D](class_rigidbody2d) |
| | [Curve3D](class_curve3d) | | [Room](class_room) |
| **D** | [DampedSpringJoint2D](class_dampedspringjoint2d) | | [RoomBounds](class_roombounds) |
| | [Dictionary](class_dictionary) | **S** | [Sample](class_sample) |
| | [DirectionalLight](class_directionallight) | | [SampleLibrary](class_samplelibrary) |
| | [Directory](class_directory) | | [SamplePlayer](class_sampleplayer) |
| **E** | [EditorImportPlugin](class_editorimportplugin) | | [SamplePlayer2D](class_sampleplayer2d) |
| | [EditorPlugin](class_editorplugin) | | [SceneTree](class_scenetree) |
| | [EditorScenePostImport](class_editorscenepostimport) | | [Script](class_script) |
| | [EditorScript](class_editorscript) | | [ScrollBar](class_scrollbar) |
| | [Environment](class_environment) | | [ScrollContainer](class_scrollcontainer) |
| | [EventPlayer](class_eventplayer) | | [SegmentShape2D](class_segmentshape2d) |
| | [EventStream](class_eventstream) | | [Semaphore](class_semaphore) |
| | [EventStreamChibi](class_eventstreamchibi) | | [Separator](class_separator) |
| **F** | [File](class_file) | | [Shader](class_shader) |
| | [FileDialog](class_filedialog) | | [ShaderGraph](class_shadergraph) |
| | [FixedMaterial](class_fixedmaterial) | | [ShaderMaterial](class_shadermaterial) |
| | [Font](class_font) | | [Shape](class_shape) |
| | [FuncRef](class_funcref) | | [Shape2D](class_shape2d) |
| **G** | [GDFunctionState](class_gdfunctionstate) | | [Skeleton](class_skeleton) |
| | [GDNativeClass](class_gdnativeclass) | | [Slider](class_slider) |
| | [GDScript](class_gdscript) | | [SliderJoint](class_sliderjoint) |
| | [Generic6DOFJoint](class_generic6dofjoint) | | [SoundPlayer2D](class_soundplayer2d) |
| | [Geometry](class_geometry) | | [SoundRoomParams](class_soundroomparams) |
| | [GeometryInstance](class_geometryinstance) | | [Spatial](class_spatial) |
| | [Globals](class_globals) | | [SpatialPlayer](class_spatialplayer) |
| | [GraphEdit](class_graphedit) | | [SpatialSamplePlayer](class_spatialsampleplayer) |
| | [GraphNode](class_graphnode) | | [SpatialSound2DServer](class_spatialsound2dserver) |
| | [GridContainer](class_gridcontainer) | | [SpatialSound2DServerSW](class_spatialsound2dserversw) |
| | [GridMap](class_gridmap) | | [SpatialSoundServer](class_spatialsoundserver) |
| | [GrooveJoint2D](class_groovejoint2d) | | [SpatialSoundServerSW](class_spatialsoundserversw) |
| **H** | [HBoxContainer](class_hboxcontainer) | | [SpatialStreamPlayer](class_spatialstreamplayer) |
| | [HButtonArray](class_hbuttonarray) | | [SphereShape](class_sphereshape) |
| | [HScrollBar](class_hscrollbar) | | [SpinBox](class_spinbox) |
| | [HSeparator](class_hseparator) | | [SplitContainer](class_splitcontainer) |
| | [HSlider](class_hslider) | | [SpotLight](class_spotlight) |
| | [HSplitContainer](class_hsplitcontainer) | | [Sprite](class_sprite) |
| | [HTTPClient](class_httpclient) | | [Sprite3D](class_sprite3d) |
| | [HingeJoint](class_hingejoint) | | [SpriteBase3D](class_spritebase3d) |
| **I** | [IP](class_ip) | | [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) |
| | [IP_Unix](class_ip_unix) | | [StaticBody](class_staticbody) |
| | [Image](class_image) | | [StaticBody2D](class_staticbody2d) |
| | [ImageTexture](class_imagetexture) | | [StreamPeer](class_streampeer) |
| | [ImmediateGeometry](class_immediategeometry) | | [StreamPeerSSL](class_streampeerssl) |
| | [Input](class_input) | | [StreamPeerTCP](class_streampeertcp) |
| | [InputDefault](class_inputdefault) | | [StreamPlayer](class_streamplayer) |
| | [InputEvent](class_inputevent) | | [String](class_string) |
| | [InputEventAction](class_inputeventaction) | | [StringArray](class_stringarray) |
| | [InputEventJoyButton](class_inputeventjoybutton) | | [StyleBox](class_stylebox) |
| | [InputEventJoyMotion](class_inputeventjoymotion) | | [StyleBoxEmpty](class_styleboxempty) |
| | [InputEventKey](class_inputeventkey) | | [StyleBoxFlat](class_styleboxflat) |
| | [InputEventMouseButton](class_inputeventmousebutton) | | [StyleBoxImageMask](class_styleboximagemask) |
| | [InputEventMouseMotion](class_inputeventmousemotion) | | [StyleBoxTexture](class_styleboxtexture) |
| | [InputEventScreenDrag](class_inputeventscreendrag) | | [SurfaceTool](class_surfacetool) |
| | [InputEventScreenTouch](class_inputeventscreentouch) | **T** | [TCP_Server](class_tcp_server) |
| | [InputMap](class_inputmap) | | [TabContainer](class_tabcontainer) |
| | [IntArray](class_intarray) | | [Tabs](class_tabs) |
| | [InterpolatedCamera](class_interpolatedcamera) | | [TestCube](class_testcube) |
| **J** | [Joint](class_joint) | | [TextEdit](class_textedit) |
| | [Joint2D](class_joint2d) | | [Texture](class_texture) |
| **K** | [KinematicBody](class_kinematicbody) | | [TextureButton](class_texturebutton) |
| | [KinematicBody2D](class_kinematicbody2d) | | [TextureFrame](class_textureframe) |
| **L** | [Label](class_label) | | [TextureProgress](class_textureprogress) |
| | [LargeTexture](class_largetexture) | | [Theme](class_theme) |
| | [Light](class_light) | | [Thread](class_thread) |
| | [Light2D](class_light2d) | | [TileMap](class_tilemap) |
| | [LightOccluder2D](class_lightoccluder2d) | | [TileSet](class_tileset) |
| | [LineEdit](class_lineedit) | | [Timer](class_timer) |
| | [LineShape2D](class_lineshape2d) | | [ToolButton](class_toolbutton) |
| **M** | [MainLoop](class_mainloop) | | [TouchScreenButton](class_touchscreenbutton) |
| | [MarginContainer](class_margincontainer) | | [Transform](class_transform) |
| | [Marshalls](class_marshalls) | | [Translation](class_translation) |
| | [Material](class_material) | | [TranslationServer](class_translationserver) |
| | [MaterialShader](class_materialshader) | | [Tree](class_tree) |
| | [MaterialShaderGraph](class_materialshadergraph) | | [TreeItem](class_treeitem) |
| | [Matrix3](class_matrix3) | | [Tween](class_tween) |
| | [Matrix32](class_matrix32) | **V** | [VBoxContainer](class_vboxcontainer) |
| | [MenuButton](class_menubutton) | | [VButtonArray](class_vbuttonarray) |
| | [Mesh](class_mesh) | | [VScrollBar](class_vscrollbar) |
| | [MeshDataTool](class_meshdatatool) | | [VSeparator](class_vseparator) |
| | [MeshInstance](class_meshinstance) | | [VSlider](class_vslider) |
| | [MeshLibrary](class_meshlibrary) | | [VSplitContainer](class_vsplitcontainer) |
| | [MultiMesh](class_multimesh) | | [Vector2](class_vector2) |
| | [MultiMeshInstance](class_multimeshinstance) | | [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) |
| | [Mutex](class_mutex) | | [Vector3](class_vector3) |
| **N** | [Navigation](class_navigation) | | [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) |
| | [Navigation2D](class_navigation2d) | | [VehicleBody](class_vehiclebody) |
| | [NavigationMesh](class_navigationmesh) | | [VehicleWheel](class_vehiclewheel) |
| | [NavigationMeshInstance](class_navigationmeshinstance) | | [VideoPlayer](class_videoplayer) |
| | [NavigationPolygon](class_navigationpolygon) | | [VideoStream](class_videostream) |
| | [NavigationPolygonInstance](class_navigationpolygoninstance) | | [Viewport](class_viewport) |
| | [Nil](class_nil) | | [ViewportSprite](class_viewportsprite) |
| | [Node](class_node) | | [VisibilityEnabler](class_visibilityenabler) |
| | [Node2D](class_node2d) | | [VisibilityEnabler2D](class_visibilityenabler2d) |
| | [NodePath](class_nodepath) | | [VisibilityNotifier](class_visibilitynotifier) |
| **O** | [OS](class_os) | | [VisibilityNotifier2D](class_visibilitynotifier2d) |
| | [Object](class_object) | | [VisualInstance](class_visualinstance) |
| | [OccluderPolygon2D](class_occluderpolygon2d) | | [VisualServer](class_visualserver) |
| | [OmniLight](class_omnilight) | **W** | [WeakRef](class_weakref) |
| | [OptionButton](class_optionbutton) | | [WindowDialog](class_windowdialog) |
| **P** | [PCKPacker](class_pckpacker) | | [World](class_world) |
| | [PHashTranslation](class_phashtranslation) | | [World2D](class_world2d) |
| | [PackedDataContainer](class_packeddatacontainer) | | [WorldEnvironment](class_worldenvironment) |
| | [PackedDataContainerRef](class_packeddatacontainerref) | **X** | [XMLParser](class_xmlparser) |
| | [PackedScene](class_packedscene) | **Y** | [YSort](class_ysort) |
| | [PacketPeer](class_packetpeer) | **b** | [bool](class_bool) |
| | [PacketPeerStream](class_packetpeerstream) | **f** | [float](class_float) |
| | [PacketPeerUDP](class_packetpeerudp) | **i** | [int](class_int) |
| | [Panel](class_panel) |
| | [AudioStreamOGGVorbis](class_audiostreamoggvorbis) | | [Physics2DTestMotionResult](class_physics2dtestmotionresult) |
| | [AudioStreamResampled](class_audiostreamresampled) | | [PhysicsBody](class_physicsbody) |
| | [AudioStreamSpeex](class_audiostreamspeex) | | [PhysicsBody2D](class_physicsbody2d) |
| **B** | [BackBufferCopy](class_backbuffercopy) | | [PhysicsDirectBodyState](class_physicsdirectbodystate) |
| | [BakedLight](class_bakedlight) | | [PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW](class_physicsdirectbodystatesw) |
| | [BakedLightInstance](class_bakedlightinstance) | | [PhysicsDirectSpaceState](class_physicsdirectspacestate) |
| | [BakedLightSampler](class_bakedlightsampler) | | [PhysicsServer](class_physicsserver) |
| | [BaseButton](class_basebutton) | | [PhysicsServerSW](class_physicsserversw) |
| | [BitMap](class_bitmap) | | [PhysicsShapeQueryParameters](class_physicsshapequeryparameters) |
| | [BoneAttachment](class_boneattachment) | | [PhysicsShapeQueryResult](class_physicsshapequeryresult) |
| | [BoxContainer](class_boxcontainer) | | [PinJoint](class_pinjoint) |
| | [BoxShape](class_boxshape) | | [PinJoint2D](class_pinjoint2d) |
| | [Button](class_button) | | [Plane](class_plane) |
| | [ButtonArray](class_buttonarray) | | [PlaneShape](class_planeshape) |
| | [ButtonGroup](class_buttongroup) | | [Polygon2D](class_polygon2d) |
| **C** | [Camera](class_camera) | | [PolygonPathFinder](class_polygonpathfinder) |
| | [Camera2D](class_camera2d) | | [Popup](class_popup) |
| | [CanvasItem](class_canvasitem) | | [PopupDialog](class_popupdialog) |
| | [CanvasItemMaterial](class_canvasitemmaterial) | | [PopupMenu](class_popupmenu) |
| | [CanvasItemShader](class_canvasitemshader) | | [PopupPanel](class_popuppanel) |
| | [CanvasItemShaderGraph](class_canvasitemshadergraph) | | [Portal](class_portal) |
| | [CanvasLayer](class_canvaslayer) | | [Position2D](class_position2d) |
| | [CanvasModulate](class_canvasmodulate) | | [Position3D](class_position3d) |
| | [CapsuleShape](class_capsuleshape) | | [ProgressBar](class_progressbar) |
| | [CapsuleShape2D](class_capsuleshape2d) | | [ProximityGroup](class_proximitygroup) |
| | [CenterContainer](class_centercontainer) | **Q** | [Quad](class_quad) |
| | [CheckBox](class_checkbox) | | [Quat](class_quat) |
| | [CheckButton](class_checkbutton) | **R** | [RID](class_rid) |
| | [CircleShape2D](class_circleshape2d) | | [Range](class_range) |
| | [CollisionObject](class_collisionobject) | | [RawArray](class_rawarray) |
| | [CollisionObject2D](class_collisionobject2d) | | [RayCast](class_raycast) |
| | [CollisionPolygon](class_collisionpolygon) | | [RayCast2D](class_raycast2d) |
| | [CollisionPolygon2D](class_collisionpolygon2d) | | [RayShape](class_rayshape) |
| | [CollisionShape](class_collisionshape) | | [RayShape2D](class_rayshape2d) |
| | [CollisionShape2D](class_collisionshape2d) | | [RealArray](class_realarray) |
| | [Color](class_color) | | [Rect2](class_rect2) |
| | [ColorArray](class_colorarray) | | [RectangleShape2D](class_rectangleshape2d) |
| | [ColorPicker](class_colorpicker) | | [Reference](class_reference) |
| | [ColorPickerButton](class_colorpickerbutton) | | [ReferenceFrame](class_referenceframe) |
| | [ConcavePolygonShape](class_concavepolygonshape) | | [RegEx](class_regex) |
| | [ConcavePolygonShape2D](class_concavepolygonshape2d) | | [RemoteTransform2D](class_remotetransform2d) |
| | [ConeTwistJoint](class_conetwistjoint) | | [RenderTargetTexture](class_rendertargettexture) |
| | [ConfigFile](class_configfile) | | [Resource](class_resource) |
| | [ConfirmationDialog](class_confirmationdialog) | | [ResourceImportMetadata](class_resourceimportmetadata) |
| | [Container](class_container) | | [ResourceInteractiveLoader](class_resourceinteractiveloader) |
| | [Control](class_control) | | [ResourceLoader](class_resourceloader) |
| | [ConvexPolygonShape](class_convexpolygonshape) | | [ResourcePreloader](class_resourcepreloader) |
| | [ConvexPolygonShape2D](class_convexpolygonshape2d) | | [ResourceSaver](class_resourcesaver) |
| | [CubeMap](class_cubemap) | | [RichTextLabel](class_richtextlabel) |
| | [Curve2D](class_curve2d) | | [RigidBody](class_rigidbody) |
| | [Curve3D](class_curve3d) | | [RigidBody2D](class_rigidbody2d) |
| **D** | [DampedSpringJoint2D](class_dampedspringjoint2d) | | [Room](class_room) |
| | [Dictionary](class_dictionary) | | [RoomBounds](class_roombounds) |
| | [DirectionalLight](class_directionallight) | **S** | [Sample](class_sample) |
| | [Directory](class_directory) | | [SampleLibrary](class_samplelibrary) |
| **E** | [EditorImportPlugin](class_editorimportplugin) | | [SamplePlayer](class_sampleplayer) |
| | [EditorPlugin](class_editorplugin) | | [SamplePlayer2D](class_sampleplayer2d) |
| | [EditorScenePostImport](class_editorscenepostimport) | | [SceneTree](class_scenetree) |
| | [EditorScript](class_editorscript) | | [Script](class_script) |
| | [Environment](class_environment) | | [ScrollBar](class_scrollbar) |
| | [EventPlayer](class_eventplayer) | | [ScrollContainer](class_scrollcontainer) |
| | [EventStream](class_eventstream) | | [SegmentShape2D](class_segmentshape2d) |
| | [EventStreamChibi](class_eventstreamchibi) | | [Semaphore](class_semaphore) |
| **F** | [File](class_file) | | [Separator](class_separator) |
| | [FileDialog](class_filedialog) | | [Shader](class_shader) |
| | [FixedMaterial](class_fixedmaterial) | | [ShaderGraph](class_shadergraph) |
| | [Font](class_font) | | [ShaderMaterial](class_shadermaterial) |
| | [FuncRef](class_funcref) | | [Shape](class_shape) |
| **G** | [GDFunctionState](class_gdfunctionstate) | | [Shape2D](class_shape2d) |
| | [GDNativeClass](class_gdnativeclass) | | [Skeleton](class_skeleton) |
| | [GDScript](class_gdscript) | | [Slider](class_slider) |
| | [Generic6DOFJoint](class_generic6dofjoint) | | [SliderJoint](class_sliderjoint) |
| | [Geometry](class_geometry) | | [SoundPlayer2D](class_soundplayer2d) |
| | [GeometryInstance](class_geometryinstance) | | [SoundRoomParams](class_soundroomparams) |
| | [Globals](class_globals) | | [Spatial](class_spatial) |
| | [GraphEdit](class_graphedit) | | [SpatialPlayer](class_spatialplayer) |
| | [GraphNode](class_graphnode) | | [SpatialSamplePlayer](class_spatialsampleplayer) |
| | [GridContainer](class_gridcontainer) | | [SpatialSound2DServer](class_spatialsound2dserver) |
| | [GridMap](class_gridmap) | | [SpatialSound2DServerSW](class_spatialsound2dserversw) |
| | [GrooveJoint2D](class_groovejoint2d) | | [SpatialSoundServer](class_spatialsoundserver) |
| **H** | [HBoxContainer](class_hboxcontainer) | | [SpatialSoundServerSW](class_spatialsoundserversw) |
| | [HButtonArray](class_hbuttonarray) | | [SpatialStreamPlayer](class_spatialstreamplayer) |
| | [HScrollBar](class_hscrollbar) | | [SphereShape](class_sphereshape) |
| | [HSeparator](class_hseparator) | | [SpinBox](class_spinbox) |
| | [HSlider](class_hslider) | | [SplitContainer](class_splitcontainer) |
| | [HSplitContainer](class_hsplitcontainer) | | [SpotLight](class_spotlight) |
| | [HTTPClient](class_httpclient) | | [Sprite](class_sprite) |
| | [HingeJoint](class_hingejoint) | | [Sprite3D](class_sprite3d) |
| **I** | [IP](class_ip) | | [SpriteBase3D](class_spritebase3d) |
| | [IP_Unix](class_ip_unix) | | [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) |
| | [Image](class_image) | | [StaticBody](class_staticbody) |
| | [ImageTexture](class_imagetexture) | | [StaticBody2D](class_staticbody2d) |
| | [ImmediateGeometry](class_immediategeometry) | | [StreamPeer](class_streampeer) |
| | [Input](class_input) | | [StreamPeerSSL](class_streampeerssl) |
| | [InputDefault](class_inputdefault) | | [StreamPeerTCP](class_streampeertcp) |
| | [InputEvent](class_inputevent) | | [StreamPlayer](class_streamplayer) |
| | [InputEventAction](class_inputeventaction) | | [String](class_string) |
| | [InputEventJoyButton](class_inputeventjoybutton) | | [StringArray](class_stringarray) |
| | [InputEventJoyMotion](class_inputeventjoymotion) | | [StyleBox](class_stylebox) |
| | [InputEventKey](class_inputeventkey) | | [StyleBoxEmpty](class_styleboxempty) |
| | [InputEventMouseButton](class_inputeventmousebutton) | | [StyleBoxFlat](class_styleboxflat) |
| | [InputEventMouseMotion](class_inputeventmousemotion) | | [StyleBoxImageMask](class_styleboximagemask) |
| | [InputEventScreenDrag](class_inputeventscreendrag) | | [StyleBoxTexture](class_styleboxtexture) |
| | [InputEventScreenTouch](class_inputeventscreentouch) | | [SurfaceTool](class_surfacetool) |
| | [InputMap](class_inputmap) | **T** | [TCP_Server](class_tcp_server) |
| | [IntArray](class_intarray) | | [TabContainer](class_tabcontainer) |
| | [InterpolatedCamera](class_interpolatedcamera) | | [Tabs](class_tabs) |
| **J** | [Joint](class_joint) | | [TestCube](class_testcube) |
| | [Joint2D](class_joint2d) | | [TextEdit](class_textedit) |
| **K** | [KinematicBody](class_kinematicbody) | | [Texture](class_texture) |
| | [KinematicBody2D](class_kinematicbody2d) | | [TextureButton](class_texturebutton) |
| **L** | [Label](class_label) | | [TextureFrame](class_textureframe) |
| | [LargeTexture](class_largetexture) | | [TextureProgress](class_textureprogress) |
| | [Light](class_light) | | [Theme](class_theme) |
| | [Light2D](class_light2d) | | [Thread](class_thread) |
| | [LightOccluder2D](class_lightoccluder2d) | | [TileMap](class_tilemap) |
| | [LineEdit](class_lineedit) | | [TileSet](class_tileset) |
| | [LineShape2D](class_lineshape2d) | | [Timer](class_timer) |
| **M** | [MainLoop](class_mainloop) | | [ToolButton](class_toolbutton) |
| | [MarginContainer](class_margincontainer) | | [TouchScreenButton](class_touchscreenbutton) |
| | [Marshalls](class_marshalls) | | [Transform](class_transform) |
| | [Material](class_material) | | [Translation](class_translation) |
| | [MaterialShader](class_materialshader) | | [TranslationServer](class_translationserver) |
| | [MaterialShaderGraph](class_materialshadergraph) | | [Tree](class_tree) |
| | [Matrix3](class_matrix3) | | [TreeItem](class_treeitem) |
| | [Matrix32](class_matrix32) | | [Tween](class_tween) |
| | [MenuButton](class_menubutton) | **V** | [VBoxContainer](class_vboxcontainer) |
| | [Mesh](class_mesh) | | [VButtonArray](class_vbuttonarray) |
| | [MeshDataTool](class_meshdatatool) | | [VScrollBar](class_vscrollbar) |
| | [MeshInstance](class_meshinstance) | | [VSeparator](class_vseparator) |
| | [MeshLibrary](class_meshlibrary) | | [VSlider](class_vslider) |
| | [MultiMesh](class_multimesh) | | [VSplitContainer](class_vsplitcontainer) |
| | [MultiMeshInstance](class_multimeshinstance) | | [Vector2](class_vector2) |
| | [Mutex](class_mutex) | | [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) |
| **N** | [Navigation](class_navigation) | | [Vector3](class_vector3) |
| | [Navigation2D](class_navigation2d) | | [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) |
| | [NavigationMesh](class_navigationmesh) | | [VehicleBody](class_vehiclebody) |
| | [NavigationMeshInstance](class_navigationmeshinstance) | | [VehicleWheel](class_vehiclewheel) |
| | [NavigationPolygon](class_navigationpolygon) | | [VideoPlayer](class_videoplayer) |
| | [NavigationPolygonInstance](class_navigationpolygoninstance) | | [VideoStream](class_videostream) |
| | [Nil](class_nil) | | [Viewport](class_viewport) |
| | [Node](class_node) | | [ViewportSprite](class_viewportsprite) |
| | [Node2D](class_node2d) | | [VisibilityEnabler](class_visibilityenabler) |
| | [NodePath](class_nodepath) | | [VisibilityEnabler2D](class_visibilityenabler2d) |
| **O** | [OS](class_os) | | [VisibilityNotifier](class_visibilitynotifier) |
| | [Object](class_object) | | [VisibilityNotifier2D](class_visibilitynotifier2d) |
| | [OccluderPolygon2D](class_occluderpolygon2d) | | [VisualInstance](class_visualinstance) |
| | [OmniLight](class_omnilight) | | [VisualServer](class_visualserver) |
| | [OptionButton](class_optionbutton) | **W** | [WeakRef](class_weakref) |
| **P** | [PCKPacker](class_pckpacker) | | [WindowDialog](class_windowdialog) |
| | [PHashTranslation](class_phashtranslation) | | [World](class_world) |
| | [PackedDataContainer](class_packeddatacontainer) | | [World2D](class_world2d) |
| | [PackedDataContainerRef](class_packeddatacontainerref) | | [WorldEnvironment](class_worldenvironment) |
| | [PackedScene](class_packedscene) | **X** | [XMLParser](class_xmlparser) |
| | [PacketPeer](class_packetpeer) | **Y** | [YSort](class_ysort) |
| | [PacketPeerStream](class_packetpeerstream) | **b** | [bool](class_bool) |
| | [PacketPeerUDP](class_packetpeerudp) | **f** | [float](class_float) |
| | [Panel](class_panel) | **i** | [int](class_int) |
| | [PanelContainer](class_panelcontainer) |

@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **[transposed](#transposed)** **(** **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[xform](#xform)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) v **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[xform&#95;inv](#xform_inv)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) v **)**
* void **[Matrix3](#Matrix3)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) x_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) y_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) z_axis **)**
* void **[Matrix3](#Matrix3)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) axis, [float](class_float) phi **)**
* void **[Matrix3](#Matrix3)** **(** [Quat](class_quat) from **)**
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **[Matrix3](#Matrix3)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) x_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) y_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) z_axis **)**
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **[Matrix3](#Matrix3)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) axis, [float](class_float) phi **)**
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **[Matrix3](#Matrix3)** **(** [Quat](class_quat) from **)**
### Member Variables
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **x**
@ -94,16 +94,16 @@ Return a vector transformed by the matrix and return it.
Return a vector transformed by the transposed matrix and return it.
#### <a name="Matrix3">Matrix3</a>
* void **Matrix3** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) x_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) y_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) z_axis **)**
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **Matrix3** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) x_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) y_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) z_axis **)**
Create a matrix from 3 axis vectors.
#### <a name="Matrix3">Matrix3</a>
* void **Matrix3** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) axis, [float](class_float) phi **)**
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **Matrix3** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) axis, [float](class_float) phi **)**
Create a matrix from 3 axis vectors.
Create a matrix from an axis vector and an angle.
#### <a name="Matrix3">Matrix3</a>
* void **Matrix3** **(** [Quat](class_quat) from **)**
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **Matrix3** **(** [Quat](class_quat) from **)**
Create a matrix from 3 axis vectors.
Create a matrix from a quaternion.

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[translated](#translated)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) offset **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[xform](#xform)** **(** var v **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[xform&#95;inv](#xform_inv)** **(** var v **)**
* void **[Matrix32](#Matrix32)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) x_axis, [Vector2](class_vector2) y_axis, [Vector2](class_vector2) origin **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[Matrix32](#Matrix32)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) x_axis, [Vector2](class_vector2) y_axis, [Vector2](class_vector2) origin **)**
### Member Variables
* [float](class_float) **x**

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get&#95;closest&#95;point&#95;to&#95;segment](#get_closest_point_to_segment)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) start, [Vector3](class_vector3) end, [bool](class_bool) use_collision=false **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get&#95;closest&#95;point](#get_closest_point)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) to_point **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get&#95;closest&#95;point&#95;normal](#get_closest_point_normal)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) to_point **)**
* [Object](class_object) **[get&#95;closest&#95;point&#95;owner](#get_closest_point_owner)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) to_point **)**
* void **[set&#95;up&#95;vector](#set_up_vector)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) up **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get&#95;up&#95;vector](#get_up_vector)** **(** **)** const

@ -11,5 +11,6 @@
* void **[navpoly&#95;remove](#navpoly_remove)** **(** [int](class_int) id **)**
* [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) **[get&#95;simple&#95;path](#get_simple_path)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) start, [Vector2](class_vector2) end, [bool](class_bool) optimize=true **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;closest&#95;point](#get_closest_point)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) to_point **)**
* [Object](class_object) **[get&#95;closest&#95;point&#95;owner](#get_closest_point_owner)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) to_point **)**
### Member Function Description

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ Base class for all the "Scene" elements.
* [String](class_string) **[get&#95;name](#get_name)** **(** **)** const
* void **[add&#95;child](#add_child)** **(** [Node](class_node) node **)**
* void **[remove&#95;child](#remove_child)** **(** [Node](class_node) node **)**
* void **[remove&#95;and&#95;delete&#95;child](#remove_and_delete_child)** **(** [Node](class_node) node **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get&#95;child&#95;count](#get_child_count)** **(** **)** const
* [Array](class_array) **[get&#95;children](#get_children)** **(** **)** const
* [Node](class_node) **[get&#95;child](#get_child)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Built-in type optimized for path traversing.
* [int](class_int) **[get&#95;subname&#95;count](#get_subname_count)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;absolute](#is_absolute)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;empty](#is_empty)** **(** **)**
* void **[NodePath](#NodePath)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **[NodePath](#NodePath)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
### Description
Built-in type optimized for path traversing. A Node path is an optimized compiled path used for traversing the scene tree.

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Base class for all non built-in types.
* void **[&#95;init](#_init)** **(** **)** virtual
* void **[&#95;notification](#_notification)** **(** [int](class_int) what **)** virtual
* void **[&#95;set](#_set)** **(** [String](class_string) property, var value **)** virtual
* void **[free](#free)** **(** **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get&#95;type](#get_type)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;type](#is_type)** **(** [String](class_string) type **)** const
* void **[set](#set)** **(** [String](class_string) property, var value **)**
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ Base class for all non built-in types.
* void **[property&#95;list&#95;changed&#95;notify](#property_list_changed_notify)** **(** **)**
* [String](class_string) **[XL&#95;MESSAGE](#XL_MESSAGE)** **(** [String](class_string) message **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[tr](#tr)** **(** [String](class_string) message **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;queued&#95;for&#95;deletion](#is_queued_for_deletion)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **script&#95;changed** **(** **)**

@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ Operating System functions.
* [Array](class_array) **[get&#95;fullscreen&#95;mode&#95;list](#get_fullscreen_mode_list)** **(** [int](class_int) screen=0 **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get&#95;screen&#95;count](#get_screen_count)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get&#95;current&#95;screen](#get_current_screen)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;current&#95;screen](#set_current_screen)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;screen&#95;position](#get_screen_position)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0=0 **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;screen&#95;size](#get_screen_size)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0=0 **)** const
* void **[set&#95;current&#95;screen](#set_current_screen)** **(** [int](class_int) screen **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;screen&#95;position](#get_screen_position)** **(** [int](class_int) screen=0 **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;screen&#95;size](#get_screen_size)** **(** [int](class_int) screen=0 **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;window&#95;position](#get_window_position)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;window&#95;position](#set_window_position)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) arg0 **)**
* void **[set&#95;window&#95;position](#set_window_position)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) position **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;window&#95;size](#get_window_size)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;window&#95;size](#set_window_size)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) arg0 **)**
* void **[set&#95;window&#95;size](#set_window_size)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) size **)**
* void **[set&#95;window&#95;fullscreen](#set_window_fullscreen)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;window&#95;fullscreen](#is_window_fullscreen)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;window&#95;resizable](#set_window_resizable)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ Operating System functions.
* void **[delay&#95;usec](#delay_usec)** **(** [int](class_int) usec **)** const
* void **[delay&#95;msec](#delay_msec)** **(** [int](class_int) msec **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get&#95;ticks&#95;msec](#get_ticks_msec)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get&#95;splash&#95;tick&#95;msec](#get_splash_tick_msec)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get&#95;locale](#get_locale)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get&#95;model&#95;name](#get_model_name)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get&#95;custom&#95;level](#get_custom_level)** **(** **)** const

@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ Physics 2D Server.
* void **[body&#95;set&#95;omit&#95;force&#95;integration](#body_set_omit_force_integration)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[body&#95;is&#95;omitting&#95;force&#95;integration](#body_is_omitting_force_integration)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body **)** const
* void **[body&#95;set&#95;force&#95;integration&#95;callback](#body_set_force_integration_callback)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [Object](class_object) receiver, [String](class_string) method, var arg3 **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[body&#95;test&#95;motion](#body_test_motion)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [Vector2](class_vector2) motion, [float](class_float) margin=0.08, [Physics2DTestMotionResult](class_physics2dtestmotionresult) result=NULL **)**
* void **[joint&#95;set&#95;param](#joint_set_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) joint, [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[joint&#95;get&#95;param](#joint_get_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) joint, [int](class_int) param **)** const
* [RID](class_rid) **[pin&#95;joint&#95;create](#pin_joint_create)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) anchor, [RID](class_rid) body_a, [RID](class_rid) body_b=RID() **)**

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Physics2DTestMotionResult
####**Inherits:** [Reference](class_reference)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;motion](#get_motion)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;motion&#95;remainder](#get_motion_remainder)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;collision&#95;point](#get_collision_point)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;collision&#95;normal](#get_collision_normal)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;collider&#95;velocity](#get_collider_velocity)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get&#95;collider&#95;id](#get_collider_id)** **(** **)** const
* [RID](class_rid) **[get&#95;collider&#95;rid](#get_collider_rid)** **(** **)** const
* [Object](class_object) **[get&#95;collider](#get_collider)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get&#95;collider&#95;shape](#get_collider_shape)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description

@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ Plane in hessian form.
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;point&#95;over](#is_point_over)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point **)**
* [Plane](class_plane) **[normalized](#normalized)** **(** **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[project](#project)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point **)**
* void **[Plane](#Plane)** **(** [float](class_float) a, [float](class_float) b, [float](class_float) c, [float](class_float) d **)**
* void **[Plane](#Plane)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) v1, [Vector3](class_vector3) v2, [Vector3](class_vector3) v3 **)**
* void **[Plane](#Plane)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) normal, [float](class_float) d **)**
* [Plane](class_plane) **[Plane](#Plane)** **(** [float](class_float) a, [float](class_float) b, [float](class_float) c, [float](class_float) d **)**
* [Plane](class_plane) **[Plane](#Plane)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) v1, [Vector3](class_vector3) v2, [Vector3](class_vector3) v3 **)**
* [Plane](class_plane) **[Plane](#Plane)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) normal, [float](class_float) d **)**
### Member Variables
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **normal**
@ -31,30 +31,45 @@ Plane represents a normalized plane equation. Basically, "normal" is the normal
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="center">center</a>
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **center** **(** **)**
Returns the center of the plane.
#### <a name="distance_to">distance_to</a>
* [float](class_float) **distance&#95;to** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point **)**
Returns the shortest distance from the plane to the position "point".
#### <a name="get_any_point">get_any_point</a>
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **get&#95;any&#95;point** **(** **)**
Returns a point on the plane.
#### <a name="has_point">has_point</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **has&#95;point** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point, [float](class_float) epsilon=0.00001 **)**
Returns true if "p" is inside the plane (by a very minimum treshold).
Returns true if "point" is inside the plane (by a very minimum treshold).
#### <a name="intersect_3">intersect_3</a>
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **intersect&#95;3** **(** [Plane](class_plane) b, [Plane](class_plane) c **)**
Returns true if this plane intersects with planes "a" and "b". The resulting intersectin is placed in "r".
Returns the intersection point of the three planes "b", "c" and this plane. If no intersection is found null is returned.
#### <a name="intersects_ray">intersects_ray</a>
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **intersects&#95;ray** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) from, [Vector3](class_vector3) dir **)**
Returns true if ray consiting of position "p" and direction normal "d" intersects this plane. If true, the result is placed in "r".
Returns the intersection point of a ray consisting of the position "from" and the direction normal "dir" with this plane. If no intersection is found null is returned.
#### <a name="intersects_segment">intersects_segment</a>
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **intersects&#95;segment** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) begin, [Vector3](class_vector3) end **)**
Returns true if segment from position "sa" to position "sb" intersects this plane. If true, the result is placed in "r".
Returns the intersection point of a segment from position "begin" to position "end" with this plane. If no intersection is found null is returned.
#### <a name="is_point_over">is_point_over</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is&#95;point&#95;over** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point **)**
Returns true if "p" is located above the plane.
Returns true if "point" is located above the plane.
#### <a name="normalized">normalized</a>
* [Plane](class_plane) **normalized** **(** **)**
@ -65,3 +80,18 @@ Returns a copy of the plane, normalized.
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **project** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point **)**
Returns the orthogonal projection of point "p" into a point in the plane.
#### <a name="Plane">Plane</a>
* [Plane](class_plane) **Plane** **(** [float](class_float) a, [float](class_float) b, [float](class_float) c, [float](class_float) d **)**
Creates a plane from the three parameters "a", "b", "c" and "d".
#### <a name="Plane">Plane</a>
* [Plane](class_plane) **Plane** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) v1, [Vector3](class_vector3) v2, [Vector3](class_vector3) v3 **)**
Creates a plane from three points.
#### <a name="Plane">Plane</a>
* [Plane](class_plane) **Plane** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) normal, [float](class_float) d **)**
Creates a plane from the normal and the plane's distance to the origin.

@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
* [float](class_float) **[get&#95;texture&#95;rotation](#get_texture_rotation)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;texture&#95;scale](#set_texture_scale)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) texture_scale **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get&#95;texture&#95;scale](#get_texture_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;texture&#95;repeat](#set_texture_repeat)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get&#95;texture&#95;repeat](#get_texture_repeat)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;invert](#set_invert)** **(** [bool](class_bool) invert **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get&#95;invert](#get_invert)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;invert&#95;border](#set_invert_border)** **(** [float](class_float) invert_border **)**

@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ Quaternion.
* [Quat](class_quat) **[normalized](#normalized)** **(** **)**
* [Quat](class_quat) **[slerp](#slerp)** **(** [Quat](class_quat) b, [float](class_float) t **)**
* [Quat](class_quat) **[slerpni](#slerpni)** **(** [Quat](class_quat) b, [float](class_float) t **)**
* void **[Quat](#Quat)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y, [float](class_float) z, [float](class_float) w **)**
* void **[Quat](#Quat)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) axis, [float](class_float) angle **)**
* void **[Quat](#Quat)** **(** [Matrix3](class_matrix3) from **)**
* [Quat](class_quat) **[Quat](#Quat)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y, [float](class_float) z, [float](class_float) w **)**
* [Quat](class_quat) **[Quat](#Quat)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) axis, [float](class_float) angle **)**
* [Quat](class_quat) **[Quat](#Quat)** **(** [Matrix3](class_matrix3) from **)**
### Member Variables
* [float](class_float) **x**

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Raw byte array.
* void **[resize](#resize)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* void **[set](#set)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) byte **)**
* [int](class_int) **[size](#size)** **(** **)**
* void **[RawArray](#RawArray)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
* [RawArray](class_rawarray) **[RawArray](#RawArray)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
### Description
Raw byte array. Contains bytes. Optimized for memory usage, cant fragment the memory.

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Real Array .
* void **[resize](#resize)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* void **[set](#set)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [int](class_int) **[size](#size)** **(** **)**
* void **[RealArray](#RealArray)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
* [RealArray](class_realarray) **[RealArray](#RealArray)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
### Description
Real Array. Array of floating point values. Can only contain floats. Optimized for memory usage, cant fragment the memory.

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
* [bool](class_bool) **[has&#95;point](#has_point)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) point **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[intersects](#intersects)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) b **)**
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[merge](#merge)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) b **)**
* void **[Rect2](#Rect2)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [Vector2](class_vector2) size **)**
* void **[Rect2](#Rect2)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y, [float](class_float) width, [float](class_float) height **)**
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[Rect2](#Rect2)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [Vector2](class_vector2) size **)**
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[Rect2](#Rect2)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y, [float](class_float) width, [float](class_float) height **)**
### Member Variables
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **pos**

@ -23,11 +23,6 @@ Resource Loader. This is a static object accessible as [ResourceLoader](class_re
Load a resource interactively, the returned object allows to load with high granularity.
#### <a name="load">load</a>
* [Resource](class_resource) **load** **(** [String](class_string) path, [String](class_string) type_hint="", [bool](class_bool) p_no_cache=false **)**
Load a resource. Optionally a hint can be given for the resource type to load.
#### <a name="get_recognized_extensions_for_type">get_recognized_extensions_for_type</a>
* [StringArray](class_stringarray) **get&#95;recognized&#95;extensions&#95;for&#95;type** **(** [String](class_string) type **)**

@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ Label that displays rich text.
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;selection&#95;enabled](#is_selection_enabled)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[parse&#95;bbcode](#parse_bbcode)** **(** [String](class_string) bbcode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[append&#95;bbcode](#append_bbcode)** **(** [String](class_string) bbcode **)**
* void **[set&#95;bbcode](#set_bbcode)** **(** [String](class_string) text **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get&#95;bbcode](#get_bbcode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;use&#95;bbcode](#set_use_bbcode)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;using&#95;bbcode](#is_using_bbcode)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **meta&#95;clicked** **(** [Nil](class_nil) meta **)**

@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
### Member Functions
* [int](class_int) **[get&#95;id](#get_id)** **(** **)**
* void **[RID](#RID)** **(** [Object](class_object) from **)**
* [RID](class_rid) **[RID](#RID)** **(** [Object](class_object) from **)**
### Member Function Description

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ Rigid body 2D node.
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;sleeping](#is_sleeping)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set&#95;can&#95;sleep](#set_can_sleep)** **(** [bool](class_bool) able_to_sleep **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;able&#95;to&#95;sleep](#is_able_to_sleep)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[test&#95;motion](#test_motion)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) motion, [float](class_float) margin=0.08, [Physics2DTestMotionResult](class_physics2dtestmotionresult) result=NULL **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[get&#95;colliding&#95;bodies](#get_colliding_bodies)** **(** **)** const
### Signals

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ String Array .
* void **[resize](#resize)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* void **[set](#set)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [String](class_string) string **)**
* [int](class_int) **[size](#size)** **(** **)**
* void **[StringArray](#StringArray)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
* [StringArray](class_stringarray) **[StringArray](#StringArray)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
### Description
String Array. Array of strings. Can only contain strings. Optimized for memory usage, cant fragment the memory.

@ -60,8 +60,3 @@ Change the texture flags.
* [int](class_int) **get&#95;flags** **(** **)** const
Return the current texture flags.
#### <a name="draw">draw</a>
* void **draw** **(** [RID](class_rid) canvas_item, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1), [bool](class_bool) arg3=false **)** const
Draw the texture into a a [VisualServer](class_visualserver) canvas item.

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Node for 2D Tile-Based games.
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;cell&#95;x&#95;flipped](#is_cell_x_flipped)** **(** [int](class_int) x, [int](class_int) y **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is&#95;cell&#95;y&#95;flipped](#is_cell_y_flipped)** **(** [int](class_int) x, [int](class_int) y **)** const
* void **[clear](#clear)** **(** **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[get&#95;used&#95;cells](#get_used_cells)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[map&#95;to&#95;world](#map_to_world)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) mappos, [bool](class_bool) ignore_half_ofs=false **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[world&#95;to&#95;map](#world_to_map)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) worldpos **)** const
@ -112,11 +113,6 @@ Set tiles to be centered in y coordinate. (by default this is false and they are
Return true if tiles are to be centered in y coordinate (by default this is false and they are drawn from upper left cell corner).
#### <a name="set_cell">set_cell</a>
* void **set&#95;cell** **(** [int](class_int) x, [int](class_int) y, [int](class_int) tile, [bool](class_bool) flip_x=false, [bool](class_bool) flip_y=false, [bool](class_bool) transpose=false **)**
Set the contents of a cell. Cells can be optionally flipped in y or x.
#### <a name="get_cell">get_cell</a>
* [int](class_int) **get&#95;cell** **(** [int](class_int) x, [int](class_int) y **)** const

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
* [Transform](class_transform) **[translated](#translated)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) ofs **)**
* var **[xform](#xform)** **(** var v **)**
* var **[xform&#95;inv](#xform_inv)** **(** var v **)**
* void **[Transform](#Transform)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) x_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) y_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) z_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) origin **)**
* void **[Transform](#Transform)** **(** [Matrix3](class_matrix3) basis, [Vector3](class_vector3) origin **)**
* void **[Transform](#Transform)** **(** [Matrix32](class_matrix32) from **)**
* void **[Transform](#Transform)** **(** [Quat](class_quat) from **)**
* void **[Transform](#Transform)** **(** [Matrix3](class_matrix3) from **)**
* [Transform](class_transform) **[Transform](#Transform)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) x_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) y_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) z_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) origin **)**
* [Transform](class_transform) **[Transform](#Transform)** **(** [Matrix3](class_matrix3) basis, [Vector3](class_vector3) origin **)**
* [Transform](class_transform) **[Transform](#Transform)** **(** [Matrix32](class_matrix32) from **)**
* [Transform](class_transform) **[Transform](#Transform)** **(** [Quat](class_quat) from **)**
* [Transform](class_transform) **[Transform](#Transform)** **(** [Matrix3](class_matrix3) from **)**
### Member Variables
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **basis**

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Vector used for 2D Math.
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[slide](#slide)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) vec **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[snapped](#snapped)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) by **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[tangent](#tangent)** **(** **)**
* void **[Vector2](#Vector2)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[Vector2](#Vector2)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
### Member Variables
* [float](class_float) **x**

@ -10,6 +10,6 @@
* void **[resize](#resize)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* void **[set](#set)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [Vector2](class_vector2) vector2 **)**
* [int](class_int) **[size](#size)** **(** **)**
* void **[Vector2Array](#Vector2Array)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
* [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) **[Vector2Array](#Vector2Array)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
### Member Function Description

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Vector class, which performs basic 3D vector math operations.
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[rotated](#rotated)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) axis, [float](class_float) phi **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[slide](#slide)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) by **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[snapped](#snapped)** **(** [float](class_float) by **)**
* void **[Vector3](#Vector3)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y, [float](class_float) z **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[Vector3](#Vector3)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y, [float](class_float) z **)**
### Member Variables
* [float](class_float) **x**

@ -10,6 +10,6 @@
* void **[resize](#resize)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* void **[set](#set)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [Vector3](class_vector3) vector3 **)**
* [int](class_int) **[size](#size)** **(** **)**
* void **[Vector3Array](#Vector3Array)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **[Vector3Array](#Vector3Array)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
### Member Function Description