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synced 2025-02-16 07:40:36 +00:00
Replace all pages by link to new docs
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# Background loading
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
When switching the main scene of your game (for example going to a new level), you might want to show a loading screen with some indication that progress is being made. The main load method (```ResourceLoader::load``` or just ```load``` from gdscript) blocks your thread while the resource is being loaded, so It's not good. This document discusses the ```ResourceInteractiveLoader``` class for smoother load screens.
## ResourceInteractiveLoader
The ```ResourceInteractiveLoader``` class allows you to load a resource in stages. Every time the method ```poll``` is called, a new stage is loaded, and control is returned to the caller. Each stage is generally a sub-resource that is loaded by the main resource. For example, if you're loading a scene that loads 10 images, each image will be one stage.
## Usage
Usage is generally as follows
### Obtaining a ResourceInteractiveLoader
Ref<ResourceInteractiveLoader> ResourceLoader::load_interactive(String p_path);
This method will give you a ResourceInteractiveLoader that you will use to manage the load operation.
### Polling
Error ResourceInteractiveLoader::poll();
Use this method to advance the progress of the load. Each call to ```poll``` will load the next stage of your resource. Keep in mind that each stage is one entire "atomic" resource, such as an image, or a mesh, so it will take several frames to load.
Returns ```OK``` on no errors, ```ERR_FILE_EOF``` when loading is finished. Any other return value means there was an error and loading has stopped.
### Load Progress (optional)
To query the progress of the load, use the following methods:
int ResourceInteractiveLoader::get_stage_count() const;
int ResourceInteractiveLoader::get_stage() const;
```get_stage_count``` returns the total number of stages to load
```get_stage``` returns the current stage being loaded
### Forcing completion (optional)
Error ResourceInteractiveLoader::wait();
Use this method if you need to load the entire resource in the current frame, without any more steps.
### Obtaining the resource
Ref<Resource> ResourceInteractiveLoader::get_resource();
If everything goes well, use this method to retrieve your loaded resource.
## Example
This example demostrates how to load a new scene. Consider it in the context of the [Scene Switcher](https://github.com/okamstudio/godot/wiki/tutorial_singletons#scene-switcher) example.
First we setup some variables and initialize the ```current_scene``` with the main scene of the game:
var loader
var wait_frames
var time_max = 100 # msec
var current_scene
func _ready():
var root = get_tree().get_root()
current_scene = root.get_child( root.get_child_count() -1 )
The function ```goto_scene``` is called from the game when the scene needs to be switched. It requests an interactive loader, and calls ```set_progress(true)``` to start polling the loader in the ```_progress``` callback. It also starts a "loading" animation, which can show a progress bar or loading screen, etc.
func goto_scene(path): # game requests to switch to this scene
loader = ResourceLoader.load_interactive(path)
if loader == null: # check for errors
current_secne.queue_free() # get rid of the old scene
# start your "loading..." animation
wait_frames = 1
```_process``` is where the loader is polled. ```poll``` is called, and then we deal with the return value from that call. ```OK``` means keep polling, ```ERR_FILE_EOF``` means load is done, anything else means there was an error. Also note we skip one frame (via ```wait_frames```, set on the ```goto_scene``` function) to allow the loading screen to show up.
Note how use use ```OS.get_ticks_msec``` to control how long we block the thread. Some stages might load really fast, which means we might be able to cram more than one call to ```poll``` in one frame, some might take way more than your value for ```time_max```, so keep in mind we won't have precise control over the timings.
func _process(time):
if loader == null:
# no need to process anymore
if wait_frames > 0: # wait for frames to let the "loading" animation to show up
wait_frames -= 1
var t = OS.get_ticks_msec()
while OS.get_ticks_msec() < t + time_max: # use "time_max" to control how much time we block this thread
# poll your loader
var err = loader.poll()
if err == ERR_FILE_EOF: # load finished
var resource = loader.get_resource()
loader = null
elif err == OK:
else: # error during loading
loader = null
Some extra helper functions. ```update_progress``` updates a progress bar, or can also update a paused animation (the animation represents the entire load process from beginning to end). ```set_new_scene``` puts the newly loaded scene on the tree. Because it's a scene being loaded, ```instance()``` needs to be called on the resource obtained from the loader.
func update_progress():
var progress = float(loader.get_stage()) / loader.get_stage_count()
# update your progress bar?
# or update a progress animation?
var len = get_node("animation").get_current_animation_length()
# call this on a paused animation. use "true" as the second parameter to force the animation to update
get_node("animation").seek(progress * len, true)
func set_new_scene(scene_resource):
current_scene = scene_resource.instance()
# Using multiple threads
ResourceInteractiveLoader can be used from multiple threads. A couple of things to keep in mind if you attempt it:
### Use a Semaphore
While your thread waits for the main thread to request a new resource, use a Semaphore to sleep (instead of a busy loop or anything similar).
### Don't block the main thread during the call to ```poll```
If you have a mutex to allow calls from the main thread to your loader class, don't lock it while you call ```poll``` on the loader. When a resource is finished loading, it might require some resources from the low level APIs (VisualServer, etc), which might need to lock the main thread to acquire them. This might cause a deadlock if the main thread is waiting for your mutex while your thread is waiting to load a resource.
## Example class
You can find an example class for loading resources in threads [here](media/resource_queue.gd). Usage is as follows:
func start()
Call after you instance the class to start the thread.
func queue_resource(path, p_in_front = false)
Queue a resource. Use optional parameter "p_in_front" to put it in front of the queue.
func cancel_resource(path)
Remove a resource from the queue, discarding any loading done.
func is_ready(path)
Returns true if a resource is done loading and ready to be retrieved.
func get_progress(path)
Get the progress of a resource. Returns -1 on error (for example if the resource is not on the queue), or a number between 0.0 and 1.0 with the progress of the load. Use mostly for cosmetic purposes (updating progress bars, etc), use ```is_ready``` to find out if a resource is actually ready.
func get_resource(path)
Returns the fully loaded resource, or null on error. If the resource is not done loading (```is_ready``` returns false), it will block your thread and finish the load. If the resource is not on the queue, it will call ```ResourceLoader::load``` to load it normally and return it.
### Example:
# initialize
queue = preload("res://resource_queue.gd").new()
# suppose your game starts with a 10 second custscene, during which the user can't interact with the game.
# For that time we know they won't use the pause menu, so we can queue it to load during the cutscene:
# later when the user presses the pause button for the first time:
pause_menu = queue.get_resource("res://pause_menu.xml").instance()
# when you need a new scene:
queue.queue_resource("res://level_1.xml", true) # use "true" as the second parameter to put it at the front
# of the queue, pausing the load of any other resource
# to check progress
if queue.is_ready("res://level_1.xml"):
# when the user walks away from the trigger zone in your Metroidvania game:
**Note**: this code in its current form is not tested in real world scenarios. Find me on IRC (punto on irc.freenode.net) or e-mail me (punto@okamstudio.com) for help.
(c) Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Distributed under the terms of the [CC By](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode) license.
@ -1,231 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# Cutout Animation
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
### What is it?
Cut-out is a technique of animating in 2D where pieces of paper (or similar material) are cut in special shapes and laid one over the other. The papers are animated and photographed, frame by frame using a stop motion technique (more info [here](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutout_animation).
With the advent of the digital age, this technique became possible using computers, which resulted in an increased amount of animation TV shows using digital Cut-out. Notable examples are [South Park](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Park) or [Jake and the Never Land Pirates](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jake_and_the_Never_Land_Pirates).
In video games, this technique also become very popular. Examples of this are [Paper Mario](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Paper_Mario) or [Rayman Origins](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayman_Origins).
### Cutout in Godot
Godot provides a few tools for working with these kind of assets, but it's overall design makes it ideal for the workflow. The reason is that, unlike other tools meant for this, Godot has the following advantages:
* **The animation system is fully integrated with the engine**: This means, animations can control much more than just motion of objects, such as textures, sprite sizes, pivots, opacity, color modulation, etc. Everything can be animated and blended.
* **Mix with Traditional**: AnimatedSprite allows traditional animation to be mixed, very useful for complex objects, such as shape of hands and foot, changing face expression, etc.
* **Custom Shaped Elements**: Can be created with [Polygon2D](class_polygon2d) allowing the mixing of UV animation, deformations, etc.
* **Particle Systems**: Can also be mixed with the traditional animation hierarchy, useful for magic effecs, jetpacks, etc.
* **Custom Colliders**: Set colliders and influence areas in different parts of the skeletons, great for bosses, fighting games, etc.
* **Animation Tree**: Allows complex combinations and blendings of several animations, the same way it works in 3D.
And much more!
### Making of GBot!
For this tutorial, we will use as demo content the pieces of the [GBot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S13FrWuBMx4&list=UUckpus81gNin1aV8WSffRKw) character, created by Andreas Esau.
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout_walk.gif"></p>
Get your assets [here](media/gbot_resources.zip).
### Setting up the Rig
Create an empty Node2D as root of the scene, weĺl work under it:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout1.png"></p>
OK, the first node of the model that we will create will be the hip. Generally, both in 2D and 3D, the hip is the root of the skeleton. This makes it easier to animate:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout2.png"></p>
Next will be the torso. The torso needs to be a child of the hip, so create a child sprite and load the torso, later accommodate it properly:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout3.png"></p>
This looks good. Let's try if our hierarchy works as a skeleton by rotating the torso:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tutovec_torso1.gif"></p>
Ouch, that doesn't look good! The rotation pivot is wrong, this means it needs to be adjusted.
This small little cross in the middle of the [Sprite](class_sprite) is the rotation pivot:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout4.png"></p>
#### Adjusting the Pivot
The Pivot can be adjusted by changing the _offset_ property in the Sprite:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout5.png"></p>
However, there is a way to do it more _visually_. Pick the object and move it normally. After the motion has begun and while the left mouse button is being held, press the "v" key **without releasing** the mouse button. Further motion will move the object around the pivot. This small tool allows adjusting the pivot easily. Finally, move the pivot to the right place:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tutovec_torso2.gif"></p>
Now it looks good! Let's continue adding body pieces, starting by the right arm. Make sure to put the sprites in hierarchy, so their rotations and translations are relative to the parent:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout6.png"></p>
This seems easy, so continue with the right arm. The rest should be simple! Or maybe not:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout7.png"></p>
Right. Remember your tutorials, Luke. In 2D, parent nodes appear below children nodes. Well, this sucks. It seems Godot does not support cutout rigs after all. Come back next year, maybe for 1.2.. no wait. Just Kidding! It works just fine.
But how can this problem be solved? We want the whole to appear behind the hip and the torso. For this, we can move the nodes behind the hip:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout8.png"></p>
But then, we lose the hierarchy layout, which allows to control the skeleton like.. a skeleton. Is there any hope?.. Of Course!
#### RemoteTransform2D Node
Godot provides a special node, [RemoteTransform2D](class_remotetransform2d). This node will transform nodes that are sitting somewhere else in the hierarchy, by copying it's transform to the remote node.
This enables to have a visibility order independent from the hierarchy.
Simply create two more nodes as children from torso, remote_arm_l and remote_hand_l and link them to the actual sprites:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout9.png"></p>
Moving the remote transform nodes will move the sprites, allowing to easily animate and pose the character:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tutovec_torso4.gif"></p>
#### Completing the Skeleton
Complete the skeleton by following the same steps for the rest of the parts. The resulting scene should look similar to this:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout10.png"></p>
The resulting rig should be easy to animate, by selecting the nodes and rotating them you can animate forward kinematic (FK) efficiently.
For simple objects and rigs this is fine, however the following problems are common:
* Selecting sprites can become difficult for complex rigs, and the scene tree ends being used due to the difficulty of clicking over the proper sprite.
* Inverse Kinematics is often desired for extremities.
To solve these problems, Godot supports a simple method of skeletons.
### Skeletons
Godot _does not really_ support actual skeletons. What exists is a helper to create "bones" between nodes. This is enough for most cases, but the way it works is not completely obvious.
As an example, let's turn the right arm into a skeleton. To create skeletons, a chain of nodes must be selected from top to bottom:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout11.png"></p>
Then, the option to create a skeleton is located at Edit -> Skeleton -> Make Bones:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout12.png"></p>
This will add bones covering the arm, but the result is not quite what is expected.
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout13.png"></p>
It looks like the bones are shifted up in the hierarchy. The hand connects to the arm, and the arm to the body. So the question is:
* Why does the hand lack a bone?
* Why does the arm connect to the body?
This might seem strange at first, but will make sense later on. In traditional skeleton systems, bones have a position, an orientation and a length. In Godot, bones are mostly helpers so they connect the current node with the parent. Because of this, **toggling a node as a bone will just connect it to the parent**.
So, with this knowledge. Let's do the same again so we have an actual, useful skeleton.
The first step is creating an endpoint node. Any kind of node will do, but [Position2D](class_position2d) is preferred because it's visible in the editor. The endpoint node will ensure that the last bone has orientation
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout14.png"></p>
Now select the whole chain, from the endpoint to the arm and create bones:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout15.png"></p>
The result resembles a skeleton a lot more, and now the arm and forearm can be selected and animated.
Finally, create endpoints in all meaningful extremities and connect the whole skeleton with bones up to the hip:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout16.png"></p>
Finally! the whole skeleton is rigged! On close look, it is noticeable that there is a second set of endpoints in the hands. This will make sense soon.
Now that a whole skeleton is rigged, the next step is setting up the IK chains. IK chains allow for more natural control of extremities.
### IK Chains
To add in animation, IK chains are a powerful tool. Imagine you want to pose a foot in a specific position in the ground. Moving the foot involves also moving the rest of the leg bones. Each motion of the foot involves rotating several other bones. This is quite complex and leads to imprecise results.
So, what if we could just move the foot and let the rest of the leg accommodate to the new foot position?
This type of posing is called IK (Inverse Kinematic).
To create an IK chain, simply select a chain of bones from endpoint to the base for the chain. For example, to create an IK chain for the right leg select the following:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout17.png"></p>
Then enable this chain for IK. Go to Edit -> Skeleton -> Make IK Chain
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout18.png"></p>
As a result, the base of the chain will turn _Yellow_.
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout19.png"></p>
Once the IK chain is set-up, simply grab any of the bones in the extremity, any child or grand-child of the base of the chain and try to grab it and move it. Result will be pleasant, satisfaction warranted!
<p align="center"><img src="images/tutovec_torso5.gif"></p>
### Animation
The following section will be a collection of tips for creating animation for your rigs. If unsure about how the animation system in Godot works, refresh it by checking again the [relevant tutorial](tutorial_animation).
## 2D Animation
When doing animation in 2D, a helper will be present in the top menu. This helper only appears when the animation editor window is opened:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout20.png"></p>
The key button will insert location/rotation/scale keyframes to the selected objects or bones. This depends on the mask enabled. Green items will insert keys while red ones will not, so modify the key insertion mask to your preference.
#### Rest Pose
These kind of rigs do not have a "rest" pose, so it's recommended to create a reference rest pose in one of the animations.
Simply do the following steps:
1. Make sure the rig is in "rest" (not doing any specific pose).
2. Create a new animation, rename it to "rest".
3. Select all nodes (box selection should work fine).
4. Select "loc" and "rot" on the top menu.
5. Push the key button. Keys will be inserted for everything, creating a default pose.
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout21.png"></p>
#### Rotation
Animating these models means only modifying the rotation of the nodes. Location and scale are rarely used, with the only exception of moving the entire rig from the hip (which is the root node).
As a result, when inserting keys, only the "rot" button needs to be pressed most of the time:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout22.png"></p>
This will avoid the creation of extra animation tracks for the position that will remain unused.
#### Keyframing IK
When editing IK chains, is is not neccesary to select the whole chain to add keyframes. Selecting the endpoint of the chain and inserting a keyframe will automatically insert keyframes until the chain base too. This makes the task of animating extremities much simpler.
#### Moving Sprites Above and Behind Others.
RemoteTransform2D works in most cases, but sometimes it is really necessary to have a node above and below others during an animation. To aid on this the "Behind Parent" property exists on any Node2D:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout23.png"></p>
#### Batch Setting Transition Curves
When creating really complex animations and inserting lots of keyframes, editing the individual keyframe curves for each can become an endless task. For this, the Animation Editor has a small menu where changing all the curves is easy. Just select every single keyframe and (generally) apply the "Out-In" transition curve to smooth the animation:
<p align="center"><img src="images/tuto_cutout24.png"></p>
(c) Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Distributed under the terms of the [CC By](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode) license.
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
<p align="center"><img src="http://www.godotengine.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/godot_logo_63px_alto-02-021.png"/></p>
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
# Introduction
Welcome to the Godot Engine documentation center. The aim of these pages is to provide centralized access to all documentation-related materials.
Items in ~~strikethrough~~ mean **the feature exists**, but documentation for it has not been written yet.
# Notice!
Some types and method names changed recently, please read this:
* [SceneMainLoop -> SceneTree Notes](devel_scene_tree)
# Roadmap
* [Development Roadmap](devel_roadmap)
* [Community Roadmap](community_roadmap)
* [Frequently Asked Questions](devel_faq)
# Contributing
Contributing to godot is always very appreciated by the developers and the community.
Be it by fixing issues or taking one of the "fun" and "not so fun" tasks. Before getting to work on anything please talk with the developers in the recently created [Developer's Mailing List].(https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/godot-engine).
* [Fun!](devel_fun) Fun tasks to do!
* [Not so Fun](devel_notsofun) Not so fun tasks.
* [gsoc2015 Ideas](gsoc2015) Compiled ideas for GSOC 2015.
# Tutorials
#### Basic (Step by Step)
1. [Scenes and Nodes](tutorial_scene)
2. [Instancing](tutorial_instancing)
3. [Instancing (Continued)](tutorial_instancing_2)
4. [Scripting](tutorial_scripting)
5. [Scripting (Continued)](tutorial_scripting_2)
6. [Creating a 2D Game](tutorial_2d)
7. [GUI Introduction](tutorial_gui)
8. [Creating a Splash Screen](tutorial_splash)
9. [Animation](tutorial_animation)
10. [Resources](tutorial_resources)
11. [File System](tutorial_fs)
12. [SceneTree](tutorial_scene_main_loop)
13. [Singletons (Autoload)](tutorial_singletons)
#### Engine
* [Viewports](tutorial_viewports)
* [Multiple Screen Resolutions](tutorial_multires)
* [Input Events & Actions](tutorial_input_events)
* [Mouse & Input Coordinates](tutorial_mouse_coords)
* [Version Control & Project Organization](tutorial_vercontrol)
* [GUI Control Repositioning](tutorial_gui_repositioning)
* [Background Loading](Background loading)
* [Encrypting Save Games](tutorial_encrypting_savegames)
* [Internationalizing a Game (Multiple Languages)](tutorial_localization)
* [Handling Quit Request](tutorial_quit)
* [Pausing The Game](tutorial_pause)
* [SSL Certificates](tutorial_ssl)
* [Changing Scenes (Advanced)](tutorial_changing_scenes)
* ~~[Basic Networking (TCP&UDP)](tutorial_basic_networking)~~
* ~~[GamePad/Keyboard-Controlled GUIs](tutorial_gp_gui)~~
#### 2D Tutorials
* [Physics & Collision (2D)](tutorial_physics_2d)
* [Tile Map](tutorial_tilemap)
* [Kinematic Character (2D)](tutorial_kinematic_char)
* [GUI Skinning](tutorial_gui_skinning)
* [Particle Systems (2D)](tutorial_particles_2d)
* [Canvas Layers](tutorial_canvas_layers)
* [Viewport & Canvas Transforms](tutorial_canvas_transforms)
* [Custom Drawing in Node2D/Control](tutorial_custom_draw_2d)
* [Custom GUI Controls](tutorial_custom_controls)
* [Screen-Reading Shaders (texscreen() & BackBufferCopy)](tutorial_texscreen)
* [Ray-Casting](tutorial_raycasting) Raycasting From Code (2D and 3D).
* ~~[GUI Containers](tutorial_containers)~~
* ~~[GUI Custom Button](tutorial_gui_button)~~
* [Cut-Out Animation](Cutout-Animation)
* ~~[Physics Object Guide](tutorial_physics_objects_guide)~~
* ~~[Creating a Simple Space Shooter](tutorial_spaceshooter)~~
#### 3D Tutorials
* [Creating a 3D game](tutorial_3d)
* [Materials](tutorial_materials)
* [Fixed Materials](tutorial_fixed_materials)
* [Shader Materials](tutorial_shader_materials)
* [Lighting](tutorial_lighting)
* [Shadow Mapping](tutorial_shadow_mapping)
* [High Dynamic Range](tutorial_hdr)
* [3D Performance & Limitations](tutorial_3d_performance)
* [Ray-Casting](tutorial_raycasting) Raycasting From Code (2D and 3D).
* ~~[Procedural Geometry](tutorial_procgeom)~~
* ~~[Light Baking](tutorial_light_baking)~~
* ~~[3D Sprites](tutorial_3d_sprites)~~
* ~~[Using the AnimationTreePlayer](tutorial_animation_tree)~~
* ~~[Portals & Rooms](tutorial_portals_rooms)~~
* ~~[Vehicle](tutorial_vehicle)~~
* ~~[GridMap (3D TileMap)](tutorial_grid_map)~~
* ~~[Spatial Audio](tutorial_spatial_audio)~~
* ~~[Toon Shading](tutorial_toon_shading)~~
#### Math
* [Vector Math](tutorial_vector_math)
* [Matrices & Transforms](tutorial_transforms)
#### Advanced
* [Paths](paths)
* [HTTP](http_client) Example of using the HTTP Client class.
* ~~[Thread Safety](thread_safety) Using Multiple Threads.~~
#### Editor Plug-Ins
* ~~[Editor Plugin](editor_plugin) Writing an editor extension.~~
* ~~[Editor Plugin](editor_res_node) Writing a Resource or Node editor extension.~~
* ~~[Editor Import-Export](editor_import) Writing an editor import-export extension.~~
* ~~[Editor Scene Loader](editor_scene_loader) Writing a scene format loader.~~
* ~~[Editor 3D Import](editor_import_3d) Writing a script for customizing imported 3D scenes.~~
# Reference
#### Class List
* [Alphabetical Class List](class_list) List of classes in alphabetical order.
* ~~[Categorized Class List](class_category) List of classes organized by category.~~
* ~~[Inheritance Class Tree](class_inheritance) List of classes organized by inheritance.~~
* ~~[Relevant Classes](relevant_classes) List of the most relevant classes to learn first.~~
#### Languages
* [GDScript](gdscript) Built-in, simple, flexible and efficient scripting language.
* [GDScript (More Efficiently)](tutorial_gdscript_efficiently) Tips and help migrating from other languages.
* [Shader](shader) Built-in, portable, shader language.
* [Locales](locales) List of supported locale strings.
* [RichTextLabel BBCode](richtext_bbcode) Reference for BBCode-like markup used for RichTextLabel.
#### Cheat Sheets
* [2D & 3D Keybindings](tutorial_keycheat) List of main 2D and 3D editor keyboard and mouse shortcuts.
# Asset Pipeline
#### General
* [Image Files](image_files) Managing image files (read first!).
#### Import
* [Import Process](import_process) The import process described.
* [Importing Textures](import_textures) Importing textures.
* [Importing 3D Meshes](import_meshes) Importing 3D meshes.
* [Importing 3D Scenes](import_3d) Importing 3D scenes.
* [Importing Fonts](import_fonts) Importing fonts.
* [Importing Audio Samples](import_samples) Importing audio samples.
* [Importing Translations](import_translation) Importing translations.
#### Export
* [Export](export) Exporting Projects.
* [One Click Deploy](one_click_deploy) One Click Deploy.
* [Exporting Images](export_images) Tools for converting image files and creating atlases on export.
* [PC](export_pc) Exporting for PC (Mac, Windows, Linux).
* [Android](export_android) Exporting for Android.
* ~~[BlackBerry 10](export_bb10) Exporting for BlackBerry 10.~~
* [iOS](export_ios) Exporting for iOS.
* ~~[NaCL](export_nacl) Exporting for Google Native Client.~~
* ~~[HTML5](export_html5) Exporting for HTML5 (using asm.js).~~
* ~~[Consoles](export_consoles) Exporting for consoles (PS3, PSVita, etc).~~
# Advanced
[Advanced](advanced) Advanced Topics (C++ Programming, File Formats, Porting, etc).
(c) Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Distributed under the terms of the [CC By](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode) license.
@ -1,57 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# Advanced Topics
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
## Compiling & Running
* [Introduction](compiling_intro) Introduction to Godot Build System.
* [Windows](compiling_windows) Compiling under Windows.
* [Linux](compiling_linux) Compiling under Linux (or other Unix variants).
* [OSX](compiling_osx) Compiling under Apple OSX.
* [Android](compiling_android) Compiling for Android.
* [iOS](compiling_ios) Compiling for iOS.
* ~~[QNX](compiling_qnx) Compiling for BlackBerry QNX.~~
* ~~[NaCl](compiling_nacl) Compiling for Google Native Client.~~
* [Batch Building Templates](compiling_batch_templates) Script for Batch Building All Templates.
* [Universal Windows App](compiling_winrt) Compiling for Universal Windows Apps aka "Windows Store Apps" aka "Windows Metro Apps" aka "Windows Phone"
## Developing in C++
### Source Code
* [Diagram](core_diagram) Architecture diagram for all components.
* [Core Types](core_types) Core Types.
* [Variant](core_variant) Variant.
* [Object](core_object) Object.
* ~~[Servers](core_servers) Servers.~~
* ~~[Scene](core_scene) Scene System.~~
* ~~[Drivers](core_drivers) Drivers~~.
### Extending
* [Custom Modules](custom_modules) Creating custom modules in C++.
* [Android Modules](tutorial_android_module) Creating an android module in Java, for custom SDKs.
* ~~[Resource Loader](add_resource) Adding a new resource loader.~~
* ~~[Script Language](add_script_lang) Adding a new scripting language.~~
* ~~[Server](add_server) Adding a new server (physics engine, rendering backend, etc).~~
* ~~[Platform](add_platform) Porting the engine to a new platform.~~
## Misc
* [Command Line](command_line) Using the command line, for fans of doing everything in Unix/Windows shell.
* ~~[External Editor](external_editor) Configuring an external editor for opening scripts.~~
* [Changing Editor Fonts](editor_font) Changing the editor font (including support for CJK)
* [iOS Services](ios_services) Using iOS services (GameCenter, StoreKit)
## Data & File Formats
* [Binary Serialization](binary_Serialization) Binary Serialization API, used for File, Network, etc.
* ~~[XML File](xml_file) XML file format for resources.~~
* ~~[Shader File](shader_file) External shader file (.shader).~~
* ~~[Theme File](theme_file) External theme (skin) file format.~~
* ~~[Config File](engine_cfg) Global engine and project settings file (engine.cfg).~~
(c) Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Distributed under the terms of the [CC By](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode) license.
@ -1,311 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# Binary Serialization Format
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
### Introduction
Godot has a simple serialization API based on Variant. It's used for converting data types to an array of bytes efficiently. This API is used in the functions [File.get_var](class_file#get_var), [File.store_var](class_file#store_var) as well as the packet APIs for [PacketPeer](class_packetpeer). This format is not used for binary scenes and resources.
### Packet Specification
The packet is designed to be always padded to 4 bytes. All values are little endian encoded.
All packets have a 4 byte header representing an integer, specifying the type of data:
Type | Value
0 | null
1 | bool
2 | integer
3 | float
4 | string
5 | vector2
6 | rect2
7 | vector3
8 | matrix32
9 | plane
10| quaternion
11| aabb (rect3)
12| matrix3x3
13| transform (matrix 4x3)
14| color
15| image
16| node path
17| rid (unsupported)
18| object (unsupported)
19| input event
20| dictionary
21| array
22| byte array
23| int array
24| float array
25| string array
26| vector2 array
27| vector3 array
28| color array
Following this is the actual packet contents, which varies for each type of packet:
### 0: null
### 1: bool
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Integer| 0 for False, 1 for True
### 2: integer
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Integer| Signed, 32-Bit Integer
### 3: float
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Float| IEE 754 32-Bits Float
### 4: string
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Integer| String Length (in Bytes)
8|X|Bytes| UTF-8 Encoded String
This field is padded to 4 bytes.
### 5: vector2
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Float| X Coordinate
8|4|Float| Y Coordinate
### 6: rect2
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Float| X Coordinate
8|4|Float| Y Coordinate
12|4|Float| X Size
16|4|Float| Y Size
### 7: vector3
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Float| X Coordinate
8|4|Float| Y Coordinate
12|4|Float| Z Coordinate
### 8: matrix32
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Float| [0][0]
8|4|Float| [0][1]
12|4|Float| [1][0]
16|4|Float| [1][1]
20|4|Float| [2][0]
24|4|Float| [2][1]
### 9: plane
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Float| Normal X
8|4|Float| Normal Y
12|4|Float| Normal Z
16|4|Float| Distance
### 10: quaternion
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Float| Imaginary X
8|4|Float| Imaginary Y
12|4|Float| Imaginary Z
16|4|Float| Real W
### 11: aabb (rect3)
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Float| X Coordinate
8|4|Float| Y Coordinate
12|4|Float| Z Coordinate
16|4|Float| X Size
20|4|Float| Y Size
24|4|Float| Z Size
### 12: matrix3x3
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Float| [0][0]
8|4|Float| [0][1]
12|4|Float| [0][2]
16|4|Float| [1][0]
20|4|Float| [1][1]
24|4|Float| [1][2]
28|4|Float| [2][0]
32|4|Float| [2][1]
36|4|Float| [2][2]
### 13: transform (matrix 4x3)
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Float| [0][0]
8|4|Float| [0][1]
12|4|Float| [0][2]
16|4|Float| [1][0]
20|4|Float| [1][1]
24|4|Float| [1][2]
28|4|Float| [2][0]
32|4|Float| [2][1]
36|4|Float| [2][2]
40|4|Float| [3][0]
44|4|Float| [3][1]
48|4|Float| [3][2]
### 14: color
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Float| Red (0..1)
8|4|Float| Green (0..1)
12|4|Float| Blue (0..1)
16|4|Float| Alpha (0..1)
### 15: image
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Integer| Format (see FORMAT_* in [Image](class_image)
8|4|Integer| Mip-Maps (0 means no mip-maps).
12|4|Integer| Width (Pixels)
16|4|Integer| Height (Pixels)
20|4|Integer| Data Length
24..24+DataLength|1|Byte| Image Data
This field is padded to 4 bytes.
### 16: node path
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Integer| String Length, or New Format (val&0x80000000!=0 and NameCount=val&0x7FFFFFFF)
####For Old Format:
Offset | Len | Type | Description
8|X|Bytes| UTF-8 Encoded String
Padded to 4 bytes.
####For New Format:
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Integer| Sub-Name Count
8|4|Integer| Flags (absolute: val&1 != 0 )
For each Name and Sub-Name
Offset | Len | Type | Description
X+0|4|Integer| String Length
X+4|X|Bytes| UTF-8 Encoded String
Every name string is is padded to 4 bytes.
### 17: rid (unsupported)
### 18: object (unsupported)
### 19: input event
### 20: dictionary
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Integer| val&0x7FFFFFFF = elements, val&0x80000000 = shared (bool)
Then what follows is, for amount of "elements", pairs of key and value, one after the other, using
this same format.
### 21: array
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Integer| val&0x7FFFFFFF = elements, val&0x80000000 = shared (bool)
Then what follows is, for amount of "elements", values one after the other, using
this same format.
### 22: byte array
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Integer| Array Length (Bytes)
8..8+length|1|Byte| Byte (0..255)
The array data is padded to 4 bytes.
### 23: int array
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Integer| Array Length (Integers)
8..8+length*4|4|Integer| 32 Bits Signed Integer
### 24: float array
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Integer| Array Length (Floats)
8..8+length*4|4|Integer| 32 Bits IEE 754 Float
### 25: string array
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Integer| Array Length (Strings)
For each String:
Offset | Len | Type | Description
X+0|4|Integer| String Length
X+4|X|Bytes| UTF-8 Encoded String
Every string is is padded to 4 bytes.
### 26: vector2 array
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Integer| Array Length
8..8+length*8|4|Float| X Coordinate
8..12+length*8|4|Float| Y Coordinate
### 27: vector3 array
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Integer| Array Length
8..8+length*12|4|Float| X Coordinate
8..12+length*12|4|Float| Y Coordinate
8..16+length*12|4|Float| Z Coordinate
### 28: color array
Offset | Len | Type | Description
4|4|Integer| Array Length
8..8+length*16|4|Float| Red (0..1)
8..12+length*16|4|Float| Green (0..1)
8..16+length*16|4|Float| Blue (0..1)
8..20+length*16|4|Float| Alpha (0..1)
(c) Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Distributed under the terms of the [CC By](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode) license.
@ -1,378 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# @GDScript
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Built-in GDScript functions.
### Member Functions
* [float](class_float) **[sin](#sin)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[cos](#cos)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[tan](#tan)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[sinh](#sinh)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[cosh](#cosh)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[tanh](#tanh)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[asin](#asin)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[acos](#acos)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[atan](#atan)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[atan2](#atan2)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
* [float](class_float) **[sqrt](#sqrt)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[fmod](#fmod)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
* [float](class_float) **[fposmod](#fposmod)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
* [float](class_float) **[floor](#floor)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[ceil](#ceil)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[round](#round)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[abs](#abs)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[sign](#sign)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[pow](#pow)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
* [float](class_float) **[log](#log)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[exp](#exp)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[isnan](#isnan)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[isinf](#isinf)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[ease](#ease)** **(** [float](class_float) s, [float](class_float) curve **)**
* [float](class_float) **[decimals](#decimals)** **(** [float](class_float) step **)**
* [float](class_float) **[stepify](#stepify)** **(** [float](class_float) s, [float](class_float) step **)**
* [float](class_float) **[lerp](#lerp)** **(** [float](class_float) from, [float](class_float) to, [float](class_float) weight **)**
* [float](class_float) **[dectime](#dectime)** **(** [float](class_float) value, [float](class_float) amount, [float](class_float) step **)**
* [Nil](class_nil) **[randomize](#randomize)** **(** **)**
* [int](class_int) **[randi](#randi)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[randf](#randf)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[rand_range](#rand_range)** **(** [float](class_float) from, [float](class_float) to **)**
* [Nil](class_nil) **[seed](#seed)** **(** [float](class_float) seed **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[rand_seed](#rand_seed)** **(** [float](class_float) seed **)**
* [float](class_float) **[deg2rad](#deg2rad)** **(** [float](class_float) deg **)**
* [float](class_float) **[rad2deg](#rad2deg)** **(** [float](class_float) rad **)**
* [float](class_float) **[linear2db](#linear2db)** **(** [float](class_float) nrg **)**
* [float](class_float) **[db2linear](#db2linear)** **(** [float](class_float) db **)**
* [float](class_float) **[max](#max)** **(** [float](class_float) a, [float](class_float) b **)**
* [float](class_float) **[min](#min)** **(** [float](class_float) a, [float](class_float) b **)**
* [float](class_float) **[clamp](#clamp)** **(** [float](class_float) val, [float](class_float) min, [float](class_float) max **)**
* [int](class_int) **[nearest_po2](#nearest_po2)** **(** [int](class_int) val **)**
* [WeakRef](class_weakref) **[weakref](#weakref)** **(** [Object](class_object) obj **)**
* [FuncRef](class_funcref) **[funcref](#funcref)** **(** [Object](class_object) instance, [String](class_string) funcname **)**
* [Object](class_object) **[convert](#convert)** **(** var what, [int](class_int) type **)**
* [String](class_string) **[str](#str)** **(** var what, var ... **)**
* [String](class_string) **[str](#str)** **(** var what, var ... **)**
* [Nil](class_nil) **[print](#print)** **(** var what, var ... **)**
* [Nil](class_nil) **[printt](#printt)** **(** var what, var ... **)**
* [Nil](class_nil) **[prints](#prints)** **(** var what, var ... **)**
* [Nil](class_nil) **[printerr](#printerr)** **(** var what, var ... **)**
* [Nil](class_nil) **[printraw](#printraw)** **(** var what, var ... **)**
* [String](class_string) **[var2str](#var2str)** **(** var var **)**
* [Nil](class_nil) **[str2var:var](#str2var:var)** **(** [String](class_string) string **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[range](#range)** **(** var ... **)**
* [Resource](class_resource) **[load](#load)** **(** [String](class_string) path **)**
* [Dictionary](class_dictionary) **[inst2dict](#inst2dict)** **(** [Object](class_object) inst **)**
* [Object](class_object) **[dict2inst](#dict2inst)** **(** [Dictionary](class_dictionary) dict **)**
* [int](class_int) **[hash](#hash)** **(** var var:var **)**
* [Nil](class_nil) **[print_stack](#print_stack)** **(** **)**
* [Object](class_object) **[instance_from_id](#instance_from_id)** **(** [int](class_int) instance_id **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **PI** = **3.141593** - Constant that represents how many times the diameter of a
circumference fits around it's perimeter.
### Description
This contains the list of built-in gdscript functions. Mostly math functions and other utilities. Everything else is expanded by objects.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="sin">sin</a>
* [float](class_float) **sin** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Standard sine function.
#### <a name="cos">cos</a>
* [float](class_float) **cos** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Standard cosine function.
#### <a name="tan">tan</a>
* [float](class_float) **tan** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Standard tangent function.
#### <a name="sinh">sinh</a>
* [float](class_float) **sinh** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Hyperbolic sine.
#### <a name="cosh">cosh</a>
* [float](class_float) **cosh** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Hyperbolic cosine.
#### <a name="tanh">tanh</a>
* [float](class_float) **tanh** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Hyperbolic tangent.
#### <a name="asin">asin</a>
* [float](class_float) **asin** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
#### <a name="acos">acos</a>
* [float](class_float) **acos** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
#### <a name="atan">atan</a>
* [float](class_float) **atan** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
#### <a name="atan2">atan2</a>
* [float](class_float) **atan2** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
Arc-tangent that takes a 2D vector as argument, retuns the full -pi to +pi range.
#### <a name="sqrt">sqrt</a>
* [float](class_float) **sqrt** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Square root.
#### <a name="fmod">fmod</a>
* [float](class_float) **fmod** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
Module (remainder of x/y).
#### <a name="fposmod">fposmod</a>
* [float](class_float) **fposmod** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
Module (remainder of x/y) that wraps equally in positive and negative.
#### <a name="floor">floor</a>
* [float](class_float) **floor** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Floor (rounds down to nearest integer).
#### <a name="ceil">ceil</a>
* [float](class_float) **ceil** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Ceiling (rounds up to nearest integer).
#### <a name="round">round</a>
* [float](class_float) **round** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Round to nearest integer.
#### <a name="abs">abs</a>
* [float](class_float) **abs** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Remove sign (works for integer and float).
#### <a name="sign">sign</a>
* [float](class_float) **sign** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Return sign (-1 or +1).
#### <a name="pow">pow</a>
* [float](class_float) **pow** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
Power function, x elevate to y.
#### <a name="log">log</a>
* [float](class_float) **log** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Natural logarithm.
#### <a name="exp">exp</a>
* [float](class_float) **exp** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Exponential logarithm.
#### <a name="isnan">isnan</a>
* [float](class_float) **isnan** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Return true if the float is not a number.
#### <a name="isinf">isinf</a>
* [float](class_float) **isinf** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Return true if the float is infinite.
#### <a name="ease">ease</a>
* [float](class_float) **ease** **(** [float](class_float) s, [float](class_float) curve **)**
Easing function, based on exponent. 0 is constant, 1 is linear, 0 to 1 is ease-in, 1+ is ease out. Negative values are in-out/out in.
#### <a name="decimals">decimals</a>
* [float](class_float) **decimals** **(** [float](class_float) step **)**
Return the amount of decimals in the floating point value.
#### <a name="stepify">stepify</a>
* [float](class_float) **stepify** **(** [float](class_float) s, [float](class_float) step **)**
Snap float value to a given step.
#### <a name="lerp">lerp</a>
* [float](class_float) **lerp** **(** [float](class_float) from, [float](class_float) to, [float](class_float) weight **)**
Linear interpolates between two values by a normalized value.
#### <a name="dectime">dectime</a>
* [float](class_float) **dectime** **(** [float](class_float) value, [float](class_float) amount, [float](class_float) step **)**
Decreases time by a specified amount.
#### <a name="randomize">randomize</a>
* [Nil](class_nil) **randomize** **(** **)**
Reset the seed of the random number generator with a
new, different one.
#### <a name="randi">randi</a>
* [int](class_int) **randi** **(** **)**
Random 32 bits value (integer). To obtain a value
from 0 to N, you can use remainder, like (for random
from 0 to 19): randi() %
#### <a name="randf">randf</a>
* [float](class_float) **randf** **(** **)**
Random value (0 to 1 float).
#### <a name="rand_range">rand_range</a>
* [float](class_float) **rand_range** **(** [float](class_float) from, [float](class_float) to **)**
Random range, any floating point value between
'from' and 'to'
#### <a name="rand_seed">rand_seed</a>
* [Array](class_array) **rand_seed** **(** [float](class_float) seed **)**
Random from seed, pass a seed and an array with both number and new seed is returned.
#### <a name="deg2rad">deg2rad</a>
* [float](class_float) **deg2rad** **(** [float](class_float) deg **)**
Convert from degrees to radians.
#### <a name="rad2deg">rad2deg</a>
* [float](class_float) **rad2deg** **(** [float](class_float) rad **)**
Convert from radias to degrees.
#### <a name="linear2db">linear2db</a>
* [float](class_float) **linear2db** **(** [float](class_float) nrg **)**
Convert from linear energy to decibels (audio).
#### <a name="db2linear">db2linear</a>
* [float](class_float) **db2linear** **(** [float](class_float) db **)**
Convert from decibels to linear energy (audio).
#### <a name="max">max</a>
* [float](class_float) **max** **(** [float](class_float) a, [float](class_float) b **)**
Return the maximum of two values.
#### <a name="min">min</a>
* [float](class_float) **min** **(** [float](class_float) a, [float](class_float) b **)**
Return the minimum of two values.
#### <a name="clamp">clamp</a>
* [float](class_float) **clamp** **(** [float](class_float) val, [float](class_float) min, [float](class_float) max **)**
Clamp both values to a range.
#### <a name="nearest_po2">nearest_po2</a>
* [int](class_int) **nearest_po2** **(** [int](class_int) val **)**
Return the nearest larger power of 2 for an integer.
#### <a name="weakref">weakref</a>
* [WeakRef](class_weakref) **weakref** **(** [Object](class_object) obj **)**
Return a weak reference to an object.
#### <a name="funcref">funcref</a>
* [FuncRef](class_funcref) **funcref** **(** [Object](class_object) instance, [String](class_string) funcname **)**
Returns a reference to the specified function
#### <a name="convert">convert</a>
* [Object](class_object) **convert** **(** var what, [int](class_int) type **)**
Convert from a type to another in the best way possible. The "type" parameter uses the enum TYPE_* in Global Scope.
#### <a name="str">str</a>
* [String](class_string) **str** **(** var what, var ... **)**
Convert one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible.
#### <a name="str">str</a>
* [String](class_string) **str** **(** var what, var ... **)**
Convert one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible.
#### <a name="print">print</a>
* [Nil](class_nil) **print** **(** var what, var ... **)**
Print one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible to a console line.
#### <a name="printt">printt</a>
* [Nil](class_nil) **printt** **(** var what, var ... **)**
Print one or more arguments to the console with a tab between each argument.
#### <a name="printerr">printerr</a>
* [Nil](class_nil) **printerr** **(** var what, var ... **)**
Print one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible to standard error line.
#### <a name="printraw">printraw</a>
* [Nil](class_nil) **printraw** **(** var what, var ... **)**
Print one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible to console. No newline is added at the end.
#### <a name="var2str">var2str</a>
* [String](class_string) **var2str** **(** var var **)**
Converts the value of a variable to a String.
#### <a name="str2var:var">str2var:var</a>
* [Nil](class_nil) **str2var:var** **(** [String](class_string) string **)**
Converts the value of a String to a variable.
#### <a name="range">range</a>
* [Array](class_array) **range** **(** var ... **)**
Return an array with the given range. Range can be 1 argument N (0 to N-1), two arguments (initial, final-1) or three arguments (initial,final-1,increment).
#### <a name="load">load</a>
* [Resource](class_resource) **load** **(** [String](class_string) path **)**
Load a resource from the filesystem, pass a valid
path as argument.
#### <a name="inst2dict">inst2dict</a>
* [Dictionary](class_dictionary) **inst2dict** **(** [Object](class_object) inst **)**
Convert a script class instance to a dictionary
(useful for serializing).
#### <a name="dict2inst">dict2inst</a>
* [Object](class_object) **dict2inst** **(** [Dictionary](class_dictionary) dict **)**
Convert a previously converted instances to dictionary
back into an instance. Useful for deserializing.
#### <a name="hash">hash</a>
* [int](class_int) **hash** **(** var var:var **)**
Hashes the variable passed and returns an integer.
#### <a name="print_stack">print_stack</a>
* [Nil](class_nil) **print_stack** **(** **)**
Print a stack track at code location, only works when
running with debugger turned on.
@ -1,470 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# @Global Scope
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Global scope constants and variables.
### Member Variables
* [Performance](class_performance) **Performance**
* [Globals](class_globals) **Globals**
* [IP](class_ip) **IP**
* [Geometry](class_geometry) **Geometry**
* [ResourceLoader](class_resourceloader) **ResourceLoader**
* [ResourceSaver](class_resourcesaver) **ResourceSaver**
* [PathRemap](class_pathremap) **PathRemap**
* [OS](class_os) **OS**
* [Reference](class_reference) **Marshalls**
* [TranslationServer](class_translationserver) **TranslationServer**
* [TranslationServer](class_translationserver) **TS**
* [Input](class_input) **Input**
* [InputMap](class_inputmap) **InputMap**
* [VisualServer](class_visualserver) **VisualServer**
* [VisualServer](class_visualserver) **VS**
* [AudioServer](class_audioserver) **AudioServer**
* [AudioServer](class_audioserver) **AS**
* [PhysicsServer](class_physicsserver) **PhysicsServer**
* [PhysicsServer](class_physicsserver) **PS**
* [Physics2DServer](class_physics2dserver) **Physics2DServer**
* [Physics2DServer](class_physics2dserver) **PS2D**
* [SpatialSound2DServer](class_spatialsound2dserver) **SpatialSoundServer**
* [SpatialSound2DServer](class_spatialsound2dserver) **SS**
* [SpatialSound2DServer](class_spatialsound2dserver) **SpatialSound2DServer**
* [SpatialSound2DServer](class_spatialsound2dserver) **SS2D**
### Numeric Constants
* **MARGIN_LEFT** = **0** - Left margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes.
* **MARGIN_TOP** = **1** - Top margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes.
* **MARGIN_RIGHT** = **2** - Right margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes.
* **MARGIN_BOTTOM** = **3** - Bottom margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes.
* **VERTICAL** = **1** - General vertical alignment, used usually for [Separator], [ScrollBar], [Slider], etc.
* **HORIZONTAL** = **0** - General horizontal alignment, used usually for [Separator], [ScrollBar], [Slider], etc.
* **HALIGN_LEFT** = **0** - Horizontal left alignment, usually for text-derived classes.
* **HALIGN_CENTER** = **1** - Horizontal center alignment, usually for text-derived classes.
* **HALIGN_RIGHT** = **2** - Horizontal right alignment, usually for text-derived classes.
* **VALIGN_TOP** = **0** - Vertical top alignment, usually for text-derived classes.
* **VALIGN_CENTER** = **1** - Vertical center alignment, usually for text-derived classes.
* **VALIGN_BOTTOM** = **2** - Vertical bottom alignment, usually for text-derived classes.
* **SPKEY** = **16777216** - Scancodes with this bit applied are non printable.
* **KEY_ESCAPE** = **16777217** - Escape Key
* **KEY_TAB** = **16777218** - Tab Key
* **KEY_BACKTAB** = **16777219** - Shift-Tab key
* **KEY_BACKSPACE** = **16777220**
* **KEY_RETURN** = **16777221**
* **KEY_ENTER** = **16777222**
* **KEY_INSERT** = **16777223**
* **KEY_DELETE** = **16777224**
* **KEY_PAUSE** = **16777225**
* **KEY_PRINT** = **16777226**
* **KEY_SYSREQ** = **16777227**
* **KEY_CLEAR** = **16777228**
* **KEY_HOME** = **16777229**
* **KEY_END** = **16777230**
* **KEY_LEFT** = **16777231**
* **KEY_UP** = **16777232**
* **KEY_RIGHT** = **16777233**
* **KEY_DOWN** = **16777234**
* **KEY_PAGEUP** = **16777235**
* **KEY_PAGEDOWN** = **16777236**
* **KEY_SHIFT** = **16777237**
* **KEY_CONTROL** = **16777238**
* **KEY_META** = **16777239**
* **KEY_ALT** = **16777240**
* **KEY_CAPSLOCK** = **16777241**
* **KEY_NUMLOCK** = **16777242**
* **KEY_SCROLLLOCK** = **16777243**
* **KEY_F1** = **16777244**
* **KEY_F2** = **16777245**
* **KEY_F3** = **16777246**
* **KEY_F4** = **16777247**
* **KEY_F5** = **16777248**
* **KEY_F6** = **16777249**
* **KEY_F7** = **16777250**
* **KEY_F8** = **16777251**
* **KEY_F9** = **16777252**
* **KEY_F10** = **16777253**
* **KEY_F11** = **16777254**
* **KEY_F12** = **16777255**
* **KEY_F13** = **16777256**
* **KEY_F14** = **16777257**
* **KEY_F15** = **16777258**
* **KEY_F16** = **16777259**
* **KEY_KP_ENTER** = **16777344**
* **KEY_KP_MULTIPLY** = **16777345**
* **KEY_KP_DIVIDE** = **16777346**
* **KEY_KP_SUBSTRACT** = **16777347**
* **KEY_KP_PERIOD** = **16777348**
* **KEY_KP_ADD** = **16777349**
* **KEY_KP_0** = **16777350**
* **KEY_KP_1** = **16777351**
* **KEY_KP_2** = **16777352**
* **KEY_KP_3** = **16777353**
* **KEY_KP_4** = **16777354**
* **KEY_KP_5** = **16777355**
* **KEY_KP_6** = **16777356**
* **KEY_KP_7** = **16777357**
* **KEY_KP_8** = **16777358**
* **KEY_KP_9** = **16777359**
* **KEY_SUPER_L** = **16777260**
* **KEY_SUPER_R** = **16777261**
* **KEY_MENU** = **16777262**
* **KEY_HYPER_L** = **16777263**
* **KEY_HYPER_R** = **16777264**
* **KEY_HELP** = **16777265**
* **KEY_DIRECTION_L** = **16777266**
* **KEY_DIRECTION_R** = **16777267**
* **KEY_BACK** = **16777280**
* **KEY_FORWARD** = **16777281**
* **KEY_STOP** = **16777282**
* **KEY_REFRESH** = **16777283**
* **KEY_VOLUMEDOWN** = **16777284**
* **KEY_VOLUMEMUTE** = **16777285**
* **KEY_VOLUMEUP** = **16777286**
* **KEY_BASSBOOST** = **16777287**
* **KEY_BASSUP** = **16777288**
* **KEY_BASSDOWN** = **16777289**
* **KEY_TREBLEUP** = **16777290**
* **KEY_TREBLEDOWN** = **16777291**
* **KEY_MEDIAPLAY** = **16777292**
* **KEY_MEDIASTOP** = **16777293**
* **KEY_MEDIAPREVIOUS** = **16777294**
* **KEY_MEDIANEXT** = **16777295**
* **KEY_MEDIARECORD** = **16777296**
* **KEY_HOMEPAGE** = **16777297**
* **KEY_FAVORITES** = **16777298**
* **KEY_SEARCH** = **16777299**
* **KEY_STANDBY** = **16777300**
* **KEY_OPENURL** = **16777301**
* **KEY_LAUNCHMAIL** = **16777302**
* **KEY_LAUNCHMEDIA** = **16777303**
* **KEY_LAUNCH0** = **16777304**
* **KEY_LAUNCH1** = **16777305**
* **KEY_LAUNCH2** = **16777306**
* **KEY_LAUNCH3** = **16777307**
* **KEY_LAUNCH4** = **16777308**
* **KEY_LAUNCH5** = **16777309**
* **KEY_LAUNCH6** = **16777310**
* **KEY_LAUNCH7** = **16777311**
* **KEY_LAUNCH8** = **16777312**
* **KEY_LAUNCH9** = **16777313**
* **KEY_LAUNCHA** = **16777314**
* **KEY_LAUNCHB** = **16777315**
* **KEY_LAUNCHC** = **16777316**
* **KEY_LAUNCHD** = **16777317**
* **KEY_LAUNCHE** = **16777318**
* **KEY_LAUNCHF** = **16777319**
* **KEY_UNKNOWN** = **33554431**
* **KEY_SPACE** = **32**
* **KEY_EXCLAM** = **33**
* **KEY_QUOTEDBL** = **34**
* **KEY_NUMBERSIGN** = **35**
* **KEY_DOLLAR** = **36**
* **KEY_PERCENT** = **37**
* **KEY_AMPERSAND** = **38**
* **KEY_APOSTROPHE** = **39**
* **KEY_PARENLEFT** = **40**
* **KEY_PARENRIGHT** = **41**
* **KEY_ASTERISK** = **42**
* **KEY_PLUS** = **43**
* **KEY_COMMA** = **44**
* **KEY_MINUS** = **45**
* **KEY_PERIOD** = **46**
* **KEY_SLASH** = **47**
* **KEY_0** = **48**
* **KEY_1** = **49**
* **KEY_2** = **50**
* **KEY_3** = **51**
* **KEY_4** = **52**
* **KEY_5** = **53**
* **KEY_6** = **54**
* **KEY_7** = **55**
* **KEY_8** = **56**
* **KEY_9** = **57**
* **KEY_COLON** = **58**
* **KEY_SEMICOLON** = **59**
* **KEY_LESS** = **60**
* **KEY_EQUAL** = **61**
* **KEY_GREATER** = **62**
* **KEY_QUESTION** = **63**
* **KEY_AT** = **64**
* **KEY_A** = **65**
* **KEY_B** = **66**
* **KEY_C** = **67**
* **KEY_D** = **68**
* **KEY_E** = **69**
* **KEY_F** = **70**
* **KEY_G** = **71**
* **KEY_H** = **72**
* **KEY_I** = **73**
* **KEY_J** = **74**
* **KEY_K** = **75**
* **KEY_L** = **76**
* **KEY_M** = **77**
* **KEY_N** = **78**
* **KEY_O** = **79**
* **KEY_P** = **80**
* **KEY_Q** = **81**
* **KEY_R** = **82**
* **KEY_S** = **83**
* **KEY_T** = **84**
* **KEY_U** = **85**
* **KEY_V** = **86**
* **KEY_W** = **87**
* **KEY_X** = **88**
* **KEY_Y** = **89**
* **KEY_Z** = **90**
* **KEY_BRACKETLEFT** = **91**
* **KEY_BACKSLASH** = **92**
* **KEY_BRACKETRIGHT** = **93**
* **KEY_ASCIICIRCUM** = **94**
* **KEY_UNDERSCORE** = **95**
* **KEY_QUOTELEFT** = **96**
* **KEY_BRACELEFT** = **123**
* **KEY_BAR** = **124**
* **KEY_BRACERIGHT** = **125**
* **KEY_ASCIITILDE** = **126**
* **KEY_NOBREAKSPACE** = **160**
* **KEY_EXCLAMDOWN** = **161**
* **KEY_CENT** = **162**
* **KEY_STERLING** = **163**
* **KEY_CURRENCY** = **164**
* **KEY_YEN** = **165**
* **KEY_BROKENBAR** = **166**
* **KEY_SECTION** = **167**
* **KEY_DIAERESIS** = **168**
* **KEY_COPYRIGHT** = **169**
* **KEY_ORDFEMININE** = **170**
* **KEY_GUILLEMOTLEFT** = **171**
* **KEY_NOTSIGN** = **172**
* **KEY_HYPHEN** = **173**
* **KEY_REGISTERED** = **174**
* **KEY_MACRON** = **175**
* **KEY_DEGREE** = **176**
* **KEY_PLUSMINUS** = **177**
* **KEY_TWOSUPERIOR** = **178**
* **KEY_THREESUPERIOR** = **179**
* **KEY_ACUTE** = **180**
* **KEY_MU** = **181**
* **KEY_PARAGRAPH** = **182**
* **KEY_PERIODCENTERED** = **183**
* **KEY_CEDILLA** = **184**
* **KEY_ONESUPERIOR** = **185**
* **KEY_MASCULINE** = **186**
* **KEY_GUILLEMOTRIGHT** = **187**
* **KEY_ONEQUARTER** = **188**
* **KEY_ONEHALF** = **189**
* **KEY_THREEQUARTERS** = **190**
* **KEY_QUESTIONDOWN** = **191**
* **KEY_AGRAVE** = **192**
* **KEY_AACUTE** = **193**
* **KEY_ACIRCUMFLEX** = **194**
* **KEY_ATILDE** = **195**
* **KEY_ADIAERESIS** = **196**
* **KEY_ARING** = **197**
* **KEY_AE** = **198**
* **KEY_CCEDILLA** = **199**
* **KEY_EGRAVE** = **200**
* **KEY_EACUTE** = **201**
* **KEY_ECIRCUMFLEX** = **202**
* **KEY_EDIAERESIS** = **203**
* **KEY_IGRAVE** = **204**
* **KEY_IACUTE** = **205**
* **KEY_ICIRCUMFLEX** = **206**
* **KEY_IDIAERESIS** = **207**
* **KEY_ETH** = **208**
* **KEY_NTILDE** = **209**
* **KEY_OGRAVE** = **210**
* **KEY_OACUTE** = **211**
* **KEY_OCIRCUMFLEX** = **212**
* **KEY_OTILDE** = **213**
* **KEY_ODIAERESIS** = **214**
* **KEY_MULTIPLY** = **215**
* **KEY_OOBLIQUE** = **216**
* **KEY_UGRAVE** = **217**
* **KEY_UACUTE** = **218**
* **KEY_UCIRCUMFLEX** = **219**
* **KEY_UDIAERESIS** = **220**
* **KEY_YACUTE** = **221**
* **KEY_THORN** = **222**
* **KEY_SSHARP** = **223**
* **KEY_DIVISION** = **247**
* **KEY_YDIAERESIS** = **255**
* **KEY_CODE_MASK** = **33554431**
* **KEY_MODIFIER_MASK** = **-16777216**
* **KEY_MASK_SHIFT** = **33554432**
* **KEY_MASK_ALT** = **67108864**
* **KEY_MASK_META** = **134217728**
* **KEY_MASK_CTRL** = **268435456**
* **KEY_MASK_CMD** = **268435456**
* **KEY_MASK_KPAD** = **536870912**
* **KEY_MASK_GROUP_SWITCH** = **1073741824**
* **BUTTON_LEFT** = **1**
* **BUTTON_RIGHT** = **2**
* **BUTTON_MIDDLE** = **3**
* **BUTTON_WHEEL_UP** = **4**
* **BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN** = **5**
* **BUTTON_MASK_LEFT** = **1**
* **BUTTON_MASK_RIGHT** = **2**
* **BUTTON_MASK_MIDDLE** = **4**
* **JOY_BUTTON_0** = **0** - Joystick Button 0
* **JOY_BUTTON_1** = **1** - Joystick Button 1
* **JOY_BUTTON_2** = **2** - Joystick Button 2
* **JOY_BUTTON_3** = **3** - Joystick Button 3
* **JOY_BUTTON_4** = **4** - Joystick Button 4
* **JOY_BUTTON_5** = **5** - Joystick Button 5
* **JOY_BUTTON_6** = **6** - Joystick Button 6
* **JOY_BUTTON_7** = **7** - Joystick Button 7
* **JOY_BUTTON_8** = **8** - Joystick Button 8
* **JOY_BUTTON_9** = **9** - Joystick Button 9
* **JOY_BUTTON_10** = **10** - Joystick Button 10
* **JOY_BUTTON_11** = **11** - Joystick Button 11
* **JOY_BUTTON_12** = **12** - Joystick Button 12
* **JOY_BUTTON_13** = **13** - Joystick Button 13
* **JOY_BUTTON_14** = **14** - Joystick Button 14
* **JOY_BUTTON_15** = **15** - Joystick Button 15
* **JOY_BUTTON_MAX** = **16** - Joystick Button 16
* **JOY_SNES_A** = **1**
* **JOY_SNES_B** = **0**
* **JOY_SNES_X** = **3**
* **JOY_SNES_Y** = **2**
* **JOY_SONY_CIRCLE** = **1**
* **JOY_SONY_X** = **0**
* **JOY_SONY_SQUARE** = **2**
* **JOY_SONY_TRIANGLE** = **3**
* **JOY_SEGA_B** = **1**
* **JOY_SEGA_A** = **0**
* **JOY_SEGA_X** = **2**
* **JOY_SEGA_Y** = **3**
* **JOY_XBOX_B** = **1**
* **JOY_XBOX_A** = **0**
* **JOY_XBOX_X** = **2**
* **JOY_XBOX_Y** = **3**
* **JOY_DS_A** = **1**
* **JOY_DS_B** = **0**
* **JOY_DS_X** = **3**
* **JOY_DS_Y** = **2**
* **JOY_SELECT** = **10**
* **JOY_START** = **11**
* **JOY_DPAD_UP** = **12**
* **JOY_DPAD_DOWN** = **13**
* **JOY_DPAD_LEFT** = **14**
* **JOY_DPAD_RIGHT** = **15**
* **JOY_L** = **4**
* **JOY_L2** = **6**
* **JOY_L3** = **8**
* **JOY_R** = **5**
* **JOY_R2** = **7**
* **JOY_R3** = **9**
* **JOY_AXIS_0** = **0**
* **JOY_AXIS_1** = **1**
* **JOY_AXIS_2** = **2**
* **JOY_AXIS_3** = **3**
* **JOY_AXIS_4** = **4**
* **JOY_AXIS_5** = **5**
* **JOY_AXIS_6** = **6**
* **JOY_AXIS_7** = **7**
* **JOY_AXIS_MAX** = **8**
* **JOY_ANALOG_0_X** = **0**
* **JOY_ANALOG_0_Y** = **1**
* **JOY_ANALOG_1_X** = **2**
* **JOY_ANALOG_1_Y** = **3**
* **JOY_ANALOG_2_X** = **4**
* **JOY_ANALOG_2_Y** = **5**
* **OK** = **0** - Functions that return [Error] return OK when everything went ok. Most functions don't return error anyway and/or just print errors to stdout.
* **FAILED** = **1** - Generic fail return error;
* **ERR_UNAVAILABLE** = **2**
* **ERR_UNCONFIGURED** = **3**
* **ERR_UNAUTHORIZED** = **4**
* **ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY** = **6**
* **ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND** = **7**
* **ERR_FILE_BAD_DRIVE** = **8**
* **ERR_FILE_BAD_PATH** = **9**
* **ERR_FILE_ALREADY_IN_USE** = **11**
* **ERR_FILE_CANT_OPEN** = **12**
* **ERR_FILE_CANT_WRITE** = **13**
* **ERR_FILE_CANT_READ** = **14**
* **ERR_FILE_CORRUPT** = **16**
* **ERR_FILE_EOF** = **17**
* **ERR_CANT_OPEN** = **18**
* **ERR_CANT_CREATE** = **19**
* **ERROR_QUERY_FAILED** = **20**
* **ERR_ALREADY_IN_USE** = **21**
* **ERR_LOCKED** = **22**
* **ERR_TIMEOUT** = **23**
* **ERR_INVALID_DATA** = **29**
* **ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS** = **31**
* **ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST** = **32**
* **ERR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND** = **36**
* **ERR_LINK_FAILED** = **37**
* **ERR_SCRIPT_FAILED** = **38**
* **ERR_CYCLIC_LINK** = **39**
* **ERR_BUSY** = **43**
* **ERR_HELP** = **45**
* **ERR_BUG** = **46**
* **ERR_WTF** = **48**
* **PROPERTY_HINT_NONE** = **0** - No hint for edited property.
* **PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE** = **1** - Hint string is a range, defined as "min,max" or "min,max,step". This is valid for integers and floats.
* **PROPERTY_HINT_EXP_RANGE** = **2** - Hint string is an exponential range, defined as "min,max" or "min,max,step". This is valid for integers and floats.
* **PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM** = **3** - Property hint is an enumerated value, like "Hello,Something,Else". This is valid for integers, floats and strings properties.
* **PROPERTY_HINT_FLAGS** = **7** - Property hint is a bitmask description, for bits 0,1,2,3 abd 5 the hint would be like "Bit0,Bit1,Bit2,Bit3,,Bit5". Valid only for integers.
* **PROPERTY_HINT_FILE** = **9** - String property is a file (so pop up a file dialog when edited). Hint string can be a set of wildcards like "*.doc".
* **PROPERTY_HINT_DIR** = **10** - String property is a directory (so pop up a file dialog when edited).
* **PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE** = **13** - String property is a resource, so open the resource popup menu when edited.
* **PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE** = **1** - Property will be used as storage (default).
* **PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE** = **1** - Property will be used as storage (default).
* **PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR** = **2** - Property will be visible in editor (default).
* **PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT** = **7** - Default usage (storage and editor).
* **TYPE_NIL** = **0** - Variable is of type nil (only applied for null).
* **TYPE_BOOL** = **1** - Variable is of type bool.
* **TYPE_INT** = **2** - Variable is of type integer.
* **TYPE_REAL** = **3** - Variable is of type float/real.
* **TYPE_STRING** = **4** - Variable is of type [String].
* **TYPE_VECTOR2** = **5** - Variable is of type [Vector2].
* **TYPE_RECT2** = **6** - Variable is of type [Rect2].
* **TYPE_VECTOR3** = **7** - Variable is of type [Vector3].
* **TYPE_MATRIX32** = **8** - Variable is of type [Matrix32].
* **TYPE_PLANE** = **9** - Variable is of type [Plane].
* **TYPE_QUAT** = **10** - Variable is of type [Quat].
* **TYPE_AABB** = **11** - Variable is of type [AABB].
* **TYPE_MATRIX3** = **12** - Variable is fo type [Matrix3].
* **TYPE_TRANSFORM** = **13** - Variable is fo type [Transform].
* **TYPE_COLOR** = **14** - Variable is fo type [Color].
* **TYPE_IMAGE** = **15** - Variable is fo type [Image].
* **TYPE_NODE_PATH** = **16** - Variable is fo type [NodePath].
* **TYPE_RID** = **17** - Variable is fo type [RID].
* **TYPE_OBJECT** = **18** - Variable is fo type [Object].
* **TYPE_INPUT_EVENT** = **19** - Variable is fo type [InputEvent].
* **TYPE_DICTIONARY** = **20** - Variable is fo type [Dictionary].
* **TYPE_ARRAY** = **21** - Variable is fo type [Array].
* **TYPE_RAW_ARRAY** = **22**
* **TYPE_INT_ARRAY** = **23**
* **TYPE_REAL_ARRAY** = **24**
* **TYPE_STRING_ARRAY** = **25**
* **TYPE_VECTOR2_ARRAY** = **26**
* **TYPE_VECTOR3_ARRAY** = **27**
* **TYPE_COLOR_ARRAY** = **28**
* **TYPE_MAX** = **29**
### Description
Global scope constants and variables. This is all that resides in the globals, constants regarding error codes, scancodes, property hints, etc. It's not much.
Singletons are also documented here, since they can be accessed from anywhere.
@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# @MultiScript
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
(c) Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Distributed under the terms of the [CC By](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode) license.
@ -1,152 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Category:** Built-In Types
### Brief Description
Axis-Aligned Bounding Box.
### Member Functions
* [bool](class_bool) **[encloses](#encloses)** **(** [AABB](class_aabb) with **)**
* [AABB](class_aabb) **[expand](#expand)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) to_point **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_area](#get_area)** **(** **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_endpoint](#get_endpoint)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_longest_axis](#get_longest_axis)** **(** **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_longest_axis_index](#get_longest_axis_index)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_longest_axis_size](#get_longest_axis_size)** **(** **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_shortest_axis](#get_shortest_axis)** **(** **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_shortest_axis_index](#get_shortest_axis_index)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_shortest_axis_size](#get_shortest_axis_size)** **(** **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_support](#get_support)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) dir **)**
* [AABB](class_aabb) **[grow](#grow)** **(** [float](class_float) by **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_no_area](#has_no_area)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_no_surface](#has_no_surface)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_point](#has_point)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point **)**
* [AABB](class_aabb) **[intersection](#intersection)** **(** [AABB](class_aabb) with **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[intersects](#intersects)** **(** [AABB](class_aabb) with **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[intersects_plane](#intersects_plane)** **(** [Plane](class_plane) plane **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[intersects_segment](#intersects_segment)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) from, [Vector3](class_vector3) to **)**
* [AABB](class_aabb) **[merge](#merge)** **(** [AABB](class_aabb) with **)**
* [AABB](class_aabb) **[AABB](#AABB)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) pos, [Vector3](class_vector3) size **)**
### Member Variables
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **pos**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **size**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **end**
### Description
AABB provides an 3D Axis-Aligned Bounding Box. It consists of a
position and a size, and several utility functions. It is typically
used for simple (fast) overlap tests.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="encloses">encloses</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **encloses** **(** [AABB](class_aabb) with **)**
Return true if this [AABB](class_aabb) completely encloses another
#### <a name="expand">expand</a>
* [AABB](class_aabb) **expand** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) to_point **)**
Return this [AABB](class_aabb) expanded to include a given
#### <a name="get_area">get_area</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_area** **(** **)**
Get the area inside the [AABB](class_aabb)
#### <a name="get_endpoint">get_endpoint</a>
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **get_endpoint** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
Get the position of the 8 endpoints of the [AABB](class_aabb) in space.
#### <a name="get_longest_axis">get_longest_axis</a>
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **get_longest_axis** **(** **)**
Return the normalized longest axis of the [AABB](class_aabb)
#### <a name="get_longest_axis_index">get_longest_axis_index</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_longest_axis_index** **(** **)**
Return the index of the longest axis of the [AABB](class_aabb)
(according to [Vector3](class_vector3)::AXIS* enum).
#### <a name="get_longest_axis_size">get_longest_axis_size</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_longest_axis_size** **(** **)**
Return the scalar length of the longest axis of the
#### <a name="get_shortest_axis">get_shortest_axis</a>
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **get_shortest_axis** **(** **)**
Return the normalized shortest axis of the [AABB](class_aabb)
#### <a name="get_shortest_axis_index">get_shortest_axis_index</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_shortest_axis_index** **(** **)**
Return the index of the shortest axis of the [AABB](class_aabb)
(according to [Vector3](class_vector3)::AXIS* enum).
#### <a name="get_shortest_axis_size">get_shortest_axis_size</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_shortest_axis_size** **(** **)**
Return the scalar length of the shortest axis of the
#### <a name="get_support">get_support</a>
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **get_support** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) dir **)**
Return the support point in a given direction. This
is useful for collision detection algorithms.
#### <a name="grow">grow</a>
* [AABB](class_aabb) **grow** **(** [float](class_float) by **)**
Return a copy of the AABB grown a given a mount of
units towards all the sides.
#### <a name="has_no_area">has_no_area</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **has_no_area** **(** **)**
Return true if the [AABB](class_aabb) is flat or empty.
#### <a name="has_no_surface">has_no_surface</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **has_no_surface** **(** **)**
Return true if the [AABB](class_aabb) is empty.
#### <a name="has_point">has_point</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **has_point** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point **)**
Return true if the [AABB](class_aabb) contains a point.
#### <a name="intersection">intersection</a>
* [AABB](class_aabb) **intersection** **(** [AABB](class_aabb) with **)**
Return the intersection between two [AABB](class_aabb)s. An
empty AABB (size 0,0,0) is returned on failure.
#### <a name="intersects">intersects</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **intersects** **(** [AABB](class_aabb) with **)**
Return true if the [AABB](class_aabb) overlaps with another.
#### <a name="intersects_plane">intersects_plane</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **intersects_plane** **(** [Plane](class_plane) plane **)**
Return true if the AABB is at both sides of a plane.
#### <a name="merge">merge</a>
* [AABB](class_aabb) **merge** **(** [AABB](class_aabb) with **)**
Combine this [AABB](class_aabb) with another one, a larger one
is returned that contains both.
#### <a name="AABB">AABB</a>
* [AABB](class_aabb) **AABB** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) pos, [Vector3](class_vector3) size **)**
Optional constructor, accepts position and size.
@ -1,67 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# AcceptDialog
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [WindowDialog](class_windowdialog)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Base dialog for user notification.
### Member Functions
* [Object](class_object) **[get_ok](#get_ok)** **(** **)**
* [Object](class_object) **[get_label](#get_label)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_hide_on_ok](#set_hide_on_ok)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_hide_on_ok](#get_hide_on_ok)** **(** **)** const
* [Button](class_button) **[add_button](#add_button)** **(** [String](class_string) text, [bool](class_bool) right=false, [String](class_string) action="" **)**
* [Button](class_button) **[add_cancel](#add_cancel)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
* void **[register_text_enter](#register_text_enter)** **(** [Object](class_object) line_edit **)**
* void **[set_text](#set_text)** **(** [String](class_string) text **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_text](#get_text)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **confirmed** **(** **)**
* **custom_action** **(** [String](class_string) action **)**
### Description
This dialog is useful for small notifications to the user about an
event. It can only be accepted or closed, with the same result.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="get_ok">get_ok</a>
* [Object](class_object) **get_ok** **(** **)**
Return the OK Button.
#### <a name="get_label">get_label</a>
* [Object](class_object) **get_label** **(** **)**
Return the label used for built-in text.
#### <a name="set_hide_on_ok">set_hide_on_ok</a>
* void **set_hide_on_ok** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
Set whether the dialog is hidden when accepted
(default true).
#### <a name="get_hide_on_ok">get_hide_on_ok</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **get_hide_on_ok** **(** **)** const
Return true if the dialog will be hidden when
accepted (default true).
#### <a name="register_text_enter">register_text_enter</a>
* void **register_text_enter** **(** [Object](class_object) line_edit **)**
Register a [LineEdit](class_lineedit) in the dialog. When the enter
key is pressed, the dialog will be accepted.
#### <a name="set_text">set_text</a>
* void **set_text** **(** [String](class_string) text **)**
Set the built-in label text.
#### <a name="get_text">get_text</a>
* [String](class_string) **get_text** **(** **)** const
Return the built-in label text.
@ -1,108 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# AnimatedSprite
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Node2D](class_node2d)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Sprite node that can use multiple textures for animation.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_sprite_frames](#set_sprite_frames)** **(** [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) sprite_frames **)**
* [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) **[get_sprite_frames](#get_sprite_frames)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_centered](#set_centered)** **(** [bool](class_bool) centered **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_centered](#is_centered)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_offset](#set_offset)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) offset **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_offset](#get_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_flip_h](#set_flip_h)** **(** [bool](class_bool) flip_h **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_flipped_h](#is_flipped_h)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_flip_v](#set_flip_v)** **(** [bool](class_bool) flip_v **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_flipped_v](#is_flipped_v)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_frame](#set_frame)** **(** [int](class_int) frame **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_frame](#get_frame)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_modulate](#set_modulate)** **(** [Color](class_color) modulate **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[get_modulate](#get_modulate)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **frame_changed** **(** **)**
### Description
Sprite node that can use multiple textures for animation.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_sprite_frames">set_sprite_frames</a>
* void **set_sprite_frames** **(** [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) sprite_frames **)**
Set the [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) resource, which contains all
#### <a name="get_sprite_frames">get_sprite_frames</a>
* [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) **get_sprite_frames** **(** **)** const
Get the [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) resource, which contains all
#### <a name="set_centered">set_centered</a>
* void **set_centered** **(** [bool](class_bool) centered **)**
When turned on, offset at (0,0) is the center of the
sprite, when off, the top-left corner is.
#### <a name="is_centered">is_centered</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_centered** **(** **)** const
Return true when centered. See [set_centered].
#### <a name="set_offset">set_offset</a>
* void **set_offset** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) offset **)**
Set the offset of the sprite in the node origin.
Position varies depending on whether it is centered
or not.
#### <a name="get_offset">get_offset</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get_offset** **(** **)** const
Return the offset of the sprite in the node origin.
#### <a name="set_flip_h">set_flip_h</a>
* void **set_flip_h** **(** [bool](class_bool) flip_h **)**
If true, sprite is flipped horizontally.
#### <a name="is_flipped_h">is_flipped_h</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_flipped_h** **(** **)** const
Return true if sprite is flipped horizontally.
#### <a name="set_flip_v">set_flip_v</a>
* void **set_flip_v** **(** [bool](class_bool) flip_v **)**
If true, sprite is flipped vertically.
#### <a name="is_flipped_v">is_flipped_v</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_flipped_v** **(** **)** const
Return true if sprite is flipped vertically.
#### <a name="set_frame">set_frame</a>
* void **set_frame** **(** [int](class_int) frame **)**
Set the visible sprite frame index (from the list of
frames inside the [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) resource).
#### <a name="get_frame">get_frame</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_frame** **(** **)** const
Return the visible frame index.
#### <a name="set_modulate">set_modulate</a>
* void **set_modulate** **(** [Color](class_color) modulate **)**
Change the color modulation (multiplication) for this sprite.
#### <a name="get_modulate">get_modulate</a>
* [Color](class_color) **get_modulate** **(** **)** const
Return the color modulation for this sprite.
@ -1,19 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# AnimatedSprite3D
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [SpriteBase3D](class_spritebase3d)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_sprite_frames](#set_sprite_frames)** **(** [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) sprite_frames **)**
* [Texture](class_texture) **[get_sprite_frames](#get_sprite_frames)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_frame](#set_frame)** **(** [int](class_int) frame **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_frame](#get_frame)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **frame_changed** **(** **)**
### Member Function Description
@ -1,227 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# Animation
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Resource](class_resource)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Contains data used to animate everything in the engine.
### Member Functions
* [int](class_int) **[add_track](#add_track)** **(** [int](class_int) type, [int](class_int) at_pos=-1 **)**
* void **[remove_track](#remove_track)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_track_count](#get_track_count)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[track_get_type](#track_get_type)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **[track_get_path](#track_get_path)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[track_set_path](#track_set_path)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [NodePath](class_nodepath) path **)**
* [int](class_int) **[find_track](#find_track)** **(** [NodePath](class_nodepath) path **)** const
* void **[track_move_up](#track_move_up)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* void **[track_move_down](#track_move_down)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* [int](class_int) **[transform_track_insert_key](#transform_track_insert_key)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time, [Vector3](class_vector3) loc, [Quat](class_quat) rot, [Vector3](class_vector3) scale **)**
* void **[track_insert_key](#track_insert_key)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time, var key, [float](class_float) transition=1 **)**
* void **[track_remove_key](#track_remove_key)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)**
* void **[track_remove_key_at_pos](#track_remove_key_at_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) pos **)**
* void **[track_set_key_value](#track_set_key_value)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key, var value **)**
* void **[track_set_key_transition](#track_set_key_transition)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx, [float](class_float) transition **)**
* [float](class_float) **[track_get_key_transition](#track_get_key_transition)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[track_get_key_count](#track_get_key_count)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[track_get_key_value](#track_get_key_value)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[track_get_key_time](#track_get_key_time)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[track_find_key](#track_find_key)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time, [bool](class_bool) exact=false **)** const
* void **[track_set_interpolation_type](#track_set_interpolation_type)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) interpolation **)**
* [int](class_int) **[track_get_interpolation_type](#track_get_interpolation_type)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* [Array](class_array) **[transform_track_interpolate](#transform_track_interpolate)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time_sec **)** const
* void **[value_track_set_continuous](#value_track_set_continuous)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [bool](class_bool) continuous **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[value_track_is_continuous](#value_track_is_continuous)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **[value_track_get_key_indices](#value_track_get_key_indices)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time_sec, [float](class_float) delta **)** const
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **[method_track_get_key_indices](#method_track_get_key_indices)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time_sec, [float](class_float) delta **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[method_track_get_name](#method_track_get_name)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
* [Array](class_array) **[method_track_get_params](#method_track_get_params)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
* void **[set_length](#set_length)** **(** [float](class_float) time_sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_loop](#set_loop)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_loop](#has_loop)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_step](#set_step)** **(** [float](class_float) size_sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_step](#get_step)** **(** **)** const
* void **[clear](#clear)** **(** **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **TYPE_VALUE** = **0** - Value tracks set values in node properties, but only those which can be Interpolated.
* **TYPE_TRANSFORM** = **1** - Transform tracks are used to change node local transforms or skeleton pose bones. Transitions are Interpolated.
* **TYPE_METHOD** = **2** - Method tracks call functions with given arguments per key.
* **INTERPOLATION_NEAREST** = **0** - No interpolation (nearest value).
* **INTERPOLATION_LINEAR** = **1** - Linear interpolation.
* **INTERPOLATION_CUBIC** = **2** - Cubic interpolation.
### Description
An Animation resource contains data used to animate everything in the engine. Animations are divided into tracks, and each track must be linked to a node. The state of that node can be changed through time, by adding timed keys (events) to the track.
Animations are just data containers, and must be added to odes such as an [AnimationPlayer](class_animationplayer) or [AnimationTreePlayer](class_animationtreeplayer) to be played back.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="add_track">add_track</a>
* [int](class_int) **add_track** **(** [int](class_int) type, [int](class_int) at_pos=-1 **)**
Add a track to the Animation. The track type must be specified as any of the values in te TYPE_* enumeration.
#### <a name="remove_track">remove_track</a>
* void **remove_track** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
Remove a track by specifying the track index.
#### <a name="get_track_count">get_track_count</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_track_count** **(** **)** const
Return the amount of tracks in the animation.
#### <a name="track_get_type">track_get_type</a>
* [int](class_int) **track_get_type** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
Get the type of a track.
#### <a name="track_get_path">track_get_path</a>
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **track_get_path** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
Get the path of a track. for more information on the path format, see [track_set_path](#track_set_path)
#### <a name="track_set_path">track_set_path</a>
* void **track_set_path** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [NodePath](class_nodepath) path **)**
Set the path of a track. Paths must be valid scene-tree paths to a node, and must be specified starting from the parent node of the node that will reproduce the animation. Tracks that control properties or bones must append their name after the path, separated by ":". Example: "character/skeleton:ankle" or "character/mesh:transform/local"
#### <a name="track_move_up">track_move_up</a>
* void **track_move_up** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
Move a track up.
#### <a name="track_move_down">track_move_down</a>
* void **track_move_down** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
Nove a track down.
#### <a name="transform_track_insert_key">transform_track_insert_key</a>
* [int](class_int) **transform_track_insert_key** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time, [Vector3](class_vector3) loc, [Quat](class_quat) rot, [Vector3](class_vector3) scale **)**
Insert a transform key for a transform track.
#### <a name="track_insert_key">track_insert_key</a>
* void **track_insert_key** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time, var key, [float](class_float) transition=1 **)**
Insert a generic key in a given track.
#### <a name="track_remove_key">track_remove_key</a>
* void **track_remove_key** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)**
Remove a key by index in a given track.
#### <a name="track_remove_key_at_pos">track_remove_key_at_pos</a>
* void **track_remove_key_at_pos** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) pos **)**
Remove a key by position (seconds) in a given track.
#### <a name="track_set_key_value">track_set_key_value</a>
* void **track_set_key_value** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key, var value **)**
Set the value of an existing key.
#### <a name="track_set_key_transition">track_set_key_transition</a>
* void **track_set_key_transition** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx, [float](class_float) transition **)**
Set the transition curve (easing) for a specific key (see built-in
math function "ease").
#### <a name="track_get_key_transition">track_get_key_transition</a>
* [float](class_float) **track_get_key_transition** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
Return the transition curve (easing) for a specific key (see built-in
math function "ease").
#### <a name="track_get_key_count">track_get_key_count</a>
* [int](class_int) **track_get_key_count** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
Return the amount of keys in a given track.
#### <a name="track_get_key_value">track_get_key_value</a>
* void **track_get_key_value** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
Return the value of a given key in a given track.
#### <a name="track_get_key_time">track_get_key_time</a>
* [float](class_float) **track_get_key_time** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
Return the time at which the key is located.
#### <a name="track_find_key">track_find_key</a>
* [int](class_int) **track_find_key** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time, [bool](class_bool) exact=false **)** const
Find the key index by time in a given track. Optionally, only find it if the exact time is given.
#### <a name="track_set_interpolation_type">track_set_interpolation_type</a>
* void **track_set_interpolation_type** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) interpolation **)**
Set the interpolation type of a given track, from the INTERPOLATION_* enum.
#### <a name="track_get_interpolation_type">track_get_interpolation_type</a>
* [int](class_int) **track_get_interpolation_type** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
Return the interpolation type of a given track, from the INTERPOLATION_* enum.
#### <a name="transform_track_interpolate">transform_track_interpolate</a>
* [Array](class_array) **transform_track_interpolate** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time_sec **)** const
Return the interpolated value of a transform track at a given time (in seconds). An array consisting of 3 elements: position ([Vector3](class_vector3)), rotation ([Quat](class_quat)) and scale ([Vector3](class_vector3)).
#### <a name="value_track_set_continuous">value_track_set_continuous</a>
* void **value_track_set_continuous** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [bool](class_bool) continuous **)**
Enable or disable interpolation for a whole track. By default tracks are interpolated.
#### <a name="value_track_is_continuous">value_track_is_continuous</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **value_track_is_continuous** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
Return wether interpolation is enabled or disabled for a whole track. By default tracks are interpolated.
#### <a name="value_track_get_key_indices">value_track_get_key_indices</a>
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **value_track_get_key_indices** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time_sec, [float](class_float) delta **)** const
Return all the key indices of a value track, given a position and delta time.
#### <a name="method_track_get_key_indices">method_track_get_key_indices</a>
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **method_track_get_key_indices** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time_sec, [float](class_float) delta **)** const
Return all the key indices of a method track, given a position and delta time.
#### <a name="method_track_get_name">method_track_get_name</a>
* [String](class_string) **method_track_get_name** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
Return the method name of a method track.
#### <a name="method_track_get_params">method_track_get_params</a>
* [Array](class_array) **method_track_get_params** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
Return the arguments values to be called on a method track for a given key in a given track.
#### <a name="set_length">set_length</a>
* void **set_length** **(** [float](class_float) time_sec **)**
Set the total length of the animation (in seconds). Note that length is not delimited by the last key, as this one may be before or after the end to ensure correct interpolation and looping.
#### <a name="get_length">get_length</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_length** **(** **)** const
Return the total length of the animation (in seconds).
#### <a name="set_loop">set_loop</a>
* void **set_loop** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
Set a flag indicating that the animation must loop. This is uses for correct interpolation of animation cycles, and for hinting the player that it must restart the animation.
#### <a name="has_loop">has_loop</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **has_loop** **(** **)** const
Return wether the animation has the loop flag set.
#### <a name="clear">clear</a>
* void **clear** **(** **)**
Clear the animation (clear all tracks and reset all).
@ -1,240 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# AnimationPlayer
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Node](class_node)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Container and player of [Animaton] resources.
### Member Functions
* [int](class_int) **[add_animation](#add_animation)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [Animation](class_animation) animation **)**
* void **[remove_animation](#remove_animation)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
* void **[rename_animation](#rename_animation)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [String](class_string) newname **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_animation](#has_animation)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)** const
* [Animation](class_animation) **[get_animation](#get_animation)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)** const
* [StringArray](class_stringarray) **[get_animation_list](#get_animation_list)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_blend_time](#set_blend_time)** **(** [String](class_string) anim_from, [String](class_string) anim_to, [float](class_float) sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_blend_time](#get_blend_time)** **(** [String](class_string) anim_from, [String](class_string) anim_to **)** const
* void **[set_default_blend_time](#set_default_blend_time)** **(** [float](class_float) sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_default_blend_time](#get_default_blend_time)** **(** **)** const
* void **[play](#play)** **(** [String](class_string) name="", [float](class_float) custom_blend=-1, [float](class_float) custom_speed=1, [bool](class_bool) from_end=false **)**
* void **[stop](#stop)** **(** **)**
* void **[stop_all](#stop_all)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_playing](#is_playing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_current_animation](#set_current_animation)** **(** [String](class_string) anim **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_current_animation](#get_current_animation)** **(** **)** const
* void **[queue](#queue)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
* void **[clear_queue](#clear_queue)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_active](#set_active)** **(** [bool](class_bool) active **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_active](#is_active)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_speed](#set_speed)** **(** [float](class_float) speed **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_speed](#get_speed)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_autoplay](#set_autoplay)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_autoplay](#get_autoplay)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_root](#set_root)** **(** [NodePath](class_nodepath) path **)**
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **[get_root](#get_root)** **(** **)** const
* void **[seek](#seek)** **(** [float](class_float) pos_sec, [bool](class_bool) update=false **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[find_animation](#find_animation)** **(** [Animation](class_animation) animation **)** const
* void **[clear_caches](#clear_caches)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_animation_process_mode](#set_animation_process_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_animation_process_mode](#get_animation_process_mode)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_current_animation_pos](#get_current_animation_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_current_animation_length](#get_current_animation_length)** **(** **)** const
* void **[advance](#advance)** **(** [float](class_float) delta **)**
### Signals
* **animation_changed** **(** [String](class_string) old_name, [String](class_string) new_name **)**
* **finished** **(** **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **ANIMATION_PROCESS_FIXED** = **0** - Process animation on fixed process. This is specially useful
when animating kinematic bodies.
* **ANIMATION_PROCESS_IDLE** = **1** - Process animation on idle process.
### Description
An animation player is used for general purpose playback of [Animation](class_animation) resources. It contains a dictionary of animations (referenced by name) and custom blend times between their transitions. Additionally, animations can be played and blended in diferent channels.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="add_animation">add_animation</a>
* [int](class_int) **add_animation** **(** [String](class_string) name, [Animation](class_animation) animation **)**
Add an animation resource to the player, which will be later referenced by the "name" argument.
#### <a name="remove_animation">remove_animation</a>
* void **remove_animation** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
Remove an animation from the player (by supplying the same name used to add it).
#### <a name="rename_animation">rename_animation</a>
* void **rename_animation** **(** [String](class_string) name, [String](class_string) newname **)**
Rename an existing animation.
#### <a name="has_animation">has_animation</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **has_animation** **(** [String](class_string) name **)** const
Request wether an [Animation](class_animation) name exist within the player.
#### <a name="get_animation">get_animation</a>
* [Animation](class_animation) **get_animation** **(** [String](class_string) name **)** const
Get an [Animation](class_animation) resource by requesting a name.
#### <a name="get_animation_list">get_animation_list</a>
* [StringArray](class_stringarray) **get_animation_list** **(** **)** const
Get the list of names of the animations stored in the player.
#### <a name="set_blend_time">set_blend_time</a>
* void **set_blend_time** **(** [String](class_string) anim_from, [String](class_string) anim_to, [float](class_float) sec **)**
Specify a blend time (in seconds) between two animations, referemced by their names.
#### <a name="get_blend_time">get_blend_time</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_blend_time** **(** [String](class_string) anim_from, [String](class_string) anim_to **)** const
Get the blend time between two animations, referemced by their names.
#### <a name="set_default_blend_time">set_default_blend_time</a>
* void **set_default_blend_time** **(** [float](class_float) sec **)**
Set the default blend time between animations.
#### <a name="get_default_blend_time">get_default_blend_time</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_default_blend_time** **(** **)** const
Return the default blend time between animations.
#### <a name="play">play</a>
* void **play** **(** [String](class_string) name="", [float](class_float) custom_blend=-1, [float](class_float) custom_speed=1, [bool](class_bool) from_end=false **)**
Play a given animation by the animation name. Custom
speed and blend times can be set. If custom speed is
negative (-1), 'from_end' being true can play the
animation backwards.
#### <a name="stop">stop</a>
* void **stop** **(** **)**
Stop the currently played animation.
#### <a name="stop_all">stop_all</a>
* void **stop_all** **(** **)**
Stop playback of animations (deprecated).
#### <a name="is_playing">is_playing</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_playing** **(** **)** const
Return wether an animation is playing.
#### <a name="set_current_animation">set_current_animation</a>
* void **set_current_animation** **(** [String](class_string) anim **)**
Set the current animation (even if no playback occurs). Using set_current_animation() and set_active() are similar to claling play().
#### <a name="get_current_animation">get_current_animation</a>
* [String](class_string) **get_current_animation** **(** **)** const
Return the name of the animation being played.
#### <a name="queue">queue</a>
* void **queue** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
Queue an animation for playback once the current one is done.
#### <a name="clear_queue">clear_queue</a>
* void **clear_queue** **(** **)**
If animations are queued to play, clear them.
#### <a name="set_active">set_active</a>
* void **set_active** **(** [bool](class_bool) active **)**
Set the player as active (playing). If false, it
will do nothing.
#### <a name="is_active">is_active</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_active** **(** **)** const
Return true if the player is active.
#### <a name="set_speed">set_speed</a>
* void **set_speed** **(** [float](class_float) speed **)**
Set a speed scaling ratio in a given animation channel (or channel 0 if none is provided). Default ratio is _1_ (no scaling).
#### <a name="get_speed">get_speed</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_speed** **(** **)** const
Get the speed scaling ratio in a given animation channel (or channel 0 if none is provided). Default ratio is _1_ (no scaling).
#### <a name="set_autoplay">set_autoplay</a>
* void **set_autoplay** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
Set the name of the animation that will be automatically played when the scene is loaded.
#### <a name="get_autoplay">get_autoplay</a>
* [String](class_string) **get_autoplay** **(** **)** const
Return the name of the animation that will be automatically played when the scene is loaded.
#### <a name="set_root">set_root</a>
* void **set_root** **(** [NodePath](class_nodepath) path **)**
AnimationPlayer resolves animation track paths from
this node (which is relative to itself), by
default root is "..", but it can be changed..
#### <a name="get_root">get_root</a>
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **get_root** **(** **)** const
Return path to root node (see [set_root]).
#### <a name="seek">seek</a>
* void **seek** **(** [float](class_float) pos_sec, [bool](class_bool) update=false **)**
Seek the animation to a given position in time (in
seconds). If 'update'
is true, the animation will be updated too,
otherwise it will be updated at process time.
#### <a name="get_pos">get_pos</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_pos** **(** **)** const
Return the playback position (in seconds) in an animation channel (or channel 0 if none is provided)
#### <a name="find_animation">find_animation</a>
* [String](class_string) **find_animation** **(** [Animation](class_animation) animation **)** const
Find an animation name by resource.
#### <a name="clear_caches">clear_caches</a>
* void **clear_caches** **(** **)**
The animation player creates caches for faster access to the nodes it will animate. However, if a specific node is removed, it may not notice it, so clear_caches will force the player to search for the nodes again.
#### <a name="set_animation_process_mode">set_animation_process_mode</a>
* void **set_animation_process_mode** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
Set the mode in which the animation player processes. By default, it processes on idle time (framerate dependent), but using fixed time works well for animating static collision bodies in 2D and 3D. See enum ANIMATION_PROCESS_*.
#### <a name="get_animation_process_mode">get_animation_process_mode</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_animation_process_mode** **(** **)** const
Return the mode in which the animation player processes. See [set_animation_process_mode](#set_animation_process_mode).
#### <a name="get_current_animation_pos">get_current_animation_pos</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_current_animation_pos** **(** **)** const
Get the position (in seconds) of the currently being
played animation.
#### <a name="get_current_animation_length">get_current_animation_length</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_current_animation_length** **(** **)** const
Get the length (in seconds) of the currently being
played animation.
@ -1,127 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# AnimationTreePlayer
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Node](class_node)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Animation Player that uses a node graph for the blending.
### Member Functions
* void **[add_node](#add_node)** **(** [int](class_int) type, [String](class_string) id **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[node_exists](#node_exists)** **(** [String](class_string) node **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[node_rename](#node_rename)** **(** [String](class_string) node, [String](class_string) new_name **)**
* [int](class_int) **[node_get_type](#node_get_type)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[node_get_input_count](#node_get_input_count)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[node_get_input_source](#node_get_input_source)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[animation_node_set_animation](#animation_node_set_animation)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [Animation](class_animation) animation **)**
* [Animation](class_animation) **[animation_node_get_animation](#animation_node_get_animation)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[animation_node_set_master_animation](#animation_node_set_master_animation)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [String](class_string) source **)**
* [String](class_string) **[animation_node_get_master_animation](#animation_node_get_master_animation)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[oneshot_node_set_fadein_time](#oneshot_node_set_fadein_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) time_sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[oneshot_node_get_fadein_time](#oneshot_node_get_fadein_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[oneshot_node_set_fadeout_time](#oneshot_node_set_fadeout_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) time_sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[oneshot_node_get_fadeout_time](#oneshot_node_get_fadeout_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[oneshot_node_set_autorestart](#oneshot_node_set_autorestart)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* void **[oneshot_node_set_autorestart_delay](#oneshot_node_set_autorestart_delay)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) delay_sec **)**
* void **[oneshot_node_set_autorestart_random_delay](#oneshot_node_set_autorestart_random_delay)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) rand_sec **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[oneshot_node_has_autorestart](#oneshot_node_has_autorestart)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[oneshot_node_get_autorestart_delay](#oneshot_node_get_autorestart_delay)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[oneshot_node_get_autorestart_random_delay](#oneshot_node_get_autorestart_random_delay)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[oneshot_node_start](#oneshot_node_start)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)**
* void **[oneshot_node_stop](#oneshot_node_stop)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[oneshot_node_is_active](#oneshot_node_is_active)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[oneshot_node_set_filter_path](#oneshot_node_set_filter_path)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [NodePath](class_nodepath) path, [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* void **[mix_node_set_amount](#mix_node_set_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) ratio **)**
* [float](class_float) **[mix_node_get_amount](#mix_node_get_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[blend2_node_set_amount](#blend2_node_set_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) blend **)**
* [float](class_float) **[blend2_node_get_amount](#blend2_node_get_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[blend2_node_set_filter_path](#blend2_node_set_filter_path)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [NodePath](class_nodepath) path, [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* void **[blend3_node_set_amount](#blend3_node_set_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) blend **)**
* [float](class_float) **[blend3_node_get_amount](#blend3_node_get_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[blend4_node_set_amount](#blend4_node_set_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [Vector2](class_vector2) blend **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[blend4_node_get_amount](#blend4_node_get_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[timescale_node_set_scale](#timescale_node_set_scale)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[timescale_node_get_scale](#timescale_node_get_scale)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[timeseek_node_seek](#timeseek_node_seek)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) pos_sec **)**
* void **[transition_node_set_input_count](#transition_node_set_input_count)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [int](class_int) count **)**
* [int](class_int) **[transition_node_get_input_count](#transition_node_get_input_count)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[transition_node_delete_input](#transition_node_delete_input)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [int](class_int) input_idx **)**
* void **[transition_node_set_input_auto_advance](#transition_node_set_input_auto_advance)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [int](class_int) input_idx, [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[transition_node_has_input_auto_advance](#transition_node_has_input_auto_advance)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [int](class_int) input_idx **)** const
* void **[transition_node_set_xfade_time](#transition_node_set_xfade_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) time_sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[transition_node_get_xfade_time](#transition_node_get_xfade_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[transition_node_set_current](#transition_node_set_current)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [int](class_int) input_idx **)**
* [int](class_int) **[transition_node_get_current](#transition_node_get_current)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[node_set_pos](#node_set_pos)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [Vector2](class_vector2) screen_pos **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[node_get_pos](#node_get_pos)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[remove_node](#remove_node)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)**
* [int](class_int) **[connect](#connect)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [String](class_string) dst_id, [int](class_int) dst_input_idx **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_connected](#is_connected)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [String](class_string) dst_id, [int](class_int) dst_input_idx **)** const
* void **[disconnect](#disconnect)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [int](class_int) dst_input_idx **)**
* void **[set_active](#set_active)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_active](#is_active)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_base_path](#set_base_path)** **(** [NodePath](class_nodepath) path **)**
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **[get_base_path](#get_base_path)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_master_player](#set_master_player)** **(** [NodePath](class_nodepath) nodepath **)**
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **[get_master_player](#get_master_player)** **(** **)** const
* [StringArray](class_stringarray) **[get_node_list](#get_node_list)** **(** **)**
* void **[reset](#reset)** **(** **)**
* void **[recompute_caches](#recompute_caches)** **(** **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **NODE_OUTPUT** = **0**
* **NODE_ANIMATION** = **1**
* **NODE_ONESHOT** = **2**
* **NODE_MIX** = **3**
* **NODE_BLEND2** = **4**
* **NODE_BLEND3** = **5**
* **NODE_BLEND4** = **6**
* **NODE_TIMESCALE** = **7**
* **NODE_TIMESEEK** = **8**
* **NODE_TRANSITION** = **9**
### Description
Animation Player that uses a node graph for the blending. This kind
of player is very useful when animating character or other skeleton
based rigs, because it can combine several animations to form a
desired pose.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="add_node">add_node</a>
* void **add_node** **(** [int](class_int) type, [String](class_string) id **)**
Add a node of a given type in the graph with given
#### <a name="node_exists">node_exists</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **node_exists** **(** [String](class_string) node **)** const
Check if a node exists (by name).
#### <a name="node_rename">node_rename</a>
* [int](class_int) **node_rename** **(** [String](class_string) node, [String](class_string) new_name **)**
Rename a node in the graph.
#### <a name="node_get_type">node_get_type</a>
* [int](class_int) **node_get_type** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
Get the node type, will return from NODE_* enum.
#### <a name="node_get_input_count">node_get_input_count</a>
* [int](class_int) **node_get_input_count** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
Return the input count for a given node. Different
types of nodes have different amount of inputs.
#### <a name="node_get_input_source">node_get_input_source</a>
* [String](class_string) **node_get_input_source** **(** [String](class_string) id, [int](class_int) idx **)** const
Return the input source for a given node input.
#### <a name="animation_node_set_animation">animation_node_set_animation</a>
* void **animation_node_set_animation** **(** [String](class_string) id, [Animation](class_animation) animation **)**
Set the animation for an animation node.
@ -1,33 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# Area
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [CollisionObject](class_collisionobject)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_space_override_mode](#set_space_override_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) enable **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_space_override_mode](#get_space_override_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gravity_is_point](#set_gravity_is_point)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_gravity_a_point](#is_gravity_a_point)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gravity_vector](#set_gravity_vector)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) vector **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_gravity_vector](#get_gravity_vector)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gravity](#set_gravity)** **(** [float](class_float) gravity **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_gravity](#get_gravity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_density](#set_density)** **(** [float](class_float) density **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_density](#get_density)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_priority](#set_priority)** **(** [float](class_float) priority **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_priority](#get_priority)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_enable_monitoring](#set_enable_monitoring)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_monitoring_enabled](#is_monitoring_enabled)** **(** **)** const
* [Array](class_array) **[get_overlapping_bodies](#get_overlapping_bodies)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **body_enter** **(** [Object](class_object) body **)**
* **body_enter_shape** **(** [int](class_int) body_id, [Object](class_object) body, [int](class_int) body_shape, [int](class_int) area_shape **)**
* **body_exit** **(** [Object](class_object) body **)**
* **body_exit_shape** **(** [int](class_int) body_id, [Object](class_object) body, [int](class_int) body_shape, [int](class_int) area_shape **)**
### Member Function Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# Area2D
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [CollisionObject2D](class_collisionobject2d)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
General purpose area detection and influence for 2D Phisics.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_space_override_mode](#set_space_override_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) enable **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_space_override_mode](#get_space_override_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gravity_is_point](#set_gravity_is_point)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_gravity_a_point](#is_gravity_a_point)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gravity_vector](#set_gravity_vector)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) vector **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_gravity_vector](#get_gravity_vector)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gravity](#set_gravity)** **(** [float](class_float) gravity **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_gravity](#get_gravity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_linear_damp](#set_linear_damp)** **(** [float](class_float) linear_damp **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_linear_damp](#get_linear_damp)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_angular_damp](#set_angular_damp)** **(** [float](class_float) angular_damp **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_angular_damp](#get_angular_damp)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_priority](#set_priority)** **(** [float](class_float) priority **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_priority](#get_priority)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_collision_mask](#set_collision_mask)** **(** [int](class_int) collision_mask **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_collision_mask](#get_collision_mask)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_layer_mask](#set_layer_mask)** **(** [int](class_int) layer_mask **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_layer_mask](#get_layer_mask)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_enable_monitoring](#set_enable_monitoring)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_monitoring_enabled](#is_monitoring_enabled)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_monitorable](#set_monitorable)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_monitorable](#is_monitorable)** **(** **)** const
* [Array](class_array) **[get_overlapping_bodies](#get_overlapping_bodies)** **(** **)** const
* [Array](class_array) **[get_overlapping_areas](#get_overlapping_areas)** **(** **)** const
* [PhysicsBody2D](class_physicsbody2d) **[overlaps_body](#overlaps_body)** **(** [Object](class_object) body **)** const
* [Area2D](class_area2d) **[overlaps_area](#overlaps_area)** **(** [Object](class_object) area **)** const
### Signals
* **body_enter** **(** [Object](class_object) body **)**
* **body_enter_shape** **(** [int](class_int) body_id, [Object](class_object) body, [int](class_int) body_shape, [int](class_int) area_shape **)**
* **area_enter** **(** [Object](class_object) area **)**
* **area_enter_shape** **(** [int](class_int) area_id, [Object](class_object) area, [int](class_int) area_shape, [int](class_int) area_shape **)**
* **body_exit** **(** [Object](class_object) body **)**
* **body_exit_shape** **(** [int](class_int) body_id, [Object](class_object) body, [int](class_int) body_shape, [int](class_int) area_shape **)**
* **area_exit** **(** [Object](class_object) area **)**
* **area_exit_shape** **(** [int](class_int) area_id, [Object](class_object) area, [int](class_int) area_shape, [int](class_int) area_shape **)**
### Description
General purpose area detection for 2D Phisics. Areas can be used for detection of objects that enter/exit them, as well as overriding space parameters (changing gravity, damping, etc). An Area2D can be set as a children to a RigidBody2D to generate a custom gravity field. For this, use SPACE_OVERRIDE_COMBINE and point gravity at the center of mass.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_gravity_is_point">set_gravity_is_point</a>
* void **set_gravity_is_point** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
When overriding space parameters, areas can have a center of gravity as a point.
#### <a name="is_gravity_a_point">is_gravity_a_point</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_gravity_a_point** **(** **)** const
Return if gravity is a point. When overriding space parameters, areas can have a center of gravity as a point.
#### <a name="set_gravity_vector">set_gravity_vector</a>
* void **set_gravity_vector** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) vector **)**
Set gravity vector. If gravity is a point, this will be the attraction center
@ -1,111 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# Array
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Category:** Built-In Types
### Brief Description
Generic array datatype.
### Member Functions
* void **[append](#append)** **(** var value **)**
* void **[clear](#clear)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[empty](#empty)** **(** **)**
* void **[erase](#erase)** **(** var value **)**
* [int](class_int) **[find](#find)** **(** var value **)**
* [int](class_int) **[hash](#hash)** **(** **)**
* void **[insert](#insert)** **(** [int](class_int) pos, var value **)**
* void **[invert](#invert)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_shared](#is_shared)** **(** **)**
* void **[push_back](#push_back)** **(** var value **)**
* void **[remove](#remove)** **(** [int](class_int) pos **)**
* void **[resize](#resize)** **(** [int](class_int) pos **)**
* [int](class_int) **[size](#size)** **(** **)**
* void **[sort](#sort)** **(** **)**
* void **[sort_custom](#sort_custom)** **(** [Object](class_object) obj, [String](class_string) func **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[Array](#Array)** **(** [RawArray](class_rawarray) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[Array](#Array)** **(** [IntArray](class_intarray) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[Array](#Array)** **(** [RealArray](class_realarray) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[Array](#Array)** **(** [StringArray](class_stringarray) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[Array](#Array)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[Array](#Array)** **(** [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) from **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[Array](#Array)** **(** [ColorArray](class_colorarray) from **)**
### Description
Generic array, contains several elements of any type, accessible by numerical index starting at 0. Arrays are always passed by reference.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="clear">clear</a>
* void **clear** **(** **)**
Clear the array (resize to 0).
#### <a name="empty">empty</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **empty** **(** **)**
Return true if the array is empty (size==0).
#### <a name="hash">hash</a>
* [int](class_int) **hash** **(** **)**
Return a hashed integer value representing the array contents.
#### <a name="insert">insert</a>
* void **insert** **(** [int](class_int) pos, var value **)**
Insert a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array (pos==size()).
#### <a name="push_back">push_back</a>
* void **push_back** **(** var value **)**
Append an element at the end of the array.
#### <a name="remove">remove</a>
* void **remove** **(** [int](class_int) pos **)**
Remove an element from the array by index.
#### <a name="resize">resize</a>
* void **resize** **(** [int](class_int) pos **)**
Resize the array to contain a different number of elements. If the array size is smaller, elements are cleared, if bigger, new elements are Null.
#### <a name="size">size</a>
* [int](class_int) **size** **(** **)**
Return the amount of elements in the array.
#### <a name="Array">Array</a>
* [Array](class_array) **Array** **(** [RawArray](class_rawarray) from **)**
Construct an array from a [RawArray](class_rawarray).
#### <a name="Array">Array</a>
* [Array](class_array) **Array** **(** [IntArray](class_intarray) from **)**
Construct an array from a [RawArray](class_rawarray).
#### <a name="Array">Array</a>
* [Array](class_array) **Array** **(** [RealArray](class_realarray) from **)**
Construct an array from a [RawArray](class_rawarray).
#### <a name="Array">Array</a>
* [Array](class_array) **Array** **(** [StringArray](class_stringarray) from **)**
Construct an array from a [RawArray](class_rawarray).
#### <a name="Array">Array</a>
* [Array](class_array) **Array** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) from **)**
Construct an array from a [RawArray](class_rawarray).
#### <a name="Array">Array</a>
* [Array](class_array) **Array** **(** [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) from **)**
Construct an array from a [RawArray](class_rawarray).
#### <a name="Array">Array</a>
* [Array](class_array) **Array** **(** [ColorArray](class_colorarray) from **)**
Construct an array from a [RawArray](class_rawarray).
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# AtlasTexture
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Texture](class_texture)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_atlas](#set_atlas)** **(** [Texture](class_texture) atlas **)**
* [Texture](class_texture) **[get_atlas](#get_atlas)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_region](#set_region)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) region **)**
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[get_region](#get_region)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_margin](#set_margin)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) margin **)**
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[get_margin](#get_margin)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# AudioServer
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Object](class_object)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Server interface for low level audio access.
### Member Functions
* [RID](class_rid) **[sample_create](#sample_create)** **(** [int](class_int) format, [bool](class_bool) stereo, [int](class_int) length **)**
* void **[sample_set_description](#sample_set_description)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [String](class_string) description **)**
* [String](class_string) **[sample_get_description](#sample_get_description)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [String](class_string) arg1 **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[sample_get_format](#sample_get_format)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[sample_is_stereo](#sample_is_stereo)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[sample_get_length](#sample_get_length)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
* void **[sample_set_signed_data](#sample_set_signed_data)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [RealArray](class_realarray) data **)**
* void **[sample_set_data](#sample_set_data)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [RawArray](class_rawarray) arg1 **)**
* [RawArray](class_rawarray) **[sample_get_data](#sample_get_data)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
* void **[sample_set_mix_rate](#sample_set_mix_rate)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [int](class_int) mix_rate **)**
* [int](class_int) **[sample_get_mix_rate](#sample_get_mix_rate)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
* void **[sample_set_loop_format](#sample_set_loop_format)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [int](class_int) loop_format **)**
* [int](class_int) **[sample_get_loop_format](#sample_get_loop_format)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
* void **[sample_set_loop_begin](#sample_set_loop_begin)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [int](class_int) pos **)**
* [int](class_int) **[sample_get_loop_begin](#sample_get_loop_begin)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
* void **[sample_set_loop_end](#sample_set_loop_end)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [int](class_int) pos **)**
* [int](class_int) **[sample_get_loop_end](#sample_get_loop_end)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
* [RID](class_rid) **[voice_create](#voice_create)** **(** **)**
* void **[voice_play](#voice_play)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [RID](class_rid) sample **)**
* void **[voice_set_volume](#voice_set_volume)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [float](class_float) volume **)**
* void **[voice_set_pan](#voice_set_pan)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [float](class_float) pan, [float](class_float) depth=0, [float](class_float) height=0 **)**
* void **[voice_set_filter](#voice_set_filter)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [int](class_int) type, [float](class_float) cutoff, [float](class_float) resonance, [float](class_float) gain=0 **)**
* void **[voice_set_chorus](#voice_set_chorus)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [float](class_float) chorus **)**
* void **[voice_set_reverb](#voice_set_reverb)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [int](class_int) room, [float](class_float) reverb **)**
* void **[voice_set_mix_rate](#voice_set_mix_rate)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [int](class_int) rate **)**
* void **[voice_set_positional](#voice_set_positional)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_volume](#voice_get_volume)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_pan](#voice_get_pan)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_pan_height](#voice_get_pan_height)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_pan_depth](#voice_get_pan_depth)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[voice_get_filter_type](#voice_get_filter_type)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_filter_cutoff](#voice_get_filter_cutoff)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_filter_resonance](#voice_get_filter_resonance)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_chorus](#voice_get_chorus)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[voice_get_reverb_type](#voice_get_reverb_type)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_reverb](#voice_get_reverb)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[voice_get_mix_rate](#voice_get_mix_rate)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[voice_is_positional](#voice_is_positional)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* void **[voice_stop](#voice_stop)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)**
* void **[free](#free)** **(** [RID](class_rid) rid **)**
* void **[set_stream_global_volume_scale](#set_stream_global_volume_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_stream_global_volume_scale](#get_stream_global_volume_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_fx_global_volume_scale](#set_fx_global_volume_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_fx_global_volume_scale](#get_fx_global_volume_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_event_voice_global_volume_scale](#set_event_voice_global_volume_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_event_voice_global_volume_scale](#get_event_voice_global_volume_scale)** **(** **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **SAMPLE_FORMAT_PCM8** = **0** - Sample format is 8 bits, signed.
* **SAMPLE_FORMAT_PCM16** = **1** - Sample format is 16 bits, signed.
* **SAMPLE_FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM** = **2** - Sample format is IMA-ADPCM compressed.
* **SAMPLE_LOOP_NONE** = **0** - Sample does not loop.
* **SAMPLE_LOOP_FORWARD** = **1** - Sample loops in forward mode.
* **SAMPLE_LOOP_PING_PONG** = **2** - Sample loops in a bidirectional way.
* **FILTER_NONE** = **0** - Filter is disable.
* **FILTER_LOWPASS** = **1** - Filter is a resonant lowpass.
* **FILTER_BANDPASS** = **2** - Filter is a resonant bandpass.
* **FILTER_HIPASS** = **3** - Filter is a resonant highpass.
* **FILTER_NOTCH** = **4** - Filter is a notch.
* **FILTER_BANDLIMIT** = **6** - Filter is a bandlimit (resonance used as highpass).
* **REVERB_SMALL** = **0** - Small reverb room (closet, bathroom, etc).
* **REVERB_MEDIUM** = **1** - Medium reverb room (living room)
* **REVERB_LARGE** = **2** - Large reverb room (warehouse).
* **REVERB_HALL** = **3** - Large reverb room with long decay.
### Description
AudioServer is a low level server interface for audio access. It is"#10;"#9;in charge of creating sample data (playable audio) as well as it's"#10;"#9;playback via a voice interface.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="sample_create">sample_create</a>
* [RID](class_rid) **sample_create** **(** [int](class_int) format, [bool](class_bool) stereo, [int](class_int) length **)**
Create an audio sample, return a [RID](class_rid) referencing"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;it. The sample will be created with a given format"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;(from the SAMPLE_FORMAT_* enum), a total length (in"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;frames, not samples or bytes), in either stereo or"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;mono.
#### <a name="sample_set_description">sample_set_description</a>
* void **sample_set_description** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [String](class_string) description **)**
Set the description of an audio sample. Mainly used"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;for organization.
#### <a name="sample_get_description">sample_get_description</a>
* [String](class_string) **sample_get_description** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [String](class_string) arg1 **)** const
Return the description of an audio sample. Mainly"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;used for organization.
#### <a name="sample_get_format">sample_get_format</a>
* [int](class_int) **sample_get_format** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
Return the format of the audio sample, in the form"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;of the SAMPLE_FORMAT_* enum.
#### <a name="sample_is_stereo">sample_is_stereo</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **sample_is_stereo** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
Return wether the sample is stereo (2 channels)
#### <a name="sample_get_length">sample_get_length</a>
* [int](class_int) **sample_get_length** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
Return the length in frames of the audio sample (not"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;samples or bytes).
#### <a name="sample_set_signed_data">sample_set_signed_data</a>
* void **sample_set_signed_data** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [RealArray](class_realarray) data **)**
Set the sample data for a given sample as an array"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;of floats. The length must be equal to the sample"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;lenght or an error will be produced.
#### <a name="sample_set_data">sample_set_data</a>
* void **sample_set_data** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [RawArray](class_rawarray) arg1 **)**
Set the sample data for a given sample as an array"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;of bytes. The length must be equal to the sample"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;lenght expected in bytes or an error will be produced.
#### <a name="sample_get_data">sample_get_data</a>
* [RawArray](class_rawarray) **sample_get_data** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
Return the sample data as an array of bytes. The"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;length will be the expected length in bytes.
#### <a name="sample_set_mix_rate">sample_set_mix_rate</a>
* void **sample_set_mix_rate** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [int](class_int) mix_rate **)**
Change the default mix rate of a given sample.
#### <a name="sample_get_mix_rate">sample_get_mix_rate</a>
* [int](class_int) **sample_get_mix_rate** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
Return the mix rate of the given sample.
#### <a name="sample_set_loop_format">sample_set_loop_format</a>
* void **sample_set_loop_format** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [int](class_int) loop_format **)**
Set the loop format for a sample from the"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;SAMPLE_LOOP_* enum. As a warning, Ping Pong loops"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;may not be available on some hardware-mixing"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;platforms.
#### <a name="sample_get_loop_format">sample_get_loop_format</a>
* [int](class_int) **sample_get_loop_format** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
Return the loop format for a sample, as a value from"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;the SAMPLE_LOOP_* enum.
#### <a name="sample_set_loop_begin">sample_set_loop_begin</a>
* void **sample_set_loop_begin** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [int](class_int) pos **)**
Set the initial loop point of a sample. Only has"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;effect if sample loop is enabled. See [sample_set_loop_format](#sample_set_loop_format).
#### <a name="sample_get_loop_begin">sample_get_loop_begin</a>
* [int](class_int) **sample_get_loop_begin** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
Return the initial loop point of a sample. Only has"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;effect if sample loop is enabled. See [sample_set_loop_format](#sample_set_loop_format).
#### <a name="sample_set_loop_end">sample_set_loop_end</a>
* void **sample_set_loop_end** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample, [int](class_int) pos **)**
Set the final loop point of a sample. Only has"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;effect if sample loop is enabled. See [sample_set_loop_format](#sample_set_loop_format).
#### <a name="sample_get_loop_end">sample_get_loop_end</a>
* [int](class_int) **sample_get_loop_end** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
Return the final loop point of a sample. Only has"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;effect if sample loop is enabled. See [sample_set_loop_format](#sample_set_loop_format).
#### <a name="voice_create">voice_create</a>
* [RID](class_rid) **voice_create** **(** **)**
Allocate a voice for playback. Voices are"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;persistent. A voice can play a single sample at the"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;same time. See [sample_create](#sample_create).
#### <a name="voice_play">voice_play</a>
* void **voice_play** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [RID](class_rid) sample **)**
Start playback of a given voice using a given"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;sample. If the voice was already playing it will be"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;restarted.
#### <a name="voice_set_volume">voice_set_volume</a>
* void **voice_set_volume** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [float](class_float) volume **)**
Change the volume of a currently playing voice."#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;Volume is expressed as linear gain where 0.0 is mute"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;and 1.0 is default.
#### <a name="voice_set_pan">voice_set_pan</a>
* void **voice_set_pan** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [float](class_float) pan, [float](class_float) depth=0, [float](class_float) height=0 **)**
Change the pan of a currently playing voice and,"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;optionally, the depth and height for a positional/3D"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;sound. Panning values are expressed within the -1 to"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;+1 range.
#### <a name="voice_set_filter">voice_set_filter</a>
* void **voice_set_filter** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [int](class_int) type, [float](class_float) cutoff, [float](class_float) resonance, [float](class_float) gain=0 **)**
Set a resonant filter post processing for the voice."#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;Filter type is a value from the FILTER_* enum.
#### <a name="voice_set_chorus">voice_set_chorus</a>
* void **voice_set_chorus** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [float](class_float) chorus **)**
Set chorus send post processing for the voice (from"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;0 to 1).
#### <a name="voice_set_reverb">voice_set_reverb</a>
* void **voice_set_reverb** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [int](class_int) room, [float](class_float) reverb **)**
Set the reverb send post processing for the voice (from"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;0 to 1) and the reverb type, from the REVERB_* enum.
#### <a name="voice_set_mix_rate">voice_set_mix_rate</a>
* void **voice_set_mix_rate** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [int](class_int) rate **)**
Set a different playback mix rate for the given"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;voice.
#### <a name="voice_set_positional">voice_set_positional</a>
* void **voice_set_positional** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
Set wether a given voice is positional. This is only"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;interpreted as a hint and used for backends that may"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;support binaural encoding.
#### <a name="voice_get_volume">voice_get_volume</a>
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_volume** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current volume for a given voice.
#### <a name="voice_get_pan">voice_get_pan</a>
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_pan** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current pan for a given voice (-1 to +1"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;range).
#### <a name="voice_get_pan_height">voice_get_pan_height</a>
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_pan_height** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current pan height for a given voice (-1 to +1"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;range).
#### <a name="voice_get_pan_depth">voice_get_pan_depth</a>
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_pan_depth** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current pan depth for a given voice (-1 to +1"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;range).
#### <a name="voice_get_filter_type">voice_get_filter_type</a>
* [int](class_int) **voice_get_filter_type** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current selected filter type for a given"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;voice, from the FILTER_* enum.
#### <a name="voice_get_filter_cutoff">voice_get_filter_cutoff</a>
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_filter_cutoff** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current filter cutoff (in hz) for a given"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;voice.
#### <a name="voice_get_filter_resonance">voice_get_filter_resonance</a>
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_filter_resonance** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current filter resonance for a given"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;voice.
#### <a name="voice_get_chorus">voice_get_chorus</a>
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_chorus** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current chorus send for a given"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;voice (0 to 1).
#### <a name="voice_get_reverb_type">voice_get_reverb_type</a>
* [int](class_int) **voice_get_reverb_type** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current reverb type for a given voice"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;from the REVERB_* enum.
#### <a name="voice_get_reverb">voice_get_reverb</a>
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_reverb** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current reverb send for a given voice"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;(0 to 1).
#### <a name="voice_get_mix_rate">voice_get_mix_rate</a>
* [int](class_int) **voice_get_mix_rate** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current mix rate for a given voice.
#### <a name="voice_is_positional">voice_is_positional</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **voice_is_positional** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return wether the current voice is positional. See"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;[voice_set_positional](#voice_set_positional).
#### <a name="voice_stop">voice_stop</a>
* void **voice_stop** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)**
Stop a given voice.
#### <a name="free">free</a>
* void **free** **(** [RID](class_rid) rid **)**
Free a [RID](class_rid) resource.
#### <a name="set_stream_global_volume_scale">set_stream_global_volume_scale</a>
* void **set_stream_global_volume_scale** **(** [float](class_float) scale **)**
Set global scale for stream playback. Default is 1.0.
#### <a name="get_stream_global_volume_scale">get_stream_global_volume_scale</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_stream_global_volume_scale** **(** **)** const
Return the global scale for stream playback.
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## Godot Documentation
# AudioServerSW
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [AudioServer](class_audioserver)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
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## Godot Documentation
# AudioStream
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Resource](class_resource)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Base class for audio streams.
### Member Functions
* void **[play](#play)** **(** **)**
* void **[stop](#stop)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_playing](#is_playing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_loop](#set_loop)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_loop](#has_loop)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_stream_name](#get_stream_name)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_loop_count](#get_loop_count)** **(** **)** const
* void **[seek_pos](#seek_pos)** **(** [float](class_float) pos **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_update_mode](#get_update_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[update](#update)** **(** **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **UPDATE_NONE** = **0** - Does not need update, or manual polling.
* **UPDATE_IDLE** = **1** - Stream is updated on the main thread, when idle.
* **UPDATE_THREAD** = **2** - Stream is updated on its own thread.
### Description
Base class for audio streams. Audio streams are used for music"#10;"#9;playback, or other types of streamed sounds that don't fit or"#10;"#9;requiere more flexibility than a [Sample](class_sample).
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="play">play</a>
* void **play** **(** **)**
Start playback of an audio stream.
#### <a name="stop">stop</a>
* void **stop** **(** **)**
Stop playback of an audio stream.
#### <a name="is_playing">is_playing</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_playing** **(** **)** const
Return wether the audio stream is currently playing.
#### <a name="set_loop">set_loop</a>
* void **set_loop** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
Set the loop hint for the audio stream playback. if"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;true, audio stream will attempt to loop (restart)"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;when finished.
#### <a name="has_loop">has_loop</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **has_loop** **(** **)** const
Return wether the audio stream loops. See [set_loop](#set_loop)
#### <a name="get_stream_name">get_stream_name</a>
* [String](class_string) **get_stream_name** **(** **)** const
Return the name of the audio stream. Often the song"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;title when the stream is music.
#### <a name="get_loop_count">get_loop_count</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_loop_count** **(** **)** const
Return the amount of times that the stream has"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;looped (if loop is supported).
#### <a name="seek_pos">seek_pos</a>
* void **seek_pos** **(** [float](class_float) pos **)**
Seek to a certain position (in seconds) in an audio"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;stream.
#### <a name="get_pos">get_pos</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_pos** **(** **)** const
Return the current playing position (in seconds) of the audio"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;stream (if supported). Since this value is updated"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;internally, it may not be exact or updated"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;continuosly. Accuracy depends on the sample buffer"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;size of the audio driver.
#### <a name="get_update_mode">get_update_mode</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_update_mode** **(** **)** const
Return the type of update that the stream uses. Some"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;types of stream may need manual polling.
#### <a name="update">update</a>
* void **update** **(** **)**
Manually poll the audio stream (if it is requested"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;to).
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## Godot Documentation
# AudioStreamGibberish
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [AudioStream](class_audiostream)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Simple gibberish speech stream playback.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_phonemes](#set_phonemes)** **(** [Object](class_object) phonemes **)**
* [Object](class_object) **[get_phonemes](#get_phonemes)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_pitch_scale](#set_pitch_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) pitch_scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_pitch_scale](#get_pitch_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_pitch_random_scale](#set_pitch_random_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) pitch_random_scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_pitch_random_scale](#get_pitch_random_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_xfade_time](#set_xfade_time)** **(** [float](class_float) sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_xfade_time](#get_xfade_time)** **(** **)** const
### Description
AudioStream used for gibberish playback. It plays randomized phonemes, which can be used to accompany text dialogs.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_phonemes">set_phonemes</a>
* void **set_phonemes** **(** [Object](class_object) phonemes **)**
Set the phoneme library.
#### <a name="get_phonemes">get_phonemes</a>
* [Object](class_object) **get_phonemes** **(** **)** const
Return the phoneme library.
#### <a name="set_pitch_scale">set_pitch_scale</a>
* void **set_pitch_scale** **(** [float](class_float) pitch_scale **)**
Set pitch scale for the speech. Animating this value holds amusing results.
#### <a name="get_pitch_scale">get_pitch_scale</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_pitch_scale** **(** **)** const
Return the pitch scale.
#### <a name="set_pitch_random_scale">set_pitch_random_scale</a>
* void **set_pitch_random_scale** **(** [float](class_float) pitch_random_scale **)**
Set the random scaling for the pitch.
#### <a name="get_pitch_random_scale">get_pitch_random_scale</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_pitch_random_scale** **(** **)** const
Return the pitch random scaling.
#### <a name="set_xfade_time">set_xfade_time</a>
* void **set_xfade_time** **(** [float](class_float) sec **)**
Set the cross-fade time between random phonemes.
#### <a name="get_xfade_time">get_xfade_time</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_xfade_time** **(** **)** const
Return the cross-fade time between random phonemes.
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## Godot Documentation
# AudioStreamMPC
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [AudioStreamResampled](class_audiostreamresampled)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
MusePack audio stream driver.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_file](#set_file)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_file](#get_file)** **(** **)** const
### Description
MusePack audio stream driver.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_file">set_file</a>
* void **set_file** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
Set the file to be played.
#### <a name="get_file">get_file</a>
* [String](class_string) **get_file** **(** **)** const
Return the file being played.
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## Godot Documentation
# AudioStreamOGGVorbis
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [AudioStreamResampled](class_audiostreamresampled)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
OGG Vorbis audio stream driver.
### Description
OGG Vorbis audio stream driver.
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## Godot Documentation
# AudioStreamResampled
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [AudioStream](class_audiostream)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Base class for resampled audio streams.
### Description
Base class for resampled audio streams.
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## Godot Documentation
# AudioStreamSpeex
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [AudioStreamResampled](class_audiostreamresampled)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Speex audio stream driver.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_file](#set_file)** **(** [String](class_string) file **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_file](#get_file)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Speex audio stream driver. Speex is very useful for compressed speech. It allows loading a very large amount of speech in memory at little IO/latency cost.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_file">set_file</a>
* void **set_file** **(** [String](class_string) file **)**
Set the speech file (which is loaded to memory).
#### <a name="get_file">get_file</a>
* [String](class_string) **get_file** **(** **)** const
Return the speech file.
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## Godot Documentation
# BackBufferCopy
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Node2D](class_node2d)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_rect](#set_rect)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) rect **)**
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[get_rect](#get_rect)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_copy_mode](#set_copy_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) copy_mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_copy_mode](#get_copy_mode)** **(** **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **COPY_MODE_DISALED** = **0**
* **COPY_MODE_RECT** = **1**
* **COPY_MODE_VIEWPORT** = **2**
### Member Function Description
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## Godot Documentation
# BakedLight
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Resource](class_resource)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_mode](#set_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_mode](#get_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_octree](#set_octree)** **(** [RawArray](class_rawarray) octree **)**
* [RawArray](class_rawarray) **[get_octree](#get_octree)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_light](#set_light)** **(** [RawArray](class_rawarray) light **)**
* [RawArray](class_rawarray) **[get_light](#get_light)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_sampler_octree](#set_sampler_octree)** **(** [IntArray](class_intarray) sampler_octree **)**
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **[get_sampler_octree](#get_sampler_octree)** **(** **)** const
* void **[add_lightmap](#add_lightmap)** **(** [Texture](class_texture) texture, [Vector2](class_vector2) gen_size **)**
* void **[erase_lightmap](#erase_lightmap)** **(** [int](class_int) id **)**
* void **[clear_lightmaps](#clear_lightmaps)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_cell_subdivision](#set_cell_subdivision)** **(** [int](class_int) cell_subdivision **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_cell_subdivision](#get_cell_subdivision)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_initial_lattice_subdiv](#set_initial_lattice_subdiv)** **(** [int](class_int) cell_subdivision **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_initial_lattice_subdiv](#get_initial_lattice_subdiv)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_plot_size](#set_plot_size)** **(** [float](class_float) plot_size **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_plot_size](#get_plot_size)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_bounces](#set_bounces)** **(** [int](class_int) bounces **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_bounces](#get_bounces)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_cell_extra_margin](#set_cell_extra_margin)** **(** [float](class_float) cell_extra_margin **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_cell_extra_margin](#get_cell_extra_margin)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_edge_damp](#set_edge_damp)** **(** [float](class_float) edge_damp **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_edge_damp](#get_edge_damp)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_normal_damp](#set_normal_damp)** **(** [float](class_float) normal_damp **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_normal_damp](#get_normal_damp)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_tint](#set_tint)** **(** [float](class_float) tint **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_tint](#get_tint)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_saturation](#set_saturation)** **(** [float](class_float) saturation **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_saturation](#get_saturation)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_ao_radius](#set_ao_radius)** **(** [float](class_float) ao_radius **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_ao_radius](#get_ao_radius)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_ao_strength](#set_ao_strength)** **(** [float](class_float) ao_strength **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_ao_strength](#get_ao_strength)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_format](#set_format)** **(** [int](class_int) format **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_format](#get_format)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_transfer_lightmaps_only_to_uv2](#set_transfer_lightmaps_only_to_uv2)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_transfer_lightmaps_only_to_uv2](#get_transfer_lightmaps_only_to_uv2)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_energy_multiplier](#set_energy_multiplier)** **(** [float](class_float) energy_multiplier **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_energy_multiplier](#get_energy_multiplier)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gamma_adjust](#set_gamma_adjust)** **(** [float](class_float) gamma_adjust **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_gamma_adjust](#get_gamma_adjust)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_bake_flag](#set_bake_flag)** **(** [int](class_int) flag, [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_bake_flag](#get_bake_flag)** **(** [int](class_int) flag **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **MODE_OCTREE** = **0**
* **MODE_LIGHTMAPS** = **1**
* **BAKE_DIFFUSE** = **0**
* **BAKE_SPECULAR** = **1**
* **BAKE_TRANSLUCENT** = **2**
* **BAKE_MAX** = **5**
### Member Function Description
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## Godot Documentation
# BakedLightInstance
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [VisualInstance](class_visualinstance)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_baked_light](#set_baked_light)** **(** [Object](class_object) baked_light **)**
* [Object](class_object) **[get_baked_light](#get_baked_light)** **(** **)** const
* [RID](class_rid) **[get_baked_light_instance](#get_baked_light_instance)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **baked_light_changed** **(** **)**
### Member Function Description
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## Godot Documentation
# BakedLightSampler
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [VisualInstance](class_visualinstance)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_param](#set_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_param](#get_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[set_resolution](#set_resolution)** **(** [int](class_int) resolution **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_resolution](#get_resolution)** **(** **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **PARAM_RADIUS** = **0**
* **PARAM_STRENGTH** = **1**
* **PARAM_DETAIL_RATIO** = **3**
* **PARAM_MAX** = **4**
### Member Function Description
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## Godot Documentation
# BaseButton
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Control](class_control)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Provides a base class for different kinds of buttons.
### Member Functions
* void **[_pressed](#_pressed)** **(** **)** virtual
* void **[_toggled](#_toggled)** **(** [bool](class_bool) pressed **)** virtual
* void **[set_pressed](#set_pressed)** **(** [bool](class_bool) pressed **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_pressed](#is_pressed)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_hovered](#is_hovered)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_toggle_mode](#set_toggle_mode)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_toggle_mode](#is_toggle_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_disabled](#set_disabled)** **(** [bool](class_bool) disabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_disabled](#is_disabled)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_click_on_press](#set_click_on_press)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_click_on_press](#get_click_on_press)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_draw_mode](#get_draw_mode)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **released** **(** **)**
* **toggled** **(** [bool](class_bool) pressed **)**
* **pressed** **(** **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **DRAW_NORMAL** = **0**
* **DRAW_PRESSED** = **1**
* **DRAW_HOVER** = **2**
* **DRAW_DISABLED** = **3**
### Description
BaseButton is the abstract base class for buttons, so it shouldn't be used directly (It doesnt display anything). Other types of buttons inherit from it.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_pressed">set_pressed</a>
* void **set_pressed** **(** [bool](class_bool) pressed **)**
Set the button to pressed state (only if toggle_mode is active).
#### <a name="is_pressed">is_pressed</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_pressed** **(** **)** const
Return when the button is pressed (only if toggle_mode is active).
#### <a name="set_toggle_mode">set_toggle_mode</a>
* void **set_toggle_mode** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
Set the button toggle_mode property. Toggle mode makes the button flip state between pressed and unpressed each time its area is clicked.
#### <a name="is_toggle_mode">is_toggle_mode</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_toggle_mode** **(** **)** const
Return the toggle_mode property (see [set_toggle_mode](#set_toggle_mode)).
#### <a name="set_disabled">set_disabled</a>
* void **set_disabled** **(** [bool](class_bool) disabled **)**
Set the button into disabled state. When a button is disabled, it can"apos;t be clicked or toggled.
#### <a name="is_disabled">is_disabled</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_disabled** **(** **)** const
Return wether the button is in disabled state (see [set_disabled](#set_disabled)).
#### <a name="set_click_on_press">set_click_on_press</a>
* void **set_click_on_press** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
Set the button click_on_press mode. This mode generates click events when a mousebutton or key is just pressed (by default events are generated when the button/keys are released and both press and release occur in the visual area of the Button).
#### <a name="get_click_on_press">get_click_on_press</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **get_click_on_press** **(** **)** const
Return the state of the click_on_press property (see [set_click_on_press](#set_click_on_press)).
#### <a name="get_draw_mode">get_draw_mode</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_draw_mode** **(** **)** const
Return the visual state used to draw the button. This is useful mainly when implementing your own draw code by either overiding _draw() or connecting to "draw" signal. The visual state of the button is defined by the DRAW_* enum.
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## Godot Documentation
# BitMap
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Resource](class_resource)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[create](#create)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) size **)**
* void **[create_from_image_alpha](#create_from_image_alpha)** **(** [Image](class_image) image **)**
* void **[set_bit](#set_bit)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [bool](class_bool) bit **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_bit](#get_bit)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)** const
* void **[set_bit_rect](#set_bit_rect)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) p_rect, [bool](class_bool) bit **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_true_bit_count](#get_true_bit_count)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_size](#get_size)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
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## Godot Documentation
# BoneAttachment
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Spatial](class_spatial)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
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## Godot Documentation
# bool
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Category:** Built-In Types
### Brief Description
Boolean built-in type
### Member Functions
* [bool](class_bool) **[bool](#bool)** **(** [int](class_int) from **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[bool](#bool)** **(** [float](class_float) from **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[bool](#bool)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
### Description
Boolean built-in type.
### Member Function Description
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## Godot Documentation
# BoxContainer
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Container](class_container)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Base class for Box containers.
### Description
Base class for Box containers. It arranges children controls vertically or horizontally, and rearranges them automatically when their minimum size changes.
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## Godot Documentation
# BoxShape
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Shape](class_shape)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Box shape resource.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_extents](#set_extents)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) extents **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_extents](#get_extents)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Box shape resource, which can be set into a [PhysicsBody](class_physicsbody) or area.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_extents">set_extents</a>
* void **set_extents** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) extents **)**
Set the half extents for the shape.
#### <a name="get_extents">get_extents</a>
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **get_extents** **(** **)** const
Return the half extents of the shape.
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## Godot Documentation
# Button
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [BaseButton](class_basebutton)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Standard themed Button.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_text](#set_text)** **(** [String](class_string) text **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_text](#get_text)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_button_icon](#set_button_icon)** **(** [Texture](class_texture) texture **)**
* [Texture](class_texture) **[get_button_icon](#get_button_icon)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_flat](#set_flat)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* void **[set_clip_text](#set_clip_text)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_clip_text](#get_clip_text)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_text_align](#set_text_align)** **(** [int](class_int) align **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_text_align](#get_text_align)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_flat](#is_flat)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Button is just the standard themed button: [image src="images/button_example.png"/] It can contain text and an icon, and will display them according to the current [Theme](class_theme).
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_text">set_text</a>
* void **set_text** **(** [String](class_string) text **)**
Set the button text, which will be displayed inside the button area.
#### <a name="get_text">get_text</a>
* [String](class_string) **get_text** **(** **)** const
Return the button text.
#### <a name="set_flat">set_flat</a>
* void **set_flat** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
Set the _flat_ property of a Button. Flat buttons don"apos;t display decoration unless hoevered or pressed.
#### <a name="set_clip_text">set_clip_text</a>
* void **set_clip_text** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
Set the _clip_text_ property of a Button. When this property is enabled, text that is too large to fit the button is clipped, when disabled (default) the Button will always be wide enough to hold the text.
#### <a name="get_clip_text">get_clip_text</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **get_clip_text** **(** **)** const
Return the state of the _clip_text_ property (see [set_clip_text](#set_clip_text))
#### <a name="is_flat">is_flat</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_flat** **(** **)** const
Return the state of the _flat_ property (see [set_flat](#set_flat))
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## Godot Documentation
# ButtonArray
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Control](class_control)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Array of Buttons.
### Member Functions
* void **[add_button](#add_button)** **(** [String](class_string) text **)**
* void **[add_icon_button](#add_icon_button)** **(** [Object](class_object) icon, [String](class_string) text="" **)**
* void **[set_button_text](#set_button_text)** **(** [int](class_int) button, [String](class_string) text **)**
* void **[set_button_icon](#set_button_icon)** **(** [int](class_int) button, [Object](class_object) icon **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_button_text](#get_button_text)** **(** [int](class_int) button **)** const
* [Object](class_object) **[get_button_icon](#get_button_icon)** **(** [int](class_int) button **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_button_count](#get_button_count)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_selected](#get_selected)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_hovered](#get_hovered)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_selected](#set_selected)** **(** [int](class_int) button **)**
* void **[erase_button](#erase_button)** **(** [int](class_int) button **)**
* void **[clear](#clear)** **(** **)**
### Signals
* **button_selected** **(** [int](class_int) button **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **ALIGN_BEGIN** = **0** - Align buttons at the begining.
* **ALIGN_CENTER** = **1** - Align buttons in the middle.
* **ALIGN_END** = **2** - Align buttons at the end.
* **ALIGN_FILL** = **3** - Spread the buttons, but keep them small.
* **ALIGN_EXPAND_FILL** = **4** - Spread the buttons, but expand them.
### Description
Array of Buttons. A Button array is useful to have an array of buttons laid out vertically or horizontally. Only one can be selected. This is useful for joypad based interfaces and option menus.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="add_button">add_button</a>
* void **add_button** **(** [String](class_string) text **)**
Add a new button.
#### <a name="set_button_icon">set_button_icon</a>
* void **set_button_icon** **(** [int](class_int) button, [Object](class_object) icon **)**
Set the icon of an existing button.
#### <a name="get_button_text">get_button_text</a>
* [String](class_string) **get_button_text** **(** [int](class_int) button **)** const
Return the text of an existing button.
#### <a name="get_button_icon">get_button_icon</a>
* [Object](class_object) **get_button_icon** **(** [int](class_int) button **)** const
Return the icon of an existing button.
#### <a name="get_button_count">get_button_count</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_button_count** **(** **)** const
Return the amount of buttons in the array.
#### <a name="get_selected">get_selected</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_selected** **(** **)** const
Return the currently selected button in the array.
#### <a name="get_hovered">get_hovered</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_hovered** **(** **)** const
Return the currently hovered button in the array.
#### <a name="set_selected">set_selected</a>
* void **set_selected** **(** [int](class_int) button **)**
Sekect a button in the array.
#### <a name="erase_button">erase_button</a>
* void **erase_button** **(** [int](class_int) button **)**
Remove a button in the array, by index.
#### <a name="clear">clear</a>
* void **clear** **(** **)**
Clear the button array.
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## Godot Documentation
# ButtonGroup
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Control](class_control)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Group of Buttons.
### Member Functions
* [BaseButton](class_basebutton) **[get_pressed_button](#get_pressed_button)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_pressed_button_index](#get_pressed_button_index)** **(** **)** const
* [BaseButton](class_basebutton) **[get_focused_button](#get_focused_button)** **(** **)** const
* [Array](class_array) **[get_button_list](#get_button_list)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_pressed_button](#set_pressed_button)** **(** [BaseButton](class_basebutton) button **)**
### Description
Group of [Button](class_button)s. All direct and indirect children buttons become radios. Only one allows being pressed.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="get_pressed_button">get_pressed_button</a>
* [BaseButton](class_basebutton) **get_pressed_button** **(** **)** const
Return the pressed button.
#### <a name="get_pressed_button_index">get_pressed_button_index</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_pressed_button_index** **(** **)** const
Return the index of the pressed button (by tree order).
#### <a name="get_focused_button">get_focused_button</a>
* [BaseButton](class_basebutton) **get_focused_button** **(** **)** const
Return the focused button.
#### <a name="get_button_list">get_button_list</a>
* [Array](class_array) **get_button_list** **(** **)** const
Return the list of all the buttons in the group.
#### <a name="set_pressed_button">set_pressed_button</a>
* void **set_pressed_button** **(** [BaseButton](class_basebutton) button **)**
Set the button to be pressed.
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## Godot Documentation
# Camera
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Spatial](class_spatial)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Camera node, displays from a point of view.
### Member Functions
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[project_ray_normal](#project_ray_normal)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) screen_point **)** const
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[project_local_ray_normal](#project_local_ray_normal)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) screen_point **)** const
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[project_ray_origin](#project_ray_origin)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) screen_point **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[unproject_position](#unproject_position)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) world_point **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_position_behind](#is_position_behind)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) world_point **)** const
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[project_position](#project_position)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) screen_point **)** const
* void **[set_perspective](#set_perspective)** **(** [float](class_float) fov, [float](class_float) z_near, [float](class_float) z_far **)**
* void **[set_orthogonal](#set_orthogonal)** **(** [float](class_float) size, [float](class_float) z_near, [float](class_float) z_far **)**
* void **[make_current](#make_current)** **(** **)**
* void **[clear_current](#clear_current)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_current](#is_current)** **(** **)** const
* [Transform](class_transform) **[get_camera_transform](#get_camera_transform)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_fov](#get_fov)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_size](#get_size)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_zfar](#get_zfar)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_znear](#get_znear)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_projection](#get_projection)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_visible_layers](#set_visible_layers)** **(** [int](class_int) mask **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_visible_layers](#get_visible_layers)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_environment](#set_environment)** **(** [Environment](class_environment) env **)**
* [Environment](class_environment) **[get_environment](#get_environment)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_keep_aspect_mode](#set_keep_aspect_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_keep_aspect_mode](#get_keep_aspect_mode)** **(** **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE** = **0** - Perspective Projection (object's size on the screen becomes smaller when far away).
* **PROJECTION_ORTHOGONAL** = **1** - Orthogonal Projection (objects remain the same size on the screen no matter how far away they are).
* **KEEP_WIDTH** = **0**
* **KEEP_HEIGHT** = **1**
### Description
Camera is a special node that displays what is visible from its current location. Cameras register themselves in the nearest [Viewport](class_viewport) node (when ascending the tree). Only one camera can be active per viewport. If no viewport is available ascending the tree, the Camera will register in the global viewport. In other words, a Camera just provides _3D_ display capabilities to a [Viewport](class_viewport), and, without one, a [Scene] registered in that [Viewport](class_viewport) (or higher viewports) can't be displayed.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="project_ray_normal">project_ray_normal</a>
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **project_ray_normal** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) screen_point **)** const
Return a normal vector in worldspace, that is the result of projecting a point on the [Viewport](class_viewport) rectangle by the camera projection. This is useful for casting rays in the form of (origin,normal) for object intersection or picking.
#### <a name="project_ray_origin">project_ray_origin</a>
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **project_ray_origin** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) screen_point **)** const
Return a 3D position in worldspace, that is the result of projecting a point on the [Viewport](class_viewport) rectangle by the camera projection. This is useful for casting rays in the form of (origin,normal) for object intersection or picking.
#### <a name="unproject_position">unproject_position</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **unproject_position** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) world_point **)** const
Return how a 3D point in worldpsace maps to a 2D coordinate in the [Viewport](class_viewport) rectangle.
#### <a name="set_perspective">set_perspective</a>
* void **set_perspective** **(** [float](class_float) fov, [float](class_float) z_near, [float](class_float) z_far **)**
Set the camera projection to perspective mode, by specifying a _FOV_ Y angle in degrees (FOV means Field of View), and the _near_ and _far_ clip planes in worldspace units.
#### <a name="set_orthogonal">set_orthogonal</a>
* void **set_orthogonal** **(** [float](class_float) size, [float](class_float) z_near, [float](class_float) z_far **)**
Set the camera projection to orthogonal mode, by specifying a"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;width and the _near_ and _far_ clip planes in worldspace units. (As a hint, 2D games often use this projection, with values specified in pixels)
#### <a name="make_current">make_current</a>
* void **make_current** **(** **)**
Make this camera the current Camera for the [Viewport](class_viewport) (see class description). If the Camera Node is outside the scene tree, it will attempt to become current once it"apos;s added.
#### <a name="is_current">is_current</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_current** **(** **)** const
Return wether the Camera is the current one in the [Viewport](class_viewport), or plans to become current (if outside the scene tree).
#### <a name="get_camera_transform">get_camera_transform</a>
* [Transform](class_transform) **get_camera_transform** **(** **)** const
Get the camera transform. Subclassed cameras (such as CharacterCamera) may provide different transforms than the [Node](class_node) transform.
@ -1,109 +1,5 @@
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## Godot Documentation
# Camera2D
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Node2D](class_node2d)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Camera node for 2D scenes.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_offset](#set_offset)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) offset **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_offset](#get_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_centered](#set_centered)** **(** [bool](class_bool) centered **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_centered](#is_centered)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_rotating](#set_rotating)** **(** [bool](class_bool) rotating **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_rotating](#is_rotating)** **(** **)** const
* void **[make_current](#make_current)** **(** **)**
* void **[clear_current](#clear_current)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_current](#is_current)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_limit](#set_limit)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [int](class_int) limit **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_limit](#get_limit)** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* void **[set_v_drag_enabled](#set_v_drag_enabled)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_v_drag_enabled](#is_v_drag_enabled)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_h_drag_enabled](#set_h_drag_enabled)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_h_drag_enabled](#is_h_drag_enabled)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_v_offset](#set_v_offset)** **(** [float](class_float) ofs **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_v_offset](#get_v_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_h_offset](#set_h_offset)** **(** [float](class_float) ofs **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_h_offset](#get_h_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_drag_margin](#set_drag_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [float](class_float) drag_margin **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_drag_margin](#get_drag_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_camera_pos](#get_camera_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_camera_screen_center](#get_camera_screen_center)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_zoom](#set_zoom)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) arg0 **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_zoom](#get_zoom)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_follow_smoothing](#set_follow_smoothing)** **(** [float](class_float) follow_smoothing **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_follow_smoothing](#get_follow_smoothing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[force_update_scroll](#force_update_scroll)** **(** **)**
### Description
Camera node for 2D scenes. It forces the screen (current layer) to scroll following this node. This makes it easier (and faster) to program scrollable scenes than manually changing the position of [CanvasItem](class_canvasitem) based nodes.
This node is intended to be a simple helper get get things going quickly
and it may happen often that more functionality is desired to change
how the camera works. To make your own custom camera node, simply
inherit from [Node2D](class_node2d) and change the transform of the canvas by
calling get_viewport().set_canvas_transform(m) in [Viewport](class_viewport).
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_offset">set_offset</a>
* void **set_offset** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) offset **)**
Set the scroll offset. Useful for looking around or
camera shake animations.
#### <a name="get_offset">get_offset</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get_offset** **(** **)** const
Return the scroll offset.
#### <a name="set_centered">set_centered</a>
* void **set_centered** **(** [bool](class_bool) centered **)**
Set to true if the camera is at the center of the screen (default: true).
#### <a name="is_centered">is_centered</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_centered** **(** **)** const
Return true if the camera is at the center of the screen (default: true).
#### <a name="make_current">make_current</a>
* void **make_current** **(** **)**
Make this the current 2D camera for the scene (viewport and layer), in case there's many cameras in the scene.
#### <a name="is_current">is_current</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_current** **(** **)** const
Return true of this is the current camera (see [Camera2D.make_current](camera2d#make_current)).
#### <a name="set_limit">set_limit</a>
* void **set_limit** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [int](class_int) limit **)**
Set the scrolling limit in pixels
#### <a name="get_limit">get_limit</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_limit** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
Return the scrolling limit in pixels
#### <a name="set_drag_margin">set_drag_margin</a>
* void **set_drag_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [float](class_float) drag_margin **)**
Set the margins needed to drag the camera (relative to the screen size). Margin uses the MARGIN_* enum. Drag margins of 0,0,0,0 will keep the camera at the center of the screen, while drag margins of 1,1,1,1 will only move when the camera is at the edges.
#### <a name="get_drag_margin">get_drag_margin</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_drag_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
Return the margins needed to drag the camera (see [set_drag_margin](#set_drag_margin)).
#### <a name="get_camera_pos">get_camera_pos</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get_camera_pos** **(** **)** const
Return the camera position.
#### <a name="force_update_scroll">force_update_scroll</a>
* void **force_update_scroll** **(** **)**
Force the camera to update scroll immediately.
@ -1,229 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CanvasItem
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Node](class_node)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Base class of anything 2D.
### Member Functions
* void **[_draw](#_draw)** **(** **)** virtual
* void **[edit_set_state](#edit_set_state)** **(** var state **)**
* void **[edit_get](#edit_get)** **(** **)** const
* void **[edit_set_rect](#edit_set_rect)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) rect **)**
* void **[edit_rotate](#edit_rotate)** **(** [float](class_float) degrees **)**
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[get_item_rect](#get_item_rect)** **(** **)** const
* [RID](class_rid) **[get_canvas_item](#get_canvas_item)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_visible](#is_visible)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_hidden](#is_hidden)** **(** **)** const
* void **[show](#show)** **(** **)**
* void **[hide](#hide)** **(** **)**
* void **[update](#update)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_as_toplevel](#set_as_toplevel)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_set_as_toplevel](#is_set_as_toplevel)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_blend_mode](#set_blend_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) blend_mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_blend_mode](#get_blend_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_light_mask](#set_light_mask)** **(** [int](class_int) light_mask **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_light_mask](#get_light_mask)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_opacity](#set_opacity)** **(** [float](class_float) opacity **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_opacity](#get_opacity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_self_opacity](#set_self_opacity)** **(** [float](class_float) self_opacity **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_self_opacity](#get_self_opacity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_draw_behind_parent](#set_draw_behind_parent)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_draw_behind_parent_enabled](#is_draw_behind_parent_enabled)** **(** **)** const
* void **[draw_line](#draw_line)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) from, [Vector2](class_vector2) to, [Color](class_color) color, [float](class_float) width=1 **)**
* void **[draw_rect](#draw_rect)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) rect, [Color](class_color) color **)**
* void **[draw_circle](#draw_circle)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [float](class_float) radius, [Color](class_color) color **)**
* void **[draw_texture](#draw_texture)** **(** [Texture](class_texture) texture, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
* void **[draw_texture_rect](#draw_texture_rect)** **(** [Texture](class_texture) texture, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect, [bool](class_bool) tile, [Color](class_color) modulate=false, [bool](class_bool) arg4=Color(1,1,1,1) **)**
* void **[draw_texture_rect_region](#draw_texture_rect_region)** **(** [Texture](class_texture) texture, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect, [Rect2](class_rect2) src_rect, [Color](class_color) modulate, [bool](class_bool) arg4=Color(1,1,1,1) **)**
* void **[draw_style_box](#draw_style_box)** **(** [StyleBox](class_stylebox) style_box, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect **)**
* void **[draw_primitive](#draw_primitive)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) colors, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs=Array(), [Texture](class_texture) texture=Object(), [float](class_float) width=1 **)**
* void **[draw_polygon](#draw_polygon)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) colors, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs=Array(), [Texture](class_texture) texture=Object() **)**
* void **[draw_colored_polygon](#draw_colored_polygon)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [Color](class_color) color, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs=Array(), [Texture](class_texture) texture=Object() **)**
* void **[draw_string](#draw_string)** **(** [Font](class_font) font, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [String](class_string) text, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1), [int](class_int) clip_w=-1 **)**
* [float](class_float) **[draw_char](#draw_char)** **(** [Font](class_font) font, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [String](class_string) char, [String](class_string) next, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1) **)**
* void **[draw_set_transform](#draw_set_transform)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [float](class_float) rot, [Vector2](class_vector2) scale **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[get_transform](#get_transform)** **(** **)** const
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[get_global_transform](#get_global_transform)** **(** **)** const
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[get_global_transform_with_canvas](#get_global_transform_with_canvas)** **(** **)** const
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[get_viewport_transform](#get_viewport_transform)** **(** **)** const
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[get_viewport_rect](#get_viewport_rect)** **(** **)** const
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[get_canvas_transform](#get_canvas_transform)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_local_mouse_pos](#get_local_mouse_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_global_mouse_pos](#get_global_mouse_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [RID](class_rid) **[get_canvas](#get_canvas)** **(** **)** const
* [Object](class_object) **[get_world_2d](#get_world_2d)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_material](#set_material)** **(** [CanvasItemMaterial](class_canvasitemmaterial) material **)**
* [CanvasItemMaterial](class_canvasitemmaterial) **[get_material](#get_material)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_use_parent_material](#set_use_parent_material)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_use_parent_material](#get_use_parent_material)** **(** **)** const
* [InputEvent](class_inputevent) **[make_input_local](#make_input_local)** **(** [InputEvent](class_inputevent) event **)** const
### Signals
* **item_rect_changed** **(** **)**
* **draw** **(** **)**
* **visibility_changed** **(** **)**
* **hide** **(** **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **BLEND_MODE_MIX** = **0** - Mix blending mode.
* **BLEND_MODE_ADD** = **1** - Additive blending mode.
* **BLEND_MODE_SUB** = **2** - Substractive blending mode.
* **BLEND_MODE_MUL** = **3** - Multiplicative blending mode.
* **NOTIFICATION_DRAW** = **30** - CanvasItem is requested to draw.
* **NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY_CHANGED** = **31** - Canvas item visibility has changed.
* **NOTIFICATION_ENTER_CANVAS** = **32** - Canvas item has entered the canvas.
* **NOTIFICATION_EXIT_CANVAS** = **33** - Canvas item has exited the canvas.
* **NOTIFICATION_TRANSFORM_CHANGED** = **29** - Canvas item transform has changed. Only received if requested.
### Description
Base class of anything 2D. Canvas items are laid out in a tree and children inherit and extend the transform of their parent. CanvasItem is extended by [Control](class_control), for anything GUI related, and by [Node2D](class_node2d) for anything 2D engine related.
Any CanvasItem can draw. For this, the "update" function must be called, then NOTIFICATION_DRAW will be received on idle time to request redraw. Because of this, canvas items don't need to be redraw on every frame, improving the performance significantly. Several functions for drawing on the CanvasItem are provided (see draw_* functions). They can only be used inside the notification, signal or _draw() overrided function, though.
Canvas items are draw in tree order. By default, children are on top of their parents so a root CanvasItem will be drawn behind everything (this can be changed per item though).
Canvas items can also be hidden (hiding also their subtree). They provide many means for changing standard parameters such as opacity (for it and the subtree) and self opacity, blend mode.
Ultimately, a transform notification can be requested, which will notify the node that its global position changed in case the parent tree changed.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="_draw">_draw</a>
* void **_draw** **(** **)** virtual
Called (if exists) to draw the canvas item.
#### <a name="edit_set_state">edit_set_state</a>
* void **edit_set_state** **(** var state **)**
Used for editing, returns an opaque value represeting the transform state.
#### <a name="edit_rotate">edit_rotate</a>
* void **edit_rotate** **(** [float](class_float) degrees **)**
Used for editing, handle rotation.
#### <a name="get_item_rect">get_item_rect</a>
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **get_item_rect** **(** **)** const
Return a rect containing the editable contents of the item.
#### <a name="get_canvas_item">get_canvas_item</a>
* [RID](class_rid) **get_canvas_item** **(** **)** const
Return the canvas item RID used by [VisualServer](class_visualserver) for this item.
#### <a name="is_visible">is_visible</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_visible** **(** **)** const
Return true if this CanvasItem is visible. It may be invisible because itself or a parent canvas item is hidden.
#### <a name="is_hidden">is_hidden</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_hidden** **(** **)** const
Return true if this CanvasItem is hidden. Note that the CanvasItem may not be visible, but as long as it's not hidden ([hide](#hide) called) the function will return false.
#### <a name="show">show</a>
* void **show** **(** **)**
Show the CanvasItem currently hidden.
#### <a name="hide">hide</a>
* void **hide** **(** **)**
Hide the CanvasItem currently visible.
#### <a name="update">update</a>
* void **update** **(** **)**
Queue the CanvasItem for update. NOTIFICATION_DRAW will be called on idle time to request redraw.
#### <a name="set_as_toplevel">set_as_toplevel</a>
* void **set_as_toplevel** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
Set as toplevel. This means that it will not inherit transform from parent canvas items.
#### <a name="is_set_as_toplevel">is_set_as_toplevel</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_set_as_toplevel** **(** **)** const
Return if set as toplevel. See [set_as_toplevel](#set_as_toplevel)/
#### <a name="set_blend_mode">set_blend_mode</a>
* void **set_blend_mode** **(** [int](class_int) blend_mode **)**
Set the blending mode from enum BLEND_MODE_*.
#### <a name="get_blend_mode">get_blend_mode</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_blend_mode** **(** **)** const
Return the current blending mode from enum BLEND_MODE_*.
#### <a name="set_opacity">set_opacity</a>
* void **set_opacity** **(** [float](class_float) opacity **)**
Set canvas item opacity. This will affect the canvas item and all the children.
#### <a name="get_opacity">get_opacity</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_opacity** **(** **)** const
Return the canvas item opacity. This affects the canvas item and all the children.
#### <a name="get_self_opacity">get_self_opacity</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_self_opacity** **(** **)** const
Set canvas item self-opacity. This does not affect the opacity of children items.
#### <a name="draw_line">draw_line</a>
* void **draw_line** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) from, [Vector2](class_vector2) to, [Color](class_color) color, [float](class_float) width=1 **)**
Draw a line from a 2D point to another, with a given color and width.
#### <a name="draw_rect">draw_rect</a>
* void **draw_rect** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) rect, [Color](class_color) color **)**
Draw a colored rectangle.
#### <a name="draw_circle">draw_circle</a>
* void **draw_circle** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [float](class_float) radius, [Color](class_color) color **)**
Draw a colored circle.
#### <a name="draw_texture">draw_texture</a>
* void **draw_texture** **(** [Texture](class_texture) texture, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
Draw a texture at a given position.
#### <a name="draw_style_box">draw_style_box</a>
* void **draw_style_box** **(** [StyleBox](class_stylebox) style_box, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect **)**
Draw a styled rectangle.
#### <a name="draw_primitive">draw_primitive</a>
* void **draw_primitive** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) colors, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs=Array(), [Texture](class_texture) texture=Object(), [float](class_float) width=1 **)**
Draw a custom primitive, 1 point for a point, 2 points for a line, 3 points for a triangle and 4 points for a quad.
#### <a name="draw_polygon">draw_polygon</a>
* void **draw_polygon** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) colors, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs=Array(), [Texture](class_texture) texture=Object() **)**
Draw a polygon of any amount of points, convex or concave.
#### <a name="draw_colored_polygon">draw_colored_polygon</a>
* void **draw_colored_polygon** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [Color](class_color) color, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs=Array(), [Texture](class_texture) texture=Object() **)**
Draw a colored polygon of any amount of points, convex or concave.
#### <a name="draw_string">draw_string</a>
* void **draw_string** **(** [Font](class_font) font, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [String](class_string) text, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1), [int](class_int) clip_w=-1 **)**
Draw a string using a custom font.
#### <a name="draw_char">draw_char</a>
* [float](class_float) **draw_char** **(** [Font](class_font) font, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [String](class_string) char, [String](class_string) next, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1) **)**
Draw a string character using a custom font. Returns the advance, depending on the char width and kerning with an optional next char.
#### <a name="draw_set_transform">draw_set_transform</a>
* void **draw_set_transform** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [float](class_float) rot, [Vector2](class_vector2) scale **)**
Set a custom transform for drawing. Anything drawn afterwards will be transformed by this.
@ -1,23 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CanvasItemMaterial
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Resource](class_resource)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_shader](#set_shader)** **(** [Shader](class_shader) shader **)**
* [Shader](class_shader) **[get_shader](#get_shader)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_shader_param](#set_shader_param)** **(** [String](class_string) param, var value **)**
* void **[get_shader_param](#get_shader_param)** **(** [String](class_string) param **)** const
* void **[set_shading_mode](#set_shading_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_shading_mode](#get_shading_mode)** **(** **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **SHADING_NORMAL** = **0**
* **SHADING_UNSHADED** = **1**
* **SHADING_ONLY_LIGHT** = **2**
### Member Function Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CanvasItemShader
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Shader](class_shader)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CanvasItemShaderGraph
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [ShaderGraph](class_shadergraph)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CanvasLayer
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Node](class_node)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Canvas Item layer.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_layer](#set_layer)** **(** [int](class_int) layer **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_layer](#get_layer)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_transform](#set_transform)** **(** [Matrix32](class_matrix32) transform **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[get_transform](#get_transform)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_offset](#set_offset)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) offset **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_offset](#get_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_rotation](#set_rotation)** **(** [float](class_float) rotation **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_rotation](#get_rotation)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_scale](#set_scale)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) scale **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_scale](#get_scale)** **(** **)** const
* Canvas **[get_world_2d](#get_world_2d)** **(** **)** const
* [RID](class_rid) **[get_viewport](#get_viewport)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Canvas Item layer. [CanvasItem](class_canvasitem) nodes that are direct or indirect children of a [CanvasLayer](class_canvaslayer) will be drawn in that layer. The layer is a numeric index that defines the draw order. The default 2D scene renders with index 0, so a [CanvasLayer](class_canvaslayer) with index -1 will be drawn below, and one with index 1 will be drawn above. This is very useful for HUDs (in layer 1+ or above), or backgrounds (in layer -1 or below).
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_layer">set_layer</a>
* void **set_layer** **(** [int](class_int) layer **)**
Set the layer index, determines the draw order, a lower value will be below a higher one.
#### <a name="get_layer">get_layer</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_layer** **(** **)** const
Return the layer index, determines the draw order, a lower value will be below a higher one.
#### <a name="set_transform">set_transform</a>
* void **set_transform** **(** [Matrix32](class_matrix32) transform **)**
Set the base transform for this layer.
#### <a name="get_transform">get_transform</a>
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **get_transform** **(** **)** const
Return the base transform for this layer.
#### <a name="set_offset">set_offset</a>
* void **set_offset** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) offset **)**
Set the base offset for this layer (helper).
#### <a name="get_offset">get_offset</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get_offset** **(** **)** const
Return the base offset for this layer (helper).
#### <a name="set_rotation">set_rotation</a>
* void **set_rotation** **(** [float](class_float) rotation **)**
Set the base rotation for this layer (helper).
#### <a name="get_rotation">get_rotation</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_rotation** **(** **)** const
Return the base rotation for this layer (helper).
#### <a name="set_scale">set_scale</a>
* void **set_scale** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) scale **)**
Set the base scale for this layer (helper).
#### <a name="get_scale">get_scale</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get_scale** **(** **)** const
Return the base scale for this layer (helper).
#### <a name="get_world_2d">get_world_2d</a>
* Canvas **get_world_2d** **(** **)** const
Return the [World2D](class_world2d) used by this layer.
#### <a name="get_viewport">get_viewport</a>
* [RID](class_rid) **get_viewport** **(** **)** const
Return the viewport RID for this layer.
@ -1,14 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CanvasModulate
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Node2D](class_node2d)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_color](#set_color)** **(** [Color](class_color) color **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[get_color](#get_color)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CapsuleShape
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Shape](class_shape)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Capsule shape resource.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_height](#set_height)** **(** [float](class_float) height **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_height](#get_height)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Capsule shape resource, which can be set into a [PhysicsBody](class_physicsbody) or area.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_radius">set_radius</a>
* void **set_radius** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
Set the capsule radius.
#### <a name="get_radius">get_radius</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_radius** **(** **)** const
Return the capsule radius.
#### <a name="set_height">set_height</a>
* void **set_height** **(** [float](class_float) height **)**
Set the capsule height.
#### <a name="get_height">get_height</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_height** **(** **)** const
Return the capsule height.
@ -1,39 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CapsuleShape2D
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Shape2D](class_shape2d)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Capsule 2D shape resource for physics.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_height](#set_height)** **(** [float](class_float) height **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_height](#get_height)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Capsule 2D shape resource for physics. A capsule (or sometimes called "pill") is like a line grown in all directions. It has a radius and a height, and is often useful for modelling biped characters.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_radius">set_radius</a>
* void **set_radius** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
Radius of the [CapsuleShape2D](class_capsuleshape2d).
#### <a name="get_radius">get_radius</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_radius** **(** **)** const
Return the radius of the [CapsuleShape2D](class_capsuleshape2d).
#### <a name="set_height">set_height</a>
* void **set_height** **(** [float](class_float) height **)**
Height of the [CapsuleShape2D](class_capsuleshape2d).
#### <a name="get_height">get_height</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_height** **(** **)** const
Return the height of the [CapsuleShape2D](class_capsuleshape2d).
@ -1,31 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CarBody
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [PhysicsBody](class_physicsbody)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_max_steer_angle](#set_max_steer_angle)** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* void **[set_steer_rate](#set_steer_rate)** **(** [float](class_float) rate **)**
* void **[set_drive_torque](#set_drive_torque)** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_max_steer_angle](#get_max_steer_angle)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_steer_rate](#get_steer_rate)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_drive_torque](#get_drive_torque)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_target_steering](#set_target_steering)** **(** [float](class_float) amount **)**
* void **[set_target_accelerate](#set_target_accelerate)** **(** [float](class_float) amount **)**
* void **[set_hand_brake](#set_hand_brake)** **(** [float](class_float) amount **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_target_steering](#get_target_steering)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_target_accelerate](#get_target_accelerate)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_hand_brake](#get_hand_brake)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_mass](#set_mass)** **(** [float](class_float) mass **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_mass](#get_mass)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_friction](#set_friction)** **(** [float](class_float) friction **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_friction](#get_friction)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
(c) Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Distributed under the terms of the [CC By](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode) license.
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CarWheel
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Spatial](class_spatial)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_side_friction](#set_side_friction)** **(** [float](class_float) friction **)**
* void **[set_forward_friction](#set_forward_friction)** **(** [float](class_float) friction **)**
* void **[set_travel](#set_travel)** **(** [float](class_float) distance **)**
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
* void **[set_resting_frac](#set_resting_frac)** **(** [float](class_float) frac **)**
* void **[set_damping_frac](#set_damping_frac)** **(** [float](class_float) frac **)**
* void **[set_num_rays](#set_num_rays)** **(** [float](class_float) amount **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_side_friction](#get_side_friction)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_forward_friction](#get_forward_friction)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_travel](#get_travel)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_resting_frac](#get_resting_frac)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_damping_frac](#get_damping_frac)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_num_rays](#get_num_rays)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_type_drive](#set_type_drive)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_type_drive](#is_type_drive)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_type_steer](#set_type_steer)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_type_steer](#is_type_steer)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
(c) Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Distributed under the terms of the [CC By](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode) license.
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CenterContainer
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Container](class_container)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Keeps children controls centered.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_use_top_left](#set_use_top_left)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_using_top_left](#is_using_top_left)** **(** **)** const
### Description
CenterContainer Keeps children controls centered. This container keeps all children to their minimum size, in the center.
### Member Function Description
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## Godot Documentation
# CheckBox
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Button](class_button)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CheckButton
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Button](class_button)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Checkable button.
### Description
CheckButton is a toggle button displayed as a check field.
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CircleShape2D
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Shape2D](class_shape2d)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Circular Shape for 2D Physics.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Circular Shape for 2D Physics. This shape is useful for modelling balls or small characters and it's collision detection with everything else is very fast.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_radius">set_radius</a>
* void **set_radius** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
Set the radius of the circle shape;
#### <a name="get_radius">get_radius</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_radius** **(** **)** const
Return the radius of the circle shape.
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## Godot Documentation
# CollisionObject
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Spatial](class_spatial)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[_input_event](#_input_event)** **(** [Object](class_object) camera, [InputEvent](class_inputevent) event, [Vector3](class_vector3) click_pos, [Vector3](class_vector3) click_normal, [int](class_int) shape_idx **)** virtual
* void **[add_shape](#add_shape)** **(** [Shape](class_shape) shape, [Transform](class_transform) transform=Transform() **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_shape_count](#get_shape_count)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_shape](#set_shape)** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx, [Shape](class_shape) shape **)**
* void **[set_shape_transform](#set_shape_transform)** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx, [Transform](class_transform) transform **)**
* void **[set_shape_as_trigger](#set_shape_as_trigger)** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx, [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_shape_set_as_trigger](#is_shape_set_as_trigger)** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx **)** const
* [Shape](class_shape) **[get_shape](#get_shape)** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx **)** const
* [Transform](class_transform) **[get_shape_transform](#get_shape_transform)** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx **)** const
* void **[remove_shape](#remove_shape)** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx **)**
* void **[clear_shapes](#clear_shapes)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_ray_pickable](#set_ray_pickable)** **(** [bool](class_bool) ray_pickable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_ray_pickable](#is_ray_pickable)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_capture_input_on_drag](#set_capture_input_on_drag)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_capture_input_on_drag](#get_capture_input_on_drag)** **(** **)** const
* [RID](class_rid) **[get_rid](#get_rid)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **mouse_enter** **(** **)**
* **input_event** **(** [Object](class_object) camera, [InputEvent](class_inputevent) event, [Vector3](class_vector3) click_pos, [Vector3](class_vector3) click_normal, [int](class_int) shape_idx **)**
* **mouse_exit** **(** **)**
### Member Function Description
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## Godot Documentation
# CollisionObject2D
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Node2D](class_node2d)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Base node for 2D collisionables.
### Member Functions
* void **[_input_event](#_input_event)** **(** [Object](class_object) viewport, [InputEvent](class_inputevent) event, [int](class_int) shape_idx **)** virtual
* void **[add_shape](#add_shape)** **(** [Shape2D](class_shape2d) shape, [Matrix32](class_matrix32) transform=1,0, 0,1, 0,0 **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_shape_count](#get_shape_count)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_shape](#set_shape)** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx, [Shape](class_shape) shape **)**
* void **[set_shape_transform](#set_shape_transform)** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx, [Matrix32](class_matrix32) transform **)**
* void **[set_shape_as_trigger](#set_shape_as_trigger)** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx, [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [Shape2D](class_shape2d) **[get_shape](#get_shape)** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx **)** const
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[get_shape_transform](#get_shape_transform)** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_shape_set_as_trigger](#is_shape_set_as_trigger)** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx **)** const
* void **[remove_shape](#remove_shape)** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx **)**
* void **[clear_shapes](#clear_shapes)** **(** **)**
* [RID](class_rid) **[get_rid](#get_rid)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_pickable](#set_pickable)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_pickable](#is_pickable)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **mouse_enter** **(** **)**
* **input_event** **(** [Object](class_object) viewport, [InputEvent](class_inputevent) event, [int](class_int) shape_idx **)**
* **mouse_exit** **(** **)**
### Description
CollisionObject2D is the base class for 2D physics collisionables. They can hold any number of 2D collision shapes. Usually, they are edited by placing CollisionBody2D and CollisionPolygon2D nodes as children. Such nodes are for reference ant not present outside the editor, so code should use the regular shape API.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="add_shape">add_shape</a>
* void **add_shape** **(** [Shape2D](class_shape2d) shape, [Matrix32](class_matrix32) transform=1,0, 0,1, 0,0 **)**
Add a [Shape2D](class_shape2d) to the collision body, with a given custom transform.
#### <a name="get_shape_count">get_shape_count</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_shape_count** **(** **)** const
Return the amount of shapes in the collision body.
#### <a name="set_shape">set_shape</a>
* void **set_shape** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx, [Shape](class_shape) shape **)**
Change a shape in the collision body.
#### <a name="set_shape_transform">set_shape_transform</a>
* void **set_shape_transform** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx, [Matrix32](class_matrix32) transform **)**
Change the shape transform in the collision body.
#### <a name="get_shape">get_shape</a>
* [Shape2D](class_shape2d) **get_shape** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx **)** const
Return the shape in the given index.
#### <a name="get_shape_transform">get_shape_transform</a>
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **get_shape_transform** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx **)** const
Return the shape transform in the given index.
#### <a name="remove_shape">remove_shape</a>
* void **remove_shape** **(** [int](class_int) shape_idx **)**
Remove the shape in the given index.
#### <a name="clear_shapes">clear_shapes</a>
* void **clear_shapes** **(** **)**
Remove all shapes.
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CollisionPolygon
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Spatial](class_spatial)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_polygon](#set_polygon)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) polygon **)**
* [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) **[get_polygon](#get_polygon)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_depth](#set_depth)** **(** [float](class_float) depth **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_depth](#get_depth)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_build_mode](#set_build_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_build_mode](#get_build_mode)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CollisionPolygon2D
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Node2D](class_node2d)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Editor-Only class.
### Description
Editor-Only class. This is not present when running the game. It's used in the editor to properly edit and position collision shapes in [CollisionObject2D](class_collisionobject2d). This is not accessible from regular code. This class is for editing custom shape polygons.
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## Godot Documentation
# CollisionShape
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Spatial](class_spatial)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CollisionShape2D
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Node2D](class_node2d)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Editor-Only class.
### Description
Editor-Only class. This is not present when running the game. It's used in the editor to properly edit and position collision shapes in [CollisionObject2D](class_collisionobject2d). This is not accessible from regular code.
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## Godot Documentation
# Color
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Category:** Built-In Types
### Brief Description
Color in RGBA format.
### Member Functions
* [Color](class_color) **[blend](#blend)** **(** [Color](class_color) over **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[contrasted](#contrasted)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[gray](#gray)** **(** **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[inverted](#inverted)** **(** **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[linear_interpolate](#linear_interpolate)** **(** [Color](class_color) b, [float](class_float) t **)**
* [int](class_int) **[to_32](#to_32)** **(** **)**
* [int](class_int) **[to_ARGB32](#to_ARGB32)** **(** **)**
* [String](class_string) **[to_html](#to_html)** **(** [bool](class_bool) with_alpha=True **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[Color](#Color)** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b, [float](class_float) a **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[Color](#Color)** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b **)**
### Member Variables
* [float](class_float) **r**
* [float](class_float) **g**
* [float](class_float) **b**
* [float](class_float) **a**
* [float](class_float) **h**
* [float](class_float) **s**
* [float](class_float) **v**
### Description
A color is represented as red, green and blue (r,g,b) components. Additionally, "a" represents the alpha component, often used for transparency. Values are in floating point, ranging from 0 to 1.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="contrasted">contrasted</a>
* [Color](class_color) **contrasted** **(** **)**
Return the most contrasting color with this one.
#### <a name="gray">gray</a>
* [float](class_float) **gray** **(** **)**
Convert the color to gray.
#### <a name="inverted">inverted</a>
* [Color](class_color) **inverted** **(** **)**
Return the inverted color (1-r, 1-g, 1-b, 1-a).
#### <a name="linear_interpolate">linear_interpolate</a>
* [Color](class_color) **linear_interpolate** **(** [Color](class_color) b, [float](class_float) t **)**
Return the linear interpolation with another color.
#### <a name="to_32">to_32</a>
* [int](class_int) **to_32** **(** **)**
Convert the color to a 32 its integer (each byte represets a RGBA).
#### <a name="to_ARGB32">to_ARGB32</a>
* [int](class_int) **to_ARGB32** **(** **)**
Convert color to ARGB32, more compatible with DirectX.
#### <a name="to_html">to_html</a>
* [String](class_string) **to_html** **(** [bool](class_bool) with_alpha=True **)**
Return the HTML hexadecimal color string.
#### <a name="Color">Color</a>
* [Color](class_color) **Color** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b, [float](class_float) a **)**
Construct the color from an RGBA profile.
#### <a name="Color">Color</a>
* [Color](class_color) **Color** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b **)**
Construct the color from an RGBA profile.
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# ColorArray
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Category:** Built-In Types
### Brief Description
Array of Colors
### Member Functions
* [Color](class_color) **[get](#get)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* void **[push_back](#push_back)** **(** [Color](class_color) color **)**
* void **[resize](#resize)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* void **[set](#set)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [Color](class_color) color **)**
* [int](class_int) **[size](#size)** **(** **)**
* [ColorArray](class_colorarray) **[ColorArray](#ColorArray)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
### Description
Array of Color, can only contains colors. Optimized for memory usage, cant fragment the memory.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="get">get</a>
* [Color](class_color) **get** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
Get an index in the array.
#### <a name="push_back">push_back</a>
* void **push_back** **(** [Color](class_color) color **)**
Append a value to the array.
#### <a name="resize">resize</a>
* void **resize** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
Resize the array.
#### <a name="set">set</a>
* void **set** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [Color](class_color) color **)**
Set an index in the array.
#### <a name="size">size</a>
* [int](class_int) **size** **(** **)**
Return the array size.
#### <a name="ColorArray">ColorArray</a>
* [ColorArray](class_colorarray) **ColorArray** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
Create from a generic array.
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## Godot Documentation
# ColorPicker
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [HBoxContainer](class_hboxcontainer)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Color picker control.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_color](#set_color)** **(** [Color](class_color) color **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[get_color](#get_color)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_mode](#set_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_mode](#get_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_edit_alpha](#set_edit_alpha)** **(** [bool](class_bool) show **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_editing_alpha](#is_editing_alpha)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **color_changed** **(** [Color](class_color) color **)**
### Description
This is a simple color picker [Control](class_control). It's useful for selecting a color from an RGB/RGBA colorspace.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_color">set_color</a>
* void **set_color** **(** [Color](class_color) color **)**
Select the current color.
#### <a name="get_color">get_color</a>
* [Color](class_color) **get_color** **(** **)** const
Return the current (edited) color.
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## Godot Documentation
# ColorPickerButton
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Button](class_button)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_color](#set_color)** **(** [Color](class_color) color **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[get_color](#get_color)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_edit_alpha](#set_edit_alpha)** **(** [bool](class_bool) show **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_editing_alpha](#is_editing_alpha)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **color_changed** **(** [Color](class_color) color **)**
### Member Function Description
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## Godot Documentation
# ConcavePolygonShape
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Shape](class_shape)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Concave polygon shape.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_faces](#set_faces)** **(** [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) faces **)**
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **[get_faces](#get_faces)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Concave polygon shape resource, which can be set into a [PhysicsBody](class_physicsbody) or area."#10; This shape is created by feeding a list of triangles.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_faces">set_faces</a>
* void **set_faces** **(** [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) faces **)**
Set the faces (an array of triangles).
#### <a name="get_faces">get_faces</a>
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **get_faces** **(** **)** const
Return the faces (an array of triangles).
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# ConcavePolygonShape2D
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Shape2D](class_shape2d)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Concave polygon 2D shape resource for physics.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_segments](#set_segments)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) segments **)**
* [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) **[get_segments](#get_segments)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Concave polygon 2D shape resource for physics. It is made out of segments and is very optimal for complex polygonal concave collisions. It is really not advised to use for RigidBody nodes. A CollisionPolygon2D in convex decomposition mode (solids) or several convex objects are advised for that instead. Otherwise, a concave polygon 2D shape is better for static collisions.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_segments">set_segments</a>
* void **set_segments** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) segments **)**
Set the array of segments.
#### <a name="get_segments">get_segments</a>
* [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) **get_segments** **(** **)** const
Return the array of segments.
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## Godot Documentation
# ConeTwistJoint
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Joint](class_joint)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_param](#set_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_param](#get_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **PARAM_SWING_SPAN** = **0**
* **PARAM_TWIST_SPAN** = **1**
* **PARAM_BIAS** = **2**
* **PARAM_SOFTNESS** = **3**
* **PARAM_RELAXATION** = **4**
* **PARAM_MAX** = **5**
### Member Function Description
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## Godot Documentation
# ConfigFile
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Reference](class_reference)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_value](#set_value)** **(** [String](class_string) section, [String](class_string) key, var value **)**
* void **[get_value](#get_value)** **(** [String](class_string) section, [String](class_string) key **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_section](#has_section)** **(** [String](class_string) section **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_section_key](#has_section_key)** **(** [String](class_string) section, [String](class_string) key **)** const
* [StringArray](class_stringarray) **[get_sections](#get_sections)** **(** **)** const
* [StringArray](class_stringarray) **[get_section_keys](#get_section_keys)** **(** [String](class_string) arg0 **)** const
* Error **[load](#load)** **(** [String](class_string) path **)**
* Error **[save](#save)** **(** [String](class_string) path **)**
### Member Function Description
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## Godot Documentation
# ConfirmationDialog
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [AcceptDialog](class_acceptdialog)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Dialog for confirmation of actions.
### Member Functions
* [Button](class_button) **[get_cancel](#get_cancel)** **(** **)**
### Description
Dialog for confirmation of actions. This dialog inherits from [AcceptDialog](class_acceptdialog), but has by default an OK and Cancel buton (in host OS order).
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="get_cancel">get_cancel</a>
* [Button](class_button) **get_cancel** **(** **)**
Return the cancel button.
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# Container
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Control](class_control)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Base node for containers.
### Member Functions
* void **[queue_sort](#queue_sort)** **(** **)**
* void **[fit_child_in_rect](#fit_child_in_rect)** **(** [Control](class_control) child, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect **)**
### Signals
* **sort_children** **(** **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **NOTIFICATION_SORT_CHILDREN** = **50** - Notification for when sorting the children, it must be obeyed immediately.
### Description
Base node for conainers. A [Container](class_container) contains other controls and automatically arranges them in a certain way.
A Control can inherit this to reate custom container classes.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="queue_sort">queue_sort</a>
* void **queue_sort** **(** **)**
Queue resort of the contained children. This is called automatically anyway, but can be called upon request.
#### <a name="fit_child_in_rect">fit_child_in_rect</a>
* void **fit_child_in_rect** **(** [Control](class_control) child, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect **)**
Fit a child control in a given rect. This is mainly a helper for creating custom container classes.
@ -1,388 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# Control
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [CanvasItem](class_canvasitem)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Control is the base node for all the GUI components.
### Member Functions
* void **[_input_event](#_input_event)** **(** [InputEvent](class_inputevent) event **)** virtual
* [bool](class_bool) **[can_drop_data](#can_drop_data)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, var data **)** virtual
* void **[drop_data](#drop_data)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, var data **)** virtual
* [Object](class_object) **[get_drag_data](#get_drag_data)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)** virtual
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_minimum_size](#get_minimum_size)** **(** **)** virtual
* void **[accept_event](#accept_event)** **(** **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_minimum_size](#get_minimum_size)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_combined_minimum_size](#get_combined_minimum_size)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_window](#is_window)** **(** **)** const
* [Object](class_object) **[get_window](#get_window)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_anchor](#set_anchor)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [int](class_int) anchor_mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_anchor](#get_anchor)** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* void **[set_margin](#set_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [float](class_float) offset **)**
* void **[set_anchor_and_margin](#set_anchor_and_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [int](class_int) anchor_mode, [float](class_float) offset **)**
* void **[set_begin](#set_begin)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
* void **[set_end](#set_end)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
* void **[set_pos](#set_pos)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
* void **[set_size](#set_size)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) size **)**
* void **[set_custom_minimum_size](#set_custom_minimum_size)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) size **)**
* void **[set_global_pos](#set_global_pos)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_margin](#get_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_begin](#get_begin)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_end](#get_end)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_size](#get_size)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_custom_minimum_size](#get_custom_minimum_size)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_parent_area_size](#get_parent_area_size)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_global_pos](#get_global_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[get_rect](#get_rect)** **(** **)** const
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[get_global_rect](#get_global_rect)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_area_as_parent_rect](#set_area_as_parent_rect)** **(** [int](class_int) margin=0 **)**
* void **[show_modal](#show_modal)** **(** [bool](class_bool) exclusive=false **)**
* void **[set_focus_mode](#set_focus_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_focus](#has_focus)** **(** **)** const
* void **[grab_focus](#grab_focus)** **(** **)**
* void **[release_focus](#release_focus)** **(** **)**
* [Control](class_control) **[get_focus_owner](#get_focus_owner)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_h_size_flags](#set_h_size_flags)** **(** [int](class_int) flags **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_h_size_flags](#get_h_size_flags)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_stretch_ratio](#set_stretch_ratio)** **(** [float](class_float) ratio **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_stretch_ratio](#get_stretch_ratio)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_v_size_flags](#set_v_size_flags)** **(** [int](class_int) flags **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_v_size_flags](#get_v_size_flags)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_theme](#set_theme)** **(** [Theme](class_theme) theme **)**
* [Theme](class_theme) **[get_theme](#get_theme)** **(** **)** const
* void **[add_icon_override](#add_icon_override)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [Texture](class_texture) texture **)**
* void **[add_style_override](#add_style_override)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [StyleBox](class_stylebox) stylebox **)**
* void **[add_font_override](#add_font_override)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [Font](class_font) font **)**
* void **[add_color_override](#add_color_override)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [Color](class_color) color **)**
* void **[add_constant_override](#add_constant_override)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [int](class_int) constant **)**
* [Texture](class_texture) **[get_icon](#get_icon)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [String](class_string) type="" **)** const
* [StyleBox](class_stylebox) **[get_stylebox](#get_stylebox)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [String](class_string) type="" **)** const
* [Font](class_font) **[get_font](#get_font)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [String](class_string) type="" **)** const
* [Color](class_color) **[get_color](#get_color)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [String](class_string) type="" **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_constant](#get_constant)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [String](class_string) type="" **)** const
* [Control](class_control) **[get_parent_control](#get_parent_control)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_tooltip](#set_tooltip)** **(** [String](class_string) tooltip **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_tooltip](#get_tooltip)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) atpos=Vector2(0,0) **)** const
* void **[set_default_cursor_shape](#set_default_cursor_shape)** **(** [int](class_int) shape **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_default_cursor_shape](#get_default_cursor_shape)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_cursor_shape](#get_cursor_shape)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos=Vector2(0,0) **)** const
* void **[set_focus_neighbour](#set_focus_neighbour)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [NodePath](class_nodepath) neighbour **)**
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **[get_focus_neighbour](#get_focus_neighbour)** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* void **[set_ignore_mouse](#set_ignore_mouse)** **(** [bool](class_bool) ignore **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_ignoring_mouse](#is_ignoring_mouse)** **(** **)** const
* void **[force_drag](#force_drag)** **(** var data, [Object](class_object) preview **)**
* void **[set_stop_mouse](#set_stop_mouse)** **(** [bool](class_bool) stop **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_stopping_mouse](#is_stopping_mouse)** **(** **)** const
* void **[grab_click_focus](#grab_click_focus)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_drag_preview](#set_drag_preview)** **(** [Control](class_control) control **)**
* void **[warp_mouse](#warp_mouse)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) to_pos **)**
### Signals
* **focus_enter** **(** **)**
* **mouse_enter** **(** **)**
* **resized** **(** **)**
* **minimum_size_changed** **(** **)**
* **size_flags_changed** **(** **)**
* **focus_exit** **(** **)**
* **input_event** **(** [InputEvent](class_inputevent) ev **)**
* **mouse_exit** **(** **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **ANCHOR_BEGIN** = **0** - X is relative to MARGIN_LEFT, Y is relative to MARGIN_TOP,
* **ANCHOR_END** = **1** - X is relative to -MARGIN_RIGHT, Y is relative to -MARGIN_BOTTOM,
* **ANCHOR_RATIO** = **2** - X and Y are a ratio (0 to 1) relative to the parent size 0 is left/top, 1 is right/bottom.
* **ANCHOR_CENTER** = **3**
* **FOCUS_NONE** = **0** - Control can't acquire focus.
* **FOCUS_CLICK** = **1** - Control can acquire focus only if clicked.
* **FOCUS_ALL** = **2** - Control can acquire focus if clicked, or by pressing TAB/Directionals in the keyboard from another Control.
* **NOTIFICATION_RESIZED** = **40** - Control changed size (get_size() reports the new size).
* **NOTIFICATION_MOUSE_ENTER** = **41** - Mouse pointer entered the area of the Control.
* **NOTIFICATION_MOUSE_EXIT** = **42** - Mouse pointer exited the area of the Control.
* **NOTIFICATION_FOCUS_ENTER** = **43** - Control gained focus.
* **NOTIFICATION_FOCUS_EXIT** = **44** - Control lost focus.
* **NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED** = **45** - Theme changed. Redrawing is desired.
* **NOTIFICATION_MODAL_CLOSE** = **46** - Modal control was closed.
* **CURSOR_ARROW** = **0**
* **CURSOR_IBEAM** = **1**
* **CURSOR_CROSS** = **3**
* **CURSOR_WAIT** = **4**
* **CURSOR_BUSY** = **5**
* **CURSOR_DRAG** = **6**
* **CURSOR_CAN_DROP** = **7**
* **CURSOR_FORBIDDEN** = **8**
* **CURSOR_VSIZE** = **9**
* **CURSOR_HSIZE** = **10**
* **CURSOR_BDIAGSIZE** = **11**
* **CURSOR_FDIAGSIZE** = **12**
* **CURSOR_MOVE** = **13**
* **CURSOR_VSPLIT** = **14**
* **CURSOR_HSPLIT** = **15**
* **CURSOR_HELP** = **16**
* **SIZE_EXPAND** = **1**
* **SIZE_FILL** = **2**
* **SIZE_EXPAND_FILL** = **3**
### Description
Control is the base class Node for all the GUI components. Every GUI component inherits from it, directly or indirectly. In this way, sections of the scene tree made of contiguous control nodes, become user interfaces.
Controls are relative to the parent position and size by using anchors and margins. This ensures that they can adapt easily in most situation to changing dialog and screen sizes. When more flexibility is desired, [Container](class_container) derived nodes can be used.
Anchors work by defining which margin do they follow, and a value relative to it. Allowed anchoring modes are ANCHOR_BEGIN, where the margin is relative to the top or left margins of the parent (in pixels), ANCHOR_END for the right and bottom margins of the parent and ANCHOR_RATIO, which is a ratio from 0 to 1 in the parent range.
Input device events ([InputEvent](class_inputevent)) are first sent to the root controls via the [Node._input](node#_input), which distribute it through the tree, then delivers them to the adequate one (under cursor or keyboard focus based) by calling [Node._input_event]. There is no need to enable input processing on controls to receive such events. To ensure that no one else will receive the event (not even [Node._unhandled_input](node#_unhandled_input)), the control can accept it by calling [accept_event](#accept_event).
Only one control can hold the keyboard focus (receiving keyboard events), for that the control must define the focus mode with [set_focus_mode](#set_focus_mode). Focus is lost when another control gains it, or the current focus owner is hidden.
It is sometimes desired for a control to ignore mouse/pointer events. This is often the case when placing other controls on top of a button, in such cases. Calling [set_ignore_mouse](#set_ignore_mouse) enables this function.
Finally, controls are skinned according to a [Theme](class_theme). Setting a [Theme](class_theme) on a control will propagate all the skinning down the tree. Optionally, skinning can be overrided per each control by calling the add_*_override functions, or from the editor.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="_input_event">_input_event</a>
* void **_input_event** **(** [InputEvent](class_inputevent) event **)** virtual
Called when an input event reaches the control.
#### <a name="get_minimum_size">get_minimum_size</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get_minimum_size** **(** **)** virtual
Return the minimum size this Control can shrink to. A control will never be displayed or resized smaller than its minimum size.
#### <a name="accept_event">accept_event</a>
* void **accept_event** **(** **)**
Handles the event, no other control will receive it and it will not be sent to nodes waiting on [Node._unhandled_input](node#_unhandled_input) or [Node._unhandled_key_input](node#_unhandled_key_input).
#### <a name="get_minimum_size">get_minimum_size</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get_minimum_size** **(** **)** const
Return the minimum size this Control can shrink to. A control will never be displayed or resized smaller than its minimum size.
#### <a name="is_window">is_window</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_window** **(** **)** const
Return wether this control is a _window_. Controls are considered windows when their parent [Node](class_node) is not a Control.
#### <a name="get_window">get_window</a>
* [Object](class_object) **get_window** **(** **)** const
Return the _window_ for this control, ascending the scene tree (see [is_window](#is_window)).
#### <a name="set_anchor">set_anchor</a>
* void **set_anchor** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [int](class_int) anchor_mode **)**
Change the anchor (ANCHOR_BEGIN, ANCHOR_END, ANCHOR_RATIO) type for a margin (MARGIN_LEFT, MARGIN_TOP, MARGIN_RIGHT, MARGIN_BOTTOM). Changing the anchor mode converts the current margin offset from the previos anchor mode to the new one, so margin offsets ([set_margin](#set_margin)) must be done after setting anchors, or at the same time ([set_anchor_and_margin](#set_anchor_and_margin)).
#### <a name="get_anchor">get_anchor</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_anchor** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
#### <a name="set_margin">set_margin</a>
* void **set_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [float](class_float) offset **)**
Set a margin offset. Margin can be one of (MARGIN_LEFT, MARGIN_TOP, MARGIN_RIGHT, MARGIN_BOTTOM). Offset value being set depends on the anchor mode.
#### <a name="set_anchor_and_margin">set_anchor_and_margin</a>
* void **set_anchor_and_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [int](class_int) anchor_mode, [float](class_float) offset **)**
Change the anchor (ANCHOR_BEGIN, ANCHOR_END, ANCHOR_RATIO) type for a margin (MARGIN_LEFT, MARGIN_TOP, MARGIN_RIGHT, MARGIN_BOTTOM), and also set its offset. This is a helper (see [set_anchor](#set_anchor) and [set_margin](#set_margin)).
#### <a name="set_begin">set_begin</a>
* void **set_begin** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
Sets MARGIN_LEFT and MARGIN_TOP at the same time. This is a helper (see [set_margin](#set_margin)).
#### <a name="set_end">set_end</a>
* void **set_end** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
Sets MARGIN_RIGHT and MARGIN_BOTTOM at the same time. This is a helper (see [set_margin](#set_margin)).
#### <a name="set_pos">set_pos</a>
* void **set_pos** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
Move the Control to a new position, relative to the top-left corner of the parent Control, changing all margins if needed and without changing current anchor mode. This is a helper (see [set_margin](#set_margin)).
#### <a name="set_size">set_size</a>
* void **set_size** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) size **)**
Changes MARGIN_RIGHT and MARGIN_BOTTOM to fit a given size. This is a helper (see [set_margin](#set_margin)).
#### <a name="set_global_pos">set_global_pos</a>
* void **set_global_pos** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
Move the Control to a new position, relative to the top-left corner of the _window_ Control, and without changing current anchor mode. (see [set_margin](#set_margin)).
#### <a name="get_margin">get_margin</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
Return a margin offset. Margin can be one of (MARGIN_LEFT, MARGIN_TOP, MARGIN_RIGHT, MARGIN_BOTTOM). Offset value being returned depends on the anchor mode.
#### <a name="get_end">get_end</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get_end** **(** **)** const
Returns MARGIN_LEFT and MARGIN_TOP at the same time. This is a helper (see [set_margin](#set_margin)).
#### <a name="get_pos">get_pos</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get_pos** **(** **)** const
Returns the Control position, relative to the top-left corner of the parent Control and independly of the anchor mode.
#### <a name="get_size">get_size</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get_size** **(** **)** const
Returns the size of the Control, computed from all margins, however the size returned will **never be smaller than the minimum size reported by [get_minimum_size](#get_minimum_size)**. This means that even if end position of the Control rectangle is smaller than the begin position, the Control will still display and interact correctly. (see description, [get_minimum_size](#get_minimum_size), [set_margin](#set_margin), [set_anchor](#set_anchor)).
#### <a name="get_global_pos">get_global_pos</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get_global_pos** **(** **)** const
Returns the Control position, relative to the top-left corner of the parent Control and independent of the anchor mode.
#### <a name="get_rect">get_rect</a>
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **get_rect** **(** **)** const
Return position and size of the Control, relative to the top-left corner of the parent Control. This is a helper (see [get_pos](#get_pos),[get_size](#get_size)).
#### <a name="get_global_rect">get_global_rect</a>
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **get_global_rect** **(** **)** const
Return position and size of the Control, relative to the top-left corner of the _window_ Control. This is a helper (see [get_global_pos](#get_global_pos),[get_size](#get_size)).
#### <a name="set_area_as_parent_rect">set_area_as_parent_rect</a>
* void **set_area_as_parent_rect** **(** [int](class_int) margin=0 **)**
Change all margins and anchors, so this Control always takes up the same area as the parent Control. This is a helper (see [set_anchor](#set_anchor),[set_margin](#set_margin)).
#### <a name="show_modal">show_modal</a>
* void **show_modal** **(** [bool](class_bool) exclusive=false **)**
Display a Control as modal. Control must be a subwindow (see [set_as_subwindow](#set_as_subwindow)). Modal controls capture the input signals until closed or the area outside them is accessed. When a modal control loses focus, or the ESC key is pressed, they automatically hide. Modal controls are used extensively for popup dialogs and menus.
#### <a name="set_focus_mode">set_focus_mode</a>
* void **set_focus_mode** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
Set the focus access mode for the control (FOCUS_NONE, FOCUS_CLICK, FOCUS_ALL). Only one Control can be focused at the same time, and it will receive keyboard signals.
#### <a name="has_focus">has_focus</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **has_focus** **(** **)** const
Return wether the Control is the current focused control (see [set_focus_mode](#set_focus_mode)).
#### <a name="grab_focus">grab_focus</a>
* void **grab_focus** **(** **)**
Steal the focus from another control and become the focused control (see [set_focus_mode](#set_focus_mode)).
#### <a name="release_focus">release_focus</a>
* void **release_focus** **(** **)**
Give up the focus, no other control will be able to receive keyboard input.
#### <a name="get_focus_owner">get_focus_owner</a>
* [Control](class_control) **get_focus_owner** **(** **)** const
Return which control is owning the keyboard focus, or null if no one.
#### <a name="set_h_size_flags">set_h_size_flags</a>
* void **set_h_size_flags** **(** [int](class_int) flags **)**
Hint for containers, set horizontal positioning flags.
#### <a name="get_h_size_flags">get_h_size_flags</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_h_size_flags** **(** **)** const
Hint for containers, return horizontal positioning flags.
#### <a name="set_stretch_ratio">set_stretch_ratio</a>
* void **set_stretch_ratio** **(** [float](class_float) ratio **)**
Hint for containers, set the stretch ratio. This value is relative to other stretch ratio, so if this control has 2 and another has 1, this one will be twice as big.
#### <a name="get_stretch_ratio">get_stretch_ratio</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_stretch_ratio** **(** **)** const
Hint for containers, return the stretch ratio. This value is relative to other stretch ratio, so if this control has 2 and another has 1, this one will be twice as big.
#### <a name="set_v_size_flags">set_v_size_flags</a>
* void **set_v_size_flags** **(** [int](class_int) flags **)**
Hint for containers, set vertical positioning flags.
#### <a name="get_v_size_flags">get_v_size_flags</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_v_size_flags** **(** **)** const
Hint for containers, return vertical positioning flags.
#### <a name="set_theme">set_theme</a>
* void **set_theme** **(** [Theme](class_theme) theme **)**
Override whole the [Theme](class_theme) for this Control and all its children controls.
#### <a name="get_theme">get_theme</a>
* [Theme](class_theme) **get_theme** **(** **)** const
Return a [Theme](class_theme) override, if one exists (see [set_theme](#set_theme)).
#### <a name="add_icon_override">add_icon_override</a>
* void **add_icon_override** **(** [String](class_string) name, [Texture](class_texture) texture **)**
Override a single icon ([Texture](class_texture)) in the theme of this Control. If texture is empty, override is cleared.
#### <a name="add_style_override">add_style_override</a>
* void **add_style_override** **(** [String](class_string) name, [StyleBox](class_stylebox) stylebox **)**
Override a single stylebox ([Stylebox]) in the theme of this Control. If stylebox is empty, override is cleared.
#### <a name="add_font_override">add_font_override</a>
* void **add_font_override** **(** [String](class_string) name, [Font](class_font) font **)**
Override a single font (font) in the theme of this Control. If font is empty, override is cleared.
#### <a name="add_constant_override">add_constant_override</a>
* void **add_constant_override** **(** [String](class_string) name, [int](class_int) constant **)**
Override a single constant (integer) in the theme of this Control. If constant equals Theme.INVALID_CONSTANT, override is cleared.
#### <a name="set_tooltip">set_tooltip</a>
* void **set_tooltip** **(** [String](class_string) tooltip **)**
Set a tooltip, which will appear when the cursor is resting over this control.
#### <a name="get_tooltip">get_tooltip</a>
* [String](class_string) **get_tooltip** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) atpos=Vector2(0,0) **)** const
Return the tooltip, which will appear when the cursor is resting over this control.
#### <a name="set_default_cursor_shape">set_default_cursor_shape</a>
* void **set_default_cursor_shape** **(** [int](class_int) shape **)**
Set the default cursor shape for this control. See enum CURSOR_* for the list of shapes.
#### <a name="get_default_cursor_shape">get_default_cursor_shape</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_default_cursor_shape** **(** **)** const
Return the default cursor shape for this control. See enum CURSOR_* for the list of shapes.
#### <a name="get_cursor_shape">get_cursor_shape</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_cursor_shape** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos=Vector2(0,0) **)** const
Return the cursor shape at a certain position in the control.
#### <a name="set_focus_neighbour">set_focus_neighbour</a>
* void **set_focus_neighbour** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [NodePath](class_nodepath) neighbour **)**
Force a neighbour for moving the input focus to. When pressing TAB or directional/joypad directions focus is moved to the next control in that direction. However, the neighbour to move to can be forced with this function.
#### <a name="get_focus_neighbour">get_focus_neighbour</a>
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **get_focus_neighbour** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
Return the forced neighbour for moving the input focus to. When pressing TAB or directional/joypad directions focus is moved to the next control in that direction. However, the neighbour to move to can be forced with this function.
#### <a name="set_ignore_mouse">set_ignore_mouse</a>
* void **set_ignore_mouse** **(** [bool](class_bool) ignore **)**
Ignore mouse events on this control (even touchpad events send mouse events).
#### <a name="is_ignoring_mouse">is_ignoring_mouse</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_ignoring_mouse** **(** **)** const
Return if the control is ignoring mouse events (even touchpad events send mouse events).
@ -1,17 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# ConvexPolygonShape
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Shape](class_shape)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Convex Polygon Shape
### Member Functions
* void **[set_points](#set_points)** **(** [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) points **)**
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **[get_points](#get_points)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Convex polygon shape resource, which can be set into a [PhysicsBody](class_physicsbody) or area.
### Member Function Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# ConvexPolygonShape2D
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Shape2D](class_shape2d)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Convex Polygon Shape for 2D physics
### Member Functions
* void **[set_point_cloud](#set_point_cloud)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) point_cloud **)**
* void **[set_points](#set_points)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points **)**
* [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) **[get_points](#get_points)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Convex Polygon Shape for 2D physics.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_point_cloud">set_point_cloud</a>
* void **set_point_cloud** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) point_cloud **)**
Create the point set from a point cloud. The resulting convex hull will be set as the shape.
#### <a name="set_points">set_points</a>
* void **set_points** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points **)**
Set a list of points in either clockwise or counter clockwise order, forming a convex polygon.
#### <a name="get_points">get_points</a>
* [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) **get_points** **(** **)** const
Return a list of points in either clockwise or counter clockwise order, forming a convex polygon.
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# CubeMap
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Resource](class_resource)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* [int](class_int) **[get_width](#get_width)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_height](#get_height)** **(** **)** const
* [RID](class_rid) **[get_rid](#get_rid)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_flags](#set_flags)** **(** [int](class_int) flags **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_flags](#get_flags)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_side](#set_side)** **(** [int](class_int) side, [Image](class_image) image **)**
* [Image](class_image) **[get_side](#get_side)** **(** [int](class_int) side **)** const
* void **[set_storage](#set_storage)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_storage](#get_storage)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_lossy_storage_quality](#set_lossy_storage_quality)** **(** [float](class_float) quality **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_lossy_storage_quality](#get_lossy_storage_quality)** **(** **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **STORAGE_RAW** = **0**
* **SIDE_LEFT** = **0**
* **SIDE_RIGHT** = **1**
* **SIDE_BOTTOM** = **2**
* **SIDE_TOP** = **3**
* **SIDE_FRONT** = **4**
* **SIDE_BACK** = **5**
* **FLAG_MIPMAPS** = **1**
* **FLAG_REPEAT** = **2**
* **FLAG_FILTER** = **4**
* **FLAGS_DEFAULT** = **7**
### Member Function Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# Curve2D
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Resource](class_resource)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* [int](class_int) **[get_point_count](#get_point_count)** **(** **)** const
* void **[add_point](#add_point)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [Vector2](class_vector2) in=Vector2(0,0), [Vector2](class_vector2) out=Vector2(0,0), [int](class_int) atpos=-1 **)**
* void **[set_point_pos](#set_point_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_point_pos](#get_point_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[set_point_in](#set_point_in)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_point_in](#get_point_in)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[set_point_out](#set_point_out)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_point_out](#get_point_out)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[remove_point](#remove_point)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[interpolate](#interpolate)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) t **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[interpolatef](#interpolatef)** **(** [float](class_float) fofs **)** const
* void **[set_bake_interval](#set_bake_interval)** **(** [float](class_float) distance **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_bake_interval](#get_bake_interval)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_baked_length](#get_baked_length)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[interpolate_baked](#interpolate_baked)** **(** [float](class_float) offset, [bool](class_bool) cubic=false **)** const
* [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) **[get_baked_points](#get_baked_points)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) **[tesselate](#tesselate)** **(** [int](class_int) max_stages=5, [float](class_float) tolerance_degrees=4 **)** const
### Member Function Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# Curve3D
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Resource](class_resource)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* [int](class_int) **[get_point_count](#get_point_count)** **(** **)** const
* void **[add_point](#add_point)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) pos, [Vector3](class_vector3) in=Vector3(0, 0, 0), [Vector3](class_vector3) out=Vector3(0, 0, 0), [int](class_int) atpos=-1 **)**
* void **[set_point_pos](#set_point_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [Vector3](class_vector3) pos **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_point_pos](#get_point_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[set_point_tilt](#set_point_tilt)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) tilt **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_point_tilt](#get_point_tilt)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[set_point_in](#set_point_in)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [Vector3](class_vector3) pos **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_point_in](#get_point_in)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[set_point_out](#set_point_out)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [Vector3](class_vector3) pos **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_point_out](#get_point_out)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[remove_point](#remove_point)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[interpolate](#interpolate)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) t **)** const
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[interpolatef](#interpolatef)** **(** [float](class_float) fofs **)** const
* void **[set_bake_interval](#set_bake_interval)** **(** [float](class_float) distance **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_bake_interval](#get_bake_interval)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_baked_length](#get_baked_length)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[interpolate_baked](#interpolate_baked)** **(** [float](class_float) offset, [bool](class_bool) cubic=false **)** const
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **[get_baked_points](#get_baked_points)** **(** **)** const
* [RealArray](class_realarray) **[get_baked_tilts](#get_baked_tilts)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **[tesselate](#tesselate)** **(** [int](class_int) max_stages=5, [float](class_float) tolerance_degrees=4 **)** const
### Member Function Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# DampedSpringJoint2D
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Joint2D](class_joint2d)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Damped sprint constraint for 2D physics.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_length](#set_length)** **(** [float](class_float) length **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_rest_length](#set_rest_length)** **(** [float](class_float) rest_length **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_rest_length](#get_rest_length)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_stiffness](#set_stiffness)** **(** [float](class_float) stiffness **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_stiffness](#get_stiffness)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_damping](#set_damping)** **(** [float](class_float) damping **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_damping](#get_damping)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Damped sprint constraint for 2D physics. This resembles a sprint joint that always want to go back to a given length.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_length">set_length</a>
* void **set_length** **(** [float](class_float) length **)**
Set the maximum length of the sprint joint.
#### <a name="get_length">get_length</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_length** **(** **)** const
Return the maximum length of the sprint joint.
#### <a name="set_rest_length">set_rest_length</a>
* void **set_rest_length** **(** [float](class_float) rest_length **)**
Set the resting length of the sprint joint. The joint will always try to go to back this length when pulled apart.
#### <a name="get_rest_length">get_rest_length</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_rest_length** **(** **)** const
Return the resting length of the sprint joint. The joint will always try to go to back this length when pulled apart.
#### <a name="set_stiffness">set_stiffness</a>
* void **set_stiffness** **(** [float](class_float) stiffness **)**
Set the stiffness of the spring joint.
#### <a name="get_stiffness">get_stiffness</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_stiffness** **(** **)** const
Return the stiffness of the spring joint.
#### <a name="set_damping">set_damping</a>
* void **set_damping** **(** [float](class_float) damping **)**
Set the damping of the spring joint.
#### <a name="get_damping">get_damping</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_damping** **(** **)** const
Return the damping of the spring joint.
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## Godot Documentation
# Dictionary
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Category:** Built-In Types
### Brief Description
Dictionary type.
### Member Functions
* void **[clear](#clear)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[empty](#empty)** **(** **)**
* void **[erase](#erase)** **(** var value **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has](#has)** **(** var value **)**
* [int](class_int) **[hash](#hash)** **(** **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[keys](#keys)** **(** **)**
* [int](class_int) **[parse_json](#parse_json)** **(** [String](class_string) json **)**
* [int](class_int) **[size](#size)** **(** **)**
* [String](class_string) **[to_json](#to_json)** **(** **)**
### Description
Dictionary type. Associative container which contains values referenced by unique keys. Dictionaries are always passed by reference.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="clear">clear</a>
* void **clear** **(** **)**
Clear the dictionary, removing all key/value pairs.
#### <a name="empty">empty</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **empty** **(** **)**
Return true if the dictionary is empty.
#### <a name="erase">erase</a>
* void **erase** **(** var value **)**
Erase a dictionary key/value pair by key.
#### <a name="has">has</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **has** **(** var value **)**
Return true if the dictionary has a given key.
#### <a name="hash">hash</a>
* [int](class_int) **hash** **(** **)**
Return a hashed integer value representing the dictionary contents.
#### <a name="keys">keys</a>
* [Array](class_array) **keys** **(** **)**
Return the list of keys in the dictionary.
#### <a name="size">size</a>
* [int](class_int) **size** **(** **)**
Return the size of the dictionary (in pairs).
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## Godot Documentation
# DirectionalLight
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Light](class_light)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Directional Light, such as the Sun or the Moon.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_shadow_mode](#set_shadow_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_shadow_mode](#get_shadow_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_shadow_param](#set_shadow_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_shadow_param](#get_shadow_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
### Numeric Constants
### Description
A DirectionalLight is a type of [Light](class_light) node that emits light constantly in one direction (the negative z axis of the node). It is used lights with strong intensity that are located far away from the scene to model sunlight or moonlight. The worldpace location of the DirectionalLight transform (origin) is ignored, only the basis is used do determine light direction.
### Member Function Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# Directory
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Reference](class_reference)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* Error **[open](#open)** **(** [String](class_string) path **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[list_dir_begin](#list_dir_begin)** **(** **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_next](#get_next)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[current_is_dir](#current_is_dir)** **(** **)** const
* void **[list_dir_end](#list_dir_end)** **(** **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_drive_count](#get_drive_count)** **(** **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_drive](#get_drive)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* Error **[change_dir](#change_dir)** **(** [String](class_string) todir **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_current_dir](#get_current_dir)** **(** **)**
* Error **[make_dir](#make_dir)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
* Error **[make_dir_recursive](#make_dir_recursive)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[file_exists](#file_exists)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[dir_exists](#dir_exists)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_space_left](#get_space_left)** **(** **)**
* Error **[copy](#copy)** **(** [String](class_string) from, [String](class_string) to **)**
* Error **[rename](#rename)** **(** [String](class_string) from, [String](class_string) to **)**
* Error **[remove](#remove)** **(** [String](class_string) file **)**
### Member Function Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# EditableShape
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Spatial](class_spatial)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
(c) Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Distributed under the terms of the [CC By](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode) license.
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# EditableSphere
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [EditableShape](class_editableshape)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
(c) Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Distributed under the terms of the [CC By](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode) license.
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## Godot Documentation
# EditorImportPlugin
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Reference](class_reference)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* [RawArray](class_rawarray) **[custom_export](#custom_export)** **(** [String](class_string) path **)** virtual
* [String](class_string) **[get_name](#get_name)** **(** **)** virtual
* [String](class_string) **[get_visible_name](#get_visible_name)** **(** **)** virtual
* [int](class_int) **[import](#import)** **(** [String](class_string) path, ResourceImportMetaData from **)** virtual
* void **[import_dialog](#import_dialog)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)** virtual
### Member Function Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# EditorPlugin
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Node](class_node)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[apply_changes](#apply_changes)** **(** **)** virtual
* void **[clear](#clear)** **(** **)** virtual
* void **[edit](#edit)** **(** [Object](class_object) object **)** virtual
* [bool](class_bool) **[forward_input_event](#forward_input_event)** **(** [InputEvent](class_inputevent) event **)** virtual
* [bool](class_bool) **[forward_spatial_input_event](#forward_spatial_input_event)** **(** [Camera](class_camera) camera, [InputEvent](class_inputevent) event **)** virtual
* [StringArray](class_stringarray) **[get_breakpoints](#get_breakpoints)** **(** **)** virtual
* [String](class_string) **[get_name](#get_name)** **(** **)** virtual
* [Dictionary](class_dictionary) **[get_state](#get_state)** **(** **)** virtual
* [bool](class_bool) **[handles](#handles)** **(** [Object](class_object) object **)** virtual
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_main_screen](#has_main_screen)** **(** **)** virtual
* void **[make_visible](#make_visible)** **(** [bool](class_bool) visible **)** virtual
* void **[set_state](#set_state)** **(** [Dictionary](class_dictionary) state **)** virtual
* [Object](class_object) **[get_undo_redo](#get_undo_redo)** **(** **)**
* void **[add_custom_control](#add_custom_control)** **(** [int](class_int) container, [Object](class_object) control **)**
* void **[add_custom_type](#add_custom_type)** **(** [String](class_string) type, [String](class_string) base, [Script](class_script) script, [Texture](class_texture) icon **)**
* void **[remove_custom_type](#remove_custom_type)** **(** [String](class_string) type **)**
### Numeric Constants
### Member Function Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# EditorScenePostImport
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Reference](class_reference)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[post_import](#post_import)** **(** [Object](class_object) scene **)** virtual
### Member Function Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# EditorScript
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Reference](class_reference)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[_run](#_run)** **(** **)** virtual
* void **[add_root_node](#add_root_node)** **(** [Object](class_object) node **)**
* [Object](class_object) **[get_scene](#get_scene)** **(** **)**
### Member Function Description
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**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# EmptyControl
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Control](class_control)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_minsize](#set_minsize)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) minsize **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_minsize](#get_minsize)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
(c) Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Distributed under the terms of the [CC By](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode) license.
@ -1,80 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# Environment
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Resource](class_resource)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_background](#set_background)** **(** [int](class_int) bgmode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_background](#get_background)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_background_param](#set_background_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param, var value **)**
* void **[get_background_param](#get_background_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[set_enable_fx](#set_enable_fx)** **(** [int](class_int) effect, [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_fx_enabled](#is_fx_enabled)** **(** [int](class_int) effect **)** const
* void **[fx_set_param](#fx_set_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param, var value **)**
* void **[fx_get_param](#fx_get_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **BG_KEEP** = **0**
* **BG_DEFAULT_COLOR** = **1**
* **BG_COLOR** = **2**
* **BG_TEXTURE** = **3**
* **BG_CUBEMAP** = **4**
* **BG_CANVAS** = **5**
* **BG_MAX** = **6**
* **BG_PARAM_COLOR** = **1**
* **BG_PARAM_TEXTURE** = **2**
* **BG_PARAM_CUBEMAP** = **3**
* **BG_PARAM_ENERGY** = **4**
* **BG_PARAM_GLOW** = **6**
* **BG_PARAM_MAX** = **7**
* **FX_AMBIENT_LIGHT** = **0**
* **FX_FXAA** = **1**
* **FX_GLOW** = **2**
* **FX_DOF_BLUR** = **3**
* **FX_HDR** = **4**
* **FX_FOG** = **5**
* **FX_BCS** = **6**
* **FX_SRGB** = **7**
* **FX_MAX** = **8**
* **FX_HDR_TONE_MAPPER_LOG** = **1**
* **FX_PARAM_GLOW_BLOOM** = **6**
* **FX_PARAM_DOF_BLUR_RANGE** = **10**
* **FX_PARAM_HDR_EXPOSURE** = **12**
* **FX_PARAM_HDR_WHITE** = **13**
* **FX_PARAM_HDR_GLOW_SCALE** = **15**
* **FX_PARAM_FOG_BEGIN** = **19**
* **FX_PARAM_FOG_END_COLOR** = **21**
* **FX_PARAM_FOG_BG** = **23**
* **FX_PARAM_BCS_CONTRAST** = **25**
* **FX_PARAM_MAX** = **27**
### Member Function Description
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## Godot Documentation
# EventPlayer
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Node](class_node)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_stream](#set_stream)** **(** [EventStream](class_eventstream) stream **)**
* [EventStream](class_eventstream) **[get_stream](#get_stream)** **(** **)** const
* void **[play](#play)** **(** **)**
* void **[stop](#stop)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_playing](#is_playing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_paused](#set_paused)** **(** [bool](class_bool) paused **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_paused](#is_paused)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_loop](#set_loop)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_loop](#has_loop)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_volume](#set_volume)** **(** [float](class_float) volume **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_volume](#get_volume)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_pitch_scale](#set_pitch_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) pitch_scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_pitch_scale](#get_pitch_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_tempo_scale](#set_tempo_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) tempo_scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_tempo_scale](#get_tempo_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_volume_db](#set_volume_db)** **(** [float](class_float) db **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_volume_db](#get_volume_db)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_stream_name](#get_stream_name)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_loop_count](#get_loop_count)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* void **[seek_pos](#seek_pos)** **(** [float](class_float) time **)**
* void **[set_autoplay](#set_autoplay)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_autoplay](#has_autoplay)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_channel_volume](#set_channel_volume)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) channel_volume **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_channel_volumeidx](#get_channel_volumeidx)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_channel_last_note_time](#get_channel_last_note_time)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
### Member Function Description
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## Godot Documentation
# EventStream
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Resource](class_resource)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# EventStreamChibi
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [EventStream](class_eventstream)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
@ -1,56 +1,5 @@
**Important:** This wiki is soon going to be taken down, as the official documentation of the Godot project is now on http://docs.godotengine.org.
## Godot Documentation
# File
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Reference](class_reference)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* [int](class_int) **[open_encrypted](#open_encrypted)** **(** [String](class_string) path, [int](class_int) mode_flags, [RawArray](class_rawarray) key **)**
* [int](class_int) **[open_encrypted_with_pass](#open_encrypted_with_pass)** **(** [String](class_string) path, [int](class_int) mode_flags, [String](class_string) pass **)**
* [int](class_int) **[open](#open)** **(** [String](class_string) path, [int](class_int) flags **)**
* void **[close](#close)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_open](#is_open)** **(** **)** const
* void **[seek](#seek)** **(** [int](class_int) pos **)**
* void **[seek_end](#seek_end)** **(** [int](class_int) pos=0 **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_len](#get_len)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[eof_reached](#eof_reached)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_8](#get_8)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_16](#get_16)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_32](#get_32)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_64](#get_64)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_float](#get_float)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_double](#get_double)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_real](#get_real)** **(** **)** const
* [RawArray](class_rawarray) **[get_buffer](#get_buffer)** **(** [int](class_int) len **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_line](#get_line)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_as_text](#get_as_text)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_endian_swap](#get_endian_swap)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_endian_swap](#set_endian_swap)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* Error **[get_error](#get_error)** **(** **)** const
* void **[get_var](#get_var)** **(** **)** const
* [StringArray](class_stringarray) **[get_csv_line](#get_csv_line)** **(** **)** const
* void **[store_8](#store_8)** **(** [int](class_int) value **)**
* void **[store_16](#store_16)** **(** [int](class_int) value **)**
* void **[store_32](#store_32)** **(** [int](class_int) value **)**
* void **[store_64](#store_64)** **(** [int](class_int) value **)**
* void **[store_float](#store_float)** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* void **[store_double](#store_double)** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* void **[store_real](#store_real)** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* void **[store_buffer](#store_buffer)** **(** [RawArray](class_rawarray) buffer **)**
* void **[store_line](#store_line)** **(** [String](class_string) line **)**
* void **[store_string](#store_string)** **(** [String](class_string) string **)**
* void **[store_var](#store_var)** **(** var value **)**
* void **[store_pascal_string](#store_pascal_string)** **(** [String](class_string) string **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_pascal_string](#get_pascal_string)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[file_exists](#file_exists)** **(** [String](class_string) path **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **READ** = **1**
* **WRITE** = **2**
* **READ_WRITE** = **3**
### Member Function Description
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## Godot Documentation
# FileDialog
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [ConfirmationDialog](class_confirmationdialog)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Dialog for selecting files or directories in the filesystem.
### Member Functions
* void **[clear_filters](#clear_filters)** **(** **)**
* void **[add_filter](#add_filter)** **(** [String](class_string) filter **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_current_dir](#get_current_dir)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_current_file](#get_current_file)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_current_path](#get_current_path)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_current_dir](#set_current_dir)** **(** [String](class_string) dir **)**
* void **[set_current_file](#set_current_file)** **(** [String](class_string) file **)**
* void **[set_current_path](#set_current_path)** **(** [String](class_string) path **)**
* void **[set_mode](#set_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_mode](#get_mode)** **(** **)** const
* [VBoxContainer](class_vboxcontainer) **[get_vbox](#get_vbox)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_access](#set_access)** **(** [int](class_int) access **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_access](#get_access)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_show_hidden_files](#set_show_hidden_files)** **(** [bool](class_bool) arg0 **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_showing_hidden_files](#is_showing_hidden_files)** **(** **)** const
* void **[invalidate](#invalidate)** **(** **)**
### Signals
* **files_selected** **(** [StringArray](class_stringarray) paths **)**
* **dir_selected** **(** [String](class_string) dir **)**
* **file_selected** **(** [String](class_string) path **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **MODE_OPEN_FILE** = **0** - Editor will not allow to select nonexistent files.
* **MODE_OPEN_FILES** = **1**
* **MODE_OPEN_DIR** = **2**
* **MODE_SAVE_FILE** = **3** - Editor will warn when a file exists.
* **ACCESS_RESOURCES** = **0**
* **ACCESS_USERDATA** = **1**
### Description
FileDialog is a preset dialog used to choose files and directories in the filesystem. It supports filter masks.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="clear_filters">clear_filters</a>
* void **clear_filters** **(** **)**
Clear all the added filters in the dialog.
#### <a name="add_filter">add_filter</a>
* void **add_filter** **(** [String](class_string) filter **)**
Add a custom filter. Filter format is: "mask ; description", example (C++): dialog-"lt;add_filter("*.png ; PNG Images");
#### <a name="get_current_dir">get_current_dir</a>
* [String](class_string) **get_current_dir** **(** **)** const
Get the current working directory of the file dialog.
#### <a name="get_current_file">get_current_file</a>
* [String](class_string) **get_current_file** **(** **)** const
Get the current selected file of the file dialog (empty if none).
#### <a name="get_current_path">get_current_path</a>
* [String](class_string) **get_current_path** **(** **)** const
Get the current selected path (directory and file) of the file dialog (empty if none).
#### <a name="set_mode">set_mode</a>
* void **set_mode** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
Set the file dialog mode from the MODE_* enum.
#### <a name="get_mode">get_mode</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_mode** **(** **)** const
Get the file dialog mode from the MODE_* enum.
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## Godot Documentation
# FixedMaterial
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Material](class_material)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Simple Material with a fixed parameter set.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_parameter](#set_parameter)** **(** [int](class_int) param, var value **)**
* void **[get_parameter](#get_parameter)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[set_texture](#set_texture)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [Texture](class_texture) texture **)**
* [Texture](class_texture) **[get_texture](#get_texture)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[set_texcoord_mode](#set_texcoord_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_texcoord_mode](#get_texcoord_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[set_fixed_flag](#set_fixed_flag)** **(** [int](class_int) flag, [bool](class_bool) value **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_fixed_flag](#get_fixed_flag)** **(** [int](class_int) flag **)** const
* void **[set_uv_transform](#set_uv_transform)** **(** [Transform](class_transform) transform **)**
* [Transform](class_transform) **[get_uv_transform](#get_uv_transform)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_light_shader](#set_light_shader)** **(** [int](class_int) shader **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_light_shader](#get_light_shader)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_point_size](#set_point_size)** **(** [float](class_float) size **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_point_size](#get_point_size)** **(** **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **PARAM_DIFFUSE** = **0** - Diffuse Lighting (light scattered from surface).
* **PARAM_DETAIL** = **1** - Detail Layer for diffuse lighting.
* **PARAM_SPECULAR** = **2** - Specular Lighting (light reflected from the surface).
* **PARAM_EMISSION** = **3** - Emission Lighting (light emitted from the surface)
* **PARAM_SPECULAR_EXP** = **4** - Specular Exponent (size of the specular dot)
* **PARAM_GLOW** = **5** - Glow (Visible emitted scattered light).
* **PARAM_NORMAL** = **6** - Normal Map (irregularity map).
* **PARAM_SHADE_PARAM** = **7**
* **PARAM_MAX** = **8** - Maximum amount of parameters
* **TEXCOORD_SPHERE** = **3**
* **TEXCOORD_UV** = **0** - Read texture coordinates from the UV array.
* **TEXCOORD_UV_TRANSFORM** = **1** - Read texture coordinates from the UV array and transform them by uv_xform.
* **TEXCOORD_UV2** = **2** - Read texture coordinates from the UV2 array.
* **FLAG_USE_ALPHA** = **0**
* **FLAG_USE_COLOR_ARRAY** = **1**
* **FLAG_USE_POINT_SIZE** = **2**
* **FLAG_DISCARD_ALPHA** = **3**
### Description
FixedMaterial is a simple type of material [Resource](class_resource), which contains a fixed amount of paramters. It is the only type of material supported in fixed-pipeline devices and APIs. It is also an often a better alternative to [ShaderMaterial](class_shadermaterial) for most simple use cases.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_parameter">set_parameter</a>
* void **set_parameter** **(** [int](class_int) param, var value **)**
Set a parameter, parameters are defined in the PARAM_* enum. The type of each parameter may change, so it"apos;s best to check the enum.
#### <a name="get_parameter">get_parameter</a>
* void **get_parameter** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
Return a parameter, parameters are defined in the PARAM_* enum. The type of each parameter may change, so it"apos;s best to check the enum.
#### <a name="set_texture">set_texture</a>
* void **set_texture** **(** [int](class_int) param, [Texture](class_texture) texture **)**
Set a texture. Textures change parameters per texel and are mapped to the model depending on the texcoord mode (see [set_texcoord_mode](#set_texcoord_mode)).
#### <a name="get_texture">get_texture</a>
* [Texture](class_texture) **get_texture** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
Return a texture. Textures change parameters per texel and are mapped to the model depending on the texcoord mode (see [set_texcoord_mode](#set_texcoord_mode)).
#### <a name="set_texcoord_mode">set_texcoord_mode</a>
* void **set_texcoord_mode** **(** [int](class_int) param, [int](class_int) mode **)**
Set the texture coordinate mode. Each texture param (from the PARAM_* enum) has one. It defines how the textures are mapped to the object.
#### <a name="get_texcoord_mode">get_texcoord_mode</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_texcoord_mode** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
Return the texture coordinate mode. Each texture param (from the PARAM_* enum) has one. It defines how the textures are mapped to the object.
#### <a name="set_uv_transform">set_uv_transform</a>
* void **set_uv_transform** **(** [Transform](class_transform) transform **)**
Sets a special transform used to post-transform UV coordinates of the uv_xfrom tecoord mode: TEXCOORD_UV_TRANSFORM
#### <a name="get_uv_transform">get_uv_transform</a>
* [Transform](class_transform) **get_uv_transform** **(** **)** const
Returns the special transform used to post-transform UV coordinates of the uv_xfrom tecoord mode: TEXCOORD_UV_TRANSFORM
@ -1,14 +1,5 @@
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## Godot Documentation
# float
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Category:** Built-In Types
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* [float](class_float) **[float](#float)** **(** [bool](class_bool) from **)**
* [float](class_float) **[float](#float)** **(** [int](class_int) from **)**
* [float](class_float) **[float](#float)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
### Member Function Description
@ -1,18 +1,5 @@
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## Godot Documentation
# Flurry
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Object](class_object)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[log_event](#log_event)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [Dictionary](class_dictionary) params **)**
* void **[log_timed_event](#log_timed_event)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [Dictionary](class_dictionary) params **)**
* void **[end_timed_event](#end_timed_event)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
### Member Function Description
(c) Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Distributed under the terms of the [CC By](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode) license.
@ -1,51 +1,5 @@
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## Godot Documentation
# FollowCamera
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Camera](class_camera)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_orbit](#set_orbit)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) orbit **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_orbit](#get_orbit)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_orbit_x](#set_orbit_x)** **(** [float](class_float) x **)**
* void **[set_orbit_y](#set_orbit_y)** **(** [float](class_float) y **)**
* void **[set_min_orbit_x](#set_min_orbit_x)** **(** [float](class_float) x **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_min_orbit_x](#get_min_orbit_x)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_max_orbit_x](#set_max_orbit_x)** **(** [float](class_float) x **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_max_orbit_x](#get_max_orbit_x)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_height](#set_height)** **(** [float](class_float) height **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_height](#get_height)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_inclination](#set_inclination)** **(** [float](class_float) inclination **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_inclination](#get_inclination)** **(** **)** const
* void **[rotate_orbit](#rotate_orbit)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) arg0 **)**
* void **[set_distance](#set_distance)** **(** [float](class_float) distance **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_distance](#get_distance)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_max_distance](#set_max_distance)** **(** [float](class_float) max_distance **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_max_distance](#get_max_distance)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_min_distance](#set_min_distance)** **(** [float](class_float) min_distance **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_min_distance](#get_min_distance)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_clip](#set_clip)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_clip](#has_clip)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_autoturn](#set_autoturn)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_autoturn](#has_autoturn)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_autoturn_tolerance](#set_autoturn_tolerance)** **(** [float](class_float) degrees **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_autoturn_tolerance](#get_autoturn_tolerance)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_autoturn_speed](#set_autoturn_speed)** **(** [float](class_float) speed **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_autoturn_speed](#get_autoturn_speed)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_smoothing](#set_smoothing)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_smoothing](#has_smoothing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_rotation_smoothing](#set_rotation_smoothing)** **(** [float](class_float) amount **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_rotation_smoothing](#get_rotation_smoothing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_translation_smoothing](#set_translation_smoothing)** **(** [float](class_float) amount **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_translation_smoothing](#get_translation_smoothing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_use_lookat_target](#set_use_lookat_target)** **(** [bool](class_bool) use, [Vector3](class_vector3) lookat=Vector3(0, 0, 0) **)**
* void **[set_up_vector](#set_up_vector)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) vector **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_up_vector](#get_up_vector)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
(c) Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Distributed under the terms of the [CC By](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode) license.
@ -1,103 +1,5 @@
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## Godot Documentation
# Font
Godot documentation has moved, and can now be found at:
####**Inherits:** [Resource](class_resource)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Internationalized font and text drawing support.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_height](#set_height)** **(** [float](class_float) px **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_height](#get_height)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_ascent](#set_ascent)** **(** [float](class_float) px **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_ascent](#get_ascent)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_descent](#get_descent)** **(** **)** const
* void **[add_kerning_pair](#add_kerning_pair)** **(** [int](class_int) char_a, [int](class_int) char_b, [int](class_int) kerning **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_kerning_pair](#get_kerning_pair)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0, [int](class_int) arg1 **)** const
* void **[add_texture](#add_texture)** **(** [Texture](class_texture) texture **)**
* void **[add_char](#add_char)** **(** [int](class_int) character, [int](class_int) texture, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect, [Vector2](class_vector2) align=Vector2(0,0), [float](class_float) advance=-1 **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_texture_count](#get_texture_count)** **(** **)** const
* [Texture](class_texture) **[get_texture](#get_texture)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_char_size](#get_char_size)** **(** [int](class_int) char, [int](class_int) next=0 **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_string_size](#get_string_size)** **(** [String](class_string) string **)** const
* void **[set_distance_field_hint](#set_distance_field_hint)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_distance_field_hint](#is_distance_field_hint)** **(** **)** const
* void **[clear](#clear)** **(** **)**
* void **[draw](#draw)** **(** [RID](class_rid) canvas_item, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [String](class_string) string, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1), [int](class_int) clip_w=-1 **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[draw_char](#draw_char)** **(** [RID](class_rid) canvas_item, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [int](class_int) char, [int](class_int) next=-1, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1) **)** const
### Description
Font contains an unicode compatible character set, as well as the ability to draw it with variable width, ascent, descent and kerning. For creating fonts from TTF files (or other font formats), see the editor support for fonts. TODO check wikipedia for graph of ascent/baseline/descent/height/etc.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_height">set_height</a>
* void **set_height** **(** [float](class_float) px **)**
Set the total font height (ascent plus descent) in pixels.
#### <a name="get_height">get_height</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_height** **(** **)** const
Return the total font height (ascent plus descent) in pixels.
#### <a name="set_ascent">set_ascent</a>
* void **set_ascent** **(** [float](class_float) px **)**
Set the font ascent (number of pixels above the baseline).
#### <a name="get_ascent">get_ascent</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_ascent** **(** **)** const
Return the font ascent (number of pixels above the baseline).
#### <a name="get_descent">get_descent</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_descent** **(** **)** const
Return the font descent (number of pixels below the baseline).
#### <a name="add_kerning_pair">add_kerning_pair</a>
* void **add_kerning_pair** **(** [int](class_int) char_a, [int](class_int) char_b, [int](class_int) kerning **)**
Add a kerning pair to the [Font](class_font) as a difference. Kerning pairs are special cases where a typeface advance is determined by the next character.
#### <a name="get_kerning_pair">get_kerning_pair</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_kerning_pair** **(** [int](class_int) arg0, [int](class_int) arg1 **)** const
Return a kerning pair as a difference. Kerning pairs are special cases where a typeface advance is determined by the next character.
#### <a name="add_texture">add_texture</a>
* void **add_texture** **(** [Texture](class_texture) texture **)**
Add a texture to the [Font](class_font).
#### <a name="add_char">add_char</a>
* void **add_char** **(** [int](class_int) character, [int](class_int) texture, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect, [Vector2](class_vector2) align=Vector2(0,0), [float](class_float) advance=-1 **)**
Add a character to the font, where "character" is the unicode value, "texture" is the texture index, "rect" is the region in the texture (in pixels!), "align" is the (optional) alignment for the character and "advance" is the (optional) advance.
#### <a name="get_char_size">get_char_size</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get_char_size** **(** [int](class_int) char, [int](class_int) next=0 **)** const
Return the size of a character, optionally taking kerning into account if the next character is provided.
#### <a name="get_string_size">get_string_size</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get_string_size** **(** [String](class_string) string **)** const
Return the size of a string, taking kerning and advance into account.
#### <a name="clear">clear</a>
* void **clear** **(** **)**
Clear all the font data.
#### <a name="draw">draw</a>
* void **draw** **(** [RID](class_rid) canvas_item, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [String](class_string) string, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1), [int](class_int) clip_w=-1 **)** const
Draw "string" into a canvas item using the font at a given "pos" position, with "modulate" color, and optionally clipping the width. "pos" specifies te baseline, not the top. To draw from the top, _ascent_ must be added to the Y axis.
#### <a name="draw_char">draw_char</a>
* [float](class_float) **draw_char** **(** [RID](class_rid) canvas_item, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [int](class_int) char, [int](class_int) next=-1, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1) **)** const
Draw character "char" into a canvas item using the font at a given "pos" position, with "modulate" color, and optionally kerning if "next" is apassed. clipping the width. "pos" specifies te baseline, not the top. To draw from the top, _ascent_ must be added to the Y axis. The width used by the character is returned, making this function useful for drawing strings character by character.
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