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synced 2025-02-16 15:50:45 +00:00
Autogen Class List
@ -5,48 +5,49 @@
Built-in GDScript functions.
### Member Functions
* [real](class_real) **[sin](#sin)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[cos](#cos)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[tan](#tan)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[sinh](#sinh)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[cosh](#cosh)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[tanh](#tanh)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[asin](#asin)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[acos](#acos)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[atan](#atan)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[atan2](#atan2)** **(** [real](class_real) x, [real](class_real) y **)**
* [real](class_real) **[sqrt](#sqrt)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[fmod](#fmod)** **(** [real](class_real) x, [real](class_real) y **)**
* [real](class_real) **[fposmod](#fposmod)** **(** [real](class_real) x, [real](class_real) y **)**
* [real](class_real) **[floor](#floor)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[ceil](#ceil)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[round](#round)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[abs](#abs)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[sign](#sign)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[pow](#pow)** **(** [real](class_real) x, [real](class_real) y **)**
* [real](class_real) **[log](#log)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[exp](#exp)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[isnan](#isnan)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[isinf](#isinf)** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [real](class_real) **[ease](#ease)** **(** [real](class_real) s, [real](class_real) curve **)**
* [real](class_real) **[decimals](#decimals)** **(** [real](class_real) step **)**
* [real](class_real) **[stepify](#stepify)** **(** [real](class_real) s, [real](class_real) step **)**
* [real](class_real) **[lerp](#lerp)** **(** [real](class_real) a, [real](class_real) b, [real](class_real) c **)**
* [real](class_real) **[dectime](#dectime)** **(** [real](class_real) value, [real](class_real) amount, [real](class_real) step **)**
* [float](class_float) **[sin](#sin)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[cos](#cos)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[tan](#tan)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[sinh](#sinh)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[cosh](#cosh)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[tanh](#tanh)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[asin](#asin)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[acos](#acos)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[atan](#atan)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[atan2](#atan2)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
* [float](class_float) **[sqrt](#sqrt)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[fmod](#fmod)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
* [float](class_float) **[fposmod](#fposmod)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
* [float](class_float) **[floor](#floor)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[ceil](#ceil)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[round](#round)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[abs](#abs)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[sign](#sign)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[pow](#pow)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
* [float](class_float) **[log](#log)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[exp](#exp)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[isnan](#isnan)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[isinf](#isinf)** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **[ease](#ease)** **(** [float](class_float) s, [float](class_float) curve **)**
* [float](class_float) **[decimals](#decimals)** **(** [float](class_float) step **)**
* [float](class_float) **[stepify](#stepify)** **(** [float](class_float) s, [float](class_float) step **)**
* [float](class_float) **[lerp](#lerp)** **(** [float](class_float) a, [float](class_float) b, [float](class_float) c **)**
* [float](class_float) **[dectime](#dectime)** **(** [float](class_float) value, [float](class_float) amount, [float](class_float) step **)**
* [Nil](class_nil) **[randomize](#randomize)** **(** **)**
* [int](class_int) **[rand](#rand)** **(** **)**
* [real](class_real) **[randf](#randf)** **(** **)**
* [real](class_real) **[rand_range](#rand_range)** **(** [real](class_real) from, [real](class_real) to **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[rand_seed](#rand_seed)** **(** [real](class_real) seed **)**
* [real](class_real) **[deg2rad](#deg2rad)** **(** [real](class_real) deg **)**
* [real](class_real) **[rad2deg](#rad2deg)** **(** [real](class_real) rad **)**
* [real](class_real) **[linear2db](#linear2db)** **(** [real](class_real) nrg **)**
* [real](class_real) **[db2linear](#db2linear)** **(** [real](class_real) db **)**
* [real](class_real) **[max](#max)** **(** [real](class_real) a, [real](class_real) b **)**
* [real](class_real) **[min](#min)** **(** [real](class_real) a, [real](class_real) b **)**
* [real](class_real) **[clamp](#clamp)** **(** [real](class_real) val, [real](class_real) min, [real](class_real) max **)**
* [int](class_int) **[randi](#randi)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[randf](#randf)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[rand_range](#rand_range)** **(** [float](class_float) from, [float](class_float) to **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[rand_seed](#rand_seed)** **(** [float](class_float) seed **)**
* [float](class_float) **[deg2rad](#deg2rad)** **(** [float](class_float) deg **)**
* [float](class_float) **[rad2deg](#rad2deg)** **(** [float](class_float) rad **)**
* [float](class_float) **[linear2db](#linear2db)** **(** [float](class_float) nrg **)**
* [float](class_float) **[db2linear](#db2linear)** **(** [float](class_float) db **)**
* [float](class_float) **[max](#max)** **(** [float](class_float) a, [float](class_float) b **)**
* [float](class_float) **[min](#min)** **(** [float](class_float) a, [float](class_float) b **)**
* [float](class_float) **[clamp](#clamp)** **(** [float](class_float) val, [float](class_float) min, [float](class_float) max **)**
* [int](class_int) **[nearest_po2](#nearest_po2)** **(** [int](class_int) val **)**
* [Object](class_object) **[weakref](#weakref)** **(** [Object](class_object) obj **)**
* [Object](class_object) **[funcref](#funcref)** **(** [Object](class_object) instance, [String](class_string) funcname **)**
* [Object](class_object) **[convert](#convert)** **(** var what, [int](class_int) type **)**
* [String](class_string) **[str](#str)** **(** var what, var ... **)**
* [String](class_string) **[str](#str)** **(** var what, var ... **)**
@ -69,182 +70,177 @@ This contains the list of built-in gdscript functions. Mostly math functions and
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="sin">sin</a>
* [real](class_real) **sin** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **sin** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Standard sine function.
#### <a name="cos">cos</a>
* [real](class_real) **cos** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **cos** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Standard cosine function.
#### <a name="tan">tan</a>
* [real](class_real) **tan** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **tan** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Standard tangent function.
#### <a name="sinh">sinh</a>
* [real](class_real) **sinh** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **sinh** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Hyperbolic sine.
#### <a name="tanh">tanh</a>
* [real](class_real) **tanh** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **tanh** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Hyperbolic tangent.
#### <a name="asin">asin</a>
* [real](class_real) **asin** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **asin** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
#### <a name="acos">acos</a>
* [real](class_real) **acos** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **acos** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
#### <a name="atan">atan</a>
* [real](class_real) **atan** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **atan** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
#### <a name="atan2">atan2</a>
* [real](class_real) **atan2** **(** [real](class_real) x, [real](class_real) y **)**
* [float](class_float) **atan2** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
Arc-tangent that takes a 2D vector as argument, retuns the full -pi to +pi range.
#### <a name="sqrt">sqrt</a>
* [real](class_real) **sqrt** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **sqrt** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Square root.
#### <a name="fmod">fmod</a>
* [real](class_real) **fmod** **(** [real](class_real) x, [real](class_real) y **)**
* [float](class_float) **fmod** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
Module (remainder of x/y).
#### <a name="fposmod">fposmod</a>
* [real](class_real) **fposmod** **(** [real](class_real) x, [real](class_real) y **)**
* [float](class_float) **fposmod** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
Module (remainder of x/y) that wraps equally in positive and negative.
#### <a name="floor">floor</a>
* [real](class_real) **floor** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **floor** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Floor (rounds down to nearest integer).
#### <a name="ceil">ceil</a>
* [real](class_real) **ceil** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **ceil** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Ceiling (rounds up to nearest integer).
#### <a name="round">round</a>
* [real](class_real) **round** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **round** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Round to nearest integer.
#### <a name="abs">abs</a>
* [real](class_real) **abs** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **abs** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Remove sign (works for integer and float).
#### <a name="sign">sign</a>
* [real](class_real) **sign** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **sign** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Return sign (-1 or +1).
#### <a name="pow">pow</a>
* [real](class_real) **pow** **(** [real](class_real) x, [real](class_real) y **)**
* [float](class_float) **pow** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y **)**
Power function, x elevate to y.
#### <a name="log">log</a>
* [real](class_real) **log** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **log** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Natural logarithm.
#### <a name="exp">exp</a>
* [real](class_real) **exp** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **exp** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Exponential logarithm.
#### <a name="isnan">isnan</a>
* [real](class_real) **isnan** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **isnan** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Return true if the float is not a number.
#### <a name="isinf">isinf</a>
* [real](class_real) **isinf** **(** [real](class_real) s **)**
* [float](class_float) **isinf** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Return true if the float is infinite.
#### <a name="ease">ease</a>
* [real](class_real) **ease** **(** [real](class_real) s, [real](class_real) curve **)**
* [float](class_float) **ease** **(** [float](class_float) s, [float](class_float) curve **)**
Easing function, based on exponent. 0 is constant, 1 is linear, 0 to 1 is ease-in, 1+ is ease out. Negative values are in-out/out in.
#### <a name="decimals">decimals</a>
* [real](class_real) **decimals** **(** [real](class_real) step **)**
* [float](class_float) **decimals** **(** [float](class_float) step **)**
Return the amount of decimals in the floating point value.
#### <a name="stepify">stepify</a>
* [real](class_real) **stepify** **(** [real](class_real) s, [real](class_real) step **)**
* [float](class_float) **stepify** **(** [float](class_float) s, [float](class_float) step **)**
Snap float value to a given step.
#### <a name="rand">rand</a>
* [int](class_int) **rand** **(** **)**
Random value (integer).
#### <a name="randf">randf</a>
* [real](class_real) **randf** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **randf** **(** **)**
Random value (0 to 1 float).
#### <a name="rand_range">rand_range</a>
* [real](class_real) **rand_range** **(** [real](class_real) from, [real](class_real) to **)**
* [float](class_float) **rand_range** **(** [float](class_float) from, [float](class_float) to **)**
Random range.
#### <a name="rand_seed">rand_seed</a>
* [Array](class_array) **rand_seed** **(** [real](class_real) seed **)**
* [Array](class_array) **rand_seed** **(** [float](class_float) seed **)**
random from seed, pass a seed and an array with both number and new seed is returned.
#### <a name="deg2rad">deg2rad</a>
* [real](class_real) **deg2rad** **(** [real](class_real) deg **)**
* [float](class_float) **deg2rad** **(** [float](class_float) deg **)**
Convert from degrees to radians.
#### <a name="rad2deg">rad2deg</a>
* [real](class_real) **rad2deg** **(** [real](class_real) rad **)**
* [float](class_float) **rad2deg** **(** [float](class_float) rad **)**
Convert from radias to degrees.
#### <a name="linear2db">linear2db</a>
* [real](class_real) **linear2db** **(** [real](class_real) nrg **)**
* [float](class_float) **linear2db** **(** [float](class_float) nrg **)**
Convert from linear energy to decibels (audio).
#### <a name="db2linear">db2linear</a>
* [real](class_real) **db2linear** **(** [real](class_real) db **)**
* [float](class_float) **db2linear** **(** [float](class_float) db **)**
Convert from decibels to linear energy (audio).
#### <a name="max">max</a>
* [real](class_real) **max** **(** [real](class_real) a, [real](class_real) b **)**
* [float](class_float) **max** **(** [float](class_float) a, [float](class_float) b **)**
Return the maximum of two values.
#### <a name="min">min</a>
* [real](class_real) **min** **(** [real](class_real) a, [real](class_real) b **)**
* [float](class_float) **min** **(** [float](class_float) a, [float](class_float) b **)**
Return the minimum of two values.
#### <a name="clamp">clamp</a>
* [real](class_real) **clamp** **(** [real](class_real) val, [real](class_real) min, [real](class_real) max **)**
* [float](class_float) **clamp** **(** [float](class_float) val, [float](class_float) min, [float](class_float) max **)**
Clamp both values to a range.
@ -7,16 +7,16 @@ Axis-Aligned Bounding Box.
### Member Functions
* [bool](class_bool) **[encloses](#encloses)** **(** [AABB](class_aabb) with **)**
* [AABB](class_aabb) **[expand](#expand)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) to_point **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_area](#get_area)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_area](#get_area)** **(** **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_endpoint](#get_endpoint)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_longest_axis](#get_longest_axis)** **(** **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_longest_axis_index](#get_longest_axis_index)** **(** **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_longest_axis_size](#get_longest_axis_size)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_longest_axis_size](#get_longest_axis_size)** **(** **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_shortest_axis](#get_shortest_axis)** **(** **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_shortest_axis_index](#get_shortest_axis_index)** **(** **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_shortest_axis_size](#get_shortest_axis_size)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_shortest_axis_size](#get_shortest_axis_size)** **(** **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_support](#get_support)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) dir **)**
* [AABB](class_aabb) **[grow](#grow)** **(** [real](class_real) by **)**
* [AABB](class_aabb) **[grow](#grow)** **(** [float](class_float) by **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_no_area](#has_no_area)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_no_surface](#has_no_surface)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_point](#has_point)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point **)**
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Return this [AABB](class_aabb) expanded to include a given
#### <a name="get_area">get_area</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_area** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **get_area** **(** **)**
Get the area inside the [AABB](class_aabb)
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Return the index of the longest axis of the [AABB](class_aabb)
(according to [Vector3](class_vector3)::AXIS* enum).
#### <a name="get_longest_axis_size">get_longest_axis_size</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_longest_axis_size** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **get_longest_axis_size** **(** **)**
Return the scalar length of the longest axis of the
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Return the index of the shortest axis of the [AABB](class_aabb)
(according to [Vector3](class_vector3)::AXIS* enum).
#### <a name="get_shortest_axis_size">get_shortest_axis_size</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_shortest_axis_size** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **get_shortest_axis_size** **(** **)**
Return the scalar length of the shortest axis of the
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Return the support point in a given direction. This
is useful for collision detection algorithms.
#### <a name="grow">grow</a>
* [AABB](class_aabb) **grow** **(** [real](class_real) by **)**
* [AABB](class_aabb) **grow** **(** [float](class_float) by **)**
Return a copy of the AABB grown a given a mount of
units towards all the sides.
@ -15,32 +15,32 @@ Contains data used to animate everything in the engine.
* [int](class_int) **[find_track](#find_track)** **(** [NodePath](class_nodepath) path **)** const
* void **[track_move_up](#track_move_up)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* void **[track_move_down](#track_move_down)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* [int](class_int) **[transform_track_insert_key](#transform_track_insert_key)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) time, [Vector3](class_vector3) loc, [Quat](class_quat) rot, [Vector3](class_vector3) scale **)**
* void **[track_insert_key](#track_insert_key)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) time, var key, [real](class_real) transition=1 **)**
* [int](class_int) **[transform_track_insert_key](#transform_track_insert_key)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time, [Vector3](class_vector3) loc, [Quat](class_quat) rot, [Vector3](class_vector3) scale **)**
* void **[track_insert_key](#track_insert_key)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time, var key, [float](class_float) transition=1 **)**
* void **[track_remove_key](#track_remove_key)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)**
* void **[track_remove_key_at_pos](#track_remove_key_at_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) pos **)**
* void **[track_remove_key_at_pos](#track_remove_key_at_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) pos **)**
* void **[track_set_key_value](#track_set_key_value)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key, var value **)**
* void **[track_set_key_transition](#track_set_key_transition)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx, [real](class_real) transition **)**
* [real](class_real) **[track_get_key_transition](#track_get_key_transition)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
* void **[track_set_key_transition](#track_set_key_transition)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx, [float](class_float) transition **)**
* [float](class_float) **[track_get_key_transition](#track_get_key_transition)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[track_get_key_count](#track_get_key_count)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[track_get_key_value](#track_get_key_value)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[track_get_key_time](#track_get_key_time)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[track_find_key](#track_find_key)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) time, [bool](class_bool) exact=false **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[track_get_key_time](#track_get_key_time)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[track_find_key](#track_find_key)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time, [bool](class_bool) exact=false **)** const
* void **[track_set_interpolation_type](#track_set_interpolation_type)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) interpolation **)**
* [int](class_int) **[track_get_interpolation_type](#track_get_interpolation_type)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* [Array](class_array) **[transform_track_interpolate](#transform_track_interpolate)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) time_sec **)** const
* [Array](class_array) **[transform_track_interpolate](#transform_track_interpolate)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time_sec **)** const
* void **[value_track_set_continuous](#value_track_set_continuous)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [bool](class_bool) continuous **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[value_track_is_continuous](#value_track_is_continuous)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **[value_track_get_key_indices](#value_track_get_key_indices)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) time_sec, [real](class_real) delta **)** const
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **[method_track_get_key_indices](#method_track_get_key_indices)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) time_sec, [real](class_real) delta **)** const
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **[value_track_get_key_indices](#value_track_get_key_indices)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time_sec, [float](class_float) delta **)** const
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **[method_track_get_key_indices](#method_track_get_key_indices)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time_sec, [float](class_float) delta **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[method_track_get_name](#method_track_get_name)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
* [Array](class_array) **[method_track_get_params](#method_track_get_params)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
* void **[set_length](#set_length)** **(** [real](class_real) time_sec **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_length](#set_length)** **(** [float](class_float) time_sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_loop](#set_loop)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_loop](#has_loop)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_step](#set_step)** **(** [real](class_real) size_sec **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_step](#get_step)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_step](#set_step)** **(** [float](class_float) size_sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_step](#get_step)** **(** **)** const
* void **[clear](#clear)** **(** **)**
### Numeric Constants
@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ Move a track up.
Nove a track down.
#### <a name="transform_track_insert_key">transform_track_insert_key</a>
* [int](class_int) **transform_track_insert_key** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) time, [Vector3](class_vector3) loc, [Quat](class_quat) rot, [Vector3](class_vector3) scale **)**
* [int](class_int) **transform_track_insert_key** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time, [Vector3](class_vector3) loc, [Quat](class_quat) rot, [Vector3](class_vector3) scale **)**
Insert a transform key for a transform track.
#### <a name="track_insert_key">track_insert_key</a>
* void **track_insert_key** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) time, var key, [real](class_real) transition=1 **)**
* void **track_insert_key** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time, var key, [float](class_float) transition=1 **)**
Insert a generic key in a given track.
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ Insert a generic key in a given track.
Remove a key by index in a given track.
#### <a name="track_remove_key_at_pos">track_remove_key_at_pos</a>
* void **track_remove_key_at_pos** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) pos **)**
* void **track_remove_key_at_pos** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) pos **)**
Remove a key by position (seconds) in a given track.
@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ Remove a key by position (seconds) in a given track.
Set the value of an existing key.
#### <a name="track_set_key_transition">track_set_key_transition</a>
* void **track_set_key_transition** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx, [real](class_real) transition **)**
* void **track_set_key_transition** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx, [float](class_float) transition **)**
Set the transition curve (easing) for a specific key (see built-in
math function "ease").
#### <a name="track_get_key_transition">track_get_key_transition</a>
* [real](class_real) **track_get_key_transition** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
* [float](class_float) **track_get_key_transition** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
Return the transition curve (easing) for a specific key (see built-in
math function "ease").
@ -145,12 +145,12 @@ Return the amount of keys in a given track.
Return the value of a given key in a given track.
#### <a name="track_get_key_time">track_get_key_time</a>
* [real](class_real) **track_get_key_time** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
* [float](class_float) **track_get_key_time** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [int](class_int) key_idx **)** const
Return the time at which the key is located.
#### <a name="track_find_key">track_find_key</a>
* [int](class_int) **track_find_key** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) time, [bool](class_bool) exact=false **)** const
* [int](class_int) **track_find_key** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time, [bool](class_bool) exact=false **)** const
Find the key index by time in a given track. Optionally, only find it if the exact time is given.
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ Set the interpolation type of a given track, from the INTERPOLATION_* enum.
Return the interpolation type of a given track, from the INTERPOLATION_* enum.
#### <a name="transform_track_interpolate">transform_track_interpolate</a>
* [Array](class_array) **transform_track_interpolate** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) time_sec **)** const
* [Array](class_array) **transform_track_interpolate** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time_sec **)** const
Return the interpolated value of a transform track at a given time (in seconds). An array consisting of 3 elements: position ([Vector3](class_vector3)), rotation ([Quat](class_quat)) and scale ([Vector3](class_vector3)).
@ -180,12 +180,12 @@ Enable or disable interpolation for a whole track. By default tracks are interpo
Return wether interpolation is enabled or disabled for a whole track. By default tracks are interpolated.
#### <a name="value_track_get_key_indices">value_track_get_key_indices</a>
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **value_track_get_key_indices** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) time_sec, [real](class_real) delta **)** const
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **value_track_get_key_indices** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time_sec, [float](class_float) delta **)** const
Return all the key indices of a value track, given a position and delta time.
#### <a name="method_track_get_key_indices">method_track_get_key_indices</a>
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **method_track_get_key_indices** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) time_sec, [real](class_real) delta **)** const
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **method_track_get_key_indices** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) time_sec, [float](class_float) delta **)** const
Return all the key indices of a method track, given a position and delta time.
@ -200,12 +200,12 @@ Return the method name of a method track.
Return the arguments values to be called on a method track for a given key in a given track.
#### <a name="set_length">set_length</a>
* void **set_length** **(** [real](class_real) time_sec **)**
* void **set_length** **(** [float](class_float) time_sec **)**
Set the total length of the animation (in seconds). Note that length is not delimited by the last key, as this one may be before or after the end to ensure correct interpolation and looping.
#### <a name="get_length">get_length</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_length** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_length** **(** **)** const
Return the total length of the animation (in seconds).
@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ Container and player of [Animaton] resources.
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_animation](#has_animation)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)** const
* [Animation](class_animation) **[get_animation](#get_animation)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)** const
* [StringArray](class_stringarray) **[get_animation_list](#get_animation_list)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_blend_time](#set_blend_time)** **(** [String](class_string) anim_from, [String](class_string) anim_to, [real](class_real) sec **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_blend_time](#get_blend_time)** **(** [String](class_string) anim_from, [String](class_string) anim_to **)** const
* void **[set_default_blend_time](#set_default_blend_time)** **(** [real](class_real) sec **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_default_blend_time](#get_default_blend_time)** **(** **)** const
* void **[play](#play)** **(** [String](class_string) name="", [real](class_real) custom_blend=-1, [real](class_real) custom_speed=1, [bool](class_bool) from_end=false **)**
* void **[set_blend_time](#set_blend_time)** **(** [String](class_string) anim_from, [String](class_string) anim_to, [float](class_float) sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_blend_time](#get_blend_time)** **(** [String](class_string) anim_from, [String](class_string) anim_to **)** const
* void **[set_default_blend_time](#set_default_blend_time)** **(** [float](class_float) sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_default_blend_time](#get_default_blend_time)** **(** **)** const
* void **[play](#play)** **(** [String](class_string) name="", [float](class_float) custom_blend=-1, [float](class_float) custom_speed=1, [bool](class_bool) from_end=false **)**
* void **[stop](#stop)** **(** **)**
* void **[stop_all](#stop_all)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_playing](#is_playing)** **(** **)** const
@ -26,20 +26,20 @@ Container and player of [Animaton] resources.
* void **[clear_queue](#clear_queue)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_active](#set_active)** **(** [bool](class_bool) active **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_active](#is_active)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_speed](#set_speed)** **(** [real](class_real) speed **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_speed](#get_speed)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_speed](#set_speed)** **(** [float](class_float) speed **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_speed](#get_speed)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_autoplay](#set_autoplay)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_autoplay](#get_autoplay)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_root](#set_root)** **(** [NodePath](class_nodepath) path **)**
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **[get_root](#get_root)** **(** **)** const
* void **[seek](#seek)** **(** [real](class_real) pos_sec, [bool](class_bool) update=false **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* void **[seek](#seek)** **(** [float](class_float) pos_sec, [bool](class_bool) update=false **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[find_animation](#find_animation)** **(** [Animation](class_animation) animation **)** const
* void **[clear_caches](#clear_caches)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_animation_process_mode](#set_animation_process_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_animation_process_mode](#get_animation_process_mode)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_current_animation_pos](#get_current_animation_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_current_animation_length](#get_current_animation_length)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_current_animation_pos](#get_current_animation_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_current_animation_length](#get_current_animation_length)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **animation_changed** **(** [String](class_string) old_name, [String](class_string) new_name **)**
@ -85,22 +85,22 @@ Get an [Animation](class_animation) resource by requesting a name.
Get the list of names of the animations stored in the player.
#### <a name="set_blend_time">set_blend_time</a>
* void **set_blend_time** **(** [String](class_string) anim_from, [String](class_string) anim_to, [real](class_real) sec **)**
* void **set_blend_time** **(** [String](class_string) anim_from, [String](class_string) anim_to, [float](class_float) sec **)**
Specify a blend time (in seconds) between two animations, referemced by their names.
#### <a name="get_blend_time">get_blend_time</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_blend_time** **(** [String](class_string) anim_from, [String](class_string) anim_to **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_blend_time** **(** [String](class_string) anim_from, [String](class_string) anim_to **)** const
Get the blend time between two animations, referemced by their names.
#### <a name="set_default_blend_time">set_default_blend_time</a>
* void **set_default_blend_time** **(** [real](class_real) sec **)**
* void **set_default_blend_time** **(** [float](class_float) sec **)**
Set the default blend time between animations.
#### <a name="get_default_blend_time">get_default_blend_time</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_default_blend_time** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_default_blend_time** **(** **)** const
Return the default blend time between animations.
@ -140,12 +140,12 @@ Set the player as active (playing)
Return true if the player is active.
#### <a name="set_speed">set_speed</a>
* void **set_speed** **(** [real](class_real) speed **)**
* void **set_speed** **(** [float](class_float) speed **)**
Set a speed scaling ratio in a given animation channel (or channel 0 if none is provided). Default ratio is _1_ (no scaling).
#### <a name="get_speed">get_speed</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_speed** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_speed** **(** **)** const
Get the speed scaling ratio in a given animation channel (or channel 0 if none is provided). Default ratio is _1_ (no scaling).
@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ Set the name of the animation that will be automatically played when the scene i
Return the name of the animation that will be automatically played when the scene is loaded.
#### <a name="seek">seek</a>
* void **seek** **(** [real](class_real) pos_sec, [bool](class_bool) update=false **)**
* void **seek** **(** [float](class_float) pos_sec, [bool](class_bool) update=false **)**
Seek the animation in an animation channel (or channel 0 if none is provided) to a specific position (in seconds).
#### <a name="get_pos">get_pos</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_pos** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_pos** **(** **)** const
Return the playback position (in seconds) in an animation channel (or channel 0 if none is provided)
@ -16,39 +16,39 @@
* [Animation](class_animation) **[animation_node_get_animation](#animation_node_get_animation)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[animation_node_set_master_animation](#animation_node_set_master_animation)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [String](class_string) source **)**
* [String](class_string) **[animation_node_get_master_animation](#animation_node_get_master_animation)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[oneshot_node_set_fadein_time](#oneshot_node_set_fadein_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [real](class_real) time_sec **)**
* [real](class_real) **[oneshot_node_get_fadein_time](#oneshot_node_get_fadein_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[oneshot_node_set_fadeout_time](#oneshot_node_set_fadeout_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [real](class_real) time_sec **)**
* [real](class_real) **[oneshot_node_get_fadeout_time](#oneshot_node_get_fadeout_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[oneshot_node_set_fadein_time](#oneshot_node_set_fadein_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) time_sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[oneshot_node_get_fadein_time](#oneshot_node_get_fadein_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[oneshot_node_set_fadeout_time](#oneshot_node_set_fadeout_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) time_sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[oneshot_node_get_fadeout_time](#oneshot_node_get_fadeout_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[oneshot_node_set_autorestart](#oneshot_node_set_autorestart)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* void **[oneshot_node_set_autorestart_delay](#oneshot_node_set_autorestart_delay)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [real](class_real) delay_sec **)**
* void **[oneshot_node_set_autorestart_random_delay](#oneshot_node_set_autorestart_random_delay)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [real](class_real) rand_sec **)**
* void **[oneshot_node_set_autorestart_delay](#oneshot_node_set_autorestart_delay)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) delay_sec **)**
* void **[oneshot_node_set_autorestart_random_delay](#oneshot_node_set_autorestart_random_delay)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) rand_sec **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[oneshot_node_has_autorestart](#oneshot_node_has_autorestart)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[oneshot_node_get_autorestart_delay](#oneshot_node_get_autorestart_delay)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[oneshot_node_get_autorestart_random_delay](#oneshot_node_get_autorestart_random_delay)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[oneshot_node_get_autorestart_delay](#oneshot_node_get_autorestart_delay)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[oneshot_node_get_autorestart_random_delay](#oneshot_node_get_autorestart_random_delay)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[oneshot_node_start](#oneshot_node_start)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)**
* void **[oneshot_node_stop](#oneshot_node_stop)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[oneshot_node_is_active](#oneshot_node_is_active)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[oneshot_node_set_filter_path](#oneshot_node_set_filter_path)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [NodePath](class_nodepath) path, [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* void **[mix_node_set_amount](#mix_node_set_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [real](class_real) ratio **)**
* [real](class_real) **[mix_node_get_amount](#mix_node_get_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[blend2_node_set_amount](#blend2_node_set_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [real](class_real) blend **)**
* [real](class_real) **[blend2_node_get_amount](#blend2_node_get_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[mix_node_set_amount](#mix_node_set_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) ratio **)**
* [float](class_float) **[mix_node_get_amount](#mix_node_get_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[blend2_node_set_amount](#blend2_node_set_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) blend **)**
* [float](class_float) **[blend2_node_get_amount](#blend2_node_get_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[blend2_node_set_filter_path](#blend2_node_set_filter_path)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [NodePath](class_nodepath) path, [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* void **[blend3_node_set_amount](#blend3_node_set_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [real](class_real) blend **)**
* [real](class_real) **[blend3_node_get_amount](#blend3_node_get_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[blend3_node_set_amount](#blend3_node_set_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) blend **)**
* [float](class_float) **[blend3_node_get_amount](#blend3_node_get_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[blend4_node_set_amount](#blend4_node_set_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [Vector2](class_vector2) blend **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[blend4_node_get_amount](#blend4_node_get_amount)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[timescale_node_set_scale](#timescale_node_set_scale)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [real](class_real) scale **)**
* [real](class_real) **[timescale_node_get_scale](#timescale_node_get_scale)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[timeseek_node_seek](#timeseek_node_seek)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [real](class_real) pos_sec **)**
* void **[timescale_node_set_scale](#timescale_node_set_scale)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[timescale_node_get_scale](#timescale_node_get_scale)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[timeseek_node_seek](#timeseek_node_seek)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) pos_sec **)**
* void **[transition_node_set_input_count](#transition_node_set_input_count)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [int](class_int) count **)**
* [int](class_int) **[transition_node_get_input_count](#transition_node_get_input_count)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[transition_node_delete_input](#transition_node_delete_input)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [int](class_int) input_idx **)**
* void **[transition_node_set_input_auto_advance](#transition_node_set_input_auto_advance)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [int](class_int) input_idx, [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[transition_node_has_input_auto_advance](#transition_node_has_input_auto_advance)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [int](class_int) input_idx **)** const
* void **[transition_node_set_xfade_time](#transition_node_set_xfade_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [real](class_real) time_sec **)**
* [real](class_real) **[transition_node_get_xfade_time](#transition_node_get_xfade_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[transition_node_set_xfade_time](#transition_node_set_xfade_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [float](class_float) time_sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[transition_node_get_xfade_time](#transition_node_get_xfade_time)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[transition_node_set_current](#transition_node_set_current)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [int](class_int) input_idx **)**
* [int](class_int) **[transition_node_get_current](#transition_node_get_current)** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
* void **[node_set_pos](#node_set_pos)** **(** [String](class_string) id, [Vector2](class_vector2) screen_pos **)**
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_gravity_a_point](#is_gravity_a_point)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gravity_vector](#set_gravity_vector)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) vector **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_gravity_vector](#get_gravity_vector)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gravity](#set_gravity)** **(** [real](class_real) gravity **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_gravity](#get_gravity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_density](#set_density)** **(** [real](class_real) density **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_density](#get_density)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_priority](#set_priority)** **(** [real](class_real) priority **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_priority](#get_priority)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gravity](#set_gravity)** **(** [float](class_float) gravity **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_gravity](#get_gravity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_density](#set_density)** **(** [float](class_float) density **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_density](#get_density)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_priority](#set_priority)** **(** [float](class_float) priority **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_priority](#get_priority)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_enable_monitoring](#set_enable_monitoring)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_monitoring_enabled](#is_monitoring_enabled)** **(** **)** const
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ General purpose area detection and influence for 2D Phisics.
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_gravity_a_point](#is_gravity_a_point)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gravity_vector](#set_gravity_vector)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) vector **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_gravity_vector](#get_gravity_vector)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gravity](#set_gravity)** **(** [real](class_real) gravity **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_gravity](#get_gravity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_density](#set_density)** **(** [real](class_real) density **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_density](#get_density)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_priority](#set_priority)** **(** [real](class_real) priority **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_priority](#get_priority)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gravity](#set_gravity)** **(** [float](class_float) gravity **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_gravity](#get_gravity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_density](#set_density)** **(** [float](class_float) density **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_density](#get_density)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_priority](#set_priority)** **(** [float](class_float) priority **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_priority](#get_priority)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_enable_monitoring](#set_enable_monitoring)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_monitoring_enabled](#is_monitoring_enabled)** **(** **)** const
@ -25,33 +25,33 @@ Server interface for low level audio access.
* [int](class_int) **[sample_get_loop_end](#sample_get_loop_end)** **(** [RID](class_rid) sample **)** const
* [RID](class_rid) **[voice_create](#voice_create)** **(** **)**
* void **[voice_play](#voice_play)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [RID](class_rid) sample **)**
* void **[voice_set_volume](#voice_set_volume)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [real](class_real) volume **)**
* void **[voice_set_pan](#voice_set_pan)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [real](class_real) pan, [real](class_real) depth=0, [real](class_real) height=0 **)**
* void **[voice_set_filter](#voice_set_filter)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [int](class_int) type, [real](class_real) cutoff, [real](class_real) resonance, [real](class_real) gain=0 **)**
* void **[voice_set_chorus](#voice_set_chorus)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [real](class_real) chorus **)**
* void **[voice_set_reverb](#voice_set_reverb)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [int](class_int) room, [real](class_real) reverb **)**
* void **[voice_set_volume](#voice_set_volume)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [float](class_float) volume **)**
* void **[voice_set_pan](#voice_set_pan)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [float](class_float) pan, [float](class_float) depth=0, [float](class_float) height=0 **)**
* void **[voice_set_filter](#voice_set_filter)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [int](class_int) type, [float](class_float) cutoff, [float](class_float) resonance, [float](class_float) gain=0 **)**
* void **[voice_set_chorus](#voice_set_chorus)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [float](class_float) chorus **)**
* void **[voice_set_reverb](#voice_set_reverb)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [int](class_int) room, [float](class_float) reverb **)**
* void **[voice_set_mix_rate](#voice_set_mix_rate)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [int](class_int) rate **)**
* void **[voice_set_positional](#voice_set_positional)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [real](class_real) **[voice_get_volume](#voice_get_volume)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[voice_get_pan](#voice_get_pan)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[voice_get_pan_height](#voice_get_pan_height)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[voice_get_pan_depth](#voice_get_pan_depth)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_volume](#voice_get_volume)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_pan](#voice_get_pan)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_pan_height](#voice_get_pan_height)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_pan_depth](#voice_get_pan_depth)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[voice_get_filter_type](#voice_get_filter_type)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[voice_get_filter_cutoff](#voice_get_filter_cutoff)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[voice_get_filter_resonance](#voice_get_filter_resonance)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[voice_get_chorus](#voice_get_chorus)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_filter_cutoff](#voice_get_filter_cutoff)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_filter_resonance](#voice_get_filter_resonance)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_chorus](#voice_get_chorus)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[voice_get_reverb_type](#voice_get_reverb_type)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[voice_get_reverb](#voice_get_reverb)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[voice_get_reverb](#voice_get_reverb)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[voice_get_mix_rate](#voice_get_mix_rate)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[voice_is_positional](#voice_is_positional)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* void **[voice_stop](#voice_stop)** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)**
* void **[free](#free)** **(** [RID](class_rid) rid **)**
* void **[set_stream_global_volume_scale](#set_stream_global_volume_scale)** **(** [real](class_real) scale **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_stream_global_volume_scale](#get_stream_global_volume_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_fx_global_volume_scale](#set_fx_global_volume_scale)** **(** [real](class_real) scale **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_fx_global_volume_scale](#get_fx_global_volume_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_event_voice_global_volume_scale](#set_event_voice_global_volume_scale)** **(** [real](class_real) scale **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_event_voice_global_volume_scale](#get_event_voice_global_volume_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_stream_global_volume_scale](#set_stream_global_volume_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_stream_global_volume_scale](#get_stream_global_volume_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_fx_global_volume_scale](#set_fx_global_volume_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_fx_global_volume_scale](#get_fx_global_volume_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_event_voice_global_volume_scale](#set_event_voice_global_volume_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_event_voice_global_volume_scale](#get_event_voice_global_volume_scale)** **(** **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **SAMPLE_FORMAT_PCM8** = **0** - Sample format is 8 bits, signed.
@ -172,27 +172,27 @@ Allocate a voice for playback. Voices are"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;persistent. A voice ca
Start playback of a given voice using a given"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;sample. If the voice was already playing it will be"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;restarted.
#### <a name="voice_set_volume">voice_set_volume</a>
* void **voice_set_volume** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [real](class_real) volume **)**
* void **voice_set_volume** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [float](class_float) volume **)**
Change the volume of a currently playing voice."#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;Volume is expressed as linear gain where 0.0 is mute"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;and 1.0 is default.
#### <a name="voice_set_pan">voice_set_pan</a>
* void **voice_set_pan** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [real](class_real) pan, [real](class_real) depth=0, [real](class_real) height=0 **)**
* void **voice_set_pan** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [float](class_float) pan, [float](class_float) depth=0, [float](class_float) height=0 **)**
Change the pan of a currently playing voice and,"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;optionally, the depth and height for a positional/3D"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;sound. Panning values are expressed within the -1 to"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;+1 range.
#### <a name="voice_set_filter">voice_set_filter</a>
* void **voice_set_filter** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [int](class_int) type, [real](class_real) cutoff, [real](class_real) resonance, [real](class_real) gain=0 **)**
* void **voice_set_filter** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [int](class_int) type, [float](class_float) cutoff, [float](class_float) resonance, [float](class_float) gain=0 **)**
Set a resonant filter post processing for the voice."#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;Filter type is a value from the FILTER_* enum.
#### <a name="voice_set_chorus">voice_set_chorus</a>
* void **voice_set_chorus** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [real](class_real) chorus **)**
* void **voice_set_chorus** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [float](class_float) chorus **)**
Set chorus send post processing for the voice (from"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;0 to 1).
#### <a name="voice_set_reverb">voice_set_reverb</a>
* void **voice_set_reverb** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [int](class_int) room, [real](class_real) reverb **)**
* void **voice_set_reverb** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice, [int](class_int) room, [float](class_float) reverb **)**
Set the reverb send post processing for the voice (from"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;0 to 1) and the reverb type, from the REVERB_* enum.
@ -207,22 +207,22 @@ Set a different playback mix rate for the given"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;voice.
Set wether a given voice is positional. This is only"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;interpreted as a hint and used for backends that may"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;support binaural encoding.
#### <a name="voice_get_volume">voice_get_volume</a>
* [real](class_real) **voice_get_volume** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_volume** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current volume for a given voice.
#### <a name="voice_get_pan">voice_get_pan</a>
* [real](class_real) **voice_get_pan** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_pan** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current pan for a given voice (-1 to +1"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;range).
#### <a name="voice_get_pan_height">voice_get_pan_height</a>
* [real](class_real) **voice_get_pan_height** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_pan_height** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current pan height for a given voice (-1 to +1"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;range).
#### <a name="voice_get_pan_depth">voice_get_pan_depth</a>
* [real](class_real) **voice_get_pan_depth** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_pan_depth** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current pan depth for a given voice (-1 to +1"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;range).
@ -232,17 +232,17 @@ Return the current pan depth for a given voice (-1 to +1"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;range).
Return the current selected filter type for a given"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;voice, from the FILTER_* enum.
#### <a name="voice_get_filter_cutoff">voice_get_filter_cutoff</a>
* [real](class_real) **voice_get_filter_cutoff** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_filter_cutoff** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current filter cutoff (in hz) for a given"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;voice.
#### <a name="voice_get_filter_resonance">voice_get_filter_resonance</a>
* [real](class_real) **voice_get_filter_resonance** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_filter_resonance** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current filter resonance for a given"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;voice.
#### <a name="voice_get_chorus">voice_get_chorus</a>
* [real](class_real) **voice_get_chorus** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_chorus** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current chorus send for a given"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;voice (0 to 1).
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ Return the current chorus send for a given"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;voice (0 to 1).
Return the current reverb type for a given voice"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;from the REVERB_* enum.
#### <a name="voice_get_reverb">voice_get_reverb</a>
* [real](class_real) **voice_get_reverb** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **voice_get_reverb** **(** [RID](class_rid) voice **)** const
Return the current reverb send for a given voice"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;(0 to 1).
@ -277,11 +277,11 @@ Stop a given voice.
Free a [RID](class_rid) resource.
#### <a name="set_stream_global_volume_scale">set_stream_global_volume_scale</a>
* void **set_stream_global_volume_scale** **(** [real](class_real) scale **)**
* void **set_stream_global_volume_scale** **(** [float](class_float) scale **)**
Set global scale for stream playback. Default is 1.0.
#### <a name="get_stream_global_volume_scale">get_stream_global_volume_scale</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_stream_global_volume_scale** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_stream_global_volume_scale** **(** **)** const
Return the global scale for stream playback.
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ Base class for audio streams.
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_loop](#has_loop)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_stream_name](#get_stream_name)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_loop_count](#get_loop_count)** **(** **)** const
* void **[seek_pos](#seek_pos)** **(** [real](class_real) pos **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* void **[seek_pos](#seek_pos)** **(** [float](class_float) pos **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_update_mode](#get_update_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[update](#update)** **(** **)**
@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ Return the name of the audio stream. Often the song"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;title when t
Return the amount of times that the stream has"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;looped (if loop is supported).
#### <a name="seek_pos">seek_pos</a>
* void **seek_pos** **(** [real](class_real) pos **)**
* void **seek_pos** **(** [float](class_float) pos **)**
Seek to a certain position (in seconds) in an audio"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;stream.
#### <a name="get_pos">get_pos</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_pos** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_pos** **(** **)** const
Return the current playing position (in seconds) of the audio"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;stream (if supported). Since this value is updated"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;internally, it may not be exact or updated"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;continuosly. Accuracy depends on the sample buffer"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;size of the audio driver.
@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ Simple gibberish speech stream playback.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_phonemes](#set_phonemes)** **(** [Object](class_object) phonemes **)**
* [Object](class_object) **[get_phonemes](#get_phonemes)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_pitch_scale](#set_pitch_scale)** **(** [real](class_real) pitch_scale **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_pitch_scale](#get_pitch_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_pitch_random_scale](#set_pitch_random_scale)** **(** [real](class_real) pitch_random_scale **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_pitch_random_scale](#get_pitch_random_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_xfade_time](#set_xfade_time)** **(** [real](class_real) sec **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_xfade_time](#get_xfade_time)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_pitch_scale](#set_pitch_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) pitch_scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_pitch_scale](#get_pitch_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_pitch_random_scale](#set_pitch_random_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) pitch_random_scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_pitch_random_scale](#get_pitch_random_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_xfade_time](#set_xfade_time)** **(** [float](class_float) sec **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_xfade_time](#get_xfade_time)** **(** **)** const
### Description
AudioStream used for gibberish playback. It plays randomized phonemes, which can be used to accompany text dialogs.
@ -31,31 +31,31 @@ Set the phoneme library.
Return the phoneme library.
#### <a name="set_pitch_scale">set_pitch_scale</a>
* void **set_pitch_scale** **(** [real](class_real) pitch_scale **)**
* void **set_pitch_scale** **(** [float](class_float) pitch_scale **)**
Set pitch scale for the speech. Animating this value holds amusing results.
#### <a name="get_pitch_scale">get_pitch_scale</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_pitch_scale** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_pitch_scale** **(** **)** const
Return the pitch scale.
#### <a name="set_pitch_random_scale">set_pitch_random_scale</a>
* void **set_pitch_random_scale** **(** [real](class_real) pitch_random_scale **)**
* void **set_pitch_random_scale** **(** [float](class_float) pitch_random_scale **)**
Set the random scaling for the pitch.
#### <a name="get_pitch_random_scale">get_pitch_random_scale</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_pitch_random_scale** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_pitch_random_scale** **(** **)** const
Return the pitch random scaling.
#### <a name="set_xfade_time">set_xfade_time</a>
* void **set_xfade_time** **(** [real](class_real) sec **)**
* void **set_xfade_time** **(** [float](class_float) sec **)**
Set the cross-fade time between random phonemes.
#### <a name="get_xfade_time">get_xfade_time</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_xfade_time** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_xfade_time** **(** **)** const
Return the cross-fade time between random phonemes.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Boolean built-in type
### Member Functions
* void **[bool](#bool)** **(** [int](class_int) from **)**
* void **[bool](#bool)** **(** [real](class_real) from **)**
* void **[bool](#bool)** **(** [float](class_float) from **)**
* void **[bool](#bool)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
### Description
@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ Camera node, displays from a point of view.
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[project_ray_origin](#project_ray_origin)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) screen_point **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[unproject_position](#unproject_position)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) world_point **)** const
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[project_position](#project_position)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) screen_point **)** const
* void **[set_perspective](#set_perspective)** **(** [real](class_real) fov, [real](class_real) z_near, [real](class_real) z_far **)**
* void **[set_orthogonal](#set_orthogonal)** **(** [real](class_real) size, [real](class_real) z_near, [real](class_real) z_far **)**
* void **[set_perspective](#set_perspective)** **(** [float](class_float) fov, [float](class_float) z_near, [float](class_float) z_far **)**
* void **[set_orthogonal](#set_orthogonal)** **(** [float](class_float) size, [float](class_float) z_near, [float](class_float) z_far **)**
* void **[make_current](#make_current)** **(** **)**
* void **[clear_current](#clear_current)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_current](#is_current)** **(** **)** const
* [Transform](class_transform) **[get_camera_transform](#get_camera_transform)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_fov](#get_fov)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_size](#get_size)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_zfar](#get_zfar)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_znear](#get_znear)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_fov](#get_fov)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_size](#get_size)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_zfar](#get_zfar)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_znear](#get_znear)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_projection](#get_projection)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_visible_layers](#set_visible_layers)** **(** [int](class_int) mask **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_visible_layers](#get_visible_layers)** **(** **)** const
@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ Return a 3D position in worldspace, that is the result of projecting a point on
Return how a 3D point in worldpsace maps to a 2D coordinate in the [Viewport](class_viewport) rectangle.
#### <a name="set_perspective">set_perspective</a>
* void **set_perspective** **(** [real](class_real) fov, [real](class_real) z_near, [real](class_real) z_far **)**
* void **set_perspective** **(** [float](class_float) fov, [float](class_float) z_near, [float](class_float) z_far **)**
Set the camera projection to perspective mode, by specifying a _FOV_ Y angle in degrees (FOV means Field of View), and the _near_ and _far_ clip planes in worldspace units.
#### <a name="set_orthogonal">set_orthogonal</a>
* void **set_orthogonal** **(** [real](class_real) size, [real](class_real) z_near, [real](class_real) z_far **)**
* void **set_orthogonal** **(** [float](class_float) size, [float](class_float) z_near, [float](class_float) z_far **)**
Set the camera projection to orthogonal mode, by specifying a"#10;"#9;"#9;"#9;width and the _near_ and _far_ clip planes in worldspace units. (As a hint, 2D games often use this projection, with values specified in pixels)
@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ Camera node for 2D scenes.
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_v_drag_enabled](#is_v_drag_enabled)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_h_drag_enabled](#set_h_drag_enabled)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_h_drag_enabled](#is_h_drag_enabled)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_v_offset](#set_v_offset)** **(** [real](class_real) ofs **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_v_offset](#get_v_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_h_offset](#set_h_offset)** **(** [real](class_real) ofs **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_h_offset](#get_h_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_drag_margin](#set_drag_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [real](class_real) drag_margin **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_drag_margin](#get_drag_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* void **[set_v_offset](#set_v_offset)** **(** [float](class_float) ofs **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_v_offset](#get_v_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_h_offset](#set_h_offset)** **(** [float](class_float) ofs **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_h_offset](#get_h_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_drag_margin](#set_drag_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [float](class_float) drag_margin **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_drag_margin](#get_drag_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_camera_pos](#get_camera_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_camera_screen_center](#get_camera_screen_center)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_zoom](#set_zoom)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) arg0 **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_zoom](#get_zoom)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_follow_smoothing](#set_follow_smoothing)** **(** [real](class_real) follow_smoothing **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_follow_smoothing](#get_follow_smoothing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_follow_smoothing](#set_follow_smoothing)** **(** [float](class_float) follow_smoothing **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_follow_smoothing](#get_follow_smoothing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[force_update_scroll](#force_update_scroll)** **(** **)**
### Description
@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ Set the scrolling limit in pixels
Return the scrolling limit in pixels
#### <a name="set_drag_margin">set_drag_margin</a>
* void **set_drag_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [real](class_real) drag_margin **)**
* void **set_drag_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [float](class_float) drag_margin **)**
Set the margins needed to drag the camera (relative to the screen size). Margin uses the MARGIN_* enum. Drag margins of 0,0,0,0 will keep the camera at the center of the screen, while drag margins of 1,1,1,1 will only move when the camera is at the edges.
#### <a name="get_drag_margin">get_drag_margin</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_drag_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_drag_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
Return the margins needed to drag the camera (see [set_drag_margin](#set_drag_margin)).
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Base class of anything 2D.
* void **[edit_set_state](#edit_set_state)** **(** var state **)**
* void **[edit_get](#edit_get)** **(** **)** const
* void **[edit_set_rect](#edit_set_rect)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) rect **)**
* void **[edit_rotate](#edit_rotate)** **(** [real](class_real) degrees **)**
* void **[edit_rotate](#edit_rotate)** **(** [float](class_float) degrees **)**
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[get_item_rect](#get_item_rect)** **(** **)** const
* [RID](class_rid) **[get_canvas_item](#get_canvas_item)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_visible](#is_visible)** **(** **)** const
@ -22,25 +22,25 @@ Base class of anything 2D.
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_set_as_toplevel](#is_set_as_toplevel)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_blend_mode](#set_blend_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) blend_mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_blend_mode](#get_blend_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_opacity](#set_opacity)** **(** [real](class_real) opacity **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_opacity](#get_opacity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_self_opacity](#set_self_opacity)** **(** [real](class_real) self_opacity **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_self_opacity](#get_self_opacity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_on_top](#set_on_top)** **(** [bool](class_bool) on_top **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_on_top](#is_on_top)** **(** **)** const
* void **[draw_line](#draw_line)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) from, [Vector2](class_vector2) to, [Color](class_color) color, [real](class_real) width=1 **)**
* void **[set_opacity](#set_opacity)** **(** [float](class_float) opacity **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_opacity](#get_opacity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_self_opacity](#set_self_opacity)** **(** [float](class_float) self_opacity **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_self_opacity](#get_self_opacity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_draw_behind_parent](#set_draw_behind_parent)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabe **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_draw_behind_parent_enabled](#is_draw_behind_parent_enabled)** **(** **)** const
* void **[draw_line](#draw_line)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) from, [Vector2](class_vector2) to, [Color](class_color) color, [float](class_float) width=1 **)**
* void **[draw_rect](#draw_rect)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) rect, [Color](class_color) color **)**
* void **[draw_circle](#draw_circle)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [real](class_real) radius, [Color](class_color) color **)**
* void **[draw_circle](#draw_circle)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [float](class_float) radius, [Color](class_color) color **)**
* void **[draw_texture](#draw_texture)** **(** [Texture](class_texture) texture, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
* void **[draw_texture_rect](#draw_texture_rect)** **(** [Texture](class_texture) texture, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect, [bool](class_bool) tile=false, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1) **)**
* void **[draw_texture_rect_region](#draw_texture_rect_region)** **(** [Texture](class_texture) texture, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect, [Rect2](class_rect2) src_rect, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1) **)**
* void **[draw_style_box](#draw_style_box)** **(** [StyleBox](class_stylebox) style_box, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect **)**
* void **[draw_primitive](#draw_primitive)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) colors, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs=Array(), [Texture](class_texture) texture=Object(), [real](class_real) width=1 **)**
* void **[draw_polygon](#draw_polygon)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) colors, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs, [Texture](class_texture) texture=Array(), [real](class_real) arg4=Object() **)**
* void **[draw_colored_polygon](#draw_colored_polygon)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) color, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs, [Texture](class_texture) texture=Array(), [real](class_real) arg4=Object() **)**
* void **[draw_primitive](#draw_primitive)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) colors, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs=Array(), [Texture](class_texture) texture=Object(), [float](class_float) width=1 **)**
* void **[draw_polygon](#draw_polygon)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) colors, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs, [Texture](class_texture) texture=Array(), [float](class_float) arg4=Object() **)**
* void **[draw_colored_polygon](#draw_colored_polygon)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) color, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs, [Texture](class_texture) texture=Array(), [float](class_float) arg4=Object() **)**
* void **[draw_string](#draw_string)** **(** [Font](class_font) font, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [String](class_string) text, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1), [int](class_int) clip_w=-1 **)**
* [real](class_real) **[draw_char](#draw_char)** **(** [Font](class_font) font, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [String](class_string) char, [String](class_string) next, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1) **)**
* void **[draw_set_transform](#draw_set_transform)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [real](class_real) rot, [Vector2](class_vector2) scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[draw_char](#draw_char)** **(** [Font](class_font) font, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [String](class_string) char, [String](class_string) next, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1) **)**
* void **[draw_set_transform](#draw_set_transform)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [float](class_float) rot, [Vector2](class_vector2) scale **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[get_transform](#get_transform)** **(** **)** const
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[get_global_transform](#get_global_transform)** **(** **)** const
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[get_viewport_transform](#get_viewport_transform)** **(** **)** const
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Called (if exists) to draw the canvas item.
Used for editing, returns an opaque value represeting the transform state.
#### <a name="edit_rotate">edit_rotate</a>
* void **edit_rotate** **(** [real](class_real) degrees **)**
* void **edit_rotate** **(** [float](class_float) degrees **)**
Used for editing, handle rotation.
@ -146,32 +146,22 @@ Set the blending mode from enum BLEND_MODE_*.
Return the current blending mode from enum BLEND_MODE_*.
#### <a name="set_opacity">set_opacity</a>
* void **set_opacity** **(** [real](class_real) opacity **)**
* void **set_opacity** **(** [float](class_float) opacity **)**
Set canvas item opacity. This will affect the canvas item and all the children.
#### <a name="get_opacity">get_opacity</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_opacity** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_opacity** **(** **)** const
Return the canvas item opacity. This affects the canvas item and all the children.
#### <a name="get_self_opacity">get_self_opacity</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_self_opacity** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_self_opacity** **(** **)** const
Set canvas item self-opacity. This does not affect the opacity of children items.
#### <a name="set_on_top">set_on_top</a>
* void **set_on_top** **(** [bool](class_bool) on_top **)**
Set canvas item as drawing over the parent canvas item (default: true).
#### <a name="is_on_top">is_on_top</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_on_top** **(** **)** const
Return if the canvas item is drawing over the parent canvas item (default: true).
#### <a name="draw_line">draw_line</a>
* void **draw_line** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) from, [Vector2](class_vector2) to, [Color](class_color) color, [real](class_real) width=1 **)**
* void **draw_line** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) from, [Vector2](class_vector2) to, [Color](class_color) color, [float](class_float) width=1 **)**
Draw a line from a 2D point to another, with a given color and width.
@ -181,7 +171,7 @@ Draw a line from a 2D point to another, with a given color and width.
Draw a colored rectangle.
#### <a name="draw_circle">draw_circle</a>
* void **draw_circle** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [real](class_real) radius, [Color](class_color) color **)**
* void **draw_circle** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [float](class_float) radius, [Color](class_color) color **)**
Draw a colored circle.
@ -206,17 +196,17 @@ Draw a textured rectangle region at a given position, optionally modulated by a
Draw a styled rectangle.
#### <a name="draw_primitive">draw_primitive</a>
* void **draw_primitive** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) colors, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs=Array(), [Texture](class_texture) texture=Object(), [real](class_real) width=1 **)**
* void **draw_primitive** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) colors, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs=Array(), [Texture](class_texture) texture=Object(), [float](class_float) width=1 **)**
Draw a custom primitive, 1 point for a point, 2 points for a line, 3 points for a triangle and 4 points for a quad.
#### <a name="draw_polygon">draw_polygon</a>
* void **draw_polygon** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) colors, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs, [Texture](class_texture) texture=Array(), [real](class_real) arg4=Object() **)**
* void **draw_polygon** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) colors, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs, [Texture](class_texture) texture=Array(), [float](class_float) arg4=Object() **)**
Draw a polygon of any amount of points, convex or concave.
#### <a name="draw_colored_polygon">draw_colored_polygon</a>
* void **draw_colored_polygon** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) color, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs, [Texture](class_texture) texture=Array(), [real](class_real) arg4=Object() **)**
* void **draw_colored_polygon** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points, [ColorArray](class_colorarray) color, [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) uvs, [Texture](class_texture) texture=Array(), [float](class_float) arg4=Object() **)**
Draw a colored polygon of any amount of points, convex or concave.
@ -226,11 +216,11 @@ Draw a colored polygon of any amount of points, convex or concave.
Draw a string using a custom font.
#### <a name="draw_char">draw_char</a>
* [real](class_real) **draw_char** **(** [Font](class_font) font, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [String](class_string) char, [String](class_string) next, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1) **)**
* [float](class_float) **draw_char** **(** [Font](class_font) font, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [String](class_string) char, [String](class_string) next, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1) **)**
Draw a string character using a custom font. Returns the advance, depending on the char width and kerning with an optional next char.
#### <a name="draw_set_transform">draw_set_transform</a>
* void **draw_set_transform** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [real](class_real) rot, [Vector2](class_vector2) scale **)**
* void **draw_set_transform** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [float](class_float) rot, [Vector2](class_vector2) scale **)**
Set a custom transform for drawing. Anything drawn afterwards will be transformed by this.
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ Canvas Item layer.
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[get_transform](#get_transform)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_offset](#set_offset)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) offset **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_offset](#get_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_rotation](#set_rotation)** **(** [real](class_real) rotation **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_rotation](#get_rotation)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_rotation](#set_rotation)** **(** [float](class_float) rotation **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_rotation](#get_rotation)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_scale](#set_scale)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) scale **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_scale](#get_scale)** **(** **)** const
* Canvas **[get_world_2d](#get_world_2d)** **(** **)** const
@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ Set the base offset for this layer (helper).
Return the base offset for this layer (helper).
#### <a name="set_rotation">set_rotation</a>
* void **set_rotation** **(** [real](class_real) rotation **)**
* void **set_rotation** **(** [float](class_float) rotation **)**
Set the base rotation for this layer (helper).
#### <a name="get_rotation">get_rotation</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_rotation** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_rotation** **(** **)** const
Return the base rotation for this layer (helper).
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
Capsule shape resource.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [real](class_real) radius **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_height](#set_height)** **(** [real](class_real) height **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_height](#get_height)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_height](#set_height)** **(** [float](class_float) height **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_height](#get_height)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Capsule shape resource, which can be set into a [PhysicsBody](class_physicsbody) or area.
@ -17,21 +17,21 @@ Capsule shape resource, which can be set into a [PhysicsBody](class_physicsbody)
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_radius">set_radius</a>
* void **set_radius** **(** [real](class_real) radius **)**
* void **set_radius** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
Set the capsule radius.
#### <a name="get_radius">get_radius</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_radius** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_radius** **(** **)** const
Return the capsule radius.
#### <a name="set_height">set_height</a>
* void **set_height** **(** [real](class_real) height **)**
* void **set_height** **(** [float](class_float) height **)**
Set the capsule height.
#### <a name="get_height">get_height</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_height** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_height** **(** **)** const
Return the capsule height.
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
Capsule 2D shape resource for physics.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [real](class_real) radius **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_height](#set_height)** **(** [real](class_real) height **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_height](#get_height)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_height](#set_height)** **(** [float](class_float) height **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_height](#get_height)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Capsule 2D shape resource for physics. A capsule (or sometimes called "pill") is like a line grown in all directions. It has a radius and a height, and is often useful for modelling biped characters.
@ -17,21 +17,21 @@ Capsule 2D shape resource for physics. A capsule (or sometimes called "pill") is
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_radius">set_radius</a>
* void **set_radius** **(** [real](class_real) radius **)**
* void **set_radius** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
Radius of the [CapsuleShape2D](class_capsuleshape2d).
#### <a name="get_radius">get_radius</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_radius** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_radius** **(** **)** const
Return the radius of the [CapsuleShape2D](class_capsuleshape2d).
#### <a name="set_height">set_height</a>
* void **set_height** **(** [real](class_real) height **)**
* void **set_height** **(** [float](class_float) height **)**
Height of the [CapsuleShape2D](class_capsuleshape2d).
#### <a name="get_height">get_height</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_height** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_height** **(** **)** const
Return the height of the [CapsuleShape2D](class_capsuleshape2d).
@ -6,21 +6,21 @@
### Member Functions
* void **[set_max_steer_angle](#set_max_steer_angle)** **(** [real](class_real) value **)**
* void **[set_steer_rate](#set_steer_rate)** **(** [real](class_real) rate **)**
* void **[set_drive_torque](#set_drive_torque)** **(** [real](class_real) value **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_max_steer_angle](#get_max_steer_angle)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_steer_rate](#get_steer_rate)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_drive_torque](#get_drive_torque)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_target_steering](#set_target_steering)** **(** [real](class_real) amount **)**
* void **[set_target_accelerate](#set_target_accelerate)** **(** [real](class_real) amount **)**
* void **[set_hand_brake](#set_hand_brake)** **(** [real](class_real) amount **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_target_steering](#get_target_steering)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_target_accelerate](#get_target_accelerate)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_hand_brake](#get_hand_brake)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_mass](#set_mass)** **(** [real](class_real) mass **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_mass](#get_mass)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_friction](#set_friction)** **(** [real](class_real) friction **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_friction](#get_friction)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_max_steer_angle](#set_max_steer_angle)** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* void **[set_steer_rate](#set_steer_rate)** **(** [float](class_float) rate **)**
* void **[set_drive_torque](#set_drive_torque)** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_max_steer_angle](#get_max_steer_angle)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_steer_rate](#get_steer_rate)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_drive_torque](#get_drive_torque)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_target_steering](#set_target_steering)** **(** [float](class_float) amount **)**
* void **[set_target_accelerate](#set_target_accelerate)** **(** [float](class_float) amount **)**
* void **[set_hand_brake](#set_hand_brake)** **(** [float](class_float) amount **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_target_steering](#get_target_steering)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_target_accelerate](#get_target_accelerate)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_hand_brake](#get_hand_brake)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_mass](#set_mass)** **(** [float](class_float) mass **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_mass](#get_mass)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_friction](#set_friction)** **(** [float](class_float) friction **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_friction](#get_friction)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
@ -6,19 +6,19 @@
### Member Functions
* void **[set_side_friction](#set_side_friction)** **(** [real](class_real) friction **)**
* void **[set_forward_friction](#set_forward_friction)** **(** [real](class_real) friction **)**
* void **[set_travel](#set_travel)** **(** [real](class_real) distance **)**
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [real](class_real) radius **)**
* void **[set_resting_frac](#set_resting_frac)** **(** [real](class_real) frac **)**
* void **[set_damping_frac](#set_damping_frac)** **(** [real](class_real) frac **)**
* void **[set_num_rays](#set_num_rays)** **(** [real](class_real) amount **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_side_friction](#get_side_friction)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_forward_friction](#get_forward_friction)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_travel](#get_travel)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_resting_frac](#get_resting_frac)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_damping_frac](#get_damping_frac)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_side_friction](#set_side_friction)** **(** [float](class_float) friction **)**
* void **[set_forward_friction](#set_forward_friction)** **(** [float](class_float) friction **)**
* void **[set_travel](#set_travel)** **(** [float](class_float) distance **)**
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
* void **[set_resting_frac](#set_resting_frac)** **(** [float](class_float) frac **)**
* void **[set_damping_frac](#set_damping_frac)** **(** [float](class_float) frac **)**
* void **[set_num_rays](#set_num_rays)** **(** [float](class_float) amount **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_side_friction](#get_side_friction)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_forward_friction](#get_forward_friction)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_travel](#get_travel)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_resting_frac](#get_resting_frac)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_damping_frac](#get_damping_frac)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_num_rays](#get_num_rays)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_type_drive](#set_type_drive)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_type_drive](#is_type_drive)** **(** **)** const
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
Circular Shape for 2D Physics.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [real](class_real) radius **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Circular Shape for 2D Physics. This shape is useful for modelling balls or small characters and it's collision detection with everything else is very fast.
@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ Circular Shape for 2D Physics. This shape is useful for modelling balls or small
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_radius">set_radius</a>
* void **set_radius** **(** [real](class_real) radius **)**
* void **set_radius** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
Set the radius of the circle shape;
#### <a name="get_radius">get_radius</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_radius** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_radius** **(** **)** const
Return the radius of the circle shape.
@ -7,23 +7,23 @@ Color in RGBA format.
### Member Functions
* [Color](class_color) **[blend](#blend)** **(** [Color](class_color) over **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[contrasted](#contrasted)** **(** **)**
* [real](class_real) **[gray](#gray)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[gray](#gray)** **(** **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[inverted](#inverted)** **(** **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[linear_interpolate](#linear_interpolate)** **(** [Color](class_color) b, [real](class_real) t **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[linear_interpolate](#linear_interpolate)** **(** [Color](class_color) b, [float](class_float) t **)**
* [int](class_int) **[to_32](#to_32)** **(** **)**
* [int](class_int) **[to_ARGB32](#to_ARGB32)** **(** **)**
* [String](class_string) **[to_html](#to_html)** **(** [bool](class_bool) with_alpha=True **)**
* void **[Color](#Color)** **(** [real](class_real) r, [real](class_real) g, [real](class_real) b, [real](class_real) a **)**
* void **[Color](#Color)** **(** [real](class_real) r, [real](class_real) g, [real](class_real) b **)**
* void **[Color](#Color)** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b, [float](class_float) a **)**
* void **[Color](#Color)** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b **)**
### Member Variables
* [real](class_real) **r**
* [real](class_real) **g**
* [real](class_real) **b**
* [real](class_real) **a**
* [real](class_real) **h**
* [real](class_real) **s**
* [real](class_real) **v**
* [float](class_float) **r**
* [float](class_float) **g**
* [float](class_float) **b**
* [float](class_float) **a**
* [float](class_float) **h**
* [float](class_float) **s**
* [float](class_float) **v**
### Description
A color is represented as red, green and blue (r,g,b) components. Additionally, "a" represents the alpha component, often used for transparency. Values are in floating point, ranging from 0 to 1.
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ A color is represented as red, green and blue (r,g,b) components. Additionally,
Return the most contrasting color with this one.
#### <a name="gray">gray</a>
* [real](class_real) **gray** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **gray** **(** **)**
Convert the color to gray.
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Convert the color to gray.
Return the inverted color (1-r, 1-g, 1-b, 1-a).
#### <a name="linear_interpolate">linear_interpolate</a>
* [Color](class_color) **linear_interpolate** **(** [Color](class_color) b, [real](class_real) t **)**
* [Color](class_color) **linear_interpolate** **(** [Color](class_color) b, [float](class_float) t **)**
Return the linear interpolation with another color.
@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ Convert color to ARGB32, more compatible with DirectX.
Return the HTML hexadecimal color string.
#### <a name="Color">Color</a>
* void **Color** **(** [real](class_real) r, [real](class_real) g, [real](class_real) b, [real](class_real) a **)**
* void **Color** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b, [float](class_float) a **)**
Construct the color from an RGBA profile.
#### <a name="Color">Color</a>
* void **Color** **(** [real](class_real) r, [real](class_real) g, [real](class_real) b **)**
* void **Color** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b **)**
Construct the color from an RGBA profile.
@ -18,15 +18,15 @@ Control is the base node for all the GUI components.
* [Object](class_object) **[get_window](#get_window)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_anchor](#set_anchor)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [int](class_int) anchor_mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_anchor](#get_anchor)** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* void **[set_margin](#set_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [real](class_real) offset **)**
* void **[set_anchor_and_margin](#set_anchor_and_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [int](class_int) anchor_mode, [real](class_real) offset **)**
* void **[set_margin](#set_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [float](class_float) offset **)**
* void **[set_anchor_and_margin](#set_anchor_and_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [int](class_int) anchor_mode, [float](class_float) offset **)**
* void **[set_begin](#set_begin)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
* void **[set_end](#set_end)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
* void **[set_pos](#set_pos)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
* void **[set_size](#set_size)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) size **)**
* void **[set_custom_minimum_size](#set_custom_minimum_size)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) size **)**
* void **[set_global_pos](#set_global_pos)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_margin](#get_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_margin](#get_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_begin](#get_begin)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_end](#get_end)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ Control is the base node for all the GUI components.
* [Control](class_control) **[get_focus_owner](#get_focus_owner)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_h_size_flags](#set_h_size_flags)** **(** [int](class_int) flags **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_h_size_flags](#get_h_size_flags)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_stretch_ratio](#set_stretch_ratio)** **(** [real](class_real) ratio **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_stretch_ratio](#get_stretch_ratio)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_stretch_ratio](#set_stretch_ratio)** **(** [float](class_float) ratio **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_stretch_ratio](#get_stretch_ratio)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_v_size_flags](#set_v_size_flags)** **(** [int](class_int) flags **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_v_size_flags](#get_v_size_flags)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_theme](#set_theme)** **(** [Theme](class_theme) theme **)**
@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ Control is the base node for all the GUI components.
* **ANCHOR_BEGIN** = **0** - X is relative to MARGIN_LEFT, Y is relative to MARGIN_TOP,
* **ANCHOR_END** = **1** - X is relative to -MARGIN_RIGHT, Y is relative to -MARGIN_BOTTOM,
* **ANCHOR_RATIO** = **2** - X and Y are a ratio (0 to 1) relative to the parent size 0 is left/top, 1 is right/bottom.
* **ANCHOR_CENTER** = **3**
* **FOCUS_NONE** = **0** - Control can't acquire focus.
* **FOCUS_CLICK** = **1** - Control can acquire focus only if clicked.
* **FOCUS_ALL** = **2** - Control can acquire focus if clicked, or by pressing TAB/Directionals in the keyboard from another Control.
@ -174,12 +175,12 @@ Change the anchor (ANCHOR_BEGIN, ANCHOR_END, ANCHOR_RATIO) type for a margin (MA
#### <a name="set_margin">set_margin</a>
* void **set_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [real](class_real) offset **)**
* void **set_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [float](class_float) offset **)**
Set a margin offset. Margin can be one of (MARGIN_LEFT, MARGIN_TOP, MARGIN_RIGHT, MARGIN_BOTTOM). Offset value being set depends on the anchor mode.
#### <a name="set_anchor_and_margin">set_anchor_and_margin</a>
* void **set_anchor_and_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [int](class_int) anchor_mode, [real](class_real) offset **)**
* void **set_anchor_and_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [int](class_int) anchor_mode, [float](class_float) offset **)**
Change the anchor (ANCHOR_BEGIN, ANCHOR_END, ANCHOR_RATIO) type for a margin (MARGIN_LEFT, MARGIN_TOP, MARGIN_RIGHT, MARGIN_BOTTOM), and also set its offset. This is a helper (see [set_anchor](#set_anchor) and [set_margin](#set_margin)).
@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ Changes MARGIN_RIGHT and MARGIN_BOTTOM to fit a given size. This is a helper (se
Move the Control to a new position, relative to the top-left corner of the _window_ Control, and without changing current anchor mode. (see [set_margin](#set_margin)).
#### <a name="get_margin">get_margin</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
Return a margin offset. Margin can be one of (MARGIN_LEFT, MARGIN_TOP, MARGIN_RIGHT, MARGIN_BOTTOM). Offset value being returned depends on the anchor mode.
@ -289,12 +290,12 @@ Hint for containers, set horizontal positioning flags.
Hint for containers, return horizontal positioning flags.
#### <a name="set_stretch_ratio">set_stretch_ratio</a>
* void **set_stretch_ratio** **(** [real](class_real) ratio **)**
* void **set_stretch_ratio** **(** [float](class_float) ratio **)**
Hint for containers, set the stretch ratio. This value is relative to other stretch ratio, so if this control has 2 and another has 1, this one will be twice as big.
#### <a name="get_stretch_ratio">get_stretch_ratio</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_stretch_ratio** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_stretch_ratio** **(** **)** const
Hint for containers, return the stretch ratio. This value is relative to other stretch ratio, so if this control has 2 and another has 1, this one will be twice as big.
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
* [Image](class_image) **[get_side](#get_side)** **(** [int](class_int) side **)** const
* void **[set_storage](#set_storage)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_storage](#get_storage)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_lossy_storage_quality](#set_lossy_storage_quality)** **(** [real](class_real) quality **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_lossy_storage_quality](#get_lossy_storage_quality)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_lossy_storage_quality](#set_lossy_storage_quality)** **(** [float](class_float) quality **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_lossy_storage_quality](#get_lossy_storage_quality)** **(** **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **STORAGE_RAW** = **0**
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* void **[set_point_out](#set_point_out)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_point_out](#get_point_out)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[remove_point](#remove_point)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[interpolate](#interpolate)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) t **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[interpolate](#interpolate)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) t **)** const
* [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) **[bake](#bake)** **(** [int](class_int) subdivs=10 **)** const
* void **[set_points_in](#set_points_in)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) arg0 **)**
* void **[set_points_out](#set_points_out)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) arg0 **)**
@ -10,19 +10,19 @@
* void **[add_point](#add_point)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) pos, [Vector3](class_vector3) in=Vector3(0, 0, 0), [Vector3](class_vector3) out=Vector3(0, 0, 0), [int](class_int) atpos=-1 **)**
* void **[set_point_pos](#set_point_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [Vector3](class_vector3) pos **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_point_pos](#get_point_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[set_point_tilt](#set_point_tilt)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) tilt **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_point_tilt](#get_point_tilt)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[set_point_tilt](#set_point_tilt)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) tilt **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_point_tilt](#get_point_tilt)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[set_point_in](#set_point_in)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [Vector3](class_vector3) pos **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_point_in](#get_point_in)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[set_point_out](#set_point_out)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [Vector3](class_vector3) pos **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_point_out](#get_point_out)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)** const
* void **[remove_point](#remove_point)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[interpolate](#interpolate)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) t **)** const
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[interpolatef](#interpolatef)** **(** [real](class_real) fofs **)** const
* void **[set_bake_interval](#set_bake_interval)** **(** [real](class_real) distance **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_bake_interval](#get_bake_interval)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_baked_length](#get_baked_length)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[interpolate_baked](#interpolate_baked)** **(** [real](class_real) offset, [bool](class_bool) cubic=false **)** const
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[interpolate](#interpolate)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) t **)** const
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[interpolatef](#interpolatef)** **(** [float](class_float) fofs **)** const
* void **[set_bake_interval](#set_bake_interval)** **(** [float](class_float) distance **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_bake_interval](#get_bake_interval)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_baked_length](#get_baked_length)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[interpolate_baked](#interpolate_baked)** **(** [float](class_float) offset, [bool](class_bool) cubic=false **)** const
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **[get_baked_points](#get_baked_points)** **(** **)** const
* [RealArray](class_realarray) **[get_baked_tilts](#get_baked_tilts)** **(** **)** const
@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
Damped sprint constraint for 2D physics.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_length](#set_length)** **(** [real](class_real) length **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_rest_length](#set_rest_length)** **(** [real](class_real) rest_length **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_rest_length](#get_rest_length)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_stiffness](#set_stiffness)** **(** [real](class_real) stiffness **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_stiffness](#get_stiffness)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_damping](#set_damping)** **(** [real](class_real) damping **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_damping](#get_damping)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_length](#set_length)** **(** [float](class_float) length **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_rest_length](#set_rest_length)** **(** [float](class_float) rest_length **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_rest_length](#get_rest_length)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_stiffness](#set_stiffness)** **(** [float](class_float) stiffness **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_stiffness](#get_stiffness)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_damping](#set_damping)** **(** [float](class_float) damping **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_damping](#get_damping)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Damped sprint constraint for 2D physics. This resembles a sprint joint that always want to go back to a given length.
@ -21,41 +21,41 @@ Damped sprint constraint for 2D physics. This resembles a sprint joint that alwa
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_length">set_length</a>
* void **set_length** **(** [real](class_real) length **)**
* void **set_length** **(** [float](class_float) length **)**
Set the maximum length of the sprint joint.
#### <a name="get_length">get_length</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_length** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_length** **(** **)** const
Return the maximum length of the sprint joint.
#### <a name="set_rest_length">set_rest_length</a>
* void **set_rest_length** **(** [real](class_real) rest_length **)**
* void **set_rest_length** **(** [float](class_float) rest_length **)**
Set the resting length of the sprint joint. The joint will always try to go to back this length when pulled apart.
#### <a name="get_rest_length">get_rest_length</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_rest_length** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_rest_length** **(** **)** const
Return the resting length of the sprint joint. The joint will always try to go to back this length when pulled apart.
#### <a name="set_stiffness">set_stiffness</a>
* void **set_stiffness** **(** [real](class_real) stiffness **)**
* void **set_stiffness** **(** [float](class_float) stiffness **)**
Set the stiffness of the spring joint.
#### <a name="get_stiffness">get_stiffness</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_stiffness** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_stiffness** **(** **)** const
Return the stiffness of the spring joint.
#### <a name="set_damping">set_damping</a>
* void **set_damping** **(** [real](class_real) damping **)**
* void **set_damping** **(** [float](class_float) damping **)**
Set the damping of the spring joint.
#### <a name="get_damping">get_damping</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_damping** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_damping** **(** **)** const
Return the damping of the spring joint.
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ Directional Light, such as the Sun or the Moon.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_shadow_mode](#set_shadow_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_shadow_mode](#get_shadow_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_shadow_param](#set_shadow_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [real](class_real) value **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_shadow_param](#get_shadow_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[set_shadow_param](#set_shadow_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_shadow_param](#get_shadow_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
### Numeric Constants
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
### Member Functions
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [real](class_real) radius **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
@ -15,23 +15,23 @@
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_paused](#is_paused)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_loop](#set_loop)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_loop](#has_loop)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_volume](#set_volume)** **(** [real](class_real) volume **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_volume](#get_volume)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_pitch_scale](#set_pitch_scale)** **(** [real](class_real) pitch_scale **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_pitch_scale](#get_pitch_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_tempo_scale](#set_tempo_scale)** **(** [real](class_real) tempo_scale **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_tempo_scale](#get_tempo_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_volume_db](#set_volume_db)** **(** [real](class_real) db **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_volume_db](#get_volume_db)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_volume](#set_volume)** **(** [float](class_float) volume **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_volume](#get_volume)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_pitch_scale](#set_pitch_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) pitch_scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_pitch_scale](#get_pitch_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_tempo_scale](#set_tempo_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) tempo_scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_tempo_scale](#get_tempo_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_volume_db](#set_volume_db)** **(** [float](class_float) db **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_volume_db](#get_volume_db)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_stream_name](#get_stream_name)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_loop_count](#get_loop_count)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* void **[seek_pos](#seek_pos)** **(** [real](class_real) time **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* void **[seek_pos](#seek_pos)** **(** [float](class_float) time **)**
* void **[set_autoplay](#set_autoplay)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_autoplay](#has_autoplay)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_channel_volume](#set_channel_volume)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) channel_volume **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_channel_volumeidx](#get_channel_volumeidx)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_channel_last_note_time](#get_channel_last_note_time)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* void **[set_channel_volume](#set_channel_volume)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) channel_volume **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_channel_volumeidx](#get_channel_volumeidx)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_channel_last_note_time](#get_channel_last_note_time)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
### Member Function Description
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
* [int](class_int) **[get_16](#get_16)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_32](#get_32)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_64](#get_64)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_float](#get_float)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_double](#get_double)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_real](#get_real)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_float](#get_float)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_double](#get_double)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_real](#get_real)** **(** **)** const
* [RawArray](class_rawarray) **[get_buffer](#get_buffer)** **(** [int](class_int) len **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_line](#get_line)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_as_text](#get_as_text)** **(** **)** const
@ -33,13 +33,15 @@
* void **[store_16](#store_16)** **(** [int](class_int) value **)**
* void **[store_32](#store_32)** **(** [int](class_int) value **)**
* void **[store_64](#store_64)** **(** [int](class_int) value **)**
* void **[store_float](#store_float)** **(** [real](class_real) value **)**
* void **[store_double](#store_double)** **(** [real](class_real) value **)**
* void **[store_real](#store_real)** **(** [real](class_real) value **)**
* void **[store_float](#store_float)** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* void **[store_double](#store_double)** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* void **[store_real](#store_real)** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* void **[store_buffer](#store_buffer)** **(** [RawArray](class_rawarray) buffer **)**
* void **[store_line](#store_line)** **(** [String](class_string) line **)**
* void **[store_string](#store_string)** **(** [String](class_string) string **)**
* void **[store_var](#store_var)** **(** var value **)**
* void **[store_pascal_string](#store_pascal_string)** **(** [String](class_string) string **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_pascal_string](#get_pascal_string)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[file_exists](#file_exists)** **(** [String](class_string) path **)** const
### Numeric Constants
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ Simple Material with a fixed parameter set.
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_fixed_flag](#get_fixed_flag)** **(** [int](class_int) flag **)** const
* void **[set_uv_transform](#set_uv_transform)** **(** [Transform](class_transform) transform **)**
* [Transform](class_transform) **[get_uv_transform](#get_uv_transform)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_point_size](#set_point_size)** **(** [real](class_real) size **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_point_size](#get_point_size)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_point_size](#set_point_size)** **(** [float](class_float) size **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_point_size](#get_point_size)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_detail_blend_mode](#set_detail_blend_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_detail_blend_mode](#get_detail_blend_mode)** **(** **)** const
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# float
####**Category:** Built-In Types
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[float](#float)** **(** [bool](class_bool) from **)**
* void **[float](#float)** **(** [int](class_int) from **)**
* void **[float](#float)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
### Member Function Description
@ -8,37 +8,37 @@
### Member Functions
* void **[set_orbit](#set_orbit)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) orbit **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_orbit](#get_orbit)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_orbit_x](#set_orbit_x)** **(** [real](class_real) x **)**
* void **[set_orbit_y](#set_orbit_y)** **(** [real](class_real) y **)**
* void **[set_min_orbit_x](#set_min_orbit_x)** **(** [real](class_real) x **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_min_orbit_x](#get_min_orbit_x)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_max_orbit_x](#set_max_orbit_x)** **(** [real](class_real) x **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_max_orbit_x](#get_max_orbit_x)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_height](#set_height)** **(** [real](class_real) height **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_height](#get_height)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_inclination](#set_inclination)** **(** [real](class_real) inclination **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_inclination](#get_inclination)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_orbit_x](#set_orbit_x)** **(** [float](class_float) x **)**
* void **[set_orbit_y](#set_orbit_y)** **(** [float](class_float) y **)**
* void **[set_min_orbit_x](#set_min_orbit_x)** **(** [float](class_float) x **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_min_orbit_x](#get_min_orbit_x)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_max_orbit_x](#set_max_orbit_x)** **(** [float](class_float) x **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_max_orbit_x](#get_max_orbit_x)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_height](#set_height)** **(** [float](class_float) height **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_height](#get_height)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_inclination](#set_inclination)** **(** [float](class_float) inclination **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_inclination](#get_inclination)** **(** **)** const
* void **[rotate_orbit](#rotate_orbit)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) arg0 **)**
* void **[set_distance](#set_distance)** **(** [real](class_real) distance **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_distance](#get_distance)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_max_distance](#set_max_distance)** **(** [real](class_real) max_distance **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_max_distance](#get_max_distance)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_min_distance](#set_min_distance)** **(** [real](class_real) min_distance **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_min_distance](#get_min_distance)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_distance](#set_distance)** **(** [float](class_float) distance **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_distance](#get_distance)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_max_distance](#set_max_distance)** **(** [float](class_float) max_distance **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_max_distance](#get_max_distance)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_min_distance](#set_min_distance)** **(** [float](class_float) min_distance **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_min_distance](#get_min_distance)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_clip](#set_clip)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_clip](#has_clip)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_autoturn](#set_autoturn)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_autoturn](#has_autoturn)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_autoturn_tolerance](#set_autoturn_tolerance)** **(** [real](class_real) degrees **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_autoturn_tolerance](#get_autoturn_tolerance)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_autoturn_speed](#set_autoturn_speed)** **(** [real](class_real) speed **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_autoturn_speed](#get_autoturn_speed)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_autoturn_tolerance](#set_autoturn_tolerance)** **(** [float](class_float) degrees **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_autoturn_tolerance](#get_autoturn_tolerance)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_autoturn_speed](#set_autoturn_speed)** **(** [float](class_float) speed **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_autoturn_speed](#get_autoturn_speed)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_smoothing](#set_smoothing)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_smoothing](#has_smoothing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_rotation_smoothing](#set_rotation_smoothing)** **(** [real](class_real) amount **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_rotation_smoothing](#get_rotation_smoothing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_translation_smoothing](#set_translation_smoothing)** **(** [real](class_real) amount **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_translation_smoothing](#get_translation_smoothing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_rotation_smoothing](#set_rotation_smoothing)** **(** [float](class_float) amount **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_rotation_smoothing](#get_rotation_smoothing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_translation_smoothing](#set_translation_smoothing)** **(** [float](class_float) amount **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_translation_smoothing](#get_translation_smoothing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_use_lookat_target](#set_use_lookat_target)** **(** [bool](class_bool) use, [Vector3](class_vector3) lookat=Vector3(0, 0, 0) **)**
* void **[set_up_vector](#set_up_vector)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) vector **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_up_vector](#get_up_vector)** **(** **)** const
@ -6,20 +6,20 @@
Internationalized font and text drawing support.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_height](#set_height)** **(** [real](class_real) px **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_height](#get_height)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_ascent](#set_ascent)** **(** [real](class_real) px **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_ascent](#get_ascent)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_descent](#get_descent)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_height](#set_height)** **(** [float](class_float) px **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_height](#get_height)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_ascent](#set_ascent)** **(** [float](class_float) px **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_ascent](#get_ascent)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_descent](#get_descent)** **(** **)** const
* void **[add_kerning_pair](#add_kerning_pair)** **(** [int](class_int) char_a, [int](class_int) char_b, [int](class_int) kerning **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_kerning_pair](#get_kerning_pair)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0, [int](class_int) arg1 **)** const
* void **[add_texture](#add_texture)** **(** [Texture](class_texture) texture **)**
* void **[add_char](#add_char)** **(** [int](class_int) character, [int](class_int) texture, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect, [Vector2](class_vector2) align=Vector2(0,0), [real](class_real) advance=-1 **)**
* void **[add_char](#add_char)** **(** [int](class_int) character, [int](class_int) texture, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect, [Vector2](class_vector2) align=Vector2(0,0), [float](class_float) advance=-1 **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_char_size](#get_char_size)** **(** [int](class_int) char, [int](class_int) next=0 **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_string_size](#get_string_size)** **(** [String](class_string) string **)** const
* void **[clear](#clear)** **(** **)**
* void **[draw](#draw)** **(** [RID](class_rid) canvas_item, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [String](class_string) string, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1), [int](class_int) clip_w=-1 **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[draw_char](#draw_char)** **(** [RID](class_rid) canvas_item, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [int](class_int) char, [int](class_int) next=-1, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1) **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[draw_char](#draw_char)** **(** [RID](class_rid) canvas_item, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [int](class_int) char, [int](class_int) next=-1, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1) **)** const
### Description
Font contains an unicode compatible character set, as well as the ability to draw it with variable width, ascent, descent and kerning. For creating fonts from TTF files (or other font formats), see the editor support for fonts. TODO check wikipedia for graph of ascent/baseline/descent/height/etc.
@ -27,27 +27,27 @@ Font contains an unicode compatible character set, as well as the ability to dra
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_height">set_height</a>
* void **set_height** **(** [real](class_real) px **)**
* void **set_height** **(** [float](class_float) px **)**
Set the total font height (ascent plus descent) in pixels.
#### <a name="get_height">get_height</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_height** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_height** **(** **)** const
Return the total font height (ascent plus descent) in pixels.
#### <a name="set_ascent">set_ascent</a>
* void **set_ascent** **(** [real](class_real) px **)**
* void **set_ascent** **(** [float](class_float) px **)**
Set the font ascent (number of pixels above the baseline).
#### <a name="get_ascent">get_ascent</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_ascent** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_ascent** **(** **)** const
Return the font ascent (number of pixels above the baseline).
#### <a name="get_descent">get_descent</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_descent** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_descent** **(** **)** const
Return the font descent (number of pixels below the baseline).
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Return a kerning pair as a difference. Kerning pairs are special cases where a t
Add a texture to the [Font](class_font).
#### <a name="add_char">add_char</a>
* void **add_char** **(** [int](class_int) character, [int](class_int) texture, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect, [Vector2](class_vector2) align=Vector2(0,0), [real](class_real) advance=-1 **)**
* void **add_char** **(** [int](class_int) character, [int](class_int) texture, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect, [Vector2](class_vector2) align=Vector2(0,0), [float](class_float) advance=-1 **)**
Add a character to the font, where "character" is the unicode value, "texture" is the texture index, "rect" is the region in the texture (in pixels!), "align" is the (optional) alignment for the character and "advance" is the (optional) advance.
@ -92,6 +92,6 @@ Clear all the font data.
Draw "string" into a canvas item using the font at a given "pos" position, with "modulate" color, and optionally clipping the width. "pos" specifies te baseline, not the top. To draw from the top, _ascent_ must be added to the Y axis.
#### <a name="draw_char">draw_char</a>
* [real](class_real) **draw_char** **(** [RID](class_rid) canvas_item, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [int](class_int) char, [int](class_int) next=-1, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1) **)** const
* [float](class_float) **draw_char** **(** [RID](class_rid) canvas_item, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [int](class_int) char, [int](class_int) next=-1, [Color](class_color) modulate=Color(1,1,1,1) **)** const
Draw character "char" into a canvas item using the font at a given "pos" position, with "modulate" color, and optionally kerning if "next" is apassed. clipping the width. "pos" specifies te baseline, not the top. To draw from the top, _ascent_ must be added to the Y axis. The width used by the character is returned, making this function useful for drawing strings character by character.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# FuncRef
####**Inherits:** [Reference](class_reference)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[call_func](#call_func)** **(** [String](class_string) method, var arg0=NULL, var arg1=NULL, var arg2=NULL, var arg3=NULL, var arg4=NULL, var arg5=NULL, var arg6=NULL, var arg7=NULL, var arg8=NULL, var arg9=NULL **)**
* void **[set_instance](#set_instance)** **(** [Object](class_object) instance **)**
* void **[set_function](#set_function)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
### Member Function Description
@ -7,17 +7,17 @@
### Member Functions
* [Array](class_array) **[build_box_planes](#build_box_planes)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) extents **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[build_cylinder_planes](#build_cylinder_planes)** **(** [real](class_real) radius, [real](class_real) height, [int](class_int) sides, [int](class_int) axis=2 **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[build_capsule_planes](#build_capsule_planes)** **(** [real](class_real) radius, [real](class_real) height, [int](class_int) sides, [int](class_int) lats, [int](class_int) axis=2 **)**
* [real](class_real) **[segment_intersects_circle](#segment_intersects_circle)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) segment_from, [Vector2](class_vector2) segment_to, [Vector2](class_vector2) circle_pos, [real](class_real) circle_radius **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[build_cylinder_planes](#build_cylinder_planes)** **(** [float](class_float) radius, [float](class_float) height, [int](class_int) sides, [int](class_int) axis=2 **)**
* [Array](class_array) **[build_capsule_planes](#build_capsule_planes)** **(** [float](class_float) radius, [float](class_float) height, [int](class_int) sides, [int](class_int) lats, [int](class_int) axis=2 **)**
* [float](class_float) **[segment_intersects_circle](#segment_intersects_circle)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) segment_from, [Vector2](class_vector2) segment_to, [Vector2](class_vector2) circle_pos, [float](class_float) circle_radius **)**
* void **[segment_intersects_segment_2d](#segment_intersects_segment_2d)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) from_a, [Vector2](class_vector2) to_a, [Vector2](class_vector2) from_b, [Vector2](class_vector2) to_b **)**
* [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) **[get_closest_points_between_segments_2d](#get_closest_points_between_segments_2d)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) p1, [Vector2](class_vector2) q1, [Vector2](class_vector2) p2, [Vector2](class_vector2) q2 **)**
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **[get_closest_points_between_segments](#get_closest_points_between_segments)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) p1, [Vector3](class_vector3) p2, [Vector3](class_vector3) q1, [Vector3](class_vector3) q2 **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_closest_point_to_segment](#get_closest_point_to_segment)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point, [Vector3](class_vector3) s1, [Vector3](class_vector3) s2 **)**
* void **[ray_intersects_triangle](#ray_intersects_triangle)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) from, [Vector3](class_vector3) dir, [Vector3](class_vector3) a, [Vector3](class_vector3) b, [Vector3](class_vector3) c **)**
* void **[segment_intersects_triangle](#segment_intersects_triangle)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) from, [Vector3](class_vector3) to, [Vector3](class_vector3) a, [Vector3](class_vector3) b, [Vector3](class_vector3) c **)**
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **[segment_intersects_sphere](#segment_intersects_sphere)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) from, [Vector3](class_vector3) to, [Vector3](class_vector3) spos, [real](class_real) sradius **)**
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **[segment_intersects_cylinder](#segment_intersects_cylinder)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) from, [Vector3](class_vector3) to, [real](class_real) height, [real](class_real) radius **)**
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **[segment_intersects_sphere](#segment_intersects_sphere)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) from, [Vector3](class_vector3) to, [Vector3](class_vector3) spos, [float](class_float) sradius **)**
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **[segment_intersects_cylinder](#segment_intersects_cylinder)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) from, [Vector3](class_vector3) to, [float](class_float) height, [float](class_float) radius **)**
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **[segment_intersects_convex](#segment_intersects_convex)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) from, [Vector3](class_vector3) to, [Array](class_array) planes **)**
* [IntArray](class_intarray) **[triangulate_polygon](#triangulate_polygon)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) polygon **)**
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ Base node for geometry based visual instances.
* [Object](class_object) **[get_material_override](#get_material_override)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_flag](#set_flag)** **(** [int](class_int) flag, [bool](class_bool) value **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_flag](#get_flag)** **(** [int](class_int) flag **)** const
* void **[set_draw_range_begin](#set_draw_range_begin)** **(** [real](class_real) mode **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_draw_range_begin](#get_draw_range_begin)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_draw_range_end](#set_draw_range_end)** **(** [real](class_real) mode **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_draw_range_end](#get_draw_range_end)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_draw_range_begin](#set_draw_range_begin)** **(** [float](class_float) mode **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_draw_range_begin](#get_draw_range_begin)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_draw_range_end](#set_draw_range_end)** **(** [float](class_float) mode **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_draw_range_end](#get_draw_range_end)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **visibility_changed** **(** **)**
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
* [MeshLibrary](class_meshlibrary) **[get_theme](#get_theme)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_bake](#set_bake)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_baking_enabled](#is_baking_enabled)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_cell_size](#set_cell_size)** **(** [real](class_real) size **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_cell_size](#get_cell_size)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_cell_size](#set_cell_size)** **(** [float](class_float) size **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_cell_size](#get_cell_size)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_octant_size](#set_octant_size)** **(** [int](class_int) size **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_octant_size](#get_octant_size)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_cell_item](#set_cell_item)** **(** [int](class_int) x, [int](class_int) y, [int](class_int) z, [int](class_int) item, [int](class_int) orientation=0 **)**
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
* void **[area_set_name](#area_set_name)** **(** [int](class_int) area, [String](class_string) name **)**
* [String](class_string) **[area_get_name](#area_get_name)** **(** [int](class_int) area **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[area_is_exterior_portal](#area_is_exterior_portal)** **(** [int](class_int) area **)** const
* void **[area_set_portal_disable_distance](#area_set_portal_disable_distance)** **(** [int](class_int) area, [real](class_real) distance **)**
* [real](class_real) **[area_get_portal_disable_distance](#area_get_portal_disable_distance)** **(** [int](class_int) area **)** const
* void **[area_set_portal_disable_distance](#area_set_portal_disable_distance)** **(** [int](class_int) area, [float](class_float) distance **)**
* [float](class_float) **[area_get_portal_disable_distance](#area_get_portal_disable_distance)** **(** [int](class_int) area **)** const
* void **[area_set_portal_disable_color](#area_set_portal_disable_color)** **(** [int](class_int) area, [Color](class_color) color **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[area_get_portal_disable_color](#area_get_portal_disable_color)** **(** [int](class_int) area **)** const
* void **[erase_area](#erase_area)** **(** [int](class_int) area **)**
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
Groove constraint for 2D physics.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_length](#set_length)** **(** [real](class_real) length **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_initial_offset](#set_initial_offset)** **(** [real](class_real) offset **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_initial_offset](#get_initial_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_length](#set_length)** **(** [float](class_float) length **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_initial_offset](#set_initial_offset)** **(** [float](class_float) offset **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_initial_offset](#get_initial_offset)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Groove constraint for 2D physics. This is useful for making a body "slide" through a segment placed in another.
@ -17,21 +17,21 @@ Groove constraint for 2D physics. This is useful for making a body "slide" throu
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_length">set_length</a>
* void **set_length** **(** [real](class_real) length **)**
* void **set_length** **(** [float](class_float) length **)**
Set the length of the groove.
#### <a name="get_length">get_length</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_length** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_length** **(** **)** const
Return the length of the groove.
#### <a name="set_initial_offset">set_initial_offset</a>
* void **set_initial_offset** **(** [real](class_real) offset **)**
* void **set_initial_offset** **(** [float](class_float) offset **)**
Set the initial offset of the groove on body A.
#### <a name="get_initial_offset">get_initial_offset</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_initial_offset** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_initial_offset** **(** **)** const
Set the final offset of the groove on body A.
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
* [Image](class_image) **[get_data](#get_data)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_storage](#set_storage)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_storage](#get_storage)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_lossy_storage_quality](#set_lossy_storage_quality)** **(** [real](class_real) quality **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_lossy_storage_quality](#get_lossy_storage_quality)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_lossy_storage_quality](#set_lossy_storage_quality)** **(** [float](class_float) quality **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_lossy_storage_quality](#get_lossy_storage_quality)** **(** **)** const
* void **[fix_alpha_edges](#fix_alpha_edges)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_size_override](#set_size_override)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) size **)**
@ -10,10 +10,11 @@
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_mouse_button_pressed](#is_mouse_button_pressed)** **(** [int](class_int) button **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_joy_button_pressed](#is_joy_button_pressed)** **(** [int](class_int) device, [int](class_int) button **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_action_pressed](#is_action_pressed)** **(** [String](class_string) action **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_joy_axis](#get_joy_axis)** **(** [int](class_int) device, [int](class_int) axis **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_joy_axis](#get_joy_axis)** **(** [int](class_int) device, [int](class_int) axis **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_accelerometer](#get_accelerometer)** **(** **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_mouse_pos](#get_mouse_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_mouse_speed](#get_mouse_speed)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_mouse_button_mask](#get_mouse_button_mask)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_mouse_mode](#set_mouse_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_mouse_mode](#get_mouse_mode)** **(** **)** const
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* [int](class_int) **ID**
* [int](class_int) **button_index**
* [bool](class_bool) **pressed**
* [real](class_real) **pressure**
* [float](class_float) **pressure**
### Numeric Constants
* **NONE** = **0**
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
* [int](class_int) **device**
* [int](class_int) **ID**
* [int](class_int) **axis**
* [real](class_real) **value**
* [float](class_float) **value**
### Numeric Constants
* **NONE** = **0**
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
* [int](class_int) **relative_x**
* [int](class_int) **relative_y**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **relative_pos**
* [real](class_real) **speed_x**
* [real](class_real) **speed_y**
* [float](class_float) **speed_x**
* [float](class_float) **speed_y**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **speed**
### Numeric Constants
@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
* [int](class_int) **device**
* [int](class_int) **ID**
* [int](class_int) **index**
* [real](class_real) **x**
* [real](class_real) **y**
* [float](class_float) **x**
* [float](class_float) **y**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **pos**
* [real](class_real) **relative_x**
* [real](class_real) **relative_y**
* [float](class_float) **relative_x**
* [float](class_float) **relative_y**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **relative_pos**
* [real](class_real) **speed_x**
* [real](class_real) **speed_y**
* [float](class_float) **speed_x**
* [float](class_float) **speed_y**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **speed**
### Numeric Constants
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
* [int](class_int) **device**
* [int](class_int) **ID**
* [int](class_int) **index**
* [real](class_real) **x**
* [real](class_real) **y**
* [float](class_float) **x**
* [float](class_float) **y**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **pos**
* [bool](class_bool) **pressed**
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Integer built-in type.
### Member Functions
* void **[int](#int)** **(** [bool](class_bool) from **)**
* void **[int](#int)** **(** [real](class_real) from **)**
* void **[int](#int)** **(** [float](class_float) from **)**
* void **[int](#int)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
### Description
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
* void **[set_target_path](#set_target_path)** **(** [NodePath](class_nodepath) target_path **)**
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **[get_target_path](#get_target_path)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_target](#set_target)** **(** [Object](class_object) target **)**
* void **[set_speed](#set_speed)** **(** [real](class_real) speed **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_speed](#get_speed)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_speed](#set_speed)** **(** [float](class_float) speed **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_speed](#get_speed)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_interpolation_enabled](#set_interpolation_enabled)** **(** [bool](class_bool) target_path **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_interpolation_enabled](#is_interpolation_enabled)** **(** **)** const
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ Base node for all joint constraints in 2D phyisics.
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **[get_node_a](#get_node_a)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_node_b](#set_node_b)** **(** [NodePath](class_nodepath) node **)**
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **[get_node_b](#get_node_b)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_bias](#set_bias)** **(** [real](class_real) bias **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_bias](#get_bias)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_bias](#set_bias)** **(** [float](class_float) bias **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_bias](#get_bias)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Base node for all joint constraints in 2D phyisics. Joints take 2 bodies and apply a custom constraint.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_collision_pos](#get_collision_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_collision_normal](#get_collision_normal)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_collider_velocity](#get_collider_velocity)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_collider](#get_collider)** **(** **)** const
* void **[get_collider](#get_collider)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_collide_with_static_bodies](#set_collide_with_static_bodies)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[can_collide_with_static_bodies](#can_collide_with_static_bodies)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_collide_with_kinematic_bodies](#set_collide_with_kinematic_bodies)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
* [bool](class_bool) **[can_collide_with_rigid_bodies](#can_collide_with_rigid_bodies)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_collide_with_character_bodies](#set_collide_with_character_bodies)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[can_collide_with_character_bodies](#can_collide_with_character_bodies)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_collision_margin](#set_collision_margin)** **(** [real](class_real) pixels **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_collision_margin](#get_collision_margin)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_collision_margin](#set_collision_margin)** **(** [float](class_float) pixels **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_collision_margin](#get_collision_margin)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ Control that displays formatted text.
* [int](class_int) **[get_line_count](#get_line_count)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_total_character_count](#get_total_character_count)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_visible_characters](#set_visible_characters)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)**
* void **[set_percent_visible](#set_percent_visible)** **(** [real](class_real) percent_visible **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_percent_visible](#get_percent_visible)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_percent_visible](#set_percent_visible)** **(** [float](class_float) percent_visible **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_percent_visible](#get_percent_visible)** **(** **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **ALIGN_LEFT** = **0** - Align rows to the left (default).
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
Provides a base class for different kinds of light nodes.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_parameter](#set_parameter)** **(** [int](class_int) variable, [real](class_real) value **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_parameter](#get_parameter)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* void **[set_parameter](#set_parameter)** **(** [int](class_int) variable, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_parameter](#get_parameter)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* void **[set_color](#set_color)** **(** [int](class_int) color, [Color](class_color) value **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[get_color](#get_color)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* void **[set_project_shadows](#set_project_shadows)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Control that provides single line string editing.
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_editable](#is_editable)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_secret](#set_secret)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_secret](#is_secret)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[select](#select)** **(** **)** const
* void **[select](#select)** **(** [int](class_int) from=0, [int](class_int) to=-1 **)**
### Signals
* **text_entered** **(** [String](class_string) text **)**
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ Line shape for 2D collision objects.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_normal](#set_normal)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) normal **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_normal](#get_normal)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_d](#set_d)** **(** [real](class_real) d **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_d](#get_d)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_d](#set_d)** **(** [float](class_float) d **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_d](#get_d)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Line shape for 2D collision objects. It works like a 2D plane and will not allow any body to go to the negative side. Not recommended for rigid bodies, and usually not recommended for static bodies either because it forces checks against it on every frame.
@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ Set the line normal.
Return the line normal.
#### <a name="set_d">set_d</a>
* void **set_d** **(** [real](class_real) d **)**
* void **set_d** **(** [float](class_float) d **)**
Set the line distance from the origin.
#### <a name="get_d">get_d</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_d** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_d** **(** **)** const
Return the line distance from the origin.
@ -1,109 +1,108 @@
| | | | | | |
| --- | ------- | --- | ------- | --- | ------- |
| **@** | [@GDScript](class_@gdscript) | | [InputEventKey](class_inputeventkey) | | [RichTextLabel](class_richtextlabel) |
| | [@Global Scope](class_@global scope) | | [InputEventMouseButton](class_inputeventmousebutton) | | [RigidBody](class_rigidbody) |
| | [@MultiScript](class_@multiscript) | | [InputEventMouseMotion](class_inputeventmousemotion) | | [RigidBody2D](class_rigidbody2d) |
| **A** | [AABB](class_aabb) | | [InputEventScreenDrag](class_inputeventscreendrag) | | [Room](class_room) |
| | [AcceptDialog](class_acceptdialog) | | [InputEventScreenTouch](class_inputeventscreentouch) | | [RoomBounds](class_roombounds) |
| | [AnimatedSprite](class_animatedsprite) | | [InputMap](class_inputmap) | **S** | [Sample](class_sample) |
| | [Animation](class_animation) | | [IntArray](class_intarray) | | [SampleLibrary](class_samplelibrary) |
| | [AnimationPlayer](class_animationplayer) | | [InterpolatedCamera](class_interpolatedcamera) | | [SamplePlayer](class_sampleplayer) |
| | [AnimationTreePlayer](class_animationtreeplayer) | **J** | [Joint2D](class_joint2d) | | [SamplePlayer2D](class_sampleplayer2d) |
| | [Area](class_area) | **K** | [KinematicBody2D](class_kinematicbody2d) | | [SceneIO](class_sceneio) |
| | [Area2D](class_area2d) | **L** | [Label](class_label) | | [SceneInteractiveLoader](class_sceneinteractiveloader) |
| | [Array](class_array) | | [LargeTexture](class_largetexture) | | [SceneMainLoop](class_scenemainloop) |
| | [AtlasTexture](class_atlastexture) | | [Light](class_light) | | [ScenePreloader](class_scenepreloader) |
| | [AudioServer](class_audioserver) | | [LineEdit](class_lineedit) | | [Script](class_script) |
| | [AudioServerSW](class_audioserversw) | | [LineShape2D](class_lineshape2d) | | [ScrollBar](class_scrollbar) |
| | [AudioStream](class_audiostream) | **M** | [MainLoop](class_mainloop) | | [ScrollContainer](class_scrollcontainer) |
| | [AudioStreamGibberish](class_audiostreamgibberish) | | [MarginContainer](class_margincontainer) | | [SegmentShape2D](class_segmentshape2d) |
| | [AudioStreamMPC](class_audiostreammpc) | | [Marshalls](class_marshalls) | | [Semaphore](class_semaphore) |
| | [AudioStreamOGGVorbis](class_audiostreamoggvorbis) | | [Material](class_material) | | [Separator](class_separator) |
| | [AudioStreamResampled](class_audiostreamresampled) | | [Matrix3](class_matrix3) | | [Shader](class_shader) |
| | [AudioStreamSpeex](class_audiostreamspeex) | | [Matrix32](class_matrix32) | | [ShaderMaterial](class_shadermaterial) |
| **B** | [BaseButton](class_basebutton) | | [MenuButton](class_menubutton) | | [Shape](class_shape) |
| | [BitMap](class_bitmap) | | [Mesh](class_mesh) | | [Shape2D](class_shape2d) |
| | [BoneAttachment](class_boneattachment) | | [MeshDataTool](class_meshdatatool) | | [Skeleton](class_skeleton) |
| | [BoxContainer](class_boxcontainer) | | [MeshInstance](class_meshinstance) | | [Slider](class_slider) |
| | [BoxShape](class_boxshape) | | [MeshLibrary](class_meshlibrary) | | [SoundPlayer2D](class_soundplayer2d) |
| | [Button](class_button) | | [MultiMesh](class_multimesh) | | [SoundRoomParams](class_soundroomparams) |
| | [ButtonArray](class_buttonarray) | | [MultiMeshInstance](class_multimeshinstance) | | [Spatial](class_spatial) |
| | [ButtonGroup](class_buttongroup) | | [MultiScript](class_multiscript) | | [SpatialPlayer](class_spatialplayer) |
| **C** | [Camera](class_camera) | | [Mutex](class_mutex) | | [SpatialSamplePlayer](class_spatialsampleplayer) |
| | [Camera2D](class_camera2d) | **N** | [Nil](class_nil) | | [SpatialSound2DServer](class_spatialsound2dserver) |
| | [CanvasItem](class_canvasitem) | | [Node](class_node) | | [SpatialSound2DServerSW](class_spatialsound2dserversw) |
| | [CanvasLayer](class_canvaslayer) | | [Node2D](class_node2d) | | [SpatialSoundServer](class_spatialsoundserver) |
| | [CapsuleShape](class_capsuleshape) | | [NodePath](class_nodepath) | | [SpatialSoundServerSW](class_spatialsoundserversw) |
| | [CapsuleShape2D](class_capsuleshape2d) | **O** | [OS](class_os) | | [SpatialStreamPlayer](class_spatialstreamplayer) |
| | [CarBody](class_carbody) | | [Object](class_object) | | [SphereShape](class_sphereshape) |
| | [CarWheel](class_carwheel) | | [OmniLight](class_omnilight) | | [SpinBox](class_spinbox) |
| | [CenterContainer](class_centercontainer) | | [OptionButton](class_optionbutton) | | [SplitContainer](class_splitcontainer) |
| | [CheckButton](class_checkbutton) | **P** | [PHashTranslation](class_phashtranslation) | | [SpotLight](class_spotlight) |
| | [CircleShape2D](class_circleshape2d) | | [PackedDataContainer](class_packeddatacontainer) | | [Sprite](class_sprite) |
| | [CollisionObject](class_collisionobject) | | [PackedDataContainerRef](class_packeddatacontainerref) | | [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) |
| | [CollisionObject2D](class_collisionobject2d) | | [PackedScene](class_packedscene) | | [StaticBody](class_staticbody) |
| | [CollisionPolygon2D](class_collisionpolygon2d) | | [PacketPeer](class_packetpeer) | | [StaticBody2D](class_staticbody2d) |
| | [CollisionShape](class_collisionshape) | | [PacketPeerStream](class_packetpeerstream) | | [StreamPeer](class_streampeer) |
| | [CollisionShape2D](class_collisionshape2d) | | [Panel](class_panel) | | [StreamPeerTCP](class_streampeertcp) |
| | [Color](class_color) | | [PanelContainer](class_panelcontainer) | | [StreamPlayer](class_streamplayer) |
| | [ColorArray](class_colorarray) | | [ParallaxBackground](class_parallaxbackground) | | [String](class_string) |
| | [ColorPicker](class_colorpicker) | | [ParallaxLayer](class_parallaxlayer) | | [StringArray](class_stringarray) |
| | [ColorPickerButton](class_colorpickerbutton) | | [ParticleAttractor2D](class_particleattractor2d) | | [StyleBox](class_stylebox) |
| | [ConcavePolygonShape](class_concavepolygonshape) | | [ParticleSystemMaterial](class_particlesystemmaterial) | | [StyleBoxEmpty](class_styleboxempty) |
| | [ConcavePolygonShape2D](class_concavepolygonshape2d) | | [Particles](class_particles) | | [StyleBoxFlat](class_styleboxflat) |
| | [ConfigFile](class_configfile) | | [Particles2D](class_particles2d) | | [StyleBoxImageMask](class_styleboximagemask) |
| | [ConfirmationDialog](class_confirmationdialog) | | [Path](class_path) | | [StyleBoxTexture](class_styleboxtexture) |
| | [Container](class_container) | | [Path2D](class_path2d) | | [SurfaceTool](class_surfacetool) |
| | [Control](class_control) | | [PathFollow](class_pathfollow) | **T** | [TCP_Server](class_tcp_server) |
| | [ConvexPolygonShape](class_convexpolygonshape) | | [PathRemap](class_pathremap) | | [TabContainer](class_tabcontainer) |
| | [ConvexPolygonShape2D](class_convexpolygonshape2d) | | [Performance](class_performance) | | [Tabs](class_tabs) |
| | [CubeMap](class_cubemap) | | [Physics2DDirectBodyState](class_physics2ddirectbodystate) | | [TestCube](class_testcube) |
| | [Curve2D](class_curve2d) | | [Physics2DDirectBodyStateSW](class_physics2ddirectbodystatesw) | | [TextEdit](class_textedit) |
| | [Curve3D](class_curve3d) | | [Physics2DDirectSpaceState](class_physics2ddirectspacestate) | | [Texture](class_texture) |
| **D** | [DampedSpringJoint2D](class_dampedspringjoint2d) | | [Physics2DServer](class_physics2dserver) | | [TextureButton](class_texturebutton) |
| | [Dictionary](class_dictionary) | | [Physics2DServerSW](class_physics2dserversw) | | [TextureFrame](class_textureframe) |
| | [DirectionalLight](class_directionallight) | | [Physics2DShapeQueryResult](class_physics2dshapequeryresult) | | [TextureProgress](class_textureprogress) |
| | [Directory](class_directory) | | [PhysicsBody](class_physicsbody) | | [Theme](class_theme) |
| **E** | [EditableShape](class_editableshape) | | [PhysicsBody2D](class_physicsbody2d) | | [Thread](class_thread) |
| | [EditableSphere](class_editablesphere) | | [PhysicsDirectBodyState](class_physicsdirectbodystate) | | [TileMap](class_tilemap) |
| | [EditorImportPlugin](class_editorimportplugin) | | [PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW](class_physicsdirectbodystatesw) | | [TileSet](class_tileset) |
| | [EditorPlugin](class_editorplugin) | | [PhysicsDirectSpaceState](class_physicsdirectspacestate) | | [Timer](class_timer) |
| | [EditorScenePostImport](class_editorscenepostimport) | | [PhysicsServer](class_physicsserver) | | [TouchScreenButton](class_touchscreenbutton) |
| | [EditorScript](class_editorscript) | | [PhysicsServerSW](class_physicsserversw) | | [Transform](class_transform) |
| | [EmptyControl](class_emptycontrol) | | [PhysicsShapeQueryResult](class_physicsshapequeryresult) | | [Translation](class_translation) |
| | [Environment](class_environment) | | [PinJoint2D](class_pinjoint2d) | | [TranslationServer](class_translationserver) |
| | [EventPlayer](class_eventplayer) | | [Plane](class_plane) | | [Tree](class_tree) |
| | [EventStream](class_eventstream) | | [PlaneShape](class_planeshape) | | [TreeItem](class_treeitem) |
| | [EventStreamChibi](class_eventstreamchibi) | | [Popup](class_popup) | **U** | [UnshadedMaterial](class_unshadedmaterial) |
| **F** | [File](class_file) | | [PopupDialog](class_popupdialog) | **V** | [VBoxContainer](class_vboxcontainer) |
| | [FileDialog](class_filedialog) | | [PopupMenu](class_popupmenu) | | [VButtonArray](class_vbuttonarray) |
| | [FixedMaterial](class_fixedmaterial) | | [PopupPanel](class_popuppanel) | | [VScrollBar](class_vscrollbar) |
| | [FollowCamera](class_followcamera) | | [Portal](class_portal) | | [VSeparator](class_vseparator) |
| | [Font](class_font) | | [Position2D](class_position2d) | | [VSlider](class_vslider) |
| **G** | [GDNativeClass](class_gdnativeclass) | | [Position3D](class_position3d) | | [VSplitContainer](class_vsplitcontainer) |
| | [GDScript](class_gdscript) | | [ProgressBar](class_progressbar) | | [Vector2](class_vector2) |
| | [Geometry](class_geometry) | | [ProximityGroup](class_proximitygroup) | | [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) |
| | [GeometryInstance](class_geometryinstance) | **Q** | [Quad](class_quad) | | [Vector3](class_vector3) |
| | [Globals](class_globals) | | [Quat](class_quat) | | [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) |
| | [GridContainer](class_gridcontainer) | **R** | [RID](class_rid) | | [VideoPlayer](class_videoplayer) |
| | [GridMap](class_gridmap) | | [Range](class_range) | | [VideoStream](class_videostream) |
| | [GrooveJoint2D](class_groovejoint2d) | | [RawArray](class_rawarray) | | [VideoStreamTheora](class_videostreamtheora) |
| **H** | [HBoxContainer](class_hboxcontainer) | | [RayCast](class_raycast) | | [Viewport](class_viewport) |
| | [HButtonArray](class_hbuttonarray) | | [RayCast2D](class_raycast2d) | | [VisibilityEnabler](class_visibilityenabler) |
| | [HScrollBar](class_hscrollbar) | | [RayShape](class_rayshape) | | [VisibilityEnabler2D](class_visibilityenabler2d) |
| | [HSeparator](class_hseparator) | | [RayShape2D](class_rayshape2d) | | [VisibilityNotifier](class_visibilitynotifier) |
| | [HSlider](class_hslider) | | [RealArray](class_realarray) | | [VisibilityNotifier2D](class_visibilitynotifier2d) |
| | [HSplitContainer](class_hsplitcontainer) | | [Rect2](class_rect2) | | [VisualInstance](class_visualinstance) |
| | [HTTPClient](class_httpclient) | | [RectangleShape2D](class_rectangleshape2d) | | [VisualServer](class_visualserver) |
| **I** | [IP](class_ip) | | [Reference](class_reference) | **W** | [WindowDialog](class_windowdialog) |
| | [IP_Unix](class_ip_unix) | | [ReferenceFrame](class_referenceframe) | | [World](class_world) |
| | [Image](class_image) | | [RegEx](class_regex) | | [World2D](class_world2d) |
| | [ImagePathFinder](class_imagepathfinder) | | [RemoteTransform2D](class_remotetransform2d) | | [WorldEnvironment](class_worldenvironment) |
| | [ImageTexture](class_imagetexture) | | [RenderTargetTexture](class_rendertargettexture) | **X** | [XMLParser](class_xmlparser) |
| | [Input](class_input) | | [Resource](class_resource) | **b** | [bool](class_bool) |
| | [InputDefault](class_inputdefault) | | [ResourceImportMetadata](class_resourceimportmetadata) | **i** | [int](class_int) |
| | [InputEvent](class_inputevent) | | [ResourceInteractiveLoader](class_resourceinteractiveloader) | **r** | [real](class_real) |
| | [InputEventAction](class_inputeventaction) | | [ResourceLoader](class_resourceloader) |
| **@** | [@GDScript](class_@gdscript) | | [InputEventJoyMotion](class_inputeventjoymotion) | | [ResourceSaver](class_resourcesaver) |
| | [@Global Scope](class_@global scope) | | [InputEventKey](class_inputeventkey) | | [RichTextLabel](class_richtextlabel) |
| **A** | [AABB](class_aabb) | | [InputEventMouseButton](class_inputeventmousebutton) | | [RigidBody](class_rigidbody) |
| | [AcceptDialog](class_acceptdialog) | | [InputEventMouseMotion](class_inputeventmousemotion) | | [RigidBody2D](class_rigidbody2d) |
| | [AnimatedSprite](class_animatedsprite) | | [InputEventScreenDrag](class_inputeventscreendrag) | | [Room](class_room) |
| | [Animation](class_animation) | | [InputEventScreenTouch](class_inputeventscreentouch) | | [RoomBounds](class_roombounds) |
| | [AnimationPlayer](class_animationplayer) | | [InputMap](class_inputmap) | **S** | [Sample](class_sample) |
| | [AnimationTreePlayer](class_animationtreeplayer) | | [IntArray](class_intarray) | | [SampleLibrary](class_samplelibrary) |
| | [Area](class_area) | | [InterpolatedCamera](class_interpolatedcamera) | | [SamplePlayer](class_sampleplayer) |
| | [Area2D](class_area2d) | **J** | [Joint2D](class_joint2d) | | [SamplePlayer2D](class_sampleplayer2d) |
| | [Array](class_array) | **K** | [KinematicBody2D](class_kinematicbody2d) | | [SceneIO](class_sceneio) |
| | [AtlasTexture](class_atlastexture) | **L** | [Label](class_label) | | [SceneInteractiveLoader](class_sceneinteractiveloader) |
| | [AudioServer](class_audioserver) | | [LargeTexture](class_largetexture) | | [SceneMainLoop](class_scenemainloop) |
| | [AudioServerSW](class_audioserversw) | | [Light](class_light) | | [ScenePreloader](class_scenepreloader) |
| | [AudioStream](class_audiostream) | | [LineEdit](class_lineedit) | | [Script](class_script) |
| | [AudioStreamGibberish](class_audiostreamgibberish) | | [LineShape2D](class_lineshape2d) | | [ScrollBar](class_scrollbar) |
| | [AudioStreamMPC](class_audiostreammpc) | **M** | [MainLoop](class_mainloop) | | [ScrollContainer](class_scrollcontainer) |
| | [AudioStreamOGGVorbis](class_audiostreamoggvorbis) | | [MarginContainer](class_margincontainer) | | [SegmentShape2D](class_segmentshape2d) |
| | [AudioStreamResampled](class_audiostreamresampled) | | [Marshalls](class_marshalls) | | [Semaphore](class_semaphore) |
| | [AudioStreamSpeex](class_audiostreamspeex) | | [Material](class_material) | | [Separator](class_separator) |
| **B** | [BaseButton](class_basebutton) | | [Matrix3](class_matrix3) | | [Shader](class_shader) |
| | [BitMap](class_bitmap) | | [Matrix32](class_matrix32) | | [ShaderMaterial](class_shadermaterial) |
| | [BoneAttachment](class_boneattachment) | | [MenuButton](class_menubutton) | | [Shape](class_shape) |
| | [BoxContainer](class_boxcontainer) | | [Mesh](class_mesh) | | [Shape2D](class_shape2d) |
| | [BoxShape](class_boxshape) | | [MeshDataTool](class_meshdatatool) | | [Skeleton](class_skeleton) |
| | [Button](class_button) | | [MeshInstance](class_meshinstance) | | [Slider](class_slider) |
| | [ButtonArray](class_buttonarray) | | [MeshLibrary](class_meshlibrary) | | [SoundPlayer2D](class_soundplayer2d) |
| | [ButtonGroup](class_buttongroup) | | [MultiMesh](class_multimesh) | | [SoundRoomParams](class_soundroomparams) |
| **C** | [Camera](class_camera) | | [MultiMeshInstance](class_multimeshinstance) | | [Spatial](class_spatial) |
| | [Camera2D](class_camera2d) | | [Mutex](class_mutex) | | [SpatialPlayer](class_spatialplayer) |
| | [CanvasItem](class_canvasitem) | **N** | [Nil](class_nil) | | [SpatialSamplePlayer](class_spatialsampleplayer) |
| | [CanvasLayer](class_canvaslayer) | | [Node](class_node) | | [SpatialSound2DServer](class_spatialsound2dserver) |
| | [CapsuleShape](class_capsuleshape) | | [Node2D](class_node2d) | | [SpatialSound2DServerSW](class_spatialsound2dserversw) |
| | [CapsuleShape2D](class_capsuleshape2d) | | [NodePath](class_nodepath) | | [SpatialSoundServer](class_spatialsoundserver) |
| | [CarBody](class_carbody) | **O** | [OS](class_os) | | [SpatialSoundServerSW](class_spatialsoundserversw) |
| | [CarWheel](class_carwheel) | | [Object](class_object) | | [SpatialStreamPlayer](class_spatialstreamplayer) |
| | [CenterContainer](class_centercontainer) | | [OmniLight](class_omnilight) | | [SphereShape](class_sphereshape) |
| | [CheckButton](class_checkbutton) | | [OptionButton](class_optionbutton) | | [SpinBox](class_spinbox) |
| | [CircleShape2D](class_circleshape2d) | **P** | [PHashTranslation](class_phashtranslation) | | [SplitContainer](class_splitcontainer) |
| | [CollisionObject](class_collisionobject) | | [PackedDataContainer](class_packeddatacontainer) | | [SpotLight](class_spotlight) |
| | [CollisionObject2D](class_collisionobject2d) | | [PackedDataContainerRef](class_packeddatacontainerref) | | [Sprite](class_sprite) |
| | [CollisionPolygon2D](class_collisionpolygon2d) | | [PackedScene](class_packedscene) | | [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) |
| | [CollisionShape](class_collisionshape) | | [PacketPeer](class_packetpeer) | | [StaticBody](class_staticbody) |
| | [CollisionShape2D](class_collisionshape2d) | | [PacketPeerStream](class_packetpeerstream) | | [StaticBody2D](class_staticbody2d) |
| | [Color](class_color) | | [Panel](class_panel) | | [StreamPeer](class_streampeer) |
| | [ColorArray](class_colorarray) | | [PanelContainer](class_panelcontainer) | | [StreamPeerTCP](class_streampeertcp) |
| | [ColorPicker](class_colorpicker) | | [ParallaxBackground](class_parallaxbackground) | | [StreamPlayer](class_streamplayer) |
| | [ColorPickerButton](class_colorpickerbutton) | | [ParallaxLayer](class_parallaxlayer) | | [String](class_string) |
| | [ConcavePolygonShape](class_concavepolygonshape) | | [ParticleAttractor2D](class_particleattractor2d) | | [StringArray](class_stringarray) |
| | [ConcavePolygonShape2D](class_concavepolygonshape2d) | | [ParticleSystemMaterial](class_particlesystemmaterial) | | [StyleBox](class_stylebox) |
| | [ConfigFile](class_configfile) | | [Particles](class_particles) | | [StyleBoxEmpty](class_styleboxempty) |
| | [ConfirmationDialog](class_confirmationdialog) | | [Particles2D](class_particles2d) | | [StyleBoxFlat](class_styleboxflat) |
| | [Container](class_container) | | [Path](class_path) | | [StyleBoxImageMask](class_styleboximagemask) |
| | [Control](class_control) | | [Path2D](class_path2d) | | [StyleBoxTexture](class_styleboxtexture) |
| | [ConvexPolygonShape](class_convexpolygonshape) | | [PathFollow](class_pathfollow) | | [SurfaceTool](class_surfacetool) |
| | [ConvexPolygonShape2D](class_convexpolygonshape2d) | | [PathRemap](class_pathremap) | **T** | [TCP_Server](class_tcp_server) |
| | [CubeMap](class_cubemap) | | [Performance](class_performance) | | [TabContainer](class_tabcontainer) |
| | [Curve2D](class_curve2d) | | [Physics2DDirectBodyState](class_physics2ddirectbodystate) | | [Tabs](class_tabs) |
| | [Curve3D](class_curve3d) | | [Physics2DDirectBodyStateSW](class_physics2ddirectbodystatesw) | | [TestCube](class_testcube) |
| **D** | [DampedSpringJoint2D](class_dampedspringjoint2d) | | [Physics2DDirectSpaceState](class_physics2ddirectspacestate) | | [TextEdit](class_textedit) |
| | [Dictionary](class_dictionary) | | [Physics2DServer](class_physics2dserver) | | [Texture](class_texture) |
| | [DirectionalLight](class_directionallight) | | [Physics2DServerSW](class_physics2dserversw) | | [TextureButton](class_texturebutton) |
| | [Directory](class_directory) | | [Physics2DShapeQueryResult](class_physics2dshapequeryresult) | | [TextureFrame](class_textureframe) |
| **E** | [EditableShape](class_editableshape) | | [PhysicsBody](class_physicsbody) | | [TextureProgress](class_textureprogress) |
| | [EditableSphere](class_editablesphere) | | [PhysicsBody2D](class_physicsbody2d) | | [Theme](class_theme) |
| | [EditorImportPlugin](class_editorimportplugin) | | [PhysicsDirectBodyState](class_physicsdirectbodystate) | | [Thread](class_thread) |
| | [EditorPlugin](class_editorplugin) | | [PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW](class_physicsdirectbodystatesw) | | [TileMap](class_tilemap) |
| | [EditorScenePostImport](class_editorscenepostimport) | | [PhysicsDirectSpaceState](class_physicsdirectspacestate) | | [TileSet](class_tileset) |
| | [EditorScript](class_editorscript) | | [PhysicsServer](class_physicsserver) | | [Timer](class_timer) |
| | [EmptyControl](class_emptycontrol) | | [PhysicsServerSW](class_physicsserversw) | | [TouchScreenButton](class_touchscreenbutton) |
| | [Environment](class_environment) | | [PhysicsShapeQueryResult](class_physicsshapequeryresult) | | [Transform](class_transform) |
| | [EventPlayer](class_eventplayer) | | [PinJoint2D](class_pinjoint2d) | | [Translation](class_translation) |
| | [EventStream](class_eventstream) | | [Plane](class_plane) | | [TranslationServer](class_translationserver) |
| | [EventStreamChibi](class_eventstreamchibi) | | [PlaneShape](class_planeshape) | | [Tree](class_tree) |
| **F** | [File](class_file) | | [Popup](class_popup) | | [TreeItem](class_treeitem) |
| | [FileDialog](class_filedialog) | | [PopupDialog](class_popupdialog) | **U** | [UnshadedMaterial](class_unshadedmaterial) |
| | [FixedMaterial](class_fixedmaterial) | | [PopupMenu](class_popupmenu) | **V** | [VBoxContainer](class_vboxcontainer) |
| | [FollowCamera](class_followcamera) | | [PopupPanel](class_popuppanel) | | [VButtonArray](class_vbuttonarray) |
| | [Font](class_font) | | [Portal](class_portal) | | [VScrollBar](class_vscrollbar) |
| | [FuncRef](class_funcref) | | [Position2D](class_position2d) | | [VSeparator](class_vseparator) |
| **G** | [GDNativeClass](class_gdnativeclass) | | [Position3D](class_position3d) | | [VSlider](class_vslider) |
| | [GDScript](class_gdscript) | | [ProgressBar](class_progressbar) | | [VSplitContainer](class_vsplitcontainer) |
| | [Geometry](class_geometry) | | [ProximityGroup](class_proximitygroup) | | [Vector2](class_vector2) |
| | [GeometryInstance](class_geometryinstance) | **Q** | [Quad](class_quad) | | [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) |
| | [Globals](class_globals) | | [Quat](class_quat) | | [Vector3](class_vector3) |
| | [GridContainer](class_gridcontainer) | **R** | [RID](class_rid) | | [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) |
| | [GridMap](class_gridmap) | | [Range](class_range) | | [VideoPlayer](class_videoplayer) |
| | [GrooveJoint2D](class_groovejoint2d) | | [RawArray](class_rawarray) | | [VideoStream](class_videostream) |
| **H** | [HBoxContainer](class_hboxcontainer) | | [RayCast](class_raycast) | | [VideoStreamTheora](class_videostreamtheora) |
| | [HButtonArray](class_hbuttonarray) | | [RayCast2D](class_raycast2d) | | [Viewport](class_viewport) |
| | [HScrollBar](class_hscrollbar) | | [RayShape](class_rayshape) | | [VisibilityEnabler](class_visibilityenabler) |
| | [HSeparator](class_hseparator) | | [RayShape2D](class_rayshape2d) | | [VisibilityEnabler2D](class_visibilityenabler2d) |
| | [HSlider](class_hslider) | | [RealArray](class_realarray) | | [VisibilityNotifier](class_visibilitynotifier) |
| | [HSplitContainer](class_hsplitcontainer) | | [Rect2](class_rect2) | | [VisibilityNotifier2D](class_visibilitynotifier2d) |
| | [HTTPClient](class_httpclient) | | [RectangleShape2D](class_rectangleshape2d) | | [VisualInstance](class_visualinstance) |
| **I** | [IP](class_ip) | | [Reference](class_reference) | | [VisualServer](class_visualserver) |
| | [IP_Unix](class_ip_unix) | | [ReferenceFrame](class_referenceframe) | **W** | [WindowDialog](class_windowdialog) |
| | [Image](class_image) | | [RegEx](class_regex) | | [World](class_world) |
| | [ImagePathFinder](class_imagepathfinder) | | [RemoteTransform2D](class_remotetransform2d) | | [World2D](class_world2d) |
| | [ImageTexture](class_imagetexture) | | [RenderTargetTexture](class_rendertargettexture) | | [WorldEnvironment](class_worldenvironment) |
| | [Input](class_input) | | [Resource](class_resource) | **X** | [XMLParser](class_xmlparser) |
| | [InputDefault](class_inputdefault) | | [ResourceImportMetadata](class_resourceimportmetadata) | **b** | [bool](class_bool) |
| | [InputEvent](class_inputevent) | | [ResourceInteractiveLoader](class_resourceinteractiveloader) | **f** | [float](class_float) |
| | [InputEventAction](class_inputeventaction) | | [ResourceLoader](class_resourceloader) | **i** | [int](class_int) |
| | [InputEventJoyButton](class_inputeventjoybutton) | | [ResourcePreloader](class_resourcepreloader) |
| | [InputEventJoyMotion](class_inputeventjoymotion) | | [ResourceSaver](class_resourcesaver) |
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ Abstract base [Resource](class_resource) for coloring and shading geometry.
* [int](class_int) **[get_blend_mode](#get_blend_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_shade_model](#set_shade_model)** **(** [int](class_int) model **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_shade_model](#get_shade_model)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_line_width](#set_line_width)** **(** [real](class_real) width **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_line_width](#get_line_width)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_line_width](#set_line_width)** **(** [float](class_float) width **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_line_width](#get_line_width)** **(** **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **FLAG_VISIBLE** = **0** - Geometry is visible when this flag is enabled (default).
@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ Set blend mode for the material, which can be one of BLEND_MODE_MIX (default), B
Return blend mode for the material, which can be one of BLEND_MODE_MIX (default), BLEND_MODE_ADD, BLEND_MODE_SUB. Keep in mind that only BLEND_MODE_MIX ensures that the material _may_ be opaque, any other blend mode will render with alpha blending enabled in raster-based [VisualServer](class_visualserver) implementations.
#### <a name="set_line_width">set_line_width</a>
* void **set_line_width** **(** [real](class_real) width **)**
* void **set_line_width** **(** [float](class_float) width **)**
Set the line width for geometry drawn with FLAG_WIREFRAME enabled, or LINE primitives. Note that not all hardware or VisualServer backends support this (like DirectX).
#### <a name="get_line_width">get_line_width</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_line_width** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_line_width** **(** **)** const
Return the line width for geometry drawn with FLAG_WIREFRAME enabled, or LINE primitives. Note that not all hardware or VisualServer backends support this (like DirectX).
@ -5,21 +5,22 @@
3x3 matrix datatype.
### Member Functions
* [real](class_real) **[determinant](#determinant)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[determinant](#determinant)** **(** **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_euler](#get_euler)** **(** **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_orthogonal_index](#get_orthogonal_index)** **(** **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_scale](#get_scale)** **(** **)**
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **[inverse](#inverse)** **(** **)**
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **[orthonormalized](#orthonormalized)** **(** **)**
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **[rotated](#rotated)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) axis, [real](class_real) phi **)**
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **[rotated](#rotated)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) axis, [float](class_float) phi **)**
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **[scaled](#scaled)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) scale **)**
* [real](class_real) **[tdotx](#tdotx)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) with **)**
* [real](class_real) **[tdoty](#tdoty)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) with **)**
* [real](class_real) **[tdotz](#tdotz)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) with **)**
* [float](class_float) **[tdotx](#tdotx)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) with **)**
* [float](class_float) **[tdoty](#tdoty)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) with **)**
* [float](class_float) **[tdotz](#tdotz)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) with **)**
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **[transposed](#transposed)** **(** **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[xform](#xform)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) v **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[xform_inv](#xform_inv)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) v **)**
* void **[Matrix3](#Matrix3)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) x_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) y_axis, [Vector3](class_vector3) z_axis **)**
* void **[Matrix3](#Matrix3)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) axis, [real](class_real) phi **)**
* void **[Matrix3](#Matrix3)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) axis, [float](class_float) phi **)**
* void **[Matrix3](#Matrix3)** **(** [Quat](class_quat) from **)**
### Member Variables
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="determinant">determinant</a>
* [real](class_real) **determinant** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **determinant** **(** **)**
Return the determinant of the matrix.
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ Return the affine inverse of the matrix.
Return the orthonormalized version of the matrix (useful to call from time to time to avoid rounding error).
#### <a name="rotated">rotated</a>
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **rotated** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) axis, [real](class_real) phi **)**
* [Matrix3](class_matrix3) **rotated** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) axis, [float](class_float) phi **)**
Return the rotated version of the matrix, by a given axis and angle.
@ -63,17 +64,17 @@ Return the rotated version of the matrix, by a given axis and angle.
Return the scaled version of the matrix, by a 3D scale.
#### <a name="tdotx">tdotx</a>
* [real](class_real) **tdotx** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) with **)**
* [float](class_float) **tdotx** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) with **)**
Transposed dot product with the x axis of the matrix.
#### <a name="tdoty">tdoty</a>
* [real](class_real) **tdoty** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) with **)**
* [float](class_float) **tdoty** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) with **)**
Transposed dot product with the y axis of the matrix.
#### <a name="tdotz">tdotz</a>
* [real](class_real) **tdotz** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) with **)**
* [float](class_float) **tdotz** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) with **)**
Transposed dot product with the z axis of the matrix.
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ Return a vector transformed by the transposed matrix and return it.
Create a matrix from 3 axis vectors.
#### <a name="Matrix3">Matrix3</a>
* void **Matrix3** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) axis, [real](class_real) phi **)**
* void **Matrix3** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) axis, [float](class_float) phi **)**
Create a matrix from 3 axis vectors.
@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
### Member Functions
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[affine_inverse](#affine_inverse)** **(** **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_origin](#get_origin)** **(** **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_rotation](#get_rotation)** **(** **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[interpolate_with](#interpolate_with)** **(** [Matrix32](class_matrix32) m, [real](class_real) c **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_rotation](#get_rotation)** **(** **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[interpolate_with](#interpolate_with)** **(** [Matrix32](class_matrix32) m, [float](class_float) c **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[inverse](#inverse)** **(** **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[orthonormalized](#orthonormalized)** **(** **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[rotated](#rotated)** **(** [real](class_real) phi **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[rotated](#rotated)** **(** [float](class_float) phi **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[scaled](#scaled)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) scale **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[translated](#translated)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) offset **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[xform](#xform)** **(** var v **)**
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
* void **[Matrix32](#Matrix32)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) x_axis, [Vector2](class_vector2) y_axis, [Vector2](class_vector2) origin **)**
### Member Variables
* [real](class_real) **x**
* [real](class_real) **y**
* [real](class_real) **o**
* [float](class_float) **x**
* [float](class_float) **y**
* [float](class_float) **o**
### Description
3x2 Matrix for 2D transforms.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
### Member Functions
* void **[Nil](#Nil)** **(** [bool](class_bool) from **)**
* void **[Nil](#Nil)** **(** [int](class_int) from **)**
* void **[Nil](#Nil)** **(** [real](class_real) from **)**
* void **[Nil](#Nil)** **(** [float](class_float) from **)**
* void **[Nil](#Nil)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
* void **[Nil](#Nil)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) from **)**
* void **[Nil](#Nil)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) from **)**
@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ Base class for all the "Scene" elements.
### Member Functions
* void **[_enter_scene](#_enter_scene)** **(** **)** virtual
* void **[_exit_scene](#_exit_scene)** **(** **)** virtual
* void **[_fixed_process](#_fixed_process)** **(** [real](class_real) delta **)** virtual
* void **[_fixed_process](#_fixed_process)** **(** [float](class_float) delta **)** virtual
* void **[_input](#_input)** **(** [InputEvent](class_inputevent) event **)** virtual
* void **[_process](#_process)** **(** [real](class_real) delta **)** virtual
* void **[_process](#_process)** **(** [float](class_float) delta **)** virtual
* void **[_ready](#_ready)** **(** **)** virtual
* void **[_unhandled_input](#_unhandled_input)** **(** [InputEvent](class_inputevent) event **)** virtual
* void **[_unhandled_key_input](#_unhandled_key_input)** **(** [InputEvent](class_inputevent) key_event **)** virtual
@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ Base class for all the "Scene" elements.
* [String](class_string) **[get_filename](#get_filename)** **(** **)** const
* void **[propagate_notification](#propagate_notification)** **(** [int](class_int) what **)**
* void **[set_fixed_process](#set_fixed_process)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_fixed_process_delta_time](#get_fixed_process_delta_time)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_fixed_process_delta_time](#get_fixed_process_delta_time)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_fixed_processing](#is_fixed_processing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_process](#set_process)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_process_delta_time](#get_process_delta_time)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_process_delta_time](#get_process_delta_time)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_processing](#is_processing)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_process_input](#set_process_input)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_processing_input](#is_processing_input)** **(** **)** const
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Called when entered the scene.
Called when being removed from the scene.
#### <a name="_fixed_process">_fixed_process</a>
* void **_fixed_process** **(** [real](class_real) delta **)** virtual
* void **_fixed_process** **(** [float](class_float) delta **)** virtual
Called for fixed processing (synced to the physics).
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Called for fixed processing (synced to the physics).
Called when any input happens (also must enable with [set_process_input](#set_process_input) or the property).
#### <a name="_process">_process</a>
* void **_process** **(** [real](class_real) delta **)** virtual
* void **_process** **(** [float](class_float) delta **)** virtual
Called for processing. This is called every frame, with the delta time from the previous frame.
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ Notify the current node and all its chldren recursively by calling notification(
Enables or disables node fixed framerate processing. When a node is being processed, it will receive a NOTIFICATION_PROCESS at a fixed (usually 60fps, check [OS](class_os) to change that) interval (and the [_fixed_process](#_fixed_process) callback will be called if exists). It is common to check how much time was elapsed since the previous frame by calling [get_fixed_process_time](#get_fixed_process_time).
#### <a name="get_fixed_process_delta_time">get_fixed_process_delta_time</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_fixed_process_delta_time** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_fixed_process_delta_time** **(** **)** const
Return the time elapsed since the last fixed frame. This is always the same in fixed proecssing unless the frames per second is changed in [OS](class_os).
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Return true if fixed processing is enabled (see [set_fixed_process](#set
Enables or disables node processing. When a node is being processed, it will receive a NOTIFICATION_PROCESS on every drawn frame (and the [_process](#_process) callback will be called if exists). It is common to check how much time was elapsed since the previous frame by calling [get_process_time](#get_process_time).
#### <a name="get_process_delta_time">get_process_delta_time</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_process_delta_time** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_process_delta_time** **(** **)** const
Return the time elapsed (in seconds) since the last process callback. This is almost always different each time.
@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ Base node for 2D system.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_pos](#set_pos)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos **)**
* void **[set_rot](#set_rot)** **(** [real](class_real) rot **)**
* void **[set_rot](#set_rot)** **(** [float](class_float) rot **)**
* void **[set_scale](#set_scale)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) scale **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_rot](#get_rot)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_rot](#get_rot)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_scale](#get_scale)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_global_pos](#get_global_pos)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_transform](#set_transform)** **(** [Matrix32](class_matrix32) xform **)**
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Base node for 2D system. Node2D contains a position, rotation and scale, which i
Set the position of the 2d node.
#### <a name="set_rot">set_rot</a>
* void **set_rot** **(** [real](class_real) rot **)**
* void **set_rot** **(** [float](class_float) rot **)**
Set the rotation of the 2d node.
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Set the scale of the 2d node.
Return the position of the 2D node.
#### <a name="get_rot">get_rot</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_rot** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_rot** **(** **)** const
Return the rotation of the 2D node.
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
Operating System functions.
### Member Functions
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_mouse_pos](#get_mouse_pos)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_clipboard](#set_clipboard)** **(** [String](class_string) clipboard **)**
* [String](class_string) **[get_clipboard](#get_clipboard)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_video_mode](#set_video_mode)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) size, [bool](class_bool) fullscreen, [bool](class_bool) resizable, [int](class_int) screen=0 **)**
@ -16,6 +15,8 @@ Operating System functions.
* [Array](class_array) **[get_fullscreen_mode_list](#get_fullscreen_mode_list)** **(** [int](class_int) screen=0 **)** const
* void **[set_iterations_per_second](#set_iterations_per_second)** **(** [int](class_int) iterations_per_second **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_iterations_per_second](#get_iterations_per_second)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_target_fps](#set_target_fps)** **(** [int](class_int) target_fps **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_target_fps](#get_target_fps)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_touchscreen_ui_hint](#has_touchscreen_ui_hint)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_low_processor_usage_mode](#set_low_processor_usage_mode)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_in_low_processor_usage_mode](#is_in_low_processor_usage_mode)** **(** **)** const
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ Operating System functions.
* [int](class_int) **[execute](#execute)** **(** [String](class_string) path, [StringArray](class_stringarray) arguments, [bool](class_bool) blocking **)**
* [int](class_int) **[kill](#kill)** **(** [int](class_int) pid **)**
* [int](class_int) **[shell_open](#shell_open)** **(** [String](class_string) uri **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_process_ID](#get_process_ID)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_environment](#get_environment)** **(** [String](class_string) environment **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_environment](#has_environment)** **(** [String](class_string) environment **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_name](#get_name)** **(** **)** const
@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ Operating System functions.
* [bool](class_bool) **[can_draw](#can_draw)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_frames_drawn](#get_frames_drawn)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_stdout_verbose](#is_stdout_verbose)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_mouse_button_state](#get_mouse_button_state)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[can_use_threads](#can_use_threads)** **(** **)** const
* void **[dump_memory_to_file](#dump_memory_to_file)** **(** [String](class_string) file **)**
* void **[dump_resources_to_file](#dump_resources_to_file)** **(** [String](class_string) file **)**
* void **[print_resources_in_use](#print_resources_in_use)** **(** [bool](class_bool) short=false **)**
@ -52,8 +54,12 @@ Operating System functions.
* [int](class_int) **[get_dynamic_memory_usage](#get_dynamic_memory_usage)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_data_dir](#get_data_dir)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_unique_ID](#get_unique_ID)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_frames_per_second](#get_frames_per_second)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_frames_per_second](#get_frames_per_second)** **(** **)** const
* void **[print_all_textures_by_size](#print_all_textures_by_size)** **(** **)**
* [int](class_int) **[native_video_play](#native_video_play)** **(** [String](class_string) arg0 **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[native_video_is_playing](#native_video_is_playing)** **(** **)**
* void **[native_video_stop](#native_video_stop)** **(** **)**
* void **[native_video_pause](#native_video_pause)** **(** **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **DAY_SUNDAY** = **0**
@ -90,11 +96,6 @@ Operating System functions. OS Wraps the most common functionality to communicat
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="get_mouse_pos">get_mouse_pos</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get_mouse_pos** **(** **)** const
Return the mouse pos.
#### <a name="set_clipboard">set_clipboard</a>
* void **set_clipboard** **(** [String](class_string) clipboard **)**
@ -231,11 +232,6 @@ Return the total amount of frames drawn.
Return true if the engine was executed with -v (verbose stdout).
#### <a name="get_mouse_button_state">get_mouse_button_state</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_mouse_button_state** **(** **)** const
Return the state of the mouse buttons (each button in each bit).
#### <a name="get_static_memory_peak_usage">get_static_memory_peak_usage</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_static_memory_peak_usage** **(** **)** const
@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
### Member Functions
* void **[set_enabled](#set_enabled)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_enabled](#is_enabled)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [real](class_real) radius **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_disable_radius](#set_disable_radius)** **(** [real](class_real) radius **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_disable_radius](#get_disable_radius)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gravity](#set_gravity)** **(** [real](class_real) gravity **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_gravity](#get_gravity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_absorption](#set_absorption)** **(** [real](class_real) absorption **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_absorption](#get_absorption)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_disable_radius](#set_disable_radius)** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_disable_radius](#get_disable_radius)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gravity](#set_gravity)** **(** [float](class_float) gravity **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_gravity](#get_gravity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_absorption](#set_absorption)** **(** [float](class_float) absorption **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_absorption](#get_absorption)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_particles_path](#set_particles_path)** **(** [NodePath](class_nodepath) path **)**
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **[get_particles_path](#get_particles_path)** **(** **)** const
@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ Particle system 3D Node
* [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) **[get_emission_points](#get_emission_points)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_gravity_normal](#set_gravity_normal)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) normal **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_gravity_normal](#get_gravity_normal)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_variable](#set_variable)** **(** [int](class_int) variable, [real](class_real) value **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_variable](#get_variable)** **(** [int](class_int) variable **)** const
* void **[set_randomness](#set_randomness)** **(** [int](class_int) variable, [real](class_real) randomness **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_randomness](#get_randomness)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* void **[set_color_phase_pos](#set_color_phase_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) phase, [real](class_real) pos **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_color_phase_pos](#get_color_phase_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) phase **)** const
* void **[set_variable](#set_variable)** **(** [int](class_int) variable, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_variable](#get_variable)** **(** [int](class_int) variable **)** const
* void **[set_randomness](#set_randomness)** **(** [int](class_int) variable, [float](class_float) randomness **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_randomness](#get_randomness)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* void **[set_color_phase_pos](#set_color_phase_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) phase, [float](class_float) pos **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_color_phase_pos](#get_color_phase_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) phase **)** const
* void **[set_color_phase_color](#set_color_phase_color)** **(** [int](class_int) phase, [Color](class_color) color **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[get_color_phase_color](#get_color_phase_color)** **(** [int](class_int) phase **)** const
* void **[set_material](#set_material)** **(** [Material](class_material) material **)**
* [Material](class_material) **[get_material](#get_material)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_emit_timeout](#set_emit_timeout)** **(** [real](class_real) arg0 **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_emit_timeout](#get_emit_timeout)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_emit_timeout](#set_emit_timeout)** **(** [float](class_float) arg0 **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_emit_timeout](#get_emit_timeout)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_height_from_velocity](#set_height_from_velocity)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_height_from_velocity](#has_height_from_velocity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_use_local_coordinates](#set_use_local_coordinates)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
@ -111,32 +111,32 @@ Set the normal vector towards where gravity is pulling (by default, negative Y).
Return the normal vector towards where gravity is pulling (by default, negative Y).
#### <a name="set_variable">set_variable</a>
* void **set_variable** **(** [int](class_int) variable, [real](class_real) value **)**
* void **set_variable** **(** [int](class_int) variable, [float](class_float) value **)**
Set a specific variable for the particle system (see VAR_* enum).
#### <a name="get_variable">get_variable</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_variable** **(** [int](class_int) variable **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_variable** **(** [int](class_int) variable **)** const
Return a specific variable for the particle system (see VAR_* enum).
#### <a name="set_randomness">set_randomness</a>
* void **set_randomness** **(** [int](class_int) variable, [real](class_real) randomness **)**
* void **set_randomness** **(** [int](class_int) variable, [float](class_float) randomness **)**
Set the randomness for a specific variable of the particle system. Randomness produces small changes from the default each time a particle is emitted.
#### <a name="get_randomness">get_randomness</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_randomness** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_randomness** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
Return the randomness for a specific variable of the particle system. Randomness produces small changes from the default each time a particle is emitted.
#### <a name="set_color_phase_pos">set_color_phase_pos</a>
* void **set_color_phase_pos** **(** [int](class_int) phase, [real](class_real) pos **)**
* void **set_color_phase_pos** **(** [int](class_int) phase, [float](class_float) pos **)**
Set the position of a color phase (0 to 1)
#### <a name="get_color_phase_pos">get_color_phase_pos</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_color_phase_pos** **(** [int](class_int) phase **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_color_phase_pos** **(** [int](class_int) phase **)** const
Return the position of a color phase (0 to 1)
@ -10,18 +10,18 @@
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_emitting](#is_emitting)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_amount](#set_amount)** **(** [int](class_int) amount **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_amount](#get_amount)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_lifetime](#set_lifetime)** **(** [real](class_real) lifetime **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_lifetime](#get_lifetime)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_time_scale](#set_time_scale)** **(** [real](class_real) time_scale **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_time_scale](#get_time_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_pre_process_time](#set_pre_process_time)** **(** [real](class_real) time **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_pre_process_time](#get_pre_process_time)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_emit_timeout](#set_emit_timeout)** **(** [real](class_real) value **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_emit_timeout](#get_emit_timeout)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_param](#set_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [real](class_real) value **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_param](#get_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[set_randomness](#set_randomness)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [real](class_real) value **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_randomness](#get_randomness)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[set_lifetime](#set_lifetime)** **(** [float](class_float) lifetime **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_lifetime](#get_lifetime)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_time_scale](#set_time_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) time_scale **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_time_scale](#get_time_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_pre_process_time](#set_pre_process_time)** **(** [float](class_float) time **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_pre_process_time](#get_pre_process_time)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_emit_timeout](#set_emit_timeout)** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_emit_timeout](#get_emit_timeout)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_param](#set_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_param](#get_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[set_randomness](#set_randomness)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_randomness](#get_randomness)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[set_texture](#set_texture)** **(** [Object](class_object) texture **)**
* [Texture](class_texture) **[get_texture](#get_texture)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_emissor_offset](#set_emissor_offset)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) offset **)**
@ -36,15 +36,15 @@
* [int](class_int) **[get_color_phases](#get_color_phases)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_color_phase_color](#set_color_phase_color)** **(** [int](class_int) phase, [Color](class_color) color **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[get_color_phase_color](#get_color_phase_color)** **(** [int](class_int) phase **)** const
* void **[set_color_phase_pos](#set_color_phase_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) phase, [real](class_real) pos **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_color_phase_pos](#get_color_phase_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) phase **)** const
* void **[pre_process](#pre_process)** **(** [real](class_real) time **)**
* void **[set_color_phase_pos](#set_color_phase_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) phase, [float](class_float) pos **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_color_phase_pos](#get_color_phase_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) phase **)** const
* void **[pre_process](#pre_process)** **(** [float](class_float) time **)**
* void **[set_use_local_space](#set_use_local_space)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_using_local_space](#is_using_local_space)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_initial_velocity](#set_initial_velocity)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) velocity **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_initial_velocity](#get_initial_velocity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_explosiveness](#set_explosiveness)** **(** [real](class_real) amount **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_explosiveness](#get_explosiveness)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_explosiveness](#set_explosiveness)** **(** [float](class_float) amount **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_explosiveness](#get_explosiveness)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_emission_points](#set_emission_points)** **(** [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) points **)**
* [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) **[get_emission_points](#get_emission_points)** **(** **)** const
@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
### Member Functions
* void **[set_offset](#set_offset)** **(** [real](class_real) offset **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_offset](#get_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_h_offset](#set_h_offset)** **(** [real](class_real) h_offset **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_h_offset](#get_h_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_v_offset](#set_v_offset)** **(** [real](class_real) v_offset **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_v_offset](#get_v_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_unit_offset](#set_unit_offset)** **(** [real](class_real) unit_offset **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_unit_offset](#get_unit_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_offset](#set_offset)** **(** [float](class_float) offset **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_offset](#get_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_h_offset](#set_h_offset)** **(** [float](class_float) h_offset **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_h_offset](#get_h_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_v_offset](#set_v_offset)** **(** [float](class_float) v_offset **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_v_offset](#get_v_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_unit_offset](#set_unit_offset)** **(** [float](class_float) unit_offset **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_unit_offset](#get_unit_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_rotation_mode](#set_rotation_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) rotation_mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_rotation_mode](#get_rotation_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_cubic_interpolation](#set_cubic_interpolation)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
### Member Functions
* [real](class_real) **[get_monitor](#get_monitor)** **(** [int](class_int) monitor **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_monitor](#get_monitor)** **(** [int](class_int) monitor **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **TIME_FPS** = **0**
@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ Direct access object to a physics body in the [Physics2DServer](class_physics2ds
### Member Functions
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_total_gravity](#get_total_gravity)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_total_density](#get_total_density)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_inverse_mass](#get_inverse_mass)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_inverse_inertia](#get_inverse_inertia)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_total_density](#get_total_density)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_inverse_mass](#get_inverse_mass)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_inverse_inertia](#get_inverse_inertia)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_linear_velocity](#set_linear_velocity)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) velocity **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_linear_velocity](#get_linear_velocity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_angular_velocity](#set_angular_velocity)** **(** [real](class_real) velocity **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_angular_velocity](#get_angular_velocity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_angular_velocity](#set_angular_velocity)** **(** [float](class_float) velocity **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_angular_velocity](#get_angular_velocity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_transform](#set_transform)** **(** [Matrix32](class_matrix32) transform **)**
* [Matrix32](class_matrix32) **[get_transform](#get_transform)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_sleep_state](#set_sleep_state)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Direct access object to a physics body in the [Physics2DServer](class_physics2ds
* [Object](class_object) **[get_contact_collider_object](#get_contact_collider_object)** **(** [int](class_int) contact_idx **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_contact_collider_shape](#get_contact_collider_shape)** **(** [int](class_int) contact_idx **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_contact_collider_velocity_at_pos](#get_contact_collider_velocity_at_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) contact_idx **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_step](#get_step)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_step](#get_step)** **(** **)** const
* void **[integrate_forces](#integrate_forces)** **(** **)**
* [Physics2DDirectSpaceState](class_physics2ddirectspacestate) **[get_space_state](#get_space_state)** **(** **)**
@ -43,17 +43,17 @@ Direct access object to a physics body in the [Physics2DServer](class_physics2ds
Return the total gravity vector being currently applied to this body.
#### <a name="get_total_density">get_total_density</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_total_density** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_total_density** **(** **)** const
Return the space density currently being applied to this body.
#### <a name="get_inverse_mass">get_inverse_mass</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_inverse_mass** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_inverse_mass** **(** **)** const
Return the inverse of the mass of the body.
#### <a name="get_inverse_inertia">get_inverse_inertia</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_inverse_inertia** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_inverse_inertia** **(** **)** const
Return the inverse of the inertia of the body.
@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ Change the linear velocity of the body.
Return the current linear velocity of the body.
#### <a name="set_angular_velocity">set_angular_velocity</a>
* void **set_angular_velocity** **(** [real](class_real) velocity **)**
* void **set_angular_velocity** **(** [float](class_float) velocity **)**
Change the angular velocity of the body.
#### <a name="get_angular_velocity">get_angular_velocity</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_angular_velocity** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_angular_velocity** **(** **)** const
Return the angular velocity of the body.
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Return the collider shape index.
Return the linear velocity vector at contact point of the collider.
#### <a name="get_step">get_step</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_step** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_step** **(** **)** const
Return the timestep (delta) used for the simulation.
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ Physics 2D Server.
* [RID](class_rid) **[space_create](#space_create)** **(** **)**
* void **[space_set_active](#space_set_active)** **(** [RID](class_rid) space, [bool](class_bool) active **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[space_is_active](#space_is_active)** **(** [RID](class_rid) space **)** const
* void **[space_set_param](#space_set_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) space, [int](class_int) param, [real](class_real) value **)**
* [real](class_real) **[space_get_param](#space_get_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) space, [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[space_set_param](#space_set_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) space, [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[space_get_param](#space_get_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) space, [int](class_int) param **)** const
* [Physics2DDirectSpaceState](class_physics2ddirectspacestate) **[space_get_direct_state](#space_get_direct_state)** **(** [RID](class_rid) space **)**
* [RID](class_rid) **[area_create](#area_create)** **(** **)**
* void **[area_set_space](#area_set_space)** **(** [RID](class_rid) area, [RID](class_rid) space **)**
@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ Physics 2D Server.
* [int](class_int) **[body_get_object_instance_ID](#body_get_object_instance_ID)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body **)** const
* void **[body_set_continuous_collision_detection_mode](#body_set_continuous_collision_detection_mode)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[body_get_continuous_collision_detection_mode](#body_get_continuous_collision_detection_mode)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body **)** const
* void **[body_set_param](#body_set_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) param, [real](class_real) value **)**
* [real](class_real) **[body_get_param](#body_get_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[body_set_param](#body_set_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[body_get_param](#body_get_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[body_set_state](#body_set_state)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) state, var value **)**
* void **[body_get_state](#body_get_state)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) state **)** const
* void **[body_apply_impulse](#body_apply_impulse)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [Vector2](class_vector2) impulse **)**
@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ Physics 2D Server.
* void **[body_set_omit_force_integration](#body_set_omit_force_integration)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[body_is_omitting_force_integration](#body_is_omitting_force_integration)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body **)** const
* void **[body_set_force_integration_callback](#body_set_force_integration_callback)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [Object](class_object) receiver, [String](class_string) method, var arg3 **)**
* void **[joint_set_param](#joint_set_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) joint, [int](class_int) param, [real](class_real) value **)**
* [real](class_real) **[joint_get_param](#joint_get_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) joint, [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[joint_set_param](#joint_set_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) joint, [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[joint_get_param](#joint_get_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) joint, [int](class_int) param **)** const
* [RID](class_rid) **[pin_joint_create](#pin_joint_create)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) anchor, [RID](class_rid) body_a, [RID](class_rid) body_b=RID() **)**
* [RID](class_rid) **[groove_joint_create](#groove_joint_create)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) groove1_a, [Vector2](class_vector2) groove2_a, [Vector2](class_vector2) anchor_b, [RID](class_rid) body_a=RID(), [RID](class_rid) body_b=RID() **)**
* [RID](class_rid) **[damped_spring_joint_create](#damped_spring_joint_create)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) anchor_a, [Vector2](class_vector2) anchor_b, [RID](class_rid) body_a, [RID](class_rid) body_b=RID() **)**
* void **[damped_string_joint_set_param](#damped_string_joint_set_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) joint, [int](class_int) param, [real](class_real) value=RID() **)**
* [real](class_real) **[damped_string_joint_get_param](#damped_string_joint_get_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) joint, [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[damped_string_joint_set_param](#damped_string_joint_set_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) joint, [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value=RID() **)**
* [float](class_float) **[damped_string_joint_get_param](#damped_string_joint_get_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) joint, [int](class_int) param **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[joint_get_type](#joint_get_type)** **(** [RID](class_rid) joint **)** const
* void **[free](#free)** **(** [RID](class_rid) rid **)**
* void **[set_active](#set_active)** **(** [bool](class_bool) active **)**
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
### Member Functions
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_total_gravity](#get_total_gravity)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_total_density](#get_total_density)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_inverse_mass](#get_inverse_mass)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_total_density](#get_total_density)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_inverse_mass](#get_inverse_mass)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_inverse_inertia](#get_inverse_inertia)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_linear_velocity](#set_linear_velocity)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) velocity **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_linear_velocity](#get_linear_velocity)** **(** **)** const
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
* [Object](class_object) **[get_contact_collider_object](#get_contact_collider_object)** **(** [int](class_int) contact_idx **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_contact_collider_shape](#get_contact_collider_shape)** **(** [int](class_int) contact_idx **)** const
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_contact_collider_velocity_at_pos](#get_contact_collider_velocity_at_pos)** **(** [int](class_int) contact_idx **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_step](#get_step)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_step](#get_step)** **(** **)** const
* void **[integrate_forces](#integrate_forces)** **(** **)**
* [PhysicsDirectSpaceState](class_physicsdirectspacestate) **[get_space_state](#get_space_state)** **(** **)**
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
* [RID](class_rid) **[space_create](#space_create)** **(** **)**
* void **[space_set_active](#space_set_active)** **(** [RID](class_rid) space, [bool](class_bool) active **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[space_is_active](#space_is_active)** **(** [RID](class_rid) space **)** const
* void **[space_set_param](#space_set_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) space, [int](class_int) param, [real](class_real) value **)**
* [real](class_real) **[space_get_param](#space_get_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) space, [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[space_set_param](#space_set_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) space, [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[space_get_param](#space_get_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) space, [int](class_int) param **)** const
* [PhysicsDirectSpaceState](class_physicsdirectspacestate) **[space_get_direct_state](#space_get_direct_state)** **(** [RID](class_rid) space **)**
* [RID](class_rid) **[area_create](#area_create)** **(** **)**
* void **[area_set_space](#area_set_space)** **(** [RID](class_rid) area, [RID](class_rid) space **)**
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
* [int](class_int) **[body_get_object_instance_ID](#body_get_object_instance_ID)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body **)** const
* void **[body_set_enable_continuous_collision_detection](#body_set_enable_continuous_collision_detection)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[body_is_continuous_collision_detection_enabled](#body_is_continuous_collision_detection_enabled)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body **)** const
* void **[body_set_param](#body_set_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) param, [real](class_real) value **)**
* [real](class_real) **[body_get_param](#body_get_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[body_set_param](#body_set_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[body_get_param](#body_get_param)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[body_static_simulate_motion](#body_static_simulate_motion)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [Transform](class_transform) new_xform **)**
* void **[body_set_state](#body_set_state)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) state, var value **)**
* void **[body_get_state](#body_get_state)** **(** [RID](class_rid) body, [int](class_int) state **)** const
@ -6,25 +6,25 @@ Plane in hessian form.
### Member Functions
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[center](#center)** **(** **)**
* [real](class_real) **[distance_to](#distance_to)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point **)**
* [float](class_float) **[distance_to](#distance_to)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_any_point](#get_any_point)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_point](#has_point)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point, [real](class_real) epsilon=0.00001 **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_point](#has_point)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point, [float](class_float) epsilon=0.00001 **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[intersect_3](#intersect_3)** **(** [Plane](class_plane) b, [Plane](class_plane) c **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[intersects_ray](#intersects_ray)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) from, [Vector3](class_vector3) dir **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[intersects_segment](#intersects_segment)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) begin, [Vector3](class_vector3) end **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_point_over](#is_point_over)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point **)**
* [Plane](class_plane) **[normalized](#normalized)** **(** **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[project](#project)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point **)**
* void **[Plane](#Plane)** **(** [real](class_real) a, [real](class_real) b, [real](class_real) c, [real](class_real) d **)**
* void **[Plane](#Plane)** **(** [float](class_float) a, [float](class_float) b, [float](class_float) c, [float](class_float) d **)**
* void **[Plane](#Plane)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) v1, [Vector3](class_vector3) v2, [Vector3](class_vector3) v3 **)**
* void **[Plane](#Plane)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) normal, [real](class_real) d **)**
* void **[Plane](#Plane)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) normal, [float](class_float) d **)**
### Member Variables
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **normal**
* [real](class_real) **x**
* [real](class_real) **y**
* [real](class_real) **z**
* [real](class_real) **d**
* [float](class_float) **x**
* [float](class_float) **y**
* [float](class_float) **z**
* [float](class_float) **d**
### Description
Plane represents a normalized plane equation. Basically, "normal" is the normal of the plane (a,b,c normalized), and "d" is the distance from the origin to the plane (in the direction of "normal"). "Over" or "Above" the plane is considered the side of the plane towards where the normal is pointing.
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Plane represents a normalized plane equation. Basically, "normal" is the normal
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="has_point">has_point</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **has_point** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point, [real](class_real) epsilon=0.00001 **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **has_point** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) point, [float](class_float) epsilon=0.00001 **)**
Returns true if "p" is inside the plane (by a very minimum treshold).
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Base container control for popups and dialogs.
### Member Functions
* void **[popup_centered](#popup_centered)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) size=Vector2(0,0) **)**
* void **[popup_centered_ratio](#popup_centered_ratio)** **(** [real](class_real) ratio=0.75 **)**
* void **[popup_centered_ratio](#popup_centered_ratio)** **(** [float](class_float) ratio=0.75 **)**
* void **[popup_centered_minsize](#popup_centered_minsize)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) minsize=Vector2(0,0) **)**
* void **[popup](#popup)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_exclusive](#set_exclusive)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ PopUp is a base [Control](class_control) used to show dialogs and popups. It's a
Popup (show the control in modal form) in the center of the screen, at the curent size, or at a size determined by "size".
#### <a name="popup_centered_ratio">popup_centered_ratio</a>
* void **popup_centered_ratio** **(** [real](class_real) ratio=0.75 **)**
* void **popup_centered_ratio** **(** [float](class_float) ratio=0.75 **)**
Popup (show the control in modal form) in the center of the screen, scalled at a ratio of size of the screen.
@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ Portals provide virtual openings to rooms.
* [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) **[get_shape](#get_shape)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_enabled](#set_enabled)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_enabled](#is_enabled)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_disable_distance](#set_disable_distance)** **(** [real](class_real) distance **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_disable_distance](#get_disable_distance)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_disable_distance](#set_disable_distance)** **(** [float](class_float) distance **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_disable_distance](#get_disable_distance)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_disabled_color](#set_disabled_color)** **(** [Color](class_color) color **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[get_disabled_color](#get_disabled_color)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_connect_range](#set_connect_range)** **(** [real](class_real) range **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_connect_range](#get_connect_range)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_connect_range](#set_connect_range)** **(** [float](class_float) range **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_connect_range](#get_connect_range)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Portals provide virtual openings to [RoomInstance] nodes, so cameras can look at them from the outside. Note that portals are a visibility optimization technique, and are in no way related to the game of the same name (as in, they are not used for teleportation). For more information on how rooms and portals work, see [RoomInstance]. Portals are represented as 2D convex polygon shapes (in the X,Y local plane), and are placed on the surface of the areas occupied by a [RoomInstance], to indicate that the room can be accessed or looked-at through them. If two rooms are next to each other, and two similar portals in each of them share the same world position (and are parallel and opposed to each other), they will automatically "connect" and form "doors" (for example, the portals that connect a kitchen to a living room are placed in the door they share). Portals must always have a [RoomInstance] node as a parent, grandparent or far parent, or else they will not be
@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ Enable the portal (it is enabled by defaul though), disabling it will cause the
Return wether the portal is active. When disabled it causes the parent [RoomInstance] to not be visible any longer when looking through the portal.
#### <a name="set_disable_distance">set_disable_distance</a>
* void **set_disable_distance** **(** [real](class_real) distance **)**
* void **set_disable_distance** **(** [float](class_float) distance **)**
Set the distance threshold for disabling the portal. Every time that the portal goes beyond "distance", it disables itself, becoming the opaque color (see [set_disabled_color](#set_disabled_color)).
#### <a name="get_disable_distance">get_disable_distance</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_disable_distance** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_disable_distance** **(** **)** const
Return the distance threshold for disabling the portal. Every time that the portal goes beyond "distance", it disables itself, becoming the opaque color (see [set_disabled_color](#set_disabled_color)).
@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ When the portal goes beyond the disable distance (see [set_disable_dista
Return the color for when the portal goes beyond the disable distance (see [set_disable_distance](#set_disable_distance)) and becomes disabled.
#### <a name="set_connect_range">set_connect_range</a>
* void **set_connect_range** **(** [real](class_real) range **)**
* void **set_connect_range** **(** [float](class_float) range **)**
Set the range for auto-connecting two portals from different rooms sharing the same space.
#### <a name="get_connect_range">get_connect_range</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_connect_range** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_connect_range** **(** **)** const
Return the range for auto-connecting two portals from different rooms sharing the same space.
@ -5,22 +5,22 @@
### Member Functions
* [Quat](class_quat) **[cubic_slerp](#cubic_slerp)** **(** [Quat](class_quat) b, [Quat](class_quat) pre_a, [Quat](class_quat) post_b, [real](class_real) t **)**
* [real](class_real) **[dot](#dot)** **(** [Quat](class_quat) b **)**
* [Quat](class_quat) **[cubic_slerp](#cubic_slerp)** **(** [Quat](class_quat) b, [Quat](class_quat) pre_a, [Quat](class_quat) post_b, [float](class_float) t **)**
* [float](class_float) **[dot](#dot)** **(** [Quat](class_quat) b **)**
* [Quat](class_quat) **[inverse](#inverse)** **(** **)**
* [real](class_real) **[length](#length)** **(** **)**
* [real](class_real) **[length_squared](#length_squared)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[length](#length)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[length_squared](#length_squared)** **(** **)**
* [Quat](class_quat) **[normalized](#normalized)** **(** **)**
* [Quat](class_quat) **[slerp](#slerp)** **(** [Quat](class_quat) b, [real](class_real) t **)**
* [Quat](class_quat) **[slerpni](#slerpni)** **(** [Quat](class_quat) b, [real](class_real) t **)**
* void **[Quat](#Quat)** **(** [real](class_real) x, [real](class_real) y, [real](class_real) z, [real](class_real) w **)**
* [Quat](class_quat) **[slerp](#slerp)** **(** [Quat](class_quat) b, [float](class_float) t **)**
* [Quat](class_quat) **[slerpni](#slerpni)** **(** [Quat](class_quat) b, [float](class_float) t **)**
* void **[Quat](#Quat)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y, [float](class_float) z, [float](class_float) w **)**
* void **[Quat](#Quat)** **(** [Matrix3](class_matrix3) from **)**
### Member Variables
* [real](class_real) **x**
* [real](class_real) **y**
* [real](class_real) **z**
* [real](class_real) **w**
* [float](class_float) **x**
* [float](class_float) **y**
* [float](class_float) **z**
* [float](class_float) **w**
### Description
Quaternion is a 4 dimensional vector that is used to represet a rotation. It mainly exists to perform SLERP (spherical-linear interpolation) between to rotations obtained by a Matrix3 cheaply. Adding quaternions also cheaply adds the rotations, however quaternions need to be often normalized, or else they suffer from precision issues.
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Quaternion is a 4 dimensional vector that is used to represet a rotation. It mai
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="dot">dot</a>
* [real](class_real) **dot** **(** [Quat](class_quat) b **)**
* [float](class_float) **dot** **(** [Quat](class_quat) b **)**
Returns the dot product between two quaternions.
@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ Returns the dot product between two quaternions.
Returns the inverse of the quaternion (applies to the inverse rotatio too).
#### <a name="length">length</a>
* [real](class_real) **length** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **length** **(** **)**
Returns the length of the quaternion.
#### <a name="length_squared">length_squared</a>
* [real](class_real) **length_squared** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **length_squared** **(** **)**
Returns the length of the quaternion, minus the square root.
@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ Returns the length of the quaternion, minus the square root.
Returns a copy of the quaternion, normalized to unit length.
#### <a name="slerp">slerp</a>
* [Quat](class_quat) **slerp** **(** [Quat](class_quat) b, [real](class_real) t **)**
* [Quat](class_quat) **slerp** **(** [Quat](class_quat) b, [float](class_float) t **)**
Perform a spherical-linear interpolation with another quaternion.
@ -6,21 +6,21 @@
Abstract base class for range-based controls.
### Member Functions
* [real](class_real) **[get_val](#get_val)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_value](#get_value)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_min](#get_min)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_max](#get_max)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_step](#get_step)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_page](#get_page)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_unit_value](#get_unit_value)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_val](#get_val)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_value](#get_value)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_min](#get_min)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_max](#get_max)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_step](#get_step)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_page](#get_page)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_unit_value](#get_unit_value)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_rounded_values](#get_rounded_values)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_val](#set_val)** **(** [real](class_real) value **)**
* void **[set_value](#set_value)** **(** [real](class_real) value **)**
* void **[set_min](#set_min)** **(** [real](class_real) minimum **)**
* void **[set_max](#set_max)** **(** [real](class_real) maximum **)**
* void **[set_step](#set_step)** **(** [real](class_real) step **)**
* void **[set_page](#set_page)** **(** [real](class_real) pagesize **)**
* void **[set_unit_value](#set_unit_value)** **(** [real](class_real) value **)**
* void **[set_val](#set_val)** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* void **[set_value](#set_value)** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* void **[set_min](#set_min)** **(** [float](class_float) minimum **)**
* void **[set_max](#set_max)** **(** [float](class_float) maximum **)**
* void **[set_step](#set_step)** **(** [float](class_float) step **)**
* void **[set_page](#set_page)** **(** [float](class_float) pagesize **)**
* void **[set_unit_value](#set_unit_value)** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* void **[set_rounded_values](#set_rounded_values)** **(** [bool](class_bool) arg0 **)**
* void **[set_exp_unit_value](#set_exp_unit_value)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_unit_value_exp](#is_unit_value_exp)** **(** **)** const
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Abstract base class for range-based controls.
* void **[unshare](#unshare)** **(** **)**
### Signals
* **value_changed** **(** [real](class_real) value **)**
* **value_changed** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* **changed** **(** **)**
### Description
@ -37,51 +37,51 @@ Range is a base class for [Control](class_control) nodes that change a floating
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="get_val">get_val</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_val** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_val** **(** **)** const
Return the current value.
#### <a name="get_min">get_min</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_min** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_min** **(** **)** const
Return the minimum value.
#### <a name="get_max">get_max</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_max** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_max** **(** **)** const
Return the maximum value.
#### <a name="get_step">get_step</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_step** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_step** **(** **)** const
Return the stepping, if step is 0, stepping is disabled.
#### <a name="get_page">get_page</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_page** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_page** **(** **)** const
Return the page size, if page is 0, paging is disabled.
#### <a name="get_unit_value">get_unit_value</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_unit_value** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_unit_value** **(** **)** const
Return value mapped to 0 to 1 (unit) range.
#### <a name="set_min">set_min</a>
* void **set_min** **(** [real](class_real) minimum **)**
* void **set_min** **(** [float](class_float) minimum **)**
Set minimum value, clamped range value to it if it"apos;s less.
#### <a name="set_step">set_step</a>
* void **set_step** **(** [real](class_real) step **)**
* void **set_step** **(** [float](class_float) step **)**
Set step value. If step is 0, stepping will be disabled.
#### <a name="set_page">set_page</a>
* void **set_page** **(** [real](class_real) pagesize **)**
* void **set_page** **(** [float](class_float) pagesize **)**
Set page size. Page is mainly used for scrollbars or anything that controls text scrolling.
#### <a name="set_unit_value">set_unit_value</a>
* void **set_unit_value** **(** [real](class_real) value **)**
* void **set_unit_value** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
Set value mapped to 0 to 1 (unit) range, it will then be converted to the actual value within min and max.
@ -15,5 +15,10 @@
* [int](class_int) **[get_collider_shape](#get_collider_shape)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_collision_point](#get_collision_point)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_collision_normal](#get_collision_normal)** **(** **)** const
* void **[add_exception_rid](#add_exception_rid)** **(** [RID](class_rid) rid **)**
* void **[add_exception](#add_exception)** **(** [Object](class_object) node **)**
* void **[remove_exception_rid](#remove_exception_rid)** **(** [RID](class_rid) rid **)**
* void **[remove_exception](#remove_exception)** **(** [Object](class_object) node **)**
* void **[clear_exceptions](#clear_exceptions)** **(** **)**
### Member Function Description
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
### Member Functions
* void **[set_length](#set_length)** **(** [real](class_real) length **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_length](#set_length)** **(** [float](class_float) length **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
Ray 2D shape resource for physics.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_length](#set_length)** **(** [real](class_real) length **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_length](#set_length)** **(** [float](class_float) length **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Ray 2D shape resource for physics. A ray is not really a collision body, isntead it tries to separate itself from wathever is touching it's far endpoint. It's often useful for ccharacters.
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
Real Array .
### Member Functions
* [real](class_real) **[get](#get)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* void **[push_back](#push_back)** **(** [real](class_real) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get](#get)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* void **[push_back](#push_back)** **(** [float](class_float) value **)**
* void **[resize](#resize)** **(** [int](class_int) idx **)**
* void **[set](#set)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [real](class_real) value **)**
* void **[set](#set)** **(** [int](class_int) idx, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [int](class_int) **[size](#size)** **(** **)**
* void **[RealArray](#RealArray)** **(** [Array](class_array) from **)**
@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[clip](#clip)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) b **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[encloses](#encloses)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) b **)**
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[expand](#expand)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) to **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_area](#get_area)** **(** **)**
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[grow](#grow)** **(** [real](class_real) by **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_area](#get_area)** **(** **)**
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[grow](#grow)** **(** [float](class_float) by **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_no_area](#has_no_area)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_point](#has_point)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) point **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[intersects](#intersects)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) b **)**
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[merge](#merge)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) b **)**
* void **[Rect2](#Rect2)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) pos, [Vector2](class_vector2) size **)**
* void **[Rect2](#Rect2)** **(** [real](class_real) x, [real](class_real) y, [real](class_real) width, [real](class_real) height **)**
* void **[Rect2](#Rect2)** **(** [float](class_float) x, [float](class_float) y, [float](class_float) width, [float](class_float) height **)**
### Member Variables
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **pos**
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
* void **[_integrate_forces](#_integrate_forces)** **(** [PhysicsDirectBodyState](class_physicsdirectbodystate) state **)** virtual
* void **[set_mode](#set_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_mode](#get_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_mass](#set_mass)** **(** [real](class_real) mass **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_mass](#get_mass)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_weight](#set_weight)** **(** [real](class_real) weight **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_weight](#get_weight)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_friction](#set_friction)** **(** [real](class_real) friction **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_friction](#get_friction)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_bounce](#set_bounce)** **(** [real](class_real) bounce **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_bounce](#get_bounce)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_mass](#set_mass)** **(** [float](class_float) mass **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_mass](#get_mass)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_weight](#set_weight)** **(** [float](class_float) weight **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_weight](#get_weight)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_friction](#set_friction)** **(** [float](class_float) friction **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_friction](#get_friction)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_bounce](#set_bounce)** **(** [float](class_float) bounce **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_bounce](#get_bounce)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_linear_velocity](#set_linear_velocity)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) linear_velocity **)**
* [Vector3](class_vector3) **[get_linear_velocity](#get_linear_velocity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_angular_velocity](#set_angular_velocity)** **(** [Vector3](class_vector3) angular_velocity **)**
@ -9,18 +9,18 @@ Rigid body 2D node.
* void **[_integrate_forces](#_integrate_forces)** **(** [Physics2DDirectBodyState](class_physics2ddirectbodystate) state **)** virtual
* void **[set_mode](#set_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_mode](#get_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_mass](#set_mass)** **(** [real](class_real) mass **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_mass](#get_mass)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_weight](#set_weight)** **(** [real](class_real) weight **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_weight](#get_weight)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_friction](#set_friction)** **(** [real](class_real) friction **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_friction](#get_friction)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_bounce](#set_bounce)** **(** [real](class_real) bounce **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_bounce](#get_bounce)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_mass](#set_mass)** **(** [float](class_float) mass **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_mass](#get_mass)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_weight](#set_weight)** **(** [float](class_float) weight **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_weight](#get_weight)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_friction](#set_friction)** **(** [float](class_float) friction **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_friction](#get_friction)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_bounce](#set_bounce)** **(** [float](class_float) bounce **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_bounce](#get_bounce)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_linear_velocity](#set_linear_velocity)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) linear_velocity **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_linear_velocity](#get_linear_velocity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_angular_velocity](#set_angular_velocity)** **(** [real](class_real) angular_velocity **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_angular_velocity](#get_angular_velocity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_angular_velocity](#set_angular_velocity)** **(** [float](class_float) angular_velocity **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_angular_velocity](#get_angular_velocity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_max_contacts_reported](#set_max_contacts_reported)** **(** [int](class_int) amount **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_max_contacts_reported](#get_max_contacts_reported)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_use_custom_integrator](#set_use_custom_integrator)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
@ -77,42 +77,42 @@ Set the body mode, fromt he MODE_* enum. This allows to change to a static body
Return the current body mode, see [set_mode].
#### <a name="set_mass">set_mass</a>
* void **set_mass** **(** [real](class_real) mass **)**
* void **set_mass** **(** [float](class_float) mass **)**
Set the body mass.
#### <a name="get_mass">get_mass</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_mass** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_mass** **(** **)** const
Return the body mass.
#### <a name="set_weight">set_weight</a>
* void **set_weight** **(** [real](class_real) weight **)**
* void **set_weight** **(** [float](class_float) weight **)**
Set the body mass given standard earth-weight (gravity 9.8). Not really useful for 2D since most measuers for this node are in pixels.
#### <a name="get_weight">get_weight</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_weight** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_weight** **(** **)** const
Return the body mass given standard earth-weight (gravity 9.8).
#### <a name="set_friction">set_friction</a>
* void **set_friction** **(** [real](class_real) friction **)**
* void **set_friction** **(** [float](class_float) friction **)**
Set the body friction, from 0 (friction less) to 1 (full friction).
#### <a name="get_friction">get_friction</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_friction** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_friction** **(** **)** const
Return the body friction.
#### <a name="set_bounce">set_bounce</a>
* void **set_bounce** **(** [real](class_real) bounce **)**
* void **set_bounce** **(** [float](class_float) bounce **)**
Set the body bounciness, from 0 (no bounce) to 1 (bounce).
#### <a name="get_bounce">get_bounce</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_bounce** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_bounce** **(** **)** const
Return the body bouncyness.
@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ Set the body linear velocity. Can be used sporadically, but** DONT SET THIS IN E
Return the body linear velocity. This changes by physics granularity. See [set_linear_velocity].
#### <a name="set_angular_velocity">set_angular_velocity</a>
* void **set_angular_velocity** **(** [real](class_real) angular_velocity **)**
* void **set_angular_velocity** **(** [float](class_float) angular_velocity **)**
Set the body angular velocity. Can be used sporadically, but** DONT SET THIS IN EVERY FRAME **, because physics may be running in another thread and definitely runs at a different granularity. Use [_integrate_forces] as your process loop if you want to have precise control of the body state.
#### <a name="get_angular_velocity">get_angular_velocity</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_angular_velocity** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_angular_velocity** **(** **)** const
Return the body angular velocity. This changes by physics granularity. See [set_angular_velocity].
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ Library that contains a collection of Samples.
* [Sample](class_sample) **[get_sample](#get_sample)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_sample](#has_sample)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)** const
* void **[remove_sample](#remove_sample)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
* void **[sample_set_volume_db](#sample_set_volume_db)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [real](class_real) db **)**
* [real](class_real) **[sample_get_volume_db](#sample_get_volume_db)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)** const
* void **[sample_set_pitch_scale](#sample_set_pitch_scale)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [real](class_real) pitch **)**
* [real](class_real) **[sample_get_pitch_scale](#sample_get_pitch_scale)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)** const
* void **[sample_set_volume_db](#sample_set_volume_db)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [float](class_float) db **)**
* [float](class_float) **[sample_get_volume_db](#sample_get_volume_db)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)** const
* void **[sample_set_pitch_scale](#sample_set_pitch_scale)** **(** [String](class_string) name, [float](class_float) pitch **)**
* [float](class_float) **[sample_get_pitch_scale](#sample_get_pitch_scale)** **(** [String](class_string) name **)** const
### Description
Library that contains a collection of Samples, each identified by an text id. This is used as a data containeer for the majority of the SamplePlayer classes and derivatives.
@ -14,47 +14,47 @@ Sample Player node.
* void **[stop](#stop)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)**
* void **[stop_all](#stop_all)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_mix_rate](#set_mix_rate)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [int](class_int) hz **)**
* void **[set_pitch_scale](#set_pitch_scale)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [real](class_real) ratio **)**
* void **[set_volume](#set_volume)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [real](class_real) nrg **)**
* void **[set_volume_db](#set_volume_db)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [real](class_real) nrg **)**
* void **[set_pan](#set_pan)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [real](class_real) pan, [real](class_real) depth=0, [real](class_real) height=0 **)**
* void **[set_filter](#set_filter)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [int](class_int) type, [real](class_real) cutoff_hz, [real](class_real) resonance, [real](class_real) gain=0 **)**
* void **[set_chorus](#set_chorus)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [real](class_real) send **)**
* void **[set_reverb](#set_reverb)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [int](class_int) room_type, [real](class_real) send **)**
* void **[set_pitch_scale](#set_pitch_scale)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [float](class_float) ratio **)**
* void **[set_volume](#set_volume)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [float](class_float) nrg **)**
* void **[set_volume_db](#set_volume_db)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [float](class_float) nrg **)**
* void **[set_pan](#set_pan)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [float](class_float) pan, [float](class_float) depth=0, [float](class_float) height=0 **)**
* void **[set_filter](#set_filter)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [int](class_int) type, [float](class_float) cutoff_hz, [float](class_float) resonance, [float](class_float) gain=0 **)**
* void **[set_chorus](#set_chorus)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [float](class_float) send **)**
* void **[set_reverb](#set_reverb)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [int](class_int) room_type, [float](class_float) send **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_mix_rate](#get_mix_rate)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_pitch_scale](#get_pitch_scale)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_volume](#get_volume)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_volume_db](#get_volume_db)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_pan](#get_pan)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_pan_depth](#get_pan_depth)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_pan_height](#get_pan_height)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_pitch_scale](#get_pitch_scale)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_volume](#get_volume)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_volume_db](#get_volume_db)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_pan](#get_pan)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_pan_depth](#get_pan_depth)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_pan_height](#get_pan_height)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_filter_type](#get_filter_type)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_filter_cutoff](#get_filter_cutoff)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_filter_resonance](#get_filter_resonance)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_filter_gain](#get_filter_gain)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_chorus](#get_chorus)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_reverb_room](#get_reverb_room)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_reverb](#get_reverb)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* void **[set_default_pitch_scale](#set_default_pitch_scale)** **(** [real](class_real) ratio **)**
* void **[set_default_volume](#set_default_volume)** **(** [real](class_real) nrg **)**
* void **[set_default_volume_db](#set_default_volume_db)** **(** [real](class_real) db **)**
* void **[set_default_pan](#set_default_pan)** **(** [real](class_real) pan, [real](class_real) depth=0, [real](class_real) height=0 **)**
* void **[set_default_filter](#set_default_filter)** **(** [int](class_int) type, [real](class_real) cutoff_hz, [real](class_real) resonance, [real](class_real) gain=0 **)**
* void **[set_default_chorus](#set_default_chorus)** **(** [real](class_real) send **)**
* void **[set_default_reverb](#set_default_reverb)** **(** [int](class_int) room_type, [real](class_real) send **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_default_pitch_scale](#get_default_pitch_scale)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_default_volume](#get_default_volume)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_default_volume_db](#get_default_volume_db)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_default_pan](#get_default_pan)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_default_pan_depth](#get_default_pan_depth)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_default_pan_height](#get_default_pan_height)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_filter_cutoff](#get_filter_cutoff)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_filter_resonance](#get_filter_resonance)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_filter_gain](#get_filter_gain)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_chorus](#get_chorus)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_reverb_room](#get_reverb_room)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_reverb](#get_reverb)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* void **[set_default_pitch_scale](#set_default_pitch_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) ratio **)**
* void **[set_default_volume](#set_default_volume)** **(** [float](class_float) nrg **)**
* void **[set_default_volume_db](#set_default_volume_db)** **(** [float](class_float) db **)**
* void **[set_default_pan](#set_default_pan)** **(** [float](class_float) pan, [float](class_float) depth=0, [float](class_float) height=0 **)**
* void **[set_default_filter](#set_default_filter)** **(** [int](class_int) type, [float](class_float) cutoff_hz, [float](class_float) resonance, [float](class_float) gain=0 **)**
* void **[set_default_chorus](#set_default_chorus)** **(** [float](class_float) send **)**
* void **[set_default_reverb](#set_default_reverb)** **(** [int](class_int) room_type, [float](class_float) send **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_default_pitch_scale](#get_default_pitch_scale)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_default_volume](#get_default_volume)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_default_volume_db](#get_default_volume_db)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_default_pan](#get_default_pan)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_default_pan_depth](#get_default_pan_depth)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_default_pan_height](#get_default_pan_height)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_default_filter_type](#get_default_filter_type)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_default_filter_cutoff](#get_default_filter_cutoff)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_default_filter_resonance](#get_default_filter_resonance)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_default_filter_gain](#get_default_filter_gain)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_default_chorus](#get_default_chorus)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_default_reverb_room](#get_default_reverb_room)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_default_reverb](#get_default_reverb)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_default_filter_cutoff](#get_default_filter_cutoff)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_default_filter_resonance](#get_default_filter_resonance)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_default_filter_gain](#get_default_filter_gain)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_default_chorus](#get_default_chorus)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_default_reverb_room](#get_default_reverb_room)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_default_reverb](#get_default_reverb)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_active](#is_active)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_voice_active](#is_voice_active)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
@ -104,32 +104,32 @@ Stop a voice "voice". (see [play](#play)).
Change the mix rate of a voice "voice" to given "hz".
#### <a name="set_pitch_scale">set_pitch_scale</a>
* void **set_pitch_scale** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [real](class_real) ratio **)**
* void **set_pitch_scale** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [float](class_float) ratio **)**
Scale the pitch (mix rate) of a voice by a ratio value "ratio". A ratio of 1.0 means the voice is unscaled.
#### <a name="set_volume">set_volume</a>
* void **set_volume** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [real](class_real) nrg **)**
* void **set_volume** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [float](class_float) nrg **)**
Set the volume of a voice, 0db is maximum volume (every about -6db, volume is reduced in half). "db" does in fact go from zero to negative.
#### <a name="set_pan">set_pan</a>
* void **set_pan** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [real](class_real) pan, [real](class_real) depth=0, [real](class_real) height=0 **)**
* void **set_pan** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [float](class_float) pan, [float](class_float) depth=0, [float](class_float) height=0 **)**
Set the panning of a voice. Panning goes from -1 (left) to +1 (right). Optionally, if the hardware supports 3D sound, also set depth and height (also in range -1 to +1).
#### <a name="set_filter">set_filter</a>
* void **set_filter** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [int](class_int) type, [real](class_real) cutoff_hz, [real](class_real) resonance, [real](class_real) gain=0 **)**
* void **set_filter** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [int](class_int) type, [float](class_float) cutoff_hz, [float](class_float) resonance, [float](class_float) gain=0 **)**
Set and enable a filter of a voice, with type "type" (see FILTER_* enum), cutoff (0 to 22khz) frequency and resonance (0+).
#### <a name="set_chorus">set_chorus</a>
* void **set_chorus** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [real](class_real) send **)**
* void **set_chorus** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [float](class_float) send **)**
Set the chorus send level of a voice (0 to 1). For setting chorus parameters, see [AudioServer](class_audioserver).
#### <a name="set_reverb">set_reverb</a>
* void **set_reverb** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [int](class_int) room_type, [real](class_real) send **)**
* void **set_reverb** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [int](class_int) room_type, [float](class_float) send **)**
Set the reverb send level and type of a voice (0 to 1). (see REVERB_* enum for type).
@ -139,27 +139,27 @@ Set the reverb send level and type of a voice (0 to 1). (see REVERB_* enum for
Return the current mix rate for a given voice.
#### <a name="get_pitch_scale">get_pitch_scale</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_pitch_scale** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_pitch_scale** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
Return the current pitch scale for a given voice.
#### <a name="get_volume">get_volume</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_volume** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_volume** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
Return the current volume (in db) for a given voice. 0db is maximum volume (every about -6db, volume is reduced in half). "db" does in fact go from zero to negative.
#### <a name="get_pan">get_pan</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_pan** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_pan** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
Return the current panning for a given voice. Panning goes from -1 (left) to +1 (right).
#### <a name="get_pan_depth">get_pan_depth</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_pan_depth** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_pan_depth** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
Return the current pan depth for a given voice (not used unless the hardware supports 3D sound)
#### <a name="get_pan_height">get_pan_height</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_pan_height** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_pan_height** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
Return the current pan height for a given voice (not used unless the hardware supports 3D sound)
@ -169,26 +169,26 @@ Return the current pan height for a given voice (not used unless the hardware su
Return the current filter type in use (see FILTER_* enum) for a given voice.
#### <a name="get_filter_cutoff">get_filter_cutoff</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_filter_cutoff** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_filter_cutoff** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
Return the current filter cutoff for a given voice. Cutoff goes from 0 to 22khz.
#### <a name="get_filter_resonance">get_filter_resonance</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_filter_resonance** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_filter_resonance** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
Return the current filter resonance for a given voice. Resonance goes from 0 up.
#### <a name="get_chorus">get_chorus</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_chorus** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_chorus** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
Return the current chorus send level for a given voice. (0 to 1).
#### <a name="get_reverb_room">get_reverb_room</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_reverb_room** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_reverb_room** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
Return the current reverb room type for a given voice (see REVERB_* enum).
#### <a name="get_reverb">get_reverb</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_reverb** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_reverb** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
Return the current reverb send level for a given voice. (0 to 1).
@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ Sample player for Positional 2D Sound.
* void **[set_polyphony](#set_polyphony)** **(** [int](class_int) voices **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_polyphony](#get_polyphony)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[play](#play)** **(** [String](class_string) sample, [int](class_int) voice=-2 **)**
* void **[voice_set_pitch_scale](#voice_set_pitch_scale)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [real](class_real) ratio **)**
* void **[voice_set_volume_scale_db](#voice_set_volume_scale_db)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [real](class_real) db **)**
* void **[voice_set_pitch_scale](#voice_set_pitch_scale)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [float](class_float) ratio **)**
* void **[voice_set_volume_scale_db](#voice_set_volume_scale_db)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [float](class_float) db **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_voice_active](#is_voice_active)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* void **[stop_voice](#stop_voice)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)**
* void **[stop_all](#stop_all)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_random_pitch_scale](#set_random_pitch_scale)** **(** [real](class_real) val **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_random_pitch_scale](#get_random_pitch_scale)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_random_pitch_scale](#set_random_pitch_scale)** **(** [float](class_float) val **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_random_pitch_scale](#get_random_pitch_scale)** **(** **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **INVALID_VOICE** = **-1** - If the voice is invalid, this is returned.
@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ Return the polyphony of the player (maximum amount of simultaneous voices).
Play a sample, an internal polyphony id can be passed, or else it's assigned automatically. Returns a voice id which can be used to modify the voice parameters.
#### <a name="voice_set_pitch_scale">voice_set_pitch_scale</a>
* void **voice_set_pitch_scale** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [real](class_real) ratio **)**
* void **voice_set_pitch_scale** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [float](class_float) ratio **)**
Change the pitch scale of a currently playing voice.
#### <a name="voice_set_volume_scale_db">voice_set_volume_scale_db</a>
* void **voice_set_volume_scale_db** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [real](class_real) db **)**
* void **voice_set_volume_scale_db** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [float](class_float) db **)**
Change the volume scale of a currently playing voice (using dB).
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
Base class for scroll bars.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_custom_step](#set_custom_step)** **(** [real](class_real) step **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_custom_step](#get_custom_step)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_custom_step](#set_custom_step)** **(** [float](class_float) step **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_custom_step](#get_custom_step)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Scrollbars are a [Range](class_range) based [Control](class_control), that display a draggable area (the size of the page). Horizontal ([HScrollBar](class_hscrollbar)) and Vertical ([VScrollBar](class_vscrollbar)) versions are available.
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
Base class for all 2D Shapes.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_custom_solver_bias](#set_custom_solver_bias)** **(** [real](class_real) bias **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_custom_solver_bias](#get_custom_solver_bias)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_custom_solver_bias](#set_custom_solver_bias)** **(** [float](class_float) bias **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_custom_solver_bias](#get_custom_solver_bias)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[collide](#collide)** **(** [Matrix32](class_matrix32) local_xform, [Shape2D](class_shape2d) with_shape, [Matrix32](class_matrix32) shape_xform **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[collide_with_motion](#collide_with_motion)** **(** [Matrix32](class_matrix32) local_xform, [Vector2](class_vector2) local_motion, [Shape2D](class_shape2d) with_shape, [Matrix32](class_matrix32) shape_xform, [Vector2](class_vector2) shape_motion **)**
* void **[collide_and_get_contacts](#collide_and_get_contacts)** **(** [Matrix32](class_matrix32) local_xform, [Shape2D](class_shape2d) with_shape, [Matrix32](class_matrix32) shape_xform **)**
@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ Base class for all 2D Shapes. All 2D shape types inherit from this.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_custom_solver_bias">set_custom_solver_bias</a>
* void **set_custom_solver_bias** **(** [real](class_real) bias **)**
* void **set_custom_solver_bias** **(** [float](class_float) bias **)**
Use a custom solver bias. No need to change this unless you really know what you are doing.
#### <a name="get_custom_solver_bias">get_custom_solver_bias</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_custom_solver_bias** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_custom_solver_bias** **(** **)** const
Return the custom solver bias. No need to change this unless you really know what you are doing.
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
Base class for playing spatial 2D sound.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_param](#set_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [real](class_real) value **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_param](#get_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[set_param](#set_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_param](#get_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **PARAM_VOLUME_DB** = **0**
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
### Member Functions
* void **[set_param](#set_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [real](class_real) value **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_param](#get_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[set_param](#set_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_param](#get_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[set_reverb_mode](#set_reverb_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) reverb_mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_reverb_mode](#get_reverb_mode)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_force_params_to_all_sources](#set_force_params_to_all_sources)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
### Member Functions
* void **[set_param](#set_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [real](class_real) value **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_param](#get_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
* void **[set_param](#set_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param, [float](class_float) value **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_param](#get_param)** **(** [int](class_int) param **)** const
### Numeric Constants
* **PARAM_VOLUME_DB** = **0**
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
* void **[set_polyphony](#set_polyphony)** **(** [int](class_int) voices **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_polyphony](#get_polyphony)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[play](#play)** **(** [String](class_string) sample, [int](class_int) voice=-2 **)**
* void **[voice_set_pitch_scale](#voice_set_pitch_scale)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [real](class_real) ratio **)**
* void **[voice_set_volume_scale_db](#voice_set_volume_scale_db)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [real](class_real) db **)**
* void **[voice_set_pitch_scale](#voice_set_pitch_scale)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [float](class_float) ratio **)**
* void **[voice_set_volume_scale_db](#voice_set_volume_scale_db)** **(** [int](class_int) voice, [float](class_float) db **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_voice_active](#is_voice_active)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)** const
* void **[stop_voice](#stop_voice)** **(** [int](class_int) voice **)**
* void **[stop_all](#stop_all)** **(** **)**
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_loop](#has_loop)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_stream_name](#get_stream_name)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_loop_count](#get_loop_count)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* void **[seek_pos](#seek_pos)** **(** [real](class_real) time **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* void **[seek_pos](#seek_pos)** **(** [float](class_float) time **)**
### Member Function Description
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
### Member Functions
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [real](class_real) radius **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_radius](#set_radius)** **(** [float](class_float) radius **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_radius](#get_radius)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ Static body for 2D Physics.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_constant_linear_velocity](#set_constant_linear_velocity)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) vel **)**
* void **[set_constant_angular_velocity](#set_constant_angular_velocity)** **(** [real](class_real) vel **)**
* void **[set_constant_angular_velocity](#set_constant_angular_velocity)** **(** [float](class_float) vel **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_constant_linear_velocity](#get_constant_linear_velocity)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_constant_angular_velocity](#get_constant_angular_velocity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_friction](#set_friction)** **(** [real](class_real) friction **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_friction](#get_friction)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_bounce](#set_bounce)** **(** [real](class_real) bounce **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_bounce](#get_bounce)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_constant_angular_velocity](#get_constant_angular_velocity)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_friction](#set_friction)** **(** [float](class_float) friction **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_friction](#get_friction)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_bounce](#set_bounce)** **(** [float](class_float) bounce **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_bounce](#get_bounce)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Static body for 2D Physics. A static body is a simple body that is not intended to move. They don't consume any CPU resources in contrast to a [RigidBody2D](class_rigidbody2d) so they are great for scenaro collision.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Static body for 2D Physics. A static body is a simple body that is not intended
Set a constant linear velocity for the body.
#### <a name="set_constant_angular_velocity">set_constant_angular_velocity</a>
* void **set_constant_angular_velocity** **(** [real](class_real) vel **)**
* void **set_constant_angular_velocity** **(** [float](class_float) vel **)**
Set a constant angular velocity for the body.
@ -39,6 +39,6 @@ Set a constant angular velocity for the body.
Return the constant linear velocity for the body.
#### <a name="get_constant_angular_velocity">get_constant_angular_velocity</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_constant_angular_velocity** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_constant_angular_velocity** **(** **)** const
Return the constant angular velocity for the body.
@ -15,17 +15,17 @@ Base class for audio stream playback.
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_paused](#is_paused)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_loop](#set_loop)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_loop](#has_loop)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_volume](#set_volume)** **(** [real](class_real) volume **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_volume](#get_volume)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_volume_db](#set_volume_db)** **(** [real](class_real) db **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_volume_db](#get_volume_db)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_volume](#set_volume)** **(** [float](class_float) volume **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_volume](#get_volume)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_volume_db](#set_volume_db)** **(** [float](class_float) db **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_volume_db](#get_volume_db)** **(** **)** const
* [String](class_string) **[get_stream_name](#get_stream_name)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_loop_count](#get_loop_count)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* void **[seek_pos](#seek_pos)** **(** [real](class_real) time **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_pos](#get_pos)** **(** **)** const
* void **[seek_pos](#seek_pos)** **(** [float](class_float) time **)**
* void **[set_autoplay](#set_autoplay)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enabled **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[has_autoplay](#has_autoplay)** **(** **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_length](#get_length)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Base class for audio stream playback. Audio stream players inherit from it.
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Built-In string class.
* [RealArray](class_realarray) **[split_floats](#split_floats)** **(** [String](class_string) divisor, [bool](class_bool) allow_empty=True **)**
* [String](class_string) **[strip_edges](#strip_edges)** **(** **)**
* [String](class_string) **[substr](#substr)** **(** [int](class_int) from, [int](class_int) len **)**
* [real](class_real) **[to_float](#to_float)** **(** **)**
* [float](class_float) **[to_float](#to_float)** **(** **)**
* [int](class_int) **[to_int](#to_int)** **(** **)**
* [String](class_string) **[to_lower](#to_lower)** **(** **)**
* [String](class_string) **[to_upper](#to_upper)** **(** **)**
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ Base class for dawing stylized boxes for the UI.
### Member Functions
* [bool](class_bool) **[test_mask](#test_mask)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) point, [Rect2](class_rect2) rect **)** const
* void **[set_default_margin](#set_default_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [real](class_real) offset **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_default_margin](#get_default_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* [real](class_real) **[get_margin](#get_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* void **[set_default_margin](#set_default_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [float](class_float) offset **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_default_margin](#get_default_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* [float](class_float) **[get_margin](#get_margin)** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_minimum_size](#get_minimum_size)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_center_size](#get_center_size)** **(** **)** const
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_offset](#get_offset)** **(** **)** const
@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ StyleBox is [Resource](class_resource) that provides an abstract base class for
Test a position in a rectangle, return wether it pases the mask test.
#### <a name="set_default_margin">set_default_margin</a>
* void **set_default_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [real](class_real) offset **)**
* void **set_default_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [float](class_float) offset **)**
Set the default offset "offset" of the margin "margin" (see MARGIN_* enum) for a StyleBox, Controls that draw styleboxes with context inside need to know the margin, so the border of the stylebox is not occluded.
#### <a name="get_default_margin">get_default_margin</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_default_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_default_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
Return the default offset of the margin "margin" (see MARGIN_* enum) of a StyleBox, Controls that draw styleboxes with context inside need to know the margin, so the border of the stylebox is not occluded.
#### <a name="get_margin">get_margin</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_margin** **(** [int](class_int) margin **)** const
Return the offset of margin "margin" (see MARGIN_* enum).
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ Image mask based StyleBox, for mask test.
* [Image](class_image) **[get_image](#get_image)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_expand](#set_expand)** **(** [bool](class_bool) expand **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_expand](#get_expand)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_expand_margin_size](#set_expand_margin_size)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [real](class_real) size **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_expand_margin_size](#get_expand_margin_size)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* void **[set_expand_margin_size](#set_expand_margin_size)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [float](class_float) size **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_expand_margin_size](#get_expand_margin_size)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
### Description
This StyleBox is similar to [StyleBoxTexture](class_styleboxtexture), but only meant to be used for mask testing. It takes an image and applies stretch rules to determine if the poit clicked is masked or not.
@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ Set the expand property (default). When expanding, the image will use the same r
Return wether the expand property is set(default). When expanding, the image will use the same rules as [StyleBoxTexture](class_styleboxtexture) for expand. If not expanding, the image will always be tested at its original size.
#### <a name="set_expand_margin_size">set_expand_margin_size</a>
* void **set_expand_margin_size** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [real](class_real) size **)**
* void **set_expand_margin_size** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [float](class_float) size **)**
Set an expand margin size (from enum MARGIN_*). Parts of the image below the size of the margin (and in the direction of the margin) will not expand.
#### <a name="get_expand_margin_size">get_expand_margin_size</a>
* [real](class_real) **get_expand_margin_size** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* [float](class_float) **get_expand_margin_size** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
Return the expand margin size (from enum MARGIN_*). Parts of the image below the size of the margin (and in the direction of the margin) will not expand.
@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ Texture Based 3x3 scale style.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_texture](#set_texture)** **(** [Texture](class_texture) texture **)**
* [Texture](class_texture) **[get_texture](#get_texture)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_margin_size](#set_margin_size)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [real](class_real) size **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_margin_size](#get_margin_size)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* void **[set_expand_margin_size](#set_expand_margin_size)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [real](class_real) size **)**
* [real](class_real) **[get_expand_margin_size](#get_expand_margin_size)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* void **[set_margin_size](#set_margin_size)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [float](class_float) size **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_margin_size](#get_margin_size)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* void **[set_expand_margin_size](#set_expand_margin_size)** **(** [int](class_int) margin, [float](class_float) size **)**
* [float](class_float) **[get_expand_margin_size](#get_expand_margin_size)** **(** [int](class_int) arg0 **)** const
* void **[set_draw_center](#set_draw_center)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_draw_center](#get_draw_center)** **(** **)** const
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